Operating and Maintenance Manual for Charger Unit

April 27, 2017 | Author: Ursula Johnson | Category: N/A
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CHLORIDE Constant Potential Battery Charger Handbook

Operating & Maintenance Manual

Project : Intel A9

Contract No. 20071214-E1” “JOB NO.: SF2187” Submitted by Schneider Electric Overseas Asia Pte Ltd.


Page No.

Safety Precautions 1. Application...........................................................................................................



General Principles ................................................................................................





Brief Description of Charger................................................................................ 3.1 Rectification - Regulation 3.2 Protection 3.3 Control and Signaling Introduction ..........................................................................................................



General Specifications .........................................................................................



Installation............................................................................................................ 6.1 Positioning 6.2 Connections



Operating Instruction / Commissioning Procedure.............................................. 7.1 Normal Operation (AC healthy) 7.2 AC Mains Fail General Description of the CBC-4 Controller Board........................................... 8.1 Operating Modes 8.2 Float - Boost 8.3 Control 8.4 Adjustment 8.5 Servicing Brief Description on CBC-4 Controller - 901872 Series ..................................... 9.1 Firing Circuit 9.2 Regulator Circuit 9.3 Boost Charge Circuit 9.4 Alarms 9.5 Voltage Programmed Module 9.6 LED Module



Control Card Adjustment .....................................................................................



Voltage Detection Module Adjustment ............................................................... 11.1 Voltage Sensing Module (VS1)





Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 12.1 General 12.2 Precautions 12.3 Fault Finding Spare Parts............................................................................................................



Component Part Lists…………………………………………………………...




Drawings -

CBC-4 Controller Block Diagram (901872D Series) Schematic Diagram for CBC110/30Battery Charger Cabinet for CBC110/30 Battery Charger Battery Cabinet for GAZ Ni-Cd KL100P


9303007 280319 280320 280786



SAFETY PRECAUTIONS It is essential that all safety instructions are strictly observed. Installation, maintenance and repair of the equipment and batteries should only be undertaken by qualified electrical personnel. Use only insulated tools, particularly when connecting a battery. Personal metal belongings such as rings, watches & etc which may cause a short circuit should be removed. Ensure the ac supply, battery supplies have been isolated before working on the equipment. NATURE OF HAZARD Electrical energy can be supplied from the battery, the charging equipment or the AC supply. The battery terminals are LIVE at all times. A short circuit, even on a discharged battery, will result in a high current which can cause personal injury, fire or damage to the battery or battery cables. Battery electrolyte in all batteries is dangerous and can cause severe burns if allowed to come into contact with the skin or eyes. It will also attack clothing, some paint finishes and metals. LEAD ACID batteries contain sulphuric acid solution. NICKEL CADIUM ALKALINE batteries contain potassium hydroxide solution. In SEALED cells, the electrolyte is absorbed in the plate/separator structure and cannot spill. Electrolyte contact is only possible if the cell container is broken. Vented or flooded cells contain electrolyte liquid which will spill if the cell is overturned, overfilled or the cell container is broken.


Application The charger assembly, associated with a stationary storage battery, is intended for dc supply to various types of loads such as :* * * * * *

Switchgear Closing Tripping Emergency Lighting Telecommunications Control and Monitoring Systems Microwave Links and Radio Installations Fire and Security Systems

The use of a storage battery provides the system with an independent operating capability supporting the load in the event of mains power failure. 2.


General Principles This standby power system is composed of 2 major sub-assemblies: The Charger - supplied from the AC mains. It rectifies and controls the float and boost voltages for the battery. The Battery -


Brief Description of Charger 3.1 * * * *


works as an energy tank to feed the load when the mains fails or charger breaks down.

Rectification - Regulation a main transformer to adapt the mains to the battery voltage. a half-controlled bridge, consisting of diodes and thyristors, rectifies and regulates the dc voltage. a smoothing circuit, consisting of electrolytic capacitor and choke (optional). a controller board consisting both a regulating section and an alarm section.A simplified block diagram of the controller board is as shown in Dwg. No. 9303007.



* * *

ac input circuit breaker dc output fuse freewheel diode which acts as reverse polarity protection


Control and Signalling

* * *

ac input circuit breaker Led indications for monitoring. Meters for measuring voltage and current.

Introduction : The Chloride CBC-4 series standby power system charger is built for both lead acid and nickel cadmium batteries. It offer a high degree of standarisation and reliability incorporating standard features which include:i) Full automatic operation, correctly designed for long battery life and simplified maintenance. ii) A ‘soft start’ feature which provides sufficient time for the current limit to operate on start up even under short circuit conditions. iii) Control cards are interchangeable ensuring continuous availability of spare parts. The CBC-4 solid state constant potential charger is designed to float and boost charge nickel cadmium and lead acid (sealed and vented) batteries in nominal voltages of 12, 24, 30, 48 and 110 volts. 1


General Specifications : Input : Voltage Frequency Power Factor Efficiency


See test report. See test report. Approximately 0.6 - 0.8. Typically 70% - 80% at full load.



Nominal 12, 24, 30, 48 and 110 volts, which are determined by control card programme module. Better than +0.5% of voltage setting for simultaneous excursion of +5% to -10% mains supply voltage. Float and boost voltages may be adjusted within any nominal voltage range by individual potentiometers on the control card.



Voltage Stability Voltage Range


Output Voltage Adjustment Range

Float-Boost Selection Current Current Stability -

Current Range




Ambient Rating Soft Start


Standard Function Indicators -

Nominal Voltage

Float Voltage

Boost Voltage


11.8 - 18.7

14.2 - 18.7


20.5 - 36.2

25.9 - 36.2


24.1 - 43.4

30.8 - 43.4


46.8 - 88.8

61.4 - 88.8


75.2 - 145.4

99.7 - 145.4

Automatic Boost indicated by red LED indicator. See test report. Output current held at preset level of +/-1% for simultaneous changes in mains input voltage of +5% too -10% and load variations from 0% to 100%. Adjustable from zero to 125% of full load current by potentiometer on control card. Ripple voltage better than 5% rms to average at full load without battery. Continuous full load operation up to 45 deg C ambient temperature. A fast resetting soft start feature minimizes in inrush current surge both in turn-on and during intermittent mains interruptions. A.C. On Boost Low Electrolyte High Volts Low Volts Earth Fault Charge Fail Float Mains Fail

Summary Alarm relay contacts and rating


-1 changeover set rated D.C. 100V, 1 amp. 30 watt resistive; AC 240V,1A.


Installation : 6.1 Positioning After the cabinet has been unpacked it should be inspected for damage in transit. Take note of cabinet paint condition, the voltmeter and ammeter faces, and internal connections, making sure that all leads and components are intact. The unit should be installed in a clean, well ventilated room, meeting the climatic requirements of the specifications. It must not be near a source of heat. The ventilating louvers should not be obstructed and should have a side clearance of approximately 300mm from walls or other obstructions to allow normal air flow. The cabinet can be attached to the floor, which must be flat, so as not to stress the framework (the cubicle must be levelled). 6.2

Connections 6.2.1 External Protection : The charger supply connections must be connected to the mains through an external protection device such as circuit breaker or isolator. 6.2.2 6.2.3

Note :

Preliminary Precautions: Ensure all protection devices are in off position. Connection: Connect the mains to the charger AC input terminals. Ensure the earth connection is securely made. Input and Output voltages used in this system are HAZARDOUS. Do not use uninsulated tools or touch uninsulated wires or terminals. Battery is high current source, accidental short circuit can cause severe arcing, equipment damage, battery explosion and personal injury. Ensure that the correct number of cells are interconnected and that the polarity is observed. A reverse polarity connection could damage the charger.





Electrolyte Sensing Probe -

The battery positive lead should be connected to terminal B+ and the negative lead to terminal B-. When single pole load distribution circuit breakers are fitted the positive load connection should be made directly to the appropriate circuit breakers and the negative load connection to the negative terminal provided. When double pole distribution circuit breakers are fitted, the load connections should be made directly to the circuit breakers. If no distribution circuit breakers are fitted, the load connections should be made directly to the load terminal studs. It is important the leads from the charger to the load be of adequate cross section in order minimize the voltage drop in the line. All circuit breakers are fitted with auxilliary contacts to provide a common alarm in case of any circuit breaker trips. Remove the jumper wire located at the “Low E’lyte” terminal and connect the ‘Low E’lyte sensing’circuit cable to the brown wire (wire 41) terminal. The probe must be located in the most positive cell applicable to Nickel Cadmium batteries.

NOTE: The C.B.C. charger is designed for use on an unearthed battery system and is fitted with an earth fault detector, which will operate on leakage currents from either positive or negative battery pole to earth of greater than 5m.a. Donot earth the battery. If one side of the battery must be earthed the Earth Fault alarm circuit cannot be used and can be inhibited by disconnecting the connection between pin 33 of the control socket and the chassis earth connection.



Operating Instruction / Commissioning Procedure 7.1

Normal Operation (AC healthy) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.


11. 12. 13. 14.


Prior to connecting the battery as per section 6.2, the voltmeter indicated battery voltage. Charge-fail and low volts alarm indicator will only illuminate when the battery voltage fall below its preset level . Check for fault condition if exists. Switch on the charger input circuit breaker and check that the A/C and boost indicators illuminate. Within a few seconds, the charger ammeter will show an increasing current under the control of the soft start and rises to the full load current rating of the charger. Close observation will show an increase in the battery voltage. The rate at which the voltage rises is dependent upon the state of charge of the battery. The battery charging current will start to fall as the battery voltage rises. The charge fail and low volt alarm indicators are automatically reset when the battery voltage rises above its preset level. The charger is charging the battery at maximum rate. For fully charged battery, the voltage will rise towards the boost voltage setting within a short period. If this occurs, the charger will automatically revert to the float voltage mode after a predetermined time. If the battery is in a discharged or partially discharged state, the voltage will gradually increase and the preset boost charge timer will continue the boost charge for the preset time after the voltage rises to 90% of the preset boost voltage settings. At the end of the boost charge period the charger will revert to float voltage mode. When the charger is operating in the float mode, the boost indicator is extinguished. Provided that the charger performs in accordance with the above, the load may be connected as detailed in section 6.2 and the remainder of the installation tested. Load voltage are maintained within 110V +16%/-10% via the diode network.

AC Mains Fail On Mains Fail, batteries will feed the load. Upon battery voltage being drops to their preset voltage level settings of VS1; the respective diodes will be bypassed to maintain the output voltage to 110V +16%/-10%.




General Description of the CBC-4 Controller Board 8.1 Operating modes The Chloride C.B.C. series battery charger is designed to operate in two distinct modes :(i) Constant potential mode (ii) Constant current mode Rapid changeover from mode (i) to mode (ii) is effected whenever the specified full load current is demanded. Mode (ii) can be maintained indefinitely even under short circuit conditions. 8.2

Float - Boost Two output voltage levels, float and boost, are available and are selected by the solid state sensing circuit to ensure the battery is correctly charged. Boost charge is initiated upon restoration of mains supply or by low battery voltage.


Control Regulation of the output is achieved by phase controlled switching of the thyristors fed by a step-down transformer connected to the mains. The switching signals are generated by the plug-in printed circuit board. Circuitry on the board senses the output voltage and current and varies the phase of the switching signal to maintain a constant output.


Adjustment Three potentiometers on the control card enable the boost voltage, float voltage and full load current to be finely adjusted. Three additional potentiometers enable the alarm voltage settings for High Volts, Low Volts and Charge-fail to be adjusted. All these potentiometers are factory set and sealed and should not be adjusted without consultation with CHLORIDE BATTERIES S.E. Asia Pte Limited, otherwise the warranty of both the battery and charger may be rendered null and void.


Servicing As the control printed circuit boards used in all CBC-4 series chargers are of identical circuitry, the number of spare parts and the expense of servicing are reduced to a minimum. CBC-4 series battery chargers are normally supplied adjusted and programmed during manufacture, details of which are provided on test report.

Brief Description on CBC-4 Controller - 901872 Series The CBC-4 series of chargers afford constant voltage current limited charging of batteries. The CBC-4 controller basically consists of control board, voltage module and 'LED' module. The control board and voltage programmed module are housed together. Control Board The control board contains both a regulating section and an alarm section. A simplified block diagram of the card is shown in Dwg. No. 9303007. 9.1

Firing Circuit The purpose of this portion of the circuit is to provide phase controlled trigger pulses to the thyristors of the rectifer bridge, in response to the output from the regulator portion of the board. The firing circuit comprises IC3 which produce a train of trigger pulses which are applied to the primary winding of the pulse transformer whose seocndary windings supply gate drive to the thyristors of the main rectifier via pins 4/6 & 9/11 of the controller board. 5


Regulator Circuit The regulator circuit comprises a voltage regulating IC, and two current regulating IC's whose purpose is to override the voltage regulator in the event of excessive load being connected to the output of the charger. The excessive load will cause the charger output voltage to fall (back off). The main CURRENT regulator is utilised as standard in all CBC-4 chargers whereas BATTERY CURRENT LIMIT (BCL) is used in only certain charging applications eg. small battery with large standing load. In chargers not utilising BATTERY CURRENT LIMIT, the BCL setting potentiometer should be wound fully clockwise, prior to setting the CURRENT potentiometer. The voltage and current amplifier outputs are compared; and the one having the highest output voltage will be in control of the firing circuit and hence the charger output. Output voltage is set via the FLOAT and BOOST potentiometers which vary the feedback signal level. Switching from one charging mode to the other is achieved as outline in the BOOST CHARGE CIRCUIT. Setting the CURRENT potentiometer positions the slider such that with rated output current flowing the current amplifier is on the verge of dictating control over the firing circuit ( and hence the output voltage.


Boost Charge Circuit The two output voltage levels (i.e. float and boost) is controlled by the transistor. The transistor is turned on, the FLOAT potentiometer is bypassed and the BOOST potentiometer is in circuit. If the transistor is ‘off’ the FLOAT potentiometer is in circuit.


As these two potentiometers are in series, there is interaction between them. The BOOST potentiometer must be set first, followed by the FLOAT potentiometer, whose range of control has a maximum value equal to the actual BOOST potentiometer setting. The standard CBC-4 mode of operation is for automatic initiation of a boost cycle with automatic return to float at the end of the cycle. Boost charge is initiated by any of the following :(i) Initial switching on the charger. (ii) Restoration of mains to the charger after an outage. (iii) Battery falling below approximately 90% of the float voltage setting - due, for example, to application of a load in excess of the charger output rating. Boost cycle will terminate in accordance with the following: i) With only ‘long time’ switched in (i.e. only DIP Switch 3 or 4 closed) Boost will terminate a preset number of hours after the battery voltage reaches 90% of the Boost potentiometer setting. ii) With ‘long time’ and ‘short time’ switched in (i.e. DIP Switch 3 or 4, plus Switch 5) Boost will terminate approximately 40 minutes after initiation, if battery voltage has reached 90% of the set BOOST level. If battery voltage has not reached this 90% level at the end of 40 minutes, the boost mode will continue. When the 90% level is reached, the ‘long time’ cycle will be initiated. At the end of this time interval the system will return to float mode. 6

Boost Timer Options DIP SW 1 2 3 4 5

HOURS 1 2 4 8 * 40 mins

Test Points TP1, TP2, TP3 - Test points to enable various operations to be checked. Shorting TP1 & TP2 forces charger from BOOST to FLOAT. Shorting TP2 & TP3 forces charger from FLOAT to BOOST. TP4, TP5 Test points which when shorted speed up the clock pulse generator enabling the timed circuit to cycle in seconds. Charge Mode Options The description above apply where the charger is placed in auto mode. There are two other options; namely i) Boost Inhibited Charger Where only single voltage charging is required - usually at the battery manufacturers recommended FLOAT voltage level, controller pins 18, 21 & 22 are bridged permanently on the edge connector. This forces the charger to be permanently in float position. ii) Manual Boost Initiation A NO spring return switch is connected between controller pins 18 & 20. Momentary closure of this switch forces the charger to go into boost charge state. A timed BOOST cycle will follow in accordance with timer switch settings and time taken for battery to reach the 90% setpoint - as detailed above. At the end of this cycle, normal auto-boost charger operation is resumed. 9.4

Alarms The alarm relay “AR” is driven by each of the following alarms: High Volts Low Volts Charge Fail Earth Fault Low Electrolyte Two sets of voltage free changeover contacts are brought out at pins 35 - 40, the relay being energised in the event of an alarm i.e. the contacts change state in the event of an alarm. In latching alarm / manual reset units, reset is achieved via a normally opened pushbutton switch connected between pins 42 & 43. Closing this switch will reset the alarm when the charger is operating mode. 7

a) High Volts Alarm The battery feedback voltage is compared with a portion of the reference voltage. When battery voltage exceeds the set point voltage, the output of the high volts IC will go high, lighting the HIGH VOLTS LED and energises the alarm relay. The alarm is automatic resetting upon reduction of battery voltage to below the set point, but can be converted to latching/manual reset by bridging link J5. b) Low Volts Alarm The battery feedback voltage is compared with a portion of the reference voltage. When the battery voltage falls to the set point voltage, the output of the low volts IC will go high, lighing the LOW VOLTS LED and energises the alarm relay. The alarm is automatic resetting upon battery voltage rising to above the set point, but can be converted to latching/manual reset by bridging link J6. c) Charge Fail Alarm The battery feedback voltage is compared with a portion of the reference voltage. When the battery voltage falls to the set point voltage, the output of the charge fail IC to go high, lighting the CHARGE FAIL LED & energises the alarm relay. The alarm is automatic resetting upon battery voltage rising to above the set point, but can be converted to latching/manual reset by bridging link J7. d) Earth Fault Alarm No leakage from either battery pole the input to the comparator will remain low, the output will be low and the earth fault led is inhibited. Earth leakage currents from either pole to ground will result in an imbalance and the output of the comparator will go high, illuminating the EARTH FAULT LED & energises the alarm relay. The alarm is automatic resetting upon removal of a fault, but can be made latching/manual reset by bridging link J8. The alarm is automatic resetting upon battery voltage rising to above the set point, but can be converted to latching/manual reset by bridging link J6. e) Low Electrolyte Alarm NB Electolyte level detection is not applicable to Sealed Lead Acid Batteries. This alarm is for use in conjunction with a suitable conducting probe fitted into the electrolyte of the MOST POSITIVE CELL only, of the battery. The probe will provide a signal until such time as the electrolyte level drops and the probe fails to make contact; LOW ELECTROLYTE LED illuminating and the alarm relay energises. The circuit is automatic resetting upon rectification of the problem. It does not have a latching facility as per the other alarms, as the nature of the feature is such that it requires manual correcting once a problem has occurred. For charger not requiring this alarm, edge connector pin 41 is permanently connected to charger ‘positive’; forcing the circuit into a ‘healthy’ state. 8

In installations using this alarm, the length of cable between charger positive output terminal and the battery positive terminal should be such that when the maximum charging current is passing through it the cable voltage drop does not exceed 0.5V. This voltage is in series with the probe voltage and, if excessive, will cause the alarm to turn on. Note: Before connection of the probe wire to the pin 41 of the control board, switch on the incoming supplies and battery circuit breaker (if included), then remove the link wire between pin 41 and positive terminal and connect the probe wire to pine 41.



Voltage Programmed Module The voltage module houses the resistor network for the correct operating voltage.


LED Module It provide standard alarm indication from the CBC-4 controller board.

Control Card Adjustments Before making any adjustments to the Control Card, please refer to the test certificate to obtain the precise voltage and current settings specified for the unit supplied. Adjustment Procedure Boost Voltage (1) Close mains circuit breaker. (2) Boost 'LED' should illuminate. (3) Adjust the boost potentiometer clockwise until the voltmeter indicate the specified boost voltage level. Float Voltage (4) Momentarily, short TP1 and TP2 on CBC-4 Controller Card or turn the Boost/Float selector switch to float position. (5) Float ‘LED’ should illuminate. (6) Adjust the Float potentiometer clockwise until the voltmeter indicate the specified float voltage level. Adjustment Procedure For Current Limit (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Open mains circuit breaker. Disconnect both battery and external load. Turn the current potentiometers on the control card fully anti-clockwise. Connect a resistive load across the B+ and B- terminals sized to the full rated current. Close mains circuit breaker. Both ammeter and voltmeter read zero. Wait at least 15 seconds for the soft start to clear. Slowly adjust the current potentiometer in a clockwise direction until the ammeter indicate the specified full-load current. Open mains circuit breaker. Disconnect the resistive load.


Alarm Voltage Settings Low Voltage Alarm (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Turn the selector switch to float position or momentarily short TP1 and TP2 on CBC-4 Controller Card. Float ‘LED’ should illuminate. Adjust the 'Low V' potentiometer fully anti-clockwise. Adjust the float potentiometer on the charger control card to the low volts alarm level. Slowly adjust the 'Low V' potentiometer clockwise until the 'LOW VOLT' LED just start to illuminate.

Charge-fail Alarm (1) (2) (3)

Adjust the 'CHG FAIL' potentiometer fully anti-clockwise. Adjust the float potentiometer on the charger control card to the charge fail alarm level. Slowly adjust the 'CHG FAIL' potentiometer clockwise until the 'CHG FAIL' LED just start to illuminate.

High Volt Alarm (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Turn the selector switch to boost position or momentarily short TP2 and TP3 on CBC4 Controller Card. Boost 'LED' should illuminate. Adjust the 'HIGH V' potentiometer fully clockwise. Adjust the boost potentiometer on the charger control card to the high volts alarm level. Slowly adjust the 'HIGH V' potentiometer in anti-clockwise until the 'High Volt' LED just start to illuminate.

Earth Fault Alarm Adjust the 'EF Sen' potentiometer to mid range. The earth fault alarm is activated when either the positive or negative rail is shorted directly to earth or greater than 5mA. NOTE: The following potentiometer are optional and are not applicable to this system. a. HI V CUT b. LO V CUT c. BCL d. THRESH


Voltage Detection Module Adjustment 11.1

Voltage Sensing Module (VS1)

(1) (2)

Momentarily short TP1 and TP2 to force the charger to float mode. Adjust VR1 potentiometers on the voltage detection modules fully anticlockwise. The LED on voltage detection modules are inhibited. Adjust the float potentiometer on the CBC-4 Controller to their respective voltage settings. Slowly adjust the VR1 potentiometer on the voltage detection module until the LED on the modules just illuminate.

(3) (4)



Maintenance: 12.1

General As solid-state and integrated circuitry is used, maintenance is reduced to a minimum. To obviate delays in repairs should a fault occur, it is recommended that a spare control card be kept in stock. When ordering it is essential that the full specifications shown on Page 1 be provided so that all adjustments can be effected in our factory prior to despatch.


Precautions The CBC-4 series charger will only function correctly if connected to a battery or a simulated battery made up of a large capacitance and a parallel load resistance. A load resistor drawing about 1 amp at the nominal voltage of the unit would be suitable.


Fault Finding The following table is a list of possible fault conditions observed when the charger is connected to a battery and with any other load disconnected. SYMPTOM Full load output current. Less than full load output current.


POSSIBLE FAULT No fault. The battery is discharged and charger is functioning correctly. (a) Power circuit faulty.

Fault indicator on

BATTERY VOLTAGE (b) Control card out of adjustment. (c) Control card faulty.

(d) Faulty thyristor bridge.


ACTION No action required.

Check :(a) Mains circuit breaker. (b) Transformer secondary. voltage.(Approx. double nominal D.C. output voltage.) (c) Control card supply voltage at pins 14 & 15 of connector plug (42 V.A.C). (d) For broken connections. particularly those to control card connector. (e) Perform the adjustment procedures in section 10. (f) Replace control card. Fit correct voltage programme module. Perform adjustment procedure in section 10. (g) If current still zero replace thyristor bridge.

SYMPTOM Output current over full scale.

POSSIBLE FAULT Faulty thyristor bridge.

Fault indicator on HIGH BATTERY

Current at or below full load output level. Fault indicator on


Control card out of adjustment. (b) Control card faulty.



Sensing leads open circuited.

ACTION Remove control card. If no change in output current replace thyristor bridge. If current is zero, control card is out of adjustment or faulty. Loss of current feedback signal, check ammeter to control card. Perform the adjustment procedure in section 10. Replace card. Fit correct voltage programme module. Perform adjustment procedure in section 10. If above checks do not eliminate fault, test continuity of sensing leads from pins 16, 17 and 44 of control card connector. Top up cells with distilled water. Reposition probe and check connections.

Fault indicator on Charge-fail indicator on.

Cell electrolyte level low. Electrolyte level probe not correctly positioned in appropriate cell. Connecting cable disconnected.

Fault indicator on

Earth leak connection to either D.C. line, either inside charger or on external load or cabling.

Disconnect load to determine if earth fault is internal or external. Do not use a megger to test charger for earth faults. Check visually or use an ohmmeter.

Fault indicator on

Loss of A.C. supply.

Check A.C. supply to charger and input circuit breaker. Replace fuse cartridge. Replace thyristor bridge. Perform adjustment procedures in section 10. Replace card. Perform adjustment procedure in section 10. Check connections and correct. Replace control card.




Charger output fuse blown. Faulty thyristor bridge. Control card out of adjustment.


Control card faulty.

Fault indication cannot be canceled or fault located.


Broken connections. Control card faulty.

Spart Parts:To order spare parts it is necessary to nominate the item and the serial no. of the charger on which the part is to be used and addressed to : SERVICE DEPARTMENT Chloride Batteries S.E.Asia Pte Limited 106 Neythal Road, Jurong Singapore 628594 Tel : 6265-2444 Fax : 6265-1478 / 6266-0619




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

Charger Cabinet Surge Suppresor Bridge Rectifier Freewheel Diode Dropping Diode Diode Link Controller Board Voltage Module Voltage Detection Module Resistor/Diode Matrix Board Led Module Heatsink For Bridge Rectifier Heatsink For Dropping Diode Mains Fail Relay Charger Output Fuse DC Control Fuse DC Control Fuse Load Fuse Fuse Holder Fuse Holder AC Input Circuit Breaker Battery Circuit Breaker Load Circuit Breaker Transformer DC Voltmeter DC Ammeter DC Output Voltmeter Edge Connector Shunt AC Input Terminal Block DC Output Terminal Block Alarm Terminal Block MF Terminal Block Low Electrolyte Terminal Block Load Terminal End Bracket Isolation Partition End Plate Capacitor Boost/Auto/Float Sel. Switch Inductor DC Contactor Transducer


H1590 x W600 x D520mm 14K 431 SKKH 92/08 MD110A 120 MDC 100/08 CBC-4 PCB 110VDC 110VDC Rev. 4A P3 200mm P3 200mm MY2 220/240VAC RE-208AL gG40A 14x51mm gG2A 10x38mm gG6A 10x38mm gG50A 14x51mm PMF 14x51mm RT18-32X 32A Multi 9 C60N D63 SP Multi 9 C60N D63 DP Multi 9 C60N D6 DP Input: 220VAC Output: 110/30 L 2094 200VDC 2094 40ADC 60mV 2094 200VDC MP-0156-44-SP-1K 40A 60mV UK10N IN60 UK5N UK5N UK5N UK10N Clipfix 35 ATP UK D-UK 4/10 22,000uF 200V ASW 0323 c/w HWC10x3 2mH 30A SW80B-1437-883 125V M100-DV21 Aux: Supply: 120V I/P: 0-200VDC O/P: 4-20mA




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SS-1 BR1 D1 D2-D6 VS1 RB1 MF F1 F2 F3 F4 CB1 CB2 CB3-CB7 TFR M1 M2 M3 SH CAP BAF L C1 Tr

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