Old-School Essentials - Cleric and Magic-User Spells v0.4 PDF

December 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Cleric and Magic-User Spells


Early Release PDF Gavin here with a ew notes on this PDF. Tis is a pre-release PDF or Kickstarter backers and pre-order customers. ▶  Some artwor artwork k is prese present, nt, but you you’ll ’ll see many grey boxes where more art is to come. ▶  Te text text itsel itsel is finis finished hed and and complet complete. e. ▶  Over the comi coming ng mon months, ths, I’ll periodically update the PDFs with the latest artwork. You’ll get a notification that a file in your library at DriveTruRPG has been updated, and will be able to download the new version.

Proofreading Feedback When you’re reading this book or using it in your games, i you notice anything that seems wrong, please let me know!  I  I won’t be sending the books bo oks off to the printers until September-ish, so there’s plenty o time or any remaining sneaky errors to be fixed. Te ollowing points are especially o interest: ▶  ypos: Obviously, I’ve run the text through a spell checker, but typos can still sneak in. ▶  Layout errors: Wrong page reerences? Erroneous or inconsistent ormatting? ▶  Unclear wording: I’ve put great effort (with the help o many prooreaders!) into making the rules easy to understand, but who knows, maybe new sets o eyes e yes on the text will notice something that could be made clearer. ▶  Rules accuracy: For those readers who are amiliar with the 1980s B/X rules, r ules, please keep an eye out! Our aim is or the content cont ent o this book to be a direct clone o the original B/X rules—except where noted in the Author’s Notes docume document nt.. I you spot anything that rings alarm bells, please let me know.

Change Log As successive versions o this PDF are published, I’m keeping a record o what’s changed between versions versions.. You can view it here online.

Contact Tese are the best ways to get in touch: ▶  Kickstarter message: https://www. kickstarter.com/projects/necroticgnome/ old-school-essentials ▶  Email:  [email protected] ▶  MeWe: https://mewe.com/join/necrotic_gnome I you’re getting in touch with eedback about the books, please note in your message which book you’re reerring to, along with the page number (i applicable).

Enjoy! I wish you all much enjoyment with these PDFs in the interim, beore the books are finalised.


Cleric and Magic-User Spells

 pre-release  pre-re lease v0.4

Writing, editing, layout: Gavin Norman Cover art: Andrew Walter Interior art: Michael Clarke, Per Gradin, om Kilian, Kyle Latino, Mark Lyons, Tomas Novosel, Stean Poag, Sean Poppe, Rachel Quinlan, Matthew Ray, Luka Rejec, Peter Saga, Johannes Stahl ext and design © Gavin Norman 2019. Cover illustration © Andrew Walter 2019. Illustrations on p. 12, 13, 25 © Michael Clarke 2019; on p. 42–43 © Per Gradin 2019; on p. 18 © om Kilian 2019; on p. 6 © Kyle Latino 2019; on p. 48 © Mark Lyons 2019; on p. 11, 23 © homas Novosel Novosel 2019; on p. 14–15, 41 © Stean Poag 2019; on p. 47 © Sean Poppe 2019; on p. 20–21 © Rachel Quinlan 2019; on p. 16 Matthew Ray 2019; on p. 1, 2, 36 © Luka Rejec 2019, on p. 26 © Peter Saga 2019; on p. 19, 24, 2 4, 33 © Johannes Stahl 2019. Dimitri © Fontalicious – Derivative Versions © Font Bros. – www.ontbros.com. Economica © ipoype – Derivative Versions © Font Bros. – www.ontbros.com.


Table of Contents Introduction Cleric Spells Magic-User Spells Required Books

Cleric Spell List Magic-User Magic-U ser Spell List Cleric Spells 1st Level Spells 2nd Level Spells 3rd Level Spells 4th Level Spells 5th Level Spells


3 3 3 3

6 7 10 10 12 14 16 18

Magic-User Magic-U ser Spells


1st Level Spells 2nd Level Spells 3rd Level Spells 4th Level Spells 5th Level Spells 6th Level Spells

22 25 28 30 33 38

Open Game License Index o Spells

44 46

Old-School Essentials is a trademark o Necrotic Gnome. Tis product is released under the terms o the Open Game License Version Version 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizar Wizards ds o the Coast, C oast, Inc.


Introduction Cleric Spells

Clerical spells range rom  rom the humble to the indispensable to the miraculous. Te spells cover the ollowing main areas: ▶  Healing: Te most undamental clerical spells are those with the ability to heal. Indeed, these spells are very ofen the primary reason adventuring parties seek out clerics to join their ranks! Any adventurer with the humble 1st level cure light wounds memorized wounds memorized is a major boon to their companions, able to restore lost hit points. Higher level spells grant the ability to cure diseases and poisons. Te most powerul clerical healing magic can even return the deceased to lie. ▶  Deence: Te secondary role o clerical magic lies in protection against harmul environments and warding o evil orces. Low-level spells can conjure light in dark places or make spoiled ood sae to eat. Higher-level Higher -level spells can unravel baneul enchantments and banish great enchantments g reat evils. ▶  Divination: Finally, the cleric spell list eatures a wide range o spells that bestow knowledge o that which is hidden. Low level spells grant the ability to detect magic, traps, and evil intent. More powerul spells allow communication communication with animals and plants, locating lost objects, and even direct communio communion n with deities!

Heritage Te material presented in this book represents a 100% aithul restatement o the cleric and magic-user spells rom the classic Basic / Expert game.

Magic-User Spells

Magic-user spells range rom the utilitarian to the flashy. Te spells cover the ollowing main areas: ▶  Offence: Te most iconic magic-user spells are those that harm or incapacitate enemies. From the ability to cause large groups o creatures to all into an instant slumber, to mid-level spells that can paralyse, incinerate, or electriy oes, to greater magicks that can kill outright, disintegrate, or turn to stone. In an ad venturingg party,  venturin party, a magic-user’s magic-user’s offensive offensive spells are invaluable or their ability to instantly deeat large groups o enemies. ▶  Misdirection: Secondary is the role o spells o deceit and misdirection. At all levels, the magic-user spell list includes magicks to conjure illusions, to charm the unwitting, unwit ting, and to baffle the senses. ▶  Movement: Finally, the magic-user spell list eatures a wide range o spells that enable or prevent movement. From barring or opening doors, to carrying heavy loads, to granting the power o flight, to conjuring barriers o energy.

Required Books Core Rules: Te basic rules or magic, spell casting, and spell books are ound in Old-School Essentials Core Rules. Rules. Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules: Te descriptions o the cleric, magic-user, and el classes are ound in Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules. Rules. 3


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Cleric Spell List 1st Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Cure Li Light Wo Wounds (Cause Lt. Wounds) Detect Evil Detect Magic Light (Darkness) Protection r rom Ev Evil Puriy Food and Water Remove Fear (Cause Fear) Resist Cold

2nd Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Bless (Blight) Find raps Hold Person Know Al Alignment Resist Fire Silence 15’ Radius Snake Charm Speak with Animals

3rd Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Continual Light (Continual Darkness) Cure Disease (Cause Disease) Growth o Animal Locate Object Remove Curse (Curse) Striking

4th Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Create Water Cure Se Serrious Wounds (Cause Sr. Wounds) Neutralize Poison Protec ecti tio on r rom Evi Evill 10’ 10’ Ra Radi dius us Speak with Plants Sticks to Snakes

5th Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Commune Create Food Dispel Evil Insect Plague Quest (Remove Quest) Raise Dead (Finger of Death)

Reversible Spells Te name o the reversed version o a spell is listed in parentheses afer the name o the standard version o the spell. See  Magic   in Core  in Rules or details on Rules or casting reversed spells.



Magic-User Spell List 1st Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Charm Person Detect Magic Floating Disc Hold Portal Light (Darkness) Magic Missile Protection rom Evil Read Languages Read Magic Shield Sleep Ventriloquism

2nd Level

4th Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Charm Monster Conusion Dimension Door Growth o Plants Hallucinatory errain Massmorph Polymorph Others Polymorph Sel   Remove Curse (Curse) Wall o Fire Wall o Ice Wizard Eye

5th Level

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Continual Light (Continual Darkness) Detect Evil Detect Invisible ESP Invisibility   Knock   Levitate Locate Object Mirror Image Phantasmal Force

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Animate Dead Cloudkill Conjure Elemental Contact Higher Plane Feeblemind Hold Monster Magic Jar Pass-Wall elekinesis eleport

11. 12.

Web Wizard Lock  

11. 12.

ransmute Roc ock k to Mud (Mud to Rock) Wall o Stone

3rd Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Clairvoyance Dispel Magic Fire Ball Fly   Haste Hold Person Inravision Invisibility 10’ Radius

9. 10.. 10 11.. 11 12.

Lightning Bolt Pro Pr ote tect ctio ion n r ro om Evi vill 10 10’’ Ra Radi dius us Pro Pr ote tect ctio ion n r rom No Norm rmal al Mi Miss ssil iles es Water Br Breathing

6th Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Anti-Magic Sh Shell Control Weather Death Spell Disintegrate Geas (Remove Geas) Invisible Stalker Lower Water Move Earth Part Water Projected Im Image Reincarnation Stone to Flesh (Flesh to Stone)



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Cleric Spells Detect Magic

1st Level Spells Cure Light Wounds Duration: Instant Range: Te caster or a creature touched

Tis spell has two uses 1. Healing a living subject: Restores 1d6+1 hit points o damage. Tis cannot grant more hit points than the subject’sparalysis: normal maximum.  Paralysing effects 2. Curing are negated.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Cause Light Wounds Inflicts 1d6+1 hit points o damage to a touched creature. In combat, a melee attack roll is required.

Detect Evil Duration: 6 turns Range: 120’

Objects enchanted enchanted or evil purposes purp oses or living beings with evil e vil intentions are caused to magically glow. ▶  Intent only: Tis spell does not grant the ability to read minds, but only grants a general sense o evil intent. ▶  Definition o evil: Te reeree must decide what is “evil”. Some things that are potentially harmul, like traps, are not “evil.”


Duration: 2 turns Range: 60’

Enchanted objects, areas, or creatures are caused to glow. Both permanent and temporary enchantments are revealed.

Light Duration: 12 turns Range: 120’

Tis spell has three usages: 1. Conjuring light: In a 15’ radius. Te magical light is sufficient or reading, but is not as bright as daylight. Te spell may be cast upon an object, in which case, the light moves with the object. 2. Blinding a creature: By casting the spell upon its eyes. I the target ails a saving throw versus spells, it is blinded or the duration. A blind creature cannot attack. 3. Cancelling darkness: Light  may  may cancel a darkness darkness spell  spell (see below).

Reversed: Rev ersed: Darkness Creates a 15’ radius area o magical blackness, preventing normal sight (but not inravision). Like light , it may alternatively be used to blind creatures or to dispel a light  spell.  spell.


Protection from Evil

Remove Fear

Duration: 12 turns Range: Te caster

Duration: 2 turns Range: Te caster or a creature touched

Tis spell wards the caster rom attacks by creatures o another alignment, as ollows: ▶  Bonuses: Te caster gains a +1 bonus

Te creature touched is calmed and purged o ear. Magically induced ear may be dispelled, but this requires the subject to make a saving throw versus

to saving throws against attacks or special abilities o affected creatures. ▶  Affected creatures’ attacks: Against the caster are penalised by –1. ▶  Enchanted, constructed, or summoned creatures: Te spell additionally prevents such creatures rom attacking the caster in melee, though they may still make ranged attacks. I the caster engages such a creature in melee, this t his protection is broken (the caster still gains the save

spells . Te is modified by +1 per level o the save caster.

and attack bonuses mentioned above).

rom cold, as ollows: ▶  Normal cold: Unharmed by non-magical reezing  reezing temperatures. temperatures. ▶  Save bonus: Gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws versus cold-based magical or breath attacks. ▶  Cold-based damage: Is reduced by 1 point per damage die rolled. (Each die inflicts a minimum o 1 hit point damage.)

Purify Food and Water Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: 10’

Tis spell makes spoiled, rotten, poisonous, or otherwise contamina contaminated ted ood and water pure and suitable or eating and drinking. One o the ollowing may be affected: ▶  Drink: 6 quarts. ▶  Rations: One trail ration (iron or standard). ▶  Unpreserved ood: A quantity sufficient or 12 human-sized beings.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Cause Fear Will cause a target within 120’ to flee or the duration unless it saves versus spells.

Resist Cold Duration: 6 turns Range: 30’

All creatures within range are protected



2nd Level Spells Bless Duration: 6 turns Range: 60’

May be used in one o two situations: 1. Battle: Allies within a 20’ square area who are not yet in melee gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and a +1 bonus to morale. 2. Ritual: Casting bless may also orm part o rituals o purification or consecration, at the reeree’s discretion.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Blight Incurs a –1 penalty to morale checks, attacks rolls, and damage rolls o enemies within 20’ square save versus spells isa allowed to area. resistAthe blight  .

Find Traps Duration: 2 turns Range: 30’

rapped objects or areas within range o the caster glow with a magical blue light. ▶  Magical and mechanical traps: Are both detected. ▶  No knowledge: About the nature o the trap or how to deactivate it is granted.

Hold Person Duration: 9 turns Range: 180’

Tis spell causes one or more humans, demihumans, or humanoid monsters to be paralysed i they ail a saving throw  versus spells. It may be cast in two ways: 1. Against an individual:  Te saving throw is penalised bytarget’s –2. 2. Against a group: 1d4 individuals in the group are targeted. Restrictions: Humanoids o greater than 4+1 HD and undead are not affected.

Know Alignment Duration: 1 round Range: 10’

Te caster gains knowledge the alignment oimmediate one character, monster,o object, or location within range. (Most objects or locations do not have an alignment, but magic items or holy places might.)



Snake Charm Duration: 1d4+1 rounds or turns Range: 60’

One or more snakes are rendered non-hostile, rearing up and swaying to and ro but not attacking. ▶  HD affected: Te spell affects snakes

Resist Fire Duration: 2 turns Range: 30’

A single creature is bestowed with supernatural resistance to fire, as ollows: ▶  Normal heat: Unharmed by non-magical heat or fire. ▶  Save bonus: Gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws versus fire-based magical or breath attacks. ▶  Fire-based damage: Is reduced by 1 point per damage die rolled. (Each die inflicts a minimum o 1 hit point damage.)

Silence 15’ Radius Duration: 12 turns Range: 180’ A 15’ radius area is rendered utterly silent.

▶  Within the area: All sound s ound is stopped. Conversation Conversa tion and spell casting are impossible. ▶  Noise rom outside the area: Can be heard by those within it. ▶  Casting upon a creature: Silence Silence may  may be cast upon a creature, which must save versus spells. I the save ails, the 15’ radius area o silence moves with the creature. I the save succeeds, the spell’s effect remains stationary—the targeted creature may move out o it.

whose total Hit Dice do not exceed the t he caster’s level. For example, a 7th level caster can affect 7 HD o snakes, which can equal seven 1 HD snakes, or two 3 HD snakes and one 1 HD snake, or any other combination. ▶  Duration: When cast on snakes that are already attacking, the spell lasts or 1d4+1 rounds. Otherwise, it lasts or 1d4+1 turns.

Speak with Animals Duration: 6 turns Range: 30’ Te caster can communicate with one type o animal within range when the spell is cast. ▶  ype o animal: Ordinary animals or giant versions o ordinary animals may be targeted. ▶  Questions: Te caster can ask questions o and receive answers rom animals o the chosen kind, although the spell doesn’t make animals any more riendly or cooperative than normal (a reaction roll may be required). ▶  Services: I an animal is riendly toward the caster, it may perorm some avour or service.



3rd Level Spells Continual Light Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: 120’

Tis spell has three usages: 1. Conjuring light: In a 30’ radius. Te magical light is as bright as ull daylight (creatures that suffer attack penalties in daylight are affected). Te spell may be cast upon an object, in which case, the light moves with the object. 2. Blinding a creature: creature: By casting the spell upon its eyes. I the target ails a saving throw versus spells, it is blinded. A blind creature cannot attack. 3. Cancelling darkness: Continual light   may cancel a continual darkness spell darkness spell (see below).

Reversed: Rev ersed: Continual Darkness Creates a 30’ radius area o magical blackness, preventing both normal sight and inravision. Light sources brought within the area o darkness do not illuminate it. Like continual light , it may alternatively be used to blind creatures creatures or to dispel a continual light  spell.  spell.


Cure Disease Duration: Instant Range: 30’

Tis spell has two uses: 1. Cure a subject o any disease: Including those o magical origin. 2. Kill green slime: Tis monster (see Classic Fantasy: Monsters) Monsters) is killed instantly.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Cause Disease Inflicts a terrible, withering disease on a victim, i a saving throw versus spells  is ailed. Te disease has the ollowing effects: ▶  Death: Within 2d12 days. ▶  Attack penalty: –2 to attack rolls. ▶  Natural healing: akes twice the usual amount o time. ▶  Magical healing: Is utterly ineffective. ▶  Curing: Tis disease can be cured with a casting o cure disease. disease.


Growth of Animal

Removee Curse Remov Cur se

Duration: 12 turns Range: 120’

Duration: Instant / Permanent (curse (curse)) Range: Te caster or a creature touched

One non-magical, normal animal is doubled in size and strength when this spell is cast upon it. ▶  Damage: Te damage inflicted by the

Remove curse instantaneously curse instantaneously removes one curse rom a creature. It may allow a character to discard a cursed magic item.

animal’s attacks is doubled. ▶  Load: Te amount o weight the animal can carry is doubled.

Places a deleterious effect upon a creature, i it ails a save versus spells. ▶  Effects: Te exact orm and effects o the curse are determined by the caster. ▶  Maximum possible effects include: A –2 penalty to saving throws, a –4 penalty to hit, reducing an ability score by 50%. ▶  Multiple curses: May afflict a creature, as long as each has a different effect. ▶  Reeree judgement: Te reeree

Restrictions: Tis spell may be used on giant versions o normal animals, but intelligent animals and antastic monsters are unaffected.

Locate Object Duration: 6 turns Range: 120’

Te caster can sense the direction (but not distance) o an object. One o two types o object may be located: 1. General class: An object o a general class (e.g. a stairway, an altar, etc). In this case, the nearest object o that type is located. 2. Specific object: A specific object which the caster can clearly visualise in all aspects. Restrictions: Tis spell cannot be used to locate creatures.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Curse

should judge thepowerul effects ocurses this spell and may turn overly back onto the caster!

Striking Duration: 1 turn Range: 30’

A single weapon is enchan enchanted: ted: ▶  Damage: It deals an additional 1d6 damage. ▶  reated as magical:  It is able to harm monsters which are normally only harmed by magical weapons.



 4th Level Spells Create Water Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: ouch

Tis spell causes a magical ount to spring orth rom the ground or a wall. ▶  Volume: Te ount produces approximately 50 gallons o water—enough to sustain twelve humans and twelve mounts or one day. ▶  Higher level casters: I the caster is higher than 8th level, water sufficient or an additional twelve humans and mounts is produced or each level beyond 8th.

Cure Serious Wounds Duration: Instant Range: Te caster or a creature touched

Te caster’s touch heals 2d6+2 hit points o damage in one living subject. Tis cannot grant more hit points than the subject’s normal maximum.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Cause Serious Wounds Inflicts 2d6+2 hit points o damage to a touched creature. In combat, a melee attack roll is required.

Neutralize Poison Duration: Instant Range: Te caster or a creature or object touched

Tis spell has two uses: 1. Characters: Neutralize the effects o poison on a character. A character who has died rom poisoning p oisoning can be revived, i neutralize poison is poison is cast within ten rounds. 2. Items: Remove poison rom an item. 16

Protection from Evil 10’ Radius Duration: 12 turns Range: 10’ around the caster

Tis spell wards the caster and all allies within 10’ rom attacks by creatures o another alignment, as ollows: ▶  Bonuses: Tose warded gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against attacks or special abilities o affected creatures. creatures. ▶  Affected creatures’ attacks: Against those warded are penalised by –1. ▶  Enchanted, constructed, or summoned creatures: Te spell additionally prevents such creatures rom making melee attacks against those warded, though they may still make ranged attacks. I any o the warded party engages such a creature in melee, this protection is broken (those warded still gain the save and attack bonuses mentioned above).


Speak with Plants

Sticks to Snakes

Duration: 3 turns Range: 30’

Duration: 6 turns Range: 120’

Tis spell has two uses: 1. Normal plants: Communication with normal plants. Te caster is able to ask questions and receive answers and

2d8 normal sticks are miraculously transormed into snakes that ollow the caster’s orders. ▶  Reversion: When killed or at the end

may ask or simple avours. Plants may comply, i the request is within their ability to understand and perorm. For example, densely overgrown plants may clear a passageway through which the caster and party may travel. Communication n 2. Monstrous plants: Communicatio with plant-like or plant-based monsters.

o the spell’s duration, the snakes revert back into sticks.

Conjured Snakes AC 6 [13], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × bite (1d4), HAC0 19 [0], MV 90’ (30’), SV  D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 17, AL  Neutral, XP 10 (13 i poisonous), NA See above,  None

▶  Poison: Tere is a 50% chance o the snakes being poisonous. ▶  When killed: Revert back to sticks.

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Dispel Evil Duration: Concentration (up to 1 turn) or instant (see below) Range: 30’

Tis spell has three uses: 1. Ward: By concentrating and remaining stationary, enchanted or undead

5th Level Spells Commune Duration: 3 turns Range: Te caster

Te caster calls upon divine powers in order to seek knowledge. k nowledge. ▶  Questions: Te caster may ask three questions per casting. Once per year, the caster may instead ask six questions. ▶  Answers: Each question receives a simple “yes” or “no” answer. Commune may ▶  Usage limit: Commune  may only be cast per overused, week. I the eelsbe this spellonce is being itsreeree usage may limited to once per month.

Create Food Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: Appears in the caster’ caster’ss presence

Conjures ood rom thin air. ▶  Volume: Food sufficient or twelve humans and twelve mounts or one day is conjured. ▶  Higher level casters: I the caster is higher than 8th level, ood sufficient or an additional 12 humans and mounts is produced or each level beyond 8th. 18

monsters that come within range may be banished or destroyed. Each monster may save versus spells to avoid banishment banishment or destruction. I a monster’s save succeeds, it flees the affected area. 2. arget single monster: Instantly banish or destroy a single enchanted or undead monster within range. Te monster may save versus spells (with a –2 penalty) to avoid banishment or destruction. I the monster’s save succeeds, it flees the affected area. 3. Dispel curse: Instantly dispel the hold that a cursed item has over a being within range.

Insect Plague Duration: Concentration (up to 1 day) Range: 480’

Cast above ground, this spell conj conjures ures a 60’ diameter swarm o flying insects with the ollowing properties: ▶  Movement: 20’ per p er round. While the swarm is within range, the caster is able to direct its movements. ▶  Vision: Within the area o the swarm is obscured. ▶  Creatures o 2 HD or less:  Are driven away, i caught within the swarm. ▶  Concentration: I the caster moves or loses concentration, the swarm dissipates, ending the spell. Restrictions: Te spell has no effect i cast underground underground..


Quest Duration: Until quest is completed / Instant (remove (remove quest ) Range: 30’

Te caster commands a single subject to perorm a specific quest or task. ▶  Examples: Rescuing a prisoner prisoner,, killing a specific monster, bringing a magic item to the caster, or going on a journey to a holy site. ▶  Suicidal quests: Te prescribed quest must not be obviously suicidal. ▶  Saving throw: Te subject may save  versus spells, with success indicating that the quest  has  has no effect. ▶  Reusal: Te subject must undertake the quest or all under a curse (per (p er the curse spell, curse  spell, with the t he exact nature o the curse determined by the reeree). ▶  Completion: Once the task is completed, the spell ends.

Reversed: Remove Quest Can dispel an active quest  spell.  spell. I the character who cast the quest  spell  spell to be nullified is higher level than t han the character casting remove quest , there is a chance o the spell having no effect. Te probability o ailure is 5% per level the caster is below the caster o quest .

Raise Dead Duration: Instant Range: 120’

Tis spell has two uses: 1. Restore lie: o a recently deceased human or demihuman. See below. 2. Destroy undead: A single undead monster is destroyed, i it ails a saving throw versus spells. Restoring lie: When used to restore lie, the ollowing stipulations apply:

▶  ime limit: Te caster can raise a person that has been dead or no longer than our days per level o the caster above 7th. For example, a 10th level caster can revive a character that has been dead or twelve days (three levels above 7th × our days). ▶  Weakness: Returning rom death is an ordeal. Until Until the subject gets two ull weeks o bed rest, they have 1 hit point, move at hal the normal rate, cannot carry heavy items, and cannot attack, cast spells, or use other class abilities. Tis period o weakness may not be b e shortened by any magical healing.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Finger of Death Directs a ray o deadly magic at a single target. I the target ails a saving throw  versus death, it dies instantly. Casting  finger of death death is  is a chaotic act; it will only be used by lawul casters in desperate situations.







Magic-User Spells Detect Magic

1st Level Spells Charm Person Duration: One or more days (see below) Range: 120’

A single, humanoid creature must save  versus spells or be charmed, as ollows: ▶  Friendship: Te subject regards the caster as its trusted riend and ally and will come to the I caster’s deence. ▶  Commands: they share a language, the caster may give the charmed creature commands, which it will obey. ▶  Alignment: Commands that contradict the charmed creature’s nature or alignment may be ignored. ▶  Suicidal commands: An affected creaturee never obeys suicidal or obviously creatur harmul orders. Restrictions: Humanoids o greater than

4+1 HD and undead are not affected. Duration: Te charm lasts indefinitely, but the subject is allowed to make urther saves versus spells at intervals, depending on its IN score. I one o these saves succeeds, the spell ends. ▶  IN 3–8: Te creature gains a new save once every month. ▶  IN 9–12: Te creature gains a new save each week. ▶  IN 13–18: Te creature gains a new save once every day.


Duration: 2 turns Range: 60’

Enchanted objects, areas, or creatures are caused to glow. Both permanent and temporary enchantments are revealed.

Floating Disc Duration: 6 turns Range: 6’

Te caster conjures a slightly circular disc o magical orce concave, that ollows ollows them about and carries loads. ▶  Dimensions: Te disc is 3 eet in diameter and 1 inch deep at its centre. ▶  Load: It can hold a maximum load o 5,000 coins (500 pounds). ▶  Motion: Te disc floats at waist height and remains level, floating along horizontally within spell range. ▶  End: When the disc winks out at the end o the spell’s duration, anything it was supporting is dropped.

Hold Portal Duration: 2d6 turns Range: 10’

Tis spell magically holds shut a door, gate, window, or other kind o portal. ▶  Opening by magic: A knock knock spell  spell opens the held portal instantly. ▶  Opening by orce: Creatures with at least 3 Hit Dice more than the caster can open the held portal with one round o effort.



Protection from Evil

Duration: 6 turns +1 per level Range: 120’

Duration: 6 turns Range: Te caster

Tis spell has three usages: 1. Conjuring light: In a 15’ radius. Te magical light is sufficient or reading, but is not as bright as daylight. Te

Tis spell wards the caster rom attacks by creatures o another alignment, as ollows: ▶  Bonuses: Te caster gains a +1 bonus

spell may be cast upon an object, in which case, the light moves with the object. 2. Blinding a creature: By casting the spell upon its eyes. I the target ails a saving throw versus spells, it is blinded or the duration. A blind creature cannot attack. 3. Cancelling darkness: Light  may  may cancel a darkness darkness spell  spell (see below).

to saving throws against attacks or special abilities o affected creatures. ▶  Affected creatures’ attacks: Against the caster are penalised by –1. ▶  Enchanted, constructed, or summoned creatures: Te spell additionally prevents such creatures rom attacking the caster in melee, though they may still make ranged attacks. I the caster engages such a creature in melee, this protection is broken (the caster still gains the save

Reversed: Rev ersed: Darkness Creates a 15’ radius area o magical blackness, preventing normal sight (but not inravision). Like light , it may alternatively be used to blind creatures or to dispel a light  spell.  spell.

Magic Missile Duration: 1 turn Range: 150’

Tis spell conjures a glowing dart o ener-

and attack bonuses mentioned above).

Read Languages Duration: 2 turns Range: Te caster

For the duration o this spell, the caster may read any language, coded message, map, or other set o written instructions. Tis spell does not grant g rant any ability ability to speak unknown speak  unknown languages.

gy that the caster may range. choose to shoot at a visible target within ▶  Hit: Te missile hits unerringly (no attack roll or saving throw is required). ▶  Damage: Te missile inflicts 1d6+1 damage. ▶  Higher level casters: May conjure more missiles: two additional missiles are conjured conj ured per five experience levels the t he caster has gained (i.e. three missiles at 6th–10th level, five missiles at 11th–15th level, etc). Multiple missiles may be directed at a single target.



Read Magic


Duration: 1 turn Range: Te caster

Duration: 2 turns Range: Te caster

By means o read magic, magic, the caster can decipher magical inscriptions or runes, as ollows: ▶  Scrolls: Te magical script o a scroll

Shield  creates  creates an invisible field o orce that protects the caster: ▶  Against missile attacks: Te caster’s AC is 2 [17].

o arcane spells can be understood. Te caster is then able to activate the scroll at any time in the uture. ▶  Spell books: A spell book bo ok written by another arcane arcane spell caster can be deciphered. ▶  Inscriptions: Runes or magical words inscribed on an object or surace can be understood. ▶  Reading again: Once the caster has read a magical inscription using read

▶  Against other attacks: Te caster’s AC is 4 [15].

magic, they are thereafer able to read that magic, particular writing without recourse to the use o this spell.

2. A group: A Hiteach. Dice o creatures o total 4 HDoor2d8 lower

Sleep Duration: 4d4 turns Range: 240’

A sleep sleep spell  spell causes a magical slumber to come upon creatures, excluding the undead. Te spell may target either: 1. A single creature: With 4+1 Hit Dice.

Killing: Creatures enchanted by this spell are helpless and can be killed instantly with a bladed weapon. Awakening: Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature. When targeting a group: O creatures o 4 HD or less, the ollowing rules apply:

▶  Weakest first: argets with the least HD are affected first. ▶  HD: Calcul  Calculate ate monsters monsters with less than 1 HD as having 1 HD and monsters with a bonus to HD as having the flat amount. (For example, a 3+2 HD monster would be calculated as having 3 HD.) ▶  Excess: Rolled Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted.

Ventriloquism Duration: 2 turns


Range: 60’ Te caster may make their voice appear to come rom any location or source (e.g. a statue or animal) within range.


2nd Level Spells Continual Light Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: 120’

Tis spell has three usages: 1. Conjuring light: In a 30’ radius. Te magical light is sufficient or reading, but is not as bright as daylight. Te spell may be cast upon an object, in which case, the light moves with the object. 2. Blinding a creature: By casting the spell upon its eyes. I the target ails a saving throw versus spells, it is blinded. A blind creature cannot attack. 3. Cancelling darkness: Continual light   may cancel a continual darkness spell darkness spell (see below).

Reversed: Rev ersed: Continual Darkness Creates a 30’ radius area o magical blackness, preventing preventing both normal sight and inravision. Light sources brought within the area o darkness do not illuminate il luminate it. Like continual light , it may alternatively be used to blind creatures creatures or to dispel a continual light  spell.  spell.

Detect Evil Duration: 2 turns Range: 60’

Objects enchanted enchanted or evil purposes purp oses or living beings with evil intentions are caused to magically glow. ▶  Inten Intentt only: only : Tis spell does not grant the ability to read minds, but only grants a general sense o evil intent. ▶  Definition o evil: Te reeree must decide what is “evil”. Some things that are potentially harmul, like traps, are not “evil.”

Detect Invisible Duration: 6 turns Range: 10’ per level

Invisible creatures or items in range are revealed to the caster.

ESP Duration: 12 turns Range: 60’

Tis spell grants the caster the ability to perceive and understand the thoughts o other living creatures. ▶  Focus or 1 turn: o pick up thoughts, the caster must ocus their concentra concentration tion in one direction or one turn. ▶  Afer this turn: Te thoughts o all creatures creatur es within range in that direction can be perceived. ▶  Multiple creatures: I multiple creatures are within the range in the direction being ocused on, their thoughts t houghts mingle into a conusing jumble. Te caster must spend an additional turn to sort s ort out one creature’s thoughts. ▶  Meaning: Te caster understands the meaning o all thoughts even i they do not share the creature’s language. ▶  Obstructions: Te ability to perceive thoughts is obstructed by a thin layer o lead or by rock o 2’ thick or greater. 25


Invisibility Duration: Permanent (but may be broken, see below) Range: 240’

Te caster or another creature or object within range becomes invisible: ▶  I cast on a creature: cre ature: Any gear the subject is carrying is also rendered invisible (this includes clothing and armour). Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible. I the subject attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility is broken, broke n, ending the spell. ▶  I cast on an object: Te invisibility is permanent. ▶  Light sources: I a light source is made invisible (either as part o a creature’s gear or as an individual object), the light lig ht it casts remains visible.

Knock Duration: 1 round Range: 60’

Te knock knock spell  spell opens stuck, barred, or locked doors, gates, chests, and so orth. ▶ Magically held doors: Are affected (e.g. hold portal , wizard lock). lock). ▶  Secret doors: May be opened, but they must be known to the caster.

Levitate Duration: 6 turns +1 per level Range: Te caster

Tis enchantment allows the caster to move up and down through the air: ▶  Vertical: Te caster mentally directs  vertical movement movement at up to 20’ per round. round. ▶  Horizontal: Te caster can push against solid objects to move laterally. ▶  Weight: A normal amount o weight can be carried while levitating. 26

Locate Object Duration: 2 turns Range: 60’ +10’ per level

Te caster can sense the direction (but not distance) o an object. One o two types o object may be located: 1. General class: An object o a general class (e.g. a stairway, an altar, etc). In this case, the nearest object o the type is located. 2. Specific object: A specific object known to the caster. Restrictions: Tis spell cannot be used to locate creatures.

Mirror Image Duration: 6 turns Range: Te caster

1d4 illusory duplicates o the caster appear. ▶  Behaviour:  Te mirror images look and behave exactly as the caster. ▶  Attacks on the caster: Destroy one o the mirror images (even i the attack misses).


Phantasmal Force


Duration: Concentration Range: 240’

Duration: 48 turns Range: 10’

An illusion o the caster’s choosing maniests in a 20’ cube area. Tree types o illusions may be created: 1. An illusionary monster: monster: Tat can be

Web eb conjures  conjures a many-layered mass o strong, sticky threads, blocking a 10’ cube area. ▶  Entanglement: Creatures caught

directed to attack. Te monster has an Armour Class o 9 [10] and will vanish i hit in combat. 2. An illusionary attack: attack: O some kind (an avalanche, a alling ceiling, a magic missile, etc.). argets who save  versus spells are unaffected. 3. A scene: O some kind, either changing the appearance o the affected area or creating the appearance o something new. Te scene disappears i touched.

within a web become entangled among the gluey fibres. Entangled creatures can’t move, but can break ree depending on their strength (see below). ▶  Flammable: Te strands o the web are flammable and can be destroyed by fire in two rounds. All creatures caught within flaming webs suffer 1d6 points o damage rom the flames.

Stipulations: Te ollowing apply:

▶  Concentration: Is required to maintain the illusion: i the caster moves or is affected by an attack, the spell ends. ▶  Illusionary monsters or attacks: May appear to be harmul but but never inflict real damage. A character who appears to die actually alls unconsciou unconscious, s, a character turned to stone will actually be paralysed, and so on. Such effects last or 1d4 turns. ▶  Illusions rom imagination: I the illusion is o something the caster has not personally seen, the t he reeree should grant targets a bonus to any applicable saving throws.

Breaking ree: Depends on SR:

▶  Normal human range: Te creature can break ree in 2d4 turns. ▶  Magically augmented SR above 18:  Te creature can break ree in 4 rounds. ▶  Giant strength: Te creature can break ree in two rounds.

Wizard Lock Duration: Permane Permanent nt Range: 10’

A wizard lock spell lock spell magically locks a door, gate, similar portal, or any item that has a lock. Bypassing: Te magical lock is permanent but may be bypassed as ollows: ▶  Te caster: Can reely pass their own wizard lock. lock. ▶  A knock  spell:  spell: Allows passage. ▶  Higher level casters: Any magic-using character who is at least 3 levels le vels higher lock may than the caster o the wizard lock may pass through unimpeded. emporary:  Bypassing does not destroy a wizard lock. lock.



3rd Level Spells Clairvoyance Duration: 12 turns Range: 60’

Te caster gains the ability to see through

Fly Duration: 1d6 turns +1 per level Range: Te caster or a creature touched

Te subject gains the ability to fly through the air. ▶  Movement rate: Up to 360’ (120’). ▶  Free movement: Is possible in any

the eyes o other living creatures. ▶  Focus or 1 turn: o establish a connection with a creature, the caster must ocus their concentration in one particular direction or one turn. ▶  Afer this turn: Te visual perceptions p erceptions o one creature within range in that direction are relayed to the caster. ▶  Switching: Once a connection is established, the caster may choose to maintain it or to change to another subject.

direction, including the ability to levitate and to hover in mid-air.

▶  Obstructions:  Te spell is blocked by a thin layer o lead or by rock o 2’ thick or greater gre ater..

ment rates are doubled. ▶  Attacks: Subjects may make double the normal number o attacks per round. ▶  Spells: Te number o spells a subject may cast per round is not doubled. ▶  Magical devices: Te use o devices such as wands is also not doubled.

Dispel Magic Duration: Instant Range: 120’

Dispel magic ends magic ends spells o non-instantaneous duration within a 20’ cube area. ▶  Caster levels: I the level o the caster o effect to be dispelled is higher thethe level o the caster o dispel magic,than magic, there is a 5% chance per level difference that the attempt attempt to dispel will wil l ail. ▶  Magic items: Are unaffected.

Fire Ball Duration: Instant Range: 240’

Flame streaks towards a point within range and detonates in a 20’ radius sphere. ▶  Damage: Creatures caught in the fire the fire ball  suffer  suffer 1d6 damage per level o the caster, with a successul save versus 28 spells indicating hal damage.

Haste Duration: 3 turns Range: 240’

Up to 24 creatures in a 60’ diameter area are enchanted to be able to move and act twice as quickly as normal: ▶  Movement: Subjects’ maximum move-

Hold Person Duration: 1 turn per level Range: 120’

Tis spell causes one or more humans, demihumans, or humanoid monsters to be paralysed i they ail a saving throw  versus spells. It may be cast in two ways: 1. Against an individual: Te target’s saving throw is penalised by –2. 2. Against a group: 1d4 individuals in the group are targeted. Restrictions: Humanoids o greater than 4+1 HD and undead are not affected.



Protection from Evil 10’ Radius

Duration: 1 day  Range: Te caster or a creature touched

Duration: 12 turns Range: 10’ around the caster

Te subject is able to see 60’ in the dark with inravision.

Tis spell wards the caster and all allies within 10’ rom attacks by creatures o another alignment, as ollows: ▶  Bonuses: Tose warded gain a +1

Invisibility 10’ Radius Duration: Permanent (but may be broken, see below) Range: 120’

A selected creature and all creatur creatures es within 10’ o it become b ecome invisible: invisible: ▶  Area: Te 10’ radius area o the spell’s effect moves with the chosen creature. ▶  Exiting the area: Subjects that move more than 10’ away rom the chosen creature become visible. ▶   Entering the area:  Creatures move into the area afer the spellthat is cast do not become invisible. ▶  Gear: Any gear a subject is carrying is also rendered invisible invisible (this includes clothing and armour). Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become  visible. ▶  Breaking the invisibility: I a subject attacks or casts a spell, the invisibility is broken or that subject.

Lightning Bolt

bonus to saving throws against attacks or special abilities o affected creatur creatures. es. ▶  Affected creatures’ attacks: Against those warded are penalised by –1. ▶  Enchanted, constructed, or summoned creatures: Te spell additionally prevents such creatures rom making melee attacks against those warded, though they may still make ranged attacks. I any o the warded party engages such a creature in melee, this protection is broken (those warded still gain g ainabove). the save and attack bonuses mentioned

Protection from Normal Missiles Duration: 12 turns Range: 30’

A single subject in range gains complete immunity to small, non-magical missiles (e.g. no protection is granted against hurled boulders or enchanted arrows).

Water Breathing

Duration: Instant Range: 180’

Duration: 1 day  Range: 30’

A powerul stroke o electrical energy energy,, 60’ long and 5’ wide, is conjured. ▶  Damage: Creatures caught in the lightning bolt  suffer  suffer 1d6 damage per level o the caster, with a successul save versus spells indicating hal damage. ▶  Bouncing: I the lightning bolt  hits  hits a solid barrier beore its ull length is reached, it is reflected and travels or any remaining distance o its ull length in the direction o the caster.

Te subject can breathe water reely by means o this spell. Te spell does not affect the subject’s ability to breathe air and grants no additional proficiency at swimming.



 4th Level Spells Charm Monster Duration: One or more days (see below) Range: 120’

Tis spell places a charm upon either 3d6 creatures o 3 HD or less or a single creature o more than 3 HD. Each subject must make a save versus spells or be charmed as ollows: ▶  Friendship: Te subject regards the caster as its trusted riend and ally and will come to the caster’s deence. ▶  Commands: I they share a language, the caster may give the charmed creature commands, which it will obey. ▶  Alignment: Commands that contradict the charmed creature’s nature or alignment may be ignored. ▶  Suicidal commands: An affected creaturee never obeys suicidal or obviously creatur harmul orders. Restrictions: Undead are not affected. Duration: Te charm lasts indefinitely, but the subject is allowed to make urther saves versus spells at intervals, depending on its IN score. I one o these saves

succeeds, the spell ends. ▶  IN 3–8: Te creature gains a new save once every month. ▶  IN 9–12: Te creature gains a new save each week  ▶  IN 13–18: Te creature gains a new save once every day.

Confusion Duration: 12 rounds Range: 120’

Tis spell causes 3d6 targets within 60’ o one another to become conused, making them unable to independently determine what they will do. ▶  argets o 2+1 HD or greater: greater : May save versus spells each round to resist the spell’s spell’s effect, acting ac ting with ree will that round i they make the save. ▶  argets o 2 HD or lower:  May not make a saving throw. ▶  Behaviour:  Roll on the t he ollowing table separately or each affected target each round to see what that target does that round:

Confused Subject Behaviour 2d6 Behaviour 2–5 6–8 9–12 9– 12

Atta tacck ca caster’s gr group No action Att ttac ack k cr crea eatu ture re’’s gr grou oup p

Dimension Door Duration: 1 round Range: 10’

Te caster ortoaanother single creature instantly transerred locationisup to 360’ distant. Te destination may be selected in two ways: 1. Known location: A location, within 360’, known kn own to the caster. 2. An unknown location: Specified by a series o offsets (e.g. 120’ north, 160’ east, 80’ up) totalling not more than 360’. Stipulations: Te ollowing apply:


▶  I the destination is occupied: By a solid body, the spell ails. ▶  I the target is unwilling: It may save  versus spells to resist the teleportation.


Growth of Plants

Polymorph Others

Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: 120’

Duration: Permane Permanent nt Range: 60’

Tis spell causes vigorous growth o normal vegetation in an area within range. Plants in the affected area become thick and overgrown, entwining to orm

A living subject is changed into another type o creature, as chosen by the caster: ▶  HD: Te spell ails i the new orm’s HD is more than twice the subject’s HD.

a thorny jungle. ▶  Area: An area o up to 3,000 square eet—selected by the caster—is affected (e.g. 150’ × 20’, 100’ × 30’, etc). ▶ Passage: Only very large creatures creatures can orce their way through.

▶  Hit points: Te subject retains the same number o hit points. ▶  Abilities: Te subject truly becomes the new orm: all special abilities are acquired, along with behavioural patterns, tendencies, and intelligence intelligence.. ▶  Specific individuals: Te spell cannot be used to duplicat duplicatee a specific individual. ▶  Reversion: I the subject dies, it returns to its original orm. ▶  An unwilling subject: May save versus spells to negate the effect.

Hallucinatory Terrain Duration: Until touched Range: 240’

Hallucinatory terrain either terrain either conjures an illusory terrain eature (e.g. a hill, wood, marsh, etc.) or hides an existing terrain eature. ▶  Area: Te illusion must fit completely within the spell’s range. ▶  ouching: I the illusion is touched by an intelligent being, the spell is negated.

Massmorph Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: 240’ A orce o human-sized creatures within a 240’ diameter area is veiled by illusion to appear as a copse or orchard o trees.

▶  Moving through: Once the illusion il lusion is in place, even creatures moving among the veiled subjects are deceived. ▶  Subjects who leave the affected area:  Cease to be veiled. ▶  Dismissing: Te caster may dismiss the illusion in its entirety at any time.

Polymorph Self Duration: 6 turns +1 per level Range: Te caster

Te caster transorms themselves into another being: ▶  HD: Te new orm may not have higher Hit Dice than the caster’s level. ▶  Stats: Te caster retains their own intelligence, hit points, saving throws, and attack probabilities. ▶  Physical capabilities: O the new orm (e.g. strength, physical attack orms, modes o movement) are acquired. ▶  Non-physical special abilities: (e.g. immunities, breath breath weapons, spell casting) are not acquired. ▶  Casting spells: While polymorphed, p olymorphed, the caster is unable to cast spells. ▶  Specific individuals: Te spell cannot be used to duplicat duplicatee a specific individual. ▶  Reversion: I the caster dies while polymorphed, they return to their original orm. 31


Removee Curse Remov Curs e

Wall of Ice

Duration: Instant / Permanent (curse (curse)) Range: Te caster or a creature touched

Duration: 12 turns Range: 120’

Remove curse instantaneously curse instantaneously removes one curse rom a creature. It may allow a character to discard a cursed magic item.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Curse

An immobile, translucent, wall o ice springs into existence. ▶  Size: Te wall can be any size, and may be shaped in any manner and to any

Places a deleterious effect upon a creature, i it ails a save versus spells. ▶  Effects: Te exact orm and effects o the curse are determined by the caster. ▶  Maximum possible effects include: A –2 penalty to saving throws, a –4 penalty to hit, reducing an ability score by 50%. ▶  Multiple curses: May afflict a creature, as long as each has a differen differentt effect. ▶  Reeree judgement: Te reeree

dimensions the caster desires, up to 1,200 sq. f. For example, it may be a straight wall or curved cur ved into a protective circle. ▶  Location: Te wall must rest upon a solid surace and may not be evoked so that it appears where objects are. ▶  Monsters with ewer than 4 HD:   Cannot pass the wall o ice. ▶  Monsters with more than 4 HD: Can break through the wall, but suffer 1d6 hit points o damage when doing so. Te wall

should judge thepowerul effects ocurses this spell and may turn overly back onto the caster!

deals double damage to creatures that use fire or are accustomed to fire.

Wall of Fire Duration: Concentration Range: 60’

An immobile, opaque curtain o shimmering, violet fire springs into existence. ▶  Size: Te wall can be any size, and may be shaped in any manner and to any dimensionss the caster desires, up to 1,200 dimension sq. f. For example, it may be a straight wall or curved cur ved into a protective circle. ▶  Location: Te wall may not be evoked so that it appears where objects are. ▶  Monsters with ewer than 4 HD:   Cannot pass the wall o flames. ▶  Monsters with more than 4 HD:  ake 1d6 hit points o damage when they pass through the wall. Te wall deals double damage to undead creatures or creatures that use cold or are accustomed to cold. ▶  Concentration: Te wall persists as long as the caster concentrates on do es not move. 32 the spell and does

Wizard Eye Duration: 6 turns Range: 240’

An invisible, magical eye is conjured that allows the caster to see at a distance. ▶  Movement: Te eye can be directed to move within range at up to 120’ per turn. ▶   Seeing thesee eye:  By concentrating, thethrough caster can t hrough through the eye. ▶  ypes o vision: Te magical eye grants both normal vision and inravision. ▶  Barriers: Solid barriers block its passage, but it can pass through a hole or space as small as 1 inch in diameter.


5th Level Spells Animate Dead Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: 60’

Tis spell turns the bones or bodies o dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies: ▶  Obedient: Tey obey the caster’s commands. ▶  Special abilities: Tey are unable to use any special abilities (including spell casting) that they possessed in lie. ▶  Duration: Tey remain animated until they are destroyed or until a dispel magic  magic  spell is cast upon them. Number:  Te spell animates a number o Hit Dice o zombies or skeletons equal to the caster’s level:

Cloudkill Duration: 6 turns Range: 30’

A poisonous og streams rom the caster’s fingertips. ▶  Area: Te og fills a 30’ diameter area. ▶  Movement: Te og moves at 60’ per p er turn (20’ per round), driven by the wind (or away rom the caster, in still conditions). ▶  Sinking: Because the og is heavier than air, it sinks to the lowest level o the land, even pouring down den or sinkhole openings. ▶  Damage: All creatures in contact with the vapours suffer 1 hit point o damage per round o contact. ▶  Creatures with less than 5 Hit Dice:  Must also save versus death (once per round o contact) or die.

▶  Skeletons: Have AC 7 [12] and HD equal to those the creature had in lie. ▶  Zombies: Have AC 8 [11] and HD one greater than the creature had in lie. ▶  Classed characters: I a PC or NPC with levels in a class is reanimated by this spell, the levels are not counted as HD. For example, the reanimated corpse o a 5th level fighter would have 2 HD (1 HD as a normal human, +1 or being reanimated as a zombie).



Conjure Elemental Duration: Permanent (until dismissed or slain) Range: 240’

A 16 Hit Dice elemental—a being ormed o pure elemental matter—is summoned rom an elemental plane o the caster’s

Earth Elemental Huge, humanoid figures o earth or stone. AC –2 [21], HD 16* (72hp), Att 1 × blow (3d8), HAC0 8 [+11], MV 60’ (20’), SV  D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 2,300, NA 1 (1),  None ▶  Size: 16’ tall. ▶  Blocked by water: Cannot cross a

choice caster’ss(air, caster’ biddearth, bidding. ing. fire, water) to do the ▶  Materials: Te summons requires a large volume o the appropriate element. ▶  Commanding an elemental: Requires great concentration: the caster may not take part in combat, cast other spells, or move at greater than hal speed. ▶  Dismissing: While control over the elemental is maintained, the caster may dismiss it at any time, sending it back to

channel wider than own height. ▶  Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks. ▶  Harm creatures on the ground: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

its plane o origin. ▶  Disruption: I the caster’s concentration is disturbed, the command over the elemental ends. It is, henceorth, a reewilled entity and will immediately try to kill the caster and any who get in its way. ▶  Dispelling: A conjured elemental may be dispelled by dispel magic or magic or dispel evil .

Neutral, XP 2,300, NA 1 (1),  None ▶  Size: 16’ tall, 16’ across. ▶  Blocked by water: Cannot cross a channel wider than own diameter. ▶  Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks. ▶  Harm cold-based creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

Restrictions: Te caster may summon at most one elemental rom each plane in a single day.

Water Elemental

Air Elemental

AC –2 [21], HD 16* (72hp), Att 1 × blow (3d8), HAC0 8 [+11], MV 60’ (20’) / 180’ (60’) swimming, SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 2,300, NA 1 (1),  None

Huge vortexes o whirling air. AC –2 [21], HD 16* (72hp), Att 1 × blow (3d8), HAC0 8 [+11], MV 360’ (120’) flying, SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16), ML  10, AL Neutral, XP 2,300, NA 1 (1),   None ▶  Size: 32’ tall, 8’ across. ▶  Whirlwind: Creatures with less than 2HD swept aside (save versus death). ▶  Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks. ▶  Harm flying creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage. 34

Fire Elemental Whirling columns o fire AC –2 [21], HD 16* (72hp), Att 1 × blow (3d8), HAC0 8 [+11], MV 120’ (40’), ( 16), ML 10, AL  SV D2 W3 P4 B3 S6 (16),

Huge waves o water.

▶  Size: 8’ tall, 32’ across. ▶  Water-bound: Must remain within 60’ o water. ▶  Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks. ▶  Harm creatures in water: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.


Contact Higher Plane Duration: One conversation Range: Te caster

A channel o communication is opened to a higher plane o existence, allowing the caster to ask powerul, otherworldly other worldly beings or advice and knowledge on any subject. ▶  Plane: Te caster must choose which plane o existence to contact: communion with beings o the 3rd to 12th planes is possible via this spell. Higher numbered planes are home to more powerul and knowledgeable beings. ▶  Questions: Te caster may then ask a number o simple yes/no questions equal to the number o the plane contacted. Te reeree plays the role o the contacted being, responding the question caster’s questions. ▶  Answers:  Fortoeach asked, there is a chance o the contacted being not knowing the answer or o answering untruthully: see the table to the right. It It is impossible to detect whether the entity is lying. Restrictions: Casting contact higher plane  plane  is a great and perilous deed.

▶  Usage limit: It may be cast at most once per week. (Te reeree may limit the spell’s usage to even less requently, i desired.) ▶  Insanity: Communion with otherworldly beings o great power can shatter the caster’s sanity. Te basic chance is shown in the table above. For every level o the caster above 11, this chance is reduced by 5%. I the caster is driven insane as a result o the communion, the recovery time is a number o weeks equal to the number o the plane contacted.

Contact Higher Plane Questions Don’t Plane #Qs Know Truth Insanity 3rd 4th 5th 6t h

3 4 5 6

75% 70% 65% 60%

50% 55% 60% 65%

5% 10% 15% 20%

78tth h 9 th 10th 11th 12th

78 9 10 11 12

5400% % 30% 20% 10% 5%

7705% % 80% 85% 90% 95%

3250% % 35% 40% 45% 50%

Feeblemind Duration: Permane Permanent nt Range: 240’

An arcane spell caster (e.g. a magic-user mag ic-user or el) el ) within range must save versus spells (at a –4 penalty) or become an imbecile, unable to think clearly or cast spells.

Hold Monster Duration: 6 turns +1 per level Range: 120’

Tis spell causes one or more creatures to be paralysed theybeail a saving  versus spells. Itimay cast in two throw ways: 1. Against an individual: Te target’s saving throw is penalised by –2. 2. Against a group: 1d4 individuals in the group are targeted. Restrictions: Undead are not affected.



Magic Jar Duration: Special Range: Te caster

Te caster’s body enters a comatose trance as their lie-or lie-orce ce is transerred t ranserred into a receptacle (any inanimate object within 30’), known as a magic jar . From there, the caster may attempt. to possess the bodies o other creatures creatures. When the caster’ caster ’s lie-orce is in the magic jar: ▶  Possession: Te caster may attempt to possess the body o another creature within 120’. Te victim may save versus spells to resist possession. I the save is successul, the caster may not make another attempt to possess that victim or one turn. I the save ails, the caster’s lieorce leaves the magic  victim, possessing it. jar and enters the ▶  Returning: Te caster may choose to return to their own body at any time, ending the spell. ▶  I the magic jar is destroyed: Te caster dies. ▶  I the caster’s own body is destroyed:   Teir lie-orce lie-orce is stranded in the t he magic  jar..  jar When the caster’ caster ’s lie-orce is possessing a victim: ▶  Control: Te caster gains ull contr control ol over the victim’s body, but is not able to make the victim cast spells. ▶  I the magic jar is destroyed: Te spell ends and the caster’s lie-orce is trapped in the possessed body. ▶  I the possessed victim is killed: Te caster’s lie-orce returns to the magic jar. ▶  Dispelling: Dispel evil  orces  orces the caster’s lie-orce back into the magic jar. ▶  I the caster’s own body is destroyed:   Teir lie-orce lie-orce is stranded in the t he body o the creature being possessed.


Pass-Wall Duration: 3 turns Range: 30’

A 5’ diameter hole is temporarily opened in solid rock or stone, orming a passageway up to 10’ deep.

Telekinesis Duration: rounds)Concentration (up to 6 Range: 120’

By concentrating, the caster is able to move objects or creatures by the power o thought. ▶  Weight: Up to 200 coins o weight per level o the caster may be targeted. ▶  Movement: Te target may be moved up to 20’ per round, in whatever direction the caster wishes (including vertically). ▶  Save: I a creature is targeted, it may save versus spells to resist the spell. ▶  Concentration: I the caster’s concentration is broken, the target will all.


Knowledge o destination: Te caster’s knowledge o the destination is rated as ollows:

Teleport Duration: Instant Range: 10’

Te caster or a chosen creature vanishes and reappears at a location o the caster’s choosing. ▶  Gear: Te subject is teleported with all its gear, up to its maximum load. ▶  Unwilling subjects: May save versus spells to prevent the teleportation. ▶  Destination: May be at any distance, but must be known to the caster. Te destination must be an open space at ground g round level. (It is not possible to intentionally teleport the subject into mid-air or into solid matter.) ▶  Risk: Tere is a risk, when teleporting, o accidentally arriving above or below ground level. depends Te chance successul teleportation on o thea caster’s knowledge o the destination (see right). Roll d% and consult the table below.

▶  Scant: A location that the caster has  visited once once or twice, has seen by magical scrying, or has heard o rom  rom descriptions. ▶  Moderate: A location that the caster has visited ofen or has studied via scryscr ying or several weeks. ▶  Exact: A location that the caster has made a detailed study o, in person.

Transmute Rock to Mud Duration: 3d6 days / Permanent (transmute (transmute mud to rock ) Range: 120’

Tis spell turns up to 3,000 square eet o rock into 10’ deep mud. ▶  Movement: Any creatures passing through the mud have their movement rate reduced by 90%.

Reversed: Transmute Mud to Rock Teleport Result Knowledge Ground of Dest. Level Scant Moderate Exact

01–50 01–80 01–95

Too High

Too Low

51–75 76–00 81–90 91–00 96–99 00

Changes an area o mud—up to 3,000 square eet and up to 10’ deep—into rock. Tis alteration is permanent. p ermanent.

Wall of Stone Duration: Permane Permanent nt

Ground level: Te subject appears at the desired destination.

Range: 60’ A wall o solid rock appears.

oo high: Te subject appears 1d10×10’ above the intended destination. Should this location already be occupied by solid matter, the subject is instantly killed. Otherwise, the subject alls rom a height.

▶  Size: Te wall may be o whatever shape the caster desires and is o 1,000 cubic eet in volume. (For example, a 2’ thick wall, 50’ long and 10’ high.) ▶  Location: Te wall must rest upon a solid surace and may not be evoked so that it appears where objects are.

oo low: Te subject appears in the ground and is killed instantly.



6th Level Spells Anti-Magic Shell Duration: 12 turns Range: Te caster

An anti-magic barrier is created around around the caster. ▶  Blocks magic: No spells or spell effects can pass through this t his barrier, barrier, whether rom inside or outside. ▶  Dismissing: Te caster may end this spell at any time beore the duration has expired.

Control Weather Duration: Concentration Range: 240 yards around the caster By concentrating (no movement allowed), the caster causes one o the ollowing conditions to maniest around themselves. Tis spell only unctions outdoors.

▶  Calm: Clears bad weather (though side-effects—e.g. mud afer rain—remain.) ▶  Extreme heat: Dries up snow or mud (including transmute rock to mud ). ). Creatures in the area move at hal normal rate. ▶  Fog: Visibility drops drop s to 20’. Creatures in the og move at hal their normal rate. At the reeree’s option, they may also have a chance o getting lost. ▶  High winds: Movement rates are halved. Missile fire and flight are impossible. High winds may be used to increase the sailing speed o ships by 50%, i they travel with the wind. In sandy areas, may cause a sandstorm, reducing visibility to 20’.


▶  Rain: –2 penalty p enalty to missile attacks. Mud orms in 3 turns, halving movement rates. ▶  Snow: Visibility drops to 20’. Movement rates are halved. Bodies o water may reeze. Afer the snow thaws, mud remains and still impedes movement. ▶  ornado: Te caster can direct the tornado, which moves at 120’ per round. Te tornado can be directed to attack (see stats below). Ships caught in a tornado have a 75% chance o suffering 12 points o hull damage.

Tornado A whirling column o air, 24’ high and 6’ across, that wreaks havoc or flying creatures and ships. AC 0 [19], HD 12* (54hp), Att 1 × blow (2d8), HAC0 10 [+9], MV 360’ (120’) flying, SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (12), ML  10, AL Neutral, XP 1,900, NA 1 (1),   None ▶  Whirlwind: Creatures with less than 2HD swept aside (save versus death). ▶  Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks. ▶  Harm flying creatures: Inflict extra 1d8 damage.

Death Spell Duration: Instant Range: 240’

Up to 4d8 Hit Dice o creatures within a 60’ cube area must save versus death or die, instantly i nstantly.. Restrictions: Undead and creatures with greater than 7 Hit Dice are unaffected.



Invisible Stalker

Duration: Instant Range: 60’

Duration: One mission Range: Summoned to caster’ c aster’ss presence

Te material orm o a single, non-magical creature or object is instantly and permanently destroy destroyed. ed. ▶  I a creature is targeted: It may save

An invisible stalker (see below) is summoned to the caster’s presence and magically bound to perorm a mission o the caster’s choosing.

 versus death to resist disintegration disintegration.. ▶  Examples o objects: Te ollowing might be targeted: a tree, a ship ship,, a 10’ section o wall.

▶  Wording: Te caster must be careul with the wording o the mission. Invisible stalkers are treacherous and, unless the assigned mission can be easily and quickly accomplished, accomplished, will ollow the letter o the command while twisting the intent. ▶  Duration: Te creature is bound to attempt the mission until it succeeds or is destroyed. ▶  Banishing: Te spell dispel evil  will  will banish an invisible stalker, ending the

Geas Duration: Permanent / Instant (remove (remove geas) geas) Range: 30’

Te caster commands a subject to perorm or avoid perorming a specific action. ▶  Examples: Bringing a specific item to the caster, eating or drinking without restraint, restrain t, keeping a certain act secret. ▶  Impossible or deadly tasks: Te prescribed geas prescribed  geas must  must not be impossible or directly deadly—i such a geas a geas is  is cast, it affects the caster, instead. ▶  Saving throw: Te subject may save  versus spells, to avoid coming under the spell’s effect. ▶   I the ails: Te subject must or ollow thesave stipulated course o action suffer gradually increasing (and eventually atal) penalties determined by the reeree. e.g.: penalties to attack, ability score reductions, inability inability to memorize spells, physical torment and eebleness, etc.

Reversed: Remove Geas Can dispel an active geas active geas spell  spell and any incurred penalties. I the caster o the  geas to  geas  to be nullified is higher level than the


Invisible Stalker Highly intelligent, magical creatures summoned rom another plane o existence to perorm tasks or powerul magic-users. AC 3 [16], HD 8* (36hp), Att 1 × blow (4d4), HAC0 12 [+7], MV 120’ (40’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (F8), ML 12, AL  Neutral, XP 1,200, NA 1 (1),  None ▶  racking: Without ault. Surprise: ▶    5-in-6, unless target can detect invisibility. ▶  I killed: Returns to plane o origin.

Lower Water Duration: 10 turns Range: 240’

Tis spell reduces the depth o a body o water by hal or the duration. An area o up to 10,000 square eet may be affected.

character casting remove geas, geas, there is a chance o the spell having no effect. Te probability probabili ty o spell ailure is 5% per level the caster is below the caster o geas o geas.. 39


Move Earth


Duration: 6 turns Range: 240’

Duration: Permanen Permanentt Range: Appears in the caster’ caster’ss presence

Earth (but not stone) within range is rearranged as the caster wishes. ▶  Movement rate: Te caster can move earth in the area at up to 60’ per turn.

A dead character is returned to lie in a new physical orm that maniests in the presence o the caster. Te character’s new body is not necessarily the same as

▶  Excavations: Te range o the spell also extends downw downwards, ards, allowing exca vations to to be made.

the it is determined rolling on the original; opposite. Reincarnated Class table by Te roll indicates either a character class or a monster: ▶  Character class: Te character is o experience level 1d6 (or at most the same level as the t he character achieved beore death). Te reincarnated character can continue contin ue to gain g ain experience and advance as normal, in the new class. ▶  Monster: Te type should be deter-

Part Water Duration: 6 turns Range: 120’

Te caster creates a path 10’ wide and a maximum o 120’ long through water, such as a pond, lake, or other body. Te caster can dismiss the spell’s effect beore the duration ends.

Projected Image Duration: 6 turns Range: 240’

An illusory duplicate o the caster appears within range. ▶  Duplicate: Te image is an exact duplicate o the caster that can only be differentiated by touch. ▶  Subsequent spells cast: Appear to originate rom the image. (argets must still be visible to the caster, however.) ▶  Spells and missiles: Te image appears unaffected by spells or missile weapons. ▶  Melee or touch: I the image is touched or hit in melee, it disappears.


mined by the reeree. Te monster should be at least partially p artially intelligent, have have no greater Hit Dice than the level o the character being reincarnated (at most 6 HD), and be o the same alignment. Te tables opposite may be used, or the reeree may create their own tables. Monsters cannot gain experience or advance in level.

Stone to Flesh Duration: Permanentt Range: 120’Permanen

Tis spell transorm transormss stone into living flesh. It is especially useul or restoring lie to a petrified p etrified creature and its equipment to its normal state.

Reversed: Rev ersed: Flesh to Stone urns one creature into a statue, including all gear and any items currently held. A saving throw versus paralysis is permitted to resist the transormation.


Reincarnated Class d10 Reincarnati tioon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9–10

Lawful Monsters d6 Reincarnation


Cleric Dwar   El   Fighter Halfling

1 2 3 4 5

Gnome Neanderthal Pegasus Blink dog Unicorn

1 2 2 4 4

Magic-user Tie   Monster (r (ro oll on ali align gnm men entt ta table le)) Same cl class


Roc, small


Neutral Monsters d6 Reincarnation 1 2 3 4 5 6

Pixie or sprite Lizard man Rock baboon Ape, white Centaur Werebear

Chaotic Monsters d10 Reincarnation

HD 1 2 2 4 4 6


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Go G oblin Hobgoblin Kobold Ko Orc Gnoll Bugbear Wererat

1 1 1 1 2 3 3

8 9 10

Ogre Werewol Minotaur

4 4 6

Alternative Reincarnation Tables Te classes and monsters listed in the tables are drawn rom Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules and Rules and Classic Fantasy: Monsters,, respectively. sters I other classes or monsters are in use, the reeree may wish to create alternative reincarnation tables. 41






Open Game License DESIGNAION OF PRODUC IDENIY All artwork, logos, and presentation are product identity. Te names “Necrotic Gnome” Essentials” are product identity. All identity. text inand the “Old-School ollowing sections is product identity: Introd Introduction. uction. DESIGNAION OF OPEN GAME CONEN All text and tables not declared as product identity are Open Game Content. OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Te ollowing text is the property o Wizards o the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards o the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). (“Wiza rds”). All Rights Reserved. Reser ved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/ or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; Conten t; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyright copyrighted ed material including derivative works and translations

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Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Handbook, Copyright 2004, roll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden. Cave Cricket rom the ome o Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, Peterso n, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Crab, Monstrous rom the ome o Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Fly, Giant rom the ome o Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Golem, Wood rom the ome o Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Patrick Lawinger. Kamadan rom the ome o Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Nick Louth. Rot Grub rom the ome o Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, Peterso n, based on original material by Gary Gygax Labyrinth Lord™ Copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor. B/X Essentials: Core Rules © 2017 Gavin Norman, author Gavin Norman. B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipment © 2017 Gavin Norman, author Gavin Norman. B/X Essentials: Cleric and Magic-U Magic-User ser Spells © 2017 Gavin Norman, author Gavin Norman.

Modern System Reerence Document Copyright 2002-

B/X Essentials: Monsters © 2018 Gavin Norman, author

2004, Wizards the Coast, Inc.; Authors Auth orsEric BillCagle, Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, RichoRedman, Charles Ryan, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Tompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan weet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John ynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.

Gavin Norman. Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Cleric and MagicUser Spells © 2018 Gavin Norman, author Gavin Norman. END OF LICENSE



Index of Spells Animate Dead


Fire Ball


Anti-Magic Shell Anti-Magic Bless Charm Monster Charm Person Clairvoyance Cloudkill Commune Conusion Conjuree Elemental Conjur

38 12 30 22 28 33 18 30 34

Floating Disc Fly Geas Growth o Animal Growth o Plants Hallucinatoryy errain Hallucinator Haste Hold Monster Hold Person (Cler (Cleric) ic)

22 28 39 15 31 31 28 35 12

Contact Higher Plane Continual Light (Cleric) Continual Light (Magic-U (Magic-User) ser) Control Weather Create Food Create Water Cure Disease Cure Light Wounds Cure Seri Serious ous Wounds Death Spell Detect Evil (Cleric) Detect Evil (Magic-U (Magic-User) ser) Detect Invisible Detect Magic (Cleric) Detect Magic (Magic-U (Magic-User) ser) Dimension Door Disintegrate Dispel Evil Dispel Magic ESP Feeblemind Find raps 46

35 14 25 38 18 16 14 10 16 38 10 25 25 10 22 30 39 18 28 25 35 12

Hold Person (Magic(Magic-User) User) Hold Portal Inravision Insect Plague Invisibility Invisibility 10’ Radius Invisible Stalker Knock Know Align Alignment ment Levitate Light (Cleric) Light (Magic-U (Magic-User) ser) Lightning Bolt Locate Object (Cleric) Locate Object (Magic-U (Magic-User) ser) Lowerr Water Lowe Magic Jar Magic Missile Massmorph Mirror Image Movee Earth Mov Neutralizee Poison Neutraliz

28 22 29 18 26 29 39 26 12 26 10 23 29 15 26 39 36 23 31 26 40 16


Part Water Pass-Wall Phantasmal Force Polymorph Others Polymorph Sel Projected Image Protection Protectio n rom Evil (Cleric) Protection rom Evil (Magic(Magic-User) User) Protection Protectio n rom Evil 10’ Radius (C) Protection Protectio n rom rom Evil Evil 10’ Radius (MU) Protection rom Normal Missiles Puriyy Food and Water Puri Quest Raise Dead Read Languages Read Magic Reincarnation Remove Curse (Cleric) Remove Curse (Magic-User) Remove Fear Resist Cold

40 36 27 31 31 40 11 23 16 29 29 11 19 19 23 24 40 15 32 11 11

Resist Fire Shield Silence 15’ Radius Sleep Snake Charm Speak with Animals Speak with Plants Sticks to Snakes Stone to Flesh Striking elekinesis eleport ransmute Rock to Mud Ventriloquism Wall o Fire Wal alll o Ice Wall o Stone Water Breathing Web Wizard Eye Wizard Lock

13 24 13 24 13 13 17 17 40 15 36 37 37 24 32 32 37 29 27 32 27 47




Cleric and Magic-User Spells Tis book contains the complete selection o cleric and magic-user spells in the Classic Fantasy genre: ▶  34 cleric spells:  From 1st to 5th level. Simple blessings to deend and ward, indispensable prayer prayerss to heal wounds and cure c ure ailments, mighty invocations to banish evil and return the dead to lie. ▶  72 magic-user spells: From 1st to 6th level. Practical charms to aid exploration, subtle hexes to bewitch and inveigle, terriying terriy ing conjurations conjurations o destructive destr uctive orce. Requires Requir es Old-School Essentials Core Rules

Further Classic Fantasy Essentials  product line: genre books in the Old-School

Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules Classic Fantasy: Monsters Classic Fantasy: Treasures

ISBN 978-3-96657-009-1

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