OET - Medicine - Booklet

February 5, 2017 | Author: jagminderpalsingh | Category: N/A
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ReadtngTest 3

IYrftrlg Te.t

L.t.t€rtrg rcst 3l 43

Apeakhg T€ar

- Role-plt! Cords r to 6

- Rot4plt! tuepototiar

Addluonal tnformatto! - Inryuoged Lledutr|e.

tzst a$uer keg _Readtue wftirw tzst sampleansuers Lisbnhg test dEuer keg




Feadingiea - VerctonI


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occsP TrorYrt Dl'tclrsE TlsT

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60 !t!ut€

1l1@ are two edne !Nag6 rn tl,& ter. .Aftcrach or ec passg€ 'ru rfl turd a nD!6, acb rft! tou su€€6t€d slfu or @ys of Odsblig. you m6r.h@s orc lBw6 wrnci t@ tbr& ls b€t. For a.b qu6don, hdr€tc on you sl1ssE .be€r th. Lttd A B. c, o! D eg.lrEr lh. n@!d of thc qucadon,

Reoctingfest - Ve6ion I

Reading PassaseA Dmployment hn Ande60!,

rccords reveal the detsil of asbestos &rger


Alo a qMaer of rh€r€olle Bbo qolked in e aibe$osmile i! WsteD Anshalia be$eeo 1943dd defclosu.e,bfthepitlD I966 ue ateadysufleringfron disasesElated ro fien exloNre to thebliitlal, or iiat do i! tle tunr. Thisis the6t!n te of tsedcheN wbo saydat the ode\ dploynelt r@ordsbavee$bled th@ b carry oul otreof tbe fibre. nosr tho@en $udiesev€.oftle Iong-temteallb eileclsof exposuEto asbestos Ile ree, basedat the Udivesrty of Westemaustralia ud tle Sii Cldles Gairdner groupo'psplc ha fiosrirsliD Peab,s5r lbd i is theonl/ stud)r! whicha welldefiDed b@ erpced ro a sidglefomof Abslos o!s a tpeotcd D€dod Oftle 6502neo ud 410wotu! wbo wo*ed !t the nine, slbost 2000bavedwdoped or wiu develo! @!cei dd oder dhqses lelated b asbestos.The Arb*los Diseares Societyoi AustFlir, a groupfomed lo telp p@!l€ exlosed-lodbeslos,claim tlat 300 totur eork€rshavellrsdy diedof dis46 thst .re Nbest6-relaled. dibe &d mill rheDeorle,bon y b,srdl labouEFftoF tuope. wa*ed io anasbesos R3!se,abour1600ktlooPt4 oon! ol Pen-b ia Wirietr;o& a rowoi! lbe Hamersle] people, 4000 is row virtully desened Tbe lbre Wirl€loom, orce the hone for gove@eDt cui 4sdlial sflices lo tle ioM lsl ysr. Blue sbestos,d crocidolie, wd Ite res.dhes v€E ableto deftmine how muchatbestostbevolken wereexposedto o drsrlha $ere uleo d vdiou liFes dring by mhog calcJlalio!.baedod re€didB. lhemjF\ oDerar.o!rheDoq elteosveexpoluFlodb$to"o.crnedro$e mllwb{e orerd sroud dow! aodthefibre eItacted. Tte Alstralian study\rasputlisbedlst dotrt i! the MedicalJoumalofAshalia other radds of exDosuelo llue dbeslos- suchaslhoselid SoulhAftio - lave Dot!e@ as nsetulto es;cte$ s lhe drta ftom \vittelooB. saysWilli@ Musk,ftoE the UoiYelsiry Blue slbesiosfibEs aje verythin, straidt ald snall - about0 1 micronetrs in dieeter' As a resllt, tbeyalemorelik€ly lo.nier the lungsthe ofler twes ofasbestosfibEs Thev are alsorie leastlitely to sdbere10 and be inlerceptedby tbe prol@dvemucusin lle tbe fib.esrdrdedat Wit&loom witb t!re. D?esoi dise4e: haveassocialed Scienlists a samng oftbe LNg Mosl ofthe maljelMl DesoihelioM,luDgc@€r aDdasbestosk. p*iods oodlhs, Btlet th& vem Tle dheaes vorkec aere !i the niDe for only sbo( mayrale u! lo 40Y@sto develo!.

Raodingtest- Vetstonl

Tbe iecordsuntil 1986show94 casesofnesolhcliona.l4t lung canceAmd 356cases of asbestosis anong the wnGnoom worke6. ln rhegeneralpopularion, resotbeliona,a cancerofthe ourercoverin8oflhe lung,is rde, mcudine at the rareof tessrhanonc pcr njllion p€ople eachyed. The scie.lisrs say thal exposur€lo 6benos cm accouortor about 40 per cenl ofrhe casesol lung cancerat Wnienoon:tbe renaind€rq€re causcdby lhe over lbe .exl 30 yeds, lher€*ill be a s€v€nfoldincr€asein rbe nunber of casesof nesorheliona,accordinEto thercs€eched'esrimares. Tnerewill be asnany as 25 cases of lhe dne6e a yed by the yed 2010, The rem predicrsthatberween198?dd 2020,a roraloa 692 .ew casesoi ncsorhelionawilt €cur. Most will be in lhe luns tDlerral '. .a;. ;r tu"c m- oheliomz . bur rcn" sill be in rheabdotr.' , rrironerl ne,orhe.ioma cancermd asbedosdong theworkeGwill Eacha peat by abou12000, vid a lotd of r83 $d 482respeclively by theyed 2020. The AsbestosDiseasesSGiety claimstharlhe D.oblemvill .ol be contned io iomer sork€rs. About 6000 of the 14 000 wives ed cbildrcn oi work€rs ai witlenoon pill dso slifer frcn asbestos{elat€d disease, accordhgto rhes@iety. "Foriy onep€oplein rheir lat€30sor40s wbo p€rc childrenatwitle.mn havediedot oesorh€lioma.. accordi"! io R o o . r rv o t " ^ o v r . r h e P r e l o p n o r r h e . c . e r t H . o b r a . r e dI n e ! d r b r . ( s l r o m d ; r h cedificat€s. The universnr nudy only ermined rherords of porkeis. Last year, after a legal baute lasiing 13 years,csR. rhe ninins conpa.y whosc subsidiary,Au$ralian Blu€ Asbenos, operaFd fie plant, aereedin an our ofcoun seluened lo !q .omp€nsalion to fome. min€n fld residentsof wirerood. By 5 D€enb€r,350 peopleMd their familieshadreceiled.ompensation totaui.e $42 millioD. Th€ SEte Govedtoent hsumce Co@i$ion will shde the costsof conpcnsarion basedon eiposure to asbe$osar wiu€noon affer 1959. The paynems, pan of tbe l[ses industizl setl€menl i. Ausralia hislory, will rose in siz berwcen,4$30,000and


Ho*ever, we$em Aushlia ha anorherprobl€n. The rcd gorgeswitbin tbe Hanersley RuEe, inclu{iinsth€ Wnrehooh Corse, bare beome a rourist affaclion. Th€ millions of asbestos iaillngsrbatstil hler the dea aE Ea&dedas a h€althhaad, especiallyio childrenwto mishr be topted lo play on thc pilcs. Canping is forbidd€nin the ThestaleCoremmrt n consid€rinsburyingrhe|ailidesor pnrtingthen underthe *arer. will be elPensivc.Theabestosseiery is qing ro o6taintundsfromLaog Borhsolutions Hanco.k,themjnihgmranatewho openedrheminein 1belate 1930s,fld CSR.ro hclp r€norewirlen@n Corye,pbi.h ir sayscouidbe nade into a majortourisrafua.rion ,r rownro berelmared alsowanrslhe wnbjnthego.ge.

4 4 4 4 4 4

Peodinglest - Vedon I Dnptna@nL tmds

rcpol t)e detdt oJ Bbes6


e em Ausr.Jh





have died snlm 1966 ot tue


nav€ alrddy gol stmptoms ofdn€

lc) (d)

oay suffer frcn dn.

4 4


Elared dlsa*!


rehred dj$ses.

Elated di*a*s

E 4 4 4

l! tn. fure.

hav€ dwelop€d nine rebr€d dtseasesor my do so.


of rhe ronoung b rd




Thd dfl{ts oforry one fom ofasbcatds w€re stu.iled.


Dala wE colected duihg a cra


Trecroup 5turted wsskLdrtucd


to rhe west Asrralja


pt reftrdsof alrMrk rs. p..rod of ume.


non endol


or r}'. fonosirg rs not tl,!r.at of blue asbedos fibEs?


T}e fibEs tre so sn ! that they enrcr rhe tungs easrly. 'rrie AbEs easry adnere ro !rcred]E mucus h the att*]s.

lc) (dl

Tb€ nbcs tr€ Dsualy Do1hlffi€lted

by mlcus h tnc ahays.

The nbEs ft

ta dramerer,


r.ss thd a dcroncirr



4 4 4 4 4 4, 4 4

Thepopuratsonofw'ttoen rs row dound 4.oo0 peopte. {r) (b) €rttndy shax. @ud 1.600p€opL. {c)


e 4 e,

tlTes or drs.asesas@rated vrtb asb€sbs nbres ar the wrr€nmn

mesorherom rs the E6t r€quendy ccurdru qTe. asbestosrsIs th€ mGt rrequentiy occurriqg 9T€ asbeslosisrs txe lest fiequduy occftg t,?€. ibg 6cer Is the reasltcquenuy ecuElnE ge.

4, 6, 4,

4 4 4


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4 4


Reodlnglecl - VerstonI EatpbgMt

t@ftls rewtL\e

Thc !6ardr


dztaa aJ 6b4Los drtgi

t@ pEdict Uut by the y€r 2O2Orbft


pledr, n6omeno@,


pedtonal ndtteuoD.

ll Dea robr ot ta3 esG of

Statlsue quotedrn lhc dtclc @ bsd on deth €mete. {a) (b) tc) (d)

Etnc dplorndt Eord!. carch cdrdud.d ar a wrv6rt'. 3ll of th€ .bove.


A 13-yar legsl batUefo. mpc@son of dts*e dccm6 Eult€d h (a) d ouFof-couns.tu@dt hwrilgla}tdt !y tm !ard6. cmp.@don pa,:n6t! ro fomd w6@oom , n6, lbl ontEEd@ tc, to 35o \{tteom rEtd€lt3. F rar! (d) d out-of-@un 3.|d4.ni rnvo]llng paymot only by csR


$,brdrof thc fonowtE stat@dt. i6 &ost accEt ? Ial rhe }lllh @lM. oltouist tE6c ls .bdlng th. rd gorg€ot rl]c l{mNlqa Ib) (cl ldl


fod,sts h tbc Hd6tq Fangesulld tq!6uy ftrn !Ile. Culr'rg r. forbtdd.n tbeuEhour the g0tg6 of dE Hamdlitey Ranle. T.unsE tu a h€lri nsk ,n 6rs .rs of lne Hamdsjey R3n€re.

thc f!t@ oI touns ln \{4$mom c..g. d@dds on solvrrletrrc trobld ofhow to relo€te th. rom. 14 (bl $l!j,g the p:lbta of hw to rdo€re th€ lolBe. l() dls!.6ui€ ot Mpoladon cj,ms by tM6. (d) dl6pctn€ oftrsnhgs tenby a€!6tosnl, ng

Pedcling len - Ve6ion I Reading P.Aage B

The senses of the newborn Tests fot lvdltlg

otd Dilifr. harE tr,ptored

sL"Lcae{e\ dsriptim or rle infdr, "M.wliis atrdFrt itre i! 6e Dur* s @,"1 sas ehoed in UE atridds ordotuN dlie !ft.dury ne nerb.m baby*6 &oustl ro be.ir!c drossy, slee!. or ,1 tu. pe b.ve lsr ov6 rie .ryile, od ro erpeid@ De vond e a ssr. blooning,buitrA @ntusion. y* 30 rhd rbe h4khy nevb.E baby.d disrjdid& b.dd djtrercd *rsridns ftor ine Dad eDvnomenrdd spond Fl6riv.ly. ryi |nin hou.sor birdr rneb6bypix ldok d lne morheas face.and ti!6 tlE choie ldbom b.bbs prererrolooka! a c&d shNing |nefsrw or oorhd huh b.ing ftdEr jnb . leSeblr.k parrlr $d fte 6e fedE jmbred npo $e rdruc cotrd@s€d 'Irre

ft*bon b3bt s,.idr ooly I l% ofd€ iine aprte andatd itr rh. ftrn kk of ufe,a FoDonior ib!! .1ti! saitn"ctior or wrreftlrG hirdd.d rb0edtv d.vel0Dmar ot ris ro 2t% i. rhc four$ rel rr1rd djug!6poe meuodro'refus sns 1ir inp.@' h rddo debab.suc d;rcrbr'9@ drp sie? ar oo. etup ed .]ns ar rh. ol}4 - ed ftahd I gi b€havioElst6. Bozlorene ei iiis wrl b irdn ir@ orbish{ &uologicd n6cdd, ilcludibg risal andodirory FrpoNs ro r ex ardm!te, &d hi5n@rrl bdraviouraiffidr sl. is a ntu or $odDEh@c!iv. b.n!viour.7 $nr do re oed rord rhesrs

ol rie n€vbon?we wr ro .mre 0Errhebabvis ablero iDEer wirh ' d d' 'nqP s no mpdmetr 'o si" .;odoo"r. "ogr Live,Do lh3{tu6c dry€ropn tr! n i! on.n dirfi.uh ro Drcverbar dlr irr.s. ioo is.fieriv. rn FiniEjsinE hndicap, hi lise Gaidae - rd ilfu. $d d.rf cnndEtrnh.d wirhhaiu lids j! rh. fid sji holds o|rp ilE b. r. sFs h ds 60* ,'i.d ud r4nd .[ !sm6 ud nN @;* "s* m, w] *ou.d li*e rolrow of6y hddjep 6 @ly s pcsibh.

r.a"s "1."u.-a m.,i-i..,bod! or di,s be$s ed vsods

dirFtur, rhe) id dLqif t i4o* b s@o. t irus t d w r,s b i $6d cr,pdd r r.b3- b inreGsihs nois, vnn ,rr@d@ i, thenbr.rinins p.dd. E€r Do$d @snis rb* rspoEs, bur rhey@or bc usadro d.r€r dorb3bi6 Elhbly becauseof lne w'l!n 06 rudon rovdmts babics nate ed posdblebiaso! Ue pd of rhcobs!e*. nre u* or! sihpl. r,rit. ro p@due b4d and.ye Mhs h6 bea denbed.' bd de n day b€ ffiorded by devi.e iftdrponths oic.oprdsr scb 6 lne aud orr spoB dsdte (whicb snourd.libinat ob*ner biat ne sirivity sndst cificiry of llis ddl. h.v. rrild ud! riats,1o1r Dd rb. rud sid'ns ba b bevay toud(30,35.rB)ro rdl in a b.t vioral nsdr by l!€ b€by,so lhd Dod@t hdins l]s 0e nised. Ihe dehphJrldlosi.ll ESoe 1! sud my b. derd.d ry .udiob.ry brd m sked 6p.M in rhebBi! sh. ad rhisis colsid.Ebly ntr sftfu.. blve Sinpt5@d n@ poiable hzin s6 F@6 now b.@ daelop.n.u Mosr Meouy iabom bati6 haing b's betr enen by nsins oramsic .oi$i@q a ph.do@or f6. r@d.! by (@o i! 1973.! A.li.l3imut6 deliydrd rd a notut 6 rdlb ii !r '€ho" $und 3ad€d bt de ce a, rbich c@ b{ derere! by d niniabne miftoph@q Ihc nerhodis quid6 6d ld5 ilvaive lbd hain s6 rudimll-y sd cd deler *en nnd hdiol tos. Sr@ andhis oxe8u6 re@d346hrac atis* dd sho*.d rnar20of &e 2r w ifinrd-b *no *Ne ne8ari*rNlr & bratu3da [email protected]@ounicBLrthisqo.kdsohiCnUSnEda mjo! Foblm - rhd or vllid!.iq rel}dds or File Flg i, fie ne*boln brby. Tln ta b he by rollo* up, ctetjDg rhe oul@nr ri6 drerdiry ftarbddsitat b@@c posibt. in $e otC{ iDtb! Srdok gloup rdud a tod cor€laioo belweb difr.rion 6in3 ot rhebabiet tariDg ar 3 norhi or ,se dd bEin srn eparct .onfimed by orha! 'rw. Eu5i los b. mor aurious in inre'ldin8 lhe n$us or.ldrophysiolo8iel ress in rbendbom Babiesiho Bivenegrive 6uts will ne.d E@sritrgedar rin* durirs rh. fd ts Thoushlns sly tirhs or hains aidsis d6icbr., 6e [email protected] iepaioenr reeds rd & de y .sblishdl. pdiculrty rs tutudidi oflne andiiory parhmystuy bebrhs plae, axroud del.yed.

Reodingrest- Ve6lon l

lirr rtrmingro souid)lnis re$ mry norb. nli,6l., *p..iauy ir I'dcm i a h,thp.dkF0druTn-Nd '.,*.-,i.bl[.|d'R00"'.


rnd 'Gi"" i" p**N.

vissJ fuidior b only lnd rh. as. ot 2 moi'$ p€terenri,r lmrjns @hniqu

Mkh ra$iidins md djoyzble resdh

PitMs mv 3r. i fasun or Tn. besrndhod oI n.aurins Ynud scunvis to us the nu 30 ves rso $i parened obla6

is b.ins done inb $. lbilirv or



cM4 @F@dl,i6disPddh@d@i. fud4ii6dlLidso&lq.J,'}.

oJi'!tut t'qtuNtrah


Paodlng tesl - Ve6lon I rt@ se66

(a) tb) Ic) (o

oJtt@ @tnar

that lt rs Dtu.lr fo. a n Nbom baby 10 a?enend tn. m.ld as a creat blomlig b@lng conluslon', tlEt babr€s d€ nuch mor€ rcsponsrvc to usual md audltory cu.s h iet sumundhgs thr w6 p.€lrously lhought. i]1e nd,bom trabtcs n slw to dd€lop . ftspon* sumutus, sce th€y e€ aw:Ie ody

thar babtds e ld$ abld to ds.ndnate betwecn drtr€rnt fatms envlftnoe.t tho us b€lded b &e arst half d t}l]s ceniuif,.

Accordhg to re.4h lal {b) lc) (d)


to li lhe ar{cl., a baby given a chole abour vhal to

oftnc 4-we.k-old


who trbc'tus.


none ortn. abo!..

whlch of tlle rono6g sblemnb ts tue? (a) There rs $ne evrdc.ce tlEt 6ly t tffnuon {.) (d)

of tne

fadar felures. a rd showl4 hind a €rd shMgjunbled a carn sho*lng a large black patcn. a black fld v}!re photocrap

the sn*s


to !1sual ad audno.y

9r€vent bmdjdps hddl€ps Therc rs Duch.vtdence that.dly liteNention ff mlt fu TheE 's $me e'1ddnc. t}al dly l'1eflentlo! (n njlnmtze h4dsps ihdreps. Therc t3 !o cvrdencethat @ly bteruen on lfu mldtfu



l,a Dcwbom bablcs ls d ncult for sI ol tc loUotug tusons.

Newbom bables sbow behallouJal respon$s to somd such 5 bunl(h8 dd D€aJbabres som.uDes rEk€ Do€menrs by chde *bd rnt€rcsthg nol*s obseFe6 @y be b,ased tr thet hierpretatlon ofbabres rcs9oFeg The eudtlory r.sFotue frdle do* rot masu€ nodenle b€:rtrg ros*s



Reoctngf€3t- version I 7tE sM



Otoaoustic i:dsrons


solnds deltured ro the cocht.a. 'e.bo sounds€D$d by clrck sttndl cltck sumult delvertd to a nro.ld. souds gm.Et€d by a tr)lrnale dcmphonc.

CompaEdwnh rhc u* of otoaco$ac entsdoft. brah std audrom€try cd detet @n hld heinrg b*.



ot th€ hcanrg t6dnE methodsdedb.d rn the t xt btu sten audlom.iry 6n.latcd w. nth9Ee!99enctqE.Ia) bd stm audlom.try @n€lat d v.u rntn dstnctro tesla€r. Col otoaoustic t€sts corlated poorly *lth b.ah srm audlonety. {cl otoacoustr.t€sts co@rat€dwlr dth dstracirotr 16thg. ldl

wrrrch retnod of tBllng llsron tn ner$om babrcsrs not lst€d ,r trie amcle? {sl lbl Ic) (d)

bln* h Espose to a b.rgh! !ght. . folld the ntre'@t or a r€d senm b.[ chce b€twem lookr.g at enbe. a sHled tape or stdped drum. ch@sebetRe! l@Hng a! .rt}le. tl.i. or pattded cads.

20. of ure p!bt€!o6 nst€d b th€ foohobs on ihe pace follov,hg th€ Eadbg passg€ all e ton loumals of psycholog/ or neuroloAr. {a) (b) nonc d.al *{tn respotu* or behavloa of jrfdts. (c) Fost d.d $ttt the rtsponses or b.nadour of rrfsts. atl deal $'ttn lhe audlory respon* ot |fsls, {dl


k .rE dd



T€t - Anru

o! P4.


P6o.llng fesl - Vetslon2 Redaling P.Issdge A AIDS deaths blan€d on :mmune tberapy

THE DEATHS of rhr€c paticnG during trials of an expennental imnune lherary ior people *irh AIDS have Eneryed contrcve^y over exp€rine.ts ceied oul by the Fre.ch s.ien-ri Daniel Zag!ry. The affair bas aho hi8hlighied sbon onings in lhe syslemof , ha \. rd coauo'. over(lircal re
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