OpenCV Install On Windows With CodeBlocks

January 23, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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OpenCV Install on Windows With Code::Blocks and minGW ** Disclaimer ** Much to my dismay this tutorial is by far the most visited page on my website, why does this upset me? It upsets me because as glad as I am to see people using open source tools like OpenCV and MinG rather than proprietary or commercial alternatives I feel strongly that developers should be using !inu" not indows for coding, especially for C##$

hy should you use !inu"? %here&s a lot of reasons in my opinion but right now I am going to keep it simple$ It will make you a better coder$ period$ Most people I know barely understand setting up their own C## pro'ects and linking to (rd party libraries etc$ and using !inu" is the best way to see and learn how this works$ I also personally recommend staying away from I)*s$ +lso !inu" is uite often the first priority for developers of open source tools and windows support is sometimes an after thought$ -ou&re obviously interested in open source or you wouldn&t be here . so I&m telling you to take the plunge, go all in, close this tab and grab an image of /buntu 0or Mint if you want to be 'ust like me 1p 2 and become enlightened3 I&ll even go one step further and link some tutorials I use to install OpenCV on !inu" and a link to my OpenCV pro'ect makefile$ http144'ayrambhia$wordpress$com456754684564install9opencv959:9in9ubuntu97596:9precise9  pangolin4 http144www$o;bot;$org4opencv9installation4 http144www$samontab$com4web456774684installing9opencv95959in9ubuntu97796:4 https144gist$github$com4pickle5 ** Update ** I&ve been talking to the OpenCV devs about some of the issues people 0and me2 have been having with the latest pre9built binaries, what you need to know is they are discontinuing pre-uilt inaries !or "inGW# rom now on you will have to build your own, I have included instructions for how to make your own binaries and its pretty straight forward$ I still  prefer MinG to other compilers on windows wind ows 0well actually I prefer !inu" !inu",, see above2 and I hope this tutorial will continue to be useful$ $tep %: Install minGW MinG is  is a c4c## compiler for windows, head to their website and download the latest MinG version 0right at the top where it says @looking or the latest version?A2 http144sourceforge$net4pro'ects4mingw4files4

Install to the default location C1BMinG rom the options install mingw(59base and mingw(59gcc9g##, you can also install the other components if you wish, but all you need is the c## compiler 0g##2$


$tep &: 'dd minGW to s(stem path  avigate to Control Danel 9E Fystem 9E +dvanced +dvanced Fystem Fettings and then1


%ype a semi colon after the last entry in @pathA and then paste your MinG path 0it should be C1BMinGBbin if you chose the default location2$ +fterwords open up a command prompt and type @pathA to make sure it worked 0you should see minG somewhere in the print out, probably near or at the end2$ Drograms will need to be restarted for this change to take effect$ $tep ): Install Code::Blocks Code11locks is  is an I)* 0integrated development environment2$ Head to their website and Code11locks download the latest version 0codeblocks976$6=9 setup$e"e2 http144www$codeblocks$org4downloads4binaries

Install it to the default location hen the installer finished click yes to run Code11locks then go to Fettings 9E Compiler and )ebugger  /nder the %oolchain *"ecutables select G/ GCC Compiler from the drop down and then  press +uto)etect verify that Code11locks has found MinG If you like now might be a good time to test your Code11locks and MinG setup with a simple Hello orld C## program$ $tep : Install OpenCV OpenCV OpenCV is  is a library of Computer Vision functions$ Head to their website and download the latest version 05$:$5 for indows2 http144opencv$org4downloads$html

Click on the OpenCV95$:$5$e"e and choose C1B as the e"tract directory


OpenCV is now installed . but not configured with Code11locks ** Update ** If this is your first time through the tutorial doing a clean install then skip this step first and see if the supplied pre9built binaries will work for you, if you&ve already tried and had issues or if you really want to build your own then continue with this section$

irst you&ll need to download and install cmake Open cmake and select C1Bopencv as the source directory and C1BopencvBbuildB"8Bmingw as the directory to build the binaries 0you could select any directory but choosing this one will overwrite pre9built binaries and then the minG makefiles wait and then click rest of the the tutorial is theOpenCV same$ Click configure choose generate$


hen cmake is done we need to open a command prompt in the build directory, so navigate to C1BopencvBbuildB"8Bmingw then shift right click and choose open command window here then type @mingw(59makeA$ Mingw will now start compiling OpenCV, this will take a bit so feel free to do something else, when you come back type @mingw(59make installA and continue with the rest of the tutorial as is$ $tep +: 'dd OpenCV to the s(stem path

C1BopencvBbuildB"8BmingwBbin 0use the same process as above2


 ote1 +dd "8 binaries regardless of your system s ystem type 0(5bit or 8:bit2 because minG is (5bit$

Verify that both MinG and OpenCV are in your system path Make sure you restart Code11locks before continuing if you have it open$ $tep ,: Con!iguring Code::Blocks with OpenCV Make a new Code11locks Dro'ect1


right click on your pro'ect and choose build options1


-ou can also change the global compiler settings from the menu bar at the top right$


+gain ote . we are using (59bit binaries even though the system is 8:9bit because the compiler is (59bit$


 ow run this simple OpenCV @Hello orldA orldA program to test that the install has worked$ 7 #include 5 #include (   : using namespace cv; =   8 int main() < {   Mat image;// new blan image    image ! cv""imread(test.png$ cv""imread(test.png$ %);// read the &ile >   named'indow( ispla window$ *+,'-',013-45 *+,'-',01 3-45 );// create a 76window &or displa. imshow( ispla window$ image );// show our image inside it. 77    wait6e(%);// wait6e(%);// wait &or a estroe in the window 75   return %; 7(7 7: )ownload any image you want, rename it @test$pngA or hard code its name and place it in the top of the pro'ect directory$  ote . if you run your $e"e from fr om outside of code blocks the image needs to be in the same directory as the $e"e$ +s I mentioned earlier you can also configure OpenCV using the global compiler and debugger settings and the steps are the same, this means that every new pro'ect is ready to go with OpenCV$ -ou can also choose file 9E save pro'ect as template, %his allows you to choose the option new from template and avoid the configuration each time$

$hare this: • •

%witter( acebook:>

% comments 7$


ebruary 5:, 567: at >1:< am thanks a lot kevin3 after do;ens of websites n hours of waste, your guide came to rescue$$ ama;ing set of guidelines3 than" again$ Jeply




ebruary 5=, 567: at 816( pm Many thanks, it works K without pain$ +ll other method on the web seems forget @mingw(59makeA and @mingw(59make installA steps$ Jeply



)ecember 8, 567: at $dll is not in the system path$ I think you add the above folder link to the path in the environment variable$ I also had the same problemK



May 75, 567: at 517( pm Hi$%hanks for this$ I have some uestions$


 . I dont understand your @hen cmake is done we need to open a command prompt in the build directory, so navigate to C1BopencvBbuildB"8Bmingw then shift right click and choose open command window here then type @mingw(59makeA$ Mingw will now start compiling OpenCV, this will take a bit so feel free to do something else, when you come back type @mingw(59make installA and continue with the rest of the tutorial as is$A part$ hat is that mean?I try open cmd and some command$ !ike @gcc C1BOpencvBopencvBbuildB"8BmingwA but return error 0 http144postimg$org4image4rnp;a;vt4  2$ I tried some combination$ +nd i finish every step$hen i compile your simple pro'ects code, it telling me missing dll file$ It said that the libopencvNcore5:($dll file is missing$ hat should i do? Jeply



May 75, 567: at 5178 pm I think you are either missing mingw or you didn&t add it to the path$ Dlus you need to type mingw(59make and not gcc Jeply



)ecember 8, 567: at 155 pm when i type mingw(59make i find this error 1

Help me



May 57, 567= at (167 pm


Falah, I think you forgot to hit the @generateAbutton in Cmake$ -ou have only configured it but not generated it$



May 7=, 567: at 51:6 pm I get this weird error and I can&t find a way to fi" it$ I looks alike something that other  people had$ @%he procedure entry point NNg""NpersonalityNv6 could not be located in the dynamic link library )1BopencvBbuildB"8BmingwBbinBlibopencvNcore5:>$dll$A I don&t know how to fi" it and I need this working soon$ I hope you can help me$ Jeply



May 7=, 567: at (1(( pm did you build your own binaries? Jeply



May 7=, 567: at (1(8 pm -es$ I followed every single step of this tutorial$



May 7=, 567: at (1(> pm huh don&t know what to tell you$ orked for me last time I did it 0note that I don&t recommend doing this on windows for several reasons2 %ry rebuilding them? Jeply



May 7=, 567: at (1=7 pm


huhK I rebuilded and reinstalled everything$ %hanks anyway$ Jeply 77$ 77$ Dingbac Dingback1 k1 Code11locks OpenCv 9 5 Fayfa  Fayfa   75$ Dingbac Dingback1 k1 +nonymous  +nonymous 


Chaithra Bharadwa2 

une 8, 567: at 8167 am orks o rks perfectly$$ %hanks a lot lo t dudeK Jeply


C"ake;ists#t am hi, when i type @ming(59makeAi in cmd0at C1BopencvBbuildB"8Bmingw2 it shows @not recogni;ed as internal or e"ternal command,operable program or batch fileA$ i created mingw folder at C1BopencvBbuildB"8 as only vc folders were present$ and then used Cmake$ Jeply




+pril (, 567= at , 567= at , 567= at U ming$ all is ok, appart from one build error about this1 W%/%%OIO& was not declared in this scope during make$  'ust fi" it with commctrl$h modification modificatio n , follow this link$ to do the ''ob$ ob$ http144code$opencv$org4issues4:6< Many thanks33 Jeply


Ishan a# 

une , 567= at >17( am Hi hile running mingw(59make i am getting this error please help$ P QR Generating core#Cv*"ception9'doc$'ava, core#Cv%ype9'doc$'ava, core#Mat9'd oc$'ava, core#MatOfyte9'doc$'ava, core#MatOf)Match9'doc$'ava, core#MatOf)ouble9


 'doc$'ava, core#MatOfloat9'doc$'ava, core#MatOfloat9 'doc$'ava, core#MatOfloat:9'doc$'ava, core#MatOfloat:9' doc$'ava, core#MatOfloa t89'doc$'ava, core#MatOfInt9'doc$'ava, core#MatOfInt:9'doc$'ava, core#MatOfXeyDo int9'doc$'ava, core#MatOfDoint9'doc$'ava, core#MatOfDoint5f9'doc$'ava, core#MatO fDoint(9'doc$'ava, core#MatOfDoint(f9'doc$'ava, core#MatOfJect9'doc$'ava, core#D oint9'doc$'ava, core#Doint(9'doc$'ava, core#Jange9'doc$'ava, core#Ject9'doc$'ava , core#JotatedJect9'doc$'ava, core#Fcalar9'doc$'ava, core#Fi;e9'doc$'ava, core#% ermCriteria9'doc$'ava, features5d#)Match9'doc$'ava, features5d#XeyDoint9'doc$'av a, gpu#)eviceInfo9'doc$'ava, gpu#Gpu9'doc$'ava, gpu#%arget+rchs9'doc$'ava, utils #Converters9'doc$'ava modulesB'avaBCMakeilesBopencvN'ava$dirBbuild$make1:=71 recipe for target Wmodu les4'ava4core#Cv*"ception9'doc$'ava& failed mingw(59makeP5R1 SSS Pmodules4'ava4core#Cv*"ception9'doc$'avaR *rror 7 CMakeilesBMakefile51=>:51 recipe for target Wmodules4'ava4CMakeiles4opencvN'av a$dir4all& failed mingw(59makeP7R1 SSS Pmodules4'ava4CMakeiles4opencvN'ava$dir4allR *rror 5 Makefile17(=1 recipe for target Wall& failed mingw(59make1 SSS PallR *rror 5 I am unable resolve this please help$ Jeply


Ishan a# 

une , 567= at >1=5 am Jesolved it turning 'ava interface off$

installing openc3 on windows7W)& to e used with code locks

up vote 2 down vote favorite   favorite

i am trying to use opencv library with code blocks0$652$i have installed opencv5$7$ when i include the headers and link the library its all fine$i have gone through http144opencv$willowgarage$com4wiki4Codelocks  http144opencv$willowgarage$com4wiki4Codelocks  tutorial as well$but when i compile the pro'ect it reports no error or warning$it 'ust says e"it with status 7$ i want to know if anyone who has used opencv with code blocks and can please help me out of this situation$ thanks333


c++ c++  conguration conguration  opencv opencv  codeblocks  codeblocks  asked Oct 9 '1 at %"%&

sha are reimprove improve this sh

edited Oct 9 '1 at 1!"#$   1!"#$

question shish (adav )1&11122 1*211*#*   there is a blog post*211*#*  ,ust in case -ou haven't seen -et -et  ndrendre-  /a- 2 '11 at 1$"1% 1$"1%  

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% 'nswer active  oldest votes votes   active oldest  up vote  I had this e"act same problem a couple of weeks ago and couldn_t find an answer  down vote anywhere 3 +fter messing around with it, I found out e"actly how to do it$ accepted 72 Compile the library using Cmake$ http144www$cmake$org4 52 +fter your library is compiled you should have two different OpenCV libraries 9 a compiled one, and a non9compiled one$ (2In Code locks, click on Fettings 0In the ile Menu2$ /nder Fettings, select Compiler and )ebugger$ :2Felect the Fearch )irectories tab$Felect the compiler tab under search directories$ Click +dd$ rowse to your O9COMDI!*) version of the library$ In the non9compiled directory, select the include folder$ /nder the include folder, select OpenCV$ OpenCV$ Click OX  =2In codeblocks, select the linker tab, which is under the Fearch )irectories tab$$ Click on add and this time browse to your COMDI!*) version of the library$ In the compiled directory, select the lib folder and click OX$ 82 Go to the linker settings tab in codeblocks$ Click +dd$ rowse to the COMDI!*) version of the library$ In the compiled directory select lib$ In the lib folder select all the libraries$ Make sure to only select only the dynamic library files 0$dylib e"tention2


   761(> show %  more comment comment  


% 'nswer active  oldest  oldest votes  votes  active inally I am starting to be happy$ hen ad'usting this uestion I had to try all ways, how to define !IF$ !isting them manually helped, at first I wrote them somehow wrongly$ %his is how it works finally1 @-B3 :! @*"DD?rogramsDDopencv2ADDopencv,bin2DDbin D   libopencv,core2A%d libopencv,cor e2A%d D   libopencv,highgui2A%d libopencv,hig hgui2A%d D   libopencv,imgproc2A%d libopencv,img proc2A%d D up vote =   libopencv,&eatures2d2A%d libopencv,&ea tures2d2A%d D down vote   libopencv,calibGd2A%d libopencv,cal ibGd2A%d D

accepted tw if I_ve made any grammar mistakes, I am sorry for my english$ 12 answered +pr  _7( at 551(< shar areeimprove this answer  sh

edited +pr  _7( at 551=< )aniel Xat; (8>7:7<

I still don_t know what was wrong with the original !IF #` C14Drograms4opencv5:4opencvNbin54bin4S$dll . )aniel Xat;  Xat; +pr  _7( at 5(167   5(167 you need to add $libs because it contain information about functions inside )!!, and this information is needed when building the pro'ect, so your e"e will run then check those information and then load needed )!!$ . a'dy *ssam  +pr > _7( at 156  *ssam 156   a'dy1 )o you mean not an e"tention $lib or $libs, but rather any files within a directory lib? Drobably those in opencvNbin4lib and not opencvNbin4install4lib$ ut when I simply change 9!C1BBDrogramsBBopencv5:BBopencvNbin5BBbin B $$$ to 9!C1BBDrogramsBBopencv5:BBopencvNbin5BBlib B $$$ then it doesn_t work$ +re you saying that the solution with BBbin B $$$ is wrong? . )aniel Xat;  Xat; +pr > _7( at 7176  7176  a'dy1 *ven if I use the libs in installBlib it cannot find the $dll$a files though I 715=   have a correct path set$ . )aniel Xat;  Xat; +pr > _7( at 715=  a'dy1 I_ve found out that if I use the other bin dir in installBbin, it works too$ ut in both ways it doesn_t work when I start the program by double click  on the $e"e$ 9 cannot find those dlls$ . )aniel Xat;  Xat; +pr 75 _7( at 71=:  71=:  ollowing this tutorial with OpenCV 5$:8 and t Creator 5$
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