Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers by Qamar Rehman

January 15, 2017 | Author: Mubashar | Category: N/A
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This research is supposed to be helpful for the students who are seeking aid to analyse Oedipal complex in any kind of l...



Reseach Paper :

Study of Oedipus Complex in D.H.Lawrence‟s novel “ Sons and Lovers “ With special focus on Freud‟s Psychological Theory of mental working.

This research paper will be Submitted to :

Ma‟am Sana Nawaz

Submitted by :

Qamar Rehman( 21) Waseem Feeroz(12) Muhammad Imran(35) Umar Farooq (08)

Department of English

University of Sargodha, Sargodha


This research paper is Dedicated to

M.A III Eng. ( morning ) Thanks for the everlasting love.

Special Dedication to Ma‟am Sana Nawaz Thanks for the purity of heart to support and direct us in conducting this research


Acknowledgement; First of all we are thankful to Allah Almighty for making us able to conduct this research. Then we owe a thanks giving to all people who have been proving helpful in our task of making this Research Paper. Especially the type writer, photo copier and every person who has done even a menial job to support this research.


ABSTRACT: The present research is a qualitative research which is conducted to highlight and interpret the theme of Oedipus Complex in D.H.Lawrence‟s novel Sons and Lovers. This research paper is an in-depth coverage of Psychological analysis of different characters in the novel. Teachers, fresh researchers and general students will find this research as an investigation and interpretation of Sigmund Freud‟s Psychological theory and his coinage of the term Oedipus Complex. This research contains the special exploration of D.H.Lawrence‘s first successful work for the propagation of Freud‟s above mentioned theory. Moreover this research paper will prove to be a great help for those who are in pursuit for the reason that why even a modern man can be a victim of Psychological and mythical concept of Oedipus Complex. Key words: Oedipus Complex, Freud‘s theory, Psychological analysis, mother fixation, Sons and Lovers.

Significance and scope of this study; This research is expected to be proved significant both theoretically and practically. Theoretically this research holds an important role to describe and develop theoretical knowledge of literature and implication of Freud‘s theory of Oedipus Complex the novel Sons and lovers. Conducting this research, it is hoped that this research will prove an easy access for students who need information about the theory Oedipus Complex and its implication in Sons and Lovers. Particularly this research is important to enrich knowledge about the factors which are responsible for development of Oedipus Complex. Next researchers can seek help from this study to analyze work of fiction in psycho-analytical criticism.


Introduction : David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) is an admirably distinguished English novelist, essayist and pamphleteer and prominent star among the galaxy of literary circle of early 20th century. He is one of the leading writer along with E.M.Forster, James Joyce , Dorothy Richardson and Virginia Woolf. Sons and Lovers is Lawerence‘s first successful novel n which he deals with personal relations and explicitly explores the realms of sex matters which had hitherto been evaded. This novel deals with psychological development of a young man Paul Morel who is entangled in understanding and resolving the magnetic ambivalence he associates towards his mother and other women in his life. The tragedy lies in the fact that the possessive mother makes her sons as her lovers both William and then Paul. When her sons come to manhood they can not choose their mates because their souls are captivated in the clutches of their possessive mother. The story of Paul Morel witnesses one of the Freudian theories Oedipus-Complex. This research paper is the study of Paul Morel‘s Psychology under the shadow of Freud‟s concept of Oedipus Complex. The literary analysis of this paper will unfold the mystery that why Paul Morel falls victim of Oedipus Complex or Mother fixation and why he can not detach himself from its effect despite the fact that he develops sexual relation with other women ; Miriam and Clara, yet he is unable to cleave the Oedipus influence in his Psychological building. The name „ Oedipus Complex ‟ is derived from the ancient Greek mythological tragedy Oedipus Rex. King Oedipus unwittingly kills his own father and marries his own mother and was destined to be cursed by his own subjects. He was driven into such circumstances that he unconsciously and unknowingly becomes victim of incest relationship with his mother. It was a German Psychologist Sigmund Freud () who examined and interpreted above tragedy and named any man‘s sexual tendencies for his mother as “ Oedipus Complex”.

Freud coined the term “Oedipus Complex” in his book Interpretation of Dreams (1899) to mention a stage of mental complexity in the life of young males. According to his theories , in most cases, around the age of five, a male child wishes to attain all their mother‘s love and wants to sleep with her, moreover a jealousy is felt for father. And the child goes even to the extent of hating and killing his father. For better understanding of Freud‘s concept of Oedipus Complex it is necessary to have a look on Freud‘s division of brain. According to him human brain consists of three parts ; Conscious , sub-Conscious and Un-Conscious or ego, id, super ego in early childhood. All our ambitions and wishes are produced by id and perpetuated by unconscious part of the mind. Since we are dealing basically Oedipus Complex, the basics or roots of this ambition are watered by following reasons: 1-Biological truth: Some modern Psychologist who worked on Freudian concept of Oedipus Complex put a biological interpretation of of this theory in the terms that the primary source of


feelings in human body or mind is a very complex structure that is ―nerves‖. Hence even regarding to sexual feelings we can say that sexual feelings are present in nerves even when a child is present in the womb, however, these feelings are aroused or seek an outlet in the age of puberty. So, it is mother to whom child has his first contact of affection, or she is the first female for whom the feelings of love are biologically perpetuated in nervous system of a male. These feelings are patterned for life long time. Child may get the affection of mother as a primary base for ‗love‘ with mother which in abnormal cases results in Oedipus Complex. Complex in a sense of frustration or confusion. 2-Child‟s Psychology: It is then up to child‘s psychology whether he gets away or gets along with this complex in his personality. It may be possible that he is prone to shake off this state of frustration but then if he faces the utmost affection and in most rare cases wifely love from his mother he gets himself preyed by Oedipus Complex. For instance we see in the novel Sons and Lovers that how Mrs. Gertrude Morel goes on saying to he son Paul, almost making him realize and remember that “ she never had a husband” moreover the way she receives gift from both William and then Paul as if a beloved would get from her lover, 3- Fear of castration: according to some psychologists child is afraid of castration by his father, so he loathes his father and gets himself near to his mother. This happens when a child(male) coincidently happens to take a glimpse of female sex organs. He takes it as a castration and then is afraid of the same doom with himself. In result he abhors his father and culminates revengeful feelings in order to replace the father with his own self. We see in Sons and Lovers when Mr. Morel becomes ill and is admitted to hospital, Paul feel himself in the air and considers himself ―man of the house‖. Finally we can say that it is more of Mrs. Morel than her sons that make them likely to get affected their lives from mother fixation. The villainous possessiveness of mother makes her sons having Oedipus Complex in their personalities and it is the same ill treatment of her more than necessary love that captivates their souls in clutches of jealous mother.

Literature Review The background of nineteenth century Britain;

This is a well known fact that writers have to conform to popular political, social and Psychological attitudes if they have to enjoy ample success. This has always been so to political, religious, philosophical, Psychological and above all sexual attitudes, all of which invariably involve hypocrisies and evasions. It is therefore necessary to have a profound look in social scenario of Britain at the


close of 19th century, the emerging values of individuals and society at the supreme height of the British empire and of the industrial revolution that had led to the complete breakdown of the traditional agrarian way of life and economy.

Industrial revolution and receding moral values:

At the end of the 19th century

the Industrial revolution was its epic height, it brought great change in style of lives of every sort of people but it also changed the traditional ways of life. A sudden shift from agrarian background to urban background was visible which meant a plethora of mass migration from village to cities , overcrowding and all the evil of congested urban life .Briefly it meant a significant increase in vice and crime , a laxity of sexual morality and general ugliness all around. Revolutionary changes always bring down traditional values and certainties that go with them. Scientific approach and rationalism were the major causes of skepticism and power of questioning for accepted norms and rituals .In religious matters everything was flux and metamorphosis. Hence , by the end of century there were writers like H.G.Wells, G.B.Shaw, Lawrence and many more who were questioning the accepted conventionalities of social norms.

The new Psychology: An increased inwardness was a natural corollary to the turmoil and chaos of the world outside. Quite apart from the individual finding his peace within himself, there was a surge in the study of psychology. Freud led the way, emphasizing the power of unconscious that affected human conduct. Intellectual convictions were rationalization of emotional needs. This was the turmoil of unconscious when Freud put forth his theory of Oedipus Complex to unfold human mysteries. D.H.Lawrence studied the theory and matched it with his own life and found it quite applicable to his own childhood, then he wrote an autobiographical novel Sons and Lovers which explicitly deals with sex matters and theme of mother fixation.

Changing attitude towards sex: the overall changes around have a profound effect on ethical behavior, especially in matters of sexual relations. Freud and his fellow psychologists examined that repressed sex instincts are the basic reasons for mental neurosis and other symptoms of mental abnormalities. Hence, in modern literature major focus was given to the study of subconscious. Just intellect was no more considered as primary source for portraying human behavior at large, there was a shift from intellect to intuition and feelings. The French writer writes 1about the position of modern world ; „ For the first time the writer of unconscious mind may be the great inhibitor, the great censor. The conscious mind is created by social mores, education, environment, family pressur-


es, and conventions. For creativity it is necessary to work with the unconscious which accumulates pure experience, intuition, reactions, impressions, images, memories—an unconscious freed from the negative effect of social evolutions.‟ While dealing with changing attitude towards sex, we have to familiarize ourselves with Oedipus Complex that had an immense effect on private and individual lives, and hence on modern novel. In psychoanalytical theory it refers to the emotional crisis brought about at an early stage of psychosexual development by the sexual tendencies of a boy towards his mother and jealousy for his father. The resultant guilt feeling precipitates the development of the Superego. Both these psychological concepts are skillfully woven in modern novel. So, this was the social scenario when Freud‟s theory of Oedipus Complex was practiced by D.H.Lawrence. Sons and Lovers is his successful novel which is pregnant with this theme. Oedipus complex is a psychological term mentioning a male child‘s sexual attribution o his mother and a hatred for his father. This feeling is present excessively when the child is at the age of five. For some period this Oedipal Complex may remain dormant in child‘s brain and at the age of puberty or the Lacan phase these feelings may arise again compelling him to approach his mother. In most abnormal cases this Oedipal Complex results in sexual activity between mother and the child. For this incense relation there are two major reasons. 1 – Child is having the most abnormal fits of this complex. 2—Family influences such as competition in male siblings and rough behavior of father. 3- Mother is behaving in such a manner with child as to invoke or tempt Oedipus Complex in the personality of the child. As in Sons and Lovers without the strong love lavished by Mrs. Morel it would never have been possible that Paul had fits of mother fixation. Rather she should have given her love to the right person, to her husband, but when her matrimonial life is ended in fiasco she turns to her sons and makes them victim of her love. In fact she starts her role from the very beginning of the chapter „Taking Off of Morel and Taking on of William‟. It is she who inculcates the ideas and notions of hatred in the minds of her sons that they should abhor their father for his low status being a coal miner, uneducated background, and informal language. As a result, by her efforts, he becomes the unwanted person in the family


To have a clear cut and un-ambiguous idea of the term Oedipus Complex researchers of this paper have sought out help from previous works done on this topic. Because Freud coined the term of Oedipus Complex so it is necessary therefore to understand different stages of this complexion designed by Freud. The important stage in a boy‘s personality where he is more likely to have symptoms of Oedipus Complex is the Phallic Stage. At this stage child has adult traits which are namely: vanity, exhibition, sensitive pride and narcissism (self love). These interests are developed at the age of 3 to 6, at this stage sexual interest becomes higher. This interest affects the child to be physically attracted to the parents of opposite sex. In male child it leads to create Oedipus Complex whereas in female it creates Electra Complex (Lindzey and Hall, 1993). Genital Stage is described as the growing capacity of mature and social-sexual relationships. This stage is the direct result of growth of reproductive organs. In personality theory genital character is the ideal type of personality. The influencing factors of personality development ; There are two type of controlling factors for personality development. One which is inner factor, according to which personality of a person is determined by inner qualities such as thought, intuition, feelings and willingness. The other factor is Environment ( Kartono 1990:2). According to Freud both above factors are responsible for the stimulus a person gets for any action.


Previous studies for Oedipus Complex in sons and Lovers Researcher of this paper has gone through the previous studies to have an estimate of the work done on this topic. In this regard it is found that Yusliha Ningsih, the student of Gajayana University(1996) has worked on this topic. In her study she analyzed that Paul Morel falls victim of Oedipus Complex in his early childhood and can not shake off this complex when he meets other women in his life. Aan Yuhaniz, the student of Malang university (2003) wrote a thesis on the ‗personality of Paul Morel‘ in Sons and Lovers. He examined that there are two major factors influencing personality of Paul Morel for having Oedipus Complex, first factor is internal as the abilities and characteristics of Paul, the other is external as the father‘s brutal behavior, mother‘s possessiveness and ambition and socio-economic class. The researcher of this paper seeks help from this previous study as it describes and applies the Freudian concept of personality development. Lely Chandrawati student of STIBA Malang (2001) worked on ― A study on unnatural mother‘s love causing the irony of main character‘s life in Sons and Lovers‖. She examines that how unnatural love of Mrs. Morel for her sons especially Paul causes a disturbance and obstacle whenever he gets relation with women. This researcher uses this study as source of information as it deals with personality traits of Paul as well as role of Mother in his character building.


DATA COLLECTION The primary source of data collection for this study is the Text of Sons and Lovers which is interpreted to find out Oedipus Complex in major character Paul Morel. Whereas different articles discussing about Sons and Lovers and biography of the author is also studied. Extracts of the text which are related to the topic of research ―Oedipus Complex‖ are given in this paper to analyze and interpret it accordingly.

Sons and Lovers is vividly pregnant with the theme of Oedipus Complex; a theory postulated by Freud according to which a male child unconsciously exhibits a desire to have sexual relations with his mother and a jealousy and hatred is aroused for father. Lawrence‘s treatment of this complex is having a dramatic effect in this novel. The novel is basically about relations of Mrs. Morel with her three sons William, Paul and Arthur who are born out of a disastrous marriage of Gertrude Morel with Mr. Morel. Although marriage is a happy one in start but as soon as Mr. Morel turns out to be an irresponsible husband and father the gulf is created in married life and it goes on widening after the birth of Paul and Arthur when Mr. Morel is more brutal to his wife and pushes her outside the house in a drunkard stupor. After no time Mr. Morel becomes unwanted person in this house only because of his rough behavior, the way he is drunkard, the way he uses to be a fine mess and his uneducated background makes him so unbearable thing in this house. Everybody in the house loathes his presence in the house. When he is outside they feel relaxation. Paul after a long wait of her mother for his father rebukes her for this waiting, as he says ; “ What do you bother yourself for? If he wants to stop and get drunk, why don‘t you let him?” ( page-101 ) William often has quarrels with his father on mere trifles, even at one place they stand ready for fight, with fists drawn and knees crouched one word and men would fight, and Paul wished they would fight. This is all because of Mrs. Morel as she is responsible for making her sons stand against their father. She fails to get expected love from her husband and finds substitute in her sons. It is failure of her marriage with Walter Morel whom she had scarcely loved makes her turn to the sons. First to William and then to Paul. Her life with the coal miner turns out to be a complete fiasco. He is a bully and drunkard to whom she “ shares neither intellectual , moral nor religious sympathies.” 2 After the birth of Paul she is so delicately concerned with him that it is a kind of guilty of doing unjust to him and that he must compensate all that she has been missing in her shattered married life. A famous critic, Alfred Booth Kuttner deems the early relations of Paul with mother as very exotic and delicately beautiful. 3 As even the sight of his mother is source of contentment for him.


His soul seemed always attentive to her. ( page - 96) And every his conversation with mother holds a kind of spiritual attachment. And he even now and then realizes the fact that why they both are not of same age. “ why can‘t a man have a young mother?---- and why wasn‘t I the oldest son?” ( page - 327) And in the end she shared everything with him without knowing….she waited for his coming home in the evening, and then she unburdened herself of all she had pondered, or f all that occurred to her during the day. He sat and listened with his earnestness. The two shared lives……. ( page - 114) it seems mother and son are actually one and the father comes merely as a rival between the two. The other reason why Mrs. Morel is drawn more closer to Paul and lavishes all her love to him is the death of her eldest son William. After his death she loses all hopes and remains vacant and cut out from the world. It is after few months that Paul too is caught by the same disease that of his brother William was dead with. Then she realizes “ I should have watched the living, not the dead. ” ( page - 200 ) The love for Paul is so intense that she incorporates jealousy for any other women in the life of her son. At first she treats William the way as a beloved does to her lover. Even when William wants to marry Lily, mother stops him and dictates him to think again on “marriage”. She forbids him as she says “ nothing is as bad as marriage, that‘s helpless failure. Mine was bad enough and ought to teach you something; but it might have been worse by a long chalk.” ( page- 189 ) In case of Paul when he is ton marry Miriam, she makes her son guilty for his idea of marriage to Miriam, she dictates Paul by saying; “ I can‘t bear it, I could let any other woman – but not her, she‘d leave me no room, not a bit of room. And I have never had a husband, not really.”( page- 291) And in response to this Paul wouldn‘t surrender and avoid Miriam to the extent that had created complexity in his mental building. According to Frank O‘ Connor, 4 the only thing lacking in relation of mother and son was a sexual relation, rest of things were completely like man and wife, as they made caresses, kissed each other passionately, blushes in face, treated each other like two lovers. The first prize in school and painting competition which Paul won, she received it like a queen. The love they made to each other was so passionate in itself and so husbandly, wifely that nobody would take them as mother and son. Even Mrs. Morel takes them red handed at one night when Paul was showering kisses on her neck, he wishes to fight with him but mother comes between the two. However Lawrence does not agree with the Freudian concept of incest, he deemed it as the normal outcome of parent- child relationship in the unconscious of Child‘s psychology.5 so, in Sons and Lovers the Oedipul love is more spiritual than the physical. And this spiritual love is


manipulated by the prison of boy‘s soul in clutches of his mother. Like we see how he is messed up with the idea that; “ It hurt the boy keenly, this feeling about her that she had never had her life‘s fulfillment; and his own incapability to make it up to her, hurt him with a sense of impotence, yet made him patiently dogged inside ..it was his childish aim..” ( page- 67) So the spiritual attachment to his mother forbids him to have sexual relationship. This spiritual incest is more deep rooted than the physical incest. Though the sexual desire for incest is not fulfilled yet psychological incest is fulfilled. So this was the one factor that was responsible for passing Oedipus Complex in his personality so much so that even after her death he is unable to free himself from shackles of this complex. His soul will always be in possession of mother and they forever will remain lovers. There are other factors as well which makes Paul likely to get affected from Oedipus Complex.

The Overall Family Influence ; The overall family environment is molded in such manner as to make the psychology of Paul complex, he is a serious, quite child, with eyes seemed to listen, and with a full, dropping underlip. His quietness and vulnerability is the result of seriousness in family. He lways remains conscious of what other people felt, particularly his mother. When she fretted she understood, and could have no peace. His soul seemed always attentive to her. The way he took revenge from Arabella ; a dolll which Annie adored and was broken by Paul, Paul quietly convinced her sister to burn it, and he burned it to the last drop of wax melted from it. Paul‘s personality develops as a person who is self-centered and less talkative. Because he is undesirable child of the family, his father hates him when he weeps. As a result he gets all parental love from his mother exceptionally which is one of the major reasons of his Psychological building prone to have Oedipal Complex.

Role of Impotent Father ; In most early analysis of Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers the role of father come out to be of little importance but if minutely observed this role of father equally stands with other factors. The presence of father has a mighty impact in behavior of child especially regarding sex. The boy seeing his mother physically loved by his father takes him as his rival and then imitates his masculine strength and other qualities.6 but in the case of Paul Morel effect from father is negative, his father is unwanted person in the family with several drawbacks; poverty, insufficient education, person belonging to lower class, being a coal miner supposed to do work which is physically exhausting and above all extensive drinking habit, all these things make Walter morel a thing suited to be hatred. 7 on the other hand Paul‘s mother belonged to middle class society with ambitious desires. When she fails to receive ideal sort of life from her husband she wants to get such life from children. She brings them up in such manner as to develop personality traits belonging to upper class. In this attempt she indirectly teaches her children to hate their father, to mock his presence, to belittle his work and to sneer his lack of education.


And a simple fellow like Walter Morel easily becomes victim of Villainous attitude of his wife. As he is easily exiled from the intellectual life of the family. 8 Paul‘s relationship with father is based on hatred and discrimination. The best example can be found in lack of communication between the two, as in early chapters Paul gets a prize and is suggested by mother to tell father about the prize, the way he discriminates his attitude can be found in his following conversation; ―I‘ve won a prize in competition‖, Dad, he said ― Have you, my boy? What sort of competition?‖ ―Oh, nothing- about famous women.‖ ―And how much is the prize then, as you‘ve got?‖ ―It‘s a book.‖ ―Oh indeed!‖ ―About birds.‖ ―Hm---hm‖ ( page- 130) That was all he could talk to his father. In Paul‘s view his father could take prizes in financial terms, value of knowledge and art was alien to him Paul thought his father having a shabby insight, almost denying God.

Paul‟s failure to get along with other women in his life; The influence of mother is so pressing in personality of Paul that bit is very hard for him to give his spirit to any other female in his life. Although Miriam is so intimate to Paul that she “ boasted to red him like a book, could place her finger any minute on the chapter and the line.” ( page- 417) but even this much was not enough for Paul. His soul was bound to his mother. If he passionately wants to meet Clara and demands sexual relation with Miriam it is his effort to be freed from the prison of his Mother‘s possessiveness. But it does not prove to be an easy one. He even expresses his inner fear to his mother that he cannot get along with any other woman until she is alive. “ But no mother, I even love Clara, and I did Miriam; but to give myself to them in marriage, I couldn‘t, I couldn‘t belong to them. They seem to want me, and I can‘t even give it them.” “ you haven‘t met the right woman,” “ And I never shall meet the right woman while you live. ”( page- 463 )


Even after her death he is unable to free himself from eternal spiritual bond with mother, even his poisoning the milk of his mother is deemed as his unconscious wish for escape. But even this does not work. After her death he is still unable to marry Miriam for his psychological complexity. He says to Miriam; “ I can only give friendship- it‘s all I am capable of- it‘s a flaw in my make up. The thing overbalances to one side- I have a toppling balance.” ( page- 301) and “ I have given you what I would give a holy nun- as a mystic monk to a mystic nun.” ( page338) So it is obvious that entangled in the net of mother fixation and finds no way out to release himself. So far as the Clara is concerned Paul makes sensuous relations with her but it is all temporary to be distracted from his complex Psychology. He belongs to Clara as long as a child plays with a new toy. “ He was an unreasonable child, he was like an infant which, when it has drunk its fill, throws away and smashes the cup. ”( page- 393 It is obvious that Paul confronts three types of love; spiritual love from Miriam, Sensual love from Clara and Oedipal love from his mother. Neither spiritual love of Miriam nor sensuous love of Clara can distract him from shaking off Oedipal love for mother. His mother is the valuable thing in his life.

Paul‟s immaturity in Psychological make up ; One last important factor for Paul‘s vulnerability for attack of Oedipal love is his immaturity. It witnesses one of the Freudian concept that child‘s personality is reasonably built at phallic stage. And Paul at his phallic stage was confronting with nothing but mother everywhere. If at this stage he had lived like other normal boys in adventurous and sporty activities, he would never have been incorporated fixation of mother love. Some critics also argue that because he was born weak and fragile, mother took more care of him than rest of the children, so more he got attention and love from mother more he associated himself towards his mother. Mother‘s extraordinary care and more than necessary affection brought him in contact with Oedipus Complex.

Conclusion ;


Psychoanalytical reading of Sons and Lovers give two conclusions; one ambiguous and other obvious. Owing to the fact that the love of mother clutches him in its hold even after her death, Paul Morel finds deficiency in any other woman‘s love, he seems either moving towards an independent adulthood or drifting to a derelict with a wish to remain with his dead mother. So in both cases he is left with nothing except memories of mother haunting his soul, and making him more likely to be suffered and ruined by his psychological complexity. The only solution for Paul is to find any woman closely resembling his mother in attitude as well as affection, until he is nothing but derelict.

References ;



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3 . Alfred Booth Kuttner , ― A Freudian Appreciation‖ 4.

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Frank O‘Connor, ―Sons and Lovers‖ D.H.Lawrence: Sons and Lovers ( London) Macmillan

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