Online Media Editor in Las Vegas NV Resume Danny DeFreitas

July 4, 2016 | Author: DannyDeFreitas | Category: Types, Presentations
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Short Description

Danny DeFreitas is an experienced Executive Online Media Director....


EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT ■ ONLINE and PRINT MEDIA Sports, Business, Entertainment, Technology, Science, Health, Travel



Danny DeFreitas EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT ■ ONLINE and PRINT MEDIA Sports, Business, Entertainment, Technology, Science, Health, Travel Extremely successful in launching start -ups, organizational turn -around, seamless integration and phenomenal growth. Overcome complex business challenges within fast -paced, high-pressure environments using timely foresight, keen judgment, innovative ideas, steadfast dedication and impeccable integrity. Expertise in developing and implementing marketing programs to increase patronage, product branding and overall profitability. Masterful at applying sound business acume n, sales professionalism and cust omer service ex cellence to achieve organizational goals. Oversee the recruiting , t raining and development of staff and management employees. Estimat e operating needs and costs, prepare and execute budgets, and directly contribut e to sustainable short and long term profitability objectives. Motivate personnel t o set higher goals and achieve greater success. Establish and maintain an ex cellent rapport with all levels of workforc e from office staff and sales professionals to the management team and the board of directors .

Core Competencies      

New P roduct/Service Launch Social Media/Mobile Venues Revenue and Market Growt h Recruiting/Training/Supervising Business Development Budget and Lean Met hods

     

Content Plan/Editorial Strat egy Digital Media Trends/Formats Change Management Brand Awareness/Promo tion Demographic Analysis/Expansion Customer/Vendor Relations

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE VEGASSEVEN.COM; Las Vegas, Nevada Executive Online Media Director         


Directed all online development and mobile device endeavors. Developed and executed a strategic cont ent plan f or dynamic startup venture. Drove total site traff ic over 200%. Created a content/product ion plan f or new mobile site to launch in 2014. Initiated complex str ategy plan f or new f ashion site along the lines of and with video shows and more robust cont ent . Recruited/super vised 4 editorial personnel and bolster ed f reelance wr iter staff f rom 10 to 40. Created video/multimedia f ranchises including Trash Talk , a 3-minute show that matches t wo local DJs against each other. Managed $150,000 online and social-media operating budget. Generated high-powered culture bet ween magazine wr iters and online team.

Henderson, Nevada 89012 425-591-7312 ♦ [email protected]

Danny DeFreitas

Résumé Page 2

WENDOH MEDIA; Las Vegas, Nevada Lead Online Consultant      

Coordinated transf ormation of print products to excit ing new digital presence. Contr ibuted substantially to overall growt h of VegasSeven. com,,, Vegas/Related,, and Managed a $500,000 operating budget concentrat ing on prof essional recruiting. Recruited and super vi sed 4 online staf f plus hired a Managing Editor. Created and execut ed innovative online strategies, content plans, and social media pr ograms. Implemented plan f or site redesign brin ging more organized/clean sit e f eaturing robust cont ent, social media, and 3 newsletters.

PATCH.COM/AOL; San Francisco, CA Senior Regional Editor, Northern California      

       


Created content plan/edit orial strategy t urning a struggling region in one of the leading teams nationwide in total readership in less than 4 mon ths. Directed, organized, tracked W est Coast and Patch - wide proj ects/initiatives. Managed daily oper ations and super vised 40 journalists with 6 direct reports. Execut ed $2M budget f or Northern Calif ornia team of 40 individual local sites and up to 50 employees. Focused on editor ial standards/ voice, video product ion, audience engagement, new mobile platf orm, breaking news, f eatures, and enterpr ise journalism. Keyed partnerships with local TV stat ions, Comcast, Bay - Area NBC, KCBS radio.

MSNBC INTERNET; Redmond, Washington Deputy Managing Editor 



Directed daily editorial operat ions f or Sports, Entertainment, Business, Health, Technology, and Travel departments. Developed numerous successf ul/prof itable business relat ionships and increased annual revenue f rom $5 million to $40 million. Created/ init iated new projects, shows, venues to entice/retain major sponsors. Achieved #1 top manager 5 years and top 95% in company per f ormance reviews. W orked closely with the CFO and managed a $10 million year ly operating budget. Recruited, hired, trained, and super vised 45 key top perf orming personnel and maintained the lowest turnover rate f or 15 years. Introduced new editorial strategies and helped MSNBC rise to #1 Nielsen rat ing. Generated new business deals with Access Hollywood, W ebMD, Travel Channel, Developed specialized subsections f or all properties and edit orial requirements.

Executive Sports Producer/Executive Entertainment Editor       

Coordinated all aspects of day to day production and long range planning f or high traff ic online sports site. Created, f ormatted, oversaw production of multiple O lympic and NBA webcasts. In charge of 2002 NBCOlym and, combined tog ether t hey generated a recor d at the time of 5 million plus page views per day wor ldwide. Super vised 50 company staf f /another 50 contributors f or major special events. Involved in writ ing business plan f or MSNBC Sports ventur e with NBC Sports guaranteeing in -house f irst $4M, NBC Sports second $4M, and split thereaf ter. Created ver y lucrat ive business relat ions with Access Hollywood, Hollywood Reporter, Variet y, and Rolling Stone publishing enterprises. Assisted directors, producers and other staff with special assignments as needed.

Danny DeFreitas

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CONTRA COSTA TIMES; Walnut Creek California Executive Sports Editor   

Super vised over 40 staff employees publishing 4 separat e newspapers with a total circulation in excess of 300,000. Ser ved on editor ial board, ensured over all qualit y control, increased circulation 20%, and gross revenue $10 million. Collaborat ed with beat reporters, copy editors, layout art ists on a daily basis.

PENINSULA TIMES TRIBUNE; Palo Alto, California Executive Sports Editor/Writer     



Promoted f rom Spor ts W riter to W eekend Sports Editor to Asst. Sports Editor to Execut ive Sports Editor in record t ime. Played a key role in redesigning the ent ir e paper and worked closely with t he top print media design/f ormat creator of the day f rom the Chicag o Tribune . W orked extensively with the Arts and Ent ertainment Sect ion contributing vision. Coordinated daily assignments, select ion of wire stor ies, and local copy. Cover ed college sports and wrote weekly tennis columns as youngest sports columnist in the nation.


San Jose, California

AWARDS/ACCOLADES Emmy for Outstanding Live Event Turnaround Emmy for Senior Producer NBC Sports Desk Emmy for Beijing, Athens, Salt Lake, Sydney and Atlanta Olympics Best Website from ONA - 2010/2006 MSNBC Best New Website from AOL - 1996 APSE Best Sunday Sports Section Top 10 – 1989 to 1995 APSE Best Daily Sports Section Top 10 – 1989 to 1995 Henderson, Nevada 89012 425-591-7312 ♦ [email protected]

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