OffCAT v2.2 ReadMe - full version.docx

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 This document describes how to install, start, use, and uninstall uninstall the Microsoft Microsoft Oce Conguration Analyzer Tool (OCAT! To successfully com"lete your rst scan, the information "ro#ided in the Getting Started section Started section is all you need! $owe#er, if you want to ta%e ad#antage of additional features and ad#anced tools or to try your hand with the command&line #ersion of OCAT, "lease read the Detailed Information about OCAT section!

 Table  T able of Contents OCAT OCAT 'ntroduction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'ntroduction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!  )etting *tarted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tarted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *ystem +euirements for OCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!  -etermine the #ersion of !./T 0ramewor% you ha#e installed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 'nstall OCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 3indows 45, 3indows 6!4, 3indows 6, 3indows 7, or 3indows 8ista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 3indows *er#er 9549 or 3indows *er#er 9556!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9556!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 3indows *er#er with +emote -es%to" *er#ices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ;ninstall OCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! 45 *can Oce to organize results 'f you feel o#erwhelmed by the number of issues in your scan results, OCAT "ro#ides se#eral features that allow you to change the default #iew or to lter out issues you may feel are not rele#ant or im"ortant!  The default #iew in the scan re"ort grou"s the results by Sy$tos! This #iew of the data is controlled by the Grou4 b1 control in the toolbar ust abo#e the list of issues!

3e recommend most users %ee" their results grou"ed by Sy$tosQ howe#er, you can change the #iew to grou" the issues by Severity !

Note 3e do not recommend you select Class  in the Grou4 b1 control! This is for ad#anced users! Any issue shown on the All Issues tab of the 'ssues ?ist can ha#e one of the following se#erity le#elsF •

Critical A Critical  issue is considered to ha#e the highest se#erity of detectable issues! 0or eBam"le, crashing issues are all considered Critical  because they cause the a""lication to eBit uneB"ectedly! $owe#er, this does not necessarily mean you must resol#e these issues rst! The issues you should resol#e rst are those that are most im"actful to you and your normal wor%ow with the a""lication!

"arning An issue classied as a %arning is considered to be less se#ere than a Critical  issue! This is because a %arning ty"e issue may be im"actful, but not catastro"hic (li%e a crash! On a#erage, you should eB"ect to see many more %arning ty"e issues than Critical issues!

Informational An Inforational ty"e issue is sim"ly that R informational! 't is information that we feel might be hel"ful to %now, but not necessarily something on which to ta%e action! 0or eBam"le, the list of installed Oce ;"dates will a""ear as Inforational items!

Note Inforational issues are not dis"layed by default! To dis"lay 'nformational issues, clic% Filter when Grou4 =1 I Se'erit1 and then select Informational!

3hen an issues list is grou"ed by Se'erit1, it will loo% similar to the list shown in the following gure!

 The dierent le#els of se#erity "ro#ide the a#ailable grou"ing of issues! Clic% on any se#erity heading to see the issues that fall into that category! The following gure shows the eB"anded list of issues of ty"e %arning in an eBam"le scan!

;se =0ilter> to hide unwanted results .eBt to the Grou4 b1 control on the toolbar is the Filter control!

 The 0ilter control allows you to selecti#ely dis"layHhide either sym"toms (when grou"ed by Sy$tos or se#erity le#els (when grou"ed by Severity ! 0or eBam"le, the following gure shows a list grou"ed by Sy$tos and one or more sym"toms in the list are hidden from the #iew!

 To redis"lay hidden sym"toms, either clic% Select All or selecti#ely re&enable hidden items! *imilarly, the following gure shows a ltered list that hides Inforational items (when grou"ed by Severity !

.otice the Informational icon in the Filter control does not ha#e a border around it when 'nformational items are hidden! To redis"lay Inforational items, clic% the 'nformational icon in the 0ilter list!

*u""ort for OCAT  There is no a#ailable su""ort for OCAT! This tool is "ro#ided as&is!

'f you encounter any "roblems when you use OCAT, you can send a detailed email message to OCATsu""Gmicrosoft!com! Lou can also clic% one of the lin%s under =3e A""reciate Lour 0eedbac%> on the $/?t e#en running!  The following gure shows an alert for a %nown crash in Outloo% "ro#ided by the bac%ground OCATD+T*!eBe "rocess (discussed in the neBt section! The alert a""ears seconds after the crash occurs in Outloo%!

 To see the solution for this "articular crash, all you ha#e to do is clic% the alert!

'n the e#ent you do not ha""en to catch the alert while it is dis"layed (for a""roBimately 5 seconds, you can still access the solution using the A44lication Failures control on the OCAT ribbon tab!

*im"ly clic% the item dis"layed in the list below the control to o"en the online article containing the rele#ant solution!

OCAT ribbon tab in Oce "rograms As a con#enience, there is an OCAT ribbon dis"layed in e#ery Oce "rogram that su""orts a ribbon! Note The O00CAT ribbon is created and managed by the new Microsoft O8ce Con9guration Anal1:er Tool Add?in! This add&in is not su""orted in Oce 9557 "rograms! 0or eBam"le, the following gure shows how the OCAT ribbon a""ears in Microsoft Outloo% 954@!

 The following list summarizes the controls dis"layed on the OCAT ribbon for all Oce "rograms that dis"lay the ribbon! Detect 0roblems Clic% the Detect 0roblems control to scan the current Oce "rogram with OCAT! The scan results will a""ear in the +/ articles for the current "rogram!

 The list of articles is dynamic, can be u"dated "eriodically when new OCAT detection rule les are downloaded, and #aries de"ending on multi"le factorsF o o o

Oce "rogram control to re&hide the eB"anded ribbon controls!

Searc5 Bo To; Articles 'f you do not see the =$ow To> to"ic you need in the list "ro#ided by the To" =$ow To> Articles control, clic% Searc5 Bo To; Articles on the ribbon!

 The S $rogra el4 window will a""ear and you can search for your =$ow to> to"ic using the Searc5 5el4 boB!

Note The S $rogra $el" feature is geared toward =$ow To> to"ics, for eBam"le, =*o" to add a signature to an eail essage !> 'f you are troubleshooting a "roblem with a feature, you may be better o scanning your "rogram with OCAT or searching for assistance on the Oce *u""ort *ite!

Con9guration summar1  The neBt control on the ribbon, as shown in the following gure from Microsoft /Bcel, "ro#ides a con#enient way to dis"lay rele#ant details about 3indows, machine, user, Oce, the current "rogram, and other com"onents from your com"uter!

Clic% Con9guration summar1 to see this information dis"layed in a teBt le!

Note This teBt le is created and sa#ed into the folder in which your OCAT scan les are sa#ed!

 This feature reuires a recent scan for the current "rogram! 'f you ha#e ne#er scanned the "rogram or your most recent scan is considered to be =out&of& date>, then you will be "rom"ted to scan the current "rogram before the conguration summary can be dis"layed!

Ti4 'f you need to share this conguration information, for eBam"le with your $el" -es%, you can either email the le as an attachment, or you can co"y the teBt and "aste it into an email message! A44lication Failures OCAT also has a real&time crash (a""lication failure detection feature that chec%s for %nown crashes in Oce "rograms! Clic% the A44lication Failures control on the OCAT ribbon to see the list of %nown crashes recently detected by this real&time crash detection feature!

Clic% any item in the list to o"en the article that "ro#ides the resolution for the a""lication failure! Feedbac! on OCAT ?et us %now how we are doing by clic%ing the Feedbac! on OCAT control and then clic%ing one of the two a#ailable o"tions!

/nter your comments in the email message that a""ears and then send them to us! Note# The email message is "re&addressed to OCATsu""Gmicrosoft!com! Note( The OCAT team does not ty"ically res"ond to these email messages unless we reuire additional details on your OCAT feedbac%!

OCAT )eadMe 'n case you ha#e h a#e a uestion about an OCAT feature, o"tion, o"tion, or tool, this document is always ust one clic% away #ia the OCAT )eadMe control )eadMe control on the OCAT ribbon! Clic%ing this control gi#es you access to the latest edition of the le from the Microsoft -ownload Center!

Additional 4rogram?s4eci9c controls 'n Outloo%, /Bcel, and 3ord, 3ord, there is one more control added to the ribbon r ibbon that "ro#ides a""lication&s"ecic diagnostic information! o

Outloo!  'n Outloo%, the additional ribbon control is labeled S4eciali:ed logging! logging!

Clic%ing the S4eciali:ed logging control logging control in Outloo% gi#es you con#enient access to the tools found under )eal?Time 2ogging on 2ogging  on the AD+ANCED TOO2S "age TOO2S "age in OCAT!

 The rst four items (only two in Outloo% 9545 in the S4eciali:ed logging list logging list are connected with the logging a#ailable #ia the =+eal&  Time ?ogging> ?ogging> o"tion, and the the bottom item is connected with the =Calendar Chec%ing Tool> o"tion!

E3cel 'n Microsoft /Bcel, you will nd a "or!boo! Anal1:er control Anal1:er control on the eB"anded OCAT ribbon!

 The 3or%boo% 3or%boo% Analyzer scans your acti#e acti#e wor%boo% and generates a re"ort, in the form of an /Bcel wor%boo%, containing a summary of the items found in the wor%boo%! The details about each of the items eBamined in the acti#e wor%boo% are listed on se"arate tabs in the re"ort wor%boo%!

"ord 'n Microsoft 3ord, you will nd a Document Anal1:er control Anal1:er control on the eB"anded OCAT ribbon!

 The -ocument Analyzer scans your acti#e acti#e document and generates a re"ort, re"ort, in the form of a table in a new 3ord document, containing a summary of the items found in the document!

*can more than one Oce

*witch between =All 'ssues> and =Critical 'ssues> Conguration -etails R -etailed 8iew Acti#ate the =-etailed 8iew> tab (when =Conguration *ummary> is currently acti#e Acti#ate the Tree 8iew control *elect the neBt or "re#ious #isible node or child in the tree /B"and or colla"se a node to ma%e child nodes #isible 0ollow the lin% for the online article referenced by an /rror, 3arning, or 'nformational item


O"en the selected item using the =Clic% here to o"en the item> lin%

/B"ort the issues list *earch for teBt in the issues list

Close the =?oo% for> bar

! 9! *$'0T [ 045 ! ;< A++O3 or -O3. A++O3 to select a menu item! 1! /.T/+ 4! *elect any eld for an item in the table! 9! CT+? [ TAE ! TAE 1! TAE (=Clic% here to see "ossible online solutions to this issue> is now selected 2! * ! TAE 1! /.T/+ 2! Ty"e search teBt @! /.T/+ 4! A?T

 To do this

*witch between =All 'ssues> and =?og>

Calendar 'ssues R ?og Acti#ate the =?og =tab (when =All 'ssues> is currently acti#e Acti#ate the control containing the ?og teBt $ighlight teBt -is"lay the conteBt menu Co"y teBt

*witch between =All 'ssues> and =?og>

*elect the =About OCAT> tab 0ollow the =Chec% for online u"dates now> lin% on the =About OCAT> tab

! ! *! 9! * O"tions 9! TAE ! *! 9! *! 9! *! 1! * lin% 4! TAE to select =Acti#ate Oce>! 9! * 9! *! 9! +')$T, ?/0T, ;< or -O3. A++O3 Acti#ate the =)enerate re"ort> lin% 4! TAE to select )enerate +e"ort! 9! * Cycle through the settings in =O"tion>

0ollow the =)8?s for Oce 954> or =)8?s for Oce 9545> lin% Acti#ate the =+un> lin%

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