c E ticketing is the on line system used for reserving or booking ticket in airlines , trains etc. &It was done by using credit cards. The transaction was carried out with the customer¶s bank account. At first customer logs on to the system. Then the customer has to choose the relevant choice. The customer choice may be air ticket train ticket etc. The customer has to fill the details such as name, address etc. and it is submitted to the system. The system database checks the availability & informs the customers booking the ticket; if the seats are not available the customer checks the availability and resubmits the form. The system database is updated according to the reservation.
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cc !" üü begin module%1.3%.codegen_version preserve=yes üü Read the documentation to learn more about C++ code generator üü versioning. üü end module%1.3%.codegen_version üü üü üü
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.cm preserve=no %X% %Q% %Z% %W% end module%4DA6C2D0001F.cm
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.cp preserve=no end module%4DA6C2D0001F.cp
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.additionalIncludes preserve=no
end module%4DA6C2D0001F.additionalIncludes
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.includes preserve=yes end module%4DA6C2D0001F.includes
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes end module%4DA6C2D0001F.additionalDeclarations
üü begin Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.preface preserve=yes üü end Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.preface üü Class: Payment%4DA6C2D0001F üü Category: üü Persistence: Transient üü CardinalityüMultiplicity: n class Payment { üü begin Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.initialDeclarations preserve=yes üü end Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.initialDeclarations public: üü Constructors (generated) Payment(); Payment(const Payment &right); üü Destructor (generated) ~Payment(); üü Assignment Operation (generated) Payment & operator=(const Payment &right); üü Equality Operations (generated) int operator==(const Payment &right) const; int operator!=(const Payment &right) const; üü Additional Public Declarations üü begin Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.public preserve=yes üü end Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.public
protected: üü Additional Protected Declarations üü begin Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.protected preserve=yes üü end Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.protected private: üü Get and Set Operations for Class Attributes (generated) üü Attribute: Date%4DA6C2D80000 const date get_Date () const; void set_Date (date value); üü Attribute: Amount%4DA6C2DC0232 const integer get_Amount () const; void set_Amount (integer value); üü Additional Private Declarations üü begin Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.private preserve=yes üü end Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.private private: üü implementation üü Data Members for Class Attributes üü begin Payment::Date%4DA6C2D80000.attr preserve=no private: date {U} date Date; üü end Payment::Date%4DA6C2D80000.attr üü begin Payment::Amount%4DA6C2DC0232.attr preserve=no private: integer {U} integer Amount; üü end Payment::Amount%4DA6C2DC0232.attr üü Additional Implementation Declarations üü begin Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.implementation preserve=yes üü end Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.implementation }; üü begin Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.postscript preserve=yes üü end Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.postscript üü Class Payment
üü Get and Set Operations for Class Attributes (inline) inline const date Payment::get_Date () const { üü begin Payment::get_Date%4DA6C2D80000.get preserve=no return Date; üü end Payment::get_Date%4DA6C2D80000.get } inline void Payment::set_Date (date value) { üü begin Payment::set_Date%4DA6C2D80000.set preserve=no Date = value; üü end Payment::set_Date%4DA6C2D80000.set } inline const integer Payment::get_Amount () const { üü begin Payment::get_Amount%4DA6C2DC0232.get preserve=no return Amount; üü end Payment::get_Amount%4DA6C2DC0232.get } inline void Payment::set_Amount (integer value) { üü begin Payment::set_Amount%4DA6C2DC0232.set preserve=no Amount = value; üü end Payment::set_Amount%4DA6C2DC0232.set } üü begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.epilog preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C2D0001F.epilog endif !!" üü begin module%1.3%.codegen_version preserve=yes üü Read the documentation to learn more about C++ code generator üü versioning. üü end module%1.3%.codegen_version üü üü üü
begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.cm preserve=no %X% %Q% %Z% %W% end module%4DA6C1D800DA.cm
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.cp preserve=no end module%4DA6C1D800DA.cp
end Customer_Details::set_the_Booking%4DA6C2E701C5.set
} üü begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.epilog preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C1D800DA.epilog endif !!!"# üü begin module%1.3%.codegen_version preserve=yes üü Read the documentation to learn more about C++ code generator üü versioning. üü end module%1.3%.codegen_version üü üü üü
begin module%4DA6C28C005D.cm preserve=no %X% %Q% %Z% %W% end module%4DA6C28C005D.cm
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C28C005D.cp preserve=no end module%4DA6C28C005D.cp
Get and Set Operations for Associations (generated)
üü Association: %4DA6C2F20177 üü Role: Booking::%4DA6C2F3034B const Payment * get_the_Payment () const; void set_the_Payment (Payment * value); üü Additional Public Declarations üü begin Booking%4DA6C28C005D.public preserve=yes üü end Booking%4DA6C28C005D.public protected: üü Additional Protected Declarations üü begin Booking%4DA6C28C005D.protected preserve=yes üü end Booking%4DA6C28C005D.protected private:
Get and Set Operations for Class Attributes (generated)
üü Attribute: Booking no%4DA6C29B00DA const integer get_Booking_no () const; void set_Booking_no (integer value); üü Attribute: Date%4DA6C2A101B5 const date get_Date () const; void set_Date (date value); üü Attribute: Total%4DA6C2A500CB const integer get_Total () const; void set_Total (integer value); üü Attribute: Status%4DA6C2A9005D const string get_Status () const; void set_Status (string value); üü Attribute: name%4DA6C2AC0251 const string get_name () const; void set_name (string value); üü Additional Private Declarations üü begin Booking%4DA6C28C005D.private preserve=yes üü end Booking%4DA6C28C005D.private private: üü implementation üü Data Members for Class Attributes üü begin Booking::Booking no%4DA6C29B00DA.attr preserve=no private: integer {U} integer Booking_no; üü end Booking::Booking no%4DA6C29B00DA.attr üü begin Booking::Date%4DA6C2A101B5.attr preserve=no private: date {U} date Date; üü end Booking::Date%4DA6C2A101B5.attr üü begin Booking::Total%4DA6C2A500CB.attr preserve=no private: integer {U} integer Total; üü end Booking::Total%4DA6C2A500CB.attr üü begin Booking::Status%4DA6C2A9005D.attr preserve=no private: string {U} string Status; üü end Booking::Status%4DA6C2A9005D.attr üü begin Booking::name%4DA6C2AC0251.attr preserve=no private: string {U} string name;
üü end Booking::name%4DA6C2AC0251.attr üü Data Members for Associations üü Association: %4DA6C2F20177 üü begin Booking::%4DA6C2F3034B.role preserve=no public: Payment { -> RHN} Payment *the_Payment; üü end Booking::%4DA6C2F3034B.role üü Additional Implementation Declarations üü begin Booking%4DA6C28C005D.implementation preserve=yes üü end Booking%4DA6C28C005D.implementation }; üü begin Booking%4DA6C28C005D.postscript preserve=yes üü end Booking%4DA6C28C005D.postscript üü Class Booking üü Get and Set Operations for Class Attributes (inline) inline const integer Booking::get_Booking_no () const { üü begin Booking::get_Booking_no%4DA6C29B00DA.get preserve=no return Booking_no; üü end Booking::get_Booking_no%4DA6C29B00DA.get } inline void Booking::set_Booking_no (integer value) { üü begin Booking::set_Booking_no%4DA6C29B00DA.set preserve=no Booking_no = value; üü end Booking::set_Booking_no%4DA6C29B00DA.set } inline const date Booking::get_Date () const { üü begin Booking::get_Date%4DA6C2A101B5.get preserve=no return Date; üü end Booking::get_Date%4DA6C2A101B5.get } inline void Booking::set_Date (date value) { üü begin Booking::set_Date%4DA6C2A101B5.set preserve=no Date = value; üü end Booking::set_Date%4DA6C2A101B5.set } inline const integer Booking::get_Total () const
{ üü begin Booking::get_Total%4DA6C2A500CB.get preserve=no return Total; üü end Booking::get_Total%4DA6C2A500CB.get } inline void Booking::set_Total (integer value) { üü begin Booking::set_Total%4DA6C2A500CB.set preserve=no Total = value; üü end Booking::set_Total%4DA6C2A500CB.set } inline const string Booking::get_Status () const { üü begin Booking::get_Status%4DA6C2A9005D.get preserve=no return Status; üü end Booking::get_Status%4DA6C2A9005D.get } inline void Booking::set_Status (string value) { üü begin Booking::set_Status%4DA6C2A9005D.set preserve=no Status = value; üü end Booking::set_Status%4DA6C2A9005D.set } inline const string Booking::get_name () const { üü begin Booking::get_name%4DA6C2AC0251.get preserve=no return name; üü end Booking::get_name%4DA6C2AC0251.get } inline void Booking::set_name (string value) { üü begin Booking::set_name%4DA6C2AC0251.set preserve=no name = value; üü end Booking::set_name%4DA6C2AC0251.set } üü Get and Set Operations for Associations (inline) inline const Payment * Booking::get_the_Payment () const { üü begin Booking::get_the_Payment%4DA6C2F3034B.get preserve=no return the_Payment;
end Booking::get_the_Payment%4DA6C2F3034B.get
} inline void Booking::set_the_Payment (Payment * value) { üü begin Booking::set_the_Payment%4DA6C2F3034B.set preserve=no the_Payment = value; üü end Booking::set_the_Payment%4DA6C2F3034B.set } üü begin module%4DA6C28C005D.epilog preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C28C005D.epilog Endif !" üü begin module%1.3%.codegen_version preserve=yes üü Read the documentation to learn more about C++ code generator üü versioning. üü end module%1.3%.codegen_version üü üü üü
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.cm preserve=no %X% %Q% %Z% %W% end module%4DA6C2D0001F.cm
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.cp preserve=no end module%4DA6C2D0001F.cp
üü üü
Module: Payment%4DA6C2D0001F; Pseudo Package body Source file: C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose\C++\source\Payment.cpp
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.additionalIncludes preserve=no end module%4DA6C2D0001F.additionalIncludes
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.includes preserve=yes end module%4DA6C2D0001F.includes
üü Payment include "Payment.h" üü begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C2D0001F.additionalDeclarations
üü Class Payment Payment::Payment() üü begin Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_const.hasinit preserve=no üü end Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_const.hasinit üü begin Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_const.initialization preserve=yes üü end Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_const.initialization { üü begin Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_const.body preserve=yes üü end Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_const.body } Payment::Payment(const Payment &right) üü begin Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_copy.hasinit preserve=no üü end Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_copy.hasinit üü begin Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_copy.initialization preserve=yes üü end Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_copy.initialization { üü begin Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_copy.body preserve=yes üü end Payment::Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_copy.body }
Payment::~Payment() { üü begin Payment::~Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_dest.body preserve=yes üü end Payment::~Payment%4DA6C2D0001F_dest.body } Payment & Payment::operator=(const Payment &right) { üü begin Payment::operator=%4DA6C2D0001F_assign.body preserve=yes üü end Payment::operator=%4DA6C2D0001F_assign.body } int Payment::operator==(const Payment &right) const { üü begin Payment::operator==%4DA6C2D0001F_eq.body preserve=yes üü end Payment::operator==%4DA6C2D0001F_eq.body }
int Payment::operator!=(const Payment &right) const { üü begin Payment::operator!=%4DA6C2D0001F_neq.body preserve=yes üü end Payment::operator!=%4DA6C2D0001F_neq.body } üü Additional Declarations üü begin Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.declarations preserve=yes üü end Payment%4DA6C2D0001F.declarations üü begin module%4DA6C2D0001F.epilog preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C2D0001F.epilog !!" üü begin module%1.3%.codegen_version preserve=yes üü Read the documentation to learn more about C++ code generator üü versioning. üü end module%1.3%.codegen_version üü begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.cm preserve=no üü %X% %Q% %Z% %W% üü end module%4DA6C1D800DA.cm üü begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.cp preserve=no üü end module%4DA6C1D800DA.cp üü Module: Customer Details%4DA6C1D800DA; Pseudo Package body üü Source file: C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose\C++\source\Customer Details.cpp üü begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.additionalIncludes preserve=no üü end module%4DA6C1D800DA.additionalIncludes üü begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.includes preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C1D800DA.includes üü Customer Details include "Customer Details.h" üü begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C1D800DA.additionalDeclarations üü Class Customer_Details Customer_Details::Customer_Details() üü begin Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_const.hasinit preserve=no üü end Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_const.hasinit üü begin Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_const.initialization preserve=yes
end Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_const.initialization
üü üü
begin Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_const.body preserve=yes end Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_const.body
} Customer_Details::Customer_Details(const Customer_Details &right) üü begin Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_copy.hasinit preserve=no üü end Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_copy.hasinit üü begin Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_copy.initialization preserve=yes üü end Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_copy.initialization { üü begin Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_copy.body preserve=yes üü end Customer_Details::Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_copy.body } Customer_Details::~Customer_Details() { üü begin Customer_Details::~Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_dest.body preserve=yes üü end Customer_Details::~Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA_dest.body } Customer_Details & Customer_Details::operator=(const Customer_Details &right) { üü begin Customer_Details::operator=%4DA6C1D800DA_assign.body preserve=yes üü end Customer_Details::operator=%4DA6C1D800DA_assign.body } int Customer_Details::operator==(const Customer_Details &right) const { üü begin Customer_Details::operator==%4DA6C1D800DA_eq.body preserve=yes üü end Customer_Details::operator==%4DA6C1D800DA_eq.body } int Customer_Details::operator!=(const Customer_Details &right) const { üü begin Customer_Details::operator!=%4DA6C1D800DA_neq.body preserve=yes üü end Customer_Details::operator!=%4DA6C1D800DA_neq.body } üü Other Operations (implementation) void Customer_Details::book () {
üü üü
begin Customer_Details::book%4DA6C2800196.body preserve=yes end Customer_Details::book%4DA6C2800196.body
} üü Additional Declarations üü begin Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA.declarations preserve=yes üü end Customer_Details%4DA6C1D800DA.declarations üü üü
begin module%4DA6C1D800DA.epilog preserve=yes end module%4DA6C1D800DA.epilog
!!!"# üü begin module%1.3%.codegen_version preserve=yes üü Read the documentation to learn more about C++ code generator üü versioning. üü end module%1.3%.codegen_version üü üü üü
begin module%4DA6C28C005D.cm preserve=no %X% %Q% %Z% %W% end module%4DA6C28C005D.cm
üü üü
begin module%4DA6C28C005D.cp preserve=no end module%4DA6C28C005D.cp
üü üü üü üü
Module: Booking%4DA6C28C005D; Pseudo Package body Source file: C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose\C++\source\Booking.cpp begin module%4DA6C28C005D.additionalIncludes preserve=no end module%4DA6C28C005D.additionalIncludes
üü begin module%4DA6C28C005D.includes preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C28C005D.includes üü Booking include "Booking.h" üü begin module%4DA6C28C005D.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C28C005D.additionalDeclarations üü Class Booking Booking::Booking() üü begin Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_const.hasinit preserve=no üü end Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_const.hasinit üü begin Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_const.initialization preserve=yes
end Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_const.initialization
üü üü
begin Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_const.body preserve=yes end Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_const.body
} Booking::Booking(const Booking &right) üü begin Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_copy.hasinit preserve=no üü end Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_copy.hasinit üü begin Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_copy.initialization preserve=yes üü end Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_copy.initialization { üü begin Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_copy.body preserve=yes üü end Booking::Booking%4DA6C28C005D_copy.body } Booking::~Booking() { üü begin Booking::~Booking%4DA6C28C005D_dest.body preserve=yes üü end Booking::~Booking%4DA6C28C005D_dest.body } Booking & Booking::operator=(const Booking &right) { üü begin Booking::operator=%4DA6C28C005D_assign.body preserve=yes üü end Booking::operator=%4DA6C28C005D_assign.body } int Booking::operator==(const Booking &right) const { üü begin Booking::operator==%4DA6C28C005D_eq.body preserve=yes üü end Booking::operator==%4DA6C28C005D_eq.body } Int Booking::operator!=(const Booking &right) const { üü begin Booking::operator!=%4DA6C28C005D_neq.body preserve=yes üü end Booking::operator!=%4DA6C28C005D_neq.body } üü Other Operations (implementation) void Booking::Pay () { üü begin Booking::Pay%4DA6C2C0007D.body preserve=yes üü end Booking::Pay%4DA6C2C0007D.body }
üü Additional Declarations üü begin Booking%4DA6C28C005D.declarations preserve=yes üü end Booking%4DA6C28C005D.declarations üü begin module%4DA6C28C005D.epilog preserve=yes üü end module%4DA6C28C005D.epilog
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