Description : the one page dungeon compendium from 2014...
Compilation and Layout by Aaron Frost Organizer: Random Wizard Judges: Ernie Gygax & Benoist Poire - Steve Winter Brendan S - Martin Thomas - Daniel Collins - Sean K Reynlds -
Precis Intermedia - Goodman Games - Wayne's Books Engine Publishing - Rogue Games - Sine Nomine Publishing Pinnacle Entertainment Group - Pelgrane Press ProFantasy Software - Gygax Magazine Steve Jackson Games - Autarch - Hex Games Rogue Genius Games - Goblinoid Games Eric Harshbarger - Paizo Each dungeon is released under the Creative Commons Share-alike 3.0 unported License Cover Image Camelot-spire by Michael Richards/ CC BY 3.0
Adam Watts - The Thirteenth Dancer............................................1 Alex Hitchen - The Ballad of The Bonny Bards Booty................. 2 Alex Schroeder - How to Start a Campaign.................................. 3 Alex Ward - Vampires and Werewolves........................................ 4 Alex Welk - The Resurrection of the Bastine................................ 5 Aljoscha Krawulsky - The Temple of Blood and Wine................. 6 Andrew Aultman and Alaric and Robin McKenzie Boone - Medusa's Safe House........................................................ 7 Andrew and Heleen Durston - The Tower of Jade........................ 8 AnomieCoalition - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall............................. 9 Barry E. Pace - Haunted Treehouse............................................10 J. T. Seusoff - The Vaults of Hunger............................................. 11 Bob Brinkman - The Lair of Cruxis the Cryomancer..................12 Brad Black - Baphomet's Basement............................................13 bygrinstow - Den of the Dreamers................................................14 Chris Coski - The Devil's Teapot..................................................15 Chris Salmon - The Wizard Returns............................................16 Christian Hollnbuchner - The Book of True Names....................17 Christian Stiehl - The Shrine to the Stars Between.....................18 Daniel Dean - Tower of the Fox`...................................................19 Daniel O'Donnell - The Witch of the Well.................................. 20 Darcy Perry - Beneath Castle Blackhawk...................................21 Darren Bellisle - The Devil's Pitchfork...................................... 22 Dave Zajac - Slave Hold of the Ogre Mage.................................. 23 David Dolph - The Mad Gnome and the Earthquake Machine... 24 David Dudka - The Scepter of Yolacha....................................... 25 Dustin Andrews - Conspiracies and Capers................................ 26 Edward Lockhart - Little Devils................................................... 27 Eran Aviram - The Burden......................................................... 28
Eric Potter - Church of the Wicked Generation.......................... 29 Francisco Javier Barrera - The Tower of Nicanor..................... 30 Gabriel Pickard & Alex Morgan - The Lair of Putzuputzu.........31 G. Clough - The Dungeon of ClockWerk..................................... 32 greyface - Lair of the Winter Wyrm............................................ 33 Grzegorz Gacek - Wunnibad's Tomb.......................................... 34 Guilherme Paredes - The Refuge of the Necromancer............... 35 Gus L - Thunderhead Manse........................................................ 36 Gwendolyn A. Potter - Ponies Candy Square Dungeon............. 37 Heikki Hallamaa - Robbing Waldgraves..................................... 38 Henson Smith - The Druid's Mound............................................ 39 Heron Prior - Day of the Swine................................................... 40 Herr Zinnling - Dungeon Number One........................................41 Hugo Gil - The Shrine of the Crystal Sorcerer............................ 42 J Benjamin Wilson - The Titan's Torment................................. 43 James Hirst - A Barrel of Fun: A Mad Dash............................. 44 James Hunter-Shortland - In the Vault of the Howling Palace.. 45 James M. Zoshak - The Hex of Agony......................................... 46 James Rodway - The Haunted Monestary................................... 47 Jamieson Mulash - A Deadly Catch............................................ 48 Jason Howard - Hunting Party and the Dragon's Den.............. 49 Jayson "Rocky" Gardner - The Olde Inn..................................... 50 Jeff C. Caird - Infinite Adventures.................................................51 Joe Pruitt - Follow the Gold.......................................................... 52 Jim "Wilmanric" Pacek - Castile de Zela.................................... 53 John Enfield - Castle Dungeon..................................................... 54 John Warner - Seas, Scales, and Skulls...................................... 55 Jon Godwinz - Pozodroni's Para-dimensional Labyrinth......... 56 Jordi Diest - Temple of the Siren.................................................. 57
Jorgen Niemi - The Endiri Incident............................................. 58 Joseph Bloch - The Black Lake................................................... 59 Joshua Jones - DireBriars............................................................ 60 Katarina Bozanic - Bioprospecting Report No. 976....................61 Ken Moore - The Tower in the Ice................................................ 62 Kiel Chenier - Peril of the Fat Princess....................................... 63 Lee Barber - Caravansary of the Flind's Cistern........................ 64 Lorenzo Santini - The Revenge of Xarr-Zuul............................ 65 Matthew Maranda - Forgotten Temple of Hades......................... 66 Matthew Adams - The Long Fall................................................. 67 Michael and Mathew Iantorno - Galiron's Gauntlet................... 68 Michael Atlin & Michael Prescott - Stellarium of the Vinteralf.. 69 Michael Dinolfo - Syndrome........................................................ 70 Michael Terlisner - The Temple of Friends..................................71 Michael Wenman - The Astral Prison of Urash Mhyrr.............. 72 Mike Monaco - The Pit................................................................. 73 Mikolaj Boc - Essidel's Stronghold.............................................. 74 Nate Marcel - Outlaw Camp in the Prehistoric Shrine of the Mermen Maiden...................................................... 75 Niklas Nylund - Escape From the Halls of Madness................... 76 Oisin Brennan - Lair of the Black Dragon Cult......................... 77 P. Aaron Potter - The Crucible.................................................... 78 Paul Hughes - The Great Stag..................................................... 79 Peter 8 Rad Games - Well of Souls.............................................. 80 Peter von Bleichert - Shambler's Mound.....................................81 PJ Cunningham - Amid the Reaper's Scattered Bones............. 82 P. J. Lee - Calvin's Ford............................................................... 83 Stephen Boney - Stupa of the Space Sorcerer............................ 84 Ramsey Hong - The Crimson Maelstrom.................................... 85
Rafal "Ninetongues" Sadowski - The Shattered Temple............ 86 Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. - The Hanging Garden.......................... 87 Roger SG Sorolla - The Forbidden Steam Tunnels of Emesh Yuu................................................................................ 88 Roland Volz - Oracle Caves......................................................... 89 Rusty Gerard - The Insidious Library of Niltras......................... 90 Sadhbh Brennan - Magic Dungeon..............................................91 Scott Slomiany - Void................................................................... 92 Sean Kennedy - The Church on Skull Hill.................................. 93 Sean Loftiss - Bloodberries.......................................................... 94 Sersa Victory - The Hexed Cradle................................................ 95 Shane Siebert - The House of Eternal Mercy.............................. 96 Shane Ward - Assault on the Thieve's Guild.............................. 97 Simon Forster - Song of the Black Rose..................................... 98 S.D. Hilderbrand & Leo Monaghan - The Tomb of Athganazar.99 Tad Davis - Into the Lycans Den................................................ 100 Terrordactyl - The Derelict......................................................... 101 Tim Shorts - The Adventure Funnel...........................................102 Timm Woods - The War of the Wolf..........................................103 Tom Doolan - The Path of Devenor............................................104 Vance Atkins - The Pyramid of Esslor.......................................105 Vlastimil Valluch - Blood Mansion............................................ 106 Will Doyle - Island of the Lizard God..........................................107 Will Russell - Gruknok's Shifting Labyrinth............................108 Wordman - Murky Dealings.......................................................109
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