One Page Dungeon Crawl

March 30, 2017 | Author: Damian Secol | Category: N/A
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*In a responsible manner that does not involve driving.

Damian Secol (order #5719140)

Damian Secol (order #5719140)

Damian Secol (order #5719140)

One Page Dungeon Crawl Written and Illustrated by Aaron Frost Edited and Original Concept by Mundi King This work is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License While we are proud to present the following One Page Dungeon Contest 2013 submissions in their origninal form, their inclusion in this work does not indicate endorsement by the respective creators. The works are included, and built upon, through the Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

The Iron Cloud by Caelum Roberts Trouble’s Root by Fraser Nelund TheWitch’s Hut by Kevin Flynn The Giant’s Dollhouse by Jens Thuresson

Contents: Setup....................... ........................ 1 OPDC 2013 The Iron Cloud................ 2 OPDC 2013 Trouble’s Root................4 OPDC 2013 The Witch’s Hut..............6 OPDC 2013 Giant’s Dollhouse...........8 OPDC 2013 The Tavern....................10 Endgame/ Rewards ........................ 12

The Tavern at the Edge of the Word by Jim Pacek

Introduction Our challenge was not to create a one page dungeon, but to choose five that already existed and thread them together around the theme of drunken abandon. Before each original OPDC 2013 entry, there is a page that adds some additional set up or suggested changes to the adventures to make them fit the theme. There is also a ”21 and over” section for each adventure for those gaming groups of legal age to drink. While this creates a framework for the players to drink along with the characters, it is by no means an excuse to abandon common sense.

If you and your group are old enough, and like to drink beer, then by all means make it an epic night and see if you can get through all five One Page Dungeons, just do it responsibly and have them crash out at your place. No driving, no stumbling home, and no throwing up on the carpet. Apologies to our international friends for the beer choices that are widely distributed in the United States. It is not from a lack of respect for your favorite beers, but rather a lack of first hand knowledge. As always feel free to substitute your favorites as this is your adventure now (quite literally). Do you hate Sierra Nevada (you bastard!)? Let us know what beers you would have used over at the RandomWizard blog. -Cheers

Damian Secol (order #5719140)


seems ideally suited to aid him. Not unlike his favorite brews, he too has grown increasingly obscure and has become diminished. Rucchus will offer a quest to the characters. Its completion will serve as an act of tribute and help restore a modicum of the minor gods former glory. Spread far and wide throughout the realms, there are five of the greatest libations every consumed that are now all but forgotten. The characters must travel far and wide (sorry, but I just have to clarify that the image to the left is wearing a leaf to preserve his modesty. It is not my interpretation of what a satyr penis/ scrotum would look like) and drink their fill of each. The various brews must be consumed in a specific order. The first is Iron Cloud Stout, which is quite literally from another genre altogether. It can be found within the once great flying fortress drifting aimlessly in the sand wastes. The second beverage is rare Hobgoblin ale which can be (sorry to interrupt again, but this one time I drew an orc assassin on the cover of “Meckwick’s Challenge” which virtually no one ever saw, but this one guy kept insisting that she was topless, and I was like, “no, she is not topless, she is wearing a black bikini top- thing and besides I’m pretty sure orc women have nipples too”, and he was like “the black is meant to be shadows to hide her nipples” and I was thinking “ I drew the fucking thing, If I wanted her to be topless I would have drawn nipples which I can, um, draw.” And he was like “Still, she seems kind of topless.”) found near the town of Edgewood. The local Blacksmith can be of assistance.

Take some time to read through each of the adventures before play begins. An effort has been made to link them together, and having prior knowledge of how each of the One Page Dungeon Entries can work together will help preserve some sense of “gonzocontinuity”. The characters are gathered at a favorite tavern when they are invited to join a mysterious figure in that ominous table in the shadowy corner that no good every comes from. An ale is waiting for each character, and the mysterious figure, a Satyr, beckons then to join him. He informs them that he is non other than Rucchus (/rukus/), a lesser god of fermentation including various cheeses but also, and most importantly, obscure and difficult to find beers. And brawling, but he doesn’t go into that part so much.

Witch’s mead can be found within a hut deep within “the peat bog” (assuming there is just one). Botherhill lager has become unavailable since Botherhill himself has gone missing after stumbling into a hillside forest. Once the characters have imbibed these four, they should travel to the Tavern (at the Edge of the World) where ( so, just to be clear..NOT A GOAT PENIS.) Rucchus will share a pint of Goatfist Ale. Of course he promises them glory and a magical tankard that refills itself.

Rucchus has a small problem, and the party

Damian Secol (order #5719140)

The Iron Cloud

Original “One Page Dungeon Contest” 2013 entry was submitted by Caelum Roberts

On the third level of the ruined metal airship there is a room that is occupied by androids playing a knife game, better known as “stabscotch”.

able to make this an automatic success. The second space to be attacked is the space between the thumb and pointer finger. This space is relatively large as well, and a bonus to hit should be applied. The third attack, and every “odd” attack is at the large space on the outside of the thumb, so these attacks could “hit” automatically.

The androids are consuming liberal amounts of “Iron Cloud Stout”, a futuristic libation in which the foam seems to pour ever-downward within the mug. This effect has been achieved by the addition of the mutagen-causing gasses that can be found throughout the empty spaces of the airship within inflated cells.

The fourth, sixth, and eighth attacks are more challenging, with the difficulty increasing by “two” for each of these attacks.

The androids (01, 02, and 03) are a friendly enough bunch, and will invite the characters to join their game.

The tenth space to hit is the outside of the pinky finger, and then the back to the outside of the thumb for number eleven. Treat this attack as automatic as well.


21 and Over: Use Guinness Extra Stout for

In order to play, the character is given a mug of stout and must drink heartily before attempting to sink a knife between their fingers and into the metal table. This can be represented by making eleven “attacks” at the spaces near the fingers. The first space to be attacked is the large area on the outside of the thumb. This space should be relatively easy to hit, and it would not be unreasonDamian Secol (order #5719140)

“Iron Cloud Stout”, but you knew that already. Don’t be an idiot and try to pass this challenge as a “player” with a real knife. You will fuck up your table and probably your hand. Friends and paladins do not let friends (or other paladins) drink and drive. Not even a 4x4 Mitsubishi van.

Damian Secol (order #5719140)

Trouble’s Root

Original “One Page Dungeon Contest” 2013 entry was submitted by Fraser Nelund

room 17 with an arrow. The note simply states:

What would it take for you to turn your back on everyone you have ever known, craft weapons and armor for their enemies, and turn a blind eye to the wanton slaughter of your kin? Hobgoblin ale, that’s what.

“Jackhole, This is my week! Stay out of the bog.”

Designated Driver:

The trouble with hobgoblin ale, aside from stripping away one’s humanity, is that it is hard to get. The good news is that the brothers Fairlane know where it is, and a whole lot of pissed off villagers have a rough idea of where to find them.

When the characters emerge victorious from the hobgoblin lair/ weapons factory they will be greeted by android 02, from the Iron Cloud, who will inform them that it is his primary function to provide safe conveyance for impaired personnel. He will offer to bring them to their personal living quarters, but can be easily tricked into taking the party to the next dungeon location in the 4WD Mitsubishi van .

In the original One Page Dungeon Contest (OPDC) entry, there are three barrels of Hobgoblin Ale at location 7 on the map. This is not very deep into the dungeon, and the party could, very easily, avoid most of it. Let’s change that. In room seven, there is a note laying on the floor with the following message:

21 and Over: Use Sierra Nevada Pale Ale for

“hobgoblin ale”, and possibly Goldschlager if you want to simulate a “living metal” drink and want to hasten the inevitable vomiting. Don’t be an idiot and assume your group of players needs to consume three actual kegs of beer here. This is only dungeon 2/5. Pace yourselves jackholes! In other words, drink responsibly and give your keys to the android.

“Assface, Have the boys move the barrels of ale to my forge before I get back from the peat bog.” A second note can be found pinned to the door of Damian Secol (order #5719140)

 This is the hideout of the brothers Fairlane. As young adults their tendencies to excess and eccentricity rendered them pariahs. They struck out to make their fortunes through logging darkwood. In time they chanced upon a grove of trees more fantastic still. John, who was an apprentice blacksmith, and Jarret, a ranger, developed a relationship with a hobgoblin tribe. The brothers trade their unique wares for supplies, booze and protection. Hobgoblin raids have victimized the brothers’ hometown. The blacksmith, to whom John was apprenticed, recognized the Fairlane’s craftsmanship on the body of a fallen attacker. The Approach A grove of odd trees stands above the dungeon. PCs in the know will recognize darkwood and the species that produces living steel amongst them. Stumps indicate a recent culling of the grouping. Inspection reveals sawdust and tracks leading to the hideout. During the evening two columns of smoke rise from the hideout: one from the kitchen (5), a larger plume belches from the forge (18). 2 hobgoblins patrol the surrounding area, day and night. Notes Doors are iron bound oak unless otherwise noted. Secret doors are expertly crafted of sliding stone. Living steel is incredibly hard and regenerates itself if damaged. 1. Shallow cave. The rock is roughly hewn, otherwise unremarkable. A lone hobgoblin guards stands guard. 2. Foyer. The doors leading north from this room are covered with leather and fit snugly into their frames. A pressure plate (activation lever located in the mess hall) causes the four nearby secret doors to slide open, releasing the swarms from the side rooms. 3. Alcove. This room contains several fetid animal carcasses. A spider swarm streams out of the carnage and through any open doorways to attack the PCs. 4. Alcove. As room 3. 5. Mess hall. Contains 2 tables 16 chairs and 5 hobgoblins. A galley kitchen, vented to the surface, extends from the southeast corner of the room. If the hobgoblins have heard the PCs three of them will run to room 6, arm themselves with longbows and make use of the arrow slits in the wall between rooms 5 and 6. The remaining two will knock over a table and block the PC’s path to room 6 while yelling for support from the sleeping quarters (8). If the hobgoblins are unaware of the PCs, they are caught eating, sitting around one of tables in the room. They will raise the alarm and attack the PCs in hand-to-hand combat.

the dungeon, hoping to find protection behind the ogres (15).

6. Armory. The room holds 5 longbows and 200 arrows, 3 suits of chainmail are hung on the Northern wall, 2 battleaxes, 5 longspears, a small halberd and small short sword lie in a pile in the southwestern corner.

10. Office. A large desk and several chairs sit in the center. Inside the desk are various ledgers denoting arrow and armor production. Several lengths of darkwood lay along the southern wall. If unwarned the ranger and his hobgoblin lackey are reviewing orders at the desk when the PCs arrive.

7. Store room. 100 days worth of trail rations sit on shelves along the western wall. 3 bottles of fine wine and bread, cured meats, nuts and berries line the north wall’s shelves. 3 kegs of beer sit in the northeast corner, concealing a small hole where the northern and eastern wall meet the floor. Within are 2 healing potions and a rare bottle of whiskey.

11. Workshop. The ranger creates darkwood weapons here. Lathes, knifes and other tools of the craft lay scattered over his workbench, alongside an unfinished bow. A darkwood longspear leans against the eastern wall.

8. Hobgoblin quarters. There are 15 cots. 5 are occupied. If roused by a commotion in the mess hall (5) the 5 hobgoblins arm themselves and rush to join the fray.

12. Passageway. The long narrow passage ends at a hole in the ground. Still water lies 60 feet below the lip of the opening. 13. Ranger’s quarters. Plants abound, potted and rooted in piles of dirt strewn about the room. There is a bed of pine boughs in the middle of the room. Two orbs shine from above; they feel like sunlight on the skin. A barrel sits atop a table in the northeast corner of the room, a watering pail beside it. In the bottom of the water barrel is the severed head of an ettin.

9. Hallway. The hallway’s walls are smoothly carved. The ceiling is riddled with holes, about 2 inches in diameter. The floor is flagstone. Several stones are trapped. Pressure plates trigger arrows from above. If the alarm has been raised this is where Jarret the ranger and his hobgoblin attendant (10) will attack the PCs. Jarret will cast spells to slow them and loose arrows from his darkwood bow until he is badly hurt. He will then order his guard to remain whilst he flees deeper into

14. Anteroom. The northwest corner of this room falls away. A PC falling with it lands in the well (12).

15. Root cellar. Roots intrude from the 20-foot high ceiling. Some hang far enough down to have implanted themselves into the piles of dirt and scraps on the floor, most dangle above the poorly leveled floor. The longer roots are planted in piles of dirt, metal shavings and sawdust. Two ogres labor here, arranging and lengthening the roots. They have used their axes to begin pulverizing several sections of trunk strewn about the room. The entire room is difficult terrain and occupants must check each turn to avoid entanglement. 16. Corridor. The walls, ceiling and floor are smooth, carved stone. The ogres’ labors have produced 4 sacks of living steel, which lay against the western wall. 17. Blacksmith’s quarters. There is a neatly made up cot, a small table and a chair. A living steel breastplate hangs from the northern wall. A suit of living steel chainmail is hidden in the mattress. 18. Forge. John the blacksmith works here, shaping the metal the trees have produced under the ranger’s ministrations into magical arms and armor. A hobgoblin works the bellows. John is unarmored but attacks the PCs with his living steel sledgehammer, still hot from the forge. Masterworked tools and a thick leather apron round out his gear.

released by Fraser Nelund under the Creative Common Attribution-Share Alike 3.0- Damian Secol (order #5719140)

The Witch’s Hut

Original “One Page Dungeon Contest” 2013 entry was submitted by Kevin Flynn

When the players enter the hut, and are amazed by how much bigger it looks on the inside, they will no doubt be drawn to the copper mug filled with mead. In the interest of ignoring temperance, we will assume that the mead will refill itself once placed upon the table, so that there is plenty for everybody. The problem is that the mug is stuck to the table, and the mead within seems solid, although not frozen or cold. The symbols on the table may hold the key to liberating the libation so that it may be used for the forces of good.

one character will wake up in the 4WD Mitsubishi van in the “Iron Cloud” without any possessions or clothing. Android 02 will be with them, and reminds them that the last time they were all together they were pissing over the edge of a hill onto the head of a sleeping giant. Oh, and despite their collective fog head, the players realize they all slept with a hideous witch.

21 and Over: You might get lucky and find mead at a large wine store, but we doubt your players will turn down a honey wheat beer.

Mass Charm:

Once they have recovered the disks and inadvertently triggered the witch, she will appear to the characters as a beautiful princess from a forgotten age. She tells them that she is Amaryllis, the princess of flowers. She will continue to inform them that she was exiled when her sexual exploits brought shame upon her kingdom.

Don’t be an idiot just because you are three adventures in and feeling no pain. While beer (or mead) can make others appear more attractive such as in this cautionary tale-of-an-adventure, it does not, in fact, make you more attractive. Don’t start texting or e-mailing or blog posting, unless it is to us at

She tells them she is down for whatever. The mug will be released, and the mead will flow. Once the characters drink the mead, they will not be able to shake the effects of the mass charm spell. All but Damian Secol (order #5719140)

Instead, focus on the task at hand. A sexy hag is one thing, but we have an overly amorous giant on tap thanks to Jens Thuresson. Drink responsibly.

The Witch’s Hut

Placing your hand into the flames will warm them but cause no injury. Once a player stands in the flames they will be transported to the Cavern of Fire, one at a time.

by Kevin Flynn

They emerge in a large cavern filled with lava and burning rocks. A circle is carved into the rock within which they all stand. Whilst within the circle nothing happens, but once one person leaves it that protection fails. Heat will cause minor damage to everyone, especially those wearing heavy gear or metal armour (double that if they have not taken the winter gear off). On the far side of the cavern is stone pedestal on which is a disc with a flame emblem. Fire elementals will emerge from the lava, or burning rocks will stand up suddenly, sufficient to challenge the party. They need the disc to activate the circle and return to the fireplace. A rumour from the locals suggests that the nearby Witch has been seducing all the men using an amulet that makes her irresistible, even though she is old and ugly. No one is able to stop her as every time they try to act against her she either vanishes inside her hut or seduces all the men. The women of the region will pay to have her removed.

The large bed looks very comfortable and smells subtly of sensuality and sexuality, regardless of race or sex. Everybody must remove the majority of their clothing (only bed clothes) and can carry only what they can comfortably with two hands. They must all climb into the bed and close their eyes. Once they do they will feel a change. When they open their eyes they will be in a dream land filled with long tentacles emerging from the ground, each capped with a single eyeball. The tentacles are 10-15ft tall and wave back and forth as if there is a gentle wind, but there isnt. The tentacles nearest the players will bend to watch them with their eyeballs. The tentacles will fade and re-appear as the players move toward or through them, completely immaterial. Flying eyeballs will sweep through the tentacles periodically making crying noises (like a young child crying) and will shed large tears. If the tears make contact with a player they will inflict minor acid damage, periodic saves to avoid the falling tears. Some 100ft away, floating at the top of a bubbling pillar of water (acid), is a disc with a Z rune on it. The players will be attacked by one or more Eye Lords (Beholders) appropriate for their level. Once they have the disc they will all need to close their eyes to return to the bed.

The witches hut is out on the peat bog, the ground is soft and clings to you, leaving a dark sticky layer over your feet and legs. People in heavy armour will quickly become bogged and unable to move. To advance they must shed the weight (up to GM how far they want to take this). The peat bog has a very gentle wave to it, with small rises and dips, the witch has used this to conceal her hut until you get sufficiently close. A bunch of low growing, spindly trees grow around and through the hut, restricting access except by the main door. The hut itself looks like an upside down birds next, a mass of branches and mud standing some 9feet high at the middle, curving down to give a diameter of some 12 feet. A single entrance, covered by a tattered, multi-layered, dark brown curtain, is the only way in. A gentle yellow light leaks out through small gaps in the curtain. Attempts to enter the hut via any means other than the single entrance will be reflected back on the users, 100% reflection. The entrance will take one man sized person at a time, the layering of the curtain is such that it is not possible to see inside without actually entering, even with a 10ft pole (this is a magical effect).

Once they have all three discs they will need to place them on the appropriate circles on the chair to make the witch appear, at which time she will attack. The witch should enter combat fully buffed and ready to fight. Her first attack will be a mass charm that will target one race of one sex (if they are all human males then they all cop it). This will be a Wisdom type resist, not too hard (average). Failure will mean the target jumps back into bed and waits expectantly. The witch can be treated like a Hag, but adjusted for the power of your group. She will be a clerical caster with access to a few magical attacks spells, curses and lasting afflictions. On her death she will lay a 'dying curse' on the party that will make all their financial transactions for the next year cost 20% more than expected.

As each person enters the hut they will be presented with the inside. The first thing they will notice is that is it much bigger on the inside, being some 20ft high and 30ft wide. The inside is dominated by 4 features - a table in the centre, a large cupboard on the left, a burning fireplace opposite and a king-sized bed on the right. The table has a single chair on the opposing side, which is sitting back from the table as if someone had just stood. On the table is a plate with a half eaten hot meal sitting on it. A copper mug filled with warm mead sits to the side. On the chair seat will be three engravings, each a circle 3 inches across. One circle has a snow flake pattern in it, the other a flame and the last a symbol that looks like the letter Z (a sleep rune).

Once the witch is dead they will be able to search her body and discover a talisman around her neck - a Talisman of Attraction - that will give the wearer a strong positive modifier when using charisma based effects, such as persuade, seduce or negotiate (but not intimidate). However the benefit of this is always on, and not too controllable. When they return to the village women to report the defeat of the witch they may have issues with some of the village women being overly impressed with the wearer.

The cupboard is large, some 8ft high and 6ft wide, with two doors in the top two thirds. The bottom third is a single large draw. Opening the draw will yield as many winter coats as there are players. Opening the doors will result in a freezing gale force wind with snow flakes blowing out of the cupboard and into the room. The wind is coming from within the cupboard but inside is darkness, no amount of light will penetrate the darkness. The players will need to enter the cupboard to face the Yetis. When the first player steps into the cupboard they will emerge into a winter wonderland, and it is freezing cold. If they have not used the winter cloaks they all suffer minor cold damage every round. One hundred feet away is a large tree stump upon which is a small round metal disc (with a snow flake emblem). Immediately the sound of howling will fill the area and an appropriate number of yeti will attack the party, beginning some 100ft away and emerging from the surrounding pine trees. The cupboard cannot be used without the disc. The fire place is large, 6ft high by 6ft wide. A large fire is burning within, coming from a pile of logs. Any attempt to remove the logs or dowse the fire will fail. The fire is shedding heat, but curiously not a burning heat.

Damian Secol (order #5719140)

The Giant’s Dollhouse Original “One Page Dungeon Contest” 2013 entry was submitted by Jens Thuresson

Discoverable Things:

If the players return with android 02, he will warn them that the giant has a transmogrification device capable of increasing the density of organic matter and placing said matter in stasis. (android 02 is immune to the effects of the wand)

- The phrase “Poppelmann has an irrational fear of” has been stroked quickly on the portrait of the giant. The words trail off indicating the artist was turned to stone before she could finish. - The party’s gear in the storage room (f) - A large sack of flour in the kitchen (d) - Artists paints and brushes (these can be really useful if you change the description of Poppelmann’s wand to have a red and blue gem) - Two sheets on the bed and a hidden letter.

Once the characters return from the location where they first encountered and subsequently fled from the giant, they will discover a house carved into the side of a hill. Inside the house they will discover various statues as outlined in the One Page Dungeon. In addition to these poor souls, the characters will discover a “statue” of their missing party member.

Dearest Ser Gallant, I know not of what troubles have delayed your arrival and my release from this dreadful Poppelmann. He turns us into stone using one end of his wand, and then changes us back using the other. There is one thing that you simply must know if you dare to defeat the monster. Oh dear, I seem to have run out of parchment! Hugs, Amaryllis.

One of the statues is the long missing Tendrik Botherhill, a brewer of some renown and known drunkard. Slung across his back, and also turned to stone is a small cask of what must be Botherhill Lager.

The reverse side is blank.

21 and Over: Use Heineken for Botherhill Lager.

Rumbling in the distant hills indicates that the giant is returning to his doll house, and that they probably have about an hour.

Damian Secol (order #5719140)

Don’t be an idiot and allow your players to hurt themselves running around in sheets, covered in flour trying to “LARP” this thing out.


By Jens Thuresson ( IN A NUTSHELL



a aA"xCellar"xWaterxisxcoldxandxbottomless"xEels;xandxsomethingx bigger"x B"x c Lounge"x b Holex inx thex floor"x Thickx hempx rope"x C"x Lotsx ofx shoes"x D"x d Crudex kitchen"x Ladder"x eE"x Diningx room"x f







LADYP DARNTON.Turnedx tox stonex 0//x yearsx agox whilex pickingx mushrooms"xPöppelmannxlikedxherxclothing"xx

Afterxaxnightxinxthexnearbyxforest;xthexplayersxrealisesxthatxonex partyx memberx isx missing"x Pöppelmannx hasx petrifiedx him)herx duringxthexnight;xandxtakenxthexplayerxtoxthexdollhouse"

TENDRIKP BOTHERHILL.x Petrifiedx lastx springx afterx mistakenx thex dollhousexforxaxrealxhome"xNeverxawokextoxhisxhangover"

Thex playersx meetsx onex ofx thex veryx fewx thatx hasx beenx ablex tox fleex fromx PöppelmannPsx dollhouse"x Shex wantsx themx tox rescuex herx sister"x Complication:P Pöppelmannx gotx tiredx ofx herx andx droppedx herx petrifiedx bodyx intox thex waterx below"x Stillx alive;x butxheavyxasxhellv

SISTERPTENDERTEETH.PPaintedxthexportraitxinxthexbedroomx(xandx wasxthenxturnedxtoxstone" PRINCESSP AMARYLLIS. Princess of Flowers;x fromx farx away"x Petrifiedxforxatxleastx8//xyears"xShexsmelledxnice"

Pöppelmannx meetsx thex playersx outx inx thex forest"x Hex triesx tox trickx themx intox believingx thatx touchingx thex rodPsx bluex gemx grantsxthemxaxwish"

COG"x SomeonePsx dog"x Pöppelmannx thoughtx itx wouldx fitx nicelyx inx thex library" URFKP XIQFTP THEP FEARED.x Orcx fromx Brimstone Mountains"x Pöppelmannx toldx himx tox holdx ax trayx andx thenx turnedx himx tox stone;x becausexhexneededxaxwaiterxinxthexdiningxroom"

Damian Secol (order #5719140)




Thesex poorx soulsx canx bex foundx inx variousx positionsx throughoutx thex dollhouse"x Whenx Pöppelmannx tiresx ofx them;x hex oftenx dropsx themx inx thex darkx waterx belowx ö&cellar&xxxxxxxI" xxxxHexmayxalsoxbringxthemxbackxtoxlife;xorderxthemxtox changexpositionxö&Sit! Bend arm! Smile!&I;xonlyxtoxturnx themxtoxstonexagain"



Thex giantx Pöppelmannx lovesx people"x Inx fact;x hex lovesx themxsoxmuchxthatxhePsxmadexhimselfxaxdollhousexinxthex mountainx side;x populatedx withx bothx localsx andx foreignersxhePsxpetrifiedxwithxhisxrod"

ThexgiantPsxrodxisxcarvedxfromxmagicalxpinextree"xTwox large;x bluex gemsx arex tiedx tox eachx end;x onex isx ablex tox turnP peopleP toP stone;x whilex thex otherx reversesx thex process"


The Tavern (


at the Edge of the World Original “One Page Dungeon Contest” 2013 entry was submitted by Jim Pacek

Once the party arrives at the “full to capacity” Tavern they will find Rucchus waiting for them at the small round table in the top left corner of the illustration above. They will enjoy a round of the house brew to celebrate the conclusion of their legendary journey to the Tavern (at the edge of the world). Rucchus will warn them to prepare themselves for what is undoubtedly the greatest of all rare brews. He beckons Jasila, and orders a pint of Goatfist Ale for each party member.

Cut Off (at the edge of the world):

Jasila will refuse to serve the party, as they have obviously had too much to drink already and the Tavern (at the edge of the world) does not want to assume any liability. Rucchus becomes incensed, and hurls a table with such force that it smashes through the circular wall. The Efreet cries out in pain and offers: “ I am only moderately injured. We don’t need more trouble.” A full scale melee breaks out at this point, with patrons engaging one another as well as the party. The door from the dark hallway flings open, and a group of Illithids spills out, followed by a Damian Secol (order #5719140)

Goblin War Band all chained together, eager to join the fray. If the players acquired Cog the dog from The Giant’s Dollhouse, he will aid them in the fight. Cog has that annoying ability to sense what the players are thinking and will act as an NPC that they can control through meta-game commands. Androids 01, 02, and 03 will also be present and will fight on the side of the characters using their high density stabbing knives despite ready access to all manner of futuristic firearms back at The Iron Cloud. U’rk Xiq’t will aid the characters in order to pay down the blood debt owed to them for rescuing him from Poppelmann. (If they did)

21 and Over: What choice do we really have here other than to use Pabst Blue Ribbon for Goatfist Ale?

At this point, being an idiot is highly encouraged. Aside from driving.



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