OnScreen B1 PLUS TB Separat

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Teacher’s Book

Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley


Contents Vocabulary Module 1 Living Together  (pp. 5-20) Language Knowledge 1 (pp. 16-17) Language Focus 1 (p. 18) Progress Check 1 (pp. 19-20)

Module 2 Survival (pp. 21-36) Language Knowledge 2 (pp. 32-33) Language Focus 2 (p. 34) Progress Check 2 (pp. 35-36) Module 3 Work (pp. 37-52) Language Knowledge 3 (pp. 48-49) Language Focus 3 (p. 50) Progress Check 3 (pp. 51-52) Module 4 Entertainment (pp. 53-68) Language 4 (pp. 64-65) Language Knowledge Focus 4 (p. 66) Progress Check 4 (pp. 67-68) Module 5 Can you help? (pp. 69-84) Language Knowledge 5 (pp. 80-81) Language Focus 5 (p. 82) Progress Check 5 (pp. 83-84) Module 6 Don’t be afraid! (pp. 85-100) Language Knowledge 6 (pp. 96-97) Language Focus 6 (p. 98) Progress Check 6 (pp. 99-100) Module 7 Health & Food (pp. 101-116) Language Knowledge 7 (pp. 112-113) Language Focus 7 (p. 114) Progress Check 7 (pp. 115-116)

Module 8  Amazing Journeys (pp. 117-132) Language Knowledge 8 (pp. 128-129) Language Focus 8 (p. 130) Progress Check 8 (pp. 131-132)

CLIL/Culture (pp. CC1-CC8) Writing Bank (pp. WB1-WB8) Grammar Reference (pp. GR1-GR25) Style (p. ST1) Speaking Bank (p. SB1)




• • • • • • • •

people peop le stages sta ges of lif life e appe ap pear aran ance ce char ch aract acter er relati rel ations onship hipss free time/d time/daily aily activit activities ies phrasa phr asall verbs: verbs: break break -ing/-ed participles -ing/-ed  participles

• presen presentt tens tenses es • ti time me a adv dver erbs bs • com compar parati atives ves & superlatives • ex excla clama mati tion onss

The Hadza (multiple choice; answer questions quest ions – how to deal with multiple choice)

• • • • • •

accidents acciden ts & disaster disasterss natura nat urall phenom phenomena ena weat we athe herr – clo cloth thes es space spa ce explor explorati ation on phrasa phr asall verb verbs: s: put   put  forming formin g nouns nouns from from verbs

• past past te tens nses es • pas pastt simple simple vs prese present nt perfect • used to/would  • be/get used to • ti time me adv adver erbs bs • adj adject ectives ives/ad /adverb verbss

Houston, we’ve had  a proble problem m here! (missing sentences – answerr quest answe questions) ions)

• • • • •

jobs of the jobs the futur future e work wor k & edu educat cation ion job qualities qualities & requireme requirements nts phrasa phr asall verb verbs: s: give  give forming formin g nouns nouns from from verbs/  nouns

• future future ten tenses ses • ti time me cl clau ause sess

The Robot  Professionals (multiple matching – answer questions)

the art the artss artt & cra ar craft ftss theatre theatr e & perfor performances mances TV shows; shows; professi professions ons related related to the arts • phr phrasa asall verb verbs: s: get   get  • com compou pound nd nou nouns ns

• pass passiv ive e voice voice • ref reflexi lexive/e ve/emph mphati aticc pronouns • th the e causa causati tive ve •  so/neither 

Hand-imal Art  (missing sentences; answer questions)

• • • • •

global glob al issu issues es the env enviro ironme nment nt internationa intern ationall organis organisations ations phrasa phr asall verb verbs: s: turn forming formin g adjectives adjectives from nouns or verbs

• report reported ed spe speech ech (statements; questions; commands) • rep report orting ing ver verbs bs

Electric light Overload  (matching headings to paragraphs – answer questions)

• • • • • •

fears & phobi fears phobias as feel fe elin ings gs idioms idi oms relat related ed to fear fear body bo dy lang langua uage ge phrasa phr asall verb verbs: s: keep forming for ming negativ negative e adjectives adjectives

• mo moda dals ls • de dedu duct ctio ions ns • a/ a/an an – th thee •  some/any/no/ every & every & compounds

 Arachnophobia (matching headings to paragraphs – answer questions)

• • • •

• health health & fitne fitness ss • fo food od & dr drin inks ks • illnes illnesses; ses; symptoms symptoms & treatments • sp spor orts ts • phr phrasa asall verb verbs: s: cut  • formin forming g abstract abstract nouns from adjectives

• • • • • •

condit cond itio iona nals ls Ways to live to 100 wish wi shes es (multiple choice; (to) infinitive /-ing form complete sentences) ques qu esti tion on tags tags conc co nces essi sion on determiners deter miners/quant /quantifiers ifiers

• • • • • • •

• • • •

relative relati ve clau clauses ses clause cla usess of purpo purpose se clause cla usess of res result ult subject sub ject/ob /object ject questions

travel trav el holiday hol iday acti activit vities ies accommo acco mmodat dation ion tran tr ansp spor ortt cityy life; cit life; country country life life phrasa phr asall verb verbs: s: check verbs from adjecti adjectives ves & nouns

Simply Unforgettable (multiple matching)

Word List (pp. WL1-WL29) Appendices I & II (p. APP1) How to use a dictionary/thesaurus (DT1) Pronunciation (p. PR1) American English-British English Guide (p. AE-BEG1)






a radio interview (multiple choice)

• • • •

ask for for & express express opinio opinion n expresss (dis) expres (dis)agreem agreement ent compar com pare e pictu pictures res describe descri be people’s people’s appear appearance ance & character • intona intonation tion in exclamat exclamations ions

• an opinion opinion essay (topic (topic/  /  supporting sentences/formal style; linking words; expressing opinion) • a paragraph paragraph compar comparing ing people people • an informal informal email descri describing bing family members

• CLIL CLIL (Citizen (Citizenshi ship) p) Globalisation (T/F statem statements) ents) • Cul Cultur ture e spot spot:: British Ethnicity 

• mono monolog logues ues (multiple matching) • a narr narrat atio ion n (T/F statements)

• describe describe an acciden accident/disa t/disaster ster • nar narrat rate e an eve event nt • ask about about an experi experience/ex ence/express press interest/shock/disbelief  • des descri cribe be a pict picture ure • word stres stresss & weak vowels

• an informal informal email narrat narrating ing an experience • a news news art artic icle le • a story story (sequence (sequence of events events setting the scene; adjectives/  adverbs)

• CLIL CLIL (Scien (Science) ce):: The Phases of the Moon (T/F statem statements) ents) • Cul Cultur ture e spo spot: t: Stonehenge & the Summer Solstice

• a dia dialo logu gue e (Yes/No statements) • a monolo monologue gue:: advert advert (note taking)

• descri describe be work work routine routine • have a job int interv erview iew • intona intonation: tion: echo quest questions ions

• a CV • a let letter/em ter/email ail applying applying for a part-t part-time ime job (beginnings/  (beginnings/  endings; informal/formal style; opening/closing remarks)

• CLIL CLIL (Histo (History) ry):: Child  Labour in Victorian Times (headings)   Culture spot:  A Traditional Job

• a biog biogra raph phyy • a quiz • a book review review (adjec (adjective tives; s;

• CLIL CLIL (Art (Art & Desig Design): n): Sculpture (complete sentences)

• monolo monologues gues (mul (multip tiple le • descri describe be your favour favourite ite TV show show matching) • describe describe a perfor performance mance you • a radio radio talk (mul (multip tiple le attended choice) • monolo monologue guess about about reading preferences (multiple matching)

• recommend recommend a perform performance ance • comp compare are pictur pictures es • pro pronun nunciat ciation ion::  \aI\ \OI\ 

recommending; brainstorming)

• mono monolog logues ues (matching) • a radio radio inter interview view (multiple choice) • a dialogu dialogue e (listen (listen for for specific information)

• • • •

• a radio radio int interv erview iew (T/F state statements ments;; multiple choice) • mon monolo ologue guess (multiple (multiple matching)

• describe describe stressfu stressfull situations situations • expres expresss concern/sho concern/show w sympathy; sympathy; give advice • des descri cribe be a pictu picture re • pronun pronunciatio ciation: n: elisio elision n

• a paragrap paragraph h giving giving advice • an in informal formal email of advice advice (opening/closing remarks; give advice; error correction)

• CLIL CLIL (PSHE (PSHE): ):  Anxiety (answer  Anxiety  (answer questions) • Cul Cultur ture e spot spot:: Keep a Stiff Upper Lip!

• monolo monologue guess (multiple (multiple matching) • an inte interv rvie iew w (multiple choice) • a conv convers ersati ation on (Yes/No statements)

• • • •

express likes/ express likes/dislik dislikes es ask for/ for/giv give e advice advice make dec decisi isions ons intonation: intona tion: quest question ion tags

• an infor informal mal ema emailil • a-fora-for-and-ag and-against ainst essay essay (topic/  (topic/  supporting sentences; linkers; concession)

• CLIL CLIL (Scie (Science) nce):: The Digestive System (T/F statements) • Cul Cultur ture e spo spot: t: Traditionally Unhealthy?

• an adver advertt (multi (multiple ple matching) • dia dialog logues ues (multi (multiple ple choice) • an adv advert ert (no (note te taking)

• • • • • •

discuss your discuss your holiday holiday plans describe descr ibe your your holiday holiday last last year year ask for/gi for/give ve inform information ation ask about/e about/express xpress prefer preference ence compar com pare e pictu pictures res intonation: inton ation: subjec subject/obje t/object ct questions

• an informal informal email about about a place • CLI CLILL (Geogr (Geograph aphy): y): you have visited Dartmoor: A Granite • an informal informal letter giving Landscape (answer information (opening/closing questions) remarks; informal style) • Cul Cultur ture e spot spot:: London

make a present make presentati ation on • a summ summar aryy make mak e suggesti suggestions ons – agr agree/ ee/dis disagr agree ee • an essay essay providing providing solutio solutions ns to descri des cribe be pictu pictures res problems (linkers; paragraph pronunciatio pronun ciation: n: homoph homophones ones structure)

Audioscripts (pp. T1-T11) Evaluations (pp. E1-E15) Workbook Key (pp. WK1-WK19) Workbook Audioscripts (pp. WT1-WT7)

• Cultur Culture e spot spot:: Tate Modern

• CLIL CLIL (Scie (Science) nce):: Energy Resources (answer questions) • Cul Cultur ture e spot spot:: The First  Wind Turbine

Grammar Bank Key (pp. GBK1-GBK9) Skills Work Key (pp. SWK1-SWK2) Quizzes Key (p. QK1) Irregular Verbs



Introduction to the Teacher On Screen B1+ is a modular secondary-level course for learners studying British English at CEF Level B1+. It allows a flexibility of approach which makes it suitable for classes of all kinds, including large or mixed ability classes.

IWB The IWB contains all the material in the Student’s Book, Teacher’s Book and Audio CDs and aims to facilitate lessons in the classroom. It also contains grammar

On Screen B1+ consists of eight modules. Each module consists of six lessons plus Language Focus and Progress Check sections. The corresponding module in the Workbook provides the option of additional practice.

presentation of all theextracts grammar in the Student’s Book as well as video forstructures Ss to further practise their English and expand their knowledge.

COURSE COMPONENTS Student’s Book – Workboo Student’s Workbook k & Grammar Book  The Student’s Book is the main component of the course. Each module is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest. All modules follow the same basic structure (see Elements of the Coursebook ). ). The Workbook is in full colour and contains modules corresponding to those in the Student’s Book containing practice in all four language skills. It also contains Skills Work Sections and a Grammar Bank with theory and exercises as well as practice in dictation, word distractors and translation exercises. It can be used either in class or for homework upon completion of the relevant unit in the Student’s Book. Teacher’s Book and Teacher’s Resource Pack & Tests CD-ROM The Teacher’s Book contains Teacher's Notes which provide step-by-step lesson plans and suggestions about how to present the material. This book also includes a complete Key to the exercises in the Student’s Book & Workbook & Grammar Book and the audioscripts of the listening material. The Tests, one per module, are available for teachers to use as a formal means of checking their Ss’ progress. There is also a full key to the Tests, listening tasks tas ks & audioscripts as well as Resource Material in the Teacher’s Resource Pack & Tests CD-ROM. Class Audio CDs The Class Audio CDs contain all the recorded material which accompanies the course. This includes the monologues/dialogues and texts in the Listening and Reading sections as well as the Pronunciation/Intonation section, and the material for all listening tasks in the Workbook & Grammar Book.

ieBook The ieBook contains all the material in the Student’s Book and is the Ss’ interactive study partner.

ELEMENTS OF THE COURSEBOOK Each module begins with a modular spread that contains: a brief overview of what will be covered in the module, pictures and words/phrases related to the theme of the module, and exercises to practise the vocabulary presented. Each module contains the following sections: Vocabulary Pictures are employed to introduce Ss to the vocabulary of each module. Vocabulary is practised through various types of exercises. A particular feature of the book is the teaching of collocations, which helps Ss remember vocabulary items as parts of set expressions. (See Student’s Book Ex. 1a,  p. 37) 37).. Ss also practise word formation, prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs. Grammar     The grammar grammar structures of each module are presented by means of illustrations and clear and concise theory boxes.   Grammar exercises and activities reinforce Ss’ •

understanding of these items. There is also a Grammar Reference section at the back of the Student’s Book that offers more details. Listening Tasks & Speaking Practice     Ss can develop their listening skills through a variety of tasks. These tasks employ the vocabulary and grammar practised in each module, in this way reinforcing understanding of the language taught in the module.     Controlled speaking activities have been carefully designed to allow Ss guided practice before leading them to freer speaking activities. activities.     The sections provide practice in real-life communication. Standard expressions and language structures associated •

Student’s Audio CD The S’s Audio CD contains the main texts in the Reading sections of the Student’s Book, Pronunciation/Intonation tasks as well as the Listening tasks of the Workbook for the purposes of homework and preparation.


with realistic situations are extensively practised.


Pronunciation/Intonation Pronunciation activities help Ss recognise sounds and reproduce them correctly. Intonation activities help Ss improve their intonation patterns.

Module Language Focus & Progress Check  These follow every module and reinforce Ss’ understanding of the topics, vocabulary, and structures that have been presented.

Study Skills Brief tips, explanations, and reminders at various points throughout each module help Ss develop strategies which

The material has been designed to help Ss learn new language in the context of what they have already mastered, rather than in isolation. In the Progress Check

improve holistic learning skills and enable Ss to become autonomous learners of the English language.

sections, a grading scheme allows Ss to evaluate their progress and identify their weaknesses. The objectives of the module and the Ss’ achievements are clearly stated at the end of each Progress Check section.

Reading texts These texts practise specific reading skills such as skimming, scanning, intensive reading for specific purposes, understanding text structure, and so on. The texts are usually exploited in four stages:     a warm-up activity to intrigue students   top-down activities (scanning and reading for gist)   bottom-up activities (reading for for detailed understandin understanding) g)     oral reproduction (Ss outline the main points of the text) • •

Grammar Reference Section This section offers full explanations and review of the grammar structures presented throughout the book as well as rules of punctuation. It can be used both in class and at home to reinforce the grammar being taught.

• •

Writing The writing sections have been carefully designed to ensure that Ss systematically develop their writing skills.   A model text is presented and thoroughly analysed, and guided practice of the language to be used is provided.     The final task is based on the model text and follows the detailed plan provided.     All writing activities are based on realistic types and styles of writing such as letters, emails, descriptions, essays, stories and summary writing. •

Language Knowledge Sections These sections provide Ss with ample practice in open cloze texts, multiple choice cloze texts, word formation, grammar and vocabulary exercises. CLIL/Culture Spot Sections Each module is accompanied by a CLIL and a Culture Spot section.     Each CLIL Section enables Ss to link the themes of the module to a subject from their school curriculum, thus helping them contextualise the language they have learned by relating it to their own personal frame of reference. Lively and creative tasks stimulate Ss and allow them to consolidate the language they have learnt throughout the module.     In each Culture Spot, Spot, Ss are provided with cultural information and read about aspects of English speaking countries that are thematically linked to the module. Ss are given the chance to process the information they have learnt and compare it to the •

Writing Bank  This section provides preparation of the writing task types as they are presented in the Student’s Book. It contains theory, plans, full-length model compositions and useful language to help Ss produce successful pieces of writing. Word List & Pronunciation Sections A complete Word List contains the new vocabulary presented in each module, listed alphabetically, with a phonetic transcription of each word and explanation. The Pronunciation Section familiarises Ss with the phonetic transcripts and pronunciation of vowels, consonants, diphthongs and double letters. American English – British English American English Guide An American American English English – Britis British h English Guide Guide outlines and highlights differences between the two main international varieties of English. Irregular Verbs This provides students with a quick reference list for verb forms they might be unsure of at times.

SUGGESTED TEACHING TECHNIQUES A Presen Presenting ting new vocabu vocabulary lary Much of the new vocabulary in On Screen B1+ is presented through pictures. Ss are asked to match the pictures to listed words/phrases. words/phrases. (See Student’s Book, Module 5,  p. 72, Ex. 3.)

culture of their own country.

Further techniques that you may use to introduce new vocabulary include:     Miming Miming.. Mime the word you want to introduce. For instance, to present the verb sing, pretend you are •

singing and ask Ss to guess the meaning of the word.



    Synonyms, Synonyms, opposites opposites,, paraphrasing paraphrasing,, and giving definitions.. Examples: definitions   – presen presentt the word strong by giving a synonym: ‘powerful’ ‘power ful’ .   – present present the word strong by giving its opposite: ‘weak’. ‘we ak’.   – presen presentt the word weekend by paraphrasing it: ‘Saturday ‘Satur day and Sunday’ .

C Listen Listening ing & Readin Reading g You may ask Ss to read and listen for a variety of purposes:   Listening for detail: Ss listen for specific information after they have listened for gist. (See Student’s Book, Module 1, p. 12, Ex. 3)   Listening & Reading for gist: Ask Ss to read or listen to get the gist of the dialogue or text being dealt with. (See Student’s Book, Module 1, p. 5, Ex. 2. Tell Ss

present the word famous for by giving its present definition: ‘very well-known (person or thing)’ .     Example Example.. Examples place vocabulary into context and consequently make understanding easier. For instance, introduce the words city and town by referring to a city and a town in the Ss’ country: “Rome is a city, but Parma is a town.”     Sketching Sketching.. Draw a simple sketch of the word or words you want to explain on the board. For instance:

that in order to complete this task successfully, they  do not need to understand every single detail in the text.)   Reading for detail: Ask Ss to read for specific information. (See Student’s Book, Module 4, p. 54-55, Exs 3 & 4. Ss will have to read to the text in order to do the tasks. They are looking for specific details in the text and not for general information.)





D Speaki Speaking ng     Speaking activities are initially controlled, allowing for guided practice. (See Student’s Book, Module 2,  p. 29, Ex. 2 where Ss use the same structures to make suggestions.)     Ss are then led to free speaking activities. (See Student’s Book, Module 2, p. 29, Ex. 3 where Ss are  invited to make decisions, provided provided with the necessary   lexical items and structures.) •

tall short

    Flashcards. Flashcards. Flashcards made out of magazine or newspaper pictures, photographs, ready-made drawings, and any other visual material may also serve as vocabulary teaching tools.     Use of L1. L1. In a monolingual class, you may explain vocabulary in the Ss’ native language. This method, though, should be employed in moderation.     Use of Dictionary. Dictionary. In a multilingual class, Ss may occasionally refer to a bilingual dictionary. •

E Wr Writ itin ing g All writing tasks in On Screen B1+ have been carefully designed to closely guide Ss to produce a successful piece of writing.

The choice of technique depends on the type of word or expression. For example, you may find it easier to describe an action verb through miming than through a synonym or definition. Check these words

Note: can be treated as follows: Go through the list ofsections words after Ss have read the text and ask Ss to explain the words using the context they appear in. Ss can give examples, mime/draw the meaning, or look up the meaning in their dictionaries.

B Choral & Individual Individual repeti repetition tion Repetition will ensure that Ss are thoroughly familiar with the sound and pronunciation of the lexical items and structures being taught and confident in their ability to reproduce them. Always ask Ss to repeat chorally before you ask them to repeat individually. Repeating chorally will help Ss feel confident enough to then perform the task on their own.


    Always read the rubric and model text provided and deal with the tasks that follow in detail. Ss will then have acquired the necessary language to deal with the final writing task. (See Student’s Book, Module 1,  pp. 14-15.)     Make sure that Ss understand that that they are are writing for a purpose.. Go through the writing task in detail so that purpose Ss are fully aware of why they are writing and who they are writing to. (See Studen Student’s t’s Book, Book, Module Module 2, p. 31, Ex. 9. Ss are asked to write a story.)     Make sure Ss follow the detailed plan they are provided with. (See Student’s Student’s Book, Book, Module 1, p. 15.)     It would be well-advised to actually complete the task orally in class before assigning it as written homework. Ss will then feel more confident with producing a complete piece of writing on their own. •

F Assigning homework  When assigning writing tasks, prepare Ss as well as possible in advance. This will help them avoid errors and get maximum benefit from the task.


Commonly assigned tasks include: Copy – Ss copy an assigned extract; Dictation – Ss learn the spelling of particular words without memorising the text in which they appear; Vocabulary – Ss memorise the meaning of words and phrases or use the new words in sentences of their own; Reading Aloud – Assisted by the S’s CDs, Ss practise at home in preparation for reading aloud in class; Writing – After thorough preparation in class, Ss are asked to produce a complete piece of writing. G Correc Correcting ting studen students’ ts’ work  All learners learners make errors – it is part of the learning process. process. The way you deal with errors depends on what the Ss are doing.   • Oral accuracy work:   Correct Ss on the spot, either by providing the correct answer and allowing them to repeat, or by indicating the error but allowing Ss to correct it. Alternatively, indicate the error and ask other Ss to provide the answer.   • Oral fluency work:   Allow Ss to finish the task without interrupting, but make a note of the errors made and correct them afterwards.   • Writt Written en work:   Do not over-correct; focus on errors that are directly relevant to the point of the exercise. When giving feedback, you may write the most common errors on the board and get the class to attempt to correct them. Remember that rewarding work and praising Ss is of great importance. Post good written work on a display board in your classroom or school, or give ‘reward’ stickers. Praise effort as well as success. H Class organi organisation sation   • Open pairs  

The class focuses its attention on two Ss doing the set task together. Use this technique when you want your Ss to offer an example of how a task is done. (See Ex. 7b on p. 105 of the Student’s Student’s Book.) Book.)

  • Close Closed d pairs   Pairs of Ss work together on a task or activity while you move around offering assistance and suggestions. Explain the task clearly before beginning closed pairwork. (See Ex. 5 on p. 13 of the Student’s Book)

  • Stages of pairwork    – Put Ss in pairs.   – Explai Explain n the task and set time limit.   – Rehear Rehearse se the task in open pairs.   – In closed pairs, get Ss to do the task.   – Go around the class and help Ss.   – Open pairs report back to the class.   • Group work    Groups of three or more Ss work together on a task or activity. Class projects or role play are most easily done in groups. Again, give Ss a solid understanding understandi ng of the task in advance.   • Rolling questions   Ask Ss one after the other to ask and answer questions based on the texts. I Using the Student’s Audio CD Dialogues, texts and Pronunciation sections are recorded on the Student’s Audio CD. Ss have the chance to listen to these recordings at home as many times as they want to improve their pronunciation and intonation. • S listens to the recording and follows the lines.   • S listens to the recording with pauses after every sentence/exchange. S repeats as many times as needed, trying to imitate the speaker’s pronunciation and intonation.   • S listens to the recording again. S reads aloud.   • All listening tasks in the Workbook are also included in the Student’s CD. J Using L1 in class Use L1 in moderation and only when necessary.

ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations used in the Student’s Book and Teacher’s T   S(s)   HW   L1 Ex(s).

Teacherr Teache Student(s) Studen t(s) Homeworkk Homewor Students’ Studen ts’ native language Exercise(s)

 p(p).   e.g.   i.e.   etc.   sb   sth

Page(s) Page(s) For example That is Et cetera Somebody Somebo dy Something Someth ing





Modu Mo dule le pag page e

Living Together 5

In this unit Ss will explore the topics of people, family, appearance & character. Vocabulary: People of the world (dark hair, rosy cheeks, friendly people, happy to have guests, nomadic tribe, colourful clothes, tall, slim, hardworking, polite, pale skin,

1c Gr Gramm ammar ar in use

10-11 10 -11

Lesson Objectives: To learn or revise the present simple, the present continuous, the present perfect and the present perfect continuous, to practise adverbs of frequency, to learn or revise comparatives/ superlatives, to practise key word transformations, to compare people

facial tattoos, brave, courageous, peaceful)

1d Listening skills 1a Re Read ading ing


Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information (multiple choice), to talk about a tribe, to describe an imaginary experience Vocabulary: Nouns (crops, elder, baboon, bow, homeland,  interpreter,  interpre ter, niece, heat, soil, bug, meaning, nature, berry,  possession,  possessio n, responsi responsibilities, bilities, worry, arrival, departu departure, re, effect); Verbs (wander, hang, hunt, provide, gather, wonder); Phrasal verbs (pick up, set off, live off); off); Adjectives (lean, fit, curly, extreme, poor, generous, easy-going); Phrases (filled with, skin belt, native language, short supply,  keep track of time, hunter-gatherer, hunter-gatherer, in person, dive in, free from belongings, be better off, attached to, matter of time, be over)

1b Voca Vocabula bulary ry


Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about stages of life, to describe people, to learn vocabulary for physical characteristics, character and families, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to practise phrasal verbs with BREAK, to practise forming –ing forming –ing/-ed /-ed participles and to practise prepositional phrases Vocabulary: Stages of life (infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood); Physical characteristics: Age (child, young man or  woman, middle-aged, old, in his/her late/early twenties); Complexion (tanned, dark, pale); Height (tall, short, of  average height); Build (skinny, plump, overweight, thin, slim, athletic, well-built) well-built);; Face (oval, round, long); Lips (full, thin); Eyes (brown, big, small, hazel); Nose (big, flat, hooked); Hair (curly, short, straight, long, wavy, bald, frizzy, fair, dark, shoulder-length); Special features (wrinkles, freckles, shaved head, beard, moustache); Character (easy-going (easy-going,, arrogant, responsible, forgetful, annoying, messy, ambitious, sensitive, shy, truthful, open-minded, bold, grumpy, sensible, selfconfident, impatient, generous, sociable, carefree, rude, brave, frank, honest, bossy, vain, stingy, mean, polite, outgoing, helpful, nosey, anxious, noisy, sad); Family relationships (mum, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa,  mother-i  moth er-in-la n-law, w, fath father-i er-in-la n-law, w, aunt, uncle uncle,, daug daughter hter,, son, niece, nephew); Families (nuclear family, extended family, single-parentt family) single-paren



Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to listen for specific information (multiple choice), to talk about the pros and cons of living in an extended family, to learn and practise exclamations Vocabulary: Nouns (nuclear family, extended family, cooperation); Verb (complain); Phrases (live long lives, have company, younger generation, chores to do, peace and quiet, complain, close relationships, hurt feelings)

1e Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to complete a dialogue, to role play, to express an opinion, ask for an opinion, and express (dis) agreement, to compare pictures

1f Writ Writing ing

14-15 14-1 5

Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model, to practise linking words, to express an opinion, to write an opinion essay

Language Knowledge 1


Lesson Objectives: To practise sentence transformations, to practise word formation, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module

Language Focus 1


Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to complete cloze texts

Progress Prog ress Chec Check k1

19-20 19-2 0

Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information (multiple choice), to listen for specific information (T/F statements), to practise responses, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to practise prepositionall phrases, to write an opinion essay prepositiona


Survival Module Mod ule pag page e


In this unit Ss will explore the topics of accidents & disasters, natural phenomena and space exploration. Vocabulary: Accidents & disasters (house collapses, fire breaks out, evacuated from homes, river burst its banks, rocks and mud bury homes, tanker sinks, spilling oil)

2a Re Readi ading ng

22-23 2223

Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information (multiple choice), to narrate an event, to describe an imaginary experience Vocabulary: Nouns (crew, explosion, plot, survival, landing,  lift-off,, bang, trail, oxygen tank, meteor, command module,  lift-off  lunar module, lifeboat, adapter,, carbon dioxide, adapter catastrophe, obstacle); Verbs (flash, re-enter, schedule, explode, depend, conserve, build, reduce, consider); Phrasal verbs (carry out, deal with); Adjectives (doomed,  leaking, enclosed, superstitious); Phrases (manned  mission, no time to lose, cope with, splash down, go down  in history, in charge of); Prep (despite)

2b Voca Vocabula bulary ry

24-25 24-2 5

  2   Module

2d Listening skills


Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to narrate a travel experience, to listen for specific information (T/F statements), to learn and practise word stress and weak vowels Vocabulary: Noun (debris) (debris);; Adjective (terrifying) (terrifying);; Phrases (get stung by a bee, get bitten by mosquitoes, get caught   in a terrible storm, see a dangerous animal, have a bad accident, get food poisoning, get caught in a natural  disaster, get badly sunburnt, tsunami struck, loud roar, froze in fear, huge wall of black water, pushed underwater, floating inside hotel lobby, grabbed onto a staircase, standing on rooftops, upside down cars, broken wrist)

2e Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to role play, to ask about a bad experience, to narrate a bad experience, to express interest, to express shock/belief, to describe a picture

2f Writi Writing ng

30-31 30-3 1

Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about natural phenomena, to describe the weather, to learn vocabulary for accidents, disasters and space exploration, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to practise phrasal verbs with PUT, to practise forming nouns from verbs and to practise prepositional phrases Vocabulary: Natural phenomena: Clothes/Footwear/  Accessories (sandals, gloves, cap); Good weather (hot,  mild, warm, sunny, dry); Disasters (flood, hurricane, tsunami, tornado, earthquake); Bad weather (foggy, cloudy, frosty, stormy, rainy, windy, cold, snowy, chilly, thunder); Disasters (earthquake, tornado, volcanic

Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model, to practise setting the scene, to practise using adjectives and adverbs, to write a story

eruption, flood, drought, tsunami); Accidents (train crash, car crash, factory fire, oil spill, building collapse, drowning, plane crash, gas leak, food poisoning, shipwreck); Space exploration (planet, star, solar system, atmosphere, moons, asteroids, telescope, satellite, spacecraft, robot, evidence of life)

Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to practise phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases, to complete a cloze text

2c Gra Gramm mmar ar in use

26-27 2627

Lesson Objectives: To learn or revise the past simple, the past continuous, the past perfect and the past perfect continuous, to compare the past simple and the present perfect, to learn and practise used to/would/be used to, to, to practise key word transformations, to listen for gist, to make notes, to narrate an experience

Language Languag e Knowledg Knowledge e2


Lesson Objectives: To complete an open cloze, to practise sentence transformations, to practise key word transformations, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module

Language Languag e Focus 2

Progress Check 2



Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information (multiple choice), to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to write a story





Module Mod ule page

Work  37


In this unit Ss will explore the topics of jobs, work, education,  job qualities qualities and requirem requirements. ents. Vocabulary: Jobs of the future (nanotech-nurse, cyber manager, vertical farmer, virtual security guard); Work (evening shift, successful applicant, CV, starting salary,

Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information (Yes/  No statements & note taking), to talk about a job, to learn and practise echo questions Vocabulary: Nouns (CV, (CV, banking, experience, computing, finance, skills, IT, department, interview, applicants,

9-5 job, day staff, training, full-time)

 personality  persona lity,, wil willing lingness ness,, wag wages, es, tip) tip);; Verbs (guarantee, fill, train); Phrasal verb (pick up); Phrases (computer repair shop, right grades, full training, key positions, good attitude, bear in  mind,, work  mind working ing env environ ironmen ment, t, treat treat cus custome tomers, rs, app applica licatio tion n form, form, hold interviews)

3a Re Read ading ing

38-39 3839

Lesson Objectives: To listen for gist, to read for specific information (multiple matching), to make predictions, to talk and write about robots Vocabulary: Nouns (revolution, human, shore, navy, flame, surgeon, patient, surgery, pulse, temperature, specialist, corridor, fleet, staff, steak, entertainment, dessert, sci-fi film, tip, bomb disposal expert); Verbs (operate, patrol, fight, defuse, rescue, race, drag, battle, shake, replace, save, provide); Phrasal verbs (take over,  pick you up, give up, put out, wake up, hand out, get on with, head for, check out); Adjectives (remote-controlled, Phrases steady, ex-army, pocket-sized); take (sb’s) temperature, get into trouble, keep(sci-fi afloat,film, operate on, medical history, hard at work, take an order, main course, recharge batteries, fight crime)

3b Voca Vocabula bulary ry

40-41 40-4 1

Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about work and personal qualities, to learn vocabulary related to education, job qualities and requirements, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to practise phrasal verbs with GIVE, to practise forming nouns from verbs/ nouns and to practise prepositional phrases Vocabulary: Work (job involves travelling, check, stressful, well-paid job, work long hours, exciting job, responsibility,  keep up-to-d up-to-date, ate, creative creative at at work, work, concentrati concentration, on, work work hard, earn a lot, part-time job, long career, lose your job, look for a  job, quit your job, high positi position on in a compa company); ny); Education (hold a degree, fail exams, graduate from university, educated, enrol on a course, post requires, resit exam, compulsory education, tuition fees); Job qualities & requirements (punctual, hardworking, (a) quick learner,  polite,, efficient,  polite efficient, cooper cooperative ative,, patient, patient, enthus enthusiastic iastic))

3c Gr Gramm ammar ar in use

42-43 4243

Lesson Objectives: To learn or revise future tenses (the future simple, the present simple [future use], the present continuous [future use], (be) going to, the future continuous and the future perfect, to learn time clauses, to practise key word transformations, to make predictions and talk about future plans/ intentions


3d Listening skills

3e Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to role play an interview

3f Writ Writing ing

46-47 46-4 7

Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model, to practise formal language, to write a CV, to write an email applying for a job

Language Knowledge 3


Lesson Objectives: To practise word formation, to practise sentence transformations, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module

Language Focus 3


Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to practise phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases, to practise word formation, to complete a cloze text

Progress Prog ress Chec Check k3

51-52 51-5 2

Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information (multiple choice), to practise responding to situational language, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module, to listen for specific information (Yes/No statements), to write a letter applying for a position


Entertainment Module Mod ule pag page e


In this unit Ss will explore the topics of the arts, art & crafts, TV shows, books & films, theatre & performances. Vocabulary: Past participles (directed, painted, written, sculpted, designed); Nouns (oil painting, sculpture); Phrases (famous building, science-fiction film, classic novel)

4a Re Readi ading ng

54-55 5455

Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to read for specific information (missing sentences), to act out an interview, to talk about an artist’s work Vocabulary: Nouns (fur, portrait, outline, advertising agency, creation, advertising campaign, endangered species, masterpiece, canvas, design, scales); Verbs (stroke, promote, research, transfer, exhibit, bother); Phrasal verb (carry on); Adjective (realistic); Adverb (surprisingly, true-to-life); Phrases (bring to life, public awareness, environmental organization, Hyperrealist   movement, stay still, still, shower away, away, handheld gadget) gadget)

4b Voca Vocabula bulary ry

56-57 56-5 7

Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about art & crafts, to learn vocabulary for TV shows, theatre & performances and professions related to the arts, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to practise phrasal verbs with GET, to practise forming compound nouns and to practise prepositional phrases Vocabulary: Art & crafts (digital photography, pottery,  painting watercolours, drawing, wood carving, ice sculpting, knitting, jewellery making); TV shows (awards, characters, cast, set, hits, season, critics, series, episode,  plotlines); Theatre & Performances (stage, rehearsals, costumes, interval, act, audience); Professions related to the arts (juggler, living statue, trapeze artist, opera singer,  mime artist, stand-up comedian, street magician)

4c Gra Gramm mmar ar in use

58-59 5859

Lesson Objectives: To learn the passive, to change from the active to the passive, to learn the causative, to learn reflexive/emphatic pronouns, to practise key word transformations, to write a quiz

  4   Module

4d Listening skills


Lesson Objectives: To brainstorm for vocabulary, to talk about a film you saw, to listen for specific information (multiple choice), to give an opinion on a film, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to talk about your reading habits, to pronounce / ai  /, / Oi  i/  ai /, O /  Vocabulary: Nouns (dwarves, dragon, adventures); Verb (calm down, get on with, get into, (spoil); Phrasal verbs (calm  pick out); Adjectives (boring, gripping, predictable,  moving, interesting, educational, exciting, scary, funny, relaxing, impressed, imaginary); Phrases (adapted from, based on, set out on a journey, battle scenes, edge of my  seat, make up their mind, stressed out, take my mind off, can’t stand, get lost in, pass the time)

4e Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to complete a dialogue, to role play, to ask about a performance, to describe a performance, to recommend, to compare pictures

4f Writi Writing ng

62-63 62-6 3

Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model, to practise adjectives, to recommend, to write a review

Language Languag e Knowledg Knowledge e4


Lesson Objectives: To complete a multiple choice cloze, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module

Language Languag e Focus 4


Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the module, to practise phrasal verbs & prepositional phrases, to practise sentence transformations, to practise word formation, to complete a cloze text

Progress Check 4


Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information (T/F/DS statements), to practise responses, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module, to listen for specific information (gap filling), to write a review



Module Module Mod ule page


Can you help? 69


In this unit Ss will explore the topics of global issues, the environment and international organisations. Vocabulary: Social problems: (poverty, homelessness, unemployment); Environmental problems: (endangered species, landfills full of rubbish, pollution); Nouns

Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information (multiple choice), to talk about solutions for reducing traffic, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to give a presentation on reducing waste, to learn and practise homophones

(packaging, volunteers, household waste, accommodation)

Vocabulary: Nouns (cycle lane, exhaust fumes, traffic  jam, public transport, traffic warden, fine, pedestrians, wheelie bin, compost, coffee shop, packaging, charity  shop, bargain); Verbs (patrol, swerve); Adjective (disposable); Phrases (heavy traffic, narrow street, illegal   parking, dangerous driver, enforce the law, reusable mug)

5a Re Read ading ing

70-71 7071

Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for the main ideas (matching headings), to talk about light pollution, to summarise a text, to research for a song Vocabulary: Nouns (overload, power cut, resident, emergency services, authorities, office block, security lights, wildlife, ecosystem, horizon, seafront, insect, lack, depression, heart disease, cancer, lighting); Verbs (spot, wander, waste, affect, hatch, swarm, feed, reproduce, decline, disrupt,  marvel)  mar vel);; Phrasal verbs (creep in, switch off); Adjectives (giant, silvery, stray, dim, starry); Phrases (complete darkness, light   polluti  poll ution, on, str streetl eetligh ights ts shin shine, e, secu security rity ligh lights ts flas flash h on and off, wasting energy, affects wildlife, get switch confused, patterns get disrupted, dim streetlights, off sleep unnecessary   lightin  ligh ting, g, lowlow-ener energy gy bulb bulbs, s, in in a pani panic, c, shop shop fron front, t, flash flash on and and off, baby turtle, sleep patterns)

5b Voca Vocabula bulary ry

72-73 72-7 3

Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about the environment, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to learn vocabulary related to international organisations, to practise prepositional phrases, to practise forming adjectives from nouns or verbs and to practise phrasal verbs with TURN Vocabulary: The Environment (ozone layer, global  warming, fossil fuels, thick smog, oil spill, greenhouse gases, conservation projects); Verbs (prevent, save, raise, reduce, ban, fine, invest); International Organisations (WWF, Save the Children, Oxfam, The World Health Organisation, United Nations)

5c Gr Gramm ammar ar in use

74-75 7475

Lesson Objectives: To learn reported speech (statements, questions, commands), to learn reporting verbs, to practise key word transformations, to act out a dialogue


5d Listening skills

5e Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to role play, to make suggestions, to introduce examples/results, to agree/ disagree, to describe pictures

5f Writ Writing ing

78-79 78-7 9

Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model, to practise linking words, to write an essay providing solutions

Language Knowledge 5


Lesson Objectives: To complete a multiple choice cloze, to practise word formation, to practise key word transformations, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module

Language Focus 5


Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to practise word formation, to complete a cloze text

Progress Prog ress Chec Check k5

83-84 83-8 4

Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information (multiple choice), to complete a dialogue, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to write an essay providing solutions


Don’t be afraid! Module Mod ule pag page e


  6   Module

6d Listening skills


In this unit Ss will explore the topics of fears and phobias and feelings. Vocabulary: Fears (flying, storms, open water, meeting new people, public speaking, heights, crowds/people, closed spaces, dentist/doctor, animals/bugs); Nouns

Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information (T/F statements & multiple matching); to talk about social anxiety; to narrate a scary experience; to practise elision Vocabulary: Nouns (halls of residence, student  counsellor, hypnotherapy, trekking, alligator, bungee

(attack, blow); Verbs (shake, move, sting, bite, stop, freeze, sweat, hide, disappear); Adjectives (unhealthy, sick, wet)

 jump, poison); Verbs (tremble, affect, persuade); Phrasal verbs (give up, come down with); Adjectives (anxious, faint, haunted); Phrases (painfully shy, make judgements,  low self-esteem, the centre of attention, focus on, concentrate on, student counsellor, in public, beat my   phobia, hot and humid, go through with it, special  occasion, live to tell the tale, proud of myself)

6a Re Readi ading ng

86-87 8687

Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist; to read for specific information; (matching headings) to talk and write about phobias Vocabulary: Nouns (arachnid, venom, treatment, fear,  plughole, rainforest, tarantula, mosquito, cockroach, fly,  moth); Verbs (harm, suffer, sweat, scream, block, crawl, startle, reduce, shake, sweat, scuttle); Phrasal verb (run away); Adjectives (creepy, nutritious, common, eight legged, irrational, deep-fried, confident) Phrases (suffer  from, at all costs, therapy) play a part, nutritious treat, pest  controller, exposure

6b Voca Vocabula bulary ry

88-89 88-8 9

Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to learn vocabulary related to fears and phobias, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to learn vocabulary related to feelings, to learn idioms related to fear, to practise prepositional phrases, to practise forming negative adjectives and to practise phrasal verbs with KEEP Vocabulary: Fears & phobias (An (Animal imalss – snak snakes, es, dog dogs, s, spiders, spider s, Natural Natural environment environment – height, darknes darkness, s, storms, storms, Situational Situat ional – closed spaces, spaces, tunnels, tunnels, flying, flying, Blood/Injury Blood/Injury –  germs, blood, needles); Feelings (anxious, nervous, embarrassed, dizzy, scared); Idioms (as white as a sheet, butterflies in my stomach, scared stiff, jumped out of his skin, hair stand on end)

6c Gra Gramm mmar ar in use

90-91 9091

Lesson Objectives: To learn or revise modals, to learn or revise definite/indefinite articles, to practise deductions, to practise key word transformations

6e Spea Speaking king skills

92-93 92-9 3

Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to role play a dialogue, to express concern, to show sympathy, to give advice & respond to advice, to describe a picture

6f Writi Writing ng

94-95 94-9 5

Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model, to practise language for giving advice, to practise error correction, to write an email giving advice

Language Languag e Knowledg Knowledge e6


Lesson Objectives: To read for the main message (multiple matching), to complete a multiple choice cloze, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module

Language Languag e Focus 6


Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the module, to practise phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases, to practise some/any/no and their compounds, to practise word formation, to complete a cloze text

Progress Check 6


Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information (multiple choice), to practise responding to situational language, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module, to listen for specific information (T/F/DS statements), to write an email giving advice



Module Module Mod ule page


Health & Food 101

In this unit Ss will explore the topics of health & fitness, food & drinks, symptoms & treatments and illness. Vocabulary: Nouns (digestion, symptoms, immune system, diet, vitamin, calories); Verbs (lose, reduce, catch); Phrasal verbs (break down, fight off)

7a Rea Reading ding

102-103 102103

Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, (multiple choice) to talk about living longer, to research longevity Vocabulary: Nouns (heart disease, blood pressure,  immune system, muscles, study, tip, beetroot beetroot,, nitrates, blood vessel, antioxidant, risk, cancer, goodies, heart rate, endorphins, ageing, indigestion, enzyme, saliva, digestion,  process, nutrient nutrients, s, diabetes, tension, muscle, nerve, (reduce, lower, promote, expand, boost, volunteer); Verbs (reduce, chew, absorb); Phrasal verbs (stock up on, turn out); Adjectives (tense, striking, juicy); Phrases (health benefit, burst with, in an instant, lung capacity, gobble down, tell a  lie, stick stick to)

7b Voca Vocabula bulary ry

104-105 104105

Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to talk about the Mediterranean diet, to learn vocabulary for food & drinks, to listen for specific information (multiple matching), to talk about your eating habits, to learn vocabulary for symptoms & treatments, to learn prepositional phrases, to learn to form abstract nouns from adjectives, to learn phrasal verbs with CUT Vocabulary: Food & drinks (Red meat: lamb, beef; Dairy   products: butter, cheese, yoghurt; Fruit: grapes, olives, watermelon, cherries; Legumes & nuts: almonds; Pasta: spaghetti; Vegetables: broccoli, beetroot, cabbage,  potatoes, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, onions, peas; Fish & seafood: tuna, lobster, salmon, prawns, trout; Poultry: chicken, turkey; Sweets: ice cream apple pie, cake, Other: bread, eggs); Symptoms & treatments (sore throat, high temperature, muscles ache, bad cough, hurts to breathe, vomited, itchy eyes, sneeze, exhausted, mouth swells and  itches, get a rash, tripped over, swollen and bruised, a cold/ the flu, a chest infection, food poisoning, hay fever,  insomnia, a food allergy, a twisted twisted ankle)

7c Gr Gramm ammar ar in use

106-1 10 6-107 07

Lesson Objectives: To learn conditionals, to learn wishes, to learn the infinitive/ -ing -ing form, to practise key word transformations, to state a problem and give advice


7d Listening skills


Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information (multiple choice), to talk about the pros of exercising in a group, to listen for specific information (Yes/No statements), to talk about the pros and cons of organic food, to learn and practise question tags Vocabulary: Nouns (fitness, personal trainer, hormones, chemicals, pesticides, demand, bacteria, expertise); Verbs (motivate, attend, overdo, convince, demand); Phrasal verbs (let down, work out, go off); Adjective (nutritious); Phrases (one-to-one attention, class level, pull  a muscle, push themselves, aerobics sessions, fed naturally, artificial fertiliser, price comes down)

7e Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To complete a mind map, to complete a dialogue, to listen for gist, to role play, to ask for/give/  respond to advice, to make decisions

7f Writ Writing ing

110-111 110111

Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model, to practise topic sentences, to practise linkers, to learn clauses of concession, to write a for-and-against essay

Language Knowledge 7


Lesson Objectives: To complete a multiple choice cloze, to complete an open cloze, to practise sentence transformations, transformations, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module

Language Focus 7


Lesson Objectives: To learn and practise quantifiers & determiners, to practise phrasal verbs & prepositional phrases, phrase s, to practi practise se sentence transf transformati ormations, ons, to practise word formation, to complete a cloze text

Progress Check 7


Lesson Objectives: To read for the main ideas (matching headings), to complete a dialogue, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to listen for specific information (Yes/No statements), to write a for-and-against essay


Amazing Journeys Module Mod ule pag page e


In this unit Ss will explore the topics of travel, holiday activities, accommodation, accommodatio n, getting around and holiday situations. Vocabulary: Verbs (meet, stay, shop, explore, enjoy, join experience, sleep); Nouns (accommodation, home) Adjectives (local, sandy)

8a Re Readi ading ng

118-11 118 -119 9

Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, (multiple matching) to talk about special places, to give a presentation on a holiday destination in your country Vocabulary: Nouns (passenger, crew, desert, ruins, rock, site, stall, maze, pavilion, pond, bridge, guide, crosscountry skiing, Aurora Borealis, clap); Verbs (wander, board, float, entertain, remind, create); Adjectives (unique, elegant, separate, peaceful); Phrases (overnight (boat) trip, mouth-watering meal, on deck, dine in style, carve out  of, off the beaten track, passionate about, take my breath away, wander around, take things at my own pace,

  8   Module

8d Listening skills


Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information (multiple choice); to listen for specific information (note taking); to persuade a friend to go on a holiday; to learn subject-object questions Vocabulary: Nouns (lifetime, dog sledding, snowmobiling, transfer,); Verb (hire); Adjective (complimentary); Phrases (winter break, overnight stay, chairlift ride, direct flight,  in-flight meal, luxury accommodation, 3-course meal, airport taxes, thermal clothes)

8e Speaking skills


Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to listen for gist, to role play, to ask for/give information, to ask about/  express preference, to compare pictures

8f Writi Writing ng

126-127 126127

Lesson Objectives: To analyse a rubric, to analyse a model, to practise adjectives, to practise informal style, to write an informal letter

 physically active, stay awake, natural   phenomenon, makehusky noises,sledding, in the distance)

Language Languag e Knowledg Knowledge e8 8b Voca Vocabula bulary ry

120-121 120121

Lesson Objectives: To learn topic-related vocabulary, to learn vocabulary related to holiday activities, to listen for specific information (matching), to talk about your last holiday, to learn phrasal verbs with CHECK, to learn vocabulary related to country life & city life, to learn to form verbs from adjectives and nouns, to learn prepositional phrases Vocabulary: Holiday activities (lie on the beach, go shopping for souvenirs, write postcards, take holiday  snaps, practise the language, enjoy the scenery, try the  local food, go on guided tours, prefer an all-inclusive holiday); Types of holidays (skiing, cruise, sightseeing, safari, beach); Accommodation (self-catering apartment, B&B, hostel, campsite); Transport (trolley, subway, taxi, ferry, plane, moped); Cultural places (art gallery, museum, theatre, ancient site); Eating out (pizzeria, fast food restaurant, steakhouse, fish restaurant); City life/Country life (close relationship, job opportunities, peaceful walk, streets crowded with people, traffic jam, late hours, heavy traffic,  polluted air, unspoilt unspoilt nature)

8c Gra Gramm mmar ar in use


Lesson Objectives: To complete a multiple choice cloze, to practise sentence transformations, to complete an open cloze, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module

Language Languag e Focus 8


Lesson Objectives: To practise vocabulary from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to practise phrasal verbs & prepositional phrases, to practise word formation, to complete a cloze text

Progress Check 8


Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information (multiple matching), to choose the correct responses in situational exchanges, to practise vocabulary and grammar from the module, to practise sentence transformations, to listen for specific information (note taking), to write an informal email

122-12 122 -123 3

Lesson Objectives: To learn clauses, to learn defining/non-defining relative clauses, to learn clauses of purpose, to learn clauses of result




Module Objectives

Words of wisdom

Read the title of the module Living together and together  and ask Ss to suggest what they think the module will be about (the  module is about people around the world, stages of life, appearance, character and families.) Go through the objectives’ list to stimulate Ss’ interest in the module.

Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class. Suggested Answer Key  I think that this means that you don’t need to have a lot of 

 1   •


To introduce new vocabulary Direct Ss’ attention to the texts A-C and the words in the lists above each one and give Ss time to use the words to complete the texts. Check Ss’ answers around the class. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words.

 Answer Key     

A 1 da dark rk 2 ro rosy sy

3 frie friend ndly  ly  4 ha happ ppy  y 


B 5 noma nomadi dic c 6 col colour ourful ful

7 slim slim 8 pol polite ite


C 9 pal pale e 10 fac facial ial


11 cou courag rageou eouss 12 pea peacef ceful  ul 

To listen for specific information •

Play the recording. Ss listen and match the descriptions A-C to the pictures 1-3. • Check Ss’ answer answers. s.

 Answer Key   

1 B

2 C

  3 a)

3 A

To identify specific vocabulary


Ask Ss to write the headings: appearance and character  in their notebooks and then give them time to skim the texts again and write down relevant vocabulary items from the texts under the headings. Ss work in closed pairs.


Check Ss’ answers on the board.

 Answer Key     


Appearance: dark hair, rosy cheeks, tall, slim, pale skin, facial tattoos Character: warm, friendly, happy, hardworking, polite, brave, courageous, peaceful  b)

To practise new vocabulary by describing people



Ss work in pairs and use the vocabulary from Ex. 3a to describe the people in the pictures. Ask some Ss to describe the people to the class.

Suggested Answer Key       


Odval has got dark hair to and rosyguests. cheeks. She is warm and friendly and happy have Koyati is tall and slim. He is also hardworking and polite. Pui-Litan has got pale skin. She is brave, courageous and peaceful.

 possessions andof wealth to be happy. thinkcan thatbeif very  you  make the most what you have, then I you happy indeed.

Background information Mongolia is a country in Central Asia. It is bordered by Russia and China. The capital city is Ulan Bator and the population is 2.9 million people. The people are called Mongols. Russia (also called the Russian Federation) is a large country in Eurasia. It is the largest country in the world. The capital city is Moscow and it has a population of 143 million people. China (also called The Republic of China) is a large country in Asia. It is the most populous country in the world with a population of 1.3 billion people. The capital city is Beijing. The language is Chinese and the currency is the yuan. The Maasai are a people from Kenya and northern Tanzania in southeast Africa. There are around 841,000 Maasai people. They are a semi-nomadic people and they are easily recognised by their bright traditional dress. Eastern Africa is a region on the continent of Africa that includes the countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi as well as the islands of Mauritius and the Seychelles. The Atayal is a tribe from central and northern Taiwan, an island in East Asia. It is the second largest native tribe in the country and has an advanced culture. Northern Taiwan is a region in Taiwan which is an island in East Asia off the coast of China. The capital city is Taipei and it is a territory of the Republic of China.



Module 1

Living together

People around the world  Complete the descriptions.

1 M ODULE OBJECTIVES ▶   Vocabulary   •   people around the world   •   stages of life   •   physical characteristics   •   character

  • families   •   phrasal verbs: BREAK    •   word formation: -ing/-ed participles -ing/-ed  participles   •   prepositions ▶ 



an article about the Hadza (multiple choice, answer questions)

▶   Grammar   •   present tenses   •   time adverbs   •   comparative & superlative   •   exclamations   •   plurals ▶ 



a radio interview (multiple choice, note taking)



• ha happ ppy y • ro rosy sy • da dark rk • fr frie iend ndly ly I’m Odval and I’m from Mongolia, a country between Russia and China. I often wear a scarf over my 1) .......................................... hair and I have 2) ............................................. cheeks from the cold. Mongolia is very cold, but Mongolians are warm, 3) ........................................... people. We are always 4) ..................................... to have guests. Why don’t you visit us in Mongolia?


I’m Koyati and I’m from the Maasai, a 5) .............................. tribe in Eastern Africa. Our clothes are very 6) ............................... and we like to wear bracelets and necklaces. As a people we are tall and 7) ......... .................. .................. ......... . We are also hardworking and 8) ........ ................. ............ ... . 2

▶   Speaking   •   asking for & express expressing ing


  •   opinion/(dis)agreement comparing pictures ▶   Writing   •   a paragraph comparing

people   •   an opinion essay essay ▶   •   •   •   • 

Language Focus


Progress Check

• sl slim im • po poli lite te • co colo lour urfu full • nom nomad adic ic


• pe peac acef eful ul • cou coura rage geou ous s • pa pale le • fa facia cial  l 

Hi, my name’s Pui-Litan. My people, the Atayal, live in villages in the mountains of Northern Taiwan. Our name means ‘True People’. We have 9) .......................... skin. Our men are great hunters and our women are excellent weavers. In the old days, the Atayal people wore 10) ...................... tattoos. We are brave and 11) .................... people. We are also 12) .................... and don’t like fighting.

words often confused grammar in focus sentence transformat transformations; ions; cloze text


  Listen and match the descriptions (A-C) to the pictures (1-3).


 a) Find the words words in the texts that describe: describe: appearance; character .

Words of wisdom

“The happiest people don’t  have the best of everything; they just make the best of  everything.”  (Anonymous)


b) Use these words to describe the people in the photo photos. s.

5 17






 a) Chec Check k these words words in the Word Word List at the back of the book. Use them to fill in the sentences. • bows bows • le lean an • cu curl rly y • at atta tach ched  ed  • na nati tive ve • ga gath ther er • cr crop ops s • gen gener erou ous s • wa wand nder  er 

the last of the first


1   The Hadza people aren’t plump; they are ......................... .

They don’t grow crops, they don’t


2   They have ..................... black hair.

raise animals and they don’t count


3   The Hadza ........................... the valley hunting with ......................... and arrows.

the days or months – the Hadza


4   They don’t grow ................ for food.

tribe of East Africa is probably the


5   Hadzane is their ......................... language.

last hunter-gatherer tribe on Earth.


6   They are ............................ people and share everything.


7   They ............................ around the fire to eat.


8   They don’t become ......................... to people and things.



The tribesmen are sitting by the fire. They are feeling hungry. A camp elder, Onwas, tells the others of a tree he saw filled with baboons. They all pick up their bows and set off to go hunting. Onwas is around 60 years old and quite short at 1.5 metres, but he is lean and fit. The rest of the men are also slim with short curly black hair. Their hunting knives hang from animal skin belts.


b) What do the sentences in Ex. 1a tell us about the Hadza?


Onwas invites me on the hunt in his native language, Hadzane.


c) Why are they the last of the first? Read through to find out.

Multiple choice Read the text quickly to get the general idea and the writer’s purpose. Read the questions and underline the key words. Read the text carefully to answer the questions. Note that the first question focuses on writer purpose and the last on overall meaning. The other three follow the order of information in the text and one of  them focuses on attitude or opinion.


 Read the text. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

days with an interpreter: Onwas’ niece. I am thrilled to get close to the Hadza people. They live in the extreme heat of the Yaeda Valley where the soil is poor, water is in short supply and the bugs are terrible. They don’t keep track of time: hours, weeks, months and years have no meaning to them. They have no crops, no animals and no houses. They live completely off what nature provides. That’s why I am here. I have come to meet these hunter-gatherers in person.   3   What does the reader learn about the Hadza from the text? text?  

A They are concerned about time.


B They move from place to place.


C They worry about their food.


D They have a fixed daily routine.

  1   What is the writer doing in the text?

4   How does the writer writer describe the Hadza in paragraph paragraph D?


A describing the way the Hadza live


A They are responsible.


B promoting the hunter-gatherer


B They are worried about their future.


C They respect nature.


D They don’t get upset easily.


C helping protect the Hadza tribe


D recommending a holiday experience

  2   What does the writer say about himself?

  5   What might the writer say about the Hadza?  

A They seem happy with the way they live. B Their way of life is not good for them and they need


A He isn’t enjoying his visit. B He is happy to learn Hadzane.



C He is disappointed when nobody


C Their lifestyle is better than the way we live today.


D They should have their own land and learn to farm.

says goodbye.


I have come to the Hadza homeland of Tanzania for a few

D He is excited about meeting them.

our help.




a) a)


To intro introduce duce key vocabu vocabulary lary and practise it in context •


Refer Ss to the Word List at List at the back of their books and give them time to look up the meanings of the words given. Give Ss time to complete the sentences and then check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key                         

bows: weapons that shoot arrows lean: without fat  curly: having curls attached: liking attached:  liking very much native: belonging to an area  gather: collect together  crops: food grown to eat   generous: giving things to others wander: walk freely around an area 1 lean lean 2 cur curly ly 3 wande wander, r, bows

4 crop cropss 5 nat native ive 6 genero generous us

7 ga gath ther  er  8 att attache ached d


To introduce the topic; to predict content


Elicit what the sentences tell us about the Hadza people from various Ss around the class. Suggested Answer Key 



They tell us about the appearance and character of  these people and how they live. c)

To read for specific information



Give Ss time to read the text and find the answer to the question. Ask Ss to skim through the text rather than read it in detail. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key   

The first tribes of people in Africa were huntergatherers who lived day-to-day and the Hadza tribe is the last tribe who still live this way.


To read for specific information Read out the Study Skills box to help Ss do the task. Ask Ss to read question 1 and the possible answers. • Give them time to read the text again and choose the correct answer for the question giving reasons. • Give Ss time to answer the rest of questions. • Check Ss’ answers around the class and ask Ss to  justify their answers with examples from the text.


elder (n): an older member of a community  filled with (phr): being full of sth baboon (n): a large ape


 pick up (phr v): to lift sth up inshoot your hand bow (n): a weapon which you arrows from set off (phr v): to begin a journey  lean (adj): without fat  fit (adj): in (adj): in good physical shape curly (adj): having curls hang (v): to be suspended skin belt (phr): a belt made from animal skin hunt (v): to track and kill animals for food native language (phr): a language spoken by the  people  peo ple who liv live e in a parti particula cularr area area homeland (n): where a person was born and grew up interpreter (n): a person who translates from one  language to another to help two people who don’t  speak the same language communicate niece (n): your (n): your broth brother er or sister sister’s ’s daughte daughterr is your niece




Suggested Answer Key  1 A (whole (whole text) 2 D (I am thrilled to get close to the Hadza people. people.)) 3 B (They wander the land taking food from it  whenever they need ...) 4 D (They are generous and easy-goi easy-going ng people ...) 5 A (They don’t seem to have any worrie worries.) s.)

Refer Ss to the Check these words box and explain/  elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss to use their dictionaries and look them up.

Suggested Answer Key 



extreme (adj): very great in degree or intensity  heat (n): hot temperatures soil (n): the ground  poor (adj): not rich; lacking short supply (phr): when there is not much/many of sth bug (n): insect  (n): insect  keep track of time (phr): to note the passing of the  minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc meaning (n): significance live off (phr v): rely on to provide with food, water etc nature (n): the natural world  provide (v): to give sb sth they need hunter-gatherer (phr): a person who hunts and gathers fruit, berries etc to live in person (phr): face-to-face  gather (v): collect  berry (n): a small fruit that grows in bunches on a  plant or a bush  generous (adj): give their time/money/possessions freely to another  easy-going (adj): relaxed and carefree dive in (phr): to put your hands into sth quickly and eagerly  possession (n): a personal belonging free from belongings (phr): without possessions responsibilities (n): duties be better off (phr): be in a better position worry (n): trouble or problem attached to (phr): to have a special bond with sb/sth arrival (n): the act of coming to a place departure (n): the act of leaving a place effect (n): a change one thing causes to another  wonder (v): think about  matter of time (phr): sth that is certain to happen in the future be over (phr): come to an end/finish





• •


Give Ss time to answer the questions. Remind Ss not to copy from the text but to paraphr paraphrase ase the information in their own words. Check Ss’ answers around the class



1 2


It is very hot, there is little water and the soil is no good for growing crops. There are also lots of insects. They live day to day and do not have permanen permanent  t  homes. Also, I think that their way of living must be quite dangerous and that is why they don’t become attached to people or things. Life is very difficult for them and they may not be able to survive this way for much longer.





Read the words/phrases in the list and give Ss time to match them to the words in bold in the text. Ss can work in closed pairs. Elicit answers from various Ss around the class and elicit what part of speech each word/phrase in bold is.

Para A: set off = leave (phrasal verb) Para B: quite = fairly (adverb), lean = thin (adjective), fit = healthy (adjective) Para C: homeland = native land (noun), short = little (adjective), provides = gives (verb),  in person = face-to-face (prepositional phrase) Para D: return = go back (verb), gathered = collected (verb), possessions = things (noun) Para E: worries = troubles (noun), attached to = fond of (adj), wonder = ask myself (verb), are over = finish (phr verb)

  5 a)  

To descr describe ibe a pictur picture e


not share their possessions

share everything

Ask Ss Ss to use the completed table to prepare their answers. Point out that Ss should use words like but , whereas to express contrast. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

People in my country live modern lives with lots of   possessions,  possession s, but the Hadza live in a traditio traditional nal way  with little or no possessions. In my country, people live

To consolidate information in a text Ask various Ss to tell the class four things they have learnt from the text. Suggested Answer Key 


Ask questions about the picture: What does it show? What is the weather like? What is the man like? What is he wearing/holding/doing? Elicit answers, then allow Ss some time to prepare their answers. Ask various Ss around the class to describe it.

In the picture there is a Hadza tribe member with a bow and arrow ready to shoot. The tribe member is a  man and he looks quite old. There are trees and bushes in the background. It seem it is a warm day.

buy food

don’t go to school hunt for food

 in houses in villages, towns and cities, but the Hadza do not have houses or permanent settlements. In my  country, people go to work and children go to school, whereas the Hadza do not have jobs or schools. In my  country, people get their food from the supermarket  and store it in cupboards and fridges in their homes. The Hadza hunt for their food on a daily basis and do not store food. The people in my country do not share their possessions or food, but the Hadza share everything.

I learnt that they are one of the last tribes who live as  people in the past did. I learnt that they  people they live day to day  and do not have permanent homes. I learnt that they  don’t become attached to people or things and that their  way of life may not be able to survive for much longer. ICT

To expand the topic and develop research skills

Suggested Answer Key   

go to school

Suggested Answer Key 

 Answer Key 






no houses, no permanent settlements no possessions don’t work


To consolidate new vocabulary through synonymous words/phrases



houses/flats in villages/  farms/cities have possessions go to work


  4 a) & b)


The Hadza people


Suggested Answer Key   


To consolidate information in a text


Ask Ss to research on the Internet and find out more information about the Hadza and present it to the class. Ss can work in groups if they like and prepare a PowerPoint presentation. Suggested Sugges ted Answer Answer Key – See p. p. 10(T)




To compare two peoples/  lifestyles • Draw this table on the board. Elicit answers from Ss and write them on the board.


 – See p. 10(T)





After a successful night hunting baboons, we return to the camp. The women have gathered berries


and fruit. The tribe shares everything. They are generous and easy-going people with lots of free time. They come and go from the camp as they please and sleep whenever they want. When it’s time to eat, we gather around the fire. Once the meat is ready, everyone just dives in. Nobody knows when the next meal is as the Hadza don’t plan


1   What problems do the Hadza face where they live?


2   Why do you think they don’t become attached to people or things?


3  Why is the writer worried about their future?

for the future. They wander the land taking food from it whenever they need, carrying their few possessions with them.


Free from belongings, jobs, money and responsibilities, I can’t help thinking, as I prepare to leave, that perhaps the Hadza are better off this way. They don’t seem to have any worries. Hadza do not become attached to people or things, so my arrival and now my departure have had little effect on them. Smiling and walking away, I wonder



• el elde derr • fi fill lled ed wi with th • ba babo boon on • pi pick ck up • bo bow w • se sett of off  f  • le lean an • fi fitt • cu curl rlyy • ha hang ng • sk skin in be belt lt • hu hunt  nt  • nat native ive lang language uage • hom homela eland nd • int interp erpret reter er • nie niece ce • ext extrem remee • he heat at • so soil il • po poor or • sh shor ortt su supp pply ly • bu bug g • ke keeep tr trac ack k of ti time me • me mean anin ing g • li live ve of offf • na natur turee • pr provi ovide de • hun hunte terr-gat gathe here rer  r  • in pe pers rson on • ga gath ther er • be berr rryy • ge gene nero rous us • ea easy sy-g -goi oing ng • di dive ve in • poss possess ession ion • fre freee fro from m bel belongi ongings ngs • res respons ponsibi ibilit lities ies • be be bett tter er of offf • wo worr rryy • at atta tach ched ed to • ar arri riva vall • de depa part rtur uree • ef effe fect ct • wo wond nder er • ma matt tter er of ti time me • be ov over  er 

Listening & Speaking Listen and read the text. Say four things you have learnt about the Hadza from the text. ICT What else would you like to know about the Hadza? Collect information about their religion, celebrations, houses and family life. Present it to the class.

 a) Match the words words in bold to their synonyms: • • • • •

about their future: is it only a matter of time before the days of wandering the valley are over for the Hadza? I hope not.

Check these words

 Read the text again and answer the questions.

b) What part of speech is each word: noun? verb? adjective? adverb?


healthy healt hy • as ask k my myse self lf • fa fair irly ly litt li ttle le • le leav ave e • gi give ves s • fo fond nd of colle col lect cted ed • go ba back ck • th thin ings gs facefac e-to to-f -fac ace e • tr trou ouble bles s • th thin in nativ nat ive e la land nd • fi fini nish sh

 a) SPEAKING Des Descri cribe be the picture in the text. b) Compare Comp are the Hadza people to the people in your country.

Writing Imagine you are staying with the Hadza tribe for a week. In three three minutes minutes write a few sentences describing your experience. Tell your partner or the class.






Vocabulary from the text


Topic vocabulary Stages of life

 Choose the correct word.


1   The village elder/native plans the day’s hunt.


 a) Look at the the stages of  of  life. Which one are you in?

2   He wants to get thrilled/  close to the tribe.



3   Some people find it difficult to keep/hang track of their time.


4   He likes providing/sharing things with his friends.


5   It seems that time has no supply/meaning to Onwas.


6   Other tribes raise sheep and grow crops/animals crops/animals..


7   They never plan/invite for the future.


8   I want to see the tribe in person/people.. person/people


9   The man gathers/picks up his bow and sets off to hunt.


10   The children don’t go to school and do as they please/feel please/feel..



adulthood adolescence (19 yrs childhood (1-11 yrs old) (12-18 yrs old) old age)

b) In pairs match the activities to the stages of life above. • start start a fam family ily • cra crawl wl • ret retire ire • go to sch school  ool  • grad graduate uate • lear learn n to read and write • get a part-t part-time ime job • get mar marrie ried d • get a pro promot motion ion • get a job


A person normally starts a family in adulthood.

Physical characteristics


 Complete the table. Use: • hair hair • lips lips • ag age e • bu buil ild d • ey eyes es • fa face ce • he heig ight  ht  • no nose se • comp comple lexi xion on child, young man or woman, middle-aged, old, in his/her late/early twenties tanned, dark, pale tall, short, of average height skinny, plump, overweight, thin, slim, athletic, well-built


 Fill in: matter , grow , native, feel , free, raise.


1   ...... ............ ............ ............. ............ ..... langua language ge


2   ...... ............ ............ ............. ............. ............ ........ time


3   ...... ............ ............ ............. ............. ......... ... of time


4   ...... ............ ............ ............. ............. ......... ... hungry


5   ...... ............ ............ ............. ............. ........... ..... crops


6   ...... ............ ............ ............. ............. ........ .. animal animals s

oval, round, long full, thin brown, big, small, hazel big, flat, hooked curly, short, straight, long, wavy, bald, frizzy, fair, dark, shoulder-length pecial cial spe ures s feature feat

6 3  

1   The streets are filled of/with people.


2   Coffee is in/at short supply as demand rises.


3   In the evenings they often sit in/by the fire.



 Choose the correct preposition.

5   We need to keep children free of/from violence.


6   The news has little effect on/  for Kate.

Use words from Ex. 5 to describe the people in the pictures. SPEAKING

1 Laura

4   They always carry their bows on/with them.



wrinkles, freckles, glasses, beard, moustache

2 Lucy

3 Peter 4 John


  SPEAKING Choose a person in the class and describe him/ her to your partner. Your partner guesses who the person is. ... is tall and slim with short curly hair, blue eyes and thin lips.




To consolidate vocabulary from a text • •

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key         

1 2 3 4

elder close clo se keep sharing

meaning crops cro ps plan pla n person


• • •

9 picks up 10 ple please ase

Go through the list of words and explain/elicit meaning. Allow Ss time to do the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers on the board. Explain any unknown vocabulary.

 Answer Key  age complexion

tanned, dark, pale


tall, short, of average height 


skinny, plump, overweight, thin, slim, athletic, well-built 


oval, round, long


full, thin


brown, big, small, hazel 


big, flat, hooked

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to start a Prepositions


curly, short, straight, long, wavy, bald, frizzy, fair, dark, shoulder-length

section in their notebook and list the prepositional phrases in alphabetical order. Ask Ss to revise them regularly.

special features

wrinkles, freckles, glasses, beard,  moustache

To consolidate vocabulary from a text • •

To present new vocabulary

child, young man or woman,  middle-aged, old, in his/her   late/early twenties


5 6 7 8


Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key     

1 nat native ive 2 fre free e


3 mat matter ter 4 fee feell

5 gro grow  w  6 rai raise se

To practise prepositional phrases • •


 Answer Key   

1 wi with th 2 in

  4 a)  


3 by

4 wi with th 5


from fr om 6 on



To intro introduce duce new vocabu vocabulary lary Ask Ss to read the table. Read the question aloud, then go through the various stages of life. Elicit an answer from Ss.

I’m 16 years old so I’m in my adolescence.

Suggested Answer Key 


To present and practise topic-related vocabulary in context



• •

Go through the list of words and explain/elicit meaning. Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers Check answers..


Suggested Answer Key         

infancy: crawl  childhood: go to school, learn to read and write adolescence: go to school, graduate, get a part-time job adulthood: start a family, retire, get married, get a  promotion, get a job


A person normally crawls in infancy. A person normally goes to school and learns to read


Ask Ss to look at the first picture. Ask questions and elicit answers (e.g. How old do you think Laura is? Is she tall/plump? What complexion has she got? What is her hair like? etc). Allow Ss some time to prepare their answers for the rest of the people. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key     

To practise new vocabulary

and write in childhood. A person normally goes to school, gets a part-time  job in adolescence. A person normally graduates, gets a job, gets married, starts a family, gets a promotion and retires in adulthood.


She has got long straight blonde hair and a pale complexion. 2 Lucy is a child. She is short and thin. She has got  dark, frizzy, shoulder-length hair. 3 Peter is middle-aged. He is tall and overweight. He is bald with a beard. 4  John is a teenager. He is of average height and well-built. He has got short brown hair.


Laura is in her early twenties and she is tall and slim.

To consolidate new vocabulary • • •

Explain the task. Explain Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the task. Monitor the activity around the class.

Suggested Answer Key     

A: This person is short and plump with short brown hair and freckles. B: It’s John.




Suggested Answer Key   8

To present new vocabulary



Refer Ss to the Word List  at the back of their books and give them time to look up the meanings of the adjectives. Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.


My mum’s short and plump with short brown curly  hair. She is quiet, honest, shy and polite. My dad’s tall  and slim with dark hair and green eyes. He’s very  hardworking, self-confident and generous.



To present new vocabulary/ expand the topic


 Answer Key  1 res respon ponsib sible le 2 mes messy sy 3 sh shyy 4 tru truthf thful ul 5 sen sensib sible le 6 soc sociab iable le


7 8 9 10 11 12


rude rude arroga arr ogant  nt  vain va in polite pol ite bossy  bos sy  anxiou anx iouss


Elicit explanations from Ss around the class and/or ask and answer the questions and ask Ss to make a note of the types of families in their notebooks.

 Answer Key   

To present/practise new vocabulary



Give Ss time to complet complete e the task. Check Ss’ answers and then elicit sentences from Ss around the class. Point out that when we describe negative qualities we use mild language (e.g. at times, I can be etc.)


A nuclear family is a family with a mum, a dad and children. An extended family includes the grandparents and other relatives. A single-parent family is a family with only a mum or a dad not both and a child (children).


Elicit what type of family each S lives in.

12   • •   •   •

To present/practise phrasal verbs Explain Explai n the task. Give Ss time to complete the task. Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix I. Check answers around the class.

 Answer Key   

1 a

2 f

3 e

4 d

5 b

6 c

Suggested Answer Key   

I’m hardworking and generous. I can be rude at times.


To listen for specific information (multiple matching)



• • •

 Answer Key 

Explain the task and ask Ss to read the names 1-5 and the character adjectives a-h. Play the record recording. ing. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key   

1 a

2 c

3 f

4 h

5 b

11 a)

To present new vocabulary/revise family relationship words


• •

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answer answers. s.


1 up

2 do down wn

3 ou outt

4 do down wn


To practise word formation (-ing/-ed participles)



• •

Read the table aloud to Ss and explain any points they are unsure of providing extra examples if necessary. Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers on the board. Ss should justify their answers.

 Answer Key       

1 annoyed annoyed (feelin (feeling) g) 2 confused (feelin (feeling) g) 3 amusin amusing g (what like)

4 interested interested (feelin (feeling) g) 5 shocking shocking (what like) 6 boring (what like)

 Answer Key         

mum – dad sister – brother grandma – grandpa mother-in-law – father-in-law 





aunt – uncle daughter – son niece – nephew 

To consolidate new vocabulary Ask various Ss to describe their family members to the class. Ss Ss can use the headings headings in Ex. 5 and the words listed in the table as well as the adjectives in Exs 8 & 9 to prepare their answers.


To practise prepositional phrases • • • •

Give Ss time to complete the task. Ask Ss to check their answers in Appendix II. Check answers around the class. Ss can add these phrases in the Prepositions section in their notebook.

 Answer Key 1 on

2 wi with th

3 ab abou outt

4 to

5 to







 Choose the correct adjective. Check in the Word List at the back of the book.

11  a)


1   Tom behaves properly and sensibly. easy-going/arrogant/responsible


2   Paul doesn’t keep things clean and


organised. forgetful/annoying/messy 3   Jane feels uncomfortable with other people. ambitious/sensitive/shy

Form For m pairs. pairs. aunt

sister   daughter grandma   niece mother-in-law

father-in-law brother son uncle dad grandpa nephew


b) What do your family members look like? What are they like? Tell the class.


4   Pam never lies. truthful/open-minded/bold


5   Ann uses her her common sense sense to solve solve problems. grumpy/sensible/self-confident


My mum’s tall and ... with ... eyes and ... hair. She’s very hardworking and ... .


6   John likes being with people. impatient/  generous/sociable



7   Bob always embarrasses people with what he says. carefree/rude/brave

c) What is a nuclear family? an extended family? a single-parent family?


8   Mary thinks she is the best. arrogant/frank/  honest

Phrasal verbs: BREAK 

12  Choose the correct particle. Check in Appendix I.


9   Pat takes pride in her looks. bossy/vain/stingy


10   Mark has very good manners. mean/polite/  outgoing


2  Mike’s car often breaks off/down off/down.. (stops working)


11   John enjoys telling people what to do. helpful/bossy/nosey


3   Arguments often break out/off between them. (begin suddenly)


12   Peter is always nervous or worried. anxious/ noisy/sad


4   Helen broke down/out when she heard the news. (started crying)



1   They broke up/into last week. (separated)

 Match the adjectives to their opposites. Which adjectives best describe you? 1


  a   noisy



 b   dishonest



  c   insecure



 d   lazy

5 6

honest self-confident

  e   stingy   f   rude

Word formation (-ing/-ed participles)

13  Read the theory, then choose the correct adjectives.

• We us usee -ing adjectives to describe what sb/sth is like. He’s an interesting perso  person. n. (What is he like?) • We use -ed adjectives to describe feelings.  

1   Amy gets easily annoyed/annoying annoyed/annoying..

I’m quiet and polite. I can be lazy at times.


Listen to two people talking about their friends. Match the people to the character adjectives. Two adjectives do not match. SPEAKING


0 g Peter

2   He’s confused/confusing about her behaviour.  

3   She’s an amused/amusing person.


4   Sue is very interesting/interested in Maths. 5   The news is shocking/shocked shocking/shocked!!


Character   a   outgoing

He feels frightened . (How does he feel?)

6   He’s such a boring/bored person.




 b   anxious

14  Choose the correct item. Check in Appendix II.



  c   rude


1   You can always count to/on me.



 d   polite


2   Sam disagrees to/with Ben’s opinions.



  e   responsible   f   messy



 g   shy

4   John hardly hardly ever pays attention attention at/to what I say.

 h   bossy

5   He is indifferent in/to other people’s needs.

3   Katy really cares over/about other people.





Grammar in use

Present simple/Present continuous/Pres continuous/Present ent perfect/Presentt perfect continuous perfect/Presen tie e  Kati  To:  Ka  To: ra aura  Lau m:  L rom Fro ews!  Ne t:  N ect: bjec Subj

Hi K  Kaati tiee, your g a  tough ing m  havin butt 1 ) I’I’m er   bu oner soon ck   so back itteen  ba writt ’t wr en’t aven ry I hav orry ail.l. Sor emai ur em  Thanks  f or yo  Th se ause beccau g be ing ann noyin ly an ally e’s   real She’s t. Sh flat. d  into my  fla ved ust move anee, 2 ) has  j ju sin,, Jan ousin My   cou e. My ime. tim ing g my ’vee  been  cleanin ay   4 ) I’v oday ng.. Tod skiing tho out  ask gs   with ings thin orrrowing my  th shee’s  always  bor 3) sh g!   sing!  arre missin ngs a thin  my thi alf  f  my  hal and d h g an ning mornin  alll mor roo ro om al ma  on nem he   cine ly 5 ) go to  the ally usu ual d?   I us end? eken week thee we or  th anss  f or  plan ur   pl your at   are yo what ywaay, wh Anyw vie.. I d movie ond  Bon new B thee new  seeeing th ’ree s dayy 6 ) we’r turda Satur is Sa  This e. Th  Su ue. te S latmate  myy f lat ith m  with ayss w rday turd Satu an   get ith   us? I can com me  with u co you ’t   yo on’t theem! Why don n all of th een ’vee  see viess – 7 ) I’v d movie ond ve   Bon love T he  att The ockk a ’clloc  It   9 ) starts at 7 o’c re.. It here rkss the o 8 ) work who inee wh d of o f min end frien  a   fri fro om a ts   fr ckets  ticke ap ti heap che tree. entr  to own cen thee t xy  in th Roxy Ro ner. dinn  forr din ng me fo llin Suee 10 ) is calli o now. Su  go to g gott to  I’vve go ell,, I’  Well  W g, ing, comin  you’ree com  if  you’r ow if  know me kn Lett me Le aurra Lau  a) Read the email. Is it formal or informal? informal? Give reasons.  1 A

  a habit/routine


  a permanent state


  a timetable


  a fixed future arrangement


  a temporary situation


  a recently completed action


  a complaint



b) Identify the verb forms (1-10) in bold. Match them to the uses (A-J). H

  an action happening now


  an emphasis on the duration of an action that started in the past and continues up to the present


  an action that happened at an unstated time in the past





 Choose the correct tenses. Justify your choices. 1   A: Chloe is graduat graduating/ha ing/has s graduated graduated next month. B: I kn know ow.. I have just received/have just been receiving an invitation for the ceremony. B: No, I’ve been looking/’ve looked for him myself for the last hour. 3   A: Does Sally live/Is Sally living in the town centre? B: Ye Yes, s, bu butt she she looks/is looking for a new place at the moment. 4   A: Hurry Hurry up! The bus leaves/is leaving in an hour. B: You have always rushed/are always rushing me!



6   A: What What ti time me are you meeting/have you met Alex? B : We are always meeting/always meet at 6:30 on Wednesdays.

1   a Most people ..................... (enjoy) going to the cinema. b I ...................................... (enjoy) this book. It’s really good! 2   a Gary ................................ (appear) in a play this weekend. b He ................................... (appear) to be feeling better today. 3   a Yes, I ............................... (see) what you mean. b Leo .................................. (see) Peter tomorrow morning.


4   a Sally ................................ (think) of going to Russia. b I ...................................... (not/think) she’s telling the truth.



5   a This lasagna .................... (taste) fantastic. Try some!


b She ................................. (taste) the soup to see if it needs more pepper.

5   A : What has Amy done/is Amy doing this morning? B: She She usu usuall ally y walks/is walking the dog in the park, but this morning she goes/is going shopping.

 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple simple or the  present continuous continuous. Give reasons for your answers.


2   A: Have you been seeing/Have you seen Dan anywhere?  

see pp. pp. GR1 GR1-GR -GR3 3



    1 a)  

To identi identify fy style Ask Ss to read the email and elicit what style it is written in. Refer Ss to the back of the Ss’ book (style) and ask Ss to give reasons for their answer.







To present/revise present tenses


Direct Ss’ attention to the email and elicit identification of the verb forms 1-10 in bold. Give Ss time to match the verb forms 1-10 to the uses A-J. Ss can work in pairs. Check Ss’ answers and refer them to the Grammar Reference section for more information. Revise formation of these tenses if necessary.

 Answer Key


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

present perfec present perfectt – F  presentt continu presen continuous ous – G presentt perfec presen perfectt continu continuous ous – I presentt simple – A presen presentt continu presen continuous ous – D presentt perfec presen perfectt – J presentt simple – B presen presentt simple – C presen present continuous – H


To practise present tenses •

Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete it. Ss compare answers in pairs.

1 is graduating, have just received (fixed future arrangement & recently completed action) 2 Have you seen, I’ve been looking (recently  completed action & an action that started in the  past and continues to the present) 3 Does live, is now) looking (permanent state & an actionSally happening 4 leaves, are always rushing (a timetable & a complaint) 5 is Amy doing, walks, is going (an action happeni happening ng now, a habit/routine & an action happening now) 6 are you meeting, always meet (a fixed future arrangement & a habit/routine)


To practise the the present  present simple and the  present continuous



• •

1 presen presentt continu continuous ous – E                   

Check Ss’ answers and elicit justifications.

 Answer Key 

 Answer Key It is informal because it uses short forms (e.g. I haven’t written), everyday language (e.g. Thanks for) and short sentences (e.g. I’ve got to go now).

Explain the task and then give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should justify their answers.

 Answer Key     

1 a enjoy (like/p (like/permane ermanent nt state) b am enjoying (having a good time/action happening now)


2 a is appearing (acting/a fixed future arrangemen arrangement) t) b appears (seems/a permanent state)


3 a see (under (understand/ stand/perman permanent ent state) b is seeing (meeting/fixed future arrangement)


4 a is thinki thinking ng (consi (considerin dering/act g/action ion happe happening ning now) b don’t think (don’t believe/permanent state)


5 a tastes (has the flavou flavourr of/per of/permanent manent state) b is tasting (testing/action happening now)

From Fro m p. 7(T 7(T)) ICT Suggested Answer Key   

The Hadza do not celebrate religious holidays, birthdays or anniversaries. They have no official leaders as everyone is equal. They do not have ceremonies not  even weddings. They do not have houses either. Everyone sleeps around the campfires and shares all the food. Family groups are hard to distinguish within a tribe as everyone lives together.


To describe an imaginary scenario based on information in a text



Suggested Answer Key   

I’ve been with the Hadza people for a week now. The conditions are very difficult because it is very hot and there are a lot of insects such as mosquitoes that bite. I sleep in my tent, but the Hadza sleep outside around a campfire. The men go hunting together and the women collect berries and fruit. It is very interesting to see how  they live such a simple life without worries but I really   miss all my home comforts. comforts.

Explain the task and give Ss some time to write a few sentences. Ask various Ss around the class to share their answers with the rest of the class.



1c    4

To practise adverbs of frequency using personal examples



• • •

Explain the task and read out the table explaining/  eliciting the meanings of any unknown words. Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity around the class. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.



A: What do you usually do in your free time? B: I usually read a book or watch a DVD. Sometimes, I play a sport or go for a walk. How  about you? A: I usually go to the cinema or go bowling at the weekend. etc


To practise adverbs of frequency • • •

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answer answers. s. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more information.

 Answer Key  

1 yet yet 2 nev never er

3 just just 4 rig right ht now

5 al alre read ady  y  6 for 


Explain the task, give Ss time to complete it and then check their answers around the class.  Answer Key 


1 2 3 4 5


the lea least  st  the most intelli intelligent, gent, as good as more patien patientt than, kinder  slower,, later, faster than slower more outgoing than, the most easy-going of  To practise key word transformations

• •

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers answers..

Suggested Sugges ted Answer Answer Key    

1 2 3

the funnies funniestt person haven’tt seen Alice for haven’ isn’t as patien patientt as

4 first time I’ve been 5 has been learni learning ng Russian for 


To practise the the present  present perfect and perfect and the  present perfect continuous


To practise comparisons with adjectives and adverbs



• •


• • •

Explain the task. Choose two Ss to read out the example. Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Monitor the activity around the class. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

 Answer Key       




A: You look excite excited. d. What have you been doing? B: I’ve been preparing for the event. A: What have you done so far? B: I’ve ordered the food and sent the invitations, but I haven’t decorated the house yet. A: You look exhausted. What have you been doing? B: I’ve been doing my chores. A: What have you done so far? B: I’ve watered the flowers and mopped the floor, but I haven’t walked the dog yet.





My mum is more outgoing than my dad. I can run more quickly than my sister. My dad is not as helpful as my mum. My cousin is more serious than his brother. My grandma speaks more slowly than my grandpa. My dad is the most generous person in my family. My sister is more confident than my brother.


My brother is the laziest person I know. My grandpa is the most polite person in the family.


To write an email



Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it using their answers in Ex. 10. Ask various Ss to read their email to the class.

Suggested Answer Key   

Explain the task and elicit the comparative/  superlative forms in the text, then elicit how we form comparative/superlative forms. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more information.

 Answer Key  Comparative forms – forms – taller, more patient  Superlative forms – forms – the tallest, the least patient, the  most hardworking We compare two people or things by using the comparative form (+ than ).

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Sugges ted Answer Answer Key

To present present/revise /revise comparative/superlative



To practise comparative/superlative forms


Suggested Answer Key     

We compare more than two people or things by using the comparative form (+ than ) and the superlative form (+ of   ). We show that two things are the same or not the same as.. by using (not) as + adjective + as


Dear Jane, I hope you’re well. You asked about my family, so here’s what they’re like! My mum is outgoing and my dad is not as helpful as my   mum, but he is the most genero generous us person person in my family. My brother is the laziest person I know. My sister is more confident than my brother. My grandparen grandparents ts live with us. My grandma speaks more slowly than my grandpa. My  grandpa is the most polite person in the family. What about your family? Write back. Yours, Kim





 What do you do over a typical weekend in your free time? What are you doing this weekend? Use phrases from the box to discuss with your partner. clean room, hoover carpets, study, go to school/college, water flowers, walk



 Underline the comparative forms and circle the superlative superlative forms in the the text below Ex. 6. How do we: compare two people or things? compare more than two people or things ? show  that two things things are the the same or not the same?


 Fill in the comparative or superlative forms.

sometimes the dog, go togames, the cinema, watch TV,play playtennis, computer go to often the gym, surf the Net, listen to music, usually visit your grandparents, hang out with friends, eat out


1   A: Thanks for helpin helping g with with the projec project. t. B: It was ...... ............. ............. ............ ............ ...... (little) I could do.




2   A: Darren is by by far far ............. ................... ............. ............. ......... ... ................ (intelligent) person I know. B: That’s true. There’s no one ........... ...................... ............. .. (good) him at maths!

A: What do you usually do in your free time? B: Well, I usually… . Sometimes, … . What  about you? etc


 Choose the correct adverb.

see e p. p. GR GR3 3 se

Include of , than or as.


1   Have you met David yet/ever yet/ever? ?



2   Tom’s so far far/ne /never ver seen his cousins.



3   Mark’s since/just finished eating dinner.


4   I’m watching TV still/right now. now .


5   Luke has ever/already phoned Liam.


6   Ann’s been in Dubai for/since two years.



3   A: Fran is a bit ........ .............. ............. ............. ............ ............ ........... ..... (patient) Sue. B: Yes, but Sue is much .... ......... ......... ......... ....... (kind) (kind)..


4   A: The ...... ............ ............. ............. ............ .......... .... (slow) we walk, the ............................... (late) we get there. B: I can’t walk much ...... ............. ............. .......... .... (fast) this!


5   A: Ann is ...... ............ ............ ............ ...... (outgoing) Pat. B: Yes, but Stella is ...... ............ ............ ............. ............. ........ .. ................................. (easy-going) all.


Key word transformation transformationss

 In pairs act out dialogues as in the example.


1   tired – clean room/d room/dust ust the furnit furniture ure (✓ ), hoover the carpets ( ✓ ), make my bed ( ✗) A: B: A: B:

 Use the words in bold to complete the second sentence, so that it means the same as the first. Use two to five words.

You look tire tired. d. What have you been doin doing? g? I’ve been cleanin cleaning g my room. Whatt hav Wha have e you don done e so far far? ? I’ve dusted the furniture and hoovered the carpets, but I haven’t made my bed yet. 2   excited – prepar prepare e for the the event/order event/order food (✓ ), send the invitations ( ✓ ), decorate the house ( ✗)



2   The last time I saw saw Alice was two weeks weeks ago. FOR I ............................................... two weeks.

3   exhausted – do my chores chores/water /water fl flowe owers rs (✓), mop the floor (✓), walk the dog ( ✗)


3   Molly is less patient than Kate. AS Molly ................................................ Kate.


4   I’ve never been to China before. FIRST It’s the ........................................ to China.


5   She started learning Russian two months ago. BEEN She ........................................ two months.

Comparatives & Superlatives

1   Peter is funnier than any other person I’ve ever met. THE Peter is ................................ I’ve ever met.




Peter is tall, but John is a bit taller than Peter. Steve is th the e tal talle lest st of  all. Steve is more

patient patie nt th than an Peter. Peter isn’t as patient as Steve. John is the least least patient patient of all, but he is the most hardwor hardworking king of all. see pp. pp. GR3 GR3-GR -GR4 4

Use the following adjectives/adverbs to compare people in your family: noisy , outgoing, quickly , helpful ,  serious, slowly , generous, confident , lazy , impatient , polite. Tell your partner. SPEAKING


My sister is the noisiest person in my family!


Use your answe answers rs in Ex. 10 to write an email to your English-speaking friend about your family. WRITING





Listening skills

Multiple choice


b) Listen to the interview. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer A, B or C.

Preparing for the task 


 Read the questions (1-2) below and then answer the questions a and b.

  1   Where is the the interview interview taking place? A in a radio station

B in a hospital

  C in the street   2   Dr Lee thinks everyone  

A should have lots of friends.


B can easily find a best friend.


C should have have a trustworthy trustworthy friend. friend.


a How many people will be talking?


b What is the subject of the discussion?


 Read the dialogue and answer the questions in Ex. 1. Use the underlined underlined phrases to help you.

Presenter:   Thank you for giving up a busy morning at  the hospi hospital tal to come come to the stud studio io and talk talk to  me, Doctor Doctor Lee. Dr Lee:  Lee: 

It’s my pleasure. The hospital is just up the street, actually, so it’s easy to get here. Presenter:   OK. Now the first question sent in by Jane from Halifax is this: what value do you put on friendship for someone’s psychological wellDr Lee:  Lee: 

  1   How does Lucy describe her family?

A give her lots of advice.


B are very old.


C make mistakes.

  3   What does Lucy like about family occasions?  

A doing chores together


B getting together


C having lots to do

  4   Lucy doesn’t like the fact that  

A no one ever listens to her.


B the house is never quiet.


C her family talks too much.

  5   Lucy found it difficult to A listen to her family’s complaints.



 What are the advantages of living in an extend extended ed family? family? What are the the disadvantages? Listen again and make notes. Tell the class.


  Would you like to be part of an extended family? Why (not)? Tell your partner.

Intonation: Exclamations


 a) You will hear part part of an interview with a girl called Lucy Lucy Baker who who has written written a book. Before you listen, check these words/phrases in the Word List. What do you think the book is about?

Read through the questions and underline the key words. They contain information about the situation and what to listen for. Remember that you will hear the answers in the same order as the questions are.

B get her family to read the book. C tell the truth about her family.


being? I think it has a great deal of importance. You  may have lots of friend friendss but not all frien friends ds are good friends. It is very important for  everyone to have someone in their life who

nuclearr fami nuclea family ly • ext extend ended ed fam family ily live liv e long long liv lives es • hav have e comp company any younge you ngerr gene generati ration on • cho chores res to do cooperat coop eration ion • peac peace e and quie quiett • com complai plain n close clos e rela relation tionshi ships ps • hurt feel feelings ings

C funny


everything about them – even their faults. This is not easily achieved.

• • • • •

B large

  2   Lucy says her grandparents

they can trust trust and who they they know truly truly has their best best interests interests at heart – someone someone who accepts them for who they are and likes


A noisy


see e p. p. GR GR4 4 se

 a) Fil Filll in How or What . noisy he is! How + adjective/adverb. How noisy he How quickly he quickly he walks! What + (a/an) adjective + countable noun. What a nice family! What What polite  polite children! What + adjective + uncountable noun. What bad weather!


1   ................. annoying!


2   ................. a rude person Ann is!


3   ................. friendly people!


4   ................. fast he talks!


5   ................. great news!


b) Listen and check then repeat. Mind the intonation.




• • • •

Read aloud questions a & b. Ask Ss to read questions 1 and 2. Focus their attention on the underlined words. Elicit answers from Ss.

a two people



 Answer Key   

1 B


a) a)



Refer Ss to the Word List at List at the back of their books and give them time to look up the meanings of the words/phrases given. Elicit what the book can be about.



nuclear family: two parents and two children extended family: large family: large family with lots of relations live long lives: to survive a long time have company: having another person or people with  you younger generation: children and teens chores to do: housework and jobs around the house that need doing cooperation: working together   peace and quiet: without noise complain: to state your dissatisfaction with a situation close relationships: when people like and trust each other very much hurt feelings: when sb becomes upset because of  sth sb else does Suggested Answer Key 


I think the book is about family relationships.





To listen for specific information (multiple choice) •

Read out the Study Skills box and explain the

task. Then ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible answers and underline the key words. Play the recording.

5 B

To talk about the advantages and

The advantages of living in an extended family are that   you always have company and you can get advice from your grandparents who have lots of experience. There is lots of cooperation and you can enjoy  spending time with your family and there is always someone to listen to you. The disadvantages are that it   is often quite noisy living in a house full of people and  you may not not have any quiet time or time time alone. alone.


To express a personal opinion Give Ss time to form an opinion and then ask various Ss around the class to report back to the class. Suggested Answer Key 


Suggested Answer Key         

4 B

Suggested Answer Key 

2 C

To intro introduce duce new vocabu vocabulary lary and prepare for a listening task 

3 B

  • Play the recording again. Ss listen and make notes.   • Elicit answers from Ss around the class using their notes as well as their own ideas.

 Answer Key  1 A

2 A

disadvantages of living in a large family and to take notes from an audio recording

b friend friendss

Explain the task and give Ss time to read the script and do the task. Ask Ss to pay attention to the underlined words in both questions 1 and 2 and the script. Point out that the script contains all the main ideas in questions so Ss need to be careful with their choices (e.g. hospital). Check Ss’ answers answers..


Ss listen and complete the task. Ss need to pay attention to the underlined words. Check Ss’ answers Check answers..


To prepare for a listening task 


To prepare for a listening task 

 Answer Key   


Yes, I would like to be part of an extended family  because I think it would be nice to have lots of relatives to spend time with and share experiences with. /No, I wouldn’t like to be part of an extended family because I think it would be too noisy to live in a house full of people all the time. 6 a)


To present/practise exclamations •



Go through the theory box with Ss and explain how we form exclamations. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more information. Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Ss should justify their choices.

 Answer Key     

1 How How 2 Wh What at b)

3 4

What What How Ho w

5 Wh What  at 

To listen for confirmation and practise exclamations


Play the recording for Ss to check their answers, then play the recording again with pauses for Ss to listen and repeat.


Check Ss’ intonat Check intonation. ion.



1e  1  

To predict the content of a dialogue •



Ask Ss to read the first and last exchanges in the dialogue and guess what it is about. Then give Ss time to read the whole dialogue and check if their guesses were correct.


I think the dialogue is about a couple, who the speakers know, who is having a baby.

Express opinion; give first reason

Agree. Expand on the reason given.

Give second reason

Agree. Expand on it. Ask A if he/she agrees.

To complete an open cloze

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Ask Ss to pay attention to the words before/after each gap as these will help them do the tasks. Ask Ss to read the completed dialogue to see if it makes sense.

1 2 3 4

be about abo ut being bei ng alll al

5 6 7 8

better bett er when whe n to or

Agree. Come to a conclusion


9 make make 10 you yourse rself  lf 


Agree; Add a counter argument. Agree with A.

Monitor the activity around around the class and then ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.

Suggested Answer Key 


It is informal. (short forms (e.g She’s), everyday   language  lang uage (That’s (That’s correct) correct),, phrasal verbs verbs (e.g. hang out  with)





A: In my opinion, grandparents should look after their  grandchildren because they are more trustworthy  than other caretakers. Don’t you agree? B: That’s true. They have a family tie to them so they  care more about them. A: Also, I think it would help parents financially because they wouldn’t have to pay the grandparents for   looking  look ing afte afterr the the childr children. en. B: That’s correct. On the other hand, grandparents  may spoil their grandchildren and let them have whatever they want. Don’t you agree? A: True, but grandparents may be quite old and they   may not have the strength to take care of active children. B: Of course, but I think grandparent grandparentss can offer  valuable advice to the younger generation. A: That’s true. Anyway, I think it may work for some


and not for others. B: families I totally agree.

3 a)


To listen for confi confirmatio rmation n



Play the recording. Ss listen and check their answers. Elicit the style of the dialogue and ask for reasons. Refer Ss to the back of the book (style) for details.



 Answer Key 




To role play a dialogue Ss take roles and act out the dialogue in pairs.


To identify functional language •

Explain the task and give Ss time to read the Useful  language table and read the dialogue again and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.


To compare pictures





• •

 Answer Key       

 Ask for opinions: Don’t you agree? Express opinions: In my opinion  Agree: That’s correct, Certainly, That’s true Disagree: Not really  Suggested Answer Key 


Reply. Give a negative reason

 Answer Key         

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in pairs. Write this diagram on the board. Ask Ss to follow it.



To discuss a given topic and follow a model dialog dialogue ue

Suggested Answer Key 




Don’t you agree? = Isn’t that right? In my opinion = If you ask me… That’s correct = That’s right. Certainly = Of course. That’s true = True Not really. = No, I don’t think so.

Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and explain the task. Ask Ss to make notes for each photo under these headings: people - looks - clothes - feelings. Ask Ss to describe each picture using their notes. Ss use their notes to compare the pictures. Point out that Ss should use the linkers given to express similarity/contrast. Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity around the class and then elicit a variety of statements from Ss around the class

comparing and contrasting the pictures. Suggested Answer Key – See p. Suggested p. 14(T)




Speaking skills Asking for & Expressing opinion/(dis)agreement


 Read the first and the last exchanges. What do you think the dialogue is about? Read through and check.


b) Take roles and read the dialogue aloud. Mind the intonation.


an only child makes you independent because you get used to doing things by 10) ... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. .  Sally  Sa lly:: Sti Still, ll, it’ it’s s nice nice to hav have e a brother or sister to share your secrets. Isn’t that right?   Ann Ann:: Tha That’s t’s tru true. e. Any Anyway, way, I’m sur sure e Becky will love her new brother.


  Which underlined phrases phrases in the dialogue ask for/express for/express opinions and agree/disagree? Replace them with phrases from the Useful Language box.

  An Ann: n: Reme Rememb mber er La Laur ura a and Pa Paul ul? ? They are having a new baby boy.  Sally:  Sal ly: Rea Really lly? ? Their Their dau daughte ghterr must must 1) .............. excited.   An Ann: n: Ac Actu tual ally ly sh she’ e’s s a bi bitt ups upset et 2) .............. it. She likes 3) .............. an only child because she gets 4) .............. the attention.  Sally  Sal ly:: Er Err, r, in in my op opin inio ion n it it’s ’s 5) .............. to have siblings. It can be lonely 6) .............. you’ve got no one of a similar age to talk 7) .............. or hang out with.   Ann Ann:: Tha That’s t’s cor correc rect. t. On the oth other er hand, when you’re an only child, you never have to share your room 8) .............. your things.  Sally:  Sal ly: Cer Certai tainly nly,, but but the the way I see see it, it, that could 9) .............. you spoilt. If you don’t learn to share, you can become selfish. Don’t you agree?   Ann Ann:: Not rea really lly.. I thi think nk that bei being ng

 a) Listen and check check.. Is it a formal or informal  dialogue? Give reasons.

Expressing opinion

Asking for opinion

• In my opinion, opinion, ... ... • If you ask ask me, … • I (don’t/strongly) (don’t/strongly) believe/think believe/think (that) … • The way I see it, … • It seems to me me (that) …

Expressing agreement

5 • • • •

• • • • •

What’s your your opinion? opinion? Don’t you you agree? agree? Isn’t that that right? right? What do you you think? think? How do you feel feel abou ab outt …?

Expressing disagreement

• I (quite) (quite) agree./  agree./  That's right.

• I don't agree./That's agree./That's not right. right. • You are wrong wrong there. there.

• That's correct./ correct./True. True. • Of course course./  ./  Certainly. • I couldn’t couldn’t agree agree more.

• Not, so./Certainly not./I don't think so./That isn't true. • Of course not./Certai not./Certainly nly not. • No, I don't don't think so. • I believe believe not. not.

 Should grandparents look after their grandchildren? Use phrases from the language box and the ideas below to act out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 1.

More trustworthy than other caretakers Help the parents parents financially. financially. May spoil grandchil grandchildren. dren. May lack strength to take take care of active children. children.

• Can offer advice advice to younger generation. generation.

Comparing pictures

6 A

 Compare the pictures. Use ideas from the dialogue in Ex. 1. While speaking speaking link your your ideas. Use: Use: and , too, as well , whereas, but , on the other hand , etc. B

 Read again and complete the gaps with these words: when, feel , be, to, all , about , or , being, make, yourself , better , you. Two words are extra.


The photographs show ... . Photograph A shows ... whereas  photog  pho tograp raph h B sho shows ws ... . Bei Being ng an onl only y chi child ld ... . On the other hand, having brothers and sisters ... .





Writing An opinion essay

Writing Bank 1 p. WB1

Rubric analysis


 Read the rubric, look at the underlined words and answer the questions. You have had a class discussion about working mothers. Now yourr teache you teacherr has aske asked d you to to write wri te an ess essay ay exp expres ressin sing g your your opinion on the following: Should  mothers go to work? Write your essay giving reasons to support your opinion (120-160 words).


1   What do you have to write?


2   a) What What styl style e will will you wri write te in: or inf formal or formal   inform ormal  al ?


b) What What cha charac racter terises ises thi this s style? Tick (✓)


colloquial language and idi idioms oms


short verb forms


longer sentences


formal linking words/phrases

A The number of mothers who work full time is increasing every year. Some people think that women should stay at home with their children, but I strongly feel that being a working mother is beneficial.


To begin with, going to work means that mothers can provide more income for the family. For example, they can buy better food and clothing for their children. As a result, r esult, they can ensure the children have what they need.


Secondly, working mothers are excellent role models for children. For instance, they demonstrate how to take care of children, the house and pursue a career. This sets a good example of how a modern person makes their own choices about their life.

D On the other hand, hand, working long hours means that mothers spend a lot of time away from home. Therefore, they may miss out on quality time with their children.


In conclusion, I believe that although it may be difficult to be a working mother, there are ways to balance work and family. Working mothers can help their family financially and become great role models for their children while getting recognition for their work.


Model analysis


 Read the model essay. Which paragraph contains:


writer’s first viewpoint with examples/reasons/results


b) Replace the topic sentences with other appropriate ones.


introduction with the writer’s opinion


c) Find examples of formal languag language. e.


writer’s second viewpoint with examples/reasons/results


writer’s closing remarks with a restatement of his/her opinion


opposing viewpoint with examples/reasons/results

Topic/Supporting sentences


 a) Find the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs. Does each introduce a new topic? Which sentences support the topic sentences by giving examples, results, reasons? Which linking words influence the t he supporting sentences?

Linking words/phrases


 Replace the underlined words/phrases in the model with alternatives from the Useful Language box.


 Read the paragraphs and choose the correct linking words/phrases.

In essays the main body paragraphs should begin with topic sentences. A topic sentence introduces or summarises the main topic of the paragraph and gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is about. A topic sentence should be followed

1) First of all/To sum sum up, up, face-to-face communication is more effective than electronic communication. 2) Howe However/Fo ver/Forr example, example, when we talk to someone in person, we see their facial expressions and read their body language. 3) Since Since/As /As a result result,, we can understand their thoughts and feelings better.

by supporting sentences which provide examples, results, reasons and justifications to support the topic sentence.

4) Alternative Altern atively/Ho ly/However wever, , other ways of communicating because more convenient than letters. Electronic communication 5) suchcan as/because as/be emails, tweets and text messages can be sent to anyone at any time. 6) To my mind/In mind/In this this way, way, we can get in touch with people almost immediately.



Suggested Answer Key   1

To analyse a rubric




• •


 Answer Key  1 an essay for my teacher on working mothers 2 for formal  mal  3 longer sentences, formal linking words/phrases


Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which are the key words and ask Ss to underline them. Refer Ss to the Writing Bank 1 for details. Give Ss time to answer the questions and then check Ss’ answers.

To read a model essay and match paragraphs to content



Give Ss time to read the model and match the contents 1-5 to each paragraph A-E. Check Ss’ answers answers..

1 B



3 C

4 E



5 D  


a) a)


To identi identify fy and analys analyse e topic sentences/supporting sentences in a model essay • •

Go through the theory box with Ss. Ask Ss to find the topic/supporting sentences, then the linking words.

 Answer Key   




Para B: To begin with, going to work means that   mothers can provide provide more income for the family. – Yes  – example – For example, they can buy better food and clothing for their children. (For example) Para C: C: Secondly, working mothers are excellent role  models for children. Yes – example – For instance, they demonstrate how to take care of children, the house and pursue a career. (For instance) Para D: On the other hand, working long hours means that mothers spend a lot of time away from home. –  Yes – results – Therefore, they may miss out on quality  time with their children. (Therefore) b)

To identify formal language



2 A


Elicit what characterizes a text as formal. Refer Ss to the back of the book (-style) and the Writing Bank 1. 1. Elicit examples from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key 

 Answer Key   


Para B: In the first place, working mothers are better  able to provide for their family. Para C: Furthermore, they set a good example for  their children. Para D: However, working mothers may be away  from home a lot.


no imperatives


To practise linking words/phrases Elicit suitable alternatives from Ss around the class. Suggested Answer Key 


To begin with = To start with For example = Therefore As a result = In this way  Secondly = In addition For instance = For example On the other hand = Alternatively  Therefore = As a result  In conclusion = All in all 


To practise linking words/phrases • •

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss justify their answers.

 Answer Key 

To suggest alternative topic sentences Ss work in pairs. Elicit suitable alternat alternatives ives from Ss around the class.

full verb forms: e.g. they can buy, means, may miss out on formal linkers:  As a result, To begin with, On the other hand etc. longer, more complex sentences: e.g. Secondly, working mother ... pursue a career. more advanced vocabulary: e.g. pursue a career, beneficial etc.


1 First of all (list points points)) 2 For exampl example e (examp (example) le) 3 As a result (resul (result) t)

4 5 6

However (contr However (contrast) ast) such as (examp (example) le) In this way (resul (result) t)

From Fr om p. 13 13(T (T)) – Ex Ex.. 6 Suggested Answer Key   

whereas picture The photographs show two families. Photograph A shows two parents with one child whereas  picture B shows a family grandparents, and twowith children. Both families look Being having an only brothers child means girl  Onvery thehappy. other hand, doesn’twith have to share her parents things or room her brother or sister. and the sisters and hang  means they have someone to talk to and  hang out with. They have to share things, too.




1f  6

To practise phrases used for expressing opinion


• •

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answer answers. s.

Suggested Answer Key     

I strongly feel that = In my opinion I believe that = To my mind







• •

• •

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answer answers. s.



I believe that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside. 3 I strongly believe that eye contact is very important   in a conversation. 4 As far as I am concerned, everyone needs a close friend.

  8 a)  

Refer Ss to the Writing Bank 1 for a model, useful language and writing tips. Give Ss time to complete the task using the useful language box and their answers from Ex. 8. Remind Ss to follow the plan, to not use short verb forms and to use appropriate linkers. Remind Ss to follow the plan and check their first draft against the Checklist amending accordingly if necessary. Check Ss’ answers answers.. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ answers in the next lesson.

Suggested Answer Key 

Suggested Answer Key   

To write an opinion essay

To practise phrases used for expressing opinion



To analys analyse e a rubri rubric c




Ask Ss to read the rubric. Elicit which are the key words and ask Ss to underline them. Suggested Answer Key 



Key words: teacher, essay, ‘It is good to be part of an extended family.’ opinion with reasons to support your   point of view, 120-160 words



Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some people think a nuclear family family is the best option but I strongly  believe that an extended family has a lot more to offer. To start with, in an extended family you rarely feel   lonely. For example, you can spend your free time together instead of by yourself. Therefore, you can share your interests and experiences. Secondly, membersyou cancan provide support to each other.family For instance, help each other  with your problems. On the other hand , in a big family you may need to share a room. As a result, you may lack privacy. All in all, I believe that although you may want time to  yourself sometime sometimes, s, being part of a large family has  many benefits benefits.. You will always have someone to support you and you will never feel alone. Extra activity 


To match viewpoints to supporting sentences • •

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key   

1 c

2 a

3 b



To form main body paragraphs linking ideas


• •

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it. Check Ss’ answers answers..

Suggested Answer Key   



To start with, in an extended family you rarely feel   lonely. For example, you can spend your free time together instead of by yourself. Therefore, you can share your interests and experiences. Secondly, family members can provide support to each other. For instance, you can help each other  with your problems. On the other hand, you may need to share a room. As a result, you may lack privacy.


Photocopy the model above and omit the underlined  linkers. Ss complete the task.




Expressing opinion


 Find the phrases the writer uses to express his opinion in the model in Ex. 2. Replace them with other appropriate ones from the Useful Language box.

 Use expressions from the Useful Language box to expand


the prompts to express an opinion. 1   parents/be/best friends with their children – In my opinion,  parents  paren ts should sh ould be best be st friends fr iends with their child children. ren.


2   better/children/grow up/countryside


3   eye contact/very important/in a conversation


4   everyone/need/a close friend



 a) Read the rubric and underline the the key words. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the following statement: It is good to be part of  an extended family. Write your essay, giving your opinion with reasons to support your point of view (120-160 words).


Introduction (Para 1)  state topic & give your opinion  Main Body (Para 2)  present first viewpoint with  examples/reasons/results  (Para 3)  present second viewpoint with  examples/reasons/results (Para 4)  present opposing viewpoint  with examples/reasons examples/reasons/results /results Conclusion (Para 5)  restate your opinion using  different words 

b) Match the viewpoints (1-3) to the supporting sentences (a-c).


You rarely feel lonely.


Members can provide support.


You may need to share a room.


  a   You can help each other with your problems. b   You may lack privacy. c   You can spend your free time together.

c) Use appropriate words/phras words/phrases es from the Useful Language box to introduce the viewpoints and join them to their supporting sentences.


Useful Language Listing & adding points • Firstly,/First of all ... • To start/begin with, ... • Secondly, ... • Moreover, ... • In addition/Also, ... • Furthermore, ... Introducing examples/reasons/r examples/reasons/results esults • ... such as/like ... • For example/For instance, ... • Therefore, ... • because/as/since ..., As a result, ... • By doing this,/In this way, ... Giving opposing viewpoints • On the other hand, ... • Alternatively, ... • However, (it can be argued that) ... • In con contra trast, st, ... • In spi spite te of  Expressing opinion • I strongly feel/believe that ... • In my opinion, ... • To my mind, ... • The way I see it, ... ... • It seems to me that ... ... • I agree/I don’t agree that ... • As far as I am concerned, ... Concluding • In conclusion, ... • All in all, ... • To sum up, ... • In summary, ...

 Use the plan and your answers from Ex. 8b as well as your own ideas to write your essay.

Checklist  When you finish your piece of writing check it for the following: • Have you used correct grammar, punctuation & spelling? • Have you used formal style? • Have you stated your opinion in the introduction & conclusion? • Does each main body paragraph start with a topic sentence? • •

Have you used appropriate linking words? Is your essay the correct length? CLIL/Culture 1 p. CC CC1 1


Language Knowledge



Sentence transformations


Preparing for the task 


 a) Read the complete complete sentence, sentence, then the the gapped one. What grammar structure does the second sentence test?


Travelling by train is cheaper than travelling by


plane. Travelling by train costs ........................... than travelling by plane.


b) Choose the answer that best completes the gapped sentence.


A little

B more

C less

D most


1  My friend John has got an expensive camera. My ................................ is very expensive.


2   Everyone in his family likes his photos. In his family, all of them ............................. his photos.


3   His studio isn’t far from his house. His house is ...... ............ ............ ............. ......... to his studio studio..


4   There are two windows in the room. The room ...... ............ ............ ............ ........... ..... two window windows. s.


5   He makes more money than me. I make ....... ............. ............ ............ .......... .... money than him.

4 Read the complete sentence, then the gapped one. Identify the grammar structure the second sentence asks for. This will help you complete the gapped sentence so that it means the same as the first one.


 Here are some sentences about Sandra. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 1   Sandra likes working with others more than on her own. Sandra ...................................................... working with others to working on her own.


2   She is the most polite person in the office. No one in the office is as ....... ............. ......... ... she is.


3   Sandra hasn’t got any brothers or sisters in her family. In her family ............................................... any brothers or sisters.

1   Each room has about twenty people. In each room ............................................. about twenty people.



2   This camera isn’t expensive to buy. This camera doesn’t cost ........................... ........................ to buy.



3   Peter is taller than James. James isn’t as ................................. Peter.

4   Tennis is her favourite sport. She likes tennis ......................................... any other sport.


5   Sandra’s favourite person is her aunt.


4   Everyone in our family has got blue eyes. In our family family,, all of us......... us............... ........ .. blue eyes.


5   He likes doing things by himself. He likes doing things ...... ............ ............ ............. ....... own.


6  She likes travelling, and her friend likes it, too. She likes travelling and so ......................... ........................ her friend.




 For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.

 Here are some sentences about John. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.


Sandra likes her aunt ................................. ....................................... any other person.

Word formation


 Complete each sentence with a word derived from the words in bold. Check in your dictionary.


1   You can always depend on Sue. She’s ........................... . (RELY)


8   They like berries better than bananas. They ....... ............. ............ ............ ........ .. berries to banana bananas. s.

2   He’s always telling others what to do; he’s ........................... . (BOSS)



9   The village is near the river. The village is ........................... to the river.

3   Young children children tend to be .......... ................ ............ ......... ... . (NOISE)



10   Paul has never seen a baboon before. This is the .................................................. Paul has seen a baboon.

4   She never remembers where her things are; she’s so ........................... . (FORGET)


5   He’s got short ......................... hair. (WAVE)


6   He can get easily ..................... ......................... .... . (BORE)


7   She has visited more places than her cousin. Her cousin hasn’t visited as ....................... ........................ she has.




 Answer Key    1 a)

To prepar prepare e for a sente sentence nce transformation task 


Ask two Ss to read the two sentences and then elicit the grammar structure that the second sentence tests.


1 prefer preferss 2 polite polite as 3 there aren’t/she aren’t/she hasn’t got  4 more more tha than n 5 more more tha than n

 Answer Key   

the comparative form





To prepare for a sentence transformation task  Elicit the correct answer. Ss should justify their answer.

 Answer Key   

C (A, D aren’t in the comparative; B is in the comparative but when used to complete the second sentence the sentence doesn’t mean the same as the first sentence)


To practise sentence transformations •

Go through the box with Ss.


• •

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class. Ss should  justify their answers.

 Answer Key  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

there are much (negat (negative) ive) tall as (as+ad (as+adj+as) j+as) have got on his (by oneself=on one’s own) does (invers (inversion) ion) many places as (as ... as) prefer (like sth more than sth else=prefer sth to sth else) 9 close (close to=near) 10 first time (this is the (first) time + present perfect)





• •

Explain the task. Point out that Ss need to read the sentence and identify the part of speech missing (noun, adj, adv. etc). Ss then have to think of appropriate prefixes/suffi prefixes/suffixes xes to form the new word. Point out that accurate spelling is required. Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers on the board.

 Answer Key       

1 reliable reliable (adj) 2 bos bossy sy (adj) (adj) 3 nois noisyy (ad (adj) j)

4 forgetful forgetful (adj) 5 wav wavyy (ad (adj) j) 6 bor bored ed (adj) (adj)

 As an extension



To practise word formation


Ask Ss to create a Word Formation section in their notebooks and list words they come across in Word Formation sections as follows. Ss can look up more words derived from the word given in their dictionaries and complete the table. Ask Ss to revise regularly. NOUN NOUN VERB VE RB AD ADJE JECT CTIV IVE E AD ADVE VERB RB PERSON ABSTRACT reliability



(un)reliable (un)reliably bossy


noisy forget








To practise sentence transformations • •

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

 Answer Key       

1 frie friend nd Jo John’ hn’ss ca came mera ra 2 like 3 near/c near/close lose 4


4 has go got  t  5 less

To practise sentence transformations • •

Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.



1  6      

To consolidate grammar structures • • •

Explain the task. Explain Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.

 Answer Key                     

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12




(every week, presen presentt simple) (past participle to form the present perfect) (spend + ing form) (It’s the first time + present perfect) (present perfec (present perfectt with since ) (present simple - timetables) (present continuous with future meaning) (quite + base form of adj) (have been to = have gone and come back) for emphasis (present (prese nt perfe perfect ct continu continuous ous with for  emphasis on duration) C (superlative (superlative + of   ) A (compa (comparative rative form requir required ed based on “these things take ...” suggesting that the person isn’t   patient enough) D ( better better at   )


To consolidate vocabulary from the module


• • •

Explain the task. Explain Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answer answers. s.


1 A 2 C 3 D


fit (adj): healthy and strong lean lea n (ad (adj): j): thin and healthy  strong (adj): having enough power to move heavy  things


right (adj): true; correct  mouth mou th (n) (n):: the part of your face which you use for  speaking and eating speech spe ech (n) (n):: a formal talk about a particular subject  given to a group of people native language (phr): the first language that you  learn in the country where you were born talk ta lk (n (n): ): a conversation form for m (n) (n):: the way sth is or appears to be size (n): how big or small sth is be in good good shape (phr) (phr):: to be in a good physical  condition dimens dim ension ion (n) (n):: an aspect of a situation forget for get (v) (v):: to fail to remember leave lea ve (v) (v):: to go away from sb or sth misss sb (v) mis (v):: to feel sad about sb you love and is not  with you lose lo se (v (v): ): to be unable to find sth recent (adj): having happened or started a short time ago late (adj): (of age) near the end of a period of time




7 A 8 B 9 A

last (adj): (adj): most  most recent or nearest to the present time  past (adj): (adj): previous  previous empty (adj): having nothing inside loose loo se (ad (adj): j): not fastened very tightly  open ope n (ad (adj): j): not closed free time (phr) (phr):: the time when you are not working nervou ner vouss (ad (adj): j): worried and anxious angry ang ry (ad (adj): j): very annoyed


disappointed (adj): unhappy because sth that you disappointed hoped for did not happen bored bor ed (ad (adj): j): unhappy because sth is not interesting or because you have nothing to do build up (phr v): to increase gradually  troubl tro uble e (n) (n):: a problem or difficulty  worry wor ry (n) (n):: a problem that makes you feel unhappy  and anxious  pain (n): a feeling of physical suffering caused by an  injury  fear fe ar (n (n): ): the feeling you get when you are afraid or  worried that sth bad is going to happen reacti rea ction on (n) (n):: sth that you feel or do because of sth that has happened to you answer ans wer (n) (n):: a reaction to a question respon res ponse se (n) (n):: sth that is done as a reaction to sth that has happened to you reply rep ly (n) (n):: an answer  intelligent intell igent life (phr (phr): ): creatures that can think and understand wonder won der (v) (v):: to ask yourself  worry wor ry (v) (v):: to be anxious about sb or sth questi que stion on (v) (v):: to express doubts about sth think thi nk (v) (v):: to have an opinion or an idea; to use your   mind  pass (v): to go past sb or sth spend time (phr): to use time doing a particular thing waste time (phr) (phr):: to not make good use of your time fill fi ll (v (v): ): to make sth full  close relationship relationship (phr) (phr):: a strong emotional  connection


 Answer Key  4 D 5 B 6 D


10 A 11 C 12 A

13 C 14 A 15 D



near (ad near (adj): j): not far away dearr (ad dea (adj): j): loved  loved or liked very much nextt (ad nex (adj): j): the first one after the present one state sta te (v) (v):: to formally say or write a piece of   information or your opinion communicate commun icate (v): to exchange information or make conversation with other people express yourself (phr): to show your feelings show sh ow (v (v): ): to let sb see sth look lo ok (v (v): ): to appear or seem see (v (v): ): to be able to use your eyes  grow (v): to increase in amount, size, number or  strength view vi ew (v (v): ): to think about sb or sth in a particular way  come co me (v (v): ): to move towards sb or sth hold on (phr v): to wait for a short time keep on (ph keep (phrr v): to continue doing sth without  stopping get on well (with sb) (phr) (phr):: to like and be friendly  with sb





Language Knowledge


 Choose the item that best completes each sentence.

  1   Every week, the men leave the village ............


 Choose the item that best completes each sentence.

  1   To run a mile in under four minutes, you have to

for food.

be very ............ indeed.


A have hunted

C hunt



B to hunt

D hunting

  2   Polish is his native ............ .

2   This land is wild; no farmer has ever ............ crops on it. C grows

D grown

  3   The photographer spent a week ............ the  

A to wander

C wandering


B to wandering

D wander

better ............ .  

C see

B have seen

D am seeing

B gather

D are gathering

  6   The train ............ for the airport at six o’clock in the morning.  

A has left

C has been leaving


B is leaving

D leaves

C dimension D shape

A forgetting

C missing


B leaving

D losing


A have been coming

C come


B have come

D are coming


A empty

B loose

C open

D free

  7   Janet feels ............ about going to college.  

A nervous

C disappointed


B angry

D bored

about them.  


A trouble B worries C pains

D fears

A reaction B answer C response

D reply

10   Looking up at the night sky, I often ............ if

my first time in the United States.

there’s any intelligent life out there. A wonder B worry

C question

D think

11   He likes to ............ his free time exercising, D been in

10   She ............ on that project for the the last two days.  

A has working

C is working


B has been working

D works

reading, or playing the piano.  

C the least

B waste

C spend

D fill

with her grandmother. D lesser

12   These things take time; you must learn to be ............ patient. C much

A pass

12   Being an orphan, Ana has a ............ relationship A close

11   What to wear to dinner is ............ of my worries.

B most

D past

  6   Doing the housework and looking after four children leaves her with very little ............ time.

  B far D enough   9   I have ............ Canada and Mexico, but this is

B less

C last

even when people are rude to him.

C quite

A gone in B gone to C been to

B late

  9   He is very calm. He shows very little ............,

  8   John is ............ tall and slim. A much

A recent

  8   Don’t let your ............ build up. Talk to someone

  7   They ............ to the meeting tomorrow.

A more

B size



  5   They ............ wood for the fire since morning.   A have gathered C have been gathering


A form

............ thirties.

A sees

A little

D talk

  5   The man the police are looking for is in his



B speech C language

D right

moves to his new house.

  4   It’s only the first time I ............ him behave like


C strong

  4   He’s afraid of ............ his friends when he



A mouth

B lean

  3   He’s been losing weight this year. He’s in much

A growing B grow



A fit

D many

13   Many tribes are better ............ things than so-called civilized people.

B near

C dear

D next

13   We shouldn’t hide what we really think. We must ............ ourselves freely.  

A state

C express


B communicate

D show

14   They aren’t twins, but they ............ very similar!   A look B see C grow D view


A in sharing

C to have shared

15   My brother and I always ............ on well.


B that are sharing

D at sharing


A come

B hold

C keep

D get



Language Focus





 Complete the sentences with the words in the lists. Check in the Word List at the back of the book.


 Choose the correct words. Then put the words in brackets into the plural form. Which nouns are irregular? see pp. pp. GR4 GR4-GR -GR5 5

• th thin in • sl slen ende derr • sl slim im 1   Thanks to a good diet and lots of exercise, athletes are normally ........................... and


muscular. 2   People who come from cold lands are normally short and stocky, while people from deserts are tall and ........................... .


3   Female ballet dancers usually have long legs and ........................... necks.


• wel well-b l-built uilt • plu plump mp • ove overwe rweigh ight  t   

4  Georgia is slightly ........................... so she is going on a diet.


5  She’s got .......................... arms arms so so she avoids wearing sleeveless tops.


6  John is tall and ........................... .




 Match the opposites. 1


  a   careless



 b   rude



  c   sad



 d   strong



  e   arrogant



  f   dull



 g   cowardly



 h   anxious



  i   quiet



  j   ugly

 For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 1   This bracelet is cheaper than that one. This bracelet costs ..................................... ............................................ than that one. 2   There are five floors in this building. This building .............................................. five floors. 3   Mark has never had his own house before. This is the .................................................. that Mark has had his own house. 4   Mary uses her camera for taking photos of her friends. Mary uses her camera ............................... ............. ...... ............. ............ ...... take photos of her friends. 5   Ann’s necklace is very similar to Helen’s. Ann’s necklace is almost the same ............ ..................................................... Helen’s.


Sami of


The Sami 1) people/perso people/persons ns of northern Finland and Norway 2) manage/succ manage/succeed eed to survive in 3) some/any of the coldest environments in the 4) planet/world. planet/world. 5) ...................... (Temperature) can be as 6) low/small as -30°C! They move many 7) ...................... (kilometre) every year 8) across/above the frozen land, to find food for their reindeer 9) ...................... (herd).. 10) Living/Staying in a frozen land they rely on reindeer  (herd) for food, clothing and houses. They 11) make/do their own tents and clothes from reindeer skin and use reindeers or dogs to 12) pull/push their sleds. While the 13) ...................... (man) are out 14) taking/lookin taking/looking g care of the reindeer and keeping 15) ...................... (wolf) away, the 16) ...................... (woman) are busy doing everything else. They chop wood, cook food, build their tents and make clothes. Sami life is only for 17) them/those who are willing to work hard.

Grammar in Focus Complete the gaps with the correct words. Then put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Women in Charge The men of the Mosuo tribe in China may have the physical strength, but it’s the Mosuo women 1) ............ have all the power. That’s because the Mosuo is one 2) .............. the last societies in which everything is run 3) ................ the women. While the men farm the land, the women, in their role 4) ................ head of the house, make 5) ................ of the decisions for the extended family. The children take 6) ................ mother’s surname and the eldest female of the house 7) ….........……. (supervise) the money and everyone’s  jobs. After years of 8) ...................... (live) in a remote village 9) ............ away from the modern world, though, the Mosuo 10) ........................................ (experience) massive changes. Their lifestyle 11) ............................ (attract) a lot of attention recently and they 12) .................... (become) a popular tourist attraction.



Grammar in Focus


To consolidate vocabulary from the module


• • •

To consolidate grammar structures

Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Refer Ss to the Word List. List. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key     

1 slim 2 thin


3 slen slender der 4 overwe overweight ight

5 plu plump mp 6 well-b well-built  uilt 

To match adjectives to their antonyms


• •


Explain the task. Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Ss can use their dictionaries to check. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key     

1 j 2 h


3 g 4 a

5 c 6 i

7 b 8 d

9 e 10 f  

• • •

Explain the task. Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Check Ss’ answers answers..

1 le less ss 2 has got


3 fi firs rstt ti time me 4 to

5 as

To practise vocabulary and grammar • • •



• •

Explain the task. Point out that Ss should pay attenti attention on to the words before/after each gap. Ss complete the task in closed pairs. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key                       

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

who (rela (relative) tive) of  by (passiv (passive) e) as (role as) all  al l  their  the ir  supervises superv ises living (-ing after preposition) far  fa r  are experi experiencing encing (grad (gradual ual change change)) has attrac attracted ted (pres (present ent perfec perfectt with recently   ) have bec become ome ( and  and  joins  joins recently  recently similar similar tenses)

To practise sentence transformations

 Answer Key     


Explain the task. Ss complet complete e the task. Check Ss’ answers and elicit the irregula irregularr nouns. Revise how we form the plural form of regular nouns. Say/Write nouns on the board. Ss say the word in the plural

Background information Siberia is a large region in north Asia which is part of Russia. It has an area of 13.1 million km2. though for its size very few people live there – only around 30 million people. It has different climates that range from polar desert to dry steppe. In the north, it is mostly mountainous with little vegetation. In the south it is mostly forests. The Mosuo Tribe is a small ethnic group of around 40,000 people who live in the Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces of China near the Tibetan border. Their culture is characterised by large extended families.

e.g.. box – box e.g boxes es bus – bus buses es tent – tents potato – potatoes leaf – leaves etc  Answer Key 


1 peop people le 9 2 manage (to; succeed in) 10 3 some (any + negati negative/ ve/ 11 interrogativ interr ogative) e) 12 4 world 13 5 Temper Temperatures atures 14 6 lo low w 15 7 kilomet kilometres res 16 8 acr across oss 17

herdss herd Living (in-st (in-staying aying at) make (crea (create) te) pull  men (irreg (irregular) ular) taking (take care of) wolve wo lvess women (irre (irregular) gular) those tho se



1  1

To read for specific information (multiple choice)




Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5 and the possible answers. Give Ss time to read the text and choose the correct answer for each question. Check Ss’ answer answers. s.

 Answer Key   

1 C

2 A

3 B

4 D


To listen for specific information (T/F state statements) ments)


• •


5 B

Ask Ss to read the statements 1-5. Play the recording. Ss listen and mark the statements accordingly. Check Ss’ answer answers. s.

 Answer Key   

1 F

2 T

3 T

4 F

5 F 

Background information Canada is a large country in North America and extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. It has a population of around 35 million and the capital city is Ottawa. It has 10 provinces and 3 territories and it is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Alaska is one of the states of the USA. It has a land border with Canada. The state capital is Juneau and it has a population of 735,000, but around half of the population live in and around Anchorage which is the largest city. The Arctic is a polar region at the most northern part of the planet. It consists of a huge ice covered ocean (the Arctic Ocean) and a large area of barren land covered in permafrost. Parts of Canada, Russia, Alaska, Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland are in the Arctic.





Progress Check 



 Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for questions 1-5.

  1   What is the writer doing in this text?  

A describing a tribe’s habitat


B explaining a tribe’s traditions C giving information about a tribe


D detailing why the Inuit have survived

  2   What do we learn about the Inuit from the text?  

A their lifestyle and customs


B how they spend their free time


C how they build their houses


D what makes them special

  3   How does the writer describe the Inuit?  

A They are good fighters.


B They are peaceful.


C They are artistic.

  D They often argue.   4   What is NOT true about the Inuit?  

A They are happy people.


B They respect their traditions.


C They live together peacefully.


D They cannot survive in the cold.

  5   Which title best summarises the text? A

 for seals a  tiing fo Hun t


nd polar bears

The people of t  th he N  No orth

e  le a peop l  f   a   y  o f o r y  to  iss t h i e  h  he C  T h


Liv ing in  t  th h e w ild  (5x4=20) (5x4=20)

What do they look like? The Inuit are short and well-built with almond-shaped eyes and straight black hair. They wear large, thick coats with big, fur-lined hoods called ‘parkas’ to keep warm during the cold winters. They also wear big boots and furry gloves to protect their hands and feet. The Inuit are a cheerful and friendly people who believe in sharing everything they have with others. Because they live in small groups they value harmony and frown on arguments and fighting. How do they live? Inuit men are hunters and they spend their days out on the ice looking for whales, seals and even polar bears to catch and bring back home. In winter they cut holes in the ice and go ice fishing. On winter hunting trips they live in temporary, dome-shaped houses called ‘igloos’ made from blocks of snow. They use dogsleds and snowmobiles to travel the frozen Arctic. Women can also go hunting, but most choose to stay at home and sew, cook, build tents and bring up the children. In order to make the most of the sunlight and warmth the Inuit go to bed very early and get up at 5 am to start their working day. What are their traditions? The Inuits keep their history alive through a tradition of storytelling. The elders teach their children about their history with mythical stories and legends. A popular tradition is the ‘drum dance’ held at

  Listen to a discussion about what makes a good friend. For questions 1-5 decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).


1   Dr Porrit says friendships are st rongest at school. . ......


2   Jane thinks that good friends listen wi without cr criticising. .......


3   Dr Porrit thinks disagreeing can be usef useful ul in in a frien friendsh dship. ip. ... ...... .....


4   Abbie says that friends with a sense of humour humour never never argue.


Where do they live? The Inuit live in the frozen north of Canada, Russia and Alaska. In winter, temperatures can be as low as -50°C so it’s very difficult for plants to grow. Even in summer it rarely gets above zero. The Inuit people have been living in extreme conditions for centuries, spending their entire lives on the snow that blankets the Arctic.

births, weddings and funerals. The whole community gets together and performs songs and dances to the beat of a massive drum.



Do you think you could live in a world with cold weather, dangerous animals and little daylight? Well, the Inuit have done so for thousands of years. Let’s take a look at how they live their lives.


5   Dr Porrit prefers friends that do not laugh ve ry often. .......  (5x2=10) (5x2=10)



Progress Check 






 Choose the correct response.

 For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.

  1 A: Don Don’t ’t you agr agree? ee? B: a Sometimes I have.


b Yes, that’s a good point.


  2 A: She never never puts her things things away.


1   Ted is much shorter than John. John isn’t as ...................................... Ted.


2   Ann’s favourite possession is her camera. Ann likes her camera ...... ............. ............. .......... .... any of her possessions.


3   No one else in our class is as noisy noisy as John. John is ....................................................... in our class.


4   Georgia’s scarf is very similar to Sue’s. Georgia’s scarf is almost the same ............ ........................................................ Sue’s.


5   Her house is close to work. Her house isn’t too ...... ............. .............. ............. ........ work.

B: a How annoying! b I strongly believe that!


  3 A: Wha What’s t’s your your opin opinion? ion? B: a If you think so. b I couldn’t agree more.


  4 A: Wha Whatt do you thin think? k? B: a About all sorts of things.


b That’s not right.


 (4x2=8) (4x2=8)



 Fill in: wrinkles, early , reliable, sensitive, curly , track , grumpy , elder , bossy , impatient .

 (5x2=10) (5x2=10)


1   Don’t count on Jack; he isn’t .................... .

 Choose the correct item.


2   Sue’s got short ........................ hair.


1   Jane is a bit jealous with/of Josie’s clothes!


3   Old people often have ............................... on their faces.


4   Harry gets upset very easily; he’s ................. .


2   Sam’s car has broken down/up down/up!! 3   I get on well with my sister because we have have a lot with/in common.


5   My ....................... sister has got blue eyes.


4  Sadly, some married couples break up/down up/down..


6   He likes telling people what to do; he’s ............................. .



7   Jenny’s really ............................. when she hasn’t slept well.

5   Harry is very patient with/of his little brother, Alex.  (5x1=5) (5x1=5)


8   Tom’s in his ............................. thirties.


9   Jack’s so ..........................; he can’t even wait for a bus!




Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinion on the following statement: Good friends are important. Write your essay, giving examples/reasons for your viewpoints (120-160 words).

10   Jane can’t can’t keep ........... ................. ............ ............ ...... of time. time.




 Choose the correct item. 1   Anthony works/is working in a local café every weekend.

 Read the rubric, then write your essay.



(17 marks) (Total=100)

2   Tammy has yet/already left.  

3   The fashion show is starting/starts at 8 o’cloc o’clock k tonight tonight.. 4   He’s more patient than/from his brother.


5  Is Sarah coming/Does Sarah come tonight?


6   John appears/is appearing to be a really kind person. 7   What’s wrong with Brian? He is looking/  looks upset!



8   He’s the funnier/funniest person in my family.


9   Mark is thinking/thinks of buying a new suit.


10   He has worked/has been working all morning and feels tired now. (10x2=20)

Check your progress • • • • •

describe people’s appearance and character express opinion, agreement & disagreement politely compare people write a personal letter write an opinion essay GOOD ✓





To practise choosing the correct response • • •

Explain the task. Ss complet complete e the task. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key   

1 b


2 a

3 b


1 2 3 4



reliable reliable curly cur ly wrinkle wri nkless sensitive sensiti ve


  5 6 7 8

elder bossy bos sy grumpy gru mpy early 

9 impatie impatient  nt  10 tra track  ck 



To consolidate grammar from the module • • •

Explain the task. Ss complet complete e the task. Check Ss’ answers answers..


 Answer Key           

1 2 3 4 5

workss work alread alr eadyy starts sta rts than tha n Is Sarah coming


appear appe arss lookss look funnies fun niest  t  is thi thinki nking ng has been worki working ng

Everyone needs friends. Friends are always there for  us, whether the times are good or bad, and accept us as we are. However, there are many different kinds of  friends. I believe good friends help us become better   people. To start with, a good friend will listen without criticising. Therefore, they give us the support we need as well as any advice we need in a truthful but sensitive way. Secondly, a good friend can inspire us to be the best  we can be. In this way, we can achieve things we wanted to do. On the other hand, not all friends are a positive influence on us. For example, some friends may agree with us even when we wrongwe because they adon’t want to hurt  our feelings. Asare a result, may make wrong decision and we may get hurt. In conclusion, I strongly believe that good friends play  an important role in our lives. Friends who are truthful, supportive and fun to be with help us become a better   person.

Check your progress Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit according to how competent they feel for each of the listed activities.

To practise sentence transformations


• • •


 Answer Key  1 sh shor ortt as 2 mor more e tha than n 3 the noisies noisiestt person

Explain the task. Ss complet complete e the task. Check Ss’ answers answers..


6 7 8 9 10

Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Bank 1 for a model, a plan and useful language. Give Ss time to plan and complete their work and then check Ss’ answers. Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ answers in the next lesson.

Suggested Answer Key 

Explain the task. Ss complet complete e the task. Check Ss’ answers answers..

 Answer Key 

To write an essay


4 b

To practise vocabulary from the module • • •


4 as 5 far from from

To practise prepositional phrases Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.  Answer Key 


1 of

2 do down wn 3 in

4 up


with wi th



2 Suggested Answer Key 

Module Objectives Read the title of the module Survival and ask Ss to suggest what they think the module will be about (the module is about accidents, disasters, natural phenomena, the weather and space exploration.) Go through the objectives list to stimulate Ss’ interest in the module.

 1   •


To introduce new vocabulary Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and the news headlines underneath each one and give Ss time to use the words provided to complete them. Check Ss’ answer answers. s.



The air was filled with thick black smoke and heat. The firefighters were trying to put out the fire and there was a lot of shouting and sirens. Luckily no one was hurt. I felt scared by the fire and very sad for the people who lost their home.



The streets were flooded with water. Some people were in small boats and others were carrying small  children and their belongings on their shoulders. It  was a terrible sight. Some people were crying. I felt sad for them.



Many houses were under the mud which was slowly   moving down down the mountain taking taking everything everything along with it. People were crying and looking for their   missing  missin g family family members. members. It was very very upsetting upsetting.. I felt  helpless to do anything.



The sea was filled with black oil and it was washing up on the beach. I could see a tanker on its side and the oil coming from a hole in the side of it. I felt  shocked to see how much oil there was and I felt  very sorry that the coastline and all the wildlife there would be affected by this disaster.

 Answer Key     





To listen for specific information


Play the recording. Ss listen and match the descriptions to the events. • Check Ss’ answer answers. s.


 Answer Key  Speaker 1 – house fire Speaker 2 – oil spill  Speaker 3 – flood


Words of wisdom Direct Ss’ attention to the quotation and ask Ss to discuss what it means with a partner and/or give their opinion on it. Then ask various Ss to tell the class.

To describe an imaginary situation






2 3



Explain the task and ask Ss to think about how they would feel and what they would see and hear if they witnessed one of the accidents/disasters in the pictures. Ss prepare their answers. To help Ss write these key words on the board air/thick black smoke/firefighters/put out fire/  shouting/sirens/lose homes. streets/flooded/small boats/carry children/people cry under mud/people cry/look for missing family members black oil/wash up on beach/tan beach/tanker/oil/ ker/oil/come come out/hole

Suggested Answer Key  I think this quotation makes a good point – that life without  hope is no life at all. If a person has no hope then they are not looking to the future and to things becoming better.  Also, if they are in an accident or a disaster and they give up hope, then they will not survive. Many people have survived terrible disasters against the odds simply  because they didn’t give up hope.

From Fro m p. 22( 22(T) T)

Background information tides. It barren rock that orbits the Earth and its gravity affects the Earth’s Earth’s tides. It is a large barren The Moon is the Earth’s natural satellite. It is a from the Earth. Men first set foot on the Moon in 1969. formed 4.5 billion years ago and it is 384,400 km k m away from launched on 11th April 1970, but a moon landing was aborted when when an ollo 13 was the 7th manned mission to the Moon. Moon. It launched Apollo Ap th successfully returned to Earth on 17 April. The crew consisted consisted of oxygen tank exploded two days into the mission. mission. It successfully Swigert and Lunar Module Pilot Fred Haise. Commander Jim Lovell, Command Module pilot Jack Jack Swigert and NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Lyndon Lyndon n is the largest city in Texas, USA. It is the home ho me of NASA’s Houston Housto B. Johnson Space Center where the Mission Control Center Center is located. located. It is the centre for human spaceflight training, research and flight control.





Module 2



• • • •


• • •


HOUSE 1) ............................ AFTER FIRE 2) ............................ IN THE BASEMENT

  accidents & disasters   natural phenomena   weather/clothes   space exploration   phrasal verbs: PUT    prepositions   word formation: forming nouns from verbs




an article about space (multiple choice/answer questions)



    past tenses   • past simple vs present perfect     used to/would to/would – be/ge be/get  t  used to •

PEOPLE EVACUATED FROM HOMES AFTER  RIVER 3) ...... ............. ............. .......... .... ITS BANKS

FIVE MISSING AFTER ROCKS AND MUD 4) ......... .................. ................ ....... HOMES IN VILLAGE




  monologues (multiple matching)     a dialogue (T/F statements)   • word stress & weak vowels •




  narrate an experience   express interest/shock/ 

  disbelief  describe a picture



  • an informal email • a news article   • a story ▶ 

Accidents & Disasters

Language Focus

  • collocations   • phrasal verbs & prepositions   • sentence transformations   • grammar in focus ▶ 

TANKER 5) .................... ....................... ... SPILLING SPILLING TONNES OF OIL INTO SEA

Progress Check


 Complete the news headlines with: collapses, bury , bursts, sinks, breaks out .


  Listen to three people describing events in Ex. Ex. 1. Which event event is each one talking about?



Words of wisdom

“Man can live 40 days without  food, 3 days without water, 8  minutes without air, but only  one second without hope.” (C. Darwin)

Imagine you witnessed one of  the accidents/d accidents/disaste isasters rs in Ex. 1. What did you see and hear? How did you feel? Tell the class.


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