1. The Occupational Safety and Health Act applies to all employ employees ees who work for an employer that is engaged in a business affecting: a. interstate in inte tern rnal al sec secur urit ity y. b. commerce. c. surro surroundi unding ng environm environment ent and natural natural ecosystems. ecosystems. d. overal overalll health health and and sa safety fety of civi civilia lians ns.. AS!"#: $b% &. 'nder the OSH Act Act(( a ))))) is one that is known to be ha*ardous( taking into account the standard of knowledge of the industry. a. re reco cogn gni* i*ed ed ha ha*a *ard rd b. internal ha*ard c. co cons nsti titu tuti tion onal al ha ha*a *ard rd d. im impl plic icit it ha* ha*ar ard d AS!"#: $a% +. The Occupational Safety and Health Act created three federal agencies for adm administration inistration and enforcement. !hich of the following is not one of them, a. The Oc Occupa cupationa tionall Safety and Health Health Adm Adminis inistrati tration on $OSHA% $OSHA% b. The ational -nstitute -nstitute of Occupational Safety and Health $-OSH% c. State State "mplo "mploye yeee Health Health omm ommiss ission ion $S"H $S"H% % d. The Oc Occupa cupationa tionall Safety and Health Health #eview #eview ommiss ommission ion $OSH#% $OSH#% AS!"#: $c% /. The Occupational Safety and Health Act applies to all employ employees ees who work for an employer that is engaged in a business affecting: a. in inte ters rsta tate te comm commer erce ce.. b. international trade. trade. c. gl glob obal al comm commer erce ce.. d. sol sole tr trad adin ing g. AS!"#:
0. The decisions of the Occupatio Occupational nal Safety and Health #eview ommission can be appealed to the: a. fe fede dera rall labo laborr cou court rts. s. b. ational abor #elations #elations 2oard. c. '.S. '.S. co cour urts ts of ap appe peal als. s. d. atio ational nal -nsti -nstitute tute of Oc Occupat cupational ional Safety and Health Health.. AS!"#: $c% 3. a. b. c. d.
The Occupatio Occupational nal Safety and Health #eview ommission ommission is a: neut neutra rall ag agen ency cy.. appellate body. body. legi legisl slat ativ ivee bod body y. 4u 4uas asi5 i56u 6udi dici cial al agen agency cy..
7. The Secretary of abor is empowered to appoint an adviso advisory ry committee to assist in the promulgation of: a. in inte teri rim m sta stand ndar ards ds.. b. voluntary standards. standards. c. com compa pany ny st stan anda dard rds. s. d. pe perm rman anen entt st stan anda dard rds. s. AS!"#: $d% 8. The Secretary of abor has authority to issue ))))) involving involving new or improved techni4ues techni4ues to safeguard safety or health of a worker. a. temp tempor orar ary y ordin ordvariances inan ance cess b. e9perimental c. st stan anda dard rd vari varian ance cess d. st stan andi ding ng ord rder erss AS!"#: $b% . 'nder Section 11 of the OSH A Act( ct( the ))))) can be e9ercised when employees are e9posed to a dangerous condition posing the risk of serious in6ury or death and when there is insufficient insufficient time. a. po powe werr of e9em e9empt ptio ion n b. right to strike c. ri righ ghtt to refu refusse d. agen agency cy5s 5sho hop p cl clau ause se AS!"#: $c% Mathi"# Que!tio"
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