Operator Training Simulator

March 4, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The The Oper Operat ator or Tra rain inin ing g Simu Simula lato torr (as (as OTS) OTS) for for Ammo Ammoni nia a and and Ur Urea ea shall be provided and used, primarily to insure safe working onditions and e!ient operation" Additionally, Additionally, as the #$O%&'T beome more reliable, reliable, operator maintenane personnel proess training trai ning,, is also reuir reuired ed to maintain maintain e*pertis e*pertise e on ritial ritial but infre inf reu uent ent opera operatio tions ns suh suh start start+up +ups, s, tempo temporar rary y or total total shutdown shut down,, and for handling handling of emergen emergenies" ies" OTS satisfy satisfy all of  these obetives by providing providing a dynami model, hand+on, hand+on, realisti environmen envir onment, t, whih whih repres represents ents losely losely to an atual atual plant plant of  Ammonia+Urea - proet" The The OT OTS on onso sole le shal shalll be be sam same e man manuf ufa atu turrer with with .'S .'S on onso sole le"" The OTS #lant .ynami /odel shall aessible for Owner modi0ation for future plant development" The simulator system shall onsist of but not limited the following maor omponents1 Simulation software and hardware as reuired" .'S hardwar hardwaresof esoftwar tware e as reuir reuired ed for database database and ontrol ontrols s emulation" .'S database database and relevan relevantt operator operator displays onsistent onsistent with Amonia+Urea 22 proet"and software for interfaing the simulation All reuired hardware omp omput uter ers s to th the e .'S .'S har hardw dwar ares esof oftw twar are e (T (The he OTS OTS wi will ll be standalone system with no onnetion to the atual .'S)"  T  Two wo (-) 2nstrutor 2nstrutor Station (Simulation 'omputer) 'omputer) for eah pla plant" nt"  The simulation omputer shall host the simulation, model development, and debugging and system maintenane software OperatorT Operator Trainee Station (.'S System)  The operator trainee station shall be the same as the real #$O%& #$O %&'T 'T .'S .'S system system and and shal shalll onta ontain in th the e follow following ing as a minimum1 3our (4) Operator Stations with two (-) .'S onsoles eah with dual stak monitors" #anel3ield Operations 'onsole 3ield Operator Station" 3ield Operator Station shall have apa apabi bili lity ty fo forr simu simula lati ting ng remot emote e fu fun nti tion ons s su suh h as startingstopping startingstop ping pumps or openinglosing openinglosing blok valves as an option" Simu Simula lati tion on Sof Softwar tware" e" Sim Simul ulat atio ion n sof softw twar are e on onsi sist sts s of of1 2nstrutor System OperatorTrainee System &ngineering &ngineerin g System #r #ro oes ess s /ode /odell The The OTS sha shall ll be be prov provid ided ed,, but but not not limi limite ted d to, to, ustomi5ed simulation programs programs for the following proess units in ollaboration ol laboration with #roess 6iensor1 Ammonia #lants Urea #lants The The simu simulato latorr sof softwar tware e shall shall have have a high high degr degree of modu modula lari rity ty to allow models models to be easily easily modi0ed modi0ed as the proess proess hanges hanges"" 2t





shall be possible shall possible to reate reate pr proes oess s models models by onneti onneting ng modules of euipment and assigning physial properties properties and other harateristis" harateristis" The tr traini aining ng si simula mulato torr need needs s to be be bas based on on the the foll follo owin ing g bas basi assumptions1  The simulator software software shall have $igorous, $igorous, engineering uality modeling (inluding any proprietary proprietary reation kinetis and thermodynamis)" 2ndustry aepted high 0delity OTS platform 'omple 'om plete te model model inlu inlusiv sive e of Amonia Amonia+Ur +Urea ea 22 proe proess ss model, model, ontrols and logi .iret .ir et&m &mula ulatio tion n o onne nneti tion on to .'S .'S spei spei0 0 hardw hardwar are e and software idential to plant .'S seleted A omplete omplete turnke turnkey y supply supply inlusive inlusive of all hardwar hardwaresof esoftwar tware, e, engi en gine neer erin ing g 7 deve develo lopm pmen ent, t, User User trai traini ning ng,, and and pak pakin ing g 7 shipping The The syst system em shal shalll be able able to simu simula late te the the follo followi wing ng oper operat atio ions ns as results of utili5ing the funtions inluded" 8ormal operation Start+up operation operation (old start start and hot hot start) 8ormal shutdown operation &mergeny (abnormal) operation The The har hardwar dware e fun funti tion ons s of the the Tra rain inee ee Syst System em shal shalll be the the same same as the the .'S .'S syst system em to be used used in the the real eal #$O% #$O%&' &'T T reuirements" reuir ements" The operation display shall use the real #$O%&'T .'S system system on0gu on0gurat ration ion,, there therefor fore e provi providin ding g th the e same same operation environment environment as the real #$O%&'T reuirements" reuirements" The graphi grap hi display display shall shall be the same as the real real plant plant .'S graphi display in terms of plant number, euipment numbers and loation, line olour, et" The loop on0guration shall be the same as the real plant .'S loop on0guration" on0guration" The system shall be also provided with standard display funtion of .'S operator work station" Over Overal all, l, the the OTS OTS shal shalll be be use used d for for the the fol follo low wing ing pur purpo pose ses1 s1  T  Training raining on proess, proess, normal and emergeny proedures, proedures, and abnormal situations prior to startup of the failities and training of new operators throughout the life of Ammonia plant faility On+g On +goi oing ng trai train ning ing on emer emerge gen ny y pr pro oed edur ures es,, abno abnorrma mall situations and training for startup and shutdown .evelopment and maintenane of diagnosti skills pertaining to trouble+shooting troubl e+shooting of faility problems" 9alidating ontrol systems implementation, safety system logi, testing alarm management strategies 'oneptual Arhiteture of OTS The OTS consists of several logical components that together provide the overall functionality of the OTS.  The below diagram provides a conceptual architecture of these components.

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