Online Enrollment System for Cavite Maritime Institute DasmariÑas, Cavite A

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ONLINE ENROLLMENT SYSTEM FOR CAVITE MARITIME INSTITUTE DASMARIÑAS, CAVITE A Special Problem Presented to The Computer Studies Department College of Science De La Salle University – Dasmariñas In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology By: Bacala, Mariel Reaño, Esmeralda Mr. Paulino Gatpandan May 2009

TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement Abstract List of Appendices Appendix A: Context Diagram of the Proposed System Appendix B: Level 0 Diagram of the Proposed System Appendix C: Entity Relationship Diagram Appendix D: Entity Relationship Diagram Attributes Appendix E: Screen Shot 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.3 Statement of the Objective 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study 1.6 Methodology of the Study 2.0 Review of Related Literature 3.0 Theoretical Framework 3.1 Statement of Assumptions 3.2 Operational Definition 3.2.1 Definition of Terms 3.2.2 Definition of Processes 3.3 Theories Used in the Study 35 37 38 33 9 12 13 14 16 17 24

4.0 The Existing System 4.1 Description of the System 4.2 Definition of Data Capture 4.3 Inputs 4.4 Processes 4.5 Files 4.6 Outputs 4.7 Data Flow Diagram 4.8 Problem Areas 5.0 The Proposed System 5.1 System Overview 5.2 System Objectives 5.3 Scope 5.4 System Justification 6.0 Design of the Proposed System 6.1 Input 6.2 Processes 6.3 Files 6.4 Outputs 7.0 Implementation 7.1 Resource Requirements 7.1.1 Software Requirements 7.1.2 Hardware Requirements 7.1.3 Human Resource Requirements 7.2 Installation Plans 7.2.1 System Installation 7.2.2 Training Plans 7.2.3 Conversion Plans 7.2.4 Testing 81 82 83 83 77 78 78 71 71 73 75 67 68 69 70 53 54 57 58 61 63 65 66

8.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 8.1 Conclusion 8.2 Recommendation Appendices Bibliography 84 85

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The proponents wish to express their earnest gratitude to the following persons who gave assistance, for without their encouragement this study would not have been possible. The proponents would like to thank Ms. Nerissa G. Flores, the College Registrar of Cavite Maritime Institute, for granting the proponents’ request to conduct a study to their school. The proponents owe so much gratitude to their thesis adviser, Mr. Paulino H. Gatpandan for the support and guidance throughout the study. The proponents would also like to express their gratitude to Mr. Joseph C. Ribo and Ms. Sheryl D. Kamantigue, the proponent mentors on the course Special Problem for the knowledge, suggestions, and support during the course of the study. The proponents also owe much gratitude to their family, friends, classmates, from BIT42 and loved ones for all the support that they have rendered for the completion of this work. Most importantly, the proponents would like to thank God almighty for His unfaltering blessings and guidance. -THE RESEARCHERS-

ABSTRACT The Online Enrolment System was proposed in replacement of the Manual Enrolment System of the institution for it to have an organized flow of transaction and an ease of work especially to the administrators of Cavite Maritime Institute. The study is concerned on how the manual enrolment performs throughout the company’s transaction. The numerous transactions that the manual system covers, such as updating and adding student records, generating the advising and assessment slips, and the like are commending the manual enrolment system to be inefficient for the needs of the institution. Since the study involves proper records handling, tracing the constraints and evaluation of the manual system is essential. Thus, the proponents gathered necessary data that will help in the progress of enhancing the existing system of CMI.

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study A web application or web app is an application that is accessed via the Internet or an Intranet. Web applications are popular due to ubiquity of the client. The ability to update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing software on potentially thousands of client computers are key reasons for their popularity. A significant advantage of building web applications to support a standard browser feature is the ability to perform as specified, regardless of the operating system installed on a given client. The proponents decided to adapt web application in their study because it enables the students, faculty, and administrators of the institution to gain 24-hour access and use to the proposed system via a client computer without any needs of installing or distributing any software. Though many variations are possible, a web application is commonly structured as a threetiered application. In its most common form, a web browser is the first tier, an engine using some dynamic web content technology is the middle tier and a database is the third tier. The web browser sends requests to the middle tier, which services them by making queries and updates against the database and generates a user interface.

The proponents chose to follow the basic structure of a web application. In this case study, the proponents considered the widely used web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. For the middle tier, the proponents selected as the host for the proposed system since it supports the technologies used. Lastly, the proponents developed the proposed system using ASP.NET and SQLServer 2005. Cavite Maritime Institute (CMI) was originally established on April 18, 1994. The company’s primary purpose was to provide students with basic, upgrading, and specialized courses to promote safety of life and property at sea; the protection of the marine environment; the improvement of maritime skills; efficiency in operation; and safety in navigation of domestics and international fleets manned by Filipino seafarers. CMI consists of approximately 600 students and faculty. Its course list was expanded to include tertiary and paramedical courses and it also intended to extend its coverage into other fields where there are unmet demands for quality education. The Amendment Article of Incorporation carried the authority to now operate as an institution with 3-fold function, namely:    As a training center As a seafarer competency assessment center As a maritime, technological, and computer college

The Quality Management System of CMI College was given the Certificate of Approval by Technisher Uberwangus Verein (TUV) Philippines in accordance with the requirement of the ISO 9001:2000 version. The scope covers the following:  Development and Provision of Maritime Education Services, especially in BS Marine Transportation, BS Marine Engineering, Seafarer Rater Courses (Engine, Steward, and Deck), HRM for Passengers Ships and IMO Model Courses Specification; CHED Policies, Standard, and Guidelines; TESDA Regulations; and MTC Resolutions.  Development and Provisions of Paramedical, Practical Nursing and Vocational/Technological Courses, in accordance with TESDA TVET Regulations.  Provision of Maritime Training and Assessment Services, especially in Basic Safety, Advanced Safety, Tankerman, Watchkeeping, Steward/Messman, Allied and Marina Courses, in accordance, TESDA TVET Regulations, MTC Resolution, and Marina Training Regulation.  Other course offerings such BS Customs Administration, BS Business Administration Major in Marketing Management, and BS Business Administration Major in Operation Management.

1.2 Statement of the Problem The Cavite Maritime Institute is using a manual system for their enrollment facility. The inaccuracies of information were minimal, like the identification of units per semester and sometimes the registrar personnel were making a mistake with the number of units—but the possibility of encountering a more difficulties and tedious task was still at hand. One of the problems that the institution would like to include in the study was the lack manpower in the accounting department. In the accounting office or the cashier, CMI only had two personnel to accommodate the students during the payment of fees for their enrollment. The outcome was that the school had a hard time in accommodating those large numbered students, and that made it hard for other students to wait in line. Another problem of the school was the generation of forms. The students needed to fill-up the student information slip, advising slip, and three (3) copies of the registration forms for the copy and record of the accounting office, the registrar and for the student themselves. Students were consuming a lot of time in doing such. Since the students are manually filling-up the official documents the school, data redundancy has a great possibility in causing further complexity in the enrollment process. An added problem was that when the students were getting their subjects and schedule for the semester, the students had to refer to the bulletin boards for the available subjects, schedule, and slots. Since the said information was posted, it would only mean that the updates were not

monitored effectively. To keep the students updated at all times, the availability of the subjects and slots should be monitored. If a subject only has 5 slots available and there are still a number of students who would be enrolling that subject, students should be informed of someone has availed the slots already so that there wouldn’t be any wasted time just by falling in line again just to look for another available slot. 1.3 Statement of the Objective 1.3.1 General Objective To develop an Online Enrolment System for Cavite Maritime Institute that will compensate the school’s lack of manpower, file-handling, and generation of forms and other documents. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives To understand the current system through interviews and observations. To analyze the problem through the use of Data Flow Diagram and ERD models. To develop a prototype of the proposed system containing key requirements and functionalities using ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005. To incorporate the different functions and solutions needed for the current enrolment system with the proposed system by constantly evaluating and revising the prototype to meet the requirements by the institution. To test the proposed system by allowing a specific number of persons to use the system and gather the feedback from the users. 1.4 Significance of the Study Due to the increasing population of CMI, this study helped the school regarding their enrollment transactions. The proposed system aimed to benefit the school in their enrollment facilities such as maintaining the files, assessment of fees and especially the enrollment itself. The proposed system aimed to benefit the following: The School The main beneficiary of the study is Cavite Maritime Institute. CMI would be adapting the new innovation of technology through web that will make their work with optimum performance. The developed system will compensate the flaws and problems that the company is encountering. Employees would not have to worry preparing forms for the customers and reports for the managers because the system will supply it for them.

Registrar and Accounting Office With regards to the registrar’s office the proposed system will help the school in maintaining the data of the students and the school will not use the manual data gathering. CMI will just need to check the database for the records needed. Students The students will benefit by means of not having a hard time in falling in line and waiting for their turn to register and pay for their tuitions. The students can pay their tuitions via the internet. Proponents The proponents would also be a beneficiary of the study since the proponents would value the importance of enhancing their skills and work performance while grasping knowledge throughout the study. Future Researchers For the future researchers, this study could be used for their reference in having an online enrolment system if the future researchers would like to formulate a system such as this.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study The proposed online system was a portal type system that covered the major processes in the enrolment system of Cavite Maritime Institute (CMI) namely: Registration of the current students, class scheduling and sectioning, assessment of fees, file maintenance, report generation (registration form, assessment slip, student master list, and other forms and reports essential to the system). The proposed system included the processing of student’s personal records and the mode of payment that the student would choose. The new students or transferees have a limited access over the online enrolment system. Since they do not have an account or profile in the system, they could only view the following: courses offered; available schedule, subjects, and slots; projected amount of the tuition fee. When the student logs in his/her account, there would be tabs or menus that would contain options that the student might want to do in the system. He/she could find updates in his/her account (assessment fees), the pre-registration form for enrollment with the class schedule, and other forms that would be needed for the accomplishment of the records or the student. The student would also be given a selection for the mode of payment that he/she would like to avail (i.e. Online via credit card, Cash or Installment). The forms that would be needed from the enrollee would be passed on-line. The online payment would be through the means of entering the bank account number of the enrollee, course code, student or ID number, and the bank account number of the school itself.

Users of the system have their own account with different access levels. Students can view the subjects that are available, pay their tuition fees and view their grades online. The student will be given a selection of the mode of payment. Administrators have total access to the system. The portal system was not connected by any means to the current web page that the school is using. The proposed system would only be used for enrollment purposes only. The study does not cover the computation of students’ grades since only the final grade is needed to verify if the student passed the pre-requisite of a particular subject, entrance examinations and other web messaging services such as forums/threads, online voting/polling, and e-mail. 1.6 Methodology Developing an online system is difficult to do because there will be series of tests and revisions before it will become functional. Therefore, there are some useful tools in building in integrated system methods such as System Development Life Cycle models which include waterfall, fountain, spiral, build and fix, rapid prototyping, incremental, and synchronize and stabilize. Paper prototyping is a widely used method in the user-centered design process, a process that helps developers to create software that meets the user’s expectations and needs. It is a throwaway prototyping and involves creating rough, even-hand sketched, drawings of an interface to use as prototypes, or models, of a design. While paper prototyping seems simple, this

method of usability testing can provide a great deal of useful feedback which will result in the design of better products. The spiral model combines the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the waterfall model, therein providing the potential for rapid development of incremental versions of the software. In this model, the software is developed in a series of incremental releases with the early stages of being either paper models or prototypes. Later iterations become increasingly more complete versions of the product. Figure 1.6 Spiral Model

The study included creating rough drafts of how the proposed system would look like and what the pages would contain. Through paper prototyping, the proponents had a more organized approach and modifications of the system could easily be implemented compared to working with the system directly where there is a great possibility that the internal workings of the system could encounter certain errors. The proponents developed a preliminary release or version of the system where the key requirements and functionalities were used as a basis. With continuous testing and evaluation of the initial release, the proponents were able to come up with series of incremental releases, and these releases were developed through the integration of the results gathered from the tests, evaluations, and feedbacks. When the results are to be implemented, the proponents use paper prototyping before directly applying the modifications directly to the system itself. Activities and steps of the spiral model: Requirement Analysis The first step encompassed the tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, such as beneficiaries or users. This step was critical to the success of the development project. The requirements must be actionable, measurable, testable, related to identified needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design.

For the requirements analysis, the proponents conducted an interview to gather the data needed and went to the institution to observe how the manual system works. Functional Specification The second step was the documentation that described the requested behavior of the proposed system. The documentation determined the needs of the system users as well as the requested properties of inputs and outputs. The proponents consulted the CMI’s registrar regarding how they would like the system to behave and the way that the users could interact with it, along with the inputs that it needs and the outputs that it would supply. Software Architecture The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprises software components, the externally visible properties of those components, and the relationships between them. The proponents decided to use a portal-type system and distinguished the essential parts of this type of system that they covered in the study. The proponents chose only those that are necessary in the enrolment processes. The unnecessary features were set aside to focus on the essential processes of the enrolment system that the portal would contain.

Software Design Software design is a process of solution. After the purpose and software developers will design solution. It includes low-level well as the architectural view.

problem-solving and planning for a software specifications of software are determined, or employ designers to develop a plan for a component and algorithm implementation issues as

The proponents considered different aspects in the design of the enrollment system. Each aspect must reflect the goals that the proponents and CMI were trying to achieve. Some of the aspects that the proponents incorporated in their study are the following: compatibility, extensibility, fault-tolerance, maintainability, reliability, reusability, and usability. For the design of the software, the proponents also used data flow diagram and entity relationship diagram along with normalization. Implementation Implementation is the process of writing, testing, debugging/troubleshooting, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. This source code is written in a programming language. The purpose of programming is to create a program that exhibits a certain desired behavior. Coding requires expertise in many different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms and formal logic.

The proponents used ASP.NET for the coding and the interface, and for the system to be available online, the proponents uploaded it to Upon being uploaded, errors were expected to emerge since the codes must also be compatible with the technology that the host website supports, further debugging was done until there are no errors found. Software Testing Software testing is an empirical investigation conducted to provide the company with information about the quality of the product or service under test, with respect to the context in which it is intended to operate. It also provides an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks at implementation of the software. Test techniques include the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs. It can also be the process of validating and verifying that the system meets the requirements that guided its design and development. Software Deployment Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. The general deployment process consists of several interrelated activities with possible transitions between them. These activities can occur at the producer site or at the consumer site or both. Deployment should be interpreted as a general process that has to be customized according to specific requirements or characteristics.

When the system became available over the web, the both the institution and the proponents were able to evaluate how the system provided the needs of the institution and how the proponents were able to include the specified requirements to the system that they have developed. Maintenance Software maintenance is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a modified environment. When the system became ready and available for CMI, there continuous improvements and modifications would be done as needed to correct the errors that the system might encounter and might cause it to be inefficient to meet the needs of its users for the online enrolment.

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The proposed system for Cavite Maritime Institute (CMI) could also accept on-line payment. One of the most significant steps in a research project is conducting the literature review. Through this chapter, the readers can familiarize to the study of the proponents. The related and previous studies presented in this chapter would give the readers and future researchers, an idea of the proposed system of the proponents. The proponents selected and reviewed these studies and previous works to provide information for the readers. Long Beach City College Switches On Enrollment System Kopf, David. 2007 Southern California community college Long Beach City College has gone live with a new Cognos-based enrollment management system that was designed by Irvine, CAbased professional services firm e2e Analytix. Prior to installing the new system, LBCC, which has two main campuses and multiple satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments, handled its enrollment via manual spreadsheets. With no reporting, continuity, or standard practices, and with lengthy error corrections, the school’s enrollment management budgeting and planning took up to three months to compile, consolidate, and implement.

LBCC tapped e2e Analytix, which specializes in higher education, to design a webbased enrollment management system using Cognos Enterprise Planning software from Cognos Inc. (Ottawa, Ontario). Using Cognos for enrollment management was a unique application for Cognos, according to Dan Galuppo, e2e’s director of professional services, but the result delivers real-time data collection, consolidation, workflow, and calculations to help LBCC enrollment staff make faster and more informed decisions. "Our new system provides flexible and powerful model development with the Cognos Analyst component and supports any business planning or customizing of the enrollment management model,‖ said Linda Umbdenstock, LBCC’s administrative dean of planning in a prepared statement. ― The solution dramatically reduced the amount of time to process, consolidate and implement forecasts. It provided real-time service cost and expense planning per semester." ACM Portal The on-line student enrollment system enables students to enroll into their subjects prior to the commencement of their semesters. This enrollment system not only allows international students to enroll through internet without traveling to the campus but also incorporates the business rules. These business rules cover a wide range of regulations and policy such as subject pre-requisite, student’s payment status, course coordinator’s decision and the correspondence of students’ seniority to the intended enrolling subjects. Besides business rules, the system also

incorporates various notification mechanisms like Short Messaging Service (SMS) and E-mail. XML is used to store business rules and this allows the portability of the system interface to wider range of devices such as Personal Device Assistant (PDA). The interface auto-detects the user’s device either PC/laptop or much smaller screen device such as PDA. In short, the enrolment system backend engine runs based on the business rules and front-end engine runs to provide high satisfaction user experience. With the business and user interface, the system is able to run the workflow of the student enrolment from the online enrolment form to approval workflow cycle running in parallel with the notification capability. Online Enrollment for ECU Edith Cowan University (ECU) is currently enrolling more than 5, 000 new students, which has been made easier with its Oracle-based online enrolment system. This has allowed ECU to substantially re-design its business processes. The system is known as the Edith Cowan University Web Enrolment System (ECUWES), and replaces traditional hard copy enrolment. According to the coordinator of Admission Support, Kerian Greenaway, the system offers immediacy and convenience of course enrolment via the Internet.

The technology in use was set up by Oracle in 1998, when ECU moved towards creating an innovative web-based enrolment and administrative system using Oracle database products. New enrolments using ECUWES are managed differently to re-enrolment on ECUWES. New enrolments are processed while the student is with an enrolment assistant, because there is a need to collect HECS and enrolment papers, as well as to familiarize students with the system. In terms of re-enrolment, the student has full control of enrolling in a six-week period, which allows for any small glitches in the system, such as not being able to get online. ECU also previously faced difficulties with managing student enrolment administration, as staffs were distributed across several locations, so there was a desire for improved access and management of student information. Similarly, re-enrolment required students to travel to the University and queue for service from administration staff. Faculties also requested that students enroll by porting enrolment sheets on computer bulletin boards. With ECUWES, students from remote areas and international students enjoy easy enrolment with improved time effectiveness. There have been no major problems, apart from a few power failures, but ECU has back-up plans, such as enrolment assistants taking up all the paperwork and processing the information once back online.

Illinois Virtual High School Inquiry This online inquiry gives detailed information on persons that can be contacted with regard to specific field; example is a general program Issues, Technical Problems, Faculty Information and course development. It also gives information about their regional coordinators for participating schools. The website has a login feature where the students can login using their login ID. The online inquiry system of Illinois High School helps the authors to picture out and develop an ideal database structure for the system that will be proposed. The proponents system is similar and is based on some capabilities of the system in this study like the inquiry of courses and login feature for the students. Web-based Enrollment System for Veritas Parochial School Pascual, Robert John G. and Riceo, Vincent Joel T., 2001 A web-based enrollment system is developed to help both the old and new students, to enroll in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours just to fill up forms, which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the cashier. It is with the Web-based Enrollment System for VPS that this new style of enrollment may be achieved. This new type of system offers the student with new options for enrolling at VPS. Just by logging on to their website the student may create his new account for the current year he is to be enrolled in. With this, all the student has to do is to fill up certain forms that do not take more than a few minutes to accomplish. Then the records will be stored in the school database for future references. After

that the student will be given confirmation that the transaction has been verified and all that the student has to do is visit the school and pay appropriate amount for the current school year. The student may also browse the web site of VPS and he can check his current account. He can also see the list of the school current tuition fee rates. For further enhancement of the site, an on-line payment or e-commerce is highly recommended. This feature for the system could be achieved by collaboration of the school with banks to provide easier payment and a more secure transaction. Posting of grades can also be a great addition to the site. Especially the breakdown of each grade can be seen by the students but with utmost security. Compared to the web-based enrollment system for VPS, the proposed system for CMI would only cover the current students; the student would also be asked to log in to his or her account in the website where he/she would be asked to fill up some forms to update the school’s database. A confirmation would then be sent to the student that would inform him/her that the transaction is valid and had been verified. But unlike the system, there would be another option for the mode of payment that the student could choose from namely, on-line payment.

AIMS enhances enrollment system of UNO-R Bacolod The Academic Information Management System or AIMS has enhanced the enrollment system and academic record keeping of the University of Negros Occidental Recoletos in Bacolod City. The school for easy access of students to the school and school academic records acquired AIMS, software of Pinnacle Asia. It has systematized and consolidated the inputs of the college registrar with the accounting office. Bro. Jaazeal D. Jakosalem, OAR, University Property Administrator said that AIMS has made records of both offices analogous with each other. ― We were able to solve the loopholes in the past where millions of pesos cannot be counted because their inputs cannot be recorded,‖ Jakosalem explained. AIMS have greatly improved the school’s information technology infrastructure. UNO-R students and their parents can view the academic records on-line while enrollment procedures has been reduced to only 30 minutes or so with corresponding accounts due within 5 days. School notices and announcements may be read on-line. Faculty members may encode grades and post course/lecture materials on-line. The school alumni here and abroad may request for their transcript of records and receive the same on line. Jakosalem also announced that UNO-R campus is now a WIFI zone. Foreign and graduate students may access the web at all times using their laptops.

This study is related to the proposed system because of the web-based enrolment. The registrar and the students can also view their academic records using the internet. But the difference is that in this study it is not mention that the students can pay their tuitions on-line. Dry-run of Automated Enrollment System Technology innovations had influenced man's work, from data processing, business transactions, research, planning, monitoring and even in medical operation of man’s body is now entrusted to computer technology. Samar State University (SSU) as one of the University in Samar Island aims to be the center of excellence in education had recently made changes to some of its existing systems. The enrollment system of the university is now computerized, and other systems are on its way. This only show that they are coping with the latest technology. The Automated Enrollment System of Samar State University aims for an accurate, user friendly, efficient system that can help both the student and personnel for fast data processing of enrollment. Engr. Hediki Hashimoto, a Japanese volunteer headed the creation and conceptualization of the system. The information technology faculty from the College of Engineering and Arts and Sciences assisted him. The system that is web based uses PHP programming language with data stored in MySQL is run through the intranet of SSU. A dry-run for this automated enrolment was done last summer and the first semester of this school year. Offices affected with the automation were the registrar, cashier, accounting, and the

Colleges of Education, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Industrial Technology, Nursing and Graduate Studies. Feedbacks from the students were formulated when the first semester started. Over 75 % of them say that the automation process of enrollment was better compared with the old system. With the good result of the dry run the automated enrolment system will be finally implemented this 2nd semester. In this study, they have used PHP as for their programming language and they store data using MySQL. As for the proponents they will use for their database and Visual Basic 6.0 for their programming language. And another difference is that they are only automated and the system only runs through the intranet of the university. This means that they can’t access the records using the Internet and outside the school. Far Eastern University Enrollment System With its 25,000 students, Far Eastern University (FEU) ranks among the biggest universities in the country in terms of population. And with a large population comes multiple problems in enrollment, student records and related data. Wanting a lasting solution to the problem, FEU asked consultants for recommendations. The result was a decision to automate FEU's enrollment system.

FEU decided to automate the enrollment system in two phases: (1), the development of a system for enrollment and student records for Phase I, and (2) the integration of the student's financial records for. They worked closely with SQL*Wizard to pilot E*Wizard, an integrated system for student enrollment that contains modules with extensive inquiry and reporting capabilities. They also tapped FEU's Computer Services Department to iron out kinks. They reviewed organizational structures, assigned people to support groups and asked faculty advisers and staff to train. She also met with the representatives of individual institutes and with the support of the academic managers and SQL*Wizard's technical group, plotted the move to launch an integrated system during the second semester. The preparation involved cleaning the database, standardizing labels for subject and preparing the subject requirements. The only similarities that the proponents have encountered here is that the university formulated a powerful database that will hold large number of data and can keep track student transactions. This is one of the goals of the proposed system that the proponents will be developing.

CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 Statement of Assumptions There are several activities that the proponents assumed in the development of the proposed system and these are the following: 3.1.1 Users are computer literate. 3.1.2 No major changes in the school policies regarding the procedure on enrolment will take place during the course of the study. 3.1.3 The institution is willing to cooperate with the system requirements needed by the proponents. 3.1.4 The institution is very much willing to adopt the proposed system.

3.2 Operational Definition 3.2.1 Definition of terms Application Requirements - Student’s Information Sheet, 1x1 and 2x2 Pictures, Form 138, Form 137, Certificate of Good Moral Character, NSO Authenticated Birth Certificate, Medical Examination Result, Ishihara Test Result, Hearing Test Result, and Psychological Test Result Advising Slip - Form that would indicate the schedule and the mode of payment that the student has chosen his/her student record would be added to the Student Master File. Verify and Update Student Record – For the enrollment procedure of the current student to proceed, he/she must update his/her student record in the Student Master File—in case, there were changes in the student’s address, contact number, course, and the like. The verification of the student record would confirm that the student has been cleared to proceed with the enrollment process and he/she do not lack any of the requirements for enrollment. Secure Advising Form – The enrollee must secure an advising form because it is where he/she would write the schedule of the subjects that the student has chosen to take for the semester.

Fill-up Registration Form – After accomplishing the Advising Form, the student must then fill-up the Registration Form that would indicate the class or section that the student would be enrolled in and the other personal information that the school would need from the student. Secure Assessment Slip- The Assessment Slip indicates the breakdown of what the student must pay. Pay Due Fees – Payment of the fees indicated in the Assessment slip. Payment must be made to the cashier. Validate Registration Form and ID – Once a payment to the cashier has been made and an OR has been issued to the student, he/she must validate his/her Registration Form and ID to confirm that he/she has given valid information and is already enrolled. Issue Class Cards – The student must be issued Class Cards where his/her grades for the grading period would be written on by his/her respective instructor or professor. Generate Report/s – the existing system would be producing reports such as the Certificate of Registration, Student Master List, Assessment Slip (especially for those who still have remaining balance in their accounts), and the like.

3.2.2 Definition of Processes Verifying and Adding new Student Record – process of verifying and adding the records of the new students (freshmen and transferees). Verify and Update old Student Record – process of verify and update the records of the existing students. Securing Advising Slip – process where the students would acquire, accomplish, and submit the advising slip to the registrar. Filling Up Registration Form – process of accomplishing the student’s registration form. Securing Assessment Slip – process of securing the assessment slip for the breakdown of the fees to be paid. Payment of Fees – process of paying the fees indicated in the assessment slip. Validation of Registration Form and ID – process of validating the enrollment of the student through the registration form and ID. Issuance of Class Cards – process of issuing the class cards to the students Generation of Reports – process of generating reports such as the master class list, status reports, etc.

3.3 Theories Used in the Study ASP.NET ASP.NET is a web application framework marketed by Microsoft that programmers can use to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It is part of Microsoft’s .NET platform and is the successor to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. It is built on the Common Language Runtime, allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any Microsoft .NET language. The proponents would be using ASP.NET to create the web application that the users— especially the students/enrollees—would see in the website that the proponents would be developing. Client/Server Databases The essence of client-server computing is that two kinds of processes (units of program code) that are specialized for different tasks, running on possibly different hardware, applications software and operating systems co-operate to solve a computing problem. One kind (a client) makes a request of another. The other kind (a server) performs the service requested (if the request is a valid one). Many applications have been constructed to operate in client-server mode. For example, most Internet-based services—news readers, E-mail, the World-Wide-

Web—have been designed this way. (These may be regarded as database applications in a way, but the database being accessed—a collection of articles, or messages, or a listing of resources— is not necessarily in relational form.) The concept of Client/Server Database would be used by the proponents for the back end of the system that they would be creating. The services being requested for would come from the server and it would be supplied on other computers upon request. Since the system that the proponents are developing is on a web-based environment, the user of a server would be efficient since it would allow an easy access for the authorized transactions and the maintenance would be easy since there would be one computer to be maintained. Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Hoffer, Jeffrey A., Prescott, Mary B., and McFadden, Fred R. 2002 CASE tools are software that provides automated support for some portion of the systems development process. There are three relevant features of CASE tools:  The ability to help us draw data models using entity-relationship and other notations. A CASE tool’s drawing capabilities are ― database intelligent‖ in that each symbol represents specific data modeling constructs, and these symbols can be used only in ways consistent with the properties of the associated constructs. Database drawing tools are used in enterprise modeling, conceptual data modeling, logical database design, and physical data modeling. CASE tools can help us insure consistency across diagrams.

 The ability to generate code. Most often, this code contains the database definition commands to be given to a database management system. During database implementation, the CASE tool will refer to all the conceptual, logical, and physical data specifications and compose SQL, commands to create relational tables, define each attribute of each table, and define key indexes. Although less frequently a capability of CASE tools, some CASE tools can generate C or other language code for the rudiments of database retrieval and updating programs.  A repository is a knowledge base of information about the facts that an enterprise must be able to access and the processes it must perform to be successful. In a sense, a database is a repository itself, which contains information needed to generate all the diagrams, form and report definitions, and other system documentation. A repository helps systems and database analysts achieve a seamless integration of data from several CASE tools. The proponents would be using CASE tools to draw the modeling constructs needed for the database that would serve as the back end of the system. It would also be used for the code generation that would contain the database definition commands that would be passed to a database management system.

Database Management System Database Management System is computer software designed for the purpose of managing databases. It is also defined as a collection of programs that enables you to store, modify, and extract information from a database. There are many different types of DBMS, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge computers that run on mainframes. The following are examples of database applications:     Computerized library systems Automated teller machines Flight reservation systems Computerized parts inventory systems The proponents would be using Database Management Systems to manage the database that they would be developing for the back end of the proposed system. With the proper use of this theory, the proponents would be able to maximize the utilization of the database via storing, modifying and extracting information from the database efficiently.

Database Database is a structured collection of related records or data that is stored in a computer system. A database usually contains software so that a person or program can use it to answer queries or extract desired information. The software should be referred to as the database management system. The database would primarily be used to construct the structure for the data that would be stored in the system and the manner on how the data could possibly extracted or retrieved. Application Software Application is a subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly and thoroughly to a task that the user wishes to perform. This should be contrasted with system software which is involved in integrating a computer’s carious capabilities, but typically does not directly apply them in the performance of tasks that benefit the user. Application software would enable the proponents to manipulate the proposed system directly and thoroughly during the development of the system and, eventually, when the proposed system is to be tested and used by CMI.

User Interface User Interface is the aggregate of means by which people—the users—interact with the system—a particular machine, device, computer program or other complex tools. The user interface provides means of input and output. The User interface of the proposed system would be vitally important to the interaction of the system to the users. With the use of graphical user interface, anyone could use the system even if he or she does not have enough knowledge about programming. Data Administration Hoffer, Jeffrey A., Prescott, Mary B., and McFadden, Fred R. 2002 Data Administration is a high-level function that is responsible for the overall management of data resources in an organization, including maintaining corporatewide definitions and standards. A data administrator is a person who coordinates activities within the data administration department. The data administration of the resources is one of the important aspects of the system. Any database would preferably require a data administrator to preside or manage the flow of resources or information in the system.

Internet Internet is worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a network of networks that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW). The International Network or more commonly known as the Internet and the World Wide Web are not synonymous. The Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks, linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, etc. in contrast, the Web is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. The World Wide Web is one of the services accessible via the Internet, along with many others including e-mail, file sharing and others. Since the proposed system is on a web-based environment, it would need the internet to access the computer networks. The proposed system would also use the web itself to gain access to the interconnected resources involved in the system.

The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard for interfacing external applications with information servers, such as HTTP or Web servers. A plain HTML document that the Web daemon retrieves is static, which means it exists in a constant state: a text file that doesn’t change. A CGI program, on the other hand, is executed in real-time, so that it can output dynamic information. A CGI program can be written in any language that allows it to be executed on the system such as:        C/C++ Fortran PERL TCL Any Unix shell Visual Basic AppleScript CGI would be used by the proponents to develop an interface for external applications with information servers. CGI would make a particular retrieval of a web daemon dynamic rather than static. The text file could then be changed.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Kendall, Kenneth E. and Kendall, Julie E.2002 Data Flow Diagram is a diagrammatic representation of the information flows within a system that shows how information enters the system and leaves the system, what changes the information and where information is stored. Data Flow Diagrams are used not only in structured system analysis and design, but also as a general process modeling tool. Data Flow Diagrams show the passage of data through the system by using 5 basic constructs: Data Flows, Processes, Data Stores, External Entities, and Physical Resources. The proponents used Data Flow Diagrams to form the structure that would guide the proponents in the system that they would be developing. The diagram would easily show the processes that would be done by the system and the other elements or entities that are involved. The Data Flow Diagram was also able to show how the proponents handle the barriers that govern the system: which are and which are not included in the system and what processes are and what processes are not involved. Normalization Hoffer, Jeffrey A., Prescott, Mary B., and McFadden, Fred R. 2002 Database Normalization is a technique for designing relational database tables to minimize duplication of information and, in so doing, to safeguard the database against certain types of

logical or structural problems, namely data anomalies. For example, when multiple instances of a given piece of information occur in a table, the possibility exists that these instances will not be kept consistent when the data within the table is updated, leading to a loss of data integrity. A table that is sufficiently normalized is less vulnerable to problems of this kind, because its structure reflects the basic assumptions for when multiple instances of the same information should be represented by single instance only. The proponents designed the data that are to be included in the database and designed its interface. Through normalization, the proponents were able to create relational database tables with less data redundancy and anomalies. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Hoffer, Jeffrey A., Prescott, Mary B., and McFadden, Fred R. 2002 Entity Relationship Diagram is the end-product of the Entity Relationship Model (ERM) and a type of conceptual data model or semantic data model. It is a specialized graphic that illustrates the interrelationship between entities in a database. ER Diagrams often use symbols to represent three different types of information. Entities are the ― things‖ about which we seek information. Attributes are the data we collect about the entities. Relationships provide the structures needed to draw information from multiple entities.

The proponents used ERD to illustrate how connected the data are with one another. The proponents also used ERD to produce a type of conceptual schema or semantic data model of a system and its requirements. Structured Query Language (SQL) Hoffer, Jeffrey A., Prescott, Mary B., and McFadden, Fred R. 2002 Structured Query Language is a computer language designed for the retrieval and management of data in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), Database Schema creation and modification, and database object access control management. The proponents used SQL in the proposed system for easier retrieval and management of the data in the database. Prototyping Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence.1999 Software prototyping is the process of creating an incomplete model of the future fullfeatured software program, which can be used to let the users have a first idea of the completed program or allow the clients to evaluate the program. The advantages in using this kind of methodology includes the acquisition of feedback from the users early in the project, the client and the contractor can compare if the software made matches with the software specification, according to which the system software program was built. It also allows the software engineers

some insight into the accuracy of initial project estimates and whether the deadlines and milestones proposed can be successfully met. The proponents developed an incomplete model of the proposed system that would be used by the users to get the idea of what the completed model would be. The users can evaluate the system and give the proponents their feedbacks. This way, the proponents can work out discrepancies right away during the early stages of the development process. Not only that the errors or faults would be easily detected, but also the users can get acquainted with the system and easily adapt to its features and interface. Management Information Systems (MIS) Kendall, Kenneth E. and Kendall, Julie E.2002; _information_systems Management Information Systems is a discipline covering the application of people, technologies, and procedures—collectively called information systems—to solving business problems. Management Information Systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization. Management Information Systems do not replace transaction processing systems (TPS); rather, all MIS include transaction processing, MIS are computerized information systems that work because of the purposeful interaction between people and computers. By requiring people, computer programs, and hardware to function in concert, management systems support a broader

spectrum of organizational tasks than transaction processing systems, including decision analysis and decision making. The proponents developed a system that would analyze all the operational activities of the company. Since there would be transactions processing and information management involved, the proponents chose Management Information Systems as preferably suited for the system that the proponents would be developing. Web Applications A web application is a dynamic extension of a web or application server. Benefits to mounting on application on the web:  An increasing awareness of the availability of a service, product, industry, person or group.    The possibility of 24-hour access for users. Standardizing the design interface. Creating a system that can extend globally rather than remain local, thus reaching people in remote locations without the worry of the time zone in which they are located. Since CMI is located in a barrio rather than the usual highway or roadside location, the endorsement of the college poses another problem. The proponents used Web Application to

increase the publicity of the services and other offers of CMI to the public, especially to those who to take maritime-related courses. Other than broader awareness of the public of the courses and other services rendered by CMI, the students would also have a 24-hour access to the system since it is available over the internet. The other advantage of developing a web-based system is that it allows the company to extend to global levels. Being able to allow students from remote locations to access the web-based system makes it easier for both the administration and the students themselves to process their transactions faster, easier, and more efficient. Virtual Office Virtual office is the term for shared office services, which normally includes business address, mail & courier services, phone services, fax services, answering services, web-hosting services, and meeting & conference facilities. It is also a common term for an environment that enables a network of co-workers to run a business efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies. Typically, the users of virtual office services would be those, but not limited to:     Seeking a low-risk alternative to renting a conventional office; Testing a new product or service idea; Downsizing from a conventional office; Migrating from using port-office box;

   Seeking to establish a business presence in the provider’s country or city; Seeking a business address within an expensive location, for corporate image purpose; Seeking a business address as its registered business address for complying government regulation;   Seeking supportive business services such as answering services; Seeking a proxy for collection of mails and parcels. Certain providers of virtual office services will provide other in-house or outsourced services such as corporate secretarial services, accounting services, legal services, serviced office services and etc. Unsurprisingly, professional firms such as law firms and accounting firms often provide registered address services as part of their service offerings. The concept on virtual office would materialize completely during the implementation of the proposed system but during the development stage, virtual office would also be considered since it comes along with the web-based environment. Virtual Office reduces the costing on office spaces, file cabinets, time for searching certain files, and the like. With this, the proponents decided to include this theory for their study.

CHAPTER 4 THE EXISTING SYSTEM 4.1 Description of the System Since the establishment of the school up to present, it has been using forms that are to be filled up by the enrolled students so that the school can have a record of the student’s transactions for the whole year. But as the population of the school grows, the current system is no longer efficient and convenient to accommodate both the school facilities and the number of the students. The administration now seeks a better way that would help them handle the enrolment better, more efficient, and more convenient for them and for the students also. Student must get their clearance form and class card from the registrar's office. The student must then proceed to the Registrar's Office with the accomplished clearance and class card, and secure an advising slip. The student would then be asked to fill up the advising slip and proceed to the registrar's office for registration form. The student would copy schedule of the class from the bulletin board. When done copying schedule to the registration form, the student must proceed to the Registrar’s Office for approval. If the registrar’s office approved the registration card, the student would proceed to the accounting office for assessment of fees. After being assessed, the student must then pay the amount indicated by the accounting office and then proceed to the registrar's office for the validation of registration card and school ID and get class cards.

4.2 Data Capture Manual enrolment system Data Entry Registration Form Field Name Student No. Registration Date Surname First Name Course Year Student Category Subject Code Subject Title Units Section Time Days Room Fees Assessment of Fees Schedule of Payments Total Lab Units Total Units Field Type String Date/Time String String String String Boolean String String Integer String Date/Time Date/Time String Boolean Real Date/Time Integer Integer

Advising Slip Semester School Year Last Name First Name Middle Initial Course Student Category Subject Code Subject Title Units Section Total Units Total Lab Units Date String Date/Time String String String String Boolean String String Integer String Integer Integer Date/Time Assessment Slip Student Name Course Code Year Level Section Student No. Total Assessment Adjustment Less String String String String String Integer Integer Integer

Less Credit Balance Balance Due for Total Due Others Integer Integer Date/Time Integer Integer Official Receipt OR No. Date Name Amount Purpose Payment type Total Amount Bank No. Check No. String Date/Time String Double String Boolean Double String String

4.3 Input Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Purpose Registration Form Student 3 To provide information regarding the schedule, subjects taken, payment scheme, and initial assessment of fees. Recipient Registrar Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Purpose Copy of Official Receipt Cashier 1 Upon enrollment and before the major exam Serves as the official receipt for every transaction that the student has processed. Source Document Control Procedure Recipient Assessment Slip OR number Accounting

Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Purpose Advising Form Student 3 As needed For adding or dropping a subject 4.4 Processes 4.4.1 Verifying and Adding New Student Record BEGIN IF Application Requirements are valid THEN add New Student Record END IF END 4.4.2 Verify and Update Old Student Record BEGIN IF old student THEN update Student Information IF Student Information is updated THEN verify the Student Information END IF END IF END

4.4.3 Securing Advising Slip BEGIN Secure Advising Slip from the Registrar IF Advising Slip is filled up THEN submit it to the Registrar. END IF END 4.4.4 Filling Up Registration Form BEGIN Obtain Registration Form from Registrar DO fill up the Registration Form THEN copy the schedule of classes from the bulletin board END DO END 4.4.5 Securing Assessment Slip BEGIN IF Registration Form is accomplished THEN secure Assessment Slip from Registrar END IF END

4.4.6 Pay Fees BEGIN IF Assessment Slip is secured THEN pay due fees at the cashier END IF END 4.4.7 Validation of Registration Form and ID BEGIN Validate the Registration Form IF Registration Form is valid THEN validate ID END IF. END 4.4.8 Issuance of Class Cards BEGIN IF Registration Form and ID is valid THEN Issue Class Cards to student END IF END

4.4.9 Generation of Reports BEGIN Generate Student Master List END 4.5 Files Name of File Data Needed Certificate of Registration Student No. Registration Date Surname First Name Course Year Student Category Subject Code Subject Title Units Section Time Days Room

Fees Assessment of Fees Schedule of Payments Total Lab Units Total Units Name of File Data Needed Student Record Surname First Name Middle Name Birthdate Birthplace Nationality Status Religion City Address Telephone No. Provincial Address Father’s Name Occupation Mother’s name Occupation Address

Telephone No. 4.6 Output Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Purpose Assessment Slip Cashier 1 During enrollment and before major exams Indicates the balance that the student must pay the cashier. If the balance is not paid on or before the date due, the student would not be able to enroll or take major exams. Recipient Student Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Official Receipt Cashier 2 Whenever the student makes a transaction at the cashier Purpose Serves as the official receipt for every transaction that the student has processed. Source Document Control Procedure Assessment Slip OR number

Recipient Student Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Purpose Certificate of Registration Student 3 After the student finishes the enrollment process To provide information regarding the schedule, subjects taken, payment scheme, and initial assessment of fees. Control Procedure Recipient Registration Form Student

4.7 Data Flow Diagram 4.7.1 Context Diagram Figure 4.7.1 Context Diagram of the Existing System 4.7.2 Level 0 Diagram Figure 4.7.2 Level 0 of the Existing System

4.8 Problem Areas The Cavite Maritime Institute used a manual system for their enrollment. There are some activities in the current system that imposes possible problems for CMI. The school uses a system that involves the manual processing in storing information about the students. It has been used ever since the school has been established. The other problems present are the large records that the Registrar’s office has to handle; the bulkiness of records may lead to redundancy of information and time-consuming situations. There is also a problem in manpower in the Accounting Department. The students are obligated to wait in line just to finish their transaction in the said department. Redundancy occurs when the students fill up forms and some or most of the forms ask for the same information. The storage of the form in file cabinets consumes too much space, spaces that might have been used for important things. As the population of the students grows, more spaces would be needed for another filing cabinet or storage for the forms that the students are asked to fill up during enrollment. The other problem involves the difficulty when it comes to generating the student master list. The school does not have an accurate student master list and the verification of the enrolled students also imposes a problem since the required information depends only on the forms that the student has filled up which might be inaccurate also. The Assessment of Fee is also a problem because the student would only find out the fees that he/she is required to pay on the day of the registration only. The complete breakdown of the fees would be questionable on the part of the school also if the assessment is not accurately done.

CHAPTER 5 THE PROPOSED SYSTEM 5.1 System Overview The proposed enhancement of the existing Enrollment System for Cavite Maritime Institute is going to be an Online Enrollment System. The proposed system will decrease the number of manpower, space, and time needed for enrollment. The system will not only give the school the benefit of being able to cut down the money and time spent for the enrollment, but also the ability to be available globally via the internet. The web application enables a certain business to extend its reach in the global market with a reasonable cost. It also includes the online processing of transactions needed for the business. The proposed system enables the students to have an access to the enrollment system in their own homes or wherever the internet is available. The proposed system facilitates in keeping track of the records, transactions, and other activities of the students regarding the enrollment. The system generated reports needed by the faculty and the students—like the Official Receipt, Certificate of Registration, and the Student Master List.

The Student Information Sheet, Registration Form, Advising Slip, and Assessment Slip are going to be available online where it could be submitted in the same manner. The payment of the fees due to the student could be paid online or cash. Once the transactions are validated and completed, the student will be given the Registration also printable via the internet but should be sealed by the Registrar to be considered valid, personal copy of the Official Receipt, and ID. The instructors or faculty members would also be given the copy of the Class List for the class or subjects that an instructor is going to handle. 5.2 System Objectives 5.2.1 To speed up monitoring of student records and transaction. Improve the file management of Registrar’s Office for the easy retrieval of the student records. 5.2.2 5.2.3 Improved enrollment procedures that will decrease working time. 5.2.4 Decreased data redundancy.

5.3 Scope 5.3.1 Online enrollment system will have a database that contains the student’s personal data and other information needed for enrollment. 5.3.2 The system will also have a database that contains the amount of tuition fee per semester, the breakdown of assessment, payment basis if fully paid and installment. 5.3.3 Log in name and password is provided as security of the system so that only the authorized personnel can access the system. 5.3.4 The system will provide reports such as class list and dropped students. 5.3.5 List of statistic for every school year and statistic of students in every section and year level. 5.3.6 Automation of the computation of tuition fee, discount for varsity and balances with its due date. 5.3.7 Can print the registration form that contains the student information and their corresponding tuition fees.

5.3.8 The system will monitor the allowable number of students in a section (35). 5.3.9 File maintenance if the registrars want to add another section in a level and another course. 5.3.10 The systems update the tuition fee change in computation. 5.4 System Justification There is a need for an online system because as an educational establishment, the people who are inclined to the nautical, maritime, or seafaring field need to know which can provide the services needed and which is closer to where the students live since these are one of the things that a student might want to consider when it comes to the selection of a university or college that would suit the students needs. The online enrolment system compensates the flaws of the manual enrolment and the lack of manpower. The system would also boost the competency of CMI by being available worldwide through the Internet. The online enrolment system will help organize the flow of the enrollment system and become more accurate and solve the problem of data redundancy in the student records. The study will ease the work and functions of the management and the students.

CHAPTER 6 DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM 6.1 Input Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Purpose Pre-Registration Form Student 1 As Needed To provide information regarding the schedule, subjects taken, payment scheme, and initial assessment of fees. Recipient Registrar 6.2 Processes 6.1.1 Generating Advising Slip BEGIN Get Status from Student IF Student is New Student THEN Get available subjects from Subject Schedule ELSE IF Student is Old Student THEN Check grade IF Subject Prerequisite is passed THEN Student can enroll subject ELSE Student cannot enroll the subject END IF

END IF END 6.1.2 Generating Assessment Slip BEGIN Get reserved subjects of the Student from Advising Slip Assess Tuition Fee Equals assessed amount Store assessed Tuition Fee to Student Record Send assessed Tuition Fee to Payment END 6.1.3 Payment of Tuition Fee BEGIN Get assessed Tuition Fee from Student Assessment Get Payment from Student Check amount of Payment IF Student paid 40% or higher THEN Student is Enrolled ELSE Student is not Enrolled END IF Store Student Payment to Student Record END

6.1.4 Generating Reports BEGIN Get payment from Student Payment Produce Official Receipt to Student Get total number of Enrolled students from Student Record Get class list from Class List Get courses offered from Courses IF Instructor teaches the subject THEN Get schedule and class list from Class List END IF Produce Registration Form END 6.3 Files Name of File Data Needed Student Record Student ID Year Admitted Enrollee number Name First name Last name Middle Initial Nationality Section ID Sex

Civil Status Birthday Age Student Type Name of Guardian Address Telephone Number Name of File Data Needed Grades Student ID Subject ID Final Grade Equivalent Grade Status Name of File Data Needed Section Section ID Year Level Course ID Section Capacity Section Adviser

Name of File Data Needed Subject Schedule Prof ID Schedule ID Time Time To Time From Slot Subject ID Day Room 6.4 Output Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Official Receipt Cashier 1 Whenever the student makes a transaction at the cashier or online payment system Purpose Serves as the official receipt for every transaction that the student has processed. Source Document Control Procedure Recipient Assessment Slip OR number Student Name of Document Prepared by Registration Form Student

Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Purpose 1 After the student finishes the enrollment process To provide information regarding the schedule, subjects taken, payment scheme, and initial assessment of fees. Control Procedure Recipient Student Number Student Name of Document Prepared by Number of Copies Frequency of Distribution Purpose Class List System 1 per Faculty member Whenever the semester is about to start To provide information regarding the schedule, subjects taught, and members of the class that an instructor would handle. Control Procedure Recipient Registration Form Student

CHAPTER 7 IMPLEMENTATION 7.1 Resource Requirements 7.1.1 Software Requirements Software Requirements for the Development and Maintenance Team       Visual Web Developer Express Edition 2005 IIS 5.1 (Internet Information Services) .NET Framework 3.0 or higher SQL Server 2005 Device Emulator 10 / Active Sync 4.1 Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4, Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition with Service Pack 2, or Microsoft Windows Server TM 2003 Software Requirements for the Users/Client    Microsoft Windows 98 or higher Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher Internet Connection

7.1.2 Hardware Requirements Hardware Requirements for the Development and Maintenance Team      Pentium Processor 600 MHz minimum (1 GHz recommended) 192 MB of RAM minimum (256 MB recommended) Up to 1.3 GB of Hard Disk space may be needed CD-ROM Drive Screen Resolution 800x600 with 256 colors minimum (recommended 1024x768 in 16-bit high color)  Printer Hardware Requirements for the User/Client   PC with Pentium III or 500 MHz with 32-bit RAM or higher Internet Connection 7.1.3 Human Resource Requirements The people involved in the development and maintenance of the system are the following: System Administrator The system administrator maintains and operates the computer system and/or network. The system administrator is usually in charge with the installation, support,

and maintenance of servers or other computer systems. He is also in charge with the plan and response to service outages and other problems. The systems administrator could also do scripting or light programming, project management for systems-related projects, supervising or training computer operators, and being the consultant for computer problems beyond the knowledge of other staffs in the Information Technology Department. The system administrator must have pertinent knowledge on network and database administration. Systems Programmer The systems programmer is responsible for the efficient performance of the computer systems that are being used for the enrollment system. The systems programmer would not always write or create programs for CMI; programmers would also perform other tasks such as act as technical advisors to other operations personnel, continuously look for further improvements in the system if there could still be any, and recommend conversion if possible in order to optimize the performance of the system.

The systems programmer must have the knowledge on ASP.Net and SQL server. The systems programmer must also be proficient in Microsoft Visual Web Developer or the Microsoft Visual Studio. Since there would also be a need to improve the interface of the system, the programmer is also expected to be proficient in Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash—or any software that have the same purpose like Adobe Photoshop or SWiSHmax. Trainers The system trainers would be the one to educate or teach the users (IT Personnel, Administration, and Students) on how to use the system properly. The trainers could be one of the IT personnel of CMI that has the skills to efficiently relay the instructions needed by the users and future users of the system. Ideally, the programmers are the trainers of the users of the system because of the pertinent knowledge of the system. User The users are those who will get the first hand encounter with the Online Enrollment System. The users should be trained on how to use the system and how to access it. The users should also be informed of the different access levels that are present in the proposed system. The users are expected to be computer literate especially internet-wise.

7.2 Installation Plans 7.2.1 System Installation Since the proposed study is not a system that needs to be installed in order to be used, the proponents explain here how the website shall be used. First the team responsible for developing the system should contact the Registrar or IT Personnel of the school to coordinate how to implement and where in the school should the system be implemented. Then the proponents will coordinate with the school’s administrative authorities to inform the school of how the system will work and how it can be accessed. Since this will be the first time that the school will implement the website, it will take a bit more time since the school will still be publishing the system in order for it to be implemented. The installation shall be done after all tests and trainings have been carried out. ACTIVITY Installation of Database Installation of Microsoft Visual Web Developer PERSON – IN – CHARGE Mariel Bacala Esmeralda Reaño DATE 3rd week of August 3rd week of August Table 7.2.1 Installation Plans

7.2.2 Training Plans Two types of people will use the system: users and operator. The training of the users is based primarily on major system functions and the users’ need to access them. The users will be trained on the record management functions such as creating and retrieving records, changing and deleting entries, and so on. In addition to the training, the users must also navigate through the records to access particular ones. Since there are different levels in accessing the website such as the administrator, student, and anonymous browsing, the users will need to learn special protection functions. The user training would also be equipped with the knowledge on sorting a set of records without knowledge whether the sort is a Shell sort, a Bubble sort, or a Quicksort. The operator training on the other hand includes sorting. The operators are going to be familiarized with the system’s support functions. The operator training will basically address how the system works rather than what the system does. The operators are in-charge of granting user access and file access, performing backups, and recovering damaged files. Training to learn ASP.Net or the Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express Edition and SQL Server will take approximately 40 hours or 5 days. This training period is divided into two sessions. The first half is dedicated for the Visual Web Developer Express Edition Training and the other half is for the training for SQL Server.

ACTIVITY Familiarization with the Proposed System File Security & Maintenance PERSON – IN – CHARGE Esmeralda Reaño Mariel Bacala TRAINEE Registrar and Programmer Administrator and Programmer DATE 3rd week of August 3rd week of August Table 7.2.2 Training Plans 7.2.3 Conversion Plans The proponents would suggest a Parallel Conversion where the computerized system will run simultaneously with the manual one for a specific period of time. After the parallel conversion, the system will then be subjected to performance evaluation from the people who have used the system. With the parallel conversion, the users will gradually be able to get accustomed to the new system but continue to use the old one. The gradual transition allows users to compare and contrast the new system with the old. It also allows skeptical users to build their confidence in the new system by comparing the results obtained with both and verifying that the new system is just as effective and efficient as the old. 7.2.4 Testing A test plan documents the strategy that will be used to verify and ensure that a hardware product or system meets its design specifications and other requirements.

The system takes all of the integrated software components that have successfully passed integration testing and also the software system itself integrated with any applicable hardware system/s. The purpose of integration testing is to detect any inconsistencies between the software units that are integrated together. There would also be an imitation of the black box testing where the tester or test designer selects valid and invalid input and determines the correct output without further knowledge of the test object’s internal structure. The black box takes an external perspective of the test object to derive test cases. The black box testing is applicable to all levels of software testing: unit, integration, functional testing, system, and acceptance. The proponents would also use the required 50 test data or subjects and once the results have proven satisfactory, the use of live data or the data that have been processed through the existing system. The full systems testing with live data allows an accurate comparison of the new systems output with what is known to be correctly processed output, as well as a good feel for how actual data will be handled. During the tests, the proponents use a different database that would act as how the real database would be processing the data or records in the system.

CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 8.1 Conclusion By gathering sufficient information through research, interview, and company visitation, the proponents were able to develop a system that would help Cavite Maritime Institute for the enrollment process. The system also eased CMI from the risks and errors that are involved with the company’s existing system. The development of an online enrollment system requires an understanding and an analysis of the existing system of the problems, requirements, and specifications that the company laid out. It also required ample amount of preparation that involves conducting interviews and company visits, obtaining necessary information through research, and coming up with a resolution for the requirements of the company. The proposed system includes the transactions done in the Accounting Office and the Registrar’s Office, namely: payment and assessment of fees, class scheduling, automated subject advising, adding/dropping, and selection of subject/schedule of the students.

8.2 Recommendation The proponents recommend a further study about the enrolment systems and other information systems that are available today in order to gain more information as to which approach to use in the systems development. The proponents’ proposed system can be improved further when it comes to the features of the system that involves the handling of monetary transactions and as well as other activities in the enrollment process of CMI.


Cavite Maritime Institute Online Enrolment System Context Diagram of the Proposed System


Cavite Maritime Institute Online Enrolment System Level 0 Diagram of the Proposed System


Cavite Maritime Institute Online Enrolment System Entity Relationship Diagram


Cavite Maritime Institute Online Enrolment System Entity Relationship Diagram Attributes Attribute of College Attribute of Course Attributes of Curriculum

Attributes of Day Attributes of Faculty Attributes of Faculty Subject

Attribute of Maximum Number of Students Attribute of Religion Attribute of Room Attribute of Schedule

Attribute of Student Grades Attribute of Student

Attribute of Subject Attribute of Time


Cavite Maritime Institute Online Enrolment System Screen shot Homepage

Selected Bibliography Online References http://portal

Textbooks Calinisan, Jan Alexie O. and Llorente, Daniel Reuel A. Prototype of a Web-based Enrollment System. 2000 Delgado, Marlon A. and Ocampo, Lawrence V. De La Salle University-Dasmariñas Class Scheduling System. March 2000 Hoffer, Jeffrey A., Prescott, Mary B., and McFadden, Fred R. Modern Database Management 6th Edition. Prentice Hall. 2002 Kendall, Kenneth E. and Kendall, Julie E. Systems Analysis and Design 5th Edition. Prentice Hall. 2002 Pascual, Robert John G. and Riceo, Vincent Joel T. Web-based Enrollment System for Veritas Parochial School. 2001 Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence. Software Engineering: Theory and Practice International Edition. Prentice Hall International, Inc. 1999 Reaño, Esmeralda, Billones, Luz Kristine, and Bacala, Mariel. Computerized Inventory with Acquisition Monitoring System. 2007

CURRICULUM VITAE MARIEL N. BACALA 77 Don Placido Campos Avenue, San Agustin 3, Dasmariñas, Cavite (Philippines) [email protected] PERSONAL INFORMATION      AGE: DATE OF BIRTH: CIVIL STATUS: NATIONALITY: PLACE OF BIRTH: 21 March 20, 1988 Single Filipino Dasmariñas, Cavite EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2005-2009 De La Salle University-Dasmariñas Dasmariñas,Cavite Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Vel Maris School Km. 30 Aguinaldo Hi-way, Dasmariñas, Cavite Jabez Christian School Bulihan, Palapala, Dasmariñas, Cavite 2001-2005 1995-2001

CURRICULUM VITAE ESMERALDA L. REAÑO Blk 30 Lot 42&43 Golden City Subd., Canlalay, Biñan, Laguna (Philippines) [email protected] PERSONAL PLACE OF June 25, Catholic

INFORMATION           AGE: DATE OF BIRTH: CIVIL STATUS: BIRTH: HEIGHT: WEIGHT: SEX: RELIGION: NATIONALITY: LANGUANGE SPOKEN: 21 1988 Single Alabang, Muntinlupa City 162 cm 128 lbs. Female Roman Filipino Filipino, English

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2005-2009 De La Salle University-Dasmariñas Dasmariñas,Cavite Bachelor of Science in Information Technology ST. SCHOLASTICA’S COLLEGE - WESTGROVE Silang, Cavite ALPHA ANGELICUM ACADEMY Golden Meadows Subd. San Antonio, Biñan, Laguna 2001-2005 1997-2001

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