Oracle TOAD Lab Guide

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Oracle Toad lab guide...


Infosys Technologies Limited

TOAD Exercises for Hands-on

© Infosys Technologies Ltd No. 350, Hebbal Electronics City, Hootagalli Mysore – 571186

Author(s) Authorized by Creation Date Version


N.Vijayakalyani, Rituza Khare Dr. M.P. Ravindra March 2007 1.0

VER. NO : 2.0

COPYRIGHT NOTICE All ideas and information contained in this document are the intellectual property of Education and Research Department, Infosys Technologies Limited. This document is not for general distribution and is meant for use only for the person they are specifically issued to. This document shall not be loaned to anyone, within or outside Infosys, including its customers. Copying or unauthorized distribution of this document, in any form or means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise is illegal. Education and Research Department Infosys Technologies Limited Electronic City Hosur Road Bangalore - 561 229, India. Tel: 91 80 852 0261-270 Fax: 91 80 852 0362 mailto:[email protected]

Document Revision History Version 1.0

Date 21-May-2007

Author(s) N.Vijayakalyani, Rituza Khare

Reviewer(s) Ajit Ravindran Nair



Nihar Bhatt, Pragati Sheel


Comments Initial Draft

ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on

Background This document contains the assignments to be completed as part of the hands on for the subject ORACLE (Course code: ). Note: All assignments in this document must be completed in the sequence in this document in order to complete the course.

Assignment 1 Objective: To learn how to connect to TOAD Background: Although on your machine TOAD is pre configured but please follow these steps to get a feel of how actually this has been configured. Step 1: Reach TOAD via : Start->All programs->Quest Software->TOAD for Oracle->Toad for Oracle 9.0


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Step 2: Getting connected to Oracle through TOAD supplying your Userid ,Password and Hoststring


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Step 3: After getting connected to Oracle through TOAD the following screen would appear.


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Summary: You have learnt how to get connected to Oracle using TOAD Note: ENRTOAD must be showing your Oracle ID.(eg: TJan07LC1Comp55)

Assignment 2 Objective: To learn how to create tables, apply constraints and generate ER Diagram using TOAD


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ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on Create the following tables EMP Column name Data type



Number(5) Varchar2(15) Number(8,2) Number(5) Number(3) Number(3)

Employee number Employee name Basic Salary Manager‟s Emp. number Department Number Project Number

DEPT Column name

Data type



Number(3) Varchar2(15) Varchar2(15)

Department number Department name Location of department

PROJECT Column name

Data type



Number(3) Varchar2(15) Number(3)

Project number Project name Size of the project team

Step 1: Goto Database >>Create >>Table You will get the following screen.


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Step 2: After adding all the columns to the EMP table the following screen would appear. It shows all the 6 columns of the EMP table with their sizes as well.


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Step 3: To add constraints to the already existing columns click on the “Constraints” tab of the same form. Click on “Add Constraint” tab of the form. The following screen will appear.


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Step 4: To add the Primary key constraint select the column on which you want to set the property of primary key. The selected table column will appear in the Constraint columns. Note: You should have selected only the required columns for the desired constraint. Constraint name will be generated by the tool. The primary key option would have been set to “Yes”.


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Step 3: To add check constraint to the Sal column click on the “Constraints” tab in the window and choose “Check constraint”. It will open a “Constraint text” window to write the logic of check constraint. The check constraint counter will start reflecting the count 1.


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Step 4: To check all the applied constraints on the columns go to the “database” menu and choose “Schema Browser” or the same icon will be available in the tool bar.


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Step 5: The following screen would appear. The left frame shows the created tables list. As EMP is the only table that is created so far, so only it will appear in the list.


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Step 6: After the creation of all the three tables the following screen would be seen with the left frame having in list of all the 3 tables. Notice the “Table” tab in the left frame is selected.


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Step 7: After the creation of a table the constraints on its columns can be checked by clicking on the “Constraints” tab on the left frame. Then select on any constraint name, the right frame will reflect its details.


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Step 8: To check for the ER diagram of the relational schema, click on the Database >> Report >> ER Diagram.


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Step 9: Click on the new ER Diagram(the first icon which is shown tabbed).


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Step 10: Select your UserID in the schema and EMP/EMPLOYEE table name in the table list. Let all the check boxes be ticked. Click on ok.


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Step 11: The following ER Diagram must appear. It shows the relationship of EMPLOYEE table with all the other tables in the database via foreign keys.


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Step 12: Save the ERD of the schema by clicking on the save icon at the top of the frame. It will ask for the name ,save it as bitmap file with the extension “.bmp”.


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Assignment 3 Objective: To learn how to create sequence, view and trigger using TOAD Step 1: Go to Database>>Create>>Sequence option. ER/COPR/CRS/DB46SC/019

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ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on The following window will appear.

Step 2: Supply the name of the sequence, the start value and the increment value.


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Step 3: To check for the existing Sequences got to Databse>>Schema Browser or you can click on its icon in the tool bar.


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Step 4: Click on the “Sequence” tab in the left frame. On the right frame it will reflect all the details of the selected sequence.


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Step 1: Select View option from Database >> Create menu. You will see the following window.


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Step 2: When it is prompting for View Name, type the view name and type the following query in the text window provided. SELECT deptno, COUNT (empno) as NoofEmp FROM emp GROUP BY deptno


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Step 3: Click on Validate Query, and then you will see Query parsed OK, if the query runs without any errors.


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Step 4: Then click on OK button.

Objective: To create a trigger using TOAD. Step 1: Select the Trigger option from Database >> Create menu, as shown in the snap shot below.


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Step 2: Provide the Trigger name, select the Schema name and Table name on which the trigger is to be created.


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Step 3: Also click on the Fire when, Fire on and For each options as given below


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Step 4: Select the When Clause window and provide the condition for the when clause as given below. NEW.job = „SALESMAN‟


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Step 5: Provide the trigger body as given below. BEGIN IF INSERTING THEN :NEW.comm := 0; ELSIF :OLD.comm IS NULL THEN :NEW.comm := 0; ELSE :NEW.comm := :OLD.comm + 0.12; END IF; And click on OK button.


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Step 6: Finally you can see the trigger created from Schema browser.


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Assignment 4 Objective: To learn how to create a Store Procedure, SP template and how to call a SP from an anonymous block using TOAD.


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ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on Step 1: Go to Database>>Schema Browser option. The following window will appear. Select the Treeview from the Browser Style.


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ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on The following window will appear.


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ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on Step 2: Expand My Schema tab

Step 3: To see the existing Stored Procedures expand the tab of Procedure.


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Step 4: Right click on the Procedure Tab and go for View/Edit package save option


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Step 5: Go for the first procedure tab file path


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Step 6: Click on edit file and the file opens With the following code CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE %YourObjectname% IS tmpVar NUMBER; /****************************************************************************** NAME: %YourObjectName% PURPOSE: REVISIONS: Ver Date Author Description --------- ---------- --------------- -----------------------------------1.0 %SYSDATE% %USERNAME% 1. Created this procedure. NOTES: Automatically available Auto Replace Keywords: Object Name: %YourObjectName% Sysdate: %SYSDATE% Date and Time: %DATE%, %TIME%, and %DATETIME% ER/COPR/CRS/DB46SC/019

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ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on Username: Table Name:

%USERNAME% (set in TOAD Options, Procedure Editor) %TableName% (set in the "New PL/SQL Object" dialog)

******************************************************************************/ BEGIN tmpVar := 0; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise RAISE; END %YourObjectName%; Step 6: Let the file remain open Then click on add to add a new SP template

Step 8: Fill in the following details


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ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on Path will be the same as old Procedure template path and name of file will be the name of the new SP template.

Step 9: Try editing the new file. The following screen appears. Click on “yes” to save the file, as it does not exist it will create a new file with this name and save it.


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Step 10: Copy the contents of the old Procedure template in this new file with the following changes highlighted in blue color CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE %YourObjectname% ( pNum1 In number, pNum2 IN Number, pRes Out Number) IS tmpVar NUMBER; /****************************************************************************** NAME: %YourObjectName% PURPOSE: REVISIONS: Ver Date Author Description --------- ---------- --------------- -----------------------------------1.0 %SYSDATE% %USERNAME% 1. Created this procedure. NOTES:


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ORACLE – Exercises for Hands on Automatically available Auto Replace Keywords: Object Name: %YourObjectName% Sysdate: %SYSDATE% Date and Time: %DATE%, %TIME%, and %DATETIME% Username: %USERNAME% (set in TOAD Options, Procedure Editor) Table Name: %TableName% (set in the "New PL/SQL Object" dialog) ******************************************************************************/ BEGIN tmpVar := 0; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise RAISE; END %YourObjectName%; Step 11: Apply the changes and say ok. Now this will be the new Procedure template in addition to the old procedure template. Step 12: Now Come back to the schema browser and right click on the procedure tab to create a new SP.


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Step 13: Fill in the following details and choose the new proc template as directed below.


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Step 14: Save it. After this the following screen would appear.


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Complete the procedure body by adding the following stmt in it. pRes:= pNum1 + pNum2;

Now execute the procedure by pressing F11 Step 15: After the Procedure is created, create an anonymous block for calling it. declare Result number; begin TryProc(&a,&b,Result); dbms_output.put_line('The result is'||Result); end;

Step 16: Now execute this SP. Set serveroutput on. It will ask for 2 inputs at the run time Supply the following data


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Step 17: After execution the following output will appear in the output window.


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Assignment 5 Objective: To learn how to use Debug options of TOAD Step 1: In TOAD Select Database Schema Browser Select Procedures from Schema Browser

Step 2: Select the Procedure to be debugged.


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Step 3: As shown in the figure below, load the procedure in the Procedure editor.


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Once it is loaded, you can see a new window for the procedure editor.


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Step 4: Before using any debug options, we need to set the values for input parameters of the procedure selected. In Debug menu select Set Parameters options.


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Step 5 : Now you can see a new window opened and the parameters of the procedure are listed. One by one we need to set the values for all IN and INOUT parameters. The following pictures illustrate this method for two input parameters (pNum1 and pNum2).


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Step 6: Once the parameters are set with the values, the procedure is ready for debug operation. Here we will see how to set a break point. Go to Debug menu in Procedure editor, and select Set Breakpoint option after placing the cursor in the appropriate line. Debug  Set Breakpoint.


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Once the Breakpoint is set, it will be highlighted with a red line, as shown below.


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Step 7: We can add watches too. Go to Debug menu and select Watches option.


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The Watch window will be opened as shown below. Here, select the add watch option available in the watch window. (See the below snap shot)


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Once you click on Add watch option, a window will be popped and it will prompt for expression to be watched. Type an expression, or variable to be watched. The following snap shots illustrate, to add watches for variables pNum1 and pNum2.


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Please find below, the snap shot to display the added watch variables in the watch window. (It shows process not accessible because we have not yet started the debug/ trace operation)


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Step 8: Now we can start tracing the execution of the procedure. Go to Debug menu and select Trace Into option. Debug Trace Into.


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It will prompt with the following message “Do you want to compile referenced objects with Debug information? This process can take several seconds”. Click on Yes.


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The Tracing is started and it will show the tracing line with highlighted color.


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Every time press shift+F7 or select the Trace Into option from Debug menu.


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While tracing the procedure execution, we can watch the variables added for watch option in the watch window.


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Assignment 6 Objective: To learn how to use the DBMS output window of SQL Editor. The following demo is to show the use of DBMS Output window available in SQL Editor of TOAD. Step 1: Type the following code in SQL Editor, as given in the snap shot. Click on DBMS Output window, and click on the clear window button.


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Step 2: Click on the Turn Output On button as shown in the below snap shot.


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Step 3: Go to Debug menu and select the Run option.


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Once you Run the script, the DBMS Output window will show the output.


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Assignment 7 Objective: To learn how to use the CodeXpert option of SQL Editor. Step 1: Type the following query in SQL Editor. Select emp.empno, emp.deptno, dept.dname from emp, dept;


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Step2 : Select CodeXpert window and click on


button available in CodeXpert window.

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Now we can see the suggestions given by CodeXpert in the bottom window.


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