TEMENO E#%"T*ON ENT&E Warning: This document, is protected by copyright law and international treaties. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or m echanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENO !E"#$%"&TE& " %nauthori'ed reproduction reproduction or distribution of this presentation or any portion of it, may result in se(ere ci(il and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under applicable law.) *nformation in this document is sub+ect to change without notice
O-.O%&E.*#: *n parameter. O-.O%&E record id of type 01O2%
O-.ME"0E : *n o5 out parameter. 3asses in the O- re6uest and sends bac7 the O- &esponse
Other information:
annot be called from local "3* such as (ersions from &8
-or internal use within core T/9 code
E(en internally, usage mostly replaced with O-.3OT.ME"0E
O0M; nice to 7now stuff
*n scenarios where O-.01O2%.M"N"0E& is already loaded in the session, the re6uest is written into the 6ueue specified in the O-.O%&E record under *N.$%E%E.#*& field
O.0.M may only be used if the write cache is empty
O-.01O2%.M"N"0E& builds up its own O-.O%&E record if the O-.O%&E record id argument is not supplied.
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