Office Crush

April 20, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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Office Crush

Tiffany had admired her boss for a while, she looked up to her but had never in fact laid eyes on her for the entire week she had been working in her company. What happened when she was called into Miss Kim's room for the first time...was what Tiffany hoped was the start of a great friendship and she couldn't help but hope, a possible relationship. She found she was falling for the CEO each and every time she saw her.

First Meeting

"Hwang! Miss Kim would like to see you in her office!" Sooyoung called.

Sooyoung was Miss Kim's executive assistant, she was a stuck up workaholic who loved to look down on the other workers. She boasted about herself constantly at being the closest and most important worker to Miss Kim Taeyeon, one of the most successful and wealthiest business women in Korea. The moment she heard her name, Tiffany Hwang's head shot up to look in Sooyoung's direction and she found said girl looking back at her, papers in her hand and looking at her watch sarcastically.

"Any time today!" She shouted.

Tiffany gathered the papers she had been working on and approached the tall and skinny woman. She had never really gotten on with her, she was too up herself and Tiffany usually looked for friendship in people who were kind and down to earth and that was most certainly not Choi Sooyoung,

"What does she need to see me for?" Tiffany asked, extremely nervous at the fact that she had only been working here a week and had never seen Taeyeon face to face, never spoken with her, nothing. She had seen photos of her online but had never caught one little glimpse the whole time she had been working here.

"I don't know, maybe you're slacking and she wants to fire you?" Sooyoung smirked. She knew Tiffany didn't like her and she wasn't particulary fond of her either.

Sooyoung pushed Tiffany towards the big door with Kim Taeyeon's name printed in the middle on a gold plaque and underneath, the letters CEO. Tiffany gulped and her hands were getting clammy. She wondered why, it's not as if she was going to her death. She exhaled slowly and then knocked the door.

"Come in"

That voice managed to send a shiver down Tiffany's spine, it was deep and cold. Unwelcoming. Tiffany opened the door and stepped inside, she was immediately awestruck at how big the room was and it's design. It was luxurious, Tiffany was too busy looking at the room and didn't notice Taeyeon was sat in her big leather chair looking straight at her.

"Miss Hwang, I would appreciate if you stopped gawking at the room and paid attention to what I have to say."

Tiffany's eyes immediately shot in Taeyeon's direction, she finally saw the woman who struck fear in many of the workers and who could fire anybody with the click of her fingers. Tiffany froze in place, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She bowed ninety degrees in respect and could feel Taeyeon's eyes dig into her, she bit her lip as she stood up straight again to look the woman in the eyes.

Taeyeon motioned to the seat in front of the desk and watched as the timid girl in front of her scurried to the chair almost immediately. Taeyeon held in a sigh and stuck her hand out to the

girl. Tiffany stared at her hand as if it was a foreign object, she was deeply confused which made Taeyeon aggravated.

"Give me your paperwork" Taeyeon huffed, losing her patience with the girl. Tiffany jumped at the raised voice and put her work in Taeyeon's hand, she then looked down again, her hair covering her face.

Taeyeon began reading what Tiffany had done. She was impressed that the little introverted character before her was good with her words and ultimately good at her job for the short amount of time she had been working there. As she continued sifting through the pile, Tiffany raised her head a tad to look at the powerful woman in front of her.

She focused on Taeyeon's eyes, they were a lovely brownish onyx colour and Tiffany could make out little specks of hazel in them too. She moved down to Taeyeon's little button nose...

*Cute* Tiffany thought.

And then finally Taeyeon's lips... They were full and pink and they managed to entrance Tiffany. The way they shone because of the lip gloss she was wearing and their perfect bow shape, and....


Tiffany jumped at the sudden noise and looked up at Taeyeon who was looking back at her with an amused expression. Tiffany knew she had been caught looking at her lips and immediately gained a pink hue across her cheeks.

"This is good" Taeyeon said while pointing to Tiffany's work. "Well done".

Although Taeyeon had said that without a hint of emotion in her voice, Tiffany was over the moon for being praised by her. She broke out into one of her eyesmiles and bowed in gratitude.

"Thank you" "You may go, keep up the good work" Taeyeon said, giving Tiffany her papers back. The latter took them, stood up and bowed again before starting towards the door.

Tiffany had only just placed her hand on the handle when Taeyeon's voice made her freeze again.

"Oh and Tiffany?"

*Oh my God. She said my name* Tiffany fangirled inside her head as she turned back to face the CEO.

"Try not to get distracted" Taeyeon smirked before looking away and waving her hand signalling for Tiffany to leave. Tiffanys jaw dropped open in shock but she quickly scurried out the room and closed the door behind her, half running back to her desk.

*Omo, that was embarrassing* Tiffany held her head in her hands, annoyed that she was so stupid to try to stare at Miss Kim so openly.

"What was that about?" Her coworker Jessica asked. "Oh, she wanted to look at my work and then told me I was doing a great job and to keep it up" Tiffany smiled. "Wow, I've never heard about her praising anyone before" Jessica exclaimed. "She usually just grunts and tells them to get out."

Tiffany smiled again at what Jessica said, she literally couldn't stop smiling. She kind of liked Kim Taeyeon, she admired her a lot and looked up to her.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Jessica asked while smirking, making Tiffany's smile dissapear. "N-nothing" Tiffany replied quickly before carrying on with her work, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

Jessica just chuckled and went back to her own desk to continue her paperwork. She had to admit, she was a little jealous that Tiffany had gotten praise from Taeyeon, Jessica had liked Taeyeon for a while, as in had a crush and had been called into her office once or twice but she was never told 'you did a good job'. She was just told to hand in her paperwork before Taeyeon nodded and returned it to her with barely a glance in her direction.

*What does she have that I don't?* Jessica pouted.

Hours Later

Tiffany was still up to her eyes in paperwork and she was getting frustrated because there was only five minutes left until she had to go home. She knew she would never get it finished so got up and approached the bratty Sooyoung to ask if she could stay behind late to finish her work. Tiffany was met by a bitchy look from the latter and tried to control her urge to roll her eyes.

"I was wondering if I could stay late today, I only need around an hour to finish up my work and I'll be done." Tiffany said. "You'll have to ask Tae... I mean Miss Kim about that." Tiffany frowned at the nickname Sooyoung gave Taeyeon, she was a little jealous that she got to be on a first name basis with her let alone a nickname. Nevertheless, she bowed to Sooyoung and approached Taeyeon's door.

She knocked three times and waited for an answer. When it came, Tiffany opened the door and closed it behind her and saw Taeyeon hadn't even looked up so she walked towards her desk and came to a stop next to the chairs opposite Taeyeon.

"Miss Kim, I..." Tiffany stopped as Taeyeon looked up at her, that gaze made her freeze in place and lose her voice. Taeyeon was so attractive, Tiffany couldn't help but get butterflies in her stomach. "Yes?" Taeyeon responded, watching as the girl crumbled in front of her, Taeyeon was used to this, she wasn't cocky or anything but because of her position and because of her good looks, she kind of expected it from both guys and girls alike.

"Uhh. Oh! I'm sorry!" Tiffany squealed making Taeyeon frown at the sudden high pitch, Tiffany immediately clamped her hand over her mouth and facepalmed herself mentally.

*Calm down Tiffany, you're making a fool out of yourself.* She thought.

"I was um...wondering whether I could stay behind today to finish the rest of my paperwork" Tiffany said slowly and calmly. "How long do you need? I'm only staying for another two hours then I'll have to lock up the building." Taeyeon replied. "Oh, two hours is plenty of time, thank you" Tiffany got up to bow. "I'm glad to see you take your work seriously" Taeyeon called out as Tiffany approached the door. "Yes, of course" Tiffany smiled.

Her heart stopped when she saw Taeyeon return the smile before directing her gaze back to her laptop. Tiffany left the room and ran to Jessica's desk.

"Omo Jess she smiled at me" Tiffany squeaked. "That's nice" Jessica said simply. "Are you okay? Tiffany asked, concerned that her friend seemed a little off. "Yeah" Jessica chuckled "I guess I'm just tired, are you ready to go?"

Jessica and Tiffany were roommates, they shared an apartment and were more like sisters than friends.

"I'm staying behind tonight Jess, I need to finish off my work" Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Go on without me"

Jessica smiled and gave her best friend a hug before packing up and leaving the establishment. Tiffany went back to her desk and watched as the rest of the workers dispersed until there was only herself, Sooyoung and Taeyeon left in the building.

Tiffany tried to get back to work but her eyelids were dropping shut, she tried once more but it was useless, she needed coffee. Tiffany got up and walked to the coffee machine in the corner of the large room filled with desks and computers and inserted her money, pressing the cappuccino button. As she waited, she saw Sooyoung rushing past her.

"You! I have an emergency so if Miss Kim needs anything, make sure you get it" she snarled. "But..." Tiffany didn't get a chance to reply as Sooyoung flew out the door. Tiffany looked back to her coffee and tensed up.

She was alone with Taeyeon. A smile spread across her face and she took the coffee back to her desk. Before she took a sip, she thought that if she herself was tired, Taeyeon must be exhausted seeing as she comes in two hours before Tiffany arrives and leaves two hours after Tiffany normally leaves. Tiffany tutted and grabbed the coffee before approaching Taeyeon's room.

Knock Knock

"Come in"

Tiffany frowned, Taeyeon's voice sounded a whole lot different than it had when she knocked on the door the first time today. It sounded weaker, tired. She opened up the door and walked to the desk.

"Miss Kim, Sooyoung told me she had an emergency and that if you needed anything, to call me. So I'm here to ask you if you need anything" Tiffany smiled.

Taeyeon looked up and shook her head.

"No I'm fine Tiffany, thanks."

Tiffany was about to walk back out when she remembered she still had the coffee in her hand.

"Um, I got you a coffee." Tiffany said shyly. "I hope you like cappuccino's"

Taeyeon looked up at her again and smiled at the girl's thoughtfulness. She reached out her hand and took the coffee from Tiffany before taking a sip.

"I love them, thanks Tiffany" Taeyeon grinned, showing Tiffany her rarely seen chin dimple.

Tiffany just had to return the smile and bowed before going towards the door. But before she left, she heard a grumbling sound, she turned back around and saw Taeyeon clutching her stomach. Tiffany smiled and walked back in.

"I was actually on my way to the cafeteria when I bumped into Sooyoung" Tiffany lied. "Can I get you anything?" "Umm, no thanks, I'm fine" Taeyeon rejected only for her stomach to rumble again. She realised she hadn't eaten since the morning and looked back up to see Tiffany waiting patiently by the door. "On second thought, I'll have a sandwich, thanks" she said as she grabbed her purse to give Tiffany some money before holding it out to her. "No, no" Tiffany waved her hands in front of her. "I'll get this".

Before Taeyeon could reply, Tiffany had walked out the room and shut the door leaving the CEO to furrow her brows in thought before going back to work. Tiffany soon returned with two sandwiches and another coffee, she knocked on the door and waited for Taeyeon to allow her in and once she heard confirmation, she managed to open the door with difficulty and struggled with the food and coffee in her hands. Taeyeon looked up and immediately rushed to help Tiffany out.

"Thanks" Tiffany blushed, freezing momentarily as Taeyeon's hand brushed against her own. She had never seen her this close before, she was even more perfect if that was even possible.

"No, thank you Tiffany. I realised I hadn't eaten since this morning" Taeyeon said as she sat down, opening the sandwich Tiffany got her. "It's my favourite, how did you know?" Taeyeon asked, pointing at the tuna mayo sandwich. "I-it is? Uhh.... It's my favourite too" Tiffany smiled. Of course she wasn't going to tell Taeyeon that she quickly googled what her favourite sandwich is before she went to the cafeteria.

Taeyeon smiled and nodded. She gestured for Tiffany to take a seat opposite her while they eat.

"Actually Miss Kim, I need to be getting back to work" Tiffany bowed. She wished she could take Taeyeon's offer of eating with her but she needed to get things done.

Taeyeon nodded and continued eating her sandwich, Tiffany watched. She couldn't believe such an attractive and strong woman could look so cute when eating.

"Didn't I tell you before to try not to get distracted?" Taeyeon smirked. Tiffany immediately jumped up and rushed out the room making Taeyeon chuckle.

An hour later, Tiffany was almost done with her work. She sighed in relief and was about to start typing again after a short break to crack her knuckles when Taeyeon exited her room, approaching her. Tiffany gulped and tried to look busy.

"Tiffany, I'm finished with my work now, are you done?" Taeyeon asked whilst leaning over the chair next to Tiffany's, giving the latter an eyeful of her cleavage.

Tiffany got lost in her daze again before she heard Taeyeon clearing her throat. She didn't dare look at her boss after she was probably just caught looking down her top.

"Umm..." "If you're not I can wait a little longer..." Taeyeon said, the smile still on her face after catching Tiffany checking her out. "N-no! I'm done." Tiffany lied. She stood up and began packing away her things on her desk until she felt a hand on her shoulder. "No you're not. Finish up your work and then we'll leave" Taeyeon said as she pushed Tiffany's shoulder down, making her sit.

Tiffany was still frozen from Taeyeon's firm but soft touch, she couldn't help thinking about holding that strong hand in her own. Tiffany snapped out of her daydream soon though when out of the corner of her eye, she saw Taeyeon sit down on the seat next to her.

"Well? Are you going to finish or are we going to be here all night?" Taeyeon asked in a light hearted tone.

Tiffany shook her head and bowed a little before rushing through her work. There were a few hiccups however when Taeyeon decided to bring her legs up to rest them on the side of Tiffany's desk, the latter couldn't help but look. Her legs looked so smooth and although they were short, they were well proportioned with the rest of Taeyeon's glorious body. Tiffany unconsciously licked her lips until she heard that same throat clearing from Taeyeon.

And there was also the time where Taeyeon leaned in front of Tiffany to get one of her pens, her face close enough to feel Tiffany's breathing on her cheek. This is where Tiffany's breath hitched as she saw Taeyeon's jaw line. My god, it was marvellous. So well pronounced and sharp....

*Is she aware of the torture she's putting me through right now?* Tiffany thought as she tried to get back to work but her hands were shaking a tad.

"Is everything all right?" Taeyeon asked. She was very aware that she was making Tiffany squirm and she loved it. "Yes, everything's fine" Tiffany was telling herself that more so than Taeyeon, she took a deep breath and continued the last paragraph on the last page, she was almost done. "How are you getting home?" Taeyeon asked. "Bus" Tiffany replied without taking her eyes off her work.

She finally finished the last paragraph and turned to see Taeyeon laughing, at her?

"What?" Tiffany asked "You do know that all buses stop at 8pm right? It's 9:30 now."


"Urgh, I guess I'll walk." "Where do you live?" Taeyeon asked "I live about ten minutes away from here by bus" Tiffany replied while standing up and slinging her bag over her shoulder, placing her finished work in the drawer in her desk. "Well then I'll take you home" Taeyeon suddenly said, her tone final.

"H-huh?" Tiffany stuttered. "I told you I'll walk..." "You're not walking at 9:35 at night in the streets of Seoul. Anything could happen." Taeyeon said as she took her car keys out of her bag and walked to the elevator. Tiffany followed quietly.

The elevator ride was awkward to say the least. Tiffany tried once more to convince Taeyeon to let her walk not wanting to bother her but the icy glare that Taeyeon gave her as she said she wouldn't allow it made Tiffany shut her mouth tight. Taeyeon led the way through the car park and to her white shiny Jaguar. Tiffany wasn't suprised she had such a nice car, she was one of the richest women in Korea after all.

"Get in" Taeyeon ordered when she saw Tiffany loitering by the car door unsure of whether to touch it just in case she left a fingerprint.

Tiffany obeyed, opening the door and sitting down in the comfy red leather seat.

"Wow." Tiffany said in awe as she looked at the interior of the car. It looked like one of those cars on James Bond, full of expensive gadgets and what not.

Taeyon chuckled and began reversing out of her space and then accelerating towards the exit.

"Where do you live?" "I'll give you directions. Thank you for this Miss Kim, you have no idea how much I appreciate it." Tiffany said honestly. She had thought Taeyeon would have been an arrogant, self absorbed bitch when she first stepped foot in her office but it turned out she was really nice, polite and so hot.

"No problem." Taeyeon replied before stopping at a red light. "And call me Taeyeon when we're alone okay?" She smiled, making Tiffany's heart burst. The latter nodded erratically because of the excitement which was met with a chuckle from her boss.

Taeyeon soon pulled up in front of an apartment complex and watched as Tiffany took her seatbelt off.

"Don't you have a car?" Taeyeon asked. "I've never really needed one seeing as the bus stop is right outside the workplace" Tiffany shrugged "Until now" Taeyeon grinned "Until now" Tiffany agreed, chuckling. "Well thank you again... Taeyeon" Tiffany smiled before getting out the car. "See you tomorrow". "See you tomorrow Tiff" Taeyeon waved as she sped off leaving behind a blushing, grinning, excited woman.

*She called me Tiff!* Tiffany jumped around on the pavement before getting a hold of herself and entering the complex.

Google Search Tiffany woke up an hour early the next morning, she wanted to look extra good in front of Taeyeon. So she showered and made sure she smelt nice before picking out her outfit for the day. She settled on a black pencil skirt that showed off her ass and a white blouse that she purposely left a few buttons undone on. She paired the outfit with shiny black heels and jewellery that would flatter her porcelain skin. Tiffany looked in the mirror and smiled. She wiggled her bra around a bit so her cleavage would be in the best position to be seen by the CEO and once she was satisfied, she left her apartment with Jessica. They were waiting at the bus stop when Jessica started a conversation.

"So, what happened yesterday?" "What do you mean?" "I saw Taeyeon bring you home" Jessica wiggled her eyebrows trying to hide her jealousy. Tiffany just giggled like a schoolgirl with a silly crush. "Nothing happened. I was going to take the bus but they don't run at that time, I said I would walk but she refused and told me she'd drive me home." Tiffany said, all with a smile on her face. "She refused?" Jessica asked amused. "Yeah, she said she wasn't having any of it and that anything could happen" Tiffany shrugged but felt grateful that Taeyeon cared for her safety. "Wow." Jessica said simply "What?"


The bus came to pick them up and the two sat in comfortable silence until they were dropped off in front of their building. Once Tiffany arrived, she sat down at her desk and stared at Taeyeon's door. She didn't have any reason to go and knock except for the fact that she wanted to see her. Tiffany sighed as she realised she had finished all of her work and had nothing to do but sit and think about how much she had taken a liking to Kim Taeyeon. Everything about the woman was perfect. She had gorgeous eyes, her lips were...ugh, her teeth were amazing, her figure was to die for... Tiffany could go on and on. Suddenly Tiffany remembered how she didn't give in her completed paperwork yesterday. Usually she would give it to Sooyoung but she couldn't see the annoying woman anywhere. Tiffany broke out into a huge smile as she grabbed her paperwork and approached Taeyeon's door. She knocked and waited for Taeyeon's answer before opening the door and stepping inside, closing it behind her. She saw Taeyeon sitting in her seat looking all gorgeous again working on her laptop. She didn't look up when Tiffany walked in so Tiffany stood to the side of the chairs in front of Taeyeon's desk waiting to be spoken to.

"Oh, Tiffany. Can I help you?" Taeyeon asked looking up to see the timid girl. "Hi" Tiffany bowed. "I um.. I forgot to give you my work I finished yesterday, so I'm here to give it now" Tiffany said shyly. "Ah. Thank you." Taeyeon replied as she took Tiffany's work and placed it on the side of her desk. She didn't realise that her fingers had brushed against Tiffany's making the girl freeze at the contact. Taeyeon looked up to see Tiffany still awkwardly standing there. "Anything else?"

"Um. Can I get you anything?" She asked as she twiddled her thumbs."Would you like another cappuccino?" She squeaked. "Thanks, but I already have one" Taeyeon said, holding up her half empty cup. "Oh, okay" Tiffany was hitting herself for being so stupid. How couldn't she have noticed Taeyeon had one. She bowed and walked slowly out of the room. Taeyeon noticed the girls change of behaviour turn from excited to sad after she had said that. "But I'd love another sandwich at lunch" Taeyeon called out, a little suprised at how fast Tiffany turned around and how quickly her sad pout turned into an eyesmile. "Of course" Tiffany grinned and walked out the room.

Taeyeon chuckled at Tiffany's behaviour and took another sip of her coffee.

A few hours later it was lunch. Tiffany sped down to the cafeteria and ordered both her and Taeyeon tuna mayo sandwiches and some drinks. Once she payed. She raced back up the stairs ignoring the concerned looks from her coworkers and soon arrived back at Taeyeon's door. She knocked and opened it once Taeyeon replied.

"I got you lunch" Tiffany smiled. "I didn't know what you like to drink other than cappuccino though so I got coke?" Tiffany said as she held up the can. "That's fine. Do you have to get back to work this time?" Taeyeon asked as she took her can and her sandwich off of Tiffany. "No, I'm done" Tiffany smiled. "Then take a seat, join me" Taeyeon smiled, her sexy teeth gleaming as Tiffany got lost in a trance again. "Well? Aren't you going to sit down?"

Tiffany snapped out of it and sat in the chair, her posture rigid with nerves. What if Taeyeon didn't like the way she ate? What if she dropped some of the sandwich on the rug? What if when she opened the can it went all over the desk? Tiffany thought this was a bad idea.

"You don't have to be so scared y'know, I don't bite" Taeyeon said as she watched Tiffany's behaviour and reluctance to eat. "I'm not scared" Tiffany squeaked. "No?" Taeyeon asked as she got up and sat in the chair beside Tiffany, leaning her elbows on her knees effectively pushing her breasts together.

Tiffany cleared her throat signalling she was uncomfortable and Taeyeon chuckled. She then brought the chair closer to Tiffany so their faces were pretty close, Taeyeon saw how Tiffany was looking anywhere but her eyes but as soon as Tiffany looked at her for a split second, Taeyeon licked her lips sensually. Tiffany immediately looked away and clenched her thighs together. Taeyeon smirked and got up, going back to her leather seat.

Tiffany meanwhile was a bit flustered. Okay a lot flustered. She fought the urge to fan herself with her hand and the wetness in her underwear was getting to be really uncomfortable. She looked up at her boss and saw her eating her sandwich cutely again.

"I should go..." Tiffany said "I thought we were having lunch together" Taeyeon replied. "I uh....have some things to finish off" Tiffany lied "I thought you said you were done..." Taeyeon said.

Tiffany sighed and stayed where she was, she'd just have to learn to control herself better. She ate the rest of her sandwich in silence and when she was done, she bowed and started to leave.

"Lunch tomorrow?" Taeyeon called out "Sure" Tiffany nodded. She really didn't want to to save herself from more embarrassment but she couldn't say no to Taeyeon, it was impossible. "This time it's on me" Taeyeon said with a wink which killed Tiffany inside. "Hehe, uhhh ok um, I'm gonna... Um can I...Uh I should go" Tiffany rambled much to the amusement of Taeyeon before leaving the office and running to the toilet to splash cold water all over her face.

*Get yourself together Hwang, Jesus Christ* Tiffany told herself, lightly slapping her cheeks. Once she had calmed down a bit, Tiffany returned to her seat.

Since she had nothing to do, Tiffany researched a little about her boss. What her favourite colour was, her favourite animal, her favourite meal etc. She was so enthralled at the information that she didn't notice someone coming up behind her back.

"Miss Hwang"

Tiffany jumped so high that she fell off her chair and tumbled to the floor. She looked up to see Taeyeon looking down at her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to suprise you, are you okay?" Taeyeon asked holding out her hand to help Tiffany up.

Tiffany nodded and hesitantly took Taeyeon's hand, loving the way it fit perfectly in hers. She almost let out a whine when she had to let go. Tiffany sat back in her chair and faced Taeyeon who was looking intently at her computer screen. She suddenly realised what she had been doing.


Tiffany jumped in front of the monitor blocking Taeyeon's view while she clicked a new tab and typed in something to do with her work. She was sure her face had never looked so red. She didn't dare look up.

"I just came to tell you that since you've finished your work, you can go home" Taeyeon told Tiffany

Tiffany bowed in response knowing that her voice would either stutter or crack if she were to answer. She heard Taeyeon's heels click across the floor, then come back.

"And by the way, my favourite meal is Bulgogi, not Jajangmyeon. That page seems to be outdated" Taeyeon said before leaving Tiffany absolutely humiliated. The girl quickly gathered her things and ran out of the building, not looking back.

As soon as Tiffany got home, she crawled into bed and looked up at the ceiling,

*How could I be so stupid?! How could I research her knowing the risk that anyone could see me? God Hwang you really are thick.* Tiffany scolded herself.

She wondered how the hell she would be able to face her tomorrow for lunch. She imagined how embarrassed she'd be if Taeyeon brought it up. Tiffany shook her head in disbelief, still not believing she had actually done that. On the bright side, she learnt a lot about Taeyeon. Well, maybe. Taeyeon did say that the website was outdated. Now in the safety of her own home, Tiffany grabbed her iPad and researched her boss again, looking for the most recent information. After a while she found a website and studied it. Tiffany learnt that Taeyeon's birthday was on the 9th March 1989 making her a few months older than Tiffany. Taeyeon's blood type is O, her Zodiac sign is a Pisces, she has an older brother and a younger sister...

*Aww I bet they are adorable just like her* Tiffany thought

Tiffany found out Taeyeon loved to sing, her hometown is in Jeonju, her favourite colour is blue, sometimes purple and she likes jelly and gummy sweets. Oh and of course, her favourite meal is Bulgogi.

Tiffany sighed at the hell she would receive tomorrow. She was sure that Taeyeon would have probably told Sooyoung all about her 'little stalker' and the latter would tell all of Tiffany's coworkers because Sooyoung's a heartless bitch. Tiffany fell asleep worried sick about what would happen.

Executive Assistant Walking into her workplace was the scariest thing Tiffany had done recently, she couldn't imagine the sick looks she would get. She took a deep breath before opening the door to the office and making her way to her seat. Tiffany was surprised and oh so relieved to find that nobody looked at her, nobody even spared a glance at her. She sat at her desk and saw that there was a pile of work waiting for her. She sighed and got to work, stopping now and again to look Taeyeon's door. Lunch time approached quickly but Tiffany carried on with her work, she didn't want the humiliation to come from seeing Taeyeon again but luck was not on her side.

"Ahem" That voice was all too familiar. "Hi Miss Kim" Tiffany said as she spun around in her chair to face her. "Lunch?" Taeyeon asked, drumming her fingers on Tiffany's desk. "I'm actually really tied up at the moment" Tiffany sighed.

Tiffany saw Taeyeon raise her eyebrow suggestively before smirking.

*Great....Taeyeon is dirty minded, that's all I need.*

"I mean tied up with work" Tiffany said, embarrassing herself yet again. Taeyeon kept the smirk on her face.

"And I'm giving you permission to take an hour off to come have lunch with me. You wouldn't want to disobey your boss would you?" "No!" Again with the squeaky and desperate cry. "No, I wouldn't. Let me just grab my bag..."

Taeyeon's hand covered Tiffany's which had just grabbed her handbag.

"Lunch is on me, remember?" Taeyeon smiled, a little too close for comfort.

Tiffany nodded and followed Taeyeon to the cafeteria. She didn't even know that Taeyeon actually went there, she in fact wasn't aware that Taeyeon never went there. Taeyeon either didn't eat or asked Sooyoung to get her something. Never had she herself sat down and ate with someone in that place. Tiffany wasn't comfortable with the stares that were being shot at the pair of them as they sat down after ordering their meals.

"What's up?" Taeyon asked. She was used to having people gawk and whisper around her. It was nothing new. "Doesn't this bother you?" Tiffany asked motioning to the people staring around them. "Not really no. Is it bothering you? Do you want to go somewhere else?" Taeyeon asked "No it's fine" Tiffany gave a reassuring smile as they waited for their food. Once it came, a slightly awkward silence ensued. Taeyeon was the first it break it.

"So, why did you come to work for this company?" She asked as she shovelled some of her food in her mouth. "It was a great opportunity to work with a great CEO and great people so I took it." Tiffany said simply, a slight blush coming to settle on her cheeks. "Why thank you" Taeyeon smiled. "No problem" Tiffany gave an eyesmile. "Are you enjoying your time here?" "Mmm." Tiffany swallowed her food before replying. "I love it. I know it's weird someone saying they love office work but I do. I also get to work alongside my roommate too so that's enjoyable". "And who is that?" Taeyeon asked curiously "Jessica Jung" "Ah, fellow American huh?" Taeyeon smiled "Yupp!" Tiffany lost her smile when she realised she spoke a little too informally just then. But Taeyeon didn't seem to mind. "Does she have a car?" Taeyeon joked "No" Tiffany laughed "To be honest we can't really afford one right now. Our bills are bad enough without having the added petrol bills an...". Tiffany stopped as she realised she had just gone on to her boss, the one who pays her about money issues. That was quite unprofessional. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have..." "Don't be silly, we are friends here..." Taeyeon gave a reassuring smile.

*Friends* Tiffany smiled.

The two finished their lunch and Tiffany got back to work while Taeyeon returned to her office, calling Sooyoung in as she entered. Tiffany had just finished when Sooyoung stormed out of Taeyeon's office and over to Tiffany with a scowl on her face.

"You Bitch." She snarled "Excuse me?" Tiffany said back. Where on earth was this coming from? "You heard me. I can't fucking believe you." She seethed. Tiffany was both scared and confused as Sooyoung left the building with a box in her hands. "Miss Hwang" Taeyeon called from her office. "Please come here"

Tiffany did as she was told and entered Taeyeon's office.

"Um, is there a reason why Sooyoung..?" Tiffany started asking as she sat down. "Yes" Taeyeon interrupted. "There is. You see, I have decided to promote you"

Tiffany's jaw dropped open in suprise.

"Wh-what?" She asked in disbelief. "You're now the new Executive Assistant. Providing you want to take the job of course"

"Yes! I would love to! Wow, thank you so much!" Tiffany beamed. It was so unexpected.... Why would Taeyeon...?


Tiffany remembered earlier where she had said she was having money issues. Was this Taeyeon's way of helping her out? But why would she even do that? Tiffany wondered.

"What are you thinking?" Taeyeon asked as she sat beside Tiffany. "Um, I don't mean to be frank. But I remember earlier I let slip that I was having money issues an...." "Ahh, and you think that this is my way of helping you with that?" Taeyeon pretty much hit the nail on the head there. Tiffany said nothing, she bowed her head, embarrassed to have even insinuated that. "Well, I may just think you are more suited to the job than Sooyoung" Taeyeon said shrugging. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say..." "No, it's fine. After all the time Sooyoung worked for me, she never once offered to do something or get something for me. She'd do it if I asked, but if not, she'd just get something for herself or just sit around doing nothing" Taeyeon revealed. "And never once did I catch her Googling me to find out my likes and dislikes, my allergies, my favourite food..." Okay so Taeyeon didn't want to admit that hearing Tiffany say she's struggling financially made her fire Sooyoung, but everything Taeyeon said about the latter was the truth so she wasn't really lying to Tiffany.

*Damn, she just had to bring it up* Tiffany sighed

"Don't feel embarrassed Tiffany, I liked it" Taeyeon chuckled

This made Tiffany hide her face in her hands, her blush spreading everywhere.

"Hey" Taeyeon said softly pulling Tiffany's hands away from her face. "Don't hide yourself." She smiled, holding Tiffany's hands. Tiffany froze. "You have a habit for doing that don't you?" Taeyeon laughed "What?" Tiffany snapped out of her daze. "Freezing up whenever someone touches you"

*Only when you touch me Tae....*

"I guess so" Tiffany giggled.

Taeyeon got up and went to the other side of the desk, flopping down on her leather chair and putting her feet up on the desk.

"Okay, so since you know mostly everything about me, I want to know about you" Taeyeon said. "Unfortunately I can't find out on Google because you aren't famous" Taeyeon teased earning a pout from Tiffany. "Fine. What do you want to know?" "Hmm. Favourite colour? "Pink. You have no idea how much I love it. Honestly" Tiffany said very seriously.

", favourite food?" "I like pretty much everything. I like American food a lot, but my favourite Korean food.... Eels I guess. They're amazing" Tiffany grinned "Birthday?" "August 1st 1989"

Taeyeon continued to ask questions until she was satisfied she knew her new assistant well enough. Afterwards, Taeyeon helped Tiffany move her stuff from her desk into the assistant section of Taeyeon's office. Tiffany was beyond excited, she got to work for Taeyeon, well she did before but now even more so, she got to work in the same room as Taeyeon.

"Okay, so I probably should have told you this before letting you accept the job." Taeyeon started, making Tiffany stop and listen. "Since you're my assistant, you'll have to come to and from work with me at the same time. I usually picked Sooyoung up from her house in the morning and took her home afterwards in the evening. Are you okay with that? And with the extra hours?" "Yeah of course. It's perfect. I'll just have to tell Jessie to leave without me now" Tiffany smiled. Taeyeon nodded and gave Tiffany a brief list of all her tasks that needed to be undertaken each day alongside Taeyeon's requests.

While Tiffany was reading it, Taeyeon came up behind her and read the brief with her, pointing out specific things. Tiffany however stopped listening as soon as she felt Taeyeon's breath on her neck, a shiver went throughout her whole body. She turned her head back to look at Taeyeon not realising how close the latter's face actually was. As soon as she turned, she jumped back at the close proximity, hitting her elbow on the desk and falling off the chair.

"Okay... So no touching and no close proximity" Taeyeon said. "H-huh?" "Nothing" Taeyeon laughed. "I'm sorry I was just suprised that's all" Tiffany said as she got back to her seat. Taeyeon just laughed again.

*Urgh this day is getting more and more embarrassing.*

"Tiffany can you return this to Lee Soonkyu?" Taeyeon asked holding out a bunch of paperwork. "Sure" Tiffany took it and left the office looking at all the name tags on each desk until she found the one she wanted. "Hi, Miss Kim wants to return this to you" Tiffany bowed "Ah thank you" the girl returned the bow and smiled. "So you're the new assistant?" "Yes" Tiffany grinned "How did you do it?" "Huh?" "How did you manage to get Kim Taeyeon to give you that job. She's never promoted anybody before. But then you come along and take my friend's job off her" Soonkyu aka Sunny said. "Um, I'm sorry I don't.."

"That's enough Sunny" Taeyeon's voice called out as she approached. "I don't appreciate you speaking to my assistant like that. I'm sorry that Sooyoung was your friend and you were close but it's not my problem that she didn't do her job properly" Taeyeon said in a stern tone of voice.

Sunny just looked away and bowed slightly, not wanting to get into an argument with her boss. As soon as Taeyeon started leaving...

"You probably just want to get in her pants" Sunny muttered under her breath, not realising Taeyeon had heard. "What was that? Care to say it again a little louder?" Taeyeon raised her voice a little. This was the first time Tiffany saw Taeyeon angry and it was scary. "It's nothing Miss Kim." Sunny gave the fakest smile ever and returned to her work. "Pack up. You're suspended until further notice" Taeyeon said out of the blue. Both Tiffany and Sunny were shocked "B-but Miss Kim!" Sunny tried to reason with her. "Goodbye Soonkyu. Give me a call when you're ready to come back to work with a different attitude" Taeyeon said firmly before walking back to her office.

Tiffany watched Taeyeon then brought her gaze back to Sunny. She could see the latter wanted to say something to her but was holding back. Tiffany bowed and scurried away back to the office.

"What was that about?" Tiffany asked as she sat down opposite her boss. "I don't like having to put up with pretentious little girls like that." Taeyeon said,her voice icy.

Tiffany nodded and went to sit back at her seat. The two didn't talk for the remainder of the day. Tiffany kept glancing at Taeyeon and only saw that she was pissed so decided it was best to leave it for today. As soon as it was time to go home, Taeyeon drove Tiffany to her house without a word and dropped her off. Before Tiffany could say thanks, Taeyeon had speeded off.

*Jeez. Mood-swings much?* Tiffany thought as she watched the retreating car.

Date? Tiffany was waiting outside her apartment complex for Taeyeon to pick her up. She kept looking at her watch as she shivered, Taeyeon was late but it was okay. Around five minutes later Tiffany saw the familiar jaguar speed around the corner, coming to a stop in front of her.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Tiffany! Traffic was terrible. You weren't waiting out here long were you?" Taeyeon asked guiltily.

Tiffany caught this.

"Nono, I wasn't don't worry" Tiffany lied as she got in the car. She was still freezing cold, she should have brought a jacket. "I would have texted you to tell you I was running late but I don't have your number" Taeyeon smiled, beginning driving to work. "You don't? I thought that the company..." "That's the company. I personally don't have your number". "Oh" "Mind typing it in? I'm driving" Taeyeon said as she passed her phone over to Tiffany. "Sure." Tiffany typed in her number but was unsure of whether to put Miss Hwang or Tiffany.

Taeyeon saw the hesitation out of the corner of her eye and smiled.

"Tiffany's fine"

"Ah okay" Tiffany blushed

Tiffany handed the phone back to Taeyeon, freezing again as their fingers brushed past eachother, goosebumps coming up on her arm. Tiffany shivered.

"Hey are you cold?" Taeyeon asked as she stopped at a red light. "No I'm fine" Tiffany answered.

Taeyeon touched Tiffany's face with the back of her hand, effectively making the girl die.

"You're freezing Tiffany" Taeyeon tutted.

She reached to the back to get a blanket. As she leaned, her top rided up showing Tiffany her toned abdomen. Tiffany almost hyperventilated, she had the strongest urge to run her hand down Taeyeon's abs.

"Here" Taeyeon sat back in her seat and wrapped the blanket around Tiffany's shoulders. Tiffany hadn't said anything, but the moment Taeyeon had touched her face her whole body had heated up anyway. The red light changed and Taeyeon continued driving. "Thanks Tae." Tiffany froze "Yeon. Taeyeon." Tiffany had embarrassed herself yet again by giving Taeyeon a nickname without her permission.

*Oh my God. Ground just swallow me right now please*

Taeyeon sniggered at Tiffany's reaction. She just had to tease the girl.

"Tae? Is that how you address your boss?" She said in an intimidating tone. "No, I'm so sorry Miss Kim. It won't happen again." Tiffany bowed

Taeyeon burst out laughing

"I'm just kidding, call me whatever you want. As long as it's appropriate" Taeyeon winked at the now similar to the shade of a tomato looking girl. "Really?" Tiffany asked in disbelief. She thought she'd get scolded or something. "Mhm. Only when we are alone though" "Of course." Tiffany was suddenly too shy to call her that. "Thanks...." Taeyeon spurred her on. "Thanks Tae." She immediately hid her face in her hands which was met by a chuckle from Taeyeon. "No problem Tiff." Taeyeon grinned.

*Oh my God am I having a heart attack right now? My heart is in overload*

"Hey are you going to the party on the weekend?" Taeyeon asked. It was a work night out. Taeyeon never went, she wasn't fond of parties but she was curious to see if Tiffany was. She'd kind of like to see her let loose and stop being so shy all the time.

"Of course, Im going with Jessie. Are you?"

*Please say yes, please say yes*

"I don't think so no. I don't really go partying" Taeyeon chuckled "Aw. You should come, it'd be fun. You could let off your steam" Tiffany smiled. She really wanted Taeyeon to come.

Taeyeon turned to her and smiled at her not so subtle begging face.

"We'll see" Taeyeon smiled.

*I will convince you!* Tiffany nodded at her mission of the day.

The two pulled up in the car park and took the elevator up to their floor. They entered the office and sat in comfortable silence. Taeyeon was sifting through paperwork and found she had nothing for Tiffany to do, she had it all covered.

"Oh, it seems you don't have any work to do today. I guess you can go home if you like" Taeyeon frowned "Oh. Well is there anything I can do for you? Coffee? Doughnut? Beg you to come to the party maybe...." Tiffany found she was getting more and more confident with Taeyeon, sort of. As long as Taeyeon didn't touch her she was okay. "Aish, are you not going to give up until I say yes?" Taeyeon asked with a chuckle

"Nope." Tiffany smiled. "Fine. I'll come." Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "Yay!" Tiffany clapped her hands. That was easier than she thought. "Okay now really, can I get you anything?" "Cappuccino would be nice, thank you" Taeyeon smiled. She was glad that Tiffany didn't respond to her going home option. She kind of wanted her company, Taeyeon found herself looking forward to seeing the girl each day. "No probs. I'll be back in ten" Tiffany smiled and left the room

Tiffany soon returned with an armful of snacks and two coffees. Taeyeon immediately got up to help her out.

"I thought you were only getting a coffee?" Taeyeon asked as she looked at all the snacks and cans of soda in front of her. Plus her coffee. "Well, I thought that since I'm not going to be doing anything today, I can just chill in the meantime." Tiffany shrugged as she took a seat. "Help yourself to any snacks" Tiffany said, she had bought lots of gummy worms especially for Taeyeon.

Taeyeon walked over and inspected all the sweets before picking up a packet of the gummy worms, holding it up to Tiffany.

"Google?" Taeyeon smirked

Tiffany hid her face and nodded.

"Stalker" Taeyeon chuckled and went back to her desk. "Sorry" "Don't apologise, it's funny to me. As long as you don't go overboard and find out my address and wait for me outside day and night, I'm cool with it"

Tiffany's jaw dropped open in response to that. Taeyeon immediately let out her hearty laugh. Tiffany smiled at the ahjumma in front of her, she had definitely not expected that laugh to come out of her boss.

"I was kidding" Taeyeon chuckled, wiping a tear from her eye

Tiffany pouted in response.

There was an awkward silence that followed that conversation. Taeyeon got back to work and Tiffany just lazed around on her chair. She didn't know what to say to start a conversation.


Taeyeon looked up

"You....look good"

*Oh my fucking God Tiffany what did you just say*

"Thanks...." Taeyeon smirked. "You don't look too bad yourself"

Tiffany bowed her head then rested it on her desk, fighting the urge to headbutt it over and over at her stupidity. The awkward silence continued. Tiffany mentally gagged herself from saying anything else. Soon, lunch time came. All of the workers dispersed to buy lunch either outside the company or in the cafeteria. Tiffany was about to get up but saw Taeyeon was still working.

"Do you want to come? To lunch I mean." Tiffany facepalmed herself yet again at the inappropriate thing she just insinuated. "How else would I be coming Tiffany?" Taeyeon held back her laugh. "I don't know" Tiffany chuckled but inside she was beating herself. "Um, no I'm not really in the mood to do either meanings of coming" Taeyeon replied simply looking down at her work leaving Tiffany's face to go her favourite colour. "Can I bring you anything back?" Tiffany made sure she said this over and over in her head to ensure she didn't continue their dirty talk. "I'm good." "Okay" Tiffany left Taeyeon alone while she went to the cafeteria.

Tiffany returned soon after with two sandwiches, just in case Taeyeon had changed her mind. She entered the office and saw Taeyeon stretching in her chair, her back was arched and she was groaning. Tiffany's thighs clenched when she heard that sound. Jesus Christ that turned Tiffany on, and Taeyeon's blouse was riding up showing off those abs again. Tiffany swallowed the saliva that she would have drooled If she had had her mouth open and walked in.

"Oh hey" Taeyeon said. "Hi" Tiffany didn't really want to speak too much just in case she moaned by accident. "You okay? You look flushed." "I'm fine" Tiffany squeaked, trying to sit down in a way that wouldn't contact her aching womanhood. But it was spasming so it wasn't easy.

Taeyeon walked over and felt Tiffany's forehead making the girl squeeze her thighs together tighter. Taeyeon sat on the side of Tiffany's desk and stared at her.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the day off? Maybe you're coming down with something"

*No I'm simply dying because of you!*

"Do you wanna have dinner with me after work?" Tiffany blurted out, she knew she took it too far once again when she saw the surprised look on Taeyeon's face. "Um..." "I'm sorry. Don't answer that. Forget I said anything. It's not appropriate, I was stupid. Sorry" Tiffany really wanted to be plucked from this earth right now.

"Don't you want to know my answer?" Taeyeon asked the girl. "......" "I would have said yes but you've told me to forget it, so okay" Taeyeon was teasing Tiffany now. She didn't know why but she loved messing with her. "Oh! I uh...umm" "Does the offer still stand?" Taeyeon smirked.

Tiffany sighed and nodded her head.

"Don't look too excited" Taeyeon said sarcastically. "Nono! I'm happy see?" Tiffany showed her eyesmile making Tiffany chuckle. "Cute"

*Did she just call me cute?! Omo!* Tiffany was blushing profusely now.

"Where are we going?" Taeyeon asked. "I know this nice place down the road from my apartment. The food is great! I used to take my ex there all the time." Oh Tiffany did it again. "You're taking me somewhere....where you took your ex frequently?" Taeyeon said slowly just prolonging Tiffany's pain. "I'm sorry. I'm not doing very well here am I?"

Taeyeon simply chuckled

"We can go somewhere else..." "No, we will go there if you like the food. It's fine" Taeyeon smiled "Ok"

Soon it was the end of the day. Taeyeon took Tiffany home to get dressed and Tiffany gave the time for Taeyeon to pick her up. She had two hours to make herself look gorgeous. Tiffany rushed to her room and looked through all her dresses but couldn't find one that she really thought looked great on her.

"Jessi!" Tiffany screamed. Jessica came running worried something bad had happened. "What what?!" "I have nothing to wear" Tiffany broke down and hugged Jessica. She had told the latter all about her crush on the CEO and although Jessica liked her too, she didn't say anything. She wanted Tiffany to be happy so decided to hand Taeyeon over to her, not that she had her anyway, just hypothetically. "Come on stupid, I'll get you something" Jessica said while pulling Tiffany to her own room.

Jessica looked through her wardrobe until she found a sexy red cocktail dress which had a diamond shaped hole in the centre that would show off Tiffany's cleavage.

"Isn't that too sexy?" Tiffany asked as she held the dress up in front of her.

"Don't you want to impress her?" "Well yeah, but it's not a date" Tiffany said sadly. "Just put it on Hwang. And make sure you text Taeyeon to tell her to dress classy also, you wouldn't want to look like a fool in that when she turns up in jeans would you?" "Good call!" Tiffany shouted as she ran to retrieve her phone. "Shit I don't have her number!" Tiffany remembered she only gave Taeyeon her number, she didn't get the latter's in return. Tiffany decided to take the risk and put on the dress quickly, she was running out of time. She brushed her hair and put on some makeup. By the time Taeyeon was due to come pick her up, Tiffany was almost hyperventilating. "Calm down!" Jessica told her as she fanned her friend.

Suddenly they heard a car pull up. Jessica looked out the window and smiled.

"She's waiting for you" "Oh my God Jess I can't do this!" "Yes you can. Like you said it's not a date, just two friends hanging out."

The car's horn beeped telling Tiffany of Taeyeon's arrival. Jessica looked out the window again and gasped.

"Oh my God Tiff, she's a Goddess." "Huh?" Tiffany went to the window and her jaw dropped at what she saw.

Taeyeon stepped out in a black cocktail dress. It showed off her perfect body and her cleavage was out again. She had tied her hair up in a high ponytail showing off her shoulders. It took all the strength Tiffany had not to faint.

"I can't. Oh my god I'm dying"

Jessica chuckled and dragged Tiffany out to the front door. Tiffany was resisting but Jessica continued until they were standing in front of the Goddess herself. She was leaning against her car looking incredible.

"Hi" she said to both girls who were staring at her. She waved her hand in front of their faces as she approached smiling at the two of them. "Miss Jung, nice to see you again" she grinned. "You too" Jessica bowed ninety degrees. "Please call me Jessica" Jess blushed. "Okay nice to see you again Jessica. Are you ready to go Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked.

Tiffany was nudged by Jessica and nodded. Taeyeon led the way to her car and opened the door for Tiffany before going to the driver side. Once they were in the car, Tiffany felt the one sided sexual tension immediately wafting off herself.

"You look nice" Taeyeon said as she scanned Tiffany's outfit. She then started to drive away from Tiffany's apartment complex. "You look... Wow" Tiffany replied as she too scanned Taeyeon's outfit.

*You're making it very hard to stop myself from pouncing on you. Lord Jesus Christ.*

"Thanks" Taeyeon chuckled. "Now tell me the directions to this place"

Once they arrived, Taeyeon locked her car and walked alongside Tiffany, their arms brushing past each other making Tiffany wince at the contact. They entered the fancy restaurant, not having to wait in line because of Taeyeon's status and sat down at their table.

"Wow it is nice here" Taeyeon said as she studied the decor. It looked really expensive. "I know right, it looks like one of those uber fancy restaurants with sky high prices but it's actually quite decent" Tiffany smiled. As Taeyeon nodded and looked around, Tiffany couldn't help but look at her boss's cleavage. She just wanted to stick her face in it. "That's another habit you have I've noticed" Taeyeon's voice broke her out of her daze. "What?" "Daydreaming. Usually looking somewhere where you shouldn't be" Taeyeon smirked. "God do I? I didn't notice, sorry" Tiffany tried to keep it cool, she didn't want Taeyeon to think she was some pervert. Well she probably did already so she didn't want her to think of her as more of a pervert. "It's fine. I'm kind of used to it" Taeyeon chuckled

Tiffany frowned at that, getting a little jealous of other people looking at her like that. Soon the waiter came and they ordered their drinks and their food.

"So." Taeyeon started. "If you don't mind me asking, why did this ex of yours become an ex?" She asked as she sipped on her coke.

Jealousy Tiffany rambled on telling Taeyeon all about Nichkhun who cheated on her many times before she found photos and messages on his phone. Taeyeon frowned at that.

"What an asshole"

Tiffany was surprised to hear that kind of language come out of her boss. She would blame it on the wine she was drinking but Taeyeon wasn't drinking as she was driving.

"Yeah, he hurt me bad" "Well, I hope you find someone who can reverse everything he did to you and mend your broken heart" Taeyeon said as she reached for Tiffany's hand to hold it reassuringly. Tiffany froze again while staring at the two of their hands together. It was almost a lifetime before Tiffany answered. "Thanks" she smiled. "What about you? Do you have anyone special in your life?" Tiffany hoped she hadn't took a step too far, she didn't want to assume that they could talk openly about things like this but Taeyeon did ask her a personal question...and Tiffany needed to know if Taeyeon was single.

Taeyeon smiled and shook her head.

"Nope. I'm single." Taeyeon looked down. "I don't believe that. How on earth could you be single?" Tiffany asked in disbelief but secretly she was overjoyed.

"Believe it or not, it's hard to find someone who likes me for me and not my money or my position" Taeyeon sighed. "My ex was a gold digger and broke my heart too" Taeyeon gave a sad smile and took a sip of her drink. "What an asshole" Tiffany repeated. "Yupp" Taeyeon laughed

The atmosphere got quiet after that. Tiffany didn't really know what to say, she felt a bit guilty that she may have made Taeyeon sad.

"I'm sorry" Tiffany sighed. "What for?" "Asking you about your ex. I have no right really". "I asked about yours so it's only fair you ask about mine. It's fine" Taeyeon smiled.

Tiffany sipped her wine and then the waitress came with their food. Tiffany couldn't help but notice she was gawking at Taeyeon, looking her up and down as she set the food down on the table. Tiffany gave her a cold glare that immediately sent her away, Tiffany then looked back at Taeyeon to see her looking amused.

"It seems you have an admirer." Tiffany stated pointing to the waitress. Taeyeon looked to where Tiffany was pointing then looked back. "And it seems you scared her off" Taeyeon teased. "No I didn't" Tiffany denied.

"Hm, if you say so" Taeyeon chuckled and tucked into her Bulgogi.

The waitress soon came back and asked if everything was okay with the food and actually turned her back on Tiffany so she couldn't receive another glare. Taeyeon smiled at the girl and said that everything was beautiful, she even gave her a playful wink much to Tiffany's annoyance. Taeyeon saw Tiffany huff from the corner of her eye and smirked.

"You okay?" She asked Tiffany once the waitress left. "Yes" she replied with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Taeyeon leaned back with a smug look on her face while she studied Tiffany. She decided to annoy the girl even more, wanting to know what the latter would say or do.

"She's pretty huh?" Taeyeon referred to the waitress.

Tiffany gave a bitter laugh before replying.

"She's alright" "Well I think she's beautiful" "Good for you" Tiffany said sarcastically. Taeyeon was enjoying winding her up. "Maybe you should get her number" "Hmm, maybe I should" Taeyeon agreed, not missing the look of anger behind Tiffany's eyes as she glanced at the waitress.

Tiffany said nothing. She wasn't in the mood for this dinner anymore so she ate her food quickly and asked that bitch of a waitress for the bill, not forgetting to give her evils. Once she brought the bill back, the waitress just had to make Tiffany feel worse by saying Taeyeon had an eyelash on her cheek when Tiffany could see she clearly didn't. The stupid whore stroked Taeyeon's cheek over and over until the non existent eyelash came off.

Tiffany got out money for her half of the bill only to see Taeyeon push it back and pay the full amount on her card. Tiffany muttered a thank you and grabbed her jacket. The two returned to Taeyeon's car before driving back to Tiffany's apartment.

"Is everything okay?" Taeyeon asked, glancing at the clearly pissed off girl beside her. "Fine" Tiffany replied.

There wasn't a sound from either of them until Taeyeon pulled up outside Tiffany's home. Tiffany was about to get out when Taeyeon locked the doors.

"What are you doing?" Tiffany said as she tried to open the door again and again with no luck. "Let me out" she demanded. "Not until you tell me why you are so pissed off" Taeyeon sat back and relaxed, expecting to be waiting a while. "I'm not pissed off. Sometimes I get moody when I drink" Tiffany lied "So you expect me to want to be around you at the party tomorrow if you're like this after one glass of wine?" Taeyeon chuckled.

"If it bothers you that much, don't come!" Tiffany was passed respecting her boss right now. "Or if you do, bring that stupid waitress and have fun with her instead". Tiffany immediately shut her mouth not believing that she had made it so obvious that she was jealous. She was kicking herself and hid her face, trying the door again which again proved to be useless. "Are you jealous?" Taeyeon asked, smirking at the humiliated girl in front of her. Tiffany didn't answer her question. "Hey, look at me". No answer.

Taeyeon leaned forward and placed her hand on Tiffany's thigh ignoring the jerk the latter did when she was touched. Tiffany immediately looked at Taeyeon's hand and then into her eyes. They were open, comforting, reliable but then they became dark and inviting. Tiffany was wondering why they were getting closer and closer to her face until she realised she herself had been leaning in. She gasped and flinched back before opening the now unlocked car door and running up to her apartment leaving Taeyeon there alone.

Tiffany opened the door and ran to the window looking to see if Taeyeon was still there, but she wasn't.

*How could I have been so stupid!*

"Jessica!" Tiffany called, her voice breaking. "Hey Tiff, how did your date...." Jessica stopped once she saw the tears running down Tiffany's face. "Hey, what happened?" She asked as she sat Tiffany down on the sofa and wiped her tears away. "I almost kissed her" Tiffany said, breaking down again. "What! So soon?" Jessica asked in disbelief.

"I didn't know I was doing it Jessie, she locked me in the car and then she touched me, I looked at her and then I caught myself leaning in. Then I ran out." Tiffany sobbed. "Wait, what? She touched you? She locked you in the car? Was she trying to rape you Tiff?!" "What! No!" Tiffany began to tell Jessica the whole story about how she got jealous and how Taeyeon locked her in to make her tell her the truth. "Ah...." Jessica said, finally things started to make sense. "Well at least you know she swings for the other team" Jessica shrugged. "No I don't, maybe that's how she talks to people usually. She told me about her ex but she never mentioned the gender so she could have been talking about a guy" Tiffany sniffed. "God it's going to be so awkward tomorrow" Tiffany wailed.

Jessica rolled her eyes in response to Tiffany's childishness. She ushered Tiffany to bed before getting herself an aspirin. God Tiffany was loud.

Tiffany laid in bed, looking up at the ceiling. She was so embarrassed. She had tried to kiss her boss, her female boss, who probably wasn't even a lesbian, who is also famous. Tiffany groaned and pulled the pillow over her face. Maybe if she did it long enough she'd die. That would be better than having to go to work tomorrow with Taeyeon. She cried some more before her phone buzzed. Tiffany sat up and walked slowly to her handbag, still depressed about what she had done. She grabbed her phone and went back to bed before opening the text from an unknown number.

'Hey Tiff, I had a great time tonight, thanks for the invite! I'll see you tomorrow at 9:30 ^^

Tae x'

"OH MY GOD!!!" Tiffany screamed, so high pitched it caused Jessica to fall out of bed in the room next door and rush into Tiffany's room. "WHAT?! Are you hurt?" Jessica asked worried but saw the massive grin plastered on Tiffany's face while she was holding her phone.

Jessica sighed and took the phone off Tiffany, reading the text.

"Really? You give me a heart attack because of this?" "She signed off as Tae, Jess! I gave her that nickname! And let's not forget about the kiss Omo!" "Jesus Tiffany. I can't with you." Jessica rubbed her now pounding head and left the room.

*Oh my god I can't wait to see her tomorrow.* Tiffany changed her mind after reading that text and she hugged her phone. After so much excitement, Tiffany drifted off.

She couldn't sleep though, Tiffany kept waking up panting and sweating.....and needing to change her underwear. She was dreaming about Taeyeon and her... Making out.... Getting frisky and she just couldn't stand it. She couldn't wait until the morning so she could see her again. She just prayed that Taeyeon wouldn't bring up the almost kiss.

Falling Deeper For You Tiffany was sat in Taeyeon's car, glancing over at her now and again. The two had greeted each other good morning and that was it, conversation finished and awkward silence started. Tiffany cleared her throat and winced at how loud it was, she then looked at Taeyeon who looked back at her. Tiffany immediately looked away and stared out the window at the buildings flying past.

"I want to apologise" Tiffany closed her eyes and exhaled. "What for?" Taeyeon's voice was deep, husky, sexy. "For my attitude last night. I get a little....touchy after I've had a drink. I don't have a high alcohol tolerance" Tiffany admitted. "It's ok"

*Is that it? It's okay? No it's not okay Taeyeon I'm fucking falling for you right now and am jealous over anyone that looks at you and you just say it's okay!* Tiffany breathed in and out trying to calm down her anger.

The ride was again silent. Tiffany hated it. As soon as Taeyeon parked and opened the building, Tiffany walked ahead and left her behind. She then waited patiently at the door to Taeyeon's office. Soon after, Taeyeon strolled up with her black skirt and her light blue blouse, her hair in a messy bun and her face fucking perfect. Tiffany bit the inside of her cheek and looked away waiting for Taeyeon to unlock the door. Once she did, Tiffany sat at her desk huffing in both anger and frustration. And then... Tiffany tried not to see Taeyeon bending over to pick up a pen that had rolled off her desk and onto the

floor. She tried not see Taeyeon's skirt ride up as she bent over and she also tried not to see Taeyeon's black thong showing off Taeyeon's incredible ass. Oh and she really tried not to see Taeyeon repositioning the back of her thong pulling it out of her butt and letting it go to snap back against it.

*Okay. No. No way. Nope. Hell to the no! I can't deal with this*

Tiffany got up and went to the toilet that was inside the office. She locked the door and tried to calm herself down, fanning her flushed face and clenching her thighs. She didn't know whether she could put up with this shit anymore. She was sure she'd either have a heart attack, stay frozen for the remaining years of her life, or just, you know, die. When she finally got a hold of herself. She exited the toilet, not sparing a glance to Taeyeon and sat back down.

"What are you doing for lunch today Tiffany?" "I'm skipping it today." Tiffany would do everything in her power not to have to be put in a situation where she had to look at Taeyeon properly. "You shouldn't skip your lunch..." Taeyeon frowned "Why not? You used to. And I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself" "Ouch" Taeyeon replied, retreating from Tiffany and sitting at her own desk. "What?" Tiffany asked curiously wondering why Taeyeon had reacted that way. "Forgive me for trying to act like someone who cares for people's welfare. Maybe I should be the strict, unfriendly dragon people perceive me to be"

This shut Tiffany right up. Now she felt bad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I'm just having a tough time right now" Tiffany sighed. She looked over when she realised Taeyeon had rolled her chair over so it was next to her own and that Taeyeon was looking at her. Tiffany didn't want to make the mistake of trying to kiss her again so avoided looking at her directly.

"Well then tell me about it. I hope you realise that I think of us as having more than just a bossemployee relationship" Taeyeon said soothingly as she placed her hand on Tiffany's. "I want you to think of me as a friend, is that too much to ask?"

Tiffany looked at their hands together and suppressed the urge to bring Taeyeon's up to kiss it. She sighed.

"I do think of you as a friend Tae.... I'm just not ready to tell anyone about it yet" "Okay, just know I'm here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to rant to okay? I'm not the monster people think I am".

Tiffany looked into Taeyeon's eyes and saw sadness. She tried her best, but couldn't stop wanting to hug the girl, so she did. And God it felt fantastic. Those electric currents you're supposed to feel when you first kiss someone? Tiffany was getting them just from a hug. And when Taeyeon wrapped her arms around her, she could die happy there and then.

"Thank you" Tiffany said, her lips inches away from Taeyeon's neck. She smelt intoxicating. Tiffany closed her eyes because if she opened them, she knew she would kiss Taeyeon. She felt

her boss rubbing reassuring circles on her back and then patting signalling it was time for her to let go.

But Tiffany didn't want to let go, she wanted to stay there forever just in the warmth and security of Kim Taeyeon, the strongest woman she had ever met, the woman she had fallen head over heels for, but she had to. As she let go, Tiffany made the mistake of opening her eyes too soon and now, she was staring into the onyx eyes of Kim Taeyeon, only a few inches apart, their noses almost touching.

The two stayed there for a while. Tiffany was leading her eyes all over Taeyeon's face, purposely avoiding her lips but in the end failing miserably. Taeyeon just stared into Tiffany's eyes, not looking anywhere else, this disappointed Tiffany. She remembered reading something in a magazine about how to tell when a person was into you.

'When your faces are close, they won't be able to resist the urge to look at your lips'

Taeyeon wasn't doing that. Tiffany bit her lip and rolled her chair away to create some distance from the girl.

"Do you have something for me to be getting on with?" Tiffany asked, her voice straining from trying hard not to burst into tears right there. "Yes, here" Taeyeon rolled back to her desk and passed some papers to Tiffany who got to work immediately.

Silence ensued yet again.

"How are you getting to the party tonight?" Taeyeon asked. "Jessi and I are walking. The club is only down the road from us and we will probably be drinking. How about you?" "I will drive" Taeyeon nodded.

Soon it was lunch time and seeing as it was a half day, the remaining workers left their desks and left the building.

"Are you sure you aren't hungry? It's not good to drink on an empty stomach y'know" Taeyeon said. "Fine. You pulled my leg. Let's go." Tiffany giggled when she saw Taeyeon do a dorky victory pump in the air.

The two payed for their lunch in their cafeteria but decided to go back up to the office to eat. Once they sat down and started eating, Tiffany asked the question that had been bugging her all day.

"Why do people think you're a monster? Why do the workers here fear you?"

Taeyeon looked up and sighed.

"Well I suppose the stereotypes for wealthy, successful business folk are stuck up, self absorbed, strict and unkind bastards. People fear me because of that and because they think I'm stronger and more important than them but in fact, I am neither."

"What do you mean by that?" "I'm just a twenty six year old woman, I don't have a special power that makes me interesting, I don't have a specific interest in life other than to do my job, I may be wealthy and have the fast cars, the big house and the maids that do everything for me but ultimately....I'm alone."

Tiffany's heart dropped when she heard Taeyeon talk like that. She was interesting, she was special, she was incredible and goddammit she wouldn't be alone if Tiffany could muster up the courage and kiss her.

"You're not alone Taeyeon." "I am alone Tiff. My parents live back in Jeonju and I live by myself in a flat big enough to house eight people. But there's just me. I'm around hundreds of people every day but I cannot call any of them my friends.." "And what about me?" Tiffany asked. "You... You're the exception" Taeyeon smiled warmly. "I appreciate everything you've done for me. That first day, you may have just bought me a coffee and got me lunch, but that's the kindest thing that anyone has done for me in so long." Taeyeon had tears in her eyes but she wouldn't let them fall. She had to be strong. "Tae...don't cry" "I'm not" Taeyeon snapped. She couldn't let Tiffany see her weak. "Okay. You're not. I'm sorry that you've had to be in the same workplace with people who have no manners and don't know an amazing person when they see one".

Taeyeon smiled and grasped Tiffany's hand. They interlocked their fingers and Tiffany couldn't

help but feel the spark as their hands really were the perfect fit. Taeyeon let go and continued working, so did Tiffany. They wanted to get their paperwork out of the way so they didn't have to worry about it while they were at the club.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Tiffany asked while Taeyeon stopped at a red light. "I'm not sure yet, you?" "Same, maybe something pink" Tiffany grinned. "Oh so you weren't kidding about the pink obsession then?" Taeyeon sniggered. Over the time she has known Tiffany, Taeyeon had noticed that everything the girl had was pink. Her water bottle, her notebook, her pen, her handbag.... even her house key was pink. "Nope" Tiffany giggled.

Taeyeon pulled up in front of Tiffany's complex.

"See you tonight." Tiffany smiled "Yep, bye"

Tiffany exited the car and waved as Taeyeon drove away. She couldn't help but think that her and Taeyeon's relationship was getting more and more intimate, yet more and more complicated due to the one sided love. Tiffany smiled nevertheless and entered her apartment.

Party Time Tiffany and Jessica were dancing with eachother in the club. Tiffany was loving it, the music, the atmosphere.... she hadn't let loose like this in so long. She kept her eyes glued to the door waiting for her Taeyeon to come. Wait, her Taeyeon? Soon a Rihanna song came on, 'S&M'. Tiffany loved this song and its beat so her and Jessica danced along, stopping to spank each other when the lyrics 'chains and whips excite me' blasted through the speakers. Tiffany was tipsy, she had drunk a can of beer and a vodka shot and was loving the attention she had from her coworkers, they had taken an interest in her after seeing her dance sexily with Jessica. Tiffany laughed as a guy held her waist while moving to the song, Tiffany let him, relishing the feeling of being touched. Except it wasn't the guy who was touching her, it was Taeyeon. That was who she was imagining when she turned around and kissed him. When she ran her hands down his abs, it was Taeyeon. When she squeezed his butt, it was Taeyeon. Tiffany pulled away and looked to the door to see Jessica chatting to that same Taeyeon. Okay Taeyeon looked hot, like smoking hot. She had on leather leggings, a tight black top that showed off her figure and her hair cascading down her back in a half up half down style. Tiffany caught her eye and waved. Taeyeon returned the smile and waved back before approaching Tiffany.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taeyeon shouted over the music. "Yeah! You look hot!" Tiffany shouted back. Tiffany wasn't shy now she had her liquid courage in her hand. "Thanks" Taeyeon laughed. She then said something else which Tiffany did hear. "What!"

Again something she didn't hear. Tiffany just pulled a confused face before someone grabbed her from behind, that guy who she had kissed. Tiffany saw Taeyeon's smile dissapear and turn either concerned, or sour. Tiffany couldn't tell which. Taeyeon reached out to take the guys arm, forcing it off Tiffany's waist because for all she knew, that guy could be forcing himself on her. Tiffany shook her head at Taeyeon and began dancing with the guy, grinding on him. Taeyeon just watched as the guy spanked Tiffany while caressing her hip as she danced. Tiffany noticed Taeyeon didn't look impressed. She saw her frown and then walk away, back to the door where Jessica had been. But then all of a sudden, Tiffany felt herself getting pulled by wrist and away from the guy, it was Jessica.

"What are you playing at?" She shouted "I'm having fun!" "Be careful! You don't know what a guy like that could do. It could have been him dragging you away and not me" Jessica warned. "Fine. Where's Taeyeon?"

Jessica looked around and shrugged. Tiffany joined the search until she saw Taeyeon sitting at the bar, with a girl. A hot girl. This didn't sit well with Tiffany so she strutted over and introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Tiffany!" She shouted holding her hand out to the girl "Hi I'm Sunmi'"

Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany and continued to talk to the Sunmi girl. Tiffany watched her carefully, the twinkle in her eyes, the giggles, the touches she gave to Taeyeon's knee when she laughed. Sunmi was flirting. Tiffany had the biggest urge to slap that smile off her face but she didn't want to anger Taeyeon.

*You wanna make me jealous huh? Well two can okay at that game Tae*

Tiffany walked away and grabbed Jessica.

"Help me make Taeyeon jealous." "Huh? No!" "Please!" "No!" "I thought you said you had my back! I would do the same for you" Tiffany pouted. "Urgh fine! What do you want me to do?" Jessica huffed.

Tiffany and Jessica went in front of Taeyeon and Sunmi on the dance floor and began dancing to the song that was playing. Tiffany stood behind Jessica and held her hips as they swayed while Jessica held one of Tiffany's hands. With her other hand, Jessica reached up and grabbed Tiffany's hair tugging on it, making Tiffany moan.

"Is she looking?" Tiffany whispered in Jessica's ear.

"She just glanced."

Tiffany rotated her hips so the front of her shorts met Jessica's ass, she bent Jessica over and held her hand on her back while she thrusted and circled her hips behind her. Then she spanked Jessica and bit her lip.

"What about now?" Tiffany hissed "She's looking!"

*Okay, now for the main event* Tiffany grinned.

Tiffany pulled Jessica up, spun her around and then kissed her passionately. She held Jessica while she squirmed until the latter finally gave up and kissed back. Tiffany knew she was going to get a beating after this but oh well. She opened her eyes as she twirled her tongue with Jessica's and saw Taeyeon staring right at her. Tiffany smirked and tugged Jessica's bottom lip between her teeth before letting go.

"You owe me big time!" Jessica whispered before leaving the scene.

Tiffany licked her lips and approached Taeyeon, sitting in the seat where Sunmi had sat, she had no idea where she had gone.

"How are you enjoying the party?" Tiffany asked. "It's fine. I might go home in a bit though" Taeyeon responded, there was something in her voice Tiffany couldn't quite put her finger on.

"No! You can't, stay and have a drink with me" Tiffany begged, keeping hold of Taeyeon's wrist. "I really shouldn't..." "Please Tae!" Tiffany gave her the puppy dog eyes that worked on everybody. "One drink!" Taeyeon agreed forgetting that she had driven here. Tiffany ordered pure vodka shots for them wanting to get Taeyeon drunk. Remember people tell the truth when they are drunk.

They both gulped down the vodka, gasping at how strong it was. Then they did another and another. They began giggling until Taeyeon's face became straight again. Tiffany wondered what was wrong until she felt a hand caress her thigh from behind. She looked back and saw the guy she had grinded on.

*Jealousy part 2?* Tiffany smirked

She grabbed the guys head and pulled him down to lock lips with him. However she cringed when he started grabbing her breast with one hand and sticking his hand inside her skirt with the other. That was going too far. Tiffany pushed him away but she was weak and he was strong. She looked for Taeyeon but couldn't see in front of her because his head blocked her view. Tiffany pushed him away again telling him to get off and he went flying.

*I didn't push him that hard* Tiffany thought as she looked at the guy on the ground. The next thing she saw was Taeyeon grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the club. She looked angry.

When they were finally outside, Taeyeon let Tiffany go.

"What the hell was that?" Taeyeon shouted "What? I just kissed him and he started touching me, it wasn't my fault." Tiffany shrugged. "And what if I hadn't of been there hm? What then?" "I don't know why you're getting so angry about this Taeyeon. It's not as if he was raping me". "Don't. Say. That." "What, rape?" "Don't say it!" Taeyeon growled.

Tiffany frowned. What the hell was Taeyeon's problem?

"I care about you Tiffany, and if you got, you know what by that guy I probably would have killed him." "Why?" Taeyeon was bugging Tiffany. Tiffany was sick of Taeyeon caring about her, flirting with her, what does she actually feel? "......" "Why would it have been so bad? Why does it bother you so much Taeyeon huh?"

"Because the same thing happened to me!" Taeyeon shouted.

Tiffany's jaw hung open in shock.

"Only back then....there was no one there to save me" Taeyeon said as she turned away and walked back to her car.

Tiffany's tears immediately flowed as she thought about someone raping Taeyeon. Her Taeyeon. That sweet and innocent woman. All she could think about was some guy ramming into her and her screaming and crying for him to stop. Tiffany clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as she followed Taeyeon and sat in the passenger seat.

"You can't drive, you've drunk too much" Tiffany said angrily clenching her jaw thinking about that fucking guy. But she didn't want to bring up what Taeyeon had just said, only unless the latter wanted to talk about it "Well then how am I supposed to get home?" Taeyeon replied, her voice was fragile.

Tiffany placed her hand onto Taeyeon's and waited for her to look at her.

"Stay with me"

Sleepover Taeyeon entered Tiffany's apartment and took her shoes off before wandering around the living room.

"Where's Jessica?" Taeyeon asked "Ah she's staying out a little longer with a friend then coming back later" Tiffany replied "Listen I don't want to intrude by..." "You're not intruding. You're welcome here anytime" Tiffany interrupted. "Are you hungry?"

Taeyeon hesitated before shaking her head. Tiffany knew she was lying so she grabbed a pizza delivery menu and gave it to Taeyeon.

"What do you want?"

Taeyeon was about to refuse again but decided against it when she saw Tiffany was looking at her with an annoyed expression. She sighed and read out what she wanted.

Once Tiffany had placed the order, she showed Taeyeon around the flat.

"It's cute, I like it" Taeyeon smiled.

They wandered around the entire apartment until coming to a stop outside the last door of the tour.

"Okay, this is my room" Tiffany said as she looked at the closed door. "Should I shield my eyes from the pink about to dazzle me?" Taeyeon joked. "Probably" Tiffany said, no joking in her tone at all. Tiffany opened the door and sure enough, everything was pink. "Wow. Maybe I should take you to see a shrink" Taeyeon sniggered as she explored Tiffany's room. "Shutup" Tiffany pouted making Taeyeon laugh.

After their dinner had arrived and they finished off the pizza, they both were tired. At least they didn't have work tomorrow though.

"Okay so you can either take my bed or take the sofa that's in my room. I won't let you sleep on those" Tiffany said pointing at the living room sofas. "They're hard and will probably hurt your back" "I'll take the sofa, thanks" Taeyeon smiled

She helped Tiffany set it up, making it comfier with extra blankets and plopping a spare duvet and pillows down.

"Here" Tiffany passed Taeyeon some jogging bottoms and a tank top. Would it make Tiffany a pervert if she intentionally gave Taeyeon a tight fitting top that would let Tiffany see her boobs? Nah.... "Wow this is embarrassing" Taeyeon said as she took the clothes off Tiffany.

"What is?" "I'm your boss and I'm in your home and about to wear your clothes." "You're also my friend and friends do that often" Tiffany replied. Taeyeon smiled at that. "You're right, where can I get changed?" "Just change right here, we're both girls remember" Tiffany hoped Taeyeon would agree. She wanted to watch. "Okay"


Tiffany went to her bed and turned on her phone, looking through Facebook. She glanced up at Taeyeon and saw her turn around before taking her top off until she was left in a black bra. Tiffany immediately felt the wetness in between her thighs as she studied Taeyeon's back. Her skin was so smooth and white, not a blemish in sight. Tiffany looked back to her phone when Taeyeon glanced behind at her. When she turned back, Tiffany saw Taeyeon was taking off her leather leggings, showing Tiffany the amazing view of her thong clad ass.

*Oh my God. I just wanna bite it* Tiffany growled under her breath like a predator wanting to take it's meal. Tiffany's meal was being held in front of her, teasing her and she didn't like it. It took everything Tiffany had from getting up and slapping her hand on that ass. Tiffany's fun was soon over though when Taeyeon tugged up the jogging bottoms. Oh but then...

"Tiff do you mind if I don't wear my bra under this? I don't usually sleep with it on" Taeyeon turned to face Tiffany, giving the girl the change to ogle at Taeyeon's breasts. But when Tiffany

knew Taeyeon was looking at her, she couldn't possibly look. Tiffany never knew torture like it, her eyes wanting to roam down but couldn't. Oh but Tiffany Hwang was sly....

"Is that Jessie?" Tiffany asked as she leaned forward getting closer to Taeyeon but looking out the bedroom door and at the front door.

She saw Taeyeon look at the door so she immediately settled her eyes on Taeyeon's breasts. She couldn't believe how close she was to the twins and wow, they were.... Umfff. Tiffany bit her lip as she looked into Taeyeon's bra. But as soon as she sensed movement from her boss, Tiffany looked back to the front door just in time.

"I guess not" Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon and lay back on the bed. Smooth Tiffany... Real smooth. "So do you mind?" Taeyeon repeated, talking about not wearing a bra. "Oh, no that's fine" Tiffany cleared her throat when Taeyeon unhooked her bra.

*I can do that for you*

Taeyeon then pulled on the shirt and turned around, sitting on the edge of Tiffany's bed.

"Thanks for this Tiff, I appreciate it" Taeyeon said as she then lay down on the bed and yawned.

Tiffany watched as Taeyeon's nipples started to poke through the shirt and how Taeyeon's back arched when she stretched, and how her jawline was most prominent when she stretched her neck back. Tiffany was soaked.

"No problem" Tiffany's voice broke, making Taeyeon look at her with a smirk. That damn smirk. Tiffany wanted to ravage it. "Okay, I'm gonna go to sleep now. Night Tiff" Taeyeon said as she retreated to the sofa in the corner of Tiffany's room. "Goodnight." Tiffany waited until she saw Taeyeon was comfortable until she turned out the lights. Once she did, Tiffany got changed under the covers into her pyjamas, she didn't want to let Taeyeon see her change, especially since the underwear she was wearing had a wet patch.

Tiffany had never been so horny in her life. She was in her bedroom, with Kim Taeyeon. The Kim Taeyeon. The sexy, strong, powerful, amazing jawlined Kim Taeyeon. Tiffany was so frustrated.

Around an hour later, Tiffany was still awake. Like hell she could sleep in the same room as Taeyeon. She had only just stopped spazzing. She sighed and turned over, trying to fall asleep.


Tiffany's eyes shot open.

"Yeah?" Her voice almost broke. Almost. "Sorry did I wake you?" "No, I can't sleep" "Me neither. Can we talk about something?" Taeyeon asked, suddenly nervous.

"Sure." Tiffany wanted to ask her something but wasn't sure she should.

*Fuck it*

"Do you wanna come and talk in bed?" Tiffany closed her eyes at the silence after she had said that. She had gone too far again. Tiffany sighed but then heard Taeyeon get up. She held her breath as she watched the black figure come over and pull the blankets back before getting in. Tiffany's bed was a double bed and she couldn't help wishing it was a single, that way there wouldn't be as much distance between them as there was now.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Tiffany asked, trying to get the fact that Taeyeon was in her bed out her mind. God she smelt good. "I want to say sorry" Taeyeon replied "You have nothing to apologise for Tae" Tiffany was grateful she could only see Taeyeon's outline because if she could see her eyes it would have been game over. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, about that guy touching you. It's just when I saw him forcing himself on you I was reminded of what happened to me and how no one was there to help. I wanted to be your saviour because I never had one" Taeyeon said, her voice wavering a bit. "I'm sorry that happened to you Taeyeon, I'm so sorry. I wish we knew each other back then because I would have done the same for you" Tiffany flinched when Taeyeon's hand held hers. She then smiled and interlocked their fingers, giving a reassuring squeeze. "I was fourteen years old.." Taeyeon was interrupted when Tiffany put her hand over Taeyeon's mouth softly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Tiffany said honestly before taking her hand off.

"No I want to, unless you don't want to hear it." "I'm all ears" Tiffany gave her hand a squeeze again. "I was fourteen when my nineteen year old friend bought me a fake ID. I didn't look nineteen but it was really realistic so it got me into clubs and got me alcohol. Well one day that friend of mine told me to wait for him in a club we went to often..."

Taeyeon's voice broke and Tiffany squeezed her hand again, rubbing her thumb in circles on the back of Taeyeon's hand to calm her down a little.

"I waited twenty minutes for him until he came up to me with another guy. He said it was his best friend and that I should do as he said. I was young and naive so I agreed. Immediately after, the guy started groping me while my friend watched. He said that I should stay quiet or the guy would hurt me."

Taeyeon was crying now. Out of instinct, Tiffany shuffled closer and ran her hand through Taeyeon's hair. She had no other thoughts at that moment other than to comfort Taeyeon.

"Well after he finished touching me, they took me to the men's toilet, my friend held his hand over my mouth while his friend pulled down my shorts and..and..."

"It's okay Tae, don't force yourself." Tiffany brought Taeyeon in for a hug. She could feel Taeyeon's hand grab her shirt behind her back to try to control her tears. Tiffany just held her closer.

"My ex who I thought I loved dumped me because I wasn't a virgin. I told him It was because I believed that losing your virginity should be to someone you love and not by rape. After that, I

moved away from my parents and set up my business alone. I lived rough for months until the business started to become successful. It's funny how the more money and attention I received, the more alone I became" "I'll never let you feel alone again. I promise you" Tiffany mumbled, placing her chin on top of Taeyeon's head, still stroking her hair. She felt Taeyeon nuzzle into her neck and then, she felt her lips brush against her pulse point. Tiffany froze, wide eyed. What the hell just happened? "Thank you" Taeyeon said, nuzzling in more. Tiffany was still frozen. Now that Taeyeon's story was over, Tiffany felt herself getting uncomfortable again. Did Taeyeon just kiss her? Well Tiffany knew the answer because the spark that jolted throughout her body couldn't lie to her. She felt tingly inside, it was like a drug and she needed more. Tiffany shifted around until she felt Taeyeon's lips on her neck again, she let out a low growl hoping Taeyeon hadn't heard it.

Soon after, Taeyeon pulled away and Tiffany removed her hand from her hair. She tried to remove her other hand from Taeyeon's grip but the latter held it tight. Tiffany smiled at that. She soon heard Taeyeon's soft breathing indicating she had fallen asleep. Tiffany smiled and snuggled down with Taeyeon, loving the fact that she was sleeping with her crush, Tiffany couldn't help but wish it was the other meaning of sleeping with her though. Tiffany closed her eyes, and her wish became a reality in her dreams.

Byuntae's Tiffany woke up the next morning with a fright. Not a bad fright a good fright but a fright nonetheless. She opened her eyes to Taeyeon's face, only a few inches from her own. Tiffany automatically jumped back but fell off the bed with a thump.

"Owwwww" Tiffany whined, she had bumped her butt on the side of the bedside table as she fell. Tiffany stood up wincing and rubbing her butt when she saw the angel in front of her. Even when she's sleeping she's perfect. Tiffany rolled her eyes. There was no drool, no mouth wide open, no snoring - nothing.

Tiffany crawled into bed again and looked at her boss closely. She looked so peaceful, it was refreshing to see after seeing her last night when she was breaking down. Tiffany reached up and stroked her hair out of the way of her face lightly not wanting to wake her up. Tiffany focused on those lips, those luscious lips that she had dreamt about kissing so many times. She wondered if she touched them Taeyeon would wake up. But then she thought, Taeyeon had slept through her falling out of bed so she must be a heavy sleeper. Tiffany bit her own lip, and reached her finger out to glide along Taeyeon's lips to find they were so soft and so alluring. Tiffany was unconsciously leaning in again but this time she couldn't stop. She closed her eyes and felt.... Nothing. Tiffany opened her eyes wide and gulped thinking she had been caught but Taeyeon had simply rolled over onto her back. Tiffany huffed. So. Fucking. Close. Tiffany studied the side of Taeyeon's face until her eyes looked down and saw something... Wow. Taeyeon's, well Tiffany's tank top had... The hole for the arm had moved to the right a bit and through the hole, Tiffany could see Taeyeon's breast, and some of her nipple. Tiffany's mouth

dropped open as she stared at the small mountain in front of her. It was so perky and the perfect shape, It wasn't too big or too small and it fit her body perfectly. It would fit Tiffany's hand perfectly too. Tiffany wiped some drool that had dropped from her mouth and closed it, she felt that familiar feeling between her legs again. The girl in front of her had dirtied so many pairs of Tiffany's underwear, unintentionally of course but it was still unbelievable. Tiffany couldn't take her eyes off Taeyeon's breast though, it was like a magnet drawing her in. Drawing her mouth in, she imagined her tongue swirling her nipple around and then sucking on it.

Taeyeon stirred and turned back to face Tiffany. Tiffany was frustrated she couldn't see her little mound again but it was probably for the best. She returned to look at Taeyeon's lips which got even more attractive when they parted and could see inside Taeyeon's mouth. She held back the urge of sticking her tongue in there. She smiled unconsciously and licked her lips.

"Are you done gawking at me?"


Tiffany fell out of bed for the second time that morning and hit her butt again on the same goddamn bedside table.

"Owww" Tiffany whimpered holding her butt again. "Are you okay?" Taeyeon asked a little worried as she leaned over the edge of the bed. Tiffany pointed to her her butt. "Ow" she pouted making Taeyeon giggle.

"Pull yourself together Hwang" "That was your fault!" "How was it my fault?" "You scared me!" "Well then you shouldn't have been perving on me!" "I...." "Ha! I win" Taeyeon smirked. "How old are you? Ten?" Tiffany rolled her eyes and got up off the ground. Again she facepalmed herself for being so stupid. She told herself that she really needs to stop doing these things because she always gets caught. "At least I'm not a creepy pervert who watches people while they sleep. And sucks the face off their best friend" "Whatever" Tiffany got up, grabbed some clothes out her wardrobe and started walking to the bathroom to get changed. "What, so I had to get changed here in front of you but you don't? That's hardly fair" Taeyeon smirked.

Tiffany froze. Taeyeon wanted to see her getting dressed? Oh my God.

"You seriously want me to change in front of you?" Tiffany asked "Why not? We're both girls remember" Taeyeon winked, mocking Tiffany about what she had said to Taeyeon in the same situation.


Tiffany tugged off her t-shirt and threw it to the side of the bedroom leaving her in her bra and pyjama bottoms. She never looked away from those eyes of Taeyeon's. The eyes that were currently darting around her upper body before coming to land in Tiffany's cleavage.

"Now who's the pervert?" Tiffany laughed, Taeyeon didn't look away embarrassed though. "A little payback never hurt" Taeyeon replied. "You think I've never noticed you checking me out all those times in the office?"

Taeyeon got up on her knees and she was shuffling herself to where Tiffany was standing at the edge of the bed. Tiffany was frozen as Taeyeon approached, with a devilish look in her eye and she didn't stop until they were close, face to face. Tiffany was holding her breath as Taeyeon moved even closer, tilting her head with that stupid smirk on her face. It was too sexy.

"How I caught you, looking at my lips....."

Taeyeon licked her lips and looked down at Tiffany's as she moved in but then moved back, teasing the girl. She didn't fail to notice Tiffany's teeth grinding, she was loving that she was getting under Tiffany's skin.

"How I caught you looking at my breasts"

Taeyeon lowered herself so she was looking at Tiffany's twins. She leaned close and blew cool air into the middle of her cleavage making goosebumps pop up everywhere. Taeyeon smiled and dropped back on the bed, now lying down but still staring at Tiffany.

Tiffany meanwhile was clenching her fists trying to stop herself from pouncing on Taeyeon. She dared to tease Tiffany and was now lying in the middle of the bed staring right at her. She might as well just have a sign above her saying 'Come Fuck Me Tiffany'.

"What are you trying to prove?" Tiffany asked, her jaw clenched as she said it. "I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm just simply lying here talking to you" Taeyeon smirked.

Tiffany scoffed and began taking off her pyjama bottoms. When she turned back around, Taeyeon's eyes were glued on her ass. Tiffany bit her lip.

"What are you looking at?" Tiffany leaned over, giving Taeyeon an eyeful of her cleavage. "You" Taeyeon growled, her pupils dilating to the max.

Tiffany was about to ravage Taeyeon when....

"Tiffany! I need your help!"

Taeyeon quickly pulled her clothes on that she had worn for the party and grabbed her belongings. She looked at Tiffany and said thanks before opening the bedroom door and leaving the apartment. Tiffany watched, clenching her jaw.


"JESSICA!" Tiffany roared. She wasn't happy that she finally had the courage to do what she wanted to Taeyeon and then Jessica interrupted her. "What?" Jessica came out of her room and Tiffany charged at her, knocking her to the floor and straddling her. "You interrupted me and Taeyeon you annoying little brat!" Tiffany shook Jessica's shoulders. "Interrupted you doing what? And get off me you overgrown lump" "I was about to make my move!" Tiffany shouted as she pulled Jessica to her feet "Your move?" Jessica burst out laughing. "Your move! Oh my god" Jessica was doubled over laughing her head off. "Shutup. God you owe me big time" "Actually, you owed me for sucking on my mouth at the party, so I guess we are even now" Jessica smirked and walked away back to her bedroom. "Wait! What did you want me for?" Tiffany asked before Jessica closed her door. "Oh I saw Taeyeon's shoes by the door and I thought I'd try to scare you if you were doing anything naughty...... Looks like it worked." Jessica grinned and slammed the door, locking it behind her. "You little Bitch!"

Lunch Tiffany was in Taeyeon's car on the way to work. Her boss had only said 'Good Morning' and that was it. It's like their relationship takes a few steps in the right direction, getting even better but then it takes a huge leap backwards again. Tiffany sighed and looked out the window.

"You sigh a lot don't you?" Taeyeon asked, keeping her eyes on the road. "Do I?" "Mm, something on your mind?"

*You. You're on my mind and you're driving me fucking crazy Taeyeon*

"Nothing in particular" "Kay"

*Kay? KAY? Really? Ugh I hate you*

They were silent all the way till they got to the office. Taeyeon unlocked the door and strolled over to her seat, Tiffany did the same and yawned before stretching.

"Tired?" Taeyeon asked as she watched Tiffany. "Mmm."

Silence yet again until....

"Can I take you someplace for lunch?" Taeyeon asked "Lunch? Sure" Tiffany suppressed her smile. "Great, I think you'll like it" she smiled. "Okay, do you have anything for me to do?" Tiffany asked "Do you mind getting me a coffee? Get one for yourself too" Taeyeon winked as she handed some money to Tiffany that she had just gotten out of her purse. "Aw how sweet" Tiffany replied grinning as Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

Tiffany went to the coffee machine and was suprised to see Sunny waiting outside the office, hands in her pockets and her head bowed.

"Sunny-ssi, can I help you with something?" Tiffany asked as she approached the girl. "I wanted to apologise for my outburst before... I was mad that after all this time working for Miss Kim, you came along and got promoted so quickly. I was also mad that you took my best friends job from her but I shouldn't blame you, I'm sorry" she bowed again. "It's okay Sunny-ssi, I'm sorry too. Are you going to speak to Miss Kim?"

Sunny nodded.

"Would you like a coffee? I'm going to the machine to get some." "No thanks Tiffany-ssi" Sunny said before knocking on Taeyeon's door and entering her office.

Tiffany shrugged and made her way over to the coffee machine. She inserted the money and smiled at the two coffee cups placed next to each other.

"You..." She picked up one of the cups and studied it before setting it down. "And me.." Tiffany grinned as she picked up the second.

Once the coffee was done, Tiffany wondered whether she could just go in, It was her office too right? She knocked on the door to be safe. Taeyeon let her in and she stood by the door.

"Sorry Miss Kim" Tiffany bowed. It felt so weird to be at this stage again. "Should I come back later?" Tiffany asked looking between her and Sunny. "No need, Sunny was on her way out. Remember what I said Sunny, you can start back on Monday" "Thank you Miss Kim" Sunny bowed. "I won't make the same mistake again". She said before leaving the office. "Sorry to interrupt" Tiffany said as she approached and gave one of the cups to Taeyeon before sitting at her desk. "No problem."

There was silence again, but it wasn't really awkward, it was soothing.

"Thanks for this Tiff" Taeyeon said, raising her cup. "You bought it" Tiffany chuckled. "I should be the one thanking you." "It's not a problem" Taeyeon winked

Lunch time came soon much to Tiffany's excitement. Taeyeon was taking her somewhere, lunch date... Hell yeah.

"Where are we going?" Tiffany asked as Taeyeon started to drive. "We are going to this place that I go to frequently. It's an American place actually. The burgers there are to die for" Taeyeon grinned. "Hm, I wouldn't take you for a burger kind of girl" Tiffany smirked. "Oh really?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow. "What kind of girl do you take me for then?"

*A fucking sexy girl let's start with that!*

"You look more like a salad, carrot stick kind of girl" Tiffany teased. "Yah!" Taeyeon pouted and hit Tiffany's shoulder playfully. "Rude Hwang" she smiled.

They pulled up in a car park next to the American restaurant and went inside. Again Taeyeon's status meant they didn't have to wait in line and got a table straight away. Tiffany could get used to that.

"Mmm, smells so good" Tiffany said as she sat down. "Yeah...." Taeyeon replied. "So you're getting a burger I presume..." Tiffany said whilst looking at the menu. "I guess so" Taeyeon replied, furrowing her brows at the menu. "Is something wrong?" Tiffany asked as she studied Taeyeon's expression. "No, no" Taeyeon chuckled "Everything's fine"

Their food came a while after they ordered and they both tucked in, Tiffany a little more eager than Taeyeon. She just stared at her burger like it was an alien or something.

"So, is that your favourite American food?" Taeyeon asked as she pointed to Tiffany's steak and fries. "Mmm." Tiffany nodded. "I like burgers too but this is so good" Tiffany moaned, catching Taeyeon off guard. "Oh"

*Is she blushing?* Tiffany wondered

"It's quite warm in here isn't it?" Taeyeon began to fan herself making Tiffany frown.

*So that was it* Tiffany was dissapointed, she wished it was her blushing.

The two finished their food and walked out, well Tiffany did. Taeyeon had to go to the restroom and asked Tiffany to wait outside. A while later Taeyeon came out looking a little pale which worried Tiffany.

"Are you okay?" She questioned "Ah yeah, just a little light headed that's all" Taeyeon smiled which didn't ease Tiffany's worry one bit. "Really? Come here" Tiffany said and she linked her arm with Taeyeon's, sending butterflies to her stomach. Taeyeon was so warm and it felt incredible to touch her, even through their clothing. Tiffany saw Taeyeon looking confused. "If you get dizzy again you can lean on me" Tiffany smiled. "Aw, how sweet" Taeyeon laughed earning a pout from Tiffany. "When are you going to stop pouting Hwang, you're twenty six after all" Taeyeon teased. "Well, some people say it makes me look cute" Tiffany shrugged. "It does, you're adorable"

*Oh my God, stop* Tiffany blushed.

"But you look like a twelve year old when you do it, it makes me feel like I'm babysitting or something" Taeyeon laughed making Tiffany nudge her to the side. "You're so mean to me y'know. Such a bully" Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Stop moaning, you love it" Taeyeon winked.

*Yes, yes I do. Bully me Taeyeon. Please.*

The pair walked up to the office and Taeyeon suddenly remembered.

"Shit!" Taeyeon exclaimed startling Tiffany. "What, what, are you okay?" "I left my car in the car park, why on earth did we walk back? "Taeyeon sighed. "Oh" Tiffany giggled. She found sulking Taeyeon funny, adorable. "Now, what was that you said about me pouting?" Tiffany teased whilst pointing at Taeyeon's lips. "I can fire you in a second Hwang"

That shut Tiffany up, amusing Taeyeon. She told Tiffany to go upstairs while she walked back to the car. They argued a little, Tiffany wanted to go with her just in case she got dizzy again while Taeyeon kept telling her she was fine. Tiffany returned to the office and sat down in her chair. She looked over at Taeyeon's desk and the curiosity was killing her. She got up and sat in Taeyeon's chair. It smelt like her, Tiffany closed her eyes and inhaled. She opened her eyes and looked at all the different drawers to the desk. Should she....?

*I could be looking for a pen* Tiffany thought of a backup if Taeyeon caught her.

Tiffany opened one drawer, disappointed that it was full of paperwork. How boring... She opened the second and it was just a bunch of pens and paper, erasers, staplers that sort of

thing. She opened the third drawer and found spare car keys, key rings and accessories like sunglasses and scarves.

Tiffany picked up one of the key rings and saw a little girl who looked so much like Taeyeon and a boy next to her. Were they her siblings? Tiffany wondered. She looked at another key ring and smiled, it was that peas in a pod thing from 'Toy Story 3'

*What a kid* Tiffany thought.

Suddenly she saw the handle to the door start to open so quickly threw the key rings back and pretended she wasn't up to no good.

"Urgh" Taeyeon groaned as she walked in. "What's up?" Tiffany asked. "Just walking all that wa... What are you doing in my chair Hwang?" Taeyeon asked "Friends share right?" Tiffany smirked. "I was testing to see if it was as comfy as mine" "Ah..." Taeyeon strolled over. "And is it?" She leaned over the desk making Tiffany gulp. "Y-yeah" Tiffany stuttered.

Taeyeon sniggered to herself and continued what she was doing to Tiffany.

"Why the stutter?" Taeyeon asked, leading her eyes all over the fidgeting girl. "Do I make you

nervous Tiffany?" Taeyeon wondered whether she should do what she was thinking, it really would be funny. So she did.

Taeyeon sat sideways on Tiffany's lap. Yepp. As you can probably guess, Tiffany died, letting out a squeak as she did so.

"Hm, you're comfy Hwang."

Taeyeon smirked, leaning into Tiffany's body and putting her arm around Tiffany's shoulders. She looked at the girl who was tensed up to the max and staring in a daze straight ahead.

"Is everything okay?" Taeyeon asked, chuckling at the stiff nod she got in reply. Taeyeon repeated her question. "Do I make you nervous?" She asked, leaning close and whispering it sensually into Tiffany's ear, making sure her breath hit the girls ear making her shiver. "N-no" Tiffany finally spoke. "Hm." Taeyeon replied, playing with a lock of Tiffany's hair with the hand that wasn't over Tiffany's shoulders. "I'm not convinced" Taeyeon placed her fingers on Tiffany's cheek and pushed making the girl face her. Taeyeon could see Tiffany was uncomfortable yet she smiled a little when she saw Tiffany's eyes were darting around her face before coming to settle on her lips.

Taeyeon licked them sensually and to further tease her, took her bottom lip between her teeth before letting it go, she could see Tiffany's knuckles were white from clenching her fists. Taeyeon smirked and leaned in closer and closer, Tiffany closed her eyes ready but she didn't feel anything. She opened her eyes back up again to see Taeyeon getting off her.

*What in the fuck was that. Is she serious?* Tiffany was frustrated, extremely frustrated. And she also needed new underwear, yet again.

"Can I have my chair back Hwang?" Taeyeon asked, the smirk still stuck on her face. Tiffany nodded and went back to her own chair before continuing her work silently.

It was silent between them for the rest of the day until Taeyeon said goodbye as she dropped Tiffany back home. Tiffany just nodded and went up to her apartment not even looking back, she was still in a daze from earlier. She went to her room and flopped down on her bed thinking about what had happened. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of her phone beeping. She got up and took it from her bag and lied back down before opening it.

'Hi Hwang, We can go to work a little later tomorrow so I'll pick you up at ten. I had fun today ;) Tae x'

*Okay, what does she want from me?* Tiffany wondered. She texted Taeyeon back immediately.

'Okay no worries. I'm sure you did....


*No kiss. That's what you get Kim!*

Tiffany's phone vibrated again.

'Hehe. You're too obvious Hwang ;)'

*Fuck you Tae. Just because your irresistible* Tiffany snarled. She didn't bother to reply to that text.

Taeyeon meanwhile, was clutching her stomach on the toilet. She lied to Tiffany. She didn't go to that place, she didn't eat American food. She wanted to take Tiffany there because she'd enjoy it, being American and all. Taeyeon figured she could put her stomach on the line for Tiffany...though she had no idea why.

Songs Taeyeon and Tiffany were sitting in the office just talking about work related things until it was time for lunch, the two had agreed to go to the cafeteria together so off they went. They bought their food and sat in the corner, away from all the other people.

"Taeyeon?" "Mm?" Taeyeon replied while taking a bite of her her sandwich. "I've heard you like to sing...."

Taeyeon smiled

"You mean you've read on Google that I like to sing?" "......" A blush answered Taeyeon's question. "Yes, I like to sing. What of it?" "I'd like to hear you...." Tiffany was rather bold today. "That was random" Taeyeon frowned, wondering where it had come from. "Well, we drove past a karaoke place and that's when I remembered" Tiffany smiled "So that's where you want to go today?" Taeyeon rolled her eyes. Ever since she'd met Tiffany, she had basically become her personal driver. "I hope your saving up for a car Hwang. You owe me so many rides" Taeyeon smirked.

Tiffany froze the moment she heard 'rides'.

*Riding Taeyeon....*

"Hello?" Taeyeon waved her hand in front of Tiffany's face trying to break the girl out of her daze. "Ah sorry. Uh yeah sure" Tiffany hid her face a little. "And have you forgotten that I'm famous? What if people upload videos online?" Taeyeon grimaced. "Disguise?" Tiffany suggested. "Ew no. I guess I can just buy the place for the the night" Taeyeon shrugged like it was nothing. Tiffany smiled, she'd get to have Taeyeon sing to her...alone. "Okay!" Tiffany exclaimed happily.

Once it was time to leave work, Tiffany was jumping around like an idiot down the street while Taeyeon was slowly walking behind wondering what the hell she was doing. She had never sung to anyone before, she just liked doing it in the shower or around her place.

*How does this kid make me do all this stuff?* Taeyeon wondered as she watched Tiffany skip down the street.

They soon arrived at the karaoke bar and Taeyeon went to go have a word with the owner. Luckily there was nobody there anyway... Just the sound technician, bar staff and the owner. Tiffany took a seat and waited for Taeyeon to come back. She smiled as she imagined Taeyeon singing a love song to her, caressing her and pulling her up to dance before kissing her passionately.

"Yah!" Taeyeon shouted waking Tiffany up yet again. "Okay we have this place for three hours. Let's get a drink." "But you drove here?" Tiffany reminded Taeyeon. "Aw shit. But it's still in the car park at work, I guess I could take a taxi home"

*Drunk Taeyeon...could be a frisky Taeyeon...a horny Taeyeon* Tiffany licked her lips at the thought and nodded.

She and Taeyeon went to the bar, Taeyeon ordered a martini and Tiffany ordered a vodka shot. Taeyeon paid for both and they sat around laughing and joking with eachother until...

"So what are you gonna sing?" Tiffany smiled "If I'm singing, you are too" Taeyeon smirked. "What? That wasn't the deal!" "What deal?" Taeyeon chuckled. "There was no deal!" "But!" "But nothing Hwang. That's my deal. Take it or leave it. I'm totally satisfied with just having a drink here". Taeyeon laughed at Tiffany's annoyed face. She had been duped. "Fine!" Tiffany scowled.

A few more drinks later, Taeyeon and Tiffany were looking through the song list.

"You first" Taeyeon winked and sat down ready to watch her. "You've chosen already?"

Taeyeon nodded. Tiffany huffed and looked at more songs until she saw one she liked.

"You can understand English right?" Tiffany asked Taeyeon. "I'm one of the most successful business women in Korea Tiffany... I speak with people from all over the world to secure deals. What do you think?" Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "Cockiness isn't attractive Taeyeon" Tiffany raised her eyebrow and smirked. "I'm not being cocky, I'm answering your question" "Prove it then." Tiffany folded her arms, waiting for Taeyeon to fail or mess up so she could make fun of her. "Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Kim Taeyeon, I'm from South Korea. I have a really annoying assistant called Tiffany and she wants me to prove that I can speak and understand English so here I am making this speech." Taeyeon said in perfect English with just a slight Korean accent and a smirk on her face. Tiffany frowned and stomped her way to the stage.

*Stupid Kim Taeyeon*

"Woooo Tiffany woo!" Taeyeon shouted dorkily as the microphone was being set up. Tiffany rolled her eyes in response but loved how Taeyeon was acting. The lights dimmed and the music started. Tiffany took a deep breath and closed her eyes trying to get rid of her nerves.

"Oh her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining"

Tiffany opened her eyes and looked into Taeyeon's which were twinkling back at her...

"Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying. She's so beautiful..."

*You are Tae*

"And I tell her every day"

*I tell you in my mind* Tiffany closed her eyes for the next verse.

"Yeah I know, I know when I compliment her, she wont believe me. And its so, its so sad to think that she don't see what I see. But every time she asks me do I look okay I say"

Tiffany opened her eyes again and stared at Taeyeon who was tapping her hand against her thigh to the beat with a smile on her face.

"When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. Cause you're amazing Just the way you are"

*Its true Tae*

"And when you smile" Tiffany smiled as she sang, Taeyeon smiled back wider. "The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are" Tiffany nodded her head. She closed her eyes again as she sang the next verse, the words hitting her. "Her lips, her lips I could kiss them all day if she'd let me. Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think its so sexy" Tiffany giggled as she thought back to Taeyeon's ahjumma laugh.

"She's so beautiful. And I tell her every day"

Tiffany sang through the whole song until the last chorus came.

"When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are"

Tiffany nodded and winked at Taeyeon who smirked back. If Taeyeon didn't get the hint from this then Tiffany didn't know what would.

"And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are"

Immediately Taeyeon started clapping and hollering.

"WOOOOO GO TIFFANY YEAH!" Tiffany blushed profusely and walked back over to Taeyeon, smiling like a fool. Taeyeon punched her shoulder playfully and smiled.

"You're so good!" She exclaimed. "Wow how am I gonna top that?" She smirked, before winking and getting up.

*Oh my God what's she gonna sing* Tiffany wondered, hoping Taeyeon wouldn't pick a sexy song that would dirty her underwear again. Tiffany shivered as the lights dimmed and Taeyeon stood in front of the microphone stand, the music started playing and Tiffany lost herself in Taeyeon's words.

"Here I am, standing close to you, and yet still so far away So many times, I tried to say....but my heart, was afraid" Taeyeon closed her eyes and her emotion poured out through the song.

"Look at you is all that I can do, like a silly girl, I stare Cause you might leave me when I reveal, what my heart is really feeling.

Tiffany wiped a tear from her eye.

"If I could just say the words, all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear. Will you take me in your arms or let me go... Our lovely days...will they just fade like whispers in the wind?"

Taeyeon had the urge to cry and she didn't know why. She felt herself get goosebumps as she sang the heart wrenching song.

"If I could just say the words, all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear. Can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes... This silly girl so scared she just can't say "I Love you."

Tiffany was freely crying now. Why on earth did Taeyeon pick this song? Was she trying to kill her?

"Here I am, holding on to fate, what we have may never change" Taeyeon frowned, she didn't like the sound of that for some reason. She opened her eyes and looked at Tiffany. Was she crying?

"Cause you might leave me when I reveal, my lips will seal the love I'm hiding.

Taeyeon looked into Tiffany's twinkling eyes and got lost in them. She even forgot to sing the first two lines of the last chorus. She smiled at her mistake and sang the last two whilst looking at Tiffany.

"Can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes, this silly girl so scared. She just can't say....

I Love you."

Taeyeon stepped down from the stage and walked over to Tiffany, suddenly shy. She sat down next to her and gulped her drink down before turning to face her.

"Tae...." Tiffany cried. "That was incredible. And the words..."

Taeyeon smiled and pushed Tiffany.

"Gosh you're such a drama queen, it's just a song" Taeyeon tutted.

But was it? __________

Movie Another work day... Taeyeon and Tiffany hadn't mentioned what happened last night. But both were thinking deeply about it.

*Did she sing that for me? Why doesn't it seem likes she's interested though?* Tiffany wondered.

*Why did I get so emotional? Why did I feel like the words described what I'm feeling? I'm not feeling that way....* Taeyeon frowned.

Taeyeon shoved that thought out of her mind and gave half the pile of paperwork waiting on the table to Tiffany who smiled and immediately got to work. The two resumed their friendly/flirty banter.

"What do you want to do today?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany. "Your personal driver awaits her instruction" Taeyeon bowed dorkily making Tiffany giggle. "Hmmm. What about the cinema? Is there a good movie on?" Tiffany asked "I shall check"

After looking at the featured movies on the cinema's website, Taeyeon called Tiffany over and scooted to the side of her chair so Tiffany could sit down beside her to be able to see the computer better. Tiffany walked over and sat down, giggling a little as the chair wasn't made for two people.

"Ow, Tiff why's your butt so big, jeez" Taeyeon teased when she got pushed into the side of the

chair, she then burst out laughing when she saw Tiffany's reaction. "I'm kidding, it's clearly the chair's fault" Taeyeon smiled.

Tiffany got up again pouting only for Taeyeon to pull her onto her lap. Tiffany gasped and was now sitting like Taeyeon had before when she teased Tiffany that day, sideways on her lap.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon who was smirking and giggled nervously, Taeyeon saw this and she feigned dropping Tiffany so the latter would put her arm around Taeyeon's shoulders. Tiffany squeaked and did just that.

"Yah! Do you want to give me a heart attack?" Tiffany asked though inside she was already having one.

*I am sitting on Taeyeon's lap. Huh? Am I dreaming? What the fuck is this..* Tiffany shook her head and looked to the computer screen, she didn't dare look at Taeyeon because of their close proximity, it would kill her.

"What about this?" Tayeon pointed out an 'X-Men' movie leading Tiffany to frown. She wasn't into all the hero/action stuff. She kept browsing and smiled when she saw the poster to 'What If'. She had seen it advertised and it looked really good. "I like this one" Tiffany pointed out the movie, Taeyeon frowned. She had never heard of it. So she went onto Youtube and typed it in to watch the trailer, Tiffany was still on her lap and had her arm around her shoulders much to Tiffany's delight.

Once the trailer finished, there was an awkward silence. The movie seemed to be about a guy who was attracted to a girl. They met each other and hit it off, only for the girl to reveal she was

in a relationship. So her and the guy became best friends. Basically it was a one sided love story which Tiffany thought fitted her situation perfectly.

"You want to watch that?" Taeyeon questioned, looking at Tiffany. "I think it looks good" Tiffany shrugged, still not looking at her boss. "Hey, look at me" Taeyeon said

Tiffany frowned and turned her head slowly to face Taeyeon.

*Keep your eyes on her eyes Tiffany. Just her eyes. Nothing but her eyes.... Aw her nose is so cute... NO Tiffany! Eyes. Eyes. OMO Is that a new lipstick it's so hot...*

Tiffany failed her little mission once again and stared at Taeyeon's lips. Taeyeon meanwhile took this oppurtunity to look at Tiffany up close. Her thick eyebrows and her porcelain skin...those eyes that never failed to make Taeyeon smile when they did, and those pink lips. Also that dark black hair that she had the urge to run her hand through and tug on. Wait, what?

Taeyeon cleared her throat and shifted to tell Tiffany to get off. Tiffany was a little dissapointed but went back to her chair.

"So 'What If'...okay I'll book the tickets" Taeyeon said as she clicked on the movie and ordered two seats. "I don't like you paying for everything Tae" Tiffany frowned. "It makes me feel like I'm taking advantage..."

"Oh shush Tiff, it's not as if I can't afford it." Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Tiffany. "At least let me pay for something when we get there? Popcorn or drinks maybe?"

Taeyeon was about to refuse when she saw that Tiffany really wanted to do that. She sighed and nodded her head which was met by a smile from Tiffany.

Once the day at the office ended, Taeyeon and Tiffany immediately left, heading for the cinema. When they arrived, Taeyeon went to collect the tickets while Tiffany paid for the popcorn and the drinks. The lady behind the counter kept insisting that Tiffany have one extra large drink with two straws instead of two medium drinks as it worked out cheaper. Tiffany was too shy about accepting that, what if Taeyeon didn't like it? Her question was answered when Taeyeon walked up beside her.

"What's up?" She asked Tiffany. "The lady is trying to sell me one extra large drink with two straws instead of two medium's." Tiffany blushed. "Is that okay?" "Sure, I don't mind" Taeyeon shrugged. "But I want blue" she said pointing to the straws. Tiffany eyesmiled and bought it.

They sat down in their seats and waiting for the movie to start, annnnd as luck would have it....they were alone.

"Why is there no one else here?" Taeyeon wondered looking around her.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because it's the last day this movie is showing and people have seen it already." Tiffany shrugged. Inside she was fist pumping. She got to be alone with Taeyeon in a dark room, sat next to each other, watching a romantic movie..... Perfect date!

The movie started and Taeyeon and Tiffany got comfy in their seats and watched. Taeyeon seemed into the movie but Tiffany was concentrating on the fact that Taeyeon's arm was resting on the arm rest, her hand right there just screaming to be held. She kept looking to and from the movie and Taeyeon's hand, she couldn't suppress the urge any longer so boldly reached out but Taeyeon moved first, moving it to take some popcorn.

Tiffany pretended awkwardly that she was trying to reach out for the drink. She saw Taeyeon smirking at her when she sipped it.


Halfway through the movie, Tiffany again looked to her side and saw Taeyeon munching on the popcorn looking too adorable for a twenty-six year old woman. Tiffany smiled but lost it when Taeyeon turned her head and faced her.

"What?" Taeyeon smiled. "Uh..."

*Think of something Tiffany, anything!*

"I like your face" Tiffany blurted out.

*Oh my fucking God Tiffany! I like your face? Just go into a corner and die please, thank you. You complete failure of a human being*

"You like my face?" Taeyeon looked amused. "Your face..make-up. Your make-up, it uh, looks good on you" Tiffany tried to salvage her dignity. "Ah" Taeyeon chuckled. "I was gonna say....that was the lamest pick up line I've ever heard" She teased. "Why would I be trying to pick you up?" Tiffany asked raising her eyebrow confidently.

Taeyeon looked back at her and winked, making Tiffany die yet again. Tiffany just leaned her head on her elbow, shaking it wondering what the hell she was playing at . Who would say that they like their boss's face? Well Tiffany did like her face, very much but still that's no excuse for acting like a complete idiot. She sighed and went to take a sip of their drink but at that moment, Taeyeon did too. Tiffany stopped when she saw Taeyeon's face up close staring right at her. Her eyes were so beautiful. Tiffany pulled away and looked back to the screen, she really hoped her blush wouldn't be able to be seen.

Soon the ending came and both Taeyeon and Tiffany said "aw" at how cute it was.

"Daniel Radcliffe is so adorable" Taeyeon said making Tiffany frown.

*So she does like guys.....*

Tiffany was extremely dissapointed now. She walked out of the cinema with Taeyeon trailing behind.

"Yah! Wait up Speedy Gonzales" Taeyeon joked. She looked at Tiffany's expression and frowned. "What's wrong?" "Nothing" Tiffany replied simply. "Seriously, what's wrong, you can tell me Tiff...."

*I can't tell you that I'm falling in love with you Tae. A straight woman. Our friendship would be over.* Tiffany sighed.

"Just Jessica told me her hamster died" Tiffany lied, fighting the urge to laugh at her terrible and very random lie. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even know she had a hamster" "Mhmm"

It was silent as Taeyeon and Tiffany walked back to the car.

"I can get another one if you were close to it..." Taeyeon offered. "Another what?" Tiffany asked confused.

"Hamster" "Oh no, I dont think Jess would want another one for now" Tiffany replied. "Oh okay."

Soon they were outside Tiffany's apartment complex.

"Tell Jessica I'm sorry about her hamster" Taeyeon smiled. "Will do, thanks for this Tae" Tiffany smiled. "No problem, I had fun."

Tiffany was meant to get out at this point, but didn't. She didn't because Taeyeon was leaning in, leaning into her face and Tiffany was again frozen in place.


Taeyeon blew on her face, confusing Tiffany..

"Eyelash" Taeyeon smiled "Ah thanks" Tiffany giggled awkwardly

Taeyeon nodded and Tiffany got out. She opened the front door and called for Jessica.

"Where have you been?" Jessica asked walking out her bedroom. "I was out with Tae, she says sorry about your hamster." Tiffany sniggered. "Huh?" Jessica asked confused.

Tiffany burst out laughing and told Jessica all about what happened. Jessica cracked a smile when Tiffany told her. She was also thinking why the hell Tiffany didn't make a move, she didn't say anything though, she didn't want to really have a part in how their relationship progressed unless Tiffany really needed her help. Jessica didn't have feelings for Taeyeon anymore but she still found her attractive, way too attractive.

Tiffany said goodnight and went to bed. She had just set the alarm on her phone for work tomorrow when a message from Taeyeon came through. Tiffany automatically smiled and opened it.

'Are you okay? X'

Tiffany eyesmiled and immediately replied .

'Im fine Tae ^^ X'

*I'd be better if you were here*

'Good, I don't like my Tiff being sad ^^' Taeyeon texted back


"JESSICA!" "WHAT?" Jessica rushed in yet again thinking something bad had happened.

Tiffany was sat on her bed smiling widely and clutching her phone. Jessica sighed and snatched the phone off Tiffany.

"Again? This is what you scream over?"

Tiffany nodded excitedly

"Aish, I'm going to bed. Reply to her" "What am I supposed to say?" Tiffany worried. "I don't know, think of something." She said as she left.

*What do I say to that?* thought Tiffany. She thought for a minute before deciding to tease Taeyeon.

'Since when am I your Tiff hm?' Tiffany questioned

*Was that harsh? Omo no I didn't mean to be*

'Since now ;)' Taeyeon replied


Jessica covered her ears with the pillow in her bedroom. God Tiff was loud.

'Thats news to me ;)' Tiffany sent back.

'Well I guess there's a lot of things you're unaware of....;)'


'Which are...?' Tiffany texted.

'Thats for me to know... Goodnight Tiffany.

Sweet Dreams ;)'

*This girl. Fucking hell she is trying to murder me, I'm sure of it'. Tiffany thought before snuggling into bed, and falling asleep with a massive smile on her face.

Confession The new day went on as usual. Tiffany got picked up by Taeyeon....They flirted, and Tiffany got embarassed and froze up.....It was just an ordinary day...Or so Tiffany thought....

"I want you to come somewhere with me after work today" Taeyeon spoke up after taking a break from her paperwork.

*Is she asking me out? Play it cool Tiff!*

"Depends, what do you have in mind?" Smoothy Hwang...

Taeyeon had to chuckle at Tiffany trying to act like she had better things to do.

"Well, it's a surprise. Take it or leave it" "A suprise? What's the occasion?" "Can't a friend take another friend out on a date?"

*DATE?! Ajjdwhjudbhsnkabhys OMO!*

"A date huh? You're not really my type" Smoothy Hwang yet again...

Taeyeon chuckled.

"Sure I'm not..." Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "Wow, it seems we have little Miss cocky over here" Tiffany smirked "Not cocky. Just observant." Taeyeon winked "Observant? Im not sure I catch your drift." "Well, you must have forgotten that we proved the 'you can't stop staring at me' thing at your apartment, don't you remember?" Taeyeon said with a sly grin.

That shut Tiffany up. Taeyeon smirked and patted Tiffany on the head.


After work, the two went to Taeyeon's car and buckled up before heading off.

"Still not telling me where we are going?" Tiffany asked. "Nope" "This could come under kidnapping you know" Tiffany smirked "Yeah well, it could turn out that you like getting kidnapped by me" Taeyeon winked at Tiffany who had frozen yet again. She really should Google to see if freezing so much was normal. "We'll see"

About five minutes later, Taeyeon stopped outside an old laundromat. Tiffany looked around a little disappointed, what was so special about this place? Taeyeon chuckled at her reaction and took out a tie from the glove box in front of Tiffany.

"Come here" Taeyeon ordered "Uh... Why?"

Taeyeon showed Tiffany the tie and signalled for her to come closer.

"Aren't you taking this kidnapping thing a little too seriously?" She asked Taeyeon. "I have to be tied up now too?" "Not tied up stupid, blindfolded. It's a surprise remember" Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "Oh" Tiffany did feel stupid at insinuating that. "Keep your kinky fantasies out of my car please" Taeyeon chuckled as she tied the tie around Tiffany's eyes making sure there was no way Tiffany would be able to see anything. "It's not a fantasy of mine" Tiffany huffed. "You, I'm not too sure about. I mean who keeps a tie in their glove box?" "Shut up Tiff before I gag you as well" "See. You're totally into it" Tiffany smirked. "Whatever Tiffany, God."

Taeyeon drove away and was driving for a further ten minutes before she came to a stop outside her destination, she smiled and opened her door, slamming it shut behind her. She then opened the trunk and grabbed a picnic basket she had prepared before shutting it and grabbing Tiffany out of the passenger seat. She locked up her car and started guiding Tiffany to where they needed to go.

"Ow! Careful" Tiffany huffed. Taeyeon was walking too fast and her not being able to see anything made it hard to balance. "Stop whining. You're like a two year old"

Tiffany huffed again and continued to follow Taeyeon. Once they got there, Taeyeon sat Tiffany down and set up the picnic and told Tiffany not to take the blindfold off yet as she was still preparing. Taeyeon didn't know why she put so much effort into doing this for Tiffany, it's not as if she liked the girl.... did she? Taeyeon thought back to the morning in Tiffany's room. Seeing Tiffany half naked made her stomach clench and her heart beat faster.... If only Jessica hadn't interrupted... Taeyeon frowned and shook those thoughts out of her head immediately. She couldn't be thinking like that.

"Okay, take off your blindfold." Taeyeon told Tiffany, smiling at what the latter's reaction was going to be. "I can't undo the knot" Tiffany pouted. "Way to ruin the moment Tiff" Taeyeon rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that day. Soon the knot came loose and Tiffany saw her surroundings. "Wow.... It's beautiful Tae"

She was sitting on a lone bench on the top of a hill. Right at the bottom of the hill was a huge lake with crystal clear water. And in the middle of it, a small waterfall, water cascading down the rocks into the lake below. Surrounding the lake was the greenest grass Tiffany had ever seen and there were many different kinds and colours of flowers. It really was breathtaking.

"Nice huh? I came across this place when I was driving around during my...rough days. This place was my sanctuary, whenever I came here, I forgot all my problems." Taeyeon smiled "It's stunning but, why did you bring me here?" Tiffany wondered that if this place was so special to Taeyeon, why on earth did she bring her. "Ive been thinking about this ever since that night at your apartment. I've never told anyone about what happened to me before, about my past. Nobody. Not even my family. You're the first person I've opened up to and I have no idea why I trust you so much" Taeyeon started.

Tiffany being the drama queen she is was already tearing up. Taeyeon laughed and used her thumb to clear away one of the tears that dropped. And you guessed it... Tiffany froze from the contact.

"And I've also never told anyone about this place either. I figured since I could tell you about my past, I could let you see what brought me through it" Taeyeon shrugged. Suddenly she was enveloped in a hug so tight that she could barely breathe, but Taeyeon hugged back enjoying the warmth it brought her. "That means a lot Taeyeon. It really does" Tiffany eyesmiled as she cried. "I have a place I'd like to show you one time too".

"I'd love to see it" Taeyeon grinned wide, showing off what Tiffany thought to be her dashing chin dimple. "Oh hey, come on let's eat" Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany's hand and led them over to the picnic blanket set up behind the bench.

Tiffany was so grateful for Taeyeon doing all this for her, for them. But she couldn't help but wonder why. What were they exactly? Tiffany knew they flirted like crazy yet Taeyeon still calls them friends. Tiffany remembered Taeyeon checking her out when she was only in her lingerie but still she calls them friends. Tiffany sighed as she realised that the ball really was in her court. If she wanted Taeyeon, she was going to have to go after her, because she wasn't coming on her own.

"This is cute, it's like a proper date" Tiffany giggled, watching for Taeyeon's reaction "Or it's just two friends having lunch?" Taeyeon smirked. "Or that" Tiffany agreed with disappointment in her voice. "Hey you've got something here" Taeyeon said pointing at the corner of her mouth.

Tiffany wiped at the area Taeyeon had said it was but Taeyeon kept saying it was still there. After a while Taeyeon got annoyed and leaned forward, rubbing the sauce off with her thumb, grazing against Tiffany's lips as she did so. They both got lost in each other's eyes once again until Taeyeon brought her thumb up to her mouth and licked the sauce off. Tiffany gulped, she had never wanted to be a thumb so much in her life....

The date was filled with romantic gestures, yet neither of them would take the vital step to kiss one another. Tiffany was aggravated because of all the teasing Taeyeon was doing but Taeyeon was still confused about her feelings and why she had actually brought Tiffany to her special place. It wasn't just because she could trust her.

It was dark now but the two girls didn't care, they were lying down on the blanket gazing at the stars. Tiffany couldn't help but think that this would be the perfect moment to confess to Taeyeon. And the latter seemed to have read her mind because she gave Tiffany the ammunition to do it.

"Tiff?" "Yeah?" "If you don't feel like it's the right time, just tell me.... But I remember you saying back in the office a while ago that you were having a tough time with something" Taeyeon brought up before grabbing Tiffany's hand and interlocking their fingers. "Ah, that" Tiffany closed her eyes. Could she really tell Taeyeon how she feels about her right now at this moment? "And since I told you all about my problems, I think it's only fair you tell me yours....because I have this overwhelming urge to do all I can to help you through it." Taeyeon squeezed her hand reassuringly. Tiffany smiled at what Taeyeon had said. She then took a deep breath and began.

*Its now or never*

"Well.... " Tiffany took a deep breath. "There's this person I've liked for a while now..."

"Really?" Taeyeon asked excited, although she couldn't help but feel her stomach drop. "Yeah, and I've been falling for them quite quickly. And when I spend time with them, I sometimes get hints that they like me back, but then sometimes I don't. I don't know if they are into me and it frustrates me. This person is so perfect yet so fragile. Most days I just want to hug them because they are so sad." "Aw Tiff". "And when I look at this person, their eyes draw me in and I can't help but look away because if I don't I'm afraid that I'll ruin the friendship we have. I like everything about them, their eyes, nose, hair, lips, body, legs everything. There's not one imperfection on their body and it frustrates me because I just want to run my hands all over them because I can't believe that they are real. This person is strong yet they fear being hated by everyone, they fear being called scary." "......." "And she is what I have been waiting all my life to come across. She is so special to me and I don't know where I would be now if I hadn't met her just those few days ago. She struts around teasing me constantly and all I want to to is kiss her, to make her feel loved because she doesn't believe it's possible. She's used to having everyone fancy her and want her yet she still refuses their advances, probably because she feels she isn't good enough for love. But you know what, you are good enough and you are the person I've fallen for. You Kim Taeyeon, I think I love you."

Silence filled the air after Tiffany finished her confession. Her heart was beating rapidly, her hands were sweaty and the adrenaline was pumping throughout her veins. But all Tiffany could think about was that Taeyeon's hand was loosening the grip it had on hers. Tiffany closed her eyes and let go. She didn't dare open them up because she knew as soon as she did, her heart would break into a million pieces when she saw the look that Taeyeon would give her, the look to say she doesn't feel the same way.

"Tell me something" Taeyeon suddenly spoke. She was still lying next to Tiffany and was staring at her side profile. "Why?" "Why? I don't have a reason other than you are the best and most beautiful person I've ever met. You are strong, powerful yet kind and down to earth. You listened to me when I talked about how my ex broke my heart, and you said that you hoped I would find someone that could mend that broken heart. Along you came and fixed it right back up again Tae" Tiffany smiled.

Taeyeon stayed silent and studied Tiffany's face. She was lost in her thoughts until Tiffany turned her head and opened her eyes staring right back at her. Taeyeon could feel Tiffany's emotions wafting off her, they were so strong and pure.

"Can I try something?" Taeyeon asked tentatively whilst looking at Tiffany's lips. "You can do anything you want"

First Kiss Taeyeon shuffled a little closer, not taking her eyes off of Tiffany's lips. She reached her hand up to cup Tiffany's face and moved her thumb back and forth the girl's cheekbone, she then looked into Tiffany's eyes and saw she was scared. Scared to fall even deeper and get hurt, but Taeyeon needed to do this. She needed to know for sure.

Taeyeon stared into Tiffany's eyes as she leaned forward, she then tilted her head slightly and closed her eyes. She kissed Tiffany's lips once, letting it last a few seconds before drawing her lips less than an inch away. The lingering feeling started to build passion within Taeyeon and she just had to do it again.

Taeyeon leaned back in and connected their lips again and began to move her lips in synch with Tiffany's, loving the way the latter's lips felt against her own. Taeyeon felt fireworks instantly, and the buzz that sent a shiver down her whole body confirmed her suspicions that she had feelings for Tiffany too. It really was magical. Taeyeon felt Tiffany run her hands through her hair and grasp on it, sending a tingle straight down her spine. Taeyeon couldn't stop herself as she got on top of Tiffany, holding her neck up to kiss her more easily. Tiffany's lips were a drug.

With their lips locked, they wrapped their arms around eachother, their embrace pulling each others breasts together to meet through their clothing, a gasp coming from both of them. Taeyeon then felt Tiffany begin to slowly and tenderly brush her tongue across her lips so Taeyeon opened her mouth slightly which Tiffany's tongue took as an invitation. It entered her mouth and slid back and forth against Taeyeon's tongue, playing with it. Taeyeon couldn't help but let out a moan at the pleasant feeling and she started to move her tongue to tangle with Tiffany's almost as if they were dancing together. Taeyeon continued until she heard Tiffany moan, it was so fucking sexy that she wanted to hear it again and again.

Taeyeon broke the kiss and began to move down to Tiffany's jawline, leaving a trail of kisses as she went before stopping at the side of her neck. Tiffany felt the light exhales of breath from Taeyeon on her ultimate turn on spot, effectively sending shivers up and down her spine. She bit her lip to hold in her moan but it was going to come out anyway when Taeyeon lightly brushed her tongue down her neck before grazing her teeth along the trail. Tiffany let out her moan and she felt Taeyeon tense up only to moan again when Taeyeon took a bit of her skin between her teeth, nibbling it lightly and ending it with another kiss. Tiffany shivered at the pleasure she was feeling but she needed more.

Tiffany brought Taeyeon's head back up to connect to their lips again tangling their tongues and moaning into each others mouth's. Tiffany felt Taeyeon run her hand up and down her arm sending tingles throughout her body before moving it back up to Tiffany's hair, tangling it around her fingers making Tiffany's mouth drop open at the contact. Tiffany felt Taeyeon smirk against her lips and she let out a husky giggle before kissing Taeyeon longingly.

Taeyeon broke the kiss by holding Tiffany's bottom lip in between her teeth tugging it, then letting it go. She opened her eyes and looked down at Tiffany who was breathing heavily, eyes still closed. She really was beautiful. Then, Tiffany opened her eyes and stared back at Taeyeon. They didn't need words, their feelings showed through one another's eyes.

Taeyeon stared at her a while longer before getting off her, pulling her to her feet and silently walking back to the car. As soon as they closed the doors, the sexual tension was evident. Taeyeon started the car and opened the window, not liking the atmosphere and what she was thinking about, what she wanted to do to the girl beside her. Taeyeon glanced at Tiffany once more before driving off. There was no conversation as everything had been said....and in no time, Taeyeon pulled up outside Tiffany's apartment complex.

"Do you want to come up?" Tiffany asked, reaching out to smooth out the dent in Taeyeon's blouse collar brushing her fingers against her neck as she did so making Taeyeon's breath hitch.

Taeyeon didn't know how to respond, but soon found herself getting out the car and following Tiffany up the steps anyway. As soon as they reached Tiffany's front door though....

"I should go" Taeyeon said as she kissed Tiffany's forehead, lingering there for a while before pulling away and leaving Tiffany behind. Tiffany watched as Taeyeon drove away and went out of view, she then unlocked the door and shuffled to her room, flopping down on her bed.

She stared up at the ceiling, not knowing what to make of it all. The date, the confession, the kiss....

*Did that seriously happen?* Tiffany asked herself reminiscing over that kiss. She had kissed people before but.... that. That was something else.

She brushed her fingertips over her lips still feeling and tasting Taeyeon's lipgloss. Tiffany broke out into an eyesmile and kicked her legs up and down in excitement. She wanted to call Jessica but she wasn't home, she was staying over a friend's place for the night so Tiffany was alone with her thoughts.

*I kissed Taeyeon. No. Taeyeon kissed me. Oh my fucking God. Am I dreaming? Like....huh? What the hell*

Tiffany didn't mind that Taeyeon didn't take up her offer of coming in. She knew it was too soon

to do.... that. Even though she wanted it so bad. They had only just had their first kiss and they weren't even official so she actually admired Taeyeon for leaving.

Tiffany closed her eyes and grinned, she knew who she was going to be dreaming of tonight. Well, it was the same every other night but Tiffany knew after everything that just happened, it would be different, much realer. She snuggled into the blankets and fell asleep.

Reminiscing The morning after.... Tiffany was currently sat at the kitchen table, telling Jessica all about what happened on her and Taeyeon's date.

"Omo Jess, she's such a good kisser I mean wow! She was like...Urgh my god I can't even explain it. And then she.. Ah! I can't it's too perfect!" Tiffany was clearly fangirling and Jessica was just watching on with amusement. "So it was good then I presume?" Jessica asked sarcastically. "YES! Omo I get to see her in like an hour. Kill me now! What's gonna happen? she gonna kiss me to say good morning? Is she gonna makeout with me again? Oh my god we're gonna be in her office together alone..." Tiffany wiggled her eyebrows. "Wow Tiff. You're just.... wow" Jessica said as she plopped herself down on the sofa. She started work in three hours so just relaxed and lazed around in the mean time. "I gotta go get ready Jessie! To look hot for ma ladayyyy" Tiffany winked and disappeared into her room. Jessica just shook her head, sometimes she didn't know what to say about Tiffany, she's certainly a special one...

Tiffany had gotten changed in her outfit and was currently standing in front of the mirror practicing sexy expressions, hoping to find one that she thought Taeyeon would really like. Regarding her outfit, Tiffany was wearing a short skirt with a white blouse, plain maybe but Tiffany had a plan. She was going to get revenge at Taeyeon for the amount of teasing she had done to Tiffany.

*Payback time* Tiffany smirked

Tiffany heard the honk of Taeyeon's car outside her window and her confidence immediately vanished

"AHHHH Jessie! What the hell do I do? Do I look okay? I mean do I look hot?!" "Tiffany you look fine, just leave me in peace please. You're giving me another headache... Jeez"

Tiffany frowned and muttered a goodbye before making her way down the steps. She walked up to Taeyeon's car, making sure she swayed those hips and kept her eyes on the figure she could see in it. She felt her confidence return and she knew from her smouldering look, Taeyeon would be entranced. Tiffany opened up the door and stepped inside, giving Taeyeon an eyesmile immediately. Taeyon smirked back and started the drive to work.

"Good morning" Taeyeon said, the smirk still on her face. "Morning." Tiffany replied as she stared at Taeyeon's side profile before checking out her outfit. Like Tiffany she was wearing a short black skirt and a blouse. But her body made it so much more than that. Her top buttons were undone again showing Tiffany some sideboob action and...

"Gawking again?" Taeyeon sniggered. "You wish" Tiffany replied, now focusing her attention on the road. Smoothy Hwang?

Taeyeon chuckled and pulled up in her parking space. They both got out and after unlocking everything, walked into the office. Tiffany made sure she lagged behind Taeyeon so she could start her plan. When Taeyeon's back was still turned, Tiffany dropped a scrunched up piece of paper on the ground.

"Oh what's this?" Tiffany asked pointing at the paper, she waited for Taeyeon to look and then bent over to pick it up showing Taeyeon her thong clad ass. Payback for when Taeyeon had done it to Tiffany and nearly killed her. Tiffany took a sneaky glance behind her and she saw Taeyeon staring at her butt.

*Gotcha* Tiffany smiled before getting up.

"Excuse me Miss Kim?" "Yes?" Taeyeon looked up at Tiffany. "Gawking again?" Tiffany smirked "You wish..." Taeyeon winked before siting down.

*Playing hard to get huh?... Okay*

Tiffany strolled up to Taeyeon's desk and leaned on her elbows giving Taeyeon an eyeful of her breasts.

"So...uh. What do you have for me today?" She asked in a seductive tone.

Taeyeon smirked and reached for Tiffany's blouse. Tiffany actually thought she was trying to touch her breasts but Taeyeon buttoned up Tiffany's blouse until her cleavage had dissapeared.

"Don't try too hard Miss Hwang" Taeyeon never lost that smirk but she held back a laugh as she

saw Tiffany's suprised face. Taeyeon grabbed the pile of paperwork on her desk and gave Tiffany half, shoving it into her hand and motioning towards her seat. Tiffany obeyed, still not believing Taeyeon hadn't done anything. This was going to be harder than Tiffany thought.

"Lunch?" Tiffany asked when it was time for their lunch break. "Sure" "Can we go somewhere other than the cafeteria?" Tiffany asked. "Sure"

Tiffany led the way out of the building and down the road to a small cafe. Tiffany smiled as she remembered the times her parents brought her here all those times. Tiffany wiped a tear that fell from her eye subtly and continued walking, Taeyeon didn't notice. They walked in to the sound of a bell above the door and looked around the busy cafe for a seat. A few people stopped to look at the famous CEO and some even asked for a photo and an autograph. Taeyeon gladly obliged and soon she and Tiffany were sitting on a table right in the corner next to the window.

"This is cute" Taeyeon said as she looked around at the small, but pretty adorable cafe. "Yeah. This is my favourite place to be" Tiffany smiled. "Is this the place you wanted to bring me?" "No. I'll save that one for another day"

*Another day when we are together Tae*

"But I did want you to see this place, because it also means a lot to me". "Why's that?" Taeyeon asked before a waitress walked up. Instead of glaring at her like the last one, Tiffany grinned, stood up and pulled her into a hug. "Hi Hyo!" "Tiff! I haven't seen you for a while! Where have you been?" Hyoyeon shouted, excited at seeing her close friend again. "Ah I've been busy with work and everything. I've missed you". "I've missed you too" Hyoyeon hugged her again and saw Taeyeon sitting smiling at them. "Oops I'm sorry how rude of me, I'm Hyoyeon" Hyoyeon bowed to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon stood up and returned the bow.

"Kim Taeyeon, nice to meet you"

Hyoyeon smiled and Taeyeon and Tiffany sat back down, not missing the look Hyoyeon gave to the both of them.

"So.... are you two...together?"

Tiffany looked to Taeyeon to see her smiling back at her.

"We're friends" Tiffany gave a sad smile. She was curious to see Taeyeon lean up and whisper in Hyoyeon's ear.


"Ahhh, I see." Hyoyeon grinned. Wait what did she see? "What can I get you two?"

Taeyeon and Tiffany read out their orders and Hyoyeon nodded.

"Well I'll leave you in peace, I have to get back to work. It was great to see you Tiff, come back soon okay? Nice meeting you Taeyeon" Hyoyeon bowed again before walking off to continue waiting tables. "What was that about?" Tiffany asked Taeyeon. "What?" "What did you whisper to her?" "Just that I was allergic to nuts, that's all" Taeyeon shrugged. "Oh."

Tiffany was dissapointed, she didn't know why though, what else would Taeyeon have said?

" did you come across this place?" Taeyeon asked. "My parents used to bring me here a lot when I was younger." Tiffany smiled. "It's special to me because of the memories". "Aww" Taeyeon smiled "Cute"

*No you're cute Taeyeon* Tiffany blushed.

"After we moved here from America, we went out for a walk and came across this place. We came here every morning for our breakfast afterwards" Tiffany smiled.

Hyoyeon retuned with the two coffee's and then left again.

"Why did you stop?" Taeyeon asked as she sipped from the cup.

Tiffany shifted in her seat.

"I actually met Hyoyeon here years after the last time I came with my parents. We became close when she waited on my table and we've been friends ever since" Tiffany smiled, avoiding the question. Taeyeon noticed this and took the hint. "Ah"

Thankfully the awkward silence that ensued wasn't long as Hyoyeon showed up with their food. She wanted to stay and chat to the two but she had to work so she left them again.

"Mm this is good." Taeyeon said as she tucked into her meal. "I know right. I'll have to start coming here again" Tiffany stopped as she had given Taeyeon another time where she could bring up the 'why did you stop coming here?' question again. But she didn't. Taeyeon simply nodded and smiled. Tiffany mentally thanked her for that.

Once they were done, Taeyeon and Tiffany were walking back to the office. Tiffany really wanted to hold her hand, she had such a strong urge to do it but she knew it would just probably make things awkward. Maybe Taeyeon just wanted to forget about that kiss. Tiffany sighed and slowed her walking down as she thought about that magical moment.

"Why the sigh?" Taeyeon asked, slowing down her walking pace to match Tiffany's. "Nothing" "Come on" Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany's hand and interlocked their fingers. She then pulled their hands into her coat pocket.

Now Tiffany was grinning like an idiot walking down the street. She couldn't stop grinning actually. Taeyeon chuckled at Tiffany's face.

*So that's what you wanted* Taeyeon smiled

As soon as they got to the building, Taeyeon let go of Tiffany's hand much to Tiffany's disappointment and they both walked into the office. Tiffany sat in her seat and looked through the desk's drawers for a pen to start her work. She came across a feather quill and ink. She grabbed them both and held them up to Taeyeon.

"People still use these?" "Ah yeah. I don't personally, I guess Sooyoung left it behind" Taeyeon shrugged. "How do you use it?" Tiffany asked, she had never even seen one before so wanted to know how to actually work one.

Taeyeon came up behind Tiffany and placed her arms around her, grabbing the ink in one hand and the pen in the other.

*Oh my God*

"Open the ink for me and I'll show you how to use it" Taeyeon smirked. She knew what she was doing to Tiffany, she felt her tense up.

Tiffany did what she was told and opened the small pot. Taeyeon placed the quill in Tiffany's hand and told her to dip it in the ink and start writing something, Tiffany followed Taeyeon's direction but since her hands were shaking, she just made a big blob of ink.

"No, you put too much on. Here"

Taeyeon held her hand over Tiffany's. She then brought both of their hands over to the ink and dipped the quill in lightly. Taeyeon raised her other arm and held onto Tiffany's shoulder for support. Tiffany's breath hitched at the feeling and felt goosebumps pop up everywhere. Taeyeon brought their hands over to the paper and wrote the word 'Hi'

"See it's easy" Taeyeon said as she released her hold on Tiffany. "Try again" "No I'm fine" Tiffany's voice broke.

Taeyeon chuckled and returned to her seat. She was about to get to work when she thought back to when they were in the cafe.

*Why didn't she answer my question?* Taeyeon wondered. She looked at Tiffany and watched her work. Tiffany really was beautiful. Taeyeon smiled when she thought back to what she told Hyoyeon.

Tiffany sensed eyes on her and looked up to see Taeyeon staring.

"What are you staring at?" Tiffany smirked "You" Taeyeon replied. She certainly was not shy. "Why?" "No reason" Taeyeon shrugged, but she didn't take her eyes off of Tiffany.

Tiffany frowned. She wondered when Taeyeon would show her that she felt the same way. Taeyeon had kissed her but... did she like it? Tiffany felt the sexual tension that day but why hadn't Taeyeon acted on it already?

"Can I ask you something?" Tiffany asked "Shoot" "Are you scared?" "Scared? Of what?" "Of... Love"

Taeyeon stared into Tiffany's eyes and saw insecurity along with her blushing cheeks.

"I'm not scared of love. But I'm scared of falling" Taeyeon revealed. "What do you mean?" Tiffany frowned. "I'm scared of falling and getting hurt. It's one of my biggest fears actually. I've been hurt so much in this lifetime that I've avoided things completely that can cause me pain".

Tiffany looked down, did this mean Taeyeon was going to ignore Tiffany's feelings?

"You have to take steps into the unknown sometimes Taeyeon. You won't get anywhere if you don't" Tiffany returned to her paperwork to leave Taeyeon to think about what she said. "I've come this far haven't I?" Taeyeon questioned. "You've become successful yes. But are you happy? Truly happy?" Tiffany asked not taking her eyes off her work. "....."

Heartache "Can I take you somewhere?" Tiffany asked when the day was over. "Sure" "I feel like I want to show you someplace I spent a lot of my childhood. This is one of the places I wanted to bring you. I have two, and where we are going... it's a big part of my life" Tiffany revealed. Taeyeon smiled and nodded.

They walked to Taeyeon's car and Tiffany gave her directions. Tiffany was quiet the entire journey even when Taeyeon talked to her which Taeyeon found odd. When they stopped, Taeyeon saw that they ended up at the beach that used to be a harbour years ago. Taeyeon and Tiffany got out of the car and walked along the shore until they saw a pier in the distance. Taeyeon followed behind Tiffany silently as they walked right to the edge of the pier and sat down next to one another, dangling their legs over the edge watching the water beneath their feet. They sat in silence as they watched the ocean move calmly, splashing when the waves crashed into each other.

"I was ten when my Parent's left me, my Brother and my Sister with our Grandmother to go on holiday. They were taking a cruise" Tiffany said.

Taeyeon turned to Tiffany and listened intently.

"They had worked so hard for months, doing overtime just to go on that cruise. It was my Mother's dream so my Father wanted to make that dream come true, I had never seen two people so in love with each other."

Taeyeon smiled.

"I waved to them on this very pier as the cruise ship left. They waved back and blew me kisses and shouted that they loved me and for me to behave for my Grandmother. I watched the ship until I could no longer see it. They had gone for a twelve day trip." Tiffany paused.

Taeyeon kind of knew where this was going. She remembered something about a news broadcast back then. She quickly grabbed Tiffany's hand and squeezed it reassuringly, just as Tiffany had done before when Taeyeon had spoken about her past.

"They never came back"

Tears started to roll down Tiffany's face and Taeyeon immediately closed the gap between them, putting her arm around Tiffany's shoulders and making Tiffany rest her head on her shoulder. Taeyeon ran her hand through Tiffany's hair comforting her.

"I stayed with my Grandma while diver's searched where the ship had sunk. One thousand people left on that ship. Only twenty returned."

Tiffany took a shaky breath and clenched her jaw trying to keep her voice stable.

"I came here everyday, sitting where we are sitting right now and stared out to the ocean, wishing they would return, just wishing that I would see them swim up to me and tell me they were okay. That they had made it out."

Tiffany snuggled into Taeyeon as she cried, she felt so warm and safe with her.

"My Grandmother got a call weeks later. They had found my Parent's bodies."

Taeyeon wiped a tear that fell from her own eye, she hated to see Tiffany in pain.

"The diver's had found them in one of the rooms in the ship. They were holding hands....they died together."

Taeyeon rested her chin on Tiffany's head, still cradling her.

"My Brother and Sister moved back to America but I felt like I didn't want to be away from my Parent's so I stayed. I haven't seen them since".

Tiffany sat up and looked at Taeyeon with teary eyes. Taeyeon cradled Tiffany's cheek and wiped her tears away with her thumb. Tiffany placed her hand on Taeyeon's thigh and patted it.

"I understand what it's like to be alone Tae. When my Parent's died I was completely alone. Although I lived with my Grandmother and met Jessie and Hyo, I was still alone. It was like most of my heart disintegrated only leaving the bit that would keep me alive but in so much pain. I still feel alone sometimes."

Taeyeon took Tiffany's face in her hands and turned Tiffany to face her properly.

"You won't be alone any longer" Taeyeon said before kissing her forehead.

That's all she said and those few words plus the action melted Tiffany's heart. They stayed there at the pier a while until it started to get dark. Taeyeon then got up and held her hand out to Tiffany to help her up. They interlocked their fingers and walked back to the car. They then buckled up but Taeyeon didn't start it.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked as she looked into Tiffany's eyes. "The same reason you brought me to your special place". Tiffany replied.

Taeyeon smiled and nodded. She then drove away. Soon they were back at Tiffany's apartment but none of them wanted to say goodbye to each other. Taeyeon broke the silence.

"You were right" Taeyeon said. "About what?" "About me not being truly happy." "Tae..." "But... I feel myself become happy when I'm with you" Taeyeon looked up and a tear fell from her eye as she looked at Tiffany.

Tiffany eyesmiled and shuffled closer to Taeyeon until she was at the edge of her seat.

"Can I try something?" Tiffany asked, remembering how their first kiss went. "You can do anything you want" Taeyeon replied

Tiffany smiled again and reached up to hold her palm to the side of Taeyeon's face. Taeyeon closed her eyes at the contact and leaned her face into it more. Tiffany started to close the gap between them until the two were just inches apart. She closed her eyes and connected their lips, and again it was just indescribable. It was slow, but passionate. Taeyeon reached up and grabbed a handful of Tiffany's hair tugging it lightly knowing Tiffany liked it and Tiffany ran her hand up Taeyeon's back before resting it behind Taeyeon's neck, bringing her closer. Tiffany then pulled away and placed her forehead on Taeyeon's. Their eyes were still closed, relishing the feeling of their kiss.

"I really like you Tae" "And I really like you Tiff"

Tiffany broke out into a wide grin and pecked Taeyeon's lips.

"You should go, Jessica will be worried." Taeyeon told her. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Tiffany said, taking her forehead off Taeyeon's to look into her eyes. "Yepp" Taeyeon smiled warmly. "Bye" Tiffany said as she got out the car. "Bye Beautiful" Tiffany grinned at that.

She waved at Taeyeon's car as it drove away. Just like the first time Taeyeon brought her home, Tiffany jumped around on the pavement in joy. Suddenly she got a text. She stopped her spazzing and opened it up.

'I can still see you, you know'

Tiffany frowned and looked up to see Taeyeon's car had stopped at the end of the road.

*Oh my God are you kidding me*

"DORK!" Taeyeon shouted to Tiffany before driving away and out of sight.

Tiffany beamed and walked into her apartment.

She flopped down on her bed and Jessica walked in, sitting beside her. She had seen Tiffany come in and followed her.

"I love her Jess" "I know babe" "I told her about my parents." "Really?" Jessica asked, a little shocked that Tiffany opened up so fast.

"I trust her." Tiffany said as Jessica lied down on the bed next to her. "Does she trust you?"

Tiffany turned to Jessica.

"I think so, yeah" "Are you guys together?"

Tiffany frowned.


Jessica noticed Tiffany's change of expression. She brought Tiffany in for a hug and kissed the crown of her head.

"It'll come. Maybe she just needs to be sure of her feelings". "I guess." "You should bring her over for dinner one night, I'd like to meet the real Kim Taeyeon, the one when she's not at work. And I'd make sure I got the information you want out of her" Jessica winked causing Tiffany to chuckle. "Sure, I'll text her now"

'Hey Tae, I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner after work tomorrow?

Tiff x'

Tiffany didn't know whether to put more kisses so she just played it safe and put one. Her phone beeped around five minutes later.

'I'd love to, See you tomorrow

Tae xx'

Tiffany smiled and showed Jessica the text. Jessica smiled back but lost it soon after.

"Um Tiff?" "Yeah?" "We seem to have forgotten one vital thing..." "What?"

"Neither of us can cook"


Dinner "What about Jajangmyeon? It's just noodles and sauce right? Can you cook that?" Tiffany asked Jessica. "Do I look like a chef Tiffany? I can't even cut up an onion..." "And I can barely make toast without burning it!" Tiffany replied "Why are you shouting at me!" "It was your idea! 'Oh invite Taeyeon over for dinner, it doesn't matter that we can't boil an egg. I'm sure it'll work out fine!'" Tiffany imitated Jessica. "Shutup Tiff, we will just have to order takeout or something." "Oh yeah! Because that's soooo impressive. Inviting a millionaire or maybe even a billionaire who probably eats at five star restaurants constantly round our apartment to eat a fricking pile of greasy rice and chicken from a takeout place. Nice Jessica, I'm sure she'll fall in love with me right there and then!" Tiffany rolled her eyes.

After arguing the morning after Tiffany had taken Taeyeon to the pier, Tiffany sat herself in the car that had just pulled up and shut the door. Taeyeon greeted her and gave her hand a squeeze before driving off. As soon as they stopped at a red light, Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany's hand, interlocked their fingers and brought them to rest on her thigh. Tiffany almost let out a squeal. Almost. But she did grin like an idiot again, Taeyeon caught this.

"Dork" she chuckled.

"Shutup" Tiffany pouted.

Taeyeon began driving again when the lights turned green but she didn't let go of Tiffany's hand. When she needed to change gears, they both did it and afterwards Taeyeon pulled their hands back on top of her thigh again.

*Am I dreaming? I mean huh? What the hell is happening right now?* Tiffany thought.

Once they got to the company, again they let go of each other and walked into the office. Tiffany sat down at her desk and Taeyeon did the same. Taeyeon gave her half the paperwork and they got on with it, chatting in between.

"So do I come over straight after dinner? Or do I need to get changed?" "I actually have a confession" Tiffany blushed "What?" "I can't cook...and neither can Jessica. So we actually have no idea what to do..."

Taeyeon raised her eyebrow and smirked at Tiffany.

"So you're twenty-six, and you can't cook?" Taeyeon chuckled "Dont tease me, I never learned how" Tiffany pouted. "Shall I bring one of my chef's over?"

"You have a chef?" Tiffany asked in disbelief "Yeah, but I rarely use him. I usually just cook for myself" Taeyeon shrugged like it was no big deal that she had her own chef. "Oh my God yes, bring him. Does he bring his own food?" Taeyeon nodded. "Okay, thank god that's sorted. Thanks so much Tae" Tiffany smiled widely. "No probs babe" Taeyeon replied as she texted her chef to let him know.


"Am I going to get bombarded with questions from Jessica?" Taeyeon chuckled. "I assume she's joining us" "She's cool, don't worry" Tiffany smiled as she texted Jessica to tell her they were saved. "That didn't answer my question" Taeyeon laughed "Hm... I don't know what Jessie will do or say to you Taeyeon....nothing bad enough to get her fired though". "That's reassuring" Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "Don't be nervous silly" Tiffany teased. "I'm not". Okay she was, she couldn't help but notice Jessica had this icy aura around her and it creeped her out.

Soon the day was over and Taeyeon dropped Tiffany back home to go to her own home to get

changed and meet the chef. He would be driving Taeyeon to and from Tiffany's apartment because Taeyeon assumed she'd be drinking.

"Are you nervous?" Jessica asked as she put an earring in her ear. "No, why should I be?" Tiffany replied. "I don't know, you just seem to be nervous and jumpy whenever you have a date with Taeyeon" Jessica shrugged "No I don't, and this isn't a date" "Oh was that the buzzer?" "WHAT!? IM NOT READY JESSIE WHAT DO I D..." Tiffany turned to see Jessica with her eyebrow raised as if to say 'you were saying?'. "Shutup"

Jessica chuckled and pulled on her dress, Tiffany did the same and then they set the table. A few minutes later the buzzer rang for real and Jessica went to answer it before pushing the button to let Taeyeon up. Tiffany meanwhile was pacing back and forth panicking.

"Tiffany calm down Jesus Christ. You're making me dizzy" "I can't what if she feels uncomfortable, what if she thinks I'm weird what if..."

Jessica slapped Tiffany. Not too hard but with enough force to shut her up.

"OW?! What the hell!" Tiffany shouted.

"Took your mind off it didn't it?" Jessica smirked.

There was a knock at the door and Tiffany went to answer it but stopped in front of the mirror next to the door and fixed her clothes and hair over and over again. Jessica facepalmed and opened the door for her.

"Taeyeon-ssi welcome, come in" Jessica smiled. Tiffany popped her head out from beside Jessica and died when she saw Taeyeon. She was wearing a long black dress with a gold design and had her hair up in a high messy bun. She looked sexy, as usual. "Please, call me Taeyeon Jessica. I brought champagne. Oh and this is my chef Ho-Sung."

Tiffany and Jessica bowed to the man and Jessica showed him around the kitchen while Tiffany took the champagne off Taeyeon.

"You look beautiful" Taeyeon said making Tiffany blush. "And you look gorgeous" Tiffany replied giving an eyesmile. "Oh shush, silly girl" Taeyeon patted Tiffany's cheek and saw Tiffany wince. She frowned and looked closer, seeing the faint outline of a handprint. "What happened?" Taeyeon asked, worried. "I slapped her!" Jessica shouted from the kitchen. "Why?" Taeyeon asked, still frowning. "Shutup Jess" Tiffany warned. "She was pacing and giving me a headache. 'Oh my god when's Taeyeon coming, oh my god what if she thinks I'm weird'" Jessica imitated Tiffany.

Taeyeon looked back to Tiffany with a smirk on her face. She ruffled Tiffany's hair and kissed her cheek


Tiffany bowed her head and sat down at the table. Taeyeon sat next to her and Jessica sat opposite them both, eyeing the pair. There was a slight awkward silence until Taeyeon spoke up.

"So... How long have you two known each other?" "We met when we were fifteen. She was getting bullied in school so I popped the bitch" Jessica said casually.

Both Taeyeon and Tiffany froze at Jessica's straightforwardness.

"Oh" "After that I was like her bodyguard and we became best friend's." Jessica winked at Tiffany who smiled back. "Ah. How long have you been living together?" Taeyeon asked "Five years" Tiffany answered. "We were close so we thought, why not move in together?" Taeyeon nodded and smiled to reply.

They all sipped their champagne until Jessica broke the silence.

"So Taeyeon..." "Yes?" "When are you going to ask her out?"

Taeyeon coughed and choked on her champagne. Tiffany was patting her back and looking at Jessica with wide eyes, shaking her head telling her not to continue. Jessica rolled her eyes and waited for Taeyeon to answer her.

"Um. I haven't really thought about it..." She answered, blushing a little.

Jessica was about to reply but Ho-Sung placed the food on the dinner table interrupting. They all bowed to thank him and he began making the desserts.

"Mmm this is so good" Tiffany said, trying to break the awkwardness and change the subject but Jessica was already going. "So you kiss her and tell her you like her but you don't want to date her?" Jessica asked.

Again Taeyeon choked. She couldn't believe Jessica was so straight to the point.

"It's not like that." Taeyeon reasoned. Tiffany was now holding her head in her hands. "So what's it like?" Jessica asked while shovelling some food into her mouth. "Um"

"Jessie..." Tiffany warned again. "What? I'm just asking a question" she shrugged. "Well?"

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and the latter just shook her head in disbelief at her roommate.

"Do you like her?" Jessica changed the question "Of course" Taeyeon answered immediately. "Are you messing her around? Taking advantage of her feelings?" "No." Taeyeon frowned. "So just ask her out, I don't get it" Jessica rolled her eyes. "Maybe I should go..." Taeyeon started to get up but Tiffany held her hand pleading with her to stay. Taeyeon sighed and sat back down again.

They finished their meal in peace with some awkward small talk and then tucked into their dessert. Jessica was watching TaeNy laughing with each other and unconsciously smiled. They were cute and she loved teasing them.

"Get a room"

The two looked up at Jessica and became silent again. Once they finished their dessert, Taeyeon got ready to leave. Tiffany followed her down until they were outside.

"God Tae I'm so sorry" Tiffany said. "That was a bad idea"

"It's fine, I kind of expected it. Would it be weird if I said she scares me?" Taeyeon chuckled, grabbing hold of Tiffany's hand. "No I'd completely understand" Tiffany giggled. "Can I make it up to you?" "Well it's the weekend'd you like to do something with me?" Taeyeon asked as she played with Tiffany's fingers. "It sounds perfect" Tiffany eyesmiled. "Good" Taeyeon leaned in and kissed Tiffany on the cheek "I'll text you okay?" Tiffany nodded before Taeyeon got into the passenger seat of Ho-Sung's car and it drove away.

Tiffany immediately lost her smile and stormed back up to her apartment.


Taeyeon's Place 'Morning Beautiful, I was wondering if you'd like to come over later, Have dinner and watch a movie or something? Let me know.

Tae xx'


It wasn't hard to work out who those two were, Tiffany had just woken up Saturday morning to receive that text from Taeyeon and had woken up Jessica. Tiffany quickly texted Taeyeon back.

'Good morning to you too gorgeous. I'd love to! What time? :D xxxxxx'

Tiffany was so excited at getting to call Taeyeon gorgeous that she didn't realise she had put that many kisses until she had sent the text.

*Oh my God Tiff, do you want to scare her away?*

'Great! I'll pick you up at six. Why so many kisses Hwang? ;) Silly girl xxx'

Tiffany smiled, she was so excited that she was finally going to see where Taeyeon lived. Jessica however, not so happy, she hated getting woken up on weekends.

Tiffany did nothing all day except prepare for the evening. When it finally came, she got ready, making herself look sexy for her.......for Taeyeon and went to wait for her outside.

Soon enough, Taeyeon rolled up and Tiffany got in. Taeyeon grinned and kissed the blushing Tiffany's cheek before driving off. In no time Taeyeon had entered the area where all the rich people live.


Taeyeon chuckled and continued driving before stopping outside a massive apartment complex. She unbuckled her belt and got out, waiting for Tiffany to stop gawking at the building.

"You live here?" Tiffany gasped. "Yes now come on, get out the car so he can park it for me" Taeyeon signalled towards a valet parking attendant. "Oh, sorry" Tiffany bowed at the man when she got out. "How do you get your keys back?" Tiffany wondered. "I get them back whenever I need to leave. They store them for me" Taeyeon replied before leading the way to the elevator. Tiffany nodded in understanding and followed behind.

The two took an elevator up to the seventh floor, they didn't speak. Tiffany was nervous for some reason, she was about to see where Taeyeon lived and spent time in. She was going to Taeyeon's room.... Taeyeon's bed.

*I hope her bed is big* Tiffany thought ahead to when or if they were....intimate. She then shook her head to get rid of those thoughts or she'd never get through the night.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Taeyeon stepped out and rummaged in her bag for her door key while Tiffany took in her surroundings so she'd know where to come in the future...hopefully.

Taeyeon finally found her keys and unlocked her door before stepping aside and letting Tiffany enter first. Except she didn't enter, she was kind of frozen to the spot after seeing the size of the place.


Taeyeon laughed and pushed Tiffany's chin up so the latter would shut her mouth that had dropped open. She then pushed Tiffany inside and shut the door behind them.

"It's an apartment Tiffany...just like yours" Taeyeon chuckled "Are you seriously comparing this to mine right now?" Tiffany gasped.

They were in the living room, a huge room with white tiled floors and black and white furniture with blue designs. There was a massive flat screen television mounted on the wall and piles of tablets, computers, phones and other devices on the table in front of the sofa. Taeyeon saw Tiffany eyeing the electronics and smiled.

"Sometimes I have to work from home as well as in the office" Taeyeon revealed. "Don't you need help with that like you do in the office?" Tiffany wondered. She'd be happy to help her house. "Sometimes it gets to be a bit much but I manage" Taeyeon smiled, knowing what Tiffany was thinking. "Well...uh." Tiffany was suddenly nervous. "I'd be happy to help you out sometimes...if you'd like" Tiffany blushed. "Hmm... Having to put up with you at work and at home? Geez that's a tough one" Taeyeon sniggered earning a punch to the arm from a pouting Tiffany. "Yah!" She pulled a sad face.

"I'm kidding silly, of course I'd love some help" Taeyeon grinned.

Tiffany smiled and nodded before wandering around. She ended up in the kitchen and again was in awe. It was another massive room with a huge island in the middle of it. Again it was black and white.

"You like black and white huh?" Tiffany asked as she opened the fridge to have a nose around. "Yeah I do" Taeyeon answered, walking up to Tiffany and grabbing two cans of soda from the fridge and giving one to Tiffany. "Thanks. So are you gonna give me a tour?" Tiffany smiled mischievously. "If you insist Hwang" Taeyeon chuckled and led Tiffany around all the rooms, there was a room with a gym, an office, toilets etc. Taeyeon wasn't kidding when she said the apartment could fit a lot of people.

The last room was what Tiffany presumed to be Taeyeon room. She was excited to see it, to see her bed and smell her scent as soon as she walked in. To see what she uses on a daily basis to make herself look so fucking stunning. Taeyeon opened the door to a light pastel blue bedroom with black and white furniture and canvases on the walls. She looked down to see Taeyeon's bed was a King sized one.

*That'll most certainly do* Tiffany smirked.

Tiffany walked around the huge room and after looking at everything (literally everything), she sat down on Taeyeon's bed.

"This is a nice bed" Tiffany said as she ran her hand up and down the covers. "Is it now?" Taeyeon smirked. "Yupp" Tiffany looked up at Taeyeon and licked her lips. Taeyeon strolled over and stood in front of the girl.

She then bent down so Tiffany was at her level and grabbed Tiffany's jaw lightly whilst bringing her face closer and closer to Tiffany's. She heard Tiffany's ragged breathing and chuckled huskily making Tiffany twitch. Taeyeon looked down at Tiffany's lips and went even closer, their lips now less than an inch apart. Tiffany's eyes closed as she waited for what she thought would be another incredible kiss. She parted her lips ready to be taken. She was waiting a while though. Tiffany frowned and saw that Taeyeon had leaned away again, embarrassing Tiffany.

"Why did you shut your eyes? You had something on your face and I was looking to see what it was." Taeyeon smiled.

Tiffany just got up and scoffed before walking out and sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"What's up with you?" Taeyeon asked, walking out the room with a grin on her face. "You" Tiffany huffed and folded her arms. "What have I done?" Taeyeon chuckled, sitting next to Tiffany and putting her arm around the back of the sofa. "Nothing" Tiffany answered sarcastically making Taeyeon laugh.

"Stop being silly Hwang and pick a movie, we can watch it in my room."

Tiffany frowned, looking at Taeyeon with a confused expression.

"But there's no sofa in your room" Tiffany said stupidly, her brain not registering the fact that they'd be watching it in Taeyeon's bed. "Wow Tiff." Taeyeon shook her head in disbelief. "Tell me, where did you see the TV in my room?" "Opposite the bed" Tiffany answered "So where would be the best place to watch the movie?" Taeyeon smirked. "In the....oh."

*I am getting in Taeyeon's bed. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just a bed. People only sleep in it......and fuck on it.*

"Um, is that wise... I mean uh.." "Why, is something wrong?" Taeyeon asked "No!" Tiffany shouted a little too loud judging by Taeyeon's frown. "Nothing's wrong, your bed is perfect. It's great I'd love to be in your bed!"

*Oh my god Tiffany, you've really outdone yourself this time* Tiffany thought

"Who said we were getting in it?" Taeyeon sniggered.

"I meant on it. On it." Tiffany hid her face.

Taeyeon loved it when Tiffany embarrassed herself, she finds her outbursts hilarious and even more funny when she tries to put them right so they don't sound perverted or creepy.

"I'm sorry, I haven't prepared anything to eat, I hope you're okay with takeout" Taeyeon said, still chuckling at Tiffany's pink face. "Of course!" Tiffany smiled. She was so glad Taeyeon didn't continue the conversation from before. "Great. You pick the movie and I'll order the food"

Tiffany looked in the huge movie cabinet and after much deliberation, took out 'The Notebook'. Tiffany heard it was romantic, and that's exactly what she needed.

"Found one" Tiffany called out. Taeyeon returned and saw Tiffany holding up the DVD she wanted to watch. "The Notebook? Huh. I actually haven't seen that one yet." Taeyeon smiled and sat down, setting the phone on the table. "Me neither. I heard it's good though" Tiffany smiled. "Cool. Okay so we will eat first then go to bed ok?" Taeyeon asked. "Go to bed? To do what?" Tiffany asked. She had forgotten that they were going to watch the movie in bed and with her perverted mind she know. "What do you think?" Taeyeon asked laughing at the semi frozen Tiffany.

" just invited me to your bed" Tiffany gasped. Her underwear soaked at the thoughts. "To watch the movie?" Jesus Tiffany what's wrong with you today?" Taeyeon chuckled.

*Oh my God. Just keep digging that hole that you want to get buried in Tiffany. Keep digging that hole.*

"Watching movie in bed. Movie. Gotcha" Tiffany repeated.

Soon the food arrived and they tucked in. Tiffany made sure she went over her answers to Taeyeon's questions over and over in her head before speaking. She would not embarrass herself again tonight. After food, Taeyeon led the way to her room and sat on the bed.

"Okay, pop the movie in the DVD Player, I forgot to get some things" Taeyeon said before disappearing into the kitchen. She came back soon after with her arms full of drinks, candy and popcorn and saw Tiffany who was still trying to figure out how to turn the TV on. "Okay just go lie on the bed Tiffany sheesh." Taeyeon chuckled as she dumped everything onto the bedside table. "Why?" Tiffany asked. She was indeed on edge and kept forgetting the whole reason they were in Taeyeon's room. "Oh my God Tiffany. We are watching a movie. On the bed. Unless you want to stand by the side of it awkwardly, lie down" Taeyeon told her sternly. "It's not gonna eat you."

*The only reason I'm freaking out is because I'm thinking of you eating me you stupid woman!*

Tiffany patted the bed and lied down, a chill going through her spine. She made herself comfy and inhaled. God, it smelt like Taeyeon. If Taeyeon had said 'Let's lie on my bed and do nothing for the whole evening' Tiffany would have been perfectly happy.

Taeyeon clicked play on the movie and crawled her way from the bottom to the top of the bed next to Tiffany. Tiffany had died. Taeyeon had just crawled towards her. That was not cool.

Taeyeon dimmed the lights in the room and opened the bag of popcorn. She looked to Tiffany to offer her some but Tiffany seemed to be out of it. Taeyeon smirked and pushed her off the bed.

"OW! YAH! What was that for?" She shouted while getting back up on the bed. "You're so out of it Hwang. Watch the movie!" "Fine" Tiffany huffed.

When the famous kiss and sex scene came on, Tiffany was gone again. Taeyeon chuckled and watched her from the corner of her eye. She wondered why the girl kept freezing up and zoning out all the time, it certainly was strange, but funny.

All Tiffany could think about was she was in Taeyeon's bed. She could just roll over right now and she would be touching Taeyeon . But wait.... They call each other babe and beautiful, they hold hands, Taeyeon kisses her cheek, and they kiss now and what's actually stopping Tiffany from going in to snuggle up to Taeyeon? Nothing.

"Tae..." Tiffany whined.

"Yeah?" Taeyeon turned to Tiffany. "I'm cold" Tiffany pouted.

*Hug me please. I need to feel you.*

"Aw, come here" Taeyeon patted beside her and lifted her arm, welcoming Tiffany.

*FUCK YEAH! Well done Hwang!* Tiffany congratulated herself.

She scooted over and rested her head on Taeyeon chest. God she felt incredible, so soft and cuddly. And it got even better when Taeyeon rested her arm around Tiffany's waist. Tiffany grinned widely and placed her hand on Taeyeon's stomach, feeling her abs beneath her hand. Tiffany could probably fill a well if she wrung out her underwear right now.

"Smooth" Taeyeon chuckled. "Shutup" Tiffany nudged Taeyeon.

Returning The Favour Tiffany stayed there until the movie finished. She was trying to hide her tears at the sad ending of the movie but it wasn't going so well. Taeyeon soon realised and lifted her head to wipe them away.

"You're such a softy Tiff" Taeyeon chuckled. "How can you not find that sad?" Tiffany sniffed. "I did, but I'm not gonna cry about it" Taeyeon stuck her tongue out mischievously. Tiffany had the urge to lick it.

They stayed there a little longer until Taeyeon got up and started to change in front of Tiffany.

"Woaaahhh what are you doing?" Tiffany exclaimed, making a terrible attempt of covering her eyes. She was just looking through the gaps in her fingers. "What?" Taeyeon chuckled. "I'm getting ready for bed" she said as she tugged off her shirt leaving her in her bra.

Tiffany dropped her hand and stared at Taeyeon's body. She then rolled over onto her stomach and just lied there, not moving. Her face buried into the pillow.

*Why are you doing this to me Taeyeon.*

"Yah!" Taeyeon shouted as she smacked Tiffany's butt.

"Ow!" Tiffany screamed before turning her upper body around to see Taeyeon while pouting. "Oh you big baby, that didn't hurt. And my eyes are up here" Taeyeon winked.

Tiffany growled and lied back on her stomach again. This was not happening.

"Wait" Tiffany said turning around again. "Why are you getting ready for bed? You have to take me home..." "Well....I figured that I could return the sleepover favour" Taeyeon smirked. "Unless you really want to go home..." "NO!" Tiffany yelled. "I wanna stay. But can you please put a shirt on?" Tiffany begged.

Taeyeon smiled and lied on the bed next to Tiffany.

"Why? Does it bother you?" "Well no...." Tiffany answered sarcastically.

Taeyeon chuckled.

"I usually sleep naked in bed but...." "Woah now, you can stop right there" Tiffany exclaimed.

*I didn't bring a spare pair of underwear Taeyeon, jeez.*

Taeyeon laughed out loud at Tiffany, she was just too funny. She stood back up and then took off her jeans and folded them up before placing them on the side. She faced back to the bed and saw Tiffany staring with an unimpressed look.

"What now?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow. "Um" Tiffany motioned up and down Taeyeon's body. "Hello? I ask you to put a shirt on so you go ahead and take your pants off?".

*Why are you so cruel!*

"Well you can always sleep in one of the spare bedrooms..." "No! That's scary" Tiffany covered her face. "How old are you again?" Taeyeon chuckled before going to put some pyjamas on. She loved teasing Tiffany, she didn't really sleep naked either.

Once she came back, she tossed a pair of pyjamas at Tiffany's face and got into bed. Tiffany just stared at them, they were the tiniest shorts she had ever seen and a tank top that left little to the imagination.

"I'm beginning to think you're enjoying this" Tiffany said as she looked at the clothes.

Taeyeon just smirked and covered her eyes like Tiffany had, looking through her fingers. Tiffany folded her arms and looked expectantly at Taeyeon.

"What?" "Turn around!" "Oh come on! I just did it, and I've seen it anyway back at your place". Taeyeon grinned. "Byuntae" "Ha! Says you!"

Tiffany rolled her eyes and started getting changed. She found that her butt barely fit in those shorts and the tight tank top pushed her boobs up and together. She looked at Taeyeon who was trying to suppress her laugh.

"Move over" Tiffany ordered as she pulled back the covers and slid into bed next to Taeyeon.

She turned on her side, her back to Taeyeon but after a while, found it really hard to stay looking at the wall when Kim Taeyeon was next to her, so she turned around and looked into Taeyeon's eyes. Taeyeon shuffled closer and put her arm around Tiffany's waist, pulling her nearer. She then tucked Tiffany's hair behind her ear and studied her face.

"Stop looking at me like that" Tiffany blushed. "I can't help it. You're just so beautiful" Taeyeon smiled.

Tiffany returned the smile and held Taeyeon's hand under the covers. She found it funny how earlier she was panicking at the mere thought of lying on the same bed as Taeyeon yet, just felt so natural.

"I wanted to thank you" Taeyeon said as she shifted in her spot. "Why?" "You've made me get over my fear of falling." Taeyeon smiled, her eyes twinkling.

Tiffany gave her an eyesmile and moved closer to her. They soon stopped however when their bare legs touched eachother under the duvet, a spark hitting the two hard. They stayed still for a while until Tiffany couldn't hold back anymore. She leaned in and kissed Taeyeon, using a little more force than they had done before. Thoughts rushed through her mind about Taeyeon, Taeyeon and more Taeyeon. Everything she thought about was Taeyeon. Taeyeon kissed back with just as much force, gliding her tongue in and out of Tiffany's mouth and sucking softly on her tongue. She held her arm around Tiffany's back and pulled her in even closer, their legs draped over each other and their core's touching making the both of them moan at the contact. Tiffany frowned and a tear ran down her face, she had so many feelings locked up within her and they all poured out into that kiss. Tiffany held her hand on Taeyeon's waist and slipped it under Taeyeon's top. She held Taeyeon's lip between her teeth as she caressed the girl's abs, she then slowly inched her hand up before coming to a stop right under Taeyeon's breasts. She didn't know If she should take the next step so decided to keep her hand on the lower part of Taeyeon's torso for now. Tiffany then straddled Taeyeon, so her boss was underneath her. Tiffany connected their lips again but stopped when she felt something against her core. It was Taeyeon's knee, she had accidentally touched Tiffany when she had shifted causing Tiffany to moan.

"Sorry" Taeyeon panted, catching her breath from that mind blowing kiss.

Tiffany got off Taeyeon and flopped onto the bed beside her, also breathing heavily.

"Can I ask you something?" Tiffany said. "Shoot" "Have you ever been with a girl?"

Taeyeon didn't answer, she actually looked shy.

"Don't you trust me?" Tiffany asked. "It's not that, it's just I don't want you to think of me differently" Taeyeon said quietly. "Nothing can make me do that Tae." Tiffany smiled.

Taeyeon smiled back and closed her eyes.

"Well, when I was the lowest I've ever been a while know. I began to see girl's differently. I think what happened to me played a massive part in me liking girl's, I couldn't trust men that way again." Taeyeon sighed.

Tiffany held her hand.

"Um. After I started to see girl's the way a guy does, I went to see someone for a night...." Taeyeon cringed. "And that confirmed that I liked girl's".

Tiffany nodded and smiled at Taeyeon. She didn't really care.

"So you've never been in a relationship with one?" Tiffany asked. Taeyeon shook her head to answer Tiffany's question. "Neither have I". "Have you...uh...?" Taeyeon struggled to put it into words. "Yes. And you probably won't believe me....but um. It was actually with, Jessica" Tiffany hid her face. "No way!" "We wanted to experiment, there were no feelings involved but we both wanted to learn" Tiffany blushed. "So I shouldn't be worried?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrow. "Not at all" Tiffany smiled and pecked Taeyeon's lips.

Tiffany turned over so her back was facing Taeyeon and snuggled into her. Taeyeon spooned her from behind and placed her chin on Tiffany's shoulder.

"Goodnight Tiff" "Night Tae"

Both girl's had the best night sleep ever that night. And they both went to sleep with smiles on their faces

Confession Tiffany woke up unable to move her arm. She blinked her eyes a few times before she could actually see properly and looked down only to smile at the sight. Taeyeon was snuggled into her, her arm and leg over Tiffany's body and her head resting on her chest. Tiffany really believed she was in heaven as she looked at the angel before her. Tiffany gently placed her hand on Taeyeon's head, stroking her hair whilst thinking about their relationship. She wondered when Taeyeon was going to make it official, or even if Taeyeon wanted her to make the move to make it official. She stopped thinking about it when she felt Taeyeon shift and start to get up. Tiffany watched her as she rubbed her eyes and open and shut her mouth trying to get the moisture back into it. She looked like a ten year old kid, she was seriously adorable.

"Good morning darling" Taeyeon said and waved at Tiffany with her eyes still closed. "Morning" Tiffany smiled. "Good sleep?" "Mmmm, especially since I had you here" Taeyeon winked dorkily making Tiffany roll her eyes.

Tiffany was about to say something when her phone beeped. Taeyeon flopped back on the bed and closed her eyes again making Tiffany chuckle. She opened the message and it was from Jess.

'Yah! Where are you? I'm worried sick here Tiffany Call me back NOW'

"Shit." Tiffany cursed. "What's up?" "I forgot to tell Jess I was going to stay the night" Tiffany groaned as she looked for Jessica's number and pressed the call button.

"YAH! Where the hell have you been?!" Jessica screamed through the phone. "Jess sorry I..." "If you wanted to stay over Taeyeon's you should have told me!" She shouted. "I know I'm.." "Anyway! Was she good?"

Tiffany looked to Taeyeon who was clearly eavesdropping as she had a massive smile on her face. Tiffany pushed her.

"We didn't do anything Jess" Tiffany rolled her eyes. "God you two are boring. Well text me when you're on your way home. Bye." Jess said before hanging up.

"Urgh" Tiffany flopped back on the bed with Taeyeon. "We're so boring Tiffany" Taeyeon chuckled "Nah. Jessica's just used to sleeping with someone on the third date".

"Oh wow! That's nice to know!" Taeyeon laughed. "Anyway, what would you like to do today Miss Hwang?" "I don't know Tae, what about you?" "I kinda wanna take you somewhere. I think you'll like it" Taeyeon said as she kissed Tiffany's cheek. Tiffany instantly blushed. "Sure"

After Tiffany cooked breakfast...well, Tiffany tried to cook breakfast but she ended up burning the surface of the frying pan so Taeyeon took over, they got dressed and headed out to Taeyeon's secret destination. It was four in the afternoon now as the two had woken up late and with Tiffany almost burning the house down....

"Where are we going?" Tiffany asked. "Suprise" Taeyeon patted the top of Tiffany's leg and kept her hand there much to Tiffany's enjoyment. "Kidnapping me again?" Tiffany rolled her eyes playfully. "You know it" Taeyeon winked. "But we aren't going there just yet, we need to buy a few things first"

Taeyeon stopped the car at a random store. Once they got out, Taeyeon was spotted by a group of people who proceeded to surround her and Tiffany. Tiffany frowned as she got a little claustrophobic and tried to get out of the circle of people. Taeyeon signed the autographs and took photos before catching up with Tiffany.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. "I get a bit nervous when I'm surrounded by a lot of people like that. I'm okay, sorry about that" "Nono, it's perfectly fine. I'm sorry, I should have worn a disguise or something." "Don't be silly"

*I guess I'll have to get used to it* Tiffany thought.

They entered the store and Taeyeon dumped a bunch of food into the shopping cart along with a few blankets. Tiffany frowned, what did Taeyeon have in mind? As soon as they left the store, Taeyeon packed the bags in the trunk and drove off.

"I have this other special place...." Taeyeon started. "Oh yeah?" "Yes. I also came across this place after what happened. I actually go there every night before I go to sleep." "Wow really? Why's that?" Tiffany asked, interested. "I kind of find it hard to just sit down and think at home. This place I'm taking you to, it's so's perfect for just that." Taeyeon smiled. "What do you think about?"

Taeyeon smiled, but didn't answer the question. She would answer it later on.

After a while, Taeyeon pulled up next to the Banpo Bridge before getting out. Tiffany smiled and followed Taeyeon's lead. They walked until they came across a bench that faced the Han river, with the bridge on the right. It was such a beautiful view. Taeyeon placed one of the blankets she had bought down on the bench and signalled for Tiffany to sit down. Once they did, Taeyeon covered them with another blanket and brought the food they had bought onto her lap.

"Okay, so have you been here before?" Taeyeon asked "I actually haven't, no." Tiffany blushed slightly. "Well I'm glad I'll be able to share this moment with you then" Taeyeon grinned.

Tiffany had seen photos of the Banpo bridge and it was beautiful, water spurting out from the side of the bridge at certain shows while music played in the background but she had never seen it in real life. The two ate the food whilst talking and joking with each other and as soon as Taeyeon saw it was 7:55pm, she moved the food off her lap and placed it beside her. She then shuffled up to Tiffany and put her arm around the girl, excited at what her reaction would be. Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon and leaned more into her, putting her head on her shoulder.

"I hope you like it" Taeyeon whispered.

Music started to play and the fountains started as soon as the clock striked 8pm. Beautiful multicoloured water spurts shot out of both sides of the bridge in time with the music that was

playing. Tiffany lifted her head up, her mouth ajar as she watched the stunning water feature show, she was in awe. No wonder Taeyeon liked to come here. Tiffany felt Taeyeon grab her hand and smiled as she interlocked their fingers. She looked up at Taeyeon and saw she was staring right at her lips. Tiffany smiled and leaned in. Kissing Taeyeon plus the environment and beautiful scenery around them made Tiffany smile into the kiss. It was the best and most perfect date she had ever been on. She felt fireworks as she brought Taeyeon closer and as if by magic....

Fireworks exploded into the sky making both Taeyeon and Tiffany jump and look to their direction. One after the other, the fireworks shot through the sky, illuminating the night alongside the dazzling rainbow of water coming from the bridge. Tiffany wiped a tear from her eye. Excluding Taeyeon, Tiffany had never seen anything so beautiful and perfect.

Taeyeon pulled Tiffany's jaw lightly to face her again. She then took a deep breath and started her speech.

"Remember earlier when you asked me what I think about when I come here?" Taeyeon asked.

Tiffany nodded.

"Well, up until a few weeks ago....all I thought about was my work, my family and how lonely I had become. I found myself getting more and more depressed as I sat here. Even after watching this stunning display...I felt nothing but emptiness."

Tiffany held Taeyeon's hand and squeezed it tight.

"But as soon as you came into my life...I found myself taking the time to think about you instead."

Tiffany immediately started to cry. Taeyeon chuckled and wiped the tears that fell before continuing.

"I thought about how you were always positive yet shy when you came into my office. How you kept offering to get me things and I remember thinking...'Wow, who is that girl?'"

Tiffany beamed through her tears.

"And recently I've felt things I haven't felt in such a long time Tiffany. I've felt confusion, embarrassment, lust, want....and even love and ever since I met you I have never been so intrigued by another human being. I find myself thinking about you constantly when you aren't near me, I could be making myself dinner and thinking 'I wonder if Tiffany is eating well' or when I turn off the light to go to sleep 'I hope you have a good sleep Tiff.'"

Taeyeon smiled and wiped away Tiffany's tears again.

"I have never felt something so strongly before. And when I look at you, I see a little bit of myself. We've both felt grief, we've both felt alone and depressed and we both hide our feelings so badly" Taeyeon chuckled. "Every time I see you, I've found my heart beats faster, my hands get sweaty and I can't keep the goddamn smile off of my face"

Tiffany laughed as she ran her hand through her own hair and fanned her face to try to stop crying.

"Y'know, ever since you confessed, I've come here more often and stayed here longer thinking more and more about this girl called Tiffany Hwang and I've found that through the many hours I've spent here and through the many hours I've spent with you each day that....I have completely fallen for you."

Tiffany's smile was brighter now, her eyes still teary though.

"I told you about my fear of falling, yet you came along and pushed that fear away. I've never trusted someone other than my family so much in my life and that's why I'm no longer afraid of falling.... falling in love. Because ever since I started falling for you, I have felt no pain. I placed my trust in you and you didn't break it, and that I'm truly grateful for. So I brought you here today, because I want to ask you something, Tiffany Hwang."

Tiffany brought her hand to her mouth in shock as Taeyeon reached into her pocket and pulled out two rings, holding them out in her hand - Couple Rings.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

A Gift Tiffany stared at the ring's in Taeyeon's hand, forgetting how to speak.

"" Tiffany stuttered. She looked at Taeyeon's face and saw her smile was dissapearing.


Tiffany jumped at Taeyeon and pushed her lips onto hers. She smiled through the kiss and grabbed a handful of Taeyeon's hair. Taeyeon pulled away and smiled.

"Is that a yes?"

Tiffany nodded and broke out into an eyesmile.

"Omo" Tiffany shouted as Taeyeon put the ring onto her fourth finger on her right hand. "It's so beautiful Tae". "Just like you" Taeyeon winked making Tiffany blush more than she was already, if that was even possible.

Tiffany held out her hand in front of her, admiring the ring. It was gorgeous, it probably cost a lot too as she saw the diamonds in it. Taeyeon nudged her to get her attention and gave Tiffany

the other ring before holding out her hand. Tiffany smiled and put it onto the same finger as hers.

They snuggled up together again and watched the rest of the water show. Once it was over, they took a walk along the side of the river, their hands swinging together between them.

"Well this is romantic" Tiffany smiled. "I had something else planned as well, but when you told me what happened, at the pier...I..." "It's fine Tae, you can say it." Tiffany smiled reassuring Taeyeon. "There's a ferry ride that cruises along the river. But of course it's not appropriate, it's fine" Taeyeon squeezed Tiffany's hand. "Maybe another time?" Tiffany asked. "Sure" Taeyeon smiled and pecked Tiffany's lips.

As soon as it started to get dark, they turned back and walked back to where Taeyeon had parked the car. Once they sat down and Taeyeon started the car, Taeyeon turned to Tiffany with a somewhat guilty expression.

"Okay so, you may hate that I did this...." Taeyeon started, worrying Tiffany. "What Tae?" "Um... Maybe you should just wait until you see it." Taeyeon smiled shyly. "No tell me" Tiffany ordered. What was Taeyeon hiding?

"I think it's better we wait until I get you home" Taeyeon patted Tiffany's knee and started to drive.

Tiffany tried to persuade Taeyeon the whole way but Taeyeon just said that she should wait. Soon they were near Tiffany's street, Taeyeon turned the corner and parked outside her complex behind a flashy black BMW that Tiffany had never seen before. Both Taeyeon and Tiffany got out and Tiffany looked at Taeyeon with her arms folded.


Taeyeon rummaged in her handbag and pulled out a set of keys before giving them to Tiffany, her head lowered.

"Why are you giving me your keys?" Tiffany asked confused. "They're your keys" Taeyeon said, lifting her head. "My keys? Huh?"

Taeyeon signalled towards the black BMW. Tiffany looked from the keys to the car until she finally got it. Her mouth dropped open and looked back at Taeyeon.

"Um? Excuse me?"

Taeyeon lowered her head again, looking at her feet and shifting her weight.

"You bought me a car?" "I thought that it'd be nice for you to have one. I asked Jessica for your details and got it insured for the both of you. So it's kinda yours and Jessica's car." Taeyeon smiled slightly.

Tiffany was just standing there, frozen. She looked at the keys and pressed the button that would open the doors. The car beeped to signal it had been unlocked. Tiffany looked back to Taeyeon, mouth still ajar.

"Taeyeon, this is...big" Tiffany said, still shocked. "Please don't get mad. It's my present to you. It's a gift." "Yeah, a gift that cost you a lot of money that I wouldn't even be able to try to pay back" Tiffany frowned. "Stop worrying about money Tiffany, it's not a problem". "I still can't accept this Taeyeon."

"Yes you can, because I already have and it's mine too" Jessica said as she approached the pair. "Jess it's...!" "It's a gift Tiffany! Say thank you and get over it." Jessica raised her voice. "Jessica's right, she has already accepted it" Taeyeon smiled. "Well, thank you then Tae. It's, wow I still can't believe it" Tiffany smiled a little, still not liking the idea of Taeyeon buying her something so expensive.

"Are you gonna take it out for a spin?" Taeyeon grinned, opening the door for Tiffany.

Tiffany froze again.

"She's not the best driver in the world Taeyeon" Jessica smirked. "Im sure she's fine. She's got to be good enough to have passed her test" Taeyeon replied. "Tell Taeyeon how many times it took for you to pass your test Tiff" Jessica sniggered. "Jessie..." Tiffany whined "What? Like twice? That's fine" Taeyeon smiled. "Nope." Jessica laughed. "Two digit number" "Two digits?" Taeyeon squeaked.

Tiffany hid her face in embarrassment.

"Aw it's okay babe, I can help you out a little" Taeyeon reassured. "Come on, let's go" she said as she dragged Tiffany to the driving seat. "Good luck Taeyeon! I hope you don't die." Jessica called out before walking back into her apartment. "Don't listen to her Tiff, I'm sure you're fine and I won't let anything happen to you anyway" Taeyeon winked making Tiffany smile.

Taeyeon went around the car and opened the door, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Wow, it's sexy" Tiffany said as she looked at the red leather seats. "Just like it's owner" Taeyeon winked again gaining a shy shove from Tiffany. "Shush you. Okay so I start it..." Tiffany turned the key and the car came to life. "And now you go" Taeyeon smiled, putting on her seatbelt. And putting Tiffany's on too.

Tiffany put it into first gear and pulled down the handbrake...the car jolted forward, immediately stalling. Tiffany groaned and apologised.

"It's fine Tiff" Taeyeon chuckled. The couple soon heard a cackle coming from Tiffany's apartment window. They looked back and saw Jessica pissing herself.

"YOU CANT EVEN GO A CENTIMETRE WITHOUT STALLING?! " Jessica shouted, laughing at Tiffany. "I'm not doing this" Tiffany huffed. "Don't listen to her Tiff. All you did wrong is you brought the clutch up too quickly that's all. It's a simple mistake to make. Look at my feet" Taeyeon said and proceeded to show Tiffany the action of lifting her foot up slowly where the clutch would be and then showing her the action of lightly putting pressure on the gas pedal.

Tiffany nodded and followed what Taeyeon had showed her, soon the car was moving slowly forward and Tiffany smiled until...


"YOU KNOW WHAT?!" Tiffany shouted, turning her head around and taking her hands off the wheel.

Taeyeon grabbed it and applied the handbrake quickly. She then exhaled and saw that they had almost crashed into a lamp post. Tiffany stormed out the car and approached Jessica at the window.

"Stop pissing me off Jessica!" Tiffany shouted before running into the apartment and slamming her bedroom door.

The buzzer soon went and Jessica let Taeyeon up. She then opened the door for her boss and closed it behind them.

"Can you lay off her Jess?" Taeyeon asked nicely. "Have you asked her out yet?" Jessica raised her eyebrow.

Taeyeon held up her hand, showing Jessica her ring and nodded her head.

"Finally...took you a while" Jessica rolled her eyes. Taeyeon scoffed and walked to Tiffany's room, knocking the door. "Tiff?" She called as she opened it and peeped inside. "I'm sorry" Tiffany said, her voice muffled as she was lying on her bed with her face buried in the pillow.

"It's fine, stop worrying" Taeyeon chuckled and sat beside her. Taeyeon patted her butt and smiled when Tiffany shot up. "Yah!"

Taeyeon laughed and held her hands up.

"Stop sulking silly girl. We will start driving lessons after work tomorrow." Taeyeon smiled. "Fine" Tiffany huffed "What's gonna cheer my Tiff up hm?" Taeyeon asked with an adorable smile on her face.

Tiffany pouted and pointed to her lips. Taeyeon laughed and gave her a peck. Tiffany smiled and nudged Taeyeon shyly, Taeyeon laughed again and leaned in to capture Tiffany's lips. They moved in synch and soon Tiffany was lying on her back with Taeyeon leaning on top of her, her fingers wandering under Tiffany's shirt.


Both Taeyeon and Tiffany jumped up in suprise.

"Jess for God's sake!" Tiffany shouted. "I should go" Taeyeon said and kissed Tiffany's cheek before coming face to face with Jessica. "Thanks for the car Taetae" Jessica winked.

Taeyeon frowned and squeezed through the gap between Jessica and the door. She shouted goodbye again and left.

"Taetae? Seriously?" Tiffany growled.

Jessica gave her a smug look and walked out.

"Let me guess, you interrupted cause you were bored?" Tiffany called out. "You know me so well" Jessica chuckled.

*Urgh I hate you*

Lesson's "Hey babe" Taeyeon said as Tiffany entered the car. "Hey..." Tiffany was still in a mood from last night. "Cheer up" Taeyeon smiled and kissed Tiffany's cheek. "Stupid Jung. Can't you fire her" Tiffany folded her arms, sulking. "How will me firing her stop her from annoying you at home? Silly girl" Taeyeon smiled.

Taeyeon was right.

As soon as they got into the office, Tiffany sat down in her chair, put her feet up on the desk and leaned her head back, closing her eyes. She smiled when she felt Taeyeon kiss her from behind almost as if they were doing the famous spiderman kiss.

"We don't have much work to do today. I need to make some calls and you can get on with this in the meantime" Taeyeon said as she handed Tiffany a few sheets of paperwork and went to her chair to phone other business folk to set up deals and whatnot.

Tiffany finished her paperwork in no time and patted herself on the back. She placed the work on Taeyeon's desk and watched her girlfriend talking on the phone.

*My girlfriend* Tiffany smiled.

"Oh shush, don't make me laugh" Taeyeon chuckled to the person on the other line.

Tiffany's ears perked up.

"Wow, very impressive" Taeyeon sniggered. Tiffany wasn't impressed with this conversation.

As soon as Taeyeon hung up, she looked over at Tiffany to see her with her arms folded and a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Taeyeon asked. "Who was that?" Tiffany asked, her jealousy evident. "It was business." Taeyeon answered. "It seemed you two were having a cozy conversation" Tiffany huffed much to the amusement of Taeyeon. "Oh yeah totally. He's such a nice man, very friendly" Taeyeon said, enjoying Tiffany's mad facial expression. "That's nice" she said sarcastically. "He's good looking too" Taeyeon smirked "Cool" "For his age, I mean he is sixty-four" Taeyeon held in her laughter. "Oh"

*Stupid Hwang. stupid stupid stupid*

"Sorry" Tiffany lowered her head.

Taeyeon just chuckled and patted Tiffany's head.

"You don't need to get jealous Tiff, I would never treat anyone else the way I treat you. I hope you know that" "Okay, sorry again" Tiffany bowed "It's cool"

Taeyeon and Tiffany both just talked to pass the time until it was time for lunch, seeing as they didn't have anything else to do, Taeyeon told all the workers to go home early.

"Okay, time for your lesson" Taeyeon chuckled "Awww no" Tiffany groaned, remembering how it went last night. "Come on, you're fine. And Jessica isn't here to..." "Knock knock" Jessica said as she opened the door and walked in.

Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at her expectantly.

"I've got nothing to do so I figured I'd tag along with you two today"

*Great* both Tiffany and Taeyeon thought.

"We were going to have a driving lesson Jessica...." Taeyeon frowned. "Cool, I need some entertainment" Jessica chuckled before exiting the office. "For fuck's sake Tae. Can I just murder her?" Tiffany huffed "No, you can't but you can ignore her so she'll get bored" Taeyeon smiled trying to cheer Tiffany up.

They walked out the office to join Jessica who led the way to her new car.

"Wait, you have the car, so how is Tae gonna get home afterwards?" Tiffany asked "Just let her spend the night. You're both dating now and could probably use it to get to fucking already." Jessica said casually.

*Omo* Tiffany thought.

Taeyeon cleared her throat and asked Jessica to drive them to an open area which would be perfect for lessons as there wasn't many people. Jessica followed Taeyeon's directions and soon they were at their destination.

Jessica got out to sit in the back seat whilst Tiffany sat in the driver's seat.

"Okay, you ready?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany, but seeing that she kept looking nervously at Jessica

in the rear view mirror. "Don't worry about Jessica, if she says something, she'll be in trouble." Taeyeon warned. "What are you gonna do Taetae? Spank me? Please....go ahead" Jessica flirted much to Tiffany's annoyance.

Taeyeon shook her head at Jessica and rolled her eyes. She then told Tiffany what to do to start moving.

Tiffany thankfully didn't stall this time around and she drove forward slowly.

"See, you're doing it, well done!" Taeyeon exclaimed. Tiffany smiled and Jessica snorted. "Okay so see that parking space?" Taeyeon asked whilst pointing towards a space in the distance. "Park in it. When you approach, press down the brake lightly until you come to a stop." "Lightly being the key word here Tiff. I don't want to go through the windscreen thanks all the same" Jessica joked. "Maybe it would stop you pissing me off if you did" Tiffany threatened, her anger making her push down more on the gas pedal. "Woah Tiff, slow down" Taeyeon raised her voice a little as they hurtled towards the parking space, and the wall that was in front of it. "Yah! Slow down you imbecile!" Jessica shouted.

Tiffany gritted her teeth and lifted her foot slowly off the gas pedal until she was driving at a slow pace again, she then concentrated as she came to a stop in the parking space. Taeyeon opened her door and saw that it was perfect.

"See I knew you could do it" Taeyeon smiled and ruffled Tiffany's hair. Tiffany grinned and shot a glance at Jessica.

"I don't see how you're so bad Tiffany. I mean, you've passed your test and it's like you've forgotten everything" Jessica sighed. "I haven't driven for a while Jessica, it's normal to forget things" Tiffany snapped back. "Okay Taeyeon, get this lump off the driving seat so a real driver can take over" Jessica smirked.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and got out, switching seats with Jessica.

Jessica got in and started to reverse out the space when out of the corner of her eye she saw Taeyeon staring at her. She suddenly got nervous and stalled the car.

"Let a real driver take over....Sure." Tiffany sniggered. "Well tell your girlfriend to stop checking me out then!" "Excuse me? I was simply looking at your driving ability Jessica." Taeyeon said sternly. "Whatever" Jessica replied as she drove away.

As soon as they got home, Jessica looked in the fridge. She took out some ingredients and placed them on the counter, staring at them having no idea what to do.

"Is there a problem?" Taeyeon asked as she and Tiffany came up behind her.

"We can't cook remember?" Tiffany chuckled "Ah okay. Driving lesson and cooking lesson in one day!" Taeyeon laughed. She washed her hands and told the other two to do the same.

Taeyeon demonstrated how to peel the onion and dice it up. Jessica and Tiffany watched her and Taeyeon gave them each a piece to try. Tiffany dropped the knife on the floor and Jessica's onion squirted into her eye.

"Ah fuck! Fucking shit piece of shit!" Jessica screamed as she rubbed her eye.

Tiffany was laughing at Jessica while she pulled the knife out of the floor. Taeyeon sighed and next demonstrated how to cook noodles, something so simple.

"Why do you keep stirring it?" Jessica asked as she watched Taeyeon. "So it won't stick to the bottom" Taeyeon replied. She gave Tiffany the task of stirring the noodles while she looked in the cupboards for some sauce that they could put on them.

She then cut up some chicken breasts and started to fry them with some sesame oil and soy sauce.

"Okay Jess, when the chicken turns white on all sides, leave it a little longer and it'll be done. If you see any pink in it, it's not done. Okay?" "This is a big responsibility Tae..." Jessica sighed.

"Um, not really. It's watching chicken" Taeyeon chuckled and nudged Jessica playfully making the latter laugh.

Tiffany didn't like that flirty action. Once they finished dinner remarkably not burning anything, the trio sat down and tucked in. It was now 7:40pm. They didn't know where the time had gone.

"So, how did you ask her out?" Jessica asked as she ate. "She took me to Banpo bridge and we watched the water show they do there. It was so romantic" Tiffany blushed "Aw cute." Jessica said with no hint of emotion. "Do you have anyone special in your life Jess?" Taeyeon asked "Nah not really. I'm not looking for anyone right now" she answered, but stealing glances at her boss.

They finished their food in silence, said their goodnight's and shut their bedroom doors.

Tiffany tossed Taeyeon some pyjamas but Taeyeon didn't reach out to catch them. Tiffany frowned and saw Taeyeon looked....different. She looked like a lioness about to pounce on it's prey. And Tiffany was the prey. She approached Tiffany looking her up and down before taking off her own blouse. Tiffany's eyes immediately went to Taeyeon's cleavage and gulped. Taeyeon walked forward whilst Tiffany walked backwards until her back was against the wall. Taeyeon smirked and placed her hands on Tiffany's hips and connected her lips to Tiffany's neck.

Tiffany closed her eyes and moaned as she felt Taeyeon nip her tender pulse point. Taeyeon lifted Tiffany up and Tiffany wrapped her legs around Taeyeon's waist, Taeyeon's hand supporting her back when she walked towards the bed. Taeyeon then dropped her down on the bed and crawled on top of her. They looked into each others eyes and saw fire. They wanted each other. Tiffany whimpered and grabbed Taeyeon's neck, pulling her down to connect their lips. The passion was undeniable and the kiss began to get even more heated. Taeyeon tugged at Tiffany's shirt, silently asking if she could take it off. Tiffany beamed and nodded, sitting up so Taeyeon could lift the fabric off of her body. Taeyeon took a moment to look at how beautiful her girlfriend was. She grinned and then kissed her again, her hands beginning to roam. Tiffany gasped as.....

Making Love Tiffany gasped as Taeyeon took her tongue into her mouth, sucking it lightly making Tiffany's eyes close at the feeling. Taeyeon kissed back harder, their hands tangled in each others hair until Taeyeon's hands wandered, travelling down her body, caressing her sides down to her hips. And then she travelled back up, gliding her hands along Tiffany's stomach and stopping just beneath her breasts. Tiffany didn't care about being shy now. She grabbed Taeyeon's hand and placed it onto her bra cladded mound.

Taeyeon immediately began kneading it, making Tiffany moan into her mouth. Taeyeon shifted her position and sat down on top of Tiffany, bringing the girl into a sitting position just like when she had tugged her shirt off. Their lips moulded together in a fit of passion and the feeling, paired together with what Taeyeon was doing to Tiffany's breast, was magical. Their cores met over their clothes and Taeyeon began to subconsciously grind against Tiffany's, but stopping when Tiffany fell backwards onto the bed again.

Taeyeon felt herself get flipped and Tiffany was now on top of her, looking down on her boss. Taeyeon smirked as she felt Tiffany's hand cup her breasts and squeeze them, making her arch her back for more contact.

"Take it off" Taeyeon whispered seductively. Tiffany grinned and unhooked Taeyeon's bra letting her breasts free from their cage.

Tiffany's eyes lit up at the sight of Taeyeon's perky twins and she immediately began to kiss around Taeyeon's nipple teasing her. She heard Taeyeon growl in frustration and smiled, dragging her teeth all the way up until she got to Taeyeon's nipple. Tiffany took it into her mouth and sucked on it, pushing it around with her tongue. Taeyeon moaned and held Tiffany's head, pulling her closer.

Once Tiffany was done, she lied on top of Taeyeon, putting her whole weight on her while she kissed her again, a gasp came from both of them as their breasts met, nipple on clothed nipple and flesh on flesh. Taeyeon felt her lower half heat up as she looked up at Tiffany with lust filled desire. She waited for Tiffany to open her eyes and once she did, Taeyeon grabbed her hair, pulling Tiffany's head down again and kissing her with raw passion. Taeyeon then began to move down to Tiffany's neck, planting kisses all the way until she got to Tiffany's pulse point.

Tiffany let out a breathy moan as Taeyeon licked and sucked at her skin, making a shiver run down her spine and her moans become louder. Taeyeon then flipped Tiffany back over and unhooked her bra, finally seeing Tiffany's magnificent mounds. Taeyeon's eyes darted to each one and proceeded to grab them both, kneading and squeezing simultaneously. Tiffany raised her arms up and tugged at the bed sheet, her pleasure getting to be unbearable.

Taeyeon grinned and grabbed Tiffany's wrists, holding them above her head, pinning her. She leaned down and took her bottom lip between her teeth and then tugged on it, loving the sounds Tiffany made.

"You're so beautiful" Taeyeon whispered into her ear before taking her ear lobe into her mouth and swirling her tongue around the piercings there.

Tiffany clenched her thighs, her underwear was soaked and the heat radiating from her core was incredible. Tiffany struggled against Taeyeon's hold, wanting to feel more of her but Taeyeon wasn't done.... Instead she grabbed both of Tiffany's wrists in her one hand and teasingly tickled her with her nails going through the valley between Tiffany's breasts, down her stomach and stopping at the top of Tiffany's skirt.

Tiffany's bucking hips answered Taeyeon's question of whether she could take it off, so she

pulled it down and flung it across the room, not caring where it landed. Tiffany groaned when she felt Taeyeon rub teasing circles around her inner thighs, avoiding her hot core. She struggled against Taeyeon again but to no avail, she was so strong, it was such a turn on.

Taeyeon gazed at Tiffany's soaked panties and smirked.

*Dirty Girl*

Taeyeon inhaled Tiffany's sweet scent and felt her own panties getting wetter. Tiffany bucked her hips again and gasped when her core rubbed against her girlfriend's face. She opened her eyes and was about to apologise but Taeyeon cupped her clothed core and began to rub circles on her clit making her gasp and lean into Taeyeon closer.

"Oh god Tae" she moaned, her hips matching the pace of Taeyeon's fingers.

Taeyeon looked down on Tiffany while she quickened her pace, Tiffany was glistening with sweat and that sight was almost too much for Taeyeon. She let go of Tiffany's wrists to rest her hand on one of Tiffany's breasts, squeezing it now and again whilst rubbing her thumb over the hardened nipple. Tiffany's breath became ragged as she approached orgasm.

She opened her eyes to see Taeyeon looking at her and licking her lips hungrily and Tiffany let out a mew at that, gushing more moisture into her panties. Tiffany then moved her knee so it was positioned under Taeyeon's core and began to rub back and forth making the latter growl at the sensation.

Taeyeon stopped rubbing Tiffany and pushed her further up the bed, before going in between her

legs and tugging the drenched panties off, throwing them aside. Tiffany moaned as the cool air hit her clit, making it throb, aching for more contact. Taeyeon leaned down and gave her core a long hard lick making Tiffany's shudder beneath her. She was so sweet, Taeyeon immediately grabbed Tiffany's ass and held it up so she could get more of Tiffany into her mouth. She licked again and again before plunging her tongue into the wet, warm cavern. Tiffany covered her mouth with her hand as she screamed at the incredible sensation, bucking her hips into Taeyeon's face repeatedly.

Taeyeon smiled and Tiffany gasped when she felt her teeth on her clit. Taeyeon took Tiffany's clit into her mouth and rolled it around on her tongue whilst holding Tiffany's hips down, Tiffany was whimpering as her orgasm was hurtling towards her, about to go off the edge. Taeyeon noticed this and sat up, replacing her tongue with two fingers that delved inside Tiffany.

"Oh my God, I'm gonna cum" Tiffany shouted. Taeyeon smiled and thrusted in and out of Tiffany whilst rubbing her thumb on her clit simultaneously. Tiffany matched Taeyeon's thrusts with her hips and as soon as she felt Taeyeon curl her fingers inside her, Tiffany exploded. She immediately sat up and grabbed Taeyeon into a hug her nails digging into Taeyeon's back and Taeyeon's fingers still deep inside her moving slowly allowing her to ride her orgasm out.

When the feeling passed, Tiffany flopped back down on the bed, breathing heavily and covered with sweat. Taeyeon lied beside her and wiped the sweaty hairs out of Tiffany's face. Tiffany smiled as she breathed, letting out a little giggle.

"Wow" she exhaled.

Taeyeon chuckled and ran her hand through Tiffany's hair.

"Give me a few minutes then I'll do you" Tiffany heaved. "No it's fine, really." Taeyeon smiled. "I want to Tae" Tiffany turned to her. "Just go to sleep baby" Taeyeon kissed Tiffany's forehead "But.." Taeyeon cut her off with a kiss. "I can wait" she winked and went to the bathroom to clean herself up.

*Why is she so perfect?* Tiffany thought before closing her eyes and succumbing to her tiredness

Threatened Tiffany woke up fully clothed and snuggled into Taeyeon's embrace. She grinned when she saw Taeyeon's ring so she placed her hand on top of Taeyeon's, their rings beside each other. Tiffany wondered what did she do to deserve this perfect girl that cuddled her right now. Taeyeon shifted and Tiffany placed her chin on Taeyeon's chest, watching her wake up.

"Good morning beautiful" Tiffany smiled "Morning Fany" Taeyeon yawned. "Fany?" Tiffany asked, amused. "Mmm. My Fany" Taeyeon smirked, her eyes still closed.

"YAH! You two! You're gonna be late for work!" Jessica shouted from outside the door. "Shit" they both said at the same time. "Tiff I don't have any clothes" Taeyeon whined cutely as she got up, making Tiffany smile. "Look in my wardrobe"

After the two had gotten dressed and quickly grabbed breakfast, they met Jessica and she drove them to work. Taeyeon and Tiffany rushed into the office hand in hand only to stop when they saw Sooyoung sitting comfortably in Taeyeon's chair.

"Sooyoung" Taeyeon frowned and let go of Tiffany's hand. "What are you doing here?"

Sooyoung smirked and looked between the two lovers.

"So it is fired me so you could get closer to her?" Sooyoung chuckled bitterly. "I don't know what you're talking about." Taeyeon said. "She was better at your job so I promoted her." "Or is it just because you wanted to get her into bed" "That's not true" Taeyeon sighed.

Tiffany stood behind her awkwardly.

"I want my job back" Sooyoung said smiling. "You can't, Tiffany has it. You can apply for Tiffany's old job if you like, the end submission date is in a few days." Taeyeon revealed. "Maybe you didn't understand. I want my job back." Sooyoung said again threateningly as she got up and walked up to Taeyeon, easily towering over her. "And maybe you didn't understand. That job isn't available any longer." Taeyeon was beginning to get angry. "So I suggest you get out before I call security"

Sooyoung smirked and walked around Taeyeon, sizing her up. Taeyeon clenched her fists.

"Well now, this is a problem" Sooyoung chuckled. "I don't think you realise what I'm capable of

Taeyeon. You either give it back, or I cause problems for you and your girlfriend." She threatened again. "Just try it" growled Taeyeon.

Sooyoung smirked and approached Tiffany, fully aware that Taeyeon's eyes were glued onto her.

"You should watch your back" Sooyoung said as she grabbed Tiffany's jaw roughly making the girl wince.

Taeyeon immediately pulled Tiffany away from Sooyoung, pulling her behind her back. She then called for security who forced Sooyoung out.

"This isn't the end Kim Taeyeon" they heard her shout before she was thrown out of the building,

Taeyeon and Tiffany stayed silent until Taeyeon's sigh broke it.

"What was that?" Tiffany asked timidly. "I don't know but don't worry, she won't do anything" Taeyeon smiled reassuringly.

*I'm not sure I believe that Tae*

Throughout the day, the couple began to get less tense and resumed their normal banter filled conversations. Tiffany was sat on Taeyeon's lap reading through some paperwork while Taeyeon was looking through her phone for the clients she needed to call.

All of a sudden, a text message popped up.

'It was so easy to get your mobile number, How easy will it be to find out other things....'

Tiffany read it and saw Taeyeon's hand clench around the phone tightly.

"Tae...." "It's fine Tiffany. If she even tries something, I will call and demand a restraining order." "I have a confession to make Tae..." Tiffany said guiltily. "What?" Taeyeon asked, worried. "When you went to the bathroom after Sooyoung left, I looked at her files" "What? Why?" Tiffany frowned. "She has a history of mental illness Taeyeon" Tiffany sighed.

Taeyeon bowed her head. She already knew. She had only hired her as a favour to a family friend.

"She won't hurt you Tiffany." "I'm more worried about her hurting you." Tiffany admitted. "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself" Taeyeon winked dorkily before blocking the number

Your Turn "Come over tonight" Taeyeon asked as she kissed Tiffany's neck making the girl moan. "Sure"

The two were about to leave the office but had got a little excited. They knew they couldn't do that in the workplace so they quickly rushed to Taeyeon's car and drove away. Taeyeon's hand was circling Tiffany's inner thigh as she drove making Tiffany wetter and wetter and as soon as Taeyeon pulled up outside her complex, she tossed the car keys to the valet attendant and dragged Tiffany into the elevator.

Taeyeon pushed her against the wall and pushed the seventh floor button while she kissed Tiffany hard and passionately, making the girl moan into her mouth, she opened her eyes for a split second and saw that they were only on the third floor. Taeyeon smirked and placed wet kisses all the way down Tiffany's jawline and down her neck, loving the taste of her. The elevator stopped soon after and the ding rang out, Taeyeon lifted Tiffany's legs making them wrap around her waist and carried her to her front door. She slammed Tiffany against the wall whilst trying to stick her key in the lock. Tiffany was grabbing at Taeyeon's hair roughly and it was making Taeyeon more and more horny so she fumbled with the lock. As soon as she finally pushed the key into the lock, she walked in, slamming the door behind her and heading straight to the bedroom. She dropped on the bed with Tiffany and took the skin of Tiffany's neck between her teeth. Tiffany then growled and flipped Taeyeon over so she was on top.

"It's your turn" she said as she licked her lips ready to ravish Taeyeon, her eyes clouding over with lust.

Taeyeon smiled and pulled Tiffany's neck down to kiss her lips, moving them in and out in perfect synch with Tiffany's. Tiffany kissed her for a while until she sat up, took off her jacket, tugged off her top and unhooked her bra. Taeyeon grinned and immediately took Tiffany's nipple into her mouth while Tiffany undressed her. Soon they were both only in their panties but it didn't stay that way for long, Tiffany tugged off Taeyeon's underwear and plunged her tongue straight into her centre. Taeyeon groaned at the sudden intruder and began to circle her hips, making Tiffany's tongue go round and round inside her, licking her sensitive walls and making Tiffany's nose rub against her clit. Taeyeon felt her orgasm approaching and knowing Tiffany was horny too, she quickly motioned for her to get up and they got into the classic 69 position. Tiffany grinned and immediately buried her face into Taeyeon's core whilst Taeyeon licked up and down Tiffany's folds and inserted her fingers. Tiffany soon did the same and they were both pumping in and out of each other, moans echoing throughout the room,

"Urgh faster Tae" Tiffany cried

Taeyeon obeyed and pounded her faster, curling her fingers inside and rubbing against Tiffany's g-spot making her scream.

"Fuck!" She screeched when she had the sudden urge to pee.

Taeyeon bounced up and down on Tiffany's fingers, going faster when she felt the knot in her stomach getting tighter and tighter. She was going to cum and when Tiffany's fingers thrusted one last time and curled upwards....Taeyeon was done. Even while she was orgasming, Taeyeon

continued to pump inside Tiffany and pressed down on that special spot, making Tiffany squirt all over the bed.

Taeyeon then collapsed on top of Tiffany and both were breathing heavily, covered in sweat. Once they had recovered a little, Taeyeon licked Tiffany's core, cleaning her up and bringing her to a second orgasm. Tiffany did the same until Taeyeon came and collapsed on the bed beside her. Taeyeon ran her hand through her own hair, still feeling the spasming in her muscles from the two orgasms she had had.

"I've never been this happy before" Taeyeon smiled as she wrapped her arm around Tiffany's waist. "Same here" Tiffany returned the smile and kissed Taeyeon's cheek.

Suddenly Taeyeon's phone beeped. She groaned and reached for it, opening the message.

'Nice Place'

Taeyeon immediately got up, leaving her phone on the bed and ran to the window, covering herself with a dressing gown as she went. Tiffany read the text and quickly ran to Taeyeon, looking out from behind her. They both saw the figure outside looking up at them. Then they watched her get back in her car and disappear.

"Okay it's time to get that restraining order" Taeyeon said, putting her arm around Tiffany.


"What do you mean there's not enough evidence? She's stalking me!" Taeyeon shouted to her lawyer over the phone.

Tiffany held her hand to try to calm her. Taeyeon soon hung up, a scowl on her face.

"They won't do anything." "Why don't you just give her the job Tae...." "No! She get's nothing from me" Taeyeon replied, her tone final.

Taeyeon made sure her front door and windows were locked before taking Tiffany to bed. They cuddled up together and went to sleep, a little nervous of what Sooyoung was capable of.

Psycho "Tae, wake up we are going to be late again" Tiffany giggled. "Noooooo" Taeyeon groaned clenching her eyes shut tight and pulling the duvet over her face.

*It should be against the law to be this cute* Tiffany smiled.

After a few more tries, Tiffany finally got Taeyeon up and they got ready. When Taeyeon went to the bathroom, Tiffany got a text from an unknown number. Her heart started beating quicker as she opened it.

'I'm warning you, Miyoung'

Tiffany froze.

*How does she know that name?*

"Who's that babe?" Taeyeon asked when she came out the toilet. "Uhh, just Jess. Checking up on me" Tiffany chuckled, deleting the text and putting the phone in her bag, she didn't want to worry Taeyeon any more than she already was... "Ah, right come on let's go" Taeyeon smiled and held out her hand to Tiffany who gladly took it.

When Taeyeon and Tiffany exited the apartment complex gate on their way, Taeyeon stopped by a security guard who guards the area seeing as a lot of famous people live there.

"Hi, can you make sure nobody steps foot in or near my apartment except for me or my friend here" Taeyeon asked motioning to Tiffany. "You know which one is my room right?" She asked as she gave him a million won. "Of course Miss Kim" the man bowed. "Thank you". Taeyeon replied before driving away.

Taeyeon and Tiffany entered the office, relieved to not see Sooyoung there and got on with their work. Tiffany was groaning because of how bored she was while Taeyeon was chuckling at her.

"Behave yourself" Taeyeon said, sticking her tongue out playfully. "I'm tired" Tiffany pouted. "Awww, poor baby" Taeyeon cooed as she rolled her chair forward to kiss Tiffany's lips.

*I love you so much* Tiffany thought.


"Hey babe can you get me a coffee?" Taeyeon asked. "Sure" Tiffany smiled and proceeded to go to the coffee machine.

When she got there, it had an 'Out of Order' sign on it. Tiffany frowned but started to walk down to the cafeteria, she could get one there.

As soon as she walked past a storage room on her way, a hand shot out and clamped over her mouth before dragging her inside kicking and screaming.

"Mmmphhh!" She cried as the door closed behind her. She then felt herself getting pushed up against the door hard. Tiffany tried to reach behind her to hit the person but it wasn't making a difference, the person still held her tight.

Suddenly she was turned around and her back was slammed into the door, facing her attacker.

"Hello Tiffany" Sooyoung smiled, still applying pressure on Tiffany's mouth. "I suggest you be quiet"

Tiffany screamed for help only to have Sooyoung's other hand bang hard onto the door a few inches from Tiffany's head.

"What did I just say?" She snarled. "All I want is to have a little chat with you...."

Tiffany reached up and tried to pull Sooyoung's hand off but she was too strong, Tiffany whimpered at the realisation. She looked into Sooyoung's eyes and found it so creepy how she could only see her pupils, they were fully dilated making her look somewhat evil.

"I want you, to quit. That's it. Give me my job back, and we are done" she smiled. "Or else". "No, I'm not doing that" Tiffany snapped after she opened her mouth and bit down hard on Sooyoung's hand, making her scream.

"You little bitch" she snarled, grabbing Tiffany's hair and smashing her head into the door hard, effectively making her fall to the ground dazed and confused. Tiffany groaned, her eyes clenched shut and she held her hand on her head, blood coming through the gaps in her fingers. Sooyoung stared down at her, a sick smile on her face as she saw the blood.

"Well well..." Sooyoung tutted as she saw Tiffany struggle to turn herself over onto her stomach and try to drag herself away from her. She smiled at that.

Sooyoung leaned down and grabbed Tiffany's jaw. She pulled her up so her back was resting against the door and smiled widely as she took off her tie and wrapped it around Tiffany's neck.

"If you are out of the way, I can get my job back" Sooyoung smiled gleefully, pulling the tie tight and seeing Tiffany start to wheeze. "It'll just be me, Tae, and Sunny." she giggled, excited at the thought. "What makes you think she'll give your job back?" Tiffany gasped, pausing between each word as she fought to stay conscious. "Because she loves me" Sooyoung smiled. "Yeah?" Tiffany wheezed, her eyes going blurry. She used all her strength to lift up her hand and show Sooyoung her ring. She thought she made out Sooyoung frowning but it was hard to tell with her vision. "That doesn't prove anything" Sooyoung spat, pulling the tie tighter.

"Tiffany?" Someone called from behind the door.

Sooyoung immediately prevented Tiffany from talking by holding her hand over her mouth again. Tiffany frowned and mumbled out a plea for help, barely heard. Sooyoung loosened the hold on the tie a little, making Tiffany gasp for air.

"Tiff, open the door. I know I saw you go in there"

It was Jessica.

Tiffany took a deep breath through her nose and screamed as loud as she could, getting slapped by Sooyoung as she did so. It must have been loud enough because immediately the door began to thump, indicating Jessica was barging against it. Sooyoung knew she wasn't going to get out if Jessica was there so she quickly grabbed Tiffany by the hair and backed away from the door.

"Tiff are you....." Jessica broke the door hinge and stopped as she looked at the scene in front of her.

Sooyoung held Tiffany against her body, a knife to Tiffany's throat and a tie in Sooyoung's other hand, being held taut, strangling Tiffany. Jessica held back her tears as she saw Tiffany's head bleeding and her face red from the lack of oxygen. Jessica approached Sooyoung slowly.

"Sooyoungie what are you doing?" Jessica chuckled. "Jess, I'm sorry. But I need to do it. I need Tae." Sooyoung said whilst twitching.

"Tae? You don't need her silly." Jessica said as she took another tentative step towards the pair, keeping a close eye on Tiffany's face colour.

Sooyoung immediately began laughing, crazily.

"I do Jessie. I want her with me forever." Sooyoung smiled, a tear coming from her eye. "Nah you don't. She's not good Soo, she treats Tiff bad, she told me" Jessica said, taking another step. "Oh" Sooyoung said, dropping her grip on the tie a little making Tiffany gasp for air again. "Really?" Jessica smiled a little when she saw Tiffany breathing. "Hey Soo, I've always liked you" Jess winked, making Sooyoung blush. "You have?" She grinned in response.

Sooyoung lowered the knife and released her hold on Tiffany as she felt herself fall in love with Jessica. This is the extent she gets to when she doesn't take her anti-psychotic medication.

Tiffany fell to the floor immediately and Sooyoung stepped over her before turning back, kicking her hard in the head and going towards Jessica, a massive smile on her face. Seeing this, Jessica immediately charged at Sooyoung, surprising the latter and tackled her to the ground. Sooyoung was screaming like a possessed woman whilst swishing the knife she had in the air trying to hit Jessica, She had betrayed her.

"You fucking bitch" Jessica seethed as she tried to pry Sooyoung's hand off of the knife. As soon as she did, Jessica threw the knife into the corner of the room and lifted up her fist. "Crazy shit"

Jessica snarled before punching Sooyoung square in the face, knocking her out cold. She knew martial arts training would come in handy one day.

Jessica got off her and quickly ran to Tiffany. She held Tiffany's head which was bleeding profusely, a small puddle of blood on the floor where it had been. Jessica took out her phone and called both the ambulance and the police quickly whilst applying pressure to Tiffany's wound.

She couldn't lose her. She couldn't.

"Tiff....please don't leave me...."

I'm So Sorry *I wonder what's taking her so long* Taeyeon wondered, looking at the clock on the wall.

It had been thirty minutes since Tiffany had left and Taeyeon had only just realised as she was up to her eyes in work. She found it strange. In the end though she put it down to the line at the machine being long or the machine was out of order or something. Taeyeon smiled and got up, going to find her girlfriend. As soon as she exited the office, she knew something was wrong.

One - there was no one by the coffee machine.

Two - all of her workers were currently by the window, gasping and pointing down to the streets below.

And Three - she heard ambulance sirens outside and Tiffany's name being mentioned in the gasps.


Taeyeon ran to the window and saw many paramedics surrounding someone on a gurney.


Taeyeon sprinted to the exit, pushing and bashing into people as she went, she ran down the six flights of stairs, hitting the wall as she flew down them. Once Taeyeon reached the ground floor, she pushed open the door, making it slam and ran outside.

Flashing lights and a crowd of people, surrounded her. Photographers, sirens, cell phones. Everything was flashing making Taeyeon's head spin. She ran towards where she saw the ambulance but it was no longer there.

"What's happening. Tiffany Hwang have you seen her?" Taeyeon asked desperately. The paramedic looked at Taeyeon with what she thought to be a sorrowful expression.

"NO!" She screamed.

Taeyeon looked around and saw nothing but people. Where the hell was Tiffany?

"TIFFANY!" She screamed, attracting the attention of some policemen. "Miss Kim?" one policeman came up to her and bowed. "Miss Hwang was rushed to the hospital." "WHAT HAPPENED" Taeyeon shouted, fighting the urge to grab him by the collar, her getting arrested wasn't going to help Tiffany. "It seems she was attacked by a Choi Sooyoung, who has currently been taken into custody."

Taeyeon pushed the policeman out the way and rushed to her car. On the way she called Jessica

but there was no answer. Taeyeon screamed and hit the steering wheel as she drove frantically to the hospital, narrowly avoiding many potential car accidents as she went.

*You can't be hurt*

As soon as Taeyeon saw the hospital, she pulled up outside the entrance not caring whether her car was parked illegally or that it would be towed. All that was on her mind was Tiffany. Taeyeon ran to the entrance and was panting heavily when she got to the desk in reception.

"Tiffany Hwang" she said, her voice hoarse. "Can I ask what relation you are to Miss Hwang?" "She's my girlfriend, please just tell me she's okay" Taeyeon begged. "She's in room 704. She may have already been taken into theatre."

*Its that bad?* Taeyeon panicked

Taeyeon rushed to the elevator and pressed the button to the floor she needed. She couldn't help but slide her back down the wall as she collapsed into a heap. If she lost Tiffany....

The ding to the elevator broke her out of her thoughts and indicated she had arrived on Tiffany's floor. She pulled herself to her feet and ran to the room. She saw Jessica sitting outside, her head in her hands.

"Jess thank god!" Taeyeon crouched down and pulled Jessica's hands away, seeing the girl in tears before her. "Where were you Taeyeon?" Jessica snarled. "I..." "Where were you when Tiffany was getting her skull cracked open?" "Wha..." "Where were you when she was getting strangled to death?" "I.." "Where were you when she had a knife held to her throat? Where the fuck were you Taeyeon?"

Taeyeon's mouth dropped open. She couldn't even think of what to say, Tiffany went through all that, because of her.

"Jessica I..." "Save it. If she dies, this is on you." Jess snarled before sitting back down.

Taeyeon collapsed on the floor, her brain still unable to process that Tiffany had almost died, could even be dying right now.

"Where is she...." Taeyeon choked.

"She's having surgery. Since her skull had been cracked, they're afraid that it might have caused her brain to swell." Jessica revealed, no emotion whatsoever.

Taeyeon clutched at her chest as she felt pain, pain in her heart. She clenched her eyes shut tight and fought to breathe but found she could barely get any oxygen in. She fell to the ground gasping.

"Tae?" Jessica's voice was so far away, it echoed as Taeyeon's world started spinning. "Taeyeon"

She felt someone shake her but she couldn't see. She couldn't speak and she couldn't breathe. All she could think about was Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany.


Taeyeon felt a hard blow to her face followed by a sting. Her vision started to come back and her breathing started to return to normal. The next thing she felt was Jessica hugging her, holding her in her embrace.

"I'm sorry" she said. "It's not your fault". "It is" Taeyeon croaked. "If she dies..." "It's Sooyoung's fault." Jessica finished. "But she isn't going to die Taeyeon. She has too much to live for".

Jessica didn't mean a word of what she had said to Taeyeon before. She was so angry and scared that it made her blame the only person who cared for Tiffany like that. She knew there must have been a reason why Taeyeon wasn't there with her and now she hated herself for making Taeyeon believe that what happens to Tiffany was her fault. Jess held Taeyeon close as she broke down, she began to cry harder, seeing Taeyeon cry was heartbreaking. It killed her inside but seeing Tiffany hurt that way was worse, she didn't want Taeyeon to see that. But of course, she was going to have to. They stayed that way for what must have been two hours, not moving just staying in each others embrace. Taeyeon had run out of tears and was suffering with both a pounding migraine and a broken heart.

"Excuse me?"

Both Taeyeon and Jessica looked up at the doctor that stood in front of them.

"Yes!" Jessica and Taeyeon said together as they stood up. "Miss Hwang will be coming out of surgery anytime soon. I'm happy to say it was a success and that we're sure that she will make a full recovery. In the mean time though, she's going to need plenty of rest. She will also need to stay here for observation for the next week or so." "God thank you so much doctor" Taeyeon said, only now being held up by Jessica as her legs had given way from relief.

Jessica dragged her back to the seat and sat her down. They stayed there until they saw Tiffany being wheeled through the doors in a hospital bed. The minute Taeyeon saw Tiffany with a bandage around her head and the marks on her neck, she broke down again.

"Jess....look at her" she cried, holding her head in her hands as she looked down on the girl she loved who had been hurt because of something she did. "Tae, we have to be there for her okay?" Jess tried to be strong for Taeyeon so held back her tears.

They wandered in, hand in hand and sat down beside the unconscious Tiffany.

"I'm administering a drug that will wake her up, it may take a few minutes" the nurse said.

Taeyeon and Jessica nodded, not taking their eyes off Tiffany. Taeyeon reached out and took her hand, that was connected to wires and machines. It broke her, it really did.

"I'm so sorry Tiff"

Awake Taeyeon woke up to the feeling of someone shaking her. As soon as all her memories of what had happened came back to her, Taeyeon jolted awake hoping it was Tiffany.

"Taeng, I got you a coffee, here" Jessica sighed, handing the coffee over. "Thanks, Jess. You look tired, why don't you go rest. I gave everyone the day off so go home and get some sleep" Taeyeon said, exhausted and disappointed that it wasn't Tiffany. "Nah I'm fine, I want to be here when she wakes up" Jessica smiled. Taeyeon nodded and looked to Tiffany.

She looked so fragile, so weak. Taeyeon couldn't stop thinking about the silly girl that she was used to seeing, this one....wasn't right.

"Did you hear about Sooyoung?" "No" Taeyeon growled. God how she'd love to kill that woman with her bare hands. "She was admitted to a mental hospital. Turns out she stopped taking her pills and became infatuated with you." "I hope she rots in there" Taeyeon replied.

Suddenly Taeyeon felt her hand being squeezed. She looked down and saw Tiffany's fingers were clenching weakly around her hand.

"Omo Jess! I think she's waking up" Taeyeon shouted before sitting on the side of Tiffany's bed.

Tiffany opened her eyes and blinked a few times, allowing them to come into focus. The first thing she saw was her beautiful girlfriend, she looked angel-like with the lights behind her acting like a halo. Tiffany immediately smiled.

"Tae..." Tiffany croaked. "Oh my god baby thank god you're okay" Taeyeon said, a tear rolling down her face. She was scared that Tiffany wouldn't remember her but it seemed she did. "What happened?" Tiffany frowned, now aware of her throbbing head. She tried to reach up and touch it but Taeyeon grabbed her wrist lightly, pulling it back down. "Sooyoung tried to murder you so I KO'd the little shit and now she's in the loony bin" Jessica smiled.

Tiffany laughed at that, she then saw Taeyeon looking guilty.

"Tae...?" "Taeyeon didn't know what was happening Tiff. She blames herself" Jessica said as she shook her head, patting Taeyeon on the back. "It wasn't your fault Taeyeon. Please don't ever think that" Tiffany said weakly, squeezing Taeyeon's hand.

Taeyeon just nodded and rubbed her thumb in circles on Tiffany's hand.

" hungry? This is my first time in the hospital with you. I'm meant to feed you grapes and shit right?" Jessica asked, looking around the room. "Ima go buy you some." She winked before leaving Taeyeon and Tiffany alone.

Taeyeon was about to say something when Jessica opened the door again and popped her head in.

"No fucking. Tiffany needs rest" she said before going back out of the room.

Taeyeon and Tiffany smiled, Jessica really did know how to lighten the mood.

"I'm so glad you're okay Tiff, If something had happened....I.." "Shhh" Tiffany pulled Taeyeon down onto the bed and spooned her from behind, kissing the back of her neck. "I'm fine."

Taeyeon turned around so she was facing Tiffany. She couldn't stop looking at that bandage with the traces of blood that had seeped through.

"I swear to you, nothing will ever hurt you again okay? Over my dead body."

Tiffany smiled and tucked a stray piece of Taeyeon's hair behind her ear.

"I love you so much" Tiffany said, leaning in to kiss Taeyeon.

"I love you" she replied, slightly muffled.

Taeyeon brought her hands around Tiffany's back and rubbed them up and down, wanting to feel every inch of Tiffany. She heard Tiffany groan and that made Taeyeon's hormones go crazy...

"Yah! What did I say?" Jessica raised her eyebrow, startling the two at her sudden appearance. "Jesus Jess, heart attack much?" Tiffany exhaled. "Yeah yeah" Jessica rolled her eyes. "Anyway I got you those grapes that I promised" She winked "Oh yeah?" Tiffany smirked and opened her mouth ready.

Jessica fed her while Taeyeon watched on. She couldn't help but feel a little jealous as she watched the two laughing, joking, doing skinship together... Especially since Taeyeon knew that Tiffany had been with Jessica before her.

"Aww Taetae what's wrong?" Jessica asked, a sad pout placed on her face. "Nothing, I'm just glad you're okay" she said to Tiffany.

Tiffany smiled her eyesmile and kissed Taeyeon's cheek.

She then saw Tiffany dropping off before waking back up again, repeating this cycle over and over. Taeyeon chuckled.

"You need to get some rest. I'll be right here" Taeyeon smiled "Why don't you go home Tae, I'm fine here by myself" Tiffany smiled

*Because I can't help thinking something else will happen if I'm not here*

"No, I'm staying" Taeyeon replied. "So I'll go then, I'll see you tomorrow babe" Jessica said, as she walked forward and kissed Tiffany's forehead.

*Really?* Taeyeon thought, not liking that kiss.

"Bye guys."

"Hey you, shift up" Taeyeon said, trying to squeeze into bed with Tiffany. Once she was comfy, she snuggled into Tiffany and kissed the side of her neck.

"Mmm, thanks for staying Tae" "I'll stay as long as you want me to."

Tiffany smiled. She really did have the most perfect girlfriend.

"Tiff, if you know. I don't know what I would have done. Really. I cant image my life

without you now, I realise it was just so boring and depressing before you waltzed your way in" Taeyeon chuckled. "I don't know, I just want you to know I love you" She shrugged cutely "I would never leave you Tae. And I love you" Tiffany smiled, hugging Taeyeon tight. "I'm taking you somewhere, when you get outta here" Taeyeon winked "And where's that?" Tiffany asked, smiling already.

"The most romantic place in Seoul."

An Idea Day by day, Tiffany got better. Taeyeon tried to be there as much as she could but she knew her business could potentially go downhill if she took too many days off as the work had been piling up already. Whenever Taeyeon wasn't able to be with Tiffany, she made Jessica take over. She vowed to never let Tiffany out of her or Jessica's sight again.

Tiffany always moaned to the both of them that she was fine and nothing was going to happen, but she loved how protective Taeyeon had become. It made her feel so safe and warm and she was relishing the attention she had from her. Taeyeon sent new flowers everyday, from lilies to tulips to roses, Tiffany's favourite. Taeyeon also made sure that Tiffany was being fed correctly, not any of the hospital slop that they served there. She had recruited her chef again to cook delicious meals and take them into Tiffany each morning, lunch time and dinner time.

"Tae, I'm gonna get fat" Tiffany whined as she looked at her Jangeo Gui in front of her. "Nah you won't. Here, open up" Taeyeon said, bringing the chopsticks up to Tiffany's mouth after blowing to cool the food down.

Tiffany accepted it though she still had a stroppy face on.

"Even if you did get fat, I'd still love you the same" Taeyeon smiled "Ew, cheesy" Tiffany scrunched her face up. "And....we would just have to exercise more when you got out" Taeyeon winked.

After hearing that, Tiffany took the chopsticks off Taeyeon and gobbled up all of the food until the plate was empty. She then lifted up her shirt and poked her stomach.

"There I got fat" Tiffany smirked "Oh no, well...I'll call you a personal trainer" Taeyeon said, taking out her phone. "YAH!" Tiffany shouted, folding her arms. "I'm kidding" Taeyeon chuckled. "I'll always be your 'personal' trainer" she winked "Good" Tiffany smiled.

"Good afternoon" the doctor bowed as he entered. "Good afternoon" both Taeyeon and Tiffany bowed. "Okay so I need to change your bandages Miss Hwang. If your wound has healed up well, we'll do another MRI and if that's all'll be able to go home tomorrow" he smiled. "Really?" Tiffany squeaked. She couldn't wait to get out of that place. "Yes, so let's have a look shall we". He said as he started to take off the bandages around Tiffany's head.

Taeyeon looked on, holding Tiffany's hand. Seeing Tiffany wince in pain was heartbreaking. But what hurt Taeyeon even more was seeing the bloody bandages the doctor threw away and the massive gash right on the top of Tiffany's forehead. Taeyeon clenched her jaw as she looked at the doctor inspecting the wound.

Tiffany saw how tense Taeyeon was and shot her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand. She hated that Taeyeon felt guilty for it, it was in no way her fault. Yet Taeyeon could only think how asking Tiffany to get coffee could have killed her, it beat her up inside. She would do anything to be able to go back in time.

"Well Miss Hwang....this looks as if it's healing nicely."

*It does? It still looks bad* Taeyeon frowned

"Let's take you in for the MRI and then see the result." He smiled and held his hand out to Tiffany to help her into the wheelchair he had brought. Taeyeon jumped off the bed to help but Tiffany had already sat down. "I'm fine Tae" Tiffany smiled. "Miss Kim, I'm sorry but you can't come with her. You'll have to stay here" the doctor told her, holding out his hand to stop Taeyeon from following. "But..." "Tae, I'm okay" Tiffany reassured her.

Taeyeon nodded and watched Tiffany dissapear with the doctor. A short while later, Taeyeon heard the door open and snapped her head in that direction only to see Jessica standing there, wide eyed looking at the empty bed. "Tae where...."

"She's fine Jess, she's gone for an MRI, the doctor said if it's clear then she can go home tomorrow." Taeyeon smiled a little. "Ah. Phew. I thought i had bought these snacks for nothing" Jessica joked. It didn't make Taeyeon laugh. Jessica noticed this and bowed her head. "Sorry"

Taeyeon nodded and held her head in her hands. She found it torture to wait for Tiffany to come back.

"Hey Taeng..." Jessica started, sitting down beside Taeyeon and placing a hand on her thigh. "Mm?" "Why don't you, move in?" That caught Taeyeon's attention. "What?" "Well, since you don't like leaving Tiffany alone, which is completely understandable...why don't you move in? That way, you'll be with her constantly and your relationship can get back on track." "Thanks Jess. But I'd rather Tiffany asked me something like that before answering, no offence of course" "Nono, that's fine I get it" Jessica smiled. "It was just a thought".

Taeyeon smiled and brought Jessica in for a hug, surprising the latter. She had never been hugged that way before, full of warmth and security.

"I never thanked you for saving Tiffany." Taeyeon said.

"You don't have to thank..." "I do. If it wasn't for you...we could have been burying Tiffany today." Taeyeon choked on her tears. "Taeng, don't think like that" Jessica said as she pulled away and held Taeyeon's face in her hands.

*God she's beautiful* Jessica thought.

"I'm so grateful to you Jessie" Taeyeon cried. "If you ever need something or want something. I'll make sure you get it okay?" Taeyeon said, looking into Jessica's eyes before closing her own.

*Those lips...* Jessica found herself getting closer to them.

"Guys" Tiffany's voice called out.

Jessica immediately let go of Taeyeon and looked up at Tiffany.

*She didn't see anything*

"Baby, how did it go?" Taeyeon smiled, getting up and crouching next to Tiffany. "I can go home tomorrow" Tiffany eyesmiled. "Ah thank god." Taeyeon beamed and hugged her.

Jessica watched the pair. How the hell could she have tried to do that, tried to kiss Taeyeon, her best friend's girlfriend.

"Jess, can you stay here with Tiff, I need to go somewhere" Taeyeon smiled. "S-sure" Jessica stuttered.

Taeyeon left the pair, taking Jessica's house key as she left.

"Jessie, God I'm so happy" Tiffany smiled. "I bet." Jessica returned the smile.

There was a silence after that until Jessica decided to break it.

"Hey Tiff... I was talking to Tae when you were having your MRI" "And?" Tiffany chuckled. "And, I asked her if she'd like to move in with us..."

Tiffany looked confused.

"You asked her that? Why?" "Well I just thought since you know what'd like to have her around more." Jessica shrugged.

"But don't you think I should have asked her? I mean you invited my girlfriend to move in without asking me if I want that..." "Shit. Sorry. I didn't think of it like that, I just wanted you to feel safe that's all. She didn't answer me by the way, she said she'd wait for you to ask her" Jessica felt bad. She did want Taeyeon to move in to make Tiffany happy, but... she wanted the girl around too. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I agree that's it's a good idea" Tiffany smiled, squeezing Jessica's hand. "But our apartment is small." "That's true" Jessica frowned.

They left that conversation until Taeyeon returned. In the meantime they laughed and joked, just like always.

"Hey guys." Taeyeon came in, bags in her hands. "What's all this?" Tiffany asked, pointing at the bags. "Well I packed a coming home bag for you. It has some clothes, underwear, iPad for the journey home, some snacks." "You went through my underwear?" Tiffany squeaked. "Oh come on Tiff, it's not like I haven't seen it before" Taeyeon winked.

Jessica cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Anyway, yeah it's all here babe" Taeyeon smiled

"Why are you so perfect?" Tiffany asked, motioning Taeyeon to come over with her finger and kissed her lovingly.

Jessica couldn't help but look away.

"Tae?" Tiffany asked. "Yes beautiful?" "Um" Tiffany smiled. "Jess told me she brought up the 'you moving in' thing...." "Ah, yes. I told her I'd rather you ask me" Taeyeon smiled. "Well I would....but" "Oh" Taeyeon looked a little dissapointed. "Nono! I didn't mean it like that. I mean that our apartment is small, and with you used to living in your huge one....I'm sure you'd hate it" Tiffany frowned. "As long as I'm with you, I don't care where we live Fany" Taeyeon smiled. "But if it bothers you, then come and live with me"

Jessica and Tiffany's ears pricked up.

"Really?" Tiffany squealed. "Yeah" Taeyeon smiled, hugging Tiffany.

Jessica didn't want to be there any longer.

"Wait, what about Jessie?" Tiffany asked shooting a glance to her best friend. "She can't pay the rent by herself." "Would you wanna move in too Jess?" Taeyeon smiled.


"If you don't mind" she smiled cutely. "Course not. I'll ring the moving company now. I'm going to have to go sort everything out if it's going to be done by tomorrow babe. Is that okay?" "Sure Tae. Thank you so much" Tiffany smiled. "Yeah, thanks Taeng" Jessica grinned. "No problem girl's. I'll see you later on" she said before leaving the room.

Tiffany and Jessica were about to talk when Taeyeon popped her head in the door again.

"I love you" "I love you too" Tiffany giggled.

Once Taeyeon was gone, she and Jessica settled down to watch a movie on her iPad and halfway through, they both fell asleep, hugging each other.

Moving In Taeyeon called Tiffany later on that evening saying that since the mover's were busy, she wouldn't be able to come back to the hospital and that she would bring Tiffany home in the morning. Tiffany was amazed that Tae had managed to get people to help her at such short notice, but then she thought. It's Taeyeon. She can do anything.

Tiffany looked down at Jessica who was still fast asleep. She was so grateful to her annoying yet most important friend for saving her. She owed her life to the girl and she was so excited to be living with both her and her girlfriend. Tiffany smiled widely and snuggled into Jessica.


"Good Morning!" Taeyeon said as she walked in the room. "Morning babe" Tiffany eyesmiled. She got to go home today! "Everything's sorted. I've moved Jessica into one of the spare rooms and....Okay so I didn't know whether to move you into my room or your own room..." Taeyeon said, her head bowed from embarrassment. "So I took the chance and moved your stuff into that okay? I mean I can..."

Taeyeon was silenced with a kiss.

"It's perfect" Tiffany smiled when she pulled away. "Urghhhhh" Jessica ruined the mood. "What time is it?" She asked, her eyes still closed

"11:55am" Taeyeon said, raising her eyebrow at Jessica. "Uhhhhh, five minutes" she replied and turned over onto her stomach and held the pillow over her head.

Taeyeon and Tiffany just chuckled. Tiffany went over to the bag Taeyeon had brought and took out her clothes.

"Wow, I thought for a minute you were gonna make me wear one of those tank tops you lent me at yours and shorts again" Tiffany giggled as she looked at her hoodie and jogging bottoms. "Yah! I'm not that bad" Taeyeon sulked. "Mmm, sure you're not" Tiffany said as she tugged off her hospital gown, leaving her only in her panties. "Uhhhh. I'm uh...yeah" Taeyeon turned around. She hadn't seen Tiffany like that for days and she hated to admit that she was horny as hell. She couldn't act on it though because one, Tiffany still wasn't 100% well, and two, Jessica was in the room.

Upon that realisation, Taeyeon turned back around and looked at Tiffany whilst pointing to Jessica.

"Put some clothes on" she said. "I've seen everything anyway Taetae." Jessica groaned.

*Thats not the point*

Tiffany saw Taeyeon's jealous look and quickly put her clothes on. Jessica turned back around and gave Tiffany a pervy look which the latter rolled her eyes at and looked to Taeyeon.

"You have to sign the release forms first Fany. Let's go" Taeyeon said, holding out her hand. "Jess, can you pack up Fany's things please?" "Sure, I'll do that for you Fany" Jessica teased. "Shutup" Tiffany rolled her eyes again and exited the room with Taeyeon.

Soon, the trio were on their way to Taeyeon's apartment. The ride was silent except for the gasps and 'woah's' coming from the back seat.

"Wooaaahhh. This is epic!" Jessica said, looking at the massive houses surrounding her. "You have an apartment right?" She asked Taeyeon "Yes" "How come you didn't get a massive house like most rich people?" "There's really no point unless you have a family. That's what I believe anyway, I'd only like to have a house when I settle down with a family" Taeyeon smiled. Tiffany squeezed Taeyeon's leg when she heard that, she liked the idea.

Once they arrived, Taeyeon and Jessica got out and walked around the car to help Tiffany. Taeyeon tossed her keys to the valet attendant and they began to make their way to the elevator.

"Welcome home" Taeyeon said as they walked thought the front door.

"Oh. My. God." Jessica gasped at how big the place was, she then started running through all of the rooms like a kid.

TaeNy chuckled and went into the kitchen. Taeyeon helped her to sit at the table while she looked in the fridge.

"Are you hungry babe?" "No not really, could I have a drink though?" "Of course" Taeyeon got her a can of red bull, Tiffany's favourite and passed it to her.

"KIM TAEYEON" Jessica shouted, storming out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. "What?" She asked, not liking angry Jessica. Normal Jessica already freaked her out, angry Jessica was terrifying. "Why are all my panties jumbled up and not folded neatly like I left them?! It's as if somebody went through them!" She screeched.

Taeyeon's jaw opened at the accusation.

"You think I went through your panties?!" "I don't know did you?" Jessica folded her arms. "Have you thought that they may have been tossed around in the drawer during the bumpy ride here?" Taeyeon asked sternly.


*Stupid Jess, stupid, stupid* she scolded herself

"Anyway..." Taeyeon started. "What would you like for dinner later?" She asked the both of them. "I kinda wanna learn how to cook at least something other than toast" Tiffany smiled shyly. "But I showed you how to cook Jajangmyeon" Taeyeon replied. "Not really, Jessica and I failed cutting up an onion and you did the rest" Tiffany chuckled. "I think we need a proper cooking lesson." "Are you sure you're well enough?" Taeyeon asked tentatively. "Yes. Please I just want to continue my life, not dwell on the past." "Okay babe. So let's go unpack the rest of your things and then we will cook. Jessica there's snacks in the fridge, the TV is over there, there's netflix, magazines etc. So please help yourself" Taeyeon winked. "Th-thanks Tae" Jessica stuttered.

TaeNy disappeared into their bedroom and as soon as Taeyeon walked in, Tiffany locked it behind them.

"I'm liking this more and more. You have a lock on your door, so 'somebody' won't be able to interrupt" Tiffany winked, her eyes clouding over with lust.

"I thought you'd like that" Taeyeon chuckled, sitting down on the bed.

Tiffany walked over slowly, taking off her hoodie as she went. Taeyeon immediately clenched her thighs together after seeing her girlfriend topless. Tiffany stopped in front of Taeyeon and positioned her core in front of her face.

"My personal trainer....I need to be worked" Tiffany smirked. "Oh really? Well then, let's get to it" Taeyeon grinned, pulling Tiffany down to straddle her lap.

Taeyeon then leaned in and captured Tiffany's lips. It felt fantastic and the fireworks exploded instantly. Taeyeon groaned as Tiffany ran her tongue over her lower lip, asking for entry into Taeyeon's mouth. Taeyeon opened her mouth wider and allowed Tiffany's tongue to slide in and it immediately began caressing Taeyeon's, twirling around it and rubbing against it. Taeyeon then broke the kiss and led small kisses down Tiffany's jawline and down her neck all the way until she came to Tiffany's breasts. She took a nipple into her mouth while she rolled the other one between her thumb and finger getting it hard.

"Urgh, God Tae, I've missed this." Tiffany moaned as she held Taeyeon's head making sure she couldn't move away.

Taeyeon nipped at the nipple and massaged Tiffany's other breast, making the girl arch her back and hold Taeyeon's head tighter.

"YAH! Just because you locked the door doesn't mean I can't get to you, get out now I'm hungry"

"URGH" TaeNy groaned.

Maybe moving Jessica in was a bad idea.

"You can do that later on when I'm sleeping, not when I want food. Now come on. Out please." "Jessieee..." Tiffany whined while putting her shirt on. "Can we drug her please?" She asked Taeyeon. "Sure why not" Taeyeon joked.

Taeyeon and Tiffany opened up the door to a pissed Jessica and walked past her to go to the kitchen. Jessica and Tiffany opened up the fridge and grabbed all the ingredients they wanted to use whilst Taeyeon waited for them to finish on the table in the kitchen.

"Okay. Let's go" Jessica smiled

Cooking Lesson "We can make Bokkeumbap" Taeyeon smiled. She soon lost that smile when she saw the confused looks on the two girl's faces. "Aish come on."

Taeyeon asked Tiffany to get a frying pan out, pour some oil in and turn the heat on high. So Tiffany got the frying pan, dropped it on the floor almost breaking her toe, she rinsed it and then put it on the stove. She then poured half the bottle of oil in and didn't move a tea towel out of the way before turning the heat on high. After quickly putting out the fire by throwing the tea towel in the sink, Taeyeon sighed and poured most of the oil back into the bottle. She then patted Tiffany's back, telling her it was okay and they resumed cooking. Taeyeon secretly hoped Jessica at least had some culinary skills or she was afraid they'd burn the whole apartment down.

"Okay, so you cut garlic like this." Taeyeon demonstrated. She then gave the knife to Jessica and watched her carefully.

Jessica, being proud she cut the garlic once without hurting herself swung herself around, knife still in hand and almost stabbed Taeyeon. She dropped the knife and quickly apologised to the panicked girl.

*Stay calm* Taeyeon told herself.

Taeyeon showed Jessica again and told her to just do it slowly. She then went over to Tiffany and told her to cut up the onion. Again she demonstrated and then gave Tiffany another knife. Seeing Jessica's failure earlier, Tiffany took her time and managed to cut it well.

Taeyeon grinned, gave her a high five and then gave her another job of cutting up the beef into strips. She gave Tiffany some kitchen scissors and she again did it well.

"Well done Tiff" Taeyeon grinned.

She checked on how the garlic was coming along and she was impressed.

"Damn Jess, nice" Taeyeon winked causing Jessica to blush a little.

Now that was done, Taeyeon asked Jessica to put the onion and garlic into the frying pan, but warned her to be careful of the oil spitting.

"Oil doesn't spit silly, it's not alive" Jessica scoffed.

Taeyeon just held back her laughter as she watched Jessica dump all of it into the hot pan. Like she predicted, hot oil spat up and hit Jessica's arm.

"OW! What the fuck!" Jessica said, holding her arm, overreacting.

Taeyeon just sniggered quietly and gave Tiffany a wooden spoon to stir the ingredients.

She then gave Jessica a carrot, and a red bell pepper to cut up into chunks whilst she cut up a yellow bell pepper and some mushrooms.

"Tae are these done?" Tiffany asked, looking at the ingredients in the frying pan. "Ah yeah, now you can add in the beef" Taeyeon replied, putting her arm around Tiffany and patting her butt. "Byuntae" Tiffany murmured under her breath making Taeyeon chuckle. "Tae I'm done" Jessica smiled proudly as she looked at her vegetables. "They look good Jessica, see you guys are doing well" Taeyeon smiled.

They added in the kimchi, letting it cook for two minutes before adding in the veg they had just chopped.

Taeyeon put some rice in the rice cooker and then stood behind Tiffany, placing her hand on Tiffany's to show her the 'proper stirring technique' of course there wasn't one, Taeyeon was just flirting. Jessica meanwhile rolled her eyes at the couple.

"Jessica can you get out some oyster sauce from the cupboard over there?" "Yup"

Jessica got it out and managed to drop it on the ground. Luckily it didn't break but still. Jessica bowed to Taeyeon to apologise and brought it to the counter.

"Tiff, get the rice out the cooker?" Taeyeon asked

"Sure" Tiffany smiled. "Jess stir the stuff?" Tiffany asked. Jessica nodded and started stirring weirdly in fast zig zag motions. "Jess what are you doing?" Taeyeon asked stifling a laugh. "Stirring?" She replied. "No you do it like this"

Taeyeon went up behind Jessica and held her hand, showing her the correct way to stir the food. Jessica tensed up and started giggling catching the attention of Tiffany.

*Why is she flirting?* Tiffany wondered. She was busy looking at those two that she didn't realise that the inside of the rice cooker would be hot so she burnt her hand.


Taeyeon ran over and quickly took Tiffany over to the sink to run her hand under some cold water.

"Tiff, what are you like?" Taeyeon chuckled. Tiffany just ignored her.

Taeyeon frowned and added the cooked rice to the pan. She told Jessica to mix it all in and then she added the oyster sauce, she knew if she let Jessica do that she'd probably dunk the whole bottle in there.

Taeyeon told Jessica to stir it well and grabbed another frying pan, cracking an egg in it. She showed Jessica and Tiffany and told them how to know when the egg is cooked etc and as soon as it was done, she plated it up and set the bowl on the table.

"Done" Taeyeon smiled. "Well done girl's, you can now say you know how to cook Bokkeumbap" "Woooo" Jess and Tiff clapped. They sat down and tucked in.

"Mmmm this is really good" Jessica smiled.

Taeyeon and Tiffany agreed.

"So." Jessica said, waiting to swallow the food in her mouth before continuing. "What's the plan now with you two?" "What do you mean?" Tiffany asked. "Well, are you going back to work soon? Or am I still babysitting?" Jessica chuckled. "Yah! I'm not a baby" Tiffany pouted. "Well are you going to? Because Taeyeon has to work....or are you going to stay here alone?" "I know work is going to be pretty traumatising for you Tiff, but just know that I won't let you out of my sight, you won't get hurt ever again okay?" Taeyeon smiled genuinely, reaching out to hold Tiffany's hand. "Well I guess I'll go with you tomorrow" Tiffany returned the smile, hiding her nerves.

Returning To Work "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Taeyeon asked, squeezing Tiffany's leg reassuringly.

*I don't know*

"Yes Tae, I'm sure"

As they drove into the car park, Tiffany glanced outside to where she had been taken to the ambulance. She remembered she had woken up and seen Jessica's worried face before falling unconscious again. Tiffany clenched her fists and held onto Taeyeon's arm.

*Tiff I wish you wouldn't put up such a brave front. If you're scared you shouldn't have come* Taeyeon thought.

Once they got to the elevator on the ground floor, Tiffany glanced to the storage room where it all happened. It looked as good as new, the door had obviously been replaced. By looking at it from the outside, you wouldn't think that someone had almost been murdered in there. Tiffany's hands came up to her neck as she had flashbacks of being choked.

"Tiffany, come on" Taeyeon's voice broke. Seeing Tiffany do that action made her imagine what had happened and how she had almost died. Taeyeon couldn't deal with that so she pulled Tiffany into the elevator and pressed the button.

Taeyeon leaned against the wall, her head down trying to hide her teary eyes. Tiffany saw through this and brought Taeyeon's head up with her hand and wiped away the tears that fell.

"I'm fine Taeyeon." Tiffany smiled. "I'm okay".

Taeyeon was about to say something but Tiffany cut it off with a kiss. As soon as the elevator door opened, Tiffany pulled away and walked ahead in front of Taeyeon.

When Tiffany entered the room where all the other workers were, she was surprised to be surrounded by all of them. She was beginning to get claustrophobic and turned around in the middle of the circle of the fifty or so people trying to find an exit to get out. Her breathing became heavy as everyone was speaking at once, making her ears ring. She screamed when someone grabbed her arm but calmed down when she saw it was Taeyeon.

"Get back to work" she snarled at the workers. "Don't you dare surround her like that again."

Taeyeon put her arm around Tiffany and led her into the office. She sat down and pulled the trembling Tiffany down onto her lap, bringing her into an embrace.

"It's too soon" Taeyeon said simply while stroking Tiffany's hair, comforting her. "I'm okay. I just don't like crowds" Tiffany said trying to hide the tremor in her voice. "I know, as soon as I remembered what happened when we were at the store a while ago, I came" Taeyeon kissed Tiffany's temple. "I love you" Tiffany said. "I love you baby"

Once Tiffany had calmed down, she and Taeyeon got on with their work. Taeyeon told her that if she felt dizzy or light headed, to stop and tell her immediately.

The day was going quite well though except for that little hiccup, the workers stayed away from Tiffany after Taeyeon's outburst and Tiffany wasn't feeling ill at all. When lunch time came, Taeyeon and Tiffany both walked to the cafeteria and ordered their food.

"You okay?" Taeyeon asked "How many times have you asked that today?" Tiffany chuckled. "I'm sorry" Taeyeon bowed her head. "Um, are you up for coming on a date with me after work?" "Sure" Tiffany grinned.

The couple ate their lunch and were on their way back up to the office when Tiffany said she needed to use the bathroom. Taeyeon nodded and followed her in, Tiffany was about to tell her that she was okay once again when one of the cubicle doors slammed open startling her and causing her to back up against the wall. Taeyeon immediately stood in front of her and gave the darkest glare to whoever would come out. It just so happened to be Sunny. Being Sooyoung's close friend, Sunny knew what had happened and would love to confront Tiffany about it, but she also wanted to keep her job so avoided Taeyeon's glare while she washed her hands and exited the bathroom without a word.

Tiffany exhaled and went into one of the cubicles. She did her business and came out to find Taeyeon still waiting for her, It made her smile and calm down a little. She grabbed Taeyeon's hand and the two walked into the elevator and then went back to the office.

"Where are you taking me later Taetae?" "Don't you remember? The most romantic place in Seoul." Taeyeon grinned "But the most romantic place I've ever been was when you took me to the Banpo bridge" Tiffany gave an eyesmile as she remembered how Taeyeon confessed. "Aww, cute. I want it to be a surprise though" Taeyeon winked. "Urgh, okay"

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Taeyeon told whoever it was to come in and wasn't very pleased to see it was Sunny.

"Hi Miss Kim, Miss Hwang" Sunny bowed before taking a seat opposite Taeyeon. "Hi, what can I help you with?" Taeyeon replied, no emotion in her voice. "Well, I've brought my work" Sunny said as she handed over her paper's. "And, I wanted to apologise on behalf of Sooyoung". "Thank you for your work Sunny, I will look over it now. Regarding Sooyoung, I'd rather we didn't hear that name in this room thank you"

Taeyeon read through Sunny's work, unaware that the girl was staring at Tiffany, making her shrink back in her seat and lower her head.

"Good. You may go" Taeyeon said simply, handing the work back to Sunny.

"I'd just like to say that Sooyoung isn't a bad person" Sunny said as she stood up.

Taeyeon laughed bitterly.

"Of course she isn't, she just almost murdered Tiffany, that makes her a wonderful person" Taeyeon snarled. "She's ill. She ran out of the medication to keep her sane because she couldn't afford to buy it. Do you know why?" Sunny asked. "......" "Because you fired her"

Taeyeon opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"I visited her yesterday and all she said was sorry, sorry, sorry. Now she's on her medication again, she knows what she did was awful and she has nightmares every night. She's not in control of her body or her actions when she's not taking those pills."

There was another silence before Tiffany broke it.

"Tell her I forgive her"

"What? How can you...." Taeyeon began to argue. "Please tell her Sunny-ssi. Tell her we forgive her" Tiffany shot Taeyeon a glance, asking her to stay quiet. "Thank you Tiffany-ssi. I'll tell her. I'm sure she'll feel so much better. Thank you so much" Sunny bowed over and over before leaving the room.

Taeyeon didn't ask Tiffany why, she didn't scold her, she didn't tell her she was wrong to do that. She simply rolled her chair over to Tiffany's desk, put her arm around the girl's shoulders and said.

"You have such a good heart"

Tiffany turned to Taeyeon, her eyes glistening.

"And I'm so lucky to be part of it" Taeyeon smiled.

Namsan After work, Taeyeon took Tiffany back home so they could both get dressed up and then drove to the destination.

"If you've been here before, it's okay." Taeyeon smiled. "I'm happy to have shared the Banpo bridge with you"

Taeyeon pulled up in the car park nearby, she then got out the car and walked around to Tiffany's door to open it for her. Arm in arm, they walked around the corner and saw Namsan tower in the distance. Tiffany's eyes sparkled as she looked up at the tower that was currently half way through it's light show. Taeyeon noticed Tiffany frowning a little. She couldn't help but be disappointed at this reaction. Was it too cliche? Had she been a lot of times before? Taeyeon sighed subtly but decided to carry on with her plan.

Tiffany found it strange how there was no people there in line, nobody except for her and Taeyeon. Usually it was packed, and that's what had scared her as soon as she saw the tower. Taeyeon led the way to the waiting cable car and once the door closed, Tiffany sighed.

"Are you okay?" Taeyeon asked. "Yes" Tiffany smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes.

Once the cable car finished it's ride up the mountain, Taeyeon and Tiffany got out and once again, Tiffany was shocked at how there was nobody there.

"Where is everyone?" Tiffany asked, looking around.

Taeyeon shrugged, hiding a slight smirk.

Taeyeon led the way to the front of the tower where she paid and then whilst holding Tiffany's hand, she led the way into the tower. Tiffany found it strange again how Taeyeon didn't stop at the traditional lock trees because that's what... Tiffany shook her head from those thoughts and followed Taeyeon to the elevator where they took it all the way up to the highest floor. Both Taeyeon and Tiffany were in awe as they entered a restaurant there, yet their eyes were immediately drawn to the windows. The view in the evening was spectacular. After admiring the view for what had to be ten minutes, the couple got a table next to the window and sat down. Tiffany saw that yet again, there was nobody except for her and Taeyeon. The waiter came and took their orders and they were soon left alone with each other.

"You bought this entire place for the night didn't you?" Tiffany broke the silence. "Maybe" Taeyeon smiled a little. "Why? That must have cost you a fortune Taeyeon". Tiffany replied sternly.

Although she knew Taeyeon was rich, it didn't mean Tiffany liked that she threw away her money on things that could have been bought less expensively. For example, simply coming to the tower like a normal couple would alongside other couples, not buying the whole place just for themselves.

"I just thought, since this is a popular place and since you hate crowds..."

Okay so Tiffany felt a little better after Taeyeon had said that. It was very, very sweet of her to do that. Tiffany lost her stern look and broke into a smile.

"Okay you're forgiven" she said laughing after Taeyeon smiled dorkily.

It was silent again until the waiter brought their food.

"Can I ask you something?" Taeyeon asked. Tiffany nodded whilst trying to swallow her food. "Have you been here before?"

Tiffany hesitated before nodding.

"I came here with my ex boyfriend, the guy I told you about? Nichkhun". "Ah. Don't worry I'm not sad or anything, I was just wondering." Taeyeon smiled. "It was the worst date of my life" "Oh. Do you not like it here? Shall we go?" "No. It's fine. It wasn't the was the company that pissed me off." "How so?" Taeyeon asked.

"Well, firstly, it wasn't a suprise. He text me one day saying 'we're going to Namsan tower'. So I was like, um okay. Once I did research on it, I fell in love with the place. The lights at night, the views, the restaurants and most importantly, the locks of love."

Tiffany smiled upon remembering how excited she was.

"So he picks me up and walks ahead of me the whole time. He didn't see me panicking with the crowds and he didn't hold my hand. He went straight to the terrace where the lock trees are and bought two padlocks. He threw one to me along with a pen and told me to write something on it. Bearing in mind I was still excited, I wrote 'Tiff & Khun forever'.

Taeyeon would have smiled at that, if only she hadn't heard about Nichkhun's bratty behaviour during the date beforehand.

"I attached my lock to the tree and he attached his. We then swapped positions to read each others locks and his just had a heart on it. So I was a little dissapointed." "I bet" "Then afterwards, I looked up at the tower and asked when we are going to go up it, because I was hungry and I wanted to come back down in time for the light show. He said, 'we are going now, we will get a burger from Mcdonalds on the way home'." "What a complete asshole." "I never got to come up here, to the top floor. It really is beautiful" Tiffany said, looking out the window again. She couldn't get enough of that view. She could see absolutely everything.

The couple talked over dinner and laughed and joked. Once they finished, they took the elevator back down to the terrace and Taeyeon and Tiffany took a seat facing the tower.

"Why are we sat here?" Tiffany wondered "Just watch" Taeyeon smiled. Tiffany saw her nod her head and then the lights came on.

Tiffany stared at how the tower illuminated and how different animations popped up going up and down the tower with music. It was mesmerising. Tiffany found herself in awe, then laughing at the silly animations and then brought to tears. She interlocked her fingers with Taeyeon's and leaned her head on her shoulder, just like the day Taeyeon confessed. They stayed that way until the light show finished.

"Wow Tae" Tiffany smiled which finally showed through her eyes. "That was amazing." She said whilst fanning her face. "Can we go to the locks?" "Of course. That was our next stop anyway" Taeyeon smiled.

Once they got there, Tiffany had the urge to look for her's and Nichkhun's locks. Not because she wanted to read the messages again, just because she'd love to cut them off and throw them off the mountain. She exhaled to calm down her anger and went with Taeyeon to buy the padlocks.

Taeyeon chose blue whilst surprise, surprise Tiffany chose pink. They then went to different sides of the terrace to write their message. Tiffany smiled when she finished and read over her message and looked over at Taeyeon to see if she was done. They walked to each other and swapped locks.

'Tae, my love I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me. From your confession, to everything you did while I was in hospital. It's been a rough few days but you just always know how to make my mood, my attitude, my life better. And I can never thank you enough for that. By locking this lock together with yours, we will be together forever and our bond will never be broken. I love you Tiff
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