ODCA Service Orch MasterUM v1.0 Nov2012
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OPEN DATA CENTER ALLIANCE Master Usage Model: Service Orchestration REV 1.0 SM
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
Table of Contents Legal Notice................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Acknowledgments....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Terminology and Provenance....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.0 Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Purpose................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 3.0 Taxonomy............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Table 3.1—Terms and Definitions................................................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3.1—Overview of the CIaaS Environment........................................................................................................................... 7
4.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.0 Reference Framework..........................................................................................................................................................................10 Figure 5.1—High-Level Grouping of Service Scenarios.................................................................................................................10 6.0 Usage Scenarios..................................................................................................................................................................................11 6.1 Usage Scenario 1—Compose Service...........................................................................................................................................11 6.2 Usage Scenario 2— Submit Provisioning Request.........................................................................................................................12 6.3 Usage Scenario 3— Reserve Resources for Service......................................................................................................................12 6.4 Usage Scenario 4—Deploy Service...............................................................................................................................................13 6.5 Usage Scenario 5—Track Status and Manage Deployment............................................................................................................13 6.6 Usage Scenario 6—Reopen Expired Request................................................................................................................................14 6.7 Usage Scenario 7—Start Dependencies........................................................................................................................................15 6.8 Usage Scenario 8—Stop Dependencies........................................................................................................................................15 6.9 Usage Scenario 9—Suspend Cloud Service..................................................................................................................................16 6.10 Usage Scenario 10—Resume Cloud Service................................................................................................................................16 6.11 Usage Scenario 11—Systems Monitoring, Alerting, and Data Collection.......................................................................................16 6.12 Usage Scenario 12—Systems Administration and Remediation....................................................................................................17 6.13 Usage Scenario 13—Reporting...................................................................................................................................................18 6.14 Usage Scenario 14—Capacity Planning.......................................................................................................................................18 6.15 Usage Scenario 15—Auditing......................................................................................................................................................19 6.16 Usage Scenario 16—Change a Deployed Service Instance.......................................................................................................... 20 6.17 Usage Scenario 17—Auto Scale................................................................................................................................................. 20 6.18 Usage Scenario 18 — Comply to Regulatory Requirements......................................................................................................... 21 6.19 Usage Scenario 19 — Service and Data Termination and Deletion............................................................................................... 22
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
7.0 Service Orchestration Overview............................................................................................................................................................24 Figure 7.1—Generic Cloud Ecosystem Architecture......................................................................................................................24 8.0 Service Catalog Overview.................................................................................................................................................................... 26
8.1 Background.................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
8.2 Description.................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
8.3 Service Catalog Lifecycle............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 8.3.1—Service Catalog Lifecycle...................................................................................................................................... 28 8.4 Service Catalog Usage................................................................................................................................................................. 28 8.5 Service Catalog XML Structure.................................................................................................................................................... 29 Example 1.................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Example 2.................................................................................................................................................................................. 31 Example 3.................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
9.0 Services Interface Overview................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Table 9.1—Requested Collections and Associated Usage Models................................................................................................ 32 Table 9.2 – Requested Resources and Associated Usage Scenarios............................................................................................. 33 10.0 Key Performance Indicators Overview................................................................................................................................................ 35 Figure 10.1—KPI Visualization.................................................................................................................................................... 35 Table 10.1—Measures in KPI Calculation.................................................................................................................................... 37 11.0 Orchestration Lifecycle Overview....................................................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 11.1—Orchestration Lifecycle Flowchart.......................................................................................................................... 38 Table 11.1—High Level Process for a Service Requiring Orchestration......................................................................................... 39 Table 11.2—Lifecycle Events and Phases................................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 11.2—Service Catalog Life Cycle......................................................................................................................................41 Table 11.3—Defined Cloud Consumer Responsibilities................................................................................................................ 42 Table 11.4—Activities Within the Phases of Orchestration........................................................................................................... 43 12.0 Usage Requirements......................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Table 12.1—Additional Requirements.......................................................................................................................................... 45 13.0 RFP Requirements–Service Providers................................................................................................................................................ 46 14.0 Summary of Industry Actions Required...............................................................................................................................................47 15.0 References........................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
Legal Notice Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This “Open Data Center AllianceSM Master Usage Model: Service Orchestration” is proprietary to the Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. NOTICE TO USERS WHO ARE NOT OPEN DATA CENTER ALLIANCE PARTICIPANTS: Non-Open Data Center Alliance Participants only have the right to review, and make reference or cite this document. Any such references or citations to this document must give the Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. full attribution and must acknowledge the Open Data Center Alliance, Inc.’s copyright in this document. Such users are not permitted to revise, alter, modify, make any derivatives of, or otherwise amend this document in any way. NOTICE TO USERS WHO ARE OPEN DATA CENTER ALLIANCE PARTICIPANTS: Use of this document by Open Data Center Alliance Participants is subject to the Open Data Center Alliance’s bylaws and its other policies and procedures. OPEN DATA CENTER ALLIANCESM, ODCA SM, and the OPEN DATA CENTER ALLIANCE logo® are trade names, trademarks, service marks and logotypes (collectively “Marks”) owned by Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. and all rights are reserved therein. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. This document and its contents are provided “AS IS” and are to be used subject to all of the limitation set forth herein. Users of this document should not reference any initial or recommended methodology, metric, requirements, or other criteria that may be contained in this document or in any other document distributed by the Alliance (“Initial Models”) in any way that implies the user and/or its products or services are in compliance with, or have undergone any testing or certification to demonstrate compliance with, any of these Initial Models. Any proposals or recommendations contained in this document including, without limitation, the scope and content of any proposed methodology, metric, requirements, or other criteria does not mean the Alliance will necessarily be required in the future to develop any certification or compliance or testing programs to verify any future implementation or compliance with such proposals or recommendations. This document does not grant any user of this document any rights to use any of the Alliance’s Marks. All other service marks, trademarks and trade names referenced herein are those of their respective owners. Published November, 2012
Acknowledgements ODCA would like to acknowledge the substantial contributions of content and prior art from Deutsche Bank, UBS, NAB, Deutsche Telekom, Bank, Leumi, Atos CapGemini, BMW, and from Wikipedia.
Terminology and Provenance Some of the content of this document has been sourced with permission from work product outside the ODCA. Every effort has been made to reconcile terminology and nomenclature. Where this is a conflict, however, ODCA terms take precedence.
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.0 Executive Summary As service offerings from cloud providers become more complex and open, it will become increasingly important to ensure that cloud infrastructure requirements are aligned with cloud consumer demand and can scale as needed. This includes providing the underlying physical resources, such as servers, networks, storage, and hosting infrastructure, and the cloud software that renders these resources. In this environment, service orchestration becomes essential to developing and providing Compute Infrastructure as a Service (CIaaS) that is relevant to a variety of cloud consumers. What is service orchestration? Briefly stated, it’s a paradigm that supports cloud providers in arranging, coordinating, and managing computing resources as a system of components and automated workflows that can be delivered as cloud services to cloud consumers. The scope of this involves three types of system components—the service layer, the resource abstraction and control layer, and the physical resource layer—which are the underlying foundations of the cloud provider’s offerings provided in a service catalog. This document, ODCA Master Usage Model: Service Orchestration provides the usage model for service discovery and orchestration for Compute IaaS. This includes all the components, repositories, data structures, conversation maps, and workflows that allow a cloud provider to orchestrate services to meet objectives determined by the cloud subscriber and for the context of use. It defines automation required for orchestration that includes programmatic interfaces, interaction patterns, control interfaces, and lifecycle management. This usage model includes 19 usage scenarios describing various stages of a cloud service engagement, including ordering, starting and stopping, running, changing and ending or deleting cloud services. It also lays out the foundation for the next phase of usage development, such as bursting between clouds and other areas of the cloud that include PaaS, SaaS, and so on. Finally, the document makes recommendations for industry actions to further develop capabilities that are foundational to building a marketplace of services that allows a cloud consumer to source well-defined and standards-based services. While services composed in such orchestrations can be sourced from either public, private, community, or hybrid clouds, the focus of this usage model is the cloud subscriber sourcing services from public cloud providers. The orchestration could be as simple as placing constraints on the use of the service to more complex orchestrations that are a composition of more elemental services to derive an overall higher level of service. This document serves a variety of audiences. Solution providers and technology vendors will benefit from its content to better understand customer needs, and to their tailor service and product offerings. Standards organizations will find the information helpful in defining enduser relevant and open standards.
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
2.0 Purpose This document focuses on service discovery and orchestration for Compute IaaS. It defines automation required for orchestration that includes programmatic interfaces, interaction patterns, control interfaces, and lifecycle management. The goals of this usage model are as follows: • Define the basic elements of service orchestration for Compute IaaS. • Apply the baseline work on the ODCA Usage Model: Service Catalog 1 and ODCA Usage Model: Standard Units of Measure for IaaS 2 • Identify the ODCA Usage Model: Service Catalog 1, API interface, key performance indicators (KPIs), and process for Service Orchestration. • Align with the ODCA Master Usage Models: Commercial Framework 3 and Compute IaaS (CIaaS) 4 to underpin cloud services provisioning. • Define a standard orchestration process for service integration which can be used as a reference model for improving interoperability between cloud providers and subscribers.
3.0 Taxonomy Table 3.1—Terms and Definitions
Auto Scaling
The ability to automatically provision a new service instance or remove an existing service instance in a collection as defined by a set of one or more policies. It also includes the ability to alter a configuration to align more directly on usage requirements.
The ability for a cloud consumer to scale out its infrastructure from one cloud provider into another, typically from a private cloud provider to a public cloud provider.
Describes a set of one or more service instances.
The ability for cloud consumer to move a service instance from one cloud provider to another.
Post Deployment Task
Represents a task to be executed after the deployment of service instance, typically in the form of a script that the cloud consumer provides.
A confirmation from the cloud provider that the specific set of resources specified in a service request has been reserved for the cloud consumer.
Service Composition
The action of defining the specification for a set of interrelated components that makes up a service.
Service Instance
An occurrence or instantiation of the service as listed in the catalog that is deployed into the environment for a cloud consumer.
Service Orchestration
The ongoing ability to arrange, coordinate, and manage the automated deployment and configuration of one or more interrelated components required for service delivery at a point in time.
Service Request
An order submitted by the cloud consumer that details the service and its composition that the cloud provider is expected to deliver.
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
The following diagram provides an overview of a CIaaS environment, and the variety of components and systems that are addressed by the orchestration task. Note: Orchestration is indicated on the right side of the diagram.
Figure 3.1—Overview of the CIaaS Environment Solution Provider Service Subscriber Service Provider
Tuning & Optimization
Application Development
Business Processes
Resource Allocation
Web & Data Service Interoperability
Orchestration of End-to-End Services
Cloud Aware Apps
Capacity & Performance
Services Actionable Service Catalog (UI and API
End User
Application Operations Service Management
PaaS Web
Traditional & Cloud Aware Apps
SW Delivery OS and Apps
IaaS Integration Service Desk
Power, Cooling, Physical Space
The top layer represents the service bundling into usable services for a consumer, from the service provider, and accessible through a service catalog; for example, availability, administration, and data recovery (DR) as represented in the service catalog. Access to this catalog is based on both Graphical User Interface(s) (GUIs), Command Line Interfaces (CLIs) and Application Programmable Interface(s) (APIs). The multiple layers, front to back, represent the contributions and interactions and responsibilities from vendors, service providers, and service consumers–all have some responsibility in the Orchestration process which must be triggered, and these have to be clearly mapped and integrated within the Orchestration process. (For example: the hardware vendor must support the SLA-based Break Fix requirement, the service provider must take care of the SLA monitoring, incidents and events, and the consumer must define his data classification, availability and performance requirements, and SLA requirements). The definitions for each block in Figure 3.1 are as follows: 1.
Solution Provider Plane a. Monitoring: Monitoring of the constituent element of the overall cloud service for which the solution provider is contracted. b. Resource Allocation: Allocation of contracted resources to overall federation that comprises the cloud service, and can include people, technology, and processes. c. Remediation: Address and resolve incidents and problems. d. Tuning & Optimization: Monitor performance and resolve any bottlenecks or IO contention, and maximize capacity utilization/ efficiency of provided resources.
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Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
Service Receiver Plane a. End User: Overall end consumer of the service, funding the use of the cloud services. b. AppDev: Internal corporate application development team, developing and operating business applications on the cloud infrastructure, also providing data classification, business processes, and business rules and regulatory requirements. c. Business Processes: Provision of the overall business processes into which the cloud based applications integrate as part of an overall system, in order to convert defined inputs to defined outputs.
Service Provider Plane a. Remediation: Address and resolve incidents and problems. b. Application Operations: Monitor, run and perform scheduled and defined tasks relating the smooth running and operations of an application, on the cloud infrastructure. c. Service Management: Monitor and ensure the achievement of defined SLA’s and KPI’s for the cloud service, including all cloud elements, financial, technical and legal dimensions. d. Integration: Connect cloud based applications and processes to any other required/defined systems according to business processes, rules, and interface definitions, in such a way as to enable the defined inputs and outputs of the business system, based on the cloud infrastructure, to interact, internally, and with any external systems to the cloud. e. Service Desk: Monitor events and queues for cloud based services, and respond and alert support resources in the event of an incident or problem, as well as acting as an interface for cloud consumers to log calls, and find status updates. May use web, telephone and other interfaces. f. Capacity & Service: Monitor and report overall service capacity consumption, available resources, trends, and create relevant reports to enable consumer, operational and service delivery teams to operate and optimize the cloud infrastructure to maximum efficiency and performance. g. SW Delivery (OS & Apps): Define cloud service elements and deliver the software components according to defined catalog definitions, installed on the cloud infrastructure. Special focus is on enabling the applications to be “cloud aware” so that they can operate on virtualized infrastructure. Additional packaging and bundling of software elements will constitute PaaS and SaaS offerings, depending on the level of functionality, and the elements combined into useful pre-determined groups as systems, with defined processes and functions. h. Configuration: Define scripts and pre-determined implementation formats, in addition to the binaries that the software elements are fundamentally composed of, and extends to the integration of software elements into PaaS and SaaS bundles potentially. i. Event: Any data generated as a result of a cloud element operation. Produces data which contributes towards reporting, identification of incidents and problems, as well as financial and compliance reporting j. Security: Provides rules and guidelines for compliant delivery of services, and ensuring the security of the cloud service according to defined requirements and catalog entries. k. SaaS: The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure and accessible from various client devices through a thin client interface such as a Web browser (e.g., web-based email). The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings.5 l. PaaS: The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created applications using programming languages and tools supported by the provider (e.g., java, python, .Net). The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but the consumer has control over the deployed applications and possibly application hosting environment configurations.5
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
m. IaaS: The capability provided to the consumer is to rent processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, deployed applications, and possibly select networking components (e.g., firewalls, load balancers).5 n. Facility: The building facility where the cloud system is located; location is typically identifiable by means of the network termination on the compute infrastructure from which the cloud services are provided. For further details about the elements of the diagram, refer to the ODCA Master Usage Model: Compute Infrastructure as a Service (CIaaS) 4
4.0 Introduction Service discovery and orchestration is a “paradigm that supports cloud providers in arranging, coordinating, and managing computing resources as a system of components and automated workflows that can be delivered as cloud services to cloud consumers.” At the most basic level a service orchestrator can be a human, but for the purpose of this document, an orchestrator is an automation service that provides orchestration across various technical and business workflow domains. Because the cloud is all about scale, automated workflows are essential to the delivery of cloud services, which includes fulfilment assurance and billing in addition to other domains. The main difference between workflow automation and service orchestration is that automated workflows represent the entities and execution relationship; automation is the non-human service that drives the workflow. These workflows are often processed and completed as processes with a single domain. On the other hand, service orchestration includes a workflow, but implies directed action towards larger goals and objectives. In a nutshell, it is different from a typical workflow automation process because it ties together a variety of different or “disparate automated processes and IT resources that use workflows through a portal from which those workflows can be managed.”6 Service orchestration for any type of cloud service involves specific considerations. Functional, non-functional, and constraint descriptions must be clearly defined. Introspection of a service may be useful in determining these details. A well-defined service catalog where these services can be looked up to determine which services are needed for required functionality as well as the interfaces that support them is a must-have. Discovery is a process of assessing the capabilities of the services and contracts as well as the commercial parameters that allow efficient transactions that are highly secure with great elasticity. In the future, with established marketplaces for services, it will be possible to have pre-qualified service providers and services and discovery time should be reduced. Service reservation or a declaration of intent and when orders will be filled, such as when the service and resources are filled is important for fulfilment of a service. Identification of the methods for service orchestration of enhanced services, customization, or mashups is an important part of orchestration. This also includes requirements related to business processes, outsourced segments of the business process to external cloud services, and orchestration for managing contracted services. Defining the order of services may be necessary to identify other dependencies, such as lifecycle management, interoperability of environments, bootstrapping, and so on. Security considerations are a necessary requirement to delivering a robust cloud service. For example, authentication, authorization, audit and accounting (AAAA) are essential to service orchestration as consumers evaluate such topics as federated identity. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are also essential to the fulfilment of cloud services. This might take place either in-band, out-of-band, or in advance of a specific engagement. Using existing work from the ODCA workgroups, this paper focuses on how service components are combined based on the CIaaS framework. It also takes the viewpoint of the service consumer initially, and will later be updated to include the viewpoints of the service providers and vendors.
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
This usage model contains 19 service orchestration usage scenarios between a cloud subscriber and a public cloud provider for CIaaS. This usage model lays the foundation for the next phase of usage development and other areas of the cloud. It identifies what needs to be configured for the CIaaS cloud service, what must appear in the service catalog, as well as how the client orders it, orders changes, orders decommissioning, and how it is proved that they are receiving the service.
5.0 Reference Framework The following framework diagram illustrates five high level groupings of usage scenarios based on the orchestration tasks that cloud subscribers execute, which also map closely to the industry concepts of Install, Move, Add, Change, and Delete.
Figure 5.1—High-Level Grouping of Service Scenarios Cloud Service Life Cycle Order Cloud Services
Start / Stop Cloud Services
Run Cloud Services
Change Cloud Services
1. Compose Service
7. Start Dependencies
11. System Monitoring & Data Collection
16. Changes to Deployed Service Instance
18. Comply Regulatory Requirements
2. Submit Provisioning Request
8. Stop Dependencies
12. System Administration & Remediation
17. Auto Scaling
19. Service and Data Termination & Deletion
3. Reserve Resources for Service
9. Suspend
13. Reporting
4. Deploy Service
10. Resume
14. Capacity Planning
5. Track Status and Manage Deployment
15. Auditing
6. Reopen Expired Request
Orchestration Usage Scenarios More detail about each usage scenario is provided in the sections that follow.
End / Delete Cloud Services
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Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
6.0 Usage Scenarios 6.1 Usage Scenario 1—Compose Service Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Composition service order with advanced structures and dependencies, and the ability to manage deployment across multiple cloud providers. Assumption 1: An order for a complex service composition can target deployment to more than one service provider. Assumption 2: Cloud subscriber should expect data validation, resource reservation, release for deployment, and progress tracking should functional similarly as defined above. Success Scenario 1: Ability for cloud subscriber to compose a simple or more complex service request and structure. An order that requests only a single service type (i.e., a VM instance) is the simplest form. The complex composition proposed here is to allow cloud subscriber to nest service requests in a single order. An example is a request that is composed of multiple VM instances with post deployment tasks defined so that successful fulfilment of the order will result in an application that is ready to run. There are more advanced customizations that must be considered such as but not limited to priority/dependency on the order of deployment. Service orchestration is visibility more relevant here and must be able to reliably determine when an instance is successfully deployed so that the orchestrator can move forward with the next deployments in the priority/dependency list. Steps: 1.
Cloud subscriber creates a new composition of a service: For each service instance that the cloud subscriber wants to embed into this new request, cloud subscriber repeats the following: • Select the cloud provider. • Define the service identifier. • Define the identity of the service process (technical user identity). • Define the cloud subscriber’s operation support. • Select predefined user group/role that will have rights to manage the instance of this service based on ODCA Usage Model: Identity Management Interoperability Guide 7 • Select the ODCA Usage Model: Security Monitoring 8 requirements. • Select the security requirements based on the bronze, silver, gold and platinum tiers defined in the ODCA Usage Model: Provider Assurance. 9 • Determine the service instance identifier (instance’s identifier) (i.e. network address of the server). • Define the service’s runtime attributes such as memory, vCPU, storage, network, location. • Choose the desired commercial and financial terms, SLA, qualities of service and availability for delivery of service. • Select the required post-deployment tasks and automation scripts.
Cloud subscriber identifies dependencies in deployment (such as when instance #2 cannot start until instance #1 is successfully completed).
Cloud subscriber selects notification methods, such as email or text.
Failure Condition 1: Data is incomplete. Failure Handling 1: The subscriber is notified and prompted to correct the composition. Failure Condition 2: Cyclic dependencies are identified and erred. Failure Handling 2: The subscriber is notified and prompted to correct the composition.
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Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
6.2 Usage Scenario 2— Submit Provisioning Request Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Validate, reserve resources (trigger Usage Scenario 3) and submit service request. Assumption 1: Usage Scenario 1–Compose Service has been completed. Assumption 2: A new order process has been started but not yet released for deployment. If data is complete and resources reserved, the cloud subscriber can release the order. If resource reservation has expired, the cloud subscriber can submit request again. If data is complete but one or more resources are not available, the cloud subscriber can make adjustments or cloud subscriber can request cloud provider to reserve the resources for the order when they become available. If data is not complete, the order is saved as incomplete, and cloud subscriber can continue at a later date and time. At any given time, the cloud subscriber can delete the order and any resources reserved will be released back into the resource pool. Success Scenario 1: Cloud subscriber submits the request to provision service. On submission, cloud provider checks for resource availability and reserve resources. Cloud subscriber reviews the final order prior to release for automatic deployment. Steps: 1.
Cloud subscriber selects the composed service created in the “Usage Scenario 1,” and submits to the cloud provider.
On request submission to the cloud provider: • Cyclic dependency is identified. If a cyclic dependency is identified by the cloud provider, the dependency is highlighted, and prompts the cloud subscriber to review. • Each cloud provider checks if all the requested resources in the order are available and meet the specifications. • If data is incomplete, the missing data is highlighted, and prompts the cloud subscriber to review. • If the order can be met, the cloud provider reserves the resources for the cloud subscriber (trigger the Usage Scenario 3— Reserve Resources for Service). Reservation has an expiration date. • If the order cannot be met, the cloud provider will provide an estimated date in the future when the cloud subscriber can expect resources to become available.
Cloud subscriber reviews the order finally prior to release for automatic deployment.
Failure Condition 1: Data is incomplete Failure Handling 1: The subscriber is notified and prompted to complete the request. Failure Condition 2: Cloud provider does not have capacity to reserve resources for the cloud subscriber. Failure Handling 2: The subscriber is notified and has the option of cancelling the order or waiting until resources are available.
6.3 Usage Scenario 3— Reserve Resources for Service Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Reserve resources for service request. Assumption 1: Usage scenario 2—Submit Provisioning Request has started. Assumption 2: No pre-existing orders with any resources that has the same identifier in the namespace. Any organization level resources, such as user groups, networks, and firewalls, are predefined and selectable.
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Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
Success Scenario 1: Cloud provider checks for resource availability and reserve resources. Steps: 1.
Cloud provider reserves the resources for the cloud subscriber. Reservation has an expiration date.
Failure Condition 1: Cloud provider does not have capacity to reserve resources for the cloud subscriber. Failure Handling 1: The subscriber is notified and can resubmit the order at a later time. Ideally the provider notifies the subscriber when capacity is available.
6.4 Usage Scenario 4—Deploy Service Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Deploy service request Assumption 1: Cloud provider confirmed resource availability and resource reservation has not expired. Assumption 2: The service order has been released for automatic deployment. The cloud subscriber cannot make any more changes to the service order. The cloud subscriber has an option to cancel the deployment. Success Scenario 1: Cloud subscriber releases the service request for automatic deployment. Steps: 1.
Cloud subscriber selects from a list of open service requests.
Cloud subscriber releases the service request for automatic deployment.
Failure Condition 1: Resource reservation has expired. Failure Handling 1: The subscriber is notified and has to reopen the service request or start a new one. Failure Condition 2: Cloud subscriber cancels the order and any resources reserved will be released back into the resource pool. Failure Handling 2: Any resources reserved will be released back into the resource pool. Failure Condition 3: Cloud subscriber cancels the deployment only. The service request is still open and resources are still reserved. Failure Handling 3: The service request is still open and resources are still reserved.
6.5 Usage Scenario 5—Track Status and Manage Deployment Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Track progress of a service request and manage state. The cloud subscriber wants to manage a service request currently being deployed. Assumption 1: The cloud subscriber already submitted the service request for automatic deployment and current in progress. Assumption 2: Deployment status is transparent to the cloud subscriber. Success Scenario 1: After a service request has been released for deployment, cloud subscriber can track progress of the deployment and ability to manage state. Steps: 1.
Cloud subscriber selects the service request.
Cloud provider returns summary about the request. Summary should include but not limited to the following list of information: • Request ID
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Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
• Name of request • Type of service and cloud provider • List of resources specified in the request • Cloud provider returns deployment status. Status report should include but not limited to the following list of information. • Percentage to completion • Estimated time of delivery • Status of different resources in the request • Error messages if any • Activity log 3.
Depending on the current state of deployment, the cloud subscriber may choose one of the following actions: • Cancel the deployment, rollback any changes, and put resources back into pool. • Pause the deployment at the next check point. • Resume deployment that was paused. • Fix error and retry/resume deployment from last checkpoint.
Failure Condition 1: Provisioning request is not progressing and there is no error message. Failure Handling 1: Subscriber has a self-service means to check progress and escalate within the provider’s support organization. Failure Condition 2: Deployment erred and aborted by the cloud provider. Failure Handling 2: Subscriber is notified and can either resubmit or cancel the request.
6.6 Usage Scenario 6—Reopen Expired Request Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Reuse an expired service request without having to start from scratch. Assumption 1: The cloud subscriber previously submitted a service request but resource reservation has already expired. Assumption 2: A new order process has been started but not yet released for deployment: • If data is complete and resources reserved, the cloud subscriber can release the order. • If resource reservation has expired, the cloud subscriber can submit request again. • If data is complete but one or more resources are not available, the cloud subscriber can make adjustments or cloud subscriber can request cloud provider to reserve the resources for the order when they become available. • If data is not complete, the order is saved as incomplete, and cloud subscriber can continue at a later date and time. • At any given time, the cloud subscriber can delete the order and any resources reserved will be released back into the resource pool. Success Scenario 1: Cloud subscriber submits the request for service awhile back. Resources reserved by the cloud provider already expired. Cloud subscriber can edit the request and resubmit. Steps:
Cloud subscriber selects from a list of expired service requests.
Cloud subscriber updates the service request. For instance: service type, reference number, resources, dependencies, customizations, and so on.
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
On submit, completeness of data is verified by the cloud provider.
If data is incomplete, the cloud provider highlights the missing data, and prompts the cloud subscriber to review.
On successful submission, the cloud provider checks if the requested resources in the order can be met.
If the order can be met, the cloud provider reserves the resources for the cloud subscriber (trigger the Usage Scenario 3—Reserve Resources for Service). Reservation has an expiration date.
If the order cannot be met, the cloud provider will provide an estimated date in the future when the cloud subscriber can expect resources to become available.
Cloud subscriber reviews the order one last time prior to release for automatic deployment.
Failure Condition 1: Data is incomplete. Failure Handling 1: The subscriber is notified and prompted to complete the request. Failure Condition 2: Cloud provider does not have capacity to reserve resources for the cloud subscriber. Failure Handling 2: The subscriber is notified and can resubmit the order at a later time. Ideally the provider notifies the subscriber when capacity is available.
6.7 Usage Scenario 7— Start Dependencies Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: After successful reservation and initialization, cloud service is started. Assumption 1: Cloud service provider confirmed resource availability. Assumption 2: Starting date and time do not exceed reservation period for that specific request for all resources. Assumption 3: Cloud provider has all necessary and relevant data for the specific request. Success Scenario 1: Cloud service is provided and started at the right point in time at the correct quality level according to the cloud subscriber’s request. Steps: 1.
Start of cloud service (ensure right starting order of dependent resources if applicable).
Execution of cloud subscriber defined test-scenario for successful service execution; measurement of its runtime if applicable (optional).
Return instance ID, starting times, status and runtime to cloud subscriber.
Generate unique billing record.
Failure Condition 1: Cloud service not started or execution of test scenario unsuccessful. Failure Handling 1: Escalation through cloud provider’s support path.
6.8 Usage Scenario 8— Stop Dependencies Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Cloud service is stopped, reserved resources disengaged. Assumption 1: Cloud service is running. Assumption 2: Requestor is entitled to stop the service.
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Success Scenario 1: Cloud service is stopped, resources are freed up. ID and configuration data is kept for billing and future usage. Steps: 1.
Cloud service is stopped. Correct order of stopping dependencies is ensured.
Resources used by cloud service are freed up and made available to resource pool again.
ID, configuration and billing record are kept for future re-initialization (see start).
Failure Condition 1: Cloud service is not stopped, not stopped at the designated time, or stopped. Failure Handling 1: Tier 2 support of cloud provider.
6.9 Usage Scenario 9— Suspend CLOUD SERVICE Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Cloud service is suspended Assumption 1: Cloud service is running at cloud provider. Assumption 2: It is ensured that requestor is entitled to suspend the service. Success Scenario 1: Cloud service with all associated resources is resumed. Steps: 1.
Cloud service is suspended, check-pointing data is written, if applicable.
Resources stay reserved for the suspended service.
Billing record for unique ID is updated.
Failure Condition 1: Cloud service is not suspended. Failure Handling 1: Tier 2 support of cloud provider.
6.10 Usage Scenario 10— Resume Cloud Service Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Cloud service is resumed, resources available again. Assumption 1: Cloud service is suspended. Assumption 2: It is ensured that requestor is entitled to resume the service. Success Scenario 1: Cloud service with all associated resources is resumed. If applicable, the service resumes in the last saved checkpoint status. Steps: 1.
Cloud service is resumed. Right order of resuming resources is ensured.
Failure Condition 1: Cloud service is not resumed, not resumed at the designated time, or just partially resumed. Failure Handling 1: Tier 2 support of cloud provider.
6.11 Usage Scenario 11—Systems Monitoring, Alerting, and Data Collection Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Timely notification of urgent and important activity within the IaaS including health, performance and billing.
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Assumption 1: CIaaS has a set of KPIs which are configured based on published SLA and contract agreement between the subscriber and provider. Assumption 2: Defined monitoring points for data collection accommodate both KPI requirements and compliancy. Assumption 3: Monitoring is based on pro-active, real-time architecture for all relevant KPI elements, according to a process which is compliant with applicable country and corporate governance. Assumption 4: A database has been created to store trend data, including on-going maintenance. Success Scenario 1: Cloud subscriber receives an alert message when an established threshold is triggered. Steps: 1.
Thresholds and associated messaging are configured.
The system detects that an established threshold is reached in the running system, such as health, performance or billing conditions.
The trigger action is automatically executed to send an alert message in the proper format (email, SMS and message queue).
Identified data for trend analysis is posted to a database.
Data is retained for a sufficient period to enable analysis and compliancy.
Failure Condition 1: Trigger condition is realized but alert is not generated. Failure Handling 1: Error in alerting is logged and escalated. Cloud provider delivers a manual alert. Failure Condition 2: Correct data is not retained in a database to enable sufficient trend analysis. Failure Handling 2: Update monitors to collect the correct data and to retain it in a suitable location. Failure Condition 3: An agreed threshold was not established/captured by the cloud provider system. Failure Handling 3: Technical business remediation, according to the agreement.
6.12 Usage Scenario 12—Systems Administration and Remediation Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Take a prescribed action in response to an alert to correct a specific defect or deficiency detected within CIaaS. Assumption 1: The IaaS solution provides a mechanism to execute a remediation routine or script. Assumption 2: Events are defined for all CIaaS service elements, with associated mapping to remediation routines or scripts. Step-out and escalation conditions exist and are automated. Success Scenario 1: Successful remediation executed. Steps: 1.
All events and remediation routines are defined.
A defined event is detected in the running system.
Each action associated with the event is executed.
Failure Condition 1: Failure to trigger remediation routine or script. Failure Handling 1: Identify the trigger and correct remediation routine or script, and add them to the automation mechanism. Failure Condition 2: Remediation routine or script fails Failure Handling 2: Update the routine or script if applicable, or correct the pre-conditions expected or required by the routine or script.
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6.13 Usage Scenario 13—Reporting Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Produce reports according to the defined KPIs and publish them to the authorized parties to enable proactive management and planning. Assumption 1: Defined reports form a part of the service and align to the defined KPIs for the service. Assumption 2: Ad-hoc reports can be generated as required. Assumption 3: The monitoring system collects and retains sufficient data relating to the KPIs to enable reporting, in both real time, and historical dimensions. Assumption 4: All reports are authenticated and tamper resistant, such as integrity checks and time stamps. Success Scenario 1: All defined reports are rendered accurately and represent the real system. Steps: 1.
Reports are defined to show evidence that the expected service is indeed being delivered according to Key Performance Indicators. These include availability, performance, capacity, service level achievement, compliance, commercial, security and other reports which may be deemed necessary from time to time.
Data is mined automatically to create reports according to defined timing.
Reports are published automatically according to defined timeline.
Failure Condition 1: Reports are not defined. Failure Handling 1: Identify the relevant reports that must be produced, and the KPI related data to support them, and produce the report. Failure Condition 2: Reports are inaccurate. Failure Handling 2: Identify if the incorrect data is being used, or if inadequate data is collected, and correct the gap. Failure Condition 3: Report data is not retained. Failure Handling 3: Identify data and report retention requirements. Correct for future report generation. Failure Condition 4: Reports are inadequate to determine key service factors. Failure Handling 4: Identify the correct source data needed to represent the service factor, collect it, and update the report. Failure Condition 5: Compliance requirements are not met. Failure Handling 5: Review the process required to collect the data and produce the report, and identify what gaps exist to achieve compliance, and correct the process.
6.14 Usage Scenario 14—Capacity Planning Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Produce adequate data automatically for all parties to be able to predict service dimensions, capital expenditure, operational costs and potential problems and incidents and plan capacity. Assumption 1: Correct data to support capacity planning is collected and retained for an adequate period. Success Scenario 1: Capacity planning process mines the correct data and automatically provides timely planning inputs which enable sustainable services, and thereby avoids incident and problem occurrence.
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Steps: 1.
All capacity reporting dimensions are defined.
Supporting data collection is scheduled or automated.
Capacity data is analyzed automatically from the available source.
Forecasts of events and changes are automatically produced.
The information is sent to the cloud subscriber for approval, if required by the contract.
Failure Condition 1: Service quality is impacted. Failure Handling 1: Identify the relevant data to analyze and develop a trend line with thresholds to forecast decision or change points. Failure Condition 2: Unplanned costs arise. Failure Handling 2: Identify the relevant data to analyze and develop a trend line with thresholds to forecast decision / change points.
6.15 Usage Scenario 15—Auditing Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider, third-party auditor Goal: Produce evidence that the service is produced according to both country-compliant and corporate-compliant processes as well as within legal boundaries. Assumption 1: All needed data is identified, collected and retained according to processes compliant with country and corporate requirements. Assumption 2: An auditor is used who correctly interprets both corporate and country requirements. Assumption 3: Some auditing is automated, and some audits are manual and ad-hoc – and that data exists to support both. Assumption 4: All reports are authenticated and tamper resistant, such as integrity checks and time stamps Success Scenario 1: All services are proved to be rendered according to expectations, (defined by agreed upon KPIs), and in a manner that meets the compliancy requirements of both the corporation and the country. Steps: 1.
Review if the necessary data is available to support the reporting on the agreed upon or identified KPIs.
Review if the method used to collect the data meets compliancy requirements.
Review if the method used to convert the data into reports meets compliancy requirements.
Schedule the audit activities and reports which can be automated.
Execute the defined auditing activities per the schedule and in response to ad-hoc requests.
Failure Condition 1: Required data to support KPI reporting is not available. Failure Handling 1: Identify the needed data, its source, and any other factors, such as retention requirements, and update the monitoring system to collect it. Failure Condition 2: Unacceptable methods are used to collect the data. Failure Handling 2: Identify the correct method to be used for collecting the relevant data, and correct the method or process. Failure Condition 3: Unacceptable methods are used to convert the data into reports. Failure Handling 3: Identify the correct method for interpreting the data into compliant reports, and then correct the process.
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6.16 Usage Scenario 16— Change a Deployed Service Instance Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Process of changes, change approvals, provision and track the entire cloud service life cycle. Assumption 1: All scalability and change options are based on items defined in the service catalog. No changes deviate from options defined in the catalog. Assumption 2: Infrastructure has fault tolerance–load balancers cluster and auto failover of compute. Assumption 3: A set of rules exist defining what scalability options exist, which can be accommodated for both changes and scaling workloads. Success Scenario 1: Enhances the cloud consumer experience by: Gives cloud consumers a unified experience and dramatically simplifies requests for cloud resources. Removes demand bottlenecks while enforcing approval policies through service automation. Controls access to resources while providing the flexibility to choose and easily modify services. Steps: 1.
Ensure IT organization clearly understands new governance structure and they consistently follow new processes without creating any shadow practices.
Check service catalog.
Check service rules.
Define if standard change or non-standard change.
Execute change.
Update configuration records.
Execute the defined auditing activities per the schedule and in response to ad-hoc requests.
Failure Condition 1: Change failure. Failure Handling 1: Run back-out script. Failure Condition 2: Capacity constraint–no landing zone for change. Failure Handling 2: Delay change, notify consumer of constraint, and find an alternative resource.
6.17 Usage Scenario 17— Auto Scale Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider Goal: Automatically scale the number of compute resources for a subscriber based on current demand. Manage processing of cloud scale requests and provision and track the entire cloud service life cycle; deliver automated fulfilment for various business requirements and use cases. Assumption 1: The cloud provider has implemented a scalable architecture capable of automatically growing and shrinking based on demand, regardless of how fast or how slow the demand changes over time. Assumption 2: The cloud provider publishes a clear set of business rules for auto scaling with parameters that are set by the subscriber. This includes maximum and minimum resource sizing and events that trigger growth and shrinkage. Success Scenario 1: The workload scales out or back based on current environmental conditions.
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Steps: 1.
Front-end Site Traffic: Scale based on the number of incoming requests, such as web pages, objects, and data transfer.
The cloud consumer completes the necessary steps to request specific service and request a confirmation for the service provision or expansion.
The cloud provider verifies possible constraints of provision request, such as terms of service and contract, SLAs, etc.
Back-end Batch Processing (Scale Horizontally): Load-based scaling—Scale based on the number of jobs in the queue; Time-based scaling—Scale based on how long jobs have been in the queue
The cloud provider updates the contract for a specific service, and provisions service-specific cloud infrastructure within the terms of service requirements.
The cloud provider returns a confirmation message indicating the successful provision of the service.
The cloud provider returns evidence that the data has been deleted in accordance to the terms of service definitions.
Failure Condition 1: Scale-out request cannot be completed by the cloud subscriber. Failure Handling 1: Consumer notified of failed request and alternatives are suggested. Failure Condition 2: Scale-back request cannot be completed by the cloud subscriber. Failure Handling 2: Consumer notified of failed request and alternatives are suggested.
6.18 Usage Scenario 18 — Comply to Regulatory Requirements Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider, subscriber regulator, provider regulator Goal: The regulatory requirements for the cloud subscriber and the cloud provider must be matched and reflected in the SLA between the cloud subscriber and the cloud provider. Contradictory requirements must be clarified, and an agreement must be made that is acceptable to the regulators. Assumption 1: The regulatory requirements that impact the service are documented and reflected in the SLA for the service. These are corporate requirements as well as jurisdictional requirements. All regulatory requirements to be applied are identified and are part of the contract between provider and subscriber. Methods for complying with these requirements have been identified and agreed upon between provider and subscriber. Metrics to provide evidence have been agreed upon by the regulators. Assumption 2: Both cloud subscriber as well as cloud provider are willing to comply with all regulatory requirements, irrelevant whether they come from the subscriber regulator or the provider regulator. If the regulator’s requirements of both cloud provider and cloud subscriber do not dictate in which premises the data must be retained (either the provider’s or the subscriber’s) for a defined time, such as seven to 10 years for the financial industry, it is up to both to agree on this as part of their contract. Success Scenario 1: Termination of the service is compliant with regulatory requirements. All components of the service are shut down. All data in files or databases is frozen. All regulatory reports are generated to provide evidence of the compliant termination of the service and required data storage or deletion. Steps: 1.
The service is terminated, and the termination does not leave any open transaction or unresolved operation.
Open files or databases of the service are closed or shut down. The audit trails and log files are closed.
The audit trail is written to its long-term storage location (or archive); the service logs are written to their near or mid-term storage location, such as a monitoring system, disk, or archive, according to the SLA for the service.
The operational data10 of the service is transferred to the place defined in the SLA, such as downloaded to the cloud subscriber or in some way archived, for retention (see Assumption 2).
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For assurance levels silver, gold, and platinum, all files and databases of the operational storage, such as disks and SSDs, are deleted securely, that is not recoverable11. Additionally, for assurance levels gold and platinum, the file systems allocated to the service are reformatted, including overwriting all physical disk blocks.
For assurance levels gold and platinum, the memory of all machines (physical and virtual) and in the various network components, such as routers, switches, and firewalls, is securely deleted. The technical deletion process must be defined as being technically feasible and approved.
All archives on disks or tapes of the service are deleted securely so that they are not recoverable12 or destroyed.
The provider hands over a report evidencing all cleanup actions that were executed. The report content is defined and is part of the contract between subscriber and provider. The report will take the assurance levels into account.
Failure Condition 1: Some transactions cannot be closed; some operations cannot be resolved when the service is shutting down gracefully. Failure Handling 1: The service is forced to shut down, unresolved operations or open transactions are logged, and provided to the subscriber. Failure Condition 2: The subscriber’s database or some files are corrupted after the service’s shutdown. Failure Handling 2: Application log and database transaction log are provided to the subscriber with the database files. Application log and corrupted files are provided to the subscriber as well. Failure Condition 3: The transfer of the operational data to the subscriber failed. Failure Handling 3: The transfer is repeated, possibly over a different channel. Failure Condition 4: The provider cannot provide an evidence report that fits the contract between subscriber and provider. Failure Handling 4: Provider has to redo some clean-up actions and reproduce an evidence report. For assurance levels gold and platinum, the provider has to allow an external auditor to verify the completion of the clean-up process.
6.19 Usage Scenario 19 — Service and Data Termination and Deletion Actors: Cloud subscriber, cloud provider, subscriber regulator, provider regulator Goal: Complete the use of a service, terminate it, write out the relevant data according to requirements, scrub the infrastructure, and return the resources to available pools. Assumption 1: A termination framework and process has been agreed upon within the contract for services or service elements, and a formal request for a service termination exists based on this. Assumption 2: Data classification exists, with defined processes and rules. Success Scenario 1: The service is ended as expected, data is handled as expected, and the resources are returned to the available pools for re-use. Steps:
The service is terminated and the termination does not leave any open transaction or unresolved operation.
Open files or databases of the service are closed or shutdown. The audit trails and log files are closed.
The audit trail is written to its long-term storage place, such as an archive; the service logs are written to their near or mid-term storage location, such as a monitoring system, disk, or archive, according to SLA for the service.
The operational data10 of the service is transferred to the place defined in the SLA and downloaded to the cloud subscriber, or archived) for retention. See Assumption 2.
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For assurance levels silver, gold, and platinum, all files and databases from the operational storage unit are deleted securely, and are not recoverable.6 Additionally, for assurance levels gold and platinum, the file systems allocated to the service are reformatted, including overwriting all physical disk blocks.
For assurance levels gold and platinum, the memory of all machines (physical and virtual) and in the various network components, such as routers, switches, and firewalls, is securely deleted as well. The technical deletion process must be defined as being technically feasible and approved.
All archives on disks or tapes of the service are deleted securely, and are not recoverable or destroyed.12
The provider hands over a report evidencing all cleanup actions that were executed. The reports content is defined and is part of the contract between subscriber and provider. The report will take the assurance levels into account.
The resources are returned to the available pools for re-allocation within the cloud.
Failure Condition 1: Some transactions cannot be closed, or some operation cannot be resolved when the service is shutting down gracefully. Failure Handling 1: The service is forced to shut down, unresolved operations or open transactions are logged, and provided to the subscriber. Failure Condition 2: The subscriber’s database or some files are corrupted after the service’s shutdown. Failure Handling 2: Application log and database transaction log are provided to the subscriber with the database files. Application log and corrupted files are provided to the subscriber as well. Failure Condition 3: The transfer of the operational data to the subscriber failed. Failure Handling 3: The transfer is repeated, possibly over a different channel. Failure Condition 4: The provider cannot provide an evidence report that fits the contract between subscriber and provider. Failure Handling 4: Provider has to redo some clean-up actions and reproduce an evidence report. For assurance levels Gold and Platinum, the provider has to allow an external auditor to verify the completion of the clean-up process.
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7.0 Service Orchestration Overview Service orchestration focuses on the triggering of a number of workflows through different layers of the cloud ecosystem as described earlier in Section 4.0. It is therefore helpful to conceptualize the minimum standard of technology and the systems related to critical touch points for orchestration and the subsequent workflow activity within a cloud ecosystem. Cloud services are based on a number of enabling technologies that allow service to be delivered according to the characteristics defined for the cloud as defined by NIST. Focus in this master usage model (MUM) is on the interactions to the cloud subscriber. But it must also be noted that there are similar interactions with the service provider as well as with other solution providers within the overall service as recognized in the services interfaces section of this document. Refer to the following illustration that depicts a high-level, generic cloud ecosystem architecture that illustrates some of the touch points for orchestration while considering both hard and soft interfaces.
Figure 7.1—Generic Cloud Ecosystem Architecture Advice, Guidance Implementation, Transition Service Delivery
Cloud Suppliers, and Providers Front-end
Services Offered Available Prices Request Done Lodge Invoke Federation
Catalog Capacity Planning
Image Library
Management, Security Delivery, Operations
Events, Incidents
Service Level Recording Support Billing Payments Termination
Portal, API, Orchestration & Workflow Functions
Master Services Agreement Available Services Capacities, Prices
Cloud Consumers
Request Deposit, Invoke Create, Admin Cloud Broker
Usage Events Reporting FAQs, PD, RCA Invoices Payments Finished
A provision exists for an organization, or organizations to take on a number of roles as middlemen, usually described as brokerage, integration, aggregation or orchestration. Large parts of these functions might be automated. The interactions to and from cloud consumers and to and from cloud providers are similar, with central functionality sometimes acting primarily as a switching center. They may be invoked through a portal, but are able to be used in a more sophisticated manner when invoked by APIs. One issue that arises in such a multi-party arrangement is how visible, in terms of levels, prices, and volumes, the different suppliers’ services will be between each other and to non-customers.
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The components within the interactions are as follows: Master Services Agreement: As defined by the ODCA Usage Model: Regulatory Framework 13, a work group within the commercial framework provides a contractual framework in which services can be commissioned according to pre-agreed upon terms and conditions. • Services Catalog: As defined by the ODCA Usage Model: Service Catalog 1, a work group provides a standard framework for the description of cloud services, especially IaaS, such that they can be described and discovered in a standard way and then compared between suppliers. • Configuration: Complements the services catalog by providing an indication of the available capacities and prices of the supplier’s environment at any one time. This can be used to support the implementation of conditional pricing, volume discounting, or spot market, a market where services are traded for immediately. • Provisioning: Determines the best fit for any particular request and assigns it to the relevant suppliers. This can be established by pre-defined criteria as described in TREC from the EC-sponsored OPTIMIS 14 project. • Image Library: Used to hold and allocate re-configured machine images for deployment across any supplier. Images can be deposited by cloud consumers or providers, and may or may not be made available to others. • Identity Management: Deployed on a federated basis, using standard protocols, such as SAML, such that cloud consumer organizations maintain their own directory of their users, and cloud providers can establish trust relationships to permit access to their environments. These functions can include both users who are entitled to commission and configure systems as well as the end-users themselves. It includes aspects such as authorization levels to order further facilities. • Delivery and Operations: Takes place with the cloud provider who delivers services to the relevant cloud consumers. • Metering: Takes place during delivery, such that the cloud provider tracks the allocation or actual usage, depending on the nature of the service contract or the relevant resources. This makes data available to the cloud consumer for real-time tracking, and uses it for subsequent billing. • Monitoring: Allows for normal or exceptional events, utilisation levels, or component failures in such a way that cloud consumers can be alerted to potential failures of their services, and that they or some agent can potentially take remedial actions on their behalf. • Service Level Recording: Takes place when tracking the actual services delivered against service levels, such as availability, that have been agreed upon for possible remediation and reporting to the cloud consumer. This may include utilization and performance levels that trigger the deployment or release of further resources. • Support: An optional facility. This can be passive, such as the provision of frequently-asked questions; or it can be more active, whereby some agent can detect anomalies or errors in the running environment, fix the relevant failing component, or recommend a course of action to the cloud consumer. • Billing: Takes place on a periodic basis (typically monthly), involving the cloud consumer being notified of their charges, prompted by the contract terms, levels of actual usage, and service levels delivered.. • Payments: Take place from the cloud consumers directly to the cloud providers or through the broker organization. • Termination: Takes place when the cloud consumer has finished with part or all of the services. In addition, some other possible services are shown that surround various operational services: • Advice and Guidance: Helping a potential cloud consumer determine what systems are most suitable for cloud, how they should be configured, and on which platforms they can be deployed. • Implementation and Transition: Actually converting applications for cloud platforms, identifying and transferring the necessary data, setting up the environment, etc.; these are all things which the cloud consumer would otherwise have to do for themselves. Successful CIaaS service orchestration requires a number of elements, including a service catalog, a services interface, and key performance indicators (KPIs). The following sections cover each of these elements in turn. The service catalog section includes background information and definitions as well as a detailed lifecycle process for users. Information about a service catalog’s structure also is included.
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8.0 Service Catalog Overview This overview of the services catalog includes background information and definitions as well as a detailed lifecycle process for users. Additionally, this section includes details about the service guide’s XML structure and examples of how it can be used to provide relevant information for implementing cloud services, such as provisioning VMs, cloud requests as well as cloud bursting capabilities.
8.1 Background Service catalogs are designed to help organizations in their assessments and selections of cloud services. A detailed and up-to-date service catalog is an essential component of any provider’s offerings. It is the mechanism by which a consumer can determine the capabilities and characteristics of one or more services in an industry accepted standard and consistent manner. Moreover, a standard approach to content and classification within a typical service catalog will allow consumers to be able to compare services between providers. This will help drive competitiveness in the marketplace, allow meaningful service benchmarking and enable consumers to be able to cross-check service details, costs and service levels on a like-for-like basis. Ultimately, in a market where services become more and more intangible as products, a service catalog will enable the consumer to give the products more context and ensure they do not feel as if they are missing out on elements of a service which may be more obvious in a traditional outsourced IT agreement. The concept and design for the service catalog should be applicable to all layers of cloud services, from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), and to other kinds of services such as a Virtual Private Data Center as a Service (VPDCaaS). The desire is that there should be a core set of parameters that are applicable to all offerings, plus specific characteristics, for each of the individual services. Again, consistency across providers will allow comparisons to be made between specific parts of an offering, such as availability or transactional throughput. Additionally, interoperability is improved, and there is an improved degree of ability to consistently span cloud for enriched business purposes, such as project interoperability, service integration and capacity bursting. Capacity bursting refers to a cloud consumer scaling out their infrastructure from one cloud provider to another, typically from a private cloud provider to a public cloud provider.
8.2 Description The catalog must include and describe offered standard or custom services and their function and feature parameters, such as: • Specific infrastructure services to host the application • Additional services such as database and messaging The available technical characteristics, including: • SLA Related KPIs for the technology layer • Dependencies (i.e. relationship with other services inside/outside the cloud) • Capacity • Usage display • Performance parameters • Automation • Availability • Supported assurance levels (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) • Service Continuity parameters (RTO, RPO, RCO) • Data classification and retention metrics • Security controls • Defined reports and auditing metrics • Technology related characteristics
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• OS, patch and release levels • Bandwidth, • Connectivity, firewall rules • Network capacity to access the service • Storage, backup and recovery options, including other management options • Disaster recovery options and facilities • Data retention facilities and archiving • API’s for service integration The offered environmental constraints, such as: • Geographic location (jurisdiction) • Regulatory and legal requirements or pre-approvals • Validated third-party assessments, such as ISOx The offered SLAs and qualities of the packaged service, including: • Operationally by product • Provisioning and de-provisioning times • Service tiers The offered commercial terms, including: • Cost per unit of capacity or consumption • Cost uplift and rebate for each service assurance parameter • Cost for any custom extensions • Discount structure for scale, user banding, minimum commitments, etc. • Necessary surcharges for pre-reservation of capacity • Applicable taxes and levies (if cross-border, regional, and so on) • Any government credit schemes, such as carbon off-set, skills development, and so on • General service rules, standards, and (pre)requirements • Status (i.e. the service is obsolete / available / suspended / in development(Beta)) Availability for delivery of service in the required timeframe, including: • Amount of capacity immediately in stock • Amount of expandability in a defined amount of time to support growth To some degree, the service catalog acts as a sales tool for the cloud service provider as it offers a list of the key services and what differentiates them from competitors.
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8.3 Service Catalog Lifecycle A service catalog has a lifecycle, which includes interactions from both the cloud provider as from the cloud subscribers. The cloud provider provides the service catalog and maintains it, whereas the cloud subscribers consume the catalog and specify services. In some cases, these might be new services. In other cases, it might be non-functional specifications, such as capacity or Quality of Service (QoS). Services that are new or have been changed are entered in the catalog by the cloud provider. Changed services will be versioned in case of functional changes in order to support graceful migration time for the cloud subscribers, and to document backward compatibility of the service’s interfaces or the lack of compatibility in case of a new major version. The following diagram illustrates the service catalog life cycle:
Figure 8.3.1—Service Catalog Lifecycle
Cloud Subscriber
Service Catalog
Cloud Provider
8.4 Service Catalog Usage A service catalog has a lifecycle, which includes interactions from both the cloud provider and the cloud subscribers. The cloud provider provides the service catalog and maintains it, whereas the cloud subscribers consume the catalog and specify services. The following steps represent the typical usage of the service catalog: 1.
Cloud provider provides (i.e., publishes) his service catalog.
Cloud provider adds/changes/removes services from the catalog.
Cloud subscriber searches in the catalog for the required services.
Cloud subscriber specifies missing services for the catalog: • Non-functional changes to existing services. • Functional changes to existing services or new services.
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Cloud subscriber submits requirements to cloud provider.
Cloud provider commits changes /or new services or rejects.
Cloud provider and cloud subscriber sign contract.
Cloud provider implements changes.
Cloud provider adds or changes entries to the service catalog. See Step 2.
10. Cloud provider orchestrates the cloud subscriber-specific set of services. 11. Cloud provider hands infrastructure over to cloud subscriber.
8.5 Service Catalog XML Structure The service catalog is a structured, XML document that can be searched and–at least partially–analyzed automatically in order to facilitate service identification and matching of non-functional requirements. The document structure is defined in an XML-schema that defines some values in order to easily validate the catalog, as well as any single entries, such as service descriptions, in the catalog. Service • Name • Resource Types (hardware, infrastructure-service, application-service, and so on) ºº Hardware (CPU, memory, storage, firewall, router, switch) ºº Infrastructure (Hypervisor, VM, OS, RDBMS, and Access Control Service) ºº Application (servlet, application, or library) ºº Version (major, minor) • Assurance Level (list of available assurance levels) • Service Type (CIaaS, PaaS, SaaS) • Location (list of available countries) Service Levels (SLA types). The structure will be differently structured in the case of a hardware resource or an application. Available assurance levels will also have an impact on the offered service levels. In order to more clearly illustrate the orchestration process, and its relationship to the ODCA Master Usage Model: Compute IaaS 4, the following usage scenario is offered for reference purposes and document alignment. Specific notes should be taken of the service elements, service catalog aspects, and people-based services aspects.
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Example 1 To illustrate, let’s look at provisioning a basic VMware virtual machine running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 6.1. A customer searches the service provider for a service that matches the description and receives an SLA object associated with that service. The SLA object includes information that uniquely identifies and describes the service provider, the service being offered, options on compute, network, and storage resources, available locations, pricing, and estimated time for provisioning. The following is an XML example of a service object. The service named “Red Hat Enterprise Linux” Version 6.1 offers several options for the number of CPU cores, memory, and storage size. Additionally, it offers instances in Singapore, Germany, and the United States. The service is a CIaaS type infrastructure service (OS) available for the bronze and silver assurance levels. Finally, three types of SLAs are available in order to match the client’s needs. Red Hat Enterprise Linux < Provider>ACME Cloud Corp Infrastructure OS 6.1 Hardware vCPU 1, 2, 4, 8 Hardware Memory 1, 2, 4, 8 GB Hardware Storage 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 GB SGP, GER, USA CIaaS Bronze, Silver Budget, Professional, Premium The customer then places the order, specifying desired options, and customizing the VM instance. Customization includes giving a network name for the VM instance and specifying post deployment tasks that should be run after the VM is online. The service provider accepts that request and sends back a confirmation and a unique reference number to the customer for tracking. At any time, the customer can query the service provider with the reference number for status and any messages.
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Example 2 A more complex example of a CIaaS request may include a set of one or more instances of services from the service catalog, such as a request that describes the resources for multiple virtual machines that are required to land a multi-tier application. There are more advanced customizations such as priority order and dependencies for deployment, firewall rules for communications between VMs, cluster configurations, load balancer, parameterized post deployment tasks, or auto scaling for a subset of VMs. In this more complex example, the need for service orchestration is necessary for repeatable, consistent and successful fulfilment of these complex types of service requests.
Example 3 Another example is the ability to burst into a public cloud. A consumer has a business application that is experiencing high demand. They wish to burst to an external provider and need additional capacity within 10 minutes. They may have contractual relationships set up with five cloud providers to burst in this manner. By querying the SLA response times for each cloud provider they can choose the response time most appropriate to their needs, rather than risk bursting from one overloaded data center to another which is suffering the same temporary capacity issues. The approach to defining the use cases in this document is to break up the overall process into a number of sub-elements and to define each of those as a usage scenario. The following usage scenarios assume user self-service from a shared multi-tenant service provider against an existing commercial relationship. The term “order” in the usage scenario represents a request for a service from an existing client to a service provider, and is not intended to focus on the commercial dimension of corporate level ordering with order numbers and contracts, etc. The context is to enable a user with an existing account with the service provider to order a new service from the IaaS Service. In this context, the term is used to package the technical provisioning of a virtual system on an IaaS platform, the technical administration, and the request for changes to be effected to provision this service in the following usage scenarios.
9.0 Services Interface Overview In addition to a services catalog, another element in a successful service orchestration is the services interface which includes APIs, the command line interface (CLI), or GUIs that are used when orchestrating a cloud service. The services interface provides the means for the cloud subscriber to create CIaaS compositions in order to automate and integrate the capabilities within business workflows. Other tools, such as command line interfaces or GUIs, are also important, but APIs are ideal for cloud subscriber orchestration. In order to dynamically adopt and operate cloud-based services, these service interfaces must be capable of integration into the service consumers’ automation systems, preferably without human involvement, considering the workflow and approval stages. This means that the service interfaces need to be open so as to not limit potential cloud users by means of special license or cost limitations on the use of the interface, and to enable the automated working of systems and services. The interfaces need to interact with standardized work flows and service orchestration triggers in a consistent and predictable fashion, globally, and according to defined service qualities. This references the impact on each of the configuration items (CI) in the service catalog, the ordering and operations processes, and the security and compliance of each CI. Should any interfaces be restricted or have special licensing or other pre-requisites, then the openness and adoptability of the overall cloud service comes under risk. Any limitations would potentially restrict the potential user base of the cloud service, and represent lock-in or deviation from open standards. In addition, maintenance and on-going development of the service interfaces must be non-intrusive, enabling sustained operations without impact or requirement for downtime. The web services invoked using the services interface should be written in a manner consistent with cloud computing practices, comprehending basic characteristics such as on-demand/self-service, elasticity, and multi-tenancy. For example, subscribers should be able to call APIs in massive scale. Instead of failing requests when capacity is low, a rate limiting technique throttles requests, only returning an error when resources are completely consumed. Other principles of cloud-aware application design which should be applied to web services are outlined in the best practices paper ODCA Developing Cloud-Capable Applications.15
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This section builds upon several ODCA Usage Models: Compute IaaS 4, Standard Units of Measure for IAAS 2, and Guide to Interoperability Across Clouds.16 It takes the perspective of the cloud subscriber in that the APIs are derived from the usage scenarios defined earlier in this document. APIs are expressed in terms of the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural model. The intent is not to provide a complete specification for cloud providers. Rather, it is intended to convey the set of capabilities required in an API. With REST, there is the concept of resources and collections. A resource is a typed object with properties, methods, and associations with other objects. A collection is a directory or group of resources. Since resources are addressed through Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), the expectation is for the cloud provider to use conventional URI design to publish APIs. For example, for a provider named “myprovider” and a subscriber named “mysubscriber”: • http://api.iaas.myprovider.com • http://api.iaas.myprovider.com/services/V1 • http://api.iass.myprovider.com/mysubscriber • http://api.iaas.myprovider.com/mysubscriber/servicerequests In addition, techniques for searching and filtering collections should be supported. For instance, the selection of a certain subset or number of items within a collection can be accomplished by applying a ‘$filter’ predicate expression as part of the URI. Another important REST concept is the use of standard methods. The basic four methods are as follows: • Post–Create a resource • Get–Read information about a resource • Put–Update a resource • Delete–Remove a resource The following table describes the requested service orchestration collections and associated usage scenarios:
Table 9.1—Requested Collections and Associated Usage Models Collections
Usage Scenarios
Get list of all available services
1. Compose Service
Get list of all possible user roles
1. Compose Service
Return the list of all compute objects that have been NA created through the provisioning process
7. Start 8. Stop 9. Suspend 10. Resume
Get the list of possible events that can be generated NA by the system
12. System Administration and Remediation
List the KPIs that are supported in the IaaS service
13. Reporting
Returns the list of all reservations for the account or user
3. Reserve Resources for Service
Returns a list of service requests that have been created for the user or account
2. Submit Provisioning Request
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The following table describes the requested resources and maps them to the associated usage scenarios:
Table 9.2 Requested Resources and Associated Usage Scenarios Resource
Usage Scenarios
NA – have to contact the provider to create the account
Get current subscriber settings
Update subscriber settings
NA - have to contact the provider to delete the account
1. Compose Service
16. Change Deployed Service Instance
Provision a new user for Get current user the subscriber account of settings a particular role
Update user settings Delete a user
Reserves resources for a service request with expiration date
View current resource reservation for a service request
Update resource reservation – for example, the expiration date
Remove reservation for a service request
3. Reserve Resources for Service
Boot a compute object - after successful reservation and initialization
Returns the state associated with a compute object
Change state of object to trigger reboot, suspend, resume
Shutdown and release reserved resources
7. Start
12. System Administration and Remediation
Create an event log object
Create a forecast object Generate reservation for a particular time settings based on the period – based on forecast object history, KPIs and forecast properties
Create a new monitoring thread which specifies format – email, SMS or message queue – for each event as it occurs
Returns trend data of monitors for a particular time period – apply filter
6. Reopen Expired Request 8. Stop 9. Suspend
Configuration determines whether prior state is preserved for suspend/resume Eventlog
1. Compose Service
10. Resume
Update event log properties
Remove event log object
11. System Monitoring and Data Collection
Update forecast properties
Remove forecast object
14. Capacity Planning
Get the details for NA a particular KPI – current value – not just the metadata
13. Reporting
View monitoring attributes and status
Stop monitoring and delete thread
11. System Monitoring and Data Collection
Change the attributes of the monitor and apply the changes to the thread
14. Capacity Planning 17. Auto Scaling
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Usage Scenarios
Submit a service request to the provisioning queue
See a list of service requests that have been submitted for provisioning
Remove request from the provisioning queue
Delete a service request that is not fully deployed
2. Submit Provisioning Request 5. Track Status and Manage Deployment
Attributes: 1. The Monitor with which the remediation is associated.
List the current remediation for a monitor
Change any remediation attributes for a monitor
Remove remediation for a monitor
12. System Administration and Remediation 17. Auto Scale
2. The event for which remediation will take place 3. The remediation script Report
Create a report, specifying the KPIs and time period
Get the data associated with a particular report that has been created – including location of where the report is published
Change attribute in order to trigger the creation of a report – specify the report date/time or recurring frequency and report delivery mechanism
Remove a report
Reserves resources for a service request with expiration date
View current resource reservation for a service request
Revise a reservation
Remove reservation for a service request
3. Reserve Resources for Service
Service Request
Set up an order for a new View detail of a service specific service request
Change the settings of a service request that is in in process
Delete the service request
1. Compose Service
Retrieve general information describing whether the service is up and functioning normally
13. Reporting 15. Auditing
5. Track Status and Manage Deployment All
Response status codes are expected to conform to standard HTTP format as maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Response status codes are expressed as four digit numbers where the first digit indicates one of five standard classes. For this usage model there are two relevant classes: • 4XX is a client error where the request contains bad syntax or cannot be filled. For example, 400 is a bad syntax error and 401 and 401 is an authorization error. • 5XX is a server error where the server failed to fill a seemingly valid request. For example, 500 is an internal server error and 503 is a service unavailable error. A complete list of status codes can be found in the IANA HTTP Status Code Registry at http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/ http-status-codes.xml 17
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10.0 Key Performance Indicators Overview In addition to the key elements of service orchestration—the service catalog and the service interface- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are an important and essential requirement for a successful service orchestration. KPI (or performance indicator) is an industry term for a type of performance measurement where information is collected and reported regarding performance compared with a defined goal. A very common way for choosing KPIs is to apply a management framework such as the balanced scorecard18 to consolidate a number of SLA perspectives and metrics into an overall indicator. Sub-categories include: • Quantitative indicators which can be presented as a number. • Practical indicators that interface with existing company processes. • Directional indicators specifying whether an organization is getting better or not. • Actionable indicators are sufficiently in an organization’s control to affect change. • Financial indicators used in performance measurement and when looking at an operating index. Key performance indicators, in practical terms and for strategic development, are objectives to be targeted that will add the most value to the business. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Performance_indicator.19) KPIs can be visually represented in multiple ways, including dials, thermometers and slider bars, as shown above.
Figure 10.1—KPI Visualization KPI: Service is available as expected May Include: • System Uptime • Network Uptime • Storage Uptime • Incident Response Time
Aggregated SLA Committed
Actual Achievement
Low Water Mark: Minimum acceptable level
High Water Mark: Target achievement
KPI Principles: • Should define a specific measure title. • The parameters of the measure constitute the aggregated SLA. • Has a high and low water mark (The aggregated SLA is set against one of these). • Can have multiple dimensions, some of which are shared. • Service Consumer view, to gauge quality of service. • Service Provider view, to manage overall services. • Shared view on some items.
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The KPIs recommended as a base for service orchestration follow: • Agility, which includes: ºº Capacity—The maximum quantity of a service that a service provider can deliver while meeting defined SLAs. ºº Elasticity—The ability of a service to adjust available resources to meet demands. ºº Scalability—The ability of the service provider to increase or decrease the quantity of resources available to meet service consumer requirements. • Service Assurance, which includes: ºº Availability—The amount of time that a client can make use of a service. ºº Maintainability—Refers to the ability for the service provider to make modifications to the service to keep the service in good repair, without disrupting running services. ºº Recoverability—The degree to which a service is able to resume a normal state of operation after an unplanned disruption. ºº Reliability—Reflects measures of how a service operates without failure under given conditions during a given time period. ºº Fault Tolerance—The ability of a service to continue to operate properly in the event of a failure in one or more of its components. ºº Auditability—The ability to provide evidence of service usage, including completed and aborted requests. ºº Security patching—reporting patch procedures including success or failure, and delay after patch availability. • Financial, which includes: ºº Onboarding Costs—The cost of migrating into the cloud service. ºº Operating Costs—The client cost to consume the service. This includes recurring flat costs, such as monthly access fees and usage-based costs. • Performance, which includes: ºº Accuracy—The extent to which a service adheres to its defined parameters. ºº Functionality—The range of defined features provided by a service. ºº Interoperability—The ability of a service to interact with other services, usually associated with the use of open standards. ºº Service Response Time —The time between when a transaction is triggered and when the response is returned. • Security, which includes: ºº Access Control, Privilege Management—The policies and processes in use by the service provider to ensure that only the authorized representatives with appropriate status make use of the provided services. ºº Country Legislative Compliance—The ability of the service provider to demonstrate compliance of services with applicable country legislation. ºº Corporate Legislative Compliance—The ability of the service provider to demonstrate compliance of services with applicable corporate requirements. ºº Data Integrity—The ability to keep the data that is created, used, and stored, in its correct original form so that service consumers may be confident that it is valid. ºº Physical and Environmental Security—The policies and processes in use by the service provider to protect the service facilities from unauthorized access, damage, or interference.
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For the purposes of Service Orchestration, the KPIs should align with any definitions provided by the ODCA Master Usage Models: Compute Infrastructure as a Service,4 and Commercial Framework.3 The following table represents some of the more important measures to be considered towards the KPI calculation:
Table 10.1—Measures in KPI Calculation Attribute
Description of Measure
Relevant Processes
Ability of a cloud provider to perform requested actions correctly. An appropriate measure would be per cent done right first time.
Order/provision; start/ stop
Agility or elasticity
As defined by CIaaS, the configurability and expandability of the solution. An appropriate measure would be cycle time to perform such a change.
Start/stop; run
Ability for cloud subscriber or regulatory agency to request that the provider make all relevant data available to an auditing agency, and for provider to periodically audit its information security program. An appropriate measure would be last audit date, or days since last audit.
Discover/negotiate; As defined in the ODCA Master Usage Model: CIaaS,4 the degree of uptime for the run; end-to-end solution (e.g., taking into account contention probabilities). Appropriate measures would include overall CIaaS service availability, availability of individual service components (e.g. service management portal or API), and aggregate availability of a cloud subscriber’s active VMs.
Cost management
Cloud subscriber receives an accurate accounting of cost, based on a consistent per-unit price. Trend of per-unit price over time should be made available for each consumer.
Order/provision; start/ stop
A system’s exposure to risks or vulnerabilities. Appropriate measures would include:
• Weighted security risk score that expresses risk to business over time • “Time to Repair” or “Time of Exposure” for the business to vulnerabilities • Weighted number of security breaches that incorporates detected breaches and the severity level of those breaches • Weighted time to recover for instances when breaches actually occur FIRST.org’s Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) provides an open framework for quantifying these characteristics. In the above examples we have suggested a measure but have not specified the high- or low-water marks, as those will be contract- and SLA-specific. The same measures should be used regardless of service tier, however, to provide a cloud subscriber with a means of comparing the cost and benefit of a different tier.
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11.0 Orchestration Lifecycle Overview This section covers the basic lifecycle of a CIaaS system from the subscriber perspective. The intent is not to provide a fully defined orchestration system; rather the purpose is to communicate how the subscriber will identify and consume services. Note: A future version of this document will provide additional definition from the provider perspective that is intended for the private cloud scenario where the subscriber and provider are two roles within the same organization. The service orchestration lifecycle describes how the cloud subscriber interacts with the cloud provider throughout the lifespan of service orchestration of a single service from inception to end of life. The lifecycle is derived from the usage scenarios described earlier in this document and enables the subscriber’s basic needs for identifying and consuming services. Subscribers and providers are both expected to understand the lifecycle and be responsible for their portions of the process. Providers should provide tools and processes to smooth the transition into and through the lifecycle. Subscribers are expected to have clear requirements and access to customer-specific assets to leverage the provider services.
Figure 11.1—Orchestration Lifecycle Flowchart Access
Order Cloud Services
Stop Start/Stop Cloud Services
Monitor Forecast
Audit Run Cloud Services
Update Change Cloud Services
End/Delete Cloud Services
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The high level process for a typical service which requires orchestration is as follows:
Table 11.1—High Level Process for a Service Requiring Orchestration Process Name Step
Usage Scenario Mapping
The cloud subscriber establishes access to the cloud provider services. This includes service discovery through the service catalog, establishment of a service contract with SLAs and pricing, and the creation and management of user accounts with defined security access. This process also includes the initial creation of service requests.
1. Compose Service
The subscriber places a reservation for compute capacity with the provider. In effect, this process notifies the provider that a service request order is pending and guarantees that the resources needed by the subscriber will be available within the reservation timeframe.
3. Reserve Resources for Service 6. Reopen Expired Request
The cloud subscriber submits a provisioning request with the provider, associated with a reservation
2. Submit Provisioning Request
The cloud provider fulfils the request and notifies the subscriber. The servers become available. The cloud subscriber can make any needed configuration changes and load any applications and data.
4. Deploy Service 5. Track Status and Manage Deployment
The cloud subscriber boots the servers and starts consuming compute resources.
7. Start
The subscriber monitors the running service for event conditions.
11. System Monitoring and Data Collection 12. System Administration and Remediation
Scheduled and ad-hoc reports are generated and published.
13. Reporting
The cloud provider produces a capacity forecast for the subscriber, based on historical usage trends and expected new demand defined by the subscriber.
14. Capacity Planning
Make changes to the running service based on new requirements such as the maintenance of applications and data, scaling demand or other business needs.
16. Change Deployed Service Instance 17. Auto Scale 9. Suspend 10. Resume
The subscriber stops the service to apply changes from an update or to simply discontinue the use of the services. The servers are no longer available to subscriber end users. Billing stops.
8. Stop
The subscriber or provider effects a service termination, which results in the return of compute resources to the pool of available capacity.
19. Service and Data Termination and Deletion
The subscriber and provider ensure regulatory requirements associated with service termination are met.
18. Comply Regulatory Requirements
An audit may be initiated at any time during the service lifecycle by the cloud subscriber or provider in response to legal or corporate requirements.
15. Auditing
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Please refer to the ODCA usage scenarios in section 6.0 for detailed process steps for each core activity. Service orchestration enables a cloud consumer to invoke services and changes to those services by means of initiating a number of workflows based on the lifecycle event or phase being triggered. Orchestration and the associated workflows must comply with corporate and service related rules, as well as support corporate processes and policies. Rules orientate around services and service compilations (e.g. HA configuration with redundant storage must be deployed to enable 99.9+% availability), and corporate policies may dictate that a contract must exist between the service receiver and the service provider before a service catalog may be published, or before an actual service can be ordered by a service receiver. This makes common sense, since it lays the foundation for setting expectations and a relationship (whether internal IT-to-business or -business-to-business). Therefore, it is identified that there are three key phases in service lifecycles, and that orchestration must recognize which phase is relevant to the request, and therefore which rules, processes, workflows, and systems must be triggered. There are clear lifecycle events and phases where service orchestration uses these triggers that then take slightly different workflow routes:
Table 11.2—Lifecycle Events and Phases Lifecycle Action
Input Trigger for Orchestration Phase Selection
Output from Orchestration Triggering a Workflow
Compose, order, start cloud services (plan and build), and establish a supporting or backing contractual relationship
Contractual part of interaction may be manual depending on the service provider and corporate procurement policies, the ordering stage by either GUI or API
Catalog-based rule set triggers relevant workflow If contract is already in existence, otherwise triggers contract invocation process.
Run and Change
Operate and change cloud services (run GUI and API and change) based on existing services and contracts
Catalog-based rule set triggers relevant workflow
End and Delete
Stop, end and delete cloud services (end and delete) based on contractual agreements, compliancy requirements, or an abnormal condition
Catalog-based rule set triggers workflow and checks contractual rules
GUI or API, unless there is an abnormal contractual situation which requires manual steps, such as early termination with penalty.
These workflows (which are triggered by the orchestration process) progress through a number of layers and sections within the cloud ecosystem, roughly described as follows: 1.
Composing sub-services according to business requirement from a catalog of options, typically via a GUI or API.
Contracting and establishing a commercial relationship including both contractual and financial frameworks, typically through corporate procurement functions.
Deploying the technology related elements, automated and manual workflows.
Deploying the service and support related elements, automated and manual workflows.
Monitoring, reporting and auditing the compiled services, automated data collection, and report generation.
These functional areas are depicted by means of the following graphic, with the probable workflows for the service lifecycle phases overlaid onto the functional areas.
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Figure 11.2—Service Catalog Lifecycle
Client Interface
One-Off Events
Run & Change
Note: Lines indicate different sequences for the three major phases of a service lifecycle
Service orchestration recognizes a series of pre-planned and wired processes and triggers associated with catalog-based services, available activities for those services, and based on rules and processes associated with those activities. As a request is compiled by the service consumer, a package is built up of these activities, workflows, rules, and processes. This determines the specific process flow for that orchestration package as represented in the previous graphic. Standard processes are defined by the cloud service provider, and the rules behind the service catalog must align to those processes. These processes must enable compliance as defined by the relevant ODCA Usage Model: Service Catalog1 applicable to that scenario, security and technology deployment aspects as described in the ODCA Master Usage Model: Compute Infrastructure as a Service (CIaaS) 4, and service compilation based on the defined SLA’s and services, together with the applicable commercial framework behind those services. Based on triggers from the orchestration process and the different phases through which this orchestration request must flow dependent on its lifecycle activity, a table below has been created describing the functions, and then later the sub-systems, which must be invoked or triggered for that lifecycle activity. Some triggers are compiled as a service request by the cloud consumer, and some depend on the rules behind the service catalog associated with that particular lifecycle activity. The service provider must understand and define the process and associated workflow interaction for each of the lifecycle activities in advance to support his standard service catalog, and the service consumer must recognize the service lifecycle phase that they are addressing, and the expected interactions and triggers associated with their responsibilities in each phase. These pre-defined processes are defined per the service provider’s corporation, and are usually based on:
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• Compliance requirements at both country and corporate level, such as applicable legislation, privacy, and rules. • Commercial requirements, such as contract structure and wording. • Security structure, such as internet or corporate network-based security systems and tools. • Operational environment structure, such as infrastructure location, and service team structures. Examples of the defined cloud consumer responsibilities could be as follows:
Table 11.3—Defined Cloud Consumer Responsibilities Lifecycle Action Cloud Consumer Responsibilities Initiation
• Accept the proposed contract and its conditions with the cloud service provider, and their operational processes • Define business processes for the system being requested, and upload or integrate legacy data and systems with the cloud-based system, when if required
Run and Change
• Integrate reporting, and align retained support functions with that of the cloud service provider • Monitor dashboards, Provide data classification definitions and requirements for data handling and protection.
End and Delete
• Initiate termination • Receive data for long term archiving (and any associated audit requirements), according to the contractual agreements. • Sign-off system scrubbing before resources are returned to the available pool for re-allocation • Conclude outstanding commercial activities.
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The activities within the phases of orchestration are described as follows:
Table 11.4—Activities Within the Phases of Orchestration Service Orchestration Process Section
Compose Services
Functional Description - Initiation Phase
1. Advertises available services to the cloud broker, GUI, and API 2. Enables the consumer to create a configuration of desired services to meet their requirements, including choice of charging method (pay per …) 3. Enables the consumer to place an order for cloud services costs’ to be calculated 4. Provides the calculated financial and commercial terms and conditions to the consumer for acceptance, based on this service composition and possible contractual agreement
Service Request Layer
1. Transfer a composed service to the review engine to confirm if the selected service elements comply with defined rules (if high availability, is a clustered system selected) 2. Decides whether to pass the service configuration to the next step for calculation, or rejects it with an error code and message, and returns the error and composition to the Consumer Interface 3. After the consumer accepts the commercial response, compiles a service request and triggers the workflow for the relevant systems i.e. passes initiation of service to service level management and business service management. 4. Reserves the resources through workflow, to support the composed services configuration to the next step for calculation, or rejects it with an error code and message, and returns the error and composition to the Consumer Interface.
Commercial Layer
Service Layer
Technology Layer
Service Levels
1. Calculate the financial implication of configurations passed from the previous step, according to the rules, and return that to the service interface for consumer acceptance
1. Checks for an existing contract between the cloud service consumer and provider
1. Triggers the workflow for the creation of standard reporting for the composed service, with associated data collection, and monitoring queues
1. Triggers workflows into the service management system to initiate the SLA tracking for the deployment
2. Reference 3 and 4
2. Reference4
3. Initiates reports for the service provider: initiates reports on clients, usage overview, SLA / KPI compliance, revenue, resource sprawl, needed capacity, efficiency, license use, risk, quality etc. For this purpose collects data from Service Level Management and Business Service Management
3. Reference4
1. Initiated and triggers the workflow to communicate to the involved teams for the composed service, that the service is being instantiated, triggers packaging and deployment of the service
2. Calculate the financial implication of service configurations passed from the previous step, according to the rules, and return that to the service Interface for consumer acceptance (service pricing, composed of costs + margin). Lookup to the commercial layer where Pricing is calculated based on rules, contract info, SLA info, client info, localization etc
2. Checks if the current contract between the cloud service consumer and provider caters for the services forming part of the composed service request 3. Determines initial pricing (static, dynamic) based on contracts, available pricing schema’s, bundling discounts 4. Initiates the contractual position per client to apply possible discount schemes or KPI and SLA implications or duration commitment
1. Initiates and triggers the deployment of the technology resources to support the composed services
4. Initiates customizable reports for the user (service overview, usage, SLA and KPI compliance, pricing.)
3. Invokes the periodical billing parameters, based on charging model, metering method, subscription scheme data and sets this for the run phase, as a service for the Billing system 4. Initiates the real time business case model to feed to the reporting during run phase, collects and calculates the cost prices of subservices, domain costs, any collateral costs 4. Triggers the workflow to create data collection for Incident, problem and change management for the composed services and combine this with the SL rules.
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Service Orchestration Process Section
Compose Services
Service Request Layer
Functional Description– Run Phase Functional Description End Phase
Commercial Layer
1. Triggers deselection of service workflow
1. Triggers the workflow to release the resources and return them to the available resource pool
Service Layer Contractual
Technology Layer Service Levels
1. Triggers the financial system to start its workflow for monthly batch or ETL usage upload and cost calculation, and invoice generation
1. Monitoring, auto scaling, burst
1. Checks on vm and db sprawl
1. Triggers the financial system to poll for final usage values and tally them up
1. Triggers notification of service termination and release of resources
1. Starts workflow to release resources, scrub them, and return them to the available resource pool. Reclaim of unused services
1. Invokes contract exit and termination clause
2. Triggers data “return”/ long term archive workflow
Applicable Usage Scenarios
Order Cloud Services, Change Cloud Services
Order Cloud Services, Change Cloud Services
Order Cloud Services, Change Cloud Services, Run Cloud Services
Order Cloud Services, Change Cloud Services, Run Cloud Services
Run Cloud Services, Change Cloud Services
Run Cloud Services, Change Cloud Services
Run Cloud Services, Change Cloud Services
Order Cloud Services, Change Cloud Services
Systems (Sub Components) Typically Involved in Orchestration
Cloud portal, identity mgmt., service catalog, configuration mgt System, Master Services Agreement
Cloud shop, provisioning, image library, identity mgt
Service catalog, billing system, metering System, Master Services Agreement, payments
CRM system
Cloud portal, management and monitoring system, metering, service level recording, identity management
Management and monitoring system, CRM system, service level recording
Management and monitoring, service desk, administration portal, identity management, delivery and operations, provisioning
Administration s system, deployment system, management and monitoring, license management system, identity management
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
12.0 Usage Requirements The features below are derived from the usage scenarios in Section 6.0, and are aligned with the ODCA Usage Model: Standard Units of Measure for IaaS.2 For this usage model, it is not intended that all of the features in a given column must be supported as a group. In practice, a given cloud service provider solution will combine different service levels for different elements. For example, all bronze performance feature requirements must first be met before combining features from any other performance level. For instance, gold security features can be combined with bronze service catalog features. The general assurance requirements are well documented in the ODCA Usage Model: Provider Assurance.9 There are some additional requirements specific to service orchestration, but within the same framework of reference, as follows:
Table 12.1—Service Tiers Bronze
Enterprise equivalent
Critical market or business Military or safety-critical sector equivalent equivalent
As per ODCA Usage Model: Provider Assurance 9
Service Interface Availability
Up to 4 hours nonavailability
Up to 1 hour nonavailability
Up to 10 minutes nonavailability
Always on
Service Interface Performance
Up to 4 hours transaction response time
Up to 1 Hour transaction response time
Up to 10 minutes transaction response time
Immediate response
Service Reporting
Service Catalog
Updated Monthly
Updated monthly, and on request
Updated daily
Updated immediately
Automation of Service Request Implementation
No Automation
Partial Automation
Full Automation
Full Automation, in real time
Ad hoc Compliance of Service Orchestration Process with Compliance Framework
Standardized and reproducible
Compliant with selected corporate requirements
Compliant with selected corporate and country requirements
Web Services Interface Standard
Programmatic web services in cloud provider’s choice of standard
Programmatic web services in recognized industry standard, consistent with ODCA concepts
Programmatic web services in recognized industry standard, consistent with ODCA concepts
Programmatic web services in cloud provider’s choice of standard
Copyright © 2012 Open Data Center Alliance, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Open Data Center Alliance: Service Orchestration Rev 1.0
13.0 RFP Requirements–Service Providers The following are requirements that the Alliance believes should be included in requests for proposal to cloud providers to ensure that proposed services support service orchestration. ODCA Principle Requirement – Service is open and is standards-based. Describe how the service meets this principle and any limitations towards the ODCA principle. ODCA Service Orchestration Usage Model 1.0 – A Cloud Orchestration GUI portal is available which enables the full orchestration of the cloud service and is available at 99.99%. The GUI includes service catalog navigation, and simplified ordering, and triggering deployment of services. ODCA Service Orchestration Usage Model 1.0 – A CLI is available which enables the full orchestration of the cloud service and is available at 99.99%. The CLI includes service catalog navigation, and simplified ordering, and triggering deployment of services. ODCA Service Orchestration Usage Model 1.0 – An API is available which enables the full orchestration of the cloud service and is available at 99.99%. The API includes service catalog navigation, and simplified ordering, and triggering deployment of services. APIs conform to a REST architectural model. ODCA Service Orchestration Usage Model 1.0 – Service lifecycle phases are fully documented and available online, with defined sub-steps, actions, and success/failure conditions. The documentation must include the Automated Service Provisioning Process, from beginning to end, and indicate any manual steps involved. ODCA Service Orchestration Usage Model 1.0 – A downtime and maintenance schedule is available on-demand, indicating which functions and service elements are maintained online, and which require downtime. ODCA Service Orchestration Usage Model 1.0 – Describe your handling of potential availability issues such as significant cloud computing outage, high network load or insufficient bandwidth access. ODCA Service Orchestration Usage Model 1.0 – Cloud Orchestration Portal GUI response Time is
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