Operations Management

May 11, 2017 | Author: Saurabh Agarwal | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Operations Management...


Lovely Professional University, Punjab Course Code

Course Title

Course Planner




16031::Gurpreet Kaur

Course Category

Courses with numerical and conceptual focus


Tutorials Practicals Credits 1.0



TextBooks Sr No





Operations Management

Norman Gaither,Greg Frazier



Publisher Name Cengage Learning

Reference Books Sr No





Publisher Name


Operations Management Concepts, Techniques & Applications

Evans & Collier


Cengage Learning


Operations Management

William Stevenson Taylor 8th

Tata McGraw Hill

Other Reading Sr No

Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference)


The four things that a service Business must get right HBR Article ,


Bang & Olufsen Design Driven Innovation : HBR , Smart Product Design : HBR ,


Mishina, Kazuhiro. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc. HBS Case No. 9-693-019. Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, 1995. ,


Hammond, Janice H. Barilla SpA (A). HBS Case No. 9-694-046. Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, 1994. ,


Latour, Almar. Nokia Handles Supply Shock with Aplomb as Ericsson of Sweden Gets Burned. The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, Inc., 2001. ,


National Cranberry Cooperative HBS #688122. From Case Map ,


John Crane UK Ltd Case : The CAD CAM Link . HBS #691021,24p ,


To Move or not to Move .Case of Cathay Pacific Airways . University of Hong Kong HBS #HKU003,22p ,


Note on Quality: The Views of Deming, Juran, and Crosby HBS .687011 ,


Process Control at Polaroid , HBS, #693047 ,


LL Bean Item Forecasting and Inventory Management HBS, #893003, 5p ,


Johson Control Automotive Systems , HBS,#69308623p ,

Relevant Websites Sr No

(Web address) (only if relevant to the course)

Salient Features


"www.apics.org "

"Website of Association of Operations Management "


"www.asq.org "

"American Society for Quality, Mentions various Quality Control Tools "


"www.mhhe.org/omc/index.html "

"McGraw Hill Site, Links to over 100 operations related articles "


"www.poms.org "

"Website of Production and Operations Management Society "

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE


Weeks After MTE


Spill Over


Detailed Plan For Lectures Week Number

Lecture Number

Broad Topic(Sub Topic)

Week 1

Lecture 1

Operations Management (Introduction: Historical milestones, Industrial revolution, Post civil war period, Scientific management, Human relation and Behavioralism, Operations research.)

T-1:Chapter one

Operations Management(The Service revolution, The computer revolution, Operations as a system.)

Operations Management (Operations strategies in a Global economy, Today's Global Business conditions, Growth of Service sectors.)

Lecture 2

Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books

Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs

Learning Outcomes

Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned

Historical milestones in POM

Students would be able to briefly describe the historical evolution or Operations Management

Case study What do Operations and Supply Chain Managers Do Reference Operations Management by Russel and Taylor pg no 3

T-1:Chapter One

Studying Operations Management

Students would be able to identify three major functional areasof the organization and describe how they interrelate

T-1:Chapter Two

Reality of global competitionquality customer service cost challenges advanced technologies Continued growth of service sectorsScarcity of operations resourcesSocial responsibility issues

Students would be able to generalize the todays global conditions and how they demand for a proper study of operations Management

RW-1 RW-4

Case study Strategies at the US Postal Service and Dell Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 27

Week 1

Lecture 3

Operations Management (Operations strategies in Manufacturing and Services, Competitive priorities, Formation of Operations strategies.)

T-1:Chapter Two R-2:Chapter Two

Elements of operations strategyCompetitive priorities Operations strategy in services evolutionn of positioning strategy linking operations and marketing strategies

list and briefly explain the primary ways that business organizatons compete

Week 2

Lecture 4

Demand Forecasting(Qualitative and Quantitative forecasting methods.)

T-1:Chapter Three R-2:Chapter Three

Qualitative and Quantitative modelsTable 33 and Table 34 longe range and short range forecast Numericals on forecasting techniques

Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative approaches to forecasting

Case study Forecasting Telephone Calls at L L Bean Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 79

Lecture 5

Demand Forecasting(Qualitative and Quantitative forecasting methods.)

T-1:Chapter Three R-2:Chapter Three

Qualitative and Quantitative modelsTable 33 and Table 34 longe range and short range forecast Numericals on forecasting techniques

Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative approaches to forecasting

Case study Forecasting Telephone Calls at L L Bean Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 79

Case study Using a Forecasting Expert System at Xerox Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 93

Lecture 6 Week 3

Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Quiz,Test,Case study 2 Demand Forecasting(Successful forecasting system.)

T-1:Chapter Three

How to select a forecasting method How to monitor and control a forecasting model

Enlist the elements of a good forecast and learn how to evaluate and control it

Demand Forecasting(Computer software for forecasting.)

T-1:Chapter Three

Forecast Pro AutoboxSmart forecast for windows SAS SPSS SAP PM software library

Students will learn the application of softwares in forecasting techniques

Demand Forecasting(Forecasting in small businesses and start up ventures.)

T-1:Chapter Three

Different methods applicable in small businesses and start up ventures Sources of forecasting dataTable 310

Students will know the application of different possible forecasting techniques to small businesses

Designing and Developing Products and Service Design (Process planning and design, Major factors affecting Process design.)

T-1:Chapter Four


The process planning and Explain the strategic design systemfigure 43 importance of product major factors affecting and service design choice of process designsTable 42 designing and developing product and service design

Case study Compaq changes to Produce to Order Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 132

Week 3

Lecture 9

Designing and Developing Products and Service Design (Types of Process design, Interrelationship among Product design, Process design and Inventory policy.)

T-1:Chapter Four

Process designproduct focussed process focussed group technology cellular manufacturing interrelationships among product design process design and inventory policy

Students will be able to understand the interrelationship among product design process design and inventory policy

Week 4

Lecture 10

Designing and Developing Products and Service Design (Types of Process design, Interrelationship among Product design, Process design and Inventory policy.)

T-1:Chapter Four

Process designproduct focussed process focussed group technology cellular manufacturing interrelationships among product design process design and inventory policy

Students will be able to understand the interrelationship among product design process design and inventory policy

Lecture 11

Week 5

Quiz,Test,Case study 3

Lecture 12

Designing and Developing Products and Service Design (Process design in services, Deciding among processing alternatives, Plant tours.)

T-1:Chapter Four

Processing alternatives batch size and product variety capital requirement for process design economic analysis process charts Process design in services plant tours product focused process focused service operation

List the several key issues in service design and understanding the types of processes in manufacturing or service organizations

Lecture 13

Facility Capacity(Long range capacity planning.)

T-1:Chapter Five R-2:Chapter Five

Definition of production Explain the importance capacity measurement of of capacity planning capacity forecasting capacity demand ways of changing capacity economies of scale analyzing Capacity planning decision decision tree analysis cost volume analysis numericals

Case study Automakers Facing Overcapacity in Asia Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 167

Week 5

Lecture 14

Facility Location and Layout (Facility Location concepts and techniques, Facility Layout introduction.)

T-1:Chapter Five

Lecture 15 Week 6

Factors affecting location decision types of facilites and their dominant locational factorsanalyzing retailing and other service locations analyzing industrial facility locations numericals on centre of gravity methodfactor rating method and cost profit volume analysis

Explain why location decisions are important and use the techniques presented to solve typical problems

Case study Intel Delays Opening A New Plant Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 170

Quiz,Test,Case study 1

Lecture 16

Facility Location and Layout (Manufacturing and Analyzing facility Layouts, Service facility Layout.)

T-1:Chapter Five R-2:Chapter Six

Product layout process layout cellular manufacturing layout fixed position layout hybrid layout software for analyzing facility layout planning process and warehouse layout planning product layoutplanning cellular manufacturing layouts service layoutstypes and anlyzing service facility layouts Numericals on above layouts

Explain the strategic importance of facility layouts and the applicability of different layout techniques accross different organization s to find best possible layout

Case study Boeing Factory Saves Space Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 193

Lecture 17

Facility Location and Layout (Manufacturing and Analyzing facility Layouts, Service facility Layout.)

T-1:Chapter Five R-2:Chapter Six

Product layout process layout cellular manufacturing layout fixed position layout hybrid layout software for analyzing facility layout planning process and warehouse layout planning product layoutplanning cellular manufacturing layouts service layoutstypes and anlyzing service facility layouts Numericals on above layouts

Explain the strategic importance of facility layouts and the applicability of different layout techniques accross different organization s to find best possible layout

Case study Boeing Factory Saves Space Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 193

Week 6

Lecture 18

Operating Technologies(Types of Manufacturing Automation, Software for automation.)

T-1:Chapter Six

Types of manufacturing Explain the importance automationmachine and types of automation attachments numerically in manufacturing controlled machinesrobotsautomate d quality control inspection automatic identification system automated process controls Automated production systems Automated flow lines Automated assembly systems flexible manufacturing systems automated storage and retrieval system Software for autmationCADCAM Computer integrated manufacturing Enterprise resource planning

Case study Northrop Grumman Searches For New Production Technology Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 231

Week 7

Lecture 19

Operating Technologies (Automation in Services, Automation issues, Deciding among automation alternatives.)

T-1:Chapter Six

Automation issues Use List the key issues of automation building involved in automation manufacturing flexibilities Justifying automation projects managing technological change worker displacement training and retraining Automation alternatives Rating scale approach Relative aggregate scores approach

Case study Automated Check Out At Kroger Grocery Store Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 244

Lecture 20

Operating Technologies(Service Operations Planning and Scheduling- Scheduling quasi manufacturing service.)

T-1:Chapter Nine

Service Operations Planning and Scheduling nature of services revisited operations strategies for services types of service operations scheduling challenges in services Scheduling quasi manufacturing service product focused operations process focused operations work shift scheduling in service operations

Student will be able understand the critical issues involved while planning for service operations like banking restraunt retail etc

Week 7

Lecture 21

Operating Technologies (Scheduling customer as participant service, Scheduling customer as product service.)

T-1:Chapter Nine

Scheduling customer as Describe how participant service nature scheduling is done in of theses operations services waiting lines in service operationsScheduling customer as product service nature of these operations using computer simulation in service operations


Lecture 22

Operations Quality Management and Quality Control(Nature of Quality, Quality gurus, Modern quality management, Quality Management recognition, TQM programs.)

T-1:Chapter Seven

Nature of Quality Dimensions of qualityDeterminants of quality costs of qualityModern quality management quality gurus quality drives the productivity machine other aspects of the quality picture Quality Management recognition Malcolm Baldridge award the deming prize ISO 9000 standards TQM programsTop management Commitment and InvolvementCustomer involvement designing product for quality designing and controlling production processes developing supplier partnership customer service distribution and installation building teams of empowered employees benchmarking and continuous improvement

Explain why quality is important Describing the quality awards and overview of TQM process

Case study Empowered Work Teams At Square D Corporation Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 287

Week 8

Week 9

Lecture 23

Operations Quality Management and Quality Control(Nature of Quality, Quality gurus, Modern quality management, Quality Management recognition, TQM programs.)

T-1:Chapter Seven

Nature of Quality Dimensions of qualityDeterminants of quality costs of qualityModern quality management quality gurus quality drives the productivity machine other aspects of the quality picture Quality Management recognition Malcolm Baldridge award the deming prize ISO 9000 standards TQM programsTop management Commitment and InvolvementCustomer involvement designing product for quality designing and controlling production processes developing supplier partnership customer service distribution and installation building teams of empowered employees benchmarking and continuous improvement

Explain why quality is important Describing the quality awards and overview of TQM process

Lecture 24

Operations Quality Management and Quality Control(Quality Control- Statistical concepts in Quality Control.)

T-1:Chapter Seventeen

Statistical concepts in Quality Control Sampling Central limit theorm and quality control

List and briefly explain the important statistical concepts used in controlling quality

Lecture 25

Operations Quality Management and Quality Control(Control Charts.)

T-1:Chapter Seventeen R-2:Chapter Ten

Control Charts Control charts for variables Control charts for attributes along with numericals

Explain how control charts are used to monitor a process and the concepts that underlie their use

Lecture 26

Operations Quality Management and Quality Control(Control Charts.)

T-1:Chapter Seventeen R-2:Chapter Ten

Control Charts Control charts for variables Control charts for attributes along with numericals

Explain how control charts are used to monitor a process and the concepts that underlie their use

Lecture 27

Operations Quality Management and Quality Control(Quality Control in Services, Computers in Quality Control.)

T-1:Chapter Seventeen

Acceptance plans Single double and sequential plans Computers in quality control Quality control in services

Explain the applicability of computers in quality control How quality can be controlled in a service environment

Case study Empowered Work Teams At Square D Corporation Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 287

Week 10

Lecture 28

Supply Chain Management and ebusiness(Supply Chain Management, Purchasing, Logistics, Warehousing, Expediting, Benchmarking the performance of materials managers.)

T-1:Chapter Eleven


Purchasing Importance mission What purchasing managers do purchasing process buyers and their duties make or buy analysis ethics in buying Logistics Production control Shipment to and from factories innovation in logistics Warehousing warehousing operations methods of inventory accounting contemporary developments expediting Benchmarking the performance of materials managers

Outline and describe the basic concepts used in supply chain management

Case study Trucking On The Web Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 441

Lecture 29

Supply Chain Management and ebusiness(Supply Chain Management, Purchasing, Logistics, Warehousing, Expediting, Benchmarking the performance of materials managers.)

T-1:Chapter Eleven


Purchasing Importance mission What purchasing managers do purchasing process buyers and their duties make or buy analysis ethics in buying Logistics Production control Shipment to and from factories innovation in logistics Warehousing warehousing operations methods of inventory accounting contemporary developments expediting Benchmarking the performance of materials managers

Outline and describe the basic concepts used in supply chain management

Case study Trucking On The Web Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 441

Lecture 30

Supply Chain Management and e- T-1:Chapter Eleven business(Third party Logistics Management providers, e- business and Supply Chain Management.)

Third party Logistics Explain some recent Management providers e trends in supply chain business and Supply management Chain Management Introduction

Case study Top Selling Supply Chain Management Software Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 442

Week 11

Week 12

Lecture 31

Supply Chain Management and ebusiness(Just In time and Lean Manufacturing- Pre requisite for JIT manufacturing.)

T-1:Chapter Twelve

Just In time and Lean Manufacturing Pre requisite for JIT manufacturing

Understanding the JIT and Lean manufacturing concept List and briefly describe the building blocks of JIT

Case study JIT Purchasing at Waterville TG Inc Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 477

Supply Chain Management and ebusiness(Elements of JIT manufacturing, Benefits, JIT in service companies.)

T-1:Chapter Twelve

Elements of JIT manufacturing Benefits of JIT JIT manufacturingJIT in service companies

Outline the considerations important in converting a traditional mode of operation into a JIT system

Case study Maturing JIT Implementation At Amadas Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 483

Lecture 32

Production Planning(Aggregate planning, Master planning scheduling)

T-1:Chapter Thirteen

Aggregate planning Explain what aggregate Aggregate demand planning and MPS is dimensions of production and how it is useful capacity sources of medium range production capacity some traditional aggregate plans criteria for selecting aggregate plans mathematical models for aggregate planning Master planning schedulin Objectives Time fences in MPS

Lecture 33

Production Planning(Types of T-1:Chapter Thirteen Production Planning and Control.)

Types of Production Planning and Control Pond draining system Push system pull systems focusing on bottlenecks

Briefly explain what different types of producion planning and control systems can be applied across manufacturing organizations

Lecture 34

Production Planning (Manufacturing Operations Scheduling- Scheduling process focused manufacturing.)

T-1:Chapter Sixteen

Scheduling Scheduling process focused manufacturing Shop floor planning and control order sequencing problems assignment problems

Outline the different methods used in scheduling a process focused manufacturing organizations

Production Planning(Scheduling product focused manufacturing, Computerized Scheduling Systems.)

T-1:Chapter Sixteen

Scheduling product focused manufacturing Batch schedulingdelivery schedules Computerized Scheduling Systems

Outline the different methods used in scheduling a product focused manufacturing organizations

Case study Input Output Control At Boeing Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 628

Week 12

Week 13

Lecture 35

Inventory Management(Opposing views of inventories, nature of inventories.)

Lecture 36

Inventory Management(Fixed order quantity systems.)

Inventory Management(Fixed order period systems.)

T-1:Chapter Fourteen

Opposing views of inventories Why we want to hold inventoriesWhy we do not hold inventories Nature of inventories

Define the term inventory list the major reasons for for holding inventories

T-1:Chapter Fourteen R-2:Chapter Twelve

Fixed order quantity systemsDetermining order quantities Determining order points along with numericalsEOQ and EPQ

Describe the Fixed order quantity model and solve the typical problems

T-1:Chapter Fourteen R-2:Chapter Twelve

Fixed order period systems Concepts and numericals

Describe the Fixed order periodmodel and solve the typical problems Understanding the contemporary inventory models and dynamics of inventory planning

Lecture 37

Inventory Management(Other inventory models, some realities of inventory planning.)

T-1:Chapter Fourteen

Other inventory models Hybrid inventory model Single period invnetory model some realities of inventory planning ABC classification Vendor managed inventory EOQ and uncertainity Dynamics and other factors affecting inventory planning

Lecture 38

Maintenance management(Repair programs, PM programs, Machine reliability, Secondary Maintenance department.)

T-1:Chapter Nineteen

Repair programs Repair Understanding the crews standby machines concept of Maintenance repair shops breakdown management triggers repairs and corrective actions early parts replacement policies letting workers repair their own machines Machine reliability Secondary Maintenance department

Maintenance management(Trends in Maintenance , Maintenance issues in Service organizations)

T-1:Chapter Nineteen

Trends in Maintenance Maintenance issues in Service organization

Outline the critical issues in Maintenance management

Case study Setting Inventory Policies At AIRCO Division Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 536

Case study Total Productive Maintenance At Asten Inc

Week 13

Lecture 38

Employee productivity (Productivity and Human behavior, Designing worker’s job, Work method analysis, Work measurement.)

T-1:Chapter Eighteen

Introduction Productivity and human behaviour Computing productivity with the helpf numericals Factors that affect productivity

Define the term productivity and explain why it is important to organizations and to countries

Lecture 39

Contemporary issues in operations management(Lean system methods.)

R-2:Chapter Sixteen

Lean services Lean retailing Lean bankingHealthcare Lean retailing at Blockbuster Lean Consumption

Understanding the applicability of lean concepts Across service organizations

Contemporary issues in operations management(Service Blueprinting and Service delivery process.)

R-2:Chapter Four

Service blueprinting Introduction and application Designing and developing new service

How Service Blueprinting guides in designing a service delivery process for an organization

Contemporary issues in operations management(Role on Information Technology and e- commerce)

R-2:Chapter Eleven

Role on Information Technology and e commerce

Understandig the application of IT in various spheres of Operations Management


Lecture 40

T-1:Chapter ten

Project Management Project planning and Control Techniques

Outline the controlling techniques used in managing projects

Lecture 41

T-1:Chapter fifteen

Material Requirement Planning

Explain the concepts and issues involved in MRP

Lecture 42

T-1:Chapter fifteen

Capacity Requirement Planning

Briefly explain the basics of CRP

Scheme for CA: Component Quiz,Test,Case study


Out Of 2

3 Total :-

Details of Academic Task(s)

Each Marks Total Marks 10




Case study Smarter and Better Trained Employees Reference Operations Management by Norman gaither pg no 703

Case study Virtual Manufacturing At Palm Inc Reference Operations Management by Russel and Taylor pg no 436

AT No.


Topic of the Academic Task

Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Group

Evaluation Mode

Allottment / submission Week

Presentation 8 Marks , Written Analysis of approx 2000 words 7 marks , Viva during or after the Presentation 5 Marks

1 / 15

Quiz,Test,Case study 1

To make students understand the concepts taught by knowing their application in Business Organisations in real life

Case Presentation and Analysis to be done in groups of 3 to 4 students. Preferably to be taken in Tutorials . Cases are mentioned in Tutorial Plan . More cases can be referred from the Case Map of Stevensons Book given at the Harvard Educator Website. One Group to be covered per week .

Quiz,Test,Case study 3

To enable students to grasp the basic concepts from the textbook.

Quiz to be taken in the sixth week covering all the topics covered Individual prior to it .

Quiz will consist of 35 Questions . Maximum marks will be 30 and time to attempt will be 30 mins

9 / 11

Quiz,Test,Case study 2

Developing the Ability to solve Quantitative Problems.

Test of Numerical problems on Control Charts and Inventory Control Problems. Six Problems of Five Marks each .Three from Control Charts and three from Inventory Control.

Max Marks 30 and Time allowed 45 minutes



Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage) Tutorial No.

Lecture Topic

Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1

Latour, Almar. Nokia Handles Supply Shock with Case analysis Aplomb as Ericsson of Sweden Gets Burned. The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, Inc., 2001.

Tutorial 2

The four things that a service Business must get right HBR Article

Case analysis

Tutorial 3

Numericals Problems of Reliability and Productivity

Problem solving

Tutorial 4

National Cranberry Cooperative HBS #688122. From Case Map Describes the continuous flow process used to process cranberries into juice and/or sauce. Requires student to analyze process flows to determine where the bottlenecks are and to decide how, and whether, to expand capacity

Case analysis

Tutorial 5

John Crane UK Ltd Case

Case analysis

Tutorial 6

Quiz of 25 Questions and 30 Mins Duration . Max marks 30


Tutorial 7

To Move or not to Move . Cathay Pacific Airways

Case analysis

After Mid-Term Tutorial 8

Note on Quality: The Views of Deming, Juran, and Crosby

Case analysis

Tutorial 9

Process Control at Polaroid , HBS, #693047

Case analysis

Tutorial 10

LL Bean Item Forecasting and Inventory Management

Case analysis

Tutorial 11

Barilla SpA Italy

Case analysis

Tutorial 12

Johson Control Automotive Systems

Case analysis

Tutorial 13

Numericals on Inventory Control

Problem solving

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