Presentation for Training Materials contain the requirements of the new version of the ISO 45001:2018 that regulate OH&...
OH&S Requirements in ISO 45001:2018 Clauses Presentation ( Preview )
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ISO 45001:2018 Requirements General Approaches General Appro aches in Standard Standa rd manage management ment systems
OH&S Requirements
ISO 45001:2018 OS&H Requirements
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Consultation Consultation and participat participation ion of worker workerss Hazard Hazard identi identific ficati ation on Determinatio Determination n of legal requiremen requirements ts and other requireme requirements nts Plan Planni ning ng actio action n Operational Operational planning planning and and control control General Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks Management of change Control of outsourcing Control of procurement Coordination with contractors 6. Emergency Emergency prepare preparednes dnesss and response response 7. Inci Incide dent ntss •
Consultation and participation of workers (cl. 5.4 ISO 45001:2018 )
The goal is to involve workers in the Management system
Mechanisms and resou rces Ac A c c ess es s t o OH&S OH& S in i n f o r m ati at i o n
Removin g barriers for p artici pation
Consult ation of workers
Participation of workers
Consultation and participation of workers (cl. 5.4 ISO 45001:2018 )
The first requir req uireme ement nt is to identify and provide mechanisms and resources for consultation and participation of workers.
OH&S meetings OH&S training Inclusion of responsibility and authority for OH&S in job descriptions Participation in expert groups and commissions Integration of OH&S activities into business process es Emergency preparedness and response Discussions of draft OH&S normative documents Submitting proposals regarding their needs and expectations, as well as deficiencies or improvements
Hazard identification 45001:2018 8) (cl. ISO 45001:201
The main factors th at are are taken taken into accou nt wh en identifyin g hazards hazards
a) Past incidents, incidents, including including emergencies, and their causes b) Nature of business business of the organization, social social factors c) Routine and and non-routine non-routine activities activities and and situations situations d) Emerg Emergenc encies ies e) Peculiarities of the activity activity,, including the convenience convenience of job preparation and execution, the possibility of people appearance in the hazardous zone, the reliability of technological safety equipment for all categories of workers f) Othe Otherr ques questi tion ons s g) Changes in the organization, organization, its activities, processes processes (including (including outsourcing), products, raw materials, materials and management system h) Changes in knowledge knowledge and information on on hazards
Determination of legal l egal requirements and other requirements (cl. 6.1.3 ISO 45001:2018)
Registration and integration of legal requirements and other requirements in the management system are ensured:
• •
when developing internal OH&S normative documents, including OH&S instructions; in addressing OH&S risks; via personnel training on legal requirements and other requirements; by communicating legal requirements and other requirements; via procurement, registration, and dissemination of legal and regulatory documents; when conducting internal audits of the management system.
Planning action (cl. 6.1.4 ISO 45001:2018) 45001:2018)
1. To plan implementation, integration, and introduction into management system processes actions relevant to addressing risks and opportunities
2. To To plan implementation, integration, and introduction into management system processes actions relevant to legal requirements and other requirements
3. To To plan implementation, integration, and introduction into management system processes actions relevant to emergency preparedness and response
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