Online Doctor Appointment System

August 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Short Description

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Onl nliine Do Doct ctor or Ap Appo poin intm tmen entt Sy Syst stem em

Submitted By:

Under the Supervision of:

Md. Babul Hossen

Md. Shamsuzzaman

ID: 1109004

Assistant Professor

Registration No: 000002400

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur

Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur







Existing System


Literature Review



Tools Use Used d System Architecture


Development Methodology Use Case


Activity Diagram


Databa Dat abase se Design Design


Result Res ultss & Ove Overvie rview w


Limitations Limitat ions & Futur Futuree Enhanc Enhancement ement




Introduction 

It is a web based system where patient can appoint doctor easily.

Manage appointment appointment schedule and time.

Admin supervise all the activities.


Objective  To design & develop a system for Doctor

Appointment.  To ensure ensure e easier asier,, reliable reli able

appointmentt services. appointmen

and faster


Existing System

 

Manual appointment process Over time consumed

More difficulties


Literature Review Literature 

Web-based appointment system by integrating with Intelligent System techniques. 

Doctor can schedule check the patient’s patient’s requests, requests, manage the appointment 

The system consists of appointment, registration, registration, data management, data backup and recovery. 

Must have ID and password to log-in before before making any appointment. 

Role of agent is to manage information in databases.


Tools Used HTML,



Jav JavaSc aScrip riptt


for database

Su Subl blim imee

Tex extt




The System Architecture


Developmentt Methodology Developmen 

Use incremental incremental method.

Breakin Bre aking g the project project into into sma smaller ller segme segments. nts.

Various parts of the system are developed at

different times or rates. 

Mini-Waterfall development of individual

increments of the system. 

Integrated as they are completed.


Use Case


Activ Ac tivity ity Di Diagr agram am


Database Dat abase Design & Table Relat Relation ion


Results and Overview Screenshot Of Homepage


Results and Overview (continued..) Screenshot Of Login & Sign UP Pag Page e


Results and Overview (continued..) Screenshot Of Available Schedule Date


Results and Overview (continued..) Screenshot Of Appointment Time Page


Results and Overview (continued..) Screenshot Of Edit Profile Page


Limitations And Future Enhancement

Lacking of generating patient’s reports

SMS notificatio notifications ns can be imple implement mented ed

Payment method should be integrated

Needs automation with more intelligence  Interactive user’s features can be figured out 



Totally otally online-ba online-based sed system. system.

Simple platform for doctor and patient

Managed time both for doctor and patient

Overall Overa ll it satisfi satisfies es the the social social needs


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