Online Documents About the Jesuit Order

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Online documents about the Jesuit Order January 8, 2012 02:03THEUNHIVEDMIND Leave a Comment

Life inside the church of Rome (1889) by Mary Frances CUSACK (1829-1899) A.K.A. “The nun of Kenmare” The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris Popery in its Social Aspect being a Complete Exposure of the Immorality and Intolerance of Romanism by Rev. R. P. Blakeney, D.D., LL.D Manual of Romish controversy being a complete refutation of the creed of pope Pius IV by Rev. R. P. Blakeney, D.D., LL.D Is it Mary or Lady of the Jesuits? by Justin D. Fulton Forty years in the church of Christ by Charles Chiniquy %20Awareness/online_documents.htm “In Georgetown, now a suburb of the city of Washington, the federal capital, they established a seminary, the first Catholic educational institution in United States

territory ; from there, they extended their activities to Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Indeed, it is to a certain degree due to their activities that the newly formed united States included in its Constitution the principles of religious freedom. In those days, one of Benjamin Franklin’s friends was a Jesuit ; this was John Carroll, who had been brought up in Maryland, and who later, on Franklin’s special recommendation, was appointed prefect apostolic and afterwards became the first Catholic Bishop of the United States.” THE POWER AND SECRET OF THE JESUITS Rene Fulop – Miller (1930) page 273 (download whole book at above link) A Candid History Of The Jesuits (1913) I guess we can decide if it’s really “Candid” or not. :ph43r: Many Jesuit books %3Auniversallibrary Swarms of Locusts: The Jesuit attack on the Faith By Michael Bunker Hitler’s Pope By John Cornwell A History of the Jesuits By John Poynder n.pdf n.pdf Fourteen Years a Jesuit By Count Paul von Hoensbroech Volume 1 hoen.pdf Volume 2 hoen.pdf The Lies And Fallacies Of The Encyclopedia Britanica: How Powerful And Shameless Clerical Forces Castrated A Famous Work Of Reference By Joseph McCabe ( The Encyclopaedia Britannica – Ninth Edition NOTE: This is the US version published by Charles Scribner’s Sons in New York 01newyrich.pdf 02newyrich.pdf 03newyrich.pdf 04newyrich.pdf 05newyrich.pdf 06newyrich.pdf 07newyrich.pdf 08newyrich.pdf 09newyrich.pdf 10newyrich.pdf 11newyrich.pdf 12newyrich.pdf 13newyrich.pdf 14newyrich.pdf 15newyrich.pdf 16newyrich.pdf 17newyrich.pdf 18newyrich.pdf 19newyrich.pdf 20newyrich.pdf 21newyrich.pdf 22newyrich.pdf 23newyrich.pdf 24newyrich.pdf 25newyrich.pdf The Shattering Denial Library of Online Books (PDF Format) Arctic Beacon Online Books: Vatican / Jesuits etc.: More Online Books: Vatican / Jesuits etc.: Downloadable Jesuit Books on i would download all these just in case they disappear. seriously, with all this knowledge that’s made available through the internet. no one has any excuse. Alberto Rivera Comics on PDF Alberto Rome in America

A Foreign Threat, Jesuit Terrorist Protestant Jesuitism, 1836 (???) The Gunpowder-Treason, 1679 Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus A History of the Gunpowder Plot, The Conspiracy and its Agents by Philip Sidney 1904 History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain in the 16th Century by Thomas M’ Where Are the Millions That Mother Teresa Collected JESUITS in the History of INDIA (might be pro jesuit) History of the Jesuits; Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs by Giovanni Battista Nicolini Why Priests Should Wed by Justin Fulton Marie Monk, A Nun Tells All (Awful Disclosures) Romanism in the Light of History Identity of the Festivals of Rome and Babylon The Fight With Rome WASHINGTON IN THE LAP OF ROME, JESUITS STEALING LIBERTY THEN AND NOW ABC Library of Foreign Conspiracy, The Jesuits Dealings with the Inquisition; or, Papal Rome, Her Priests, and Her Jesuits, with important disclosures Proof of Rome’s Political Meddling in America (1927) This is The Fellowship Forum’s amazing book “Proof of Rome’s Political Meddling in America” (1927) which presents evidence that the Roman Catholic Church in the United States was (and still is)

actively working to “make America Catholic” and demolish its traditional Protestant faith. It uses papal documents, a conference report from the National Catholic Welfare Council, a map of catholic institutions strategically located around Washington D.C. and documents from other church agencies to make its case of a Catholic conspiracy to takeover the United States. Included are photographs, illustrations, and a pull-out organizational chart of the National Catholic Welfare Council. It asserts that the “central agency of this campaign” is located in Washington and is known as the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Some Americans have noticed that there is a significant number of Catholic institutions located right inside Washington DC. Among the most known is certainly Georgetown University where former US president Bill Clinton was schooled. Proof of Rome’s Political Meddling in America shows that Roman Catholic Church in the US is indeed deeply involved in politics with a view to making all Americans turn Catholic. Its claims are irrefutable mainly because they are based almost wholly from Roman Catholic sources, that the Roman Catholic church in the United States, in its effort to ‘make America Catholic,’ is in quest of temporal power, and that it is ‘in politics’ as a means to that end. 115 pages, some pictures. A must read for everyone. DOWNLOAD: PDF Format, 2.91 MB This is a bit older, but seems to be rare. It has lots of interesting pictures in it. I saw Tony Alamo making a reference to this document on his website. Genocide in Croatia 1941-1945 Published by: Serbian National Defense Council of Canada, Serbian National Defense Council of America btw art%203

“In Croatia this was achieved through the close ties of the Catholic church with the Pavic’s Independent State of Croatia whose minister of education, Mile Budak, stated in Gospic, “A part of the Serbs we will destroy, another part we will expel, the others will be converted to Catholicism and turned into Croats. In this way, we will eradicate their traces and what will be left will be just a bad memory of them.”

Heres also an interesting article from former Byzantine Blog,appeared last week, where Croatian Ex-Minister admits Croatia wanted and started the war in the 90s this diplomat Peter Galbraith the article is refering to attended just like Clinton both at Oxford University, this RIIA CFR Round Table Group recruitng center and also at Jesuit Georgetown University. So not only in WW2 but also in the 90s the key players still are Vatican/Jesuit agents. Nothing changed. CATHOLICS IN THE WITNESS BOX Posted by: Nelson Turner in Uncategorized A none copyrighted work compiled in 1936 with citations from church men, speakers, politicians, and others from both inside and outside the Catholic Church. An amazing compendium of quotes that can be printed out in 44 pages. Must read for those truly interested and concerned with the present state of things in the world!

Nino Lo Bello – The Vatican Empire The Authoritative Report that Reveals the Vatican as a Nerve Center of High Finance and Penetrates the Secret of Papal Wealth This is Nino Lo Bello’s monumental book „The Vatican Empire – The Authoritative Report that Reveals the Vatican as a Nerve Center of High Finance and Penetrates the Secret of Papal Wealth” (1968) which clearly exposes the Vatican as one of the world’s largest shareholders, with a stock portfolio that can be conservatively estimated in the billions of dollars. The extent of papal wealth has traditionally been cloaked in secrecy. Even within the Vatican’s own walls there is no individual who has an overall view of its infinitely ramified financial operations. In The Vatican Empire, Nino Lo Bello, a former Rome correspondent for Business Week, presents the first comprehensive and authoritative report on the Vatican as a nerve center of high finance. The picture that emerges is one of awesome fiscal power. Bello describes in fascinating detail Vatican investments in real estate – one third of Rome is owned by the Holy See – electronics, plastics, airlines, and chemical and engineering firms. He also gives evidence that the Vatican is heavily involved in Italian banking and that it has huge deposits in foreign banks. Many of these are in Switzerland, since the Vatican financiers prefer numbered Swiss accounts where annonymity is maintained and where they can gain control of foreign corporations far from the public eye. Although written in the objective, nonsensational style of the newsman, this is a book that finally demonstrates the depth of the Vatican’s commitment to the world of big business. 180 pages. A must read for everyone.

Excerpt: In the course of his career, Nogara had become a specialist in gold. Thus for a considerable period after he took over the Special Administration, he engaged in the trading of gold bullion for gold coins and gold coins for gold bullion in deals that, without precise details, defy understanding of anything but the fact that most of them were profitable. His confidence in the precious metal virtually unshakable, the canny Nogara spent $26.8 million to buy gold from the United States at the official rate of $35 per fine troy ounce, plus 0.25 percent for handling charges. In later years, rumors cropped up that the Vatican had obtained this gold at a special price of $34 an ounce, but when the rumors were printed in—and given some credence by—a United Nations publication, the U.S. Treasury Department dismissed the matter once and for all in April 1953, by stating that the Vatican had made the purchase at the same price as anybody else. In fact, $5 million of the Vatican-acquired gold was sold back to the United States, leaving a net sale of $21.8 million. The Vatican gold, which is in the shape of ingots, is on deposit with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.

La Monarchie des Solipses (The Monarchy of the Solipsists) (This book is in French. I know Phelps is having it translated into English. This is for those who speak French fluently.) A satire against the Jesuits, ascribed by some to G.C. Scotti and by others to M. Inchofer, originally published in Latin at Venice in 1645 under the pseudonym Lucius Cornelius Europaeus. id=MKUPAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA189&lpg=PA189&dq=La+Monarchie+des+Solip ses&source=bl&ots=Q2BFCoaoSk&sig=3lhgBLB7RAKHCHilkgYz88IJsK4&hl =en&sa=X&ei=v_YIT4OHOZCKhQfkkbmqCQ&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAw#v=onep age&q=La%20Monarchie%20des%20Solipses&f=false Facts and Evidence, by Brian David Andersen

The History of the Popes: From the Foundation of the See of Rome to A.D. 1758 By Archibald Bower (Right click, save as…) owe.pdf owe.pdf owe.pdf Finally found an illustrated edition, download! The History of Protestantism By James A. Wylie (Right click, save as…) pdf pdf pdf Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy By Peter de Rosa the_papacy.htm

The History of the Popes: From the Foundation of the See of Rome to A.D. 1758 By Archibald Bower (Right click, save as…) owe.pdf owe.pdf owe.pdf Finally found an illustrated edition, download! The History of Protestantism By James A. Wylie (Right click, save as…) pdf pdf pdf Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy By Peter de Rosa the_papacy.htm

Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy

"After Peter, the centuries roll by, full of controversies, any one of which today would

involve immediate recourse to Rome for a decision... We have already noted that not a single Father can find any hint of a Petrine office in the great biblical texts that refer to Peter. Papal supremacy and infallibility, so central to the Catholic church today, are simply not mentioned. Not a single creed, nor confession of faith, nor catechism, nor passage in patristic writings contains one syllable about the pope, still less about faith and doctrine being derived from him." Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, p. 206. "The Pope and the Council contained aspects of papal history completely unknown to me. I had been brought up as a Catholic, had gone through the usual six-year seminary course prior to ordination, had graduated from a Catholic university, the Gregorianum in Rome, and had never come across such ideas. This is partly to be explained by the partisan nature of seminary education and the fact that in such establishments history is a Cinderella subject. The misbehaviour of popes is lightly dwelt or even excised, rather in the way that Trotsky was cut out of all Soviet history by Stalin ... My ignorance must also be set down to the preference Catholics have for a history of the papacy that can be read with white gloves on. It is not easy to admit that one's leaders were often barbarians, or that the good popes sometimes did far more harm than good. Thus, quite late in my career, I felt obliged to examine the history of Catholic ideas and institutions, the later of course including the papacy. It was a long and sometimes painful form of a selfeducation." Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, pages 455-56. Publisher: Crown (January 13, 1988) ISBN-10: 0517570270 ISBN-13: 978-0517570272 (Peter de Rosa is author of many books including Bless Me, Father, Christ and Original Sin, and Jesus Who became Christ. In Vicars of Christ. He dispels myths about the papacy in favor of hard facts, and provides everyone, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, with the true, alarming story of the dark origins of the Church.) "The subject of papal heretics and papal excommunication is little practiced since 1870. Even the arrogant Innocent III admitted: 'I can be judged by the church for a sin concerning matters of faith.' Innocent IV, affirmed that all creatures were subject to him as Vicar of the Creator, even, as in his own words: "Of course a pope can err in matters of faith." Therefore his naive creatures are to believe not because the Pope believes but because the Church believes. In simpler language even if popes err somehow, the Church will not err. These words appeared in the original text of Innocent IV's Commentary on the Decalogue. They were later erased from later editions. No one knows why, since a number of popes said more or less the same. The aura and awe surrounding the papacy today is so entrenched that few Catholics question their conscience about the history of papal infallibility, a long dark, mysterious mixture of humans — the normal pious, the obscenely pompous, the truly mad, the frightfully murderous, the devilishly lecherous, the senilely elderly, the lustily youthful, and immature children. These popes were fallible long before they became infallible. Roman pontiffs not only erred but erred in fundamental matters of Christian doctrine. Most Catholics go through life and never hear in school or church a word of reproach for any pope. Yet a devout Catholic like Dante had no scruple about dumping pontiff after pontiff in the deepest pit of hell." Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, Bantam Press, 1988, p. 30.

Quotes from Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy "Impeccable Catholic sources, papal documents, letters of reforming saints, all paint the same depressing picture. Monasteries full of women; every friar had his 'Martha', every nun her lover. Bishops, in every sense the fathers of their people, kept harems." "Young men who spent their youth in rape and adultery were rising in the ranks of the clergy. They were spending their nights with four or five women, then getting up in the morning — in what state, he leaves to the imagination — to celebrate mass." " ... many monasteries were the haunts of homosexuals, many converts were brothels." "As to the sex-starved secular clergy, they were so often accused of incest that they were at length forbidden even to have mothers, aunts or sisters living in their house." "Promiscuity was rife in monasteries and convents. The great Ivo of Chartres (1040-1115) tells of whole convents with inmates who were nuns only in name. They had often been abandoned by their families and were really prostitutes." "There also crept in the infamous cullagium, a charge for keeping concubines... bishops and archdeacons themselves benefited from this sex-tax; in Rome, it was the pope." "In the year 1250, Bishop Grosseteste of Lincoln wrote to Pope Innocent IV. Of priests he said: 'They are in truth teachers of heresy, inasmuch as the word of action is mightier than the word of speech.' " "In the year 1414, King Henry V asked the University of Oxford to prepare articles for the reform of the church. Article 39 began: 'Because the carnal and sinful life of priests today scandalizes the entire church and their public fornication goes completely unpunished ...' " "In the parish of St John Zachary in London, there was a church service of a very remarkable kind. It provided a brothel exclusively for priests and nuns ..." "St Alban's Abbey, for instance, was nothing but a den of prostitutes serving the local monks. Nuns were regularly raped therein and the entire place, in a phrase worth of Shakespeare, was 'a riot of seed and blood'..." "The overall report (in England) said that 144 religious houses were equal in viciousness to Sodom; countless convents, served by 'lewd confessors', were full of children; clergy — abbots, monks and friars — were carrying on not merely with whores but with married women..." "After six centuries of strenuous efforts to impose celibacy, the clergy were a menace to the wives and young women of parishes to which they were sent." "Across the border lived Henry, Bishop of Liege. The man was a legend beyond his lifetime. Henry was finally deposed by Gregory X at the Council of Lyons in 1274 'for deflowering virgins and other mighty deeds'... He ended murdered by a Flemish knight who was outraged at what the bishop had done to his daughter." "During Borgia's reign, the Florentine friar Savonarola said the nuns were worse than harlots. As to the clergy, 'one priest spends the night with his concubine, another with a little boy, and in the morning they proceed to the altar to celebrate Mass. What do you think of that? What do you make of such a Mass?' " "The evil was too deeply rooted; the last opportunities for reform long lost... A proverb passes from mouth to mouth: 'The profession of the priest is the surest road to hell.' "

Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly De Rosa ( Prayers for Pagans and Hypocrites ) is an angry Catholic. In the worst proselytizing tradition, this devil's advocate overstates familiar arguments, bludgeoning the reader with his dossier against the Church. Among De Rosa's tamer charges: Jesus renounced possessions, but his vicars celebrate high mass garbed in cloth of gold; the Church has never lifted strictures against usury, yet the Vatican operates a bank. De Rosa sweeps through Church history to parade popes who begat children, popes who fornicated on a grand scale, popes who married. Then in the second half of this polemic, he addresses Church teaching, conjoining the "immaculate conception" doctrine to decrees governing birth control, abortion, celibacy. The doctrine of papal infallibility is dealt with, as is Church anti-Semitism through the ages leading to the Holocaust silence of Pius XII, the "one man in the world whose witness Hitler feared." And in wrapping up his catalog of "the sins of the papacy," De Rosa virtually dismisses internal reform: "It is not Catholics but other Christians who chiefly can make the papacy what it ought to be." From Library Journal In his history of the papacy, former Jesuit De Rosa aims to undermine belief in papal infallibility. Although he claims to be a friend of the Catholic Church, and does at times express admiration for the holiness of many of the Popes, his book is so heavily weighted with information on the corruption of the Papacy that it would be hard for any reader to see any good in the office. The book cannot be faulted historically or stylistically, though most of the information including the most sordidcan be found in the standard Roman Catholic sources. Patrick Grainfeld's The Limits of the Papacy (Crossroad, 1987) offers a more balanced view of the expansion of papal power. Augustine J. Curley, Newark Abbey, N.J. Expose of the history of the Papacy from an insiders view., February 24, 1999 By A Customer This book would make your hair curl. No wonder the Christians got such a poor reputation! Syllabus of Errors... And Crimes, May 12, 2004 By "bute2" (Paris, France) This book had me shaking with laughter and trembling with rage--rage at the misdeeds of the papacy, not the book. It brilliantly recounts the endless crimes, hypocrisies, errors, indecencies, murders, debaucheries, illogicalities, idiocies and fanaticisms of the papacy from the "first pope" to the present. It is written in a highly engaging and breezy journalistic style, with more than a dash of humour and wit. For the most part the author lets the deeds (or rather, misdeeds) of the Bishops of Rome speak for themselves, although his own dim view of his subject is abundantly clear throughout. He is himself a former priest (educated at the Gregorian University in Rome) who unfolds the theologial groundlessness of the office of Pope itself, the ethical depravity of a depressingly high percentage of its occupants, the religious zealotry of many Popes, and the laughable absurdity of so many Roman Catholic doctrines such as Papal Infallibility. The overall effect of this is devastating for the Papacy, which emerges from the pages of this book as one fo the most hypocritical, malevolent and unjustifiable institutions in human history--which is saying a great deal. The book is the perfect antidote to the awe in which the office of Pope is held today, and a very welcome reminder of the dark history of a powerful institution built on a mountain of absurdities and atrocities that we all-too- easily forget. De Rosa has done his readers a great service in putting that history into a single volume without mincing his words of pulling his punches. Read it and weep. Authenticity and sources, July 23, 2000 By C.T. Garrett (Houston, Tx USA) Peter De Rosa was brought up Catholic, went through the six year seminary course prior to ordination, and graduated from a Catholic university, the Gregorianum in Rome. He dedicated eight pages of

bibliography listing authors, titles, and year published. Not to mention the fact that historians such as Edward Gibbon in "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" substantiates the demeanor, to say the least, of the Papacy. De Rosa had done a marvelous job in exposing the "Great Lie", revealing its truths with documented sources some of which are Papal documents themselves which can be found on the Vatican website, if you have a hard time taking his word for it. And if your still not sure that what De Rosa says is true, read Revelation by John the Apostle. Surely John's vision will substantiate all that was done that De Rosa has documented, even if you read the Latin Vulgate version. There's no hiding the truth, Vicars of Christ is De Rosa's testimony of the truth, another witness, another Martin Luther another Wycliffe, another man that had the courage to speak out against the horrid evilness of the extension of the Roman Empire, and its time is short. :) Too bad this is out-of-print, February 1, 2002 By Michael Freeman (Blanchard, OK) This is a book that every Christian and every Catholic needs to read. De Rosa is a Catholic himself, though the pope would probably consider him less-than-orthodox. His description of the corruption and wickedness of the "Mother of Harlots" is certainly less than flattering. De Rosa chronicles the centuries of Roman Catholic "rule" over the "Church." It is fascinating to read the history behind the development of the "Church" as we know it, and behind some of the doctrines of Catholicism. The teaching of Purgatory, for instance, grew out of the need to raise funds. The Pope invented Purgatory so he could sell indulgences in order to allow souls out! After reading this description of the vast wickedness of this pseudo- church, one must read the seventeenth chapter of Revelation. The Apostle John perfectly described what was to come!

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Comparing single note from Quran with entire orchestra of Guru Granth Shri Mataji: "There is so much blind faith ..." Shri Mataji: "Christianity has nothing to do with Christ." Betrayal: The Crisis in the Catholic Church To all Muslims: "You persistently closed your mind to this promise" Shri Mataji: "And now the time has come for it to be blasted." The Great Cover Up [of Christianity] - Emperor Constantine The word "pope" was to both Lord Jesus and the Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji: "Like all the thieves of the world ... have taken over." A willful and deliberate rejection by Muslims of the Great News When Jesus and Shri Mataji talk about God Almighty you ... Shri Mataji: "That nonsense of Christianity ..." Sex crimes and the Vatican

Arctic Beacon Library of Rare Books and Documents

Pascal's Letters 1656 pdf file - Left Click to view in browser, or Right Click Save As... Incredible History Euro Travel Schengen_Agreement.pdf pdf file - Left Click to view in browser, or Right Click Save As... Incredible History

No Bible Reading Nation can be enslaved by the Papacy!

Entire - 1611 King James Bible Right Click -> "Save As" - 152.4 MB, pdf file -- The 1560 Geneva Bible is at: but it is not fully proof-read yet -These are the Bibles "they" don't want you to read -Preface and Translators' Thesis on the Preface of the King James 1611 Bible Read this and you will want to read more of the 1611 KJB - Only 29 pages and is very revealing truth!

Rupert Murdoch is reported to own all the copyrights on EVERY Protestant Bible - Why? He is a Roman Catholic. Could it be to remove the Preface? Read it and see for yourself. He does not own the copyright for the Geneva and King James versions. King James VI of Scotland (James I of England)-DAEMONOLOGIE(1597) King James himself wrote this book about the intrigues of the sorceror's of his time and their connection to the Secret Societies. Almanac of Evil - Frank O'Collins O'Collins documents chronologically the evil and criminal acts of the Vatican for the past 2,000 years. Hitler was Catholic Vatican Holocaust in Croatia - Avro Manhatten This book is about the elimination of Christians and Jews in Croatia and the setup of Catholic Croatia, the evil is exposed. The leader of Croatia, Palevic escaped through the Vatican Ratline to Argentina. He was never excommunicated. (Neither was Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, or Franklin Delano Roosevelt. All were Catholics.) Vietnam - Why Did We Go? - Avro Manhatten Ever wonder about the Vietnam War? Ho Chi Minh was trained by the Jesuits! It was all about the elimination of Buddhists in South Vietnam, when the war was over, Catholic Vietnamese came down from the north and these Catholic Vietnamese are the ones emmigrating to North America! Ho Chi Minh was armed by the Chinese from the leftovers of the Korean War. We armed them and further Russian made arms financed by North American Bankers funded the Russian Arms makers to make available weapons to the North Vietnamese. Secret History of the Jesuits - Edmond Paris Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy - David Plaisted Foxes Book of Martyrs - Foxe - (Text Only) Extreme Oath of the Jesuits - PDF file

Extreme Oath of the Jesuits - Registered in Library of Congress- 66-43354 Oath of the Knights of Columbus Could these oaths be part of the reason why an unqualified Catholic was given the job instead of the more than qualified Non-Catholic or Christian Protestant? And, could it also be the reason that after they, in control of various levels of the US Government, using funds that are hidden from the general population but revealed in Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports which are in reality OVER TAXATION of the

people -- then used those funds to buy controlling or total ownership of public corporations (persons are legal fictions and are corporations) then shut down the facility and move the plant to another country that is controlled by Catholics to employ obedient Catholics and punish economically the Christian Protestants and Liberal Catholics? Various levels of the US Government collectively owned 98% of Motorola Corp in 1995, in June 2007 a Motorola facility was shut down with the loss of 4,000 jobs and the plant is being moved overseas! When a government owns everything - it is called Fascism - this is Mussolini's definition - he said it would be better called Corporatism - as late as 1939 Winston Churchill was openly praising the Mussolini Fascist style government. And is it little wonder that it has been revealed that Winston's FIRST COUSIN was none other than Alois Hitler, the father of Adolf Hitler! (from the book - Hitler Was A British Agent Germany 2006) And, could it be that these oaths are the reason we have immigrants that are 95% Catholic no matter what their race or country of origin? Multiculturalism is a disguise for the mass immigration of obedient Catholics! Alperin v. Vatican - Holy See, began 1995, San Francisco, CA - Still in session - Regarding the Holocaust in Croatia - Jonathan Levy for the Plaintiffs Alperin v. Vatican Doc 1 Alperin v. Vatican Doc 2 Alperin v. Vatican Doc 3 Alperin v. Vatican Doc 4 Alperin v. Vatican Doc 5 Alperin v. Vatican Doc 6 The Vatican Lawyer stated in Court that "Genocide and Plunder are permissable in International Law". Search Articles and Audio for interviews and more information. More Vatican Lawsuit Docs Vatican Christmas Card 2003 Propaganda Dué - P2 Masonic Lodge Description The Lucifer Project -also known as the NASA Cassini Project Daniel Doc - John Daniel "The Secret Terrorists" (read online) - Bill Hughes -- en español - El Libre "Los Terroristas Secretos" (lea en línea) Who is George S(c)herf(f), Jr. ? Greg Szymanski article on George S(c)herf(f), Jr. ? Unauthorized Biography of Geo H. W. Bush - Wm Tarpley (read online)

A Foreign Conspiracy - Samuel Morse - 1835 (24MB) Fifty Years in the Church of Rome - Charles Chiniquy - 1886 (1.9MB) Americans should have great interest in reading page 375 onward to see the Jesuit Plan to TAKE OVER THE UNITED STATES ! -- WAKE UP PEOPLE ! History of Protestantism - Rev J Wylie - 1878 Rev Wylie completed a masterpiece in this work. This is required reading for History of the Jesuits Course 101. Wide Awake Romanism-Its Aims & Tendencies,1854.pdf - L W Granger - 1854 (2.5MB) Narration of this book coming soon. The Secret History c.568AD - Procopius - Scribe to Belarius, a General of Emperor Justinian. Procopius records the corruption of his time - it is quite similar to now. Evil is revealed in this book. The Two Babylons - Alexander Hislop, 1853 (1.4MB) From Major Jordans Diaries - Maj George Racey Jordan George Jordan was the liason officer between the US Military and the Russian Military during WWII and after. He documents all that was given to the Russians both during and after WWII - It is incredible. We were arming the Russians with all of our secrets and physical assets as well, as a gift of the Christian Heretics in the West to use to slaughter their Christian Heretic bretheren in Europe. This is a must read! Believe it or not we gave the Russians the plans and the materials for the Nuclear Bomb, surprisingly it took them until 1947 to set one off. Secret Societies Constitutions of the Free Masons, 1734 - Ben Franklin Secret Societies & Subversive Movements - Nesta Webster

Money Books and Documents - The Priests of BAAL run the governments of the World - using the power of coinage of Fiat Money !! The Babylonian Woe - David Astle, 6000 year history of enslavement by the monetary system Modern Law is Ancient Babylonian Code The Secrets of the Federal Reserve Bank (Not Federal -but PRIVATE) - Eustace Mullins, IMF Incorporation Document - From the IMF Website Read Article IX to see the power of the gods of this world. Empire of the City - E C Knuth, 1944 Read about the immunity the Bank of England !!! The IMF docs are merely a rewording of the Bank of England docs, an MP will be thrown out of the House in London if they mention the Bank of England while in session. The Devil's Chemists - Josiah DuBois, 1952 Read about the Devils Chemists from I G Farben !!! UN_1976_Weather_Weapon_Treaty.pdf - From the UN Website - (has been taken down) Weather Control? Nonsense you say? It cannot be used against another country but it is OK to use it on your own citizens. The hidden government can order it to be used by the citizens own government on them and it is not a breach of International Law! The same as genocide and plunder - these are permissable under International Law as long as the citizens own government that purpetrates the crime. Create drought then a downpour and you can steal the farmers land, a nice bank collapse at the same time would leave no survivors.

More Books Jan 2008 LWGranger-WideAwakeRomanism-ItsAims&Tendencies,1854.pdf Lehmann-Behind_the_Dictators-Relationship_of_NaziFascism_and_Roman_Catholicism(1945).pdf Maj_Geo_Racey_Jordan-FROM_MAJOR_JORDANS_DIARIES.pdf

Malaysia_to_Battle_Smog_With_Cyclones.pdf Modern_Law_is_Ancient_Babylonian_Code.pdf Nesta_Webster-Secret_Societies_and_Subversive_Movements.pdf No_Friend_Of_Democracy.pdf Norris-Principles_of_the_Jesuits(1839).pdf PROOFS_OF_A_CONSPIRACY_John_Robison-1798.pdf Paris-The_Secret_History_of_Jesuits(1975).pdf Plaisted-Estimates_Number_Killed_by_the_Papacy-2006.pdf Popes_Denunciation_Decree_July10-11-2007.pdf Procopius-Anecdota-The_Secret_History.pdf Propaganda_Due_P2_Masonic_Lodge.pdf Samuel_Morse_A_FOREIGN_CONSPIRACY,1853-With-Addendums.pdf Simon_Peter_versus_Simon_the_Sorcerer-Dr_E_L_Martin.pdf Skull_and_Bones_Chapter_32.html The_Devils_Chemists_Josiah_DuBois(1952).pdf The_Lucifer_Project.pdf The_Oath_of_the_Knights_of_Columbus.pdf Translators_Preface_to_1611_KJV.pdf Treason's_Peace-German_Dyes&American_Dupes-IG_Farben's_Hidden_Power(1947).pdf UN_1976_Weather_Weapon_Treaty.pdf USA_Vatican_Treaty.html US_Shoot_Americans.pdf Under_Cover_by_John_Roy_Carlson,1943.pdf Vatican_Christmas_Card_12-2003_J_Levy.pdf Whore_of_Babylon_Documented.pdf William_Blum-Rogue_State(2002).pdf William_Cooper-Behold_a_Pale_Horse1991.pdf Winkler-The_Thousand_Year_Conspiracy.pdf foxes_book_of_martyrs.pdf CONCORDATS with the Holy See - The Vatican, a soverign country, with an Army, a Government, and a Religion all rolled into one, poised to take total control of the Planet Earth. USA - Vatican Treaty (Concordat) - Refused under FOIA request. Why? Americans ask your elected Representative to get you a copy of the USA Concordat with the Vatican. - By the way for you Canadians out there Canada has a Freedom of Information Act as well The Canadian Version is not as good as the American FOIA but it is better than nothing - Make use of it! - Try to get a copy of the Canadian Concordat with the Vatican, ask your

MP to get you a copy. And for those of you in other countries, try and get a copy of your country's Concordat, scan and sent it to us at arcticbeacon(at) it a we will put it up here for the world to read. Over the last 2,500 years Ancient Sadducee famlies infiltrated all the religions and postitions of power for the final goal of re-establishing the control of the planet from one central point both in the way of religion and governmental control. The New World Order.

These bloodlines likely go all the way back to Atlantis. The Cat-Holic connections to the ancient gods of Egypt is revealed in the Sun Ray Standard of the Jesuit Order - they are Sun Worshippers - I.H.S. appears in the center of the Sun Ray Disk with Rays (Crown of Thorns) these letters stand for Isis, Horus and Set. Isis is the Mother Goddess (Mother Mary, not the Mother of Jesus); Horus the eye in the Pyramid is eye of Horus, he is the Sun (the Catholic Christ is this one) and Set, who is the Lord of Darkness who appears after the Sun -- Sets -- this is the origin of the english word SUNSET, interesting what. Set the Lord of Darkness was imaged as a human with a CAT's Head.... hence Cat-Holic. The Moors of North Africa give us a clue here as well, in the Moorish language, MOOR means CAT. There were many White Moors as well, they were not all dark skinned. The surname Whitmore of England is indicative of origin from Moorish North Africa. Be sure to watch the movie: Zeitgeist on the Movies page. Their power is gained by deception-using 3rd party agents, control of media, education, infiltration and "covet means" - the ability to coin (create) the money of the planet, it is used to finance wars and all facets of their control, belief in money, the monetary system is vital; money is therefore a religion. Governments are fictions and gain their power through the belief of the population that the government has power, when in reality the only power the government has is from the people, if the people cease to blindly believe, the power of the ruling elite could be broken, but this is very unlikely with so much hate in the world and non-caring for your neighbor. The breaking of the power structure can likely happen in only two ways -- One is by the awakening of the population to the control exercised over them. If this occurs, as the population wakes up to the control imposed upon them, the Iron Fist must crush the opposition to their power. They usually win when this occurs as they control the minions in the Government, Military, Judiary and the Police. This is why there is the push to register and ban weapons to disarm the population and remove their ability to resist the evil. Weapon banning is not new -- Crossbows were banned in the Dark Ages, they were the only weapon that could stop a Knight in armour from slaughtering the opposition to the ruling elite. If the Albigensians had been armed they would not have been slaughtered like sheep. 10 million died. Evil knows no bounds when it achieves absolute power. Awakening of the masses of people will not likely happen.

The second way the power can be broken is by worldwide cataclysm which last happened about 26,000 years ago. As a result of cataclysm 26,000 years ago at the time of the last planetary alignment, the power structure was broken severely and the ruling elite totally lost control, no one belived that they had power and the people were free. The intervention of the Creator is likely the only way that the power structure can be broken at this point in time. The return of the Master is sorely needed now as he is likely our only hope for ensured survival. About 2012 there is another planetary alignment and this time with an added bonus - 2 galaxies line up as well, the gravitational pull will be enormous, it should result in cataclysm. This is why there have been many underground bases and cities built to hold the ruling elite during the cataclysm. If they survive they can clone a new slave workforce and they will have total control from day 1 and Earth will be a slave planet ruled by manifest evil. One should inform themselves about the Lucifer (Cassini) Project and learn about the light show planned for 2011-12, Mother Mary in the Sky, the attempt will be to ignite Saturn into a SECOND SUN. (Saturnia was the original name of Rome) In 2007 it seems of little likelihood that the masses will wake up to the control, therefore our only hope is the cataclysm around 2012 will break the power structure and we must hope that in the future there will never be allowed a group allowed to establish a monetary system wherein they create fictional money and enslave the people. Someone must survive to pass this on to future generations. We will see more evidence in the next few years of the emergence from hiding of these ancient bloodlines, they will appear incongruous when they openly reveal their true allegiance in the early years of the 21st century leading into the endtimes. They intend to microchip the population, anyone who is not a willing participant in their religion (control/belief system) will have their chip turned off, or terminated using the technology of the microchip. As Edgar Cayce predicted - "Atlantis Must Rise Again", this is the re-establishment of the central point-one religion-one government control of the slaves by the ruling elite.

Greg is back with Professor Eric Jon Phelps with a History Series on the Vatican and Jesuit Order. Exposing the Hidden History of the Vatican and the Jesuits - Related Website: Vatican Assassins Have a look at the latest - Confessions 29,30 & 31

(MP3: University of Hidden History - Jesuits 101 - Part One - Hour 2) Right click -> Save As University of Hidden History - Jesuits 101 - Part One - Hour 2 Prof Eric Jon Phelps [click guests name to list other shows]

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