Open Water

September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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PADI Open O pen Water Water Diver Di ver Final Assessment Ass essment Study online at Although it shouldn't have happened, hap pened, on a dive I fail to watch my SPG and run out of air. If my buddy is close by, my best option is to _____. Another option is to _____, if I'm in shallow water and the surface surfa ce is closer than my buddy

Ascend using my buddy's alternate air source/make a controlled emergency swimming ascent

As a new PADI Open Water Diver, the recommended maximum depth is  _____  __ ___,, or the actual depth I reach in training, If

18 m/60 ft // 40 m/130 ft




Choose the Choose t he best answer for the signal shown from the choices provided

  Okay? Okay 8.

Choose the Choose t he best answer for the signal shown from the choices provided

shallower. The maximum depth for all recreational scuba divers, even experienced divers is _____

  Okay? Okay


As I descend, my wet suit will...

Compress from water pressure, and I will lose buoyancy and warmth


The best place for me to position an alternate air source sour ce is...

In the triangle area formed by my chin and the lower corners of my rib cage


Choose Choo se the t he best


Choose the Choose t he best answer for the signal shown from the choices provided

answer for the signal shown from the choices provided   Something is wrong

  Share air 6.


Choose the Choose t he best answer for the signal shown from the choices provided

Choose the Choose t he best answer for the signal shown from the choices provided

  Low on air   Stop, hold it, stay there





The difference between DIN values and yoke valves is that DIN valves...

A diver at the surface is moving quickly and jerkily, has has the mask off the face, the regulator/snorkel is out of the mouth, and the diver does not respond to directions. The diver is... Divers who act foolishly at depth due to gas narcosis may start acting normally again if they...

Have threaded openings to screw the regulator re gulator into

Ascend to a shallower depth

The first step I using my dive computer is...

Reading the manufacturer's instructions


A group of Advanced Open Water Divers plans to make two dives. The first dive is on a reef in 22 metres/80 feet of water for  20 minutes. The group then remains on the surface for 1 hour. The second dive is on a wreck in 18 metres/60 feet of water, with a


planned bottom time of 30 minutes. What will be the ending pressure group after the second dive?

17.. 17


19.. 19

I blow up a balloon, tie it off, and take it to the bottom of the swimming pool. What will happen to the balloon and the air inside it?

The balloon will get smaller and the air inside the balloon will be more dense


I dive to 17 metres/56 feet for 47 minutes. After a 30-minute surface interval I do a second dive to 17 metres/56 feet. Losing track of time, I notice my bottom time is now 25

Ascend (go up) right away to 5 metres/15 feet and stay there for at least 8 minutes befor before e

minutes. According to the General Rules, what should I do?

going to the surface, and not dive for six hours


I dive to 18 m/60 ft for 33 minutes. After a 30-minute surface interval, I plan to dive to 17 m/58 ft. What is the maximum allowable time for the second dive?

32 minutes


If an object is neutrally buoyant in fresh water, the same object placed into salt water would...



I feel a mild current at the start of my dive. How should I begin this

Dive against or into the current

Showing signs of distress (trouble)




27.. 27

How often should I take my scuba cylinder to be visually inspected by my dive center?

Once a year

I am an Advanced Open Water Diver. I plan to do three dives. The first dive is a  25-metre/80-foot dive for 22 minutes followed by a 52-minute surface interval. The second dive is to 20 metres/70 feet for 27 minutes followed by a surface interval of 62 minutes. My third dive is to 18 metres/60 feet. What would be my maximum allowable bottom time for this third dive?

34 minute m inutess

I am close to my buddy and realize I am out of air. The best response is to...

Switch to my buddy's alternate air source

I am likely to increase the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) if I...

Dive while tired, cold, sick, thirsty or injured


I am most likely to become confused about which way is up or down...

In midwater


I am planning to make 2 dives. The first dive is to 18 m/60 ft for 24 minutes. How long would I have to stay on the surface to do these 2 dives safely?

32 minute m inutess

dive? If I accidently exceed my computers no stop limits, I should...

Follow the computer's instructions for decompression


If I am not able to equalize my body air spaces, it may be because I have...

A cold, allergy or another medical problem

29.. 29

If I'm diving in cold water or under strenuous conditions...

I should add an extra safety margin and stay will within my computers computers limits li mits


If I think I have decompression

Breathe 100%

sickness I shou should... ld...

Oxygen and contact emergency emer gency medical medi cal care


If I were separated from my buddy, the general procedure is to...

Search for a minute and then go up to reunite with my buddy at the surface


If I work too hard and find it difficult to breathe underwater, I should...

Stop all activity and rest, holding onto something for support if possible


If my computer fails during a dive, I

Ascend , make a

can use my backup computer to continue the dive. If I'm not wearing a backup I should...

safety stop, and end the dive



If my cylinder of air lasts 60 minutes while I am at the surface breathing normally, assuming all else is the same, how long will it last at 20 m/66 ft breathing normally?

20 mi nute nutess



If my ears or sinuses hurt while I am descending, it usually means...

I am feeling a squeeze and need to equalize

Refer to the regulator picture on the right. Each regulator part has a number next to it. Please choose the correct numeric order from the choices below

1. Regulator first stage, 2. regulator second stage, 3. alternate air source second stage, 4. low pressure inflator hose for the BCD, 5. instrument console/gauges/computer


There is an injured diver who is out of the water and

To check if the diver is breathing


37.. 37


If my regulator begins to free flow

Hold the

while underwater, I should...

regulator without regulator wi thout sealing my mouth around the mouthpiece and "sip" the air I need as I ascend

I know I am properly weighted for diving if I...

Float at eye level while holding a normal breath of air and with an empty BCD

I make two dives in one day and am flying home on a commercial plane. I


should wait until my computer says I can fly or _____ hours, whichever is longer 39.. 39


I should have cylinders filled at a dive center I trust, not use air that tastes or smalls bad, nor use air from a compressor designed to fill car tires. This is important to...

Reduce the risk of breathing contaminated air

It's important that I do not turn off a dive computer between dives because...

It would lose memory of the previous dive and not calculate repetitive re petitive dives di ves correctly

I turn a glass upside down, trap the air in it by putting it in water, and then I take the glass down to 10 m/33 ft. The air space would...

Become half the size it was at the surface


Lung overexpansion injuries can be caused by...

Holding my breath while scuba diving


Most injuries caused by aquatic animals happen hap pen because the t he animals are...

Trying to defend themselves


My buddy and I are planning to dive at a site where the water and air temperature are near freezing. We plan to dive to 18 metres/60 for 30 minutes. What dive profile would we use when planning our dive? dive?

22 metres/70 feet for 30 minutes


is not responding to touch or my voice. The first thing to do would be... 47.  ___  _____ __

travels tra vels faster in water wat er than it does in air. This is why you cannot easily tell where it comes from



Unless there are laws that say differently, I shou should ld stay within _____ of my dive flag

15 m/50 ft

49.. 49

What the bottom is made of can cause big changes in...



When diving at an altitude above 1000 feet...

I need to follow special procedures and may need to set my computer for the altitude


When I look at things underwater they often seem _____ than they look  on the surface

Larger and/or nearer


When making computer assisted dives...

Each diver needs a personal computer


When planning a diver with a computer, I use the "plan" or "no-stop scroll" mode to

The maximum allowable time limits for depths depths in 10' increments

determine... 54.

Which of the following is not part of proper care for my scuba cylinder?

Keep some air in it

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