OET Listening Test 1

February 5, 2017 | Author: Asadulla Khan | Category: N/A
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Listening Test 1 – Part A This test is in two parts. Time allowed: 15 minutes 

In this part of the test, you will hear a doctor in a general practice surgery, interviewing Nathan Smith, a patient with a chronic problem.

As you listen, you must make notes about the consultation under the headings given on the answer sheet.

Turn over and read through these headings now. You will have ONE MINUTE to do this.

You must give as much information as you can under each of the headings provided.

There will be spaces during the consultation for you to complete your notes under the relevant headings.

Give your answers in note form. Don’t waste time writing full sentences.

Remember, you will hear the interview once only.

Look at Question 1 now. Question 1 has been done for you.


Reason for patient’s visit

Tiredness, inability to put on weight_____________________________________ 2

Patient’s description of condition Present symptoms



History of symptoms ●



General History Personal details



Other medical history ●




Physical Examination






Other Symptoms (Be specific)

● 6

______________________________________________________________________ General History Patient’s details continued – (including routine, sleep, and allergies)




Diet ●



General health





7 ●


Diagnosis _____________________________________________________________________

Proposed Management





www.online-english-tutors.com Occupational English Test Practice Papers

Listening Test 1 – Part B Time allowed: 20 minutes 

In this part of the test, you will hear a talk on Indigenous Health issues given by Dr. Bill Glasson, President of the AMA.

You will hear the talk once only, in sections. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided.

There will be some time given during the talk for you to read each question and complete your answers.

Turn over now and look quickly through the paper. You will have ONE MINUTE to do this.

You may write as you listen and complete your answers in the pauses between sections.

Remember, you will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.

Look at Question 1 now. Question 1 has been done for you.


What is the topic of the talk?

Indigenous Health



List the two places the speaker mentions.




List three different specific problems mentioned by the speaker.




4 The speaker lists various groups and the percentage of people in these groups who live to the age of 65. Write this information into the table below.


Percentage who live over 65


The speaker describes typical health problems for Indigenous Australians and lists some areas of the health care system that need improvement. a.)

Write three medical conditions mentioned by the speaker.



______________________________________________________________________ b.)

Write three things in that could be done to improve health services for Indigenous people.





The speaker describes research into the issue. a.)


b.) ●


How much funding does it recommend should be allocated?


c.) ●

What is the “AMA’s Report Card on Indigenous Health”?

What does the research from overseas suggest is the best way to improve health care in Indigenous communities?


The speaker makes some general recommendations. List two mainstream services that Indigenous people must have access to.




The speaker discusses specific factors that affect Indigenous Health. List five of these factors.







The speaker goes on to talk about other people’s ideas for improvement. a.)

List one idea of the ideas mentioned under each of the headings below.

People ●


Action ●


Network ●


b.) ●


c.) ●

What is an “untapped market” for a social entrepreneur?


d.) ●

What are “social entrepreneurs”?

In the speaker’s opinion, why do projects fail when copied by other communities?



The speaker goes on to suggest a solution for this problem. a.)

What does he say is needed along with better funding and services?



Write two things he urges the social entrepreneurs in the room to do.




He mentions a new strategy for funding. How does he suggest funding can be spent used more effectively?


END OF PART B You now have 2 minutes to check your answers. END OF LISTENING TEST

www.online-english-tutors.com Occupational English Test Practice Papers

Listening Test 1 Answers Part A

Question 1:

(Provided as example)

Question 2:

Patientʼs description of condition

Present Symptoms 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 2 a) lack of/not enough energy b) constant tiredness c) mental fog (after eating)

History of symptoms 1 mark for either of the following Since childhood/since he was a kid (intermittently)

Question 3:

General History

Personal Details 1 mark Studying/in year 12

Other Medical History 1 mark for either of the following up to a maximum of 2 Chickenpox & measles as a child and 1 mark for any of the following Past history unremarkable/ No hospitalization/Never hospitalized

Question 4:

Physical Examination

1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 4 weight 67kg height 172cm blood pressure 120/80 pulse 70bpm

Question 5:

Other Symptoms

1 mark mouth ulcer

Question 6:

General History

Patientʼs detail continued 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 4 Steady/regular girlfriend Not under stress 7 or 8 hrs sleep no (known) allergies Diet 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 6 Bacon and eggs Orange juice Porridge Sandwhiches Meat & vegetables Coke General Health 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 5 Tiredness worse after larger meals Bowel habits/movements regular/ 1 bowel movement per day Not (diagnosed) diabetic Mental fog (if not already awarded a mark) Pins and needles

Question 7:


1 mark Not given/unsure/not sure/unclear/not known/unknown

Question 8:

Proposed Management

1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 3 Blood test Pay careful attention to diet/eating for 4 days SM33/(Topical) gel for mouth ulcer

Part B Question 1:

(Provided as example)

Question 2: 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 2 (the) Sails of the desert Ayers rock

Question 2: 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 3 Sickness Poor health Early death / short lives Poor quality of life Infant mortality rates (3 times greater than rest of population) Question 4: 1 mark each for each group AND percentage up to a maximum of 6 (all) Australians – 90% Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander women – 35% Indigenous men – 22% Nigerians – 40% Bangladeshis – 65% Thais – 70%

Question 5: 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 3 Renal disease Diabetes Injury Poisoning

Question 6: a.) an audit of what our governments are doing in this area b.) an additional / extra 250 million every year / annually c.) training and support of indigenous individuals

Question 7: 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 2 The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) The Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) Public hospitals

Question 8: 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 5 Income and Social Status Social Support Networks Education and Literacy Employment/Working Conditions Social Environments Physical Environments - including housing, water, sanitation, nutrition Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills Healthy Child Development Biology and Genetic Endowment Health Services Gender

Question 9: a.) 1 possible mark for each of the headings below if they express the complete ideas listed below and use all of the same key words People Focus on people, not organizational structures Get the relationships between community and families/individuals right Individuals and families contribute to the common good Rebuild voluntary contributions to the common good and break the mindsets and habits of welfarism Action Not just talk. Get things happening. Don't wait for other people or the government to do it. NetworkFree associations of community members Engage everybody in playing a part in contributing to social and cultural capital of the community?

b.) (Someone who) builds social/cultural capital in a community c.) people or communities d.) human catalyst - the social entrepreneur - has not been replicated

Question 10: a.) a production line of social entrepreneurs b.) 1 mark for each of the following up to a maximum of 2: get organized recruit and deploy

Question 11: 1 mark for expressing any of the following complete ideas using the key words given We must get smarter with how we spend it at the grassroots level. Health dollars spent in parallel with education dollars and with social programs. A clever integrated approach local knowledge and local leadership

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