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c i n o tr c e l E Bi g Band e-Catalog Frank Sinatra Count Basie Stan Kenton

n o t g n Elli es e k u D d Jon Tha e Shaw Arti Now Featuring Sound Samp les

www.ejazzlines.com [email protected] 1-518-587-1102 1-518-587-2325 (fax) CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

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NEW TO THIS CATALOG August 2006 Dear Jazz Band Director, Thank you for your interest in our electronic big band arrangement catalog. We are proud of this e-catalog and feel that it is our most complete edition.Why did we go electronic? Well, in reality the cost of printing and mailing catalogs has skyrocketed over the last couple of years, making it difficult to continue to offer our discounted prices and depth of material. In addition, printed catalogs, by nature, are obsolete just about as soon as they are done being printed: our website is updated daily with great new arrangements. We encourage you to migrate to our website for browsing and purchasing. You can view listings by title, arranger, performer, style, and even difficulty level. You can also search by any criterion. Recognizing that many of you will still prefer the look and feel of a printed catalog, we came up with this compromise - an electronic version of our annual printed catalog. Within this e-catalog you’ll find sound samples for many of the arrangements. Just click on the musical notes next to the title and the sound sample will play in your preferred media player. In addition, the title for each listing is a link to the same title on our website. If you’ve found something that you want, just click on the title and add that to your basket for checkout. We really feel that we can serve you better with this e-catalog and our website. If you would prefer to have a printed copy of this, please phone or email us - we’re happy to run one off for you. In other news, we have completey re-vamped our website. In addition to a new look and feel, it is much more user friendly and has new features that will make your browsing and shopping experience that much more pleasant. One of the major changes is that we now have the capability of accepting orders from customers who wish to use only a purchase order number. A credit card is not needed to complete your order.We have established accounts in our database for all our educational customers and setup their accounts so that a credit card is not needed. Another great new feature is that our educational customers are setup to receive our discounted pricing on all our products. Discounts vary from 10% to 20% off the retail price. These prices are automatic once you login. Of course, we still accept phone, fax, email, and mail orders from our educational customers. We’re so confident that you’ll be happy with your online shopping experience at ejazzlines.com that we suggest giving it a try. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us - we pride ourselves on our timely responsiveness. We hope you have a fulfilling Fall and Holiday Season. Thanks for your support from all of us at ejazzlines. Best Regards, Rob DuBoff and Doug DuBoff




Charts Listed by Arranger: David Baker ...................................................................... 6 Stan Bann ......................................................................... 7 Doug Beach ...................................................................... 7 Louie Bellson .................................................................... 8 Shelly Berg ....................................................................... 8 David Berger .................................................................... 9 Andrew Bishop ................................................................ 9 Mike Carubia .................................................................... 9 Dan Cavanagh ................................................................ 10 Jim Cifelli ........................................................................ 10 Matt Clancy .................................................................... 10 John Clayton ................................................................... 11 Chris Culver ................................................................... 11 Bob Curnow ................................................................... 11 Paquito D’Rivera ........................................................... 12 Mike Dana ....................................................................... 12 Rich DeRosa ................................................................... 13 Don Ellis .......................................................................... 13 John Fedchock ................................................................ 14 Neal Finn ........................................................................ 14 Dirk Fischer .................................................................... 14 Bob Florence .................................................................. 14 Frank Foster ................................................................... 18 Tony Gairo ...................................................................... 21 Antonio Garcia .............................................................. 22 Gordon Goodwin ........................................................... 22 David Guidi .................................................................... 22 Dan Haerle ..................................................................... 22 Tim Hagans .................................................................... 23 Ryan Haines ................................................................... 23 Matt Harris ..................................................................... 24 Steve Hawk ..................................................................... 24 Rick Hirsch ..................................................................... 24 Bill Holman .................................................................... 25 Roger Holmes ................................................................ 25 Andrew Homzy .............................................................. 26 Les Hooper ..................................................................... 26 Rich Iacona ..................................................................... 27 Jeff Jarvis ......................................................................... 27 Thad Jones ...................................................................... 28 Gus Kambeitz ................................................................. 29 Phil Kelly ......................................................................... 30 Michael Kocour .............................................................. 30 Tom Kubis ....................................................................... 30 John La Barbera ............................................................. 39 Dave LaLama .................................................................. 39 Paul Lavender ................................................................ 39 Rick Lawn ....................................................................... 39 Paul Lee .......................................................................... 39 Mike Lewis ...................................................................... 40 Aaron Lington ................................................................ 40 Bill Liston ....................................................................... 41 Chris Madsen ................................................................. 41 John Mahoney ................................................................ 41 Frank Mantooth ............................................................. 42 Thomas Matta ................................................................ 43 Rob McConnell .............................................................. 43 Don Menza ..................................................................... 44 Bob Mintzer ................................................................... 46 Michael Mossman .......................................................... 46

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Paul Murtha ................................................................... Oliver Nelson ................................................................. Sammy Nestico .............................................................. Lennie Niehaus .............................................................. Edward Partyka .............................................................. Bill Potts ......................................................................... Kim Richmond ............................................................... Les Sabina ....................................................................... Carl Saunders ................................................................ Don Sebesky ................................................................... Bob Sennett .................................................................... George Shutack ............................................................. Rick Stitzel ..................................................................... Dave Snider .................................................................... George Stone ................................................................. Carl Strommen .............................................................. Fred Sturm ..................................................................... Michael Sweeney ........................................................... Mark Taylor ..................................................................... Gene Thorne ................................................................... Mike Tomaro ................................................................... Chris Walden .................................................................. Bob Washut ....................................................................

47 47 49 51 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 59 59 59 61 64 65 67 67

Charts Listed by Performer: Andrews Sisters ............................................................. 68 Ray Anthony ................................................................... 68 Charlie Barnet ................................................................ 68 Count Basie .................................................................... 69 Louie Bellson .................................................................. 73 Les Brown ....................................................................... 73 Bobby Darin ................................................................... 74 Tommy Dorsey ............................................................... 74 Duke Ellington ................................................................ 75 Maynard Ferguson ......................................................... 80 Ella Fitzgerald ................................................................ 81 Benny Goodman ............................................................ 82 Glen Gray ....................................................................... 83 Ted Heath ....................................................................... 83 Woody Herman ............................................................. 84 Harry James .................................................................... 85 Stan Kenton .................................................................... 86 Gene Krupa .................................................................... 97 Peggy Lee ........................................................................ 98 Dean Martin ................................................................... 98 Glenn Miller ................................................................... 98 Mingus Big Band ........................................................... 101 Buddy Morrow ..............................................................102 Buddy Rich ....................................................................102 Shorty Rogers ............................................................... 103 Artie Shaw ..................................................................... 103 Frank Sinatra ................................................................. 104 Misc. Instrumentals ......................................................105 Holiday Arrangements ................................................. 106 Dave Pell Octet ............................................................. 110 Customer Service ......................................................... 126 Order Form ................................................................... 127

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


NEW TITLES SORTED BY ARRANGER NEW TITLES - SORTED BY ARRANGER TITLE ARRANGER PAGE AN EVENING THOUGHT .................................... DAVID BAKER ................................ 6 I.U. SWING MACHINE ......................................... DAVID BAKER ................................ 6 SWEET AND SASSY .............................................. DOUG BEACH ............................... 8 TWO WAY STREET ............................................... DOUG BEACH ............................... 8 BLACK RATTLE ..................................................... DAN CAVANAGH ........................ 10 CHAOS THEORY ................................................... DAN CAVANAGH ........................ 10 HAVING BUILT IN DEEPER WATER ................... DAN CAVANAGH ........................ 10 NORTH SOUTH ..................................................... DAN CAVANAGH ........................ 10 PHASE SPACE ....................................................... DAN CAVANAGH ........................ 10 SPLIT-ROCK ............................................................ DAN CAVANAGH ........................ 10 NOT QUITE BRAZIL ............................................. JIM CIFELLI ................................... 10 THAT CAT .............................................................. MATT CLANCY ............................ 10 SQUATTY ROO ...................................................... JOHN CLAYTON .......................... 11 FOR THE L’IL ONES ............................................. BOB CURNOW ............................. 11 MOUNTAIN GREENERY (NONET) ..................... BOB CURNOW ............................. 11 A PLACE IN THE WORLD ................................... BOB CURNOW ............................. 12 SWEETLUMPS ....................................................... BOB CURNOW ............................. 12 VIDA DE SUENO ................................................... BOB CURNOW ............................. 12 WRITER’S CRAMP ................................................. BOB C URNOW ............................ 12 ABYSSINIA ............................................................. MIKE DANA .................................. 12 BOB SAGET ............................................................ MIKE DANA .................................. 12 EL BURRITO PICANTE III .................................... MIKE DANA .................................. 12 MIRA COSTA .......................................................... MIKE DANA .................................. 13 SITE FOR PSORIASIS ............................................ MIKE DANA .................................. 13 SORRY ABOUTTHAT ............................................ MIKE DANA .................................. 13 MORNING FUNK ................................................... RICH DEROSA .............................. 13 ELVIN’S EMPIRE .................................................... JOHN FEDCHOCK ....................... 14 BIG MAMA DIANE’S ROADHOUSE BLUES ....... NEAL FINN ................................... 14 A BREMIS AMONG US .......................................... NEAL FINN ................................... 14 DONDE ................................................................... DIRK FISCHER .............................. 14 MAMBO PARA ESTUDIO ...................................... DIRK FISCHER .............................. 14 SING DAMMIT! ....................................................... DIRK FISCHER .............................. 14 GUIDING STAR ...................................................... BOB FLORENCE .......................... 16 BETWEEN THE PIPES ......................................... TONY GAIRO ................................ 21 DEALINES, DISTRACTIONS & DIVERSIONS ..... TONY GAIRO ................................ 21 ELUSIVITY .............................................................. TONY GAIRO ................................ 21 POKE AND HOPE ................................................. TONY GAIRO ................................ 21 PORTRAIT OF MY WIFE ....................................... TONY GAIRO ................................ 21 REVISITED .............................................................. TONY GAIRO ................................ 21 SUPERMARKET SUSHI ......................................... TONY GAIRO ................................ 21 TREACHEROUS ..................................................... TONY GAIRO ................................ 21 A GAME OF INCHES ............................................ GORDON GOODWIN ................. 22 THE QUIET CORNER ........................................... GORDON GOODWIN ................. 22 WHAT SAMMY SAID ............................................ GORDON GOODWIN ................. 22 THE HANG ............................................................ DAVID GUIDI ................................. 22 MENTION THE EXTENSION .............................. TIM HAGANS ................................ 23 MISSED THE BALLGAME BLUES ........................ TIM HAGANS ................................ 23 ROLLIN’ WITH VON OHLEN ............................. TIM HAGANS ................................ 23 GROUND ZERO ..................................................... STEVE HAWK ............................... 24 ASPIRE .................................................................... RICK HIRSCH ................................ 24 ELLIE’S NEW GROOVE ........................................ RICK HIRSCH ................................ 24 FREE FOOD? FREE FOOD! ................................... RICK HIRSCH ................................ 24 GRACE OF A SOARING EAGLE .......................... RICK HIRSCH ................................ 24 LIFEBLOOD ........................................................... RICK HIRSCH ................................ 24 NEBULA ................................................................. RICK HIRSCH ................................ 24 SUSPENDED .......................................................... RICK HIRSCH ................................ 24 BLUE DANIEL ....................................................... BILL HOLMAN ............................. 25 WOODROW .......................................................... BILL HOLMAN ............................. 25 DANCE TO THE MUSIC ........................................ ROGER HOLMES .......................... 25 I REMEMBERYOU .................................................. ROGER HOLMES .......................... 26 ORANGE COLORED SKY .................................... ROGER HOLMES .......................... 26 THEME FROM ‘THE FAMILY GUY’ ...................... ROGER HOLMES .......................... 26 THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE ................................... ROGER HOLMES .......................... 26 BOOGIE STOP SHUFFLE ...................................... ANDREW HOMZY ....................... 26 GOODBYE PORK PIE HAT .................................. ANDREW HOMZY ....................... 26 HAITIAN FIGHT SONG ........................................ ANDREW HOMZY ....................... 26 BACK IN BLUE ORLEANS ................................... LES HOOPER ................................ 26 BLEEP BLOP .......................................................... LES HOOPER ................................ 26 BLUE IN GREEN ................................................... LES HOOPER ................................ 26 COOL SCHOOL DROPOUT ................................ LES HOOPER ................................ 27 LONG INTERMISSION ......................................... LES HOOPER ................................ 27 MILES BACK .......................................................... LES HOOPER ................................ 27 NOT SO FAST ........................................................ LES HOOPER ................................ 27 SHUFFLEUPHAGASS ............................................ LES HOOPER ................................ 27 WHAT’S GOING ON ............................................ LES HOOPER ................................ 27 BISTRO LATINO .................................................... JEFF JARVIS .................................... 27 OUT ON THE STREET ......................................... JEFF JARVIS .................................... 28 IT ONLY HAPPENS EVERY TIME ........................ THAD JONES/MIKE CARUBIA .... 29 THREE AND ONE ................................................. THAD JONES/MIKE CARUBIA .... 29 ON THE DL ............................................................ GUS KAMBEITZ ............................ 29 (I CAN’T BELIEVE) I 8 DA WHOLE... ................. PHIL KELLY .................................. 30


JUAN BEATOV STOMP .......................................... PHIL KELLY .................................. 30 PLEADING DIM CAP ............................................ PHIL KELLY .................................. 30 ZIP CODE 2005 ...................................................... PHIL KELLY .................................. 30 DONNIE’STEMPO ................................................ MICHAEL KOCOUR ..................... 30 ALICE BLUE GOWN ............................................ TOM KUBIS .................................... 31 BRAZILIAN DANCE OF TEH FLUGELHORN ... TOM KUBIS .................................... 31 BUCKET BRIGADE ................................................ TOM KUBIS .................................... 31 DAT DA DUT DUH ................................................ TOM KUBIS .................................... 32 MARABA ................................................................. TOM KUBIS .................................... 35 NO 3 WAYS ABOUT IT ......................................... TOM KUBIS .................................... 35 THAT WORM FEELING ........................................ TOM KUBIS .................................... 38 TWO SAMBATO GO ............................................ TOM KUBIS .................................... 38 WHISPERS ............................................................. TOM KUBIS .................................... 38 YOU CAN COUNT ON IT .................................... TOM KUBIS .................................... 38 CLOTH OF SILVER THREADS OF BLUE ............ JOHN LA BARBERA ..................... 39 FANTAZM ............................................................... JOHN LA BARBERA ..................... 39 HIGHLAND CROSSING ....................................... JOHN LA BARBERA ..................... 39 OVER F .................................................................... JOHN LA BARBERA ..................... 39 PYTHODD FELLOWS ........................................... JOHN LA BARBERA ..................... 39 YOUR OR MINE OR BLUES ................................. JOHN LA BARBERA ..................... 39 ZIN ZAK .................................................................. JOHN LA BARBERA ..................... 39 LEAP FROG ............................................................ PAUL LAVENDER ......................... 39 AN APPLE A DAY .................................................. MIKE LEWIS .................................. 40 CABIN FEVER ........................................................ MIKE LEWIS .................................. 40 SLINKY .................................................................... MIKE LEWIS .................................. 40 ASKEW ................................................................... MIKE LEWIS .................................. 40 ORION .................................................................... MIKE LEWIS .................................. 40 WHY MUSICIANS CAN’T DANCE ..................... MIKE LEWIS .................................. 41 BELOVEANCE ....................................................... CHRISTOPHER MADSEN ............ 41 E.V. FREE ................................................................. CHRISTOPHER MADSEN ............ 41 GIVE AND TAKE ..................................................... CHRISTOPHER MADSEN ............ 41 I’LL BEYOURS ........................................................ CHRISTOPHER MADSEN ............ 41 REFLECTIONS ....................................................... CHRISTOPHER MADSEN ............ 41 NEXT SEASON ...................................................... THOMAS MATTA .......................... 43 THE INCREDIBILES .............................................. PAUL MURTHA ............................. 47 SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY .................................... PAUL MURTHA ............................. 47 SOUL MAN ............................................................ PAUL MURTHA ............................. 47 WHAT’D I SAY ....................................................... PAUL MURTHA ............................. 47 THE WAYYOU LOOK TONIGHT ......................... SAMMY NESTICO ........................ 51 MAKINGTHE ROUNDS ........................................ LENNIE NIEHAUS ....................... 52 NORTHWEST JOURNEY ...................................... LENNIE NIEHAUS ....................... 52 MADLY LOVINGYOU ............................................ EDWARD PARTYKA ...................... 53 SOMETIMES ........................................................... EDWARD PARTYKA ...................... 53 STOLEN BLUES ..................................................... EDWARD PARTYKA ...................... 53 TOGETHERNESS ................................................... EDWARD PARTYKA ...................... 53 TUNNELVISION ................................................... EDWARD PARTYKA ..................... 53 PORGY AND BESS MEDLEY ................................ BILL POTTS ................................... 53 HORIZON UNDER ................................................ KIM RICHMOND .......................... 54 POETRY .................................................................. KIM RICHMOND .......................... 54 BLUES-GO-ROUND ............................................... LES SABINA .................................. 54 CHILLED OUT ....................................................... LES SABINA .................................. 54 BLUES, BOOZE,ANDTATOOS ............................. BOB SENNETT ............................. 56 DARK CUSTERS ..................................................... BOB SENNETT ............................. 56 DON’T LEAVE NOW ............................................ BOB SENNETT ............................. 56 UNCHARTEDTERRITORY .................................... GEORGE SHUTACK ..................... 57 PROUD MARY ........................................................ RICK STITZEL ............................... 57 BASS ON TOP WHERE PAUL LIKES IT ............. DAVE SNIDER ............................... 57 JP ............................................................................. DAVE SNIDER ............................... 57 A LITTLETASTE OF FUNK .................................. DAVE SNIDER ............................... 57 SEVEN FOR SCOTT ............................................... DAVE SNIDER ............................... 57 THINKIN’ ‘BOUT MAYNARD ............................... DAVE SNIDER ............................... 58 STRAIGHT AHEAD ............................................... GEORGE STONE .......................... 58 TIME OUT .............................................................. CARL STROMMEN ....................... 59 ALL BIRD’S CHILDREN ........................................ FRED STURM ................................. 59 MICHELANGELO ................................................. FRED STURM ................................. 59 MUMUKI .................................................................. FRED STURM ................................. 59 ALL OF ME ............................................................ MICHAEL SWEENEY .................. 59 PERFIDIA ................................................................ MICHAEL SWEENEY .................. 61 UNTIL I METYOU (CORNER POCKET) ............. MICHAEL SWEENEY .................. 61 I CONCENTRATE ONYOU .................................. MARKTAYLOR .............................. 62 LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL ............................. MARKTAYLOR .............................. 63 A NIGHT IN AUGUSTA ........................................ MARKTAYLOR .............................. 63 THE RAINBOW CONNECTION ......................... MARKTAYLOR .............................. 63 SEPTEMBER ........................................................... MARKTAYLOR .............................. 64 TRIBUTETO MILES ............................................... MARKTAYLOR .............................. 64 NEXT CHAPTER ................................................... GENE THORNE ............................ 65 BIRKS’WORKS ....................................................... MIKETOMARO .............................. 65 BLUES AT THE GATE ............................................ MIKETOMARO .............................. 65 BLUESETTE ............................................................ MIKETOMARO .............................. 65 FOREIGN INTRIGUE ............................................. MIKETOMARO .............................. 65 LUSH LIFE .............................................................. MIKETOMARO .............................. 65 OTHERS BROTHERS ............................................. MIKETOMARO .............................. 66 SUPERSTITION ...................................................... MIKETOMARO .............................. 66 TO NO AVAIL ......................................................... MIKETOMARO .............................. 66 TONES FOR JOAN’S BONES ............................... MIKETOMARO .............................. 67 COUNTTHE STARS .............................................. CHRIS WALDEN .......................... 67 FILM NOIR SUITE PART 1 .................................... CHRIS WALDEN .......................... 67 FILM NOIR SUITE PART 2 .................................... CHRIS WALDEN .......................... 67



FILM NOIR SUITE PART 3 .................................... CHRIS WALDEN HOME OF MY HEART .......................................... CHRIS WALDEN HOT WHEELS JUMPIN’ HIGH ............................ CHRIS WALDEN IN THE DOGHOUSE ............................................. CHRIS WALDEN MR. J ......................................................................... CHRIS WALDEN NITE CLUB SWING .............................................. CHRIS WALDEN REMEMBERTOMMY .............................................. CHRIS WALDEN SHORT PENCIL ..................................................... CHRIS WALDEN START GROOVIN’ .................................................. CHRIS WALDEN

.......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67

NEW FAMOUS BIG BAND ARRANGEMENTS TAKEYOUR TIME ................................................... CHRIS WALDEN THIS BAND IS BOUNCIN’ ................................... CHRIS WALDEN THIS IS NOT 4 U ................................................... CHRIS WALDEN TICINO ................................................................... CHRIS WALDEN TRY HARDER ......................................................... CHRIS WALDEN

.......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67 .......................... 67


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PAGE 68 68 68 69 70 71 71 72 74 74 75 81 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 87 88 92 93 95 95 95 96 96 97 98 98 101 101 103 103 103 105



Arranged by David Baker Medium $45.00 Cat: 50752 Up-tempo rock/R&B groove with interesting changes. Tenor and trombone solos. Small group free-improvisation for trombone and trumpet.


5M CALYPSO Arranged by David Baker Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-272 This is one happy chart! It starts with the trombones laying down a nifty bass line, and then a great groove with a calypso pattern. Trumpets take the melody, and things cook on from there. Solos for piano, tenor saxophone and trumpet. This is a great crowd-pleaser.

AUTUMN’S DREAMS Arranged by David Baker Medium Easy $46.00 Cat: 50757 A wistful, lyrical ballad. No soloists, all written composition. Sax doubles. 10 brass (including tuba).

BOURNE Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 50750 Bebop line with extremely angular and modern sounding chart. Theme is stated in octave line by flute, trombone and bass. Lead alto doubles flute. 10 brass.

BROTHER Arranged by David Baker Medium $44.00 Cat: 50751 Medium tempo blues which builds into an outside sounding lydian section and climaxes with an a cappella brass soli, alto, piano, trumpet and trombone solos.

CAHAPHI Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $46.00 Cat: 50758 A modern-type tune with bi-tonals and a form that has straight combined with Latin. Based loosely on the changes to Soon. Reminiscent of Birth of the Cool arrangements. Solos: trumpet and tenor. No doubles. 10 brass (incl tuba).



Arranged by David Baker Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-761 David Baker’s music is wonderful to play because of its originality and sense of adventure. This is no exception. Written for his amazing jazz ensemble at Indiana University, this chart, set in a fast swing tempo, just sails along at a fast clip, exciting all who hear (or play) it. The trumpet section plays the melody in unison and things swing on from there. There is solo space for alto, trumpet and trombone. There is also a killer sax section soli. Your band and audiences will love this one. 5/5/5/3

LIMA BEBA SAMBA Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 50753 Fast Samba. Bi-tonals and unusual harmonic progressions. Lots of blowing space. 10 brass.

MIAMI SUITE: SUNFEST Arranged by David Baker Difficult $46.00 Cat: 50760C Contemporary tune. Sections as follows: (A) swing, (B) Latin, (C) modal vamp. Melody uses 4ths and pentatonics. No doubles. 10 brass (including tuba). Solos: trombone and trumpet.

MIAMI SUITE:TIPPIN’ Arranged by David Baker Easy $44.00 Cat: 50760A A 14-bar minor blues, funky melody, interesting backgrounds. No sax doubles. 10 brass (including tuba). Solos: tenor, guitar, baritone, trumpet and trombone.

PADOSPE Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $45.00 Nice easy swing. Exciting shout chorus in brass. 10 brass.

Cat: 50754


Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $44.00 Cat: 50759A A lilting Latin melody over an unusual form. Modal piece with a Gil Evans style introduction in brass. Fun to play on. Alto 1 doubles soprano. 10 brass (incl tuba). Solos for trombone and guitar.

Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 50755 Slow 12/8 blues in the style of After Hours. Attractive mixture of laid back 12/8 feel and an aggressive 3/4 swing. A virtuoso shout chorus in the saxes.

SHIMA 13 Arranged by David Baker Medium $45.00 Cat: 50756 Medium tempo Latin chart with piano and alto solos and lots of dynamic contrasts.

CELEBRATION SUITE: A CRYSTAL TEAR MOVEMENT II Arranged by David Baker Difficult $44.00 Cat: 50759B A lush, sensual melodic ballad a la Johnny Hodges followed by a long, open development section featuring soprano in a quasi-Coltrane section. Sax doubles. 10 brass (incl tuba). Solos for alto sax/soprano sax.

CELEBRATION SUITE: JAM SESSION MOVEMENT III Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $46.00 Cat: 50759C A festive, hard-swinging blues with lots of blowing space. No doubles. 10 brass (including tuba). Soloists: all saxes in a collective improvisation, then alto, then guitar, then all instruments in a collective improvisation.



SOME LINKS FOR BROTHER TED Arranged by David Baker Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-270 This is a great blues chart, and there are never enough of those! Lots of blowing space for lots of players makes this a fun-filled romp through the blues. David wrote this for his top-notch Indiana University Jazz Ensemble.

TRUCKIN’ Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $46.00 Cat: 50761 A hard-swinging shuffle. Great shout chorus with virtuosic saxophone writing. No doubles. 8 brass (no tuba). Solos for alto and trumpet.


Arranged by David Baker Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-760 This lovely Latin piece begins quietly with piano, then brass, and leads into a warm, lush saxophone soli. The brass quietly lead into a piano solo, alto sax solo and then a baritone sax solo. The ending is quiet, soulful and beautiful. Brass ranges are quite modest and the tempo is easy to play for most bands. 5/5/5/3




ARRANGED BY STAN BANN CHANGE OF HEART Arranged by Stan Bann Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55329 Haunting ballad featuring lush woodwind and trombone support of flugelhorn soloist. Meter shifts between 3/4 and 4/4. Five trombones are strongly recommended and a strong bass trombone foundation is necessary. This piece stresses ensemble and sensitivity in rich voicings. There are sax doubles.

FACADE Arranged by Stan Bann Medium $45.00 Cat: 55327 A straight ahead, slightly modal chart with a strong melody and a Woody Herman feel. Predominantly sectional voices. Brief solo space for trumpet and guitar.

GOOD INTENTIONS Arranged by Stan Bann Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 55325 A brisk Latin original with a melody that will stay with the audience long after the performance. They will leave humming this one. Features tenor solo, extensive use of flutes (all saxes double flute except baritone) and harmon mutes.

LOVE ALWAYS Arranged by Stan Bann Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55328 Opening with piano and flugelhorn statement, this chart moves through double time rock and swing sections before returning to the original ballad. Tenor solos over the rock section while the swing section features trombone. Brief interlude features drum solo in time over clustered pad.

RAINSILK Arranged by Stan Bann Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 55326 Double time Latin with strong contrapuntal lines in the A section. Some triple vs. double rhythms just to keep things interesting. Solo space for flugelhorn, drums, and a conversation between trombone 1 and 2. Flute doubles and baritone sax doubles bass clarinet.

ARRANGED BY DOUG BEACH BIG CAT GROOVE Arranged by Doug Beach Easy $42.00 Cat: 42030 This serves equally well as a concert opener or closer and will teach and/or reinforce basic swing rhythms every jazz musician should know. The easy-to-hear solo changes will give students the opportunity to work on improvising. Written or ad lib solos for all rhythm section parts notated with chords cued. Playable by 12-17 pieces.

BLUES OF A DIFFERENT COLOR Arranged by Doug Beach and George Shutack Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42443 This medium easy swing original from the Doug Beach Music catalog features a solid groove and wonderful ensemble work essential to the mastery of the jazz language. This minor blues offers an open solo section for anyone in the ensemble.

BLUESIN’ WITH BRADLEY Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42445 The charts that have been commissioned in recent years by noted jazz educator John Bradley have proven to be very popular. Bluesin’ With Bradley should prove to be no exception. Plenty of ensemble work is contrasted with flowing melodic lines to create this exciting swing blues chart. All solos contain a written solo and rhythm section parts are completely notated. A great opener or closer.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER CENTER LINE Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42465 Rich in teaching opportunities, this energetic medium easy chart can be played in either the swing or shuffle styles. Suitable for an opener or closer, the solid ensemble writings create a big sound while observing the moderate brass range requirements of the series. While sample solos are provided, an open solo section allows the chance for additional solo opportunities.

CONNECTING WITH THE BLUES Arranged by Doug Beach Easy $42.00 Cat: 42064 Written for 12-17 players, this new Beach original provides young jazz bands with an excellent introduction to the all-important blues form. Crisp articulations, fundamental swing rhythms, and an open solo section in F concert with cued backgrounds are highlights. A sheet with written solo lines for all instruments supplements each set.

EL CENTRO Arranged by Doug Beach Medium $42.00 Cat: 43162 This Salsa chart is an electrifying addition to the Doug Beach catalog. Commissioned by Robert Blazek’s Youth Jazz Ensemble of DuPage, Illinois, the fiery rhythm section groove provides the foundation for strong sax and brass lines.

ESCAPE ROUTE Arranged by Doug Beach Easy $42.00 Cat: 42105 This straight-ahead minor blues is a rewarding journey in the swing idiom. Students should play with a solid sense of time and pay close attention to articulations for best results. Written lines are provided for the open solo section if players lack improvisation experience, and the chart features a strong finish.

FIRST LIGHT Arranged by Doug Beach Easy $38.00 Cat: 42117 A pensive melody and rich harmonies blend perfectly in this straight-8ths ballad for young bands. It builds gradually, starting with piano only in the first four bars, adding solo trumpet in m.5 and just about everyone else by m.16. All solo lines are entirely written, and it’s playable by bands ranging in size from 12 to 17 pieces.

GUMBO CALIENTE Arranged by Doug Beach Easy $42.00 Cat: 42167 All of the ingredients for a hot gumbo are present in this sizzling new Latin composition playable by 12-17 pieces. The strong rhythm groove is the foundation for a perfect blend of melody, Latin rhythms, an open solo section, and the roaring ensemble work. Stir all of the above, bring to a strong simmer, and serve HOT!

I GOT CHILI PEPPER Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42603 The famous Chili Pepper saga continues! Based on rhythm changes, this spicy Latin adventure features an open solo section, a unique ensemble response, and a strong finish. Crisp horn articulations and a solid groove are essential.

LI’L LIZA JANE Arranged by Doug Beach and George Shutack Medium $42.00 Cat: 43264 Dedicated to and recorded by trumpeter Nicholas Payton on Gumbo Nouveau, this familiar melody takes on new life in this refreshing swing treatment by Doug Beach and George Shutack. Scored at the medium level, the rhythmic and harmonic twists in this arrangement complement the hard-driving groove.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER MARGIN OF ERROR Arranged by Doug Beach and George Shutack Easy $42.00 Cat: 41890 The first title in the new Jazz Foundations Series, Margin Of Error is a solid rock chart at the very easy level that will provide young musicians with the essential jazz foundation to move on to more advanced literature. The solid voicings insure that any size group will sound big and full. Playable with any combination of four or more horns plus rhythm. Optional parts are included for flute, clarinet, and french horn. Standard instrumentation, plus optional flute and horn in F.

TRANQUILLO Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: 42905 This delightful, medium easy Bossa Nova original provides a wonderful alternative to the standard ballad. The flowing melody and rich voicing create a perfect showcase for either flugelhorn or alto saxophone.

TRUMPETS OUT FRONT Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42909 The title says it all! This catchy, hard-swinging trumpet section feature at the medium easy level will provide excitement for any concert setting.


MISSING TOOTH Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Difficult $48.00 Cat: 43275 This heartfelt tribute to Frank Mantooth is an excellent programming choice for medium advanced groups. It is, without a doubt, one of Doug’s finest charts consisting of great ensemble writing, strong swing figures, an open solo section, and a roaring shout chorus.

OFF THE RECORD Arranged by Doug Beach and George Shutack Easy $42.00 Cat: 41910 This very easy swing chart provides young musicians with the necessary background to move on to more advanced literature. This chart utilizes fundamental swing figures and is playable by any combination of four or more horns and rhythm. Optional parts are also included for flute, clarinet and horn in F. Two sample solos transposed for any instrument are provided in each set. Written or ad lib solos for all rhythm section parts.

THE RED BANK EXPRESS Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42795 Written in the style of the great Count Basie Orchestra and titled in reference to Basie’s birthplace of Red Bank, NJ, this swingin’ original features plenty of great ensemble work and an open section for improvised solos (written lines provided). Highlights include a sax soli, shout chorus, and a Basie piano signature just before the final chords.

SOUTH SIDE BLUES Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42453 This medium easy original is a straight-ahead swing chart commissioned by noted jazz educator Dr. John Bradley. A strong melody, sax soli, brass soli, open solo section, and a burning shout chorus make this an ideal choice for opening or closing your concert program.



Arranged by Doug Beach and George Shutack Easy $42.00 Cat: 41930 With swinging rhythm throughout the chart, Sweet & Sassy lives up to its name. Features include a solid bass line, an infectious melody, and swinging ensemble figures. Approachable by very easy level groups, this chart will be popular with more experienced groups as well. As with all charts in this series, it provides the director with an almost unlimited number of instrumentation options. The music is scored for four horn parts, with the instruments assigned to parts based upon range and voicing considerations. With each of the four parts assigned, the chart will sound full and complete. The director may then add as many horns as desired past the initial four as long as some effort is made to retain a reasonable balance. Optional parts are included for flute, clarinet, and french horn. Two sample solos are provided for all instruments, but players should be encouraged to step away from the written solos.

THAT’S NOT MY DOG Arranged by Doug Beach and George Shutack Easy $42.00 Cat: 41940 This medium swing chart at the very easy level pays tribute to the great Peter Sellers and The Pink Panther series. The solid groove and use of fundamental swing figures make this a wonderful teaching vehicle for younger jazz musicians as they encounter patterns and concepts that are the building blocks of the jazz idiom. Charts from this series are playable by as few as four horns and rhythm, and are expandable to full big band instrumentation. Optional parts are provided for flute, clarinet, and horn in F. Written or ad lib solos for all rhythm section parts.



Arranged by Doug Beach Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42945 A frontline of trumpet, trombone, and tenor saxophone deftly navigates the turns of this medium easy level chart. With a minor melody and very hip harmonies, this arrangement is sure to be a hit with students and audiences alike. If you’re looking for an up-tempo swing tune with attitude, look no further!

ARRANGED BY LOUIE BELLSON BASSICALLY BOSSA Arranged by Louie Bellson Medium Difficult $36.00 Bossa Nova. Alto and trumpet are featured.

Cat: CLBA039233800

CRYSTALS Arranged by Louie Bellson Medium Difficult Ballad. Alto feature.


Cat: CLBA039038600

Arranged by Louie Bellson Medium Difficult $40.00 Moderately fast Samba. Trumpet solo.

Cat: CLBA039220500


SMOOTH TOUCH Arranged by Louie Bellson Medium Difficult $31.00 Bossa Nova. Features piano and tenor solos.

Cat: CLBA039038500

TIME IS RIGHT Arranged by Louie Bellson Medium Difficult Medium-up swing. Trumpet solo.


Cat: CLBA039038700

UNTITLED WALTZ Arranged by Louie Bellson Medium Difficult $34.00 Up-tempo jazz waltz, features alto and trumpet.

Cat: CLBA039223200

ARRANGED BY SHELLY BERG BLUE GENES Arranged by Shelly Berg Difficult $42.00 12/8 funk featuring trombones. Exciting contrapuntal shout.

Cat: 54550

BLUESBERRY JUICE Arranged by Shelly Berg Medium Difficult $39.00 Cat: 54551 Speedy 12-bar blues. Exciting sax soli and full brass soli without rhythm.



C.P. SAMBA Arranged by Shelly Berg Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54563 As performed by Bill Watrous. Relaxed Samba features trombone or piano. Lovely melody and changes. Fun and challenging sax soli. Lots of solo space.




Arranged by Shelly Berg Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 54562 As performed by Bill Watrous’ Wildlife West. This bright swing is based on I Got Rhythm changes. Great melody! Sax soli, exciting shout trades fours with drummer. Solo space.

Arranged by David Berger Medium $38.00 Cat: SCM-020 This swinging blues arrangement is from Duke Ellington expert Dave Berger. Written for Dave’s Sultans of Swing band, Busy Woman Blues captures the essence of the blues that allows for individual vocal interpretation by your male or female vocalist.



Arranged by Shelly Berg Difficult $50.00 Cat: 54565 Composed in tribute to pioneering jazz educator, J. Richard Dunscomb, For JR is alternately beautiful and exciting. The style is straight eighth, with a warm main theme featuring piano, then soprano sax. The orchestration is colorful and lush. The contrasting section is a 7/4 cascara! The cascara section has excitement and climaxes into the piece, and is also a solo vehicle for alto sax. Some sax doubles.

Arranged by David Berger Medium $42.00 Cat: 61385 This straight ahead shuffle in the tradition of Duke Ellington’s train songs will be a welcome addition to advancing big band literature, and is also appropriate for professional bands as well. Berger used it as his band’s opener for many years. Conceived by the composer while riding home on the Journal Square train, it features a 12-bar minor form and has plenty of opportunities to open things up for solos. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.

FORWARD MO Arranged by Shelly Berg Difficult $48.00 Cat: 3239 Commissioned for the 2004 Missouri All-State Jazz Ensemble, this chart has a lyrical theme with interspersed partito alto sections to add excitement. The rhythm parts are notated throughout to demonstrate the Brazilian Samba style.

GRAPPLE WITH THE APPLE Arranged by Shelly Berg Difficult $53.00 Cat: 54552 Tune based on Honeysuckle Rose. Trio of trumpet, tenor, and trombone.

JO Arranged by Shelly Berg Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: 54554 Funk-shuffle featuring alto sax, a la David Sanborn. Relaxed groove.

MAN TUNA Arranged by Shelly Berg Difficult $45.00 Cat: 54553 Authentic salsa groove. Unusual montuno played by the brass section.

SKIP TOO, MY LOU Arranged by Shelly Berg Difficult $53.00 Cat: 54557 Great ensemble writing. Medium groove swinger featuring the bass.

SOLEMN DESTINY Arranged by Shelly Berg Medium Difficult $37.00 Cat: 54558 Haunting ballad for solo trombone. Composed for Bill Watrous. Some sax doubles.

ARRANGED BY ANDREW BISHOP FUNERAL MUSIC FOR JOBIM AND PIAZZOLLA Arranged by Andrew Bishop Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51825 This work was commissioned to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Wichita Jazz Festival and was conceived as a piece that shifts between Bossa Nova and tango. Harmonically it mines Chopin's Prelude in E minor, op. 28, no. 4--a chord progression used by both Jobim and Piazzolla--and the title suggests a connection to Beethoven. The prevailing texture is contrapuntal in the spirit of Renaissance vocal music along with several other reworked conventions of Western concert music. It is conceived and written as a trombone feature, but additional solo parts are provided for B-flat, E-flat and other concert key instruments making this an ideal feature for guest artists and soloists ranging from flugelhorn, guitar, or even violin. The chord changes are fairly simple but require the soloist to adapt through form and feel shifts. Easy to moderate ranges for all wind instruments.

MORE THAN SUGAR Arranged by Andrew Bishop Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51826 The title and tempo marking "apocalyptic rhumba" (medium) are reverence to Cuban music--though it is composed more in the spirit of John Coltrane and Elvin Jones rather than traditional guaguanco. The chord changes are fairly straight forward even though they require the soloist to adapt form and tempo--a layering modal pyramid for the tenor and drums to drive the soloists to the fine. The ranges are moderate-to-difficult with some ossia for trumpet 1.


SPLICE OF NICE Arranged by Shelly Berg Difficult $45.00 Features alto sax and flugelhorn. Nice, easy-feeling funk shuffle.

Cat: 54559

TURN OUT THE STARS Arranged by Shelly Berg Medium $30.00 Cat: 54561 Acapella setting of Bill Evans’ timeless ballad. Contrast piece. No piano or Drums.

THE WILL Arranged by Shelly Berg Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54564 As played by the Bill Watrous Big Band. This is a medium, in-the-pocket, swing tune featuring piano. The sax soli is challenging, but well worth the effort, and the shout chorus will bring the audience to its feet. Also a great trading section of unison lines for the trumpets and trombones. The chord progression is ‘Rhythm changes’ in Ab.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102



Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium $50.00 Cat: WBJE9419 As good a torch song as ever written, and now available for vocal group (SATB or SSAA) with jazz ensemble. Can be used as a vocal solo also. Either way, it’s great music! Good voice leading in the vocal parts, and the band has background figures that are just right. The band gets a chance to blow in its own right, too. Key of C.



Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: JEV9601 A classic tune in an arrangement for four vocalists with big band. It the style of the great bands, this chart contains lush, thick four part vocal writing, but it is very singable.Your vocalist also will get a chance to scat during the tune. Solo opportunities for the tenor, and alto singer. Key of G to Ab.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium $50.00 Cat: JEV9503 Take a nice standard, add a Mike Carubia arrangement, and it turns to magic! This one features a vocal soloist or quartet (SATB or SSAA) with big band and has all of those big sounds everyone likes. Nice voice leadings and a Bossa interlude for a change of pace. Great for programming! Key of C (goes to Eb near end).

FUNKY JEANS Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium Difficult $38.00 Cat: SCM-015 Funky Jeans is a funk style blues in C. Written in a Thad Jones style, this original tune features some creative ensemble writing and sounds more difficult than it is to play. The funky groove will make this an instant hit. (Scored to sound complete with 4-3-2-3).



Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium Easy $45.00 Cat: JEVM00005 These two gorgeous tunes, arranged with a mellow Bossa-Nova groove, are perfect for a vocal treatment-smooth, very singable lines, modest ranges and well-known melodies. Concert, show, festival, dance-you name it, this chart is right for every performance setting. Mike Carubia arranged this chart with instrumental parts that are a breeze with a few background solos supporting the vocal. Written for a vocal quartet or a solo vocal, this is a must-have arrangement! Key of C going to Ab.



Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium $50.00 Cat: JEV9505 More Duke Ellington magic! This chart sells itself... the vocal group is just the frosting on the cake. The voice leadings are good and the band cooks along well. Look at this one! (2:36) Key of D minor.

JUST HAVIN’ A GOOD TIME Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: SCM-007 This happy shuffle/swing is the least difficult in the series. Solos are played over F7 & Eb7 so almost anyone can try improvising on this one. As always, playable with less than a full band with lots of unison and block ensemble chords. High school and Jr. high students can handle this one on short notice. It’s simple, but it swings! (Scored to sound complete with 4-3-2-3).

L’IL BASIE Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: SCM-028 Has the feel of L’il Darlin’ but quite different melodically and harmonically. Piano solo in the middle and a nice shout section at the end. Easy to play and very smooth.



Arranged by Dan Cavanagh Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50573 Up-tempo Swing. This driving, exciting piece explores changes from stability to instability and back to stability again. Quick, explosive motifs in the beginning of the piece give way to a developing ocatonic (half-whole) melody. A lush trombone solo out of time gives way to percoLating backgrounds that build over time. Solo space for tenor sax comes next with a much more aggressive character. The piece ends with a solo contemplative piano drawn from ideas found earlier in the piece.

HAVING BUILT IN DEEPER WATER ***NEW*** Arranged by Dan Cavanagh Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50571 Medium tempo, straight eights in 3/4. Woodwind doubles (clarinet/bass clarinet). One of Dan's most popular (and most performed) pieces! Starting off with pedal point C in the bass, this lush piece develops organically over time, presenting evolving representations of the same initial idea. Substantial solo space for the soprano sax and guitar and a nice overall shape to this piece make it an ideal program complement to straight-ahead swing pieces.



Arranged by Dan Cavanagh Medium $55.00 Cat: 50575 Straight eighths, medium tempo. Commissioned by saxophonist Dave Camwell, this piece features your soprano soxophonist. Starting with melodic ideas on solo soprano in the lush key of concert Gb, the band sneaks in to complement. Sweeping dynamic gestures push the tune into a new key area. The tune quickly drops back down. The modal solo section features beautiful backgrounds bubbling up from the surface, leading towards a dramatic push to the end of the piece.



Arranged by Dan Cavanagh Medium $55.00 Cat: 50572 Relaxed Swing in 3/4. Phase Space is set in a relaxed mood with the melody first outlined by the lead trombone. Solo space for trumpet or trombone comes first after the melody with backgrounds sneaking in on the second chorus. Piano is allowed another solo with optional repeats. The piece ends with piano trio simply stating the melody.



Arranged by Dan Cavanagh Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50570 Up-tempo swing. This high-energy big band piece starts off with a full ensemble shout and drops its energy down into a short piano solo. The band then enters with fragments of the main melody, using bold dynamic gestures and sharp attacks to highlight drum work. After a large build-up and statement of the tune, a tenor solo ensues with plenty of space and well-integrated backgrounds. Next comes an open drum solo after which the melody returns. This piece ends with a final burst of energy making it a great closer.


WALKIN’ & TALKIN’ Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: SCM-023 A real crowd-pleaser at an easy level. Kids love it too. A real winner!



Arranged by Dan Cavanagh Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50574 Lengthy (~9:30). Up-tempo driving ECM feel/free. Rhodes piano (opt. piano). Woodwind doubles (soprano sax, clarinet/bass clarinet). Premiered at the IAJE conference in 2005, Black Rattle utilizes a ‘follow the leader’ concept. Bass trombone is the first leader: the other instruments begin their parts after the bass bone and try to ‘catch up.’ Trumpet takes over and leads the ensemble through more leader/ follower moments. The tune then counts off into an aggressive, driving melody leading to a modal trumpet solo. The backgrounds reprise earlier material, but end up pushing towards another leader/follower section featuring your drummer.




Arranged by Jim Cifelli Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51040 Contemporary jazz Samba that offers solo space for baritone sax, flute, trumpet, piano and drums. The chord changes for both the melody and the blowing sections are inspired by Herbie Hancock's ‘Cantaloupe Island.’ Halfway through the chart the 4/4 Samba gives way to a 6/4 groove that accompanies the trumpet and piano solos. A tutti ensemble section brings the chart full circle back to 4/4 for a reprise of the melody. 5 reeds: alto 1 doubles on flute, trumpet 1 to high f#.



Arrnaged by Matt Clancy Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: SCM-031 This Bossa Nova/Swing is easy to play and sounds great. Matt is a composer who teaches at the middle school level in Vermont. Great for your young band. Scored for full band but will sound complete with 4/3/2/3.



ARRANGED BY JOHN CLAYTON BAGS’ GROOVE Arranged by John Clayton Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010754 John’s arrangement of this jazz classic was written specifically to feature Milt Jackson with the Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra; however, just about any instrument can play the head at the beginning of the chart. Shout chorus at the end is a standout!

DAY BY DAY Arranged by John Clayton Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010752 John Clayton’s fierce, swinging arrangement of this familiar standard is written as a solo vehicle for tenor sax. Marvelously crafted in a kind of ‘call and response’ form between tenor and band.

EVIDENCE Arranged by John Clayton Difficult $60.00 Cat: 701096 Monk was a master of composing unconventional and angular melodic lines. John Clayton provides a jagged yet stimuLating chart that features dueling trumpets and an exciting full band shout chorus. From the recording Explosive! - Milt Jackson Meets The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra.

FOR ALL WE KNOW Arranged by John Clayton Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010965 Recorded by The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra on their CD Absolutely! this light Latin setting opens with a unique intro featuring guitar and arco bass. What follows is a lush ensemble statement with drums playing on brushes leading to an extended solo section for piano.

GROOVE SHOP Arranged by John Clayton Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010959 This John Clayton original from the CD Groove Shop explodes into a medium swing groove, then features a small group (soprano, tenor, trumpet and trombone) on the first go-round of the tune. The saxes have a soli feature and the entire ensemble helps deliver the powerful shout. Includes solos for trumpet and piano.

THE JAZZ CALLING Arranged by John Clayton Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7011111 This monster chart from John Clayton was written specifically for his clinic presentation at the IAJE convention where it was rehearsed and premiered in January 2005. After the rhythm section sets the tone, the trumpets state the first ‘calling’ then pass it along to the rest of the ensemble. This amazing composition grows organically throughout as tension and release points are explored and the final climax is realized through a layering effect from section to section.

SILVER CELEBRATION Arranged by John Clayton Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7011147 In honor of Horace Silver’s 75th birthday, John Clayton serves up this special celebration of swing. The opening statement by trumpet and tenor is balanced nicely with full ensemble backgrounds. In the ‘airy’ middle section of this uniquely crafted chart, the rhythm section loosens up a bit and solos are offered for trombone and drums. The groove then returns and churns all the way to the finish.



Arranged by John Clayton Advanced $60.00 Cat: 7011139 Written for the Ellington orchestra by saxophonist Johnny Hodges, this catchy riffbased tune swings hard from beginning to end. After the hard-hitting opening, solos are exchanged by tenor, trombone, trumpet and piano. In typical Clayton-Hamilton fashion, the piece roars to an exhilarating full tilt finish!

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER ARRANGED BY CHRIS CULVER MONGO’S MOOD Arranged by Chris Culver Medium Difficult $38.00 Cat: SCM-019 Mongo’s Mood is a hip Samba with firm roots in both the blues and salsa. Chris has done a great job in keeping this at a reasonable playing level while still being quite hip. This one should fit perfectly into your balanced programming format.

ARRANGED BY BOB CURNOW ANOTHER LIFE Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-219 Bob Curnow is very well known for his wonderful arrangements of Metheny’s music, and this chart will only enhance that reputation. This is another superb ballad, very much in the Metheny mode. It is scored to feature flugelhorn throughout, but there are optional solo parts for alto sax or guitar available also. Pat’s recorded solo has been transcribed, and it is included. (optional 10 brass parts available).

CHILDREN OF THE SUN Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-112 This is a completely re-composed and re-notated (in Finale) version of a piece that has been in the catalog for a while. It has a Latin / fusion feel reminiscent of some early Freddie Hubbard tunes. Solo space is provided for alto sax and trumpet. The “shout” chorus which follows the solos is very exciting, and then the piece ends quietly after returning to the main theme. All ranges are very reasonable, and the chart should be playable by even young bands.



Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium $55.00 Cat: SMP-756 Here is a wonderful ‘Basie-ish’ chart with a catchy melody set in an easy-swing tempo. Curnow has created a laid-back, swinging chart very much in the style of Sammy Nestico and others who wrote for the amazing Basie Band. Solo space for alto saxophone, swinging ensembles, moderate ranges and a cute ending make this a terrific piece to program for players of all levels. 5/4/4/4

HERE’S THAT RAINY DAY Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Easy $32.00 Cat: SMP-126 This is, unquestionably, one of the most beautiful ballads ever written. And this arrangement really takes advantage of the richness of the Kenton Sound. This chart captures that wonderful feeling of warmth and power without high trumpet parts or extra demanding dynamics. A great choice for festivals. (8 brass) Full score.

I’LL BE SEEING YOU Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-211 This was originally arranged as a vocal chart and has been published to also feature vocal or any one of a number of soloists (your choice). It is a lush ballad, full of rich, warm textures of the trombone section and saxophones. There is also a harmonmuted trumpet solo behind the gorgeous trombone soli on the 2nd chorus. This is the melody that is loved, and it makes a great program choice.



Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium $49.00 Cat: SMP-754 Bob Curnow has created a wonderful nonet chart (6 horns, 3 rhythm) on this great Rodgers & Hart tune. The medium-swing setting features solo space for alto, tenor, flugelhorn, trombone, piano and drums. This is a great chart to do on a big band concert to rest the band and feature your soloists. This is very much patterned after the wonderful things Shorty Rogers wrote for this instrumentation (alto, tenor, baritone saxes, 2 flugelhorns, trombone, piano, bass, drums).

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




OBLIVION Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium $49.00 Cat: SMP-935 Piazzolla wrote many beautiful melodies, and this one is perhaps the most haunting. This is a flugelhorn solo throughout, with very reasonable ranges for all. This is one of those rare charts that is easy to play. Piazzolla’s music is very popular, and this chart will thrill your band and your audience - guaranteed!



Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-218 This piece was originally recorded on ‘Speaking of Now,’ and it is scored to feature solo space for alto saxophone and trumpet. Modest ranges (tpt. high D only) make this a very playable chart in a medium Latin setting. 5/4/4/4 (opt. 10 brass parts).

PROMISE OF DREAMS Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium $49.00 Cat: SMP-101 This piece has been in the catalog for a while, but it has been totally recomposed and notated in Finale. It now comes with a full score (and parts). It was written for Stan Kenton, and it features a written piano solo throughout the piece. This is a slow ballad, written in the Kenton tradition. If you’re looking for a piano feature in ballad style, this will work very well for you. 5-5-5-4 (can be played by only 8 brass)

RIVERDANCE Arranged by Bob Curnow Difficult $92.00 Cat: SMP-207 The chart everyone has been waiting for! Eight minutes of amazing, dynamic, exciting sounds! It is, of course, based on the centerpiece of the wildly popular show. Everytime this chart was performed in live concerts in Germany (and elsewhere), the audience just erupted with applause and standing ovations. This isn’t an easy chart to play, but it is well worth the effort. All ranges are fairly reasonable, with the 1st trumpet part topping out at a written high E. This is recorded on the highly acclaimed CD Towednack by Bob Curnow and the SWR Big Band.



Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $37.00 Cat: SMP-104 This is a new edition of this lovely Bossa Nova tune. Flugelhorns are used to create a warm, lush, lyrical melody that floats in and out of various counter lines. There is a tenor sax solo which is followed by a marvelous full ensemble passage. The melody returns and takes things out to the end. Very reasonable ranges (1st tpt. high Db only) and rhythms make this very playable by most bands. 5/4/4/4

SWORD Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-216 Here is a most unusual chart, set in a Celtic style, with shades of bag pipes and Scottish overtones. It is an extremely clever piece that opens and closes with the celtic sounds and has a roaring, swinging ensemble section in the middle. There is also room for a tenor sax solo. If you’re looking for something very fresh and different to program, this is the chart! 5-5-5-4 (can be played by only 8 brass)



Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium $55.00 Cat: SMP-757 This is a gorgeous feature for tenor saxophone (there is also a piano solo). Sensual and lush. Set in a slow Bossa Nova style, this lyrical piece will please your players and audiences alike. Very modest brass ranges (high D for tpt. 1) and easy rhythms make this chart very playable for just about any band. 5/4/4/4 (Opt. 10 brass)



Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $39.00 Cat: SMP-102 This is a new edition of this trombone section feature. It is available with a full score for the first time. It has also been edited to allow for performance by 8 brass as well as 10. There is solo space for trumpet, and the rhythm section starts things off. This is a happy, swinging chart with lots of full ensemble passages that really roar. You’ll enjoy having a full score. 5/5/5/3 (can be played with only 8 brass)


ARRANGED BY PAQUITO D’RIVERA Arranged by Paquito D’Rivera Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 32M-1001 Folk song from Venezuela. 3/4 style (6/8 feel). Open solo section.

CHUCHO Arranged by Paquito D’Rivera Medium Difficult $70.00 Mambo. Open solo section.

Cat: 32M-1002

I REMEMBER DIZ Arranged by Paquito D’Rivera Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 32M-1003 Slow Bossa. Solos for clarinet and trumpet. Note: instrumentation for brass are three trumpets and three trombones.

ARRANGED BY MIKE DANA 53RD STREET SHLIDE Arranged by Mike Dana Easy $55.00 Cat: 55338 This medium-tempo (mm=128) Bb blues shuffle is a great opener for your young band. Solo changes are included for alto, tenor, trumpet, a d trombone, and can be opened up to feature any other soloist. Ranges: trumpet 1 to G, trombone 1 to F. Notated piano voicings and bass lines are provided, along with chord symbols.



Arranged by Mike Dana Medium $55.00 Cat: 55344 Here's a medium up-tempo modal chart that your band (and audience) will really enjoy. A contemporary head sits on top of an ostinato in open fifths, while the drummer keeps things energized with ‘Elvin-ish’ time. Solos for tenor or trumpet; can be opened up. Very reasonalble brass ranges are used. Suggested piano voicings and bass lines (also with chord symbols) are provided.



Arranged by Mike Dana Medium Easy $50.00 Cat: 55345 Once in a while a chart comes along that just makes you ask "why?" This is that chart. This medium-up blues swings from start to finish. The sax riff at the beginning will make you want to sing "Bob Saget" out loud. By the end of the chart, you'll be doing exactly that. Solos for alto, tenor, or trumpet; moderate brass ranges (bones to F, lead brumpet occasional Bbs.) Suggested piano voicings and fully notated bass lines (also with chord symbols) are provided.

CONFLUENTIAL Arranged by Mike Dana Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55335 This burning contemporary original will be an audience-pleasing opener or festival chart, and your band will dig it too. It's a 12 bar (but not a blues) form in C minor. The melody is stated by a trio of alto, trumpet, and tenor (all are featured on solos as well). An extended coda with exciting background figures builds behind a drum solo for a dramatic ending. Trumpet 1 to a D, trombone 1 to an A.



Arranged by Mike Dana Medium $55.00 Cat: 55349 The ‘spicy burrito’ returns with a vengeance in this Latin chart that sounds much harder than it plays. An ominous opening leads into a 12/8 feel that alternates with a driving Afro-Cuban groove.You'll need auxiliary percussion for this: congas, timbales, etc. Reasonable brass ranges. Suggested piano voicings, sample percussion grooves, and notated bass line are provided. For high school or strong middle-school bands, this is THE closer for your festival set.



EYE OF THE GEMINI Arranged by Mike Dana Medium $55.00 Cat: 55336 This is a beautiful chart, with a unique feel. Chart opens with a warm chorale melody, then evolves into an ethereal, straight-eighth (mm=140) ECM-ish feel. Solo changes are included for tenor and trumpet, but can easily be played by anyone. The modal solo section uses only 2 or 3 tonal centers, so younger improvisers should have no fear. A dramatic development section leads back into the head, and closes with the chorale. Trumpet to C, trombone to G.

FARTHER (STILL) Arranged by Mike Dana Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55337 This soprano sax feature was composed in memory of Paul Shaghoian. A hauntingly beautiful minor melody in 3/4 is supported by lush brass and woodwind textures. Scored for 10 brass (inc. tuba), with some doubling (alto 1/flute, bari/bass clarinet). A mature soprano soloist and rhythm section, and a strong lead trumpet are a must.



Arranged by Mike Dana Easy $50.00 Cat: 55346 This is a beautiful medium tempo Bossa that works great for young bands. The melody is played first by alto/tenor/trumpet/bone (with optional guitar or vibes.) The soloist (any of the above) can stay in C minor as the changes move around that key. Easy for brass: lead trumpet stays in the staff. Great middle tune in a festival set.

NICE HAT Arranged by Mike Dana Medium Easy $55.00 Cat: 55339 Here's the perfect chart to feature your drummer...specifically, your drummer's hihat. The Monk-ish melody has lots of holes for some tasty hat fills. The tempo (mm=140) and ranges (trumpet to C, trombone to G) are very manageable for high school players. The solo section, a slightly modified Bb blues, features alto or tenor. Piano and bass parts contain both notation and chord symbols.

NOT QUITE SUMMER Arranged by Mike Dana Medium Easy $55.00 Cat: 55340 Your band will love this medium-up tempo (mm=144) chart based on the changes of Summertime. A driving bass line supports the melody, played by altos and trumpet. Solo changes are included for alto, tenor, trumpet, and trombone, and can be opened up to feature any other soloist. A strong (but very playable) shout chorus follows. Ranges: trumpet 1 mostly G (one A), trombone 1 to F. Notated piano voicings and bass lines are provided, along with chord symbols.

PORK CHOP THURSDAY Arranged by Mike Dana Easy $55.00 Cat: 55341 Inspired by Homer Simpson's favorite day of the week, this very playable medium-up (mm=140) chart really cooks. A bluesy intro sets up the tasty 16-bar melody, played by altos and tenors. Solos are for alto, tenor, or trumpet. Ranges are very manageable: F for trumpet, Eb for trombone. Chord voicings and bass lines are provided. Students and audiences alike are sure to eat this one up!


TOO HIP FOR THE ROOM Arranged by Mike Dana Easy $55.00 Cat: 55342 This relaxed, hip, Basie-style chart is a great vehicle for teaching your young band how to lay back. This is the perfect middle-of-the-set chart. There are short solos for trumpet and either alto or tenor. Ranges: trumpet 1 to G, trombone 1 to F. Notated piano voicings and bass lines are provided, along with chord symbols.

ARRANGED BY RICH DE ROSA THE FUNK STOMPS HERE Arranged by Rich De Rosa Difficult $38.00 Cat: SCM-017 Talk about a high energy, happy funky/hip-hop chart that sounds much harder than the written parts, well this is it! Simple, contemporary changes make solos a breeze and place this piece in the must-have category. Features a three-horn (alto, tenor, and trumpet) melody to start.



Arranged by Rich DeRosa Medium $40.00 Cat: SCM-033 Real funky and not too difficult. You students will love this one. Can be opened for extra solos. Short shout chorus and short rehearsal time for this one. Scored for full band but will sound complete with 4/3/2/3.

ARRANGED BY DON ELLIS BULGARIAN BULGE Arranged by Don Ellis Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: UNCJ-1016 The chart, written in 33/16, is one of the all-time favorites. There are sax doubles.

FINAL ANALYSIS Arranged by Don Ellis Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: UNCJ-1004 This march/rock chart ends with a hilarious Beethoven-style ending.

GREAT DIVIDE Arranged by Don Ellis Medium Difficult $40.00 Cat: UNCJ-1045 A dynamic show stopper. It’s in a very fast 13/4. Not for the timid. There are some sax doubles. Solos for alto and tenor.

IN A TURKISH BATH Arranged by Don Ellis Medium Difficult $40.00 Cat: UNCJ-1006 A popular 7/4 arrangement of Ron Myers’ tune with an Oriental flavor.


Arranged by Mike Dana Medium Easy $50.00 Cat: 55347 Your band will be itching to play this medium shuffle. The melody gets under your skin, and the shout chorus really burns! Listen carefully for cameo appearances by Wayne Shorter and the Pink Panther. Moderate brass ranges; suggested piano voicings included. Nothing rash here, just a grooving opener!




Arranged by Mike Dana Medium $55.00 Cat: 55348 A great opener: a hard-driving minor blues shuffle always gets the crowd in the right mood. Your tenor player has a short bluesy cadenza at the top and again at the end, and is also featured on the solo section. Trombone 1 to G, trumpet 1 to B.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Don Ellis Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: UNCJ-1013 Romping chart in 7/4 time. Tenor, piano, trumpet, and drum solos.

STRAWBERRY SOUP Arranged by Don Ellis Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: UNCJ-1085 One of Don’s most popular charts. A rich, multi-layered minor tune in a moderately fast 9 but with lots of shifting subdivisions. Everyone gets featured either as a soloist or as a section. A surefire showstopper that winds it all up with a dirty 4/4 blues.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER ARRANGED BY JOHN FEDCHOCK BIG BRUISER Arranged by John Fedchock Difficult $48.00 This chart features trombone and tenor saxophone solos.

Cat: 3199

BLUE AFTER TWO Arranged by John Fedchock Difficult $42.00 Cat: 3211 Recorded on the John Fedchock New York Big Band’s latest CD No Nonsense, this slow blues chart has subtle sophisticated harmonies placed over an after-hours roadhouse 12/8 groove. After the subtle opening it heats up with solos by alto sax, trombone, and bass, and features powerful ensemble passages, along with an a cappella chorale section with the horns, all culminating in a down and dirty ensemble shout chorus.

ELEVEN NIGHTS Arranged by John Fedchock Difficult $52.00 Cat: 3238 New York trombonist/band leader John Fedchock brings us an effective Bossa original. Featured on his latest CD, No Nonsense, the contemporary harmonies evoke images of the softer Latin works of Herbie Hancock. The melody is stated by solo trombone, and improvised solos are provided for flute and flugelhorn.



Arranged by John Fedchock Difficult $52.00 Cat: 62175 Dedicated to the memory of recently deceased drum legend Elvin Jones, this engaging swing original for proficient groups is a modal work that sets the tone for the drumming giant’s loose and open style of playing. Piano, trombone and tenor saxophone are featured and Fedchock’s recognizable chord voicings are apparent throughout. Rousing background figures add to the excitement prior to the climactic finish where the drums are placed in the spotlight. The piece can end in classic ‘Elvin’ style with a cymbal crash providing the perfect stylistic exclamation point.

Arranged by John Fedchock Difficult $56.00 Cat: 3638 Commissioned by the New Trier (IL) High School Jazz Ensemble directed by Jim Warrick and dedicated to J.J. Johnson, this showcase for two trombones features moderate brass ranges and accessible up-swing rhythms. To properly complement the energetic solo lines and avoid a frantic sound, it should be played with a light feel at the indicated tempo (quarter note=192). An optional 5th trombone part is included, plus an alternate 1st tenor part (sub. for 2nd trombone).

LIMEHOUSE BLUES Arranged by John Fedchock Difficult $52.00 Cat: 3263 From the library of John Fedchock’s New York Big Band, ‘Limehouse Blues’ is an exciting up swing, flag-waver featuring crisp figures, and mighty ensemble sections. Designed for proficient groups, open solos are included for piano, and trumpet - and an alto/tenor sax battle is thrown in for good measure. Rhythm section parts partially notated with chords cued.


MODABONES Arranged by Neal Finn Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51183 Commissioned by Polytechnic High School, Long Beach, CA. Modal tune ala Coltrane's Impressions features trombone section. Trombone 1 and 2 have improv sections. Trombone 1 blows 16 measure duet with drummer a la Coltrane/Elvin. Lead tpt tops out at C. Exciting and playable showcase for good trombone players. Solos for trombone 1 and 2 with no doubles.

UNKNOWN DIMENSIONS Arranged by Neal Finn Difficult $53.00 Cat: 51184 Unusual modal tune with atypical phrase cycle. Melody has small 4-horn "band within a band" concept. Solo section open for any soloist. Piece combines "westcoast coll" subtleties with just good old big band power during the shout. Modal chord progression fun to play on and challenging. Lead tpt up to D above staff, and no doubles. Open for solos.

WHO KILLED JOSE LAGUMBY?? Arranged by Neal Finn Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51185 Super-funky chart that's a real crowd-pleaser. Short funk solos from tenor 1, tenor 2, alto 2 interspersed around the head. Change of groove goes half-time for a trombone solo that builds. Tenor1 follows with just drums back-up. Ensemble builds again to long drum solo and super exciting ending. Lead tpt up to E above staff, with no doubles. Solos for tenor 1 and 2, trombone 1, and drums.



Arranged by Dirk Fischer Medium Easy $55.00 Cat: 62003 Vocal arrangement of Dirk's lovely Latin bolero. Spanish lyrics by Barbara Ransom. Instrumental version on ‘George Stone Plays the Music of Dirk Fischer’ CD. Flugelhorns, easy range. Vocal key is F (A below middle C to high Db).



Arranged by Dirk Fischer Medium Easy $50.00 Cat: 54912 Mambo at 1/2 note=190. Atipico figures for entire ensemble, open for solos, blowing changes included. Effective and easily accessible. Lead trumpet high C & one high D.



Arranged by Dirk Fischer Medium Easy $50.00 Cat: 54911 Pop-rock-ballad, vibes solo (partly improvised). Effective interplay with guitar, vibes, & piano. Soprano sax lead, stresses melodic, singing ensemble work. Bass part completely written.Trumpet to high B. Easily accessible by young players.



Arranged by Neal Finn Easy $50.00 Cat: 51187 Commissioned by Lewis Britton Middle School, Morgan Hill, California. Funky shuffle tune based on the 60's hit by Canned Heat, ‘On the Road Again.’ Solos for tenor and piano. Features individual sections as well as full ensemble.Lead tpt. to C above staff (briefly). No doubles.


Arranged by Neal Finn Easy $50.00 Cat: 51186 Commissioned by Lewis Britton Middle School, Morgan Hill, California. A minor blues with dark timbres and tight voicings to develop your ensemble. Open for any soloist on minor blues changes. A good chart for young bands, has a mature sound. Lead trumpet to A above staff. No doubles.





3 “E” MOTIONS PART 1 Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $75.00 Cat: 50363 A three part piece built on the note E. Trumpet solo in a harmon mute and a tenor solo. Recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on Serendipity 18.



3 “E” MOTIONS PART 2 Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50364 Baritone solo melody and flugelhorn solo on this waltz. Very gentle for most of the way through (swing 8th notes). Recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on Serendipity 18.

3 “E” MOTIONS PART 3 Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $80.00 Cat: 50365 This is the conclusion of 3 “E” Motions. It’s bright and has solos for piano, trumpet and baritone. Drums are important. The rhythm section on all of the “E” MOTIONS is free. Recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on Serendipity 18.

AFTERNOON OF A PRAWN Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50322 Up-tempo minor blues that would be a great opener! Dynamic sax soli. Some sax doubles.

APPEARING IN CLEVELAND Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $100.00 Cat: 50381 Composed in honor of Stan Kenton and based on snippets from the Kenton library. Solos: baritone, guitar and trumpet and written out piano. A great concert closer. From the CD ‘Next Stop Live On The Road’ by the Mike Vax Big Band featuring alumni of the Stan Kenton Orchestra.

AULD LANG SYNE Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $40.00 Cat: 50303 A touching treatment of a song that works at any time of the year. An a cappella trombone soli states the melody, then the bari sax is featured as the rhythm section accompanies with some lovely substitution chords. Some saxophone doubles.

AUTUMN Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $40.00 Cat: 50323 Trombone choir opens, simple and well orchestrated ballad. Tenor feature. Some sax doubles.

BBC Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $90.00 Cat: 50304 An exciting calypso-Samba written for the BBC in London. The melody is based on the notes B, B and C. A great closer. Solos for trombone, piano and trumpet.

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER THE BIG BAND TREASURE CHEST PART II Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $75.00 Cat: 50307 Part 2 of a 2-part suite (but can be performed individually). An up-tempo rhythm changes flag waver that features alto and tenor solos. Challenging chromatic lines for sax section.

BIMBOSITY Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $90.00 A feature for two clarinets. Sopranos may be substituted.

Cat: 50359

BLEUPHORIA Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50325 Lush and lovely ballad feature for your baritone saxophone! Some sax doubles.

BODY AND SOUL Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50378 A great concert piece of this John Green classic. Half of this medium tempo arrangement is very soft. The other half is very loud. No doubles. No score.

CARMELO’S BY THE FREEWAY Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $75.00 Cat: 50326 Swing chart featuring trumpet and tenor on the initial melody. Sax soli. Some sax doubles.

CHICAGO Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $95.00 Cat: 50380 The old 1920s song done as a bright Samba and fast swing. Solos are tenor and trumpet. No score.

CLAIRE DE LUNE Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $75.00 Cat: 50379 A fast jazz waltz beginning with a rubato piano solo - piano then sets tempo. The other solo is a flugelhorn.


Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $79.00 Cat: 50305 A lovely and subtle jazz waltz which switches between major and minor keys. Tenor, flugelhorn and piano solos. Some doubles.

Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $90.00 Cat: 50357 A mysterious piece that starts very lightly and builds to a shocking conclusion with bass, soprano, and trumpet solos. Doubles: woodwinds 1-4 on clarinet; woodwind 5 on E flat contra alto clarinet (contra alto clarinet part can be played on the baritone); and woodwind 6 on bass clarinet. Trumpets double flugelhorns.




Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50324 Swinger featuring some of the finest ensemble writing for big band. Some sax doubles.

THE BE BOP TREASURE CHEST Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $80.00 Cat: 50343 Collection of Be Bop licks-sixteen to be exact, you figure them out!

THE BIG BAND TREASURE CHEST PART I Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $73.00 Cat: 50306 Part I of a 2-part suite (but can be performed individually). An interesting modal pedal point introduction surprisingly breaks into a blues shuffle. Baritone, trombone and trumpet solos.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $56.00 Cat: 50308 This swinging medium blues with its unusual voicing and surprising ensemble sections avoids sounding like just another blues chart. Bb, bass and contra-bass clarinets, and flute doubles. Solos for tenor, trumpet and bass.

DOUBLE BARREL BLUES Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $55.00 Cat: 50327 A 16-bar blues that alternates back and forth between two keys.

DUKEISMS Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $110.00 Cat: 50382 Celebrating Duke Ellington's 100th birthday, this is an extended composition based on snippets of familiar Ellington/Strayhorn themes. Solos: guitar, tenor, alto and written out pianos. A great concert closer. From the CD Whatever Bubbles Up by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on the Summit label.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER EARTH Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50355 A slow blues in 12/8 feel with unaccompanied piano solos. No doubles.

EMILY Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $97.00 Cat: 50377 A real concert piece. Emily goes back and forth from 4/4 to 3/4. Flugelhorn solo on trumpet 4; trumpet solo on trumpet 5; piano solo at the top. This piece requires much soft playing.

ETERNAL LICKS AND GROOVES Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $100.00 Cat: 50383 Commissioned by ASCAP & IAJE and premiered at the IAJE convention in Long Beach, CA on January 6, 2005. Honoring Count Basie, this is an extended composition based on snippets from the Count Basie library. Solos: guitar, trombone, tenor, trumpet and drums, and written out piano. A great concert closer.

EVELYN Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50360 A gentle Bossa Nova featuring 2 altos. Woodwind doubles are clarinets, bass clarinet and Eb contra alto clarinet.

EVIE Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50328 3/4 Samba feel. Soprano/flugelhorn have the melody. Woodwinds and muted brass. Some sax doubles.

FLIGHT OF FANCY Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $75.00 Cat: 50329 Great Samba feature for drums, ensemble written around solo fills.

THE FLY BY KNIGHTS Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $85.00 Cat: 50353 A show-stopper to be played as fast as possible. This piece goes into half-time Bossa for alto solo (2nd part). Recorded by Bob Florence.


A GOLDEN MILESTONE (GOLDENER MEILENSTEIN): PART 2 Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $78.00 Cat: 50371 A three-part suite written for the SWR Radio Big Band in Stuttgart, celebrating their 50th anniversary. The piece can be played complete or as a separate part. A slow straight 8th note feel with a soprano and trombone solo. The soprano solo is with piano alone. The piano closing is improvised. Lead trumpet to high D. Altos double on soprano.

A GOLDEN MILESTONE, (GOLDENER MEILENSTEIN): PART 3 Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $78.00 Cat: 50372 A three-part suite written for the SWR Radio Big Band in Stuttgart, celebrating their 50th anniversary. The piece can be played complete or as a separate part. A very fast tempo with a tenor, guitar, and an extended drum solo. The piano interludes are written out. Lead trumpet to high Eb.

GRAHAM CRACKER Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 50368 A medium-tempo trumpet blues in B flat feature, starting with cup mute then plunger then open. Woodwinds are clarinets and bass clarinet switching to saxes.

GREEN FLAG Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $83.00 Up-tempo Samba featuring trombone. No doubles.


Cat: 50348


Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50386 A soft, quiet solo feature completely written out for the baritone saxophone. Woodwinds are 4 clarinets and a bass clarinet. From ‘Eternal Licks & Grooves’ CD.

HOT LICKS Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $85.00 Cat: 50349 Straight ahead medium swing featuring both tenor saxes. No doubles.

I’LL REMEMBER Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Easy $45.00 Cat: 50330 Bossa Nova featuring sax section melody, alto bridge, tenor cadenza. Some sax doubles.

Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $105.00 Cat: 50350 A good festival opener or closer, this fast and furious piece features trombone and baritone sax. Straight ahead feel.




Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $79.00 Cat: 50309 Up tempo swing. Solo changes in 2nd trumpet and 4th trumpet. Difficult sax soli. No doubles.

A GOLDEN MILESTONE, (GOLDENER MEILENSTEIN): PART 1 Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $78.00 Cat: 50370 A three-part suite written for the SWR Radio Big Band in Stuttgart, celebrating their 50th anniversary. The piece can be played complete or as a separate part. A bright straight 8th note feel with an alto and trumpet solo. The piano interludes are written out. Lead trumpet to high D. Alto 1 doubles on soprano.


Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $115.00 Cat: 50312 Another great Samba from Bob Florence. Features tenor sax and piano solos.

Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50344 Medium-tempo swinger that features great sounding ensemble. Some sax doubles.

JEFF N’ JEFF Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50331 Jazz waltz. Two tenors are featured soloists with trading choruses. Some sax doubles. Recorded by Bob Florence Limited Edition on Soaring.

JEWELS Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $40.00 Cat: 50332 Nice, easy (12/8) ballad, trombone feature dedicated to Julie Andrews. Some sax doubles.



THE JUNKMAIL SPECIAL Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $125.00 Cat: 50366 A medium-bright opener or closer with some written high note trumpet solos. Other solos include tenor and another trumpet. Recorded by the Don Junker Band.

LEICESTER (LESTER) LEAPS IN Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $76.00 Cat: 50313 An up-tempo 3/4 version of this familiar jazz line. Soprano solo. As recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition Funupsmanship.

LIMEHOUSE BLUES Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $60.00 Cat: 50367 A different treatment done slowly and quietly in a 3/4 swing feel. Solos are written out piano interludes and ad lib piano solo.

LONELY CAROUSEL Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $40.00 Cat: 50333 Slow jazz waltz. Flugelhorn melody statement, with woodwind backgrounds. Cadenza.

MAGIC TIME Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50334 Happy feeling up-tempo Samba. Exciting ensemble shout takes it home. Some sax doubles.

A MEANS TO A BEGINNING Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $66.00 Cat: 50300 A lush and haunting Bossa Nova. This chart challenges your band’s ability to balance and play sensitively. Some sax doubles.

A MIRROR IMAGE Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $85.00 Cat: 50373 A delicate medium slow waltz with a swing feel dedicated to Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. The melody is carried by trumpet 4 on flugelhorn and trombone 1. The interludes are improvised and written-out. Alto 1 doubles on soprano; trumpets double on flugelhorn; lead trumpet to high Eb. Recorded by Bob Florence and the SWR Radio Big Band.

MISBEHAVIN’ Arranged by Bob Florence Advanced $75.00 Cat: 50335 A jazz waltz that doesn’t feel like a waltz. Complex time feels. Some sax doubles. Recorded by Bob Florence Ltd Edition on Soaring.

MR. PADDINGTON Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $71.00 Cat: 50314 An against-the-beat introduction sets up a lilting waltz featuring an engaging sax soli on the melody. Some sax doubles. Plenty of solo space for soprano.

MONDAY NIGHTS Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $125.00 Cat: 50356 Dedicated to all of the big bands that perform on Monday night, this medium-up piece is to be played with a small group in the middle. Solos are bass and trumpet and a short piano interlude. No doubles. Recorded by Bob Florence Limited Editions Earth.

NERVE ENDINGS Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $90.00 Cat: 50384 An abrasive medium tempo blues, written with the title in mind. Solos: trumpet, tenor and written out piano. From the CD Whatever Bubbles Up by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on the Summit label.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER NEW YORK INJECTION Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50354 A high-energy waltz with tenor and trumpet solos. No doubles. As recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Editions Earth.

A NIGHT IN WINDSOR Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50301 An up-tempo trombone feature written for Rob McConnell. Optional solo parts for Eb and Bb are included.

NOBODY’S HUMAN Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50336 Alto and baritone solos. Fine ensemble writing, appealing to any audience. Recorded by Bob Florence Limited Edition on Soaring.

NOW PLAYING Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50361 A flugelhorn/trumpet feature. The tempo is slow, then doubles up. Woodwind doubles are flutes, clarinets, bass clarinet and Eb contra alto clarinet. Recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on Serendipity 18.

OCEANOGRAPHY Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $80.00 Cat: 50319 Very up-tempo swing (1/4 note = 300 approx) in that great Florence style. Changes are based on How Deep is the Ocean. Solo space for alto sax and trumpet. Lots of ensemble writing. No doubles. Recorded by Bob Florence Limited Edition on With All The Bells and Whistles.

PARTY HEARTY Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50338 Bright blues, a real showpiece for your band. Tenor solo, optional bass.

PUMPKINETTE Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $65.00 Cat: 50339 Swinger featuring the melody from the two baritone sax parts. Some sax doubles.

RHYTHM AND BLUES Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $71.00 Cat: 50315 An extremely fast alto feature originally written to feature Lanny Morgan that, as its title implies, combines I Got Rhythm chord changes with blues changes.

RUNNING WITH SCISSORS Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $110.00 Cat: 50385 Running with Scissors was inspired by a parent saying to a child: "Don't run with scissors in your hand". This makes the piece slightly ominous at a bright tempo. Solos are trumpet, trombone and extended drums. This is featured on Whatever Bubbles Up by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on the Summit label.

SAILING Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50340 Fast jazz waltz with quick moving woodwind lines underneath. Some sax doubles.

SERENDIPITY 18 Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $130.00 Cat: 50362 A bright opener or closer. Some collective improvising from tenor, trombone, soprano and trumpet. Other solos from piano, alto and trombone. This number is high energy. Recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on Serendipity 18.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER SILKY Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $46.00 Cat: 50316 A lush and melodic Bossa Nova featuring flugelhorn. The chart also utilizes interesting textural contrasts through the use of flutes and contra-bass clarinet doubles.

WHATEVER BUBBLES UP Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $130.00 Cat: 50375 A medium straight 8th note feel with a muted trumpet, trombone and tenor solo. Alto 1 doubles on soprano. The beginning of the trombone solo is with guitar only. The beginning of the tenor solo is with piano only. The piano interludes are written out. Lead trumpet to high E. Recorded by Bob Florence and Limited Edition on Whatever Bubbles Up.


SLIMEHOUSE Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50320 Medium swing chart. Solo space for piano. As recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on ‘Funupsmanship.’

Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 50347 Nice and easy 16-bar minor blues in a 12/8 feel. Ensemble melody with a trombone solo. Some sax doubles.


SOARING Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $65.00 Cat: 50341 Light Samba featuring flugelhorn and trombone. Simple and straight-forward. Recorded by Bob Florence Limited Edition on Soaring.

Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $95.00 Cat: 50317 Great up-tempo swing chart. Can be used as a concert opener or closer. Written for Bill Holman. Extensive ensemble writing. Solos for trumpet, alto and a short drum solo. No doubles.



Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $93.00 Cat: 50374 A bright blues with a bridge in a swing feel. The solos are by baritone and trumpet. Lead trumpet to high Eb. The piece is long but great for concerts. Recorded by Bob Florence and the SWR Radio Big Band.

Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $95.00 Cat: 50318 An exciting 24-bar minor blues in 3/4 time with an unforgettable shout chorus. Intermittent 5/4 bars have never swung so hard. Features trombone and alto solos.


A SONG FOR BARBARA Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $45.00 Cat: 50302 A lovely trombone ballad feature written for Charlie Loper. Soloist is supported by lush orchestration. Excellent concert piece.

Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $105.00 Cat: 50352 A medium-tempo Samba. The first two choruses feature 6 flutes in unison (may be played by 3). Features exchanges between band and drums. As recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on With All The Bells and Whistles.



Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $53.00 Cat: 50321 Tenor sax ballad feature. Intensity and sensitivity go hand in hand. Some sax doubles. Recorded by Bob Florence Ltd Edition on Soaring.


Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $130.00 Cat: 50358 This chart is a great opener or closer for a concert. Contains solos for both tenor saxes, and two trumpets. Since it was written for Louie Bellson, it has 4-bar and 8bar solos for the drummer throughout the piece. As recorded by the Louie Bellson Big Band on ‘Art Of The Chart.’

Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $80.00 Cat: 50376 A hard shuffle with guitar, tenor, and baritone sax solos. This is a great closer version of this Stanley Turrentine classic. Recorded by Bob Florence Limited Editon cd Serendipity 18.


TELL YOUR STORY Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $53.00 Bossa Nova that features flugelhorn.

Cat: 50342

TENORS, ANYONE? Arranged by Bob Florence Difficult $75.00 Cat: 50351 A different kind of tenor duet. Both soloists play together at the top. A straight ahead feel. As recorded by the Bob Florence Limited Edition on With All The Bells and Whistles.

TRASH CAN CITY Arranged by Bob Florence Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50345 Hard driving 12-bar blues shuffle at its best! Great ensemble shout.

WESTLAKE Arranged by Bob Florence Medium $65.00 Cat: 50346 In Bob’s usual style, this jazz waltz melody is shared by everyone. Some sax doubles.



Arranged by Frank Foster Medium $55.00 Cat: 51213 A medium up-tempo D-flat major blues scored for Count Basie (and partially dictated by the Count himself) around 1960. This somewhat imitates the Basie Band style of the 1940s, with brass fanning hats, etc. Solos for tenor, trumpet, and piano. This chart was recorded by the Count Basie Orch on Breakfast Dance.

BASS IN YO’ FACE Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51214 A medium tempo 12-bar blues featuring string bass, of course. The bass soloist states the melody as written, then gets off following an ensemble chorus. Ad-lib solo segments include trading fours with the trombones, saxes and trumpets with some challenging soli figures, especially for the saxes and trumpets.

BLUES IN HOSS’ FLAT (BLUES IN FRANKIE’S FLAT) Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51215 A medium shuffle blues in D-flat scored for the Basie Orchestra in 1957. This chart was featured in the Jerry Lewis film The Errand Boy. The chart features solos for tenor (not heard on the original Roulette Records recording), trumpet, and trombone. Recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on ‘Chairman of the Board.’



BOOZE BROTHERS Arranged by Frank Foster Medium $55.00 Cat: 51200 Medium blues. Solo changes on 2nd trumpet and 2nd trombone. Recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on ‘The Legend and the Legacy.’

CECILIA IS LOVE Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 51205 Starting out with a slow ballad-like intro, this piece breaks into a medium, somewhat Latinesque groove, and after an eight-measure introductory build-up the pretty melody is stated in unison. There is an optional baritone sax solo. The band director may wish to feature the flugelhorn/trumpet soloist only, since this is not a short piece. And if you insist on letting the baritone sax jump in there, he/she better know some harmony. The chart goes out all the way keeping the Latin groove (which, by the way, would be strongly enhanced by the presence of a set of congas and/or bongos, along with other Latin percussion axes). As recorded by Frank Foster’s Loud Minority Big Band.

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER DOWN FOR THE COUNT Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51211 Medium blues. Solos for piano, trumpet with harmon, and trombone. As recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra.

EASIN’ IT Arranged by Frank Foster Medium $55.00 Cat: 51218 Another D-flat blues, but this one’s more laid back (as the title might imply). In the pocket tempo, the chart starts the same as the one recorded on Roulette Records, from the pen of Frank Foster, but includes additional ensemble choruses not heard on the original recording. Solos for tenor, trombone, and trumpet. Not a difficult chart.


CLANKS Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51230 2nd trombone is featured throughout this arrangement, opening with the melody written out for solo trombone playing funky using the plunger (a la the late Al Grey), then unison trumpets take over doing the same thing on the second chorus. After that it's all trombone on this medium tempo blues, first with the plunger, then open horn after the modulation from F to B-flat major. Sax doubles on piccolo (or lead flute) - 3 flutes, and bari sax to bass clarinet on the back half of the chart. Lead trumpet high is F4. If your trombone soloist can handle the plunger, this should be a nice little 3-plus minute feature. As recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on ‘Basie's Bag.’


Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 51202 After a brassy intro in 2/4, the chart breaks into a medium fast swing. Although this tune is not a blues, the tenor and trombone follow blues in Bb patterns for four choruses apiece. Exciting sudden death ending.

‘FOS ALARM Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 51219 A medium swing tempo rouser, this chart features baritone sax. With a one-measure pick-up break at the end of the intro, the ‘big E-flat’ states the melody of this B-flat blues, then takes off on its own for a series of choruses.

Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51231 A nice groovy medium tempo piece that swings right along, with solos for 2nd alto sax and 4th trumpet. Based on 'I Got Rhythm' chord changes, the arrangement contains a few 'boppish' licks in the melody and solo backgrounds. This is a relatively simple chart that should be good for dancers who like not-too-fast tempos. Lead trumpet to a D4.




Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $46.00 Cat: 51201 Medium swing chart. Featuring trumpet, trombone and piano solos. Nice ensemble writing.



Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: UNCJ-1010 Up-tempo blues as recorded by Diane Schuur with the Count Basie Orchestra.

DIDN' YOU Arranged by Frank Foster Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51232 With the same harmonic structure as the late Dizzy Gillespie's 'Woody'n You', this song features tenor sax and piano. Following the intro and opening chorus the ensemble swings for half a chorus, then introduces the piano solo starting on the bridge. One full chorus of piano follows, then a sax-measure build-up to the tenor sax, which takes over for the rest of this chorus, then two more. Late in the chart there are short written tenor sax solo exchanges with the ensemble. Also at the very end, a four-bar solo break (soloist may play optional written cues, or ad-lib own ideas so long as they take it out in adequate fashion). After the soloist comes to rest on a suitable sustained tone, preferably in the upper register, the director gives a downbeat for the ensemble's closing chord. Lead trumpet to high G4.

DISCOMMOTION Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 51217 A romping B-flat blues written for Count Basie around 1959. It swings hard at a medium-fast tempo. Solos are for piano, tenor, and trombone. A two-chorus trumpet section soli follows the piano solo.

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Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: 51203 From the Count Basie book of the ‘60s, this straight ahead blues swings with a sax section soli after the head. Features trumpet and tenor solos and two out-choruses of typical Basie ensemble style finishing up.Includes guest tenor solo, but is optional. Recorded by Manhattan School of Music.

Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51216 This is a kind of knock-down-drag-out blues in A-flat major that features solos by piano and trombone. In a medium fast swing tempo the chart is somewhat typical of the so-called New Testament Basie Band, where shouting brass and funky reeds were the order of the day.

HAMPTON STRUT Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 51233 A 16-bar blues that's just a little too happy to really be bluesy, 'Strut' lopes along with a medium up-tempo swinging motion with several 'two-five' progressions in its harmonic framework. Solos by trumpet, trombone and tenor sax are enhanced by straight-ahead groove-producing background figures. Lead trumpet to high Eb4. As recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on ‘Basie's Bag.’



Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: UNCJ-1032 Slow ballad in Ab. As recorded by Diane Schuur and the Count Basie Band.

KATHERINE THE GREAT Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51222 Your big band has just shaken the earth off its foundation with one of your monster flag wavers, now you’d like to cool things down with a somewhat relaxed swinger. Try Katherine The Great - no pyrotechnics; no open-ended ensemble trips to never-never land without the rhythm section; just a nice pretty little piece for your trumpet, tenor sax and piano soloists to groove on for a few minutes while your audience sits back without having to hold onto their seats.Recorded on ‘The Legend, The Legacy by the Count Basie Orchestra’ in 1989. No score.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER KING CHARACTER Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51220 Originally written to feature legendary veteran bassist Earl May, longtime member of Frank Foster’s Loud Minority big band rhythm section, this chart is perfect for the big band bassist who rarely takes solos. A simple 12-bar blues in F major, the tune merely requires an ability to improvise on the blues. Along with bits of interesting ensemble work, your bassist gets to blow on some straight-out blues changes, walk some behind a trombone solo, and make the final statement of the melody with a tag and a slowed down ending.

LADY CAROLYN Arranged by Frank Foster Medium $53.00 Cat: 51223 This lovely ballad is the third movement of Foster’s Count Basie Remembrance Suite. The lead trombone is featured in an entirely written solo, except for a short improv cadenza on the ending. Also featured is alto on a written solo on the first bridge, and then an improv 16-measure solo on the second chorus. As recorded by the Basie Orch on ‘Basie’s Bag’ directed by Frank Foster.

LITTLE CHICAGO FIRE Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51234 This up-tempo swinger is dedicated to one of Chicago’s finest and one of the world's most fiery tenor saxophonists, Johnny Griffin. The challenging melody, based mostly on 'I Got Rhythm' chord changes, is written out for two tenor saxophones and two trumpets, all of which are featured soloists on the chart. The harmonic variations may be a little tricky for the soloists at first, but a little concentration and application should get them past this aspect. The ensemble blasts behind the soloists as they go through their paces, then following the first 16 measures of the shout shorus, they take it out with melody from the final bridge. Lead trumpet high Db 4.

SHINY STOCKINGS Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51207 The original Foster classic from the Basie book. Medium swing featuring a trumpet solo. Recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra.

SIMONE Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51208 Medium blues waltz with solos for tenor and piano. A deceptively different set of chord changes.

SKULL-DOUG-ERY Arranged by Frank Foster Medium $55.00 Cat: 51204 A challenging unison melody and an equally challenging set of chord changes reminiscent of the hard-bop era characterize this moderately fast tenor sax feature. The solo is on the 2nd tenor part, but you’d better give it to your star player, as the harmonic structure calls for NO LYING. The chart also includes a piano solo, and some fairly nice ensemble work.



Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51225 This is a somewhat different kind of blues. While it employs the normal 12-bar chorus format, it uses minor seventh chords insted of major or dominant chords in the first eight measures of the 12-bar chorus. Yet, it's not a minor blues, because it sounds major as a result of the minor 7th substitutions, which do not resolve to dominant 7th chords in II-V sequences. The only dominant 7th chord in any chorus occurs in the 9th and 10th measures, a C7 raised 9th. Solos for 1st tenor and 4th trumpet. Should be played as a medium swing tempo. Trumpet 1 to double high G.


Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51224 One of Frank Foster’s more ambitious charts in the context of the so-called ‘Basie Tradition,’ Major Butts is really just another medium up-tempo 12-bar blues, but with the added twist of an ‘I Got Rhythm’ bridge in long meter played in a jazz Samba groove. One full chorus consists of two 12-bar blues segments followed by the Latinesque 16-measure bridge and then another 12-bar blues segment, giving the song an elongated A-A-B-A form. The chord changes aren’t difficult, and your tenor sax and trumpet soloists should handle them pretty well. If the band director elects to insert additional solos it is suggested that all soloists be limited to one full chorus apiece.

Arranged by Frank Foster Medium $60.00 Cat: 51236 The second movement of the Count Basie Remembrance Suite (four movements total), this short easy swinger, with its simply stated melody, is reminescent of the infectious Basie style of the ‘40s, featuring solos by tenor sax, trombone and muted trumpet. No one has to stretch for their limits on this one. Just groove it right along with some tasty little licks. Some humor may be injected in that the last two soloists (trombone and trumpet) enter in such a way as to appear to be interrupting the previous soloist before that person is finished soloing. Looks of surprise, astonishment or good-natured annoyance by the tenor sax and trombonist might be in order. A few '4s' are traded by the soloists, then all three take it out together. The bass walks a six-measure intro (yes, 6 bars), then three flutes and harmon muted trumperts do the melody accompained by bass clarinet. Flutes and bass clarinet go all the way, as the only saxophone is the tenor soloist. Lead trumpet to high C4.




Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $46.00 Cat: 51206 This is a ballad featuring trumpet or flugelhorn. Flute and clarinet doubles on saxes. A very meaty big band style tune of the late ‘50s and early ‘60s.

Arranged by Frank Foster Medium $52.00 Cat: 51209 1940s big band sound. Up-tempo swing, featuring alto, tenor and trumpet solos.


Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 51210 Written for Basie Band. Has great sax soli and trombone, tenor and trumpet solos.

Arranged by Frank Foster Easy Medium $53.00 Cat: 51227 A somewhat mournful but haunting ballad dedicated to the late great jazz trumpet stylist, a New Orleans native who made his name with the bands of Lionel Hampton and Count Basie. This chart features three of your trumpeters, or all four, whichever you prefer. There are written and improv solos for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chairs, while the lead player has an eight-measure written solo on the final bridge of the tune. Chart goes into double time for the improv solos, then returns to ballad tempo.


WE BE JAMMIN’ Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 51212 Up-tempo swing with solos for piano, alto, trumpet, and trombone. Recorded by University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire on Brilliant Corners.

READY NOW THAT YOU ARE, G.B. Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 51235 Written for and featuring guitarist George Benson with the Basie Orchestra, 'Ready Now' takes us on a swinging mildly up-tempo (but not too up) excursion through some slightly challenging harmonic area. However, it's still straight-ahead swing, and not too far off the norm for big band jazz, and should be fun for your trombne and alto sax soloists, and of course your jazz guitarist. Lead trumpet to high E4.




WHO, ME? Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 51221 This arrangement is part of Frank Foster’s Vintage Basie Series, compositions performed and/or recorded by Count Basie and his world famous New Testament orchestra between 1953 and 1960. It’s another straight ahead blues, for which that band was especially noted. Recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on Chairman Of The Board. The full ensemble blasts into the introductory chorus, followed by two choruses of the ‘head’ stated alternately by saxes and brass. Next comes a twochorus saxophone section soli displaying no pyrotechnics, just simplicity and swing. A growling muted trumpet solo greases things up for a minute (on the recording the marvelous Snooky Young played the solo; no one did it better), backed up by trombones with a riff that must have been dated some 25 years prior to the recording! Next of course what else but a typical ‘Basie-styled’ piano solo, couched in that All-American rhythm section format; you know the drill.After the piano the soft full ensemble takes over with a 24-bar build-up to the shout chorus, which is of course punctuated by Young’s screaming open trumpet, and the piece ends with the customary dominant 13th chord with raised 11th.



Arranged by Tony Gairo Medium $55.00 Cat: 51531 Chart swings in a medium-slow groove straight through. Lots of soloists are featured and lots of woodwind doubling which could, in fact, bump this one into the "advanced" category. Drummer opens on brushes. Charts are for piano, bass, drums, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, and 5 saxes standard. Medium. As recorded by the Gairo-Rissmiller Jazz Orchestra on Sea Breeze Records, ‘Treacherous.’



Arranged by Frank Foster Medium $55.00 Cat: UNCJ-1025 Up-tempo chart as recorded by Diane Schuur and the Count Basie Band.

Arranged by Tony Gairo Difficult $65.00 Cat: 51528 Portrait has been aptly described as a "tone poem" though it meanders through several incarnations. Lots of thick textures, doubling, and mutes. There are several soloists represented with a pixie-muted plunger trombone feature over a light, funky groove. Charts are for piano, bass, drums, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, and 5 saxes standard. Difficult. As recorded by the Gairo-Rissmiller Jazz Orchestra on Sea Breeze Records, ‘Treacherous.’




Arranged by Frank Foster Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51229 From the Count Basie library. This medium up-tempo blues features solos by flute, 4th trumpet, 2nd trombone, and 2nd tenor. It’s a nice set opener to get things started vigorously.Your tenor sax soloist has to take it out with a flourish on the end, as there’s a four-measure break for a climaxing cadenza in tempo before the closing chord. The soloist can’t be laid back, so to speak; this has to be with a straight-ahead, slamming kind of approach that will get the audience aroused and wanting more.



Arranged by Tony Gairo Medium $55.00 Cat: 51529 Medium level straight-ahead medium swinger with a shout chorus. Featured are 1st tenor and 1st trombone stating the head in and out, each getting a blow, though letter F can be opened for choruses. Only a quirky triplet figure in the shout might be troublesome for inexperienced players. Charts are for piano, bass, drums, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, and 5 saxes standard. Medium. As recorded by the Gairo-Rissmiller Jazz Orchestra on Sea Breeze Records, ‘Treacherous.’





Arranged by Tony Gairo Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51526 Lighter textured and in 3/4 time. Woodwind doubling is required, blended with lots of muted brass. 1st tenor is featured, but on soprano, as well as piano, and an open drum solo. Drums open on brushes. Charts are for piano, bass, drums, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, and 5 saxes standard. As recorded by the Gairo-Rissmiller Jazz Orchestra on Sea Breeze Records, ‘Treacherous.’

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Arranged by Tony Gairo Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51530 Chart with tons of contrapuntal figures representing the layers of flavor in a sushi roll and several odd-measured sections. The pianist has a blow atop the chart, just after the intro and before the statement of theme in Thad Jones-esque style. 1st trombone has a blow over a figure that moves around the band beneath him/her. Lots of plunger playing in the brass and layers of sound. Charts are for piano, bass, drums, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, and 5 saxes standard. Difficult. As recorded by the Gairo-Rissmiller Jazz Orchestra on Sea Breeze Records,‘Treacherous.’


Arranged by Tony Gairo Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51527 Features three motives in counterpoint, each motif representing one of the three issues in the tune's title. The three lines come together for a tutti chord that introduces a piano blow on the form. After lots of ensemble interplay, the 2nd tenor player gets to explore an open vamp. More ensemble work precedes a tutti out chorus. Charts are for piano, bass, drums, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, and 5 saxes standard.Difficult. As recorded by the Gairo-Rissmiller Jazz Orchestra on Sea Breeze Records, ‘Treacherous.’


Arranged by Tony Gairo Difficult $65.00 Cat: 51532 Revisited is most certainly an advanced level romp that, at its core, is a blues, though it frequently wanders astray. The brass is screaming, the tempo is "as up as you can take it", the head is very bebop, and there is a moderate amount of doubling and muting. The solo sections (one that is wedged between the intro statement and the head) can be opened-up for choruses of blowing. There is a bit of counterpoint jusst to challenge the band even more. This can be a real "toe-tapper" once it comes together.Charts are for piano, bass, drums, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, and 5 saxes standard. Difficult. As recorded by the Gairo-Rissmiller Jazz Orchestra on Sea Breeze Records, ‘Treacherous.’


Arranged by Tony Gairo Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51525 Treacherous is an advanced level chart that floats between an up-tempo swing and a half-time funk. The composer's intention was for the work to represent the treacherous experience of driving through a severe winter storm late at night after hours of studio time. There is quite a bit of stop-time, with the rhythm section tacit for measures at a time. Featured is a trombone section/bari sax soli that is a "chops buster", 1st tenor solo over a wicked line that morphs into a tutti setting up the straight 8ths funk feel, a pointillism section over the freshly established funk groove that may need to be conducted, a 4th trumpet blow over the funk, and lots of rhythm section "parts". Charts are for piano, bass, drums, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass trombone, and 5 saxes standard. Difficult. As recorded by the Gairo-Rissmiller Jazz Orchestra on Sea Breeze Records, ‘Treacherous.’

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER ARRANGED BY ANTONIO GARCIA CHA-CHA CON SABOR Arranged by Antonio Garcia Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51003 A "cha-cha with flavor" in A-minor at quarter=124, "Sabor" features melodic and rhythmic material for all in the style of Oye Como Va.’ Written for an all-regional high school jazz band. Solos over the AABA form, or use an A-minor vamp for younger soloist; changes in lead alto, tenor, plus bari, top two trumpets and trombones, and rhythm. Lead trumpet goes up to concert B, trombone only to A; no sax doubles. Rhythm section is piano, bass, timbales (substitute drum part included), guiro, and optional congas. Optional "coro" for the entire band to sing in authentic style!

MAELSTROM Arranged by Antonio Garcia Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51004 Named after the center of a storm, this funk chart can be played as such or with shifts into swing or other styles, as the intent is to be flexibly changing. Half note = 118. Premiered by saxist Seamus Blake with the Virginia Commonwealth University Jazz Orchestra I. Solos over one-chord A-sections with a several-chord bridge. Solo changes available in lead alto, tenor, trombone, and fourth trumpet, plus rhythm. Lead trumpet/trombones ascend to concert Bb; no sax doubles.



Arranged by Gordon Goodwin Difficult $65.00 Cat: 56184 Written in a popish Latin style, this is a hot, contemporary chart, featuring complex saxophone lines, crisp brass accents and interesting harmonic movement. You can hear the Big Phat Band's version on XXL and although tenor soloist Michael Brecker shows his mastery of this style, you can assign any soloist you wish to blow on this chart. An exciting, multilayered piece of music! Alto 1 doubles on soprano sax, alto 2 doubles on flute, trumpet 2 doubles on flugelhorn, trumpet 1 to high F#.

I’M BEGINNING TO SEE THE LIGHT Arranged by Gordon Goodwin Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010529 Gordon’s medium tempo chart features the saxes at the start and then lets the ensemble carry it and build to the alto solo. This one goes down smooth.



Arranged by Gordon Goodwin Medium $67.00 Cat: 56182 This chart sets a gentle but slightly funky groove full of soft colors and smooth textures, courtesy of muted brass, flugelhorns, and flutes. The chord changes are lush and rich and fun to blow on. Doubles: alto 1 on soprano, tenor 2 and baritone sax on flute, trumpets on flugelhorns. Trumpet 1 to A above the staff. As recorded by Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band on ‘XXL.’



Arranged by Gordon Goodwin Difficult $60.00 Cat: 56183 A slow Basie-style blues that is dedicated to and inspired by the great Sammy Nestico, this chart starts out slow but before you know it you are building your way towards a stomping Basie shout chorus. You can open this chart up for any of your soloists, and there is plenty of juicy ensemble work to display your band's tightness and ability to swing. Sammy Nestico rules! As recorded by Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band on XXL. Alto 1-2 doubles on flute. Trumpet 1 to high G (optional to Ab).

WHEN I FALL IN LOVE Arranged by Gordon Goodwin Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 34909052 Gordon has taken a refreshingly different approach to this well-known standard. Written in a relaxed 12/8 feel and featuring a tenor sax soloist, this superb arrangement is immediately appealing. Great for festivals.


WHERE OR WHEN Arranged by Gordon Goodwin Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 34909054 This well-known standard by Rodgers and Hart receives a creative treatment by Gordon Goodwin as a moderate Samba. With a great sounding groove and easy flowing style, this is truly an outstanding chart. Includes a solo for trumpet.



Arranged by David Guidi Difficult $60.00 Cat: 54278 An up-tempo opener or closer that alternates between swing and Latin, The Hang, features a driving post-bop melody for the saxophone section. The trumpet section also shares the melody and combined with the trombone section, provides powerful accents and unison figures that propel the energy forward throughout. Solo sections feature a soprano solo over the form and an open tenor solo accompanied by an Afro-Cuban groove in the rhythm section that allows for harmonic and rhythmic interplay. Doubles: alto 1 on soprano.

HIKE!!!! Arranged by David Guidi Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54275 One of the winning compositions from the 2005 ASCAP Foundation Young Jazz Composer Awards competition, Hike!!! was premiered at the North Sea Jazz Festival in the Hague. Exciting meter changes and clever harmonic activity make this piece an excellent concert opener or closer. Based in part on a modified blues structure that traverses through several distinct interludes and formal settings, Hike!!! is an adventure for the serious jazz ensemble. Solo space provided for trumpet, alto, and tenor saxophone. Trumpet section-harmon mutes, alto 1-flute.

PUNCH TOOK A LEAP Arranged by David Guidi Medium $55.00 Cat: 54276 Commissioned by the McCallum Fine Arts Academy Jazz Ensemble in Austin, Texas, "Punch Took A Leap" brings a harmonically and rhythmically fresh sound to literature that is specifically written for a high school level ensemble. Ideal for intermediate ensembles, this composition is based on a traditional thirty-two measure AABA form that features the saxophone section. It also includes exciting interludes between formal sections over pedal points. This composition is a rare find in that it is both fun and challenging for students to play while still serving as an excellent teaching vehicle for a multitude of stylistic techniques.Written solo and chord changes provided.

WINDING ROSE Arranged by David Guidi Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54277 Winding Rose is an exhilarating composition that consists of clever melodies and an imaginative rhythmic treatment. Comprised of several tempos and meter changes, this piece begins with a slow introduction in 4/4 before evolving into 11/4. Exciting rhythms for full band, lyrical melodies for horn trio and two contrasting solo sections for trumpet (11/4) and tenor saxophone (4/4) make this work a must for any serious jazz ensemble. Doubles: alto 1 on alto sax and flute; alto 2 on alto and soprano sax; trumpet 1 on trumpet and flugelhorn, trumpet 2 on trumpet and flugelhorn, trumpet 3 on trumpet and fulgelhorn, harmon mute; trumpet 4 on trumpet and flugelhorn, harmon mute.

ARRANGED BY DAN HAERLE THE CAT FROM CARACAS Arranged by Dan Haerle Medium $52.00 Cat: SMP-210 Dan has created a very nice, very hip Latin chart with a great melody. There is a written-out trumpet solo in this modern, catchy chart. It is surely very playable by most bands and a great selection for any concert program.

CRIB CHIMP Arranged by Dan Haerle Medium $52.00 Cat: SMP-214 Dan has created a very nice, very hip shuffle / funk chart with a great melody. There is a written-out tenor sax and guitar solo in this swinging, catchy chart. There is also a nicely done section for a drum solo. This chart is surely very playable by most bands and a great selection for any concert program.



THE ESSENCE Arranged by Dan Haerle Medium Easy $47.00 Cat: SMP-252 Dan has created a wonderful rock ballad, with a nifty, repeating vamp figure, that can be played by even the most inexperienced players. He has managed to do this without compromising the music. The chart is wonderful! The melody is stated by 2 altos, trumpet and trombone in unison, and it grooves on from there. VERY limited ranges (1st trumpet written G top of staff). Solos for alto sax, tenor sax and trumpet. Solos are written out, or they can be improvised. Your band will love it!

MOVIN’ ON Arranged by Dan Haerle Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-251 This is a great drum set feature, but it also has room for solos for tenor sax, trumpet and guitar (or piano). The chart starts with 8 bars of fast Swing from the drums. Then full ensemble figures bounce back and forth with the drums. The melody is played by unison altos and trumpets (2 each). After the solos, there is a terrific saxophone soli that just goes and goes. The chart finishes in a flurry of excitement. Your band and audiences will enjoy this one for many years to come. 5-5-5-4

REVIVAL Arranged by Dan Haerle Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-253 Big band gospel - what a wonderful idea! Dan has written a very attractive gospelflavored chart which is not difficult to play. Limited ranges make this a playable chart for most bands (the last chord has optional notes / 1st trumpet written C above the staff). Haerle has a wonderful skill for writing interesting, musical pieces which don’t require a lot of “chop busting.” Solo space for alto sax, tenor sax and trumpet.

ARRANGED BY TIM HAGANS HOUSEWIFE FROM NEW JERSEY Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55375 A boogaloo for big band. A great chart for rhythm section players to learn the Sidewinder/Watermelon Man groove. Solos for guitar and second trombone. A screaming shout chorus makes this chart a perfect closer. Originally recorded on Hagans' No Words CD on Blue Note Records.

IMMEDIATE LEFT Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55376 An up tempo tour de force for big band with occasional slow stinky swing sections. Alto and trumpet soloists are featured. Angular melodies baswed on the Hagans' approach to improvisation abound. As with many Hagans' charts, the development (in the form of a early shout chorus) takes place before the main theme is stated. Challenging rhythmically and melodically for all players. Originally recorded with Joe Lovano on the Hagans' No Words CD on Blue Note Records.

LETTERS IN A BOX Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55377 A medium swing but heavily orchestrated composition. A moving ensemble where every note is a new chord. Requires rhythmic accuracy and impeccable intonation. Several beautiful melodies are presented individually and then combined for the final ensemble. Interesting and challenging chord progression for piano soloist and a drum and percussion solo section...unusual on a swing chart. Sopranos or clarinets doubling on flute. Bari doubling on bass clarinet.



Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55383 Medium swing 32-bar song form.The entire melody is comprised of upper extensions of the chords, hence the title. A challenging chord progression features bass and tenor soloists but can be opened up for others. The trumpet section is presented in a chorus-long soli. A great opener and an interesting contrast to more standard types of harmonic movement. No doubles. Recorded on ‘Future North.’

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Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55382 Medium swing. One fat chord introduces a bass solo before the actual intro and head are played. A puckish melody is developed throughout. This chart also features a small band soli for mixed instruments that leads to tenor and piano solos. A mighty shout leads back to the intro, head and out. As with all of Hagans' charts, the lead lines are derived directly from his distinctive improvisatory melodic language, giving the players and listeners a unique experience. Soprano and flute on original score but alternate alto and tenor parts included. Recorded on ‘Future North.’

NOOGALOO Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55378 A boogaloo in the Sidewinder tradition. Solo for 1st alto. Trombone section featured throughout starting with an unaccompanied intro and then a voiced soli after the theme is stated. Sure to have everyone in the band and audience movin' and groovin'. Originally recorded on ‘Hagans’ No Words CD, Blue Note Records. Big band version recorded by the Norrbotten Big Band on Future North, Double Time Records. No doubles.



Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55381 An up tempo rhythm changes chart written for and recorded by John Von Ohlen and the Blue Wisp Big Band. Features a wild sax soli with soprano lead (alternate alto included.) Solos for trombone, piano, and trumpet but can be easily opened up for other soloists. The shout chorus is an exciting exchange between band and drummer. The chart ends in a half-time romp with humor and joy.

SPACE DOZEN Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55379 This piece asks the following question: "Can the blues be played without actually playing the blues progression?" The theoretical chords merely describe the emotional content. For example, during the solos in Space Dozen, the soloist is asked to play over the emotion in the fourth bar that leads to the fifth bar rather than thinking V7 of IV to IV7...the emotion found in the rhythm section must play an abstract emotional progression. Great for emphasizing that being able to make the changes is only a start. One must also understand the emotional impact of each note choice. To avoid tonality, the piece is based on a 12-tone row. Ensemble sections are based on the row but are surprisingly consonant. A 12-tone shout chorus leads the way back to a full ensemble unison statement of the theme. A concept from Hagans' small group experiments expanded for big band. Solos for alto and trumpet but can be opened up for any musician. No doubles.

TWIST AND OUT Arranged by Tim Hagans Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55380 Up-tempo swing. Feature for trumpet/tenor duo in front of band. An examination of the vertical and horizontal aspects and powers of the three basic blues chords: 17, IV7 and V7. An open form contrapuntal ensemble section follows the presentation of the fragmented theme by the duo. Solos are open each of the above mentioned chords giving the soloist a chance to explore the meaning of the blues. After a piano solo, the band states the theme (for the first time as a 12-bar blues) in unison and then in constant structure to bring the blues to a boil. Originally recorded for Blue Note Records as a sextet piece by the Blue Note All Stars. Big band version recorded by the Norrbotten Big Band on Future North on Double Time records.

ARRANGED BY RYAN HAINES PEOPLE AND PLACES Arranged by Ryan Haines Difficult $57.00 Cat: 56280 Exciting and impressive full band feature. Begins as an open drum solo with brass/ sax chorale underneath that builds to a fast swing feel. Extended solo time for lead bone and tenor sax 1 (with stop time for bone solo intro). The solos are followed by challenging unison lines for the saxophones who are eventually joined by the bones and trumpets in a build to a spectacular close.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER ARRANGED BY MATT HARRIS CHOP SUEY Arranged by Matt Harris Medium Difficult $48.00 Cat: 51250 Great funk chart. Features tenor and drum solos. One flute double. This has been recorded by Univ Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

FOOTPRINTS Arranged by Matt Harris Difficult $52.00 Cat: 2738 This classic Wayne Shorter composition gets a facelift from respected Los Angeles composer Matt Harris. The chart includes dense, satisfying voicings. Solo space is provided for tenor sax and either piano, guitar, or bass.

OUT OF NOWHERE Arranged by Matt Harris Difficult $48.00 Cat: 2088 California composer Matt Harris brings us this bebop treatment of Edward Heyman and Johnny Green’s classic song from the Paramount Picture Dude Ranch. The clever arrangement utilizes a septet within the big band. Tenor, trumpet, and trombone share the melody and have improvised solo space.

THE PREZ Arranged by Matt Harris Difficult $42.00 Cat: 3306 Commissioned by the Los Alamitos High School Jazz Ensemble directed by Chuck Wackerman, the melody in this high-energy, 16-bar modal blues is carried by tenor, trumpet and trombone. The only break in its momentum comes during a free, outof-time piano solo, after which the original tempo resumes. A great opener or closer for bands with standard personnel.

ROMPE CABEZAS Arranged by Matt Harris Difficult $51.00 Cat: 51252 The literal translation of this Spanish phrase is twisted head. This Latin song original by Matt Harris features very rhythmic salsa figures with an original displaced montuna for the piano. Solos for trumpet 3 and tenor 1.

SEA BAND STOMP Arranged by Matt Harris Easy $42.00 Cat: 494 This well-conceived chart provides a great opportunity for developing players to perform in the jump-swing style and has utilized many unisons and tutti figures to bolster the confidence of younger jazz musicians. Solo space is included over the accessible F blues changes. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included.

SPRING SEASON Arranged by Matt Harris Medium Difficult $48.00 Cat: 51251 Loose Samba with straight 16th feel. Piano and tenor solos and some sax doubles: one flute, one clarinet and one bass clarinet. As recorded by the Univ of WisconsinEau Claire Jazz Ensemble on the CD In Transit.

WHATSA MATTA Arranged by Matt Harris Medium $42.00 Cat: 61960 This high powered chart for advancing groups in the style of Tower of Power’s hit song What Is Hip, features tenor saxophone after the catchy melodic statement. The two-chord funk solo changes will be accessible to most players, as are the repetitious but effective rhythmic figures. Drums are also featured during ensemble parts and a dedicated solo section. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.




Arranged by Steve Hawk Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51850 Composed by Steve Reyes. This is a concert jazz piece that features a dramatic opening, leading to the main theme, which is in 5/4. The middle section of the tune, which features alto sax, offers solo space for alto, trumpet and piano, and is in a 4/ 4 medium swing feel. Optional french horn parts, add to the dramatic effect. 4 trombones, 5 trumpets, 5 saxes, bass, piano, drums, and guitar. Medium difficult. As recorded by The Hawk-Richard Jazz Orchestra on ‘Reunion.’



Arranged by Rick Hirsch Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55829 Medium-up Jazz Waltz. Wonderful melody set over a feel-good C-major pedal point. Excellent opener or closer. Tenor & flugelhorn have melody and jazz solos. Recorded on the Valley Jazz Orchestra CD ‘Free Food?’ Trumpet range to high Eb.



Arranged by Rick Hirsch Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55830 16th note funk groove in 3. Funky, contrapuntal a capella writing for the saxophone section. Jazz solos for trombone and alto saxophone. Described as Mintzer-ish by drummer John Riley. Trumpet range to high E.



Arranged by Rick Hirsch Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55831 A tribute to breadcrumb-and-popcorn-hungry ducks at your local park. Fun calypso in C-minor. Jazz solos in each section. Mouthpiece quacking in the trumpets. Title track of the Valley Jazz Orchestra CD ‘Free Food?’ Trumpet range to high D.



Arranged by Rick Hirsch Medium $53.00 Cat: 55832 Modern straight 8th note feel. Terrific contrast piece. Lyrical melody; pedal point with shifting harmonies; solos for flugel, trombone, and flute (alto 1). Terrific piece for high school, college, and professional bands. Trumpet range to high C.



Arranged by Rick Hirsch Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55833 Up-tempo, brisk contemporary swing at soft dynamic level. Minor mood throughout. Inventive orchestration. Solos in tenor and trombone. Excellent contrast piece. On Valley Jazz Orchestra CD ‘Free Food?’ Trumpet range to high A.



Arranged by Rick Hirsch Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 55834 Some call this the obligatory weird tune. Very slow, exotic 16th-note feel. Drums use mallets. Opt. bass clarinet in the bari sax. Solos from trumpet and trombone. Trumpet range to high E-flat.



Arranged by Rick Hirsch Medium $50.00 Cat: 55835 Terry Riley meets the contemporary jazz orchestra: minimalist groove with shifting harmonic colors. Bass tacets entire chart. Some jazz in soprano sax 1. This is a one-of-a-kind big band tune. On Valley Jazz Orchesra CD ‘Free Food?’ Trumpet range to high A.



ARRANGED BY BILL HOLMAN BARY ME NOT Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-930 As recorded on the new CD ‘The Bill Holman Band Live,’ Holman has written a witty, musical, fun-filled feature for baritone saxophone. Lots of space for creative playing, and the wonderful contrapuntal writing that we come to expect from Holman. It’s time to feature the foundation of your jazz band. A moderate tempoed shuffle-feel makes this one swing like crazy!



Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: SMP-758 Frank Rosolino’s jazz waltz is loved by all, and Holman’s arrangement of it is superb. He takes the band on a wonderful excursion from the quiet beginning, through open alto sax and trumpet solos, to wonderful, exciting ensemble sections, a roaring shout chorus and back again to a quiet, tuneful ending. This is exactly as recorded in the ‘Bill Holman Band Live’ CD. Very modest brass ranges make this an attractive piece for just about any band. This is Holman at his best! 5/4/4/4


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER ROSELAND Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-314 This is the second movement of the three-part suite titled ‘The Big Street’ which was recorded on the album “The Fabulous Bill Holman” in 1957. It is a slow Swing feel with a wonderful melody. Wonderful section writing throughout, with solo space for alto sax and trombone. It certainly can stand alone as a single piece..... or be performed with the other 2 movements. Classic Holman!

WEST SIDE Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-313 This is the first movement of the three-part suite titled ‘The Big Street’ which was recorded on the album ‘The Fabulous Bill Holman’ in 1957. Set in a medium-up Swing tempo/feel, this piece is a wonderful example of Holman’s use of counterpoint, moving unison sections against each other. There is lots of solo room for 2 tenor saxes, trumpet and piano. It certainly can stand alone as a single piece...or be performed with the other 2 movements. This is classic Holman!


Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-931 This is a wonderful chart, an old tune in a new dress, as only Bill Holman can do it. It’s the exact chart as recorded by the terrific Charlie Barnet Big Band. The tempo is bright, a swinging excursion into the clever writing. Solo space for piano, alto, tenor, trumpet, and drums. There is a great sax soli section and the usual, wonderful, roaring ensemble shout choruses. A big finish ends an amazing chart. 5-5-4-4 (4 tpts. work just as well)

As Performed by Buddy Rich Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-316 As written for and performed by the Buddy Rich Big Band, here is the long-missing chart that Holman wrote to feature Buddy on drums and Pat LaBarbera on tenor sax. What a great chart! It is set in a quasi Rock Feel which shifts to swing and back again. This is a very high-energy, exciting chart, and Buddy played it all the time! Your band will eat this one up.


Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $65.00 Cat: SMP-759 Bill Holman has created a rollicking, swinging, wonderful tribute to Woody Herman with this great chart. As recorded on ‘Bill Holman Band Live’ this chart features solos for tenor saxophone, trumpet and piano. Saxophones state the theme (reminiscent of Woody’s theme “Blue Flame”), and there is a lot of call and response in the brass. The out chorus will lift your audiences out of their seats.

Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-932 This chart is not for the faint-of-heart. It moves at a fast, swinging pace, and it captures the spirit of Parker’s classic bebop tune, including the humor. As recorded on the new CD ‘The Bill Holman Band Live,’ this chart allows for solos by tenor sax, trombone and piano. This is the whole package; outstanding ensemble writing and lots of solo space. This should be in every big band library. Flute doubles (short passages) on alto and tenor 1 parts.

I’LL BE AROUND Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-317 Boy, you talk about a wonderful Trombone feature .... this is IT ! It has been recorded by trombonists Jiggs Whigham and Andy Martin, and will certainly go down as one of the best Trombone features ever. It’s a bright Swing version of this terrific tune. Lots of solo space and the usual exciting Holman ensemble sections. Lots going on and lots to hear! Optional parts for 2 french horns (all cross cued).

NEVER SLEEP Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-315 This is the third movement of the three-part suite titled ‘The Big Street’ which was recorded on the album “The Fabulous Bill Holman” in 1957. This is a Fast Swing, with solo space for 2 tenor saxes and trumpet. It is full of the fantastic contrapuntal writing that sets Holman apart from others. This really swings along, and it certainly can stand alone as a single piece..... or be performed with the other 2 movements.

PRESS ONE Bill Holman Medium Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-933 As recorded on the new CD The Bill Holman Band Live, this chart is a vibrant, clever, swinging original. It was Bill’s opening tune at the I.A.J.E. conference concert, and the audience went nuts for it! The solos are in the tenor sax, trumpet, trombone and drum parts. Your band and your audiences will love this one!

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102



ZOOT ‘N’ AL Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-934 As recorded on the new CD “The Bill Holman Band Live”, this chart features two tenor saxophone players throughout, playing together and separately. This is the ideal solo vehicle for your tenor players. The tempo is a bright swing, and the writing - as always - is superb. A great tribute to Zoot Sims and Al Cohn, two of the greatest in jazz history.



Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $50.00 Cat: 7011195 Sly & the Family Stone became a household name in the late ’60s and this up-tempo rock tune typifies this group’s energetic and funky style. This one will be a blast for your students to play and a ‘blast from the past?’ for their parents to hear!



Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500101 One of the true gems from the Ellington catalog of great songs, here is a marvelous setting for vocal soloist with jazz ensemble. The style is slow swing, and the mood is sensuous and lush. Key of E flat.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010020 Made famous by Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz, this laid back Latin favorite features a great groove and tasty ensemble writing to back your singer, male or female. Key of F.




Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500113 Roger Holmes treats this familiar standard in a light Latin style that works nicely for vocal soloist. This medium tempo chart also features a tenor sax solo and tasty background figures. Vocal key: F



Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $45.00 Cat: 7011199 You don’t normally associate the music of Prince with jazz ensembles. However, this outstanding arrangement draws inspiration from the funky Herbie Hancock version and provides a great vehicle for ensemble playing as well as soloing.

WHEN SUNNY GETS BLUE Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010116 Often recorded by jazz artists, this standard is famous for its distinctive harmonic structure and flowing melody. Beautifully adapted in an easy version, Roger’s chart is written in a slow swing ballad style.


I’M JUST A LUCKY SO AND SO Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010598 The trombones get first crack at the melody in this great Ellington shuffle tune before the entire band joins in. Written in a medium tempo and featuring nicely scored ensemble writing, solos are included for tenor sax and trumpet.

JUMP, JIVE AN’ WAIL Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010412 This hot swing tune from the legendary Louis Prima is featured on the jitterbuggin’ GAP commercial and is also on the new CD ‘The Dirty Dozen’ by The Brian Setzer Orchestra. Swing is back and this tune is helping to lead the way!

‘MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE’ THEME Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010111 Aside from Take Five, this is the most famous 5/4 piece ever written. This solid chart captures the excitement and drive of the original and includes a solo for alto sax.

MUSIC FROM THE MOVIE ‘CHICAGO’ Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $50.00 Cat: 7010949 From the movie musical that rocked the entertainment world, here is an exciting medley that includes the show stoppers And All That Jazz, Cell Block Tango, and Roxie. Great entertainment with a tip of the hat to the styles of early jazz.


RHYTHM OF THE NIGHT Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $45.00 Cat: 7010975 Originally a hit for DeBarge in 1985 and more recently revived for the hit movie Moulin Rouge, here is a hot chart for your entire ensemble. This one really burns with Latin excitement.


Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $45.00 Cat: 7010905 Originally recorded by Sam and Dave, and made popular again by The Blues Brothers, this well-known rhythm and blues workhorse is a natural for jazz ensemble. In the skilled hands of Roger Holmes, this one flows nicely but rocks hard!



Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $45.00 Cat: 7011187 From the brash, slightly irreverent, and wildly popular TV series ‘Family Guy,? here is the supercharged big band style theme adapted by Roger Holmes. The style is medium swing and it features an alto solo along with screaming ensemble hits.


Arranged by Andrew Homzy Medium $50.00 Cat: 7011217 Here is a beautiful arrangement of Charles Mingus’ signature ballad featuring altos and trumpets playing the melody off the top, then later joined by the entire ensemble. Sample written solos are provided for the short solo or soli spots for trumpet and trombone. A jazz classic!



Arranged by Andrew Homzy Medium $50.00 Cat: 7011219 Featuring a dark intensity and a powerful unison riff figure in minor, this medium swing chart is a great showcase for your bass player as well as the trombone section. The harmonic structure is quite simple, but the depth of the arrangement comes from the thematic layers that are added throughout. Written solo (or soli) sections are included for the trombones and also trumpets.



Arranged by Les Hooper Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-747 As recorded on the Hooper Big Band CD ‘Out of the Woods,’ this hot, blues shuffle is full of energy and good ol’ down-home funky blues. This is a very exciting chart, with solo space for alto and guitar. There are a lot of wonderful brass figures, and the tune is carried mostly by the unison saxes. Makes a great opener or closer. 5/4/4/4




Arranged by Andrew Homzy Medium $50.00 Cat: 7011215 This catchy riff-based tune uses blues changes, and you can make it as easy or as difficult as you like, depending on the tempo you choose! Solos (or soli) are for sax as well as piano and drums. A wonderful introduction to the exciting music of Charles Mingus, skillfully adapted by Andrew Homzy.

***NEW*** [VOCAL]

Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500117 This swingin’ medium up-tempo standard was recorded by Natalie Cole on her acclaimed Unforgettable album. Great chart! Vocal key: G




Arranged by Les Hooper Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-744 As recorded on the Hooper Big Band CD ‘Out of the Woods,’ this clever, quirky, swinging chart is terrific. Alto, tenor, trumpet and trombone state the tune, with interjections by the rest of the band. There is solo space from trumpet, trombone and drums. After the solos the full ensemble roars through a harmonization of the tune. This chart is fresh and exciting. 5/4/4/3



Arranged by Les Hooper Medium $50.00 Cat: 7011243 From the landmark jazz album Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, Les Hooper adds his own stamp of originality and craftsmanship with this outstanding setting. The trumpet soloist is supported by a light rock groove and lush backgrounds. Solo space is also provided for alto sax.





Arranged by Les Hooper Medium $55.00 Cat: Cat: SMP-745 This is exactly as recorded on the Hooper CD ‘Out of the Woods.’ It is a wonderful piece at a medium swing tempo, with a great feel, fresh harmonic content, lots of clever lines and solo space for tenor sax. There are also short drum solo breaks. The great thing about this chart is how fresh it sounds, how hip it is, and how easy it is to play. The ranges are very modest (1st tpt. only an A above the staff). 5/4/4/4

LOCAL TIME Arranged by Les Hooper Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-209 Once again Hooper leads the way with a chart that is simple to play but still great to listen to. Solo space is open for Trumpet or others at your discretion. This chart has limited ranges, (occasional written D above the staff for 1st Tpt. but generally much lower) but not limited musicality or charm. This has a sort of Basie-ish sense to it but also a certain hipness.



Arranged by Les Hooper Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 53000 An exciting piece with driving rhythms on a meter layout of 4, 4, 4, and 3 giving the effect of a missing beat every 4 measures. Handclapping on 2 and 4 for the 4/4 measures and 2 & 3 for the 3/4 measure will give this piece an infectious quality. Solos will be played over a singular basic mode, thereby freeing up the soloist to concentrate on the odd meter. No doubles.



Arranged by Les Hooper Medium $55.00 Cat: SMP-746 This is exactly as recorded on the Hooper Big Band CD ‘Out of the Woods.’ It is a wonderful piece, written in an easy swing tempo, with a great feel, fresh harmonic content, lots of clever lines and solo space for trumpet, trombone and bass. Very reasonable ranges (1st tpt. high B only) and rhythms make this a very easy piece to play, but it has musical qualities and integrity which will meet the demands of even the most accomplished ensembles. 5/4/4/3

MUNCHY THE MOUSE Arranged by Les Hooper Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-212 This chart is a play on “Minnie the Moocher” and somewhat set in that era. It’s a modern day Swing chart with bebop roots. The chart sounds old fashioned and modern all at the same time. It has modern elements mixed with an older style. The groove under the main “head” is a touch Latin, but mostly a Jazz feel, not unlike Hooper’s great arrangement of “Green Dolphin Street.” Solos for trumpet and alto saxophone (or anyone you wish). This chart is a blast!

NEW SUIT FOR ZOOT Arranged by Les Hooper Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-213 Les has created another techno-swing chart that has overtones of the old swing band style, but it is set very much in modern day fashion. The open solo section can feature any one or a number of soloists - your choice. You’ll love the quiet, swinging ensemble section. Very reasonable ranges throughout. This chart is a blast!



Arranged by Les Hooper Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 53001 A tenacious jazz piece with an infectious 4 bar ostinoto bass line that glues everything together, leaving freedom for the horn lines that hover overhead. The ranges aren’t too difficult, though there are 1 or 2 high Ds written for 1st trumpet and there are no doubles. The title indicates that there is a ‘perfect’ tempo for this at 195bpm.




Arranged by Les Hooper Medium $50.00 Cat: 7011241 This classic Marvin Gaye hit has always been a favorite with jazzers and has great crossover appeal. From the CD ‘Out of the Woods’ by the Les Hooper Band, this funky version is infused with a West Coast attitude and is packed with energy and drive. A solo for alto sax is featured.

ARRANGED BY RICH IACONA 2 HIP 2 B BLUES Arranged by Rich Iacona Difficult $38.00 Cat: SCM-018 This extended blues form shifts from a swing shuffle to a funk bridge then back again. Lots of excitement, easy changes to blow on with a chance to open for more solos, if desired. Optional lead trumpet notes save chops but won’t take the energy away from this chart.

SIN PALABRAS Arranged by Rich Iacona Medium Difficult $38.00 Cat: SCM-013 Sin Palabras(Without Words) was written for Rich’s Bad Little Big Band and was perfectly suited to be re-scored for full jazz ensemble. Rich did a wonderful job making it playable by high school and college bands. The relaxed Latin style will be a pleasant addition to any concert program. All high notes on the recording are optional and all solos are written out.



Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Difficult $48.00 Cat: 61060 This authentic Latin original for advancing groups is truly a showstopper in every way! The chart is named after a popular Latin dance club and restaurant in New York City that recently closed. After opening with a dynamic tutti unison statement, this challenging work utilizes two Latin feels, namely songo and Samba. The songo rhythm is most commonly heard in salsa music and employs lots of exciting syncopation supported by a repetitious, but always moving rhythm section background. The Samba rhythm is used in the interlude section of the piece, which features very lush, modern voicings. Solo space is offered for soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone, trumpet, and trombone. A member of the rhythm section could also solo. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.

FLIGHT TO AUGUSTA Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Medium $42.00 Cat: 61215 This funk original for advancing groups was commissioned by Dr. John Bradley, director of the Augusta (GA) State University Conservatory Jazz Band. The chart employs a tuneful melody supported by an interesting chord progression, and rock solid orchestration. It’s fun to play and will leave both the band and the audience whistling the melody. The piano part is predominately notated with chord symbols provided. The guitar part has notated parts and sections with changes and slashes. Some of the key melodic material is shared by the guitar and optional vibraphone, but is cross-cued into other horn parts during those sections. Solo changes are cued for all instruments. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.


Arranged by Les Hooper Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-110 This is a new edition of this great swing/shuffle chart by Les. There is solo space for tenor, trumpet, trombone and piano. This intense, swinging, shuffle-blues will bring your audiences to their feet. Les has created a dynamic, exciting chart that sounds a lot harder than it really is. 5/4/4/3

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Difficult $48.00 Cat: 3287 Commissioned by the Arizona Association for Jazz Education for the 2003 Arizona All-State Jazz Ensemble, this exciting chart will energize just about any program, especially festival performances. If you liked Jeff Jarvis’ best sellers, High Octane, White Heat, Powder Keg, and Critical Mass, then you won’t want to miss this funk original. Frequent articulations are provided for the horns, and the rhythm parts are an integral part of the arrangement. Solos include tenor saxophone and guitar, however all players have interesting and challenging parts.

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NIGHT SKY Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Medium $38.00 Cat: 61530 Commissioned by Rick McClure and the St. Mark’s Upper School Jazz Ensemble in Salt Lake City, Utah, Night Sky is a lushly voiced ballad for advancing groups in the Neal Hefti, L’il Darlin’ tradition. All instruments share the tuneful melody during this sophisticated yet accessible original. As in most of Jarvis’ charts, frequent articulations and dynamics are provided for all horns and rhythm, and are an integral part of the arrangement. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each chart. Standard instrumentation, plus optional flute and vibes, trumpets on flugelhorn.

OLD SCHOOL Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Difficult $42.00 Cat: 1718 If you like Jeff Jarvis’ bestsellers, High Octane, White Heat, Powder Keg, and Critical Mass, then you won’t want to miss out on this new medium advanced funk chart. Written in the Funkadelic and Rick James old school style of the ‘70s and ‘80s, this chart will light up any concert. Interesting and challenging parts are included for all as this tune grooves hard throughout.



Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Medium $48.00 Cat: 62590 Commissioned by the Centennial High School Jazz Ensemble under the direction of David Pietsch, this cleverly conceived chart is dedicated to Frank Vargas to commemorate this arts-friendly administrator’s retirement from the Phoenix (AZ) area school district. Based on the chord progression to On The Street Where You Live, this swing original for proficient groups offers interesting playing for every member of the big band. In addition to brief quotes from other songs containing the word street (Green Dolphin Street, On The Sunny Side Of The Street), you’ll hear a couple measures of On The Street, plus short quotes from Second Time Around and Nica’s Dream. Exciting ensemble writing, solos for trumpet and piano, and a humorous ricky-tick section make this energetic swing chart great fun to play.

RIPTIDE Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Difficult $48.00 Cat: 3309 Here's a fun and challenging chart that's guaranteed to keep your audience on the edge of their seats. Scored at the medium advanced level, this bright swing original alternates with a Samba groove. Rhythmically interesting and very densely scored for maximum impact, solos are offered for alto sax, tenor sax, trumpet, or trombone and can be opened up at the director's discretion.

SHOW ME Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Difficult $52.00 Cat: 3333 Commissioned by the Missouri IAJE Unit for their 2003 All-State Jazz Ensemble directed by Shelly Berg, this exciting swing/salsa tune thrives on high energy and strong momentum. Though tenor and trumpet are the designated soloists, the solo section based on minor blues changes can be opened up for more players if desired. The drummer also takes center stage with an expandable solo.

VORTEX Arranged by Jeff Jarvis Medium $48.00 Cat: 1828 Make your jazz ensemble sound more advanced while performing this medium level swing chart that juxtaposes dense voicing with accessible swing features. This festival-worthy chart has a terrific sax soli plus interesting parts for all. An optional vibes part is included along with solo sheets and a guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson. Commissioned by the University of Portland Jazz Festival, David Parker director.



Arranged by Thad Jones Difficult $75.00 This great Thad Jones arrangement is a funky 5/4 chart.

Cat: 52015

AIN’T NOTHIN’ NU Arranged by Thad Jones Advanced $52.00 Cat: 2655 One of many tunes composed by the great Thad Jones, this uptempo burner for advanced big bands features intricate sax section work, thick ensemble writing with modal harmonies, and expandable solo space for trumpet, trombone, and two tenors. Recorded by Fedchock’s New York Big Band on their critically acclaimed CD On The Edge. Includes solos for tenor saxophone and trumpet.

BACK BONE Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium $43.00 Cat: SCM-002 Medium tempo blues in F that really drives. Unison saxes carry the melody for the first chorus and are joined by the brass on the second. A short lead in to the trombone solo carries the chart to the solo section. One chorus of sax soli sets up a solid shout chorus and an ending drum solo.Very player-friendly with written solos. May be opened up for more solos. (Scored to sound complete with 4/3/2/3).

BIG DIPPER Arranged by Thad Jones Difficult $42.00 Cat: 4500 This is a classic Thad Jones arrangement with standard instrumentation. From the Thad Jones/Mel Lewis recording 'Central Park North.'

CENTRAL PARK NORTH Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium Difficult $43.00 Cat: SCM-004 This driving rock/funk/ballad/blues is Thad’s tour de force which captures the essence of life in a part of New York City in the 1970s. Carefully re-scored, it has been made playable by high school and college bands at a Grade 4 level. Written as a mini-suite, this chart will be well worth the effort mastering the different styles incorporated in this classic Thad Jones masterpiece. Written solos for tenor sax, trumpet, guitar, trombone. High trumpet note 1st ledger line A. (Scored to sound complete with 4/3/2/3).

A CHILD IS BORN Arranged by Thad Jones Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: 4560 This gorgeous Thad Jones ballad is arranged here as a trumpet feature. A vocal lead sheet is also provided if you want to do this as a vocal.

DON’T GET SASSY Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium $43.00 Cat: SCM-001 This Thad Jones composition has been re-scored for performance by high school & Jr. high bands. Technical and range requirements have been reduced without compromising the “Thad Jones sound.” This is easier of the 2 Sassy arrangements. Solos, piano voicings and bass parts are completely written out. (Scored to sound complete with 4/3/2/3).

DON’T GET SASSY Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Difficult $43.00 Cat: SCM-005 This is the second and more difficult of the 2 Sassy arrangements. This one mirrors Thad’s original in form and style. Slightly richer voicings than SCM-001 but not an overly high lead trumpet part. Written Bb with optional high C. You will think you are playing Thad’s original in Db when you play this one without the demanding ranges and difficult sax soli. (Scored to sound complete with 4/3/2/3).



DON’T GIT SASSY Arranged by Thad Jones Advanced $48.00 Cat: 4600 This great Thad Jones tune is a wonderful feature for multiple soloists. Includes soprano saxophone double.

THE FAREWELL Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium $43.00 Cat: SCM-009 The Farewell is the third part of Thad’s Suite for Pops completed in 1973 and recorded for the first time in 1975. This movement reflects the joyous retreat associated with funerals typical in Louis Armstrong’s home town of New Orleans. Adjustments made to this Thad gem make it a very playable addition to the catalogue. The written trombone solo section may be opened up for additional soloists followed by plenty of exciting ensemble for the whole band to sink their teeth into. (Scored to sound complete with 4/3/2/3).


TIPTOE Arranged by Thad Jones Advanced $52.00 Cat: 4950 This is a really nice swing chart by the master, Thad Jones. Your trumpet and alto sax get the solos. Features soprano saxophone (sub alto part included).



Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium Difficult $43.00 Cat: SCM-003 Funky jazz/rock style re-scored to be performed by high school and college jazz ensembles. Range demands reduced while maintaining the “Thad Jones sound.” Lots of unison and block soli sections. Your students will love this one. Sounds more difficult than it plays. (Scored to sound complete with 4/3/2/3).


GROOVE MERCHANT Arranged by Thad Jones Difficult $42.00 Cat: 4690 This classic medium shuffle features soprano sax (sub alto part is provided if you don’t have a soprano) and optional 5th trumpet part.



Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium $45.00 Cat: SCM-029 This beautiful Bossa Nova shows us Thad’s sensitive side. Re-scored by Mike Carubia. There are no sax doubles. Scored for full band but will sound complete with 4/3/2/3.

KIDS ARE PRETTY PEOPLE Arranged by Thad Jones Difficult $42.00 Cat: 4720 This fabulous ballad features the whole band on some intricate ensemble arranging. Trumpets are on cup mute during a few parts. No guitar part.



Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Difficult $45.00 Cat: SCM-030 A real Thad classic made accessible by Mike Carubia. Higher brass notes removed, sax soli re-scored & it still sounds like Thad. Scored for full band but will sound complete with 4/3/2/3.

Arranged by Thad Jones Difficult $38.00 Cat: 4960 This Thad Jones ballad features his lush harmonic sense and moving voices throughout the band. Soprano sax (sub alto part provided) and optional 5th trombone.

Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium $45.00 Cat: SCM-026 Need a hip funky rock chart? Thad really scored a winner here. Originally recorded for the Central Park North album in 1969, this chart has never been released. This is Thad at his peak, re-scored for today’s young stars by Mike Carubia.

US Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium Difficult $43.00 Cat: SCM-011 Us is a wonderful gospel/rock composition a perfect 4th below Thad’s original, making it accessible to younger players. Thad utilized the a cappella brass soli, supported by the saxes in this arrangement, producing a solid funk/rock/gospel piece that students and parents will enjoy. Interestingly, this is one of the few big band charts Thad wrote without solo space. (Scored to sound complete with 4/3/2/3).


Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Medium $45.00 Cat: SCM-025 This tune is based on the changes to I’m Getting Sentimental Over You but at a medium swing tempo. This chart is real jazz by a true master made playable by high school & college bands by Mike Carubia.

Arramged by Gus Kambeitz Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 56356 This is a 'blowing' tune, with minimal tutti sections. Features for bone 1, tpt 5, ten 1. A great modern Blue Note feel makes this easy to program for any concert.

RHODA MAP Arranged by Thad Jones Difficult $42.00 Cat: 4880 This Thad Jones swing chart is a saxophone section feature. Has nice brass accents throughout and a pleasing shout chorus. Featured soloists are trumpet, trombone, and tenor. Doubles: alto 1 on soprano (includes sub alto part). No guitar part.

Arranged by Gus Kambeitz Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 56360 Commissioned by the West Valley Jazz Orchestra for their performance with Dave Liebman, this piece is a jazz waltz in the style of ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ but with a more modal feel. Solo space (changes) for all woodwinds, this piece is a nice change up for concerts since it is meant to be mainly soft. Lead trumpet to high E.



Arranged by Thad Jones/Mike Carubia Difficult $43.00 Cat: SCM-014 Second Race once again shows Thad’s attention to form. Constructed to highlight the tenor sax solo, yet perfectly setting up the two ensemble choruses which follow. Thad has once again created a masterpiece from the time honored blues in F. Note to arrangers: check out Thad’s treatment of the last 4 measures of this composition. (Scored to sound complete with 4/3/2/3).


THREE AND ONE Arranged by Thad Jones Advanced $42.00 Cat: 4940 This chart features flugelhorn, baritone saxophone and the bass. No guitar part.

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Arranged by Gus Kambeitz Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 56357 This is a fast modal tune (with a bridge) in the style of Coltrane. Nice feature for solos in trumpet 4, tenor 1 and opt for piano or guitar. Some challenging changes to blow over. Great piece to let your brass rest their chops!

Arranged by Gus Kambeitz Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 56358 This is a 'great early in the year' medium shuffle. Scored for confidence building and easy playability, the piece is set to the chord changes of Bernie’s Tune and with flexible backgrounds and changes for each instrument, can feature any soloist in the band. Trumpet to high E, (in backgrounds only) but can easily be revoiced down or left out completely.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER ARRANGED BY PHIL KELLY BEAU-DAY-SHUS BUNZ Arranged by Phil Kelly Medium $65.00 Cat: 56400 An easy walking sassy Quincy Jones type theme featuring flugelhorns and altos in a two part exposition accompanied later by trombone punches. Solo spaces with backgrounds for tpt/ten. Easy ensemble builds to a screaming shout chorus, finally leading into a piano solo and recap of the theme. Tpt 1 to D. All tpts double flugels.

BLOOLONIUS Arranged by Phil Kelly Medium Difficult $75.00 Cat: 56401 An original slow blues with a 12/8 feel based on a theme composed of "monkish" sixth leaps that ascend and descend in a somewhat acerbic manner. After developing into an entwined twisting contrapuntal second chorus, there is solo space with backgrounds for tpt and tenor leading to an ensemble chous. Trumpet 1 has several Ebs.

CAMELTOE WALTZ Arranged by Phil Kelly Difficult $65.00 Cat: 56402 An offbeat funk oriented piece in 3/4 time alternating with a 4/4 B section featuring a snaky chromatic funky blues line introduced by a group of 4 horns and then developed by the entire band. May require work reading the 16th note funk-based notation and some superimposed 3/16 crossrhythms in the cadences. Ensemble based on a stop-time statement/response in the brass with snaky overlaying sax lines. A challenging offbeat chart! Tpt to D. Electric keys/bass/gtr recommended.

CONVERGENCE ZONE Arranged by Phil Kelly Difficult $75.00 Cat: 56403 A challenging original that will really give your band something to shoot for. A semi "out" tpt/ten neo bop line based on the G diminished scaled and ascending half diminished changes proceeds into a contrapuntal treatment of the main theme. Open solos with big bands for tpt/tenor lead to a challenging sax soli and piano solo, leading into some fairly dissonant ensemble work culminating in a big ensemble with drum fills finale. A really big show piece for the entire ensemble. Tpt 1 has a couple Ebs and many Ds. Soprano sax doubles on alto 1.


JEANNINE Arranged by Phil Kelly Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 56404 A swinging up-tempo version of the old Duke Pearson jazz standard that features the trombone section on the theme...solo background for tenor, trumpet, (possibly trombone) leading to an exciting ensemble shout chorus. Trumpet 1 has a couple Ebs, generally lays around C.


Arranged by Phil Kelly Difficult $60.00 Cat: 56407 A tongue-in-cheek funk/Latin excercise written in 7/8 (to keep everyone's toes tapping a bit spasmodically) based upon extended and slightly altered blues type changes. Features a fairly challenging ensemble shout chorus (lead tpt has a couple high Gs) but since the song is largely two line counterpoint, a lot of cuing is included to afford some brass rests to save chops. Requires ensemble able to deal with Tower of Power-type 8/16 notation. A fun but challenging chart!


Arranged by Phil Kelly Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 56405 A new treatment of the old Joe Zawinul favorite that features various two part tpt/ sax voicings that build to an exciting shout chorus featuring some 16th based funk rhythms that might require some rehearsal. Open solos with backgrounds. Trumpet 1 has several high Ebs. Electric keyboard, bass, and guitar suggested.



Arranged by Phil Kelly Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 56408 Medium up tempo jazz feel with contrapuntal Holman-esque lines further exploring the possibilities of the diminished scale both for the ensemble and soloists. Ensemble shout chorus with lots of space for the drummer to shine as well. Challenging straight ahead type chart.

RAINSHADOW Arranged by Phil Kelly Medium $60.00 Cat: 56406 A haunting slow Bossa Nova featuring soft flugelhorns and woodwind colors with a Gil Evansish brass chorale type bridge. Solos on flute (and guitar or piano). Requires 2 c flutes, 2 Bb clarinets, and bass clarinet along with 4 flugels, 4 bones in buckets and 4 rhythm (acoustic guitar suggested and additional light percussion could be added).



Arranged by Phil Kelly Medium $60.00 Cat: 56410 An updated re-write of ‘Zip City’ with some new added materials including an extended ending. A real barn burner double blues of a closer for a concert. (Lead tpt ends on band tune.) Trumpet range to high A.



Arranged by Michael Kocour Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 52040 Medium swinger with obvious references to the work of Thad Jones. While written solos for piano and flugelhorn are included with the chord changes, the solo section may be opened up for other instrumentalists in the band. This chart was written for the Texas All-State Jazz Band.


Arranged by Phil Kelly Difficult $60.00 Cat: 56409 Funky hip-hop style Brecker Bros. type line reminiscent of Freedom Jazz Dance with a strut feel B section. Solo sections feature more dimished scale vamps followed by a call and response section over a drum/percussion breakdown. Requires ensemble able to deal with Tower of Power-type 8/16 notation.



ARRANGED BY TOM KUBIS 12TH STREET RAG Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50155 An up-swing feature for the two tenors. A great vehicle to show off the soloists. Trumpet high D.

AFTER YOU'VE GONE Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55549 This is a trumpet feature based on the great old standard. Up-tempo all the way with plenty of room to solo for the jazz trumpet player!

AGGRESSIVE SHUFFLING! Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55524 This is a bluesy shuffle with chord changes that have a unique twist! Solos for baritone and tenor sax. This one has a lot of punch and energy starting with the bones and ending with lots of full ensemble.

AIN’T IT WONDERFUL Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50101 Up-tempo swing. Open solo section. Recorded on Tom Kubis’ Slightly Off the Ground.




Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50102 Great up-tempo swing chart with similar title. Recorded by Tom on ‘Slightly Off The Ground.’



Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55557 Features flugels over bones, which leads into a solo section with 3 soloists, and a shout chorus and out, including a brief saxophone soli. Medium swing. Solos: trumpet, tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.

ALL WE NEED IS RON! Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55505 Written for the great Ron Stout, trumpet player for the Woody Herman orchestra. Starts out as a ballad, then jumps into an up-tempo swing feel. Great be-bop changes to blow on!

ATLANTIC SNOW FALL Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $48.00 Cat: 55506 A full and rich ballad for the baritone sax. Drops into a slight double time feel at the end.


BIG D’S OVERNIGHT SPECIAL Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $50.00 Cat: 50105 A heartily swinging piece which seems never to stop building. Perfect opener. Piano solo. No score.

BIG ED’S MONDAY NIGHT BLUES Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 The chart swings heartily featuring a trumpet solo. No score.

Cat: 50106

BILL BAILEY Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50148 Up-tempo swing. It’s got it all from an a cappella ensemble to a Dixieland band and a killer shout section. Solo changes in each section.

BLUE JOB Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Medium blues featuring trumpet. No score.

Cat: 50108


Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $40.00 Cat: 62519 This starts out as a pretty rock ballad and ends on a high note so to speak. The lead trumpet player can play the really high stuff down an octave. This is a great chart to bring in the new year! As recorded on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50179 Steve penned this 12/8 down and dirty blues as a trombone feature. Features both the lead trombone and the trombone section. Recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.



Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62525 This is an up-tempo jazz waltz featuring the tenor sax or soprano sax. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Medium driving rock. Fusion. Features tenor sax.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55507 This is a cool blues chart featuring the bass and the trombone with the melody. The blowing section is open for anybody to play ending with lots of cool ensemble at the end.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50178 This is a cooking Latin jazz piece featuring trumpet and alto sax solos. This chart is becoming a standard for Steve Allen and is requested by most of the bands he works with. As usual there is plenty of hard cookin’ ensemble stuff for all to play! Recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.


Cat: 55550




Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: 55525 A contemporary minor rock feel featuring the 2 altos in the band. Great for featuring the 2 as they play solos and also swap back and forth. Trumpet plays a high F.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55558 Medium to up Samba with a pretty melody statement in the flugelhorns. Very catchy melody. Samba. Features: trumpet section. Solos for flugelhorn, and alto sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is double high G.



Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $51.00 Cat: 50170 This is a moody 16th ballad for the first tenor player who could also play this on soprano sax. Chart has a full dynamic range and is a great vehicle for that good tenor player who aspires to be the next Michael Brecker. Trumpet to B.

BEFORE YOU LEFT Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50104 Up-tempo swing that starts with a sax soli. Great as an opener or closer. Features tenor sax. No score.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $43.00 Cat: 50109 This is a funk chart. It will need some work, but the time spent will be worth it. Tenor solo. No score. Recorded by Univ of Wisc-Eau Claire on ‘Jazz, In Transit.’



Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55559 This starts with buckets. Plenty of ensemble room in this one! Up swing. Solos: trumpet, trombone, tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high C.

THE BEST PART OF ME IS YOU Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50158 Jazz ballad. Very pretty flugelhorn feature. A great feature for that trumpet player with that great sound. Trumpet high C.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY HARVEST MOON Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55541 Medium swing. Great for the audience with the 2 old great classics. Done with flugelhorns and bucket trombones with a tenor solo in the middle! Tenor sax solo and trumpet 1 highest note is high D.

CAUGHT IN THE MOMENT Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $50.00 Cat: 55522 Pretty flugelhorn feature in the Latin Bossa Nova vein. Perfect for the lyrical trumpet player in your section. Starts with the head and goes into a solo section, then to the last ensemble with a short sax soli.

CERTAIN NIGHTS I HAVE THE BLUES Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50180 Steve Allen penned this slow bluesy piece featuring the sax section on the head and giving room for the tenor player to air out his/her grief. The exiting 12/8 shout section will get them off their feet! Recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.

THE CHINESE SAMBA Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50149 Starts off with two unison sections (that should wake everybody up) into a solo section with chord changes in every section. Based on the old early jazz standard China Boy.

CHITLINS Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 55503 It’s fast, and it’s rhythm changes. This is a fun one. Written for trumpeter Louise Baranger. Play it as fast as you can! Can be opened up for anyone to play solos on.

CHUCK’S OVERNIGHT FUNK MACHINE Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55517 Written for Los Alimitos High School under the direction of Chuck Wackerman. This is a supreme funk piece! Lots of Breckerish and Tower of Power kind of stuff. A good high school band will funk out on this one. Open drum solo at end sets this one off!

COLD SEPTEMBER MORNING Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50195 WOW! What a nice ballad! This is the alto feature you have been looking for! This is a jazz ballad with lots of nice pad backgrounds that are easy on the ear.


DOWN BY THE OLD MILL STREAM Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55542 Medium swing. Starts out with the flugels over bucket bones and and builds from there. Room for the trumpet to stretch out! Big shout! Trumpet solo. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.

DOWNTOWN CLOWN Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50167 This is a very catchy and pleasing tune. This medium swing chart has a great little bounce to it. Opening with a statement by flute and harmon trumpet moves into solid ensemble throughout. Trumpet 4 has a solo. There are some doubles. High D in trumpet 1. Recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.

EARLY AUTUMN Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50150 Starts out with a tenor ballad section with brass (flugelhorns) reharmonization of this great tune. As the ballad section finishes, the tenor takes a written up-tempo break ala Supersax and then weaves his way through the great changes of this tune with a lot of hard-hitting ensemble behind. The tempo drops back into an ensemble ballad and closes with a tenor cadenza and band ending.

EVERYBODY HAS THE BLUES Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55508 Another in the line of the Steve Allen/Tom Kubis series. Steve created this hip pop tune. This is a very catchy little song with the melody stated by the trumpets with lots of great ensemble stuff. A very exciting chart!

EVERYBODY LOVES MY BABY’S Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50160 Up-tempo burner. This is a hard chart and packs quite a wallop! A great shout chorus. Trumpet to D. Recorded by Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra.

EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $45.00 Nice ballad. Features alto sax solo. Conductor sketch.

Cat: 50111

EXACTLY LIKE THIS Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50112 Medium swing. Open solo section. Conductor sketch. Recorded by Tom Kubis.

EXTREME WEST COASTING Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55526 Up-tempo cool-school chart. More of a linear feel with counterpoint unisons. Solos available in all sections. Trumpet 1 to high F.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55560 Straight ahead blues shuffle with trumpet and tenor solos. Great opener: gets your attention right away! Shuffle. Solos: trumpet, tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high F.

DECK THE HALLS Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62526 From the Kubis Big Band Christmas CD. This is yet another Samba full of the Christmas spirit. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50173 Written for 2 very fine Southern California trombone players Mike Fahn and Andy Martin. This is a very fast chart featuring 2 trombones with a very cool be-bop type head. If you have 2 good soloists in the trombone section you have wanted to show off, this is the chart for you! Trumpet to D.

FAST CARS AND CRAZY WOMEN! Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50181 This is a burner that features the tenor player and has a lot of room to feature the drummer! This cooks from beginning to the end, a great set closer! As recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on ‘Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.’

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50110 It’s a swinging band feature with some great ensemble writing. Features a trumpet solo. No score.




FLY ME TO THE MOON Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50151 Medium up-swinger that starts out with a hip hop groove (very cool!). After the first chorus with the melody presented by the flugelhorns, the chart goes into regular swing handing the melody off to the sax section. Solo section is open then goes into a sparkling (yes sparkling!) 2 chorus ensemble. Trumpet to high D. Recorded by Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra on Reunion.

FRANKIE AND JOHNNY AND A TROMBONE GUY Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50190 This shuffle features the 3rd trombone player playing the old familiar Frankie and Johnny. The chart starts with a cool vamp to set up the trombone player playing the melody on plunger mute. There is plenty of soli stuff with the trombone section and a burning shout section.

GENTLE BREEZE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $51.00 Cat: 50100 This is a Samba. Features trumpet and requires a strong lead trumpet. Some doubles.

GOD REST YE MERRY TROMBONES Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62518 This one will warm up the old yule log! This up-tempo jazz chart features the trombone section and a lot of great ensemble. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER I AIN’T GOT NOBODY Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55533 Medium swing. The familiar standard with lots of exciting dynamics. This has a tenor sax solo. Starts with the flugelhorns and trombones in buckets. Tenor sax solo. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.

I CAN’T BELIEVE YOUR IN-LAWS WITH ME Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Medium swing with an open solo section. Some flute doubles.

Cat: 50115

I JUST FLEW IN FROM CHICAGO AND BOY ARE MY ARMS TIRED Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Blues shuffle. Features a trombone solo. No score.

Cat: 50116

I’M ALWAYS CHASING RAINBOWS Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55537 The chart will work for concerts as well as for dance gigs. The chart starts with flugelhorns and trombones in buckets. Has blowing changes on the 4th trumpet part. Lead trumpet up to concert D. Has an 8-bar sax soli.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 55502 This is a piano feature in a jazz waltz style. This gives plenty of jazz space to the pianist and also gives room for the band to cook too!

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50182 A great set opener! This tune is very gospelish in nature. Tenor has the solos or it can be opened up. Shout section is a ball! As recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.



Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62517 This is a pretty rock ballad that features the lead trumpet. The real high trumpet stuff at the end may be played down an octave. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

HERE WE COME A WASSELING! Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 62533 Look out we’ve never Wasseled like this before! This one is difficult. Very good high school or very good college with lots of meter changes but wow what a burner! Tenor feature. High trumpet F. Very fast 3/4 time. Well worth the effort! From the third Tom Kubis Big Band Christmas CD.

HEY JEFF Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50159 Jazz blues shuffle. Features the 4th trumpet player. Plenty of great ensemble. Trumpet to high D.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50183 Features the trombone section on this up-tempo swing chart - this is another cooker! Solo section set up to feature trombones. The shout features extremes in dynamics. Another great set closer! Recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.

I’VE BEEN WORKING ON THE RAILROAD Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55544 The head is soft brass with a bone solo in the middle with a tough sax soli and a cool shout! Features trombone solo. Trumpet 1 highest note is high D.

I’VE GOT TO GET ANOTHER BABY! Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $53.00 Cat: 50184 This is a medium swing Basie style chart that opens up with the trombone section. Solo section is open for anyone to play. The shout section feature extremes in dynamics and has intensity that won’t stop. All this ends with the trombone section. This is a fun one to play. Recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50114 Up-tempo swing. Changes based on Honeysuckle Rose. Conductor sketch.



Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Crankin' shuffle chart with solo changes in saxes and bones.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55551 Very pretty slow ballad for the flugel and trumpet jazz player. This part has a few high notes. This arrangement is featured on Wayne Bergeron's You Call This A Living.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Cat: 55552

IMAGINE WHAT A CHANGE WILL DO Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50117 Beautiful ballad featuring trombone. Recorded by Kubis on Slightly Off the Ground.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER IN MEMORY OF BIX Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50168 As a tribute to the great trumpeter Bix Biederbecke, Steve Allen penned this great and melodic tune. This 4th trumpet feature plays a Bix-like melody line with a big band background. This arrangement is quickly becoming a standard for trumpet repertoire. Trumpet to high D. Recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.


JUMP, JOHN Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50196 Steve Allen wrote a cute little tune that features the trombones and the bass player in a Thad Jones-style unison line. This is a medium swing tune with a power-house ensemble towards the end and finally ends with the bass.

JUMPY BLUES Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50190X Hard kickin’ jazz-blues shuffle with plenty of room for the tenor to solo.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55543 The great old standard - perfect for those summer concerts! This is a shuffle with a tenor solo and a very cool sax soli! Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50163 A pretty flugelhorn feature in the Bossa style. Great feature for the trumpet player.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55561 Very Monkish swing jazz tune featuring the trumpet and tenor sax. Medium swing. Features: trumpet. Solos for trumpet & tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is double high G.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50197 This features the soprano sax all the way through but also has plenty of ensemble to work through. If you haven’t bought the Keep Swingin’ CD, you are missing a great tune and fun chart!

INDIANA (BACK HOME AGAIN) Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55540 Medium swing. This one is a challenge. Bucket trombones, flugelhorns and a difficult, but swingin’ sax soli and the cool shout! Features the sax section. Solos for trumpet, trombone, and tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.

IS IT YOU Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $53.00 Cat: 55518 Sanborn-style alto ballad with a half time funk feel. Easy changes to blow on. This is a great vehicle to mellow things out and not put a lot of high stuff in the brass! Lead trumpet up to Bb.

IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 62521 This is a solo flugelhorn 3/4 ballad nicely reharmonized with lush chords and backgrounds. A bit on the bluesy side! As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.




KEEP SWINGIN’ Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55501 This great, swingin’ chart starts with unison saxes and leads way to a trumpet solo then plenty of ensemble. This chart kicks!

KEY LIME PIE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55509 This is a clever little Latin tune penned by Steve Allen. Features the tenor sax on the melody. This is a very tasty tune! Lots of rich backgrounds.

KINDA TWO KINDA THREE Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $51.00 Cat: 55510 This chart has been a big hit with all the bands that have played it. This is a very cool Latin ballad trumpet feature.

LADY,YOUR COW’S ON FIRE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50119 Jazz shuffle. Alto doubles on soprano. Nice ensemble and shout chorus, trombone soli. No score.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55531 The chart will work for concerts as well as for dance gigs. It starts with flugelhorns and trombones in buckets. Starts a cappella with some cool changes. Has blowing changes on the 4th trumpet part. Lead trumpet up to concert D. 16-bar sax soli.




Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $52.00 Cat: 62534 Bass trombone feature on this old Christmas standard. This is a medium swing version featuring the bass trombone all the way through the chart. The ensemble and bass trombone trade off throughout the chart. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

JOY TO THE WORLD Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 62522 A rousing Samba and a great tune to open a Christmas concert with! As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50120 Big, brassy and blustering swing which seems never to stop building. Some doubles. Goes from swing to 4-bar Dixie feel back to swing. Piano and bari solos. No score.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50192 Medium to up-jazz swing starting with a very challenging sax line. Lots of meaty ensemble leaving room for the trumpet to stretch out. This is a cooker.

LET GEORGE DO IT Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $51.00 Cat: 50121 A medium tempo blues shuffle written for George Graham. Piano solo in the middle of chart sets up a resounding shout chorus with lead trumpet solo over the band.

LET’S DO IT Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50174 Funk-rock head that alternates into up-swing. This chart is a great mesh of rock horns and cookin’ big band. Lots of funk syncopations. Trumpet to D.




LET’S HAVE SOME SAMBA! Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55511 This starts with a very cool little melody stated by the flugelhorns. It has an open solo section for all those who wish to play. This one will keep your toes a-tappin’!

MACFUNKY Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50175 Is a very funky 16th groove that stays funk all the way through. Great closer or opener or just something to let the rockers blow on! Trumpet to D.

MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50122 Bossa-rock. Great ensemble writing. Solos for tenor and trombone. Some sax doubles. No score.

MAMA USED TO DO THE CHA CHA Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50198 This is more a jazz Latin feel then a Cha Cha. This starts out with a small group playing the cute melody and works into some powerful backgrounds and ensembles. Lots of good fun on this tune!



Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55562 This is a hard driving Samba chart on the difficult side but well worth the effort, very Mangioneish. Features alto sax. Solos for trumpet and alto sax. Key: C minor. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E flat.

MARIE’S SHUFFLE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $60.00 Cat: 50162 Jazz shuffle based on the old Glenn Miller tune. Starts with an a cappella section with lots of ensemble all over the place. Chord changes in each section.

MEAN TO ME Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $48.00 Cat: 50123 Easy swing of this classic standard. Solo space for trumpet and piano. Nice sax soli.

MIDNIGHT WALTZ Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55512 Another in the line of the Steve Allen/Tom Kubis series. This lovely tune penned by the great Steve Allen features the trumpet on a sweet 3/4 jazz waltz. Lots of great solo space and ensemble!



Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55563 This is just the right ballad to feature your alto player with the cool sound. Nice melodic chart with punchy ensemble at the end. Bossa. Features: alto sax. Solos for alto sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER NOT TONIGHT, I’VE GOT A HEADACHE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50124 Up-tempo flag waver based loosely on a requested Glenn Miller classic. Open solos.

O CHRISTMAS TREE Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 This medium swing chart starts out with the piano and moves trumpet solo. As always, plenty of great ensemble to get you into spirit! As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s

Cat: 62514 into a harmon that great yule Christmas.

O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL/ O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62523 A two-trumpet feature playing these two great Christmas standards in a ballad style. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

O HOLY NIGHT Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62524 This is a high note first trumpet feature. A very thrilling and exciting vehicle for the lead trumpet. High parts may be played down an octave. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

OH THAT FACE Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50193 A very cool melody in an up-tempo jazz waltz style. This starts by featuring the flugelhorns and also features a trombone solo. This has lots of good solid ensemble throughout. This is a nice change of pace for a jazz concert.

ON PURPLE PORPOISE PARKWAY Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50125 Your alto, soprano and tenor players will get a chance to trade fours on this familiar tune. You’ll figure it out when you get there. Great Samba-swing recorded by Kubis on Slightly Off the Ground.

ONCE IN A WHILE Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55532 The chart will work for concerts as well as for dance gigs. The chart starts with flugelhorns and trombones in buckets. Has blowing changes on the 4th trumpet part. Lead trumpet to concert C. 16-bar sax soli.

PAIN FOR WAYNE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50154 Funk high trumpet feature with Maynard Ferguson in mind. This is a great vehicle for the trumpet player with a high G.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50164 This very up-swing chart starts out with a three piece be-bop group who play the head and solos before the big band joins in. This has a lot of nice ensemble sections and plenty of places to blow.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $46.00 Cat: 50126 Bossa Nova written for John Patitucci. Features bass solo. Some sax doubles. No score.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 55504 Featuring the trombone section, this minor up-swing tune has a lot of personality. Saxes are featured in the Supersax style. This chart is another cooker!

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50171 This tune is a slow, rock, bluesy, knock down drag ‘em out kinda thing you would expect a good down and dirty blues to be. Starts out in major and goes into a 16th feel minor section with plenty of room for all soloists to perform.

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OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER PEANUT FACE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50157 Very cool Samba with a short funk section in the middle. It’s not an easy chart but it is guaranteed to keep the feet tappin’.

PEG O’ MY HEART Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55545 Medium swing. Starts out with a cool little combo playing the melody then a big ensemble. Great way to hear this one! Solos features the trumpet and tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high D.

PLACE TITLE HERE! Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55519 Up-tempo jazz burner in a minor mode - very west coast jazz! Starts out featuring the trumpets in a be-bop line with the rest of the band coming in halfway. Lots of room for soloists in the middle with a bebop ensemble toward the end. Very cool school chart to play and blow on! Trumpet to high D.

PLAY BY PLAY Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $51.00 Cat: 50166 Up-swing. There is one purpose for this straight ahead jazz tune: swing hard and fast! This starts with a burning sax soli into an extended solo section. The rousing shout section takes it out with a bang.

PLAY IT NICE Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50165 Pretty Bossa Nova featuring flugelhorn. This tune is pretty quiet throughout but does have some hot ensemble writing. No doubles.

PLEASE TALK ABOUT ME WHEN I RETURN Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50176 Medium swing chart with a lot of ensemble all the way through. Based on the changes of another Dixie tune with approximately the same name. Nice spot for the tenor to play the solo. Trumpet to D.


RED RIVER VALLEY Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55538 Medium swing.You won’t be able to stop singing it...Red River Valley in the Basie style! This has a trombone solo and lots of ensemble. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.

RHYTHM MACHINE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50128 Medium shuffle. This is a solid concert opener or closer. Nice sax soli. tenor sax solo. No score.

ROSE ROOM Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55534 Medium swing. This great old standard starting with the trumpets on flugelhorns or buckets and the trombones in buckets. A difficult sax soli in the middle. Features trumpet solo. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.

ST. LOUIS BLUES Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50161 This is a clever version of the old standard with plenty of ensemble and sax soli and trumpet solos. No score.

SAMBA DE ELSE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50185 This tune starts with soprano and flugelhorn lead in a rather quiet fashion and builds to a shout section featuring the trumpets. The open middle section features anyone who wants to blow! Recorded on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.

SAMBA DEES GODDA DO IT Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50130 Nice Samba with great changes. Open solo section. Conductor sketch. Recorded by Kubis on Slightly Off The Ground.

SAMBA FOR THE COMMON MAN Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55553 Starts out with the flugel section playing the head. This has room for the alto and bone to play solos. Features the trumpet section.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55535 Medium swing. This great old standard starting with the trumpets on flugelhorns or buckets and the trombones in buckets. Two dynamic shout choruses at the end. Features a tenor sax solo. Trumpet 1 highest note is high D.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50131 What a great jazz shuffle! All saxes solo. This also has an a cappella sax soli, and then an ensemble shout takes it out. Alto 1 doubles on soprano.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50186 Medium swing chart in a relaxed east coast feel featuring the baritone and 4th trumpet on this very cool melody. Plenty of the usual Kubis shout stuff towards the end and this all ends back with the baritone and 4th trumpet again. As recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50127 Swing chart. Sax soli introduction flowing to a trumpet and an alto solo. Great as an opener or closer. No score. Some doubles.

PRETTY BABY Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55539 Medium swing. This great standard with a bit of a twist. Still in the Basie style. Features the trumpet solo. Flugelhorn and bucket trombones at the top. Trumpet 1 highest note is high D.

A PRETTY GIRL IS LIKE A MELODY Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55529 Medium swing. This great old standard starting with the trumpets on flugelhorns or buckets and the trombones in buckets. Features solo on the 4th trumpet part. Trumpet 1 highest note is high D.



SHUFFLE TILL YOU DROP Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55520 This starts out with the trombones in unison and burns till the end. If you have a good trombone section this one will fly! Lots of solo room and a killer ensemble. Trumpet does get an Eb above staff but only for a stab. No score.

SILENT NIGHT Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62515 This powerful and pretty ballad features the lead trumpet player. The extreme high notes on the solo part towards the end may be played down an octave. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.



SINCE YOU PUT IT THAT WAY Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55554 This is a nice way to feature a bone player. This chart is quiet at the top, but there is quite a bit of powerful ensemble at the end. Bossa. Features trombone.

SKIPPING ALONG A RAINBOW Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55513 Another in the line of the Steve Allen/Tom Kubis series. This is not easy! This features the trombone section with some great soli stuff in a medium-up swing style.

SLAUSON CUTOFF Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50132 Blues all the way. Starts with a sax soli. Ensemble shout,tenor solo, soprano double. No score. Recorded by Northern Arizona Univ.

SLIGHTLY OFF THE GROUND Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50133 Up-tempo swing as recorded by Tom Kubis. Has all the goodies: sax soli, a cappella brass soli and trombone solos. Recorded by Northern Arizona Univ Jazz Ensemble.

SMILES Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55530 The chart will work for concerts as well as for dance gigs. The chart starts with flugelhorns and trombones in buckets. Has blowing changes on the tenor sax part. Lead trumpet to concert D.

SMILING OVER YOU Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50134 This is a nice Bossa Nova chart and serves as a change of pace for the concert. Features trombone solo. No score.

THE SNAKE WAS ON HIS WAY TO A GIG Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55521 Up-tempo trombone feature in a minor key. This is a difficult chart but if you have a trombone section that’s good this will be a good one to perform. Starts with a unison head followed immediately by a trombone soli - the last note of the soli is an 8th note D but that could be played down an octave and the A below will work for the lead part.

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER SPACE AVAILABLE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50136 Swing at its best. This has all the goodies: ensemble, shout chorus, tenor sax solo. Some doubles. No score. Recorded by the Bill Watrous Big Band on Space Available.

SPEAK LOW Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 55527 This is the great standard in a Latin groove featuring the alto sax with changes for the trombone to solo as well. Plenty of room for the alto player with the cool sound to show off!

STAR SPANGLED BANNER Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $32.00 Soprano sax feature of the National Anthem.

Cat: 55523

STEELY SHUFFLE-WOW! Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50172 You gotta get this one. This was penned as a high-spirited rock shuffle and this one cooks from beginning to end. This kinda Steely Dan-ish chart uses the traditional rock horn styles and has plenty of room for all to solo. Trumpet to D.

STEP THIS WAY SIR Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50169 A lively medium-up swing that has a classic jazz feel along with the hard swinging big band sound Kubis is known for. Trumpet 4 has a solo. High D in trumpet 1. As recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.

STEVE’S 5,000TH HIT! Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50187 This Bossa Nova was written by Steve Allen on the 30th anniversary of the Tonight Show as his 5,000th song! The alto gets a nod on the solo section. This very subdued melody gives way to a full shout chorus but still holds to a very kicked back kind of chart! As recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on ‘Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.’


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50135 From start to finish, you’ll bring the house down. Tenor sax solo. No score.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50188 Medium cookin’ rock tune that starts with a small horn trio behind some a cappella funky bone riff with plenty of baritone funk stuff. Solo section open for anybody even guitar. Lots of great ensemble and sax soli stuff. Each bridge section moves into fast swing feel. This is a very cool chart. Recorded on ‘Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.’




Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50152 Starts with a wacky Dixieland version of this old tune featuring the alto sax (optional soprano sax) and a plunger trombone with the trumpets in harmons acting as the banjo. The drums pick up the tempo into a speedy straight ahead burner with lots of great ensemble passages. Solo section in the middle is open.

SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50199 This is a pretty flugelhorn ballad. There are sax doubles. This is a very haunting solo and arrangement on the Keep Swingin CD. Another great ballad change of pace!

SONG FOR MY FATHER Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55528 This is the great Horace Silver Latin standard. This chart features the lead alto and 4th trumpet. They get the melody and then each get a chance to solo. Lots of cool ensemble at the end! Trumpet to high Eb.

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Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50194 This is a very pretty melody introduced by the soprano sax and flugelhorn. Both these guys get a chance to solo. This starts nice and subtle and builds to the end. Again this is a nice Latin change of pace. Recorded on ‘Keep Swingin.’

SUMMER DOWN IN SAVANNA Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55514 This is a very classy lead alto ballad. Lots of warm lush backgrounds on this one. A great way to show off the alto!

TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55546 Up-swing. This great old standard in Bb cooks right along with the saxes taking the melody followed by an a cappella ensemble. Solos in each section and a modulation to C for the shout! Solos feature trumpet, trombone and tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER TAKING THE “A” STUFF Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $60.00 Cat: 50153 Medium-up tempo chart based on some tune about a train. This is a difficult chart with a lot of ensemble passages. Solo section has solo chords for each section. Trumpet to high D. No Doubles.

THAT BASIE BEAT Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55515 Another in the line of the Steve Allen/Tom Kubis series. This is a great one to open up a set with. Steve Allen created this in the Basie style, medium swing feel.

THAT SAME OLD FEELING Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50138 Bossa Nova featuring tenor sax solo. Doubles required. No score.



Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55567 Laid back ballad in the Nestico style. Bucket mutes are used here. Places for the tenor sax and piano to shine! Features tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high Bb.

Cat: 50139

THOSE DOWNTOWN COMPTON BLUES Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55555 Slow swing. This is a hard driving shuffle chart that starts with the bones and tenors. Trumpet and bass solos in the middle with a heavy hitting shout.

TOOT TOOT THIS Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 50177 Up-tempo jazz chart with a lot of hard swinging ensemble. This is based on the Dixieland tune with a similar name. This is a great chart for the advanced group having plenty of open places for soloists.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50142 Medium swing. Recorded by Tom Kubis on Slightly Off The Ground.

WHICH CRAFT? Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50143 Medium swing based on the changes to a familiar standard. Features a tenor solo. Recorded by Tom Kubis on Slightly Off the Ground.

WHISPERING Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55556 The old classic up tempo standard in the original key of Eb, starts out with the trumpet voiced over the saxophones leading into a solo section with bone trumpet and alto solos available followed by a killer ensemble then a restatement of the trumpet over sax melody. High D is the high trumpet note. Great way to show your band where Groovin' High came from!



Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55565 Bouncy jazz minor melody with the bari sax and trumpet. Solos are for baritone saxophone and trumpet. Cool shout section at end! Medium swing. Trumpet 1 highest note is high F.


THEME WITHOUT A MOVIE Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $40.00 A very romantic ballad featuring flugelhorn solo.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 50156 Based on the changes to Whispering. This is an up-tempo burner opening with the saxes. Solo section open for anyone. Trumpet high D.

WHO CAN I TURN TO? Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50144 Another great classic standard. As recorded by Tom Kubis on Slightly Off The Ground.

YANKEE DOODLE BOY Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55547 Up swing. This one is great for those summer concerts or just feeling patriotic.It is an up-tempo swing with a little hip hop section at the end of each chorus. Solos for trumpet, trombone, and tenor sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55564 Up Samba featuring the 2 altos. There are never enough features for the 2 altos in the big band. This one is a really fun driving minor Samba. Features alto sax. Solos for alto sax. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.



Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55566 Up-tempo swing. Piano solo with open solo section. Lead trumpet to high written high C. Optional Vibes.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $45.00 Cat: 50141 Fusion-Samba featuring trumpet, trombone and tenor solos. No score. Recorded by the Bill Watrous Big Band on Space Available.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55536 The chart will work for concerts as well as for dance gigs. The chart starts with flugelhorns and trombones in buckets. Has blowing changes on the 4th trumpet part. Lead trumpet to concert D. 8-bar saxohone soli.



Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62516 This is a hard and fast jazz waltz. As recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

WHEN I HEAR HAPPY MUSIC Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55516 Another in the line of the Steve Allen/Tom Kubis series. This is an up-swing tune with lots of gusto. This is a great opener or closer. This is one of Steve Allen’s favorites to get the attention of the audience.


Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $49.00 Cat: 50147 Medium blues shuffle with a tenor solo (optional open solos). Lead alto may be played on soprano.

YOU’RE A GRAND OLD FLAG Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $55.00 Cat: 55548 Up-swing. Good one to open up a set. Fast and cookin’! Room for solos in each section. A lot of fun! Trumpet, trombone and tenor sax solos. Trumpet 1 highest note is high E.




YOU’VE GOT TO HAVE THE BLUES SOMETIMES Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 55500 This medium-down swinger is reminiscent of that old Jimmy Smith organ minor blues thing! This is a battle royal of the two tenors - another down and dirty chart!

ZAMBA Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50189 Zamba is a Samba. Flute, soprano and flugelhorn open this relaxed piece with lots of nice flugelhorn lines on the bridge. Open solo section for everyone. Unison bebop lines introduce the big shout section and it all comes back to the small group in the end. As recorded by the Kubis/Allen Big Band on Fast Cars and Fascinating Women.



Arranged by John La Barbera Difficult $65.00 Cat: 55005 Joseph Zynczak was a close friend and publishing attorney of John's for over thirty years. The chart reflects the energy with which he tackled the business at hand. He was as relentless in his challenge to legal opponents as this chart is on the trumpets. A true friend will be missed. Solos for alto saxophone, trombone, and piano.




Arranged by John La Barbera Difficult $65.00 Cat: 55002 This chart is dedicated to Horace Silver & Blue Mitchell. Written for a small group within a big band, it contains all of the elements of Horace's style. Solos for piano & trumpet.



Arranged by John La Barbera Advanced $60.00 Cat: 7011189 From John La Barbera’s latest big band recording, here is the title cut: a masterful arrangement of this little-known Ellington gem. The tempo is moderate in an African/ Latin vein and features a wealth of interesting orchestrational colors within the context of the big band. Featured solos include tenor or soprano sax and piano.



Arranged by John La Barbera Difficult $65.00 Cat: 55004 As you might discern from the title, Over F is inspired by the Brazilian Frevo and uses a lot of F pedal with some F sharps thrown in for a little harmonic crunch. John has included some of the energy and joy of a Carnival coupled with a more conventional Samba. Solos for soprano sax, drums, and percussion. Sax doubles: alto on soprano.



Arranged by John La Barbera Advanced $60.00 Cat: 7011191 The Pythodd Club in Rochester, New York was where the famed La Barbera brothers were first exposed to real, live jazz, and the Hammond B3 organ was often a part of these groups. Here John uses the organ as a centerpiece, but surrounds it with exuberant proclamations from the rest of the band in a smokin’ shuffle chart. Solos are included for organ, guitar and tenor sax.




Arranged by Paul Lavender Easy $45.00 Cat: 30724014 Paul has taken the famous Les Brown version and adapted it for younger groups. The authentic style of the original is still there in this classy arrangement of a classic from the swing era.


***NEW*** HYMN FOR 9/11

Arranged by John La Barbera Difficult $65.00 Cat: 55003 This chart is a soprano feature with a straight eights bed that builds to a high point for lead trumpet solo. Modal changes with rich textured backgrounds. It evokes a Scottish Highland flavor with an implied 3 against 4 melody. Solos for soprano sax and trumpet. Sax doubles: alto on soprano.


Arranged by Dave La Lama Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: SCM-027 This swingin’ minor blues features a unison sax melody and plenty of call & response between brass and saxes. A simple but effective shout chorus leads back to the head harmonized this time for saxes. Solo sections can be opened up and it this charts ends with a spot for your drummer.


Arranged by John La Barbera Difficult $65.00 Cat: 55006 One of Pat La Barbera's newest compositions that is a cross between a C minor and an F minor blues with a couple of extra bars thrown in for good measure. Solos for trumpet, trombone, and tenor sax.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Rick Lawn Medium $42.00 Cat: 1597 An unusual chorale written for advancing big bands, this lush and harmonically satisfying ballad captures the somber, but optimistic mood that came over the world on that historic day. An improvised piano solo is included in this hauntingly beautiful work commemorating the unforgettable events of September 11th. All trumpets double on flugelhorn, and a guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set. Standard instrumentation, SATTB saxophones, trumpets on flugelhorn.

ARRANGED BY PAUL LEE PEACEFUL MOMENTS Arranged by Paul Lee Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: SCM-016 This original even-eighth ballad is written to allow multiple soloists. By leaving out the appropriate section part and substituting the optional solo part, you can feature alto, trumpet, tenor, trombone, guitar, flute or even piano as the featured soloist. Great for giving your students a chance to play a solo with big band accompaniment or for your guest artist to perform. (Scored to sound complete with 43-2-3).

YOU CAN COUNT ON IT Arranged by Paul Lee Medium $38.00 Cat: SCM-006 A nice medium-tempo blues in Bb with the shout chorus in Eb. This composition captures some of the cool school style that was popular on the West & East coasts in the 1950s. Written solos, piano voicings & bass parts. High trumpet. Note written G top of staff, trombone 2nd ledger line F. (Scored to sound complete with 4-3-2-3).

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




Arranged by Mike Lewis Medium $42.00 Cat: 60030 This is the perfect chart for tightening up your band’s concept of ensemble skills, particularly blend and phrasing. Both tenor saxophone and trumpet have solos provided that can be performed as is or ad lib.This chart features Kendor Konvertible instrumentation - meaning that it can be played by as few as 9 players. See why jazz band directors everywhere are keeping lots of Mike Lewis charts in their books! A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.



Arranged by Mike Lewis Medium $42.00 Cat: 61083 As with all Mike Lewis charts, the ensemble writing is full and satisfying, while providing adequate opportunities for advancing groups to hone their skills. This one contains a brief (16 bar) piano solo, but puts the spotlight squarely on the entire band for the remainder of the time. A guitar chord chart is included in each set.

HYPNOTRANCE Arranged by Mike Lewis Easy $48.00 Cat: 601 Written in Kendor Konvertible format, this medium easy original is set in a straight eighth note feel, built around a series of rhythms and chord changes that keep repeating throughout - hence the title! Abundant unisons will help inexperienced groups build confidence, while offering all players a turn at the melody.

ONE MORE FOR THE COUNT Arranged by Mike Lewis Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 661 Great writing in the Basie tradition is presented here for developing jazz musicians requiring material with accessible brass ranges, notated rhythm parts, and minimum instrumentation requirements. It even has Count Basie’s signature piano figure at the end! A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.

T-REX Arranged by Mike Lewis Easy $42.00 Cat: 699 This medium easy original is set in a swing style and features Kendor Konvertible instrumentation. The saxophones introduce the tuneful melody, with trombones supporting.The brass section takes over from there, before yielding to the saxophone section again and a piano solo (as is or ad lib). The big ending will delight audiences.



Arranged by Aaron Lington Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 54378 Up-tempo swinger loosely based on the chord changes of the jazz standard "What's New?" It was recorded by the University of North Texas One O'clock Lab Band on their album Lab 2002, and was awarded "Best Jazz Arrangement" in the 2003 Downbeat magazine Student Music Awards. In addition, it was the 2003 winner of the Sammy Nestico jazz composition competition, sponsored by the USAF Airmen of Note. Improvised solos are written for second alto saxophone and baritone saxophone. Baritone saxophone doubles on bass clarinet. Top note for lead trumpet is a written G3, and top note for lead trombone is a written C2. Baritone saxophone doubles on bass clarinet. Number of brass: 10.

THE BLACK WIDOW Arranged by Aaron Lington Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 54375 This dark, modal-flavored medium swinger was recorded by the University of North Texas One O'clock Lab Band on their album Lab 2003, and was awarded an honorable mention in the 2003 ASCAP Young Jazz Composer Awards. An extremely tuneful melody is stated over colorful chord changes by a trio of baritone saxophone, trumpet and trombone. Solos are written for baritone saxophone and trombone and interweaving counterpoint lines are incorporated throughout the chart. Second alto doubles on a brief, simple flute part. Top note for lead trumpet is a written F#3, and top note for lead trombone is a written B1. Second alto doubles on flute.


Arranged by Mike Lewis Medium $48.00 Cat: 61700 Continuing his contributions to educational jazz repertoire, professional composer/ arranger Mike Lewis has penned this relaxed swing original for advancing groups. A great vehicle for teaching blend, balance, and phrasing, solos are also provided for alto sax and trumpet. Features of this chart include nice saxophone section writing, and solid background figures. Although it’s not technically a Count Basie style piece, it employs a similarly laid-back approach. A guitar chord chart is included in each set.

Arranged by Aaron Lington Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 54376 This pensive and brooding contemporary-style chart was commissioned by the USAF Airmen of Note and was recorded by the University of North Texas One O'clock Lab Band on their album Lab 2004. Within this medium-swinger, the melody is featured in trumpet and tenor saxophone, both of which also have improvised solos. Portions of the chart alternate between 4/4 and 3/4 time signature. In addition, the middle of the composition switches from a swing feel to a straight-eighth ECM feel. First alto doubles on a brief, simple flute part. Top note for lead trumpet is a written E3, and top note for lead trombone is a written C2. First alto doubles on flute.





Arranged by Mike Lewis Easy $42.00 Cat: 677 This original is set in a warm ballad style, and was written for and dedicated to one of Mike’s granddaughters, Hayley. Alto saxophone is featured along with the full ensemble. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.

SOUL BOSSA NOVA Arranged by Mike Lewis Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: JE9837 This tune is an old Quincy Jones hit, that has been given new life as the theme to the smash hit comedy “Austin Powers - Man of Mystery”. This “groovy” chart is very “retro”, and your students will love it. The “Lounge Lizard” sound is back, and Mike Lewis’ playable arrangement makes it perfect for any band. “Groovy Baby!”

STANDING ROOM ONLY Arranged by Mike Lewis Medium Easy $48.00 Cat: 681 This swing chart from Mike Lewis reconfirms his ability to compose sophisticated sounding charts for developing players. The medium bright tempo generates excitement without posing undue technical demands. The key alternates between C and Eb and features lots of section and full ensemble playing. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.



Arranged by Aaron Lington Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 54379 Jazz waltz that features baritone saxophone, trumpet, and guitar on a memorable, Kenny Wheeler-type melody. It was recorded by the University of North Texas One O'clock Lab Band on their album Lab 2004. Improvised solos are written for bass and baritone saxophone. The chart alternates between 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures as a major part of the formal structure. Saxophones have no doubles. Top note for lead trumpet is a written F3, and top note for lead trombone is a written C2. No doubles. Number of brass: 10.

TRANSLUCENCE Arranged by Aaron Lington Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: 54377 This beautiful, Kenton-style ballad features tenor saxophone on a lyrical, haunting melody accompanied by lushly scored brass. This composition was recorded by the University of North Texas One O'clock Lab Band on their album Lab 2003. Trumpets double on flugelhorn, and saxophones have traditional woodwind doubles. Top note for lead trumpet is a written D#3, and top note for lead trombone is a written Bb1. Doubles: reed 1 utilizes alto saxophone and clarinet; reed 2 utilizes alto saxophone, clarinet and flute; reed 3 utilizes tenor saxophone and clarinet; reed 5 utilizes baritone saxophone and bass clarinet. Features solo for tenor saxophone.




ARRANGED BY BILL LISTON LEFT IN THE DUST Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $42.00 Cat: 1657 Here’s a new funk original that will add color to any program. Saxes are featured on the melody and solo space is provided for either alto saxophone or trombone. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included.

THE LONGEST HOUR Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $42.00 Cat: 1663 This masterful funk chart demonstrates the writer’s expertise in big band orchestration and use of contemporary thematic material reminiscent of the 1980s. The grooving ‘A’ section will bring your audience to its feet asking for an encore. Includes guitar chord chart.

Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $42.00 Cat: 1859 Also commissioned by Chuck Wackerman and the Los Alamitos (CA) High School Jazz Band, this swing original is ideal for use as a concert opener. It features the sax section and provides solo space for tenor sax and/or trombone. Bill also provides great rehearsal suggestions in the score notes.


NEW TOYS Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $42.00 Cat: 1702 Commissioned by Chuck Wackerman and the Los Alamitos (CA) High School Jazz Band, this bright swing excursion features the sax section and provides solo space for tenor sax and/or trombone. Nice interplay between the saxes and brass takes the tune to an interesting finish.




Arranged by Christopher Madsen Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 53082 A moderate Bossa with a challenging dense chord progression. Lead trumpet to high F with solos in piano and trombone 2. A good study in theme and variations. Alto 1 doubling to flute, alto 2, tenor 1 and tenor 2 doubling to clarinet and baritone doubling to bass clarinet. Good for the medium-level college to professional band.



Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $42.00 Cat: 108 This masterful shuffle arrangement demonstrates his expertise in both big band orchestration and supporting vocalists. Saxophones are featured during this chart which works equally well as an opener, closer, or in the middle of the set. If a vocalist is not available, a tenor saxophone solo part is included. Includes guitar chord chart.

Arranged by Christopher Madsen Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 53083 This medium-up straight eighths chart is scored for soprano, 2 tenors, baritone, 4 trumpets, 3 trombone and rhythm. It features solo flugelhorn on melody and improvisation, and there is also a trombone solo. Soprano doubles to flute, baritone to bass clarinet. Lots of texture and a catchy melody.



Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $42.00 Cat: 61710 This beautiful ballad features the trombonist. Rhythm section parts notated with chords cued; guitar chord chart included. Standard instrumentation plus vibraphone.

SUMMER’S LAST GETAWAY Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $48.00 Cat: 61730 This is an energetic hip-hop tune based on an altered blues progression. There are choices of soloists and optional parts for flute and vibes. Open solo section. Standard instrumentation plus vibraphone and flute.

UNDER THE WIRE Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $48.00 Cat: 61760 Composed for the Los Alamitos High School Jazz Ensemble near Bill’s home in Southern California, this chart is a great choice for use as a subtle opener or in the middle of a program. Several solo options are offered in this introspective swing chart for advancing groups. A guitar chord chart is included in each set.

WALTZ OF THE FLOWERS Arranged by Bill Liston Difficult $48.00 Cat: 3792 This is a jazz arrangement of Tchaikowsky’s classic work from The Nutcracker. Written for and recorded by Wayne Bergeron on his Grammy winning WAG Records release, You Call This A Living?, this jazz waltz arrangement is an ideal showcase for a big band and its star trumpet soloist. The band parts are scored at the medium advanced level, while the solo part is advanced. You’ll love the way Liston has modernized the chord structure while staying true to the composer’s intent.



Arranged by Bill Liston Medium $52.00 Cat: 61970 The exciting work is clearly articulated and packs a lot of punch from start to finish. The brass even have an a cappella chorus while the saxophones provide ensemble hits in the empty spots. And for solos, it’s your choice whether to feature your 2nd alto saxophone, 2nd trumpet, 2nd trombone, or all three. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102


Arranged by Christopher Madsen Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 53084 A slow, mysterious ballad feature for texor sax. Good from the mid-level high school band on up to the pros with lead trumpet only reaching B above the staff. Tenor plays melody and has a chance to improvise over some interesting, somewhat challenging chords. Piano voicings are supplied.



Arranged by Christopher Madsen Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 53081 A medium-slow tempo swinger (quarter=100) with lush chords and a pretty melody. Solos in piano and trombone 2 with a brief sax soli. A good chart for the high-level high school band which gives trumpet 1 good lead practice while not playing above a high D. Voicings supplied for piano.



Arranged by Christopher Madsen Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 53085 This medium-up swinging chart is reminiscent of Bob Brookmeyer's early writing for big band. The chart containes tenor and trombone solos that can be opened up as well as some extreme register work by lead trumpet and bass trombone. A highenergy chart that wows audiences.

ARRANGED BY JOHN MAHONEY BARELY IN TIME Arranged by John Mahoney Medium $57.00 Cat: 52076 A medium up tempo original in 5 flats based on an old standard with a similiar title. Solos are for piano (or guitar) and trumpet 2 (or trombone 2). There are 3 contrapuntal choruses in front where everyone gets a piece of the action, a sax soli and a slow burn tutti out chorus that builds to the end. Trumpet 1 to written Eb, trombone 1 to high Cb.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER BASIE BLUE Arranged by John Mahoney Medium $55.00 Cat: 52077 A medium tempo blues in Eb, featuring trumpet 2 and bari sax on the melody and lots of solo space. There are a couple of choruses of horn counterpoint without the rhythm section, and several roaring shout choruses. A bridge interlude takes over at the end for more soloing and ensemble passages. Trumpet 1 to written high F, trombone 1 to high B.

O COME, EMMANUEL Arranged by John Mahoney Medium $55.00 Cat: 62538 The sung intro leads into a stretched out modal, straight 8th note treatment of this familiar carol. There are two solos for your choice of trombone 1 or trumpet 2 and tenor 1 or alto 2. Demanding trumpet parts, with trumpet 1 to written high F#, trombone 1 and 2 to high B.

ARRANGED BY FRANK MANTOOTH A BIT FOGGY AT AUGIE Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $48.00 Cat: 43172 Finished just before he passed away, this piece was Frank Mantooth’s last work. Commissioned by Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, this medium advanced bright swing captures many of the qualities that make Mantooth charts so appealing. The rich harmonies provide a perfect contrast to the light, swinging melody. An abundance of full ensemble work rounds out this brilliant piece. Open solo section. Standard instrumentation, 1st tenor doubles on flute



Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium $42.00 Cat: 88 The background figures are reminiscent of the Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, Vic Damone swing style. Unlike Frank’s usual fare, this chart has been purposely arranged in a straight ahead format with no multi-meters, fermati, deceptive harmonies, or anything else that could discourage a top-to-bottom feel-good experience for band and vocalist. Optional tenor sax solo part is provided instead of vocals.

I KNOW WHAT I’M HERE FOR Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $52.00 Cat: 3259 Here’s the result of a collaboration between Louie Bellson, Remo Palmier, and arranger Frank Mantooth. Dedicated to trumpet/flugelhornist Clark Terry, this chart is a pocket tempo swinger that grooves from the count-off to the final fermata!


MOON RIVER Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium $45.00 Cat: 2072 This swing arrangement provides a great opportunity for medium level groups to enjoy one of Henry Mancini’s most loved themes. Set in a 4/4 time signature, Mantooth showcases the entire group as the chart meanders through three key centers. Solo space is offered for 4th trumpet and 1st tenor saxophone. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.



Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $42.00 Cat: 104 This 12/8 rock chart features a vocalist or optional tenor sax. Key of E flat.

A NIGHTINGALE SANG IN BERKELEY SQUARE Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $50.00 Cat: 34120034 Frank has crafted a real gem with this popular jazz tune. The opening is in a ballad style and features Bass Trombone in a very comfortable range. The mood shifts to a mediun swing groove featuring flugelhorn, bass bone, and baritone sax on the melody interspersed with brilliant ensemble writing. This classy setting was commissioned by the USAF ‘Airmen of Note.’

ONE FOR MY BABY Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 34909056 Frank Mantooth seems to have a special flair for the sultry and sensuous. This wellknown ballad arranged in a slow bluesy 12/8 feel is a marvelous solo vehicle for alto sax; the full ensemble gets a chance to open up as well.

ONEIDA Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $38.00 Cat: 3653 Scored as a trombone feature for the Oneida (NY) High School Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Tim Watson, this tuneful ‘Tooth ballad is ideal for medium advanced groups. Great attention to detail is the key to mastering this piece.

SO IN LOVE Arranged by Frank Mantooth Advanced $50.00 Cat: 7010481 As always, Frank Mantooth finds a unique way to treat a great standard. A feature for flugelhorn, this classy up-tempo chart is written in an even 8th note feel with fresh harmonies and great melodic lines. There is plenty for the ensemble to do as well.

SPRING CAN REALLY HANG YOU UP THE MOST Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium $42.00 Features trombone or flugelhorn.

Cat: 2120


Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010943 Here is a unique yet highly effective rendition of this Latin favorite by arranging craftsman, Frank Mantooth. Using an up-tempo groove, a fresh harmonic structure and interesting orchestration textures, Frank has created a winner for mature bands. An extended introduction helps establish the mood and the first statement is presented by a small combo of alto, trumpet and trombone.

Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium $45.00 Cat: 7010720 Frank Mantooth was one of today’s most creative arrangers for jazz ensemble and he treats us here to a marvelously unique take on this well-known standard. The style is straight-ahead swing but the harmonic structure is fresh and the ensemble writing is super. It starts with alto and trumpet on the melody and includes solo space for any combination of alto, trumpet or trombone.



Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium Difficult $36.00 Cat: CLBA032036900 1/2-time rock feel. Features tenor and trombone solos.

MOMENT’S NOTICE Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $50.00 Cat: 34120031 Frank Mantooth has transformed this John Coltrane classic into an outstanding uptempo chart for big band. Features solos for tenor sax and flugelhorn.


Arranged by Frank Mantooth Advanced $48.00 Cat: 2150 Recorded by the Ashley Alexander Big Band on Powerslide and originally issued in the mid-1980s, this dynamic solo feature for trombone or trumpet definitely warrants an advanced rating. It starts out in a bright swing groove, switches to light Latin midway through, and closes with a driving Samba shout. Lead alto has an optional soprano double.



THE SAGE OF DUPAGE Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55001 This is a Samba feature for gifted alto and trumpet soloists. The chart is fairly demanding for the ensemble and does not attempt to avoid unconventional tonal centers (e.g. Cb major). Challenging, but the rewards of a successful performance are great.

THE STUDS OF WAR Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55000 This was commissioned by the U.S.A.F. Airmen of Note to challenge their trumpet section. Obviously, this is not a chart for those with a fear of ledger lines. Blowing changes appear for trombone 1 and guitar. This screams from downbeat to cutoff.



TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER THE BACK BEAT Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51372 Medium swing. Chart features trumpet, tenor, and piano solos. Two saxes double on flute. As recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on Don’t Get Around Much Anymore.


Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $45.00 Cat: 117 This medium Latin chart was commissioned by jazz singer Kevin Mahogany, who originally penned the tune. If used, optional doubles in the saxes and trumpets (flutes, clarinets, flugelhorns) will enhance the gentle nature of the piece. To give the chart a sense of balance and contrast, blowing changes are provided for flute, tenor sax, flugelhorn, trombone, guitar and piano. Altos and tenor double on flute; tenor and bari double on clarinet; trumpets double on flugelhorn.

Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Difficult $48.00 Cat: 62529 O Little Town of Bethlehem begins with a rubato chorale with flugelhorn lead. 4 flutes and 2nd tenor has clarinet double. First time through is a cappella. Second verse has a trombone solo with piano accompaniment for 12 bars. The whole arrangement has no other rhythm section. Joy to the World has trumpet lead. Straight forward a cappella is cut time. Broad ensemble into 4 at the end. 5, 4, 4, and piano. Score included. Recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on Big Band Christmas.



Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium $35.00 This ballad features trombone and trumpet solos.

Cat: 43465

WHEN SUNNY GETS BLUE Arranged by Frank Mantooth Difficult $50.00 Cat: 7010064 Frank’s creative chart featues Flugelhorn off the top in a medium shuffle style. Changing to an up tempo Samba feel, flugelhorn and tenor are featured interspersed with stong ensemble statements. Includes solo space for flugelhorn and/or tenor.



Arranged by Thomas Matta Medium $52.00 Cat: 62530 This chart was commissioned by the Rock Valley Community College Jazz Ensemble, directed by Ken Stein. It features a flowing even eighth note groove that was inspired by Maria Schneider’s ‘Last Season’. Explore the rich ensemble textures, chorales, and solos by flugelhorn, trombone, and tenor saxophone. This is the perfect chart for proficient groups to work on their balance and blend.

Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 51373 Medium blues with a tag. Featuring trombone, tenor, and trumpet. No doubles. As recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass.

THE CLARINET IS BLACK AND BLUE Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51374 Five clarinet feature. Slow blues-like tune with some flute doubles on 2nd tenor. Recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on Even Canadians Get The Blues.

THE COUNTLESS BLUES Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 55260 Slow, wonderful feeling blues featuring guitar and trumpet. As record by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on Even Canadians Get The Blues.

DAYS GONE BY Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51359 Tenor feature with ballad, then double time, then back to ballad feel. Short piano solo in the middle. As recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass.

EVEN CANADIANS GET THE BLUES ARRANGED BY ROB MCCONNELL 4 B.C. Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51366 Starts with rubato intro. This medium tempo chart features tenor and trombone solos. Flute doubles on both alto1 and tenor 2, alto 2 on clarinet, baritone on bass clarinet. Difficult saxophone soli. This chart requires a mature band.

THE 4,679,385TH BLUES IN B FLAT Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51351 A groove/blues chart over double-time rock. Presented here in its original form.

AWAY IN A MANGER Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Difficult $30.00 Cat: 62528 This brass-only arrangement is written for 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, and 2 horns. This is a different melody from the version already in the catalog. This is in a traditional-style brass chorale. The chords are lush and rich. No rhythm or sax parts. French horn parts are necessary. Score included.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Rob McConnell Advanced $85.00 Cat: 51376 Very fast chart featuring trumpet and tenor. Very, very difficult (per Rob). Alto 1 doubles on soprano. As recorded on ‘Even Canadians Get The Blues.’

HEY! Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51358 12/8 feel with a 2nd trombone solo during shuffle feel. Double time unison shout. Recorded by Rob McConnell and Boss Brass on Brassy and Sassy.

IT’S HARD TO FIND ONE Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $86.00 Cat: 51352 Excellent and very difficult jazz waltz. Once again available in the original form. Recorded by Rob and Boss Brass on The Jazz Album.

JUST TELL ME YES OR NO Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $51.00 Cat: 51367 Ballad featuring trombone. Doubles on all saxes; alto 1 on flute, alto 2 on clarinet, tenor 1 on flute, tenor 2 on clarinet, and baritone on bass clarinet.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER LOVE OF MY LIFE Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51360 Ballad with double time feel. Featuring flugelhorn solo. There are some sax doubles. Recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on Brass Is Back.

MY MAN BILL Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $73.00 Cat: 51353 A great swinger. A tribute to Basie. Once again available in the original form. Recorded by Rob McConnell and Boss Brass on The Jazz Album.

NIGHTFALL Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium $43.00 Cat: 51370 Rubato intro leads to delicate ensemble writing without the rhythm section. The rhythm section is tacet throughout. All saxes must double. Recorded by the Boss Brass on Our 25th Year.

RIFFS I HAVE KNOWN Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $75.00 Cat: 51368 Up-tempo Blues. Solos for alto 2 with open solo section. Great saxophone soli. There are some saxophone doubles. Recorded by the Boss Brass on Our 25th Year.

RUNAWAY HORMONES Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51354 This Samba chart features soprano and trumpet solos. Another great McConnell chart once again available in the original form. As recorded on Big Band Jazz Vol l. There are saxophone doubles.



TRADITIONAL PEACE Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $90.00 Cat: 51362 Slow four to a Samba feel. Solos for flugelhorn and guitar. There are saxophone doubles.

A TRIBUTE TO ART FERN Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51350 One of the most requested McConnell charts. A classic medium-blues chart. The chart feautres saxophone and brass soli. Solos for tenor and trombone. This is available in the original form.

THE WALTZ I BLEW FOR YOU Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $90.00 Cat: 51357 Jazz waltz. Features tenor & trumpet solos. Once again available in the original form.

THE WALTZ YOU KNEW WAS BLUE Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $80.00 Cat: 51371 Jazz waltz. Chart features trumpet and tenor solos. No doubles. As recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on Don’t Get Around Much Anymore.

WHO ASKED Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51363 Straight ahead four. Solos for bass, trumpet, alto and also includes a short drum solo. There are sax doubles. Recorded by Rob McConnell and Boss Brass on Brass Is Back.

Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $65.00 Cat: 51365 A comfortable swing chart with solos for soprano and piano. Alto doubles on soprano. Recorded by Rob and the Boss Brass on The Brass Is Back.


Cat: 51355

STEREO BLUE Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $80.00 Cat: 51361 Straight ahead 4 with solos for tenor and soprano. Alto doubles on soprano.

STROLLIN’ Arranged by Rob McConnell Easy $70.00 Cat: 51364 Easy swing feel. There is a guitar solo and alto doubles on soprano. Recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on The Brass Is Back.

T.O. TWO Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Easy $60.00 Cat: 51369 Medium easy swing chart. Solos for trombone and trumpet 5. Alto 1 and 2 double on flute; tenor 1 and 2 double on clarinet; and bartone sax doubles on bass clarinet. Recorded by Boss Brass on Our 25th Year.


Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $75.00 Cat: 51356 Rock chart. Solos for tenor sax, soprano sax and trombone. Soprano and flute doubles. Recorded by Rob McConnell and Boss Brass on The Jazz Album.


Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 62530 It Came Upon A Midnight Clear begins this big band arrangement with a cappella brass, later joined by 4 flutes and a bass clarinet. Written out lead in alto 2. Silent Night is where the rhythm section joins in with a jazz waltz feel. The guitar has solo fills and a solo section. Recorded on Big Band Christmas.

Arranged by Rob McConnell Difficult $93.00 Up-tempo be-bop chart, once again available in the original form.


Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 51425 Another great chart exactly as recorded by the Buddy Rich Big Band on Mercy, Mercy. 7 brass: 4 trumpets and 3 bones.

ANOTHER WHO Arranged by Don Menza Difficult Features tenor sax and bass.


Cat: 51422

BEULAH WITCH Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $65.00 Cat: 51423 Classic slow rock chart. Guitar and drum solos with open solo section. Changes are in alto 1, tenor 2, trumpet 3, guitar, and piano. Lead trumpet to written F#. 10 brass.

BLUES FOR UNCOMMON KIDS Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51400 Great Don Menza blues chart. A must for every book. As recorded by Louie Bellson on East Side Suite.



BONES ALONE Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51424 Features the trombone section. No score. As recorded by Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra on ‘Groovin’ Hard.’

BROADBOTTOM Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51421 Feature for bass trombone, bass, and bass clarinet. As recorded on Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra CD Collage.

BURNIN’ Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51401 Just as the title indicates, this chart burns.As recorded by Don Menza and his 1980s Big Band.

CREAM PUFF Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $60.00 Easy swing. Solos for guitar, tenor sax, and trombone.

Cat: 51428

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER THE PLACE Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Features tenor and guitar. Woodwinds double.

Cat: 51420

REBEL ROUSERS Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51415 Medium up shuffle. Solos for guitar and trumpet with optional tenor sax solo. Great sax soli with a roaring shout chorus. No doubles.As recorded by Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra on the CD Note Walker.

RED MEN’S REVENGE Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51408 Very up-tempo swing chart. Changes are based on Cherokee. Solo space for tenor sax, trombone and drums. Recorded by UNLV Jazz Ensemble with Don Menza.


DIZZYLAND Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51402 Another great Menza chart now available. Recorded by Don Menza and his ‘80s Big Band.

FAVIANA Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51417 Feature for guitar and tenor. As recorded on Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra CD Collage.

GROOVE BLUES Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51403 What a great classic. A must for every book. Recorded on ‘The Louie Bellson Explosion.’

Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51433 Very up-tempo chart. Open solo section. Changes are in alto 1, tenor 2, trumpet 5, and trombone 2. Great shout chorus. 10 brass.

ROSE TATTOO Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51409 Medium swing. Features tenor solo. Doubles: flutes and 1 bass clarinet. Recorded by Univ Nevada Las Vegas Jazz Ensemble with Don Menza on Caliente, Muy Caliente.

ROYAL Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51427 Dedicated to Marshall Royal. Ballad featuring alto. As recorded on Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra CD Collage.


GROOVIN’ HARD Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51429 No descripton needed. One of the all time greatest charts recorded by the Buddy Rich Big Band on Burning For Buddy Vol 2.

Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51410 Fast Samba. Features tenor sax, soprano sax and drums. As recorded by Univ Nevada Las Vegas Jazz Ensemble with Don Menza on the CD Caliente, Muy Caliente. Two soprano doubles. 7 brass.



Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult Written for Henry Mancini.


Cat: 51430

NEW SPANISH BOOTS Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 A classic chart as recorded by Don Menza and his ‘80s Big Band.

Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $75.00 Cat: 51411 This great drum feature was recorded by Louie Bellson and Explosion.

SAMBIANA Cat: 51405

NOTE-WALKER Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51406 Up-tempo flute feature. As recorded by Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra on the CD Note Walker.

PADDLIN MADELINE Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51407 One of Don Menza’s favorite charts. Recorded by Louie Bellson on East Side Suite.

Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51416 Fast Samba. Features trumpet or trombone. Open ensemble with drum solo. Not extremely difficult but watch out for the shout chorus. As recorded on Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra CD Note Walker.

SHUFFLE BROTHERS Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51412 Nice shuffle by Don. Solo space for piano, trumpet and trombone. Recorded by Univ Nevada Las Vegas Jazz Ensemble with Don Menza on the CD Caliente, Muy Caliente.

T.N.T. Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51419 Features tenor and guitar solos. Can be opened for solos at bar 43. As recorded by Charles Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra on the CD Collage.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER TENOR TIME Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51413 Nice tenor feature. A must for every library. Recorded by Rutherford’s Jazz Pacific Orchestra on the CD Note Walker.

TIME CHECK Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 51431 No description needed. As recorded exactly by the Buddy Rich Orchestra on Burning For Buddy Vol 2.

TIME TO LEAVE Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $60.00 Medium fast swing. Solos for guitar, tenor sax, and piano.

Cat: 51432

TONAWANDA FATS Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51414 Another great chart as recorded by Don Menza and his ‘80s Big Band.

WHERE DID SUMMER GO Arranged by Don Menza Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51418 Features tenor solo. As recorded on Charles Rutherford’s CD ‘Note Walker.’

ARRANGED BY BOB MINTZER GENTLY Arranged by Bob Mintzer Difficult $48.00 Cat: 3458 This Bob Mintzer original provides medium advanced groups with an opportunity to experience the sensitive side of the swing style. Soft intensity is how Bob describes the approach to this harmonically satisfying excursion. Woodwind parts consist of 2 flutes, flute/tenor saxophone, and 2 Bb clarinets.

GO GO Arranged by Bob Mintzer Difficult $42.00 Cat: 3459 This funk chart was originally recorded by the Yellowjackets for their Time Squared CD. Filled with unexpected twists and turns, this big band version requires a tripletbased swing feel similar to hip-hop.

MOSAIC Arranged by Bob Mintzer Medium $42.00 Cat: 3469 Originally composed for the Yellowjackets’ live recording, Mint Jam, this even eighth feel chart was designed to promote lots of soloistic interplay. Mintzer advises drummers to check out the Jackets version for conceptual direction.

ORIGINAL PEOPLE Arranged by Bob Mintzer Difficult $48.00 Cat: 3482 In keeping with his recent move away from the traditional power-oriented big band concepts, this work is dedicated to the Pequot Indian tribe. Their sophisticated approach to living in harmony with nature inspired the soft intensity of this piece.

PRELUDE TO A KISS Arranged by Bob Mintzer Advanced $42.00 Cat: 2092 Mintzer gives this Duke Ellington classic a different treatment than the customary ballad feel for medium advanced groups. Set in a slow and easy gospel-like feel, the rhythm section will, in Bob’s words, get a groove on just by reading the written parts. A tenor saxophone soloist is featured throughout, which requires the player to use an R & B style while superimposing jazz harmonic sensibility over the solid, repetitious beat provided by the drummer.




Arranged by Bob Mintzer Medium $42.00 Features vocalist or optional tenor saxophone. Key of E flat.

Cat: 115

TIMELESS Arranged by Bob Mintzer Difficult $58.00 Cat: 3514 Lush orchestration overlays a gentle Samba groove. The subtle energy will thoroughly entertain audiences. The chart was recorded using the woodwind parts (3 flutes, 2 clarinets) provided, but alternate sax parts (AATTB) are included in the set that sound equally pleasing. All trumpets double on flugelhorn and 2 optional french horn parts are included.

WHO’S WALKIN’ WHO? Arranged by Bob Mintzer Difficult $52.00 Cat: 3524 This unhurried swing chart was inspired by the Mintzer family’s two black Labrador retrievers. Humor, imagination and unpredictability are apparent in this clever piece.

ARRANGED BY MICHAEL MOSSMAN 57TH STREET MAMBO Arranged by Michael Mossman Medium Difficult $70.00 Style: Mambo/Cha cha/Bembe. Trumpet feature.

Cat: 32MUS1006

AFRO BLUE Arranged by Michael Mossman Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010987 Made famous by John Coltrane, but treated here in a more traditional Afro-Latin style, this is something a little different for jazz ensemble. As with all Mossman charts, the rhythm section is meticulously notated to insure the correct style. The 3/4 pattern throughout draws heavily on African influences and the melody is masterfully passed from section to section. A single pentatonic scale works for the solo section making this a wonderful vehicle for involving many soloists.

CON ALMA Arranged by Michael Mossman Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010632 Dizzy Gillespie was a pivotal figure in the connection between jazz and Afro-Cuban music. This exciting chart explores this relationship, combining authentic Cha Cha and Bembe with straight ahead swinging jazz. A tenor sax solo is featured and look for some quotes from Dizzy’s original recordings.

CUBAUZA Arranged by Michael Mossman Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 32MU1004 Latin bebop chart. Solos for trumpet, alto, trombone, tenor and baritone.

THE DANCE OF DENIAL Arranged by Michael Mossman Medium $45.00 Cat: 7010901 Using an Afro-Cuban style alternating with an authentically notated cha-cha groove, this has a hint of Egyptian mystery in creating this marvelous production number for today’s adventurous jazz ensemble. Includes solos for alto and trumpet, as well as space to feature Latin percussion and/or the drummer.

FREEDOM SHOUT Arranged by Michael Mossman Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 32MU1005 This arrangement is a Mambo. Features solos for alto, tenor, trumpet, and trombone.

I LOVE LUCY Arranged by Michael Mossman Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010899 One of the all-time favorite TV themes, this is also an amazingly sophisticated and exciting Latin/jazz composition. In the expert hands of Michael Mossman, here is an authentic-sounding version that even young bands can tackle.



MOMCAT MAMBO Arranged by Michael Mossman Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7011127 Explore the exciting world of ‘mambo’ with this Michael Philip Mossman original commissioned by the Delavan-Darien (WI) H.S. Jazz Ensemble. A variety of moods and meters are used and there is solo space for dueling alto saxes, trombone and trumpet. The angular melody and quartal harmonies give this one a distinctive sound, ensuring that your players will have a ball.


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER OYE COMO VA Arranged by Paul Murtha Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470635 This arrangement of Tito Puente’s Latin/rock classic (made famous by Santana) is an absolute must for beginning groups! The simple chord structure makes this one a natural for players just learning to improvise. Includes full-length recording.

Arranged by Michael Mossman Advanced $60.00 Cat: 7011069 Written for and recorded by Mario Bauza, Michael Philip Mossman adds his own unique flare to this Dizzy Gillespie Latin jazz classic. Featured soloists include trumpet (of course), as well as trombone and alto. A great showcase for the entire ensemble!




AFTER YOU’VE GONE Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7011145 Here’s a nice change-of-pace swing tune that will work great for contest or concerts. The tempo is relaxed just enough to make it easy for younger groups to handle comfortably. Plenty of tutti ensemble playing and lush harmonies. Written for full band, playable with 4 saxes, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and rhythm section. Fulllength recording included.

BLACK ORPHEUS Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010909 This familiar standard has been around for years, and is creatively set here in a medium swing style by Paul Murtha. The trombone section is featured in the beginning and is followed by the trumpet section. Following a solo section for trumpet and tenor, there is an effective key change and full ensemble shout chorus. Designed for young players, experienced bands will sound great playing this as well!

BOOM BOOM Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010927 Recently used in television ads, this classic R & B tune from John Lee Hooker is great for featuring a variety of soloists. The striking stop-time opening gives way to a straight-ahead blues. This one just feels good.

CAR WASH Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium $45.00 Cat: 7011097 Originally recorded by Rose Royce in 1977, this well-known funky hit is enjoying new life in the hit movie Shark Tale recorded by Christina Aguilera and Missy Elliott.



Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500103 Recorded by newcomer vocalist Norah Jones, this haunting tune was a big hit on the pop charts. With a beautiful melody and smooth harmonies, this is a wonderful contemporary feature for a vocalist. This arrangement may also be used as a feature for flugelhorn or tenor sax, in place of the vocal part. Key of B flat.



Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7011211 Here are the main themes from this popular soundtrack arranged for younger bands. With its unique mix of spy/adventure music reminiscent of the 1960s with a touch of cool jazz, this is sure to be a hit with your band and liven up your concert.

MILESTONES Arranged by Paul Murtha Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470681 Paul Murtha takes the essence of this great tune and makes it playable by beginning groups. The easy chords and modal style make it a natural for learning to improvise. Written for full band, playable with 3 saxes, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone and rhythm section. Full-length recording included.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium $40.00 Cat: 7011079 Nothing says Motown like this #1 Aretha Franklin hit from 1967! Add this to your jazz ensemble’s set list, and watch the crowd get movin’.

Arranged by Paul Murtha Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470663 This traditional swing tune from the ’40s works great in this easy setting for beginning bands. The moderate swing tempo and easy rhythms provide a perfect model for teaching this style to inexperienced players. There are plenty of tutti patterns and the rhythm section parts are well notated.



Arranged by Paul Murtha Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470689 Give your band a little change of pace with this 1940s standard from the swing era. Slow and bluesy, this easy arrangement features various sections playing the melody in addition to a solo or soli for trumpet and a nicely scored sax soli. A key change follows with the full ensemble bringing it home.



Arranged by Paul Murtha Easy $40.00 Cat: 7011209 Originally recorded by Sam & Dave in 1967, then later revived by the Blues Brothers, this tune helped define rhythm & blues. Paul Murtha’s easy chart will sound great with any band and requires only limited rehearsal time.



Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 3744670 Ray Charles could rock with the best of them and this tune shows why! Featuring a touch of gospel style, this exciting arrangement includes a driving pulse, an effective stop time section, the trademark call and response, and a full-blown push to the end.

ZOOT SUIT RIOT Arranged by Paul Murtha Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010414 From one of the hottest new swing bands in the country, ‘Cherry Poppin’ Daddies,’ here is an outstanding arrangement of their current huge hit.

ARRANGED BY OLIVER NELSON BACK WOODS Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-390 Written to feature Phil Woods, this jazz waltz features alto saxophone and gives you the opportunity to explore the use of clarinets in the saxophone section. As usual with Nelson’s music, this is a catchy, wonderful, swinging piece, full of surprises. Your band will really enjoy playing this one.

BLACK, BROWN, AND BEAUTIFUL Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-373 This chart is recorded by Oliver Nelson on the recording titled Black, Brown and Beautiful. Johnny Hodges was the guest soloist on this absolutely gorgeous alto saxophone feature. A ballad in the most classic jazz tradition, this chart is very playable, with very easy rhythms and reasonable brass ranges.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER BLUES AND THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH Arranged by Oliver Nelson Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-389 This chart is the exact, original one that Oliver Nelson wrote for his terrific recording More Blues and the Abstract Truth. This was taken directly from his score. A wild, wonderful, multi-metered line that is one of those challenges that is well worth it. Features tenor sax and drums. Don’t miss this one! 5/4/4/3

CRITICS’ CHOICE Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-383 Here is a terrific medium-tempo shuffle chart that the Buddy Rich Band played all the time. It was recorded on the Swingin’ New Big Band album and has wide open blowing space in the blues format. A great shout chorus finishes off this exciting, swinging chart from Oliver Nelson. 5/4/4/3

DAYLIE’S DOUBLE Arranged by Oliver Nelson Difficult $49.00 Cat: SMP-459 Oliver had a great feel for the “funky” jazz style which was so popular. This chart features tenor sax throughout, and was recorded on the ‘Fantabulous’ album. It is a very easy chart to play, and it would be a great addition to any big band book. This also could be played by a smaller instrumentation as recorded by Oliver (4 saxes, 2 tpts.,2 trbs., 3 rhythm). 5/4/4/3

DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-370 There has been an illegal lift of this chart available before, but this chart is the exact, original one that Oliver Nelson wrote for his terrific recording Live From Los Angeles. This was taken directly from his score. A wild, wonderful look at an old tune that can feature 1, 2 or all of your trumpet players (or anyone else). 5/4/4/4

EMPTY BALLROOM BLUES Arranged by Oliver Nelson Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-398 Nelson wrote an album for Johnny Hodges (Black, Brown & Beautiful) featuring the compositions of Duke Ellington and also some of his original things. This Ellington tune just romps and stomps right from the start. The ensemble shouts just scream with wonderful voicings that lift you up out of your seat! There is solo space for alto sax, trumpet and piano.

FULL NELSON Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-381 This chart was originally included in the Full Nelson album and then the Verve Jazz Masters 48: Oliver Nelson CD (now out of print). It is a simple, swinging blues chart, full of all of the ingenious writing we have come to expect from Oliver Nelson. It can feature many different players, but is written to feature tenor saxophone. 5/4/4/3

GROOVE Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-415 This piece was taken from Nelson’s original score. Exactly as recorded on the Verve Jazz Masters 48 CD (now out of print). This is a clever, highly original rendition of the traditional melody. It was written to feature the great Bob Brookmeyer. It is a swinging trombone feature throughout. Opens with a great brass chorale.

HOBO FLATS Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-386 As recorded on the brilliant CD Afrique, by the Count Basie Orchestra, this chart was originally written for a Jimmy Smith album. It’s a 12/8 blues feel, with room for piano, trumpet and alto saxophone solos. This is a real catchy kind of vamp and melody which will make it a favorite of your band and audiences. Very limited brass ranges make this piece accessible to almost any band. 5/4/4/4


HOE DOWN Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-374 This piece was taken from Nelson’s original score, not a watered down version. It is exactly as recorded on the Verve Jazz Masters 48 CD. This is a clever, bright, swinging chart which features a trumpet solo and great ensemble shout choruses. A guaranteed crowd-pleaser! This should be in every jazz band library - school or pro! 5/4/4/4

I HOPE IN TIME A CHANGE WILL COME Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-387 As recorded on the brilliant recording A Dream Deferred. Quite possibly the most heart-rending, beautiful melody Nelson ever wrote. It features soprano saxophone throughout (either an alto or tenor player) in a slow 12/8 feel. All parts are very easy to play, but don’t let that cause you to think this is a kiddie band chart. This is Nelson at his spiritual best. 5/4/4/3

IT’S GLORY Arranged by Oliver Nelson Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-396 Also written for Black, Brown & Beautiful, this Ellington tune starts out with a rhythm section vamp and swings on from there. The ensemble shouts just scream with wonderful, dissonant voicings that are a thrill to hear! There is solo space for alto sax, trumpet and piano.

JADA Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-371 This chart is the exact, original one that Oliver Nelson wrote for his terrific L.A. band on the recording ‘Live From Los Angeles.’ This was taken directly from his score. A wonderful, laid-back chart! One of those rare gems that even younger players can manage (if they can swing!). A great teaching chart. Solos as you wish, with chord sheets provided for all. Exactly as recorded! 5/4/4/3

MISS FINE Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-375 This piece was taken from Nelson’s original score. This chart is exactly as recorded on the Verve Jazz Masters 48 CD. There aren’t many charts in this category ..... classic, one-of-a-kind, trend-setter, immediately attractive in every way. Features trumpet. A terrific easy swing chart that starts out politely and then knocks you out with a great shout chorus. Very reasonable ranges for all. This should be in every jazz band library - school or pro! 5/4/4/4

A PENTHOUSE DAWN Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium $42.00 Cat: SMP-372 Oliver Nelson wrote the most beautiful melodies!! This is an alto saxophone feature and was recorded by Phil Woods and the Jazz Interactions Orchestra in 1967 (hear it on the Verve Jazz Masters 48 CD - now out of print). This is a stunning composition by Nelson. The band parts are very accessible to most players. 5/4/4/4

ST. LOUIS BLUES Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Easy $47.00 Cat: SMP-380 Exactly as recorded by Oliver Nelson’s Orchestra and featuring Joe Newman on trumpet. This chart is very simple in concept and it can be played by even the youngest bands. The trumpet feature section can be any length. Clarinet doubles are required. Included in the Jazz Masters 48: Oliver Nelson CD. 5/4/4/3

SELF HELP IS NEEDED Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Easy $47.00 Cat: SMP-382 Here is a great blend of swing and Latin, done in the inimitable style of Oliver Nelson. It was recorded on the Flying Dutchman label in 1969. This wonderful chart features alto saxophone. 5/4/4/3



SOUND PIECE FOR JAZZ ORCHESTRA Arranged by Oliver Nelson Difficult $92.00 Cat: SMP-399 This may well be the most significant (and respected) piece in the huge catalog of Oliver Nelson compositions. It is a magnificent, three-movement work that stretches the boundaries of the traditional big band. The instrumentation includes solo tenor sax, 5 W.W. (doubles on 3 cl. and 2 bs. cl.), 2 french horns (cross-cued and optional), 4 tpts., 3 trbs., tuba, piano, bass and drums. This is a major, groundbreaking work which should be in every college and professional jazz ensemble library.

STOLEN MOMENTS Arranged by Oliver Nelson Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-384 This, of course, is Oliver Nelson’s best known jazz standard. Here is his OWN fantastic arrangement for big band as recorded on a 1969 LP titled A Dream Deferred (on the Flying Dutchman label). Alto solo. Exotic re-harmonizations and instrumentations. This is a must have chart after which all other charts on this tune sound inferior. 5/4/4/3


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER FOOTLOOSE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Easy Medium $35.00 Cat: NEST102 8th notes are especially short. Rhythm must supply a solid, steady beat for this arrangement to sound good. Some real solid, “laid down” drums will really benefit everyone. Choice of solos are all written out for the different instruments. Again, a very low trumpet section demands that everyone listen as not to cover up the melody.

FREE FLIGHT Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: NESTP105 Balance is the key starting at bar 7 and through bar 26. Each statement from the different sections is important for the overall balance. During the unison band chorus at bar 71, feel free to change a figure to tailor it for your ensemble. It isn’t written in stone, and any change won’t detract from the principle idea of the chorus. Recorded by Sammy Nestico Big Band on This Is The Moment.

Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Easy $47.00 Cat: SMP-394 As recorded on the wonderful LP Black, Brown and Beautiful, featuring Johnny Hodges, this nifty blues chart has very reasonable brass ranges, no doubles, and Oliver’s sort-of gospel feel to it. It is a medium-slow blues, playable by most bands and featuring a trumpet solo (and room for anyone else). 5/4/4/4



Arranged by Sammy Nestico Easy Medium $35.00 Cat: NEST103 Nice and crisp, avoid any sluggish approach from the band. Keep it crisp & accented. At bar 72 everyone soft and together! Pay attention to the technique markings.

Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-369 There may not be a more beautiful ballad anywhere in jazz ensemble literature. This is an alto saxophone feature throughout and was recorded on the Full Nelson album and also included in the Verve Jazz Masters collection CD. This is a stunning piece, which has a decidedly orchestral/classical sound to it. The possibility of using the original clarinet, flute oboe, bass clarinet and celeste parts makes this a most interesting and special piece. Regular saxophone parts are also included if doubles are not available.

ARRANGED BY SAMMY NESTICO AFTER YOU’VE GONE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $35.00 Cat: NEST105 Very laid-back and easy for the first chorus. Use guitar, piano or your choice of instruments for the jazz sections. Drums should build up a bar before the ensemble at 61. The ensemble should be BIG! From 75 to the end should be very light for a large contrast.

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $45.00 Cat: 7210016 As recorded by Peggy Lee, Joe Williams, Count Basie and many others, this popular standard breathes new life under the masterful pen of Sammy Nestico. A flexible solo section allows for any combination of soloists.

DON’T LOSE MY NUMBER Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: POWH3014 Sammy created this chart of the Phil Collins hit. Mid-tempo in the classic Basie style.

EASY TO LOVE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Cat: 32423025 Sammy features the saxophones in this medium swing arrangement of this Cole Porter standard. Wonderful ensemble writing. No solos required.

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 This swinging vocal arrangement is in the key of A flat.


GRACE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Difficult $55.00 Cat: JEM01023 From the Quincy Jones/Sammy Nestico CD titled ‘Basie & Beyond.’ Composed by Quincy Jones, this is an emotional ballad for either tenor or soprano saxophone soloist that will touch the hearts of performers and audience alike. Lush chords and a tender piano introduction set the mood for this superb chart arranged in collaboration by Quincy and Sammy Nestico. This chart was originally written as the Gymnastics Theme for the 1984 Olympiad. Playable by an experienced jazz ensemble, this is a sensational ballad! Strongly recommended.

THE HEAT’S ON Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Easy $42.00 This medium easy swing chart features tenor and piano solos.

Cat: 2575




Arranged by Sammy Nestico Easy $40.00 Cat: 2569 This easy swing shuffle features tenor & optional alto, trumpet & trombone solos.

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: JEM01025 From the Quincy Jones/Sammy Nestico CD titled ‘Basie & Beyond.’ A medium groove swing tune that fits like an old shoe-so comfortable and everything works just right. Composed and arranged by the legendary Sammy Nestico for the late Harry “Sweets” Edison, this chart screams Count Basie. And speaking of swinging, there is a glorious ensemble section that brings it all together that is so very sweet! Sammy includes solo space for trumpet, piano, 2nd alto sax, tenor and trombone. This chart is not technically difficult, but dynamics and cohesive ensemble playing are a must. A wonderful arrangement that belongs in every jazz library!

I REMEMBER CLIFFORD Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 32323028 Benny Golson’s tribute to Clifford Brown has been a jazz favorite for years, and in the hands of Sammy Nestico you won’t find a better feature for trumpet or flugelhorn. Silky smooth!


CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 3232304 This familiar standard is a great way to feature your entire ensemble! Sammy’s use of intertwined melodic lines along wtih effective key changes is masterful. This chart features saxes off the top and then solos for trumpet, trombone, and piano.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER JUST IN TIME Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Cat: 32423017 Sammy’s medium swing arrangement of this popular standard just seems to gather steam all the way through. Terrific ensemble writing and no solos.

KATIE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Easy Medium $35.00 Cat: NEST104 This calls for a very lazy feel. Keep saxes quiet behind. Piano solo at bars 21-25. Work on the split triplets at bars 35 and 36. They offer a chance for some very clean ensemble work. Very full at measure 43 and back down to a whisper for ending.


NICOLE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Easy Medium $35.00 Cat: NEST108 Straight 8ths throughout. Electric rhythm is preferable. Bar 27 is very full, with sax line and trumpet melody predominate. Guitar should not be locked into the part. The music is down to a whisper for the ending.

ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Cat: 32415010 Creative use of unisons will give young groups added confidence, and the polished ensemble writing adds just the right contrasts in this Basie-style masterpiece.

THE QUEEN BEE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $42.00 Here’s Nestico’s classic from the Basie library.

Cat: 2460

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: NEST114 A real specialty number and can’t be played by every jazz ensemble. It sounds much more difficult than it really is, but it does take on some additional instrumentation. It needs a second keyboard (synthesizer) plus mallets and percussion. There is no guitar part. This arrangement does away with the need for flutes, woodwind, french horns and tuba. It is a lot of fun to play, and individual parts are not extreme. The bright tempo doesn’t call for a lot of fancy syncopation. With some heavy rehearsing, this could work well on a diversified program. Recorded on This Is The Moment.



Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $45.00 Cat: 32323038 Here’s an outstanding medium swing arrangement of this jazz favorite. Featuring a sax soli and solos for Trumpet and Piano, this one is perfect for festivals or concerts. Effective use of key changes and a variety or scoring textures help make this another winner from Sanny Nestico. (Includes optional Synth. part)

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Easy $38.00 This medium easy chart features alto sax.

Cat: 2410

LOST STAR Arranged by Sammy Nestico Easy Medium $35.00 Cat: NESTY105 The first 12 bars asks for a good balance and presence from the rhythm section (preferably electric). We need some real dynamic change at bars 29 and 61, so make it happen! The last ensemble (bar 61) has some saxophone counter-melody that should be heard strongly.

LOVE IS HERE TO STAY Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Cat: 32423019 This is an absolutely gorgeous tenor sax feature! The ensemble has plenty to do, too, in providing a lush, subtly swinging backdrop for the soloist. If you have a strong tenor player, this could be the highlight of your program.


Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: JEM01027 From the Quincy Jones/Sammy Nestico CD titled ‘Basie & Beyond.’ Quincy Jones composed this lovely melody and beautiful alto saxophone feature, Quincy and the legendary Sammy Nestico collaborated on this stunning arrangement. The ultimate ballad showcase for your alto soloist, easily playable by an experienced jazz ensemble.


ST. LOUIS BLUES Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Cat: 32423011 Sammy’s unparalleled craftsmanship is evident in this masterpiece. In one tempo throughout, there’s a hint of ‘march style.’ Solid ensemble writing.

SAMANTHA Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: NEST106 Originally written for and played by Bud Shank, it is a showpiece for alto saxophone. The arrangement carries a wide dynamic range, and needs a very soft but smooth approach for background figures. An extremely large swell in bars 32 and 33 leads to a very powerful few bars of ensemble. It remains full until bar 50 and progresses into a quiet ending containing a brass pyramid.

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: NEST101 Strive for a good blend of altos/trumpets and tenor/trombone figures. Mostly section material until the ensemble at bar 85. Minor blues always offers more color. No straight time for the guitar. He should be comping most of the way. Recorded by Sammy Nestico Big Band on This Is The Moment.



Arranged by Sammy Nestico Advanced $60.00 Cat: 7011065 From the Count Basie library, this classic flag-waver from the pen of Sammy Nestico is available again! A true tour de force for every section of the band, this monster chart features blistering brass, wailing saxes, a tenor solo, and a great full ensemble shout. Strike it up!

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Cat: 32413010 This classic blues was a standard of the Count Basie Orchestra for many years, and Sammy Nestico’s very playable version for young groups really cooks!

MY FUNNY VALENTINE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010042 Feature a trumpet or flugel on this creative arrangement of a timeless standard. Written in a ballad style, this chart also features nice ensemble scoring and a brief very easy section in 3/4. This terrific setting for younger groups deserves to be in every band’s library.


Arranged by Sammy Nestico Advanced $42.00 Cat: 2301 Here is the pro version of Sammy Nestico’s classic from the Basie Band.


SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Arranged by Sammy Nestico Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7011063 As recorded by Count Basie on ‘Prime Time,’ here is the magnificent Nestico flagwaver to end all flag-wavers! Combine a wonderful standard tune with solos for piano and tenor along with some of Sammy’s finest ensemble writing ever, and you have a highlight for any concert or festival. Classic chart!



SWINGIN’ ON THE ORIENT Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: NESTP108 Dynamics and feel are of utmost importance in the playing of this arrangement. The first two bars can be omitted. A little less volume at bar 7, and then into the trumpet/ alto statement of the theme. The new theme at bar 54 is to be played full, but at an mf dynamic marking. At this point make certain that the trumpets are playing less volume than the saxes and trombones. They are not carrying the ball. Of course the ensemble at bar 116 is full and tight. Bar 74 calls for crisp quarter notes from the band, and leads to a delicate last four bars. Recorded on ‘This Is The Moment.’



Arranged by Sammy Nestico Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7011193 Adapted from the version on Sammy Nestico’s acclaimed 2005 recording Portrait of Sammy, here is a tasty up-tempo Latin treatment of this Johnny Mercer standard. Stylized as only Sammy can do, you’ll hear creative counterlines and harmonies, as well as flawless pacing and ensemble writing. Solos for tenor, trumpet and piano are also featured. At 81 years of age, Sammy is still the master and going strong!


BALI HI (See Stan Kenton section)

BEGIN THE BEGUINE (See Stan Kenton section)



THIS MUST BE LOVE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: POWH3018 A steady rock ballad with altos and tenors on optional flutes for the introduction section.

(See Stan Kenton section)

DAY DREAM (See Stan Kenton Section)



Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: JE9516 This is one hot chart! One of Sammy Nestico’s best, it features a trombone solo which was written for Bill Watrous. The solo goes up to B-flat 4 and requires a good performer, but in the right hands, it’s dynamite. Definitely first class!

EVERYTIME WE SAY GOODBYE (See Stan Kenton Section)


TRAVELIN’ HOME Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $32.00 Easy jazz feel. Features a trumpet solo.

(See Stan Kenton Section)

Cat: CLBA032221000



Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $50.00 Cat: 32323034 Sammy’s interpretation of this great old tune is right on target for today’s jazz ensembles, with all the class we have come to expect from this master arranger! Written in a relaxed swing style, this chart features lots of tutti ensemble writing, very melodic counter melodies, and also a wonderful sax soli. No solos required.

WIND MACHINE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $50.00 Cat: 7210970 Here is another classic Nestico chart penned for the Count Basie Band.

WITCHCRAFT Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 32323040 This naturally swingin’ tune has been a favorite among jazz artists for many years. Sammy’s craftsmanship in orchestration is evident in this medium swing arrangement which requires no solos. A strong chart that will really give your band a chance to cook!

YA GOTTA TRY HARDER Arranged by Sammy Nestico Difficutl $55.00 Cat: JEM01022 Basie and Beyond! This is the definitive swing chart composed and arranged by the legendary Sammy Nestico. Straight from the Quincy Jones-Sammy Nestico CD, this chart starts off swinging and then swings even more. It’s packed with trademark Nestico swing figures and soaring ensemble sound. Written for the experienced jazz ensemble, the tempo is definitely brisk and there is plenty of solo space provided for drums, piano, tenor, trumpet and trombone. Festival and concert material destined for critical acclaim, this chart is absolutely outstanding, a must-have arrangement for every experienced band.

Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Easy $42.00 Cat: 399 Developing jazz bands will love this new moderate swing composition by film composer Lennie Niehaus. Important jazz concepts that should be in every aspiring jazz musician’s vocabulary are taught and reinforced in this easy level chart. Lots of unison, tutti, ensemble, and sax soli work are included, plus ad lib or as is solo space for trumpet (cues for tenor sax) and piano (cued for alto sax). This chart features Kendor Konvertible minimum instrumentation, making the chart playable by as few as 9 pieces, as many as 17 pieces, or anything in between. Playable by 9-17 players.

A FOGGY DAY (See Stan Kenton Section)

FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $38.00 This standard features vocalist or optional tenor sax. Key of A flat.

Cat: 70

GO WEST,YOUNG LIONS Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Advanced $48.00 Cat: 3237 The well constructed form of this Niehaus original introduces an effective theme in the beginning, referring to it throughout the composition. Solos for tenor sax and trumpet are offered during this chart in the moderately fast swing style. A burning shout chorus and the coda section sum up the previously stated musical material.

HODGEPODGE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $40.00 Cat: 158 This swing original for medium jazz bands showcases all sections of the ensemble in a healthy mix of unison, soli and full-group settings. The intro. features a written piano solo; other solos for tenor and trumpet may be improvised or played as written. Scoring requirements are standard, and a chord chart by Jim Greeson comes with each set as an aid to guitarists with little or no jazz experience.

HOW DO I LOOK IN BLUE (See Stan Kenton Section)

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I’VE NEVER BEEN IN LOVE BEFORE (See Stan Kenton Section)

(See Stan Kenton Section)


(See Stan Kenton Section)

IT’S ALL RIGHT WITH ME (See Stan Kenton Section)

IT’S SHOWTIME Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Easy $42.00 Cat: 608 Here’s a great moderate swing style feature for developing sax soloists. The soloist may improvise or perform the suggested solos, and interludes and a shout chorus give the soloist sufficient rest. Scored at the easy level, this chart features Kendor Konvertible minimum instrumentation, making the chart playable by as few as 9 pieces, as many as 17 pieces, or anything in between. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set. Playable by 9-17 players.

KEY WEST Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Difficult $48.00 Cat: 3845 This bright swing burner featuring alto and tenor soloists casts them together on a harmonized melody, then cuts them loose on two solo choruses each.

Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $45.00 Cat: 56120 This arrangement is scored in a slow ballad style. The rhythm section parts are optional, as is the improvised or written solo section. If no soloists are to be featured, the solo section may be cut from the performance as per the provided directions. Modern chords will give all players interesting and challenging parts, and backgrounds are provided in the string parts during the solo section, making solos possible even if no rhythm section is used.



Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $42.00 Cat: 61548 Here’s a medium swing original for advancing groups by film composer Lennie Niehaus that’s sure to be a hit with players and audiences. Beginning with an introduction that quotes the main theme, the riff-like melody utilizes variations of the ‘Charleston’ rhythmic figure. There are strategically placed interludes, and a suggested or ad lib solo for trumpet. After the exciting shout chorus, the coda consists of two-measure phrases alternating with two-measure drum solos. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.



(See Stan Kenton Section)

(See Stan Kenton Section)



(See Stan Kenton Section)

(See Stan Kenton Section)



Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $42.00 Cat: 1723 Commissioned by the University of Portland Jazz Festival, this original alternates between 4/4 and 3/4 time for a refreshing change-of-pace. Written solos for trumpet (cued for alto) and piano are provided, and directors have the option of speeding up the indicated tempo for more excitement if their bands are able. The chart closes out strong, and all sections have a chance to shine. Guitar chord chart included.

(See Stan Kenton Section)

LULLABY OF BIRDLAND (See Stan Kenton Section)

LULLABY OF BROADWAY (See Stan Kenton Section)


Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Advanced $52.00 Cat: 62485 This moderate swing original utilizes the II7-V7-I progression - a must for all jazz soloists to master. Composed for proficient jazz ensembles, this chart has plenty of interesting material for all to play. The solo section features trumpet and tenor sax, but can be opened up for additional players by using the chord sheet provided.

METRO WAIL Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Easy $42.00 Cat: 635 This swingin’ new chart boasting an abundance of fundamental rhythms and figures is educational, entertaining, and great fun to play. Lots of tutti and unison passages build group confidence, while simple countermelodies develop independent playing skills. Solos for trumpet and piano may be improvised or played as written, and a guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is provided. Playable by bands ranging in size from 9-17 members.


Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $48.00 Cat: 3654 This swingin’ chart starring trombones is a tip-of-the-hat to bebop great, J.J. Johnson. It features the whole section playing unison and harmonized versions of the melody, then a single player leading the way as soloist. The chart goes out with some dramatic, four-bar trades between the bones and band, a short sax soli, and a powerful finish.





(See Stan Kenton Section)

PEPPER Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Difficult $48.00 Cat: 3658 Composed in tribute to baritone sax legend Pepper Adams, this original is set in a moderately bright swing style and was written with maximum flexibility in mind. Clever cross-cueing techniques allow the 1st alto, 2nd alto, or baritone sax to be featured without leaving harmonic gaps when their ensemble parts are left out. A solo part is included in each set, and can be used by baritone or alto saxophone.

POINT MUGU Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Easy $42.00 Cat: 468 Named for a scenic area near his home in Southern California, this mainstream Niehaus swing original provides great training opportunity for groups needing easy level material. Abundant unisons, counterpoint, and lots of tutti ensemble playing will instill confidence in developing players. Solos are provided for piano and tenor saxophone. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.




SPRING IS HERE (See Stan Kenton Section)



Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Easy $42.00 Cat: 60750 Featuring Kendor Konvertible instrumentation, this chart is set in a modern swing style for developing groups. The piece transitions into brief salsa sections, and provides written or ad lib solos for several band members. The band even gets to do their best Dizzy Gillespie impression by singing ‘Salt Peanuts’ toward the end of the chart. Between Lennie’s great big band writing ability and the entertainment value of this piece, how can you lose? A guitar chord chart is included in each set.


Arranged by Edward Partyka Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54945 Dramatic and modern, blending jazz with elements from the classical world like minimalism and serialism.While this piece is not very technically challenging, it requires a mature ensemble (especially the rhythm section) and advanced soloist. The chart has two french horn parts and woodwind doubles, which add interesting colors and textures to the music. Recorded on the cd ‘Tunnel Vision-Music for Jazz Orchestra.’ An aggressive, up-tempo piece featuring drums and three soprano saxes collectively improvising.Woodwinds: soprano, soprano, soprano, bass clarinet, bass clarinet.

TAKING A CHANCE ON LOVE (See Stan Kenton Section)




(See Stan Kenton Section)

(See Buddy Rich Section)



(See Stan Kenton Section)



Arranged by Edward Partyka Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54947 Dramatic and modern, blending jazz with elements from the classical world like minimalism and serialism.While this piece is not very technically challenging, it requires a mature ensemble (especially the rhythm section) and advanced soloist. The chart has two french horn parts and woodwind doubles, which add interesting colors and textures to the music. A re-composition of Duke Ellington's ‘Love You Madly.’ Written for Bob Brookmeyer and recorded by Bob Brookmeyer with the Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra on ‘Madly Loving You.’ Woodwinds: clarinet (solo), flute/alto, soprano/ tenor, soprano/tenor, bass clarinet/bari.



Arranged by Edward Partyka Difficult $50.00 Cat: 54946 Dramatic and modern, blending jazz with elements from the classical world like minimalism and serialism.While this piece is not very technically challenging, it requires a mature ensemble (especially the rhythm section) and advanced soloist. The chart has two french horn parts and woodwind doubles, which add interesting colours and textures to the music. First prize winner in 1998 Julius Hemphill Composition Awards, sponsored by the Jazz Composers Alliance in Boston. Also recorded on ‘Tunnel Vision-Music for Jazz Orchestra.’ A haunting ballad featuring piano, soprano/ tenor sax and french horn (no improvising required.) Woodwinds: soprano/tenor, flute, flute, flute, bass clarinet.



Arranged by Edward Partyka Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54949 Dramatic and modern, blending jazz with elements from the classical world like minimalism and serialism.While this piece is not very technically challenging, it requires a mature ensemble (especially the rhythm section) and advanced soloist. The chart has two french horn parts and woodwind doubles, which add interesting colors and textures to the music. A minor blues that features baritone and bass (can be opened up for more solos or other soloists.) Woodwinds: baritone (solo), soprano, soprano/clarinet, soprano/tenor, bass clarinet.



Arranged by Edward Partyka Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54948 Dramatic and modern, blending jazz with elements from the classical world like minimalism and serialism.While this piece is not very technically challenging, it requires a mature ensemble (especially the rhythm section) and advanced soloist. The chart has two french horn parts and woodwind doubles, which add interesting colors and textures to the music. A re-composition of Alone Together as an up-tempo modal blowing vehicle for clarinet and trombone. Woodwinds: clarinet (solo), flute/ soprano, flute/soprano, clarinet/tenor, bass clarinet.

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Arranged by Bill Potts Medium Difficult $75.00 Cat: SMP-920 This is from the marvelous 1959 recording ‘The Jazz Soul of Porgy & Bess,’ as recorded by the Bill Potts Big Band (Phil Woods, Zoot Sims, Sweets Edison, Art Farmer, Bob Brookmeyer, Bill Evans and others). This swinging chart features the saxophone section and a trumpet solo.

IT AIN’T NECESSARILY SO Arranged by Bill Potts Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-924 This is from the marvelous 1959 recording ‘The Jazz Soul of Porgy & Bess,’ as recorded by the Bill Potts Big Band (Phil Woods, Zoot Sims, Sweets Edison, Art Farmer, Bob Brookmeyer, Bill Evans and others). This swinging chart features the saxophone section and a trumpet solo. 5-5-5-4 (can be played by only 8 brass).

MY MAN’S GONE NOW Arranged by Bill Potts Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-923 This is arranged it to feature trumpet throughout (as recorded on the 1959 album ‘The Jazz Soul of Porgy & Bess,’ featuring the Bill Potts Big Band). Lush orchestration, rich harmonies, reasonable ranges and a touching ending make this chart a great choice for festival programming. This should be in every big band book. 5-5-5-4

OH LAWD, I’M ON MY WAY Arranged by Bill Potts Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-921 The quintessential flag-waver (as recorded on the 1959 album ‘The Jazz Soul of Porgy & Bess,’ featuring the Bill Potts Big Band), this one is a real romp through a happy tune and a brilliant chart, arranged to feature everyone in the band. Some only have 4 bars, others have more blowing space, but everyone gets their chance in the spotlight. Great fun, great music and a great chart!



Arranged by Bill Potts Medium $67.00 Cat: SMP-926 Bill Potts’ arrangements for the recording ‘The Jazz Soul of Porgy & Bess’ are legendary. This medley is one of those charts, and it includes 5 different themes from Gershwin’s masterpiece. There is space for solos for alto and tenor saxophone, 2 trumpets, trombone, piano and drums. This is a lovely, peaceful setting of these themes, with very limited brass ranges (1 high C in the tpt. 1 part). This should be playable by most bands. This is a chart with great musical value and no endurance demands on anyone. 5/4/4/4 (opt. 10 brass parts).

SUMMERTIME Arranged by Bill Potts Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-922 This is the opener on the 1959 ‘The Jazz Soul of Porgy & Bess’ album, and it is a great opener for any live concert as well. It is an up-tempo, swinging version. Potts is a master arranger, and he brought it all to this chart. Solo space for trumpet and tenor saxophone. Use this to start your concerts, and you’ll never regret it.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER THERE’S A BOAT DAT’S LEAVIN’ SOON FOR NEW YORK Arranged by Bill Potts Medium Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-925 As recorded on the album ‘The Jazz Soul of Porgy & Bess’ (featuring the Bill Potts Big Band), this chart swings hard, but it isn’t hard to play. Bill arranged this in a wonderful contrapuntal fashion. He also chose to feature alto, tenor, trumpet, piano and drum solos. This arrangement should be in all big band books. 5-5-5-4 (can be played by only 8 brass).




Arranged by Les Sabina Easy $42.00 Cat: 60094 Here’s a light rock chart for developing groups that features an easy-to-play melody, and short solo sections for alto saxophone and trumpet. Harmonic clarity is always guaranteed through plenty of unison and duet style voicings. This is the perfect chart to encourage your rhythm section to experiment with various comping patterns once comfortable with the written portion of their individual parts. This chart features Kendor Konvertible instrumentation - meaning that it can be played by as few as 9 players. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.

DEEP FRIED Arranged by Les Sabina Easy $48.00 Cat: 351 This is a straight-ahead swinger for developing groups. It has a touch of blues and a hint of a mysterioso feel. Saxophones and brass often trade melodic phrases, and a written or ad lib solo is included for trumpet. Playable by 9-17 players.

***NEW*** DOWN ‘N UP

Arranged by Kim Richmond Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50446 This is a powerful piece with a strong theme initially stated in the middle low instruments. The even-eighth style is neither Latin nor rock but has a driving distinctive rhythmic pattern in the drums. After an intro with floating rhythm over which are fanfarish trumpets, the driving beat and motivic theme is established in trombones, baritone, guitar and French horn (optional). Orchestral in color and dramatic in shape, the melodic section opens to a trumpet solo, followed by alto (or soprano) and tenor saxophone solos (trading). The easy solo changes are few and modal. Solos: trumpet, alto sax (or soprano), tenor sax. Woodwind doubles: 2 sets of woodwind parts are provided. One with no doubles, another (preferred) with 1. flute/soprano, 2. flute/alto, 3. tenor/clarinet, 4. tenor/clarinet, 5. bari. The two versions can be mixed. Mutes: trumpets-straights, cups, harmons (no trombone mutes needed.) Optional parts for French horns (alternate parts for flugelhorns or top 5-6 provided), tuba, and percussion (mallets and hand-percussion).

Arranged by Les Sabina Medium $42.00 Cat: 366 This swing original features a contrapuntal theme that combines unique melodies from the saxophone, trumpet, and trombone sections. Ad lib or written solos are offered for tenor saxophone and trumpet before moving on to a powerfully contrasting block-scored shout section. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set.



Arranged by Kim Richmond Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-198 This chart is recorded on the sensational CD titled Passages by the Kim Richmond Concert Jazz Orchestra. It is a magnificent scoring of the Gershwin classic, a chart for which people have been clamoring for many years. Finally, it’s in print! Wonderful rhythmic ideas. 5-4-4-3 (Opt. French horn, tuba, Percussion).



Arranged by Kim Richmond Medium $60.00 Cat: 50447 This is a colorful tone-piece, slow in tempo, and orchestral in nature. Starting in piano, then progressing to woodwinds, finally reinforced in the brass, the intricate and angularly dramatic theme, constantly shifting in color and texture, spins out in an attractively harmonic fashion. No high trumpet range. No solos. No doubles. Optional parts for French horns (alternate parts for flugelhorns or tpt 5-6 provided), tuba, and percussion (mallets and hand-percussion).


Arranged by Les Sabina Medium $42.00 Cat: 60055 Quarter notes dominate the melodic material in this accessible swing chart for developing groups. Aspiring musicians will learn that each quarter note must receive its full value, that way directors can ensure that successive quarter notes do not get clipped causing acceleration. Players will not have to exceed a forte dynamic anytime throughout the chart because it is scored in either unison or two-part harmony. This chart features Kendor Konvertible instrumentation - meaning that it can be played by as few as 9 players. A guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson is included in each set. Add this confidence builder to your library today!


Arranged by Les Sabina Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 596 This straight-ahead medium swing chart features plenty of unisons and areas of block ensemble voicings.The result - a powerful sound coming from a less experienced jazz ensemble! As is or ad lib solo space is provided for tenor sax and some brief solo spots appear in the drum part. A guitar chord chart is included in this chart.

Arranged by Les Sabina Easy $42.00 Cat: 599 A driving Salsa chart with lots of intensity that just doesn’t let up! A short alto sax/ trumpet duet is featured along with plenty of unison sax and brass lines. An ad-lib or as-is solo is provided for tenor saxophone with optional solo space indicated for alto saxophone, trumpet, and trombone. This work for the developing jazz ensemble is scored at the medium easy level and features Kendor Konvertible instrumentation, making the chart playable by as few as 9 pieces, as many as 17 pieces.

MONEY ON THE CAT Arranged by Les Sabina Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 641 Featuring a slinky, feline-style melody in a relaxed swing groove, this chart for big or not-so-big bands is loaded with appealing highlights. These include an ad lib or aswritten piano solo, several short sax solis, and an exciting ensemble shout. Comes with a guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson.




Arranged by Les Sabina Medium $40.00 Cat: 502 Scored for standard bands but playable by as few as 9 pieces, this funk original features a tight, up-to-date groove and lots of full-group writing. Solo space is provided for piano (as written or ad lib), and the chord chart by Jim Greeson addresses the fact that the guitarist is required in some places to play the main melody along with saxes and brass. In his score notes Les also mentions that the sound of electric piano may be preferable to acoustic in this medium-level-chart.

SWING INC. Arranged by Les Sabina Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 695 As the title implies, this is a no-nonsense, straight-ahead swing tune. Highlights include a hard-swinging melody, a written or ad lib solo for tenor sax, and several solo spots for drums. With flexible scoring for 9-17 players, each performance set includes a guitar chord chart by Jim Greeson.



ARRANGED BY CARL SAUNDERS AN APPLE FOR CHRISTA Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50879 This arrangement was writen for Christa McAuliffe, the school teacher that lost her life in the Challenger tragedy. This up-tempo piece features trumpet, alto and trombone. This chart features an exciting out chorus with off-beat rhythmic figures which are challenging and fun. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

BABY BLUES Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 50883 This Carl Saunders original was written as how a baby would conceive the blues. The trumpet is featured throughout and has hip backgrounds and swinging ensemble. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

COMPILATION Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 50887 An up-tempo romp through rhythm changes. Featuring solos from every section in the band with hard cooking backgrounds. It can also be opened up for more solos if you wish. This arrangement builds up to an exciting out chorus and has a hip ending. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

DEARLY BEFUDDLED Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50882 This is a colorful arrangement with a Latin feel. Features trumpet and tenor on an interesting melody and changes. It has a lot of full ensemble passages and builds up to an exciting ending. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER STRIKE OUT THE BAND Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50878 The theme is stated by the low register instruments: bass trombone, baritone sax, bass, and piano. The solos are written for trumpet and tenor. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

ARRANGED BY DON SEBESKY ALCAZAR Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55757 If you’re looking for a rock chart with a Spanish flavor, this is it! You have the option of adding a flute, clarinet and flugelhorn to give your group that winning and different sound.

ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-237 This chart is from the I REMEMBER BILL a tribute to Bill Evans CD arranged and conducted by Don Sebesky! All of these incredible pieces require a mature band, soloists and woodwind doublers. Although these charts are not for the faint-ofheart, they are well worth the time and effort to perform. There has never been a more interesting or musical arrangement of this immortal Jerome Kern standard. From the I Remember Bill: A Tribute to Bill Evans CD. Give it a listen. A truly amazing and extensive excursion. Features alto saxophone. 5-4-4-3 (plus french horn).


Arranged by Carl Saunders Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50875 This chart is a challenging piece of music. It is written for 10 brass but can be played with 8. It has many tempo changes. It goes from a 6/8 feel to an up-tempo swing to a slow Latin feel. Features tenor, trumpet and drum solos. Lead trumpet to high G. This is a professional level chart.

Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-238 This chart is from the ‘I Remember Bill: a Tribute to Bill Evans’ CD arranged and conducted by Don Sebesky! All of these incredible pieces require a mature band, soloists and woodwind doublers. Although these charts are not for the faint-ofheart, they are well worth the time and effort to perform. An original by Don which is a wonderful, kind of quirky tune with extensive solo space. Give it a listen. 5-4-43 (plus french horn).




Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: 50880 An original tune written on the changes to ‘Body and Soul.’ Features alto and trumpet on the theme and the solos. This is an interesting arrangement. It has a balance of small band and big band writing which works its way to an ending that features cadenzas from both the trumpet and the alto. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

NEVER ALWAYS Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50881 This chart goes in and out of Latin and swing. Features trumpet and alto. Enjoyable to play and listen to. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

PERCEPTIVE HINDSIGHT Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 50876 The trumpet and tenor are featured stating the theme and on the solos. This is a colorful arrangement - it builds up to a classic big band shout chorus and finishes with a very climactic ending. This chart is fun to play and listen to. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

SOME BONES OF CONTENTION Arranged by Carl Saunders Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 50877 This happy and up-beat theme is stated by the trombones and features two trombones on the solos. After the solos they play 8s, 4s, 2s, and then play together. The band plays a full ensemble then ends with a double cadenza as both trombones end in the upper register. As recorded by Carl Saunders on Be Bop Big Band.

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Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55751 Here’s a ballad featuring your tenor sax player in both slow and fast passages. Written for the Maynard Ferguson band, this one has all the spirit needed for great jazz effects.

BLUER THAN BLUE Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-235 This could be called Newer Than New, because Don just wrote this for John Pizzarelli’s new band in New York. It’s a wonderful tour-de-force for the entire band, with lots of open spots for your hot jazz players to improvise. It can serve as a great opener or an equally effective closer. This is superb Sebesky, with lots of riffs, roaring ensemble passages, and just all-around great blues from top to bottom. 5-4-4-4.

BLUES FOR BELA Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55758 Another chart recorded by Doc Severinsen based on themes of Bela Bartok. This clever adaptation will make your band a festival winner!

CAPTAIN ARCADE’S VIDEO PARADE Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55759 A video game fantasy scored as a jazz/rock march. If you want something different, this is the one.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER DANNY BOY (see Maynard Ferguson Section)

FAN IT, JANET (See Maynard Ferguson Section)

GLADLY Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-339 This section starts out with a cymbal roll and a fanfare-ish intro which leads to a wonderful, happy, hip line stated in the brass. There is solo space for drums, trumpet, trombone, bass and alto saxophone. The original recording featured Dennis Mackrel, Bob Brookmeyer, Phil Woods, Tom Harrell and Dennis Irwin. This is a terrific chart with a light, puckish melody and big, swinging shout choruses. You’ll love it! Needed doubles are soprano sax, clarinet, flute and bass clarinet.

HANDEL WITH CARE Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55750 Originally recorded by Doc Severinsen, this chart shouts Handel’s Hallelujah with a lot of surprises. A great show opener.

HAPPY FEET Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55752 Toes will be tapping when playing this jazz/rock tune. The chart moves along with a happy feel that’s fun to play and definitely one that will leave your audience singing.

SUNFLOWERS Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55756 The unique blend between girl’s voice (optional) and flute will introduce another color that will set your band apart from the others.

SWEETIE PIE (EDITED) Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-403 This wonderful, quiet, Li’l Darlin’-ish chart was recorded by Maynard as Easy Chair. It has a great melodic and harmonic sense that puts it in a class all its own. This version has been edited to exclude any woodwind doubles and high trumpet parts.(full score incl.). Also available as a pro version.

WALTZ FOR DEBBY Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-236 This chart is from the I Remember Bill: A Tribute to Bill Evans CD. All of these incredible pieces require a mature band, soloists and woodwind doublers. Although these charts are not for the faint-of-heart, they are well worth the time and effort to perform. There has never been a more interesting or musical arrangement of this immortal Bill Evans standard. A truly amazing and extensive excursion. Features tenor sax, flugelhorn and guitar solos. 5-4-4-3 (plus french horn).

WARM VALLEY Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-342 Don Sebesky has taken Ellington’s melody and created a warm, sensuous chart which will be played for years to come.The ensemble voicings and colorful harmonies are set in a kind of Li’l Darlin’-ish type of feel. This will be a wonderful contrast on any jazz program, as the brass ranges are very easy, and the effect of the chart is very mellow and peaceful. A must for any big band library! 5/4/4/3

HOME COOKIN’ Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55753 This chart cooks from beginning to end with plenty of opportunity for soloists (either reading or improvising) to swing.

MADLY Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-341 A fitting last section to this marvelous suite. It features trombone, clarinet, flugelhorn, bass and drums. Sebesky’s tribute to Ellington comes to a wonderful, inspired end with this amazing music. Soprano sax doubles required. 5-4-4-3

PEOPLE (See Maynard Ferguson Section)

SADLY Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-340 Phil Woods was the featured soloist on the recording on this chart which is an alto feature for the most part. There is also a piano solo section (a la Duke) as played by Jim McNeely on the original recording. This section is set in a slow, moody feel. A beautiful melody! Bass clarinet double. 5-4-4-3

SOFT CELL Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55754 A nice relaxed rock-style with close-voiced ensemble in the introduction and clusters at the end. You have the option of opening up this arrangement for additional solos.

SONG FOR CYMBALINE Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 55755 This arrangement features the alto sax in a ballad and swing combination. Recorded by the Maynard Ferguson band, the lyrical theme will become one of your favorites.




Arranged by Bob Sennett Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51657 A swinging modified blues. Extensive ensemble chorus around tenor and trombone solos.



Arranged by Bob Sennett Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51659 An ethereal sounding composition that employs cluster voicing in the reeds and close voicing in brass. There is a tenor solo, part written, part improvised, with a building brass background leading to a climax which immediately reverts to quiet, cluster voicing again. Trumpets double on flugelhorns.



Arranged by Bob Sennett Medium $55.00 Cat: 51658 Lush ballad featuring the trombone section. Lead trombone solo. Pretty changes and lush voicings. Trumpets on flugelhorns.

MINOR MATTERS Arranged by Bob Sennett Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 51656 Features trumpet-tenor. Ensemble backgrounds and out chorus compliment soloists. No doubles.

ARRANGED BY GEORGE SHUTACK EASY OUT Arranged by George Shutack Easy $42.00 Cat: 42097 Jazz writer George Shutack has written this rock excursion especially for developing players. It serves equally well as a concert opener or closer due to the strong, yet accessible rhythms, and catchy groove. The easy-to-hear solo changes will give students the opportunity to work on improvisational skills in a non-threatening setting. Written or ad lib solos for all rhythm section parts. Playable by 12-17 pieces.





Arranged by George Shutack Easy $42.00 Cat: 42355 A driving rhythm groove sets the mood in this contemporary Latin/rock chart. With solid scoring, a catchy melody, and an open solo section, this easy level chart will be the perfect vehicle to introduce young players to this essential style of music. As with all First Edition charts, this piece can by played by as few as 12 players.



Arranged by Dave Snider Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55676 This is a medium blues swing chart in the key of F, dedicated to the late great bassist Paul Chambers. Scored for 5 saxes, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, and rhythm, with optional guitar, no doubles. This chart features the bass player with an optional cadenza at the beginning followed by a blues solo. The bass is also featured on the melody; shared with the solo trumpet. There is a challenging sax soli and tutti section with open solo sections. The lead trumpet plays a few passages going up to the high concert B natural. This chart is a great feature and challenge for any bass player and college or pro bands.



Arranged by Dave Snider Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55678 This is a great contemporary R&B chart in the key of B flat, dedicated to the late great electric bassist Jaco Pastorius. Scored for 5 saxes, 5 trumpets (the 5th part is optional), 4 trombones, and rhythm, with optional guitar, no doubles. The bass player should play electric bass. The bass part is written but it can be improvised since there are chords above the written line. The tempo is 96 bmp for the quarter note. This chart has a very nice and funky melody with a tenor solo with challenging rhythmic riffs and backgrounds throughout the first half of the chart. The second half of the chart changes feel from an R&B feel to a double time swing feel with a trumpet solo and a challenging sax soli/tutti section. There is a drum solo in swing time which goes back to the original R&B feel to the head, followed with a tag in double time swing feel with battling sax and trumpet solos. The highest note for the lead trumpet is concert high D flat. This chart is a definite opener or closer and is a great challenge for any college or pro band.



Arranged by Dave Snider Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55677 This is a great contemporary funk chart, dedicated to the great electric bassist Larry Graham. Scored for 5 saxes, 5 trumpets (the 5th part is optional), 4 trombones, and rhythm, with optional guitar, no doubles. The bass player must play electric bass (NOT STRING BASS). The bass part is written but it can be improvised since there are chords above the written line. The tempo is 90 bmp for the quarter note. This chart is very high energy from the beginning to the end. There are challenging rhythmic and melodic riffs and backgrounds throughout the chart in all sections. The chart starts in G minor with a tenor solo. There is a drum solo/groove with horn backgrounds used as a transition and modulation to the key of concert E for a trumpet solo. The highest note for the lead trumpet is concert high D. This chart is a definite opener or closer and is a great challenge for any college or pro band.



TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER trumpet section is not written in the high register as in Maynard's band, and the highest note for the lead trumpet is concert G throughtout the chart with one high D in the last measure.This is a good closer for the first set and is a great chart for any college or pro band.

ARRANGED BY RICK STITZEL C JAM BLUES Arranged by Rick Stitzel Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470604 Finally, this Ellington classic is available for even the most inexperienced bands. For starters, this version is in Bb rather than C. Rick features the saxes on the melody with inventive brass counterlines, and later a marvelous ensemble tutti section that starts soft then builds to the end. An absolute must!

GOD BLESS THE CHILD Arranged by Rick Stitzel Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7011091 One of the most soulful ballads ever written, this standard has been recorded by artists ranging from Billie Holiday to Blood, Sweat & Tears. Rick’s easy arrangement features rich harmonies with full ensemble writing. A short written solo is included for any sax, but no improvised solos are required. Written for full band, playable with 4 saxes, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and rhythm section. Full-length recording included.

I’VE JUST SEEN HER Arranged by Rick Stitzel Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7011093 From the 1960s Broadway production ‘All American,’ this ballad has enjoyed wide popularity among jazz artists and has been recorded countless times. The beautiful melody and marvelous changes are blended perfectly in this feature for alto sax.

MOON RIVER Arranged by Rick Stitzel Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7470651 Henry Mancini was a master of melodies and this is one of his best. Rick’s easy arrangement is in 3/4 and features skillful scoring and rich harmonies.

NIGHT SONG (FROM GOLDEN BOY) Arranged by Rick Stitzel Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7011095 From the show ‘Golden Boy,’ this jazz standard composed by Charles Strouse is tastefully arranged in a Latin ballad style with a Bossa/bolero feel. There is plenty of full ensemble playing, and solos are included for trumpet and tenor (written or ad lib.). This one will be a perfect change of pace for your next concert.

NOW’S THE TIME Arranged by Rick Stitzel Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010969 Charlie Parker helped define the language of modern jazz.This marvelous arrangement of one of his most accessible compositions provides a perfect introduction to this legendary jazz master. Solid and swingin’!

Arranged by Dave Snider Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55679 This is a up blues swing chart that features the tenor sax. The chart has no melody so it requires the tenor player to be a good soloist with a good musical imagination. The introduction is a slow, thick, gospel feel with the tenor whaling over the top, followed by a cadenza into seven choruses of blues with horn riff backgrounds. There is a challenging sax soli and tutti section. This chart is a definite challenge for any tenor player and is a real crowd pleaser. Difficult for the tenor soloist.



Arranged by Rick Stitzel Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010967 Few of the famous funk themes from the ’70s are more well-known than this classic by Isaac Hayes. Rick’s authentic-sounding rendition makes it playable by just about any band.


Arranged by Dave Snider Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55675 This is a medium blues swing chart in the key of G, dedicated to the great trumpet player Maynard Ferguson. Scored for 5 saxes, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, and rhythm, no doubles. There is an optional bass solo cadenza at the beginning followed by a piano solo into a great melody in a blues riff style. There is a challenging sax soli section. Solo sections are open. There is a drum solo with horn backgrounds. The

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Arranged by Rick Stitzel Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470691 Similar to the trademark version by Ike & Tina Turner, this easy arrangement starts out slow in the beginning, then kicks into high gear to finish out. Saxes take the lead at first, but there is plenty of full ensemble playing as well. No solos are required.


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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD Arranged by Rick Stitzel Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470606 Made famous by Louis Armstrong, this is one standard that has stood the test of time. This very playable version is nicely scored with short features for each section.

WHAT I’D SAY Arranged by Rick Stitzel Easy $45.00 Cat: 7011201 An up-tempo rockin’ style, call-and-response playing, and hot horn riffs are all a part of this arrangement of the Ray Charles classic. The legend of Ray lives on through tunes like this that never seem to grow old.

ARRANGED BY GEORGE STONE ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010351 This often recorded standard is expertly arranged by George Stone in a medium swing style. Filled with creative harmonies and soaring ensemble figures, this is truly an outstanding choice for contest or festival use. Includes solos for piano and/or trumpet.


IT MIGHT AS WELL BE SPRING Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010140 From the prolific pen of Rodgers and Hammerstein, this standard has been a favorite with jazz performers for years. George’s outstanding setting features tenor sax in a ballad style with a double-time swing section for soloing.

LA SAMBA PRIMERA Arranged by George Stone Medium $60.00 Cat: 51753 Medium Samba that features a flugelhorn solo. There are some doubles: flute and soprano.

NARDIS Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 7010736 Here is a marvelous big band setting of this bebop classic from Miles Davis. Arranged in a medium up-tempo swing feel, this chart is loaded with great ensemble writing with the melody being traded among all the sections of the band.

PEEL ME A GRAPE Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010512 Recorded by Diana Krall on ‘Love Scenes,’ George Stone has taken a similar approach and created this sensual and engaging version for jazz ensemble. The slow and soft swing style makes this one a great change of pace for contest or festivals.

Arranged by George Stone Medium $56.00 Cat: 51750 Unique chart featuring an acoustic and an electric bass together, as well as a jazz and a rock groove. Scored with an optional guitar part to cover one of the bass parts.There are some doubles.




Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 34909038 George Stone’s medium swing setting of this familiar standard features lush ensemble writing with short solos for alto and tenor. Beautifully orchestrated and easy on the chops.

Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $66.00 Cat: 51754 Straight-ahead, hard-swinging shuffle with solos for alto and tenor. Soprano lead on extensive sax soli.

Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010275 This beautiful Duke Ellington ballad has been masterfully arranged here.


D-BOP Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 51756 Bright swing, unison bop line for alto, tenor, baritone, trumpet and guitar. Fun changes for tenor sax and trumpet solos.Challenging development section for the whole ensemble and sax soli/ensemble shout at the end. This is a great chart for festival and concert use. Lead trumpet is written high E, no doubles.

THE EARLY MONDAY MORNING REHEARSAL BLUES Arranged by George Stone Medium $54.00 Cat: 51751 Medium rock shuffle with soprano lead. Open solo section for any instrument and an extensive sax soli.

I’M OUT, ME TOO, I WIN Arranged by George Stone Difficult $53.00 Cat: 51752 Medium swing. Great ensemble writing. Solo changes on 1st tenor sax and 1st trombone. Nice shout chorus. Flute doubles. Optional percussion.

IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010030 This powerful chart takes a familiar standard and sets it as a medium up-tempo swing number. There’s lots of sax work here, including solos for alto and tenor and a great soli section.

Arranged by George Stone Medium $60.00 Cat: 51755 This is a Samba/Mambo which features both trombone and trumpet solos. A distinctive Bolero section offers a refreshing style change for a soprano sax soloist. Instrumentation includes four trumpets, four trombones, five saxes (double on soprano), guitar, piano, bass, drums and vibes.This chart is a fresh-sounding stylistic addition to a concert and/or festival set. Lead trumpet note is written B below high C, making this arrangement very accessible to bands of all performance levels.



Arranged by George Stone Difficult $60.00 Cat:51757 As the title suggests, it is a straight ahead swinger from start to finish. There is a unique rhythm section intro (with optional flute) followed by the band's statement of the melody and a large sax soli. Solos are designated for any rhythm instrument plus alto sax, tenor sax and trumpet. Following the solo section is an open rhythm section improvisation which can be constructed however you wish. Lastly, a three part contrapuntal section builds to a strong shout section all the way to the end. You will really enjoy this new, fresh and exciting composition.The high notes (optional) are high concert Eb and F.

THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010608 It’s not very often that we offer a trombone feature, but this classic tune by Ray Noble in the capable hands of George Stone seemed like a natural fit. Beautifully scored in a ballad style.

YOU’D BE SO NICE TO COME HOME TO Arranged by George Stone Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010040 When it comes to great swing tunes, this Cole Porter classic is near the top of the list. George’s outstanding chart is well-paced and a pleaure to perform.




ARRANGED BY CARL STROMMEN A NIGHT AT THE BLUE NOTE Arranged by Carl Strommen Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: SCM-024 This tune will remind you of all those Blue Note records you bought over the years. Moderate tempo and difficulty level, and full of surprises. Not quite a blues in F...

AS TIME GOES BY Arranged by Carl Strommen Easy $45.00 Cat: WBJE9319 The trumpet soloist starts alone with this memorable melody and soon draws the entire ensemble into this easy arrangement. Although the band get its say, it is the trumpet soloist who sustains right to the end. An excellent trumpet feature.

SLIP SLIDIN’ Arranged by Carl Strommen Medium $38.00 Cat: SCM-012 One of the country’s leading educational writers for jazz ensemble, chorus, concert band and orchestra has written a hip-hop piece at an easy level that kids should really dig. Ranges are moderate with optional higher notes if you have the horses. Written solos.



Arranged by Carl Strommen Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: SCM-032 Remember ‘Moanin’ Carl has done a great job with this at the high school, middle school and junior high school level. Blues in F. Scored for full band but sounds complete at 4/3/2/3.

UNO MAS Arranged by Carl Strommen Medium Easy $38.00 Cat: SCM-022 Carl has created a dynamic chart at a moderate difficulty level that gives you that hot Latin chart you’ve been looking for.

WHAT KIND OF FOOL AM I Arranged by Carl Strommen Medium $35.00 Cat: 130 In the key of C, this arrangement features a vocalist or optional tenor saxophonist.

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER ARRANGED BY MICHAEL SWEENEY ALL BLUES Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010656 Here’s the classic Miles Davis tune from the landmark album ‘Kind Of Blue’ carefully arranged for young groups. Written in 3/4 for ease of reading, Mike has kept the feel and sound of the original in this excellent setting. Full length recording included.



Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium $35.00 Cat: 7011159 Made famous by the Count Basie band as well as countless other jazz artists, bring a bit of history to your young players with this familiar standard.This easy arrangement includes a nice mix of unison passages with full-sounding ensemble scoring. Medium swing at its best!

ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 8050003 This easy arrangement features a moderate Latin groove with alternating swing sections. Nice! Written for full band, playable with 4 saxes, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and rhythm section. Full-length recording included.

ALRIGHT, OKAY,YOU WIN Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470526 Some tunes seem to get better with age. Mike’s version of this swingin’ standard is written in a medium shuffle style and is easy to learn. The solo section features stoptime ensemble figures and written sample solos.

APRIL IN PARIS Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7474568 Here’s an easy version of this big band favorite from the Count Basie Orchestra.Your audience is sure to recognize this one, and it’s the perfect way to introduce young players to one of the great bands of all time.



Arranged by Fred Sturm Advanced $50.00 Cat: 123406 Arranged to feature the composer — the amazing Phil Woods — and recorded on Phil’s 1998 Grammy nominee CD ‘Festival.’ Phil toured Europe with a big band and typically opened or closed the show with this burning swing chart.



Arranged by Fred Sturm Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-752 As recorded on ‘Libertango! Hommage to Astor Piazzolla’ (HR Big Band), this chart is very, very exciting. Set in a fast, quasi rock/fusion feel, this chart features solo space for trumpet (or whichever player(s) you might choose). The wonderful rhythmic interplay between all the sections and the brilliant scoring creates a must-have chart for every band. 5/4/4/5 (opt. marimba)



Arranged by Fred Sturm Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-753 As recorded on ‘Libertango! Hommage to Astor Piazzolla’ (HR Big Band), this chart is a beautifully sensitive setting of a gorgeous ballad. There are different solo parts (Eb, Bb, C) for you to use in choosing your soloist. It is a solo feature throughout the chart. Sturm’s orchestration and the climactic passage will tear your heart out, it is so intensely beautiful. This requires 4 clarinets and bass clarinet in the sax section with very easy to play parts. The brilliant scoring of Sturm creates a must-have chart for every band. 5/4/4/5 (opt. vibes/bells)

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Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Difficult $35.00 Cat: 8721581 Josef Zawinul and the jazz fusion group Weather Report broke new ground with this inNovative composition. This easy version maintains the drive and power of the original and will sound great with mature as well as inexperienced bands.

BLUE BOSSA Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010567 This great jazz standard by Kenny Dorham is now available in a playable arrangement for young players! There is a touch of the original combo scoring as well as the original background figures scored for the entire band.

BLUE MONK Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010308 One of the all-time great tunes by jazz legend Thelonious Monk. This arrangement by Michael Sweeney is an authentic adaptation using the original key (Bb) and preserving Monk’s unique rhythmic phrases. The chart opens with a trumpet/tenor duet, however there is plenty of tutti ensemble playing and flexible solo sections over blues changes. This one is a must.

BLUES MACHINE Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7474537 First released in 1992, this excellent blues original has stood the test of time. Perfect for teaching style and introducing the blues scale as a basis for improvisation. Includes CD.

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TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER BOOGIE DOWN Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 8050070 Here is an easy version of Al Jarreau’s funky jazz favorite. The rhythms have been simplified without losing the great feel of the original. Written for full band, playable with 4 saxes, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and rhythm section. Recording included.

CARAVAN Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 8050083 Everyone will recognize this Duke Ellington classic. Using interesting textures and alternating between a Latin groove and swing, this is a very effective production number with limited technical demands. Comes with CD.

CHAMELEON Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Here’s Herbie Hancock’s jazz-funk masterpiece.

Cat: 805182

CHOO CHOO CH’BOOGIE Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010540 In the tradition of Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy and ‘Chattanooga Choo Choo,’ here is one of the classic swing tunes from the ’40s made famous by Louis Jordan. The saxes get a workout on the main theme, then the brass take the lead on the familiar chorus. This entertaining chart is as fun to play as it is to listen to.

CRUELLA DE VIL Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470582 Here’s a bluesy and swingin’ version of this well-known favorite from Disney’s 101 Dalmations. This easy chart features a flexible solo section for any trumpet and/or trombone as well as a hard-hitting shout chorus to finish it out.

HOW HIGH THE MOON Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 8721376 Here is the swinging standard arranged by Sweeney for younger bands.

IN THE MOOD Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010016 One of the best-known tunes from the swing era is this classic from the Glenn Miller Orchestra. This updated chart from Mike Sweeney features very comfortable ranges, easy rhythmic patterns, and short written or ad lib solos.

IT DON’T MEAN A THING (IF IT AIN’T GOT THAT SWING) Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470508 Introduce Duke’s music to your beginning group with this great version. The rhythms have been simplified but the style is authentic. Includes full-length recording.

KILLER JOE Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 8720665 Here is a very playable arrangement of this quintessential ‘cool’ jazz swing tune. Carefully scored to sound full with incomplete instrumentation this arrangement also features written or ad lib solos for any sax and trumpet or trombone.

MALAGUENA Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7474514 Stan Kenton’s signature version is probably the best-known treatment of this Spanish classic. Mike’s easy arrangement draws upon this version while keeping the ranges and rhythms well within the reach of beginning groups. A real powerhouse! Written for full band, playable with 3 saxes, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone and rhythm section. Full-length recording included.


Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010380 This early jazz classic by Miles Davis is an excellent vehicle for introducing the blues. The trumpet soli section is derived from Miles’ original solo and may be performed either as a solo or as a section feature.

Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7011101 From the master of soul comes this catchy blues tune from the movie Ray. A distinctive feature is the alternating style between rhumba and straight ahead swing, and Michael’s skillful arrangement makes it a perfect fit for younger players. Written for full band, playable with 4 saxes, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and rhythm section. Full-length recording included.




Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 8721405 Be sure to bring the hip side of Frosty to your next holiday event with this swingin’ version for beginning groups. Including short solos for trumpet that can also be played as section features, this chart is easy to learn and fun to play.


Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470645 Known for his skill in adapting jazz classics for beginning players, Michael brings us this Bobby Timmons favorite in a very playable version. The style is medium slow swing, and the saxes present the theme first followed by the entire ensemble. Solos are only over sections with easy chord changes. Includes fulllength recording.

Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470552 This enduring standard by Hoagy Carmichael continues to sound fresh year after year. The notable recording by Ray Charles with its lush harmonies and bluesy ballad style is hinted at in this easy setting for jazz ensemble. The short solos for trumpet, sax, and trombone may also be played as section features. Great for developing balances and ensemble playing. Written for full band, playable with 3 saxes, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone and rhythm section. Full-length recording included.



Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7473535 Here is the Rodgers and Hart ballad arranged for young bands.

Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010451 Here is a unique version of this all-time great tune done in a Latin style. This easy chart features creative harmonies and exceptional scoring. Short solos are included for tenor, trumpet and drums. A great showpiece for young groups.


Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470518 Practically a trademark Count Basie tune, this medium swing classic has been carefully modified to fit the needs of beginning bands. Features authentic style, lots of tutti ensemble playing and easy written solos.


A NIGHT IN TUNISIA Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 805500 Without losing the essence of this masterpiece, Mike has crafted a great chart for young players using safe ranges and moderate rhythms. You’ll still find the trademark alternating from Latin to swing, as well as written or ad lib solos for alto and trumpet.





Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7011165 This medium slow standard provides a nice introduction to Latin style for young players. Solo sections are based on easy scales and the rhythm section groove is completely written out.

ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470661 Bill Haley & The Comets made the top of the charts with this hit back in 1955. And, it’s as fun now as it was back then! This easy chart will sound great with any band.

ST. THOMAS Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470647 Never has there been a version of this Sonny Rollins classic in an arrangement this easy! With ample use of unison lines, a moderate tempo and careful scoring, this one will really cook with young players.

SATIN DOLL Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium $35.00 Cat: 7010740 Beginning jazz ensembles will sound great with this solid swing arrangement by Michael Sweeney. Featuring tutti scoring and easy rhythms, this is a perfect chart to teach the basics of style.

SOFT WINDS Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010728 This jazz classic adapts perfectly for young players. The tempo is moderate and the swing figures are easy to play. The blues form makes it easy for inexperienced improvisers and sample solos are included for alto, tenor, trumpet, and piano.

SPINNING WHEEL Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7474140 Anyone who remembers Blood, Sweat & Tears will instantly recognize this jazz-rock classic from the ’60s. Perfect for teaching rock to beginning bands, this easy chart gives every section a chance to shine, particularly the trombones!

TEQUILA Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470502 Everybody knows it, and your students will want to play it! The simple chord progression is perfect for encouraging your inexperienced improvisers.

TOMORROW [FROM ANNIE] Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010907 Attractively arranged in a light rock style, here is a great sounding chart on the main song from the musical Annie. Featuring a trombone soloist on the melody and some nice harmonic twists, this arrangement builds to a solid finish with the full ensemble. Also includes solos for trumpet and tenor.



Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470693 One of the all-time classic charts from the Count Basie Band is this gem penned by long standing guitarist Freddie Green. Available for the first time in an arrangement for beginning bands, Michael Sweeney has crafted an authentic-sounding version that will work great for festivals or concerts. From the opening strains to the final shout chorus, the Basie style shines through.

WHITE CHRISTMAS Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7474570 Irving Berlin’s unforgettable holiday classic is a perfect choice for your winter concert. This easy yet effective setting will sound great with limited rehearsal time.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER WITCHCRAFT Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010226 This medium tempo swing standard provides the perfect way to get your young players to swing. Mike’s easy arrangement features plenty of full ensemble tutti rhythms and no solos are required.

YARDBIRD SUITE Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 805877 This Charlie Parker bebop classic is now available for young bands.

ZOOT SUIT RIOT Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470566 The hippest new swing tune of the year from the ‘Cherry Poppin’ Daddies.’ This exciting chart for young players features the signature horn riffs and drum breaks.

ARRANGED BY MARK TAYLOR AFTER YOU’VE GONE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $45.00 Cat: 7010708 Arranged here in a Basie-style slow swing setting, this well-crafted chart starts out as a study in ensemble writing with the brass in buckets and the drums on brushes. Later there is a solo for trumpet followed by a shout chorus where the full band really lets loose. Quality writing for contests and festivals!

ATTITUDE DANCE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 7010148 Celebrating 25 years of funk and soul, the unmistakable sound of Tower of Power still sounds as fresh and impressive as ever. Mark’s chart on this hot tune features the blazing horn lines and driving groove of the original.

BLUE ‘N’ BOOGIE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7011123 From bebop master Dizzy Gillespie comes this lively tune in a great chart for younger players by Mark Taylor. It opens with a trumpet and alto on the head followed by a quintet of 3 saxes and 2 trumpets. A tutti ensemble section comes next followed by a flexible solo section for any combination of alto, tenor, trumpet or trombone. The brass ranges are reasonable and most rhythms are tutti. Let the maturity of your group determine how fast (or slow) you play this one, however.

BLUE BOSSA Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010884 Kenny Dorham’s relaxed Latin classic is a must for all jazz programs. Mark has retained elements of the original version using a small group (alto, tenor, trumpet and trombone) on the opening statement, then the saxes playing the important secondary theme. Included after the flexible solo section is a sax soli, ensemble shout, and stop-time section featuring the drums. This chart is destined to become a classic.

BLUE SKIES Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010314 Mark Taylor has created an effective new treatment of a great standard song. Alternating between a Samba feel and swing, this chart also uses contrasting textures of small group playing and full ensemble. Includes solos for tenor and/or guitar and features a nice sax soli. Great choice for contest.

BLUES IN HOSS’ FLAT Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010888 There is no better style for young players to emulate than that of the Count Basie Orchestra. This famous swing tune is nicely arranged here by Mark Taylor in a very playable version that still sounds authentic. Comes with CD.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER BRADLEY’S BOP HOUSE Arranged by Mark Taylor Advanced $60.00 Cat: 7011117 Accompanied by drums on brushes, saxes take the first round followed by the brass on this tasty bop-style original from Mark Taylor. Plenty of nice ensemble work and section feature spots spice up this winner. Solos are for trumpet and tenor.

BROADWAY Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7011119 This familiar standard is arranged here in a medium up-tempo swing style and features your entire trumpet section. All parts include written sample solos, and it is constructed so that a single player can handle all the solo parts. Later, the trumpet section trades phrases with the drummer and a short ensemble shout takes you the rest of the way. Trumpet feature.

CHEGA DE SAUDADE (NO MORE BLUES) Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500115 Smooth Bossa Nova sophistication describes this classy chart. With its lyrical melodic style and terrific-sounding band accompaniment, this is truly a standout feature for a vocal soloist. Vocal key: C minor

COTTON TAIL Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010802 Here is the classic Ellington swinger in a fabulous version for younger players. The drive and excitement of the original is still there as Mark starts out with a small combo of 2 tenors and 2 trombones, then gets the full band involved. Includes solos for alto and/or trombone and also for trumpet and/or piano. This chart will sound great with any band!

Cat: 34204010

DOXY Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010646 Mark Taylor has adapted one of Sonny Rollins’ best tunes in this medium tempo chart for younger bands.

FLY ME TO THE MOON Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010107 Here’s one of the most recognizable standards ever written, effectively scored for youger groups by Mark Taylor in a Basie swing style. This chart features tutti ensemble writing at its best, and also includes a short piano solo.

FOUR Arranged by Mark Taylor Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010404 Miles Davis left a legacy of inNovative playing and enduring compositions. Here is one of his best tunes in a swinging medium up-tempo arrangement for young bands.

GEORGIA ON MY MIND Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 30707010 At last...an easy ensemble-oriented chart on this great jazz classic. Arranged in a laidback Basie groove, this chart is everything you could ask for.

GIRL TALK Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010376 The unmistakable style of Neal Hefti is apparent in this popular swing standard. Mark’s well-paced chart starts with the full ensemble playing soft. After an alto sax solo, it builds to a full-blown shout and then tapers to a quiet ending. Real smooth!


Arranged by Mark Taylor Difficult $50.00 Cat: 7010684 This swingin’ Basie-style shuffle starts out with a piano chorus followed by the saxes and finally a roaring brass section. Also featured are solos for tenor and trumpet and a fabulous shout chorus that starts quietly then builds to the end. Just hard-hitting swing as only Mark Taylor can deliver.

HALLELUJAH I LOVE HER SO Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7011103 The Ray Charles sound comes through loud and clear in this distinctive gospel/rock arrangement for young bands. Featured in the hit movie Ray, this solid chart has a driving feel throughout, interspersed with the trademark stop-time phrases.

HOW SWEET IT IS TO BE LOVED BY YOU Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500081 Recorded by many artists (including James Taylor) Mark’s version for vocal soloist is written in a medium swing style with a moderate vocal range, and features wellwritten background figures. Key of C. G below middle C to fourth space C.



Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $45.00 Cat: 7011249 Feature your tenor sax in a very comfortable and smooth-sounding range with this soft Bossa style arrangement of Cole Porter’s standard. Well-styled ensemble writing combined with the soloist help make this a perfect change-of-pace arrangement.

I’M BEGINNING TO SEE THE LIGHT Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500027 This makes an outstanding vocal feature, yet your band will have a great time with it as well. Key: C to E flat.


DAT DERE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Here is the Bobby Timmons classic for jazz band.


Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010228 In the style of “Li’l Darlin’”, Mark has crafted a wonderful ensemble-based version of this standard featuring a wide range of dynamics for the full band and a solo for tenor sax. Impressive change of pace for festivals and contests.

I’VE GOT YOU UNDER MY SKIN Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Arranged in the key of C.


Cat: 7500021

IMPRESSIONS Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 34223043 Written and recorded by John Coltrane, this is one of the landmark tunes in jazz history. Mark Taylor’s exceptional setting for full jazz ensemble is a must. The modal nature of this chart makes it very accessible for improvising.

IN A MELLOW TONE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7011083 One of the all-time Ellington classics is this elegant medium swing tune. Mark’s smooth arrangement features plenty of rich ensemble scoring plus solos for trumpet and trombone.

IN THE WEE SMALL HOURS OF THE MORNING Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $40.00 Cat: 7500109 This beautiful ballad has been recorded by countless jazz artists over the years in addition to being featured in several recent movies. The marvelous melody and distinctive harmony are treated masterfully in this setting for vocal soloist.



IT MIGHT AS WELL BE SPRING Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010612 Feature your drummer on brushes with this classy chart on a well-known standard. The ensemble plays mostly tutti rhythms with solo fills provided by the drums. A great concept on a wonderful tune. Also included is a trumpet solo.

JUMP JIVE AN’ WAIL Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010471 Definitely the flagship of the current jump swing style, this tune was made famous again by Brian Setzer on his popular ‘The Dirty Boogie’ big band CD. Mark Taylor takes it one step further in this smokin’ arrangement. Featuring solos for tenor and guitar, soaring sax lines and ensemble hits, this chart never lets up!

LESTER LEAPS IN Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010592 The sax section gets a turn in the spotlight on this enjoyable chart of Lester Young’s jazz classic. This medium up-tempo chart features a great swing feel and a flexible solo section with ensemble backgrounds.


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER MY FUNNY VALENTINE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 34223023 You simply can’t go wrong with a trusted standard, arranged by a gifted writer. Mark Taylor’s version is a concert ballad for tenor with a few hints of Latin to spice it up.

MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 34213010 Mark Taylor’s superb arrangement of this great jazz ballad is one of the most dramatic alto sax features in years. Great for contest or festival use!

MY ROMANCE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 34223031 Mark’s tasteful ballad treatment of this Rodgers and Hart classic features lush harmonies and a Latin middle section. An excellent setting for solo flugelhorn.


Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $45.00 Cat: 7011107 Inspired by the famous arrangement that Quincy Jones penned for Ray Charles, here is an impressive offering that pays tribute to Ray’s genius for style and showmanship. This is hard-hitting big band writing at its best!

Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010594 Written in a soft Latin style, here is an attractive setting for solo flugelhorn on this Richard Rodgers favorite. The range is very comfortable for young players and all of the solo lines are written out.




Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500107 This well-known Latin classic has been recorded by many jazz artists and lends itself to an easy relaxed feel. Written in a very comfortable range for vocalists, this exceptional chart by Mark Taylor will be a joy to perform. Key of Eb (G below middle C to A above middle C).

Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $50.00 Cat: 7011227 This Mark Taylor original is written in a moderate Samba style and starts with a quartet of alto, tenor, trumpet and trombone at the top. Also featured are ensemble riffs trading with solo drum fills. The flexible solo section is followed by a soft tutti ensemble section that builds to a powerful finish.



Arranged by Mark Taylor Easy $40.00 Cat: 30713030 This intriguing Hancock classic is ideal for younger groups in Mark Taylor’s solid treatment, with a versatile modal solo section that is great for first attempts at improvisation.

MAS QUE NADA Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010316 Made famous by Sergio Mendez and Brazil ’66, you are sure to recognize the tune even if you don’t know it by its title. Featuring a great Latin groove, this is a natural for change of pace programming.

MOANIN’ Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010626 Mark has arranged this well-known jazz tune by Bobby Timmons as a piano feature at the beginning. The saxes take it after the piano and there is a solo section with sample written solos for piano, tenor sax and/or trumpet. This medium tempo swing chart also features a nice ensemble chorus before returning to the head.

MOMENT’S NOTICE Arranged by Mark Taylor Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010876 John Coltrane’s wonderful jazz classic is written in a medium up-tempo swing style and features solid ensemble figures alternating with a small combo (alto, tenor, baritone sax, trumpet, and trombone). Includes solos for tenor or trumpet.

MY CHERIE AMOR Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7011113 Who would have thought to transform this Stevie Wonder hit into a swinging jazz waltz? That’s exactly what master arranger Mark Taylor has come up with as he uses this creative setting to feature an alto sax soloist and inventive ensemble lines.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010786 The music of Vince Guaraldi is always melodic and fresh sounding and you will probably recognize this from the TV Charlie Brown specials. Arranged here in a moderate Samba style, the opening theme is played by a small combo with background figures played by the full ensemble. Includes solo opportunities for any combination of alto, tenor or trumpet.

PICK UP THE PIECES Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010263 This is the unmistakable number one hit from the ‘70s group Average White Band! Mark’s ultra-funky and ultra-cool chart written in classic horn band style showcases the familiar licks and hot grooves. Great chart for letting your soloists really open up!

QUIET NIGHTS OF QUIET STARS (CORCOVADO) Arranged by Mark Taylor Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010105 From the master of Latin music, this is one of Jobim’s best. Mark’s excellent treatment features tenor sax and nice ensemble writing.



Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $45.00 Cat: 7011203 Written in a light jazz waltz style, Kermit’s familiar tune from The Muppet Movie works great as a feature for flugelhorn in the skilled hands of Mark Taylor. Featuring a comfortable range for the soloist, a sax soli, and effective ensemble writing, this gem is a nice change of pace number.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER ST. THOMAS Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010465 One of the best-known Latin/Jazz compositions is this classic by Sonny Rollins. Mark has done a great job of making it playable by younger groups while maintaining the style of the original. Small group playing is alternated with the full band and a flexible solo section allows any number of soloists. This one is a must!

SALT PEANUTS Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7011081 Playing jazz should be fun and this carefully constructed arrangement for young players will certainly help make this happen. Alto and trumpet take the melody at the top, then the rest of the band joins in for a lively romp!



Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $50.00 Cat: 7011231 Here’s the classic funk tune from Earth, Wind & Fire in a terrific arrangement for big band by Mark Taylor. This one includes all your favorite signature horn riffs as well as a solo for tenor sax.

SIDEWINDER Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010416 Here is a standout chart on Lee Morgan’s soulful jazz standard. The familiar melody riff is first played by a small ensemble of alto, tenor, trumpet, trombone, and guitar. Gradually the entire ensemble gets into the act followed by solo space for alto and/ or trumpet and finally drums. With its distinctive and important style, this chart belongs in every band’s library.

SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010318 Mark has given this Jerome Kern favorite a soft Bossa treatment that serves as a solo feature for flugelhorn. The tempo is comfortably moderate and the scoring is exceptional.

SO WHAT Arranged by Mark Taylor Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010575 Jazz giant Miles Davis is probably best-known for this tune. Alternating between a small combo (alto, tenor, bari.,trumpet, trombone, and guitar) and full ensemble, Mark has created a masterful chart for young players. Improvising is all done on 2 dorian scales. Sample written solos and scales are included. This one should be in every young band’s library!

SONG FOR MY FATHER Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Here is the Horace Silver standard arranged for big band.

Cat: 7010203

STOLEN MOMENTS Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 30724026 This outstanding Oliver Nelson composition has been a jazz favorite for many years. This arrangement alternates between small group statements of the melody with full ensemble sections. The modal chord progression is easy for younger soloists to handle and separate solo sheets are included with sample solos and scales.

STRAIGHT, NO CHASER Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010459 Required literature for the noble study of Monk, this arrangement of a jazz classic will delight young bands as well as experienced groups. You can play it as fast or slow as you like, and it will sound great either way.


SWING, SWING, SWING Arranged by Mark Taylor Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010152 From the movie 1941 this is John Williams’ big band era extravaganza from the dance marathon scene. Written in a ’40s swing style, this up-tempo burner gives every section a feature spot and is guaranteed to bring down the house.

TAKE THE ‘A’ TRAIN Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 2500470 Made famous by the Duke, this Billy Strayhorn classic is the definitive swing tune. Carefully arranged in an authentic style, this one is a must for your vocalist.

THIS CAN’T BE LOVE Arranged by Mark Taylor Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010947 Beautifully scored with tutti ensemble rhythms played softly and featuring the drummer on brushes, here is a strikingly effective version of this Rodgers & Hart favorite. Also includes a sax soli and solo for trumpet. Excellent!



Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $55.00 Cat: 7011221 Celebrating the achievements of a true jazz inNovator, this excellent medley by Mark Taylor embraces some of the greatest compositions by the legendary Miles Davis. Includes: So What, All Blues, Seven Steps to Heaven and Milestones. Featured are solos for trumpet and drums.

TURNAROUND Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7011115 This Latin funk tune starts out softly, then gradually picks up intensity as layers of sound are added until finally the entire ensemble is cookin’. Nice feature spots are provided for your drummer in addition to a solo for tenor sax.

WELL YOU NEEDN’T Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010596 Thelonious Monk was a master of creating distinctive melodies in the bebop style and this is one of his best-known offerings. Mark starts out by giving the melody to a small group of trombones, tenors, and bari. sax before turning it over to the entire sax section. After the trumpet solo section, there is a marvelous sax soli followed by solo space for tenor sax and a shout chorus for the full ensemble. This great chart has something for everyone!

WHAT’LL I DO Arranged by Mark Taylor Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010897 Mark has taken this Irving Berlin favorite and crafted a marvelous setting for solo flugelhorn using a unique 3/4 Samba feel. Beautifully supported by the ensemble, and all of the solo part is written out.

YOU’VE CHANGED Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010497 This wonderful standard from the ’40s receives a sensitive and beautifully orchestrated setting by Mark Taylor featuring tenor sax. In the double time swing section, the soloing changes are spaced far enough apart to make improvising easier on young players. The solo tenor part is completely written out including a sample solo.

ARRANGED BY GENE THORNE LI’L JAMES Arranged by Gene Thorne Medium $42.00 Cat: 1661 This piece originally started as a short introduction and 16-measure melody for an educational video by the Jazz Ambassadors of the U.S. Army Field Band entitled Inside The Big Band. This moderately slow Basie-style chart for advancing groups contains nice melodic and harmonic movement, which encourages better ensemble playing. It isn’t technically demanding, so more emphasis may be placed on achieving a laid back swing feel. A guitar chord chart is included. Trumpets on flugelhorn.





Arranged by Gene Thorne Medium $52.00 Cat: 61525 Every school jazz ensemble should have a jazz waltz in their program, and here’s the perfect one for advancing groups! It reflects upon some of the music written during the 1960s fertile Blue Note era. Balance and blend are vital factors since brass players are in mutes at times. Solos are provided for piano and alto saxophone. The writer provides excellent rehearsal suggestions to help you make this chart a huge success at your next concert. A guitar chord chart is included in each set.

ARRANGED BY MIKE TOMARO ‘ROUND MIDNIGHT Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $45.00 Cat: 7010864 Few jazz ballads have been performed as consistently as this Thelonious Monk gem. Mike’s version is a solo vehicle for alto sax and includes a double time feel that alternates with the traditional ballad tempo. Beautiful lines and striking harmonies help create a real standout arrangement.

ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010328 Mike Tomaro has penned a Latin style version of one of Jerome Kern’s most often performed classics. Mike’s creativity and total command of the idiom shine through in this superb chart.

BEWITCHED Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010602 Here’s a great old standard in the hands of a great arranger who really understands how to use the colors of the jazz ensemble. The style is relaxed swing and a trombone solo is featured.



Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $60.00 Cat: 7011125 A classic minor blues tune from Dizzy Gillespie, Mike Tomaro starts this version as a funky mambo but then shifts the style to swing and finally back again to the mambo. This well-paced chart features a great feel plus solos for trumpet and tenor.



Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $42.00 Cat: 42035 While Mike Tomaro is well known for his more challenging works, Blues At The Gate proves that he is equally adept at writing easy level charts. This straight ahead blues consists of a strong melody and very solid ensemble writing. An open solo section provides any player with the chance to work on their solo chops.



Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $45.00 Cat: 7011131 We’re not entirely sure what possessed Mike Tomaro to take what is probably the best-known jazz waltz and turn it into a Samba! Actually, the relaxed Latin groove works quite well, and there are solos for trombone and tenor sax. Give it a try!

BOPLICITY As Performed by Miles Davis with Gil Evans Adapted by Mike Tomaro Medium $45.00 Cat: 7010770 The landmark album by Miles Davis Birth of the Cool brought us a unique instrumentation (the nonet) along with distinctive jazz sounds. Without straying from the intent of the music and working directly with the original version, Mike Tomaro’s adaptation for standard instrumentation makes this wonderful classic available to the contemporary jazz ensemble. As an added bonus this edition includes the transcribed solos of Gerry Mulligan, Miles Davis and John Lewis.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102


COME SUNDAY (See Duke Ellington Section)

EQUAL TIME Arranged by Mike Tomaro Easy $42.00 Cat: 42109 Here’s an easy level relaxed swing chart by Pittsburgh jazz composer and educator Mike Tomaro. As always, Tomaro’s writing is well-crafted, harmonically and melodically pleasing, and fun to perform. Aspiring jazz bands will find this a terrific concert or festival piece. Written or ad lib solos. Playable by 12-17 pieces.

FANCY THAT Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $60.00 Cat: 54500 Jazz waltz featuring flugelhorn and baritone sax (optional tenor). Sax doubles: all flute and some clarinet.



Arranged by Mike Tomaro Difficult $56.00 Cat: 43173 Mike Tomaro has created one of the most interesting charts in recent years with this new medium advanced work that alternates between a Brazilian Samba and a funk style. A strong melodic statement, and an exciting ensemble section leads to a soprano saxophone solo. A call and response between the trombones and the band adds an unique twist. Commissioned by the New Trier High School Jazz Ensemble in Winnetka (IL), James Warrick, director.

I COULD WRITE A BOOK Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $45.00 Cat: 7010688 Here is a marvelous medium swing arrangement of this Rodgers and Hart classic that features solos for trumpet and alto, and also a unique sax soli section with a trumpet lead. Big band swing writing at its best!

IN A SENTIMENTAL MOOD Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: 7010372 Mike Tomaro has beautifully adapted this well-known Ellington classic to feature tenor sax. With flowing melodies and a lush orchestration, this is the perfect ballad for contests or festivals.

LAZY RIVER Arranged by Mike Tomaro Difficult $50.00 Cat: 7010604 Mike kind of ignored the ‘lazy’ part of this river and has turned it into more of a raging whitewater monster. Look for some unusual twists in this high-powered chart including an original bebop line for small group, a brief ‘stride’ piano section and some wild ensemble writing.

LET’S FACE THE MUSIC AND DANCE Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010569 In a fast Samba style reminiscent of Horace Silver’s ‘Nutville’, this energetic chart features trumpet, tenor and trombone backed by a marvelous display of ensemble sounds weaving in and around the melody.



Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $50.00 Cat: 2500828 Here is Billy Strayhorn’s beloved ballad, skillfully arranged with subtle reharmonizations and reworkings of the melody, all the while remaining faithful to the original intent. Featured are solos for piano & trombone. A gorgeous setting for the entire ensemble.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TITLES LISTED BY ARRANGER MANTECA Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010261 Dizzy Gillespie was a genius at combining Latin influences with the jazz idiom. This medium tempo arrangement of one of his best-known compositions really sizzles for jazz ensemble.

MILESTONES Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7011015 Mike Tomaro has taken this Miles Davis standard and created a roaring arrangement that screams with big band excitement. In a medium uptempo swing style, this chart includes solos for trumpet and tenor plus an ensemble shout that really pays off!

A NIGHTINGALE SANG IN BERKELEY SQUARE Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $40.00 This vocal ballad is in the key of E Flat.

[VOCAL] Cat: 7500057

NIGHTOWL SUITE, MOVEMENT 1 Arranged by Mike Tomaro Difficult $56.00 Cat: 43285 Commissioned by the Kentucky Music Educators’ Association for its 2002 All-State Jazz Ensemble, the inspiration for this up-swing release comes from the music of Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers and Birdland, NYC’s legendary jazz club. Though improvised solos are assigned to trumpet and trombone, chord sheets are included so anyone can serve as soloist. Mike’s score calls for five trumpets, and the chart takes about six minutes from start to finish.

NIGHTOWL SUITE, MOVEMENT 2 Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $56.00 Cat: 43286 Commissioned by the Kentucky Music Educators’ Association for its 2002 All-State Jazz Ensemble, this provocative swing ballad features tenor sax soloist from start to finish. Mike’s score calls for five trumpets with harmon mutes and flugelhorn doubles; the lead part goes to E6 at the dramatic climax. A great change-of-pace chart.

NIGHTOWL SUITE, MOVEMENT 3 Arranged by Mike Tomaro Difficult $56.00 Cat: 43287 This challenging medium advanced Latin original hails from Mike Tomaro’s extended work, Nightowl Suite, a musical account of a night in the life of the quintessential jazz fanatic. This movement finds our nocturnal fan going home as the city awakens from some much needed sleep after a night of listening to jazz. This movement can be played alone or programmed with the other two movements.

ON THE NIGHTSIDE Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Easy $52.00 Cat: 42752 Dedicated to Pittsburgh’s premier jazz deejay, Tony Mowod, this aggressive tune can be played in a swing or shuffle feel. Either way, figures must be heavily swung while the rhythm section delivers a driving groove. Though improvisation is encouraged in the open solo section, scales and sample solos for all instruments are provided. Saxes and brass solis and rousing shout round things out.

ONE FOR OLIVER Arranged by Mike Tomaro Easy $42.00 Cat: 42260 Scored at the easy level, this minor blues chart is a tip of the hat to Oliver Nelson’s Stolen Moments. Set in a relaxed swing feel, developing players will benefit greatly from this well-written original. Scales and sample solos are provided.


ONE NOTE SAMBA Arranged by Mike Tomaro Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010197 The trombone section takes the spotlight in this smooth arrangement of Jobim’s well-known standard. There are solo sections for alto sax and piano with creatively written accompaniment figures. The powerful ending section begins with a striking full band unison and drives to the end. Great number for mature groups.



Arranged by Mike Tomaro Difficult $60.00 Cat: 54503 Commissioned by the Ultraphonic Jazz Orchestra, this fusion Samba grabs you from the introduction and never lets go! Written in the style of the Brecker Brothers, the chart features extended solo space for trumpet and tenor as well as plenty of ‘in your face’ ensemble writing.

OUT OF NOWHERE Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010368 This standard from the 1930s has a distinctive melody and great changes. Mike’s medium tempo arrangement features some excellent ensemble writing and a nice flowing swing feel.

OUT ON A WHIM Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $40.00 Cat: KJOS-ZB100 Shuffle funk. Alto 1 doubles on soprano, and there are tenor and guitar solos. As recorded by the Mike Tomaro Big Band on Dancing Eyes.

PASSION FLOWER Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $45.00 Cat: 2500648 One of the true jazz gems from the magnificent catalog of Billy Strayhorn. Using Billy’s original score, this adaptation features alto sax throughout and a kaleidoscope of ensemble backgrounds creating a rich and colorful setting.

SCOTT FREE Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Easy $42.00 Cat: 42813 This medium easy level chart is an excellent introduction to the Samba style. The composer states that once a basic understanding of the rhythms has been established, the piece poses few problems.



Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $45.00 Cat: 7011135 Mike Tomaro takes this funk classic by Stevie Wonder through a series of new twists and turns, but he is careful to preserve the great groove and signature horn riffs from the original. Featured are solos for alto and trumpet.

SWEET SORROW Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $43.00 Cat: 54501 This is an alto sax feature. Easy funk groove with very smooth melody line. Some sax doubles.

THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER YOU Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 This is a nice swing arrangement of the standard.


Cat: 7010244


Arranged by Mike Tomaro Difficult $55.00 Cat: 54502 Written for Steve Houghton, this composition features the drummer in both delicate, color painting solo situations as well as more powerful ones. There is extensive use of woodwind doublings and brass mutings for color and flugelhorn solo space as well. This chart runs the dynamic and emotional gamut.





Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $60.00 Cat: 7011157 One of pianist Chick Corea’s earlier compositions, this medium swing chart begins in a subtle manner that features counterlines that are interwoven with the sinewy melody. However, the intensity begins to build through the piano and alto sax solos, ending with a roaring full band climax.

YES OR NO Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010941 Jazz master Wayne Shorter has given us a wealth of jazz standards and this is one of his best. Written in an up-tempo swing style, this impressive-sounding chart features solos for alto and trumpet.


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium $60.00 Cat: 55850 Medium-tempo Basie-like melody featuring muted trumpet and flute.



Arranged by Chris Walden Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55851 Med up tempo, long intro, movie-score like, featuring trombone solo. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘Home Of My Heart.’




Arranged by Chris Walden Medium $55.00 Cat: 55859 Medium tempo easy swing featuring trombone melody (Tommy Dorsey-like).



Arranged by Chris Walden Medium $55.00 Cat: 55860 Medium tempo swing, features the band all the way, no solos. Medium.



Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55861 Medium tempo blues, melody with saxes, featuring alto sax and trumpet solos. Brass solo in between without rhythm.





Arranged by Chris Walden Medium $55.00 Easy-going, smooth jazz, featuring tenor sax melody and solo.


Cat: 55862


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Medium-up tempo boogie, featuring tenor sax solo.


Cat: 55863


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55852 Slow, long intro without rhythm, movie-score like, flghn solo. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘Home Of My Heart.’

Arranged by Chris Walden Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55864 Jazz-rock (Brecker Brothers-like) features trumpet and guitar solo.


Arranged by Chris Walden Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55865 Long contemporary jazz piece (10 min) starts out medium tempo with flugelhorn and tenor sax melody and solos, then a slow jazz waltz featuring flugelhorn and finishing with a fast jazz-Samba featuring a tenor sax solo.


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55853 Ultra fast intro, then going into half time blues, open for any solo over blues changes. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘Home Of My Heart.’



Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55856 Medium-up tempo. The intro illustrates funnily an argument between husband and wife. Then theme and solos played by flugelhorn and alto sax. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘No Bounds.’



Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Up-tempo be-bop, featuring trombone and trumpet solo.


Cat: 55857


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55858 Up-tempo ‘40s swing in minor featuring guitar solo (Brian-Setzer-like).

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55866 Up-tempo be-bop on the changes of ‘There Is No Greater Love.’ Theme played by the whole band followed by an alto sax solo, band tutti, and trumpet solo. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘No Bounds.’


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55855 Up-tempo ‘40s swing featuring guitar melody and solo (Brian-Setzer-like).




Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55854 Slow jazz-waltz featuring a flugelhorn melody, then going into 4/4 Bossa featuring tenor sax solo, ending in 3/4 again. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘Home Of My Heart.’



ARRANGED BY BOB WASHUT LEAP OF FAITH Arranged by Bob Washut Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55071 A modal composition in a fast swing feel. This arrangement was commissioned by its composer, saxophonist Dick Oatts, for a performance by a German radio band. Solo changes are in alto 1, tenor 1-2, trumpet 5, piano, and guitar parts and a drum solo over a vamp is also featured. Meaty tutti ensemble passages permeate the chart. Lead trumpet extends to a written E above staff. Leap of Faith is the title track to a recording by the University of Northern Iowa Jazz Band One on Sea Breeze Vista.

SHININ' Arranged by Bob Washut Medium $55.00 Cat: 55072 A contrafact on My Shining Hour changes Shinin' featuring the piano trio within the big band. The chart is a medium swinger and was commissioned by director Randy Karon for the Barrington (IL) High School jazz band. The pianist, bassist, and drummer all get solo space and plenty of ensemble work is included as well. Lead trumpet extends to a written D above staff.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium $60.00 Cat: 7011157 One of pianist Chick Corea’s earlier compositions, this medium swing chart begins in a subtle manner that features counterlines that are interwoven with the sinewy melody. However, the intensity begins to build through the piano and alto sax solos, ending with a roaring full band climax.

YES OR NO Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010941 Jazz master Wayne Shorter has given us a wealth of jazz standards and this is one of his best. Written in an up-tempo swing style, this impressive-sounding chart features solos for alto and trumpet.


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium $60.00 Cat: 55850 Medium-tempo Basie-like melody featuring muted trumpet and flute.



Arranged by Chris Walden Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55851 Med up tempo, long intro, movie-score like, featuring trombone solo. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘Home Of My Heart.’




Arranged by Chris Walden Medium $55.00 Cat: 55859 Medium tempo easy swing featuring trombone melody (Tommy Dorsey-like).



Arranged by Chris Walden Medium $55.00 Cat: 55860 Medium tempo swing, features the band all the way, no solos. Medium.



Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55861 Medium tempo blues, melody with saxes, featuring alto sax and trumpet solos. Brass solo in between without rhythm.





Arranged by Chris Walden Medium $55.00 Easy-going, smooth jazz, featuring tenor sax melody and solo.


Cat: 55862


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Medium-up tempo boogie, featuring tenor sax solo.


Cat: 55863


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55852 Slow, long intro without rhythm, movie-score like, flghn solo. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘Home Of My Heart.’

Arranged by Chris Walden Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55864 Jazz-rock (Brecker Brothers-like) features trumpet and guitar solo.


Arranged by Chris Walden Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55865 Long contemporary jazz piece (10 min) starts out medium tempo with flugelhorn and tenor sax melody and solos, then a slow jazz waltz featuring flugelhorn and finishing with a fast jazz-Samba featuring a tenor sax solo.


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 55853 Ultra fast intro, then going into half time blues, open for any solo over blues changes. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘Home Of My Heart.’



Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55856 Medium-up tempo. The intro illustrates funnily an argument between husband and wife. Then theme and solos played by flugelhorn and alto sax. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘No Bounds.’



Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Up-tempo be-bop, featuring trombone and trumpet solo.


Cat: 55857


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55858 Up-tempo ‘40s swing in minor featuring guitar solo (Brian-Setzer-like).

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55866 Up-tempo be-bop on the changes of ‘There Is No Greater Love.’ Theme played by the whole band followed by an alto sax solo, band tutti, and trumpet solo. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘No Bounds.’


Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55855 Up-tempo ‘40s swing featuring guitar melody and solo (Brian-Setzer-like).




Arranged by Chris Walden Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: 55854 Slow jazz-waltz featuring a flugelhorn melody, then going into 4/4 Bossa featuring tenor sax solo, ending in 3/4 again. Recorded by the Chris Walden Big Band on ‘Home Of My Heart.’



ARRANGED BY BOB WASHUT LEAP OF FAITH Arranged by Bob Washut Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 55071 A modal composition in a fast swing feel. This arrangement was commissioned by its composer, saxophonist Dick Oatts, for a performance by a German radio band. Solo changes are in alto 1, tenor 1-2, trumpet 5, piano, and guitar parts and a drum solo over a vamp is also featured. Meaty tutti ensemble passages permeate the chart. Lead trumpet extends to a written E above staff. Leap of Faith is the title track to a recording by the University of Northern Iowa Jazz Band One on Sea Breeze Vista.

SHININ' Arranged by Bob Washut Medium $55.00 Cat: 55072 A contrafact on My Shining Hour changes Shinin' featuring the piano trio within the big band. The chart is a medium swinger and was commissioned by director Randy Karon for the Barrington (IL) High School jazz band. The pianist, bassist, and drummer all get solo space and plenty of ensemble work is included as well. Lead trumpet extends to a written D above staff.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325



***NEW*** [VOCAL]

Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-3100 This arrangement of the Andrews Sisters’ version of Apple Blossom Time shows a more sentimental side of the trio’s repertoire. Unusually, the chart is only scored for 3 voices, 4 trombones and 4 rhythm. There are no parts for trumpets or saxes, so it can be used as a showcase for your bone section and singers. This has been faithfully transcribed by referencing a number of recordings that the Sisters made, in order to get complete authenticity and accuracy. This number will sit well in any set, particularly as a late-night closer. Vocal key G/Eb/G [Female trio vocal SSA]



Arranged by Myles Collins Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2135 Here is the Andrews Sisters’ version of Bei Mir, and it is one of their most famous and popular songs. This chart includes the opening verse, with the clarinet solo fill-ins behind, and the solo vocal middle 8 also with the clarinet solo behind. The band backings have been adapted into a full big band line-up, from the smaller set-up used for their original recording. The vocal lines are written out as-sung, and the trumpet solo is written out in full too. Alto 1 is on clarinet throughout, with alto 2 and both tenors doubling clarinet up to the trumpet solo. The vocal key is F minor.



Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99408 The Andrews Sisters produced a huge number of hits, and this is one of their finest. Alan Glasscock has scored a cracking version here, and has notated the vocal trio parts with exceptional skill. There were a couple of key verions of this song. One was the Decca release and the other done for the movie ‘Buck Pirates.’ The Decca chart used a small backing band, the movie a full big band. This version fuses the two and takes the best from both. Both of the trumpet solos are fully written out (intro and in the middle section of the chart), and the Boogie Woogie piano / bass lines are all there. Although this is a vocal trio, a solo vocal part has been included should you wish to perform this chart with just one female vocalist. The saxes are scored for clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors throughout. Key of D.



Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2144 The Andrews Sisters recorded this chart with the Jimmy Dorsey orchestra in November 1938, and it went on to be a big hit for them. The original chart has been transcribed, but it has been scored for 8 brass and 5 saxes rather than the original 5 + clarinet (the clarinet solo lines are now on alto 2).The Andrews Sisters interweaving vocal lines are scored in full, as are all of the band backings with carefully notated dynamics and articulations, to allow your band to recreate the authentic sound. Another fine transcription. Alto 2 doubles clarinet, and the vocal key is Bb.



Arranged by Alan Glasscock Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2016 This chart is just happy and fun from start to finish. Written for a male vocal and female vocal trio, it is equaly well suited to a male / female duo. Full of quirky little fills and backings from the band which compliment rather than outshine the vocalists, plus a cameo baritone sax solo, this chart is perfect for injecting a little festive cheer. Both altos are on clarinets, the brass ranges are very moderate (lead trumpet only up to an A) and the vocal ranges are not challenging. The only tricky little bit is the piano intro. Key of E flat.



Transcribed by Alan Glassock Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2132 Rum and Coca Cola is an enduring hit for the Andrews Sisters, sung against a Calypso rhythm apart from the last 5 measures which move into swing tempo. All three vocal parts are written to intertwine in true Andrews Sisters style. The chart is scored for SSA vocal, piano, bass, guitar, drums, maracas and 4 trumpets only. The solo trumpet line is written on the 1st part, but cross-cued on the other 3 trumpet parts, so you can share the solos around the section if needed. The vocal key is Bb.


AS PERFORMED BY RAY ANTHONY MR. ANTHONY’S BOOGIE Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1093 Mr Anthony’s Boogie is a rousing up-tempo swing Boogie Woogie which features the trumpet section, and a solo 3rd trumpet in particular. This chart is really powerful, and great for a jitterbug dance crowd. We have graded it as medium/advanced, as the arrangement has a number of triplet passages which require precision from both trumpet and sax sections, plus the trumpets are quite high in their registers. The trumpet and tenor solos are written out, though we have left the pianist free to improvise. Though not a long chart, at two and a half minutes, your players might still need a quick rest after blowing it! No sax doubles.

TENDERLY Transcribed by Bob Martin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1057 Tenderly has been a standard for trumpet players for a long time. This is the Ray Anthony version from his huge-selling album, ‘Dream Dancing’, from the early ‘50s, and is in 4:4 time. Ray played a little bit with the Miller band and, when he formed his own outfit after WWII, he kept the clarinet lead. Ray is not a high-note artist and has a powerful low range, and in this chart the solo is given to the 3rd trumpet.

THUNDERBIRD Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1206 Thunderbird is another chart from the Ray Anthony/George (the Silver Fox) Williams partnership, and is a classic of its time. It is an ensemble chart, and has some great sectional writing. The unusual feature part is the baritone sax, which underpins the whole chart from start to finish. The arrangement is full of color and dynamic contrast, as well as being a really bouncy swing number. Playing this chart will help to develop good sectional techniques within your band, and it is recommended not just as a dance piece but as a band training tool too. The chart has been faithfully transcribed right down to the Anthony’s cameo muted trumpet lead over the sax section towards the end of the piece, and the important little piano licks and fills on the part have also been written in.

TRUMPET BOOGIE Arranged by John Ferguson Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1169 Ray Anthony used this chart in much the same way as Harry James used Trumpet Blues - as a rousing sectional feature. It storms from start to end, and plays just as well at a slightly reduced tempo too. The arrangement features solos for tenor and trumpet, a cameo piano solo in the intro, and some thundering sectional interplay. Saxes are scored for a regular section and there are no sax doubles.

AS PERFORMED BY CHARLIE BARNET CHEROKEE Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1078 Cherokee was the first big hit for Charlie Barnet and his Orchestra, though when Billy May arrived for the 1939 recording session and handed out the parts nobody seemed that impressed with it! This is a good tenor feature, and a straight forward chart to play. The arrangement is full of interest. Glissing trombones, trumpets with wah-wah plungers, and some rich voicings in the saxes and ensemble sections. This chart is the one that set the standard for all subsequent arrangements of this Ray Noble composition. There are no sax doubles.



Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1043 Arguably the most famous number of the Charlie Barnet Orchestra, Skyliner is a really punchy, up-tempo swinger, featuring a piano intro, unison brass carrying the melodic line, with clarinet-led saxes over the top and later on a cracking trombone soli. Both tenor sax parts are scored with the solo chords and the cameo trumpet solo can be taken by lead or second.



ACES AND FACES Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1053 This is a medium swing tempo chart from the Basie band of 1945, featuring the trumpet. There are ad-lib solos for piano, clarinet, tenor 1 (cued on 2), trumpet 2 (cued on 1,3&4) and trombone 1 (cued on 2) too. This chart will make a refreshing addition to any library, and it is very playable, provided you have soloists who can improvise! Lead alto doubles clarinet.

AFTER SUPPER Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium $65.00 LL-1108 Another beautifully relaxed chart from the Basie band, featured on the Atomic Mr Basie album. Written by Neal Hefti, this easy chart is aptly named. It is slow, relaxed, laid-back and super cool. It features piano, tenor and muted trumpet solos and there are no sax doubles. The brass is muted throughout. Originally written for 7 brass, an optional 4th trombone part has been added for completeness. The bass trombone is on the 3rd part.




Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1172 This version is a transcription of Basie’s performance from the ‘Sinatra at the Sands’ album, and it differs slightly from the great Billy Byers studio version of the chart. It opens with a floating piano solo, and the piano takes the first chorus, with sparse backings from the band.The second chorus is ensemble, with some beautiful harmonic structured writing, and the piano solo comes back for the third, with some classic call and response with the band. The chart must be taken at a laid-back pace, and your band needs to observe the written dynamics and articulations in order to achieve the right feel. The piano part is written out as played, though the lead line at the start of the second half of the first chorus has been written in, where Mr. Basie chose not to play at all. The chart is graded as medium even though the lead trumpet has a written high F. The 4th trombone is bass.



AVENUE C Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1089 Here is Avenue C in all its glory. A rousing flat-out swing chart, written by Buck Clayton for the Basie band. This chart powers from start to finish and is great for both concert work and swing dancing. All of the instrumental solos have been transcribed (2 tenors, trumpet, trombone and piano) and have included all phrasing marks, articulations and dynamics. This is a truly rare chart from the Basie band at the height of its power. There are no sax doubles.

BASIE BOOGIE Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2407 Basie Boogie is, as its name might suggest, an up-tempo piano feature that swings from top to toe. Like many of Basie’s charts, the arrangement evolved over time, but this version is from the original recording. The piano part has been written out in full to include the licks and fills and the boogie-woogie left hand patterns, though your player can improvise from the chords if need be. The band parts are not demanding, and fairly sparse, leaving the pianist a lot of space. No sax doubles.

BEAVER JUNCTION Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1052 Written by Harry Edison, this chart, whilst still being a punchy swing tune, shows the way for others such as Cute, where unison muted trumpets take the melody. There are a couple of fine sax soli passages in this arrangement, a small cameo solo for trumpet 2, and the Basie piano intro that became something of a hallmark. Not technically difficult, this chart requires precision and good section work to do it justice. Great for dancing or concert work. No sax doubles.


ALL OF ME Arranged by Billy Byers Difficult $50.00 This is the original Billy Byers arrangement.

Cat: 33301010



Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2403 This version of Alright, Okay was done by Joe Williams with the Count Basie Orchestra and it is a very danceable bouncy shuffle that has a solid pulse. There is nothing complicated about the chart and it is a fine example of how to score an arrangement to feature your vocalist. There is also a great 8 bar bridge between the vocal choruses which gives a real kick. The trombones are written for 3 tenors and a bass, though the bass bone is in tenor range. The chart has been scored to reflect Joe Williams’ performance. No sax doubles. Vocal key: Ab

ALRIGHT, OKAY,YOU WIN Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $45.00 Cat: 7210016 As recorded by Peggy Lee, Joe Williams, Count Basie and many others, this popular standard breathes new life under the masterful pen of Sammy Nestico. A flexible solo section allows for any combination of soloists.

AMOROSO Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-273 As recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP (Vogue CD) ‘The Legend,’ this is an up-tempo latin and swing chart. Solo space is provided for tenor sax. trumpet and drums. There is an open solo for your drummer and latin inst. players (if you have them) The tune moves beautifully from latin to swing and back again. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th Trb.)


Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-267 As originally recorded on Kansas City Suite, this is a medium-tempo chart featuring solos for tenor saxophone, trumpet and piano. It is a terrific arrangement that puts a lot of emphasis on the saxophone section. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th Trb.)

COME FLY WITH ME Transcription by Jon Harpin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-85400 This is Frank Sinatra at his best. This chart is a transcription of Sinatra with the Count Basie Band, taken from Sinatra at the Sands. It features the original band intro - big, punchy and nearly a minute long - giving you time for a big introduction to your vocalist. The chart is also marked with an optional start point, just before the vocal, should you wish to shorten things. We have removed a couple of muted trumpet fills here and there, to keep things cleaner. There are some sax doubles.Altos go to clarinets and tenors to flutes. These doubles add color to the voicings though are not vital to the chart. So if your tenor players are fluteless don’t worry too much. The vocal is in Bb, with a range from Bb to D (one octave and 3 tones) and has been written out to give your vocalist a good feel of Sinatra’s phrasing.

CORNER POCKET Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1220 Corner Pocket was written by the unsung hero of the Count Basie band, Freddie Green, and its title is a reference to the place that Green called his own - the corner pocket of the rhythm section. This has been transcribed from the ‘Basie in London’ album but the chart has been adapted slightly to make it suitable for 8 brass. There are ad-lib solo spots for trumpets 1 & 2 and tenor 1. Basie’s piano solos are written out as-played, as is the last 8 measures of the lead trumpet solo because it suggests the theme for the final shout chorus at the end of the piece, though your player can improvise if desired. There are no sax doubles. A fabulous chart from the height of the Basie Band.

Transcribed by Jeff Hest Medium $50.00 Cat: JE9902 Exactly how Count Basie and his orchestra played it. Every detail of this jazz standard has been transcribed and recontructed by Jeff Hest. What better way to learn about the Basie style than to play this classic. An educational vehicle that is long overdue.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




CUTE Arranged by Neal Hefti Medium Easy $75.00 Cat: LL-1199 Cute is one of the great tracks from the Basie band of the 1950s, and one of a series written and arranged for the band by Neal Hefti similar to that found on The Atomic Mr Basie album. This is the original Hefti arrangement and not a transcription, and makes a nice show spot for your drummer. There is not a full score with this arrangement, though a conductor lead sheet is included.

I LEFT MY HEART IN SAN FRANCISCO Transcribed by Myles Collins Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1075 This arrangement is based on a 1960s Basie instrumental version, in the Neal Hefti style. It is a laid-back, relaxed swinger, mostly in ensemble but with nice counterpoint passages of unison altos and trumpets against tenors and trombones. The tenor solo can be played as written or improvised, depending on your preference. Likewise with the little piano fills and licks. This chart is easy to play and will give that wonderful relaxed sound that was the feature of so many Basie arrangements.



Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1090 Another very rare chart, this is named for trombonist Dickie Wells. This was first recorded in ‘39 as a 7-piece featuring Wells, Buck Clayton and Lester Young, backed by the All-American rhythm section. The tune evolved over time until Basie recorded the version that is offered here. The tempo is more relaxed and the harmonic structure is modified a little, though the form is still original. This chart features trumpet, trombone, tenor and piano, interspersed with backing phrases. All four of the solos are written out as-played (chords are included for improv). No sax doubles.

Transcribed by Myles Collins & Patrick Gazard Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2014 This chart is a transcription of Sinatra with the Count Basie Band, taken from Sinatra at the Sands, and is a must for all male vocalists. Everything has been included, from the rumbling baritone sax line, the big trombone build after the first vocal chorus, the wailing trombone solo and even the little piano fills and tinkles. We have re-scored the saxes to a regular AATTB section and have removed the clarinet & bass clarinet doubles from the original, as we recognize that not all bands have a bass clarinet at hand. All dynamics are clearly written, and the vocal part replicates Sinatra’s performance. The brass ranges are moderate other than the trombone solo which is up to high Db, though your player can always improvise on the chords provided. A fine addition to any library. Key of Db.




Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1098 Duet is one of the great tracks by Neal Hefti, from The Atomic Mr Basie album. This is a wonderfully laid back chart featuring two of your trumpet players. This is a transcription of the original Hefti arrangement, and includes fully transcribed Joe Newman and Thad Jones’ solos, scored on trumpet 2 and trumpet 4, plus the piano solo and fill-ins. We have rated it as easy/medium, but as with so many charts your band will need to be tight to do it justice. There are no sax doubles.

EVERY TUB Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1051 Another flat-out swing chart from the earlier days of the Count Basie band. Every Tub is a quick swing chart featuring tenor sax, trumpet and piano, with loads of visual possibilities too, as much of the brass ensemble work uses plungers/fan hats. All of the original solos are written out, though your players can improvise over the chords if they wish. This is another rare Basie chart. The brass ranges are moderate and there are no sax doubles.

FANCY PANTS Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Easy $40.00 Funky blues arranged by Nestico and performed by Count Basie.

Cat: 2565

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Arrangement by Sammy Nestico as performed by Count Basie.

Cat: 2340

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Arranged by Sammy Nestico and performed by Count Basie.

Cat: 2390

JACKSON COUNTY JUBILEE Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-263 As originally recorded on Kansas City Suite, this is an up-tempo swing chart featuring solos for tenor saxophone, trumpet and piano. Your band will love playing this happy, swinging flag waver. It is a terrific arrangement that will make a great opener or closer. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (with optional 4th trombone).

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 2400 This ballad was arranged by Sammy Nestico and performed by Count Basie.


FLIGHT OF THE FOO BIRDS Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1200 Flight of the Foo Birds is one of the great tracks from the Basie band of the 1950s, and one of a series done for the band by Neal Hefti, to be found on The Atomic Mr Basie album. This is a transcription of the original arrangement, and includes fully transcribed trumpet, alto and tenor solos, plus the piano fill-ins and even the 2 bar drum solo leading into the shout chorus. This chart really swings.


Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-748 Benny Carter created a wealth of marvelous, swinging big band music, and this piece is no exception. As recorded on ‘The Legend’ by Count Basie, this medium-swing chart features solo space for tenor saxophone and piano and the terrific ensemble writing for which Carter is so well known. Modest ranges (tpt. high C only) make this a great choice for players of all ages and levels of ability. 5/4/4/4






Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1189 This Basie chart was scored by Frank Foster, and our version is closely modeled on this. It has the same length and structure as the Basie chart, but we have modified the sax soli to make it playable by us mortals, though the lead trumpet still needs to hit high F. This chart is a Basie classic, and all five and a half minutes swing in the groove. We have written out an opening piano solo and another behind the later brass chorus, but your pianist can improvise instead. There is also an ad-lib trombone solo written on the 1st trombone part. 4th trombone is bass. No sax doubles.

Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Easy $47.00 Cat: SMP-261 As originally recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP (Vogue CD) Kansas City Suite - the Music of Benny Carter, this is a slow swing, not unlike Li’l Darlin’ in effect. A brilliant, laid-back chart on a lovely melody. Solos are written out (opt.) for tenor saxophone, trumpet and piano. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th trombone).

THE KID FROM RED BANK Arranged by Neal Hefti Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1210 The Kid From Red Bank is one of the great tracks from the Basie band of the 1950s, and one of a series written and arranged for the band by Neal Hefti to be found on The Atomic Mr Basie album. This is the original arrangement and not a transcription, and includes the piano solo fully written out. There is not a full score with this arrangement, though a conductor lead sheet is included.



THE LEGEND Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-274 As recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP The Legend, Benny Carter has created a marvelous, quiet, “smoky” sounding tune - somewhat in the vein of Whisper Not. This is a wonderful piece, so classic in its proportions, melody, harmony and its slow, swinging feel. There is solo space for trumpet, tenor sax and a bit of piano. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th Trb.)

LESTER LEAPS IN Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1087 First recorded in September 1939, in the same session as Dickie’s Dream, Lester Leaps In is a milestone chart which showcased the phenomenal talent of Lester Young. The arrangement evolved over time, easing in tempo, lengthening and gathering more band backing, until we arrive at this version. This chart simply swings from start to finish. All of the tenor solos have been transcribed, also the piano solos and bass lines too, though chords are provided on the parts should your players wish to improvise. If you have a star tenor player that you wish to spotlight, then Lester Leaps In is a perfect choice. There are no sax doubles.

LI’L DARLIN’ Arranged by Neal Hefti Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1202 Li’l Darlin’is one of the great tracks from the Basie band of the 1950s, and one of a series written and arranged for the band by Neal Hefti to be found on The Atomic Mr Basie album. This is the original arrangement and not a transcription, and includes fully written out muted 4th trumpet solo. There is not a full score with this arrangement, though a conductor lead sheet is included.

LONELY STREET Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Easy $35.00 This Nestico ballad arrangement features alto saxophone.

Cat: 2410




Transcribed by Jeff Hest Difficult $50.00 Cat: JEM04019 This is a transcription of the original arrangement. Meticulously notated with Basie's simple but timeless piano solo plus transcribed solos for tenors 1 and 2, trombone, trumpet, bass and the mother of all Basie swinging shout choruses.

ORANGE SHERBET Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Easy $40.00 This bright chart features trombone ad lib or written solo.

Cat: 2592

PASEO PROMENADE Arranged by Benny Carter Medium $52.00 Cat: SMP-266 As originally recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP (Vogue CD) Kansas City Suite - the Music of Benny Carter, this is a medium-up Swing chart that everyone will love to play. The saxophones get a workout, and there is solo space for tenor saxophone, trombone and piano. Soft, exciting ensemble work makes this chart a true delight. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th trombone).


***NEW*** [VOCAL]

Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2109 Frank Sinatra and Count Basie combined brilliantly on their 1962 album ‘SinatraBasie,’ featuring arrangements by Neal Hefti. From Basie’s opening intro right to the last note this chart was and still is a classic. It has been transcribed here by Jon Harpin, and adapted from the original 5 trumpet 3 trombone studio line-up, to a more regular 4-4 section, with the bass trombone on 3rd and an optional 4th trombone part. The vocal key is Ab and there are no sax doubles.


MAGIC FLEA Arranged by Sammy Nestico Advanced $52.00 This Nestico arrangement is fast swing for advanced bands.


Cat: 2420

MEETIN’ TIME Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Easy $47.00 Cat: SMP-265 As originally recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP (Vogue CD) Kansas City Suite - the Music of Benny Carter, this is a medium slow Swing with more than a tinge of Gospel flavor. The trombone section gets the call and the saxophones respond. A delightful, happy chart with solo space for tenor saxophone and trumpet (written out solos opt.). Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th trombone).

MISS MISSOURI Arranged by Benny Carter Medium $52.00 Cat: SMP-262 As originally recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP (Vogue CD) Kansas City Suite - the Music of Benny Carter, this is a medium Shuffle which features solos for piano, tenor saxophone and trombone. This melody will stick with you for a long time. Benny was the best at creating those tight, soft, Basie ensemble choruses, and this one has it all. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th trombone).

MOTEN SWING Arranged by Ernie Wilkins Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-191 There have been a lot of published charts on this tune, but this is the original version as played by and recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra. This chart should be in every jazz band library! Wonderful roaring ensemble passages and soft, soft sections which will make your band sparkle. A guaranteed winner. 5-4-4-4


Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-196 This chart was recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on the CD I Told You So. This is a rip-roaring, swinging chart. It starts with trombones and rhythm setting the time with simple halfnote figures. The saxes and trumpets join in with a swinging, exciting series of lines! One of the great shout choruses of all time! Features solo space for tenor sax, trombone, piano and drums. A great closer for your programs.5-5-4-4

POUND CAKE Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1091 Pound Cake is Basie doing what he did best - pumping out swinging blues-based riff charts. This chart also features a rarity - a long solo spot for baritone sax, and there are other solos for alto 1 (cued on 2), tenor 1 (cued on 2), trumpet 2 and piano. All of the solos are written out, the brass ranges are very moderate and there is loads of brass fan hat (or plunger) work, so the visual appeal is high too.

THE QUEEN BEE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $42.00 This Nestico arrangement was performed by Count Basie.


Cat: 2460


Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1139 Red Bank Boogie is a classic Basie piano feature, and the piano part is written out in full. This chart evolved over time, as many of Basie’s charts did. The original was possibly a little ‘corny’ perhaps, with the piano line being played in typical stride style. This later version was played using far fewer notes, with less emphasis on the left hand, and it swings all the better for it. However, it is a quick chart and you will still need a pretty good pianist to do it justice. There are no sax doubles.

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $40.00 Cat: 32413010 This classic blues was a standard of the Count Basie Orchestra for many years, and Sammy Nestico’s very playable version for young groups really cooks!

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Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2113 The Joe Williams/Count Basie partnership was a rich one indeed, and together they produced many fine recordings. Roll ‘Em Pete, from the early ‘70s, is one of the best, with Williams improvising around the original blues line. The band backings support the vocalist all the way, and there is also a 2 chorus solo spot for tenor 1. The trombone solo fill-ins behind the first two choruses and the tenor fills after the solo have been written out. The vocal sheet is written out as sung, and there are no sax doubles. Although the band had 5 trumpets during the recording session, this chart has been adapted to 4. The vocal key is B flat.

ROMPIN’ AT THE RENO Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-268 As originally recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP (Vogue CD) Kansas City Suite - the Music of Benny Carter, this is a fast Swinger that will be a lot of fun for your band. Tight, rhythmic ensemble passages make this a joy to play and hear. Your audiences will really respond to this one. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th Trb.).

STRAIGHT AHEAD Arranged by Sammy Nestico Advanced $42.00 Arranged by Nestico and performed by Basie.

Cat: 2301

STRIKE UP THE BAND Arranged by Sammy Nestico Advanced $60.00 Cat: 7011065 From the Basie library, this classic flag-waver from the pen of Sammy Nestico is available again! A true tour de force for every section of the band, this monster chart features blistering brass, wailing saxes, a tenor solo, and a great full ensemble shout.

SUNSET GLOW Arranged by Benny Carter Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-247 As originally recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP ‘Kansas City Suite - the Music of Benny Carter,’ this is a beautiful ballad, written to feature trombone throughout. The middle section features the saxophones in one of Benny’s patented sax choruses. 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th trombone).



Arranged by Sammy Nestico Easy $35.00 Cat: 2601 Ballad, tenor sax feature arranged by Sammy Nestico and performed by Basie.

Arranged by Sammy Nestico Difficult $60.00 7011063 As recorded by Count Basie on ‘Prime Time,’ here is the magnificent Nestico flagwaver to end all flag-wavers! Combine a wonderful standard tune with solos for piano and tenor along with some of Sammy’s finest ensemble writing ever, and you have a highlight for any concert or festival. Classic chart!




Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1117 A wonderful chart from the pen of Neal Hefti. Scoot is almost all muted and fluted, originally with Frank Wess’flute paired with tightly plugged trumpets (using a mix of mutes) to generate a relaxed but closely confined sound. The chart is quite quick and will need nimble fingers from your trumpets, but once they get their fingers round it the chart will snap into place. The flute solo is ad-lib, and the saxes are on flute, alto, 2 tenors & baritone. We have cued the flute solo chords onto the alto 2 part in case you don’t have a flautist. The chart is playable without the flute lead.

SHORTY GEORGE Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1181 Shorty George was first recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra in 1938, and proved to be one of his early big hits, and has become a ‘must-have’ tune for Basie fans. It is up-tempo swing chart which featured Basie and his three big soloists Buck Clayton (trumpet), Lester Young (tenor) and Dicky Wells (trombone). We have written out the original solos for you, though your players can improvise on the chords provided too. This arrangement is really punchy and powerful, with some great sectional interplay and big ensemble passages. We have also written in the licks and fills on the drum part. There are no sax doubles.

SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Easy $42.00 This jazz shuffle was arranged by Nestico and performed by Basie.

Cat: 2605

SPLANKY Arranged by Neal Hefti Medium Easy $75.00 Cat: LL-1203 Splanky is one of the great tracks from the Basie band of the 1950s, and one of a series written and arranged for the band by Neal Hefti to be found on The Atomic Mr Basie album. This is the original arrangement and not a transcription, and includes fully written out tenor and piano solos. There is not a full score with this arrangement, though a conductor lead sheet is included.

SPLANKY Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $45.00 Cat: WBRP2021 Your band will shine on this medium tempo chart and the ensemble writing will have the band sounding just like Basie. Solo space provided for 1st tenor sax, 2nd trumpet and 1st trombone, accessible brass ranges, add the Basie-style rhythm section fills and you have a superior chart that will stand the test of time.


Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99964 An up-tempo chart that swings from beginning to end, with solo space for trumpet, both tenors, piano and drums. All solos and the piano/bass/guitar parts are chord based. A nice punchy chart from the Basie book.

TEDDY THE TOAD Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1121 This is NOT the Hefti stock chart that was issued many years ago. This is the complete Basie version, and a nice trombone sectional feature. The chart is written for 2 tenors and 1 bass trombone, with an optional 4th (tenor) trombone part. The Basie band only recorded this tune three times, once on the Atomic album, once live in 1958 and again live in 1959. The live takes were played quicker! All three versions has been drawn from to recreate this swing classic. The piano part has all of the little fills and licks written in, as does the drum part, and the trombone parts are written as they were played, including the over-emphasised dragged notes and the lovely unison trombone ending with the band whisper quiet behind, so that your band will be able to recreate the authentic Basie feel. There are no sax doubles. The lead trombone hits a high C, hence we have rated the chart as medium.

THAT WARM FEELING Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium Easy $42.00 This ballad arrangement was performed by Count Basie.

Cat: 2510

TICKER Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-190 This chart was recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on the CD I Told You So. Another hip, blues chart from Holman’s Basie LP. Piano, tpt., and tenor sax solos, with a very neat saxophone section Soli. Great shout choruses. Well within the abilities of any good band. Cond. Score/parts for 5-5-4-4 instrumentation. (condensed score)

TICKLE TOE Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1088 Tickle Toe is a real tenor sax feature. This chart, with the usual Basie combination of flowing sax lines and punchy brass, is written in a minor key, giving it a haunting tonality. Quite quick, at 210 bpm, the chart itself is not technically too demanding, once your sax players have got their fingers around the tune. All of the solos have been written out (tenor, trumpet and piano) and the chords too, should your players want to improvise. No sax doubles and the brass ranges are pretty moderate.



TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-310 Count Basie recorded this on the wonderful CD I Told You So. This is a happy, cookin’ chart by Holman, with solos for tenor saxophone and piano. It is a guarantee that your band will LOVE playing this one, and your audiences will love hearing it. The final “shout” chorus is amazing! 5-5-4-4 (4 tpts. works as well)

TREE FROG Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-329 This chart was recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on the CD I Told You So. This is yet another terrific Holman chart written for that band! A medium-tempo shuffle that just swings and swings! There is solo space for a bucket-muted trombone, piano and an optional high trumpet part in the shout chorus. Tree Frog is a wonderful chart, written for and recorded by the great Basie Band. 5-5-4-4

TUNE TOWN SHUFFLE Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1134 Here is a fabulous swing dance chart from the Count Basie orchestra of 1941, and if you play to a dance crowd, then this chart is a must-have number. After a punchy opening, the tune itself is just so bouncy that it makes your feet tap without you realizing. The chart also features a wonderful bridge, leading to an ad-lib piano solo, then some great brass passages which give ample opportunity for plenty of fan-hat waving. The chart is then lifted higher by two chromatic key changes, an ad-lib tenor solo and the final short shout chorus to finish. A rare jewel from the Count Basie book. There are no sax doubles.



Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470693 One of the all-time classic charts from the Count Basie Band is this gem penned by long standing guitarist Freddie Green. Available for the first time in an arrangement for beginning bands, Michael Sweeney has crafted an authentic-sounding version that will work great for festivals or concerts. From the opening strains to the final shout chorus, the Basie style shines through.



Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7010913 One of the classic arrangements from the Count Basie Orchestra is adapted for younger bands in this authentic-sounding version by Mark Taylor. The signature piano intro is scored for trumpets in mutes and all the familiar ensemble passages are included. There are brief solos for trumpet and tenor before the well-known shout chorus closes it out. A must for all bands.

VINE STREET RUMBLE Arranged by Benny Carter Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-269 As originally recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP (Vogue CD) Kansas City Suite - the Music of Benny Carter, this is a medium-up Shuffle feel, with solos for tenor saxophone and piano. The sax section plays the tune in unison while the brass interject those terrific rhythmic figures that Carter wrote so well. Soft, tight ensemble passages swing like crazy and raise the roof when played yet again up an octave and very powerfully. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th Trb.).

WHIRLY BIRD Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-2412 Another beautifully crafted piece from the Basie Band, featured on the Atomic Mr Basie album. Written by Neal Hefti, this chart is aptly named. It is a flat-out, driving swing chart that features piano and tenor. Basie’s solos are written out, but the tenor solo has been left open. This arrangement is advanced, not because of the speed of it, but because the trumpets need to play up high. The lead goes to a written high F. Originally written for 7 brass, a 4th trombone part has been added. The bass trombone is on the 3rd part. There are no sax doubles.

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Arranged by Benny Carter Medium $55.00 Cat: SMP-749 One of the great Basie recording was ‘The Legend,’ of which all the pieces were Benny Carter originals. This chart is from that recording, and it is a wonderfully soulful piece, set in a slow swing tempo. There is solo space for piano and trumpet. This is a simple, elegant 16-bar tune that Benny sets in his wonderful fashion. This bluesy chart will be a favorite with everyone. Very modest brass ranges (1st tpt. high Bb only) make this is must for any band. 5/4/4/4

THE WIGGLE WALK Arranged by Benny Carter Medium $52.00 Cat: SMP-260 As originally recorded by Count Basie on the Roulette LP (Vogue CD) Kansas City Suite - the Music of Benny Carter, this is a medium tempoed Swing chart featuring solos for tenor saxophone, trumpet, trombone and piano. There are lots of great ensemble passages and rhythmic hits in the brass. And the saxophones have their time in the spotlight. Classic Basie! 5-4-3-4 (w/opt. 4th trombone).

WIND MACHINE Arranged by Sammy Nestico Difficult $50.00 Cat: 7210970 This up-tempo chart from the Count Basie library features a tenor sax solo.

YA GOTTA TRY Arranged by Sammy Nestico Advanced $42.00 Arranged by Sammy Nestico and performed by Basie.

Cat: 2530

AS PLAYED BY LOUIE BELLSON SKIN DEEP Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1070 A great swing chart from the pen of Louis Bellson, this opens with a big half-time fanfare and then breaks into up-tempo swing. The saxes lead the first chorus and the brass are loud and punchy. With some great unison runs and trombone passages, the drums drive this number. There are four drum solo passages, with the last one being as long as you like. It leads the band into a huge climactic finish.

AS PERFORMED BY LES BROWN BIZET HAS HIS DAY Arranged by Bob Martin Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99977 Made famous by the Les Brown Orchestra, this tune is one in a series of numbers where a classical theme is given the swing treatment. From a piano opening phrase, echoed by trombones, the lower saxes enter with the fugue, the altos vary it, and trumpets are layered on top, to arrive at the tutti swing phrase. Solos for Alto 2, Trombone 2 and Piano. Lead alto doubles clarinet, Baritone doubles alto. Lead trumpet to high C. A moderately easy chart and really effective in any band library.

LEAP FROG Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1115 One of the more famous tunes from the Les Brown Orchestra, Leap Frog is one of those charts that gets feet tapping and dancers dancing. It simply bounces from start to finish. Technically, this is a straightforward chart to perform, and we have written out the four sax cameo solos (one each for Alto 1 on Clari, Alto 2 and both Tenors) and also the drum part complete with the little fills and licks that help power the chart along. There are also two short ad lib drum solos, taken mostly on the snare. If you play to a swing dance crowd they will lap this up!

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***NEW*** [VOCAL]

As Performed by Doris Day with Les Brown Arranged by Bob Martin Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2039 Co-written by Les Brown for his own Orchestra, this was a great hit for Doris Day, and this version remains as the definitive standard for the tune. It has to be played bluesy, laid back, softly and not too fast! The brass lines at the end of the first chorus emphasise the ‘drag’ and the tenor solo behind the vocal re-enforces the lazy feel. Key of A, the range is from A below, to B above middle C. Lead alto doubles clarinet.



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2119 Bobby Darin had a big hit with this tune, and other singers hae also covered it very successfully. We have transcribed the Darin chart here, except that there are no strings in our version. Instead we have given the relevant lines to the saxes, adapting the phrasing to improve the swing. The vocal is as per Bobby Darin’s delivery, and we have also included an optional repeat at the end of the chart, to extend the play out, plus have written a definite ending, because the recorded version fades, and fade-outs are not good for live perfomances! There are no sax doubles. Apart from the lead trumpet having to reach a written high D# the brass parts are not demanding, and the chart will be a certain crowd pleaser. Vocal key F.



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99409 Clementine is simply great fun. This Bobby Darin version is in a similar style to his more well known Mack the Knife, with successive half-step modulations, and a band backing that builds and builds to a huge finish. We have accurately notated Bobby’s vocal line and phrasing, and written the rhythm parts as-played, where they are most important to the feel of the chart. No sax doubles.Vocal Keys: E flat to A flat.



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2416 This is a post-war chart from Dorsey, featuring the singing and trumpet of Charlie Shavers. This is a very good dance chart and it has a lot of nice features - vocal stops, hand claps, powerful ensemble passages, a solo spot for tenor and some screaming trumpet licks too. As the name suggests, this chart really bounces along. We have rated it medium difficult, as the trumpet soloist has a written high F and the trombones need to reach Bb. Birmingham Bounce is a refreshing change to the usual vocal fare. The key is Eb and would suit a high baritone or an alto.

EASY DOES IT Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1114 This is another classic but underplayed chart from Dorsey, written by Sy Oliver. This chart is a medium tempo swing chart with a 2-beat feel that dancers might describe as a Shag. It glides along if taken at the right tempo. The chart features your lead trombone and tenor 1. The trombone lead is cross-cued onto the 3rd trumpet part, should the range prove too high for your player, and we have transcribed fully the original tenor solo, though he/she can improvise. Both altos double clarinets.

I’M GETTING SENTIMENTAL OVER YOU Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99993 This is the theme tune for the Dorsey Band, and perhaps the definitive solo vehicle for trombone, where the melody brings out the best of the instrument. This arrangement is true to the original, with the solo part written on 1st trombone, excepting that the sax backings are not taken on full section clarinet doubles (including bass clarinet), but have reverted back to standard sax section voicing to avoid awkward, and nearly impossibly quick changing of instruments. There is a solo trumpet part that is a duplicate of the trombone solo.


LOOSE LID SPECIAL Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-22250 In many ways this Sy Oliver chart written for Dorsey was ahead of its time, with its floating tonality and dissonant voicings. It has an almost ethereal feel to it, with huge contrasts in dynamics throughout the chart. All original solos have been written out (trombone-Dorsey and trumpet-Elman), and have notated the drum part in full, with all the little licks and fills needed to recreate the original. The trombone solo is also cross cued onto the 3rd trumpet part, should your player not be able to reach a high C. There are no sax doubles and the chart has been re-scored to 8 brass.



Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1133 The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra is most often remembered for a lush trombone sound, the band also produced some extraordinarily powerful swing numbers, and not many were better than this one. Written by the great Sy Oliver, this quick minor swing chart is raw, raunchy, powerful and full of surprises. It features your lead trombone, 2nd alto, 2nd trumpet, 1st tenor and piano. All original solos have been written out. The only sax double is 2nd alto on clarinet for the last 2 bars. All trumpets hit high C, and all trombones hit high Bb.

ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-23223 Made famous by the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, this instrumental version of Sunny Side of the Street is taken from the vocal version. The form and structure is based on the original Dorsey version, including the unique intro, where we have written out the bass ‘solo’and piano fills too. The lead trumpet range in the last bar goes to a high F, but we’ve cued alternative notes which keep the range here to top C#. No sax doubles, and the brass ranges are moderate. The saxes take the ‘vocal’chorus, backed by trombones and trumpets. Vocal version cat: LL-23223V.

OPUS ONE Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99960 Another classic from the pen of Sy Oliver, and a famous tune for the Dorsey band, though much copied and adapted by other bands. Anita O ’Day recorded a vocal version with Gene Krupa, and Ted Heath used it as a stock chart. This is as per the original, though it lacks the strings used by Dorsey in the original arrangement. String parts can be provided on request. Both alto saxes double clarinet (for the great middle passage of clarinets over a pair of muted trumpets), and the lead alto takes both clarinet solos, which we have written out. Likewise, the piano solo is written out too. This is a medium to advanced chart in terms of difficulty. By far the trickiest bit is the semi quaver, semitonal sax run which introduces the key change into the last chorus. Nimble fingers are needed!

SONG OF INDIA Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1085 This Dorsey classic is another great solo spot for trombone. Based on a tune by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, the original arrangement was by Tommy Dorsey himself. A well known piece, Song of India was originally scored for just 6 brass. We have augmented the chart to a full section of 8 brass. The trombone and trumpet solos are written out in full, though your 2nd trumpet player can improvise a solo from the chords given. This arrangement sounds like the original article, and includes the clarinets (altos 1 and 2) scored in the intro. All dynamics and articulations are given, and these are particularly important to give the chart its correct feel. We have rated this as a medium difficulty chart, though the 1st trombone does go to high C.

SWANEE RIVER Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1232 This Dorsey classic is based on a 1944 version, when the Dorsey band was at its height. The arrangement went on to be used by the later Dorsey band under the direction of Warren Covington. It is longer than earlier versions, and also longer than the stock chart, with additional solo space for trumpet and tenor sax. The backgrounds and fill-ins are complete, as are all of the dynamics and mute/hat indications for the brass. We have included the famous Ziggy Elman trumpet solo which forms the first half of the trumpet’s solo space.


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Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1197 Tommy Dorsey first recorded a version of Clarence Smith’s Boogie Woogie in the late 1930s. This chart is not it. It’s his much better effort which is known as T.D.’s Boogie Woogie, and is an excellent development of the original, featuring piano. The piano part has been written out in full, and be warned, it is not easy. We have also written out T.D.’s closing trombone solo. This chart takes great sectional and ensemble discipline to make it sound right, so your players will need to be on top form. Both altos and both tenors double clarinet.

WELL GET IT Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-99956 Sy Oliver wrote a number of memorable charts for the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, such as Opus One and Swanee River. However, Well Get It is one of his finest, and yet not best known. A thumping swing chart that features first and second trumpet in a great duet near the end, and also including the original (written out) solos for trombone, clarinet and tenor. If you play to a jive or jitterbug crowd they will love this. Be warned though: it is a tough blow for the trumpets. The lead range is to high G and the second to high D. Second alto takes the clarinet double.

AS PLAYED BY DUKE ELLINGTON ALMOST CRIED Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM001 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Ellington recorded this in 1959 for the film 'Anatomy of a Murder'. Trumpet feature written for Shorty Baker. Instrumentation: 2 altos, 2 tenors, baritone, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, and bass/drums - no guitar or piano parts.

BLACK AND TAN FANTASY Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9801 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded by Duke Ellington in 1945. 5/4/3/4

BLI BLIP Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLCM03001 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded by Ellington in 1941. Instrumentation: 2 alto saxophoes; clarinet; tenor saxophone; baritone saxophone; 3 trumpets; 3 trombones; and 4-piece rhythm section.

BLUE CELLOPHANE Transcribed by David Berger Advanced $50.00 Cat: JLCM008 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Medium swing. This was written as a trombone feature for Lawrence Brown. Instrumentation: 2 altos, 1 tenor, baritone, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 4-piece rhythm section, and orchestra bells.

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TOMMY DORSEY/DUKE ELLINGTON BLUE FEELING Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM002 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Ellington recorded this in 1934. Instrumentation: 2 altos, tenor sax, baritone sax, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 4-piece rhythm, and orchestra bells.

C JAM BLUES Arranged by David Pugh Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: JE9834 The Duke Ellington classic in a straight ahead easy version for developing jazz groups. David Pugh is a young writer to watch. His charts over the past two years have really been nice. in this classic, David has kept it playable, but has worked in some great ensemble work, including a nice sax tutti section.

C JAM BLUES Arranged by Rick Stitzel Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470604 Finally, this Ellington classic is available for even the most inexperienced bands. For starters, this version is in Bb rather than C. Rick features the saxes on the melody with inventive brass counterlines, and later a marvelous ensemble tutti section that starts soft then builds to the end. An absolute must!

CARAVAN Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010146 Here’s a fresh version of this Ellington classic done in a Latin style that really sizzles. Solid and creative writing for the entire ensemble.

COME SUNDAY Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 50485556 From Duke Ellington, comes this hauntingly beautiful ballad. Mike’s outstanding setting features a lush ensemble sound plus solos for alto and piano.

COTTON TAIL Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9803 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Recorded by Ellington in 1940. Solos for trumpet, tenor saxophone and baritone saxophone. Instrumentation: 2 altos, tenor 1 doubles on clarinet; tenor 2, baritone saxophone; 3 trumpets; 3 trombones and 4-piece rhythm section.

COTTON TAIL Transcribed by Mark Taylor Medium $50.00 Cat: 7010802 Here is the classic Ellington swinger in a fabulous version for younger players. The drive and excitement of the original is still there as Mark starts out with a small combo of 2 tenors and 2 trombones, then gets the full band involved. Includes solos for alto and/or trombone and also for trumpet and/or piano. This chart will sound great with any band!

DIMINUENDO AND CRESCENDO IN BLUE Transcribed by David Berger Advanced $50.00 Cat: JLCM03002 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was originally recorded by Duke Ellington in 1937 and helped him re-gain the spotlight following his 1956 appearance at the Newport Jazz Festival. During the performance of this tune Paul Gonzalves brought the audience to near riot with his legendary 27-chorus solo. Instrumentation: 4/4/3/4 tenor doubles on clarinet.

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Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500101 One of the true gems from the Ellington catalog of great songs, here is a marvelous setting for vocal soloist with jazz ensemble. The style is slow swing, and the mood is sensuous and lush. Key of Eb.

DO NOTHIN’ TILL YOU HEAR FROM ME Arranged by John Berry Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010732 In this Ellington favorite, John Berry stays true to the original medium slow swing in a well crafted arrangement that is very playable by inexperienced bands. Alto sax is featured at the top and later the melody is passed off to the trumpet section. Also included are written or ad lib. solos for alto sax and trumpet.

DON’T GET AROUND MUCH ANY MORE Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Key of Ab.




Cat: 30325013


Arranged by Dave Wolpe Medium $45.00 Cat: JE9609 This beautiful arrangement is the perfect way to feature your best vocalist. Dave’s chart is very sweet. The vocalist gets an opportunity to trade licks with the band and even do a little improvisation. Duke Ellington and Dave Wolpe make for a great combination! Key of F.

EIGHTH VEIL Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM01008 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This is a trumpet feature, beguine chart. Instrumentation: 5/4/3/2 - clarinet double. No piano or guitar parts.

HALF THE FUN Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9806 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis.This beguine was originally arranged by Billy Strayhorn and recorded by Duke Ellington in 1956. Trumpet 1 plays a cowbell. Instrumentation: 2 altos; tenor 1 doubles on clarinet; tenor 2; baritone saxophone; 4 trumpets; 3 trombones; and 3-piece rhythm section - no guitar.

HAPPY-GO-LUCKY LOCAL Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLCM04001 This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This movin' shuffle arrangement starts with a piano-bass into. Following that duo, an alto solo enters (this was written). The arrangement is meant to evoke the sound and feel of a train. Instrumentation: 5/5/3/3 - tenor saxophone 2 doubles on clarinet.

HARLEM AIRSHAFT Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLCM02002 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Instrumentation: 5/3/3/4

I LET A SONG GO OUT OF MY HEART Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM003 This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Ellington recorded this in 1938 for the Brunswick label. Instrumentation: 2 altos, tenor (doubles on clarinet), baritone, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, and 4-piece rhythm.

I’M BEGINNING TO SEE THE LIGHT Arranged by Gordon Goodwin Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010529 Classic Ellington swinger! Gordon’s medium tempo chart features the saxes at the start and them lets the ensemble carry it and build to the alto solo. This one goes down smooth.

I’M BEGINNING TO SEE THE LIGHT Arranged by Sammy Nestico Difficult $45.00


Cat: 32609020


Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500027 This Ellington classic is one of the best swing tunes. This makes an outstanding vocal feature, yet your band will have a great time with it as well. Key: C to E flat.



Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: 0-JLCM05006 This classic Ellington vocal ballad starts features an eight bar alto solo leading into the vocal. The trombone solo at the end features nice sax backgrounds. Key of G.

I’M JUST A LUCKY SO AND SO Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010598 The trombones get first crack at the melody in this great Ellington shuffle tune before the entire band joins in. Written in a medium tempo and featuring nicely scored ensemble writing, solos are included for tenor sax and trumpet.

I’VE JUST SEEN HER Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLCM02005 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded in 1962 by Ellington. This ballad features tenor saxophone. Instrumentation: 5/4/3/2 - no piano or guitar parts.

IN A MELLOW TONE Arranged by Paul Cook Easy $30.00 Cat: JE9548 This great song (from the all-time great, Duke Ellington) is arranged here for beginning groups. Written for six brass and five saxes, it can be played by three saxes and three brass. Ranges are controlled for young players and the rhythms move vertically for easy performance. Guaranteed success with this chart.

IN A SENTIMENTAL MOOD Arranged by Mike Tomaro Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010372 Mike Tomaro has beautifully adapted this well-known Ellington classic to feature tenor saxophone. With flowing melodies and a lush orchestration this is the perfect ballad for contests or festivals.




IN A SENTIMENTAL MOOD Arranged by John Berry Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010508 This is an outstanding easy setting of one of Ellington’s best-known ballads. Nicely scored for an effective performance by inexperienced bands.

ISFAHAN Arranged by Frank Mantooth Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 7010370 The songwriting team of Ellington and Strayhorn is legendary. This is one of their lesser known tunes, but certainly not less in effectiveness in the able hands of Frank Mantooth. Alto and flugelhorn are featured off the top in this medium swing chart, then the rest of the ensemble joins in with some very effective scoring textures. The open solo section gives this chart added flexibility.



Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM01006 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Features vocalist - key of F minor. Instrumentation: 3/3/2/4 Saxophones: alto/baritone; alto; tenor/clarinet.

IT DON’T MEAN A THING (IF IT AIN’T GOT THAT SWING) Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470508 Introduce the music of the Duke to your beginning groups with this great sounding easy version. The rhythms have been simplified but the style is authentic.



Arranged by Jerry Nowak Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500039 Comfortable for just about any singer, Jerry’s swingin’ chart on this classy jazz standard is a perfect addition to any program. Key of Cm (E flat).





Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLCM02004 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Medium-fast swing. Vocals begin halfway through the tune. Key of Eb goes to Bb during vocals. Instrumentation: 5/4/3/4 plus vocalist.

KINDA DUKISH/ROCKIN’ IN RHYTHM Transcribed by David Berger Advanced $50.00 Cat: JLCM02006 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. The rhythm section begins with the tune Kinda Dukish then the full band begins with the familiar standard Rockin in Rhythm. Instrumentation: 5/4/ 3/4 - comes with optional guitar part.


Transcribed by David Berger Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLCM02001 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded in 1940 by Ellington. Minor blues. Instrumentation: 5/3/3/4

LAUNCHING PAD Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9904 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis.


Arranged by Matt Harris Difficult $48.00 Cat: 96 This arrangement is done in a salsa style and features tenor saxophone and a vocalist. Vocal key: Bb.




Arranged by Mike Carubia Medium $50.00 Cat: JEV9505 More Duke Ellington magic! This chart sells itself... the vocal group is just the frosting on the cake. The voice leadings are good and the band cooks along well.

JACK THE BEAR Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM03003 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded by Ellington in 1940. Instrumentation: 5/3/3/4 - saxophone 3 doubles on clarinet.

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Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9903 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis.

MOOD INDIGO Arranged by Jerry Nowak Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470556 What better way to introduce the magic of Duke Ellington to your beginning players than with this very easy version of one of the Duke’s most revered standards. The style of the original version is preserved with the opening small group statement (alto, tenor, 2 trumpets, and trombone). From there the tune is passed alternately to the full ensemble, sax section, brass section, and finally back to the small group.

MOOD INDIGO Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9908 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis.

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MOOD INDIGO Arranged by John Clayton Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7011045 Combine the music of the legendary Duke Ellington with the contemporary arranging genius of John Clayton, and get ready to hear Mood Indigo like you’ve never heard it before! Written in a slow swing style, this smooth chart is written with harmonic sophistication and emotional depth. From the velvety soft passages to the powerful full band hits, this is an impressive setting. Includes solos for trombone and tenor.

NEVER NO LAMENT/ DON’T GET AROUND MUCH ANYMORE Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9902 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded by Duke Ellington in 1940. Features solos for alto saxophone and trumpet. Instrumentation: 5/3/3/4

OCLUPACA Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLC9901 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Recorded by Duke Ellington in 1968. This Latin chart features a tenor solo. Instrumentation: 5/(alto saxophone 2 doubles on clarinet) 4/3/3

PERDIDO Transcribed by Klauss Lessmann Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1158 Perdido was one of Duke Ellington’s early big hits. Many arrangements have been made of this chart over the years - lots of them at a flat out tempo. The Duke’s version is a very laid-back swinger that chugs along in a steady groove. The chart opens with a cameo piano solo, the baritone saxophone picks up the tune and improvises on the repeat, with the brass plunger figures pulsing away behind it. The middle 8 is taken as a Trumpet solo (written out) and on it goes! This chart is a solo feature for tenor 2 and trumpet, as both have improvised solos, and there is a lovely example in the last chorus of the sort of instrumental voicings for which the Ellington band was later so famous. Tenor 1 doubles clarinet and there are no other sax doubles.

PORTRAIT OF LOUIS ARMSTRONG Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9907 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Recorded in 1970, this tune is from the New Orleans Suite. As the title would suggest, it is a trumpet feature. 5/5/3/3. Trumpet range to high C.

PRELUDE TO A KISS Arranged by Dave Wolpe Medium $50.00 Cat: JEM03005 A superb feature for baritone saxophone, this is one of Ellington’s more beautiful melodies and another winning chart from master arranger Dave Wolpe. The perfect ballad showcase for your baritone player with plenty of melodic soloing and no improvisation. A swingin’ double time section offers a nice contrast in this lush ballad. This chart is perfect for festival, concert and even a dance gig.


PYRAMID Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM004 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This transcription is from the 1962 recording (it was originally written in 1938). Instrumentation: 2 altos, clarinet, tenor, baritone, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, bass/drums - no piano or guitar parts.

RAINCHECK Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM01003 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This is fast swing. Solos for trombone, tenor, and a sax soli section. Instrumentation: 5/3/3/4 - includes clarinet double.

RHAPSODY IN BLUE Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM03004 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was arranged by Billy Strayhorn and recorded by Duke Ellington in 1962. Instrumentation: 5/4/3/3 - tenor doubles on clarinet.



Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLCM006 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was written for the 1941 musical Jump for Joy. Includes part for female vocalist. Key of Bb. Vocal range: F below middle C to 3rd line Bb. Instrumentation: 2 altos, clarinet, tenor, baritone, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, vocalist, 4-part rhythm section.

RUMPUS IN RICHMOND Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLCM007 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Recorded in 1940 by Duke Ellington. Features solo space for trumpet and clarinet. Instrumentation: 2 altos, clarinet, tenor, baritone, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 4-piece rhythm section.

SATIN DOLL Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium $35.00 Cat: 7010740 Beginning jazz ensembles will sound great with this solid swing arrangement by Michael Sweeney. Featuring tutti scoring and easy rhythms, this is a perfect chart to teach the basics of style.

SATIN DOLL Arranged by Sammy Nestico Difficult $50.00 Cat: 7010273 From the Count Basie library, this Nestico classic features solos for tenor and piano.



Arranged by Jerry Nowak Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7500035 One of the Duke’s most loved melodies in an easy setting for vocal soloist. Skillfully handled by Jerry Nowak. Key of Bb.



SOLITUDE Arranged by John Berry Easy $35.00 Cat: 7470528 Here is the perfect opportunity to introduce your beginning band to one of the legends of jazz. John Berry uses limited ranges and easy rhythms in this swing ballad style arrangement.

SOLITUDE Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JE9717 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. As recorded by Duke Ellington and His Orchestra in 1934. Features clarinet, muted trumpet and a trombone soli. Scored for clarinet, alto, alto/soprano, tenor, baritone, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, and 4 rhythm.

SOPHISTICATED LADY Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC9906 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This ballad is presented here as recorded in 1957. This is a baritone feature. Scored for 5 saxes; 4 trumpets; 3 trombones; piano/bass/drums.

SOPHISTICATED LADY Arranged by Bob Mintzer Medium $42.00 Features vocal or optional tenor saxophone. Key of E flat.

[VOCAL] Cat: 115

STAR-CROSSED LOVERS Transcribed by David Berger Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: JLC2007 This classic Strayhorn ballad is presented here as part of the Jazz at Lincoln Center Series. This is a wonderful alto feature for your band. Scored for 5 saxes (tenor doubles on clarinet), 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, and piano/bass/drums.

STOMPY JONES Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM03005 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded by the Duke Ellington Orchestra in 1934. Instrumentation: 2 alto saxophones; clarinet; baritone/alto saxophone; 3 trumpets; 3 trombones; 4-piece rhythm section.

SUGAR RUM CHERRY [FROM NUTCRACKER SUITE] Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM03006 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded in 1960 and is from the Nutcracker Suite. Instrumentation: 5/4/3/2 no piano or guitar parts. Saxophone 3 doubles on clarinet.



TAKE THE ‘A’ TRAIN Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-22416 This is the 1966 Ellington version of Strayhorn’s great tune, with Cootie Williams’ trumpet solo (written on the 4th part) transcribed in full. This version also features an extended ending, giving more trumpet solo time. Originally written for four saxes and seven brass, this version is scored for full sections.An excellent job of transcription by Jon Harpin, and a worthy addition to any library.

TAKE THE ‘A’ TRAIN Arranged by Sammy Nestico Medium $45.00 Cat: 7210740 This great arrangement from the pen of master Sammy Nestico features standard instrumentation of 5/4/4/4.

TAKE THE ‘A’ TRAIN Transcribed by David Berger Difficult $50.00 Cat: 34909016 This historic publication is an exact transcription of the 1941 version recorded by Duke Ellington. David Berger’s expertise is evident in the completely voiced out rhythm parts and written out solos. This classic belongs in every library.

THINGS AIN’T WHAT THEY USED TO BE Arranged by Mark Taylor Difficult $50.00 Cat: 34320010 Ellington’s famous blues is arranged here as a shuffle. Great final chorus plenty of blowing space.

THINGS AIN’T WHAT THEY USED TO BE Transcribed by Duke Ellington Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM01001 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Features alto sax. Instrumentation: 5/4/3/3

TUTTI FOR COOTIE Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM005 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This version was recorded in 1963. Medium shuffle - trumpet feature. Instrumentation: 5 saxes, 5 trumpets, 3 trombones, piano/bass/drums..

ZWEET ZURZDAY Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM01004 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis.This is the 3rd movement from Suite Thursday, which was performed in 1960 at the Monterey Jazz Festival. The opening piano solo has been written out (includes chord changes). Instrumentation: 5/4/3/3 - no guitar.

SULTRY SUNSET Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM01002 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. Recorded in 1946. Alto feature, originally for alto-great Johnny Hodges. Instrumentation: 5 saxes, 4 trumpets, 3 trombones, 4-piece rhythm section.

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MAYNARD FERGUSON AS PERFORMED BY MAYNARD FERGUSON AFTER YOU’VE GONE Arranged by Michael Abene Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-419 The Maynard Ferguson Band performed a lot of Abene’s charts over the years. This chart is an excellent example of Abene’s very musical approach to a great jazz standard. Very reasonable ranges throughout. Features tenor sax, trumpet and trombone solos. Destined to be a best-seller! Printed as originally scored (4-4-2-3), but including extra parts for a standard 5-4-4-4 instrumentation. This one burns!

BLUES FOR KAPP Arranged by Marty Paich Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-420 This doesn’t need to be “higher-louder-faster” to be a wonderfully effective chart. It is set in a medium slow tempo and has solo space for alto saxophone, 2 trumpets and baritone saxophone. This one will become a staple in jazz libraries throughout the world. If you’re looking for a comparison, this chart might remind you of Ernie Wilkin’s arrangement of ‘Moten Swing,’ except it is even easier to play. Printed as originally scored (4-4-2-3), but includes extra parts for a 5-4-4-3 instrumentation.

A COUNTRY BOY Arranged by Bill Holman Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-416 This is another lost treasure from Maynard Ferguson’s Birdland Dream Band Library. This starts out with a lazy trombone solo on the written melody and swings along from there. Recorded on the “Come Blow Your Horn” LP. Printed as originally scored (4-4-2-3), but including extra parts for a standard 5-4-4-4 instrumentation.

DANCING NITELY Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-402 Bill titles this one after the signs which used to be in the old-time dance halls around the country. Written in the ‘50s for Maynard’s Birdland Dream Band, this chart is a laid back, swinging tune, with a roaring ensemble section near the end. Blowing space for trombone and tenor. (full score incl.)

DANNY BOY Arranged by by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult 42.00 Cat: SMP-401 If you’ve ever heard Maynard’s recording of this world famous melody (“Londonderry Air”), you probably never forgot it! Sebesky’s chart is superb, and this publication includes practical alternate choices for the trumpet feature.The piece is very playable, and will serve to showcase your “hot” trumpet soloist.

FAN IT, JANET Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-406 Also part of the ‘Message from Newport’ album, this chart features tenor, trombone, and great contrapuntal writing, great changes and a terrific straight-ahead, swinging feeling. Nothing but the best from Sebesky, one of the greatest writers in jazz.

FOUR Arranged by Willie Maiden Medium Difficult 52.00 Cat: SMP-407 This is from Maynard’s Birdland Dream Band Library. Willie scored this Miles Davis classic to feature four different saxophone players. A typical chart for that time, it covers the whole dynamic range with exciting, swinging music. Printed as originally scored (4-4-2-3), but including extra parts for a standard 5-4-4-4 instrumentation.

FOX HUNT Arranged by Michael Abene Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-417 Another great chart from Maynard Ferguson’s Birdland Dream Band Library. If you want to feature 2 trumpets, it doesn’t get any better than this! Printed as originally scored (4-4-2-3), but including extra parts for a standard 5-4-4-4 instrumentation.


GRAVY WALTZ Arranged by Willie Maiden Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-422 This chart is a blast! It is one of the more popular charts from the Birdland Dream Band of Maynard’s. It is a high-energy chart which features baritone sax, as well as trumpet.You need a lot of “horses” in the trumpet section for this one, but it is well worth it. 5-4-4-4 (or use orig. instrumentation only).

GROOVE Arranged by Oliver Nelson Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-415 Oliver Nelson wrote this one for the Maynard Ferguson Band Library. Recorded on the “Come Blow Your Horn” LP. Features a great tune and trumpet throughout. Printed as originally scored (4-4-2-3), but including extra parts for a standard 5-44-4 instrumentation.

HEY THERE Arranged by Willie Maiden Medium Difficult $49.00 Cat: SMP-423 As recorded on “Maynard Ferguson Plays Jazz For Dancing” (Roulette), this may be the prettiest chart that Willie did for Maynard’s band. It is a great standard tune, and the chart features trumpet throughout. The band parts are not too difficult. The solo part comes with 2 versions ...... a transcription of what Maynard plays on the record, and another part for mortals. 5-4-4-4 (or use orig. instrumentation only).

HIT AND RUN Arranged by Dennis DiBlasio Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-412 Talk about a Flag-Waver!!! The Maynard Ferguson Band recorded this on their Footpath Cafe CD. The chart asks every player in the band to wail through a very hip and challenging be-bop line in unison. There are ensemble breaks here and there for very dramatic effects, and plenty of “blowing” space on the “rhythm” changes. You’ll love doing this chart because you can really show off your band. 5-4-4-3.

HUMBUG Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-405 This chart starts out in a blaze of excitement and never eases off. It features tenor sax and trombone on the melody, with solo space for alto and trumpet as well. This was featured on the famous ‘Message from Newport’ album which Maynard’s band recorded for Roulette in the late ‘50s.

KNARF Arranged by Michael Abene Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-418 Another great chart from Maynard Ferguson’s Birdland Dream Band Library. It features baritone sax (written for Frank Hittner) and trumpet solos. A nice, easy swing with a great harmonic scheme. Printed as originally scored (4-4-2-3), but including extra parts for a standard 5-4-4-4 instrumentation.

THE LAMP IS LOW Arranged by Ernie Wilkins Medium $42.00 Cat: SMP-408 Ernie Wilkins has created a swinging version of this great classic tune. Features alto sax, trumpet, piano and trombone solos. There is a wonderful ‘Basie-ish’ shout chorus, with very neat dynamics. Very playable by most bands. Full score included.

MY FUNNY VALENTINE Arranged by Willie Maiden Medium $42.00 Cat: SMP-409 This absolutely beautiful arrangement features trombone and tenor sax solos, along with the primary solo by the trumpet player. There are two solo trumpet parts included...Maynard’s version and one for mere mortals. This works very well with most bands (the band parts are quite easy). Full score included.

ON GREEN DOLPHIN STREET Arranged by Michael Abene Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-411 This is a great, hot chart from Maynard’s Dream Band book. Beautifully written, with tenor and trumpet solos. This is the one everyone has been asking for! Let your band sink their teeth into this one! Full score/parts for 5/4/4/3.



PEOPLE Arranged by Don Sebesky Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-421 Here is another fantastic trumpet feature for a fantastic trumpet player. A great ballad standard in a gorgeous setting! There are two solo parts provided, Maynard’s version and one for mere mortals. As usual, the band parts are not too difficult, but the alto sax plays flute (quite necessary) and there is a tuba part. There is also solo space for tenor saxophone (a la Willie Maiden). This was recorded on the “New Sounds of Maynard Ferguson” album. 4-4-2-3 or standard instrumentation.

SLIDE’S DERANGEMENT Arranged by Slide Hampton Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-404 Undoubtedly one of the best big band charts ever written! This was recorded by Maynard’s incredible band on the Message from Newport LP. It is the blues, both minor and major changes, lots of solo space, exciting ensemble passages...an amazing chart...over eight minutes of sensational big band excitement! (full score incl.)

STARFIRE Arranged by Benny Golson Medium $42.00 Cat: SMP-410 One of Maynard’s most beautiful ballads from the Dream Band period. Created by a young Benny Golson. The highest trumpet solo note is a written B. This chart is quite easy to play and makes a wonderful concert or dance book addition. Trumpet featured throughout. Full Score/parts for 5/4/4/4.

SWEETIE PIE (EDITED) Arranged by Don Sebesky Medium Difficult 42.00 SMP-403 This wonderful, quiet, ‘Li’l Darlin’-ish’ chart was recorded by Maynard as ‘Easy Chair.’ It has a great melodic and harmonic sense that puts it in a class all its own. This version has been edited to exclude any woodwind doubles and high trumpet parts.

SWEETIE PIE (PRO VERSION) Arranged by Don Sebesky Advanced $42.00 Cat: SMP-403 This wonderful, quiet, ‘Li’l Darlin-ish’ chart was recorded by Maynard as ‘Easy Chair.’ It has a great melodic and harmonic sense that puts it in a class all its own. This version is the original version, with flute and clarinet doubles and roaring trumpets.

WHISPER NOT Arranged by Michael Abene Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-414 The Maynard Ferguson Band recorded this on their ‘Come Blow Your Horn’ LP. The chart is an excellent example of Abene’s very musical approach to this great Benny Golson jazz standard. Very reasonable ranges throughout. Destined to be a bestseller!! Printed as originally scored (4-4-2-3), but including extra parts for a standard 5-4-4-4 instrumentation.



Arranged by Klaus Lessman Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2032 A Tisket A Tasket was a hit for Ella Fitzgerald during her time with the Chick Webb band, and remains one of her most memorable charts. Klaus Lessmann has produced a classy transcription of this chart and had adapted it for a full band line-up. Everything is here, including the band answer-back vocals. Both the sax and the brass sections get to have a go! All articulations are clearly marked and the vocal sheet is as per Ella’s performance. Key of A flat.

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Arranged by Jon Harpin Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2145 This version is from Ella Fitzgerald’s 1966 album ‘Whisper Not,’ with the original arrangements all by Marty Paich. Opening with a short Colla Voce, the chart moves smoothly into a relaxed balladic swing, with subtle backings from the band throughout. A rhythmically interesting bridge leads to the half-step up modulation with muted trumpet infills. A change to a more bluesy feel follows and the swing increases, with the bass now walking and the drummer using sticks. The improvised muted trumpet backings continue through the second half of the chart, which builds to punchy climax. We have written out the vocal lines in full, and the piano part contains all of the important licks and fills too. The vocal keys are G and Ab.



Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99507 A classic from Ella Fitzgerald, this chart is a faithful transcription of her version, and is nothing at all like the Les Brown / Skippy Martin instrumental version. We have even written out Ella’s vocal line so your singer can reproduce the timing and phrasing if she wants. This chart is also a Trumpet feature, and the original solo is fully notated on the 2nd part. There are no sax doubles. Key of B flat.



Arranged by Myles Collins Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-99970 A classic Cole Porter song from 1932, Night and Day was a must-have number for the great big bands of the era. This version is based on that used by Ella Fitzgerald, and is a good example how to score the band to best support the vocalist. The arrangement includes the vocal verse, backed by a solo tom-tom, leading into the tutti chorus. This is very easy to play, though this in no way detracts from its effectiveness in performance. If you have a pianist who has a light touch, then added fills behind the vocalist really set this number off. Vocal key: Ab

THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC Arranged by Jon Harpin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2124 Here is her finest version, from the 1960 Billy May collaboration album ‘Sings the Harold Arlen Songbook.’ This chart is just great all the way through, from the almost Phrygian opening into the relatively reserved first chorus, the blasting band chorus (including the fully written out tenor solo), Ella’s more fluid second vocal chorus (also written out in full), the implied repeat to fade and the punch finish. This chart is simply a must have for any big band library. The vocal key is Bb.

TIME AFTER TIME Transcribed by Jon Harpin Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2110 This version was originally arranged by Marty Paich and recorded by Ella Fitzgerald on her Whisper Not album. This version is a transcription of this version, including the short verse intro and Ella’s vocal line in full. The chart is an easy yet rewarding one for the band to play, and a chance to show off your girl vocalist’s skills. The brass ranges are very moderate, with lead tumpet only getting to top line F, though your pianist will need to improvise some fills behind the vocal. The middle chorus Tenor solo is improvised, and we have written in the melody lead line and chords onto the part. The vocal keys are G and Ab. No sax doubles. The 4th trombone is Bass.

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Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-94440 This is the Benny Goodman version of Amapola, with Helen Forrest taking the vocal. A delightful tune, well delivered, and of course with a clarinet solo from the great man himself. This chart is as per the original version, and we have scored the saxes AATT plus a clarinet solo part. The trick with this chart is not to play it too fast. It just chugs along and swings all the way. Vocal Key: F



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99979 Another classic from the Goodman Orchestra, written by trumpeter Ziggy Elman. In the original arrangement the vocal chorus led to a typical Goodman ‘Yiddish’ trumpet chorus. In our arrangement this is replaced by a more conventional trumpet solo chorus and ‘middle 8’, with the vocal returning to close. The ending is as per the original, with a trumpet solo leading the band to a rousing finale. Vocal Key: Bb

BEI MIR BIST DU SCHOEN Arranged by Myles Collins Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1007 The Goodman orchestra performed a similar vocal version of this chart at the Carnegie Hall concert, with Martha Tilton the featured vocalist.This is an instrumental version of the chart offered in our vocals section, but with more punch and swing to the second chorus. Lead alto doubles clarinet. Also available as VOCAL.

BIG JOHN’S SPECIAL Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1201 This is a romping swing chart from the early years of the Goodman Orchestra, when much of his success came courtesy of Fletcher Henderson’s arrangements. The chart has been expanded to 8 brass, and because the chart is not a clarinet feature (it only has an 8 measure solo) the saxes have been scored for a regular AATTB section, with alto 2 doubling the clarinet solo. The trumpet solos have been written out and the piano solo in stride style.



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1154 The Goodman original has been adapted here to suit an 8 brass line-up, and all of the original solos have been transcribed (clarinet, trombone & trumpet), though your players can improvise. The brass ranges are fairly moderate, making the chart playable by bands of all abilities. The saxes are scored for clarinet, 2 altos & 2 tenors.



Arranged by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1208 The chart is full of rich, flowing texture and has a superb harmonic structure, yet is still a thumping swing number. Aside from an 8 measure piano solo, the chart is an out and out clarinet feature. However, it is not easy. Your clarinet player will need to be very nimble fingered to get it right, as playing in the keys of E and F# at 240 bpm is quite a challenge, and the band will need to be tight and have good intonation too. The arrangement is scored for 8 brass and 5 reeds (clarinet, alto, 2 tenors and baritone). Tenor 1 doubles clarinet.

CLARINET A LA KING Arranged by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1141 A fabulous chart from the Goodman band of the early ‘40s, and, quite naturally, a clarinet feature. The chart is harmonically very innovative, and shows glimpses of the sort of writing that Eddie Sauter produced later on in. This is quite a hard chart to play, but very rewarding once your players have it right, and a fine addition to the Goodman corner of your band library. The clarinet and piano solos are written out in full, and all dynamics and articulations have been included on all the parts, because this is one chart that simply won’t work if played at the same volume throughout! We have augmented the brass to 4 + 4 and the reeds are scored C/A/T/T/B. There are a couple of quick sax doubles - baritone on alto and 2nd alto on on clarinet.


DON’T BE THAT WAY Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1171 One of the all-time classic charts from the Benny Goodman book. The original has been modified to suit 8 brass, and have written out the original clarinet, trumpet & trombone solos in full, as well as including an optional trumpet soli instead of just the trumpet solo, should you want to show off the section a bit. Reeds are scored for clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors, and there are no sax doubles.



Transcribed by Douglas Rust Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7011003 Based on the Benny Goodman 1936 version of this jumpin’ Fletcher Henderson tune, this authentic edition features swingin’ choruses for every section, a transcription of Benny’s clarinet solo, and the distinctive 5 clarinet chorus at the end (opt. sax substitutions included). A true classic from the big band era, this up tempo swinger builds with intensity from beginning to end!

GOODBYE Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1185 Goodbye was Benny Goodman’s closing theme. A slow, hauntingly beautiful composition from Gordon Jenkins, rich in musical colour and tonality and a fine testament to Benny. We have faithfully reproduced the original here, though have expanded the brass to a full 4/4 section to suit a standard big band line-up. The chart features clarinet and 2nd trumpet, with some cameo spots for baritone & guitar and plenty of flowing piano runs. The reeds are scored for clarinet, alto, 2 tenors and baritone. Not a difficult chart to play, but plenty of dynamic discipline is required to make it sound right.



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1148 Written by Jimmy Mundy for the Benny Goodman Orchestra shortly after he joined as a staff arranger, Jam Session is an up-tempo swing chart with solo space for tenor, clarinet and trumpet. The arrangement starts in two beat style for the first chorus, and then switches to four beat swing to the end of the piece. This chart has been adapted to 8 brass from the original 5, and because it is not a clarinet feature the saxes have been scored AAATT, with the 2nd alto taking the clarinet solo. All solos are fully transcribed, though your players can improvise from the chords provided.

JERSEY BOUNCE Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99403 Many bands played Jersey Bounce, and the two versions most remembered are those from the Miller and Goodman Orchestras. This is the Benny Goodman version, meticulously transcribed by Alan Glasscock. For us it is the more interesting version of the two. Mel Powell’s harmonics and phrasing in the piano solo (fully written out, including the super-fast runs) were really ahead of their time. The other three solo spots are all here too, written for tenor 1, trombone 2 and of course solo clarinet. In this recorded version Goodman had the luxury of a complete sax section of AATTB, plus Goodman himself. We recognize that not many bands have six saxes, but rest assured that the chart works equally well played with CAATT. Not too fast!

KING PORTER STOMP Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1101 Here is the rousing King Porter Stomp, the Fletcher Henderson arrangement for Benny Goodman, featuring solos for trumpet, trombone and clarinet. All original solos have been written out, including Benny’s extended clarinet solo, though the chords are included for improvisation. This chart is written for clarinet, 2 altos, 2 tenors and is has been augmented up to 8 brass, from the original 5. This is a fine chart from the time when the Goodman band regularly topped the polls and Benny was ‘King of Swing’. Technically not too demanding for the band but precision with the articulations and phrasing is needed if you wish to reproduce the authentic feel.

LET’S DANCE Transcribed by Bob Martin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99971 Benny Goodman’s famous opening number has been faithfully re-created by Bob Martin and comes complete with the original clarinet and alto solos fully written out. This arrangement is scored for 8 brass, though we have included an optional 5th trumpet part too. The saxes are scored for 2 altos, 2 tenors and the clarinet lead.





Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1192 Co-written by Benny Goodman & Harry James, this is a pulsating, energetic and quick minor swing chart.The Goodman band recorded this tune on several occasions, the first in 1937, then again in 1938. The ’37 chart was used as the model for this arrangement. A couple of small modifications have been made: the brass has been augmented to 8 voices and the tempo indication has been slowed to 240 (from 280) to match the tempo of the ’38 chart. The solos are written out in full (clarinet, trumpet, tenor and piano) and the saxes are scored for CAATT.



Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1214 In 1941 Skippy Martin took the 24th of Niccolo Paganini’s caprices for solo violin, and turned it into a big swinging chart for Benny Goodman. The original has been adapted and expanded, scoring it for a regular AATTB sax team, and 8 Brass. Your alto 2 player doubles clarinet, and has the entire Benny Goodman solo written out. Tenor 1 takes the Vido Musso solo, and the Mel Powell piano solo is also fully scored. This is a VERY rare chart from the Goodman era, and a fine addition to any library.

ROLL ‘EM Arranged by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2102 Roll ‘Em was a hugely popular number for the Goodman band, and its infectious boogie feel will have dancers flocking to the the floor. Our version is true to the Goodman original, with a couple of modifiactions. The brass has been augmented up to 8 and the piano solo passage has been written in conventional 12-bar form, rather than a mix of 12 and 10 found in the original. Whilst the piano solo is ad-lib, the other solos (clarinet & trumpet) are fully written out, though your players can improvise from the chords provided if they prefer. Alan Glasscock has done a teriffic job with this chart, and the articulations and phrasing marks on the parts will enable your players to produce an authentic sound. The reeds are written for clarinet, 2 altos & 2 tenors, with no sax doubles.

SING SING SING (PART 1) Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99969 Possibly the most famous number from the Benny Goodman Orchestra, this recreation is true to the original, in the original key and with all of the original licks. The only concession that we have made is to augment the brass from 5 to 8. The saxes are scored for clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors. This chart makes a stunning opening number, or a great drum feature for all aspiring Krupas.

SOFT WINDS Arranged by Michael Sweeney Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 7010728 This jazz classic adapts perfectly for young players. The tempo is moderate and the swing figures are easy to play. The blues form makes it easy for inexperienced improvisers and sample solos are included for alto, tenor, trumpet, and piano.

STEALIN’ APPLES Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1017 An absolutely storming chart from the Benny Goodman Orchestra. Goodman made several takes of this tune, before deciding on which version to issue on record. The chart was rather lengthy in its original form, and had to be pared down in order to fit onto one side of a 78-rpm record. Alan Glasscock has reconstructed the chart with all of the intended choruses intact, as originally scored by Fletcher Henderson. All of the solos are written out (piano-a full 32 bars, trumpet and clarinet) and the dynamics and articulations are meticulously accurate. The saxes are scored for clarinet, 2 altos, 2 tenors and the brass goes from the original 5 to a full section of 8.

STOMPIN’ AT THE SAVOY Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1155 Here is Benny Goodman’s timeless classic in all its glory. Many bands performed versions of this song, but the Goodman Orchestra’s rendition remains the standard by which all others are judged. The saxes are scored for clarinet, 2 altos & 2 tenors. We have augmented the brass up to a full 8 from the original 5. All of the original solos (clarinet, tenor & trombone) are fully transcribed, though your players can improvise from the chords if they prefer. The piano part is written on 4 beat style and the drum part is notated as per the original, though you may prefer to have him play a more swingy hi-hat style if you wish to push the feel a little.

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Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2081 This version was recorded in 1942 by Peggy Lee during her stay with the Benny Goodman band. Goodman’s chart has been faithfully transcribed here, including all of the clarinet licks and solos, but the brass has been expanded from the original 6 up to 8. The sax parts are written for solo clarinet, alto, 2 tenors & baritone though an an extra alto sax part (the tenor 1 part, written for alto) is included to give you a bit more flexibility in the section. The brass ranges are very moderate, and aside from the clarinet solos there are no surprises, so the chart is very playable.

AS PLAYED BY GLEN GRAY NO NAME JIVE Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99997 This is simply a great up-tempo jump jive number, made famous by Glen Gray, and to the best of our knowledge has never been published before, anywhere. If your band plays to a dance crowd then this arrangement is an absolute must have. No Name Jive is a huge six and a half minutes long, and drives from beginning to end. Technically it’s not difficult, though the band needs to be tight and crisp in order to achieve the relaxed feel that makes the number work so well. There are some instrument doubles: saxes 1, 2 and 3 all double clarinet, and the baritone doubles alto. Lead alto also needs a soprano if your alto 2 can’t hit high F# and A. All solos are written out as exact transcriptions of the original, though players may improvise if they wish. The second trumpet takes two solos and both are cross-cued on the lead part.



Arranged by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1170 12th Street Rag as you never imagined! This chart was written for the Ted Heath band, and goes way way beyond the original Bowman concept. The chart opens by imitating traffic along 12th Street, in a series of dissonant hoots before the band kicks in with the real intro. The chart is full of contrasting elements and color, and uses a dixie band-in-band on 3 occasions, each section being in a different historical style - ‘20s, ‘40s and ‘60s. Interspersed whith these are some blasting tutti passages, some deliberately corny solo work in street busker style and a screaming finale. The whole piece goes through 5 modulations, building all the time.This is a very challenging chart with some tough asks in all sections. Both altos and tenors double clarinet, and the bari doubles alto for the solo (can be played on bari instead). If your band is brave enough to take on the challenge they will not be disappointed.



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1168 A superb example of ensemble playing from the Ted Heath book. This version is not written as a slow ballad, but is a grooving mid-tempo swing chart that packs plenty of punch. The chart relies on some tight section work from the brass, and strict adherance to the written dynamics in order to deliver the right feel. At just over 2 minutes it is not a long chart, but it is certainly a memorable one. There are no sax doubles, and apart from trumpets 1 and 2 reaching high E, the ranges are fine.

DARKTOWN STRUTTERS BALL Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1202 This version is a transcription of the Ken Moule chart which was written for the Ted Heath Orchestra. It is two minutes of pure joy, featuring some great tutti passages, and a dixieland chorus too. The Dixie trio is ad-lib, and is written for your 1st trumpet, 1st trombone and clarinet. The clarinet also features with a solo following the Dixie passage. The sax section has a slightly unusual make-up, being written for clarinet, soprano, alto, tenor and baritone, though also included is an extra tenor part (a transposition of the alto part) to give you more flexibility.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


TED HEATH/WOODY HERMAN HEADING NORTH Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1081 A rare and unusual song from the Ted Heath book, Heading North is a 1957 composition and is a medium tempo (at 130 bpm) minor blues chart. It kicks off with a solo piano 12 bar lick (written), joined after by unison bones with sax answerbacks. Saxes then take the soli, answered by the trombones leading to a 24 bar muted trumpet solo (chord-based scored on all 4 trumpet parts) with sax and bone backing figures. Piano comes back in and the chart finishes off with a big tutti shout chorus. This is a fairly straightforward chart to play. Other than that the ranges are moderate and the chart is very playable. No sax doubles.



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 LL-1227 This wonderful version is from the Ted Heath band, and features your baritone player and second trumpet. The chart opens with a rumbling bari line backed by hand claps from the band. The trombone section takes the first soli, the saxes join for the second, backed by the trumpets who then give a run-up to the muted trumpet solo. This trumpet solo is written out as originally played, though your player can improvise. The chart builds from here, with glissing trombones against a unison sax repeat of the melody riff leading into a big brass soli, and finishing up with a fading trombone soli down to pianissimo, and a band blast to finish. Great fun and a real crowd pleaser too.

JA-DA Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1187 Bob Carleton penned a little 16-bar tune in 1918, whilst still a club pianinst in Illinois. The tune was briefly famous, then spent 35 years in obscurity until Sonny Rollins ‘reinvented it’ using the Ja-Da chords for his composition ‘Doxy’ in 1954, and the jazz world took to it. In 1958 Ted Heath’s orchestra recorded the arrangement of Ja-Da that we offer here, transcribed from the original Ken Moule chart. The rhythm parts are all chord based, the improvised solo is written on tenor 1 and there are no sax doubles. We have graded it as difficult, not because the chart is hard, but because the lead trumpet has to hit high E (and optional high G).

LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER Arranged by Jon Harpin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1157 This is a traditional English song, given the full swing treatment by the Ted Heath band. This chart is up, bouncy and always a crowd pleaser. The chart itself is very straight ahead, though the lead trombone does go up to high C briefly. There is a solo spot for tenor sax (chords also cued on the tenor 2 part). No sax doubles.

LULLABY OF BIRDLAND Transcribed by Mogens Hobel Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-22410 This chart has been transcribed from the Ted Heath book by Mogens Hobel. The original Reg Owen arrangement was one of Heath’s most requested tunes, and as well as containing some lovely ensemble writing it gives solo opportunities to your pianist and lead tenor. The chart is typical of many of Heath’s numbers - a mix of subtlety and raw power, light and shade. An excellent tune for dancing or for concert work. Both altos double clarinet, and trumpets 1 & 2 reach a brief high D, though the chart is not generally demanding on your brass players’ chops.

MANHATTAN SPIRITUAL Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2402 This is a wonderfully uplifting swing chart, as its name might suggest. Originally scored in the late ‘50s by Reg Owen, this chart was also a feature for Owen’s own outfit, and that of Jack Parnell too. The arrangement starts and ends with a choralestyle fanfare, and swings like crazy in between. Plenty of hand claps from all sections of the band add to the rousing nature. We have scored this chart for a regular big band and a timpanist, though the timp notes are cued onto the piano and drum parts and the chart works equally well without the kettles. The last few bars are a bit of a scream for the trumpets (with lead up to high F and second to high D) but the section can be taken down an octave if need be. Both altos double clarinets.


MEMORIES OF YOU Arranged by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1188 Once in a while there comes along a chart which just makes you want to listen and weep with joy. This Ted Heath version of Memories of You is one of them. A fabulous feature for two trumpets, the arrangement is full of lush backings and builds from a relatively quiet opening, through two key changes to a flat out finale which soars ever higher and higher. Simply stunning. We have rated this chart as advanced because of the demands on the trumpet soloists. The 2nd is written to high F, and the 1st to high G. Apart from that, the other band parts are straightforward. Lead alto doubles clarinet, and there are no other sax doubles.



Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1207 Transcribed from the original Johnny Keating chart, this is an absolute screamer of a chart, from the time when the Ted Heath band was at its height. Heath recorded two slightly different versions of the chart, the only difference being that the ‘Palladium Revisited’ chart kicks off in G before modulating to Bb then Ab, whilst the ‘Kern for Moderns’ version starts in Bb. This is the Palladium version. This is a fast, tough chart, particularly for the brass. Lead trumpet (Bobby Pratt) hits high G, and 2nd trumpet high F. Trombones 3 & 4 need to reach high Bb, with 1 & 2 reaching C. It is not for the faint hearted. The trumpet solo is improvised, and written on the 2nd part. The piano, bass & guitar parts are from chords. It is a showstopper if you can pull it off! There are no sax doubles.

STAR DUST Arranged by Bob Martin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-22411 Star Dust is one of the great Hoagy Carmichael tunes, and deserves a place in the library of every band. Bob Martin has done a truly excellent job of transcription and modification of this Ted Heath version, which is a two-trumpet feature from start to finish. The key change in the middle of the piece has been brought down a fourth from the original, bringing it into the range of most players. A rich, big chart.

SWINGIN’ SHEPHERD BLUES Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-99402 This version of Swingin’Shepherd Blues is transcribed from a Ted Heath recording. Unusual for a swing chart the tempo is pretty slow, but very effective nonetheless. This chart is a real contrast of dynamics, because it alternates from one or two reeds plus rhythm, to tutti fortissimo and back again. This arrangement makes a great concert piece and is equally suitable for strict tempo dancing. Lead alto is on soprano sax throughout, and 2nd alto is on clarinet throughout.



Arranged by Jimmy Guiffre Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat:7009276 Here is the famous Woody Herman signature tune. This fabulous chart features the entire saxophone section. Woody Herman’s clarinet solo has been written out here, though your clarinet player can improvise his/her own solo.

HALLELUJAH TIME Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-99992 This is a great up-tempo swinger. It starts with a solo hi-hat opening with off-beat tutti accompanying phrases, leading into the first chorus of saxes voiced in thirds, a brass middle 8, and re-statement of the sax theme. From then on it is a rip-roaring two saxophone (alto 2 and tenor 1) solo chase with occasional punchy brass figures backing the soloists. The solo space gets ever compacted, going from 16 to 8, 4 and then 2 bar interchange sequences, until just when it feels that they will collide, the band is back with the opening chorus, into a frenzied coda and finish. Needless to say, if you have a couple of sax players to show off, this is the vehicle. This piece is advanced not because of the tempo or the difficulty of the notes (both are quite straightforward once the band has the feel of the arrangement) it is because it depends heavily on having 2 good sax soloists who are comfortable at speed, and who can work off each other.





Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2131 Transcribed from Ralph Burns’ original chart written for Frances Wayne / Woody Herman, Happiness is a Thing Called Joe is a lush swing ballad for female vocal. The chart has been adapted to suit a standard line-up with a regular sax section, though Woody’s clarinet line is taken by alto 1 on clarinet throughout. The other saxes are ATTB. There is a fair bit of unison muted trumpet work in this chart, so intonation needs to be good. Also the 1st trumpet is written to high G in the bridge, but this is cross-cued onto the clarinet part if your lead can’t reach this high.The short piano solo intro is written out, as is the vocal line sung by Frances Wayne. The vocal key is G.

THE JAZZ ME BLUES Transcribed by Bob Martin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1234 This is pure Woody Herman, and a great transcription by Bob Martin of the original Nat Pierce chart. The Jazz Me Blues is an old Dixieland tune of the 1920s, and this arrangement lifts it into a new sphere altogether. Written in the Four Brothers style, it is scored for three tenors, baritone and clarinet (though we include duplicate parts for alto sax, making it playable by a standard section line-up), with solos for clarinet, tenor and trombone.

THAT’S WHERE IT IS Arranged by Bob Martin Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1233 A ripsnorter of a number, based on the original Woody Herman version. A brief punchy start introduces a piano solo - a real opportunity for your pianist to show off a little. The sequence is repeated, and then the band’s in, with saxes taking the tune and brass backing. Solos for tenor and trumpet, followed by a very fluid and yet punchy tutti passage, leading to a re-statement of the theme and tight ending. Bob’s chart is written for 5 trumpets, but is equally playable with 4. Although it is a fast number it’s not that hard, once you’ve got your fingers round it!

WOODCHOPPER’S BALL Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1160 Here is the great Woodchopper’s Ball. Co-written and first performed by Woody Herman, this chart became a mainstay in the repertoire of all Herman’s bands. Our version is based on Woody’s, though re-scored for regular sections (saxes AATTB, 8 brass). This arrangement features solo space for clarinet (on 1st alto part), tenor, trumpet and trombone, and has that characteristic chromatic set of key changes at the end that gives the whole chart a thumping climax.



Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat:1204 B-19 is a driving swing number, clearly taking some influences from tunes such as Sing Sing Sing and Bizet Has His Day. The chart has a raw and angry feel about it, as one might expect from a tune whose name is that of a famous aircraft. Being a Harry James chart there is naturally a big solo spot for trumpet (James’ chorus is fully written out on the 2nd trumpet part), and the tenor solo has been transcribed as well. The original was recorded by James with a string section. However, the arrangement has been modified; the string part has been written back into the saxes, and given a solo spot to 1st trombone. This maintains the integrity of the original and makes for a more readily playable chart. The ranges for the other brass are moderate. There are no sax doubles.

CHERRY Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99405 Cherry is a classic from the Harry James Orchestra and a great chart for showcasing one of your trumpet players. The original arrangement was done with strings, but we have replaced the string lines with saxes, to make the chart playable by a regular line-up. All of the solos (for trumpet, trombone and alto) are fully written out, though we have included the chords should your players wish to improvise. This is a very rare chart, and we are delighted to offer it to you. There are no sax doubles. The trumpet solo is on the 2nd part & the trombone solo is on the 2nd part.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102



Arranged by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 LL-1198 Ciribiribin is perhaps the solo trumpet chart by which all others are measured. It is certainly a very challenging piece for your soloist, though can also be used as a solo vehicle for clarinet or soprano sax instead. We have reproduced James’ 1939 classic for you in full, from the classically inspired intro, the Mediterranean waltz section, the little Baroque bridge, the trumpet cadenza and the fast swing second half. We have adapted the original to suit 8 brass (solo trumpet, trumpets 1,2,3 & 4 trombones) and 5 saxes (AATTB). The solo trumpet part is exactly as played by James along with all articulations and phrasings. Aside from the difficulty of the trumpet part, the chart is reasonably straightforward for the rest of the band.


***NEW*** [VOCAL]

Arranged by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2107 Harry James and The Skylarks vocal group briefly joined forces in 1949-50, and came up with this gem of a chart. Don’cha Go ‘Way Mad is all about a guy begging forgiveness for cheating on his girlfriend - quite a risky choice of a song for the times. The band and singers gel really well in this song, and the chart itself is not too demanding. Whilst the Skylarks were a 5-piece vocal outfit, we have modified the vocals to make it suitable for a more regular 4-piece (SATB) group. There are no Sax doubles in this chart. Another fine work from the pen of Alan Glasscock.



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2170 I Had The Craziest Dream was another big hit for the Harry James Orchestra, in his ‘band that swings with strings’ period. It is a romantic, floaty ballad, sung by Helen Forrest, and which also features James’ trademark trumpet solo. This chart was originally recorded with big band plus string section, and some additional orchestral backing. We have modified the arrangement by removing the strings and extra instruments, to make it suitable for a standard line-up. Therefore both alto saxes double clarinet, and the French horn solo lines have been re-assigned to trombone 1, with an upper range of high C. Harry James’ solo is written out in full. Vocal key Ab.




Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2123 Originally written for the film ‘Youth on Parade’ by Jule Styne & Sammy Cahn, this tune became a huge hit for Helen Forrest and the Harry James Orchestra. James recorded the chart in 1942 and 1955. This arrangement is a fusion of these two, mostly drawn drawn the ’42, with touches of the ’55. James’ 1st chorus solo is written out in full (on the 1st trumpet part) and the string lines behind the vocal chorus have been given to the sax section. Helen Forrest’s vocal is written out assung, and the vocal key is G.



Arranged by John Ferguson Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2118 A beautiful vocal ballad from the great co-operative writing team of Sammy Cahn & Jule Styne, this chart was made famous by Harry James and features your lead trumpet, lead alto and naturally your singer too. We have written out James’ solo and Willie Smith’s alto solo in full, and have kept the chart true to the James original, with the exception of re-scoring the string lines back into the saxes. The chart has been graded as medium though the lead bone has to hit a high C. Other than this, it’s not that hard to play. The vocal key is C and there are no sax doubles.



Arranged by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1183 Written by Jack Mattias (of Trumpet Blues & Cantabile fame), this is a big swing chart that features trumpet, drums, trombone and alto sax. James recorded this chart in ‘42 and again in ‘55. The later version is presented here, though the trombone solo from the ‘42 recording is featured. Also the final trumpet cadenza has been shortened and the ending from the earlier version has been added in to bring the chart to a positive close. James’ lead line and Willie Smith’s alto solos are fully written out, as are the first 100 measures of the cadenza as played by James. This is a raw, energy packed piece, great for dancing or concert work. There are no sax doubles.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325


HARRY JAMES/STAN KENTON LUSH LIFE Transcribed by Jon Harpin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1112 This version is an out-and-out trumpet feature from the Harry James book. It is as the name suggests, lush, rich, full of wonderful tone and color - and it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. The horns are written as three trumpets and solo trumpet, and the solo part would suit a player with a big fat tone. The lead alto doubles clarinet for just a couple of bars, the 1st trumpet reaches a high Db briefly on a couple of occasions, and the 1st trombone gets to high C, though we’ve cued the 3rd trumpet just in case.



Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1211 Harry James recorded a couple of versions of this tune, first in 1941 and again in 1955. This is the later version which packs more punch. The chart is at heart a trumpet section feature with three snorting passages of play, though not at the difficulty level of ‘Trumpet Blues & Cantabile.’ The tenor solo is written in full and is best played as originally written, though your player can improvise from the chords if preferred. The lead trumpet is written to a high F in the closing run, but the line can be taken down an octave without detracting from the finish, which then makes the required lead range a top Eb (in the second of the sectional passages).

SEPTEMBER SONG Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1156 Here is a really unusual arrangement of this jazz standard from the Harry James Orchestra. Slow, bluesy and laid back, the chart opens with the baritone and bass in unison, with tightly muted trumpets over, then the saxes layer in with a smooth contrapuntal line, then the unison trombones pick up the melody over the same underlying bari/bass figures. There follows a truly inventive bridge, a tutti chorus in swing time and then Harry’s soaring solo which we have written out in full. Nimble fingers needed. Then everything calms down and returns to the opening theme at the end. There are no sax doubles.

SLEEPY LAGOON Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2406 Although composed originally as a waltz, this version from the Harry James orchestra is firmly in 4/4 time. Alan Glasscock has transcribed this chart beautifully, and has rescored the string lines into the band, making this chart playable as with a standard 5/4/4/4 line up. The arrangement features trumpet, as you might expect with a James chart, and also a solo spot for trombone. This is a really lush, fat tune, full of dynamic contrast and soaring modulations. Your pianist will need to be nimble and smooth in the intro, to make the rolling arpeggio figures flow like the waves lapping on a tropical shore. There are some sax doubles too: both altos use clarinets, baritone doubles alto and lead alto has a toot of flute in the intro.

STRUTTIN’ WITH SOME BARBECUE Arranged by John Ferguson Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1162 This tune was written by Louis Armstrong and used by him as his theme tune for a number of years. This version is from the Harry James book, and is not only a great trumpet feature, but a really rare chart too. It has a lilting two-beat feel that swings like crazy from start to finish. The 1st trumpet has the solo lead, the solo is written out in full and there is a ripping sax soli where your players need to stand up and show themselves off a bit. There are no sax doubles.

TRUMPET BLUES & CANTABILE Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-95501 A great swing chart from the James book. Trumpet Blues opens with a short band fanfare in half time, and then breaks into a driving swing boogie. The middle half-time Cantabile provides the contrast, but breaks back into swing boogie for the last choruses. A feature for your trumpet section, but be warned that they will need a few minutes to recover afterwards. You will need a good trumpet section to play this arrangement. It is in the original key of Bb, and modulates to D for the end choruses.


TWO O’CLOCK JUMP Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-45004 This version of Two O’Clock Jump is from the James band of the 1950s, and has a much more relaxed and laid back feel then the original version. This number is great for swing dancing and grooves from start to finish. The opening piano and trumpet solos are written out for you, and the 12 bar piano solo is from chords. This chart is graded medium/advanced mainly because of the high trumpet triplet runs which go from high Eb on the 2nd part, with the 8va option written onto the other 3 parts too. There are no sax doubles.

AS PERFORMED BY STAN KENTON 23°N 82°W Arranged by Bill Russo Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-530 This is one of the most creative, important big band compositions ever written by anyone! It is also a chart which has been in demand for many years. We publish this in the memory of the passing of Mr. Russo in 2003. He was a dynamic force in all of music, and this particular piece was his most requested work. This is exactly as it was recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on the New Concepts of Artistry in Rhythm CD. If you have the “horses” this will be a big hit for your band. Solos for alto sax and trombone. 5-5-5-4

ABSTRACTION Arranged by Pete Rugolo Difficult $37.00 Cat: SMP-625 From the Kenton Encores LP. Recorded in 1947, Abstraction (the 3rd Movement of the Prologue Suite) is an excellent example of the far-reaching compositional styles which the band was doing in the late ‘40’s. Rugolo was a real pioneer in this respect. Solos for alto, tenor and piano.

ADESTE FIDELES Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-605 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. This particular arrangement is more traditional in scope, but it is filled with wonderful, lush harmonies and the Kenton style of arranging. The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.



Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-736 Lennie Niehaus wrote a series of terrific arrangements for the Stan Kenton Orchestra (this was recorded on the ‘Stage Door Swings’). This chart is a medium-swing version of a great Rodgers & Hammerstein tune. It features solo space for tenor saxophone and a short solo for bass. Ranges are quite modest for a Kenton chart, and this could also be played with only 8 brass. 5/5/5/3

ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-688 The lush trombone section sound of the Kenton Orchestra on a gorgeous ballad. Rescored to be played without the mellophoniums. A wonderful concert or dance book addition. Recorded on the Romantic Approach LP.

ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE Arranged by Gerry Mulligan Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-577 One of those mystery charts that hardly anyone knows about, this chart is a beauty. Mulligan was a master at creating moods and using wonderful chord substitutions, as he did in this medium ballad. The arrangement features trumpet throughout (written to feature Buddy Childers), and it was played very often by the Kenton Band. The brass ranges and rhythms for all are very reasonable (written Bb above the staff for Trumpet). This is a VERY impressive chart that is easy to play. 5-5-5-4



ALMOST LIKE BEING IN LOVE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $52.00 Cat: SMP-578 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on ‘Adventures in Standards,’ this is a medium, swing chart on a great tune. Lennie uses a very clever countermelody throughout the arrangement. There is solo space for Tenor Sax and terrific ensemble writing in the Kenton tradition. 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass).

ALONE Arranged by Bob Curnow Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-546 The Stan Kenton Orchestra was always ahead of its time! This chart was based on the music of Blood Sweat & Tears. It is a trombone feature throughout and is a wild and very exciting rock/fusion chart in a brand-new edition. Recorded on the Stan Kenton Plays Chicago CD.

AN AMERICAN TRILOGY Arranged by Bob Curnow Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-503 A dramatic setting of three American songs.... from the National Anthems of the World LP. Ends with a glorious rendition of America the Beautiful.

ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-604 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music.This particular arrangement is one of the more traditional of the ten we have in print. It does have a swinging section, and it works very well! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

ARTEMIS & APOLLO Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-556 This is a newly re-arranged version of the magnificent melody recorded on the Adventures In Time CD. BOB eliminated the mellophonium parts, used a standard saxophone section and changed the key to make it more accessible to most bands. (10 brass optional)

ARTISTRY IN PERCUSSION Arranged by Pete Rugolo Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-635 Written to feature Shelly Manne. A great drum feature. It also contains a nice trombone solo. Very showy piece. Great for an historical look back on any Kenton tribute concert. One of the most fascinating drum set features ever written. From the exciting and innovative 1946 recordings. Recorded on the MAMA Back To Balboa CD set.

ARTISTRY IN RHYTHM (SHORT VERSION) Arranged by Stan Kenton Difficult $35.00 Cat: SMP-552 There have been many requests for a stand alone version of Kenton’s theme song. This is the short version which was played by Stan’s band in the later years.

ARTISTRY JUMPS Arranged by Stan Kenton Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-539 Exactly as recorded on the Kenton/CapitolRetrospective CD (and the original Milestones LP). This was Stan’s first long version of the theme Artistry in Rhythm and is a great piece to program. Features piano and tenor saxophone solos. A classic, wild and bright chart which should be a part of any Kenton Tribute concert.

BALI HAI Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-579 This was recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on ‘Stage Door Swings,’ and it is one of Lennie’s wonderful charts on a great Broadway standard tune. It has very reasonable ranges for all. This shifts between Latin and Swing Feels. Solo for tenor sax. 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass).

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102



BEELINE EAST Arranged by Ken Hanna Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-629 A later composition of Hanna’s, Beeline has a wonderful Latin feel to it and all of the great Hanna harmonies and voicings.Recorded on the Live at Butler University CD. (condensed score)

BEGIN THE BEGUINE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: SMP-566 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on ‘Adventures In Standards,’ this is a medium-swing chart on a great tune.

BEGIN THE BEGUINE Arranged by Johnny Richards Medium Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-730 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on Back To Balboa (Capitol), Richards takes this great standard and turns it into a 6/8 Latin and swinging screamer. This is a magnificent chart, very much in the style of the Cuban Fire pieces that Johnny wrote for Kenton. Solos for alto, tenor, trumpet and drums. 5-5-5-3

BERNIE’S TUNE Arranged by Gene Roland Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-585 This was recorded on the Stan Kenton Orchestra CD “Live at the Tropicana. It may be the best chart Gene Roland ever did for Stan. Although it opens with a bass solo, there is also solo space for alto and tenor saxophones. The ensemble writing will knock your socks off! 5-5-5-3

BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-567 As performed by the Stan Kenton Orchestra, here is one of the “hippest” charts from the Kenton book. It was a favorite with the band and audiences alike, and it swings like crazy. There is a nice, long trombone solo space. (It was played by Dee Barton when recorded). A wonderful melody and a sensational chart! 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass)

BUT BEAUTIFUL Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-533 When Lennie arranged for the Stan Kenton Orchestra, he created the most beautiful big band dance book ever written. Begins with a lush, warm trombone soli. Solo space for alto sax. Recorded on the Sophisticated Approach LP. This chart has wonderful trombone and sax solis. A marvelous addition to any jazz and/or dance library. (edited to be played with 8 brass instead of 10 if you should choose, and without mellophoniums)

CARL Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: SMP-568 When Bill Holman writes a feature for a player, especially in the Kenton Band, you know it will be wonderful. He wrote this one to feature the amazing trombonist Carl Fontana. Carl is a terrific melody, scored in the inimitable, swinging way of Holman. The demands on the brass sections are not too bad, so the piece is very playable. 55-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass)



Arranged by Hank Levy Difficult $65.00 Cat: SMP-737 This was the first of many ‘time charts’ that Hank wrote for the Kenton Band. This is as exactly recorded on the ‘Live at Redlands University’ CD. The piece in written mostly in 5/4 and features solo space for alto sax and trumpet. This is a remarkable composition which should be in every big band library, not only because it is an historically important work, but also because it’s simply a lot of fun to play. 5/5/5/3

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




CHRISTMAS MEDLEY Arranged by Stan Kenton Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-580 As recorded by Kenton on ‘Merry Christmas,’ this chart has optional saxophone parts which nicely cover the french horn parts (originally written for only brass and rhythm section). This completes the publication by Sierra of all of the charts on this album. The medley contains six carols. Instrumentation is 5 horns, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, tuba, piano, bass, drums and opt. chimes. Solo for piano only.

COLLABORATION Arranged by Pete Rugolo Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-637 This historically important piece opens with a rubato piano solo and then moves to a terrific Rugolo trombone feature (originally recorded by Kai Winding). A strong, gorgeous melody, backed by the power and beauty of Rugolo’s writing.

CONCERTO TO END ALL CONCERTOS Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-612 One of Kenton’s most important compositions. It moves through a series of moods, tempos, and styles, and features each section in a way that best describes the Kenton Sound of the 1940s and beyond. A must-have chart for any big band historian. No Kenton tribute is complete without a performance of this exquisite 1946 composition. This piece set the music world on its ear! A great composition!

CUBAJAZZ Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-557 Rarely does a piece turn up like this one. Although written for Stan Kenton (the mid1950s), the chart never was recorded by the band (Holman doesn’t know why), and it was lost for years. It is a sensational piece, combining Afro-Cuban rhythm (Latin) and Swing, and featuring solo space for tenor sax, trumpet and drums. It utilizes counterpoint between the wind sections over a latin vamp and explores the perfect balance between counterpoint and dynamic ensemble writing in the Swing sections. This is Holman at his very best!

DANCING IN THE DARK Arranged by Gerry Mulligan Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-729 One of the few charts Mulligan contributed to the Kenton library. Solos for piano and trumpet.



Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $49.00 Cat: SMP-586 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra and Jean Turner, this is a superb Ellington ballad that will make you want to hear it over and over again. The lyrics and the orchestration are exceptional. This is a great vehicle for your female or male vocalist, arranged by the best! 5-5-5-3 and vocal

DECOUPAGE Arranged by Hank Levy Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-540 Hank contributed so much to the Kenton book in the ‘70s, and this chart is one of the best of the bunch. A lovely, melodic, easy-flowing piece in 5/4 which is a great vehicle for getting into odd-meter music. Alto sax and trpt. solos, and all ranges are very reasonable. Exactly as recorded on the Kenton ’76 CD.

DON’T WORRY ‘BOUT ME Arranged by Bob Graettinger Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-724 Graettinger arranged this standard in his most unusual way, using dissonance offset with the beauty of this gorgeous melody. It is a trombone solo pretty much throughout the entire ballad. Great writing for the soloist and the trombone section as well. This is something quite different and quite wonderful. 5-5-5-2


DYNAFLOW Arranged by Stan Kenton and Art Pepper Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-558 A true Kenton Classic. Alto saxophone, piano and bass are featured on this one-ofa-kind piece. The piece was recorded in the early 1950s by Stan Kenton, became a huge hit and found its way onto many albums, most notably Popular Favorites by Stan Kenton. If you need a Kenton chart that doesn’t demand a great deal of hard, high blowing, this is the one.

EL CONGO VALIENTE (VALIANT CONGO) Arranged by Johnny Richards Advanced $87.00 Cat: SMP-679 The 2nd movement of Richards’ amazing Cuban Fire Suite. This movement roars from the top. A great melody with chances to feature alto sax, trumpet, tenor sax and trombone solos. The original score of Richards’ was the source for this and all the movements of this suite. Full score and parts for the original instrumentation of 4/5/5/4 plus, 2 horn parts and 6 perc. parts. This really is a marvelous chart! Recorded on the Cuban Fire CD.

EL MANISERO (PEANUT VENDOR)***NEW*** Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1229 Adapted from the 1956 recording, El Manisero (the Peanut Vendor) remains one of Stan Kenton’s most enduring hits, and is a feature chart for lead trombone (who solos for the first minute of the chart), the trumpet section with their screaming dissonances and for the pianist. This arrangement is essentially the same as Kenton’s ‘Peanut Vendor,’ but transposed down a major 3rd and with a shortened piano solo. To add more interest and to build the rhythm backing to the chart, rhythm indications have been written on all the brass parts (except trombone 1) from the opening of the chart, so bring some wood blocks, claves, cabasas and cuicas along. The trumpet lines are not hard, but they are fairly high, with 1 & 2 reaching high C and 3 reaching A. If you want to play the genuine Kenton version with the complete piano solo and have trumpets who can reach high D and E please order the ‘Peanut Vendor - LL1297’ chart. There are no sax doubles, and the 4th trombone is bass.



Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1297 Transcribed from the 1956 recording, the Peanut Vendor remains one of Stan Kenton’s most enduring hits, and is a feature chart for lead trombone (who solos for the first minute of the chart), the trumpet section with their screaming dissonances and for the pianist. The Kenton piano solo has been written out in full and the solo itself is a work of art, showing us what can be done when improvising over just a couple of chords. To add more interest and to build the rhythm backing to the chart, rhythm indications have been written on all the brass parts (except trombone 1) from the opening of the chart, so bring some wood blocks, claves, cabasas and cuicas along. The trumpet lines are not hard, but they are high, with 1 & 2 reaching high E and 3 & 4 reaching high D. If your players don’t have this range, please order the ‘El Manisero - LL-1229’ chart. (It is essentially the same chart transposed down a major 3rd with a shortened piano solo, so the trumpet ranges are limited to high C). There are no sax doubles, the 4th trombone is bass (optional 5th trumpet & trombone parts have been included).

ELEGY FOR ALTO Arranged by Pete Rugolo Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-624 From the Progressive Jazz period in the 1940s, this piece focused on the alto saxophone (originally played by George Weidler).

THE END OF A LOVE AFFAIR Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-628 A magnificent alto saxophone feature. Lennie also solos on his chart on the Live from the Tropicana CD. This is a superb arrangement, using all of the textures and power and sensitivity of the Kenton Orchestra. (opt. 10 brass)

EVERYTIME WE SAY GOODBYE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: SMP-569 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on Stage Door Swings, this is a lovely ballad scored in the incomparable Kenton style. Niehaus uses the saxophone section to great effect. Limited ranges make this a very playable chart for most any band. There is solo space for trumpet. 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass)



FANFARE FOR THE NEW Arranged by Hugo Montenegro Advanced $62.00 Cat: SMP-632 One of the great pieces written for the Los Angeles Neophonic Orchestra, founded and conducted by Stan. Four french horns are essential, along with 4 trumpets, 5 trombones and woodwinds. Exciting and challenging music. Recorded on the L.A. Neophonic Orchestra LP. Woodwinds require 2 piccolo, 2 clarinets and bass saxophone (baritone saxophone opt. part included).

FASCINATING RHYTHM Arranged by Bill Russo Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-677 Russo always created wonderfully interesting (and challenging) arrangements of standard tunes. He explores unusual instrumentation and exciting new harmonizations. Recorded on the Kenton Sketches on Standards LP. (This music is available from Mosaic Records in their Russo/Holman CD set.)

FEARLESS FINLAY Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-691 There were a few Holman charts that were written for the Stan Kenton Orchestra which had disappeared over the years, seemingly lost forever. This was one of them. This is one of those incomparable, swinging charts from the ‘50s. Absolutely the best! Recorded on the Kenton Showcase LP. (This music is available from Mosaic Records in their Russo/Holman CD set.)

FIRST CHILD Arranged by Bob Curnow Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-545 One of the loveliest ballads ever recorded by the Kenton Band. Recorded on the Stan Kenton Plays Chicago CD. This is one of 2 original pieces by Bob Curnow from this album. This Kenton arrangement is finally available. Features a 3-horn melodic line in a flowing, richly-harmonized texture. No improvised solos, and reasonable ranges. (opt. 10 brass as recorded)




GIRL TALK Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium Difficult $49.00 Cat: SMP-587 Stan Kenton had a certain touch in his arranging that stood out. He took a simple, slow-swinging approach to this great Neal Hefti tune, and it was one of the most popular charts played by the band in the 1970s. Piano takes the melody, while the trombones set the harmonic and rhythmic groove. This is a wonderful piece to program, because it is so different than most things. 5-5-5-3

GOD REST YE, MERRY GENTLEMEN Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-606 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is one of the jazzier ones on the album. It swings like crazy! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

GOOD KING WENCESLAS Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-639 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is one of the jazzier ones on the album. It swings like crazy! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-693 This is one of the many wonderful charts arranged by Lennie for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. He was able to capture the Kenton sound without a lot of high-range problems or difficult concerns for the players. Solo space for baritone sax and trumpet. A great addition to any jazz and/or dance library. This chart swings like crazy!




Arranged by Bill Russo Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-532 The Stan Kenton Orchestra was always an ideal showcase for the outstanding soloists within its ranks.This piece was written to feature Frank Rosolino on trombone. Absolutely the best! A trombone feature throughout. Recorded on the Kenton New Concepts of Artistry in Rhythm CD.

Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-671 A fun-filled, exciting chart on the old tune. Commissioned as a surprise birthday present for Stan. Trumpet and trombone solos, and a very clever Holmanesque treatment. Every jazz library should have this chart for that special occasion. Recorded on the Birthday in Britain CD.

Arranged by Dee Barton Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-633 This is the original, quintessential arrangement by the great Dee Barton. Recorded on the Live at Redlands University CD.


Arranged by Johnny Richards Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-662 Movement I (of 7) of the Cuban Fire Suite. Finally, the definitive version of this magnificent music. The original score of Richards’ was the source for this and all the movements of this suite. Full parts for original instrumentation of four saxes, 5 trumpets, 2 French horns, 4 trombones, tuba, piano, guitar, bass, drum set, timpani and 6 additional percussionists. For the first time, a full score is included. Recorded on the Cuban Fire CD.

Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-642 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is a great deal of fun to play. It moves through different keys, and it has a lot of interesting variations in it. A terrific chart! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts.They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.




Arranged by Johnny Richards Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-690 Johnny Richards at his best! A very playable chart without a lot of range concerns for brass. A bass trombone feature from beginning to end, in a Latin and a Swing feel. This chart is recorded on the Back To Balboa recording by the Stan Kenton Orchestra.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-543 This is another of the many wonderful charts arranged by Lennie Niehaus for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. Features the lush Kenton trombone sound and gorgeous full ensembles. As recorded on the Sophisticated Approach LP. A great addition to any library. 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass or 10)

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




I CONCENTRATE ON YOU Arranged by Johnny Richards Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-581 This was recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on “Back To Balboa”, and it is a highly original, exciting chart (Latin/swing) on a great standard tune. Johnny Richards wrote for Kenton as well as anyone. Solos for alto sax, baritone sax, trumpet and trombone. 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass)

I LOVE PARIS Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-695 When Lennie arranged for the Stan Kenton Orchestra, he was able to capture the Kenton sound without a lot of high-range problems or difficult concerns for the players. Solo space for trombone. Recorded on the Stage Door Swings LP. This chart has a great unison sax soli. A marvelous addition to any jazz and/or dance library. 55-5-3 (parts also supplied for 8 brass instead of 10)

I REMEMBER YOU Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-653 This is one of those superb Holman charts written for Kenton in the early ‘50s that just swings like crazy. It starts off very soft and easy, with clever linear writing. It then roars into an alto sax solo, to be followed by a trumpet solo. A key change brings the chart to a great shout section before returning to the soft opening for a moment. This chart requires 1 alto, 2 tenor and 2 baritone saxophones (condensed score).

I’M GLAD THERE IS YOU Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium $47.00 Cat: SMP-544 This is a rich, warm chart as arranged by Stan. Features the lush Kenton trombone sound and gorgeous full ensembles. Stan used this as an opener for years. As recorded on the Romantic Approach LP. A magnificent melody and a great addition to any jazz or dance library. 5-5-5-3 (edited to be played without mellophoniums and can be played with only 4 trombones instead of 5)

ILL WIND Arranged by Bill Mathieu Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-538 Bill Mathieu’s arrangements, done for the Stan Kenton Orchestra were some of the most beautiful pieces ever recorded by that band. This is a splendid rendition of a great standard. It contains all of the elements so associated with the Kenton band - wonderfully inventive writing. Trombone solo throughout. This chart is on the new Standards in Silhouette CD.

IMPRESSIONISM Arranged by Pete Rugolo Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-627 Another amazingly futuristic piece from Rugolo’s great mind. An outstanding example of the classical side of the late ‘40s Kenton bands written in 1947. A great (unusual) addition to any Kenton program.

IN LIGHTER VEIN Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-620 Recorded in 1954 for the recording Kenton Showcase , this chart is an alto saxophone feature throughout. It was originally recorded by Lee Konitz. Yet another wonderful Holman feature chart. (condensed score)

INDIANA Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-306 Here is another chart written for Stan Kenton (in the mid-1950s), that was never recorded by the band. It is a sensational piece, a real flag-waver which features alto saxophone from top to bottom. Great ensemble figures propel the soloist ever onward. This up-tempo swing chart is refreshing, with band vs soloist, great background figures, a very hip key change and excitement throughout. A wonderful feature for your hot alto saxophonist. Typical, great Holman.


INDRA Arranged by Hank Levy Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-670 This was one of Hank’s early charts for Kenton. It is recorded on the Live at Butler University CD. It opens with bass setting the tempo and meter in 9/4. The trombone solo begins things, and it also features saxophone and trumpet. A superb look into the odd-meter world. Not too difficult to play. 5-5-5-4 (condensed score)

INNER CRISIS Arranged by Bob Curnow Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-549 Exactly as recorded on Stan Kenton Plays Chicago, this chart is a great feature for alto saxophone set in a big band fusion style. Every reed player plays flute in the intro, and the chart just screams from there! Lots of exciting, strong, no-doubt-it’sKenton music! Curnow’s chart really works great!

INTERLUDE Arranged by Pete Rugolo Medium $32.00 Cat: SMP-631 Recorded in 1947 and included on the Milestones LP, this piece is a gorgeous melody (one of Pete’s best known). It features piano throughout (and it is all written out), with wonderful, warm, lush 5-trombone backgrounds. Perfect for the Kenton Tribute concert, because it gives your other players a rest (especially the trumpets!).

INTERMISSION RIFF Arranged by Various Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-570 Finally, the up-to-date version that the Kenton Band played right up until the end. This chart has all of the solo space and all of the background figures and lines, and it differs from the 1947 version quite a bit. No Kenton Tribute concert would be complete without this chart. Solo space is very flexible, as is all of the background material. A true Kenton classic! 5-5-5-3

INTERMISSION RIFF Arranged by Ray Wetzel Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-648 This is the original version of the tune recorded in 1946, and also included in the Milestones LP.This was transcribed by Bob Curnow for Gunther Schuller’s Smithsonian Jazz Orchestra concerts. Tenor and alto saxophone solos. 5-5-4-4 (note only 4 trombones).

INVENTION FOR GUITAR AND TRUMPET Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-634 Once used in the Blackboard Jungle movie, this piece is one of Holman’s earliest compositions to be recorded by Kenton. It was written for Maynard Ferguson and Sal Salvador and recorded in 1952. Recorded on the Kenton New Concepts of Artistry in Rhythm CD.

IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-582 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on Adventures In Standards, this is a wonderful, swinging chart on a great tune. As usual, Lennie does a great job arranging it, with terrific section work and limited ranges for the brass (written high D for 1st tpt). There is a nice, lengthy solo for baritone sax. 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass)

IT’S ALL RIGHT WITH ME Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-583 Here is another terrific chart as recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on “Adventures In Standards.” Lennie sets the chart at a very fast, swinging pace, using countermelodies, a 6-horn group in places, and lots of solo space for alto sax. A wonderful recurring pattern ties the whole chart together. Lennie out-did himself with this one! 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass)



I’VE GOT YOU UNDER MY SKIN Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-672 This may be the all-time greatest jazz arrangement of a standard tune. Recorded on the Contemporary Concepts LP, this great standard is turned into a marvelous vehicle for solo statements from alto, tenor, 2 different trumpets and baritone saxophone. No big band jazz library can be complete without this superb arrangement.

I’VE NEVER BEEN IN LOVE BEFORE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $42.00 Cat: SMP-687 A lovely Broadway tune as scored for Kenton’s dance book. This chart features the great sound of the trombone section. A wonderful concert or dance book addition. Exactly as recorded on the Stage Door Swings LP. Full score and parts for 5/5/5/3 instrumentation. (Can be played with 8 brass)

KINGFISH Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-614 This is one of Holman’s best loved (and most often played) charts. Written for the Showcase album, it is a light, well-paced blues, featuring bass, tenor, trumpet and alto. Holman’s well known linear writing makes this a special chart. Fairly easy to play.

LA GUERA BAILA (THE FAIR ONE DANCES) Arranged by Johnny Richards Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-663 Movement V (of 7) of the Cuban Fire Suite. From Richards’ magnificent suite written in 1956. The original score of Richards’ was the source for this and all the movements of this suite. Features an absolutely exquisite trombone solo. Full set of parts for complete, original instrumentation. Recorded on the Cuban Fire CD. Parts for 5 auxiliary Latin players included.

LA SUERTE DE LOS TONTOS (FORTUNE OF FOOLS) Arranged by Johnny Richards Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-664 Movement VI (of 7) of the Cuban Fire Suite. From Richards’ magnificent suite written in 1956. Fire is probably the best way to describe this piece. A fantastic, dramatic opening (used for years by marching band and drum corps) leads to a rollicking, latin feel. Solos are on the alto sax and trumpet parts. The original score of Richards’ was the source for this and all the movements of this suite. Probably the best known and well-liked movement of the whole suite. Recorded on the Cuban Fire CD. Parts for 5 auxiliary latin players included.



A LITTLE MINOR BOOZE Arranged by Willie Maiden Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-638 This is arguably Willie’s best known chart - a swinging, happy chart which allows for lots of blowing space.Great ensemble sections throughout. This chart has been played by bands all over the world. Essential to any jazz library. 5-5-5-3 (condensed score).

LIVE AND LET DIE Arranged by Bob Curnow Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-643 A great arrangement of the great tune written by Paul McCartney. This chart was the reason for the great success of recording 7.5 on the Richter Scale. Melody stated by alto, trumpet and trombone and the chart roars on! If you’re looking for a contemporary chart, written for this great band and based on a well known tune, this is the one. We get a lot of requests for this arrangement.

LONELY WOMAN Arrange by Bill Mathieu Difficult $49.00 Cat: SMP-576 As recorded on the “Standards in Silhouette” CD, this is yet another of Bill Mathieu’s classic arrangements of a great jazz standard ballad. Trombone and tenor saxophone are featured on this brilliant, highly original orchestration of a beautiful and haunting melody. Trumpet ranges are quite high, but, if you have the players, this is one ballad you’ll want to play over and over again. 5-5-5-4

LONG AGO AND FAR AWAY Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-553 Not every Niehaus dance chart was recorded by the Kenton Band, but this chart was played all the time by the band. A wonderful medium tempo setting of a great jazz standard. Features the saxophone section and a baritone saxophone solo. Terrific writing! 5-4-4-3 (10 brass optional)





LIMELIGHT Arranged by Gerry Mulligan Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-678 Another terrific chart from Kenton’s Contemporary Concepts LP. Features trombone throughout this fast-paced, Cool Bop chart in the unmistakable style of the late, great Gerry Mulligan. Use this with 3 other Sierra publications to do a Mulligan Tribute at your next concert. Full Score/parts for 5-5-5-4

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102


Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-588 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra and Jean Turner, this chart used to be Jean’s opener when she sang with the Kenton Band. Holman sets the mood right from the top, and things swing on from there. This is a wonderful vocal chart for either female or male vocalist. It’s a happy, up-beat way for your vocalist to get out there in front of the big band. 5-5-5-3 and vocal.

Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium $50.00 Cat: SMP-572 As arranged for and performed by the Stan Kenton Orchestra, this is a wonderful setting that features the saxophone section and solos for trumpet and trombone. Very reasonable brass ranges make this an extremely playable chart. This is the lush, gorgeous sound of the Kenton Band without the higher, louder brass parts. 5-5-53 (can be played with 8 brass)

Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-536 This is another of the many wonderful charts arranged by Holman for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. He is the master at creating exciting, up-tempo flag-wavers. Solos for alto, trumpet and tenor. Recorded on the Adventures in Jazz CD. Your rhythm section can burn on this one! A great addition to any library. 5-5-5-3 (edited to be played without mellophoniums)


Arranged by Pete Rugolo Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-674 Kenton had many hits over the years, and this very creative arrangement by Pete was one of them. A great Latin setting with that unforgettable trombone lick in the shout chorus. There is room at the end of the chart for your drummer to stretch out if you wish.

Arranged by Willie Maiden Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-726 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on “Live at Brigham Young University”, this may well be Willie’s best chart done for Stan. Maiden uses a latin feel, the lush sound of the trombones and saxophones and the exciting energy of the trumpets and rhythm section to create a superb arrangement of this very special melody. Solos for piano, trombone, and alto saxophone. 5-5-5-3

LOVE WALKED IN Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-542 This is another of the many wonderful charts arranged by Niehaus for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. A splendid rendition of a great standard, and it swings like crazy! It contains all of the elements so associated with the Kenton band. Wonderfully inventive writing which at first states the melody with a small band. 5-5-5-3 (edited to be played without mellophoniums and can be played with 8 brass or 10)

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




LOVER MAN Arranged by Bill Russo Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-728 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on Sketches on Standards, this is a superb alto saxophone ballad feature, as arranged by Russo for Lee Konitz. Russo employs a dark, brooding, beautiful setting for Konitz’s soaring saxophone. Included is a transcription of Lee’s amazing solo. 5-5-5-3

LULLABY OF BIRDLAND Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-676 Lennie wrote a magnificent dance book for Stan in the early ‘60s. This chart was from that period, and it is a full blown jazz chart that really cooks! It has been edited so that it can be played by a standard big band with a normal saxophone section. There is solo space for alto saxophone and trumpet. This can be played with 8 brass. 5-4-4-3 (opt. 10 brass)

LULLABY OF BROADWAY Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-694 This is another of the many wonderful charts arranged by Lennie for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. He is able to capture the Kenton sound without a lot of highrange problems or difficult concerns for the players. Solo space for trombone. Recorded on the Stage Door Swings LP. A great addition to any library.

MACHITO Arranged by Pete Rugolo Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-602 This is one of the early, fantastic Latin charts recorded by the Kenton Band and played for years and years. A great chart from the late ‘40s. This chart requires 1 alto, 2 tenor and 2 baritone saxophones.

MALAGA Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-650 Absolutely one of the all-time great big band charts! Tenor sax, drums and trumpet solos, interspersed with fabulous ensemble writing. Latin to the hilt! As recorded on the Live at Brigham Young University CD. A completely new edition with full score and parts for 5-5-5-3 instrumentation.



Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $67.00 Cat: Cat: SMP-601 This is a new edition (Finale computer notation) of the original arrangement, with no editing. Instrumentation requires 1 alto, 2 tenors, baritone and bass saxophone, 5 trumpets, 4 horns in F, 4 trombones, tuba, piano, bass and drums. This is exactly as recorded on the ‘Adventures in Jazz’ CD. There is solo space for trombone (written) and tenor saxophone (improvised).



Arranged by Bill Holman, Edited by Bob Curnow Difficult $67.00 Cat: Cat: SMP-743 This is a new edition (Finale computer notation) of the original arrangement, edited to be played with the following instrumentation: 2 altos, 2 tenors, baritone saxophone, 5 trumpets, 5 trombones, piano, bass and drums. The original version of this is recorded on the ‘Adventures in Jazz’ CD. The instrumentation has been converted to a standard big band, and the horn lines have been written into other parts. There is solo space for trombone (written) and tenor saxophone (improvised).

THE MEANING OF THE BLUES Arranged by Bill Mathieu Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-689 An absolutely gorgeous Bobby Troup ballad which features trumpet and tenor sax. Beautiful use of the warm sax and trombone sounds so typical of Kenton. As recorded on the Standards in Silhouette CD.


MISTY Arranged by Gene Roland Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-725 This was recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on “Adventures in Jazz.” The solo may be played with any one of various instruments, or this could be used as a vocal chart. It was originally played by Ray Starling on mellophonium. A gorgeous ballad with an equally beautiful arrangement.

MODERN OPUS Arranged by Bob Graettinger Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-685 If you’re looking for something very different for a jazz history concert, this is it! Graettinger was a Third Stream composer in jazz long before the term was invented. This was recorded on the Kenton Era and has been recently released on the City of Glass CD on Capitol. 5-5-5-4 plus 2 French horns.

MY OLD FLAME Arranged by Marty Paich Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-654 Although this has been in the catalog for a while, it is now notated in Finale, and the new edition comes with a full score for the first time. Marty’s arrangement stands alone in the category of Kenton ballads. This is truly a classic, one-of-a-kind piece. 5-5-5-4 (can be played by 8 brass).

MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-547 This is another of the many wonderful charts arranged by Niehaus for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. A more beautiful ballad has not been written, and this one features a trombone and a tenor sax solo. As recorded on the Sophisticated Approach LP. Published in memory of Bob Fitz Fitzpatrick. 5-5-5-3 (edited to be played without mellophoniums and can be played with only 4 trombones instead of 5).

NO HARMFUL SLIDE EFFECTS Arranged by Willie Maiden Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-640 This is Willie Maiden at his most playful. A great chart from the early ‘70s (1973), recorded on the Birthday in Britain CD. Solos for trombone and tenor saxophone. 5-5-5-3 (condensed score).

O HOLY NIGHT Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $37.00 Cat: SMP-607 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is more traditional in scope, but it is filled with wonderful, lush harmonies and the Kenton style of arranging. The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

O, TANNENBAUM Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $37.00 Cat: SMP-608 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is one of the simpler charts, but it is beautiful. Very playable! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

OF ALL THINGS Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-555 Holman originally wrote this chart to feature Charlie Parker with the Kenton Band in the early ‘50s. Based on the changes to the ever-popular All the Things You Are, it features alto saxophone throughout (can be done with trumpet also), and the chart has all of the wonderful creativity for which Holman is so well known with his feature charts. It doesn’t get any better than this! 5-4-4-3 (10 brass optional)



OF SPACE AND TIME Arranged by Hank Levy Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-641 Hank Levy wrote this wonderful 5/4 chart in the early ‘70s (1973), and it was recorded on the Birthday in Britain CD. Solos for bass and alto saxophone. 5-5-53 (condensed score)

ON THE STREET WHERE YOU LIVE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-559 The album Stage Door Swings, by the Stan Kenton Band, was one of the most popular recordings done by Kenton. All of the arrangements were done by Lennie Niehaus, and this is one of the best of the tunes on the album. It features a short harmon-muted trumpet solo, but most of the chart is ensemble or section oriented. A medium-up Swing tempo gives your band a chance to shine on this very familiar standard tune.

ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID’S CITY Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-609 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is very much in the brass tradition, but it has very hip harmonies and lines. The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

THE OPENER Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-613 There are a few charts from this library which are very playable by any reasonably well developed jazz ensemble. This surely is one of the best! Holman created a beautifully layered piece, based on the Rhythm changes. This is one of the most popular charts in the entire Kenton Library. Solo space for alto, tenor, trombone and trumpet. Recorded on ‘Showcase’ in 1954. 5-5-5-3 (condensed score)



THE PARTY’S OVER Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-696 This is one of the many wonderful charts arranged by Lennie for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. He is able to capture the Kenton sound without a lot of high-range problems or difficult concerns for the players. Solo space for trumpet and a bit of piano. Recorded on the Stage Door Swings LP. A great addition to any jazz and/or dance library, and a wonderful closer for any musical event.

THE PEANUT VENDOR Arranged by Stan Kenton and Pete Rugolo Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-692 The original chart as played by the Stan Kenton Orchestra. No holds barred on this one, no watered-down version. This allows for cued sections, exactly how the band played it. This is the real thing as recorded so many times over Kenton’s career.



Arranged by Hank Levy Medium Difficult $ 52.00 Cat: Cat: SMP-626 This piece is one of the most popular Levy charts that he did for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. This is a new edition (Finale computer notated) and is available with a full score for the first time. This is recorded on the ‘Journey Into Capricorn’ CD by the Kenton band. The meter is 6/8 throughout, and the piece swings like crazy. There is solo space for alto sax and trumpet. A great melody and Hank’s accessible rhythms make this chart very playable. 5/5/5/3

PENNIES FROM HEAVEN Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-683 This was the first chart arranged by Lennie to be recorded by Stan’s band. It is a great arrangement of a wonderful tune, and it features space for a trumpet solo (originally recorded by Conte Candoli). This is a great addition to any jazz band library. Recorded on the Sketches on Standards album.



Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-560 Here is a great, free-swingin’ opener, also written for Stan Kenton. Although it was never recorded commercially by the band, it was played a great deal in live performances throughout the country. It cooks from beginning to end, and features solo space for trumpet and tenor saxophone and one of those patented Holman ensemble shout choruses that just swings like crazy!

Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-550 Arranged by Holman for Carl Fontana with the Stan Kenton Orchestra in the mid 50s. This chart is wonderful in its simplicity and melodic content. A striking melody and an exquisite arrangement. Solo for trombone throughout. Very reasonable brass ranges and overall rhythmic content. If you’ve got a good trombonist looking for a feature ballad, this is it! And the band parts are not very demanding.



Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium $32.00 Cat: SMP-659 The all-time, classic saxophone section feature. Originally recorded for the first time in 1940, it has been recorded many, many times since (the latest recording was Stan Kenton in London on Decca Records from 1972. 5 saxes-3 rhythm

Arranged by Bill Russo Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-531 The Stan Kenton Orchestra was always an ideal showcase for the outstanding soloists within its ranks. This piece was written to feature Conte Candoli on trumpet. Absolutely the best! A trumpet feature throughout. Slow, Fast, Slow. Recorded on the Kenton New Concepts of Artistry in Rhythm CD.

OUT OF NOWHERE Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-619 Holman wrote this to feature Bill Perkins in the mid ‘50s. It is a tenor saxophone feature throughout and a wonderful chart. Lots of blowing space and the usual swinging ensemble sections for which Holman is so well known. This chart requires 1 alto, 2 tenor and 2 baritone saxophones.

OVER THE RAINBOW Arranged by William Russo Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-669 In 1953, Kenton recorded an album titled Sketches on Standards. It was a great recording containing the arrangements of Russo and Kenton. The piece has a wonderful trombone solo in it (as originally recorded by Bob Burgess) and can be used as a feature for that instrument. A lovely, adventurous chart on a classic tune.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102

QUIEN SABE? (WHO KNOWS?) Arranged by Johnny Richards Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-680 Movement IV (of 7) of the Cuban Fire Suite. Finally ... the definitive version of this magnificent music. The fourth of seven movements published by Sierra Music. The original score of Richards’ was the source for this and all the movements of this suite. Full parts for original instrumentation of 4 saxes, 5 trumpets, 2 French horns, 4 trombones, tuba, piano, guitar, bass, drum set, timpani and 6 additional percussionists. For the first time, a full score is included. Recorded on the Cuban Fire CD.

QUINTESSENCE Arranged by Hank Levy Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-646 Of all the pieces Hank wrote for Kenton, this is arguably the best one. This is recorded on the University of N Texas One O’Clock Lab Band 2005 CD. It is a melodious work, set in 5/4 throughout. There is a long, wonderful section for trumpet (or flugelhorn) solo. The middle Baroque sounding contrapuntal section is a masterpiece. The trumpet range is very reasonable. 5-5-5-3 (can be played by only 8 brass)

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




RECUERDOS Arranged by Johnny Richards Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-665 Movement III (of 7) of the Cuban Fire Suite. Finally ... the definitive version of this magnificent music. The third of seven movements published by Sierra Music. The original score of Richards’ was the source for this and all the movements of this suite. Full parts for original instrumentation of 4 saxes, 5 trumpets, 2 french horns, 4 trombones, tuba, piano guitar, bass, drum set, timpani and 6 additional percussionists. For the first time, a full score is included. Recorded on the Cuban Fire CD.

REED RAPTURE Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium $37.00 Cat: SMP-561 We are proud to publish another one of Stan Kenton’s ground-breaking saxophone section features. Opus in Pastels is already in print, but this piece actually pre-dates Opus in Pastels and was included in the Kenton Era collection of recordings. The piece perfectly demonstrates the thinking of the young Stan Kenton. Written for saxophones and rhythm only.

RENDEZVOUS AT SUNSET Arranged by Johnny Richards Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-667 One of the things Johnny Richards did best was write gorgeous melodies (many just think of him as bombastic and obsessed with odd-meter things). This is one of those melodies, as recorded on the Back to Balboa LP. There are trumpet, tenor and trombone solos. The chart has been edited so it can be played with a standard big band. 5-5-5-4 with an optional french horn part.

RHAPSODY IN BLUE Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-727 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on “Live at Brigham Young University”, this is a rare baritone saxophone solo feature throughout. The arrangement by Holman is marvelous, opening and closing with a slow statement of the theme, and roaring in an up-tempo setting in the middle of the chart. This is a very exciting arrangement of Gershwin’s unforgettable piece. 5-5-5-3

THE RISE AND FALL OF A SHORT FUGUE Arranged by Bob Curnow Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-551 The Stan Kenton Orchestra was always ahead of its time! This chart was recorded on the Stan Kenton Plays Chicago CD. It was one of two originals on the album. Stan asked Bob to write something which could be performed differently every night. The fugue is an interesting tone row style jazz line which leads into a free-form section which is cued by the conductor in any manner so chosen. A great piece!

ROUND ROBIN Arranged by Shorty Rogers Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-584 This amazing chart was recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra and released on the By Request-Volume One album. It is one of those stunning charts by Shorty which took full advantage of the talents of the likes of Maynard Ferguson, Bud Shank, Milt Bernhart and Shelly Manne. This requires an accomplished tpt. section with lots of chops. Solos for alto sax, tenor sax and trumpet. 5-5-5-3

ROYAL BLUE Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $67.00 Cat: SMP-697 Bill Holman’s compositions in the library of the Stan Kenton Orchestra were some of the most exciting pieces ever conceived for jazz orchestra. This is an up- tempo romp through the blues, major and minor. It contains all of the elements so associated with the Kenton band-excitement, energy and wonderfully inventive writing. This chart was recorded on the Back To Balboa LP. 5-5-5-3 (w/opt. french horn parts)


SAMBA SIETE Arranged by Hank Levy Advanced $62.00 Cat: SMP-645 A samba in 7/4 ...... only Hank could make that work! This is a tough chart, but well worth the effort. Exactly as recorded on the Live at Butler University CD. Trumpet, alto saxophone and drums are featured on this extremely exciting Latin piece. Levy at his best ! This chart requires 1 alto, 2 tenors and 2 baritones. (condensed score)

SEPTEMBER SONG Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium $32.00 Cat: SMP-622 The Kenton Band had many hits over the years, and a couple of them involved the whole band singing. This was one of those charts. Now, if your band isn’t into singing (maybe they should be), then this is the perfect vehicle for your vocalist. Pitched in Ab. Trumpets get a breather and the trombones and saxophones shine as section. A wonderfully relaxing, lush chart.

A SMITH NAMED GREG Arranged by Hank Levy Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-562 This is a wonderful feature for baritone saxophone! It was recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on the Kenton ’76 CD. It opens with a slow, pensive melody (bass and soloist only) and continues with backgrounds through the rest of the melody. The soloist then sets a brighter tempo with a 4-bar break, and the soloist and rhythm section continue for a while until the band is cued in. Limited ranges (except for one measure in 1st tpt.) make this a very accessible chart for most bands. Hurray for Hank Levy!

SOLO FOR BUDDY Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-615 Buddy Childers, that is! Willis wrote this for Buddy in 1954, and it is recorded on the Kenton Showcase album. A terrific feature for your stellar trumpet player. 5-5-5-4 (condensed score)

SPEAK LOW Arranged by Johnny Richards Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-682 Recorded on the Back To Balboa LP by the Stan Kenton Orchestra, this is a typical Richards chart in that it contains exciting ensemble blowing and lots of solo space for trombone, tenor sax, trumpet and alto sax. It is set in a Latin feel and has very reasonable brass ranges. A must for your library!

SPRING IS HERE Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-563 This is another one of those absolutely wonderful charts that Lennie did for Stan Kenton for what was known as the dance book. It was the hippest dance book ever! A medium-swing tempo sets this great standard in a framework that is very musical and very exciting. Trumpet and bass are featured. Limited ranges (tpt. written high D). This one will be a real favorite.

STAIRWAY TO THE STARS Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-554 Another terrific feature chart by Bill Holman. This one was written to feature Gabe Baltazar (alto saxophone) and was recorded on the Adventures in Jazz album. It opens with a slow setting, moves into a fast tempo and returns to the pensive, beautiful, slow setting which opened the chart. Exquisite writing! Edited to be played without mellophoniums. Standard sax section. 5-4-4-3 (10 brass optional)


Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-603 Four wonderful tunes.... Eager Beaver, Dynaflow, Opus in Chartreuse and Artistry in Rhythm are included in this medley. Curnow put on paper what the band used to play to close most concerts or dances in the later years. Perfect for a kenton Tribute Concert when you want to end with the best loved hits of this band. Fairly easy to play for most bands. In fact, the idea was to rest the trumpet section for a while.



STAR SPANGLED BANNER Arranged by Bob Curnow Difficult $45.00 Cat: SMP-575 There have been SO many requests for the ORIGINAL arrangement as recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra, that Curnow has made it available for the first time. Here is the national anthem, as recorded by Kenton in 1972 on “National Anthems of the World.” Here is a respectful, beautiful, powerful arrangement in the Kenton tradition. (alto, 2 tenors, 2 baritones; 5 trpts.; 4 trbs.; tuba, piano, bass drum set and timpani).

STELLA BY STARLIGHT Arranged by Johnny Richards Medium Difficult $60.00 Cat: SMP-574 This is the bass trombone solo, as recorded (The Kenton Era) by George Roberts with the Stan Kenton Orchestra. Folks have been waiting for this one for a long time. Johnny Richards sets this wonderful ballad in his typically adventurous and exciting manner.There is also a trumpet solo. Reasonable ranges make this piece very playable. A classic chart on a classic melody. 5-5-5-3 (can be played with 8 brass)

STELLA BY STARLIGHT Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-661 A great alto saxophone feature. From the incomparable Contemporary Concepts album (1955). It begins with a soft, lovely statement of the melody and ends that way, with a roaring up-tempo middle section. This is one of Holman’s most often played features.

A STEP BEYOND Arranged by Hank Levy Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-616 Live at Brigham Young University was the CD on which this chart was recorded. It is written in 5/4 and has solos for baritone saxophone and trumpet. A terrific chart by the incomparable Hank Levy. 5-5-5-3 (condensed score)

STOMPIN’ AT THE SAVOY Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-655 If there is one chart which seems to capture the essence of Stan’s mid-fifties bands, this is the one! The chart swings like mad from downbeat to the end. This is one of Holman’s best early charts, and he turned everyone on their ear with it. Great ensemble sections, and great solo spaces for guitar (or piano), bass, trumpet and tenor saxophone. This is very sophisticated music on maybe the best album the Kenton Band ever did. Recorded on the Contemporary Concepts album.

STREET OF DREAMS Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium Difficult $32.00 Cat: SMP-623 Stan had a very definite style of arranging which, of course, was the basis of most of the music for his early bands. This chart is very simple but extremely effective. It begins with quiet trombones (5 parts), then piano, then the whole band at full volume, then an alto saxophone solo, then the sax section is featured, and then there is a quiet, wonderful ending with alto and rhythm alone. This chart was recorded many times, but it was first included in the Portraits on Standards album (featuring Art Pepper on the solo). A beautiful ballad and a real arranging masterpiece!



Arranged by Gene Roland Medium Difficult $49.00 Cat: SMP-739 This is the exact arrangement as played on the ‘Live at the Tropicana’ by the Stan Kenton Orchestra. It is a lovely, moody chart, with lush, warm harmonies and orchestration. Solos are in the tenor sax, trumpet, trombone and piano parts. Very moderate ranges (one isolated high D in tpt. 1) make this a most playable chart. Your band will love playing this. 5/5/5/3 (needs 10 brass)



Arranged by Gene Roland Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-740 This is NOT the Glenn Miller version of this tune. Gene Roland arranged this for the Kenton Band (recorded on the ‘Live at the Tropicana’ CD), and it swings like crazy! There is a nifty pattern created in the rhythm section which underlies the theme stated by trombones. You’ll find this to be a refreshing and take on this old standard. There is solo space for alto saxophone. 5/5/5/3 - can be played with just 8 brass.

CALL NOW TO ORDER! 1-518-587-1102



SUNSET TOWER Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-537 This is one of the amazing stories of finding what was thought to be a long-lost chart. After extensive research, it turned up as an untitled set of parts in the North Texas Kenton archives. We are proud to bring you this unedited Kenton original, computer notated (as are most of our charts) from the original parts. This is a wonderful piece which features a trombone solo (Carl Fontana’s transcribed solo is included). Reasonable ranges.

SWING HOUSE Arranged by Gerry Mulligan Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-658 Mulligan’s writing for the Kenton Band was fairly minimal in quantity but extraordinary in quality. He had a profound effect on the band and the writers to follow him. This composition was recorded in 1952 and is on the New Concepts CD. There is solo space for trombone, alto tenor and trumpet. A classic which should be in every jazz library.



Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-741 This is one of those marvelous dance charts that Lennie Niehaus wrote for Stan Kenton. Of course, all of Lennie’s charts are extremely hip, and this is no exception. Saxophones lay down a nifty little counter melody which occurs throughout the chart, and trumpets state the wonderful melody. There is solo space for trumpet and a neat saxophone soli. This has very moderate brass ranges (high D for tpt. 1) and will be a great addition to any jazz library. 5/4/4/3 (opt. 10 brass parts)

THEME AND VARIATIONS Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-617 Recorded in 1953 on the Kenton Showcase album, this is a medium tempo swing chart which was (and still is) very different and fresh. There is no improvisation in it! It opens with unison trombones playing a simple melody, and then the different sections join in one at a time to create the many variations in the piece. Holman demonstates his classical knowledge, but never at the expense of swinging.

THERE’S A SMALL HOTEL Arranged by Bill Russo Difficult $49.00 Cat: SMP-589 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on “Sketches on Standards”, this is a wonderful, creative arrangement of a great standard. Russo had a wonderful way with chord substitutions and used them a lot in this chart. There is a solo for alto sax (the transcribed solo of Lee Konitz is included) and piano. This will make a great addition to any jazz and/or dance librar y. All the ranges are reasonable. 5-5-5-4

THREE THOUGHTS Arranged by Dee Barton Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-647 What a dynamic chart this is! It is included on the CD recording The Jazz Compositions of Dee Barton (1967). It opens with a dramatic, rubato ensemble at a slow tempo (while the bass and drums are swinging at a bright tempo) and then it moves into a fastpaced setting. Lots of solo space for bass and drums and alto saxophone and trumpet. The piece ends the way it begins. A wonderful composition by an extraordinary composer. This chart requires 1 alto, 2 tenor and 2 baritone saxophones. 5-5-5-3 (condensed score)

THE THRILL IS GONE Arranged by Bill Mathieu Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-534 Many think that Standards in Silhouette was the most beautiful ballad album ever recorded by the Kenton Band. This chart is the fourth one (along with Ill Wind, The Meaning of the Blues and Willow Weep for Me) which is now in print. Bill Mathieu is an extremely creative arranger who has reinvented these gorgeous ballads.

OR ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325




TIARE Arranged by Ken Hanna Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-541 This is arguably the most beautiful piece ever written by Ken Hanna. One flute double and all 10 brass are required (with tuba). If you’re looking for that exotic, romantic, gorgeous ballad for your band, this is the one! Recorded on the Live from Redlands University CD.



Arranged by Hank Levy Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-618 This is a new edition (Finale computer notation) of this wonderful composition. It is available with a full score for the first time. Exactly as recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on the ‘Kenton ’76’ CD, this is, unquestionably, one of the best things Hank ever wrote for Kenton. Once you get by the 9/8 meter (not too difficult), the reasonable ranges (1st tpt. high D only) make this a very playable chart. The melody is absolutely lovely, and there is solo space for alto, tenor and trumpet. 5/5/5/3 (can be played with only 8 brass).

A TIME FOR LOVE Arranged by Hank Levy Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-67 This is another one of those charts which did not get commercially (or legally) recorded by the band. Hank wrote it in the later years. It features the lush 5-way trombone sound for which the band was so well known. There is a short (written) piano solo, a strong ensemble (trumpets do not play very high at all) and a quiet ending. Another masterful chart by Hank Levy. 5-5-5-3

TRES CORAZONES Arranged by Johnny Richards Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-666 Movement VII (of 7) of the Cuban Fire Suite. Finally ... the definitive version of this magnificent music. This is the lost movement, which we were fortunate to find. The original score of Richards’ was the source for this and all the movements of this suite. Full parts for original instrumentation of 4 saxes, 5 trumpets, 2 French horns, 4 trombones, tuba, piano, guitar, bass, drum set, timpani and 6 additional percussionists. For the first time, a full score is included. Recorded on the Cuban Fire CD.

TURTLE TALK Arranged by Dee Barton Advanced $52.00 Cat: SMP-649 There are quite a few charts in the Kenton Library that stand out because of their extreme originality. This is one of them. It is also a very demanding and exciting chart. The melody and harmonic structures are based for the most part on the whole tone scales (as is Waltz of the Prophets). This piece has not been converted to computer notation, and the parts and score (a very poor visual quality full score) are exactly as played by the band. This is fast, screaming big band jazz at its wildest! This chart requires 1 alto, 2 tenor and 2 baritone saxophones.

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-610 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is one of the more complex charts on the album. It goes through a series of meters and textures and ends up with a no-holds-barred swinging section at the end. A great chart! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

TWO SHADES OF AUTUMN Arranged by Joe Coccia Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-673 This is a beautiful ballad, exactly as recorded on the Rendezvous with Kenton album. It features solos for alto and tenor saxophones. This is a gorgeous theme in a lovely setting.


UNISON RIFF Arranged by Pete Rugolo Difficult $50.00 Cat: SMP-636 This chart has appeared on a couple of different albums over the years (Kenton Classics and Hits). It is typical, swinging Rugolo as he was writing in the late ‘40s. Solos for trumpet, alto, bass and trombone.

WALKIN’ SHOES Arranged by Gerry Mulligan Medium Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-656 This is one of those charts that can be played by any reasonably accomplished big band (including high school players). It is Mulligan’s own chart on his famous tune. The only recorded version of it, oddly enough, is the one on Road Show, and it was used as a vehicle for June Christy and the Four Freshmen to sing. They simply sing the instrumental lines which are in the chart. However, when the band takes over, it is obvious what a great chart this is. Easy swinging and wonderful music. (condensed score)

WALTZ OF THE PROPHETS Arranged by Dee Barton Advanced $62.00 Cat: SMP-651 There are quite a few charts in the Kenton Library that stand out because of their extreme originality. This is one of them. It is also a very demanding and exciting chart. The melody and harmonic structures are based for the most part on the whole tone scales (as is Turtle Talk). There is space for tenor and trumpet solos. This was one of the more popular charts that the band played throughout the 1960s. It is recorded on the Adventures in Jazz CD. This piece has not been converted to computer notation, and the parts (no score) are exactly as played by the band. This chart requires 1 alto, 2 tenor, 1 baritone and 1 bass saxophone. (no score)

WE THREE KINGS Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-611 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is one of the jazzier ones on the album. It swings like crazy! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. These are the charts we sell, but we’ve also included saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

WE’LL BE TOGETHER AGAIN Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-698 Written by Stan in the late 50s, this chart is wonderful in its simplicity and melodic content. A more beautiful ballad has not been written, and Kenton’s arrangement really focuses on that beauty. Solos for trumpet and piano (written out). Recorded on the Ballad Style of Stan Kenton CD.

WHAT’S NEW? Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-660 This may be the all-time greatest jazz arrangement of a standard tune. Also from the Contemporary Concepts LP (1955). This great standard is turned into a marvelous vehicle for solo statements from alto, tenor trumpet and trombone. No big band jazz library can be complete without this superb arrangement.

WHATEVER LOLA WANTS Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-590 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on Stage Door Swings, this medium-up swing chart comes roaring out of the chute with a brass pop and leads into the piano stating the melody. There is additional solo space for baritone sax and a neat unison enesemble passage that takes this happy, swinging chart to the end. 5-5-54 (can be played by only 8 brass).

WHERE OR WHEN Arranged by Gerry Mulligan Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-723 Mulligan contributed only a few charts to the Kenton Library, and they are all classics. This arrangement is no exception. Although originally arranged for Stan’s dance book in the ’50s, this is much more than a dance chart. The saxophone section is featured, and the chart finishes with Mulligan’s marvelous creative touch. Solo for piano. 5-5-5-4



WILLOW WEEP FOR ME Arranged by Bill Mathieu Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-535 Bill Mathieu’s arrangements, done for the Stan Kenton Orchestra, were some of the most beautiful pieces ever recorded by that band. This is a splendid rendition of a great standard. It contains all of the elements so associated with the Kenton band - wonderfully inventive writing. Trumpet, tenor and trombone solos. This chart is on the new Standards in Silhouette CD.

WORKS Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-564 Here is a terrific medium swing chart, also written for Stan Kenton in the ‘50s. Although it was never recorded commercially by the band, it was played a great deal in live performances throughout the country and is on a number of transcription recordings. It cooks from beginning to end, and features solo space for trumpet and tenor sax, and one of those patented Holman ensemble shout choruses that just swings like crazy!

YESTERDAYS Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $42.00 Cat: SMP-668 This is a wonderful feature for tenor saxophone (as recorded by Bill Perkins). Bill says that people ask him about this recording more than any other he has done (and that’s a LOT!). Holman uses the essence of this beautiful ballad, stays out of the way of the soloist, and creates one of the most successful feature ballads ever arranged. This is very sophisticated music on maybe the best album the Kenton Band ever did. Recorded on the Contemporary Concepts album.

YOU GO TO MY HEAD Arranged by Bob Graettinger Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-686 It is hard to explain the characterisitic of this arrangement except to say that, even though Graettinger writes some very adventurous and futuristic textures and lines, you always know where and what the melody is. This is just wonderful writing! If you’re looking for something to program which demonstrates the contributions of Graettinger to the Kenton aura, but does not get as weird (not a good word) as other things he wrote, this really fits the bill. Included on the City of Glass CD.

YOUNG BLOOD Arranged by Gerry Mulligan Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-657 Mulligan’s writing for the Kenton Band was fairly minimal in quantity but extraordinary in quality. He had a profound effect on the band and the writers to follow him. This composition was recorded in 1952 and is on the New Concepts CD. There is solo space for alto, tenor and trumpet. A classic which should be in every jazz library. 55-5-4 (This music is available from Mosaic Records in their Russo/Holman CD set.)



Arranged by Lennie Niehaus Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: Cat: SMP-742 Lennie Niehaus wrote a series of terrific arrangements for the Stan Kenton Orchestra (this was recorded on the ‘Stage Door Swings’ CD). This chart is a medium-swing version of a great Rodgers & Hammerstein tune. It features solo space for trumpet. Ranges are quite moderate (a couple of high E’s for tpt. 1) for a Kenton chart. This swings like mad, and your band will surely love playing it. 5/5/5/3

ZOOT Arranged by Bill Holman Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-652 Holman wrote this to feature (of course) Zoot Sims on tenor saxophone. This is a feature throughout the chart and is a typical swinger in the Holman style of the early 1950s. The only recording is on the Kenton Era collection. (This recording is also available from Mosaic Records in their Russo/Holman CD set.) The parts are hand copied, not computer notated. (condensed score)



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99504 A hit for Anita O’Day during her second spell with the Gene Krupa Orchestra, this chart is taken from the album Let Me Off Uptown on Columbia/Legacy (CK 65625). The opening Boogie, followed by an Alto solo (written) leads in to the vocal chorus. There’s just a muted trumpet and the rhythm section backing the singer. The band comes back with the boogie and into a big shout chorus to finish. Baritone sax on alto throughout. The alto and trumpet solos are written out. Vocal Key: Eb

DISC JOCKEY JUMP Transcribed by Bob Martin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99973 This chart is very clever in its concept, as it is both big band and an 8-piece bebop all rolled into one. The front line is a quartet of alto, tenor, trumpet and trombone taking the unison melody line, with the rest of the blowers providing the backing support. Each of the quartet have solos. This chart in a way reflects its time in history, with the shift from the big band format of the ‘40s to much smaller outfits in the ‘50s. This is not a demanding piece to play, and also sounds good at reduced tempo.

LEAVE US LEAP Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99972 Made popular by the Gene Krupa Orchestra, Leave Us Leap is a full-blooded uptempo swing chart in which dynamics are everything. The first chorus is taken by the saxes, with punchy brass backing. Solos for trumpet, trombone, tenor and piano follow, with a cameo alto solo introducing a big shout chorus at the end. The drummer is then left to his own devices for a solo spot, which could last from a few seconds to several minutes. Some bands leave the stage at this point and let him get on with it! The shout chorus is repeated to end things off.



Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99467 This was a huge hit for the Krupa band, featuring Anita O’Day and Roy Eldridge. The chart is a medium tempo swing duet between the two and has some lovely spoken interplay between them. We realize than not many bands have trumpet players who also sing, so we have written both vocal lines on one part, and cross-cued the male vocal onto the 2nd trumpet part just in case. This chart is also a trumpet feature, with the 2nd trumpet taking a screaming solo when the vocals are over. Eldridge’s original version (which we have written out in full) goes up to a super G, though we have provided chords should your player wish to improvise. All 3 other trumpets are written to high Eb during a unison run up to the T2 solo, but 3 & 4 can be dropped an octave if they can’t reach the range. This chart would be a medium if the soloist improvises and T3&4 drop the octave. There are no sax doubles. Vocal Key: Db



Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99960 This is the vocal version that Anita O’Day recorded with Gene Krupa, and is a mix of powerhouse swing that you would expect from Krupa’s band, and a laid-back, slightly humourous vocal chorus from O’Day. It features a blasting trumpet solo near the end, and a wonderfully conceived modulation into the vocal chorus. The trumpet solo has been written out, and the little piano fill-in solo in the intro also. This is a medium to advanced chart in terms of difficulty, because the trumpet solo screams up to a high E, and 1st and 2nd trombones have to pick a top D out of the air at one point. No sax doubles. Vocal Key: D

STOP!THE RED LIGHT’S ON ***NEW*** [VOCAL] Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2129 This is another well known up-tempo swing chart from Anita O’Day and the Gene Krupa Orchestra. The arrangement (transcribed from the Elton Hill original) not only features your vocalist and your band shouting ‘Stop!’, but also your Trumpet 2. Gene Krupa often featured Anita O’Day and Roy Eldridge together in the same arrangements. Let Me Off Uptown and North Carolina are other examples. This is a fine swinger from the height of the Krupa band. The vocal key is Bb.

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Arranged by Myles Collins and Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1228 Benny Carter wrote this piece and recorded it with his band in 1933, and it became one of the defining swing charts of the era. He later scored this arrangement for Gene Krupa, and it is arguably even better than the original. The only changes from this classic was to score the chart for 8 brass and 5 saxes (originally 6 & 4 respectively). There are solo spots for tenors 1 & 2, trumpet 2, trombone 1 and drums, and all of the solos are written out in full, except the drum solo where the the first 4 (of 16) measures have been written out in Krupa style. This chart skips in a relaxed righton-the-beat swing style, and is great for the dancers. There are no sax doubles.

TUXEDO JUNCTION Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1113 More bluesey than the Miller version, this arrangement from the Gene Krupa Orchestra makes a refreshing addition to any library. The chart features some lovely guitar and alto solo cameos and a solo spot for clarinet (1st tenor), plus some flowing brass choruses. Whilst the Miller-style trombone plunger figures are nowhere to be found, the brass sections do have the chance to wave their rubber near the end of the chart, and the trombones round the piece off with pedal note doo-wops. The saxes are scored for 3 altos & 2 tenors, and 1st tenor doubles clarinet. The guitar solos are cued onto the piano part should you lack a guitarist. The brass ranges are very moderate and we have graded the piece as medium easy, as the clarinet solo (as written) gets a bit busy in one bar.



Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1231 This is the late, great Peggy Lee at her laid back best. This tune is so relaxed it is almost horizontal, yet the band’s support of the vocalist is just perfect. Loud and snappy where it needs to be, yet in places as laconic as the vocal itself. The tempo is moderate and the brass ranges not overly demanding, though the band needs to be tight to do the chart justice. No sax doubles. Vocal range: G3 -A4; Vocal Key: F



Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2081 This version was recorded in 1942 by Peggy Lee during her stay with the Benny Goodman band and Peggy made this song her own. Goodman’s chart has been faithfully transcribed, including all of the clarinet licks and solos, but have expanded the brass from the original 6 up to 8. The sax parts are written for solo clarinet, alto, 2 tenors & baritone though an extra alto sax part has been included (the tenor 1 part, written for alto) to give you a bit more flexibility in the section. The brass ranges are very moderate, and aside from the clarinet solo there are no surprises, so the chart is very playable. Female vocal range: A3-D5 (10 steps); Vocal key: F




Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 LL-2112 This tune was a huge hit for Dean Martin, and the same version was more recently covered by Robbie Williams on his ‘Swing When You’re Winning’ album. The original chart has been transcribed here, and it will be a complete show-stopper for your band, whether your singer wants to be Dean or Robbie. There are no sax doubles, the 4th trombone is written for a bass, and the vocal key is D.


AS PERFORMED BY GLENN MILLER ADIOS Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99962 A hauntingly beautiful number from the Glenn Miller book. This is a faithful reproduction of the original arrangement, with correct Miller-voiced saxes throughout. Lead trumpet takes the solo line, and lead trombone has the muted middle solo. This chart is all about dynamics and blending of instruments, in order to achieve the right feel and expression. The notes are easy, but the band must be tight. Sax doubles: alto 1 on clarinet throughout; baritone on alto.

AMERICAN PATROL Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-22406 There are many bands using a stock dance band arrangement of American Patrol, originally written for 5 saxes and 5 brass, and possibly then adapted for a bigger band. The problem is that it’s wrong on a number of counts, not least of which is that the correct key is Bb. The stock was in Ab and made many sectional passages lumpy and tricky to play. We have faithfully reproduced the original for you here, scored the instruments properly and tidied up the wrong notes and chord progressions. All of the expressions and dynamics are in place and easy to read. This is a really good value for money chart and will give your band the authentic Miller sound when you play it. Lead alto doubles clarinet, baritone sax doubles alto. Trumpet solo written for 2nd part, and cued on lead part.

ANVIL CHORUS Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1080 Originally from Verdi’s Il Trovatore, Anvil Chorus was a big hit for the Glenn Miller band, thanks to the fabulous arrangement by Jerry Gray. This is faithfully restored to the original version, complete with fully written out solos for tenor and trumpet. The saxes are voiced AAATT throughout, as per the original, and all dynamics are marked. This is great in performance, and at 240 bpm you will need nimble fingers.



Arranged by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2029 Here is Miller’s beautiful vocal ballad. The Miller band had several versions of this chart, and this is drawn from the version in the film Orchestra Wives. Whilst it is not the complete film version (i.e., not with both male and female vocal), it has the same dramatic opening with the trumpet solo, then into the sax soli, followed by a trombone soli in even time, accompanied by piano obligato. Then follows the modulation into the vocal chorus (in the key of A) and final band flourish. Lead alto is on clarinet throughout, and baritone doubles alto. The trumpet ranges are very moderate, but because the lead trombone reaches a high C it is medium.

BOOM SHOT Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1079 Boom Shot is a rare gem of a chart from the Glenn Miller book, co-written by Mr. Miller himself. It swings with a lilt (if not played too fast) and features your 2nd trumpet as well as solos (written) for 1st alto and trombone, and space for some background improvised piano too. The song itself is unusual, being not much more that an 8 bar melody, but the orchestration is superb and the series of modulations that run through the chart give the whole thing a series of constant kicks that keep it fresh and moving. Baritone doubles on alto.

CARIBBEAN CLIPPER Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1012 From the pen of Jerry Gray for the Glenn Miller Orchestra, this up-tempo swing chart features the piano (originally Mel Powell) as well as the drums in the shout chorus. A classic Miller technique is used to propel this number: unison saxes with brass punches providing rhythmic support, with the melody inverted later on to the brass, with sax figures backing. A wonderful middle passage of two trumpet pairs playing counterbalancing lines, one set open, one pair with wah-wah plungers, and both backed by glissing trombones and fill-phrased saxes is quite unique. Sax doubles: 1st alto to clarinet; 1st tenor to clarinet; baritone to alto.



CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1009 Here is Glenn Miller’s Chattanooga Choo Choo, adapted from the version in the film Sun Valley Serenade. Essentially this is the same structure as vocal version, except that the chart has been modified to go straight from the instrumental chorus to the surprise key change into the final shout chorus. This chart is therefore only two and a half minutes long, but perfectly suited. The film soundtrack as well as the film itself was used in order to study the players’ fingerings and therefore get things right. Sax doubles: alto 1 & tenor 1 double clarinets; baritone doubles alto. Please note that the vocal version (see vocals section) doesn’t work as an instrumental as the band modulates from Db to C for the vocal, but from Db to F for the final chorus.

DANNY BOY Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1037 Here is the lush and lovely Danny Boy (a.k.a. Londonderry Air) as played by the Miller Band. This chart features Miller-voiced saxes, beautifully balanced muted brass and some delicate piano work which is written out for your pianist in the places that matter. Though short, at just over two minutes, this chart is perfect for those gentler moments in a set, or for a late night closer. The lead trombone is the cameo-featured solo instrument and its range goes quite high - to top C#, hence we have graded this as a medium piece. Lead alto is on clarinet throughout. Second alto doubles clarinet and the baritone doubles bass clarinet, though we have also cued the passage with notes for the bari in case a bass clarinet is unavailable.

DON’T SIT UNDER THE APPLE TREE Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99505 This is Glenn Miller’s version that was originally performed by the Modernaires vocal group, except that we have turned it into an instrumental, whilst keeping the form true to the original. The band intro is there, as are the correct modulations and fills behind the melody lines. The trombones are written quite high in places (lead to high Db). We also offer this chart as a vocal version (see the vocals section).

GLEN ISLAND SPECIAL Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1147 Glen Island Special is a very quick swing chart written by Eddie Durham for the Glenn Miller band, and on first hearing it you could be forgiven for thinking it to be a Basie chart. At 240 beats per minute this chart rips from start to finish. It features ad-lib solos for 2nd trumpet and 1st tenor and has plenty of visual appeal too, with much plunger/hat work in the brass. The saxes are scored for 3 altos and 2 tenors. The trumpet ranges are very moderate, with lead only reaching a G. The sax parts do require very nimble fingers.



IT MUST BE JELLY Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1179 Co-written by Chummy MacGregor (Miller’s pianist) and George “The Silver Fox” Williams (who wrote extensively for Ray Anthony) this Glenn Miller chart is both an excellent swing chart, as well as being a lot of fun. Opening in half-time the chart picks up into a lively swing tempo with the piano taking the first (improvised solo) chorus. Then the whole brass section gets their chance to sing the tune. There are solos for 1st tenor, 2nd trumpet and 1st alto (all written out in full), followed by a ripping sax soli. The chart plays out in true Miller style, building and building to a thundering climax which just swings like crazy. Baritone doubles alto.

JOHNSON RAG Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1150 Here is Glenn Miller’s version of Johnson Rag, transcribed from the original Bill Finegan chart with all of the solos (both tenors, trombone 1 and trumpet 2) written out. This tune features many of Miller’s trademarks, such as the steady build and overlayering of sections to increase the depth of sound and to establish the tune firmly in the mind, plenty of trumpet plunger figures, sudden changes of dynamics and rich ensemble scoring. The brass ranges are generally moderate, though the trombone solo does hit a high Db. Trombone solo has been re-scored onto the 4th trumpet part should your player not feel comfortable with the range. No sax doubles.



Arranged by Myles Collins and Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2100 Here is the extended version of I’ve Got a Gal in Kalamazoo, made famous by the Glenn Miller Orchestra in the film Orchestra Wives. This chart differs significantly from the studio recorded version, and has a full chorus band intro, an interlude leading to the vocals, an extra band bridge into a vocal reprise, plus an added 24 bar band section to close. At five and a half minutes long, it’s a showstopper. The arrangement is scored for male vocalist plus a backing group of 5 - ideally girl, 3 tenors and baritone, and in the Saxes Alto 2 and Tenor 1 both double Clarinets. The Tenor solo is written on the 2nd Tenor part and also cross-cued on the male vocal part. The vocal whistling in the interlude is cued on the Piano part, and we have written out the opening Trumpet solo in full. Vocal keys D flat to G flat.


Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99506 This version of I Know Why is adapted from the vocal version and is from the film Sun Valley Serenade. It includes an additional instrumental chorus not found in the earlier Miller recorded version. A lovely ballad, this conversion from the SATB vocal is true to the original in its structure, and naturally features Miller-scored reeds. Lead alto is on clarinet throughout and baritone doubles alto.

Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-22408 Little Brown Jug was an early classic for the Miller band, first recorded in 1939, with the original arrangement done by Bill Finegan. This is an accurate transcription of that version, complete with fully written out tenor, trumpet and trombone solos. Many bands have a stock version of this chart in their libraries, but the problem with the stock arrangements is that the solos aren’t scored, the trombone solo is missing entirely, and there are numerous other errors, such as the sax section should be AAATT, there are incorrect voicings in the bridge, lack of backing behind the tenor solo and so on. This chart will recreate the authentic sound of the Miller band.




Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-22406 For the first time ever, here is an authentic version. There is no definitive version of this Miller tune because it evolved over time, from civilian band, Air Force band, the film version (Sun Valley Serenade) and so on. This is a fusion of the civilian band and SVS version. The saxes are re-voiced to AAATT, so the 1st tenor player now has playable fingerings and the note-doubling in the stock has gone. The rhythm lines are now right, so the chart doesn’t come to a grinding halt in the middle 8 and trumpet solo. The sax solos are now for two tenors, as they should be. The backing behind the trumpet solo is correct, with no trombones here at all. The last fade-out chorus contains the quasi-bass solo, with saxes only playing the top note of the riff. The trumpet run-up at the end is now right and this chart has all of the articulations and dynamics needed to reproduce the authentic feel.

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Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1190 Long Tall Mama is a solid swing chart written for the Glenn Miller band by Billy May, though credited to his wife Arletta for fiscal reasons at the time. Miller recorded this with his civilian and USAAF bands, and there were subtle differences between the two. This is the later version, and features solo spots for alto, clarinet (on the alto 2 part), tenor and trumpet. We have written out all of the solos, though your players can improvise on the chords if they prefer. This chart would make a fine addition to your Miller collection, and is not that tricky to play. Alto 2 doubles clarinet.

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MISSION TO MOSCOW Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-99996 This song was written by Mel Powell when he was pianist with the Goodman orchestra, and it was a hit in 1942. Glenn Miller, whilst in charge of the US Army Air Force Training Command Band, used it as a vehicle for showing the clarinet skills of Peanuts Hucko. It also fit well into a series of numbers that were patriotic and supported the war effort - tunes such as Keep ‘Em Flying, Tail End Charlie and Jeep Jockey Jump. This is a great punchy swing chart, and you will need a good clarinet player to do it justice. Lead alto doubles clarinet, baritone doubles alto.

MOONLIGHT SERENADE Transcribed by Jeff Hest Medium $35.00 Cat: TBS0026 Moonlight Serenade is the Glenn Miller theme tune, and one of the best known big band tunes of all time. This is the original arrangement, transcribed by Jeff Hest, and is a completely faithful reproduction. Saxes are scored for clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors. The clarinet solo is fully written out and the arrangement comes with rehearsal/performance notes for the bandleader.

MOONLIGHT SONATA Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1084 A much underrated chart from the Glenn Miller book but one that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck. The arrangement builds on Beethoven’s work for solo piano, and adds layers of rich texture and voicing in the way that only the Miller band could. We have written out the piano part in full, and the solo in the lead tenor part too, plus all of the dynamics and articulations needed to enable you to recreate the original sound. Apart from the piano part, this is not a difficult piece to perform. The brass ranges are moderate, the lead trumpet only reaching a B, but there are a number of sax doubles: altos and tenors all double clarinets and the baritone doubles alto sax and bass clarinet, although we have cued in notes for baritone at the appropriate places, should your baritone player not have a bass clarinet available. A wonderful concert piece or late-night closer.



Tramscribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2024 Here is the lovely ballad as performed by Glenn Miller, with vocal by Ray Eberly. Another lush ballad with the trademark Miller sax sound of clarinet lead over 2 altos and 2 tenors, with restrained brass backings. We have rated this medium as the lead trombone goes up to to a high C and 2nd to an Ab (otherwise it would be easy). The trombone phrases have been cross-cued onto the trumpet parts in case your trombone players are not comfortable with the range. This chart is also very singable as a female vocal, as the range is from C to D one ocave higher. Also included is a solo trombone part, so it can beplayed as an instrumental. .Sax doubles: baritone on alto throughout, and 2nd alto doubles clarinet. Vocal key: F

PENNSYLVANIA 6-5000 Transcribed by Jeff Hest Medium Difficult $40.00 Cat: TBS0035 This is another timeless Glenn Miller classic and must-have standard. This is a Jeff Hest transcription of the original song and includes fully written out solos for tenor and trumpet and cues for the band shouts.

PERFIDIA Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99959 Originally entitled Tonight, Perfidia came into its own when given the Glenn Miller treatment, as a fabulous vocal showcase for the Modernaires. This arrangement is true to the original, except that we give the vocal chorus to the trombone section as a feature. This chart has the correct Miller voiced saxes, the surprise key change, the blend from brass to reed behind the cameo bass solo near the end, and all the written dynamics to help create the authentic sound.


RHAPSODY IN BLUE Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1056 This transcription is of the Miller version of Gershwin’s famous work. All of the solos have been written out (1st trumpet, 1st tenor, guitar and bass) and all the parts are accurately notated and articulated to give the real Miller feel. Both altos double clarinet, and baritone doubles alto. The trombones go up quite high (lead to high Db), though the parts are cross-cued onto the trumpet parts, making things a bit more versatile for bands with range limitations.

ST. LOUIS BLUES MARCH Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1005 This is the version performed by Miller’s US Army Air Force band, and features trumpet and tenor solos. The fill-in alto solos are there too, as is a fully notated drum part. This is the definitive St. Louis Blues. This chart is a huge improvement over the stock chart published many years ago and is a must-have for all lovers of Miller.



Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2022 Serenade In Blue is another classic from the Glenn Miller Orchestra with the Modernaires, and Alan Glasscock’s transcription is a true reflection of the original.The chart is written for male vocalist with a 4-piece backing group. Perhaps the trickiest part of the chart is Billy May’s unique opening passage which needs to be played with confidence and a relaxed feel. The saxes have a number of instrument doubles: altos 1 & 2 on clarinets, tenor 2 on bass clarinet (in the intro), though this may be taken on tenor if needs be, and baritone on alto. The trumpet solo in the intro is meticulously written out too. All articulations and dynamics are indicated, enabling your band to reproduce one of Millers’ best known tunes. Vocal key: Eb



Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99401 This is a lush male vocal ballad from the Miller Orchestra, and it naturally makes use of Miller-voiced saxes. The voicings and harmonic structure of this arrangement are simply stunning, and completely complement the crooning vocal line. This is another quite superb transcription from Alan Glasscock which faithfully reproduces the original chart. Lead alto is on clarinet throughout, alto 2 doubles clarinet and baritone doubles alto. The trumpet ranges are very modest, with the lead only reaching Bb, making this chart playable by even moderate players. Vocal key: Db

SONG OF THE VOLGA BOATMEN Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99967 Written by Bill Finegan for the Glenn Miller Orchestra, this number is a great example of the arranger’s art. He took a simplistic tune (Yo Ho Heave Ho) and turned it into a memorable piece, famous for its central passage of unison trombones followed four bars later by unison trumpets repeating the same phrase, both getting ever higher in their ranges, and leading to a huge tutti finish, embellished with a cameo written ad-lib solo trumpet. A true reproduction of the original.

THE SPIRIT IS WILLING Arranged by Myles Collins Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1177 A gentle, somewhat quirky chart from the Glenn Miller band of 1941 written by Jerry Gray as a two trumpet feature. This tune grows on you, has an easy tempo and is really smooth. The ‘hook’ is is in the harmonic structure - a rising and falling sequence up and down the scale chords of D, and the bouncy sax riff will leave you humming the thing.We have written out all of the trumpet solos, with mute indications and articulations, and have included the little piano fills near the end of the piece, and the drum licks too. There are no sax doubles. An easy chart, aside from a couple of trumpet high notes (1st & 2nd to written top C), which plays really well.



Arranged by John Ferguson Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2417 Straight from the Miller book, the Story of a Starry Night was originally arranged for the Miller band by Bill Finegan, and has been re-created by John Ferguson. Based on Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique Symphony #6, this arrangement is one of a number of classical pieces given the big band treatment. Scored for Miller-voiced saxes throughout, this arrangement shimmers and shines. The vocal (in Ab) is beautifully supported by just the right amount of band backings, the brass ranges are very moderate, and the whole chart is lush and rich. Fabulous.



STRING OF PEARLS Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99965 There are many bands using a stock dance band arrangement originally written for 5 saxes and 5 brass, and possibly then adapted for a bigger band. The problem is that it’s wrong on a number of counts. This is a faithful reproduction of the original, and have scored the saxes properly (AATTA) including the two tenor chase solo, voiced the brass correctly, written out the piano solo and fills and tidied up the wrong notes and chord progressions. All of the expressions and dynamics are in place and easy to read. This will give your band the authentic Miller sound when you play it. Baritone sax on alto throughout; trumpet solo written for 2nd part, and cued on lead part; second tenor portion of sax duet cued on 2nd alto part.

SUN VALLEY JUMP Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2106 Another Glenn Miller classic, this was one of a long line of hits written by Jerry Gray. The original chart has been reproduced here, complete with the trumpet, tenor and clarinet solos, all of which are written out. This chart has a nice bounce feel to it, and plays at about the same tempo as In the Mood. It has been rated medium, mainly due to the range of the trumpet 2 solo (up to high E). Apart from that it is an medium easy chart. The clarinet solo is written on the alto 2 part, no other sax doubles.



Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1100 Originally released in 1939 on the RCA Bluebird label as the flipside to Moonlight Serenade, and the record became a huge hit for the Miller band. The original Miller chart was by Bill Finegan, first written for only 6 brass and later adapted for 8. This transcription is full of typical Miller color, with a pair of Clarinets carrying the melody in thirds, echoed by two tenors an octave below, all backed by wah wah brass. The original Tex Beneke sax solo is fully written out, as is the solo piano fill at the end of the chart. Saxes are written for 3 altos (1 & 2 doubling clarinet) and 2 tenors.



Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1173 Bill Finegan wrote the original version of this arrangement for Glenn Miller’s civilain band, and adapted it for Miller’s USAAF band. This is the version that we offer here. Transcribed beautifully by Alan Glasscock, this rousing chart has instant appeal is a worth addition to your Miller collection. There are no sax doubles.

TAIL END CHARLIE Transcribed by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-99963 Another Bill Finegan masterpiece, Tail End Charlie was made famous by Miller’s Army Air Force Training Command Band. The Tail-end Charlie was the rear gunner in a bomber - often the first line of defense - and probably the most exposed position of any crewmember. This mid-tempo swing chart has unison saxes carrying the theme, backed by muted brass figures, building into a key-change bridge to introduce the baritone solo. The whole number reaches a peak with a written-to-sound-adlib trumpet solo, before the theme returns, repeating to a fade-out (a well-tried Miller effect), with final tutti crescendo to end with.

TUXEDO JUNCTION Transcribed by Myles Collins Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-99983 This is the true Glenn Miller version, complete with written out trumpet solos for 2nd and 3rd trumpets. The solos are cross-cued to the 1st and 4th parts too, giving your other players the chance to play them too. The transcription is accurate, right down to the little cameo piano & drum solo breaks. All dynamics are clearly marked, so your band can achieve the authentic Miller sound. This is a straightforward chart to play. This sounds best if the band is relaxed and doesn’t rush the tempo!



Arranged by Myles Collins Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2068 Another nostalgic song from the early WWII years, We’ll Meet Again remains as popular as ever. It is a particularly good closing number for a nostalgia gig or concert as it is not a long arrangement, though a very effective one. The saxes are Millervoiced with clarinet lead and baritone on alto throughout. In Eb, the vocal range is A below to Bb above middle C, and is well within the range of most male and female vocalists. Lead trumpet to top C#. Vocal Key: Eb

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Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2078 This patriotic wartime tune was originally done by Glenn Miller with Tex Beneke and Marion Hutton and the Modernaires supplying the vocals.This is a medium swing tempo chart that kicks. This has been scored for male & female vocalist with a 4piece backing group, though the arrangement works well as a boy girl duet or as a solo vocal (we have included a solo vocal sheet in the pack). The tenor sax line that would have been missing when Beneke took the vocal is scored back in, thereby keeping your section complete. This chart is true to the Bill Finegan original, and there are no sax doubles. Trumpets 2,3 & 4 need to be able to reach high C for the unison passage before the tenor solo in the last chorus. Vocal Key: G

AS PLAYED BY THE MINGUS BIG BAND CHILDREN’S HOUR OF DREAM Arranged by Sy Johnson Advanced $60.00 Cat: 7010957 The unique genius and originality of Charles Mingus is nowhere more apparent than in this symphonic masterpiece adapted for big band by Sy Johnson. Involving no improvisation but rather a series of through-composed colors and changing moods, the Mingus Big Band has been amazing audiences for years with this impressive concert piece. Stunningly effective and different!

GOODBYE PORK PIE HAT Arranged by Sy Johnson Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010398 This is probably Charles Mingus’ best-known composition. Sy Johnson’s updated chart is the authentic version from the latest CD by the Mingus Big Band, Blues and Politics.

GUNSLINGING BIRD Arranged by Steve Slagle Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010394 The opening cut from the Mingus Big Band CD Gunslinging Birds is this raucous and blistering jazz waltz. Mingus wrote this piece as a tribute to Charlie ‘Bird’ Parker with the subtitle ‘If Charlie Parker were a gunslinger there’d be a whole lot of dead copycats’. This chart doesn’t hold anything back!

HAITIAN FIGHT SONG Arranged by Sy Johnson Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010516 The Mingus Big Band recorded this on the Blues and Politics CD. This minor blues has a bass solo opening. Includes ample solo space. 5/3/3/3

MOANIN’ Arranged by Sy Johnson Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010238 The bartione saxophone player get the opening vamp. Ample open solo space and fantastic ensemble sections. 5/3/3/3

NOSTALGIA IN TIMES SQUARE Arranged by Ronnie Cuber Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010396 This medium tempo swing chart is the lead-off cut from the CD Mingus Big Band 93. Featured is a distinctive melody, a stop-time solo section, and a great swing groove throughout.

TIJUANA GIFT SHOP Arranged by Michael Philip Mossman Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010514 This was recorded by the Mingus Big Band on the Que Viva Mingus CD. Features great Latin sounds and textures mingled with swing sections. 5/3/3/3 Saxes doubles: 2 flutes, soprano sax, and tuba. Percussion parts.

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BUDDY MORROW/BUDDY RICH AS PERFORMED BY BUDDY MORROW NIGHT TRAIN Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1033 Here is Buddy Morrow’s thundering rendition of Night Train. What is unusual is the speed of the chart - a slowish 85 bpm - and, as a result, the arrangement has a solid, rumbling momentum that carries all before it. The melody and solo is taken by the lead (solo) trombone. Alan Glasscock has scored the chart meticulously, so your band can capture the feel and get the phrasing absolutely right in order to recreate what is one of Morrow’s finest performances. There are no sax doubles.


LOVE FOR SALE Arranged by Pete Myers Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-245 A sensational arrangement of a great tune in an up-tempo setting. This is recorded on the Big Swing Face CD. Solo space for alto sax, trumpet, tenor sax and, of course, some wonderful drum breaks. This is in-your-face, outrageous, exciting music, exactly as written for, and recorded by Buddy Rich.

MERCY MERCY MERCY Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1027 Well, here it is, the great Joseph Zawinul composition, as played by the Buddy Rich band. This chart features drums (naturally), solo space for tenor sax and guitar (or piano) and is a thunderously rousing arrangement. Quite long, at 5 and a half minutes, this chart is a TOUGH blow for your lead and 2nd brass players. The lead trumpet range is up to a high F#, 2nd to high E and the lead trombone to high C#. So, as long as you have the players, you will not regret buying this chart.

NORWEGIAN WOOD ACID TRUTH Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: W-51425 Another great chart excatly as recorded by the Buddy Rich Big Band on Mercy, Mercy. 7 brass: 4 trumpets and 3 bones.

BIG SWING FACE Arranged by Bill Potts Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-240 This is the real thing, as written for and recorded by the Buddy Rich Band on the Big Swing Face CD. It is a medium-up swing chart that provides plenty of solo space for alto sax (a la Ernie Watts), piano (a la Ray Starling) and trumpet (a la Bobby Shew). Features a terrific saxophone section soli. Big band swing at its best! 5-4-4-4

CHANNEL ONE SUITE Arranged by Tom Davis Difficult $55.00 Cat: JE9741 We’re proud to bring you the Buddy Rich jazz classic CHANNEL ONE SUITE. This piece was one of Buddy’s signature tunes, and it is now in print for the first time ever. Tom Davis has faithfully transcribed this chart from the original recording. It’s a real challenge, but one your students will love. In order to make this chart more accessible to most bands, we have provided alternate trumpet parts that have been rewritten to omit some of the extreme upper register passages. This is a piece of jazz history, and either way you play it, this chart is a winner!

GROOVIN’ HARD Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: W-51429 No descripton needed. One of the all-time greatest charts recorded by the Buddy Rich Big Band on Burning For Buddy Vol 2.


Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $57.00 Cat: SMP-309 This is the real thing, as written for and recorded by the Buddy Rich Band on the Big Swing Face CD. It is perhaps one of Holman’s best known charts ever. A scintillating jazz waltz, full of excitement and energy, it features solos for alto saxophone (a la Ernie Watts on the CD) and trombone (a la Jim Trimble on the CD). Lots of raw power and blistering figures make this the ideal opener or closer for your concerts. Your audiences will love it!

RUTH Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-322 From the CD Buddy and Soul. This is one of the most original big band rock/fusion charts ever written. The Buddy Rich Big Band recorded this as a closer on the CD Buddy & Soul. Tenor solo and lots of exciting counterpoint. Red-hot ensemble passages prevail! Played on the Tonight Show many times when Buddy would be a guest. This is a terrific crowd-pleaser.

STRAIGHT, NO CHASER Arranged by John La Barbera Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010628 Never before published, we are proud to offer Buddy Rich’s famous version of this Thelonious Monk jazz classic arranged by John La Barbera. Newly edited and professionally prepared, this edition belongs in the library of every serious jazz ensemble. The tempo for this recording is a bit slower than Buddy’s and more in keeping with the arranger’s original intent.

TIME CHECK Arranged by Don Menza Medium Difficult $70.00 Cat: W-51431 No description needed. As recorded by the Buddy Rich Orchestra on Burning For Buddy Vol 2.

Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-232 From the CD Keep the Customer Satisfied. Who will ever be able to forget the dynamic Buddy Rich Band? This chart was a staple in that library for a long time, spinning off of the ‘60s-’70s look at more contemporary music sources (rock, folk, etc.). It is a LOT of fun for any band to get into this chart. Space for alto saxophone, trombone and, or course, drum solos.




Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-308 Written for and recorded by the Buddy Rich Band on the Big Swing Face CD, this wonderful chart features trumpet (a la Bobby Shew on the CD) and alto saxophone (a la Quinn Davis on the CD). Alto sax 2 and tenor sax 2 double on flute. This is a wonderful, relaxed, kind of loose feeling chart at a medium-up tempo. 5/4/4/4


Arranged by John La Barbera Difficult $60.00 Cat: 7010995 Buddy Rich fans will instantly recognize this staple of the famed drummer’s live performances. Although Buddy never recorded this monster chart, John La Barbera has featured it on his new big band recording ‘On the Wild Side.’ An impressive multistyled tour de force for mature ensembles!

Arranged by John LaBarbera Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: SMP-182 Buddy Rich played this chart constantly! Features a great bass trombone solo on the tune. Flute doubles required on all saxophone parts. Here is a rare chance to feature the bottom of the trombone section with a beautiful Jobim melody. Full score/parts.



WINNING THE WEST Arranged by Bill Holman Medium Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-316 As written for and performed by the Buddy Rich Big Band, here is the long-missing chart that Holman wrote to feature Buddy on drums and Pat LaBarbera on tenor sax. What a great chart! It is set in a quasi Rock Feel which shifts to swing and back again. This is a very high-energy, exciting chart, and Buddy played it all the time! Your band will eat this one up. 5/4/4/3

AS PERFORMED BY SHORTY ROGERS BASIE EYES Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: SMP-450 A wonderful, easy, swinging chart which is the centerpiece of the CD Tribute to Count Basie. This piece has brief solo sections for the bass and piano, and longer solos for baritone sax, trumpet and tenor sax . Very reasonable brass ranges. Shorty was always able to compose very memorable melodies, and this is one of them.


Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-456 As recorded on The Big Shorty Rogers Express, this is a terrific romp through a fast swing, featuring solos by alto sax, tenor sax, bari. sax, trumpet, trombone and piano. Shorty uses modulating 2-5 turnarounds to spice up this already exciting blues chart. There is lots of solo space and exciting ensemble passages. Reasonable ranges for all make this quite playable. 5/4/4/3

BLUEZIES Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-458 As recorded on Portrait of Shorty (including the best of West Coast jazz musicians such as Herb Geller, Bill Holman, Jack Montrose, Frank Rosolino, Conrad Gozzo, Conte Candoli and others), this is a great, up-tempo, swinging chart with lots of solo space for alto, tenor and baritone saxophones, trumpet, trombone, piano and drums. The tune is typical Shorty Rogers, swinging and melodious. There are lots of exciting, powerful ensemble passages and still plenty of room for all the soloists. 276 bars of swinging happiness!


SHORTY ROGERS/ARTIE SHAW PINK SQUIRREL Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: SMP-451 As recorded on Blues Express, this is a wonderful West Coast chart which features unison saxophones on the melody, solo space for alto sax, trumpet, and trombone and a short solo for bass. Shorty’s melodies are memorable and very attractive. This laid-back style is great fun for the band. Reasonable ranges make it very playable.



Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium $49.00 Cat: SMP-751 Shorty Rogers was very well known for his nonet charts (6 horns, 3 rhythm), and this was one of his best-loved compositions. Set in an easy, slow swing, ‘Pirouette’ has a lilting melody, along with a lovely counter-melody. This is a great chart to do on a big band concert to rest the band and feature your soloists. There is solo space for alto, tenor, flugelhorn, trombone and piano. (alto, tenor, barit. saxes, 2 flugelhorns, trombone, piano bass, drums).


Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-457 As recorded on Portrait of Shorty, this is a medium-tempo swing chart that has a very unique, catchy sound to it. There is solo space for alto, tenor and baritone saxophones, trumpet, trombone, piano, bass and drums. Once again Shorty writes a superb chart for big band. Over 200 bars of enjoyment!

WALK, DON’T RUN Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Easy $47.00 Cat: SMP-455 Here is a wonderful, easy, swinging chart which is on the CD Shorty Rogers Courts the Count, a terrific big band tribute to Basie. This piece has a very delightful sound, and it’s very easy for even the youngest bands to play. The pros will love it too! It features optional clarinet with trumpet on the melody. Lots of solo space. 5-4-4-3



Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: SMP-750 Here is another terrific chart from Shorty Rogers (as recorded on the ‘Portrait of Shorty’ album). Shorty always had a way of creating wonderful melodies and exciting arrangements for big band. This chart is no exception. This is an up-tempo swing chart which has solo space for alto, tenor, trumpet, bass and drums. The piece is 218 measures long, and it swings from top to bottom. Brass ranges are exceptionally reasonable (tpt. to high C only). 5/4/4/3

JUST A FEW Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-208 Bob Curnow has arranged one of Shorty Rogers’ hippest tunes. The melody is stated by alto and trumpet, and the whole chart has that wonderful West Coast feel to it. There is a neat section which features flugelhorn and saxophones in a long soli. There is also solo space for alto sax, trumpet and piano.

LINEBACKER Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $62.00 Cat: SMP-460 As recorded on Portrait of Shorty (including the best of West Coast jazz musicians such as Herb Geller, Bill Holman, Jack Montrose, Frank Rosolino, Conrad Gozzo, Conte Candoli and others), this is a great, up-tempo, swinging chart with lots of solo space for alto and tenor saxophones, trumpet, trombone, bass and drums. The tune is typical Rogers, swinging and melodious.There are lots of exciting, powerful ensemble passages and still plenty of room for all the soloists. 200 bars of swinging happiness!

PAY THE PIPER Arranged by Shorty Rogers Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-454 As recorded on The Big Shorty Rogers Express, this is a wonderful West Coast chart which features optional clarinet with trumpet on the melody for a neat sound. The chart has a very unique, catchy sound to it. There is solo space for alto sax, tenor sax, trumpet, trombone and drums. 5-4-4-3

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Arranged by Myles Collins Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1140 This is Artie Shaw’s 1939 version from the time when his first band was at its height. Apart from the clarinet solo, the chart is not too hard, and swings freely with good solid bounce. The arrangement has been adapted from the original 3 trumpet 3 trombone line-up, to a regular 4/4 brass section, and the reeds are scored for clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors. Shaw’s Clarinet solo has been written out, along with the tenor and trumpet solos, but the piano solo has been left as an improvisation. All the soloists have the chords on their parts should they wish to do their own solo. This is a fun chart, quite quick but a full four minutes long. There are no sax doubles.

BACK BAY SHUFFLE Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1151 Back Bay Shuffle is a jump tempo swing chart from the great Artie Shaw orchestra, perfect for dancing. This has been transcribed as per the original, though expanding it to 8 brass in the process. All solos (clarinet, trumpet, trombone, tenor and piano) are written out in full, as are the correct drum patterns. The reeds are scored for solo clarinet, 2 altos & 2 tenors. Everything is here: correct sax voicings, dynamic markings & phrasing indications so that your band can recreate that Shaw sound.

BEGIN THE BEGUINE Transcribed by Jeff Hest Medium $50.00 Cat: JE9728 This is a truly authentic transcription of Artie Shaw’s classic version of Begin the Beguine. Jeff Hest has meticulously notated every detail of this famous chart. Since it was such an important song in the genre, this arrangement creates a great opportunity to teach your students about the history of the big band.

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ARTIE SHAW/FRANK SINATRA CONCERTO FOR CLARINET (PART 1) Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-1013 Here is part 1 of Artie Shaw’s stunning Concerto for Clarinet, written by the great man himself. Following a big tutti opening comes a stylish clarinet cadenza intro, with band backing and solo piano infills. The piano then picks up into 8-beat boogie style with a 24 bar solo, answered by the clarinet. Solos are for trumpet, trombone, alto and tenor with a final clarinet solo flourish. This is Shaw’s defining work for solo clarinet and big band, but be warned: you will need a very good pianist and clarinet player to carry this off. At nearly 4 and a half minutes this is only the half of it. The whole piece is scored for clarinet, 2 altos, 2 tenors, 8 brass and 4 rhythm. All solos are fully written out, though naturally your players can improvise if they wish.

CONCERTO FOR CLARINET (PART 2) Transcribed by Myles Collins Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-99407 Here is part 2 of Artie Shaw’s stunning Concerto for Clarinet. The chart opens with four stylish clarinet cadenzas, after which the drummer picks up the tempo with a floor-tom solo, joined by solo clarinet for 40 measures. Briefly into 3/4 time for band chord stabs, the clarinet & drum solo continues. Another time shift for more stabs, then three tutti swing choruses to a false finish. The clarinet solo wraps things up with a further four cadenza passages. This is a very challenging work for solo clarinet, and will need a great player to pull it off. The saxes are scored for 2 altos and 2 tenors. The clarinet range is up to super C.


Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2100 Frenesi was a tune popularized and played by many of the well known bands of the late ‘30s and early ‘40s. This version is an adaptation of the Artie Shaw version, but re-scored for a regular big band line-up, as Shaw’s chart made heavy use of strings, and had an orchestral flavour to it. We have kept the structure of the original, and have transcribed all of the solos (clarinet, tenor, trumpet & piano). The re-voicing of the chart means that the saxes (written C,A,T,T,B) have plenty of doubles. The alto doubles clarinet & flute, both tenors double clarinet and the bari doubles alto. The chart floats between swing and rhumba, your players will need to be alert!

INDIAN LOVE CALL Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1120 This version of Indian Love Call is a variation on the vocal version that we offer and is a clarinet feature. (see the vocals section for a more complete description). The structure is the same as the vocal, true to Shaw’s original, except that we have changed the vocal chorus to an ad-lib clarinet solo, and have written some punchy yet supportive backings coming from the band. After the opening drum & clarinet solo passage, the band is still scored with the falsetto singing, so no excuses for the brass not to get involved. The saxes are scored for solo clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors. All the saxes double clarinets (mainly unison passages) though it won’t really matter if the alto 2 (your baritone player) doesn’t play any clarinet parts. We have scored his lines as the lowest voice in the harmonized clarinet passages.

NON-STOP FLIGHT Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1161 Non-Stop Flight is a really bouncy swing chart and is perfect for dancing to. The pulse is infectious and will really get the feet tapping. Written by Artie Shaw, it naturally features the clarinet, and also tenor sax. All of the solos have been written out, including the solo licks and fills, plus the obligato clarinet solo that floats over the rest of the band in the last chorus. Your clarinet player will need to be dextrous, as some pretty nimble fingerwork will be needed. The brass ranges are moderate, and it’s not a tough blow for them. The saxes are scored for solo clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors. The original 6 brass has been expanded up to 8. If you are looking for a good dance chart, or a stunning concert piece, you’ve just found it!


SOFTLY AS IN A MORNING SUNRISE Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2405 One of Artie Shaw’s most endearing charts, this was scored as a mid-tempo swing chart by Jerry Gray, later of Glenn Miller fame. The chart has been transcribed and scored for a full band line-up of 5 reeds & 8 brass. The saxes are written for solo clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors. The 2nd tenor takes the solo (written out) and Shaw’s solos are also notated in full. Alto 1 and tenor 1 double clarinets, and there is an optional clarinet double on the alto 2 part. The trombone solo, also written, is on the 1st part. A good concert piece or equally suitable for dancing. The brass ranges are moderate and the only tricky bit is the final clarinet run-up which goes to a high A.

TRAFFIC JAM Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1146 Artie Shaw had many great swing charts to his name, but few were as punchy and as powerful as Traffic Jam. It fairly rips along at a quick 240 beats a minute, yet it never sounds forced or rushed. The original has been transcribed, including all the solos (drums, clarinet, tenor, trombone & piano), and expanded the chart to a full 8 brass. The saxes are scored for clarinet, 2 altos and 2 tenors. The chart kicks off with a 4 bar drum solo leading into a rising chromatic dimished passage, then the main chorus with the clarinet flying over the top of the band. A quick tenor solo follows, then back to the band blasting away. There is then a wonderful bell-tone bridge leading to alternating clarinet and trombone solos over just bass and drums, more band choruses, a piano solo and a couple of huge shout choruses to end. The band parts are not hard, despite the speed of the chart. It’s only Mr. Shaw’s bits that need nimble fingers, though your clarinet player can always improvise over the chords instead. This is a real beauty of a chart, and a must-have in any book.



Transcribed by Jon Harpin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-85400 This is Frank Sinatra at his best. This chart is a transcription of Sinatra with the Count Basie Band, taken from Sinatra at the Sands. It features the original band intro giving you time for a big introduction to your vocalist. The chart is also marked with an optional start point, just before the vocal, should you wish to shorten things. Some muted trumpet fills have been removed to keep things cleaner. There are some sax doubles: altos go to clarinets and tenors to flutes. The vocal is in Bb, with a range from Bb to D (one octave and 3 tones) and has been written out to give your vocalist a good feel of Sinatra’s phrasing. All in all this chart is exceptional.



Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2404 Taken down from Sinatra’s 1962 Reprise recording, I Get a Kick Out of You has become a Sinatra classic and a much requested tune. The original arrangement was done by Neal Hefti (a familiar name to Count Basie fans) and his style is clearly apparent throughout the chart. Jon Harpin has produced a superb recreation of the original, and it swings from start to finish. Sinatra’s vocal line has been written out, for those of you who wish to emulate the master. The chart is technically not that difficult, but needs crispness and precision to make it come alive. The trombones are scored for 3 tenors and bass, and there are no sax doubles. Vocal key: Db, D



Transcribed by Myles Collins & Patrick Gazard Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2014 This chart is a transcription of Sinatra with the Count Basie Band, taken from Sinatra at the Sands. Everything has been included, from the rumbling baritone sax line, the big trombone build after the first vocal chorus, the wailing trombone solo and even the little piano fills and tinkles. We have re-scored the saxes to a regular AATTB section and have removed the clarinet & bass clarinet doubles from the original, as we recognize that not all bands have a bass clarinet at hand. All dynamics are clearly written, and the vocal part replicates Sinatra’s performance. The brass ranges are moderate other than the trombone solo which is up to high Db, though your player can always improvise on the chords provided. Key of Db.




***NEW*** [VOCAL]

Transcribed by Jon Harpin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2122 This chart is a transcription of the Billy Byers chart as performed by Frank backed by Woody Herman at Madison Square Garden in 1974. The opening is thunderingly brassy and establishes a great contrast to the quiet start of the vocal. The first vocal chorus is backed mainly by Saxes and Trombone licks, but builds in intensity to the half-step modulation. From here the arrangement powers its way to the finish line, and swings like crazy all the way. The vocal keys are Bb and B.



Transcribed by Jon Harpin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2025 Adapted from the original Billy May arrangement of Sinatra’s Reprise recording, this kicks off with the slow, almost colla voce intro, which picks up into a thumping swing chart. Everything is here: dynamics, articulations, phrasing, modulations, the works. Strings were used in the original recording, those have been re-scored into the band, to make the chart suitable for a 5/4/4/4 line-up. At 5 minutes 15 seconds this is a long chart, and makes for a great vocal feature. Lead alto doubles clarinet. Keys: Db, D, Eb.



Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-1456 This tune was originally written for the Rat Pack-esque film Robin and the Seven Hoods. Wonderfully melodic and visually exciting in concert, it was Sinatra’s theme tune for some 15 years, his show-stopper and frequent show-ender. This version is transcribed from Billy May’s version from Sinatra at the Sands with the Basie Band. It’s all here: the creamy opening verse with the lush brass voicings leading into the punchy swing of the main vocal, with the successive modulations from F to G to Ab and the powerhouse modal riffs to finish. The lead alto doubles flute. Keys: F/G/Ab



Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2111 One of Sinatra’s most enduring hits, the theme from New York, New York is also one of his most memorable, and will be immediately familiar to all audiences from the moment that the band kicks off the signature opening. Transcribed beautifully by Jon Harpin from the original Don Costa chart, this arrangement has all the elements - the slick key change, the shifts in tempo and Sinatra’s vocal line in full - making this chart an absolute must-have tune. The vocal keys are D to Eb and no sax doubles.


***NEW*** [VOCAL]

Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2109 Frank Sinatra and Count Basie combined brilliantly on their 1962 album ‘SinatraBasie,’ featuring arrangements by Neal Hefti. From Basie’s opening intro right to the last note this chart was and still is a classic. It has been transcribed here by Jon Harpin, and adapted from the original 5 trumpet 3 trombone studio line-up, to a more regular 4-4 section, with the bass trombone on 3rd and an optional 4th trombone part. The vocal key is Ab and there are no sax doubles.




Arranged by Jon Harpin Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2121 This version of You Make Me Feel So Young is the one performed by Frank Sinatra with the Count Basie Orchestra on the “Sinatra at the Sands” album, later re-issued on the Reprise collection, and it is arguably one of Sinatra’s finest numbers. The original Quincy Jones chart has been wonderfully transcribed and adapted (for 8 brass) by Jon Harpin, and includes the muted trumpet solo written out, and all of the little licks and fills on the drum part which add so much punch. The vocal keys are G and Ab, and there are no sax doubles.



Arranged by Dick Burlant Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2012 This was recorded by Frank Sinatra in December 1960 for the Ring-a-Ding album, but remained unreleased until 1990 when the master tapes of the original recording were rediscovered. This chart is a Sinatra gem, and even includes the rarely-heard opening verse. Beautifully transcribed and adapted by Jon Harpin from the original Johnny Mandel arrangement, to incorporate the strings back into a regular big band line-up, this chart is unique and deserves a place in everyone’s library. Lead alto doubles clarinet briefly. Vocal key: Db

MISC. INSTRUMENTALS CHUCHO Transcribed by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-1004 Chu Cho is a wonderful Latin number, from the pen of the great Paquito D’Rivera, written for Mario Bauza and his Afro-Cuban Orchestra. This tune simply oozes style, and also offers a chance to show off the improvisation skills of your lead alto (or tenor), baritone and lead trombone.

ONE NOTE SAMBA Arranged by Wally Menard Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-1083 One Note Samba has been done many a time, usually in a straight-ahead, slightly dull, gentle Latin feel. Not this version! Wally Menard has pulled off a really creative job of writing to give this chart a totally unique signature. It kicks off with a trumpet/ trombone answer-back intro, followed by unison saxes, and trumpets to establish the tune, all the while with backings building up throughout the first chorus. Then comes a complete change of feel and form in the middle of the chart. Unison trombones, baritone and rhythm, overlaid with saxes and screaming trumpet figures build and build until, with a tangible feeling of relief, the chart collapses back into a gentle Latin feel.


Transcribed by John Ferguson Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2114 Sinatra recorded this song a number of times during his career, but the most swinging version was the Billy May arrangement that John Ferguson has transcribed here. In typical May style, it is punchy, crisp and offers a great balance between the vocal passages and some fine ensemble work. Not too long, at a shade over 2 minutes, this is a memorable chart and a must for all Sinatra lovers. There are no sax doubles in this chart and the vocal key is C.




Transcribed by Jon Harpin Medium Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2026 Another great tune from Frank Sinatra’s Reprise days. The original version of this chart featured female backing vocals and a Leslie-style organ. We appreciate that this limits the playability of such an arrangement, so Jon Harpin has creatively transcribed and re-scored for a standard big band line-up. The backing vocals are shared between a quartet of 2 saxes, trumpet & trombone, and the opening organ solo has also been scored into the sax parts should your pianist not have the appropriate bag of tricks to make a nice organ noise. There are no sax doubles and the brass ranges are moderate to low. Vocal key: G, Ab

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Arranged by Myles Collins Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-99998 A big band version of the Average White Band hit, following the same structure as the original. This number is just a real laid-back groove. The saxes take the main riff with trombones and guitar backing. The chart really needs an electric bass, especially a bassist who can slap. There’s solo space for anyone in the sax or brass sections, and the vocal line of ‘Pick Up the Pieces’ is cued in too!

POR UNA CABEZA Arranged by Myles Collins Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2099 Por Una Cabeza is the famous Argentinian Tango from the film ‘Scent of a Woman’. Our arrangement is very easy to play, with low brass ranges, yet makes for great Tango. The verse is played by flute, 2 clarinets, a muted trumpet & rhythm section, with the whole band entering for the Tango ‘chorus’. This chart will make a useful addition to any library, for those rare occasions when someone asks you to play a Tango. The saxes are scored as flute, 2 clarinets, tenor & baritone.

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Featured H O L I D AVideos Y ARRANGEMENTS ADESTE FIDELES (OH COME ALL YE FAITHFUL) Arranged by Dave Aaberg Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62507 A driving shuffle groove a la Killer Joe makes this traditional Christmas tune really come to life. Features alto sax and keyboard solos in high-energy settings. Also has a brief out section. Lead trumpet to written G5. Recorded on the Trilogy Big Band Does Christmas.

ADESTE FIDELES Arranged by Stan Kenton Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-605 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is more traditional in scope, but it is filled with wonderful, lush harmonies and the Kenton style of arranging. The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-604 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a smash hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music.This particular arrangement is one of the more traditional of the Kenton holiday charts. It does have a swinging section, and it works very well! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. They work quite well! From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

AULD LANG SYNE Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $40.00 Cat: 62519 This is a great trumpet feature. This starts out as a pretty rock ballad and ends on a high note so to speak. Again the lead trumpet player can play the really high stuff down an octave. This is a great chart to bring in the new year! Recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

AULD LANG SYNE Arranged by by Bob Florence Difficult $40.00 Cat: 50303 A touching treatment of a song that works at any time of the year. An a cappella trombone soli states the melody, then the baritone sax is featured as the rhythm section accompanies with some lovely substitution chords. Some sax doubles.



BETHLEHEM AND JOY [O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM/ JOY TO THE WORLD] Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Difficult $48.00 Cat: 62529 O Little Town of Bethlehem begins with a rubato chorale with flugelhorn lead. 4 flutes and 2nd tenor has clarinet double. First time through is acappella. Second verse is a trombone solo with piano accompaniment for 12 bars. The whole chart has no other rhythm section. Joy to the World has trumpet lead. Straight forward acappella is cut time. Broadens into 4 at the end. 5/4/4 and piano. Score included. Recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on Big Band Christmas.

CHRISTMAS CLASSICS VOL. 1 Arranged by Peter Blair Medium $48.00 Cat: HERTM60/1086H This collection includes four complete arrangements in contrasting styles. They are designed to sound great using a minimum of rehearsal time. The tunes are: We Three Kings; The First Noel; Silent Night; and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.

CHRISTMAS MEDLEY Arranged by Stan Kenton Difficult $59.00 Cat: SMP-580 As recorded by the Stan Kenton Orchestra on Merry Christmas, this chart has optional saxophone parts which nicely cover the french horn parts (originally written for only brass and rhythm section). The medley contains six carols. Instrumentation is 5 horns, 4 tpts , 4 tbns, tuba, piano, bass, drums and opt. chimes. Solo for piano only.

CHRISTMAS SONG Arranged by Bob Lowden Easy $35.00 Cat: 805184 This is one of the best-loved holiday favorites, here arranged as a ballad.





AWAY IN A MANGER Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Difficult $30.00 Cat: 62528 This brass-only arrangement is written for 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, and 2 horns. It is in a traditional style brass chorale. The chords are lush and rich. No rhythm or sax parts. French horn parts are necessary. Score included. Recorded by Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass on Big Band Christmas.



Arranged by Jerry Nowak Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500377 This holiday favorite is a must to feature on your holiday concert! This begins in A flat and modulates to B flat.

Arranged by Rick Hirsch Medium $38.00 Cat: 62532 You can’t play a New Year’s gig without it, and this version swings with a little room to stretch and a great out-chorus. Lead trumpet to written D above staff with optional high G.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62525 Hold on to your elfs! An up-tempo jazz waltz featuring the tenor sax or soprano sax. Recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.


Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-99768 Ours is the great Johnny Mercer & Margaret Whiting version of this classic vocal duet. The chart itself relies on the interplay and chemistry between your two vocalists. The band backings are easy and add just the right amount of punch when needed. In this arrangement the saxes are all written to play clarinets, but recognizing that not all sax players double clarinets all of the sax parts are double-sided, so that one side is as written and the reverse side is scored for a regular sax section: this way you will have more flexibility. The brass ranges are moderate and the chart is very playable and makes a great vocal feature. Female Vocal Range: Ab3 -Bb4; male vocal range: Ab2 -Eb43 -B4; Vocal key: Db


Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: 7500089 The touching and beautiful ballad from A Charlie Brown Christmas makes a wonderful addition to your holiday concert featuring a vocal soloist. Key of C.

Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62526 This is yet another Samba full of the Christmas spirit. Recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

DECK THE HALLS Arranged by Ted Blumenthal Difficult $42.00 Cat: 3229 This creative arrangement of the popular Welsh Air is featured on The Adventures In Jazz Orchestra Celebrates Christmas CD. The holiday classic has been arranged in the funk style for jazz band. As Ted puts it, Deck The Halls is a party song, and the party has a rockin’ big band! This is one party you won’t want to miss!



DECK THE HALLS Arranged by Mike Crotty Difficult $60.00 Cat: 62503 Slow bluesy feel. Duet for bass trombone and bass. Solo for trombone 3. Alto sax 1, tenor sax 1 and 2 double clarinet. Recorded by the U.S.A.F. Airmen of Note.

THE FIRST NOEL Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium $42.00 Cat: SMP-807 Curnow has adapted the amazing vocal arrangements of David Maddux for the jazz ensemble. This arrangement moves through many variations of this most lovely of melodies. The music is not difficult to play, and it has a very hip, sophisticated, lush harmonic sound.

FROSTY THE SNOW MAN Arranged by Michael Sweeney Easy $35.00 Cat: 8721405 Be sure to bring the hip side of Frosty to your next holiday event with this swingin’ version for beginning groups. Including short solos for trumpet that can also be played as section features, this chart is easy to learn and fun to play.

GOD REST YE MERRY GENTLEMEN Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-606 The 1961 Capitol Records recording of Christmas music was a hit for Kenton. It contained arrangements by Kenton and (mostly) Ralph Carmichael of traditional Christmas music. This particular arrangement is one of the jazzier ones on the album. It swings like crazy! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts.

GOD REST YE MERRY GENTLEMEN Arranged by Mike Crotty Difficult $53.00 Cat: 62501 Up-tempo jazz 3/4 featuring flugelhorn solo. Alto sax 1 doubles clarinet and soprano, alto 2 doubles flute, tenor sax 1 doubles flute, tenor 2 doubles clarinet, and baritone sax doubles bass clarinet. Recorded by the U.S.A.F. Airmen of Note.

GOD REST YE MERRY GENTLEMEN Arranged by Rick Hirsch Medium Difficult $47.00 Cat: 62535 Traditional Christmas tune treated as a groovy up-tempo swing. G minor solo section is open for soloists. Well-written backgrounds superimpose We Three Kings over this chord progression. Optional clarinet, vibes, and French horn parts included.

GOD REST YE MERRY TROMBONES Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62518 This one will warm up the old yule log! This up-tempo jazz chart features the trombone section and a lot of great ensemble. Recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band.

GOOD KING WENCESLAS Arranged by Mike Crotty Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 625131 A swinging up-tempo version of a familiar old Christmas tune. This often humorous arrangement features a trumpet and baritone duet playing the head, a trumpet solo, and lots of ensemble playing with drum solos interspersed throughout.

GOOD KING WENCESLAS Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-639 This arrangement is from Kenton’s Merry Christmas album. It swings like crazy! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts.

GOOD KING WENCESLAS Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium Difficult $45.00 Cat: 8720637 Arranger Mark Taylor has put great touches on this holiday classic.

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HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS GREENSLEEVES Arranged by Dave Metzger Difficult $48.00 Cat: 51474 Tasteful jazz waltz treatment featuring your pianist (optional solo parts are included for trumpet/flugelhorn, alto sax, and trombone which work equally well). Chart works anytime during the year, as well as on your winter/Christmas concert (subtitled What Child Is This). Recorded by the Kicks Band on Alive and Kickin’.

HARK THE HERALD Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62517 This is a pretty rock ballad that features the lead trumpet. The real high trumpet stuff at the end may be played down an octave. Recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.

HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS/ [VOCAL] SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Advanced $65.00 Cat: LL-2011 This is a tough, storming swing chart from the talented Linda Eder. The arrangement is a medley of Here Comes Santa Claus and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. The opening is memorable, there is a solo spot for lead alto and a surprise change of feel in the middle taken from Sing Sing Sing and Oh Tannenbaum which leads into the second half of the medley. This is a huge chart. If your band can pull it off it will be a showstopper. Both altos double flutes, both tenors double clarinets and the baritone doubles bass clarinet, though we have also cued this passage with notes for the baritone in case a bass clarinet is unavailable. Vocal range: F3 -Eb5; keys: Db, Bb, C

HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS (RIGHT DOWN SANTA CLAUS LANE) Arranged by Paul Lavender Medium Easy $35.00 Cat: 8724956 One of the all-time holiday favorites, this lively and happy song is perfect for your band’s first winter concert. Arranged to sound full and with every section given a chance to play the melody, this will quickly become a favorite!

HERE WE COME A WASSELING! Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $53.00 Cat: 62533 Look out-we’ve never wasseled like this before! This one is difficult. Very good high school or very good college with lots of meter changes but wow what a burner! Tenor feature, high trumpet F.Very fast 3/4 jazz in a 1 feel! Well worth the effort! This is from the third Christmas CD from the Tom Kubis Big Band.

THE HOLLY AND THE IVY Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-642 This arrangement, from Kenton’s Merry Christmas album (1961) is a great deal of fun to play. It moves through different keys, and it has a lot of interesting variations in it. A terrific chart! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts.



Arranged by Alan Glasscock Medium $65.00 Cat: LL-2104 Home for the Holidays is a seasonal vocal chart, written for a boy/girl duet, though equally suitable as a solo vocal feature. This classy arrangement from Alan Glasscock moves along with a punchy swing feel, and modulates up chromatically from concert Bb to C. At 2 minutes 20 secs it is not a long chart, but is as long as it needs to be. A fun and festive chart which everyone will enjoy. The vocal keys are Bb to B to C, and there are no sax doubles. The 4th trombone is bass.

IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62521 This is a solo flugelhorn 3/4 ballad nicely reharmonized with lush chords and backgrounds. A bit on the bluesy side! Recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band.

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HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR Arranged by John Labarbera Difficult $42.00 Cat: 2975 John says in his score notes that directors should think Basie with just a touch of Bach and the chart will play itself. Piano interjects solo material in several places, including a pair of straight-8th interludes for stylistic contrast.

IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR Arranged by Steve Herold Medium Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62511 A Basie-style medium swing that features the full ensemble. Solos are for flute (on tenor 1) and trombone. Tenor 1 doubles on flute. Lead trumpet is demanding.



Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Difficult $65.00 Cat: LL-2016 Here’s a bit of Christmas cheer, courtesy of Bing Crosby and the inimitable Andrews Sisters. This chart is just happy and fun from start to finish. Written for a male vocal and female vocal trio, it is equally well suited to a male/female duo. Full of quirky little fills and backings from the band which complement rather than outshine the vocalists, plus a cameo baritone sax solo, this chart is perfect for injecting a little festive cheer. Both altos are on clarinets, the brass ranges are very moderate (lead trumpet only up to an A) and the vocal ranges are not challenging. Vocal key: Eb

JINGLE BELLS Arranged by Tom Kubis Medium $52.00 Cat: 62534 Bass trombone feature on this old Christmas standard. This is a medium swing version featuring the bass trombone all the way through the chart. The ensemble and bass trombone trade off throughout the chart. Lead trumpet to high E.

JINGLE BELLS Arranged by Mike Crotty Difficult $60.00 Cat: 62500 A funk version of this Christmas favorite. It features EVI Wind controller (substitute Bb part included), and electric bass. Alto sax 1 doubles piccolo, and tenor 1 doubles flute.

JOY TO THE WORLD Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62522 A rousing Samba and a great tune to open a Christmas concert with!

LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Medium-swing arrangement for vocal soloist.

[VOCAL] Cat: 8721720

O CHRISTMAS TREE Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62514 This medium-swing chart starts with piano and moves into a harmon trumpet solo. As always, plenty of great ensemble to get you into that great yule spirit!

O CHRISTMAS TREE Arranged by Steve Herold Difficult $53.00 Cat: 62510 This is a ballad feature for the bass. Time shifts from 3/4 to 4/4 and back. Horn and rhythm parts are easy. Sax doubles: 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 1 oboe (includes an opt. soprano sax part as substitute for the oboe).

O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL/ O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62523 A two-trumpet feature playing these two great Christmas standards in a ballad style. Recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band on A Jazz Musician’s Christmas.


O COME, O COME, EMMANUEL Arranged by Chuck Tumlinson Difficult $53.00 Cat: 62508 This haunting melody is given a modern poly-chordal and mixed meter treatment. Lead alto doubles on soprano (with optional English horn), other saxes double on flute and clarinet. Solos for soprano (lead) sax and piano.

O HOLY NIGHT Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $37.00 Cat: SMP-607 This arrangement is more traditional in scope, but it is filled with wonderful, lush harmonies and the Kenton style of arranging. The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. From Kenton’s Merry Christmas recording.

O HOLY NIGHT Arranged by Tom Kubis Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62524 This is a high note, first trumpet feature. A very thrilling and exciting vehicle for the lead trumpet. High parts may be played down an octave.

O HOLY NIGHT Arranged by Mike Crotty Difficult $60.00 Cat: 62502 Progressive jazz waltz with extensive trombone solo. The opening and closing feature a free piano solo. Alto sax doubles clarinet and soprano, tenor 1 doubles flute, and baritone doubles bass clarinet. Recorded by the Trilogy Big Band.

O, TANNENBAUM Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $37.00 Cat: SMP-608 This arrangement is one of the simpler charts, but it is beautiful. The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and auxiliary percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts. From Kenton’s Merry Christmas.



Transcribed by Alan Glasscock Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2015 A cheeky and fun vocal number, originally by Eartha Kitt, though later covered by Madonna. This arrangement draws inspiration from both, without losing any of the essence. Whilst predominantly used as a Christmas song, this chart is good in any set, any time of the year! There are some sax doubles: altos 1 & 2 and the baritone are on clarinets throughout, with both tenors staying on tenor. Baritone players are not famous for clarinet skills, so an extra sax 4 part (turning the baritone into the 2nd tenor part) has been included so that one of your tenor players can take the clarinet part instead. Female vocal range: Ab3-Ab4; Vocal Key: Db

SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN [VOCAL] Arranged by Dave Wolpe Medium Difficult $40.00 Cat: SS9001 You’d better watch out, because Dave Wolpe’s up-tempo arrangement of this holiday favorite really brings Santa to town! This one features the vocalist in a special way and includes a tenor sax solo part which can be substituted for the vocal part. Key of G.

SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN Arranged by Mike Lewis Medium Easy $40.00 Cat: JEM03011 Mike Lewis has taken this tune and placed it at the ability level of the young jazz player. Logical swing figures, written out or ad-libbed solos for tenor sax and piano, along with lots of ensemble make this chart essential. Toss in a few modulations and you have the perfect holiday swing chart that is accessible.

SILENT AND MIDNIGHT Arranged by Rob McConnell Medium Difficult $65.00 Cat: 62530 This chart begins with a cappella brass, later joined by 4 flutes and a bass clarinet. Written out lead in alto 2. Silent Night is where the rhythm section joins in with a jazz waltz feel. Guitar has solo fills and a solo section. Recorded by Rob McConnell.



SILENT NIGHT Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62515 This powerful and pretty ballad features the lead trumpet player. The extreme high notes on the solo part towards the end may be played down an octave.

SILENT NIGHT Arranged by Mike Crotty Difficult $53.00 Cat: 62504 Ballad feature for flugel with double time solo section. Alto sax 1 and 2 double clari, tenor 1 doubles flute and clarinet, tenor 2 doubles clarinet, bari doubles bass clari.



Arranged by Bob Curnow Medium $42.00 Cat: SMP-806 This arrangement moves through many variations of this most lovely of melodies. This is not difficult to play, and it has a very hip, sophisticated, lush harmonic sound.

SILENT NIGHT Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 30925113 Outstanding holiday programming! This setting is both reverent and contemporary.

SILVER BELLS Arranged by George Stone Medium $40.00 Cat: 7010070 Here’s a great sounding Latin treatment of one of the best holiday songs ever written.This chart features creative harmonies and very reasonable technical demands.

SLEIGH RIDE Arranged by Mike Lewis Medium Difficult $50.00 Cat: JEM00022 Mike has used a rhythm section pedal note pattern behind the melody, giving this classic a brand new life. This chart moves along at a bright swing tempo, yet the brass demands are very reasonable with 1st trumpet to D and lead trombone up to A. A big shout chorus and no jazz solos-just ensemble and section work galore keeps your band thinking, playing and swinging together throughout this exciting chart.


HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS WE THREE KINGS Arranged by Mike Crotty Difficult $53.00 Cat: 62506 Straight-ahead 3/4 featuring the ensemble. Solos are for guitar and trombone. Alto 1 doubles soprano, clarinet, and piccolo; alto 2 doubles clarinet; tenor 1 doubles flute and alto flute; tenor 2 doubles clarinet; and baritone doubles bass clarinet.

WHAT AREYOU DOING NEWYEAR’S EVE [VOCAL] Arranged by Jon Harpin Easy $65.00 Cat: LL-2105 This lovely ballad arrangement features lush band voicings, with muted brass throughout. The 4th trumpet is really a solo obligato part, behind the vocal where appropriate. The 1st alto had a couple of bars of clarinet double in the intro, but apart from that there are no other sax doubles. The brass ranges are very moderate, and the vocal would suit most male or female vocalists. The vocal key is Eb to E.

WHAT CHILD IS THIS (GREENSLEEVES) Arranged by Mike Crotty Difficult $60.00 Cat: 62505 Tremendous feature for guitar. Rubato opening and closing for 1 or 2 guitars. Tempo changes from easy groove to jazz waltz. Solos are for guitar & alto. No doubles.

WHAT CHILD IS THIS? (GREENSLEEVES) Arranged by Steve Herold Difficult $55.00 Cat: 62512 This is a very fast swing. The tempo should be as fast as possible. Arrangement centers around the alto and tenor soloists. Each soloist gets an extended section by themselves, then they trade 16s, 8s, etc. Solo section can be easily altered to feature only one soloist. Strong soloists and rhythm section are a must.



Arranged by Roger Holmes Medium $40.00 Cat: 7500043 You can’t go wrong with one of the best holiday songs ever written. This chart will bring out the best in your vocalist, and will bring smiles to your audience. Key: B flat.


Transcribed by David Berger Medium $50.00 Cat: JLCM03006 From the Jazz at Lincoln Center Library collection. This transcription is direct from the recordings of Duke Ellington, and they are not only authentic, they are perfect for your jazz ensemble. Features information about the original recording, rehearsal notes from Jon Faddis and Brent Wallarab, and performance suggestions from Wynton Marsalis. This was recorded in 1960 and is from the Nutcracker Suite. Instrumentation: 5/4/3/2 - no piano or guitar parts. Saxophone 3 doubles on clarinet.

Arranged by Mark Taylor Medium $40.00 Cat: 30925091 Enhance any holiday concert with Mark’s smooth light bossa treatment.



Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-610 This arrangement is one of the more complex charts on Kenton’s Christmas album. It goes through a series of meters and textures and ends up with a no-holds-barred swinging section at the end. A great chart! The original arrangements were written for 4 tpts, 4 mellophoniums, 4 tbns, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and aux. percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts.

WINTER WONDERLAND Arranged by Dave Wolpe Medium $50.00 Cat: JE9924 This chart includes solos for tbn, tpt, & tenor. The ensemble writing is superb. It sounds a lot harder than it plays, and it will come together with little rehearsal time.

Arranged by Gordon Goodwin Medium Difficult $53.00 Cat: 62531 From the pretty opening chorale, to the Basiesque statement of the theme, to the fast bebop variations and a cappela horn solis, this chart will showcase precise ensemble work. Some sax doubles.

WE THREE KINGS Arranged by Tom Kubis Advanced $55.00 Cat: 62516 This is a hard and fast Jazz waltz. Recorded by the Tom Kubis Big Band.

WE THREE KINGS Arranged by Ralph Carmichael Medium Difficult $52.00 Cat: SMP-611 This arrangement swings like crazy! The original arrangements were written for 4 trumpets, 4 mellophoniums, 4 trombones, tuba, keyboard, bass, drums and percussion. Also included are saxophone parts which take the place of the mellophonium parts.

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CAT # DP-1080 DP-1108 DP-1067 DP-1017 DP-1066 DP-1109 DP-1037 DP-1077 DP-1110 DP-1056 DP-1041 DP-1141 DP-1081 DP-1111 DP-1028 DP-1090 DP-1112 DP-1071 DP-1050 DP-1083 DP-1046 DP-1012 DP-1047 DP-1099 DP-1107 DP-1092 DP-1044 DP-1113 DP-1114 DP-1095 DP-1033 DP-1115 DP-1116 DP-1025 DP-1117 DP-1019 DP-1079 DP-1100 DP-1022 DP-1002 DP-1021 DP-1075 DP-1098 DP-1043 DP-1118 DP-1049 DP-1086 DP-1119 DP-1120 DP-1070 DP-1069 DP-1121 DP-1122 DP-1059 DP-1123 DP-1124 DP-1057 DP-1015 DP-1024 DP-1039 DP-1001 DP-1068 DP-1073 DP-1006 DP-1060 DP-1125 DP-1051 DP-1076 DP-1096 DP-1104 DP-1072

- NOTES ON THE DAVE PELL OCTET ARRANGEMENTS We are very pleased to be able to offer these historic, classic Dave Pell Octet arrangements. These charts are reproductions of the actual ones that were used on his famous recordings. All arrangements feature the classic Dave Pell Octet instrumentation of: - Tenor Saxophone - Baritone Saxophone - Trumpet - Trombone - Piano - Bass - Drums - Guitar Arrangers include: Shorty Rogers, Jack Montrose, Marty Paich, Johnny Mandel, Andre Previn, Bill Holman, Harry Betts, Bob Florence,Wes Hensel, and others. Please note that these are self-produced by Dave Pell himself and are photocopies of the originals.





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CAT # DP-1094 DP-1126 DP-1014 DP-1085 DP-1042 DP-1089 DP-1102 DP-1003 DP-1127 DP-1031 DP-1007 DP-1063 DP-1010 DP-1128 DP-1129 DP-1040 DP-1130 DP-1101 DP-1008 DP-1105 DP-1131 DP-1132 DP-1093 DP-1097 DP-1038 DP-1103 DP-1013 DP-1004 DP-1027 DP-1133 DP-1087 DP-1032 DP-1074 DP-1034 DP-1055 DP-1134 DP-1135 DP-1058 DP-1064 DP-1136 DP-1061 DP-1005 DP-1030 DP-1036 DP-1088 DP-1106 DP-1023 DP-1062 DP-1137 DP-1020 DP-1029 DP-1078 DP-1011 DP-1026 DP-1091 DP-1052 DP-1138 DP-1139 DP-1009 DP-1082 DP-1065 DP-1048 DP-1035 DP-1018 DP-1140 DP-1053 DP-1141 DP-1084 DP-1054 DP-1045 DP-1016

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CUSTOMER SERVICE Ordering Info: ORDER BY PHONE: 1-518-587-1102 We will be happy to assist you 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST, M-F

ORDER ONLINE: Visit www.ejazzlines.com to view our complete catalog online. You will be able to check out sale items that don’t appear in our printed catalog. We offer a secure and private environment in which to browse and purchase. In addition, there are full descriptions, sound samples, and score samples for the items listed in this catalog.

ORDER BY FAX: 1-518-587-2325 To use our 24-hour fax order line, just complete the order form, including payment information, and fax it to us. There is no need to phone us to confirm your order. If you provide an email address on your fax, on request we will send you an email confirming your order and then another one when your order is shipped.

PAYMENT METHODS: We accept checks, money orders, credit cards (Mastercard,Visa, Discover, and American Express) and purchase orders from U.S. institutions. All credit card information that you provide is kept strictly confidential and is processed in a secure environment. If you are paying by check, please allow 7 business days for your check to clear.

DO YOU ACCEPT PURCHASE ORDERS? Yes, we accept purchase orders from recognized U.S. institutions. Please complete the order form with your selections as well as your purchase order number. Additionally, you can fax or mail your own completed official purchase order form to us. Please make sure you indicate both billing and shipping addresses.

WHEN WILL MY ORDER BE SHIPPED? We make every effort to process orders as quickly as possible; indeed, many go out the same day as placed. Usually, orders containing readily available items will be shipped within 2 to 3 business days, while most orders containing out-of-stock items will ship within 7-14 days, with some exceptions as detailed below. For all orders placed online we will always let you know within five business days when you can expect your order if it has not already been shipped. We try to make as many jazz-related items available as possible. Many of our arrangements are either imports or are self-produced by the arranger. Due to this, shipping times for some items may depend on the availability and/or travel schedule of the arranger. All of these arranger/musicians are actively working and touring so there may be a delay in re-stocking their arrangements. If there will be a significant delay in shipping an item you have ordered, we will let you know.

WHAT IF I WANT SOMETHING THAT I DON’T SEE LISTED ANYWHERE, OR SOMETHING THAT ISN’T JAZZ? We have a wide network of suppliers for arrangements, CDs, videos, books, and all types of sheet music, ranging from the million-sellers to the most obscure. Please let us know if you did not find what you were looking for.

SHIPPING RATES: ejazzlines.com packages all orders by hand using the utmost care, and utilizing carefully selected, custom-sized, and many recycled and recyclable materials. Everything is always guaranteed to arrive in the condition you expect. We offer USPS and UPS shipping options, which are listed below; please call, email, or check our website for all overnight and international shipping prices: we offer many choices. UPS shipping includes a tracking number and insurance. Also please note that for all orders shipped to PO boxes, USPS must be used. Time of delivery is from when items are shipped, not from when an order is placed. See above for shipping time information.

Amount of Order

$24.99 AND LESS $25.00 TO $49.99 $50.00 TO $99.99 $100.00 TO $149.99 $150.00 TO $199.99 $200.00 AND OVER


USPS Media Mail (4-14 days for delivery)

$3.50 $4.50 $5.50 $7.50 $9.00 $11.00

USPS Priority Mail (2-3 days)

$5.50 $7.00 $8.50 $11.00 $13.00 $16.00


UPS Ground (2-6 days)

$7.00 $8.00 $9.50 $12.00 $14.50 $17.50






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