Online Library System project report

May 11, 2018 | Author: bijeshnair007 | Category: Library (Computing), Software, Databases, Server (Computing), Internet
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this is the online library system's project report.....


Online Library System


BIJESH NAIR As Final Project Report in 4th Semester Of



By:- Bijesh Nair

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Online Library System


who carried out the project work under my

supervision. SIGNATURE




By:- Bijesh Nair

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Online Library System

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success. We are grateful to our project guide Mr. Chitreshh Banarjee for the guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestions that helpful us in the preparation of this project. We also thank our colleagues who have helped in successful completion of the project. BIJESH NAIR MCA 4th Sem.

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Online Library System

Table Of Contents Introduction


Feasibility Study


System Analysis


Software Engineering Paradigm Software Requirement Specification Hardware Requirement Specification Software Model Followed


Functional Specification






Architecture Diagram


Case Diagram


Work Breakdown Structure


Data Tables


Data Flow Diagram


Entity Relationship Diagram




Testing Procedure


Implementation Maintenance Future Scope

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Online Library System Conclusion & References


Introduction Situation Gone are the days when the librarian had to have his library log updated manually with help of his assistants. The tedious process of updating the log, manually, after every transaction is dying out in most of the libraries. This is with the advent of computerization in this field too. Then came spreadsheets which used to run for pages. Even then it was the duty of the librarian/administrator to enter all details manually in the spreadsheet. She/he had to keep track of all items in the library and update the corresponding records. The person borrowing the book had to get his verification card and get it updated every time he borrows/returns an item from/to library. Even this work of verifying the person and updating the card falls on the librarian or his assistant. Every now and then the librarian has to keep track of all the books and other items by checking the stocks (i.e. stocking).

Solution This solution is developed using .NET technology which improves the accuracy of the information by leaps and bounds. This solution helps the administrator accomplish his tasks at ease. This solution is an online library management system which lets users sign-up to the library initially and then sign-in every time they want to find some item in the library. The user can also maintain and edit his profile details. It also lets administrators manage the library from their desktop. They can monitor any item, its stock and other related information. A user can sign-in and search for items, borrow or reserve items if they are present in the library. If not, user can request the librarian/administrator to get the book by furnishing all the details. As soon as a user reserves a book the library database gets updated automatically. This improves accuracy and leaves no user fooled about the status of availability of an item. All details of the user are stored in the database which eases pressure on the administrator about defaulters. Defaulters can be blocked/removed from the library, by the administrator. The user need not visit the library every time to find an item; instead he/she can search items from his/her own PC/laptop. Reports can also be generated for individual items or for number of defaulters and the number of transactions for an item or by a user. They can also be generated in graphical form. An advantage of this solution is that a web browser which supports .net framework is enough to view the user interface. This interface can be seen in any such system and hence makes it portable too.

Benefits  Accurate Information around the clock Information about the library database is accurate at any given point of time since its all automatic and updated after every transaction.  Ease of access Users can find items, reserve book, change profile details, etc., from their homes as the library’s transactions are online.  Maintenance is easy Managing the database is easy and so is its maintenance. It does not require much of care and goes on until it isn’t affected due to heavy trafficking.

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Online Library System  Sorting of data Data is stored in different databases and sorted into different tables to differentiate content and it can easily converted into reports for presentations.

Feasibility Study Feasibility is a determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. Feasibility Study is performed for determining the feasibility of a project. The content and recommendations of such a study will be used as a sound basis for deciding to proceed, postpone, or cancel the project. In the conduct of feasibility study, we will usually consider following inter-related type of feasibility. They are: Technical feasibility We concern here with specifying Equipment and software that will satisfy the user requirement. It will run on any platform (machine), since the C# is considered platform independent. It will run with minimum system requirements and with minimum system resources acquired during run. It will need a web server, to which it gets from the internet, at run time. Expandability will be maintained in the new system. New modules can be added later on the application, if required in the future. Operational feasibility The system will be easy to use as user interface is GUI based. The system is easy to use so no any special skills will be required to use the system. New user will find it easy to use. So the project will be operationally feasible. 3. Economic feasibility The procedure is to determine the benefit and savings that are expected from the project and compare them with the cost. As internet is the cheapest way of communication, we can perform communication using web. The cost is just the cost of using the internet based on the channel allocation. So the project will be economically feasible. 4. Social feasibility By:- Bijesh Nair

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Online Library System The project will be socially feasible as today’s user want quick services in everywhere. With the help of web based shopping we can make business with others instantaneously in just seconds, in a large geographical area.

In feasibility study phase we had undergone through various steps which are describe as under: 1. Identify the origin of the information at different level. 2. Identify the expectation of user from computerized system. 3. Analyze the drawback of existing system (manual) system. DRAWBACKS OF PRESENT SYSTEM Some of the problems being faced in manual system are asfollows: 1. Fast report generation is not possible. 2. Tracing a book is difficult. 3. Information about issue/return of the books are not properly maintained. 4. No central database can be created as information is not available in database. PROPOSED SYSTEM There will be three major components: 1. Stock maintenance. 2. Transaction entry. 3. Reports. 4. Centralized Database. 5. Access from anywhere. Proposed system provides with following solutions : 1. It provides "better and efficient" service to members. 2. It is the online system that can be operated from anywhere. 3. User can inquiry about the book without going to Library. 4. Reduce the workload of employee. 5. Faster retrieval of information about the desired book. By:- Bijesh Nair

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Online Library System 6. Provide facility for proper monitoring reduce paper work and provide data security. 7. All details will be available on a click. Vision Statement The vision is to provide an efficient online library management system. Online search enables users from all over the world to search for books in the library. This allows members of the library to carry out transactions online. It also enables administrator/librarians to monitor transactions in the library. Scope Scope for the library management system is an improvised search algorithm. Real-time searching algorithms can also be implemented to improve the functionality of the search. ISBN number can be used to search book details online and retrieve it for the user. All these can be done to make the existing solution better. Objectives Objective of the project is to create a library management system which sorts the administrators, staffs and students separately. It empowers each with different levels of privileges. Users and administrators are allowed to search and lend/take books from the library. It also sorts the items in the library and lets administrator to monitor items/members and also generate graphical reports for them. Administrator can also send reminders to the defaulters or can even deny membership to them. Budget Budget would include initial setup of the server that would include a system as a server and one system for browsing/searching the library. Using many more systems for browsing may affect the budget of the solution implementer. Technologies Used • C# • ASP.NET 2.0 • Visual Web Developer Express Edition • SQL Server 2005 Express edition • Windows XP Professional Edition All the above listed softwares are either freeware or trial version software. Certain features which these lacks may be successfully executed using a licensed version of the same set of softwares. Hence this affects the budget of a solution developer.

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SYSTEM ANALYSIS During the course of fulfilling of the system development, many different situations arise that must be understood to facilitate the decisions on the approaches, methods, strategies, technologies and development. The system to be developed may be either simple or complex, where the complex systems can be a collection of the other small systems. Such complex integrated system is developed requiring the operation on the heterogeneous platform of hardware and software. It is quite possible that the system developed may require maintenance to have some additions and modifications. This system may be old in terms of technology, design and lacks flexibility requiring a higher maintenance cost. The system analysis can be defines as:“System analysis is an important activity that takes place when new information systems are being built or existing ones are changed”. There are some system elements, given below, which require the system analysis to be performed: 1. System Objective 2. System Boundary 3. System Importance 4. Nature of the System 5. Role of the System as an Interface 6. User Participation 7. Resources 1. System Objective: It’s defining the centralized, single objective of the system. Such objective must be achieved accurately. 2. System Boundary:It is necessary to establish the system boundaries that define the scope of the system. It also helps to identify the inputs and outputs of the system.

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Online Library System 3. System Importance:It is required to see the system importance and its place as the organizational aspects. 4. Nature of the System: It is to decide whether this particular system will open or closed. On the basis of the nature, the designer will make the architecture of the system. 5. Role of the System as an Interface: Sometimes it happens that the system we are going to build plays the role of an interface among the various other systems. Working as an interface is a very critical task, because it makes the connectivity among the system. 6. User Participation: Basically, any new system is to build requires the complete user participation because the user has to tell its requirements and can see the development of the project. 7. Required Resources: Resources may be in any of the form like hardware, people and software etc. so, such resources requirement should be mentioned in the initial phase

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SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PARADIGM A Software Engineer or a team of engineers must incorporate a development strategy that encompasses the process, methods and tools layers. This strategy is often known as process model or a software engineering paradigm. A process model for software engineering is chosen based on the nature of the project and the application, the methods and the tools to be used, and the controls and deliverables that are required. In SITE, the Linear Sequential Model has applied. This model suggests a systematic, sequential approach to software development that begins at the system level and progress through analysis, design, coding, testing and support. Below figure illustrated the linear sequential model for system:

System/Information Analysis





Fig: Linear Sequential Modal Linear Sequential Model: Linear Sequential model encompasses the following activities: System/Information engineering and modeling: - System engineering and analysis encompasses requirements gathering at the system level with small amount of top-level design and analysis. This type of analysis has been done and gathered all the information at strategic business level and at business area level. Software requirement analysis: - The requirement gathering process is focuses specifically on software. To understand nature of program, our team has made information domain for the software, as well as required function, behavior, performance and interface. Requirements for both the system and software are documented and reviewed with the customer by the team of engineers. By:- Bijesh Nair

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Online Library System Design: - Software design is a multi step process in which we have focused on four distinct attributes of program: data structure, software architecture, interface representation, and procedure detail. The software team has translated requirements into a representation of software. Code generation: - Our software team has translated design into machine-readable form. The software team has performed the design into the detailed manner so that code generation can be accomplished mechanistically. Testing: - After the generation of code program testing begins. The testing process focuses on the logical internals of the software, ensuring that all the statements have been tested fully. Our team conducted test to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with required results. Support: - The team provides Software support as errors may be encountered after the delivery of the software to the customer as customer requires functional or performance enhancements.

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Online Library System SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Introduction: Borrowing books, returning books or viewing the available at the Library of the local University is currently done manually where in the student has to go to the library and check the available book at the library. Student check the list of books available and borrow the book if the book is borrow book otherwise it is waste for the student to come to the library to come to the check for the book if the Student doesn’t get the book. we have decided to investigate the use of an online library mgt. Sys. This system would be use by the members who may be Student or professor of the university to check the availability of the books or borrow the books and by the librarian to update the library mgt. sys. The proper of this document is to analyze an elaborate on the high level needs and future of the online library mgt.sys. It focuses on the capabilities and facilities provide by the library. The main objectives and goals of the system are: Easy, proper, prompt and smooth maintenance of information and other relevant records of the SITE. Prompt retrieval of data and providing better quality of services to the SITE personnel. Maintaining the information about each sensitive incidence. Keeping track of all activities. Generation of reports as per requirement. User characteristics: The user of the system are operators, manager of an org. and the administrators who maintain the system. The operators and the managers are assumed to have basic knowledge space of the computers and internet browsing. The admin. Of the system to have more knowledge of the internals of the system and is able to rectify the small problems that may arise due to disk crashes, power failures and other catastrophes to maintain the system. User manual, online help and the guide to install and maintain the system must be sufficient to educate the users on how to use the system without any problems.

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Constraints: 1. The information of the user must be stored in a database that is accessible by ols. 2. The ols is connected to the university computer and is running all 24 hours day. 3. The billing system is connected to the ols and the database used by the billing system must be compatible with the interface of the ols. 4. The user must have the correct user name and passwords to enter into the ols. Assumptions and dependencies: 1.The user must have the sufficient knowledge of the computer 2. the user must know the English language, as the interface will be provided in English . 3. the product can access the database.

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Online Library System HARDWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Hardware is the back bone of any up and running software. It become more so important in case of the applications are on a network or the size of the database and system is very large. Every system demands good hardware to support its functions. The hardware proposed has been selected keeping in mind the critically of the data to be maintained and the desired speed of information retrieval. Specification are also be influenced by the requirement of MIS required at levels and possible queries to be fired on the machine. The hardware has been sized keeping in view the present growth trend in terms of increase of workloads and would be sufficient, tentatively, for a period of ten years. For the Clint Computer: • • • • •

CPU – Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 RAM – 2 GB Hard disk – 120 GB Operating System – Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (CHT)

For The Server: • CPU – Opteron / Xeon Server CPU (Opteron 2356/Xeon5300) • RAM – 4 GB • Hard disk – 30GB(for RAID 5) • Operating System – Windows Server 2003 Standerd • LAN – at least 100Mbps

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SOFTWARE MODEL FOLLOWED Linear Sequential Modal The waterfall model suggests a systematic approach to software development. That begins at the system level and progress through analysis, design, coding, testing. The linear sequential model is design for straight-line development. Waterfall approach assumes that a complete system will be delivered after the linear sequence is completed. The evolutionary models are iterative. They are characterized in a manner that enables software engineers to develop increasingly more complete versions of the software. For most large systems, there is a need to use different approaches for different parts of the system, so a hybrid model should be used. There is also a need to support process iteration, where specification is developed in conjunction with the software. In spiral model or incremental approach, there is not a complete system specification until the final increment is specified. This requires a new form of contract which large customers such as government agencies may find difficult to accommodate. For small systems or for medium-sized system with a fairly short lifetime, the evolutionary or spiral model is the best approach. However for large longtime system the problem of evolutionary development become particularly acute. For such system a mixed process that incorporates the best features of waterfall model and evolutionary models must be used. The principal stages of the model are explained as follows: 1>Requirement analysis and definition: - The system services and goals are established by consultation with system users. 2>Design Face: - It establishes over all system architecture, including data structure, algorithms, user interface. 3>Coding: the design must be converted into machine readable form. The code generation step performs this task. 4> Testing: - Once the code has been generated program testing begins. Testing focuses on the logical internals of the software, ensuring that all the statements have been tested, and on functional externals, that is conducting test on uncovered errors

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Online Library System Requirement Definition

System and

Software Design



Fig: Linear Sequential Model

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Milestones • Analysing solutions and finding possible entities. • Designing the user interface. • Prototyping the project. • Creating data base tables and establishing relationships with the user interface. • Code the user authentications, search algorithms and other special features. • Testing the solution and bettering it. • Implementing the solution and also documenting it.

Features and Services Features of the library management are as follows Registration - Allows users to sign up for accessing the library. Managing the library – Allows administrators to update view/edit/delete book/CD details and also categories them into different categories based on type. Search facility – Users including the administrators can search books and CDs using different types of search like simple and advanced search. Administrator can also search members. Request for books – Users can request for books/CDs if they do not get proper search results. If they are not present in the library they can request the administrator to get one. Transactions – Users can carry out transactions online like reserving, borrowing, returning items. Users can also request for extension of time. Notifications – Administrator can send e-mail notifications to defaulters. Report Generation – Administrator can generate reports on items and their history of transactions. A report on defaulters can also be generated. Graphical representation is possible. Monitor members – Administrator can monitor members too and also view details or can even deny membership to defaulters.

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Assumptions/Risk Assessment Assumptions support the base of the solution. Assumptions include  Library houses a certain minimum number of copies of the same book for sake of many borrowers.  Library uses original books/CDs.  Library does not advise users to copy CDs/DVDs onto their computers.  Library restricts the maximum number of borrowable items for different users.  Library server runs a version of Windows operating system.  Client systems support .NET Framework.  User has basic computer knowledge and knows how to search/find information in the internet.  User has a decent internet speed to run the online solution.

Functional Specification Initially when the solution is host in the server, administrator accounts are setup. These administrators manage the server. First time users can carry on with simple search but those who want to borrow books need to sign-up for this facility. They can then sign-in anytime for searching, borrowing or returning books. They can also view their profile pages, history of their transactions Infrastructure Infrastructure plays an important role in this type of server-client computing. Both server and client require a minimum amount of configuration to run the implementation. • Server/Solution Platform Server must run a WINDOWS OS which supports IIS so that the website can be deployed. The server must also be capable of running Visual web developer and SQL Server for database management. • Client Platform Client system must run a windows operating system. It must run browsers which support .NET framework like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

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Modules A module is a logically separable part of a program. It is a program unit that is discrete and identifiable with respect to compiling and loading. Partitioning a system in two modules is useful only if the modules are solvable and modifiable. Separately a system is considered modular if it consists of discrete components such that each component supports a welldefined abstraction, and if a change to one component has a minimal impact on other component. Brief description of each of the 3 modules is given below. a. Administrator Module b. Librarian Modulec. c. Student’s Module

Administrator Module: In this module, all pages which are related to the Administrator means related to security and maintenance of the portal and department are placed here. Creating Librarian Account. Modifying, Updating and deleting Librarian Accounts. • Uploading and Unloading the Notice Board Material. • Viewing & Updating Library Status. • Viewing & Updating Students Details and Faculty Details. • •

Librarian Module: In this module, all pages which are related to Librarian are placed here. Viewing their Information and Account Adding Books News papers New Student Viewing Books Students Status Book Status Issuing By:- Bijesh Nair

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Online Library System Books Reference Books Updating Books News papers New Student Deleting Books News papers New Student Student Module: In this module, all pages which are related to Librarian are placed here. Viewing their Information and Account • • • •

Registration Search for a book View profile View Library card Status

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Online Library System

Roles New user • A new user can be any person from the institution willing to be a member of the library. • New user can have a tour of the library before enrolling his/her name in the library. • New user can then sign up for using the facility. • New user is expected to be a member of the institution before joining the institution’s library. • New user has to fill all the required fields in the sign-up process. • A confirmation is sent from the administrator after which the user can sign-in to view or borrow items. Member • Member is a person who has signed-up and has received confirmation mail from the administrator. • Member has to sign-in every time to access the library. • Member can view the new arrivals from every branch of study. • Member can browse the library based on the different sections. • Member can borrow items if they are available in the shelves. • Member can reserve items which have been issued to others. • Member can also look at the item details. • Member can request for items which aren’t present in the library. • Member can view his/her profile and change password if necessary. • Member can view his transaction details and fines he/she has to pay. • Member can search items using either simple search or using advanced search technique. • Member can retrieve his/her password anytime in case he/she forgets it.

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Online Library System Administrator • Administrator is a person who manages and supervises the functioning of the library. • Administrator creates his/her account during the initial setup of the solution. • Administrator has to sign in like the user to access the library. • Administrator can search for items or even members. • He/she can view the item and member details. • He/she can view the profile and make changes to it if necessary. • He/she can change the password by entering the answer for the security question. • Administrator can add/delete members. • Administrator can generate reports for defaulters, items etc. • Administrator can mail reminders to defaulters and even block them for not paying the dues on time. • Administrator can view transaction details of individuals and items separately. • Administrator can add, update, and delete items in the library. • Administrator can view user requests as well as comments posted by them.

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Work Breakdown Structure

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DATA TABLES: Table : Members Coloum Name

Data Type







Unique identification of the members





Name of members





Location of Members


Date of Issue


Date of Registration


Date of Expiry


Registration expiry date




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Online Library System Add Column Table: Book Name






Title of the book




Book identification number




Author of books


Date of arrival


Date on which book was received




Cost of books




Almirah no




Quantity of books




Unique identification no of particular subject

Table: issues Column Type

Date Type





User identification number




Title of books




Date on which book is issued




Due date on which book is to be returned

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DESIGNING The following screenshots show the various process involved in this library management By:- Bijesh Nair

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Online Library System solution. They include creation of account, sign-in process, transaction details, and delete account. INDEX.ASPX



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Add Member.aspx

Update Member.aspx

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Add Book.aspx

Update Book.aspx

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Issue Book.aspx

Return Book.aspx

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About Us.aspx

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TESTING PROCEDURE After completing every part of the software there is the need for software testing to prove that the module are functioning properly or not and it fulfills all requirement of the user. For this, the programmer use various type of software testing techniques and strategies. Software can be tested in one of two ways -:  Black - Box Testing -: Knowing the specified function that a product has been

designed to perform, tests can be conducted that demonstrate each function is fully operational while at the same time searching for errors in each function.  White – Box Testing -: Knowing the internal working of product, tests can be

conducted to ensure that “all gears mesh”, that is internal operations are performed according to specification and internal component have been adequately exercised.

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VALIDATION CHECK The main data, which is requested, is all the details about maintain Issue-Return Books, Add New Members, and Collection of Fines, Dynamic Search etc. Then we have to feed all these details to find out the user’s need. Details that are required are -: 1. While the member profile table maintains entry, it checks the Category Name, Organization, Email, Name, State, City, etc. for inserting only string data and in Member ID, Barcode, Phone, Mobile, etc. for inserting only number data. 2. While maintaining Purchase-Order and Purchase-Order Received, in P.O.Number, Quantity, Price Per Unit, Total Price, Invoice Number, Quantity Ordered, Quan. Received, Sales Tax, Discount and Invoice Amt., we can’t insert string data. 3. In amount field can’t accept other than currency data and we can’t use decimal point more than one time. 4. In all the forms where I include data grids, we have to enter data first in text fields but after that we have to move into datagrids with “TAB” key, otherwise the data will not be saved or deleted. 5. Any entry can be edited by members if they have rights. After the data have been collected it is checked whether it is correct or not. And after completion of entire project it has been checked, whether it is properly worked or not.

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IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE System Requirements to Run the Software: To run this project , user must have following tools and environments Software Requirements: • •

• • •

Web Designing and Maintaining Web browser Computer-Based Training Multimedia Applications Data base server

Hardware Requirements: • • • • •

Color monitor for good resolution Internet connectivity facility Microsoft compatible mouse Microsoft compatible keyboard

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FUTURE SCOPE This application can be easily implemented under various situations. We can add new features as and when we require. Reusability is possible as and when require in this application. There is flexibility in all the modules. SOFTWARE SCOPE: Extensibility: This software is extendable in ways that its original developers may not expect. The following principles enhances extensibility like hide data structure, avoid traversing multiple links or methods, avoid case statements on object type and distinguish public and private operations. Reusability:

Reusability is possible as and when require in this application. We can update it next version. Reusable software reduces design, coding and testing cost by amortizing effort over several designs. Reducing the amount of code also simplifies understanding, which increases the likelihood that the code is correct. We follow up both types of reusability: Sharing of newly written code within a project and reuse of previously written code on new projects.

Understandability: A method is understandable if someone other than the creator of the method can understand the code (as well as the creator after a time lapse). We use the method, which small and coherent helps to accomplish this. Cost-effectiveness: Its cost is under the budget and make within given time period. It is desirable to aim for a system with a minimum cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire requirement. Scope of this document is to put down the requirements, clearlyidentifying the information needed by the user, the source of the information and outputs expected from the system.

CONCLUSION By:- Bijesh Nair

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Online Library System From a proper analysis of positive points and constraints on the component, it can be safely concluded that the product is a highly efficient GUI based component. This application is working properly and meeting to all user requirements. This component can be easily plugged in many other systems.

REFERENCES Books    

Software Engineering by “Pressmen” Software Engineering by “Somerville” ASP.Net “Black Book” ASP.Net by “Sames”

Web Sites 


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