ODU Mechanics Questions o Level A Level Physics

October 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Lesmahgow High School Higher Physics Our Dynamic Universe Mechanics Pr Problems oblems Revision problems......................................................................2 Speed.....................................................................................2 ccelera!ion............................................................................" #ec!ors.................................................................................... ec!ors....................................................................................$ $ Sec!ion %& '(ua!ions o) mo!ion...................................................* '(ua!ions o) mo!ion................................................................* Mo!ion + !ime graphs.............................................................., Sec!ion 2& -orces energy and power........................................%/ 0alanced and unbalanced )orces..........................................%/ Resolu!ion o) )orces..............................................................2% 1or done ine!ic and po!en!ial energy...............................23 Sec!ion "& 4ollisions 4ollisions and e5plo e5plosions................ sions.........................................2/ .........................2/ Solu!ions................................................................................... "2 Speed..................................................................................."2 ccelera!ion.........................................................................."2 '(ua!ions o) mo!ion.............................................................."" Mo!ion+!ime graphs.............................................................."" 0alanced and unbalanced )orces.........................................."$ Resolu!ion o) )orces.............................................................."* 1or done ine!ic and po!en!ial energy..............................."* 4ollisions and e5plosions......................................................"/



Revision problems Speed %.

6h 6he e wor world ld do down wnhil hilll si siing ing s spee peed d !r !rial ial !!a aes es pl place ace a a!! Le Les s r rcs cs every year. Describe a me!hod !ha! could be used !o 7nd !he average speed o) !he sier over !he % m run. 8our descrip!ion should include& 9a 9a:: 9b 9b:: 9c: 9c :

any appara!us re(uired de!ails o) wha! measuremen!s need !o be !aen an e5plana!ion o) how you would use !he measuremen!s !o carry ou! !he calcula!ions.


n a a!hl !hle!e e!e rrun uns s a %3 %3;; ;; m rrace ace in a !!ime ime o) " m min in $ $; ; s. 4 4alc alcula ula!e !e his average speed )or !he race.



 c car ar iis s !r !rav avel elli ling ng a a!! a s spe peed ed o o)) %3 %3=; =; m s  −% .


 !r !rolle olley y acc acceler a!es uni) uni)orm ormly ly do down wn spaced a slop slope. e.;=3; 6 6wo wo m lligh! igh! ga!e ga!es s !he connec!ed !oelera!es a mo!ion compu!er are apar! on 7


slope. 6he speeds recorded as !he !rolley passes !he ligh! ga!es are ;=2; m s  −%   and ;=3; m s  −% 9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he acce accelera lera!ion !ion o) !h !he e !r !rolley olley.. 9b: 1ha 1ha!! !im !ime e does !h !he e !r !rolley olley !!a ae e !o !ra !ravel vel !h !he e ;=3 m be be!wee !ween n !he ligh! ga!es>  −%


 he helic licop op!er !er iis s ri risin sing g ve ver! r!ica ically lly a a!! a sp speed eed o) % %;=; ;=; m s  when a wheel )alls oK. 6he wheel hi!s !he ground ,=;; s la!er. 4alcula!e !he heigh! o) !he helicop!er above !he ground when !he wheel came came oK. 6he eKec!s o o)) )ric!ion can be ig ignored nored..

%;.  ball is !h !hro rown wn ver! ver!icall ically y upwar upwards ds )r )rom om !he ed edge ge o) a cliK as shown in !he diagram. 4 m s-1

33 m


 6he  6h e eK ec ec!s !s o) )r )ric ic!i !ion on ca can n be igno ig nored red.. 9a:: 9i 9a 9i::

1h 1ha! a! is !h !he e h hei eigh gh!! o o)) !!he he ba ball ll a abo bove ve se sea a llev evel el 2 2=; =; s a a))!e !err being !hrown>

9ii: 1ha! is !he velo veloci!y ci!y o o)) !he b ball all 2=; s a) a)!er !er be being ing !!hr hrown> own> 9b: 1ha 1ha!! is !he !!o!al o!al d dis!a is!ance nce !r !ravel avelled led by !h !he e ball ))ro rom m laun launch ch !o landing in !he sea>



Mo!ion + !ime graphs %.

6h 6he e gr graph aph sho shows ws h how ow !!he he d disp isplac laceme emen! n! o o)) an o obBe bBec! c! va varie ries s wi wi!h !h !ime.


9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he velo veloci!y ci!y o o)) !he obBe obBec! c! be be!wee !ween n ; an and d % s s.. 9b: 1ha 1ha!! is !h !he e velo veloci!y ci!y o o)) !he o obBec bBec!! be!w be!ween een 2 a and nd $ s ))ro rom m !he s!ar!> 9c: Dra Draw w !he co corr rrespo espondin nding g dis! dis!ance ance ag agains ains!! !ime g graph raph )or !h !he e movemen! o) !his obBec!. 9d: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he a avera verage ge sp speed eed o) !!he he obB obBec! ec! )o )orr !he , seco seconds nds shown on !he graph. 9e: Dra Draw w !he co corr rrespo espondin nding g veloc veloci!y i!y ag agains! ains! !ime g graph raph ))or or !he movemen! o) !his obBec!.




6h 6he e gr graph aph sho shows ws h how ow !!he he d disp isplac laceme emen! n! o o)) an o obBe bBec! c! va varie ries s wi wi!h !h !ime.

North   m    /    t   n   e   m   e   c   a    l   p   s    i    d

9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he v veloc eloci!y i!y o) !!he he ob obBec! Bec! d durin uring g !he 7r 7rs! s! sec second ond )rom !he s!ar!. 9b: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he v veloc eloci!y i!y o) !!he he ob obBec! Bec! b be!we e!ween en % an and d 3 s )r )rom om !he s!ar!. 9c: Dra Draw w !he co corr rrespo espondin nding g dis! dis!ance ance ag agains ains!! !ime g graph raph )or !h !his is obBec!. 9d: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he a avera verage ge sp speed eed o) !!he he obB obBec! ec! )o )orr !he 3 seco seconds. nds. 9e: Dra Draw w !he co corr rrespo espondin nding g veloc veloci!y i!y ag agains! ains! !ime g graph raph ))or or !hi !his s obBec!. 9): 1ha 1ha!! ar are e !h !he e dis displac placeme emen! n! a and nd !!he he v veloc eloci!y i!y o o)) !h !he e ob obBec! Bec! ;=3 seconds a)!er !he s!ar!> 9g: 1ha 1ha!! ar are e !he di displac splaceme emen! n! and !he ve veloci loci!y !y o) !h !he e obBe obBec! c! " seconds a)!er !he s!ar!>




6h 6he e gr graph aph sho shows ws !!he he d disp isplac lacem emen! en! ag again ains! s! !!im ime e gr graph aph )o )orr !h !he e movemen! o) an obBec!.

North   m    /    t   n   e   m   e   c   a    l   p   s    i    d


9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he velo veloci!y ci!y o o)) !he obBe obBec! c! be be!wee !ween n ; an and d 2 s s.. 9b: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he v veloc eloci!y i!y o) !!he he ob obBec! Bec! b be!we e!ween en 2 an and d $ s )r )rom om !he s!ar!. 9c: Dra Draw w !he co corr rrespo espondin nding g dis! dis!ance ance ag agains ains!! !ime g graph raph )or !h !his is obBec!. 9d: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he a avera verage ge sp speed eed o) !!he he obB obBec! ec! )o )orr !he $ seco seconds. nds. 9e: Dra Draw w !he co corr rrespo espondin nding g veloc veloci!y i!y ag agains! ains! !ime g graph raph ))or or !hi !his s obBec!. 9): 1ha! are !he displacemen! and !he veloci!y o) !he obBec! ;=3 s a)!er !he s!ar!> 9g: 1ha 1ha!! ar are e !he di displac splaceme emen! n! and !he ve veloci loci!y !y o) !h !he e obBe obBec! c! " seconds a)!er !he s!ar!>




n o obBe bBec! c! s s!ar !ar!s !s ))rrom a d disp isplac lacem emen! en! o) ; m m.. 6h 6he e gr graph aph sho shows ws how !he veloci!y o) !he obBec! varies wi!h !ime )rom !he s!ar!. velocity against time


velocity m s

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0











time / s

9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he a accele ccelera!i ra!ion on o) !!he he ob obBec! Bec! b be!we e!ween en ; an and d % s. 9b: 1ha 1ha!! is !h !he e accel accelera! era!ion ion o o)) !he o obBec! bBec! be!w be!ween een 2 a and nd $ s )rom !he s!ar!> 9c: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he d displ isplacem acemen! en! o o)) !he o obBec bBec!! 2 seco seconds nds a) a)!er !er !h !he e s!ar!. 9d: 1ha 1ha!! is !h !he e disp displacem lacemen! en! o o)) !he o obBec! bBec! , seco seconds nds a) a)!er !er !!he he s!ar!> 9e: S Se!ch e!ch !h !he e cor corre respon sponding ding dis displac placemen emen!! again agains! s! !im !ime e grap graph h )or !he movemen! o) !his obBec!.




n o obBe bBec! c! s s!ar !ar!s !s ))rrom a d disp isplac lacem emen! en! o) ; m m.. 6h 6he e gr graph aph sho shows ws how !he veloci!y o) !he obBec! varies wi!h !ime )rom !he s!ar!.

velocity m s 1 North


9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he a accele ccelera!i ra!ion on o) !!he he ob obBec! Bec! b be!we e!ween en ; an and d 2 s. 9b: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he a accele ccelera!i ra!ion on o) !!he he ob obBec! Bec! b be!we e!ween en 2 an and d $ s )rom !he s!ar!. 9c: Dra Draw w !he co corr rrespo espondin nding g accel accelera! era!ion ion ag agains ains!! !im !ime e grap graph h )or !his obBec!. 9d: 1ha 1ha!! ar are e !he di displac splaceme emen! n! and !he ve veloci loci!y !y o) !h !he e obBe obBec! c! " seconds a)!er !he s!ar!> 9e: 1ha 1ha!! ar are e !he di displac splaceme emen! n! and !he ve veloci loci!y !y o) !h !he e obBe obBec! c! $ seconds a)!er !he s!ar!> 9): S Se!ch e!ch !he cor corre respon sponding ding d displ isplacem acemen! en! a again gains! s! !!ime ime grap graph h )or !he movemen! o) !his obBec!.




6h 6he e vel veloci oci!y !y!i !ime me g grap raph h )o )orr an o obBe bBec! c! iis s sh show own n be below low..

 posi!ive value indica!es a veloci!y due nor!h and a nega!ive value indica!es a veloci!y due sou!h. 6he displacemen! o) !he obBec! is ; a! !he s!ar! o) !iming. 9a:: 4a 9a 4alcu lcula! la!e e !he dis displa placem cemen! en! o o)) !he ob obBec Bec!& !& 9i 9i:: " s a)!e a)!err !i !imi ming ng s! s!ar ar!s !s 9i 9ii: i: $ s a) a)!e !err !!im imin ing g s s!a !ar! r!s s 9iii: 9ii i: * s a) a)!er !er !!im iming ing s s!ar !ar!s. !s. 9b: Dra Draw w !he c cor orre respon sponding ding a accele ccelera!i ra!ion+ on+!ime !ime g graph raph.. /.

6h 6he e g gra raph ph sh show ows s h how ow !h !he e a acc ccel eler era! a!io ion n a  o) an obBec! s!ar!ing )rom res! varies wi!h !ime.

4 a  -2


2 0



Time / s

Draw a graph !o show how !he veloci!y o) !he obBec! varies wi!h !ime )or !he %; seconds o) !he mo!ion.




6h 6he e gr graph aph sho shows ws !!he he v velo eloci! ci!y y o) a ba ball ll !!ha! ha! is d drrop opped ped a and nd bounces on a Noor. n upwards direc!ion is !aen as being posi!ive. C


Veloit! 0






9a: 9 b: De s sc c r ibe ibe !!h h e velocity  o)   o) !he ball as represen!ed by sec!ion 4D o) !he graph. 9 c : De s sc c r ibe ibe ! h e velocity  o)   o) !he ball as represen!ed by sec!ion D' o) !he graph. 9d: 1ha 1ha!! happ happened ened !!o o !he ba ball ll a! !h !he e !ime rrepr epresen esen!ed !ed by p poin! oin! 0 on !he graph> 9e: 1ha 1ha!! happ happened ened !!o o !he ba ball ll a! !h !he e !ime rrepr epresen esen!ed !ed by p poin! oin! 4 on !he graph> 9): How does !he spee speed d o) !he ball imm immedia edia!ely !ely be)o be)ore re re reboun bound d )rom !he Noor compare wi!h !he speed immedia!ely a)!er rebound> 9g: S Se!ch e!ch a grap graph h o) ac acceler celera!io a!ion n agai agains! ns! !!ime ime ))or or !h !he e movemen! o) !he ball.




 ba ball ll is !hr !hrown own ver! ver!icall ically y upw upwar ards ds a and nd rre!ur e!urns ns !o !he !hr !hrower ower " seconds la!er. 1hich veloci!y!ime graph represen!s !he mo!ion o) !he ball>

%;.  ball is dr dropp opped ed )ro )rom m a heigh! a and nd boun bounces ces up and d down own on a horiJon!al sur)ace. 1hich veloci!y!ime graph represen!s !he mo!ion o) !he ball )rom !he momen! i! is released>

" / m s-1

" / m s-1

" / m s-1 t/s t/s

A  " / m s-1


" / m s-1 t/s

t/s D 


%%. Describe how yo you u could measur measure e !he accelera!ion o) a !roll !rolley ey !ha! s!ar!s )rom res! and moves down a slope. 8ou are provided wi!h a me!re s!ic and a s!opwa!ch. 8our descrip!ion should include& 9a: a di ag ram 9b:: a li 9b lis! s! o o)) !he me measu asurrem emen! en!s s !a !a en



9c: how y you ou w would ould use !!hese hese mea measur suremen emen!s !s !o calcu calcula!e la!e !he accelera!ion o) !he !rolley 9d: how y you ou wo would uld es es!im !ima!e a!e !h !he e unce uncer!a r!ain!i in!ies es inv involve olved d in !h !he e e5perimen!. %2. Des Describ cribe e a si!ua! si!ua!ion ion wh wher ere e a runner h has as a disp displacem lacemen! en! o) %;; m due nor!h a veloci!y o) " m s  −%  due nor!h and an accelera!io accelera!ion n o) 2 m s  − 2  due sou!h. 8our descrip!ion should include a diagram. %". 8ou 8ou mus! Bus!i)y y your our answer. %$.

8ou mus! Bus!i)y your answer.


8ou mus! Bus!i)y your answer.



Section 2: Forces, energy and power

0alanced and unbalanced )orces %.

S! S!a! a!e e Ae Aew! w!on onGs Gs %s %s!! L Law aw o o)) Mo Mo!i !ion on..


 li li)! )! o o)) ma mass ss 3 3;; ;; g !r !rave ls cable u upw pwar ards ds a!pulls a co cons! ns!an! an! sp speed eed.. 4alcula!e !he !ension inavels !he !ha! !he li)! upwards.


9a 9a::  )u )ull lly y lloa oade ded d o oil il !a !an ner er ha has s a ma mass ss o) 2= 2=; ; @ %;,  g.   g. s !he speed speed o) !he !an !aner er increases )r )rom om ; !o a s!eady ma5imum spee d o) ,.; m s  − %  !he )orce )rom !he propellers remains cons!an! a! ".; @ %; *  A  A..

  3.0 x 10 6  N force from propelle pr opellers rs

2.0 x 10 8  kg


4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !h !he e ac accele celera!i ra!ion on o) !!he he !!an aner er BBus! us! as i! s s!ar! !ar!s s )rom res!. 9ii: 1ha! is !h !he e siJ siJe e o) !!he he )o )orc rce e o) )r )ric!i ic!ion on ac ac!ing !ing on !h !he e !aner when i! is !ravelling a! !he s!eady speed o) ,.; ,. ; m s  −% >

9b: 1he 1hen n i!s engi engines nes ar are e s!op s!opped ped !h !he e !an !aner er !a !aes es 3; min minu!es u!es !o come !o res! )rom a speed o) ,.; m s  −% . 4alcula!e i!s average decelera!ion. $.

6h 6he e gr graph aph sho shows ws h how ow !!he he s spe peed ed o) a pa para rachu chu!is !is!! va vari ries es wi wi!h !h !!im ime e a)!er having Bumped )rom an aeroplane.





D '





1i!h re)erence !o !he origin o) !he graph and !he le!!ers  0 4 D and ' e5plain !he varia!ion o) speed wi!h !ime )or each s!age o) !he parachu!is!Gs )all. 3.

6wo g girls irls push a ca carr o) mas mass s 2; 2;;; ;; g g.. 'a 'ach ch ap applies plies a )o )orce rce o) 3 3; ; A and !he )orce o) )ric!ion is *; A. 4alcula!e !he accelera!ion o) !he car.


 bo boy y onsa!eboard a s sa a!eb !eboar oard ri rides des up p adec sl slop ope. e. 6 6he he !o !o!al !alormly ma mass ss )rom o o)) !h !he e boy and !he isd; g. u He elera!es uni) uni)ormly %2bo my s  − %  !o  ! o 2 m s  − %  in * seconds. 4alcula!e !he resul!an! )orce ac!ing on him.


 bo bo5 5 o) ma mass ss " "; ; g is p pull ulled ed a alon long g a rrou ough gh s sur ur)ac )ace e by a cons!an! )orce o) %$; A. 6he accelera!ion o) !he bo5 is $=; m s  −2 . 9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he m magni! agni!ude ude o) !h !he e unba unbalanc lanced ed )or )orce ce caus causing ing !he accelera!ion. 9b: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he ))or orce ce o) )r )ric!io ic!ion n be!w be!ween een !h !he e bo bo5 5 and !!he he sur)ace.


 ca carr o) m mass ass ,; ,;; ; g iis s ac accel celera era!ed !ed ))rrom rres! es! !o % %, , m s  −%  in %2 seconds. 9a: 1ha 1ha!! is !h !he e siJe o o)) !he rresul esul!an! !an! ))or orce ce ac! ac!ing ing on !he ca car> r> 9b: How )ar d does oes !!he he ca carr !r !ravel avel iin n !h !hese ese % %2 2 sec seconds onds> > 9c: ! !!he he en end d o) !h !he e %2 sec seconds onds peri period od !h !he e bra brae es s ar are e ope opera!e ra!ed d and !he car comes !o res! in a dis!ance o) 3; m. 1ha! is !he siJe o) !he average )ric!ional )orce ac!ing on !he car> $


9 a:  ro c e ! o ) mas s $ = ; @ % ;  g is launched ver!ically upwards )rom !he sur)ace o) !he 'ar!h. 9b: 6he li li)! )! no now w accel accelera! era!es es upw upward ards s a! %=3 %=3; ; m s  −2 . 1ha! is !he new reading on !he balance> 9c: 6he lli)! i)! !!hen hen !!rave ravels ls up upwar wards ds a! a cons cons!an! !an! speed o) 3=; 3=;; ; m −% s . 1ha! is !he new reading on !he balance> 9d: -or !he llas! as! s! s!age age o) !!he he Bour Bourney ney !he li li)! )! dec deceler elera!es a!es a! %=3; m s − 2 while going up. 4alcula!e !he reading on !he balance. %".  small li)! in a ho!el is )ully lo loaded aded and has a !o!al m mass ass o) 2 23; 3; g. -or sa)e!y reasons !he !ension in !he pulling cable mus! never be grea!er !han "3;; A. 9a: 1ha 1ha!! is !!he he !e !ensio nsion n in !!he he ca cable ble w when hen !he lli)! i)! is& 9 i : a ! re s ! 9ii: mov moving ing u upwar pwards ds a! a c cons! ons!an! an! s speed peed o o)) % m s  − % 9iii: moving upw upwards ards wi! wi!h h a cons!an! accele accelera!ion ra!ion o) 2 m s  − 2 9iv: accelera!ing downwar downwards ds w wi!h i!h a cons!an! accelera!ion o) 2 m s  − 2 . 9b: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he m ma5im a5imum um pe perm rmi!!e i!!ed d upwar upward d accele accelera! ra!ion ion o) !he )ully loaded li)!. 9c: Desc Describe ribe a si!u si!ua!io a!ion n wher where e !he lli)! i)! c could ould h have ave an upw upward ard accelera!ion grea!er !han !he value in 9b: wi!hou! breaching sa)e!y regula!ions.



%$.  pac pacage age o) ma mass ss $=;; g iis s hung )r )rom om a spri spring ng 9Aew 9Aew!on: !on: balance a!!ached !o !he ceiling o) a li)!.

3 m s-2

4 kg

 6h e li  6he li)! )! is ac acce cele lera ra!i !ing ng up upwa wards rds a! "= "=;; ;; m s  − 2 . 1ha! is !he reading on !he spring balance> %3. 6h 6he e gr graph aph sho shows ws ho how w !h !he e downward downward speed  speed o) a li)! varies wi!h !ime.

" / m s-1 2

t/s 4  10  12     9a: 0Dra Draw w !he co corr rrespo espondin nding g  accel accelera! era!ion ion ag agains ains!! !im !ime e grap graph. h. 9b:  $.; g m mass ass is s suspe uspended nded ))ro rom m a spr spring ing ba balanc lance e insid inside e !he li)!. De!ermine !he reading on !he balance a! each s!age o) !he mo!ion.

%*. 6wo !r !rolleys olleys Boined b by y a s!ring a are re pull pulled ed along a )r )ric!ionless ic!ionless Na! sur)ace as shown.

2 kg


1 kg 24 N

9a: 4alcula!e !he accelera!ion o) !he !rolleys. 9b:: 4a 9b 4alc lcul ula! a!e e !h !he e !e !ens nsio ion n T  in !he s!ring Boining !he !rolleys.



%/.  car o) m mass ass %2 %2;; ;; g !o !ows ws a car caravan avan o o)) mas mass s %;;; g g.. 6he )ric!ional )orces on !he car and caravan are 2;; A and 3;; A respec!ively.. 6he car ac celera!es a! 2.; m s  − 2 . respec!ively 9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he )o )orce rce e e5er 5er!ed !ed by !h !he e engi engine ne o) !h !he e car car.. 9b: 1ha 1ha!! )or )orce ce does !he !!ow ow ba barr e5 e5er! er! o on n !he c carav aravan> an> 9c: 6he c car ar !h !hen en !r !ravel avels s a! a co cons! ns!an! an! sp speed eed o o)) %; m s  −% . ssuming !he )ric!ional )orces !o be unchanged calcula!e& 9 i: ! h e n ne ew e eng ngin ine e ))o o rc e 9ii: !he )or )orce ce e5 e5er!e er!ed d by !!he he !o !ow w bar on !!he he ca carava ravan. n. − 9d: 6he c car ar br bra aes es an and d dece decelera! lera!es es a! 3=; m s  2 . 4alcula!e !he )orce e5er!ed by !he braes 9assume !he o!her )ric!ional )orces remain cons!an!:. %,.  log o) m mass ass $;; g is s!a!ion s!a!ionary ary..  !rac!or o) mass % %2;; 2;; g pulls !he log wi!h a !ow rope. 6he !ension in !he !ow rope is 2;;; A and !he )ric!ional )orce on !he log is ,;; A. How )ar will !he log move in $ s> %.  )or )orce ce o) *; A is u used sed !o p push ush !h !hree ree b bloc locs s as sho shown. wn.

60 N




'ach bloc has a mass o) ,=; g and !he )orce o) )ric!ion on each bloc is $=; A. 9a: 4al c ul a !e & 9i 9i:: !h !he e ac acce cele lera ra!i !ion on o) !h !he e bl bloc ocs s 9ii:: !h 9ii !he e )or )orce ce !h !ha! a! bl bloc oc  e e5e 5er! r!s s on bl bloc oc 0 9iii: !he )o )orc rce e bloc 0 e e5e 5er!s r!s on b bloc loc 4. 9b: 6he pu pushin shing g )or )orce ce is !he !hen n re reduce duced d un!i un!ill !he blo blocs cs mo move ve a! cons!an! speed. 9i: 4al 4alcul cula!e a!e !h !he e v valu alue e o o)) !!his his pus pushin hing g )o )orrce.  9ii: Does !he )orce !h !ha! a! bloc  e e5er!s 5er!s on bloc 0 now e(ual !he )orce !ha! bloc 0 e5er!s on bloc 4> '5plain. 2;.  2=;  g g !r !rolley olley is co connec!ed nnec!ed by s!ring !o a %=; g mass a as s show shown. n.  6he  6h e be benc nch h an and d pu pull lley ey are )r )ric ic!i !ion onle less ss.. 2 kg


1 kg


9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he acce accelera lera!ion !ion o) !h !he e !r !rolley olley.. 9b:: 4a 9b 4alcu lcula! la!e e !he !!ens ensio ion n in !h !he e s! s!rin ring. g.

Resolu!ion o) )orces %.

 m man an pul pulls ls a gar garden den ro rolle llerr wi wi!h !h a )o )orrce o o)) 3; A. A. 

50 N 30



9a: -ind !he eKec! eKec!ive ive hor horiJon iJon!al !al )or )orce ce appli applied ed !o !he rroller oller.. 9b: Desc Describe ribe a and nd e e5pla 5plain in how !he m man an can incr increase ease !!his his eKec!ive horiJon!al )orce wi!hou! changing !he siJe o) !he )orce applied. 2.

 b bar arge ge iis s dr dragg agged ed a alo long ng a can canal al a as s sh show own n be below low..

500 N 45 o


1ha! is !he siJe o) !he componen! o) !he )orce parallel !o !he canal> ".

 !o !oy y !r !rain ain o o)) ma mass ss ; ;=2 =2; ; g iis s gi given ven a pu push sh o o)) %; A alo along ng !!he he rrail ails s a! an angle o) ";I above !he horiJon!al. 4alcula!e& 9a: !he m magni agni!ude !ude o o)) !he c comp omponen onen!! o) )o )orc rce e alon along g !he rrails ails 9b:: !he acc 9b accele elera ra!io !ion n o) !h !he e !r !rain ain..


 ba barg rge e o) m mas ass s %; %;;; ;;  g g is pu pulle lled d by a rop ope e alo along ng a can canal al a as s shown.




40o 800 N

 6he  6h e rop rope e ap appl plie ies s a )o )orce rce o) ,; ,;; ; A a! an an angl gle e o) $; $;II !o !he !h e direc!ion o) !he canal. 6he )orce o) )ric!ion be!ween !he barge and !he wa!er is %;; A. 4alcula!e !he accelera!ion o) !he barge. 3.

 cr cra!e a!e o) m mass ass %; %;; ; g iis s pu pulle lled d alo along ng a rrou ough gh su sur) r)ace ace b by y !w !wo o ropes a! !he angles shown.

120 N 200   200  

100 kg

120 N 9a: 6he c cra!e ra!e iis s mov moving ing a! a cons cons!an! !an! spee speed d o) %= %=; ; m s  − % . 1ha! is !he siJe o) !he )orce o) )ric!ion> 9b: 6he ))or orces ces ar are e now e each ach in incre creased ased !!o o %$; A a! !he sam same e angle. ssuming !he )ric!ion )orce remains cons!an! calcula!e !he accelera!ion o) !he cra!e. *.

 2 2=; =;  g g b bloc loc  o) wo wood od is p plac laced ed on a sl slope ope as sh show own. n.


 6h e bl  6he bloc oc  rem remai ains ns s! s!a! a!io iona nary ry.. 1h 1ha! a! are !he !h e si siJe Je an and d di direc rec!i !ion on o) !he )ric!ional )orce on !he bloc> /.

 ru runw nway ay is 2=; m lo long ng a and nd rrais aised ed ; ;="; ="; m a! o one ne e end. nd.  !roll !rolley ey o)  mass ;=3; g is placed on !he runway. 6he !rolley moves down



!he runway wi!h cons!an! speed. 4alcula!e !he magni!ude o) !he )orce o) )ric!ion )ric!i on ac!ing on !he !rolley !rolley.. ,.

 ca carr o) m mass ass ; ;; ; g iis s pa par red ed o on n a hi hill. ll. 6 6he he s slo lope pe o) !!he he h hill ill iis s %3I !o !he horiJon!al. 6he braes on !he car )ail. 6he car runs down !he hill )or a dis!ance o) 3; m un!il i! crashes in!o a hedge.  6he  6h e av aver erag age e )o )orce rce o) )r )ric ic!i !ion on on !he !h e ca carr as i! runs ru ns do down wn !he !h e hi hill ll is ";; A. 9a 9a:: 9b 9b:: 9c: 9c :


4alcula!e !he componen! o) !he weigh! ac!ing down !he slope. -ind !he accelera!ion o) !he car. 4alcula!e !he speed o) !he car Bus! be)ore i! hi!s !he hedge.

 !r !roll olley ey o) m mass ass 2= 2=; ; g iis s pla placed ced on a s slo lope pe wh which ich ma maes es a an n angle o) *;I !o !he horiJon!al. 9a:  s!u s!uden! den! p pushe ushes s !he !r !rolle olley y and !h !hen en re releas leases es i! so !!ha! ha! i! moves up !he slope. 6he )orce o) )ric!ion on !he !rolley is %=; A. 9i:

1h 1hy y do does es !!he he !!rroll olley ey co con!i n!inue nue !!o o mo move ve u up p !h !he e slo slope pe a)!er i! is released> 9ii: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he unba unbalance lanced d )or )orce ce on !!he he !r !rolley olley as i! moves up !he slope. 9iii: 4alcula!e !!he he ra!e a! which !he !r !rolley olley loses speed as i! moves up !he slope. 9b: 6he !r !rolley olley e even! ven!uall ually y come comes s !o rres! es! !h !hen en s!a s!ar!s r!s !o m move ove down !he slope. 9i: 4al 4alcul cula!e a!e !!he he u unb nbala alance nced d )o )orrce on !!he he !!rroll olley ey as i! moves down !he slope. 9ii: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he a accel ccelera! era!ion ion o o)) !he !!ro rolley lley do down wn !h !he e slo slope. pe.



1or done ine!ic an and d po!en!ial energy %.

 sm small all b ball all o o)) ma mass ss ; ;=2 =2; ; g iis s dr drop opped ped ))ro rom m a he heigh igh!! o) $ $=; =; m above !he ground. 6he ball rebounds !o a heigh! o) 2=; m. 9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !o !o!al !al loss in ener energy gy o o)) !h !he e b ball. all. 9b: 4alcula! ula!e e sp speed eed he BBus! us!! be be)or )ore eii!! i!lea hi!s he ground ound.. 9c: 4alc 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he !he spee speed d o) o) !!he !!he he ball ba ball ll Bus Bus! a) a)!er !er leaves ves!!he !!he hegr ground.


 bo bo5 5 o) m mas ass s /;  g g is p pull ulled ed al alon ong g a ho hori riJon Jon!al !al s sur) ur)ace ace b by y a horiJon!al )orce o) ; A. 6he bo5 is pulled a dis!ance o) %2 m.  6here  6h ere is a )r )ric ic!i !ion onal al )o )orce rce o) ,; A be be!w !wee een n !he !h e bo5 an and d !he !h e sur)ace. 9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he !o!a !o!all wo wor r do done ne b by y !he pull pulling ing )o )orc rce. e. 9b: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he am amoun! oun! o o)) ine ine!ic !ic ene energ rgy y gaine gained d by !he b bo5 o5..


 bo bo5 5 o) m mas ass s 2= 2=; ; g iis s pu pulle lled d up a ))ri ric!i c!ionl onless ess slo slope pe as sh show own. n.

3'0 m

2 '0 (& 0'50 m

9a: bo5 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he gravi! avi!a!io a!ional po!en!i en!ial al ener energy gy gain gained ed by !h !he e when i! is gr pulled upnal !hepo! slope. 9b:: 6h 9b 6he e b bloc loc  iis s n now ow rele eleas ased. ed. 9i: Us Use e co cons nserv erva!i a!ion on o o)) ene energ rgy y !o 7n 7nd d !h !he e sp speed eed o o)) !h !he e bo bo5 5 a! !he bo!!om o) !he slope. 9ii: Use a ano! no!her her m me!ho e!hod d !o c con7r on7rm m you yourr an answer swer !o 9i 9i:. :. $.

 wi winch nch dri driven ven b by y a mo mo!o !orr is u used sed !o lli) i)!! a cr cra! a!e e o) m mas ass s 3;  g g !hrough a ver!ical heigh! o) 2; m. 9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he si siJe Je o) !h !he e mini minimum mum ))or orce ce re re(uir (uired ed !o li) li)!! !he cra!e. 9b: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he m minim inimum um a amou moun! n! o) w wor or d done one by !he w winch inch while li)!ing !he cra!e. 26


9c: 6he p power ower o) !h !he e win winch ch is 2= 2=3 3 1 1.. 4al 4alcula cula!e !e !h !he e mini minimum mum !ime !aen !o li)! !he cra!e !o !he re(uired heigh!. 3.

 !!ra rain in ha has s a co cons ns!a !an! n! sp spee eed d o o)) % %; ; m s−%  over a dis!ance o) 2=; m. 6he driving )orce o) !he !rain engine is "=; @ %;$  A  A.. 1ha! is !he power developed by !he !rain engine> −%


n ar arrrow o) ma mass ss 22 g h has as a s spe peed ed o) "; m s  as i! s!ries a −2 !arge!. 6he !ip o) !he arrow goes "=; @ %;  m in!o !he !arge!. 9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he aver average age )or )orce ce o) !he !ar !arge! ge! on !h !he e arr arrow ow.. 9b: 1ha 1ha!! is !he !!ime ime !a !ae en n )or !h !he e ar arro row w !o com come e !o rres! es! a) a)!er !er s!riing !he !arge! assuming !he !arge! e5er!s a cons!an! )orce on !he arrow>



Section 3: ollisions and e!plosions


1h 1ha! a! iis s !h !he e mo momen men!um !um o) !h !he e ob obBec Bec!! in e each ach o o)) !h !he e )ol )ollo lowin wing g si!ua!ions> 9a:


4 m s-1

9c :

6 m s-1

20 kg

5 kg

1.5 kg 25 m s-1


 !r !roll olley ey o) m mass ass 2= 2=; ; g iis s !r !rave avelli lling ng w wi!h i!h a sp speed eed o o)) %= %=3 3 m s  − % .  6he  6h e !ro !roll lley ey co coll llid ides es an and d s! s!ic ics s !o a s!a! s! a!io iona nary ry !ro !roll lley ey o) mas mass s 2= 2=; ; g.. g 9a:

4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he vel veloci! oci!y y o) !he !r !rolley olleys s imm immedia! edia!ely ely a) a)!er !er !h !he e collision. 9b:: Sh 9b Show ow !!ha! ha! !h !he e co colli llisio sion n is iinel nelas! as!ic. ic.


 !a !arg rge! e! o) ma mass ss $ $=; =;  g g ha hangs ngs )r )rom om a !!re ree e by a llon ong g s!r s!ring ing.. n arrow o) mass %;; g is 7red a! !he !arge! and embeds i!sel) in !he !arge!. 6he speed o) !he arrow is %;; m s  − %  Bus! be)ore i! s!ries !he !arge!. 1ha! is !he speed o) !he !arge! immedia!ely a)!er !he impac!>


 !r !roll olley ey o) m mass ass 2= 2=; ; g iis s mo movin ving g a! a c cons ons!an !an!! sp speed eed whe when n i! collides and s!ics !o a second s!a!ionary !rolley. 6he graph shows how !he speed o) !he 2=; g !rolley varies wi!h !ime.

0.5 v /





time / s

De!ermine !he mass o) !he second !rolley !rolley..




%". 6wo !r !rolleys olleys ini!ial ini!ially ly a! rres! es! and in con!ac! Ny apar! whe when n a plunger on one o) !hem is released. One !rolley has a mass o) 2=; g and moves oK a! a speed o) 2=; m s  − % . 6he second !rolley has a mass o) "=; g. 4alcula!e !he veloci!y o) !his !rolley. %$.  cue e e5er! 5er!s s an aver average age )or )orce ce o) /=;; A on a s!a!ionar s!a!ionary y snoo snooer er ball o) mass 2;; g. 6he impac! o) !he cue on !he ball las!s )or $3=; ms. 1ha! is !he speed o) !he ball as i! leaves !he cue> %3

 )oo )oo!bal !balll o) ma mass ss 3; 3;; ; g is s s!a!i !a!ionar onary y. 1hen a gir girll ic ics s !he b ball all her )oo! is in con!ac! wi!h !he ball )or a !ime o) 3; ms. s a resul! o) !he ic  !he ball moves oK a! a speed o) %; m s  − % . 4alcula!e !he average )orce e5er!ed by her )oo! on !he ball.

%*.  s!a! s!a!iona ionary ry gol) ba ball ll o) mas mass s %;; g is s!r s!ruc uc by a club club.. 6he ball moves oK a! a spe ed o) "; m s  − % . 6he average )orce o) !he club on !he ball is %;; A. 4alcula!e !he !ime o) con!ac! be!ween !he club and !he ball. %/. 6he grap graph h shows how !he )orce e5 e5er!ed er!ed by a hoc hocey ey s!ic on a s!a!ionary hocey ball varies wi!h !ime.



/N  F /N 40 N



time / ms

 6h e ma  6he mass ss o) !he !h e ba ball ll is %3 %3; ; g. De!ermine !he speed o) !he ball as i! leaves !he s!ic. %,.  ball o o)) mass %;; g )all )alls s )r )rom om a he heigh! igh! o) ; ;=2; =2; m o on!o n!o con concre!e. cre!e.  6he  6h e ba ball ll reb rebou ound nds s !o a he heig igh! h! o) ;= ;=%, %, m. 6h 6he e du dura ra!i !ion on o) !he !h e impac! is 23 ms. 4alcula!e& 9a: !he ch change ange iin n mom momen!u en!um m o) !!he he ba ball ll cau caused sed by !he boun bounceG ceG 9b:: !he iimp 9b mpuls ulse e on !h !he e bal balll dur during ing !!he he b boun ounce ce 9c: !he a avera verage ge un unbalan balanced ced )o )orc rce e e5 e5er!e er!ed d on !h !he e ball by !he concre!e 9d: !he a avera verage ge un unbalan balanced ced )o )orc rce e o) !he c concr oncre!e e!e on !he b ball. all. 9e: 1ha 1ha!! is in !he !!o!al o!al a avera verage ge upw upward ards s )or )orce ce on !he b ball all dur during ing impac!> %.  rubbe rubberr ball o) mass $; $;=; =; g is drop dropped ped )ro )rom m a heig heigh! h! o) ;=, ;=,;; ;; m on!o !he pavemen!. 6he ball rebounds !o a heigh! o) ;=$3; m.  6he  6h e av aver erag age e )o )orce rce o) co con! n!ac ac!! be be!w !wee een n !he !h e pa pave veme men! n! an and d !he !h e ba ball ll is 2=,; A. 9a: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he v veloc eloci!y i!y o) !!he he ba ball ll Bus Bus!! be) be)or ore e i! hi! hi!s s !he ground and !he veloci!y Bus! a)!er hi!!ing !he ground. 9b: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he !im !ime e o) c con!a on!ac! c! b be!we e!ween en !h !he e bal balll and pavemen!. 2;.  ball o o)) mass $;; g !r !ravels avels )all )alls s )ro )rom m rres! es! and hi!s !he grou ground. nd.  6he  6h e ve velo loci ci!y !y!i !ime me gr grap aph h rep repres resen en!s !s !he !h e mo mo!i !ion on o) !he !h e ba ball ll )o )orr !he !h e 7rs! %=2 s a)!er i! s!ar!s !o )all.





6 )*ee+ /  m s-1 0 A 


C  0·6



time / s

9a: Desc Describe ribe !!he he mo mo!ion !ion o) !he ball d durin uring g sec! sec!ions ions  0 0 0 04 4 4D and D' on !he graph. 9b: 1ha 1ha!! is !h !he e !im !ime e o) con con!ac! !ac! o o)) !he b ball all w wi!h i!h !h !he e gr ground ound> > 9c: 4alc 4alcula! ula!e e !he a avera verage ge un unbala balanced nced ))or orce ce o) !h !he e gr ground ound o on n !he ball. 9d: How m much uch e ener nergy gy is llos! os! du due e !o co con!ac n!ac!! wi! wi!h h !he g gro round> und> 2%. 1a!er wi!h a spe speed ed o) 3 3; ; m s  − % is eBec!ed horiJon!ally )rom a 7re hose a! a ra!e o) 23 g s−% . 6he wa!er hi!s a wall horiJon!ally and does no! rebound )rom !he wall. 4alcula!e !he average )orce e5er!ed on !he wall by !he wa!er. 22.  rroc oce! e! eBe eBec!s c!s g gas as a! a ra ra!e !e o o)) 3; g s− %   eBec!ing i! wi!h a cons!an! speed o) %,;; m s  −% . 4alcula!e magni!ude o) !he )orce e5er!ed by !he eBec!ed gas on !he roce!. 2". Describe in de!ail an e5 e5perimen! perimen! !ha! y you ou wou would ld do !o de! de!ermin ermine e !he average )orce be!ween a )oo!ball boo! and a )oo!ball as !he ball is being iced. Draw a diagram o) !he appara!us and include all !he measuremen!s !aen and de!ails o) !he calcula!ions 2$. carried  2=; gou!. !!ro rolley lley !r !ravell avelling ing a! *= *=; ; m s  −%  collides wi!h a s!a!ionary %=; g !rolley. 6he !rolleys remain connec!ed a)!er !he collision. 9a: 4al c ul a !e & 9i: !h !he e vel veloci oci!y !y o) !h !he e !r !roll olleys eys BBus us!! a) a)!er !er !he col collis lision ion 9ii: !he mom momen!u en!um m g gaine ained d by !he %=; g !rolley !rolley 9iii: !he mo momen!um men!um los! by !he 2=; g !r !rolley olley.. 9b: 6he co collisi llision on las! las!s s )or ;= ;=3; 3; s. 4al 4alcula! cula!e e !he ma magni! gni!ude ude o) !!he he average )orce ac!ing on each !rolley.



23. 2*.  Aew! Aew!onGs onGs cr cradle adle ap appar para!us a!us is us used ed !o dem demons! ons!ra!e ra!e conserva!ion o) momen!um. -our s!eel spheres each o) mass ;.% g are suspended so !ha! !hey are in a s!raigh! line. Sphere % is pulled !o !he side and released as shown in diagram
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