Official Gh15 Pocket Bible 2.0

March 24, 2017 | Author: Paolo Altoé | Category: N/A
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Tren General Info a. Since the 70s, we no longer grow into a show; rather we diet down…mainly because of Tren. It’s the only drug that let us prep 12 weeks or 16 weeks out without losing lean muscle mass and instead gaining lean muscle. b. Golden Yelloish drug that will cause changes on a daily basis without an emphasis on cardio while growing the muscle at the same ratio of losing fat. From the first day you take this as log as 50mg/day, it’ll cause an immediate increase in lean muscle. First by hardening the physique you have and making it denser. The fibers get closer and start separating due to water going inside the muscle. You see daily changes with fat melting with no cardio and not clean diet…shoulders open up and thicken, lats thicken, body tightens, waist gives illusion of being smaller. You need Veet to truly show off all the veins you will get. c. Tren and EQ is what separated the Gym Rats from the Pro BBers

II. Side Effects a. Tren Cough- When you inject in a vein, you will start coughing and itch everywhere but it stops after 2-3 minutes. b. Tren Enan is side effects in a bottle. Ace is what causes daily changes c. Fat fellas sweat more than lean fellas III. Tren Ace Transformation a. Dose: as low as 50mg E2D.unlike test, the higher the dose, the nastier you will look. b. Test- the higher the dose, the bloofier you look unless you have GH BUT with more tren, you get better, larger, thinned skin, more conditioned and separated. c. What to expect for the 12-13%er who starts 100mg i. Week 1: feel pumped from the inside of the muscle. Their face starts to change. You will get the high boxer type of look. Tremendous strength ii. Week 2-3: pecs and delts separate, remain full, you still have water between your muscle and skin. iii. Week 4-8: You start to get compliments on how big you look. You hear the word Lean. Veins start becoming very visible on back of legs, forarms, traps and chest..this depends on genetics but the veins you have will be more visible. iv. Week 9 and On: This separated the Real bodybuilder from the wannabe. You don’t need to flex to see your muscle separation. You look 4 weeks out at all times. You should reintroduce GH and cycle Testosterone properly. Add EQ. Cycle Test as in high doses and then cruising with Test Prop. IV. Extended Use a. You can run Tren for 6-12 months if you don’t abuse alcohol, narcotics, pain killers and diuretic. a. Blood pressure must be perfect: 110-120/65-80, Protect your Liver, Protect Kidney but not abusing diuretics, HGH treats the Trensomnia (HGH you can do a lot you can’t do without it.) b. Only Reason not to take it year round is it messes with your head.


General Info a. Causes a 3D look, increases number of muscle fibers and surface area of the muscles b. Dorian was the first to really abuse GH. He achieved a squarey look rather than the ballerina waist of the black fellas. He had a squary waist, very tight and small due to no insulin abuse but the waist was squarey and it gave the illusion of more dense, stronger and good bigger. c. Adding Gh when you are off AAS will cause you to lose size of course but you continue to create muscle fibers and when there’s more fibers to be mutated, you can grow huge. d. It requires you to constantly be eating because you become a fat burning machines, especially while on tren e. With GH and esp while on tren, cardio should consist of SEX and WALKING THE DOG II. General HGH Doses a. 4-6iu for any local competition b. 7-10iu for advanced ametuers c. 10-15iu for top ametuers. Insulin is also introduced and test levels start to sky rocket with EQ and Tren to a lesser degree d. 15iu+ for pros or real top ametuers. It’s where you get a realy freaky look of the muscle e. GH Blast- Blast for a few months and then off with moderate doses. You shock your body into new dimensions. III. General HGH Ages a. Ages: 20-28 will benefit but it wont make you a mutant unless you use HIGH doses of 8iu+ and constant insulin and high Testosterone intake. b. If you are 28 and over, 5-6iu can cause a big difference…. IV. HGH and Blood Sugar a. Legit HGH will decrease Blood sugar in blood glucose post inject, not increase! So when we inject ourselves, within 10-40 minutes we take in sugar like pineapple juice and bananas b. When injecting insulin, nothing turns to fat because it gets in the muscle volumizing them….so you take the GH, eat the pineapple and bananas and then load the insulin and it will push all this new sugar into the muscle and grow you.


Rules a. Clean diets don’t get you anywhere. This doesn’t mean eating junk food all day but it means not paying attention to whether you got butter In your rice or not. b. The answer is not in clean foods it is in legit hormones, being lean when starting them. Hgh and tren don’t let you get fat c. You need to have a specific caloric intake for the new size you aim at. d. Eat whenever hungy…every 3-4 hours e. HGH puts a film of water over you so you may not think you are bigger but you are! The water goes out after a few weeks of stopping GH. f. Make sure protein is high: 200-400Grams/ day for a lean 200lb bodybuilder g. Carbs should be HIGH. High carbs but cycle carbs couple low carb days but mostly high carbs II. Carbs- keep complex carbs low to moderate 4 days, then jump up to high complex carbs for a day….4 low-mod then 1 high then 4 low moderate then 1 high.

GH15 POCKET BIBLE III. Protein- 1.25-2.5g/lb LBM IV. Fat: olive oil, nuts, fish, peanut butter, keep it low like around 10-20% of total diet. V. Breakfast- 1 carton of egg whites, 4-5 whole grain wheat waffles with low sugar maple syrup and 1 big glass orange juice…wait 60-100 minutes and hit the gym. VI. Always look at the scale during bulking. You want size and weight no matter what. BF% and separation is good on stage. Don’t pay attention to BF% while bulkin and try to keep it under 15% VII. You must have 3-4 solid meals a day. Rest can be liquid as in protein powders and raw eggs VIII. Digestive enzymes are a must with every meal! Buy the ones that have LACTASE inside. Take them especially after 28Y/O IX. Fish oil and olive oil are good, use them a lot X. Feel free to eat dirty meals once or twice a week. XI. 8 hours of sleep is best, 5-8 will do though. XII. Foods a. Main source of protein: Egg whites (85% utilizable and easy to drink). Then sushi fish, then chicken and steak. Have 2 of these at all times b. Can of Pineapples and Bananas c. Ice Cream is your OTC supplement. Your body needs this milky texture to slow supply the body with something to work on. Ben and Jerry’s is BAD


Bodybuilding for the Poor: (Cycle outline compliments of theHeMan) a. Nutrition- Go to walmart and get tilapia in bulk. (White fish in bulk except catfish and mahi mahi.) Then get rice and then get your favorite condiment and seasonings for it. Then get bananas and canned pineapple. Get egg whites. Everytime you are hungry put tilapia on the pan after it’s been microwaved and cook. Add some rice and that’s your meal. If you still feel hungry, eat ice cream to hold you over Don’t overfeed but eat what your body needs b. Cycle: c. Days1-25: GH - 4iu's (2iu's morning/night) Equipoise - 900mg (3 jabs/week) d. Days 26-50: GH - 4/5 iu's (2.5iu's morning/night) Equipoise - 900mg (3jabs/week) Tren A - 100mg (EOD) Test P - 50mg (EOD/E3D) e. Days 51-80: Equipoise - 900mg (3jabs/week) Test E - 900-1000mg (3 jabs/week) Tren A - 500mg (5jabs/week) or stick to 100mg (EOD) Masteron - 50mg (EOD, only if high estrogen) f. Days 81-120: Test E - 1000-1200mg (3jabs/week) Equipoise - 900mg (3jabs/week) Anadrol - 100-150mg (ED)

GH15 POCKET BIBLE Masteron - 50mg (EOD) GH - 6-8iu's (per day introduced on day 90, possible 6-8iu's EOD II. Blowing up right 1. Get as lean as possible-lean people will always look better than a bloofy fella. Lean fells respond to hormones much better than bloofy people because when you’re fat you don’t utilize nutrients well and when you’re muscular you do utilize the food well. 2. To get to 9% and under, only use test, Tren, Mast. If over 25 y/o add GH…no other product should be used until you are 9%, well really 7%. 7% to 9% is the Twilight zone. 7% body fat is when you are lean and ripped in a relaxed position. 3. When you get to 8% and can see ab lines and skin getting the pop look with not much fat under the skin, take out the test P and use Test E and blast with 1-2 grams of legit test E so you get thicker while blowing up and maintaining single digit BF%. No orals, only change of ester ad increasing test dose from 350-700mg to 1-2g of enanthate. That’ll push the muscle even further from within the skin and you’ll go from 200-210lb 8% up to 220lb 7-8%. This is to thicken up a physique that is going into too lean phase. Too lean can give impression of too week so you need THICKNESS. 4. Tren ace should always be there at any time…always ON. This will make sure you shed fat and increase lean muscle. 5. When you get to your desired weight and size with single digit body fat, preferably around 8%, then you reduce test and change it to test Prop 350-700mg a week ED while increasing Tren use and increase EQ and Mast into high drive. Increase GH and you will get into more of the 6% zone after a couple months while losing zero size. 6. When you are at 6%, take out test completely for a few weeks, get dry maybe 2-3 weeks then blast with anadrol or dianabol ad blow into a new size with 6-7% body fat 7. The gh increase to very high doses and insulin should only come after all those steps when the body is primed and ready. 8. Adding a diuretic is necassery if you want to see an anatomy chart but if you’re not competing you don’t need to see 4-5% and 6% will suffice. A diuretic will let you rebound even better but this is preferred if competing a. Diet doesn’t really matter down to 6% as long as you have some balance and don’t drink oil all day but keep high protein and cycle the carbs right if you know your body. Flat doesn’t mean muscleless if means temporary condition.

RULES AND TIPS III. 7 rules to a phenominal physique a. You don’t built legs with big weight, you build it with higher reps with moderate weight. With 6 plates on each side will only build your ego b. Lift only as heavy as you can lift with good form. Only show off your strength once a month to boost your ego c. Use hormones on a regular basis d. Don’t quit no matter what, keep improving. The ones who quit and try to come back never get back better…NEVER QUIT e. Diet matters less when you pack on muscle. When cutting is when dieting is really important. If you sit down and calculate your daily macros, you will never grow!


Always use ephedrine when cutting…always keep the majority of your foods clean when cutting..don’t ever give up your dirty food completely when cutting because your body needs it even though you are cutting. Like cheat once or twice a week. You will never look your best if you completely eliminate carbs during the diet phase. 30g/day for 4 months will make you look like shit g. If you choose to use supplements, as in protein powder, use a good one like allmax IV. What creates a true mass monster in bodybuilding? a. There is size and then there’s blown out of proportion size. b. What makes them huge is hgh and insulin in doses you can’t even imagine like 100iu insulin a day and 20-30iu gh a day and a ton of testosterone and anabolics such as npp, eq and tren. c. It is insulin that makes it possible V. Definition of breaking through a plateaua. When you max out tren and test P at 200lb 6%, you have to add test with long esters and gh to reach 220 6% b. If a bodybuilder is 205lb 10% he should break the plateau with lighter doses since he is smaller than the 200lb 6%. He should add test and gh at lower doses in order to work on the quality along with size. It will be slower growth but can be done at high bodyfat, just with LOWER DOSES. c. The fellas who need to blast on doses are the lower bodyfat fellas…the ones who start 6-7% will have the biggest break in plateau and the most lean gains with no fat when gh is in. d. Breaking plateau has nothing to do with weights, the weights increase when the body is primed for growth but the main part is to increase the dose of testosterone to the grams, more gh. 11.5g a week goes well with 6-12 iu a day. Over 1.5g you need more like 15iugh…1.5-3grams needs 20-30 iu gh and then more gains are caused by insulin. e. When trying anything, make sure to keep in at least 300mg EQ and 100mg NPP with Tren and Masterone so you don’t get too soft and have the nasty factor that only tren gives. VI. Advice for young bodybuilders a. Always have Tren Ace, Test, EQ and Masterone on hand b. Always use them consistently no matter what c. No matter how lean you feel or psychologically fucked, don’t quit those 4 drugs because with time they will give you the 3 dimensional look d. GH is a must for the bodyfat levels /size combo you need nowadays. The only thing that will keep you from losing muscle mass at the very end is GH but try to abuse it less at the beginning stages for when you really need it later in life. e. Take insulin out of bodybuilding along with SEO f. American bodybuilders use more drugs and higher doses. VII. What you need to become a bodybuilder a. Money b. HGH. Consistant enough in case you get off AAS you need GH in your system for muscle fibers to continue growing c. Need: Test, EQ, Tren, Mast d. Diuretics are a must for the shredded tunnel abs e. Oil- Yep SEO f. Insulin- don’t go very very high g. Nutrition

GH15 POCKET BIBLE h. Genetic response that is phenomenal i. Legit Drugs meaning a good source

TEST AND SEX I. Test doses- when a pro says 1200mg, he means legit human grade. 3 out of 4 UGLs are bunk. II. Shutdown and Test-Estro Ratio a. Reduction of estrogen: test Ratio in the blog is a prime example of hardness problem in bodybuilders. Estrogen is an integral part of sex….no estrogen = no hard cock or hard and soft ons…cialis or Viagra will be useless. b. c. The main point is to take aromatizing hormones such as testosterone and dianabol to bring back sex drive. d. Proviron is better than Viagra and cialis and is very good but it’s for people that didn’t fuck their estrogen: test Ratio to begin with. People on Tren, EQ, mast, Winstrol etc and minimal test for long enough will notice they got no sex drive or they do have a sex drive but can’t keep it up…for that there is always a need to have the right ratio og test in relation to the nonaromatizing anabolics e. Masteron is good but you have to inject 50-100mg ED f. Halotestin will get you hard no matter what g. Some fellas inject HCG but for the advanced BBer who tries to grow thicker and bigger, the test ratio should be 2:1. So you have 400mg Mast, 800mg EQ, 400mg Tren, that’s 1600MG….you should take 2.5g of Testosterone to have a sex drive. If you think you will inject 250mg Test with 1.5g of other anabolics, you’ll have a soft cock. h. HCG is something you need if you want to get clean off hormones and want to bring your own shit to where it was at 21 and get your girl prego after long Gear use i. HCG always works no matter what. The problem is it will never be ynthetic testosterone and you can’t grow into new dimensions so it gives you hardons and big balls but with synthetic test and the right doses, you get the hardons and the growth you want as a bodybuilder. j. Halo + prov + Test = Porn Star. Add Gh = Lean muscular porn star III. Cock a. Only thickness can change. If you’re 5.25-5.5” you should be fine.


Hormone description a. Testosterone- natural hormone, the more of it, the bigger, more aggressive and energetic you will be. 500-750mg = 200-220 BBer b. EQ- grows you lean c. Deca- human grade of EQ. Always better than EQ for growing d. Tren- strength and hardness. Muscle maturity is what you notice and you’re face will look order e. Dbol- best drug in history. Will add 20lbs within first 3-4 weeks f. Anadrol- use for prep. Not recommended by GH15 but will keep you full while dieting. 100mg+ if not 150-200mg

GH15 POCKET BIBLE g. Winstrol- stiffness and hardness. Better have lots of muscle and good shape because you wont look good otherwise and you’ll never lift heavy. h. GH- fat burner, grows new muscle fibers i. Insulin- key to becoming a freak. It ruined BB to a degree j. Igf- organ growth k. Clen- fat burner. Retian water the first few days then boom start losing weight l. Ephedrine- better than Clen because it’s faster m. T3- wanna eat mcdonalds everyday? Yay but don’t use if not on GH and insulin. Best fat burning product on earth. Ephedrine gets a better ranking than T3 because it’s more forgiving. You can abuse Ephedra but T3 is merciless. Abusing T3 without enough muscle or food will result in you losing fat and muscle at the same rate. BBers should be kept at 25-75mcg n. Arimidex, Letro- estrogen eliminator to almost 5%. Recommended only for use in prep o. Clomid, Nolva- old generation crap II. What would you recommend as a best beginner cycle? a. Test Prop, Tren Ace, HGH, Primo Ace - Used to explode into Lean mean muscle machine. III. PCT- is bullshit. We never go off IV. Roundness of Delts a. Comes from Tren and EQ b. EQ @ 600-1200mg a week c. Tren Ace @ 150-800mg a week d. Masterone is added for finishing touch V. GH15’s preference order for 220 and over look at low single digits. a. In order: Dianabol, Test Cyp, Tren, Mast, EQ, GH VI. Cycle without HGH a. You really don’t need GH until around 23. If you have natural gh and you’ll know it quite fast I assume you don’t because you would be at 10% now b. If you have high natural GH here’s your cycle i. 500-750 mg Test EW ii. 600mg EQ EW iii. 75mg E2D Tren Ace VII. Drugs for Power- In order: 20mg Halotestin, test suspention, tren ace, anadrol, turnabol, oxandrolona


The developmet of a professional bodybuilder a. The reason Evan came to a pro level is the timing of the hormoization and being smart to know what he wanted to do with his life early on. Most professionally start harmonizing at around 1 II. GH15 EXPLAINS THE LAST 5 HOURS OF HIS LIFE: a. woke up, drank a container of egg whites (15-20 egg whites), ate 4 waffles, 2 bananas and went to train b. was in the gym for 50min. bi and tri, 6 sets biceps 2 per exercise to failure…6 sets tricep 2 per exercise to failure…flexed in the mirror…did 4 sets 15 reps roman chair abs c. drank another container off egg whites with low fat chocolate milk and then got Chinese…ate 80min post workout III. 12 board rating system

GH15 POCKET BIBLE a. Good boards: elitefitness, steroidology, steroidmas, outlawmuscle, bodyofscience, anabolicboard IV. Genetics a. They don’t matter if you want to turn Professional, it will only matter if you want to be compared to other professionals V. Steroids and Death a. No Deaths from hormones! It’s the narcotics and insulin abuse and diuretics. VI. Myths a. You have to train real hard in order to build muscle b. You have to eat clean in order to build good muscle VII. Natural traininga. Always heavy. You cant lift as heavy at 6% when you were 15%. Rep ranges 6-12 reps with everything. 6-12 for upper body and 15 for lower body. Naturals never skip a meal. Every meal should be 2-3 hours apart and never overfeed. b. 5’10” 185 9-10% offseason, going to contest 165-175 5-6% c. 6’2” natural 210-220 10% offseason. 195-200lb 5-6% VIII. I CANT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I: a. took creatine b. Took glutamine c. Last time I had cytogainer d. Drank protein powder e. took any supplement beside BCAA f. Ate clean the majority of the time g. Trained ever 60-75mins h. Bought a bbing magazine i. Had amazing genetics although people tell me all the time j. Ran home and ate exactly 45min post training, I just ate after training k. Worked with free barbell to do squats l. Had a friend be able to hold 210 pounds of quality muscle

TRAINING I. Training 3-4 sessions a week. 1 hour each (little time as possible.). As heavy as possible with good form…pyramid for lighter to heavier. The more intense and short the more impressive you’ll look. Change routines and order of exercises every month…2-4 sets per exercise. Rep range- 6-10 reps. Always flex in the mirror. 8-20 sets per bodypart can work well depending on many factors OUTSIDE THE GYM II. No need to climb up to 50lb if you didn’t feel it at 40lb…Listen to your body. You grow outside the gym. III. 2-3 training days will do for OFF medicine. IV. Free weight bench is good for powerlifting. Machine work and cable work will lengthen your career and let you grow without injuries. Can use Deca for Joint health. V.Eliminate repetitive exercises. Do 3 sets incline and 3 sets flat bench and then flyes, not incline, flat, decline, machine etc. Work smart.

GH15 POCKET BIBLE VI. Devote a few days a month to “all you can lift plus” kind of workouts (The stronger guys are the ones with less muscle mass. Their tendons and bones are strong.) VII. Suggested routine- Mon-arms, Tues-legs, Wed- off, Thurs-back, Fri-chest and shoulders, Sat&Sun-off. VIII. After you build your foundation, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you progress by stimulating the muscle. IX. If you don’t compete, cardio is not needed. If you do compete, cardio at certain times in your lifting is beneficial. X. Pump weight is blood rush and water weight. If you inject 3 units gh before training or 80mcg igf1lr3, you’ll have max pump at the end of your session. XI. Try out training 5-6, 3-4, 2-3, 1-2 times a week and see what your body likes best XII. Weak body parts should go twice a week but only for a specific period of time like a month or so. XIII. Train abs 2-3 times a week and 5-6 sessions abs with 30-40min fast walking with dog pre contest. XIV. Squats are not a must. GH15 changes between squats, hack squats and leg press XV. Whenever GH15 was stuck on bench, he would do hammer incline machine with tons of weight for 2-3 weeks then go back to bench and improve lifts. XVI. True naturals eat EXACTLY every 2 hours with very CLEAN foods to look somewhat like a harmonized fella on mostly clean food. Natural genetic best = 7lbs for each inch in height XVII. Most serious bodybuilders never go over 10% bodyfat and only the water bloat makes them look 15%


The more simple, the bigger your muscles will get. Try going 2 sets per exercise instead of 4 but do it right. That’s for lagging arms. If you grow everything bigger, your arms will grow along. You can inject AAS into the arm or SEO depending on how well you know your body. Exercises are less important, anything that’ll work the arm will do. Most fellas work biceps 4 sets and triceps 8 sets. i. BICEPS 1. Preachers one dumbbell, one arm at a time 2. preacher machines 3. hammers 4. Anything that doesn’t involve the lower back and shoulders ii. TRICEPS 1. Close Grip Bench a must for massive tri’s 2. Push Down Cable 3. Reserve push down cable 4. Nose crunchers on incline or flat bench


I. Incline bench better than Flat Bench. Isolate the Pecs and lower the bar without touching your chest. II. Smith machine work (add 10lbs to make it comparable to free weight) you don’t need to stabilize your pecs with free weights to improve them. III. Close grip work on decline bench for under developed Lower Pecs IV. Cable work good for finishing touches instead of flyes

GH15 POCKET BIBLE V. Work chest intensely and no longer than 45min. 12-17 sets done right with 1-2 min MAX rest between and go home, VI. Change your chest training style every couple of months…that means number of reps and sets and exercises


I. Anything with pull down machine or cable, chin ups, T Bar and dumbbell Raw at an angle to work the lower lat better.

SHOULDERS II. Pressing movments on smith, free bar, hammer machine, dumbbell or machine laterals, shrugs III. free weights for lateral and front delts,,machine for rear delts.


I. hack squats ,,lunges,, standing leg curls,,seated calf work


IV. Dead lifts, squats, dead lifts, squats, barbell curls/dumbell curls, dead lifts, squats, shoulder press, dead lifts, squats, chin ups/pull downs, dead lifts, squats, tbar rows/dumbell rows, dead lifts, squats, bench press/incline bench press, dead lifts, squats, tricep work of your choice as long as its heavy and strict or as close to strict as possible if super heavy weight, dead lifts, squats. calf work of your choice, ab work of your choice. V. After few years when you have foundation dialed in you can start playing with exercises and be more lazy since you know your body well and know what it takes to get to where you need to be whether it’s by leg press or squats, dead lifts or good mornings…it won’t matter much when you got the foundation dialed in and the drugs in the mail/gym bag/fridge to your question,, VI. When start training flat bench is a must. During the years when you develop a good base and foundation, I would limit flat bench and do a lot more incline bench.

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