___________ __________________ ____________ _____
___________ __________________ ____________ _____ ___________ __________________ ____________ _____ ___________ __________________ ____________ _____ Dear _____________________: This is an ofer to sell a real estate property (lot only) located located in Barangay Barangay Kalunasan, Cebu City, City, specically described as ollos: ollos: !oca"on: !oca"on: Total #rea: Descrip"on:
Barang Barangay ay Kalunasa Kalunasan, n, Cebu City $%,&' suare *eters ($+% hectares) This open and ra lot is located located along city road, and ideal or residen"al residen"al housing de-elop*ent de-elop*ent++ Title is clean clean and ree ree o any any encu*brances+ encu*brances+ .t is con-eniently located about $+' /ilo*eters ro* the !ady o 0uadalupe Chur Church ch,, /ilo /ilo*e *ete terrs ro* ro* Be-e Be-erly rly 1ill 1illss 2ubd 2ubdi-i i-isi sion on !ahu !ahug, g, and and /ilo*eters ro* 3uente 4s*e5a Circle, the center o Cebu City+
4fer 2elling 6rice: 6 ,%% per suare *eter (nego"able) 2hould you be interested, please let us /no so e can pro-ide you *ore details about the sub7ect property as as ell as the preerred preerred ter*s and condi"ons condi"ons o the property oner+ oner+ 8e can can also acilitate and assist you should you ish to conduct business easibility and due diligence on the said property+ 9ou *ay contact us at e*ail: _______________________ ___________ __________________ _______+ + 8e hope hope to do business ith you+ Than/ you+ you+
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