Short Description
Olanzapine From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Systematic (IUPAC) (IUPAC) name 2-Methyl-4-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-10 H -thieno[2,3-thieno[2,3-b][1,5]benzodiazepine
Clinical data
Trade names
Zyprexa (oriinator), many eneri!" [1]
AHFS//Drugsc!m Monoraph AHFS
#icense data
&' *lanzapine $% &'
Pregnancy categ!ry
$ +
$% + (i" not r.led o.t)
$!utes !%
oral, intram."!.lar
administrati!n #egal status #egal status $ %4 (/re"!ription only)
+ ℞-only
Z /re"!ription Medi!ine
$ /*M (/re"!ription only)
$% ℞-only
P&armac!'inetic data i!aaila*ility
Pr!tein *inding
6epati! (dire!t l.!.ronidation and +7/12 mediated oxidation)
i!l!gical &al%+li%e 33 ho.r", 518 ho.r" (elderly) [3] ,-creti!n
$rine (59 a" .n!haned dr.), :ae!e" (30) [3][4]
Identi%iers CAS .um*er
ATC c!de
05603 (;6*)
+term symptom redction, response rate, negative symptoms, depression, cognitive fnction, discontination de to poor efficacy, and long>term relapse, bt not in positive symptoms or on the =linical Blobal Impressions score. In contrast, pooled second generation antipsychotics shoed speriority to first generation antipsychotics only against the discontination, negative symptoms (ith a mch larger effect seen among indstry> compared to government>sponsored stdies), and cognition scores. &lan"apine cased less e3trapyramidal side effects, less akathisia, bt cased significantly more eight gain, serm cholesterol increase, and triglyceride increase than haloperidol.#*:% ! -1*- revie conclded that among *1 atypical antipsychotics, only clo"apine, olan"apine, and risperidone ere better than first generation antipsychotics.#*6% ! -1** revie conclded that neither first> nor second generation antipsychotics prodce clinically meaningfl changes in =linical Blobal Impression scores bt fond that olan"apine and amislpride prodce
larger effects on the ;!?SS and 5; containing monoo3ygenase system are involved in olan"apine o3idation. =G;-D8 mediated o3idation appears to be a minor metabolic pathay in vivo. 0he U.S. Food and Drg !dministration re'ires all atypical antipsychotics to inclde a arning abot the risk of developing hyperglycemia and diabetes, both of hich are factors in the metabolic syndrome. 0hese effects may be related to the drgsH ability to indce eight gain, althogh there are some reports of metabolic changes in the absence of eight gain, #::%#:6%Stdies have indicated that olan"apine carries a greater risk of casing and e3acerbating diabetes than another commonly prescribed atypical antipsychotic, indced metabolic side effects. 0here are some case reports of olan"apine>indced diabetic ketoacidosis.#6*% &lan"apine may decrease inslin sensitivity,#6-%#6:% thogh one :>eek stdy seems to refte this.#66% It may also increase triglyceride levels.#:8% Despite eight gain, a large mlti>center randomi"ed ?ational Institte of 9ental @ealth stdy fond that olan"apine as better at controlling symptoms becase patients ere more likely to remain on olan"apine than the other drgs.#6$% &ne small, open>label, non>randomi"ed stdy sggests that taking olan"apine by orally dissolving tablets may indce less eight gain, #68% bt this has not been sbstantiated in a blinded e3perimental setting.
Pregnancy and lactation #edit% &lan"apine is associated ith the highest placental e3posre of any atypical antipsychotic. #67% Despite this the available evidence sggests it is safe dring pregnancy, althogh the evidence is insfficiently strong to say anything ith a high degree of confidence. #67% &lan"apine is associated ith eight gain hich according to recent stdies may pt olan"apine>treated patientsH offspring at a heightened risk for neral tbe defects (e.g. spina bifida).#6% #6+% 5reastfeeding in omen taking olan"apine is advised against de to the fact that olan"apine is secreted in breast milk ith one stdy finding that the e3posre to the infant (in mg per kg of body eight, that is) is abot *. that to the mother.#:%
Animal toxicology#edit% &lan"apine has demonstrated carcinogenic effects in mltiple stdies hen e3posed chronically to female mice and rats, bt not male mice and rats. 0he tmors fond ere in either the liver or mammary glands of the animals.#$1%
Discontination#edit% 0he 5ritish ?ational Formlary recommends a gradal ithdraal hen discontining anti> psychotic treatment to avoid acte ithdraal syndrome or rapid relapse. #$*% De to compensatory changes at dopamine, serotonin, adrenergic and histamine receptor sites in the central nervos system, ithdraal symptoms can occr dring abrpt or over>rapid redction in dosage. @oever, despite increasing demand for safe and effective antipsychotic ithdraal protocols or dose>redction schedles, no specific gidelines ith proven safety and efficacy are crrently available. Spport grops sch as the Icars ;roect, and other online forms provide resorces and social spport for those attempting to discontine antipsychotics and other psychiatric medications.#$-% Withdraal symptoms reported to occr after discontination of antipsychotics inclde nasea, vomiting, lightheadedness, diaphoresis, dyskinesia, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, nervosness, di""iness, headache, e3cessive non>stop crying, and an3iety.#$:%#$6% Some have arged additional somatic and psychiatric symptoms associated ith dopaminergic hypersensitivity, inclding dyskinesia and acte psychosis, are common featres of
ithdraal in individals treated ith neroleptics. #$$%#$8%#$7%#$% 0hs, some sggest the ithdraal process itself may be schi"o>mimetic, prodcing schi"ophrenia>like symptoms even in previosly healthy patients.#$+%
O!erdose#edit% Symptoms of an overdose inclde tachycardia, agitation, dysarthria, decreased consciosness and coma. Death has been reported after an acte overdose of 6$1 mg, bt also srvival after an acte overdose of -111 mg.#81% 0here is no knon specific antidote for olan"apine overdose, and even physicians are recommended to call a certified poison control center for information on the treatment of sch a case.#81% &lan"apine is considered moderately to3ic in overdoseC more to3ic than 'etiapine, aripipra"ole and the SS@0-! serotonin receptors than D- dopamine receptors, hich is a common property of all atypical antipsychotics, aside from the ben"amide antipsychotics sch as amislpride. &lan"apine also had the highest affinity of any second>generation antipsychotic toards the ;>glycoprotein in one in vitro stdy.#8*% ;>glycoprotein transports a nmber of drgs across a nmber of different biological membranes inclding the blood>brain barrier , hich cold mean that less brain e3posre to olan"apine reslts from this interaction ith the ;>glycoprotein.#8-% $ecept! r
i!l!gic acti!n and n!tes [#4]
ntaoni"t8 /o""ibly re"pon"ible, at lea"t in part, :or it" antiemeti! a!tion8
ntaoni"t8 @iely re"pon"ible :or the ortho"tati! hypoten"ion "een Bith it" ."e8[#4]
ntaoni"t8 @iely the !hie: re!eptor re"pon"ible :or the anti!holineri! e::e!t" "een Bith olanzapineH" ."e8[#4]
ntaoni"t8 /o""ible role in type 2 diabete" "ide-e::e!t"8 [#5]
$ecept! r
i!l!gic acti!n and n!tes [#4]
ntaoni"t8 @iely re"pon"ible :or the therape.ti! e::e!t" o: olanzapine aain"t the po"itiAe "ymptom" o: "!hizophrenia8[#4]
@0*, B!5! !, beta>adrenergic receptors, and ben"odia"epine binding sites.#-%#8% 0he mode of action of olan"apineHs antipsychotic activity is nknon. It may involve antagonism of dopamine and serotonin receptors. !ntagonism of dopamine receptors is associated ith e3trapyramidal effects sch as tardive dyskinesia(0D), and ith therapetic effects. !ntagonism of mscarinic acetylcholine receptors is associated ith anticholinergic side effects sch as dry moth and constipation, in addition it may sppress or redce the emergence of e3trapyramidal effects for the dration of treatment, hoever it offers no protection against the development of tardive dyskinesia. In common ith other second generation (atypical)
antipsychotics, olan"apine poses a relatively lo risk of e3trapyramidal side effects inclding 0D, de to its high affinity for the D* receptor over the D- receptor .#8+% !ntagoni"ing @* histamine receptors cases sedation and may case eight gain, althogh antagonistic actions at serotonin $>@0 -= and dopamine D- receptors have also been associated ith eight gain and appetite stimlation. #71%
Metabolism #edit% &lan"apine is metaboli"ed by the cytochrome ;6$1 systemC principally by iso"yme *!- and to a lesser e3tent by -D8. 5y these mechanisms more than 61 of the oral dose, on average, is removed by the hepatic first>pass effect.#-% Drgs or agents that increase the activity of =G;*!-, notably tobacco smoke, may significantly increase hepatic first>pass clearance of &lan"apineC conversely, drgs hich inhibit *!- activity (e3amplesJ =iproflo3acin, Flvo3amine) may redce &lan"apine clearance.#
%$Society and culture#edit% "eglatory stats #edit% &lan"apine is approved in the U.S.!. by the Food and Drg !dministration (FD!) forJ •
0reatment K in combination ith flo3etine K of depressive episodes associated ith bipolar disorder (December -11:).#7*% /ong>term treatment of bipolar I disorder (anary -116).#7-%#7:%
/ong>term treatment K in combination ith flo3etine K of resistant depression (9arch -11+).#76% &ral formlationJ acte and maintenance treatment of schi"ophrenia in adlts, acte treatment of manic or mi3ed episodes associated ith bipolar I disorder (monotherapy and in combination ith lithim or sodim valproate) Intramsclar formlationJ acte agitation associated ith schi"ophrenia and bipolar I mania in adlts &ral formlation combined ith flo3etineJ treatment of acte depressive episodes associated ith bipolar I disorder in adlts, or treatment of acte, resistant depression in adlts#7$% 0reatment of the manifestations of psychotic disorders (September *++8 #78%K9arch -111).
Short>term treatment of acte manic episodes associated ith bipolar I disorder (9arch -111).#77% Short>term treatment of schi"ophrenia instead of the management of the manifestations of psychotic disorders (9arch -111).#77% 9aintaining treatment response in schi"ophrenic patients ho had been stable for appro3imately eight eeks and ere then folloed for a period of p to eight months (?ovember -111).#77%
Contro!ersy# prosection# la$sits and settlements #edit%
li /illy has faced many lasits from people ho claimed they developed diabetes or other diseases after taking 2ypre3a. In -118, /illy paid 4711 million to settle ,111 of these lasits. #7% In -117, li /illy agreed to pay p to 4$11 million to settle *,111 more lasits. #7+% In -11+, li /illy pleaded gilty to a criminal misdemeanor charge of illegally marketing 2ypre3a for off>label se and agreed to pay 4*.6 billion. #1%#*% ! ?e Gork 0imes article based on leaked company docments conclded that the company had engaged in a deliberate effort to donplay olan"apineHs side effects. #-% 0he company denied these allegations and stated that the article had been based on cherry picked docments. 9ost of the docments ere disclosed as the reslt of lasits by individals ho had taken the drg, thogh other docments had been stolen.#:% li /illy filed a protection order to stop the dissemination of some of the docments hich the dge believed to be confidential and Lnot generally appropriate for pblic consmptionL.#:% 0emporary innctions re'ired those ho had received the docments to retrn them and to remove them from ebsites.#6% dge ack 5. Weinstein issed a permanent dgement against frther dissemination of the docm ents and re'iring their retrn by a nmber of parties named by /illy.#:% &n anary , -117, dge ack 5. Weinstein refsed the lectronic Frontier FondationHs motion to stay his order .#$% 0he docments given to 0he ?e Gork 0imes by im Bottstein sho that senior /illy e3ectives may have kept important information from doctors abot 2ypre3aMs links to obesity and its tendency to raise blood sgar K both knon risk factors for diabetes. The Times of /ondon also reported that as early as *++, /illy considered the risk of drg>indced obesity to be a Ltop threatL to 2ypre3a sales. #8% &n &ctober +, -111, senior /illy research physician
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