Octane UK - Issue 230, August 2022

March 31, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Some quirks rema remain, in, howe however ver.. e infot infotainm ainment ent syste system m betr betrays ays the car’s vin vinta tage ge,, an andd the robotised robo tised ISR (I (Indep ndependen endentt Shiing Shii ng Rod) seve seven-spe n-speed ed gearbox gea rbox rema remains ins the bigg biggest est 160


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2018 McLaren Senna “Fina” (027) Oneof One of onl only y 3 Fin Fina-l a-liv ivery ery Mc McLa Lare ren n Sen Senna na.. Del Delive ivery ry mil milea eage ge on only ly and andEE EEC-c C-car ar.. P.O.A

2008 Porsche 997 GT3 RSR

2012 ex-Dempsey Racing Lola B12/80 LMP2

One of on One only ly 33 RS RSRs Rs bu buil iltt in 20 2008 08.. Asnew an and d ma matc tchi hing ng nu numb mber ers. s. Complet Comp letely ely ove overhaule rhauled d and fres fresh h w/ ext extensi ensive ve spare spares. s. P.O.A.

Carbon Car bon fibe fiberr mon monoco ocoquewith quewith Jud Judd d 3.6 lit liter er V8 eng engine ine.. Ful Fully ly reb rebuil uild d in 201 2019 9 inc incl. l. engine engi ne and gearb gearbox. ox. P.O.A

1970 ex-Ronnie Peterson March 701 (8) 701  (8)

1973 Porsche 911 Carrera 2.7 RS (Touring)

Ronnie’ss 1970 F1 champ Ronnie’ championsh ionship ip car car.. Con Connuous nuous owne ownershi rship. p. Race-r Rac e-read eady y w/ Ric Richar hardso dson n DFV, FIAHTP and goo good d spa spares res.. P.O.A.

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Open your mind

E92 M3 GTS is defined by its tuned 4.4-litre V8, adjustable rear wing and bucket seats with harnesses.


REMAINING open-minded is key to und unders ersta tandi nding ng the DS 9. Sp Spea eaki kingas ngas a Bi Bigg Ci Citr troë oën n sympathiser sympa thiser,, even I didn didn’t ’t know   what to make of it initially initially.. First Fi rst of all all,, thisisn’ thisisn’tt act actual ually ly a Citr Ci troë oën. n. DS is no now w a ma marq rque ue in itss ow it own n ri righ ghtt – th thee lux luxuryFre uryFrenc nch h armof the St Stell ellan antis tis gr group oup an and d an osh o shoo oott of Ci Citr troë oën n – bu but, t, as th thee ags a gship hip,, th thee 9 is su sure rely ly th thee ne next xt in linee to the glo lin gloriou riouss Cit Citroë roën n C6. Pre Pr eyy it ai ain n’t ’t,, bu butt th thee DS 9 do does es a gr grea eatt jo job b of lo look okin ingg cl clas assy sy,, an and d it has som somee ve very ry nic nicee det detail ailin ing. g. e head he adli ligh ghts ts ar aree a wo work rk of ar art, t, an and d the C-p C-pilla illarr ma marke rkerr lig lights hts andthe  bonnet’ss central chrome strip hark   bonnet’  back not-so-subtly to the original Citroën Citr oën DS. Based Ba sed on the ar archi chite tectu cture re of the Peug Pe ugeot eot 508 508,, with an ext extend ended ed  wheelbase, the DS9 relies on the same petr petrol/el ol/electric ectric hybrid powertr pow ertrain ain.. is one is the outgoing outg oing ee-T Tense Rivol Rivolii with a combined combi ned 225bh 225bhp p outpu output, t, since repla rep laced ced by a 250 250bhp bhp mod model. el. ere’ er e’s als also o a hig high-s h-spec pec 355 355bhp bhp plugplu g-in in hyb hybrid rid if youneed mor moree

performa perfor mance nce – alt althou hough gh thi thiss car is abs absolu olutel telyy not ab about out tha that. t. Comfort Com fort and ren renemen ementt are  where DS has set its sights. e special-feelingg interior ambience special-feelin setss the ton set tone: e: an anyon yonee who has drivena dri vena 508 mig might ht not notice ice simila sim ilarit rities ies in the cab cabin in la layou yout, t,  but much of the switchgear has a unique uni que fee feel, l, an and d the ma massa ssage ge sea seats ts are spect spectacul acularly arly comf comfortab ortable. le. DS has not notice iceab ably ly li lied ed the qua qualityof  lityof  material mat erialss used throu throughout ghout,, too too.. How’ Ho w’ss the rid ride? e? It’s at thi thiss poi point nt that fello fellow w Citr Citroënis oënistes tes might gett sl ge slig ight htly ly up upse set, t, as th thee DS 9 ostensibl oste nsiblyy opts for a ‘s ‘stand tandard ard’’ springg and dam sprin damper per setset-up. up. However How ever,, these are ada adaptiv ptivee damp da mper ers, s, whi which ch se seem em todo an outs ou tsta tand ndin ingg jo job b of gi givin vingg th thee DS 9  just the right balance of comfort and an d com compos posur ure, e, hel helpedby pedby mod modest est

19in all 19in alloys oys andchunk andchunkyy tyr tyres. es. Furthermor Furth ermore, e, the 9 empl employs oys someth som ethingcalle ingcalled d DS Act Active ive Sca Scan n Suspe Su spensi nsion on to mon monito itorr the ro road ad ahead ahea d for imperf imperfection ections. s. At lowe lowerr speeds spe eds ar aroun ound d to town, wn, it doe doess a great gre at job of iso isola latin tingg the ca cabin bin from fro m pot pothol holes es andruts. In Incre crease ase speed and everythi everything ng rem remains ains cushio cus hionedbut nedbut ve very ry tig tightl htly  y  contr con troll olled ed – ma makin kingg fas fastt yet relaxed relax ed prog progress ress eortl eortless. ess. You soon soo n re reali alise se tha thatt the ca carr ten tends ds to nd n d it itss ow own n pa pace ce do down wn a ro roadbut, adbut, as wit with h bi bigg Ci Citr troë oëns ns of ol old, d, th this is is usu usuall allyy qui quicke ckerr tha than n you expe expect. ct. It’s al almos mostt te ten n yea years rs to the da day  y  sinc si ncee I wr wrot otee a ne news ws st story ory ab abou outt UKsalesof UKsal esof th thee C6com C6comin ingg toan end.. Ju end Just st ov over er 100 1000 0 ha had d fou found nd homes hom es her heree in sev seven en yea years. rs. e major ma jority ity of buy buyers ers sim simply ply did didn n’t unders und ersta tand nd it an and d it see seemed med

Above and below

DS 9 shares Peugeot 508 architecture but adopts a singular look inside and out; sales are sensibly forecast to be modest.

doubtfull tha doubtfu thatt we we’’d eve everr see another anot her big Citr Citroën oën aga again. in. Yet here he re is th thee DS 9. An And d it’s eq equa uall lly  y  hard ha rd to ge gett you yourr hea head d ar aroun ound. d. Ten ye years ars of pro progre gress ss has see seen n the lar large ge salo saloon on mar market ket dimin diminish ish in fa favo vour ur of la larg rgee SU SUV Vs. DS ha hass se sett realistic rea listic sales targ targets ets of ‘hundr ‘hundreds’ eds’ in th thee UK, an and d it it’’s no nott exp expec ecti ting ng to tak takee sig signi nican cantt nu numbe mbers rs fro from m  Audi A6 or BMW 5-Series buyers. iss is a ca i carr fo forr th thos osee wh who o wa want nt something somet hing gen genuinel uinelyy dier dierent, ent, and an d it’s on onee th thatI atI th thin inkk re real ally ly ha hass the pot potent entialto ialto ge gett und under er you yourr skin sk in – if gi give ven n th thee ch chan ance ce.. I ju just st hopee tha hop thatt eno enoug ugh h peo people ple do do..





Gone Go ne bu butt not fo forg rgo oen en  WOR DS   DELWYN MALLETT

Federico Formenti  A spotlight spotlight-shunning -shunning great who shaped post-war Italian car styling anage when‘fa when‘fame’ me’, or theillusi theillusion on of fam fame, e, hasbecom hasbecomee som someth ethingof ingof an obs obsess ession ion and is sought by many who have no apparent talentto tal entto jus justify tify thequest.It is the theref reforedicu oredicult lt to ima imagin ginee tha thatt som someon eonee witha sub sublim limee arti artistic stic gi, and who could claim credit for some of  the most beautiful Italian cars of the post-war period, should have shunned the limeli limelight ght to such an extent that he is virtually unknown to the world at large… and even to enthusiasts. Late in 1925, wealthy Milanese gentleman racer rac er Fe Felic licee Bia Bianch nchii And Anderl erloni oni andhis bus busines inesss partner Gaetano Ponzoni decided to become coachbuilder coach builderss and ente entered red negot negotiation iationss to  buy a local rm, Carrozzeria Falco, Falco, soon to be renamed Carrozzeria Touring. at same year, Federico Formenti was born into the lower end of Mil Milan an’’s soci social al hie hiera rarch rchyy. Kno Known wn as ‘Mimmo ‘Mi mmo’’ to fam family ily andfriend andfriendss ali alike,he ke,he bec became ame the chief designer of Touring in 1948, and  went on to be one of the greatest unsung stylists of Italian coachbuilding. Growing up even more passionate about motor cars than the average Italian schoolboy, Mimmo le school in 1939 and, as a 14-yearold, started work in a machine shop sweeping oors and washing down the machinery. It seem se emss th that at,, as we well ll as be beco comi ming ng a ski skill lled ed machinist, he had a gi for visualising threedimensional dimens ional form and evolv evolved ed into an expert model-maker and illustrator il lustrator.. In 1946 his older brother-in-law, a technical designer at Touring, introduced Formenti to Fel elic icee An Ande derl rlon onii – an andd An Ande derl rlon onii wa wass suciently impressed by the young man that he took him on as an assistant to Giuseppe Belli. Belli had headed styling at Touring since  WE LIVE IN

style of body, with the help of wind tunnel testing. In 1948, just two years aer Touring had started to rebuild itself following World  Warr Two,  Wa Two, Belli le to join Isoa Fraschini. Fraschini. Belli’s departure was Mimmo’s opportunity  and Anderloni didn’t hesitate in appointing him hi m as th thee ne new w he head ad of sty styli ling ng.. Hi Hiss r rst st designs echoed those of his mentor Belli but the model that today would have catapulted anyy ne an new w fa face ce on onto to th thee fr fron ontt pa page gess of th thee motoring journals was the exquisite Ferrari 166, now recognised as one of the seminal open op en sp sport ortss ca carr fo form rms. s. Whe Whenn it wa wass r rst st sh show ownn at the Turin Auto Salon, the revered Fiat boss Gian Gi anni ni Agn Agnell ellii exc excla laim imed:‘Butthis ed:‘Butthis is no nott a ca car, r,

‘MIMMO CHAIN-SMOKED CHAIN-SMOKED HIS H IS WAY THROUGH MANY LATE NIGHTS AS HE PENNE D YET ANOTHER AUTOMOTIV AUTOMOTIVEE MASTERPIECE’ it’s a lile boat.’ us was coined the name that has entered the automotive lexicon and by   which the 166 MM is popularly known – ‘Barch ‘Ba rchea ea’’. e 166 166MM MM als alsoo int introd roduce ucedd Ferrari’ss famous signature egg-crate grille. Ferrari’ Federico was so shy and retiring that he was quite happy to remain in the background and allow the company owner and front man ‘Cici’  Anderloni (son of Felici, who died suddenly  in 1949) to bask in the limelight. But he in no

masterpiece, quite oen with his wife Paola kniing away quietly in the corner of the oce for company. ere were more Ferraris, the  Alfa Romeo ‘Disco Volante’ (said to be the inspiration for the Jaguar D-type), the Isoa Fraschini Fra schini Mon Monteros terosa, a, and variou variouss Peg Pegasos, asos, including the dramatic one-o black and red Z-102 rill, with its rea rearr scr screen een recessed recessed  between ying buresses.  A mouth-watering Aston Martin roadster in 1956 prompted David Brown to commis commission sion the exquisite and timeless DB4, followed by  the DB5 and DB6 – James Bond would be a lesser mortal without his Aston. He styled Maserati’ Maser ati’s rst volume produ production ction car car,, the gorgeous 3500GT, and followed it with the similar Lancia Flaminia GT and Alfa 2600. But Touring was suering serious nancial troubles and in 1967 one of the all-time-great carrozzerie had to shut up shop. Mimmo’s last projects were the Jensen Interceptor, which  was handed to Vignale to complete, and the sublime Lamborghini 350 and 400 GT. Mimmo and his boss were not out of work  for long. Aer a brief spell with a smaller carrozzeria he followed Cici Anderloni to Alfa Romeo Rom eo an andd an im impo porta rtant nt po posit sition ion in it itss Centro Stile. However, he was not suited to the bureaucracy of a large organisation and declared his time at Alfa to be ‘the unhappiest of my working life’. He hung in there until the age of 55 and then took early retirement to enjoy a quiet life with his wife Paola, whom he had married in 1950. Fromthenon,beingsuchamodestcharacter, he spent his time painting, making furniture, andenjoying andenjoyi ng the com compa pany ny of his two gro grownwn-up up

1933 19 33 an andd wa wass re respo spons nsib ible le fo forr som somee of th thee mo most st  beautiful bodies to grace any manufacturer’ manufacturer’ss chassis of the day. Touring’s Touring’s credo was ‘weight ‘ weight is the enemy and air resistance is the obstacle’. e weight issue was resolved by the patented Superleggera  method of body construction and air resistance by evolving a at-sided ‘ponton’ 164

 way was aronted by his anonymity and saw  hiss re hi rela lati tion onsh ship ip wit withh th thee bo boss ss as a tru truee collaboration and meeting of like minds. roughout the following decade Mimmo  built a CV that would be the envy of any  designer, design er, chain chain-smokin -smokingg his way throu through gh man many  y  latenightsashepennedyetanotherautomotive

children and his grandchildren. He had no interest in owning a ash car and travelled  widely in his beaten-up Fiat Fiat 124 estate. Fede Fe deric ricoo Fo Form rmen enti ti di died ed in co cont nten ente tedd obscurity from diabetes-related complications in 19 1993 93 atthe ag agee of 69 69.. On Only ly on onee ca carr ma maga gazin zinee ran an obituary.



Spaghetti Junction  Britain’ss most notorious  Britain’ n otorious motorway interchange celebrate celebratess its 50th TH E G RV EL EL LY LY H IL IL L   Interchange,  junction 6 of the M6, aka ‘Spaghei Junction’, opened for trac half a century ago at 4.30pm on the aernoon of 24 May 1972. Rarely has a more appropriate simile been coined coin ed than that penned penned by Roy Smith, Smith, a reporte rep orterr for the   Birmingham Birmingham Even Evening ing Mail , ,  when the 1 June 1965 issue carried c arried a piece he had wrien aer viewing the plans for the proposed propos ed inter interchan change, ge, an ambitio ambitious us junction of motorways and roads on the outskirts of the city. He described the intermingled ribbons of  concrete as ‘like a cross between a plate of  spaghe spa ghei i and an uns unsucc uccessf essful ul a aemp emptt at a Staordshire knot’, knot’, reduced by sub-editor Alan Eagleseld for the inspired i nspired front-page headline to simply ‘Spaghei Junction’. No-one could beer it when another local newspaper later ran a competition to name the  junction. Submissions such as ‘Jungle Junction’ or ‘Bowels of Satan’, although colourful, failed to capture the complexity of the junction so  vividly and were in no way near as catchy, and the name stuck. e junction was conceived as a key part of  the Midlands Link project to join the three major maj or pa parts rts of the na nation tional al mot motorwa orwayy netw network, ork, thee M1 th M1,, M5 an andd th thee M6 M6.. It Itss ov over erla lapp ppin ingg convolutions look as if it could have been the

 work of that eccentric master of visual illusions, Maurits Cornelis Escher: having ventured in, unsuspecting motorists would be condemned to circulate forever, with no hope of escape. Comedian Ken Dodd called it the eighth  wonder of the world, because ‘once you get on  you wonder how to get o ’. Local politicians hoped it would lure people into Birmingham; cynics claimed it was the quickest way out. e jun juncti ction on wa wass no nott th thee r rst st ar arte teria riall interchange on the site: that dates from the days when ‘horsepower’ meant exactly that. In 1844 the Grand Union Canal, the Tame Valley  Canal and the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal intersected to form the Salford Junction, part of which lies under the approach to Spaghei. e presence of the canals taxed chief engineer Roy Foot, who had to arrange his supporting columns and roadway levels so that horses could still use the towpaths to pull barges  without fouling the tow ropes.  When interviewed on the occasion of the  junction’ss 40th anniversary, Foot, who had  junction’  worked on the project for ten years, declared  with a chuckle: ‘ When I pop my clogs and I’m cremated, the boys [intend to] drive along Spaghei Junction and empty the ashes out of the window’ window’.. e junction, spread over 30 acres of land,


compri comp rise sess ei eigh ghtt mi mile less (1 (13k 3km m) of ro road ad supported on 559 concrete columns, with 18 routes converging on ve levels, the ‘top deck’  being 80 (24.4m) in the air. 13,000 tons of  steel reinforcement and 175,000 cubic yards of concrete were used in its construction. If ev ever er yo youu wa want nted ed todriv todrivee ov over er ev everypartof  erypartof  it (s (sure urely ly som someon eonee has trie triedd it)you wou would ld ha have ve to cover 73 zigging and zagging miles. Despite a predicted lifespan of 120 years, as earl ea rlyy as th thee 19 1980s 80s so some me of th thee co conc ncre rete te columns were beginning to deteriorate to the point where remedial measures were required,  which continue to this day day.. is involves cuing out the crumbli crumbling ng areas using a wat water er  jet lance (pressurised at 16,000psi!) so as not to damage surrounding areas. Forrst-time Forrst-ti me user users, s, in the da days ys befo before re sat sat-na -navv, a sense of mounting panic welled up as you approac appr oached hed the inti intimid midatin atingg tan tangle gle of roa roads ds and overhe ove rhead ad sign signag age. e. For tra travell vellers ers on the M6  who wante wantedd to remain on it the route was straightforward and straight through, but those  who wished to deviate deviate were likely likely to be pitched pitched into a disorientating helter-skelter of sloping concrete curves, only to discover that they were headingin hea dingin the wron wrongg dir directi ection. on.  At the planning stage it was anticipated that the jun junctio ctionn wou would ld eve eventu ntuall allyy car carry ry up to 75,000 vehicles a day but it rapidly become Britain Brit ain’’s busi busiest est roa roadd jun junctio ction, n, and now  220,000 vehicles a day pass over it, around it and through it. In 20 2018 18,, Hi High ghwa ways ys En Engl glan andd as aske kedd th thee ‘Yum ‘Y ummi miee Br Brum ummi mie’ e’ – Mi Mich chel elin in-s -sta tarr rred ed Birmingham chef Glyn Purcell – to create a dish to cel celebr ebrat atee the the50t 50thh an anniv nivers ersary ary of wor workk sta startin rtingg on the junction. Using ingredients that reached his res resta taura urant nt via the thejun juncti ction, on, it wa wass bas based ed on an all-Britis allBritishh veg vegetab etable le ‘s ‘spag paghei’ hei’ of spira spiralised lised celeriac celer iac and andpota potato to.. In the same year, Steven Spielberg created a set underneath the junction for scenes in his future-set dystopian thriller Ready Player One. Perh Pe rhap apss in a mil mille lenn nniu ium m fr from om no now w, if  anyt an ythi hing ng re rema main inss of th thee Gr Graave vell llyy Hi Hill ll Interchange when the motor car is considered prehistoric, prehis toric, it might be viewed with the same degree deg ree of puz puzzle zlemen mentt and awe with whic whichh

today we regard Stonehenge.

Left      Y      M      A      L      A


Birmingham’s pasta-imitating Gravelly Hill Interchange nears completion in 1972.



George Bamford The watch world’s leading enfant terrible, collaborator  and firebrand disruptor  GEORGE BAMFORD, watch designer, arch collaborator and the man behind the Bamford  Watch  Wa tch Department, can’t actually remember his rst watch. Instead, aer a quick digression about his TAG Heuer Formula 1 – his rst ‘serious’ ‘se rious’ watch – he annou announces nces:: ‘But her here’ e’s the rst watch I took to bits.’ He holds up a clearly clea rly very wellwell-love loved d Brei Breitling tling Na Navitimer vitimer.. Taking apart a complicated chrono such as a Navitimer is a job for a hardcore watchmaker  with a full bench of tools. Yet you sense that, even had the 12-year-old George, armed with nothing more than ‘a towel, a screwdriver for tightening up glasses and a pen knife’, realised that, he wouldn’t have cared. I ask the obvious question. ‘Yeah, it ran, but the chrono function didn’t work as well as I’d hoped. I couldn’t get the clutch adjusted properly.’ Now he’s he’s instilli instilling ng the same mechanical mechanical fearlessness in his own children. ‘In lockdown, I was teaching my son how to strip and rebuild a watch. We had four or ve pocket watches.  And, because we couldn couldn’t ’t get out and I’d le my proper tools at the oce in London, we used exactly the same tools I had back then.’ then.’ In stripping and rebuilding that Breitling, George discovered something that’s still the foundation of what he does: ‘It was my rst lightning bolt moment of just like “Wow, it’s got a heart.” It’s got a movement inside it and I’ve got to understand it.’ it.’  You  Y ou might expect someone with such a love for mechanical things – he strips and rebuilds an MGB engine to switch o; ‘It’s beer than  yoga’–– to see quartz watches as heartless lumps  yoga’ of silicon. Not a bit of it. ‘People say quartz hasn’t got a heart, but it has,’ he says. ‘Look at those rst Beta 21 movements: they had a heart. Yes, some people would say the quartz movement has been engineered to get rid of   watchmaking, but it hasn’t; hasn’t; it  is  watchmaking.’ He should know. He worked with Girard-

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Bulgari, TAG Heuer and Bremont on board, as well as venerable Swiss rm Zenith.  You  Y ou realise that George seems less concerned  with what the watch world might see as ‘correct’ than with following his own beat. For example, when interviewed by   Octane [though not when photographed] he’s wearing a selfdesigned, carbon-cased TAG Heuer Monaco;  black carbonbre case again, again, bright blue hands and dial indices. To To some of the watch faithful, that’s like repl replacin acingg the Mona Lisa with Snoopy,  but George says: ‘is is i s the watch that marks my transformation as someone working inside the watch world. If it ever disappeared out of  my collection… ‘Put ‘P ut it th this is wa wayy, a fe few w we weeksago eksago I th thou ough ghtt I’d lostitandIwentthroughabsolutelyeverything.  You  Y ou know, every bit of clothing; I almost searched my children until I nally found it at the boom of a bag. is is the one I’d never

he thinks there’s such an overlap between car people peo ple and wat watch ch pe peopl ople, e, he re return turnss to a famil fa milia iarr th them eme: e: ‘I th thin inkk it’s be beca caus usee we understand heart. I know it sounds strange,  but a car has a beating heart and a watch has a beating heart. I think that we kind of both have an appreciation of design, of engineering, of crasmanship.’ It seems ing that his latest collaboration –  with Henley-b Henley-based ased Bremont – started because of a shared love for cars. ‘I’ve known Nick and Giles [Bremont’s founders] for a while now  andwe bec becamerm amerm frie friends nds whe when n I wasmoving into my oce seven years ago and they were parkingaverycoolJaguarinacarparkopposite. I alw alwayssaid ayssaid we sho shoulddo ulddo som someth ethingtoge ingtogethe ther. r.’ In the same way that all the cars in George’s garage are there to be driven, he wears his  watches no maer how rare they are. ‘As well as the Monaco I’ve also got the prototype of the

Perregaux on resurrecting its 1976 Casquee LED quartz with an all-new carbonbre case and movement for the Only Watch charity  auction in 2021. He’s collaborated with the La Chaux-de-Fonds watchmaker to produce its rst ceramic-cased Laureato, the white-cased Ghost. He’s also got watchmakers including

part with. You can see why, as it s a stunner.  As well as being a watch designer and maker in his own right, George is also a nailed-on car fanatic. Founder of e Tyre Kicker Club, he runs a selection of Land Rovers, Porsches and even a 275 GTB in which he commutes from Oxfordshire to London. When I ask him why 




Zeniththat I cre create ated d and that Gira Girardrd-Pe Perreg rregaux  aux  Ghost. And you know, I’ve recently been told o by a watch person who told me “You shouldn’t wear them, they’re the rarest things on Earth!” So I replied: “Why? I wear them  because they make me smile.”’ ”’ ere aren’t many beer reasons.

[email protected] - +33(0)1 61 02 00 25





Omega X-33  Flying under the radar in space   more variants of the Omega Speedmaster THERE ARE PROBABLY  more than an than anyy oth other er wa watch tch.. er ere’ e’s the one eve everyon ryonee kno knows: ws: the Mo Moon on Wat atch, ch, and, lately, the tie-up with Swatch for the Moon Swatch. But rather lesss wel les well-k l-kno nown wn ar aree som somee of Om Omeg ega’ a’s dig digita itall andanaandana-dig digii Spe Speedi edies es – suc suchh as th this is on one, e, th thee XX-33 33.. e X-33 sits between the experimental Alaska IV prototype and the laterX-33 la terX-33 Sk Skywa ywalke lkerr mod models els tha thatt ro rolle lledd up in 201 2014. 4. es esee wer weren en’t ’t jus justt for  wannabe Buzz Lightyears, they really were (and are) own on space missions. In fact, the Russian cosmonauts on Mir were already wearing their X-33s before the launch in March 1998. ey were designed to be  worn and used in space as practical, accurat accuratee measuring instruments. Indeed, they were so practical that you can see US astronaut Don Peit xingg the bu xin buons ons on his XX-33 33 witha Lea Leathe therma rmann in a You ouT Tube vid video eo.. It’ss fair to say that function trumped form with this particular Omega; It’ it’s not a prey watch. It is, however, a superb bit of kit. e case is titanium, titan ium, so it’ it’ss ligh light, t, anti antimag magnetic netic and corro corrosionsion-resis resistant tant.. Peo People ple sometimes worry about its 30m water resistance, but this one has seen the boom of a pool a couple of times and come up smiling. ere’s no need to worry about bashing an X-33 or geing it near magnets. It’ll shrug o 3500 g  (yes, really) and conforms to ISO 764 for magnetic resist res istan ance ce.. It’l It’lll che cheerfu erfullytell llytell youthe tim timee to -0. -0.33 to +0. +0.55 sec second ondss perday perday..  And you must try using the 80dB alarm – it’s a sure-re meeting-ender meeting-ender..  Aim for £1900-2500.




There’s the best of both worlds on offer here. You get all the usual ‘throw it at a brick wall and it’ll make a hole’ robustness of a Bremont but with design input from Mr George Bamford. This means a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coated stainless steel case, a ceramic

Not only has this watch not yet been made, but you will assemble it yourself in La Chaux-de-Fonds. The people behind the the settimana watch – noted eschewers of the upper case, ‘ochs ‘ochs and junior’ – are opening


Unimatics are perhaps the closest to an indestructible watch this side of a G-Shock. These two new limited-edition models have sandblasted stainless steel cases that are

bezel and Bremont’s internal rubber case shock absorbing system. It is also the first Bremont with a Bamford-designed California dial (a mix of Roman and Arabic numerals), with blue Super-LumiNova on the hands and the indexes. It’s a sandwich dial, with the lume layer underneath the cut-away dial. £3995, bremon bremont.com t.com

their atelier you canismake your own and, because the so settimana a minimalist classic, that should be just challenging enough without being a chore. In place of a complicated horological tour de force, you work on a Sellita SW 200-1 that just looks after after hours, minutes, minutes, seconds and days. Register at ochsundjunior. swiss before 7September. From CHF CHF 2900

waterproof toTD-810H 1000ft each watch has passeddown MIL-STD-81 MIL-S 0Hand shock testing (developed for the US military). Inside is Unimatic’s thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) movement mount and a dial-top protective ring that absorbs proper beastings. Movement is the Seiko VH31 quartz engine, engine, allowing a slim case while retaining hockey puck robustness.  €425 (plus VA VAT), T), unimati unimaticwatches.c cwatches.com om







 Boo k  of   t he  mo n t h

Lola GT, the DNA of the Ford GT40  JOHN STARKEY, Veloce,  £35, ISBN 978 1 787117 83 9

BRM, Racing for Britain  IAN WAGSTAF WAGSTAFF F with DOUG NYE, Porter Press Internationa International, l, £120, ISBN 978 1 913089 23 8

Too oe oen, n, BRM is sum summed med up as a ‘he ‘hero roic ic fa fail ilur ure’ e’ of  postpos t-warmotor warmotor ra racin cingg but but,, as 1996 F1 World Cha Champion mpion Damo Da monn Hi Hill ll po poin ints ts ou outt in hi hiss forewo for eword, rd, it was the dou double ble  victory scored by BRM and his fa fath ther er Gra Graha ham m in 196 19622 (the (t he rs rstt tim timee a Bri Britis tishh dri drive verr ha hadd bee beenn cha champi mpion on in a Bri Britis tishh car car)) tha thatt re reall allyy ma marke rkedd th thee sta start rt of Bri Britai tainn’s domina dom inance nce of the F1 ind indust ustry ry.. It wa wass rem remar arkab kably  ly  long lo ng-l -liv ived ed as a ra racin cingg ma marq rque ue – 19 1945 45 to1977– an andd it use usedd Bri Britishcompo tishcomponen nents ts thr throug oughou hout. t. BRM did indeedlive ind eedlive up to its fulltitle:Britis fulltitle:Britishh Raci Racing ng Mo Moto tors. rs. is all all-ne -new w boo bookk com comes es withthe re reass assura urance nce of   being co-authore co-authoredd by two of the best names in the  business and has further beneted from being design des igned ed by Ma MartinPort rtinPort (s (see ee the rev review iew of Trans Afica Land Rover  Rover on th thee fa facin cingg pa page ge). ). Soyou ge gett th thee  best of all possible worlds: in-depth yet engagin engagingg text, tex t, au autho thorit ritat ative ive cap captio tions ns – we det detect ect the ha hand nd of  Dougg Nye in the Dou these se – an andd ima imagin ginat ative ive la layou yout, t, whi which ch makes ma kes bes bestt use of som somee fa fabul bulous ous pho photo tos. s. e pri print nt quality quali ty is excell excellent, ent, too too.. Following Foll owing sepa separat ratee fore foreword wordss by BRM driv driver er Sir Ja Jackie ckie St Stewa ewart, rt, Da DamonHill monHill an andd the thr three ee grands gra ndsons ons of BRM ba backe ckerr Si Sirr Alf Alfre redd Owe Owen, n, the

supe supercha rcharge rgedd 1.5-l 1.5-litre itre V16 engi engine. ne. Init Initial ial succe success ss was not sus sustai tainedand, nedand, in pa part rt due to F1 rul rulee cha chang nges, es, BRM rev revert erted ed to mor moree con conve venti ntiona onall fou fourr- an andd eight-cyli eigh t-cylinder nder units units,, winnin winningg the 1962 Champion Cha mpionship ship with its V8-e V8-engine nginedd P57. att wa a wass th thee hi highpoin ghpointt (t (the he H1 H166 en engi gine ne of  1966-1 196 6-1968 968 wasargua wasarguably bly thelow) but BRM contin con tinued ued to not notch ch up occ occasi asiona onall F1 wins unt untilil 197 1972. 2.  Along the way it digressed into projects such as the Rover Rov er-B -BRM RM ga gass tur turbin binee Le Ma Mans ns carand ev even en a couple cou ple of Ca Cann-Am Am des design igns, s, all of whi which ch ar aree wel welll covere cov eredd her here; e; in fa fact, ct, the boo book’ k’ss cen centr tree spr sprea eadd is a  wonderfully atmospheric panning shot of a baere baereddlooking looki ng Rover Rover-BRM -BRM durin duringg 1965’s Le Man Mans. s. Eventu Ev entually ally,, the Owen Org Organisa anisation tion withdr withdrew ew its suppor sup portt an and, d, a aer er a swa swanso nsong ng in the ha hands nds of Alf Alfre red’ d’s  brother-in-law  brother-in -law Louis Stanley Stanley,, the renamed StanleyBRM BR M ce ceas ased ed ra racin cingg in 19 1977 77.. e go good od ne news ws is th that at the Owe Owenn fam family ily rec recent ently ly com commis missio sioned ned Ha Hallll & Ha Hallll to bui build ld thr three ee new V16 ra racer cers. s. e boo bookk the theref refore ore conclu con cludes des witha dou double ble-p -pag agee pho photo to of one of the them m head he adinga inga fou four-s r-str trongBRM ongBRM V16 gri gridd at las lastt yea year’ r’ss Goodw Goo dwood ood Revi Reviva val.l. e sto story ry is notover yet yet..   MD

I’ve hea I’ve heard rd it sai saidd tha thatt the Fo Ford rd GT400 was one of the US GT4 USA A’s greatest grea test raci racing ng cars cars.. Eve Evenn the lm Le Mans ’66 (Ford vs Ferrari in the US US)) sug sugge geste stedd tha thatt it ha hadd comee fre com fresh sh fro from m its De Dearb arborn orn fact fa ctory ory.. Infac Infactt it gr grew ew ou outt of  this th is,, th thee Lo Lola la GTMk6 co coup upé, é, desi de sign gnedand edand bu buil iltt by a ti tiny  ny  concer con cernn in Br Broml omley ey,, UK. Stark St arkey ey is an au autho thority rity on the subjec sub ject, t, an andd tel tells ls thi thiss sto story ry with referenc refe rencee to previ previously ously unse unseen en archi ar chive ve ma mate teria rial.l. Som Somee of the compara comp arative tive spec tabl tables es are especially espec ially rev revealin ealing, g, while old cutawayy sketches fascinate cutawa fascinate..   GW 

Richard Oakes, Master of Design  DOUGLAS ANDERSON, ANDERSON,  Anderson & Clark, £30,  ISBN 978 1 7399227 0 2

Containing many never-befor never-beforeeseenn ima see image gess anddraw anddrawing ings, s, th this is 176-page 176-p age har hardbac dbackk bring bringss together tog ether the fasci fascinati nating ng story  of a tal talent ented ed spe specia cialis listt car engine eng ineer er,, who wor worked ked on ma many  ny   well-known projects – such as the 197 19722 No Nova, va, 197 19788 Mi Midas das an andd 1979 Duo Duonn Sierr Sierra. a. Pro Prolic lic duringthe dur ingthe 198 1980s 0s an andd 199 1990s, 0s, he als alsoo pro produ duced ced ma many  ny 

 book starts by explaining how the marque was  born out of a desire by one-time E founder Raymondd Ma Raymon Mays ys to enha enhance nce Brita Britain in’’s stat status us in motor mot or ra racin cingg a aer er Worl orldd War Two wo.. Wit Withh the ini initia tiall helpp of Alf hel Alfre redd Owe Owenn an andd Luc Lucas as In Indus dustri tries es – eventual even tually ly,, more than 350 comp companie aniess woul wouldd come on boa board rd – BRM pro produc duced ed a fan fantas tastic ticall allyy com comple plex  x 

stand-a stan d-alone lone desig designs. ns. His lat later er  years saw Oakes involve involvedd with the fasci fascinati nating ng ADO reviv revival al proj pr ojec ect, t, wh whic ichh wa wass me mean antt tobe a re-interpr re-in terpretat etation ion of the Sebri Sebring ng Sprite Spr ite.. Worthit forthe exc excell ellent ent photos phot os and illust illustrat rations. ions.   MH



 ww w.hor ton sbo oks .co. uk 

Inside the Paddock  Audi RS

 DAVID CROSS with BJØRN KJER, Dalton Watson, 2011, value £500

It’s almo almost st ten  years to the monthh since mont

CONSTANTIN BERGANDER, translated by PETER ALBRECHT, ALBRECHT,  Dalton Watson, Watson, £59, ISBN 978 1 85443 321 3

 Inside the

is metic meticulous ulously ly rese researc arched hed refer ref erenc encee sou source rce te tells lls the st story ory of  all Audi Audi’’s most sportin sportingg mode models, ls, from fr om th thee ori origi gins ns of RS br bran andi dingin ngin 19944 via the ga 199 gamec mecha hangi nging ng Au Audi di  Avantt RS2 to the current (sorry)  Avan electri ele ctricc Aud Audii RS e-t e-tronGT ronGT.. Germann moto Germa motoring ring journ journalist alist Bergand Berg ander er also explor explores es the  background of the cars, including the man manufac ufacturin turingg plan plants ts wher wheree RS mod models els ar aree pro produc duced, ed, the their ir denitively all-wheel-driv all-wheel-drivee powertrai powe rtrains, ns, and the stra strategi tegies es  behind the range range.. ere are more than 400 colou colourr phot photogra ographs, phs, many ma ny exc exclus lusive ive to thi thiss boo book. k. It’s spl split it int intoo sec sectio tions, ns, ba based sed on th thee siz sizee an andd cl clas asss of ea each ch ca car: r: compact comp act RS3, upper midmid-ran range ge RS6and so on on.. So it’s ext extre reme mely  ly  thorough thor ough and very prof profession essionally  ally 

Collector ’s book 

presente presen ted, d, if a li lile le la lackin ckingg in chara cha racte cterr an andd sou soul.l. Whic Whichh som somee mightt deem appr migh appropria opriate, te, give givenn the subje subject. ct.  Any drawbacks? Some of the translat tran slation ion from Germa Germann into Engli En glish sh is les lesss th than an sea seamle mless, ss, but it do does esnn’t re real ally ly ge gett in th thee wa wayy of  the infor informat mation ion on oer oer.. ere ere’’s even an enorm enormousl ouslyy long long-winde -windedd explanati expla nation on of how the ‘q ‘qua uaro ro’’  branding came into being – and  yes, it was at the insistence of  Ferdinand Ferdina nd Piëch.   GW 

Paddock was Octane’s Book 

oftheMonthh – an oftheMont andd itwen itwentt on to winBoo winBookk of th thee Yea earr atthe Historic Histo ric Mot Motoring oring Aw Awards ards.. e au autho thor, r, Da David vid Cr Cross oss,, was nott atall su no sure re th thata ata bo book  ok  devote dev otedd sol solely ely to ra race ce car transporte tran sporters rs woul wouldd sell, but it wa wass animm animmed edia iate te hi hitt an andd soonn ledto a fol soo follow low-u -up, p,  , which  Around  Aroun d the Circuit  focuse foc usedd on theother sup suppor portt  vehicles seen at race meetings. Sadly Sa dly,, Da David vid nev never er go gott to see the sec second ond vo volum lumee in print; pri nt; he die diedd sho shortl rtly  y  aer a er sub submi miingit ingit to his publ publisher isher.. It’s the ecle eclectic ctic nature nat ure of  Inside  Inside the Paddock th that at ha hass ma made de

it soryendu enduring popular popul Eve very typeeringly typ anddlyag an age e of ar.. transport tra nsporter er is fea feature tured, d, from the hum humble ble (Mik (Mikee Anth Anthony’ ony’ss stretche stre tchedd and stre streamli amlined ned ’56 Standard Standa rd Vanguard atbed atbed)) to the exo exotic tic (t (the he 300 SLR SLR-b -base asedd Mercedes Merced es Renntransporter thatt inspi tha inspired red Anth Anthony’ ony’ss  version).  version ). Not forgeing the Citro Cit roën ën lor lorry ry use usedd by Bu Buga gai i andd dub an dubbed bed ‘Adolf’ A dolf’ a aer er the marqu ma rque’ e’s vict victory ory at the 193 19333  Avusrennen!  Avusre nnen!  A later reprint dented the original’ origi nal’s val value ue briey but it’ it’ss now no w ba back ck up to ab abou outt £5 £500 00..  A fun book.   Ben Hort Horton on

Trans-Africa Land Rover  MARTIN PORT, Porter Press International, International, £30, ISBN 978 913089 29 0

Here We Are… on Route 66  JIM HINCKLEY, HINCKLEY,  Motorbooks, £28,  ISBN 978 0 7603 7199 2

If you you’ve ’ve nev never er fan fancieddrivin cieddrivingg the fam famous ous Rout Routee 66, the thenn Ji Jim m Hinkley’s 208-pag 208-pagee hardba hardback  ck  probably prob ablyisn isn’t ’t for you. Overowing Over owing with atmo atmosphe spheric ric photos phot os thr through oughout out the easil easily  y  digest dig ested ed cha chapte pters, rs, it doe doess a fantas fan tastic tic job of con conden densin singg thi thiss 2400-mile 2400mile pilgri pilgrimag magee into something somet hing of an inspi inspirati rational onal guideb gui debook. ook. Eac Eachh sta state te is bro broken ken

Freelance Freelan ce publ publishin ishingg desig designer ner MartinPort Ma rtinPort ha hass sco scored red someth som ethingof ingof an own go goal al thi thiss month mon th:: if he ha hadn dn’t ’t ma made de suc suchh a n nee jo jobb ofourBoo ofourBookk ofthe Month, Mon th, revie reviewed wed oppos opposite, ite, thenn he mig the might ht eas easily ily ha have ve sco scoredthe redthe topslot with thiss vo thi volum lume, e, whi which ch is verymuch a per person sonal al pr proje oject. ct. In 1959, phot photogra ographer pher and lmlm-make makerr Phili Philipp Kohle Ko hlerr bou bough ghtt a bra brand nd-n -new ew Se SeriesII riesII Lan Landd Rov Rover er for an expe expedit dition ion acr across oss Afri Africa, ca, re recor cordin dingg the da dates tes an andd places pla ces visite visitedd in sign signwritin writingg on the veh vehicle icle’’s har hardtop dtop.. In19622 he br In196 brou ough ghtt it ba back ck toEng toEngla land nd,, an andd fo forr mu much ch of th thee la last st 20 ye year arss of it itss li life fe it wa wass pa park rked ed in th thee fr fron ontt gard ga rden en of his hou house se in Sh Sheph epherd erd’’s Bu Bush, sh, Lon London don,,  where it became a well-known local landmark. Kohle Ko hlerr die diedd in 201 20155 an andd the Lan Landd Rov Rover’ er’s futur fut uree was unc uncerta ertain;it in;it loo looked ked a wre wreck ck an andd  was half-cover half-covered ed with ivy. Martin Port was

Kohler Koh ler le beh behind ind an inc incre redib dible le col collec lectio tionn of  colour slide colour slidess and pape paperwork rwork docum documentin entingg his  African trip, and the bulk of this 146-page hardba hardback  ck  is de devot voted ed to pre presen sentin tingg th them em in glo gloriou riouss fas fashio hion. n. Port Po rt is no mea meann writ writer er,, eit either her,, cha chartin rtingg Ko Kohle hler’ r’ss trav tr avel elss – an andd hi hiss la late terr li life fe in th thee mo movie vies, s, wh wher eree he  worked on several Bond lms and Hollywood  blockbusters – with an easy, easy,unforced unforced style that’s the perfect complement. Butit’s the n nal al cha chapt pter er – in whi which ch Po Port rt des describ cribes es how ho w he rev reviv ived ed an andd pr prese eserve rvedd the Ser Series ies II – tha that’ t’ss particula parti cularly rly fasci fascinati nating ng (in (incred credibly ibly,, its rear tub was stilll pa stil packe ckedd with spa spare ress andmemen andmemento toes es of tha thatt  African expedition) expedition).. Best of all, he uses it regularly regularly.. Philipp Kohl Phili Kohler er would abso absolute lutely ly appr approve ove..   MD

down into town towns, s, lan landma dmarks rks and othe otherr inte interest resting ing stop stopss alon al ongg th thee wa wayy – br brin ingi gingin ngin interesti inte resting ng cultu cultural ral hist history ory of  ‘e Mot Mother her Road Road’’. Be warn warned: ed: readd thi rea thiss boo bookk an andd you you’ll ’ll wan wantt to ma make ke thepilgri thepilgrima mage ge..   MH

keen th keen that at its ob obviou viouss ori origin ginali ality ty an andd his histo tory  ry  shouldbe sho uldbe pre preserv served, ed, andoer andoered ed to hel helpp Kohle Ko hler’ r’ss fam family ily ndit the rig right ht hom home, e, nev never er expecti expe cting ng tha thatt he mig might ht ha have ve the cha chance nce to own it him himsel self. f. Butthe fam family ily rec recogn ognise isedd th that at he wo woul uldd be th thee pe perf rfec ectt ne new w cu cust stod odia iann – an andd thiss boo thi bookk mor moree tha thann jus justi ties es the their ir fa faith ith.. 173



McIntosh describes the eye-wateringly expensive MCD1200 as a ‘digital-to-analog convertor that includes reference-level CD playback capabilities’. It boasts seven digital inputs, offers both solid-state and vacuum-tube outputs, and features traditional McIntosh styling. It is most interesting for what it represents, though, which is an investment by one of hi-fi’s heavy hitters in a format that was assumed to be well on the way to extinction. According to the Recording Industry Association of America, shipments of CDs rose from 31.6million 31.6million in 2020 to 46.6million in 2021 – the first year-o year-on-year n-year increase recorded recorded since 2004, which will be music to the ears of anyone who shares our fondness for the shiny slivers of plastic introduced 40 years ago this year. £13,995. £13,99 5. mcintosh mcintoshlabs.com labs.com




Deus didn’t have to look far for inspiration for this new shirt: it features a drawing of one of the company’s own custom motorcycles, the Yamaha Ya maha XJR1 XJR1300-based 300-based Eau Rouge racer.

Winner of a Red Dot Design Award in 2021, the Bike One is a nimble, single-speed e-bike with an eye-catching asymmetrical frame. Its 250W motor is powered by a battery good for 40km of assisted riding on a single charge and shaped, rather ingeniously, like a water bottle.

£45. uk.deuscust uk.deuscustoms.com oms.com

From ¤3398. hermansencph.com hermansencph.com



PLAYMOBILL KIT T MODEL PLAYMOBI Forty years ago, David Hasselhoff showed us the future when he drove onto our TV screens in a slightly annoying self-aware self-aware car, KITT – an acronym for Knight Knight Industries Two Thousand Thousand,, for those not familiar with Knight Rider . The talking Pontiac Pontiac Firebird Firebird Tr Trans ans Am was the dream car of many kids, and it has been nicely modelled by Playmobil. £69.99. playmobil.co.uk 

CALLUM 529 BY ANNANDALE Car designer Ian Callum isn’t the only distinguished distinguis hed alumnus of Dumfries Academy: his school chum David Thomso Thomson n owns Annandale Distillery, Distillery, and the friends worked together on this, a single malt whisky with ‘toffee, salted caramel and chocolate notes’, offered in a ceramic bottle bottle penned by Callum. £350. annandaledistillery.com


F1 22  The first F1 video game to be released released since EA Sports bought Codemasters Codemasters has been designed to please both those looking for true-to-life dynamics and those who just want to blast around some famous circuits, with ‘Adaptive ‘Adaptive AI’ making the game more forgiving for beginners beginners and weekend button-bashers. From £54.99. game.co.u game.co.uk  k 


Benedict Radcliffe is known for his life-size renderings of classic cars, but this wonderfully intricate model of the 935 – complete with sponsor logos! – won’t need its own garage. It’s a 1:7-scale piece, so it measures a manageable 59cm from nose to tail.

BY JACQUELINE DAVIES Members of the Vintage Hot Rod Association charge along the beach annually Association at the Pendine Sands Hot Rod Races (see pages 22-23), 22-23), an event captured here by the club’s resident artist,Jacqueline Davies.

£3500. benedictradcliffe.co.uk 

£50. jacquelinedaviesart.com 175


 Models R E V I E W S A N D P H O T O G R A P H Y M   AR K D IX O N

Classic model el Classic mod WORDS AND IMAGE: ANDREW RALSTON

MERCEDES 300 SE by Zee Toys The massive success of Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars in the 1960s and ’70s led many toymakers to jump on the bandwagon – but few were as prolific as Zee Toy Toys. s. The catchy name might be thought to reflect American pronunciation pronunciat ion of the letter ‘Z’ but it actually derives from the name of the founder, Tien P

1:18 scale

1962 FERRARI 268 SP By Tecnomodel   Price £259.95   Material  Resincast

e ye year1962was ar1962was a go good od on onee fo forr Fer erra rari ri atLe Ma Mans ns.. Itss ca It cars rs n nis ishe hedd 11-22-33 in th thee 24 Ho Hour urs, s, Ph Phil il Hi Hill ll an andd OlivierGende Oli vierGendebie bienn winn winningin ingin a 330 TRI TRI/LM /LM.. e subjec sub jectt of th this is mod model, el, cha chassis ssis 079 0796, 6, was les lesss successful, succe ssful, howe however: ver: Ped Pedro ro and Ricar Ricardo do Rodríg Rodríguez uez retire ret iredd a aer er 14 hou hours rs with ge gearb arbox ox fa failu ilure re.. in ings gs  went from bad to worse in 1963 when Nino  Vaccarella  V accarella crashed the car in Sicily and it burned out.

Forr its Le Ma Fo Mans ns app appea eara rance nce,, Fe Ferra rrari ri ha hadd mo modi died ed Fantuzzi’ Fantuz zi’ss super super-low -low spide spiderr prol prolee with a bigg bigger er  windscreen and a ‘basket handle’ aerofoil. e substa sub stanti ntial al wind windscr screensurro eensurround und on the mod model el is transpar tran sparent ent when period phot photos os (a (and nd logic logic)) sugg suggest est it mayy ha ma have ve bee beenn sol solid; id; reg regar ardle dless, ss, thi thiss is a hig high-q h-qua uality  lity  production prod uction,, limit limited ed to 195 examp examples les and pres presente entedd on a fabr fabric-tri ic-trimmed mmed displ display ay base base..

1955 Ghia X ‘Gilda’ Avenue 43 £11 £111.95 1.95

1966 Jaguar FT Bertone Matrix £102.95

1935 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Spark Spar k £64.95

We featured the gas-turbine concept known as ‘Gilda’ in   Octane  82,   82, and can confirm that this model is spot-on.

Handsome model of a handsome car:  just two FT Coupés were built by Bertone on Jaguar 420 platforms.

Lots of lovely fine detail at a bargain price for this Le Mans Alfa model – note the long tail to store extra fuel.

Zee, who founded an import company in California in 1965 to distribute toys made in Hong Kong. The business was so successful that Mr Zee and his brother set up a further company, Zyll Enterprises, Enterpris es, to make their own diecast cars. Until the early 1990s, a huge variety of these cars were sold in the US and Europe, including some reasonably accurate 1:64 scale replicas of Formula 1 racing cars, available in the UK as part of a Texaco petrol offer. A host of different trade names were used: Zee Toy, Zylmex, Dart Wheels, Dyna Zylmex, Wheels, Pacesetters and more. Subjects varied from dragsters dragste rs to classics such as the Citroën DS, Mercedes 300 SL and Jaguar E-type. While superficially similar to Hot Wheels, the quality is inferior; they did not run as fast and the wheels were crudely moulded. The success of Zee To Toys ys was simply that they undercut the opposition on price. Even in the 1990s, some of the former Zee Toys tooling was still being used for toys sold in supermarkets, supermark ets, with the original name blanked out.

1984 Ferrari 288 GTO TopMarques To pMarques £105.95

1955 Cadillac ‘Die Valkyrie’ Brausi £129.95

1994 Bentley Dominator Kess £89.95

Oversized tyres aside, this is a fabulous replica; you can even see the engine through its slatted lid. Quite amazing.

Also featured in   Octane  (issue   (issue 178), Die Valkyrie was a showcase for US design legend Brooks Stevens.

Intriguing model of a Sultan of Brunei commission by Pininfarina that prefigured the Bentayga by 21 years.


While Zee Toy products are not hugely sought-after, some enthusiasts like to collect every available replica of a certain car – and this garish yellow Mercedes, with its ‘flower power’ roof sticker, does have a kitsch appeal.

Models above are to 1:43 scale and are available from Grand Prix Models, +44 (0)129 (0)1295 5 278070, www.grandprixmodels.com grandprixmodels.com


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£115,031,000 (¤135,000,000) 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé RM Sotheby’s, Stuttgart, Germany. 5 May

£4,344,500 ($5,360,000) 2017 Ferrari LaFerrari Aperta Bring a Trailer, online. 9 May

£3,443,000 (¤4,055,000) 1991 Williams FW14 RM Sotheby’s, Larvotto, Monaco. 14 May

£3,061,000 (¤3,605,000) 1989 Ferrari 640 RM Sotheby’s, Larvotto, Monaco. 14 May

RM sells Uhlenhaut for   135m  Mercedes-Benz  Mercedes-B enz auctions 300 SLR Coupé to fund environmental work THIS WAS ALWAYS supposed

to be one of the cars

that Mercedes-Benz never sell. On 5built May, was May, one of the two 300 SLRwould Uhlenhaut Coupés oered by RM Sotheby’s to a very carefully selected group gro up of buy buyers ers at the Me Merce rcedesmuseumin desmuseumin Stu Stuga gart. rt. e gavel fell with a nal bid of €135,000,000. Notonly anaston anastonish ishinggure inggure,, whic whichh hasobviou hasobviously  sly   broken all records when talking about published and  veried prices, but one that’s that’salso also nally answered the oenn pon oe ponder dered ed que questio stionn of ‘howmuch? ‘howmuch?’’ whentalki whentalking ng about these until now simply unaainable cars. Perhaps Perh aps more signic signicant ant is the reasoning behind the sale of this car. e money raised is being used to set up the Mercedes-Benz Fund, which aims to provide research, scholarships and education about the en enviro vironme nment nt and dec decarb arbonis onisati ation on for futu future re generations. It’s also important to note that Mercedes stillowns thesecondUhlen thesecondUhlenha haut ut – whic whichh caneasilybe

£2,201,000 (¤2,592,500) 1973 Ferrari 365 GTS/4 Daytona RM Sotheby’s, Larvotto, Monaco. 14 May

for €2,5 €2,592,5 92,500, 00, plu pluss a one one-own -owner er Po Porsch rschee 911 Carrera RSto2.7 Lightweight at €1,287,500. anks Covid, Bonhams returned to Monaco forr on fo only ly th thee r rst st tim timee in ov over er fo four ur ye year ars. s. Sa Sale less to tota tall lled ed €13,223,007, with a solid 75% rate. e 1927 Bugai Type 35B sold for €2,000,000 €2,000,000,, top toppin pingg the sale guress – even at the lower end of its estimate. gure estimate. Next up was a 1965 Ferrari 275 GTS Convertible at a reasonable €1,495,000. Porsches were on the money, too,, with a 198 too 19888 Po Porsch rschee 959 Komfort Komfort mak making ing €1,437, €1,4 37,500and 500and a 1997911 GT2real GT2realisin isingg €1, €1,046, 046,500 500.. Surprise of the sale was a 2005 Mercedes-Benz CLK  DTM at an eye-opening €414,000. BonhamsalsoreturnedtoGreenwich,Connecticut, for a live auction for the rst time since 2019 – achieving sales of $5,920,556 and a 94% rate. Top seller was a 1929 Bentley 4½ Litre Tourer, which aracted healthy bidding to a nal $604,500 gure.

£2,105,500 (¤2,480,000)

1971 Lamborghini Miura SV RM Sotheby’s, Larvotto, Monaco. 14 May

£1,761,000 £1,7 61,000 ($ 2,200,000) 1965 Brawner Hawk Ford ‘Dean Van Lines Special’ Mecum, Indianapolis, USA. 21 May

£1,723,500 £1,7 23,500 (¤2,030,000) 1958 BMW 507 Series II RM Sotheby’s, Larvotto, Monaco. 14 May

£1,723,500 £1,7 23,500 (¤2,030,000)

identied by its blue RM followed this interior. with its usual Monaco auction,  which ran alongside the GP Historique and totalled €30,918 €30, 918,292and ,292and 82% 82%.. It wasdomin wasdominat ated ed by the sal salee of  Nigel Mansell’s ‘Senna Taxi’ 1991 Williams FW14 (pictured right) for €4,055,000. Mansell also oered his 1989 Ferrari 640, which made €3,605,000. Other highlights included a US-spec ’73 Ferrari 365 GTS/4

1965 Ferrari 275 GTB RM Sotheby’s, Larvotto, Monaco. 14 May

£1,700,500 £1,7 00,500 (¤2,000,000) 1927 Bugatti Type 35B Bonhams, Monte Carlo, Monaco. 13 May 181


THE MARKET  /  Reports


1966 Meyers Manx  RM Sotheby’ Sotheby’s, s, Sand Lots online auction, USA 25 May – 1 June In the early 1960s, American highways were mostly lled with domestic  brands, but Volkswagen’s venerable Beetle really made inroads into the marketplace. Te VWs had a reputation for being tough, but even they  could succumb to rust – or accidents. Tis is where engineer and surfer Bruce F Meye Meyers rs stepped in, with w ith a lile help from the growin growingg surng culture and California dream/endless summer lifestyle. Meyers developed a kit that involved removing almost all of the VW ’s  body,shortening  body, shortening the chassis, and adding wider wheels and a roll-over bar. Tis lightweight – and distinctly un-weatherproof! – glassbre-bodied  beach buggy was a weekend (or ve) DIY project that appealed appealed to many   Americans of the time. Early advertising showed Meyers behind the  wheel of a Manx in mid-ight over a sand s and dune; it was a pitch-perfect product that was in the right place at the right time. It also had real street cred cr ed,, th than anks ks towinni towinning ng th thee ve very ry r rst st Me Mexic xican1000 an1000 (no now w Ba Baja ja 10 1000 00)) o o--

In the end, the Manx was a victim of its own success, with dozens of  imitators popping up in factories and garages worldwide. As many as 6000 examples were built, but Meyers was unable to secure a patent for his idea and the company succumbed to bankruptcy. Tis Lime Green 1966 Meyers Manx (titled as a 1959 Volkswagen) is said to be less than 150 units into production, and sold for $37,400. It’s a well-kept example, said to have its original gel-coat, and was a bargain at that price.

road race, besting trucksstreet-legal. and motorcycles. Depending on  where you lived, theother Manxcars, Manx was even street-leg al.

Dave Kinney  is an auction analyst, an expert on the US market scene, and publishes the  Hagerty Price Guide.

2006 Ford Mustang Shelby Mecum Auctions, Indianapolis

This is one of 500 Shelby GT-H coupés built for Hertz in 2006, commemorating the first time Shelby and Hertz got together 40 years earlier – stories from which live on today. In Hertz’s corporate black-with-gold-stripes black-withgold-stripes livery, with black leather interior, this example had covered only 8225 miles and looked very clean throughout. It was well-bought at $36,300.

AUCTION TRACKER   MC LAREN McLaren may have struggled to fill its order book for the £540,000 F1 when it was launched in 1992 during a global recession, but today its rarity and game-changing engineering mark it out as the Holy Grail among collectors. Finding one of the 64 road cars at auction is never going to be an easy mission. In the past ten years only six have been offered, five of which sold. The following list puts into £20,000,000



1966 Cord 8/10 Sportsman Mecum Auctions, Indianapolis

Based on the 1937/38 Gordon Buehrig design for the ‘Coffin Nosed’ Cord 810/81 810/812, 2, the 8/10 was so named because it was eight-tenths eight-ten ths the size of the original. Built with a body made of Royalite expanded plastic (a product of US Rubber/Uniroyal), this tired yet serviceable convertible sold at a market-correct $15,950. Stylish and different for not a lot of money.


perspective the F1’s meteoric rise in value over recent years: an ex-Sultan of Brunei F1 with 3200 miles fetched $1,705,000 $1,705,000 ( £1,395,000) in 2006 at the RM Sotheby’s Monterey sale; four years later Gooding & Co sold a two-owner example with similar miles for $3,575,000 (£2,924,000); by 2013 Gooding had established a new benchmark when it achieved $8,470,000 (£6,928,000) for a

German-delivered 13,900-miler. RM signalled another significant upturn in prices in 201 2015 5 when a 6000km F1, upgraded to LM-spec, made $13,750,000 (£11,247,000), before Gooding set the current auction record at $20,465,000 (£16,739,000) for a timewarp car (pictured), finished in Creighton Brown and with only 390km, at Monterey in 2021. Tom Hartley Jnr, who has sold even more F1s privately, explains the market. ‘This is a road car that needed very few alterations before it went racing in 1995: a passenger seat was removed, a rear wing

a GTR recently traded well above $30,000,000 and if one of the LMs were on the market today, the number would probably start with a four! It is important to buy one that hasn’t suffered any major accident damage and has been wellmaintained. We find the best people


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Line charts the top prices for comparable cars at auction.





added, a few modifications plus very littlebody else and it won the 24 Hours of Le Mans on its first outing. ‘We’ve sold seven different examples in the last few years alone and prices range between $20,000,000 and $30,000,000, depending on mileage, provenance and original specification. However,

to service or restore one of these cars are Lanzante – coincidentally also the people who ran the winning car at Le Mans.’   Rod Laws

Glenmarch is the largest free-to-access online resource for classic and collector car auction markets. Visit www.glenmarch.com to keep up to date.




1954 Bentley RType Continental - H.J. Mulliner‘Fastback’. Mulliner ‘Fastback’. Manual with lightweight seats

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THE MARKET  /  Auction Previews

The original Bond’s DB5  Broad Arrow Auctions, Monterey Monterey,, USA   18 August  ALTHOUGH THIS ISN’T  a

genuine Bond car – at least in the sense that it never appeared inoneofthelms–itdoeshaveoneparticularly  specia spe ciall own owner er in its his history tory le: Sir Sean Connery. Te Scoish actor who rst played Bond in the lm franchise bought this car later in life, having always loved the DB5 but never owned one. Connery enlisted the help of specialist RS  Williams to track down a suitable car, and DB5/1681/R was sourced. It was an original

to tellyou, the origi original nal lm carsweren carsweren’t ’t actu actually  ally  painted in Silver Birch but a slightly darker shadeknow sh adeknown n as Sno Snow w Sh Shad adow ow Gr Grey ey.. Tisis the colour that Connery requested RS Williams to repaint his DB5, which had originally le the factory in black. Sincethen,the Si ncethen,the DB5has be been en se servic rviced ed by RS  Williams, and is oered aer aer a recent thorough thorough service and inspection in preparation for the auction. auct ion. Oered Oered for sale directly directly from the Connery estate, Broad Arrow has placed an

If bidding on Sir Sean Connery’s personal DB5isn’t eno DB5isn’t enoughof ughof a dra draw w to theauct theauctio ion, n, the there re are two other sweeteners on oer. First, the Connery family has commied to donating a signi sig nica cant nt po portio rtion n of the sal salee pro proce ceeds eds to  benet the Sean Sean Connery Philanthropy Philanthropy Fund. Fund. Nott onl No onlyy tha that, t, butF1 leg legendSir endSir Ja Jacki ckiee Ste Stewar wartt – an old friend of Connery – has oered to take the new owner of the DB5 out for a drive in the car. ca r. Ta Tat’ t’ss an ho hono nour ur in it itse self, lf, bu butt als also o an opportunity to hear a bit more about Sir Sean

rig right ht-ha -handnd-dri drive ve UK ca car, r,by which whi chspecialist. wass giv wa given en a full ‘mechanical freshening’ the  As any real Bond Aston nerd will be able

estimate of $1.4-1.8million $1.4-1.8m illionat onitsthe car – which  will go under the hammer inaugural sale at the Monterey Jet Center.

from lifelong friend who, like Connery, has taken tak en apri pride de in cha charita ritablework blework for man many y dec decade ades. s.  broadarrowauctions.com  broadarrowauctions. com

Made in Switzerland   Bonhams, Gstaad, Switzerland   3 July THE SWIS SWISS S OFFS OFFSHOO HOOT T   of  Ghia, Ca Ghia, Carro rross sseri eriee Gh Ghia ia-Ai -Aigle gle  bodied appro approximately ximately ten Alfa Romeos between 1948 and 1988, includingg this particularly striking includin 1958 Alfa Romeo 1900C Super Sprint Barche Barchea. a. It was originally commis commissioned sioned

his wife found out so the Alfa was sent se nt in into to st stor orag agee fo forr 30 ye years ars.. It wa wass lib liber erat ated ed in thelate1980 thelate1980ss  by a Belgianowner,who eventu eventually  ally  showed the car at Villa d’Este in 2001. Aer it was acquir acquired ed by the current vendor in 2013, both the engi en gine ne an and d su susp spen ensi sion on we were re

 by wealthy yn for Swiss businessman ssman.  witha awealth passion passio Rivabusine speedboats spee dboats. He wanted Ghia-Aigle to build a car styled just like a speedboat –  with no openin openingg doors or boot and a wrap wraparo around und winds windscre creen. en. Te story goes that it was bought for the rst owner’s mistress, but

res restor ed. It’or s thou thought thattalthe tha paint pai nt andtored. interi interior are ght origin original and in great shape shape.. Rather appropriately, it will be oered by Bonhams at the Swiss  Alpine resort resort of Gstaa Gstaad, d, where it’s it’s estimat esti mated ed to sellfor CHF300,0 CHF300,00000400,000.   bonhams.com




AUCTION DIARY Please confirm details with auction houses before travelling 22 June

Brightwells, online H&H, Duxford, UK 23 June

Brightwells, online 24 June

Barons, Southampton, UK Bonhams, Goodwood, UK 26 June

1977 Renault 4 TL

1921 Talbot-Darracq V20 16hp Tourer

Charterhouse, Sherborne, Dorset, UK 6 July, charterhouse-cars.com

Silverstone Auctions, Broadway, UK 5 August, silverstoneauctions.com

We can’t help but love a good Renault 4, and this UK-spec 1977 TL looks like a real delight. Finished in bronze with a tan interior, it’s very original and with just 45,000 miles it appears to have lived an easier life than many of the careworn French examples you’ll find on Leboncoin. It’s apparently been driven daily since the end of winter without any problems, which is hardly a surprise, and it’s estimated to sell for £7000-9000.

Sometimes we can’t help but point out just how affordable pre-war cars can be. This 1921 TalbotDarracq V20 was formerly part of the celebrated Sword Collection, and is presented in great shape. Not only a fine candidate for many VSCC events, this powerful 3.0-litre Tourer is said to cruise effortlessly at 45mph, which makes it extremely usable. The price? It’s estimated at £18,000-22,000.

Aguttes, Paris, France 29 June

Charterhouse, Sparkford, UK (motorcycles) 30 June – 2 July

Barrett-Jackson, Barrett-Jackso n, Las Vegas, USA 2 July

Artcurial, Le Mans, France Dorotheum, Vösendorf, Austria Austria 3 July

Bonhams, Gstaad, Switzerland 6 July

Charterhouse, Sparkford, UK 6-9 July

Mecum, Orlando, USA 16 July

Historics, Datchet, UK 18 July

Osenat, Fontainebleau, France 20 July

H&H, Bickenhill, UK (motorcycles)

1982 Mercedes-Benz SL ‘Trans-Am’

1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL

Mecum, Monterey, California, USA 18-20 August, mecum.com

RM Sotheby’s, Monterey, California, USA 19-20 August, rmsothebys.com

Here’s an SL with a difference. It’s the DeAtley Motorsport/Michelob Trans-Am racer, which was built from the ground up for the 1982 season. The 5.0-litre engine was destroked by Edwin Hatch to the regulation 4.5 litres, and it received a glassfibre widebody. Presented today with the original paint and handlettering, letterin g, it comes with many spare parts and panels. Mecum has not attempted to estimate a value, however.

The 14th of 29 ‘lightweight’ alloy-bodied Gullwings built, and one of the few with its matching-numbers 3.0-litre NSL engine still in place. This one was previously owned by expert Hans Kleissl of HK-Engineering, and has more recently gone through a comprehensive two-year restoration by Gullwing specialist Robert Platz. A proven veteran of the Mille Miglia Storica and exhibited at Amelia Island, it’s estimated at $7,000,000-9,000,000.

23 July

Cheffins, Cambridge, UK 27July

H&H, Buxton, UK 27-30 July

Mecum, Harrisburg, USA 27 July – 3 August

RM Sotheby’s, online 29 July

Barons, Southampton, UK SWVA, online 29-30 July

Mathewsons, online Vicari, Dalton, USA

ALSO LOOK OUT FOR… The Gibson Les Paul Standard known to all as Lucy began life as a 1957 ‘goldtop’ but was refinished in cherry red for Rick Derringer, who had acquired it from The Lovin’ Spoonful’s John Sebastian. It was later owned by Eric Clapton and by George Harrison – and, briefly, by one Miguel Ochoa… Ochoa, a Mexican, bought the

in Mexico before anything could be done by those trying to recover the instrument. Harrison wouldn’t let things lie, though, and enlisted a US-based friend of Ochoa to arrange a deal. Lucy (named after redhead Lucille Ball) was returned in exchange for this sunburst 1958 Les Paul Standard, bought from noted dealer Norm Harris.

30 July

Richard Edmonds, Showell, UK 2-9 August

Shannons, online 3 August

Brightwells, online 5 August

Silverstone Auctions, Broadway, UK 18 August

Ochoa, a Mexican, bought the guitar on a trip to the USA in 1973, from Whalin’s Sound City in LA. Both parties were unaware it had  just been b een pinched pin ched from fr om Harrison’s Har rison’s Beverly Hills home, but Whalin’s should have waited 30 days before selling it. Thanks to the shop’s disregard for the law, Lucy was

noted dealer Norm Harris. The ’58, which Harrison viewed as a ransom payment, will be sold by Heritage Auctions in Dallas on 24 September and, as a largely original example of the coveted ’58-60 ‘Burst’, with an interestin interesting g history, it is likely to fetch several hundred thousand dollars.

Broad Arrow Auctions, Monterey, USA 18-20 August





THE MARKET  /   Showroom Stars



Bought off the Barcelona show stand by a Saudi Arabian prince, this Pininfarina styling proposal was imported to Sweden 30 years ago from a scrapyard. In dire need of restoration, but will be worth it. trianglemotor.com (SE)      T      T      O      C      S      M      I      T

1976 Aston Martin V8  £95,000  £95 ,000 from f rom Richards of England, Lincoln, UK   WITHOUT THE LATER  Vantage  Vantage’s ’smore more aggressive  bodywork and larger wheels, there’s something very  appealing about the original William Towns V8. It canbe ha hard rd to kee keep p tra track ck of the va variou riouss ite itera ration tions, s, but the pre-‘Oscar pre-‘Oscar India’ V8 does without w ithout the rear spoiler spoi ler or front airdam while representing a big evolution from the DBS and DBS-V8 – initially powered by a powerful Bosch fuel-injected engine. engine. Oered by Richards of England, this V8 is nished in its original shade of Cairngorm Brown – and the

acquired the V8 it remained with her for over three decade dec ades. s. By 199 1990 0 it req requir uiredsome edsome wel weldin dingg to thesills,  which was undertaken by HWM Aston Martin. It was also given a full f ull repaint the same year. It then went directly to Aston Martin Lagonda for further structural work the following year, as well as  what can only be described as a comprehensive mechanica mech anicall rest restorati oration on – despit despitee theregularservicing. MoT certicates suggest that, following this work, the V8 was given a rest from regular use, covering a

larger scoop signies that it features later  We  Weber berbonnet carbureor-fed 5.3-litre engine, withthe 310bhp from fro m thefact thefactory ory.. Ev Eventhis enthis aut automa omaticvaria ticvariant nt cou could ld hit 62mph in 6.2sec and go on to 146mph. Ordered new in the UK by Ahmed Abdelghani of   Aramco Oil, one of the best things about this car is is its full fullyy doc docume umente nted d hist history ory.. Eac Each h of its sev seven en own owners ers has mai mainta ntaine ined d the V8 cor corre rectl ctlyy, inc includ luding ing the rectication of many common V8 issues over the  years. It change changed d owners three times t imes between 1976 and 1981, but when Mrs Eileen Elizabeth Berthet

lile over 2500 miles overhistory the next decade. still plenty of maintenance during thisere’s time. Its current owner bought the V8 in 2016, since  when he has spared no expense ex pense in bringing what was an already good car up to a much higher standard. In 2017 20 17 it wa wass se sent nt to St Stra rao on n Mo Moto torr Co Comp mpan anyy fo forr a ful fulll  bare-metalrespray  bare-metal respray back to its glorious original colour. Straon has maintained the car since, undertaking signi sig nica cant nt wo work rk ea each ch ye year ar to ma make ke th this is a ve very  ry  presentable and incredibly usable example. richardsofengland.com

2000 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.5RS $ 30,000

Despite being naturally aspirated, the entertaining two-door 2.5 RS is an interesting part of Subaru’s USA story. Finding an unmodified one is tricky, so this original 57k-mile car is priced accordingly. lbilimited.com (US)


The 993 Targa wasn’t really a Targa in the traditional sense, but the sliding glass roof and Tiptronic transmission in this well-historied Ocean Blue example might make it the ultimate cruising-spec 993. hendonwaymotors.co.uk (UK)


This ‘Cal-Look’ isn’t one for the purists. Based on a 1956 Type 1, it has a 1969 independent rear suspension set-up and is powered by a US-built 2.3-litre flat-four pushing out over 135bhp. classicthrottleshop.com (AU) 186


THE MARKET  /  Buying


Renault 5 GT Turbo  Forget the 205 GTI: GTI: this was France France’’s quickest 1980s hot hatch IF AT AN ANY  Y  point in the past 40 years you’ve been in the market for a hot hatch, chances are there’s been a Renault fairly high on your list. e modern RS Meganess are some of the nest-handling cars of their Megane generation, and the Clio Williams became a member of hothatc hothatch h roy royalt altyy theseco thesecond nd it wen wentt on sal sale.But e.But the

In truth, the carbureed engine hadn’t evolved all that much, although power was up to 115bhp, and a smaller small er Garr Garre e T2 turboimprovedthe powe powerr deliv delivery  ery  over the Gordini’s laggy response, while an air-to-air intercooler kept the output a bit more consistent.  With early cars weighing 820kg, the GT Turbo was

company’s hotinhatch legacy forged 1980s, thanks no small part was to the 5 GT during Turbo. the Renaul Ren aultt emb embra race ced d tur turboc bochar hargin gingg dur during ing the 1980s, 198 0s, pla playingo yingo its mot motorsp orsport ort suc succe cess ss to inv invigo igora rate te its high-performance models. e legend began with the mid-engined 5 Turbo in 1980, a re-breathing Group 4 rally car that really didn’t share much with the road car. It did, however, lay the groundwork  for the fro frontnt-eng engine ined d 5 Gor Gordin dinii Turb urbo o in 1982 1982,, powered by the unsophisticated pushrod eight-valve 1.4-litre Cléon engine. e turbocharger made for a  very healthy 110bhp, so it was prey quick, but there  was no geing away awayfrom from the 5’sageing underpinnings and cramped, dated interior. In 198 1984, 4, the Ren Renaul aultt ‘S ‘Supe uperci rcinq’ nq’ sol solved ved the problem at a stroke. is was an all-new 5 based on thelarger thelarg er 11,wrappe 11,wrapped d up in a sma smartrt-loo lookin kingg Ga Gandi ndinini-

aseconds, seriouslyand quick 0-60mph was in 7.5 it car: would run out ofdispatched steam at about 120mph 120 mph.. Itwasn Itwasn’t ’t a one one-tr -trick ick pon ponyy, eit either her.. Getthe car onto some twisty roads and it was entertaining and capable, yet very trustworthy on the limit. In 1987 the Phase 2 model brought in some small  but important changes. e turbocharger was  watercooled,  watercool ed, and a small underbonnet fan helped to prevent fuel evaporation – a problem that le the Phase 1 reluctant to re-start when warm. Ignition mapping tweaks brought the power up to 120bhp,  while visual changes included a new grille, updated  wheels and colour co-ordinating the bodykit. It was  built until the end of 1991, with wit h the run-out r un-out all-blue Raider edition making way for the Clio in 1992. roughout the 1990s and early 2000s, the GT Turbo was a favourite within the modifying scene.


As with 205s, low-mileage original examples are a law unto themselves, with the best fetching £ 20,000-pl 20,000-plus. us. Expect to pay upwards of £10,000 for a well-maintained example with good history and all of its original parts intact. There are plenty of with good potential in cars the sub£7000 category category – perfect if you aren’t bothered by a few period modifications or something needing work. WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR

Beyond the obvious crash damage, check for rust around the windscreen, tailgate and under the plastic wheelarch trims. Engines are very strong, but poor tuning can lead to various issues. Check for any signs of head gasket failure, as well as blue smoke, which

styled – and it paved the way for the hot GT Turbopackage version that arrived in 1985. Compared with the standard R5, the suspension  was lowered by 38mm, and made substantially  stier with an additional torsion rod at the rear, plus a pair of thicker anti-roll bars. An unpainted plastic  bodykit, distinctive 13-inch alloy wheels and yellow  foglights completed the visual transformation. 188

Cheap, fun andabout easy to tune to sillyand levels, many at cars  were mucked with, crashed abused. means nding a tidy car has been dicult for years – farmore so tha than n an equ equiva ivalen lentt Gol Golff or 205GTI. Dri Drive ve a good one today, though, and you’ll nd it’s worth the eort. ere’s a cracking chassis to enjoy, but it’s the addictive hit of boost from 2500rpm that really  drives this ’80s nostalgia trip.   Mathew Hayw Hayward ard

could indicate a tired turbo. Interiors weren’t the best quality, and plastics have become even more brittle with age. Make sure it’s all in one piece, and that all the buttons and switches work. Thankfully, replacementt fabric is now replacemen available availabl e for the seats.


 Top p row, left to right: 1948 Davis, Davis, 1967 Shelby 427 Cobra, Cobra, 1964 Chevrolet Corvette, Corvette, 1952 Aston Martin DB2  To Second row: 1930 Rolls-Royce Phantom II Continental, 1934 Cadillac V16, 1938 Aston Martin 15/98, 1935 Riley Sprite  Third row: 1949 Healey Healey Silverstone, 1964 Apollo Apollo 5000GT, 5000GT, 1968 Chevrolet Corvette, Corvette, 1949 Bentley MKVI Fourth Row: 1914 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, 1962 Facel Vega Facel II, 1954 Kurtis 500S, 2008 Ferrari F430



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1962 62 JA JAGU GUAR AR EE-TY TYPE PE CO COMP MPET ETIT ITIO ION N ‘2 BB BBC’ C’ – TH THE E MO MOST ST SU SUCC CCES ESSF SFUL UL EE-TY TYPE PE OF 19 1962 62 19 For the first time in 60 years, the famous ‘2 BBC’ FHC Competition E-type is available. Race-prepared for Jaguar racer and dealer Robin Sturgess, the car would wou ld tak take e the 196 1962 2 Bri Britis tish h rac racingseasonby ingseasonby sto storm rm,, bea beatin ting g man many y of the gre great at nam names es in the lat latest est Ast Aston on Mar Martin tin DB4 DB4GT GT Zag Zagato atos, s, and Fer Ferrar raris is 250 250SWB SWB and GTOs. In 1962 alone, Sturgess and 2 BBC came home with 12 victories and 10 further podiums – a record surely not matched by any other top-flight GT carr of th ca the e pe peri riod od in a si sing ngle le ye year ar.. To Toda day y thecar is ra race ce-r -rea eady dy an and d a po pote tent ntia iall wi winn nner er in pr pree-63 63 or th the e Ki Kinr nrar ara a Tr Trop ophy hy,, an and d co comp mple lete te wi with th it itss or orig igin inal al en engi gine ne and clo closese-rat ratio io gea gearbo rbox x in the spa spares res pac packag kage. e. Ver Very y rar rarely ely doe doess suc such h a suc success cessful ful and sig signifi nifican cantt ear early ly spec specific ificati ation on com compet petiti ition on E-t E-type ype com come e to mar market ket..


1990 Aston Martin V8 Vantage Volante Zagato Rolls Royce Blue with magnolia leather and blue piping. 1 of 37 volantes produced, produced, of which this is 1 of only 5 RHD Zagato volantes volantes made with the V8 Vantage engine, engine, 9,242 9,242 miles.

2015 Aston Martin V12 Zagato (LHD) Sunburst yellow (Q deparment colour) with obsidian black analine hides and contras contrastt yellow stitching. stitchi ng. 1 of only 61 produced and believed to be the only example in this colour colour,, 395 miles.

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Cairngorm brown (Q department colour) with ivory rekona & bitter chocolate leather interior and a bitter chocolate hood. Number 69 of 99 produced, a ne owner car ordered and delivered new in the UK. 312 miles.

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9111 Ca 91 Carr rrer era a 2 S (9 (992 92))

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911 urbo bo S (9 (997 97)) 911 Tur

9111 Tur 91 urbo bo S (9 (997 97))

Guards Red • Black Leather Sports eats • PDK Gearbox Gearbox • 20/21” Carrera Wheels • Touc Touchscr hscreen een Sate Satellit llite e Navigatio Navi gation n • Swi Switcha tchable ble Spor Sports ts Exha Exhaust ust Sportt Chrono • 7,605 miles Spor miles • 2019 (69)

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Carrara Carrar a Wh White ite • Bla Black ck Le Leath ather er Ad Adap aptiv tive e Sport Sp ortss Se Seat atss • PD PDK K Ge Gear arbo box x • 19”Cent 19”Centre re Lock Wheels • Porsche Ceramic CompositeBrakes • Sport Chrono Chrono 29,893 miles • 2010 (60)

Carrara Carrar a Wh White ite • Bla Black ck Lea Leathe therr Spor Sports ts Seats • PDK Gearbox • 19” Centre Lock Wheels Whe els • Pors Porsche che Ceram Ceramic ic Composite Composite Brakes • Previously Sold & Serviced Serviced by Paragon Paragon • 39,72 39,721 1 miles • 2011 (11)





Macan Maca n GT GTS S

9111 Ca 91 Carr rrer era a 2 S (9 (991 91))

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Agate Grey • Black Leather Sports eats • PDK Gearbox Gearbox • 20” Carrera Carrera Classic Wheels • Touchscreen Satellite Satellite Navigation Navig ation • Swit Switchab chable le Spor Sports ts Exha Exhaust ust Sport Spo rt Ch Chron rono o • 49, 49,234 234 mil miles es • 201 2013 3 (13 (13))

Guards Red • Black Half Guards Half-Lea -Leather ther Spor Sports ts Seat Se atss • PD PDK K Ge Gear arbo box x • 20”Turb 20”Turbo o De Desi sign gn Wheels • Switchable Sports Exhaust Touchscreen Touchscree n Satellite Navigation Sport Sp ort Chr Chron ono o • 41, 41,498 498 mil miles es • 201 2014 4 (64 (64))

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Presente Prese nted d in Bia BiancoIsis ncoIsis wit with h con contra trasti sting ng bla black ck alcant alc antara ara int interi erior, or, wit with h white te SV stitching tching and glo gloss ss black bla ck SV all alloys oys.. Inc Incred redibl ible e spe spec c car wit with h car carbonfibre bonfibre ptions,, reve ptions reverse rse came camera. ra. 5,000 5,000Miles Miles.. £429,990

This example is specified with Body colour styling package, Park assist package, Head up display, Sensonum premium sound system, DAB radio. 11,000 miles.  £244,990

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Carbon fibre race seats, Branding package,

Fully elect Fully electric ric and heat heated ed seat seats, s, Elec Electricfolding tricfolding mirrors mir rors,, Pia Piano no blac black k int interio eriorr trim trims, s, Mult Multii func function tional al

Branding package, Hercules alloy wheels, LP640 LED rear light upgrade, Manual

Lifting system, Front and rear parking sensor. 14,000 miles.  £189,990

steerin ste ering g whe wheel, el, Lifti Lifting ng sys system tem,, Bran Brandingpackage dingpackage.. ,700 Miles. £174,990

transmission, Tubi exhaust system. 25,000 miles.  £174,990

Rolls Royce Cullinan

Rolls Royce Wraith Black badge

Rolls Royce Wraith V12

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Porsche 991 GT3 RS

Land Rover Ranger Rover P400 SE

Valcona Leather stitching with the honeycomb quilted design, RS embossed - Sports Seats, Rear side airbags and RS ceramic brakes, 4,000 Miles.  £179,990

This example comes with Clubsport package, Carbon ceramic brakes, Carbon fibre interior package, Carbon bucket seats, Carbon fibre sill plates. 6,000 Miles.  £169,990

SV extended leather, Gloss black veneer, Gloss wood and leather multifunctional steering wheel, Meridian 3D surround sound system, Heads up display, Privacy glass. 250 Miles.  £154,990

Porsche 911 996 GT3

Porsche 718 Cayman GT

 Audi R8 V10 Plus

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 Aston Martin Projec t 214  continuation built in the late eighties to the highest standard. Owned by me since 2006 and campaigned at most of the European circuits including Le Mans, Spa, Dijon and Barcelona GP circuit. Also raced at Laguna Seca in 2011 where it took first place in both of the events entered. It is an exact copy of the only remaining Project 214 as raced at Le Mans in 1963.

1960 Aston Martin DB4  built to DB4 GT spec. The specification includes a 12 plug cylinder head, a long range fuel tank, correct GT seats, frameless windows and Borrani wire wheels. Left hand drive and French registered so no duties to pay when importing into Europe. Competitively priced at   £595,000

1958 Aston Martin DB MkIII  finished in Elusive Blue with contrasting burgundy hide interior. The previous custodian spent over £80,000 on sensible upgrades over his 20-year ownership. These included a power enhancement and further

1952 Aston Martin Le Mans   Lightweight finished in Aston Racing green. 1952 Extensively raced in recent years at both the Le Mans Classic and in the Woodcote Trophy. The specification is extremely close to the original Aston

improvements to dif theficult handling andbett steering so that itveryourbudget. is now very rewarding to drive.Itwouldbe dri ve.Itwouldbe difficul t tofinda betterMKIIIwhate erMKIIIwhateveryourbudg et. £275,000

Martin Team cars ofthe theend 1950’s. It has the benefitat of £250,000 HTP/FIA papers through to of 2026. Inexpensive

More Astons can be found by visiting our website at www.runnymedemotorcompany.com or please call Martin Brewer for more details on any of our cars. We are seriously low on stock, please telephone if you have an Aston Martin to sell.

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1974 Porsche 911 Carrera 2.7 MFi Targa - RHD in rare Magenta

1959 Facel Vega HK500 - fully restored, first of the 6.3 litre engine cars

1967 19 67 Pr Prin ince ce Sk Skyl ylin ine e A2 A200 00 GT S5 S54 4 - ou outt of lo long ngte term rm ow owne ners rshi hip, p, ve very ry ra rare re

1965 Jaguar E-Type Series 1 4.2 Roadst Roadster er - RHD, fully restored, history

1977 197 7 Fer Ferrari rari 308 GTB - RHD, dry sump sump,, Ros Rosso so Chia Chiaro, ro, boo books ks

1990 199 0 Ast Aston on Mart Martin in Vir Virage age - sup superb erb con condit dition, ion, 5 spee speed d ZF manu manual al

BAYS 3&4 3&4 50-6 50-64 4 PACIFIC PACIFIC HIGHWAY HIGHWAY NORTH SYDNE SYDNEY Y AUSTR AUSTRALIA ALIA T +61.2.9 +61.2.9922 922 2036 2036 F +61.2.992 +61.2.9922 2 4594






Copley Motorcars, Motorcars, 37 Chestnut Street, Street, Needham, Massachuses Massachuses 02492 USA Te Tel. l. 781-444-4646 781-444-4646 | e-mail:  [email protected] [email protected]


1937 ASTO ASTON-MAR N-MARTIN TIN 2L RACING RACING CAR | £250,0 £250,000 00 This well-developed 1937 Aston-Martin racing car has outstanding racing history, including multiple Le Mans Classic appearances. Built on a shortened Aston-Martin 15/98 chassis, it includes a gas flowed Speed Model spec engine, hydraulic brakes, upgraded suspension, lightweight wheels, racing tyres and a beautiful tool room copy of an ‘Ulster-bodied’ Speed Model lightweight body. Ecurie Bertelli has been responsible for maintaining this car for many years. Freshly prepared and track tested by us it is 100% ready to race, with current FIA HTP papers and an entry for Le Mans Classic. When paired with Ecurie Bertelli’s race support, this car will be competitive and reliable straight away in 2022. The car comes complete with a tailored spares package including a performance exhaust, a wired-in transponder, removable roll hoop and belts, fire extinguisher and a Race Logic V Box system.

Whilst extremely fast and competitive in a circuit environment it is also a straightforward and enjoyable drive off the track, and would easily serve as a very competent road rally car. For more details or to arrange a test drive of this desirable piece of motoring history, contact Robert Blakemore.

+44 (0)1234 240024   |   [email protected]   |   ecuriebertelli.com   |   53 Stilebrook Stilebrook Road, Olney, MK46 5EA, UK





1972 Ferrari “400” GTC4

1973 Dino Ferrari 246 GT


MATCHING MA TCHING NUMBERS A stunning example of a late series E sll finished in the original factory colour

following a restoraon by the Sytner Group in the early 2000’s. In 1986 it was fied with a new Ferrari 400 Gt engine by Maranello Concessionaires under the supervision of Col.Ronnie Hoare, Chairman of Maranello Concessionaires, which gives an addional 20 bhp. It is one of just 31 examples officially imported, with just 19 remaining taxed or SORN’d. The car is currently fied with Borrani wire wheels and comes with both wires wires and original alloy wheels. A documented history from new with a file of past invoices invoices detail past

scheme. Body restored, interior retrimmed by Rob O’Rourke. Mechanically Mechanically refurbished. Matching numbers. Total Total ownership history from new along with original warranty booklet. One of the 488 officially imported by Maranello Concessionaires Ltd of which just 232 remain taxed or SORN’d. Please contact Mike Wheeler for further details and to arrange viewing

ownership and maintenance.

Experience the Experience.






p ec ec a z n g n n ag age p or or s, s, Racing and GT Cars since 1979

2006 Ferrari F430: 11k 11 k miles, stick-shift, flawless.

1951 Ferrari 212 Inter: Mille Miglia -1952, 1954. Fully sorted.

1960 Mercedes Benz 190SL: Matching numbers. Concours quality.

1969 Lola T163-17: Ex Penske/Donohue. Alloy-inj Chevy.

1958 AC Aceca: Superbly restored. Matching numbers.

1974 Jaguar XKE V12: Stunning roadster, roadster, 18k miles, 2 tops.

1958 MGA Twin Cam: Frame-up restoration.. Iconic sports car. restoration

1980 Ferrari GTSi: Outstanding cosmetic & mechanical condition.

1985 COBRA Autokraft MK IV: Continuing Shelby’s legacy; 12k miles.



1992 JAGUAR 4.0 COUPE. MANUAL Jaguar C-TypeXJS Replica by Suffolk Kingsher with Biscuit leather interior 3.4 Litre. Blue Manual/O Manual/Overdrive. verdrive. Live axle. 16” trim. Substantial £45,000.00 KWE estoration. wheels.Torsion wheels.Tor sion bar front suspension. Excellent are 5-speed manual. Immaculate.  build quality.Cream with Burgundy Amongst trim and the best currently available. documented KWE wheels. Originally ownedFully by Roger Williams restoration on file. £19,995.00 of Suffolk. £79,500.00 Suffolk.  £79,500.00

1962 Jaguar E-Type Flat Floor Roadster  Jaguar C-Type Replica by Suffolk. Opalescent Dark Blue with Grey trim (original Factory spec). owned by 3.4 with manual/Overdrive gearbox. Live axle. 16” wheels. Originally Matching Numbers UK Right HandofDrive. Chassis No.: 850305 Roger Williams Suffolk. Excellent historic restoration. private Excellent collection.build Maintained by WinSpeed Torsion bar front From suspension. quality. £168,500.00 £79,500.00

….Knowledge, experience & expertise from The



1953 Jaguar XK120 SE DHC. Black with Biscuit trim. LHD. Matching Numbers. Borrani 16” wheels. An excellent, well owned, example maintained by WinSpeed since 2016. First owner: Bao Dai – last emperor of   Vietnam!  £110,000.00 £98,500.00

1992 XJS 4.0 COUPE. MANUAL 1969 JAGUAR Jaguar E-Type Series 2 Coupe

BEACHAM JAGUAR Mk2 AJ6 4.0 Litre Desirable & rare bespoke build by Beacham of  New Zealand. Opalescent Dark Blue. Modernised. Biscuit trim interior. AJ6 4.0 engine with `J` gate. Automatic gearbox. Electric seats. C/locking. Air Conditioning. Thoroughly usable & very Distinctive!! £69,500.00

Kingfsher Blue with Biscuit leather interior UK HD example in Silver with Black trim. 5-Speed trim. Substantial £45,000.00 KWE estoration. Gearbox, Sports exhaust. Excellent, robust, regular are 5-speed manual. Immaculate. Amongst the driver with good History Fully file. £69,950.00 best currently available. documented KWE restoration on fle.  £24,995.00 £19,995.00

1964 Jaguar E-Type Series 1 3.8 Coupe. Opalescent Dark Blue with immacul immaculate ate Grey trim. A fully estored, immacul immaculate, ate, example driving and presenting beautifully. 5-Speed gearbox. WinSpeed maintained inc. fast road head.  £148,500.00


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1970 Daimler 420 Limousine

1967 19 67Austin-Hea Austin-Healey ley 3000 MkIII

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Rare opportunity to acquire a special investmentquality 3000 MkIII Phase 2 with remarkable history. Low mileage, mileage, thr three ee owne owners rs from new (two noted Austin-He Aust in-Healey aley autho authors rs and business ness partners of Donald Healey himself), desirable final production specification, fication, orig original inal pane panelling lling and driv drivetra etrain, in, never welded, a long list of features and trims lost on 99% of restored restored examples. examples. One of only 552 built in Metallic lic Golden Beige. £85,000. Tel: +44 (0)1420 23212, [email protected], www.RawlesMotorsport.com www.RawlesMo torsport.com (T).


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1955 19 55Austin-Hea Austin-Healey ley 100 project UKRHD‘barnfind’.Offtheroadindrystoragesincethe late ’80s, original home-market UK car. An excellent opportunity to build a ’Healey to your specification with its original matching-numbers engine retained,

For more information please contact me, FRANK KENNIS +31 622 420 766 [email protected] www.kenniscars.nl


1980 Ford Escort MkII Van (Sundowner Tribute) - Australian built, 2.0 litre, retro classic

orig original inal gear gearbox, box,trims, original orig inal five-stud fivestud rearr axle rea axle, matching cockpit all original body panels and, complete comple te chro chrome me asrequir asrequired ed fora high high-sta -standar ndard d job. Even small components such as the original heater, horn push and instrumentation are retained so that the finished item will be correct. £26,500. Tel: +44 (0)1420 23212, [email protected], www.RawlesMotorsport.com www.RawlesMo torsport.com (T).

1951 Austin Sheerline DS1 Saloon  €39,500 For more information please contact me, FRANK KENNIS +31 622 420 766 [email protected] www.kenniscars.nl

1959 19 59Jag Jaguar uarMkI MkI Completely etely restored restored to prist pristine ine condition tion with original orig inal colour combination combination of Sher Sherwood wood Gre Green en with Suede Gre Green en inte interior rior. Feat Features ures an upra uprated ted 3.8-litre engine, five-speed Getrag gearbox, four-pot brake calipers, widened rear body and competition wire wir e whee wheels. ls. £85,000. Te Tel:l: +44 (0)1292 314050, [email protected].

1 964 96 4ado Austin-Healey Austin-Heale y t3000 MkIII Colorado Color Red with excellent excellen original nal black seats, recently replaced recently replaced black carpets and a very good Everflexhood Ever flexhood withmatchin withmatching g bag.Barebag.Bare-meta metall res respray pray completed in late 2020, appears to be of a premium finish. finis h. Many original nal details ls and conco concours-r urs-ready eady featuresoen lost duringrestoration,which havebeen sensitively maintained or restored painstakingly over the car’s lifetime. Twin Lucas spotlamps complete its wonderful period aesthetic. Price £75,000 ono. Tel: +44 (0)1420 23212, email Sales@RawlesMotorsport. com, www.RawlesM www.RawlesMotorsport.com otorsport.com (T).

1962 Borgward Isabella TS Two-Door Sedan €16,900 For more information please contact me, FRANK KENNIS +31 622 420 766 [email protected] www.kenniscars.nl



Rivolve Rivolv e Sport Wagon Wagon 90 edition. Go faster, go smoot smoother, her, go safer with style sty le in a Def Defen ender der as ind indivi ividual d ual as yo you u ar are. e. Check www.rivolve.com or call +44 (0)01733 806878 for first class help and advice. From real experts in everyfield eve ryfield sinc since e 198 1988 8 (T) (T)..

1988 Mercedes-Benz 300 CE stunning Desert Taupe Metallic, only 60,000 kms, all books…

Rivolve Rivolv e Sport Wagon Wagon 110 edition. Go faster, go smoother, go safer with style sty le in a Def Defen ender der as ind indivi ividual d ual as yo you u ar are. e. Check www.rivolve.com or call +44 (0)01733 806878 for first class help and advice. From real experts in everyfield eve ryfield sinc since e 198 1988 8 (T) (T)..

1973 19 73 Tr Triump iumph h TR6 PI NewMoT.Lovelyconditio NewMoT.Lovelycondi tion n inPiment inPimento o Redwithblack interior. Fine, usable car. Comprehensive history file. Well looked aer and maintained. Racetorations Racetorations quarter-bumpers. Damaged set of chrome bumpers with car car.. £19 £19,00 ,000, 0, fixe fixed d pric price. e. Nor North th Som Somerse erset. t. Manyphotosavailable. Tel:+44 (0)7850715827,email [email protected].

1956 Volkswagen Beetle “Oval” stunning expression of “Cal-Look “Cal-Look”, ”, 2.3 litre, 180 bhp engine

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Electric dreams do come true.

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Phillip Eagle  Head chef with the Aston  Martin Formula 1 team  WHEREVER THE CE IS,   we arrive on

the Monday before – the catering team, that is – an and d im imme medi diat atel elyy we go sho shoppi pping ng fo forr produce, using whatever bits of language we have, Italian or Spanish, to get exactly what we  want. en we ooad our catering equipment and set up our kitchen. kitchen. By Tues uesda dayy we we’r ’ree normall norm allyy all allowe owed d in to sta start rt pre prepar paring, ing, andthis is our most important time because it’ll soon  be full steam ahead. On Wednesday the actual race team starts to arrive, so we normally serve a lunch and a dinner, ursday is similar, and then Friday, Saturday and Sunday is breakfast, lunch and dinner for the team and drivers as well as an à la carte menu for the VIP guests. My diet during the week is not similar to anyon an yonee els else’ e’s; s; it’ it’ss pick,pick, pick. Butwe spe spend nd a lo lott oftimetest oftimetestin ingg thegues theguestt dis dishesas hesas wemake them. For today, Friday, for example, it’s char siu pork belly to start, then a simple grilled sh with Provençale vegetables, followed by  dessert des serts. s. In the ga gara rage ge they’ they’re re und under er tou tough gh time restrictions today, today, so we’v we’vee pack packed ed their fridges up with good sandwiches and healthy  snacks – most of them don’t have the luxury of  poppin pop pingg ov over er for a leis leisure urely ly lun lunch. ch. It’s just makingsure mak ingsure eve everyon ryonee is well well-fe -fed d wher whereve everr they  are. And tonight’s dinner is steak.  We’re  We ’re not just cooking for the team, which is 80-90 strong, but also for the VIPs – 40 or so this race – and then we have the driver drivers, s, their manageme mana gement, nt, the owner owner,, his team team,, 150-16 150-160 0 covers for each meal. We’re We’re well-organised and everything’s do-able. is week at Imola we havee four chefs in the kitchen but we can also hav produce good food with three, in case there’s a proble pro blem. m. We’ e’re re 45 min minute utess aw away ay fro from m the nearest supermarket. I’m 43 and most of my career has been in rest re stau aura rant ntss an and d hot hotels els.. I st star arte ted d wit with h an apprenticeship in leisure and tourism. I was 17 and couldn’t drive, but day-release was part of the package so I was sent to a hotel in my 

‘THE F1 TEAM IS RATHER LIKE US IN THE KITCHEN, IN THAT WE WORK IN I N TIGHT TIGHT SPACES AND UNDER HUGE HUG E PRESSURE’ rather like us in the kitchen, in that we work  in tight spaces and under huge pressure, too. In 2021 I did half the races, then this season they  oeredme oe redme the full full-ti -time me con contra tract. ct. It was wasn n’t tot total al uke, just destiny. Beforethe Bef orethe sea seasonstartswe sonstartswe devi devise se a men menu u for each race. We can visualise how it’s going to  work out, although we adapt our menus around  what we nd in the shops. s hops. is week, week , at Emilia Romagna, it’s paradise for ingredients: fresh trues and wonderful forest mushrooms. e team has a nutritionist who we liaise  with at the start of the season. A lile bit of  greasy food comes into play at certain times  but they actually need snack food that keeps energy levels up. e drivers’ coaches speak  to us directly so we can help them stick to set diets. Last sea season son there was too much chocolate about, so this season the snacks have chang cha nged ed to nut nuts, s, pop popcorn corn,, ap apjac jacks ks andprot andprotein ein  balls with dark chocolate c hocolate and dates. We make

Feedi Fe eding ng the tea team m is cha challe llengi nging ng bec becaus ausee they’re here in the garage for long days and need nee d thin things gs av avail ailabl ablee all the tim time. e. We justnever stop for the whole day. e curfew here at Imola has been relaxed, so we’ve turned dinner into more street food that the team can pick at,  because they have to be out of the paddock  earlier ear lier.. Me Mean anwhile while,, in the kit kitchen chen,, we’ll all pitch in with the washing up, me included.  All the F1 chefs get on quite well because  we’re all in the same boat, away from home and ourfamilies.Knowin ourfamili es.Knowingg themis use useful;you ful;you don don’t ’t know when you might run out of something! It was a big decision to do this but my wife seems happy about it. If I was still in London I’d I’ d be workin workingg a lot and on my days o I’d be tired tir ed andstrug andstruggleto gleto ent enterta ertain,wherea in,whereass her heree it’s a wee weekk-on/ on/wee weekk-o o so I can plan my tim timee  beer. at’s one of the winning tickets for me. I like cooking at home and I’m teaching my   wife how to cook, too. I like country walks

home town. I started on front of house and then, aer helping out in the kitchen, the chefs asked me to stay on. Four Four-and -and-a-h -a-half alf years later I’d got all my qualications. e las lastt few years years ha have ve been with event event companies, and one had a contract with the  Aston Martin Mar tin F1 team. During Covid in 2020 I was asked to y out last-minute as emergency  cover. I enjoyed the buzz and the F1 team is

them without the ba bad d sug sugars ars,, usi using ng ma maple ple syrup and honey. Still sweet but it’s certainly  not junk food. ere’s quite a variety because the team is lookingg for fuel, some healthy food and some lookin home comforts comforts – she shepher pherds’ ds’ pies, sh and chips, and meat usually goes down beer than sh. Guests and VIPs, though, expect top-end restaurant quality.

plus footb football, all, tenni tennis, s, anythin anythingg sporty sporty.. Howe However ver,,  jetlag, exercise, exerci se, eating and routines have taken some geing used to. In this job you need resilience plus patience – 22 times a year you turn up, build a restaurant in, well, a eld, and then feed 150 people three times a day. I like pleasing people through food, and if they don’t fancy what we’ve done they can always wander into the kitchen and I’ll think of something.

Octane (ISSN 1740-0023, USPS 024-187) is published monthly by Autovia Ltd, 31-32 Alfred Place, London WC1E 7DP, UK. The US annual subscription price is $99. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY 11256. US Postmaster: send address changes to Octane, WORLD CONTAINER INC 150-15, 183rd St, Jamaica, NY 11413, USA. Subscription records are maintained at Autovia Ltd, 31-32 Alfred Place, London WC1E 7DP, UK. Air Business Ltd is acting as our mailing agent. 234





















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