Online Quiz Project Report

February 17, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Online Quiz  Project Report submitted for the partial fulfillment For the award of the degree of

B Tech(Electronics & Comm.)

















1. $%nosis 2. 'ntrouction #. $%stem Anl%sis • •

*reliminr% 'n+esti,tion  -esiilit% $tu%   

• • • •

Technical Feasibility Operational Feasibility Feasibility Economical Feasibility

!therin, 'n/ormtion $%stem $tu%  

Existing System Proposed System

0. $%stem euirements Software Enironment !or"ing Enironment  #ardware Config$ration  Software Config$ration

3. $%stem esi,n • • • •

• •

• •

• •

System Flow %iagram %ata Flow %iagrams %atabase %esign %esign  %ata %ictionary %etailed %escription %escription Screens

4. $%stem T estin, Testin, Te stin, 5. 'mlementtion 'mlementtio n n 'mlementtion n E+lution E+lution E+lution 6. Conclusion Conclusion 7ith 7ith -uture -uture Enhncement Enhncement Enhncement 8. Bilio,rh% 0






$9NO*$'$ The main aim of Online &$i' is to facilitate a $ser friendly enironment of  (l$eboo" implementation and red$ces the man$al effort) *sers of the system are+ ar e+ ,) Teachers -) St$dents In past days .$i' is cond$cted man$ally b$t in f$rther resol$tion of the technology we are able to generate the score and pose the .$eries a$tomatically)) Sec$re access of confidential data/ better design to gie effectie (l$eboo" and flexible) Serice based architect$re will be highly desirable for f$t$re extension) Iss$es are to red$ce the man$al press$re and ma"e ma"e the pro0ect in effectie manner .

Techer is able to ma"e .$i' .$estions and ta"e a contest both) ($t st$dents

are are only able to gie a .$i') Their

res$lt is isible on the screen after the

s$ccessf$l completion of the .$i') (oth are able to as" any .$ery from the administrator and s$ggestion to improe the site)

The  present pro0ect el$cidates  the the following features.


• •

Registartion of Teachers and Students

• •

Making of Quiz

• •

Taking of Quiz

• •

Queries from sers

• •

!ontact From adminstrator








System Development: The process of building s"stems has alwa"s been comple# with s"stem becoming larger$ the costs and comple#ities get multiplied. So the need for better methods for de%eloping s"stems is widel" recognized to be effecti%e and the applied model should meet a few basic re&uirements. 

The model should be structured and co%er the entire s"stem de%elopment process from feasibilit" stud" to programming$ programming$ testing testing and and implementation.

The model should utilize established methods and techni&ues like database designs$ normalizations and structured programming techni&ues.

The model should consist of building blocks$ which define tasks$ results and interfaces.

The model should separate the logical s"stem from the ph"sical ph"sical s"stem. s"stem.

'ocumentation should be a direct result of the de%elopment work and should be concise$ precise and as non(redundant as possible.

)ased on the abo%e re&uirements of the s"stem model$ s"stem stud" has been made. *arious methodologies ha%e been applied for s"stem s"stem stud"$ e%ol%ing e%ol%ing design design documents$ data modeling$ input screen design and report design.

Pro  ject: Project: The persons who are students can enhance and judge their knowledge from the online &uizes on the site. Teachers are able to make &uizes. Students and teachers can ask their &ueries in the site. The" are also able to contact the administrator with the help of the address gi%en in the the !ontact us us option.







$9$TE" ANAL9$'$

Preliminary Investigation:

First in the s"stem de%elopment process is preliminar" +n%estigation. Preliminar" +n%estigation is conducted in the following phases.

• •

Project clarification

• •

Feasibility study

• •

Project appraisal

Project clarification is the process of selecting a project re&uest for further stud". ,hen a s"stem de%elopment or modification re&uest is made$ the first s"stems acti%it"$ the preliminar" in%estigation$ begins the acti%it" has three parts- Re&uest clarification$ feasibilit" stud" and project appraisal. Man" re&uest from emplo"ees and users in organization are not clearl" stated. Therefore before an" s"stems in%estigation can be considered$ the project re&uest must be e#amined to determine preciousl" what the originator wants. This is called Re&uest clarification. s important outcome of the preliminar" in%estigation is the determination that the s"stem re&uest in feasible.

Feasibility Study:

The feasibilit" stud" is performed to determine whether the proposed s"stem is %iable considering the Technical$ /perational and 0conomical factors. fter going through feasibilit" stud" we can ha%e a clear(cut %iew of the s"stem1s benefits and drawbacks.




Technical Feasibility: The proposed s"stem is de%eloped using cti%e Ser%er Page$ *) Script and 2TM3 as front(end tool and /racle 4 as the back end. The The proposed s"stem needs a Personal Personal ,eb ,eb Ser%er to ser%e the re&uests submitted b" the users. The ,eb browser is used to %iew the web page that is a%ailable within the ,indows operating s"stem itself. The proposed s"stem will run under ,in5#$ 6T$ and win7888 en%ironment. s ,indows is %er" user friendl" and 9+ /S it is %er" eas" to use. ll the re&uired hardware and software are readil" a%ailable in the market. 2ence the s"stem is technicall" feasible.

Operational Feasibility: The proposed s"stem is operationall" feasible because of the following reasons. 

The customer is benefited more as most of his time is sa%ed. The customer is ser%iced at his place of work.

The cost of the proposed s"stem is almost negligible when compared to the benefits gained.

Economical Feasibility: s the necessar" hardware and software are a%ailable in the market at a low cost$ the initial in%estment is the onl" cost incurred and does not need an" further enhancements. 2ence it is economicall" feasible. The s"stem is feasible in all respects and hence it encourages taking up the s"stem design.

athering Information: The anal"sis through collection of data pla"s the wider role in in the the anal"sis anal"sis of of the the s"stem. So the data is collected at different le%els of management management to keep track track of full information of the s"stem. The collection of data is done from( :. Top 3e%el Management 7. Middle 3e%el Management




;. 3ow 3e%el Management 'ifferent methods used to collect the data-

!uestioners: The data is collected through &uestioners b" filling a set of &uestions from the different le%els of management. The &uestions made b" &uestioners are three different different t"pes. The" are( :. Structured questioners: 2. Unstructured questioners: 3. Semi-structured questionersquestioners-

Intervie"s: +nter%iews were conducted to collect the information. The inter%iews were conducted at two le%els. :. Formal Group Interviews: the inter%iews inter%iews conducted for for formal formal groups i.e.$ the hierarchical
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