Official ANNEXES for the 2015 Guidelines on the Formulation of POPS PLAN
January 4, 2017 | Author: Joyette Viñas | Category: N/A
Short Description
These are the annexes to the DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2015-128, entitled, Guidelines on the Formulation of Peace and...
Annex 1 – Description of each POPS Plan Component
A. Review of Local Strategic Directions (Vision, Mission and Goals) This Chapter consists of the general information about the Local Government Unit (LGU), and its Vision, Mission, Goals Statements, consistent with the existing plans of the LGU, in which it enumerates the strategic and desirable direction of the LGU and the community. B. Peace & Order and Public Safety Situation This Chapter contains consolidated data, presentations and reports submitted by local authorities relative to the situation of criminality, peace and security in the locality. C. Priority Peace and Order and Public Safety Challenges This Chapter is the review and analysis of situation reports presented in Chapter B, which focuses on the division or classification of said peace, order and security issues into Priorities, Advocacies, and other categories D. Objectives, Strategies, Targets, Indicators and Baseline Data Objectives, Strategies, Targets, Indicators and Baseline Data shall be enumerated in this Chapter, based on the priority peace and order and public safety issues or challenges identified in Chapter C. E. Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities (P/P/P/S/As) This Chapter enumerates the Policies needed to be issued, Programs, Projects, Activities needed to be conducted, and Services to be delivered that will complement the objective and targets in each priority Peace and Order and Public Safety Issue. F. Implementation
Program/Activity Implementation) This chapter enumerates the Agencies, Offices, Committees, Organizations or Entities primarily responsible for the implementation of each P/P/P/S/A. G. Funding Requirements This chapter specifies the amount, source of fund, and type of fund needed in each P/P/P/S/A listed in Chapter E. H. POPS Plan Monitoring and Evaluation This Chapter focuses on the Actual Accomplishment or Implementation and Fund Allocation of P/P/P/S/As in relation to the projected or proposed ones. I. Communicating Results to the Public and to the Stakeholders This Chapter focuses on the development of a communication plan, i.e., strategies or communication tools to advocate, disseminate and/or promote peace and order and public safety policies, programs, projects, services, and activities, and encourage
Annex 1 – Description of each POPS Plan Component
stakeholders to create an integrated and synchronized efforts in addressing peace and order and public safety issues. J. Annexes This Chapter may include all other attachments or supporting documents.
Note: Chapters C*, D, E, F and G are in matrix form, while Chapters A, B, C, H and I are in narrative form.
* The Priority Peace and Order and Public Safety Challenge Column in the POPS Plan matrix form requires only the keyword or phrase.
Annex 2 – Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan Matrix Template
Peace and Order and Public Safety Challenge
Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and / or Activities
Baseline Data
Target by ____
Office(r) Primarily Responsible
Funding Requirements Source
Year 1
Year 2
Note: The Priority Peace and Order and Public Safety Challenge Column requires only the keyword or phrase deduced, or as a result of the prioritization process, in Chapter C.
Year 3
Annex 3 – Recommended Policies, Programs/Projects, Services and Activities
On Crime Prevention and/or Law Enforcement: a. Conduct of organizational, coordination, and/or inter-agency meetings b. Provision of personnel, financial support, and other administrative services to the POC Secretariat c. Promotion and implementation of the Community and Service-Oriented Policing (CSOP) System: i. Increase in police visibility ii. Conduct of community-based activities iii. Formulation and conduct of perception survey focused on the security and peace and order situation of the locality (i.e., on crime reduction, fear of crime and public disorder) d. Support to programs of PNP such as the Oplan Lambat-Sibat e. Equipage/logistical support for law enforcement agencies f. Conduct of awareness raising programs for the community i. Engagement with, and mobilization of, the Private Sector (through MOA, MOU, Pledge of Commitment) as support or partner for advocacies and awareness raising activities g. Formulation and improvement of peace, order, public safety and security policies (rules and regulations, ordinances, resolutions, and other measures under policy development) h. Aid and/or capability development for personnel of law enforcement agencies, prosecution service, courts, correctional facilities and volunteers/partners i. Programs for special themes or special concerns of the LGU, as may be applicable i. Anti-illegal drugs ii. Anti-illegal gambling iii. Counterinsurgency and/or counterterrorism iv. Environmental protection (anti-illegal logging, anti-illegal mining, antiillegal fishing, etc.) v. Other non-traditional and transnational threats to security (illegal smuggling of goods and persons, illegal trafficking in persons, cybercrimes, etc.) vi. Reintegration programs for ex-convicts j. Peace and Development Initiatives i. Comprehensive Local Integration Program (CLIP) ii. PAMANA program On Public Safety Measures a. Installation of ramps and railings for PWDs and Senior Citizens b. Installation of CCTV, pedestrian lanes, road signage and lighting c. Assignment/Deployment of traffic enforcers and public safety officers d. Organization and mobilization of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATS) e. Organization and maintenance of Barangay Information Network/The Eyes in the Barangays f. Establishment and/or maintenance of LGU hotlines (aside from the PNP, BFP, and other emergency hotlines)
Annex 4 – POC Accomplishment Report
Policies, Programs, Projects, Services and Activities
Physical Accomplishment Target
Actual Conducted/ Accomplished
Funding Date of Completion/Date Conducted
We hereby attest to the veracity and correctness of the data or information contained in this document.
______________________________________ DILG Provincial Director/City Director/ City or Municipal Local Government Operations Officer
_____________________________________ Provincial/City/Municipal Peace and Order Council Chairperson
Actual Allocation
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