OODJ Assignment
Short Description
OODJ Degree Year 1 Documentation...
Hand In Date
28th August 2014
Lim Keng Liang
Student ID
Lecturer’s Name
Mr. Vazeerudeen Abdul Hameed
Contents 1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Use Case Diagram................................................................................................ 4 2.0 Use Case Specifications........................................................................................ 5 Order Class Diagram............................................................................................... 5 Invoice Class Diagram............................................................................................. 5 Engineer Class Diagram.......................................................................................... 6 Customer Class Diagram......................................................................................... 6 3.0 System Implementation....................................................................................... 7 Classes and Objects................................................................................................ 7 Inheritance.............................................................................................................. 7 4.0 User Interface....................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Admin Login...................................................................................................... 8 5.0 Object Oriented Concepts..................................................................................11 5.1 Objects............................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Classes............................................................................................................... 12 5.3 Inheritance......................................................................................................... 12 5.4 Encapsulation..................................................................................................... 13 5.5 Advantages of using Object Oriented Programming...........................................14 6.0 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 14
1.0 Introduction INSPECT-RICALS is an electrical contracting company whose business areas involve domestic electrical wiring and installation services. The firm provides installation and inspection services of wiring and electricity circuits within an apartment or condominium. Hence, the firm requires a system to help record customer details, assign tasks, generate invoices and other fields that the company sees fit. In this system, there are four types of login classifications, mainly administrator, managers, clerks and engineers. Each has different accessibility and user management functions depending on the type of user that is logged in. Each user is to his or her own account and has an equal share in responsibility in the company. In the documentation, Object Oriented Programming Concepts will be explained, accompanied with sample codes that will be used in the system. UML diagrams such as class diagrams and use case diagrams will be shown in the documentation for more thorough explanation and data representation.
1.1 Use Case Diagram
Based on the use case diagram as shown above, there are four “actors” or users that are involved in the Electrical Installation and Inspection Management System directly, which are administrator, clerk, manager and engineer. There is generalization in relationships between actors, as shown in the manager actor, who inherits his functions from the admin actor.
2.0 Use Case Specifications Order Class Diagram Order -order: int -date: int -NoRooms: int -Followup: int -TAppliance: String -TService: String - time : String + Order (String time, long IC, int orderNo, int Date, String cName, String cAdd, int NoRooms, int EID,String TAppliance, String EngName, int Followup, String TService) + getFollowup () : int + getNoRooms () : int + gettime () : String + getorderNo () : int + getdate () : int + getTService () : String + getTAppliance () : String
Invoice Class Diagram Invoice - invoiceNo : int - invStatus : String + Invoice (int invoiceNo, String invStatus, int orderNo, String time, long IC, int date, String cAdd, int NoRooms, int EID, String TAppliance, String EngName, int Followup, String TService) + getinvoiceNo() : int + getinvStatus() : String
Engineer Class Diagram Engineer - EngineerName : String - EngineerID : int + Engineer (String EngineerName, int EngineerID) + getEngineerName() : String + getEngineerID() : int
Customer Class Diagram Customer - custIC : long - custName : String - custAdd : String - custph : String - custemail : String + Customer (Long custID, String custph, String custName, String custAdd, String custemail) + getcustemail () : String + getcustph () : String + getcustIC () : long + getcustName () : String
3.0 System Implementation Classes and Objects
4.0 User Interface 4.1 Admin Login
Figure 4.1.1 Admin HomePage
Figure 4.2.2 Customer Information
Figure 4.2.3 User Management
5.0 Object Oriented Concepts An object is a software bundle that is of related state and behavior. A class is a prototype from which objects are derived from. Object Oriented Programming is a type of programming in which programmers define the data type of a data structure and also the operations carried out or that can be applied to the data structure. The main purpose of Object Oriented Programming is to enable objects that can interact with other objects to create a different result. There are many reasons for programmers to choose Object Oriented Programming. Below are some of the prime examples of why Object Oriented Programming is favoured: 1. Evolution – as technology continues to evolve, so does programming. This applies to Object Oriented Programming as well. Despite the rapid development, there is still much to learn about Object Oriented Programming. 2. Basic Understanding- the more a user uses Object Oriented Programming, the better a user will be. 3. Ease of Access-Object Oriented Programming is easier to use and access compared to other programming techniques.
5.1 Objects Objects are based off models or a concept similar to real life. Each real life object has its own characteristics and behaviors, examples being humans who are not identical, despite maybe having similar surnames. Objects in Object Oriented Programming are similar to that. The only difference being that objects in OOP are abstract and non-existent, but they still can be used to simulate real life features in a system. An object that has many occurrences can be written once, and then duplicated, making OOP favoured because the written code can be reused or altered to be used in another system or function.
5.2 Classes In Object Oriented Programming, a class is a collection of objects that have the same common properties. Every object must be specified to a class. The main purpose of a class is to provide structure for objects created in the system, as all objects have shape, meaning they are set values that can represent something in the real life if group together. A class has mainly two parts, mainly the header and the body. The class header will always include the word “class” in the hardcodes followed by the name of the class, which can be named as the user sees fit. This is to help differentiate and identify classes and their properties.
5.3 Inheritance Inheritance is the extension of one class by another class. In the process, the inheriting class obtains all data and information as well as the methods from the parent class, also known as the super class. The child class can redefine functions it has inherited from its parent class.
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5.4 Encapsulation
child class has one parent but a parent can have multiple inheritances, meaning multiple child Benefits of inheritance in are the reusage from the parent which was inherited into child class. This coding work a simpler as the reused multiple
Encapsulation is the method of packing functions and data types into a single component, hence the term encapsulation. In programming terms, encapsulation is packing functions and data types to secure its integrity. Encapsulation has three different security levels, namely private, protected and public. Encapsulation is used in the declaration of a private class. Once a class is declared private, it is not accessible by anyone outside the class. The access of the private class can only be done by using public methods or class constructors. This method is also known as data hiding. For protected encapsulation, only a set number of classes and classes inheriting from said class is able to access the data and functions in that class, whereas in public, any function can access the class. The benefits of using encapsulation include anonymity when modifying case sensitive objects, such as ID and password of a system. Encapsulation also provides security as private classes cannot be accessed and altered by third party members.
5.5 Advantages of using Object Oriented Programming Below are some of the reasons why Object Oriented Programming is favoured by programmers: 1. Maintenance- allows easy maintenance and to edit or alter existing codes or projects if they are to be of use later in the future. 2. Reusing of codes- Codes that have been created in the past can be reused when creating a new project as the object contains the key components of both data and function. This method is known as encapsulation 3. Time factor – Reusing of codes means less work for programmers, meaning it is efficient and effective at the same time, as a program can be developed faster 4. Modular structure- easy to understand skeleton of program, meaning easier to define abstracts in codes where implementation and case sensitive codes are hidden.
6.0 Conclusion There is plenty to learn from completing this assignment. One of the main concepts is object oriented programming, with samples such as encapsulation and inheritance. By using a GUI interface it makes the system so much more usable and understandable. Programmers are able to focus on the design of a system to give the user a better sense of understanding on how a system works. In conclusion, object oriented is easier to develop and has better GUI applications. It is worth leaning and applying to a system whether large scale or smaller scale.
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