OET Test 15

February 28, 2018 | Author: shiela8329gmailcom | Category: Heart Valve, Heart, Diseases And Disorders, Wellness, Health Sciences
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Listening Test 15 LISTENING TEST 15 This test has two parts. Time allowed: 20 minutes

PART A: In this part of the test, you will hear a general practitioner talking to Marshall Marelo, a man suffering from a problem of hair loss. You will hear the consultation once only, in sections. As you listen, you must make notes about the consultation under the headings given on the answer paper. Turn over now and look quickly through. You must give as much relevant information as you can under each of the headings provided. You may write as you listen, and there will be pauses during the consultation for you to complete your notes under the relevant heading, and to read the following heading. There will also be two minutes at the end of the test for you to check your answers. Give your answers in note form. Don’t waste time writing full sentences. Remember you will hear the consultation once only, and you should write as you listen. Now look at Question 1. Question 1 has been done for you. Name of the Doctor: Dr Krusova Name of the patient: Marshall Marelo

2 Notes on Marshall’s problem 2.1 Marshall’s main problem was related to …………………………….. 2.2 Fill in the blanks: Hair loss is a ……………………………..and affects …………………………….. in their lives but can be …………………………….. in some cases.

Listening Test 15 3 Notes on Marshall’s family history 3.1 No one in his family has ever experienced this problem ……………………………..

3.2 His father had no …………………………….. He had ……………………………..hair. He had full …………………………….. 3.3 Age: …………………………….. 3.4 The patient didn’t face the problem in the past ……………………………..

4 Notes on further questions asked by the doctor 4.1 What does Marshall do? Answer: ……………………………..…………………………….. 4.2 Part-time work - Worked in a …………………………….., Electra Cafe, after his studies for pocket money. 4.3 He has no……………………………..

5 Notes on the patient’s problem 5.1 Explanation by the doctor: There are many possible reasons for hair loss. Many people …………………………….. as early as in their…………………………….., although some people over…………………………….. face no problems at all. 5.2 Hair from the……………………………..which can be a serious thing.

6 Notes on examination by the doctor

Listening Test 15 6.1 The patient has lost quite a ……………………………..…………………………….. 6.2 ……………………………..problems like this 7 Notes on further discussion between the doctor and the patient 7.1 What is Kientzy? Answer: ……………………………..…………………………….. 7.2 Did the patient have any injury marks on his head? Answer: ……………………………..…………………………….. 7.3 What happened last year? Answer: ……………………………..……………………………..

8 Notes on further discussion between the doctor and the patient 8.1 What did the patient apply after that injury to his head? Answer: ……………………………..…………………………….. 8.2 Did the patient use anything else apart from the hair cream? Answer: ……………………………..…………………………….. 8.3 Explanation by the doctor: Nine times out of ten people face ………………..due to use of the …………..

9 Notes on further explanation and examination by the doctor 9.1 Hair loss can be due to reasons such as Stress …………………………….. …………………………….. ……………………………..

Listening Test 15

9.2 About Marshall He doesn’t take any ………………..He always deals with problems with a …………………. He maintains ……………….. 9.3 Possible reason for the hair loss: The doctor believes hair loss in the case of this patient is due to …………………………….. the patient has used. It can’t be a …………..case.

10 Notes on suggestions and prescription by the doctor 10.1 The doctor has prescribed a …………………………….. and ……………………... patient. 10.2 Name of the hair tonic: It is …………………………….. Hair Tonic. 10.3 The patient needs to apply this…………………………….. 10.4 Asked the patient to stop making use of …………………………….. which may harm him. 10.5 Asked the patient to come after…………………………….. 10.6 Suggested that the patient focuses on ……………………………..There should be good dietary …………………………….. and …………………………….., such as …………………………….., non-fat dairy products and ……………………………..cereal etc.

End of Part A

Listening Test 15 PART B In this part of the test you will hear a talk on Asperger’s Syndrome. You will hear the talk once only, in sections. As you listen, you must answer the questions in the spaces provided on the answer paper. Turn over now and look quickly through Part B. You have one minute to do this.

You may write as you listen and there will be pauses during the talk for you to complete your answers and to read the following question. Remember, you will hear the tape once only and you should write as you listen. Now read Question 1. Question 1 has been done for you. WRITE CLEARLY 1 Name of the doctor: Doctor Michele Fernandez Topic of discussion: Asperger’s Syndrome 2 Notes on Asperger’s Syndrome 2.1 Also known as ………………... 2.2 One of a group of ……………... 2.3 Will have effects on an ……………..., use of language and ……………... and ……………... 2.4 Asperger disorder was formerly characterized as ……………... disorder. 2.5 Asperger disorders represent high-functioning form of autism - True or False 3 Notes on DSM 3.1 DSM Stands for Diagnostic and ……………… Disorders 3.2 Year of publication: ……………...

Listening Test 15 3.3 Explains about …………………………... 3.4 Asperger's syndrome and ……………… combined into one condition for diagnostic purposes, known as ……………... 3.5 The presentation of the ASD arose controversy - True or False 3.6 Fill in the gaps: People with ……………… typically have normal to ……………... but typically have difficulties with ……………... and often have ……………..., absorbing……………...

4 Notes on Dr. Hans Asperger 4.1 Dr. Hans Asperger was an ……………... 4.2 First to describe the condition in the year ……………... 4.3 Dr. Asperger described ……………... who showed ……………..., little ability to form friendships, ……………..., intense absorption in a special interest, and ………………

4.4 He termed the boys ……………... 4.5 APA recommended "subsuming" Asperger's Disorder into ……………... 4.6 Academic debate regarding this decision is still ……………... 5 Notes on positive aspects of Asperger’s Syndrome 5.1 Asperger’s Syndrome represents a defective way of thinking - True or False Asperger’s syndrome has been described as beneficial too in many professions including: 5.2 Increased ……………... 5.3 Capacity to persevere in ……………… without being swayed by ……………... 5.4 …………………………...

Listening Test 15

5.5 Recognition of ………………………………... 5.6 ……………... 5.7 An original way of……………... 6 Notes on Dr. Temple Grandin 6.1 She was a noted engineer, ……………… and ……………... 6.2 She was affected by ……………... 6.3 Her condition had been an asset for her in her ……………... 6.4 Her life and story was ……………….. that first aired in ……………... 6.5 Complete the list of names of many successful historical figures who might have had Asperger's syndrome Mozart …………….. …………….. Thomas …………….. and …………….. 7 Notes on what causes Asperger's syndrome If it is accepted that the Asperger's syndrome is one of the ……………….. then the causes of Asperger's syndrome would be expected to be the same as the ………………... What might Autistic Disorders be related to? Answer: Autistic disorders may be related to ………………..., teratogens, ………………………, and prenatal ……………...

Listening Test 15

8 Notes on how common Asperger's syndrome is 8.1 Asperger's syndrome affects a greater number of boys than girls - True or False 8.2 Asperger's syndrome has been estimated to affect ……………….. out of every ……………..., based upon the ……………………. with autistic disorders. 8.3 In the ……………….., an increase in autistic ……………….has been noted. 8.4 The most recent studies show that one out of every ………………. in the U.S. has an autism spectrum disorder. 9 Fill in the gaps Symptoms mentioned include the following: 9.1 ………………... 9.2 Lack of interest in ……………….. 9.3 Difficulty ………………..and …………. friendships 9.4 Inability to infer the thoughts, ……………………. 9.5 Either …………….. too intently or …………………... 9.6 Lack of changing………………..., or use of ………………………. 9.7 ………………………. 9.8 Unusually sensitive to…………….., ………………, …………., ……..., or visual stimuli 9.9 Inflexibility and over-adherence to or ……………... and 9.10 Stereotypical and ……………... such as hand flapping or arm waving.

Listening Test 15

10 Complete the summary The DSM-IV showed 10.1 ……………….. criteria for Asperger's syndrome. However, 10.2 ……………….. that is 10.3 …………….., published in 10.4 ……………. included Asperger's syndrome in the same 10.5 ………………. as people with 10.6 ………………. developmental disorders. 10.7 Medical therapy is not effective in treating Asperger syndrome - True or False 10.8 Often SSRI medications are used for relief of anxiety or depression - True or False 10.9 SSRI stands for ……………………………...


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