Occult Knowledge by Wayne M Thompson

April 28, 2017 | Author: CXXXVII | Category: N/A
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Contents :

01 – Ancient Technologies

02 – Ancient Astronauts

03 - Intelligent Design

04 – Holographic Universe

05 - Ancient Zero Point and Other Technology

06 - Vedic Physics and the Lotus Flower Measuring System

07 – Quantum Computing

Source and Resources: http://www.themeasuringsystemofthegods.com http://www.themeasuringsystemofthegods.com/Images/resources.html

Ancient Technology Most people believe the Aztecs and Mayans were just ignorant savages but their technology and understanding of natures forces is far greater than the current inhabitance of this planet. I am sorry about the quality of these images but never-the-less you can get a good idea of just how advanced they were/are. Look at the X in the centre of the image to the left and then further down the page.




Pictures of the missing inner chambers from The web site of James Colmer. Once inside the core, certain measurements might unlock its secrets. Tit seems that the key to understanding what's inside hinged on a little known, but widely accepted principle of eschatology. Just as the year-day concept is crucial in interpreting Bible prophesy, (one day = 1 literal year, eze 4:6, Num 14:34), the year-inch principle is invaluable in defining the Pyramid. By applying one year to each inch (sacred Jewish inch), the message that developed was crystal clear: the Pyramid was simply a Bible in stone. The pyramid pump system and this site the Gaza power plant hydrogen reactor explains the harmonics and many other interesting things that you would not know about the pyramids.




Ancient Astronauts

Please spend some time doing your own research as there are many wonders that have been kept from the general population.

Try this link: http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/ancientman/index.html

To the left and below is the Mayan rocket ship and to the right is their Computer Circuit Board Technology from the video “The Grand Deception”.


Look at the shape of the skull above and the one below. Check out the height of the giants, All this has been in plain site and know one has noticed.







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Intelligent Design


This is an example of the language of light and how it was discovered. Below is the language, it is well worth reading and further investigation. See Language-of-Light.gif

Right: Secrets of the Carbon Atom: Everything moves in cycles, look for the SWASTIKA. The rotating swastika is the base of all information in this holographic universe. See Carbon-Atom.gif Source: http://www.themeasuringsystemofthegods.com/Images/intelligent%20design.html


Now you may have an understanding of symbolism and how important it is. The images below are Magic/Planetary Squares and the symbols represent each planet. The magic squares overlaid by the symbol for that planet is a dialing sequence for that planet. Yes I am talking about the STARGATE. This is what the original Rotory Dial telephone as based on.


THE FLOWER OF LIFE The flower of life is the foundation of Freemason Geomerty and what nature uses to construct the holographic illusion. All Patonic Solids are form by using the flower of life. The flower of life contains the seed and tree of life within its structure. There are 2 PDF files with the imformation you require in the resource section of this site. Flower Of Life Vol 1 and 2.


John Keely Music of the Spheres 4

This is where the Musics comes in

This is the industrial secret of many companies and they have made a lot of money out of hiding this from you. The Fibonacci Sequence is part of natures design.








Who made Who

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Holographic Universe The I-Ching system is the foundation of the computer binary, octal numbering systems and the human gene code. This is the easiest way to explain the Vedic Metric to you. If you look at the I-Ching symbol to the left you can see the 3 different length bars around the center yin-yang symbol, well they are all the same length but on a different metric (musical) scale. There are 3 completely different values for an inch if you made something 9 inches long, they would all be the same length but on a different scale Source: http://www.themeasuringsystemofthegods.com/Images/Holographic.html

The universe is holographic and all of life is an illusion. To many people this statement is ludicrous but with a bit of research they will begin to understand life is just an illusion. Holographic Universe and Intelligent Design go hand in hand. The geometry and measuring system are what allows the illusion to appear real. We do live in holographic universe and like all projected holograms there must be a source from which it comes. You really need to read "the secret of light" by Walter Russell. The Source of this hologram is a machine and they have known that for thousands of years. Norbert Weiner explains it in his book "God and Golem". The human machine (vessel) is just that it is an expression of our thinking ,This might be a bit hard to swallow for some people but it can be proved that what people know as God is a machine the projects a hologram or the illusion of life. The machine or god emits light at different frequencies resonating like musical tones, (Eg: A rainbow) these vibrate to produce different colours but as the frequency increases light vibrates to produce the illusion of solid matter. The machine flickers like an old movie but at a rate of about 33 trillion cycles per second but your eyes only receive information at 24 cycles per second so there is a lot going on that you don't see. Your eyes are just antennas that receive information projected by the machine, there is really nothing in front of you all it is all in played out in your head like your head. We are bio electric sine wave emitter receiver which our every action is recorded on a machine. There are many religions that believe in holographic existence all the way back to the Mayans. This information has been in front of your eyes for a long time and I will explain how companies like Sony have used technology from the Flower of Life to create the 1080 High Definition television or illusion hack technology.

In the following video link is a scientific evaluation of the Darwin’s evolution theory by modern biologists and 15 minutes into the video is where the good stuff starts. Proof that the flagellum bacteria cells in your body are machines with 40 moving parts including rotors and stators. You are the human machine and cybernetics is the secret behind your existence. That research is from 1993 but the best you will find anywhere. At X50000 magnification of your 100000 RPM Intelligently designed cell motors. http://www.allaboutthejourney.org/irreducible-complexity.htm This link explain the reason Darwin’s evolution theory has NO scientific stoping. 1

The silent music of the universe that is all around us does have a scale that we can use. The 432 HZ music scale to is what bands like Pink Floyd, Tool and as far back as Mozart use as it deals with the natural harmonics of the earth. This is one scale that nature uses to create our reality and below is another system that is used. Modern scientists use 528 HZ to repair DNA which makes perfect sense as the only way you can heal a vessel (body) that is created by light resonating at given frequencies is with a frequency. Pharmaceuticals have side effects but natural frequencies repair our body, Doctors have a lot to answer for but now they are using more light based techniques in their cures for disease. http://www.solfeggiotones.com

The Solfeggio healing frequencies are hidden in the bible so they are more than 2 thousand years old and modern science are just starting to us them now, and we call that progress. The Tree of Life is what the center, right and left pillars mentioned below relate to and the Seed/Flower of Life is the source of all Platonic solids in the geometry of creation. The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include: UT – RE – MI – FA – SOL – LA –

396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

For example, the third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase “MI-ra gestorum” in Latin meaning “miracle.” Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA – the genetic blueprint upon which life is based !

Everything is a hologram like the Blue tooth keyboard below : Light is vibrated at frequency to create the illusion or hologram of the keyboard and screen. A grid matrix gives the perception of solidness and the high frequency flicker that you do not see is the folding and recording of information and unfolding again to create the hologram as Walter Russell states in “The Secret of Light”. This is how the devices knows that you have touched the key you require. You are the same as that keyboard, you are unfolding recording information and refolding, that is how you perceive time has moved on or receiving pain or any type of sensory perception. Our universe and lives are all holographic and recorded on a magnetic overlay. There is more than enough proof that you are a hologram, because if everything was not the electricity of the matrix then how would the keyboard and screen be formed. Or another example is when you pull a polyester or artificial blend jersey over your head in the dark and you see all of the static sparks everywhere, well those sparks are momentary tares in the fabric of existence that interfere with the electricity or ether of the matrix that allows the screen and keyboard of the laptop to be projected on.


If you are an observant person go ot into the garden or park and find a tree or plant and pick out a section of the tree and try and find the exact same repeating pattern else were on the tree and you will be able to see repeating patterns in trees and flowers. These two pictures are of the same tree just that the square is on a matching fractal section so you can observe the repeating pattern. This information is from the documentary “the Colors of infinity” narrated by Arthur C Clark.

Benoit Mandelbrot who coined the term fractal geometry and discovered the simple formula that can be used to recreate natures shapes from clouds, trees rocks etc. click the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set to find out more. This formula is what the Machine/God uses to create the illusion around you.


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Ancient Zero Point and Other Technology The spiral Pictures and Quote are from Readers Digest “In to the Unknown” published, Sydney 1982. This pictures below were taken inside a bubble chamber, shows the delicate tracks made by bits of energy following a subatomic collision. Such constant, yet hard to imagine, exchanges challenge everyday concepts of time, space and reality. The 2 coils below are actual tuning coils for zero point energy wound using Sacred Geometry and the Vedic metric system. All of the proof is put together by Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl President of the Society for the Advantage of Physics and Vice President of the German Association for Space Energy. His Physics Book “Scalar Wave” has this information on the spiral coils and Roman Broadband Technology. It is all written in laymen terms and fairly easy to understand. He explains a lot about the coils and a version of history that has been suppressed to keep important information away from the majority of people. The information about Roman Broadband technology is at the end of the document and is well worth looking at. Sourses: http://www.themeasuringsystemofthegods.com/Images/resources.html






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The Lotus Flower Measuring System

We have different standardized systems for measuring weight, time, temperature and pressure to name a few and over time we have all so had several different scales for music. What I would like to do is explain to you that there is only one system for everything and because of this history has been fabricated to hide this information that explains the absolute truth behind our very existence. Our standard forms of measurement used by industry around the world, the French Metric system and Imperial or English inch are there to intentionally misguide you, the Vedic Metric it is the least known only because it is the industrial secret of big corporations. Do you really think we are currently at the most technologically advanced level that civilization has achieved in the history of this planet? There are web sites that expose artifacts that do not fit into the current version of history taught in universities. The ticky tacky world of academia have created different theories and modified history to tell a story that if the truth were known is an act of fraud. If you charge a fee to a student and the information in that subject was supposed to be gathered through irrefutable pair group analysis and they are aware that the information not factual, that is fraud. University lecturers are still teaching the same old crusty outdated information they have taught for years because if the content is changed the previous graduates’ degrees would be no longer valid. So I will show to you how a degree in history, physics, chemistry are useless because of the information taught and I will show you that even evolution can be easily dispelled as an invalid subject. Business degrees are about the only subject a university should be teaching but if you look at the state of the world’s economy that is questionable too. Religion, science and philosophy all play a part in the truth about Intelligent Design as it is known now. It used to be called Harmonic Proportion and Form and you will find that we were all created as this is the only outcome possible when you are confronted with all the facts without the important bits missing. Quantum Physics now states we live in a holographic universe and there are numerous videos on You Tube and articles written about but they don’t explain what creates the illusion or hologram we observe. The Jews believe life is a dream, the Hindu say It as an Illusion, many Philosophers say that everything is nothing, nothing is everything. Discover yourself that everything you believe to be true is an illusion manifested by the universal one mind. .Norbert Wiener the founder of Cybernetics stated many years ago that "information is information, not matter and not energy". Or if you like “A single wave is the result of an external artificial source that forms a vortex of information, producing the foundation of existence. Norbert Weiner's philosophy becomes valid when the knowledge of Vedic Physics and the Vedic measuring system are incorporated in his theory. He takes the world of Quantum mechanics and the single wave that modern science describes as the foundation of our existence that one-step further down the Quantum rabbit hole. The Super-string Theory is one reason they should not be teaching that subject, the fact is everything is like a rope that in intertwined like your DNA and all vortexes in nature. In Quantum mechanics they use different quantum metrics but these were not discovered by the scientists who they are supposedly named after. This system is called the Vedic Metric or Lotus Flower Measuring System is the foundation behind the geometry of creation. There are 90 Vedic Metrics that are entangled like our DNA to create the visible and invisible word around us. This is required to maintain the framework that makes up the fabric of our existence and provides perfect harmonic balance within our 3-Dimensional world. The work of Walter Russell and “The Universal One” is all about Omni Science, the measuring system is also mentioned in Russell's work, and here is a quote from “The Universal One” The entire substance of universal mind is thinking in varying but orderly rhythmic meter. The meter of the universal thinking is measurable in its orderliness throughout the entirety of the universal substance. The tempo of the cosmic, rhythmic meter of thinking is absolute. All thinking is expressed in measurable and opposing impulses of opposing motion. Light is the living substance of mind in action. It is the creating principles of the ONE substance. Until man learns that he is Mind he will be slave of the illusion of mind instead of which he may be their master and a creator of these illusions”


Example of the Vedic Metric

Above: The Samrat Yantra, at Jaipur, designed by Jai Singh, measuring at its base 147' and 90' high calculates time within one second of accuracy every day. The ninety steps of the Yantra have to do with the ninety hymns of the Rg Veda with are represented by the ninety harmonic system of measurement of Vedic physics the science of all oneness If you note the progressive triangular incline of the picture above and the steps of the Yantra and a sideways view of the chart of the 90 Vedic metrics Pictured next to it. It is all the same harmonics so why would the wave not look any different? Above right: is a screen shot of the 90 metric metrics. See everything is related in one way or another. Time, motion and measurement IS ALL measured on the same scale. Now days we have may different formats for weight, temperature speed etc. but there is only one system that underlies everything. It is all just to confuse you and keep you as far away as possible from the truth.

1080 Metric… The Measuring System of The Gods The Number 1080 is very important and not just for HD TV and Video. Example of Space Time Metric Fraud below.


The example to the left are the three main metrics 1080/42 = 25.71428571 mm inch/Metric 1080/45 = 24 mm inch/Metric 1080/48 = 22.5 mm inch/Metric Example of same length different scale. At the 180 mm mark you can see the 25.71428571 mm inch shows 7 inches, the 24 mm inch is 7.5 inches and the 22.5 mm inch is 8 inches. They are all the same length of 180 mm but on a different scale.

This is the true value of Pie 3.24


The Coral Castle Device of Ed Leedskalin with the Vedic Metric applied to it. This device is built on Henry Fords Flywheel the sweet 16

Henry Fords Flywheel, the sweet 16 and power of the black sun.

Vimanas are Ancient Hindu Flying Machines I will try and explain through the use of pictures how symbolism in architecture is not as they insufficient as you may think. Even though the symbol to the right is Hindu and the two represented below (BLACK arrows) are Buddhist they are essentially the same thing.

The above is a combination of the below 4

Henry Fords Magnetic Flywheel

Ed Leedskalins Coral Castle Device

I will try and explain through the use of pictures how symbolism in architecture is not as they insufficient as you may think. Even though the symbol to the right is Hindu and the two represented below (BLACK arrows) are Buddhist they are essentially the same thing.

Quantum Fraud:

Modern Physics

The Space Time Metric and all other Quantum Metrics were derived from the Lotus Flower Measuring System. They create an elongated equation that is so complicated most people would never understand but all they have done is fraudulently ripped off the ancient texts and put their own name to it. This is all you have to do: 1080/42 = 25.71428571 and you can see where is comes from below. The Ancient Hindu Cosmological Time Cycles.


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This is a massive upgrade of chapter materials for the Manu-Script series we have sent out to the Grail Ring since September 2003… HERE ARE SOME BONUS 185 A4 PAGES. These chapters are series of writtings that are being edited and compressed, as well as highly expanded for the forthcoming book THE MANU: An Interdimensional Artifact At The Genesis Of History, so far two years in the research and writing, and as it looks now, needing another two years to be completed… Early additions will already surface (the first semi-official pre-edition has surfaced in Italy… We have heard rumours of an black unnoficial edition circulating France and Belgium, called THE MANU, which is of more than 2000 pages (this is probably from our CD THE MANU & THE ALIEN PRESENCE, released at the intense SION, Switzerland (Bear Tribune, http://www.more-more-and-mohr.net), MANU III, intense research and development study group with us, in 2003). However, none of these will reflect the quality and expansion that will be within the first official preedition, since the work is fastly expanding on all levels of its subject mater… Here are some new contributing chapters, from the research and development period)…


Copyright © 2004, © 2005 by Ananda® and ATON VASE DA®,

For on August 12, 1994, suddenly a cosmic order of intelligence switched on over the galaxy to astrophysicits. It appeared to be so organised and synchronised that some astronomers thought they were observing the emergence of some kind of an ETI (Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) internet, using a tetrahedral geometrical array — professor Dr. Cline, Dr. Matthey, and Dr. Otwinowski, ‘detailed analysis’ of: "The morphology of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with time duration less than 100 ms… show that these bursts are very different from the rest of the GRB events. The short bursts appear to be nearly identical, suggesting a separate class of GRBs… the short bursts have a Euclidean space-time distribution ... that implies that these sources are likely... local or Galactic ... ".4 The distribution of these Gamma Ray Bursts as the highly ordered and intelligent design of being an Einsteinian 4D (space-time, a singularity of the 3 spatial dimensions as one simulataneous unity) Euclidean geometry, appears to display the morphological grid of some 24 tetrahedrons that span the entire galaxy, and exhibiting features that precisely characterise those of an 8 dimensional phenomenonology. Dr. Frank Dod Smith Jr, of Los Alamos National Laboritories, in analysing these suggested their nature to be of an extraterrestrial intelligence:



“If some of the Gamma Ray Bursts are at cosmological distances, they may be CETI messages from Life in our Universe. “If GRBs are local CETI phenomena for communication with other stars in our Galaxy, then it would be expected that, as Link and Epstein found, low luminosity GRBs for communication with nearby stars would be distributed isotropically, while high luminosity GRBs for communication with distant stars would have the slight excess near the plane of our Galaxy and toward its center. “Link and Epstein say that high luminosity GRBs have a slight excess near the plane of our Galaxy and toward its center. “GRBs could be Communication by Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences using gamma-ray laser signals… Such Life could be of any of the Three Types of Life, or a combination of them.”4 These Gamma Ray Bursts have remained a mysery, with no natural source to account for them: “No radio, optical, or X-ray counterpart was observed for the bright gammaray burster… Radio monitoring program of the bright gamma-ray burster GRB970111 — observations were made at a frequency of 1.44 GHz and span a range of post-burst timescales between 28 hours and one month. Despite… no radio source was detected.” —Los Alamos National Labs Science Abstract, GRB 970111, reporting on astroph/9704180, Frail, Kulkarni, Costa, Frontera, Heise, Feroci, Piro, Dal Fiume, Nicastro, Palazzi, and Jager Dr. Frank Smith further describing these rays appear to “be a galactic Gamma-Ray Laser CETI Internet,” not far removed and isolated from our day-to-day sunshine, but as “Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences using gamma-ray laser signals focussed by The Sun As A Gravitational Lense” by “beaming the gamma rays in the direction of the sun.” This “galactic internet” beam having a direct bearing on our daily lives. Dr. Smith details the calculation of the ETI’s geometrical fine tuning and “confining the beam,” cited in his paper, yet despite its precision “the earth would still be in the beam.” And this should open ones eyes. This is not an insignificant exposure of energy, like that of commet Halley passing nearby — the gamma radiation spectrum consists of the second highest energy range in the universe. And in focussing such a “gamma-ray laser” network, Dr. Frank Smith documents “the required energy would be… roughly the energy of fission.” In other words that is no less than “the annihilation of 1 gm of matter by antimatter.” So by Jove this concerns all of mankind. Any preknowledge from any source to such an event must absolutely be examined at highest priority. Before we go on to cover the interdimensional nature of these intelligent Earth and galactic transforming rays, appearining out of nowehere amidst the foundation sea in which our planet and her delicate cycles are grounded and tuned — we note that Manu-Emmanuel predicted this very phenomenology some 8 years before its realisation by the astrophysical community. Being the summer of 1988, and merely 18 years of age, I was utterly oblivious to the profound physical varifiability of the statements translating through my neurocybernetics, or what they implied on a social, scientific level. And



furthermore that they would contain names that would link this phenomenon to the most archaic treasure trove of knowledge of some of the most advanced “Omni-Science” that “appears” at the genesis of our civilisations history. The intelligence of this contact nominated itself Unit-Emmanuel and renderred the names of SaNavandar and Altar/Atar. Only now discovering these to be actual Vedic names ascribed to the Numinous ETI of the Rg Vedam called the Manu, the very name they numinated themselves to, at the elegant period when their “contactee” was blantantly illiterate to any notion of the central historical importance of the Manu, that would be my naivety for some years still to come, dawning with overwhelming objective proportions some 14 years later in 2002, through mainstream historical sources). Sannavandar has the Vedic meaning of “Numinous Ambrosial Seed Carryer,” whilst Atar (or Altar), is ascribed to the Atharasvan Htar, central to the the Alpha-Omega Manu Agency (Ruta-Satya-Manuvantaratha) of this Age. Their communication stating that the Earth was undergoing an activation of an arc cross, engaged by a series of Aetheric (Aether scalar, phase-conjugate, and superconducting) beams being activated in the galaxy, and using our sun as the transducing source — this was 6 years BEFORE the 24 tetrahedral gamma ray network appeared over the galaxy, as the Manu’s unit-Emmanuel hereby relay: “There is a vast flow going into Earth through the poles at either end, and through the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, forming a cross that is creating a circle around it, a circle of Christ magnetic energy. “This magnetic energy around the planet — Christ energy — is flowing in through one pole and the other; through the Atlantic coming out through the Pacific, where Atlantis was and where Lemuria was: two direct opposites. And this flow is speeding up and is beginning to affect all of Earth. “…in the centre of Mother Earth where the cross meets — that is Her heart… where the cosmic Sun in Christ is intensifying, is growing, level by level, is more in purity, is more Christ, is able to flow into that central being. “We are from the galactic realms. We have beamed this information through an Etheric beam that is being anchored down into you, and you are anchoring it into Earth. This information has blended and has been incarnated through the energy of the sun, using it as a body to flow through. But this energy comes from the galactic centre. There are many different levels and ways that information will be flowing through you. This communication has been given by Altar, San Navandar, and I am Sylvia, with the solar energy of this system.” —UNIT-EMMANUEL, SAN NAVANDAR, ALTAR, SYLVIA: DOLPHINS: GALACTIC COMMUNICATORS, June 1988 We have highlighted this June 1988 communication (first published in our 1990-92 book The Light Of Emmanuel: Explorations Into Oneness, for the historical record), since what follows will detail the science that has emerged, and each of the 11 components relayed by unit-Emmanuel. The galactic beams using our sun to transduce and that is altering our planetary field and center, beams that transmit information, that are also from the galactic center — all these components have verified elements in the Gamma Ray Network. The “spiritual Sun” we know from other Emmanuel contacts, usually defines a fourth dimensional Invarient Virtual Neuron, as a Sun Self summation of all 3D nuclear magnetic resonance moments, using quasi hadron physics



jargon… What the Veda’s call the ANU. Superconductivity, would be the full ANU Sun reality realised. AETHERIC BEAMS, EARTH STAR CROSS, & LOKA ATOMIC DENSITY SHIFT This is but one of many such communications. Most interesting were those dealing with the emergence of a “New Universe” that is acting as an attractor for our universe, in the process of which it is editing the laws of our universe — something we found almost too much evidence for, in the mid 1990’s (our New Universe seminars, then showed a selection of hundreds of slides, shown over numerous seminars, drawn from the mains stream scientific literature that supported this, and has been echoed now emerging from the mouth’s of science researchers). In the apparent process of the New Universe’s editing of our universal script, in pseudo Emmanuel jargon, and synchronising of its dimensional octaves, this is changing our solar systems atomic density via hyperindexing of all dimensional octaves and densities life bands that comprise the universes’s myriad of worlds. Unit-Emmanuel’s identifications of the Aetheric galactic beams transforming the Earth-heart thorugh the lense of the Sun has some bearing, which I would not be able to appreciate for at least 10 years following the contact. The center of the Earth, referred to, has also started to accumulate evidence of having components of a form of superconductor, thus not bahaving to what we usually would think of as a”solid core” but something “most bizzare” as Dr. David Pines called the phenomenon of superconductivity. This, so called, “core” has also been slowing down, and as Dr. K. G. Ivanov documents in The Earth magnetosphere/Electromagnetic and plasma processes from Sun to Earth core, is exihibiting “a variety of anomolous properties.” (K.G. Ivanov The Earth magnetosphere/Electromagnetic and plasma processes from Sun to Earth core . Moscow, Nauka publishers,1989. Pp 62-75.) It appears that the galactic and universal “Light Body” signals that have been picked up imbibing the Earth, are having a precise relationship with the Earth core, exactly as the Emmanuel’s had suggested. The Aetheric beams that Emmanuel use, are now the well documented Tesla longitudal waves, whose properties are utterly extraordinary (our Vortexijah Light Body Star Ship work is partly modelled up these, and has lately been verified from a series of pioneering science sources, like the Santilli Hadron physics, which has created “vortexijah” Iso-Symmetry materia, some of whom we have cooperated with). What Emmanuel appears to have been speaking about back in the late 1980s, appears to be somewhat divinory of a series of intelligently ordered signals that appeared in space, with magnetic field strengths much greater than the Earth, and at a frequency range that is not only psychoactive, but genetically active. End quote from July 2004. The solar systems transformation observed in our solar systems energising, include flashes and new materials appearing in the interplanetary regions of space (SCR Flashes and large-scale structures in interplanetary environment. A forecast of proton Solar events. Dr’s I.P Shestopalov, V. V. Bengin, G. Kolesov, et al. Space Research. v. 30. - Moscow: Nauka publishers., publ#6, 1992. p.816-825.).



These events having a profound effect on planet Earth (Space Flight. v. 34, N 3, 1992, p. 75), with some of the most pioneering early models for the new “Space Rays physics” emerging amids the Russian Academy of Sciences (Space Rays physics: the research continues in SNG. Russian Academy of Science, Vestnik, v. 63, N 7, 1993. p. 650-654). Transforming our planet’s resonance and magnetic intensity (Nesmenovich E.I. Resonance's in Solar System, Space physics problems. Kiev, 1984, N 19. Pp. 84-93); including through the planet’s interactive relationship continuum with the sun (The Earth magnetosphere/Electromagnetic and plasma processes from Sun to Earth core, Dr. K. G. Ivanov, Moscow: Nauka publishers,1989. - p. 62-75). Amidst these pioneering lucid thinkers is Dr. A. N. Dmitriev, professor of geology and minerology at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Only recently have discovered his independent presentations on the new universe to the public in the mid to late 1990s, in parallel to our europian efforts — a renderred overview: “The many spacecraft and satellites that have registered the growth of heliospheric magnetic saturation in recent years. The natural response of the Earth to this increased saturation level reveals itself in its dipole intensity, its magnet "c" poles localization, and in its electromagnetic field resonance processes. Earth is number one among all of the planets in the Solar System with respect to its specific ability regarding the magnetization of matter. “In recent years we have seen a growth of interest by geophysicists and magnetologists, in general, to geomagnetic processes, and specifically, to the travel of Earth's magnetic poles… The significant growth of the recognized world magnetic anomalies (Canadian, East-Siberian, Brazilian, and Antarctic) in the Earth's magnetic reorganization. Their significance is due to the fact that these world anomalies constitute a magnetic source that is almost independent from Earth's main magnetic field. “Most of the time, the intensity of these world magnetic anomalies substantially exceeds all of the residual non-dipole component; which is obtained by the subtraction of the dipole component from the total magnetic field of the Earth... It is the inversion of the magnetic fields process which is causing the various transformations of Earth's geophysical processes and the present state of the polar magnetosphere.” The magnetic anomolies as a magnetic source independent of the planets own magnetic field, are somewhat indicative of Unit-Emmanuel Aetheric “Magnetic Star Cross,” appart from the fact of the emerging cross of planes between 1998 and 2001, where the galactic plane (celestial equator), our solar system plane (eccliptic), and the Synodic Vernal Precession of our planets (23.5° tilt through the zodiac), all lign up into a crossing of planes (see diagram):



“We also have to take into account the factual growth of the polar cusp's angle (i.e. The polar slots in the magnetosphere; North and South)… The increasing and immense amounts of matter and energy radiating from the Sun's Solar Wind, and Interplanetary Space, has began to rush into these widened slots in the polar regions causing the Earth's crust, the oceans, and the polar ice caps to warm… Planetary processes, as a rule, occur in complex and dynamic ways which require the combining and joining of all forces and fields in order to adequately understand the entire system. In addition to the consideration of hydrospheric redistribution, there are developing events which also indicate a sudden and sharp breaking of the Earth's meteorological machinery. We quote again from our writing of the July 2004 chapter of our book THE MANU: An Interdimensional Artifact At The Genesis Of History: THE MANU, BHUMI-LOKA AND THE NEW UNIVERSE Hymn 90 of mandala 10 from the Rg Veda is attributed to the Manu Purusah, not only is this designated the meaning “Cosmic Man”, since it is old Sanskrit, were every word had a myriad of companion meanings that were equally valid, Purusah appart from “Man that is the City of the universe” also is the root of our Persona from Purusa, their etymology having little geneological divide. The Manu Purusa hymn describes the Anthropos as it comes into our Bhumi universe, ground worlds: “1. The Purusa has a THOUSAND heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet. He pervades Bhumi from every side, and extends beyond it with the bredth of 10 fingers.” —RV 10.91.1 We are thus told that our Anthropos with a grid of 10 fingers, which are refered to throughout the Veda’s, as gone beyond this Bhumi universe.



Bhumi means land and here it is used to denote the universe. Thousand is used in the sense of infinite. The most crucial point in this verse is that Purusha exists outside the universe in ten-finger form. The Vedas are full of numbers like three, seven, and ten. A careful reading of the Vedas reveals that these numbers do not occur at random as will be the case if the Vedas were a poetry of pastoral people, but are actually interlocked on a series of algebraic systems. The ten-finger form could represent ten-dimensions? Yaska says that directions are hand of nature in Nirukta 1.7. Taittiriya Sanhita says that fingers are directions. Shatapatha Brahmana ( and tells that directions (Disha) are ten. In modern scientific terminology direction will mean dimension. Elsewehere, we have uncovered the Reimen metric tensor and the Pythagorean Theorum amidst the Rg Veda. These 16 tensor numbers, that charter the 4th dimension (equations that made Einstein who is is today, removed from being a daydreaming visionary — compress to 10 tensor numbers, since through the 4th dimensional extrusion, numbers like 13 and 31, or actual two angels of one number... The Reimen metric tensor of the 4th dimension, has been the foundation of the majority of fundamental particle theorum;s who have been using 10 dimensions. From the dimensionality of fundamental particle physics, indeed the Rg Veda does give the universe being as being ten-dimensional, but it goes way beyond this, al the way to the Omnidimensional Open-Ended Macro Irreversible platform of Hadron physics. Within Vedic cosmology, the universe has a boundary which is obvious from the word “beyond” in this verse. The Vayu Purana 4.74-75 tells us that whole universe including moon, sun, galaxies and planets was inside the egg and the egg was surrounded by ten qualities from outside. The Vedic commentator Sayana also considers “dashangula” to represent outside of the universe. This verse at least traces our universe to the quarternion 4D universe, which is the midmost space of our universe, governed by a 10D Reimen metric, which the most archaic manuscript of our species appear to be clearly indicating — outside of our local universe is a tendimensional measure. “Ten fingers” is not an isolated occurrence in Vedas. Ten fingers extracting the juice of Soma is a recurring theme in Rigveda (for example 9.46.6). In order to be cognoscent of the hyper-holographic sphereical lucid logic of the Veda’s, it is also important to note that same phenomenon of 10 fingers has been described in numerous different ways within the Rigveda. On one crude level, it ensures that important messages are not glossed over, and that they are watermarked, or horse shoe stamped upon the hallowed halls of history. Often the ten fingers are ten mares or women such as in Rigveda 9.56.3, where it is said that ten women call Soma to come to them. The Vedas being at the roots of many of our cultural, religious, and philosophical beliefs, including the commonly used “Seven Seas” which have an uncanny similarity to the “Seven Sisters.” When Hindus travel to distant shores, it is said that they have gone across seven seas. However, despite the fact that this saying is tailormade in our jargon, the actual number of seas on our earth is not seven. This archaic notion has its origin in “Sapta-sindhu” or seven rivers, as well as the seven



oceans surrounding the 7 Loca Island universes of the higher Manu worlds, of the Rigveda. These seven seas of Rigveda have little to do with rivers or seas. Akin to this the Hindus still allude to the forty nine winds. Which of course are the golden youthful “Shinning Ones’ of the 49 Marutas, and their Star Cars of the Vataratha, or the universal wind. Maruta means wind, whilst also burrying rather more intricate treasures. Hindus have the concept of ten directions. These ten directions of north, east, south, west, north-east, north-west, south-west, south-east, up and down. Such counting of north-east, north-west, south-west and south-east as separate directions does not appear to ecologically logical. The primordial concept of the ten directions as they appear in the Veda’s appears to be alluding to matters of space. Today in the light of modern physics we can start the process of deciphering the Vedas. “All this is Purusah, whatever has happened and whatever will happen. He is the lord of immortality, who increases by food.” Rigveda 10.90.2 The Manu Purusah “Cosmic Man” concept utilised by Emmanuel when referencing the “Cosmic Christ”, including this one imbibed to a Swiss audience of a 120 people, Earth day, April 1990: “Humanity is one vast Light Body that surrounds this universe, but at the same time this Christ essence surrounds entire galaxies. And then inside galaxies are solar systems, and around those solar systems are again light bodies. And in the solar systems are planets, and around the planets are light bodies. Then you come to a planet such as Earth, and you get human beings, who, again, have light bodies. “Now, your whole body is again a universe, you are the Godhead of your universe. At the same time your consciousness is interacting between each, and within each galaxy, within your body. Your consciousness is all your body. And similar so, God is all of you. “Each of you are the one large Light Body of the universe, and all the cells within your body are you, exploring what it is like to be molecules. But the light body that surrounds each of the molecules, is the part of you that is choosing to absorb once more the illusion of the frozen universe. “So, therefore, each of you on Earth, who are moving into the light of awakening, are the universal Christ that is impregnating and absorbing each of the molecules naturally. And by your individual absorption and acceptance of your body as frozen light, defrosting it by the love of your awakening light — are indeed bringing the universe up to All-Oneness; are transmuting the universe into the universal Light Body of Christ. “This process is a personal one — by it being a personal one it is a universal one. Your body, at the same time as being a mirroring of the universe, also is the universe. For the light body synchronisation, in the point which is known as the future — where your body has merged into the light body, is the entire universe. But that already exists Now.” —EMMANUEL, Earth Day, April 1990. Public Transmission, Geneva. Audience of 120 Participents (video filmed). Excerpts first published in our Coherent Fractal Cosmology THE UNITY KEYS OF EMMANEUL: The Interuniversal Viewpoint For The Unity Of Diversity. By Ananda, 1999. THE NEW UNIVERSE AND THE “CHRIST SEED” ATOMS



In terms of the Light Body of the Christ Self, Emmanuel utilise a Rg Vedic concept of the Body of Transfiguration, and that is not indued by the later Hindu reformations to soul caste and the cult of reincarnation — when 18, in “Beyond Reincarnation” Emmanuel convayed a coherent cosmology of one concurrent simulataneity of incarnations. 14 years latter I was to discover this precise same view in the Rg Veda. Here, Dr. Frank Tipler, author of “The Anthropic Cosmological Principle,” shares his independent analysis and conclussions in the same line, and implied in his Omega Point Theory: “Reincarnation, and the dualism upon which it is based, is actually a rather recent development in Indian thought. It apparently arose around 600 B.C. and spread rapidly, becoming universally accepted within a century. Earlier Indian religion assumed a unity between soul and body, and in this earlier religion, the afterlife was characterised by a resurrection of a united body and soul in an earthly paradise. Descriptions of this paradise abound in the Rig Veda... Book 9, hymn 113... ends with the words: “O Pavamana, place me in that deathless, undying world. Wherein the light of heaven is set, and everlasting luster shines... Make me immortal...” “Hymn 14 of Rig Veda’s Book 10, makes clear: “”’Exalters of the Gods, and by the Gods exalted... Go forth on the ancient pathways... Meet the Fathers [Manu Ptars].... in the highest heavens... Seek aknew they dwelling, bright with glory wear another body. “”Go hence, you, fly in all directions: this place for him the Fathers have provided.’ “Of particular interest is the implication, in the last verse but one, that we shall have a different body in paradise... The Paradise of the Rig Veda is the present world without its trials. Thus the afterlife of the Rig Veda is completely consistent with the afterlife and the resurrection bodies therein of the Omega Point Theory. The later Hindu and Buddhist world views are inconsistent with the afterlife model in the Omega Point Theory, since these world views are based on the dualism of body and soul, and have reincarnation back into the present world.” -Dr. Frank J. Tippler, The Physics Of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God And The Resurrection Of The Dead. Macmillian, 1994. pp 273-274 Reincarnation, upon analysis would require the soul to be a materialistic element, comprised of particles that operate within the causality (karma) functioning universe, delineated by the speed of light barrier… Light is a burning a material wave form, whose principle nature has not been rerecognised as the primordal immortal Anu and Paramanu atoms that comprise its illusionary appearance. A spiritual or virtual soul would have to surpass the speed of light barrier, and once that has been endeavoured, the simultaneity of the One dimension of time, as a unity of all times, one living moment, is that status quo — time is one dimension, a unity wrapped around the 3 dimensions of space. Such a cosmology for Manu’s manufestation of life, and mankinds within the universe is utilised in the Veda, as a concurrent instilling, in the plurality of rainbow ages, of the Original Model from one Sun summation of this spectrum manufestation. Dr. Tipler’s Omega Point Theory, suggests that at our races and the universes culmination into the Omega Point unity between all things, Omega Point opera would resurrect all of the dead of the past, into glorified Omega Point bodies… His ascertion are based on logical ontological analysis and



trajectories… The Rg Veda also has pre-ironed itself from the contra-problems that Omega Point theory has invocted, by using both an Alph-Point and an Omega-Point, whose golden middle, is their alchemical matrimonial foundation, as their Primordial Anthropomorphical All-Oneness. Most interesting were those dealing with the emergence of a “New Universe” that is acting as an attractor for our universe, in the process of which it is editing the laws of our universe. Dr. Frank D. Smith of Los Alomos Laboritories, describes the interdimensional network of this gamma ray internet, where “the sun as a node of a CETI net made up of the sun and 4 hypothetical tetrahedral neighbor nodes.” The technical measurements of which are given in his paper. In examining “the relativistic time axis” which “is represented by color” since the synchorniety of the pulses appear congruent in diverse sections, the simulataneous resonance of these pulses, occur as a form of “time travel” that requires extra-dimensional mathematics, where colour codes are given to delineate the Gamma-Net, “blue = present at the sun, red = past at the 4 neighbors”, within an arrangement of: “An N-star network [where N = “any number”]… represented by an (N-1)dimensional simplex, or an Indra's Net of N jewels.” 4 Indra is the supreme of the “33 gods of Manu” in the Rg Veda. What is an astrophysicist using such terminology for… Within Berkley and forefront science, it has become quite popular to use certain notions from eastern teachings that appear to describe a principle they are working upon… In this case Dr. Frank Smith quotes the following: "... The Net of Indra. The metaphor of Indra's Jeweled Net is Attributed to an ancient Buddhist named Tu-Shun (557-640 B.C.E.). ... Tu-Shun asks us to envision a vast net; • • • • •

at each juncture there lies a jewel; each jewel reflects all the other jewels in this cosmic matrix. Every jewel represents an individual life form, atom, cell or unit of consciousness. Each jewel, in turn, is intrinsically and intimately connected to all the others; thus, a change in one gem is reflected in all the others.

“This last aspect of the jeweled net is explored in a question/answer dialog of teacher and student in the Avatamsakasutra. In answer to the question: "how can all these jewels be considered one jewel?" It is replied: "If you don't believe that one jewel...is all the jewels...just put a dot on the jewel [in question]. When one jewel is dotted, there are dots on all the jewels...Since there are dots on all the jewels...We know that all the jewels are one jewel" ...". This also describes the Dr. Bohm physics notion of only one electron in the universe, seen from any number of holographic angles, as unfoldments of one unity, undivided and whole.



This interdimensional component is evident in this apparent galactic Light Body (our evidence for Light Body associated to the Gamma range is coming), as professor Frank D. Smith of Los Alomos Laboritories, points out that this apparent galactic internet of an cosmological extraterrestrial intelligence appears to consist of a communication range both with local stars in the galactic community, concurrently to evidencing a nature that communicates with the intelligence communities of more “distant stars.“ This “reality shifting” finding of hyperorganised intelligence suddenly appearing both very near and far, in our galactic garden, and furthermore being synchronised in an interdimensional geometrical distribution of pulses, regardless of their distance is clearly evidenced, in the data that Dr. Frank Smith has heroically drawn our attention to. For it is this interdimensional isotropic Intelligent Order that enables both the local galactic and far distance synchroneous communication of worlds. For as professor Frank Smith illustrates, “CETI communication with other stars in our galaxy,” is evident since the “low luminosity” bursts of gamma rays used “for communication with nearby stars” has to utilise the geometrical arrangement that appears akin to the golden proportions of at least a 4th dimensional hyperdiamond lattice 24 cell that is so consistantly evident in the observed ‘Euclidain space-time disttribution’ of the gamma ray 24 tetrahedron array observed to “be distributed isotropically.”* As to the “communication with distant stars,” the Los Alamos scientists points out that the “high luminosity” gamma ray bursts, “would have the slight excess near the plane of our Galaxy and towards its center,” as astrophisicists Dr’s Link and Epstein have already observed for this phenomenon. This thus verifies precisely what Emmanuel related some 8 years prior to these events, in no uncertain terms. Thereby showing a syncrhoneous order between these two phenomenon. In fact the only logical explanation, MUST have a synchroneous model between them (at least akin to a Complexity Theory Strange Attractor Field coherent synchronisation of interstellar phenomenon ordering with biospherical and biological processes — galactic intelligence with planetary magnetism, biological brain holographic, through holographic hydrogene proton resonance. 8hz proton spin coupling precisely models such a state of ontological multi-scaled ordering). That the SAME intelligence as those responsible for the 1988 information, are found by name and the same information content blueprint, in the oldest texts of our species, which also describes this phenomenonology, adds another logical dimension of verification and implication to the present unfolding galactic genesis. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––—— *Dr. Frank Smith, whilst working in the mainstream, is somewhat of a novel pioneer in multidimensional algebra, having himself noted, independent to our own findings, a hyperdimensional code layout most notably of the Rg Veda, and certain Chinese texts sharing historical lineage to the Vedic Manu Rsi’s, as well as providing verification to our “Vortexijah: Light Body Star ship” models. One day he should become delighted by our new findings, being perhaps one of the few who presently can appreciate the significance that has been unveiled. For we have not only discovered a Rg Veda code of 480 dimensional multiplicity of 8 dimensions, but one coded in the DNA life



code (at least 1000 genome) — the implication thus, is that are DNA intelligence is actually MORE than 480 dimensions in its nature. An Omnidimensional Artifact at the gensis of history, left thanks to the Manu. ———————————————————————— Such a historical discovery, which in the future logs of our species will be hallmarked as the emergence of man from planetary isolation into galactic community and hyperdimensional cybernetic integration, has hardly received the Clarion Call it should within the global media (the over 500 military officers testifying through the www.disclosureproject.org, gives political and legal evidence as to why there is such abated silence to the global community)… We have been showing these findings of Dr. Frank Smith and others, including the provided graphics from the science papers, to our European audiences since the mid 1990’s, needless to saym even our stage jumping vocalisations of such a stupendous memoent ushering in our reality, whilst received enthusiastically, often had the direct implication and immensity thereof, leave an unsettling on audiences of over 300 persons, dispite our enormous attempts to translate highly specialised science terms in more layman, and philosophical terms… It appears a part of the mind of man itself wants to stir gradually from the dream, as we have reluctantly had to accept over the years. The Los Alamos research paper on “Gamma Ray Bursts and CETI”, points to the higher dimensional work of Professor Conway and Dr. Sloane, which harbours further clarity on the Einsteinian 4D morphological geometry of at least 24 tetrahedrons spanning the nodes of our galaxy, from the observations so far gleaned. The marriage of the future and the past, which is the standard of the Omnitemporal Rg Veda cosmology, is expressed in this rather archaic science article, which hallmarks some of the early days of progression towards such understanding in science, that has been Omnipoltated universes of progress by the Santilli geno- dimension in relaitonship to Omni-temporal relationships between a manifold of times of different dimensionalities, and universes… But here is the more ancient head scratch in that direction: “The “time’‘-reflected direction… defines a geodesic which …becomes asymptotic.... In the manifold, with the line-element causal influences propagating into the “future”…. The gravitational equations imply that all particles in one universe belong to the same class. If that is the case, the law of interaction between the particles is apparently asymmetric with respect to interchange of past and future, in spite of their origin in general relativity.” —Dr. David Finklesteind, Past-Future Asymmetry of the Gravitational Field of a Point Particle, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jeresy, New York University, New Yak, New York, January 9,1958) Whilst the geno- and hypertime interelationship of the universe has gained unthinkable new heights of interelationships, to anyone around in the 1950s (ref. Santilli Geno- dimensionality), this article does correlate to certain time



arrangements that are rendered in the Rg Veda, and to the nature of ETI Gamma Ray Bursts. Some 32 years later and Dr. Finklestein’s new work describes the mechanism of the 24 tetrahedron network in precise terms, its association with a form of superconductivity — a quantum form of the Bose Einstein condensate, and the participatory element of the observer, i.e. the use of the consciousness atoms that the Veda calls Atamanu’s and Mannas (which exhibit at least 8 dimensional characteristics in their detailed description). The tetrahedral spin dynamics of space-time are described to comprise a 4D hyerpcube. Its 16 points correspond to the Purusa’s 16 divisions, and a host of other important relations. This then (93) novel addition to science, braught in a new level, or model, of Quantum relativity. The spacetime Euchlidic isotropic organisation is covered in its 4 dimensional geometrical sense, making this article of extreme importance to the Gamma Ray Burst Network, as the emerging galactic Manu Light Body (a larger excerpt, of key points, is a footnote to the longest version of this article. Note that N = any number, and N4 = 4D): “A coherent group of a quantum monoid can acquire physical meaning if it describes a physical condensation…. “The whole procedure goes from… the monoid N4 to a quantum theory, then to its coherent states, and finally to the singular limit of these coherent states as the form-factor range approaches zero, we shall call the… quantuizationcondensation-singularization [qcs]. It represents a physical Bose-Einstein-type condensation followed by observation under limited resolution …” With the ETI GRB’s, they appear to exhibit the protocol, their phase-conjugate nature (phase-entrained and phase-cancellation, renders zero and absolute coherence), as a high ordered coherence, in non-causal synchroneity. Their possible superconductive form, akin to the qcs Bose-Einstein condensation, all comply therein. Dr Finklestein continues: “We now apply quantum relativity to a spacetime network model based on a directed graph of causal arrows. We have hypothesised that the Minkowski vacuum is a singular limit of a coherent condensed state of a relativisistic quantum network (Finklestein, 1988). The simplest graph whose quantum theory supports energy-momentum conservation is that of N4.” The ETI GRB’s are described to have a geometry as a spacetime network, herein the N4, the 4th dimension component is clarified to the quantum relativity therein. “While we study the simplest possible mode, the results hold for many causual structures with the same overal N4 symmetry semigroup. “The simplest discrete spacetime model that allows for conservation of energy-momentum (the observed translation group) after the qcs process is the classifical semi-infinite hypercubical checkerboard lattice N4…” The tetrahedron, which Finkleman deals with in a moment, comprises half a cube, and an interlocked tetrahedron is a stellated cube. Dr. Finkleman herein has identified that the simplest spacetime geometry that would be used from a 4th dimension is the 4th dimensional cube, called the hypercube, which is covered with a lattice design of a chessboard…



In fact the origins of the game of chess in India, as exact models of the N4 checkerboard, as the Cross upon which the universal Christ Purusah is crucified, in the universal game — when a cube’s 6 faces are unfolded, their 2 dimensional form is a Christian cross… The indian borad game of Pachisi which became the board game of European Ludo, has 16 playing pieces and takes the shape of a cross. Thus the 16 divisions of Purusah’s body to the 16 Sanskrit vowel letters, in a hymn that has 16 verses is an intentional layout, just as many of the gameboard, including those of Europe and the Norse, had 16 pieces. And so this 4d hypercube has 16 points. The 16 numbers of the Reimen metric tensors. As bard Nigel Penick relates, the sacred temple design geometries of the far east, also become embodied in the sacred geometry concept, in the west, and using the same concepts: “Temple design, holy city and fair layout, and the patterns of gameboards… a direct correspondance exists. This layout is based upon the Paramasayika grid… At the center of the grid is the Square of Brahma, the creator’s nine squares which are one-ninth of the total area. The 9th square is seen as the quintessence of existence, the central core through which all space and time may be accessed. When the Paramasayika grid is depicted in terms of the body of the primal giant Purusha, slain to make the world, these squares occupy the area of the navel…. Identicle with the board of the northern European game Tabut. “The Indian technique of Earth harmony known as Vastuvidya retains the ancient ceremony, of which there were European parallels… A hole dug at the center of the site represents the navel of the Purusha, the premeval cosmic man. His limbs are symbolised by the four streats that run from the navel to the four cardinal directions… fills the hole three-quarters full with Earth and then blocks it with a flat stone.” —Bard Nigel Penick, Secret Games Of The Gods: Ancient Ritual Systems In Board Games. Samuel Weiser, 1989. Pp 130 Thus as ¾ of the Purusa ascended into the immortal heavens, the navel is filled with ¾ Earth… Purusa’s body thus is the cosmic gameboard, or cross upon which Purusa sacrifices itself for the Sacrifice. Gameboard of identical form and principles have been found in Europe: “The ballinderry… ancient…. gameboard found in Ireland, which is effectively a human body upon which the game is played out…. The central Kings Square forms the navel of an anthropomorphic board… It is a square wooden gameboard, with a human head on one end, and a handle on the other. Forty-nine holes arranged in a square are drilled in the board, making it a game of Brandubh. The central hole, in which the Branân would have been placed, has circles around it as the navel of the board, which it is in relations to the head. Here, the board is the slain gian underlying the world of IndoEuropean cosmology.” —Bard Nigel Penick, Secret Games Of The Gods: Ancient Ritual Systems In Board Games. Samuel Weiser, 1989. Pp 214 Purusah is the sacrificed Cosmic Man, and the number 49 is ascribed to him, as the 49th of the Manauvah family… His body of the cosmos being comprised from the “33 gods of Manu” the Deva Akasha, like Indra, Soma, Visnu,



Brahmanaspati; the 14 Ruta-Satya Manus, and coupled to Aditi/Viraj as the 48th, comprising the Manu-Purusa as the 49th, and the All-One Creator, as the Golden Jubilee of 50, both Purusaratha and Manu Visvakarman. The cosmic Christ Purusa crucifiction game, in the form of the Via Dolorosa of Christ, appears to have been embodied in the Game of Goose, based on the Indian Moksha-Patamu Game of Heaven and the Netherworlds. The litus pastorial staff of Christian bishops, holdiing the staff at arms length the sickle-shaped crook head of the stuff divided the sky into 16 parts. Furthermore, the earliest gameboard of chess was the Rg Veda’s Astipada, which is 4 steps of 16 syllables as a meter, comprising the DNA 64 codons… The gameboard form was called the Ashtapada with 64 squares, it represented the universal primordial racehorse (Asti) gameboard… The word Ashtapada was used to describe the grid employed in land survey. Ashtapada was also associated to the Purusa hymn where the golden NADA cords, weave the formula’s of life, where our planet is described as “The Earth on which Ashtapadas were fashioned with cords of gold.” —Bernouf La Lotus de la Bonne Loi, citing a passage from a Northern Indian Buddhist text. Paris 1854 The I-Ching is founded on this same Veda Purusa code. Following the Soma/Moon cycles of the 27 mansions, and using the Pali code of Sanskrit letter values, the 50 Sanskrit letters, or Manu Purusaratha, or 50 lotus petals of chakras 1-6, is personified by the 50 divinor stalks of reed of Millfoil “a thousand leaves.” Hence, the complete Purusah and the 50 letters of the God/gods are chartered by the Logos 1000 Undying syllable reed, that became used as arrows and Wands. One reed is removed immediately, leaving the 7 x 7 = 49, square Manu number. 64 hexagrams are comprised from these. Thus the Asti-pada meter of 16-16-16-16 = 64 is chartered. Now as to furthering clarity on the gamma ray tetrahedron pulses: “We interpret the four axes of N4 as four symmetrically disposed null displacements, as of four light pulses emitted simultaneously from the center of a regular tetrahedron and absorbed at its vertices. Then the Minkowskian metric assumes the symmetric null form g µν = 0111 1011 1101 1110 “Unlike the Minkowski form, which distinguishes one axis from the other three, this form is invarient under the group S4 of all permutations of the four coordinate axes. All its basis vectors are physical, while three out of four Minkowski basis are superluminal.” The 4th dimensional having 4 axes of spin, are being described as light pulse simultaneous emmisions from a tetrahedron to its vertices, something that is quite similar to the observed gamma ray bursts synchronious pulses and following the tetrahedral geometry… The 16 binary code sequence is akin to the Vedic binary code, and follows the Purusa 16 divisions. We now excerpt



abstracts of the article, since the level of complexity is too deep for this article and general audience: “Now we quantize the symmetry monoid of the spacetime. The symmetry transformations of the lattice N4 form the monoid… the semidirect product of the symmetric group (permuting the four lattice axes) within the translation monoid N4… The symmetry rotations X of a tetrahedron that obey X2 = 1. We call this network degree of freedom spin. The discrete rotations Y of the tetrahedron of… 120° or 0° around a line from the center to one vertex, obeying Y3 – 1. We call this network degree of freedom trine [“a group of three; … the aspect of two planets when 120° apart Pamerican Heritage Dictionary)]. “Cosets of 3 by the axes permutation (12) and the identity 1. Here… is the class of proper transformation, with determinant +1; is the class of improper transformations with deterinant -1, respectively. This network degree of freedom we call twain…. “…Let us now form the coherent condensate of the quantum lattice qN4 and its symmetry monoid… “We have already made sure that the spacetime-energy-momentum translation group R4 x R4 emerges as the singular limit of the coherent translation group… of the quantum monoid qN4. “Similarly, the Lorentz group now emerges as the classical limit of the quantum four-group q22. The coherent states… make up exactly the spin group Spin4. Quantum spin is the outcome of the network spin degree of freedom. That… there is a qcs process that transforms N4 into R4 [8d Ananda]. For this it is important that S4 respects the symmetric null metric g µν “The indefinite spacetime metric of Minkowski is inextricably linked to an indefinite quantum (pseudo-Hilbert space) metric in this theory, even more so than in quantum electrodynamics. The spacetime metric is merely the quantum metric evaluated between two ψ vectors representing condensed coherent states [superconductivity, magnecules M-state — Ananda]. It seems necessary to give a consistent physical interpretation for the ψ vectors of norm ψt ψ = 0 in such a metric. “Each nonzero ψ vector represents an input operation, and each nonzero dual vector represents an outtake operation… “…We thought the new quantum metric would inherit definiteness from the usual quantum metric and variability from the spacetime metric. Instead it inherits constancy from the usual quantum metric and idefiniteness from the spacetime metric. The emergent gravitational spacetime metric varies merely because the network does, somewhat as the intrinsic metric of a surface imbedded in a larger Euclidean space varies becaise the subspace does… “… In addition to translation and spin degrees of freedom, particles have a triplet degtree of freedom (colour) on which stron SU3 acts and a doublet one (weak isospin) on which weak SU2 and U1 act. These may be trin and twain. At the same time, the gravity gauge group derives from N4 and the torsional guage group derives from spin 22 in S4. This exhausts the symmetries of N4. “The simplest graph that supports energy-momentum conservation after the qcs process is δN4. Its unit cell is the discrete hypercube 24 of 16 points, partially order from (0, 0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1, 1,) by increasing individual coordinates. The symmetry group of the directed graph δ 24 is the symmetric



group of S4 on its four axes… We call the physical degrees of freedom corresponding to 2, 3 and 22 twain, trine, and spin, respectively. Similarly, the symmetries of the network N4 consist of the permutations S4 and the future translations N4. Coherent states of the quantum translation semi-spin group qN4 form Minkowski spacetime, and coherent states of the quantum spin group q22 form the Lorents spin group. This leaves twain and tine uninterpreted… [Santilli’s 5th force may change all this] “…Many networks share the symmetries of N4. Physical particles are modulations in the high-frequency carried provided by the quantum network. In addition, the vacuumm is possibly described not by a single network like quantum δN4, but by a superposition of many [omnifolded by 8d, and Omni-d]. “To put it simply, we conclude that spacetime is like a quantum relativistic Rubik cubic lattice with an indefinite Hilbert metric… S. Golomb (1982; seealso Rubic, 1987) semifactorised S3 in the theory of the Rubic cubic lattice much as we semifactorise S4 in our null hypercubical lattice. Both N3 and N4 have the suggestive symmetries 2 (twain) and 3 (trine); no other powers of N do… Colour is trine, and the z component of week isospin is twain [Lorenz scalars Vortexijah, iso-electronium M-state etc]” —Dr. David Finkelstein (school of physics, Georgia Institute of Technology) and J. Michael Gibbs, Quantum Relativity, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 32. No 10, April 30, 1993. Pp 1801-1813 The 24 tetrahedrons being seen as one phase-conjugate extensions from at least a 4D-cube, often called a hypercube: N 5 4 3

Lines 10 16 27

Polytope 6+4 faces of 4-cube Gosset 1_21 (half-5cube) Gosset 2_21

Hypercube as a 4 dimensional cube


Dim 4 5 6

Symmetry Group D4 Spin(8) D5 Spin(10) E6


Composed of hypertetrahedrons To see how this is geometrically similar to Coxeter's 10 4-simplex edge midpoints, visualize the 4-simplex as 6 blue edges of a tetrahedron plus 4 red edges meeting at a central vertex, and the 16-cell as 12 = 6 + 6 blue edges of an outer tetrahedron and a center dual tetrahedron plus 12 = 4 x 3 red edges connecting each outer vertex to the 3 nearest vertices of the center dual tetrahedron. Then 1/2 of the 12 blue 16-cell edges and 1/3 of the 12 red 16-cell edges correspond to the edges of the 4-simplex. Since the 16-cell and the 4-cube are dual polytopes, the 12 + 12 = 24 edges of the 16-cell correspond to the 12+12 = 24 square faces of the 4-cube.” Thereby, the 4th dimensional architecture of the tetrahedron array has its uttermost simplified form. This is using Nobel Laurate, Dr. Charles Muses hypernumbers and Zero Divisor algebra’s, which shortly before moving on, Muses claimed to have received from “contacts” with being from the Sirius star system. Note the 10 lines of the 4d cube. The Perusa is said to have extended beyond our dimensional universe by 10-fingers. The hymn is 16 verses, and his body is divided into 16 Sanskrit vowels. The 4 dimensional dynamics involved in this phenomenon, have implications that extend to an 8th dimension, however: The work of Dr. Okubo notes an 8th dimensional requirement that real division algebras must have dimension 1,2,4,8: "...has been derived on the basis of topological reasoning on a sevendimensional sphere. "



Dr. Okubo, Introduction to Octonion and Other Non-Associative Algebras in Physics (Cambridge 1995) As an article on Clifford Algebra As Quantum Languages simplifies in terms of a kind of superconductivity called Bose-Einsteain condensation: “It is easy to see that this Bose-Einstein aggregate admits condensation into an 8-dimensional symplectic manifold isomorphic to the tangent bundle to space-time.” —CLIFFORD ALGEBRA AS QUANTUM LANGUAGE ∗ James Baugh David Ritz Finkelstein Andrei Galiautdinov, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology Heinrich Saller Heisenberg Institute of Theoretical Physics, Max Planck Society May 7, 2001 Thus we see here that the “isomorphic” “space-time” geometries of the Gamma Ray Bursts, may very well be induced by a form of superconductivity that condenses into an 8 dimensional isomorphic geometry. We should also remember that Clifford gained his numbers after translating the Rg Veda — his algebra, despite being almost 100 years old, is gaining ever increasing insight into mapping the fundamentals of our universe, and is “infinite-dimensional.”. The 8 dimensional nature of geometrical light-cones (gamma bursts) that are intersecting (tetrahedron) with a spacetime geometry, are the result of an 8 dimensional agency projecting into 4D: “The intersecting geodesics and the light-cones of spacetime must arise when we project orbits from 8 dimensions down to the 4 dimensions of space-time. They arise from and describe a quantum entanglement that occurs in the dynamical development…. We use a high-dimensional Clifford algebra to express quantum space-time.” —CLIFFORD ALGEBRA AS QUANTUM LANGUAGE ∗ James Baugh David Ritz Finkelstein Andrei Galiautdinov, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology Heinrich Saller Heisenberg Institute of Theoretical Physics, Max Planck Society May 7, 2001 The work of Professor Conway and Dr. Sloane, clarifies the 24 arrangement of the tetrahedrons into its hyperdimensional context (note that the authors use –dim, as a shortening for “dimension”): “240 Hessian polyhedra can form the 4(complex)-dim Witting polytope - 240 vertices, 2160 edges, 2,160 faces, 240 cells: If you consider one of the 2160 1(complex)-dim edges of the Witting polytope, and then define the 2(complex)-dim hyperplane containing both that edge and the center of the polytope, you can look at the figure made by the vertices lying in that hyperplane. Those vertices form a 2(complex)-dim polygon, called the van Oss polygon of the Witting polytope. It has 24 vertices (0(real)-dim) 24 edges (2(real)-dim) It is just the complex-space version of the 4(real)-dim 24-cell. 4-dim HyperDiamond Lattice



Take the 24-cell, and its 24 vertices. Also, take its dual 24-cell. Take the 96 edges of the dual 24-cell and pick a point on each edge that divides the edge into a Golden ratio. In a way that is similar to the construction of the 12 vertices of an icosahedron from Golden ratio points on the edges of an octahedron This produces 96 + 24 = 120 vertices of a 600-cell Which is dual to the 120-cell [polyhedra] You can pick Golden ratio points consistently in more than one way, which should correspond to the 7 ways you can construct the 240-vertex 8dimensional real version of the Witting polytope. —Professor Conway and Dr. Sloane, Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups, 3rd ed, Springer 1999. Thus with the imaginary unit in association of Einstein 4D space-time analysis, you get statements such as follows, where all of the imaginary I units in an equation was become unison, which is suppose to be the result of a kind of superconductivity called Bose-Einstein condensation: “We now have far too many i’s: one for every tetrad. In the standard physics there is only one imaginary i and one Clifford vector γ µ for the whole system. We correlate all the δi so that they are effectively one i, and all the tetrads γ µ(n) so that they are effectively one tetrad γµ. We suppose that the vacuum Bose-Einstein condensation establishes this correlation. The local departure of ̆i from its global mean i is presumably a Higgs operator.” —CLIFFORD ALGEBRA AS QUANTUM LANGUAGE ∗ James Baugh David Ritz Finkelstein Andrei Galiautdinov, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology Heinrich Saller Heisenberg Institute of Theoretical Physics, Max Planck Society May 7, 2001 We have highlighted this June 1988 communication (first published in our 1990-92 book The Light Of Emmanuel: Explorations Into Oneness, for the historical record), since what follows will detail the science that has emerged in each of the 10 components relayed by unit-Emmanuel. These 11 can clearly be defined: 1. That from “the galactic realms” they are behind “a vast flow going into Earth through the poles,” 2. The “vast flow” having been “beamed” from the “galactic realms” described to be “through an Etheric beam,” 3. That furthermore, “this energy froms from the galactic center,” 4. That has been “blended” and transduced or “incarnated through the energy of the sun,” which has been used “as a body to flow through,” 5. These beams are “energy” but are also “information”, 6. That it is effecting our planet by “forming” a special kind of coherent (Christ) “magnetic-energy,”



7. Effecting the appearance as “a cross creating” a circumscribed “circle around it,” within our atmosphere, as a new sphere “around the planet.” 8. Being a novel gyroscopy that is effecting “the center” of the “Earth where the cross meets”, 9. The “heart” of the planet “intensifying” and “growing, level by level” 10. That as “this flow is speeded up,” it has an “affect on all of Earth,” 11. That this “center” is “where the cosmic Sun” is “able to flow into that central being” and is “growing.” We have already seen from Dr. Frank Smith, that there appears to be: 1. “Beaming” by possible “Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences” of a “galactic Gamma-Ray Laser Internet,” 2. That these “may be CETI messages from Life in our Universe” or “communication with other stars in our galaxy” both “nearby stars” as well as with “distant stars,” having an information function, 3. That is “beaming the gamma rays in the direction of the sun.” 4. “using gamma-ray laser signals focussed by the sun as a ravitational lense,” 5. Fine-tuned by geometrical “confining the beam,” its trajectory has “the earth” “still be in the beam.” 6. That “the required energy would be… roughly the energy of fission,” or “the annihilation of 1 gm of matter by antimatter.” 7. Those with “high luminosity” used “for communication with distant stars”, having a “slight excess near the plane of our galaxy,” and the galactic “center”. 8. Exihbit a higher dimensional ordering and synchronising, i.e. information, that is “distributed isotropically” for those use in “communication with nearby stars.” 9. Have short bursts of a “time duration less then 100 ms.” These burst, dispite vast diverse distances “appear nearly identical,” and exihibit a 4th dimensional geometry, since they “have a Euclidean space-time distribution.” Thereby most of the Emmanuel points 1-5 and 11 have received some verification with these observations. END QUOTE JULY 2004 ARTICLE… MUCH MATERIAL NOT INCLUDED, SINCE IT WAS NOT EDITED PROPERLY OR TIDDY ENOUGH TO PRESENT… HERE ARE SEVERAL MORE SNIPETS, HALFTIDY ENOUGH TO PRESENT, CONSIDERING THE PRESENT ONTORAGE OF SIGNALS NOW PULSING OUR PLANET, MAKING THIS ALL THE MORE IMPORTANT. PASTE FROM JULY 2004 CHAPTER, FROM FORTHCOMING BOOK THE MANU: CHRIST & THE MEISNIR FIELD LIGHT BODY This test revealed high concentrations of the platinum group elements that are usually conforming to a Highward Orbital Spin State called a Meisner Field (Light Body), which exhibits superconductive properties…This also included high yields of the superconducting element called Yttrium….



The superconducting elements of the platinum group exhibited a nuclear deformation of iso-symmetry (Vortexijah intergeometrical symmetry between dimensions), their electrons are usually a coupling of one time-forward electron with that of one time-reverse electron, into a “cooper pairing” that then exhibits the Light Body Properties of a: “Resonant coupled system arrangement.” (Physical Review Letters March 6, 1989 Vol.62 #10 - Direct Mapping of Adatom-Adatom Interactions - Fumiya Watanabe and Gert Ehrlich) Such confirmation certainly showed at least a natural star gate, by an elemental arrangement, that would yield a natural loci, for any time travelling intelligence, with superconducting attributes, to utilise such a domain…. For all superconductors resonate to all other superconductors, past, present and future, everywhere over the universe… This was unheard of in the late 1980s science community, that room temperature superconductors, could exhibit such fundamentally reality violating attributes… Here we quote one such science astonished announcement in the science journal Physical Review, describing the conversion of the coupled electrons into Virtual Light, AKA Spirit Light, or the Clear Lotus Light of Vajra Consciousness: “The time reverse electron under the positive screening potential of a nuclei has all the attributes of a positron (anti matter electron). “The time forward electron and the time reverse electron becomes light. “Light that does not exist in any space time. Instrumentation based on detecting electrons cannot detect these atoms. “These should be superconductors. The coulomb wave perpetuates the superconductive properties of these atoms.” —Physical Review Letters Vol. 62 February 27, 1989 #9 - Bound States, Cooper Pairing and Bose Condensation in Two Dimensions Thus the nature of these High Spin State superconducting elements describes an Omnispatial and Omnitemporal Light, non-existant to any conductive localisation, being invisible from this world Maya holography… That these elements do occur in our DNA is certainly not without significance, but that their high saturation in certain locations, may harbour the key to unveiling the phenomenology of cases of biological metamorphosis into a Light Body, within certain high mountain areas… My own experience in 1972, now may also have some supportive elements. The nucleus of these elements appearing to share one common state domain of Unity… Indeed, one ANU dimensional Unaverse, that is a coherent all-one linked unity comprised of one resonant State that is everywhere past, present and future… This is how the Manu describe our ANU Sun Self Similitude of the Manu… This is also how the Egyptian Pyramid Texts and the Egyptian Book Of The Dead described the Impoerishable Primordial All-One Unaverse, called ImmAnnu… Several excerpt now follow that mention the heart of each of these atoms in fact being the SAME place of a “larger article” like the Veda’s ANU, but there spatial positioning in different spacings and different times, and having different masses, share the synchronicity in having the SAME LIVING MOMENT OF NOW, of inertia, from the Scientific American edition for October 1991, by Phillip Yam “The Spectra of Super Deformed Nuclei — a chart within a larger article.



“Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley laboratory have been finding that rapidly spinning nuclei with different masses have similar— if not exactly the same — moments of inertia. 'Something is going on,' said Frank F. Stephens, a physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley lab, 'and for reasons we don't understand yet.'" "A spinning nucleus results from an off-center collision between two nuclei that fuse to form a rapidly spinning, elongated body. "It is in these superdeformed nuclei that curious goings on have taken place. A spinning superdeformed nucleus slows down in discrete steps, each time emitting gamma rays, or highly energetic photons. The emissions produce a characteristic band of energy spikes all spaced equally apart. The surprise: the spectra of some different superdeformed nuclei were almost identical.” We should realise here, that the gamma ray network that switched on, in synchroneity over the entire galaxy, since August 12th 1994 (4 years before galactic center true convergence), all were synchronised at the SAME pulse over the entire galaxy, and shared the uniformity of 24 tetrahedrons at the time… Thus harbouring the name from us of the Gayatri Gamma Net, since the Gayatri meter of 8 plus 8 plus 8 ysllables is the initiatory ignition of the Somagni Light Body… Now having grown vastly more complex… The Veda’s describe the coming of the Manu and the galactic Light Body, that wuld ingather man into their ANU and in aligning recognise their MANU. In Summer 1988, Unit-Emmanuel, the Ruta-Satya (Alpha-Omega) Manu Agency of this Age, communicated that the Earth was undergoing an activation of an arc cross, engaged by a series of Aetheric (Aether superconducting) beams being activated in the galaxy, and using our sun as the transducing source — this was 6 years BEFORE the 24 tetrahedral gamma ray network appeared over the galaxy, in the gamma range identical to those of the M-State superconducting materials, whose nucleaus appears to be a direct window to the ANUverse, or the Sun Dimension (4D Octonian Heart of the universe), of which are 3D is its Unity represented as a complex rainbow of unfolded diversity, of that undivided All-One ANU unity… Most iinteresting were those contacts dealing with the emergence of a “New Universe” that an attractor for our universe, and editing the laws of our universe, something we found almost too much evidence for, in the mid 1990’s (our New Universe seminars, then showed a selection of hundreds of slides, shown over numerous seminars, drawn from the mains stream scientific literature that supported this, and has been echoed now emerging from the mouth’s of science researchers. The center of the Earth, referred to, has also astarted to accumulate evidence of being a superconductor, thus not bahaving to what we usually would think of as a”solid core” but something “most bizzare” as Dr. David Pines called the phenomenon of superconductivity — this, so called, “core” has also been slowing down, and exihibiting a variety of anomolous properties. It appears that the galactic and universal “Light Body” signals that have been picked up imbibing the Earth, is having a precise relationship with the Earth core, exactly as the Emmanuel’s had suggested. The Aetheric beams that Emmanuel use, are now the well documented Tesla longitudal waves, whose properties are utterly extraordinary (our Vortexijah Light Body Star Ship



work is partly modelled up these, and has lately been verified froma series of pioneering science sources, like the Santilli Hadron physics, which has created “vortexijah” Iso-Symmetry materia, some of whom we have cooperated with). What Emmanuel appears to have been speaking about back in the late 1980s, appears to be somewhat divinory of a series of intelligently ordered signals that appeared in space, with magnetic field strengths much greater than the Earth, and at a frequency range that is not only psychoactive, but genetically active. So many many “channelling” groups since the early 1950s had prophecised the “Second Coming” of Christ (varying from personal coming, “Sananda Jesus”, Nada Yolanda — to collective coming of the One Christ Body), around the year 2000… Several generations of effort, and all to apparently no avail — perhaps they were looking in the wrong place, whilse the appearance was in their midst… In the Rg Veda form of the Cosmic Christ, the appearance of this gamma ray network not only fits its description, but the Veda predicts that in our precise time period, the activation of the universal and galactic Light Body (144,000 Nada/Nadi) of the Manu Purusah, would switch on, in the the precise manner that has now been detected. It turns out that this galactic “Light Body” appeared some 4 years before perfect conjunction with the galactic center in 1998, when these “Light Body” signals would begin to tranform into global DNA effecting frequencies: U.S. NAVAL OBSERVATORY & ASTRONOMER JEAN MEEUS GALACTIC CONJUNCTIOON 1998 “Perfect galactic conjunction occurred December 21st 1998, based on precise astronomical concepts, the galactic equator and solstice colure“ Dr. Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels (Richmond, Vancover, Willmann-Bell 1997) Who also convayed the calculations of astronomer Dr. Patrick Wallace of the Rutherford Appleton Laboritory: "The winter-solstice Sun is closest to the Galactic equator in A.D. 1998. This presumably corresponds to the Meeus/USNO calculation. The distance from the Sun to the Galactic center at that time is 6.4396 degrees (measured in apparent place). The winter-solstice Sun has cleared the Galactic equator by A.D. 2021." —Dr. Patrick Wallace of the Rutherford Appleton Laboritory As incredible as this sounds, and as vacant such a earth-changing new piece has been, we recap some of the evidence from mainstream researchers, for the apparent appearance of the 144,000 Grid of the Cosmic Christ Light Body, as Emmanuel had related it, in directly effecting the Earth magnetic field, and in the biologically genetically active frequency range.: For the past few weeks we have been recording some interesting signals which we have intercepted traveling through the earth. This may be of high importance as the frequencies concerned are in the ELF range from 1hz to 20hz. These transmissions consist of quick bursts which only last from 2 to 4



seconds and appear to be spread spectrum or swept quickly through the range mentioned. We just recorded a tremendous impact to the earth's magnetic field. Time of peak is 18:13:51.9 UTC or 1:13 PM EST — Charlie Plyler, ELFRAD GROUP, 11/30/98 “The abrupt shift in the magnetic field started late 12/10/98 and is continuing through the 11th. Totally unexpected. Peak energy appears to be .003 according to spectrum analysis.“ — Charlie Plyler, Elfrad Group, Date: 98-12-11 07:22:25 EST, “Is anybody out there? After analysis of the time period of the unknown signal detected early Christmas morning, we discovered an very interesting implication. There were two signals embedded in the frequency spectrum during this event. Phi (1.618) and PI (3.14159). It is our opinion that it would be highly unlikely for this to occur naturally. I guess the question is, from where and from whom?” —Charlie Plyler, ELFRAD, 98-12-26 17:05:18 EST: “The ULF signals monitored by the Elfrad Group during the past 24 hours continue to show an unusual anomaly. Starting on December 30 at 00:01 UTC there were 14 bursts of a signal whose frequency is very close to 1.618. These periods of transmission had an average duration of 14 minutes. As of this time the source is not known. “ —Charlie Plyler ELFRAD, Date: 98-12-30 16:19:03 EST: “Here is a quick view of the data from 11:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC today, January 02, 1999 The FFT shows the frequency content of the 5 hour recording. The 2nd photo indicates the frequency of .03 hertz which has a wavelength of 6, 208,393 miles and the third photo consists of the frequency burst of 1.618 hz which is equal to the wavelength of 115,112 miles.“ —Charlie Plyler Elfrad, 99-01-02 11:10:55 EST: Frequencies and signals washing our solar system and our earth reported signals from 70 Virginis, Cygnus and EQ Pegasi. On other occasions it has been obvious that earth has literally been blasted by the a bolt from Creation itself, such as was the case on August 27, 1998, when earth got hit by a powerful gamma burst from an alleged magnetar deep in space. Specifically targeted with beams of energy, our sun and its planets, like a fleet of ships, now sail into new regions of the vast ocean of the universe, entering the high seas of space where energetic gales blow and powerful waves churn. CYGNUS A PULSE Letter to Russian astrophysicist, now working in USA: May 18, 1998 Radio Signal from Cygnus A RADIO ASTRONOMY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS http://radio.spvi.com/radio/index.html



Index of /radio/data/1998 Dish antennas trained on Cygnus A (and B?) May 12, 1998, 05110900.txt at: # Sampling: 10 seconds per sample # Total Time: 1d -> 86400 seconds. # Number of Samples: 8640. # start time: Mon May 11 09:00:05 1998 # DEC = 44 # colltime = 1d # comments = Setting up for new observation of Cygnus group. # ext_gain = 16db # freq = 1230 # gain = 50 # inttime = 10 # rate = 10 # receiver_gain = 10.47 # starttime = 9:00 am additional data available at: Apparent pulse identified on May14, 1998 "At the University of Indianapolis we have noticed short pulses of less than a minute duration. The produce very sharp spikes in the output of the RA receiver." # Sampling: 1 seconds per sample # Total Time: 3h -> 10800 seconds [SEE RG VEDA 108 SUN MOON CODE AND 10,800 MUHURTA GEOMETRY CODE]. # Number of Samples: 10800. # start time: Thu May 14 05:00:07 1998 # DEC = 40.73 Deg. # colltime = 3h # comments = Now the dish is on the dec. of Cygnus A. Cygnus A is followed by Cygnus X and the plane of the galaxy. At the frequency we are observing, 4 GHz, the flux from Cygnus A is only slightly greater than the flux from Cygnus X and the galactic plane. # ext_gain = 16 dB



# freq = 1230 # gain = 50X # inttime = 10 # rate = 1 # receiver_gain = 10.47 # starttime = 5:00 am tomorrow additional data available at: MYSTERIOUS SIGNALS NEWS CONFERENCE: Paul Dore and two radio astronomers from the Effelsberg Radio Observatory in Effelsberg, Germany are to announce the discovery of repeating, artificial signals from space at a press conference to take place in London Wednesday November 4th. Most people still scratch their heads when we show this data again and again, showing the data that this gamma-Net changed the very central nature of our sun, the local star without which within hours, our life wave as we know it would vanish. Then showing the progressive slides of the Time Gate data, which successfully shows the reprogramming of each of our solar system planets and its astrophysical laws, as recorded to the astonishment of the astrophysical community. These presentations, of hundreds of slides, given in the 1990s was cvcalled our Emmanuel & The New Universe series… Emmanuel had detailed this precise types of phenomenon to be occurring as a result of the Unityverse of our spectrum universes, gathering them and their code script into one congregation, that is reprogramming all of the codes of our reality…. Whilst Emmanuel communicated this in 1990, it took us at least 4 years, before arriving at some data that begin to clearly demonstrate that such a New Universal Unity Announciation was truly Manufesting… We thank herein, the Fulcanelli scientist initiates, and their pioneering efforts, internationally, between their schools, and retreat communities in the Himalayas, under the Mato Grosso volcaneo, in Brazil, India, Siberia, and numerous places interspersed around the world… Our contact to the group at the time, also relayed that apart from our sharing common ET contacts (which enabled them to read my Cabala, and I to read their Cabala), also relayed, that during the mid 1990’s some of their Inner Group of initiates, that claim hundreds and some even thousands of years in life-span, had begun having contacts with Immanuellians, which this doctor related had materialised in numerous of their bases, in their Numinous golden Light Body’s, some 19 meters tall (that is Interuniversal Reduction, yet embodiemt), they exhited a holographic mind technology, which was the Mind-Tech of the universe, using the universal holographic phase-conjugate depositry of Archetypal Templates of the illusion… This included 3 dimensional holograph mind technology that could grow into mother ships with complete holographic environments, which could house millions, and having an Intelligence extension of one of the Immanuels… This is identical to the Manu descriptions, whose Manauva Mind diagrams emanate the holography Mannas Myriad of all worlds and Man and Manu based civilisational races and beyond…



The doctor related that all of the initiates of the group were now in the process of thorough education by the Immanuel group, in the holographic Mind Technology as extensions of the Mind Diagraphic Holography of the Universal Mind. Thus only during the mid and progressing 1990s did we start to hunt for the gold that chartered the New Unity Universe ingathering of our universe… Yet people still scratch their heads, when we show that as the Sun was changed by the Gamma signals of golden proprtion (Ruta Satya Trees, dove and Phoenix Cones), the changed sound of the Sun, also altered Earth, and during our “Tomb Raider-like” emersion in the Thailand abnd Cambodian Ankhor Meru pyramid complexes the planet responded to the golden proportions of the ANUverse from the Sun and Swan and Winged Horse, by sending out a global signal in the very same golden proportion at 1.618033 hz (Ø, PHI, the Golden Proportion), and then as a small team of us went into the Great Pyramid of Giza, for the TIMEGATE of 1999, and also unveiled the Tomb of Osiris onto the global internet (for acceleration), the global PHI signal became a daily phenomenon… The ANU Neu Unaverse of Unity was Announciating amidst the fundamental frequencies of our life, and in the fundamental golden ration…. The floating DNA and triple helix phenomenonlogy exponantiallly increased during the mid and late 1990s, probably instigated from exposure to the gamma ray network of galactic intelligence orchestration (still continuing as the CLARION CALL of the Golden Reed NADA, Skambh Pillar of the MANU Omniversal Light Body… Only by the release of the MJ12 Lotus Staar Project documents, which document the TIME GATE New Universe Signals, instigating by an OmniTerrestrial Intelligence to be synchronised over the entire galaxy, and then arising upon the fundamental carpet of our planet and in the frequency range effectuating the DNA directly…. And yes, like the superconducting elements that have different masses, but appear to share the same synchroniosed plane of spin inertia, regardless of where they are positioned in space and time, and emmiting gamma rays whilst going into a high spin coupling state of Vajra Light — this describes exatly, by an absolute match every single astrophysical report of the nature of the galactic Gamma Ray net…. What this means is that, the elements inside the DNA, those at the SION Ferpeckle Star Gate, and those of the galactic wide OMNI-cybernet, are ALL ONE and the same MANUfestation, they are the All-One ANU UNAverse of the Manu Light Body gathering Emmanuel so clarified some 14 years ago… Brothers and sisters, fellow unique embodiments of the All-One Creator, these are the elemental absolute evidences for our MaNuminous Nature Inagthering our entire universe, and all of its holographic laws, just as the Emmanuel described, and as they described over 10,000 years ago, for this particular time, as the Heart Manu-Ruta and Heart Manu-Satya in AlphaOmega Convergence of the Midway Day that is the Foundation of All… I may seem a little hard to understand, for some of your, please realise there is nothing like this that is now so UNAnimously evident as the Manuvering of the Manu in and amidst ourselves, and the redefining of our Aktual Natures as the Omni MaNuminousity we Irreversibly are….



Perhaps this is amidst some of the most Heart Pertient News that we can possibly share…. Let All Is God as You, Know your Omniscience Nature and prepate the Temple of your Body Holography, as the alchemical furnace, awaken the dancing god dancers that are the 72,000 nodal points of your Light Body Numinous Divine… Let your Manumerator of Absolute Unity, Dance in Embrace as the Daity Lighting the Tantra of All of your 72,000 god/goddess dances be charessed to KNOW All-One Creator as All Is God of All-Oneness with and As Us…. THE FOURTH DIMENSIONAL NATURE OF THE SPACE-TIME EUCLIDIAN GEOMETRY OF GAMMA RAY BURST TETRAHEDRON NETWORK Some 32 years later and Dr. Finklestein’s new work describes precisely the mechanism of the 24 tetrahedron network in precise terms, and associated with superconductivity, and the participatory element of the observer, i.e. the use of the consciousness atoms that the Veda calls Atamanu’s and Mannas, which exhibit at least 8 dimensional characteristics in their detailed description. The tetrahedral spin dynamics comprise a 4D hyerpcube. Its 16 points correspond to the Purusa’s 16 divisions, and this then (93) novel addition to science, braught in a new level model of Quantum relativity. The spacetime Euchlidic isotropic organisation is covered in its 4 dimensional geometrical sense, making this article of extreme importance (a larger excerpt, of key points, is a footnote to the longest version of this article): “A coherent group of a quantum monoid can acquire physical meaning if it describea a physical condensation…. “The whole procedure goes from… the monoid N4 to a quantum theory, then to its coherent states, and finally to the singular limit of these coherent states as the form-factor range approaches zero, we shall call the… quantuizationcondensation-singularization [qcs]. It represents a physical Bose-Einstein-type condensation followed by observation under limited resolution … “We now apply quantum relativity to a spacetime network model based on a directed graph of causal arrows. We have hypothesised that the Minkowski vacuum is a singular limit of a coherent condensed state of a relativisistic quantum network (Finklestein, 1988). The simplest graph whose quantum theory supports energy-momentum conservation is that of N4. “While we study the simplest possible mode, the results hold for many causual structures with the same overal N4 symmetry semigroup. “The simplest discrete spacetime model that allows for conservation of energy-momentum (the observed translation group) after the qcs process is the classifical semi-infinite hypercubical checkerboard lattice N4… We interpret the four axes of N4 as four symmetrically disposed null displacements, as of four light pulses emitted simultaneously from the center of a regular tetrahedron and absorbed at its vertices. Then the Minkowskian metric assumes the symmetric null form gµ = 0111 1011 1101 1110



“Unlike the Minkowski form, which distinguishes one axis from the other three, this form is invarient under the group S4 of all permutations of the four coordinate axes. All its basis vectors are physical, while three out of four Minkowski basis are superluminal. “Now we quantize the symmetry monoid of the spacetime. The symmetry transformations of the lattice N4 form the monoid G = S4 |x N4, the semidirect product of the symmetric group (permuting the four lattice axes) within the translation monoid N4… G decomposes into the semidirect product G = 2 |x ( 3 |x (22 |x N4)) Here 2 and 3 are the groups of the integers modulo 2 and 3, respectively. 2 is the quotient of S4 by the alternating group A4 and acts trivially on A4 = 3 |x (22 |x N4). 3 is the quotient of A4 by the four-group 22 = {1, X1, X2, X3} of four commuting swuare roots of 1 and acts trivially on 22. These groups are composed of classes of permutations of the axes 1234 as follows: 22 = the axes permutations X1 = (14)(23), X2 = (24)(13), X3 = (34)(12) and the identity 1. These are all the symmetry rotations X of a tetrahedron that obey X2 = 1. We call this network degree of freedom spin. 3 = cosets of 22 by the discrete rotations Y of the tetrahedron of 22 by ± 120° or 0° around a line from the center to one vertex, obeying Y3 – 1. We call this network degree of freedom trine [“a group of three; … the aspect of two planets when 120° apart Pamerican Heritage Dictionary)]. 2 1 = cosets of 3 by the axes permutation (12) and the identity 1. Here 1€2 is the class of proper transformation, with determinant +1; -1€2 is the class of improper transformations with deterinant -1, respectively. This network degree of freedom we call twain…. “…Let us now form the coherent condensate of the quantum lattice qN4 and its symmetry monoid… “We have already made sure that the spacetime-energy-momentum translation group R4 x R4 emerges as the singular limit of the coherent translation group… of the quantum monoid qN4. “Similarly, the Lorentz group now emerges as the classical limit of the quantum four-group q22. The coherent states… make up exactly the spin group Spin4. Quantum spin is the outcome of the network spin degree of freedom. That is, just as there is a qcs process that transforms N4 into R4 [8d Ananda], there is one that transforms 22 into the Lorentz spin group… (with the choice of metric given). For this it is important that S4 respects the symmetric null metric g µ The indefinite spacetime metric of Minkowski is inextricably linked to an indefinite quantum (pseudo-Hilbert space) metric in this theory, even more so than in quantum electrodynamics. The spacetime metric is merely the quantum metric evaluated between two vectors representing condensed coherent states [superconductivity, magnecules M-state — Ananda]. It seems necessary to give a consistent physical interpretation for the vectors of norm t = 0 in such a metric. Each nonzero vector represents an input operation, and each nonzero dual vector represents an outtake operation…



“…We thought the new quantum metric would inherit definiteness from the usual quantum metric and variability from the spacetime metric. Instead it inherits constancy from the usual quantum metric and idefiniteness from the spacetime metric. The emergent gravitational spacetime metric varies merely because the network does, somewhat as the intrinsic metric of a surface imbedded in a larger Euclidean space varies becaise the subspace does… “… In addition to translation and spin degrees of freedom, particles have a triplet degtree of freedom (colour) on which stron SU3 acts and a doublet one (weak isospin) on which weak SU2 and U1 act. These may be trin and twain. At the same time, the gravity gauge group derives from N4 and the torsional guage group derives from spin 22 in S4. This exhausts the symmetries of N4. “The simplest graph that supports energy-momentum conservation after the qcs process is N4. Its unit cell is the discrete hypercube 24 of 16 points, partially order from (0, 0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1, 1,) by increasing individual coordinates. The symmetry group of the directed graph 24 is the symmetric group of S4 on its four axes… We call the physical degrees of freedom corresponding to 2, 3 and 22 twain, trine, and spin, respectively. Similarly, the symmetries of the network N4 consist of the permutations S4 and the future translations N4. Coherent states of the quantum translation semi-spin group qN4 form Minkowski spacetime, and coherent states of the quantum spin group q22 form the Lorents spin group. This leaves twain and tine uninterpreted… [Santilli’s 5th force may change all this] “…Many networks share the symmetries of N4. Physical particles are modulations in the high-frequency carried provided by the quantum network. In addition, the vacuumm is possibly described not by a single network like quantum N4, but by a superposition of many [omnifolded by 8d, and Omni-d]. “To put it simply, we conclude that spacetime is like a quantum relativistic Rubik cubic lattice with an indefinite Hilbert metric… S. Golomb (1982; seealso Rubic, 1987) semifactorised S3 in the theory of the Rubic cubic lattice much as we semifactorise S4 in our null hypercubical lattice. Both N3 and N4 have the suggestive symmetries 2 (twain) and 3 (trine); no other powers of N do… Colour is trine, and the z component of week isospin is twain [Lorenz scalars Vortexijah, iso-electronium M-state etc]” —Dr. David Finkelstein (school of physics, Georgia Institute of Technology) and J. Michael Gibbs, Quantum Relativity, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 32. No 10, April 30, 1993. Pp 1801-1813 In this article the authors are conservative, not daring to mention a ETI, but yet mentioning the “time dilation” of the uniformity of far distanced and nearby gamma ray bursts. Some of the bursts that were analysed by the scientists in this study included ones of interest that occurred in 1993, prior to the unique forms that emerged in 1994, some which are also in the catalogue of analysis. The authors do manage to assert some significant new findings, and point out the unique nature of their findings in the quality of these bursts, especially in terms of their instigating source that triggers these GRBs which is boldly stated to create an “artificial threshold,” which is the conservative manner in which to mention the ETI.



“We have found that within the sample of BATSE-detected bursts, bright GRBs are spectrally harder than dim ones. We believe that this is the first time that fluctuations in the mean hardness caused by the differening properties of bursts in the sample have been specifically addressed in determining the significance of the difference in hardness in the GRB brightness subclasses… It appears that it may be related to the time dilation measured… A timedilation effect of order a factor of two between bright and the dim burst groups has recently been measured. More distant GRBs would have their spectra redshifted relative to nearby GRBs… the brightness-hardness relation is visible even for sets of GRBs significantly above BATSE’s triggering threshold. Given our sample completeness with respect to trigger criteria, this artificial threshold should affect each group in the same way…. “…Today, the origin of the GRBs still remains an enigma… The isotropic distribution of bursts detect by earlier spacecraft…. The brighter bursts are being beamed toward us at a significantly higher Lorentz factor… then also expect a correlation between duration and spectral hardness — and such a correlation has been reported.” —Gross Spectral Differences Between Bright And Dim Gamma-Ray Bursts, R. J. Nemiroff, J. P. Norris, Bonnell, Wickramasinghe, Kouveliotou, Paciesas, Fisherman, Meegan, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771… The Astrophsyical Journal “Gamma ray burst sources are isotropically distributed. GRB signals have many narrow peaks that are unresolved at the millisecond time resolution of existing observations. [J. Katz, “High Energy Astrophysics”, Addison-Wesley (1987).]… sCETI could use stars as gravitational lenses for interstellar gammaray laser beam communication. “…Observations from the Compton Observatory made GRBs even more enigmatic, because they were found to be isotropically distributed about the earth [B. Schwarzchild, Compton Observatory Data Deepen the Gamma Ray Burster Mystery, Physics Today (February 1992), 21.] “The isotropic distribution ruled out sources confined to the galactic plane, leaving three possibilities: 1. GRBs are at cosmological distances; 2. GRBs are at galactic halo distances; and 3. GRBs are relatively local, in the solar neighborhood. “GRBs located 100 light-hours (720 AU) from the sun radiate about 10 26 erg, assuming that they are spherically symmetric sources of gamma rays. [B. Schwarzchild, Compton Observatory Data Deepen the Gamma Ray Burster Mystery, Physics Today (February 1992), 21.] “CETI (Communications from ExtraTerrestrial Intelligences). CETI CETI (Communications from ExtraTerrestrial Intelligences) should be distinguished from SETI (Search for (or Signals from) ExtraTerrestrial Intelligences). SETI (the subject of the first Thomas McDonough quote [7]) assumes that the ETs have set up a beacon to attract our attention. CETI assumes that the ETs don’t really care whether or not they attract our attention, but are busily communicating among themselves and that we might be able to eavesdrop on their conversations. “Beacons should be bright signals without much structure. Conversations should have a lot of structure. Since GRB signals fluctuate erratically during their duration ( 30 sec), and have many narrow peaks whose width is unresolved by existing observations ( milliseconds) [1, 3], it seems that, if



GRBs are ET, they are more likely to be CETI than SETI…. a galactic version of Internet? Stars act as gravitational lenses. The focal length of the sun as a gravitational lens is about 540 AU. Any beam of electromagnetic radiation (whether light, radio waves, or gamma rays) hitting the sun from ≈ 540 AU or farther out is focussed by the sun’s gravitational field into a beam that could be used for communication. “”If we could but see it, this is what every star in the galaxy looks like, sort of a sea urchin if you will, a star making images of every other star, starting at the minimum distance and going out to infinity. The casting of very highresolution images of the whole universe on the sky - and these images are in focus at all distances - is a really remarkable thing.” (Drake discussing the ideas of Eshleman in the book of McDonough [T. McDonough, “The Search for Extraterrestrial Intellingence”, Wiley (1987).]) ”Each star produces hundreds of billions of tubes of light, one for every other star, so there are hundreds of billions of hundreds of billions of tubes of light in our galaxy.” (McDonough [T. McDonough, “The Search for Extraterrestrial Intellingence”, Wiley (1987).]) The network of tubes of light would be a natural foundation for the ETs to build on to construct their galactic CETI Internet. For ET to set up a transmitter/receiver station using the sun as a gravity lens, the ET would have to put it at least ≈ 540 AU away from the sun, but they would want it as near as practical to minimize the time and energy spent in maneuvering from one target to another. Therefore, I assume that the ET CETI stations using the sun are 500 − 1000 AU from the sun, and hence 500 − 1000 AU from the earth. “The tracking and maneuver requirments of using the Oort cloud neighborhood of the sun as a transmitter/receiver station in a galactic Internet involves a technology beyond my ability to outline, but I presume that it is within ET capability.” Elsewhere it is noted that the Oort cloud could exhibit sonoluminescence in water through harmonic cavitation bubles producing plasmas in the black body temperature which yields a superconducting-like quality… Dr. Paul La Violette has already published ice readings of interstellar debree that annuals into our solar system every 12 milleniums, to contain some the platinuum high orbital spin state metal families, like iridium (Earth Under Fire, 1998)… Furthermore, the very low temperatures of space themselves yields ideal condition for near superconductivity, or zero electrical resisitance. Oort cloud GRBs have been discussed by Katz [4], a paper entitled ”A Burst of Speculation”. As an energy source, Katz proposes (in a section entitled ”A Crazy Idea”) cometary collisions. The idea of colliding cometary ice producing gamma rays really may not be so crazy, particularly taking into account such poorly understood phenomena as sonoluminescence in water due to cavitation (Maddox [J. Maddox, Sonoluminescence in from the dark, Nature 361 (4 Feb 1993) 397.] says that some researchers argue that the cavitation bubble could produce plasmas with black-body temperature at least 100, 000 K. (For comparison, 1 MeV ≈ 10 10 K))…” “To maximize the information their signals could carry, the ET would use coherent signals with short wavelengths: gamma ray lasers. Creation, modulation and demodulation of such a gamma ray signal involves a



technology beyond my ability to outline, but I presume that it is within ET capability. Even we can now use lasers for free-space laser communication [OE/LASE 93, Free-Space Laser Communication Sessions,SPIELosAngeles, January 1993.], and the search for ET laser signals has been proposed by Townes and Betz (infrared) and Kingsley (optical) [R. Naeye, SETI at the Crossroads, Sky and Telescope (November 1992), 507., OE/LASE 93, FreeSpace Laser Communication Sessions,SPIELosAngeles, January 1993.].” In fact the Vedic literature vividly describes the NADA and Nadi lines from suns, but more importantly both the NADA Virtual Sound (Logos Cow Milk flow and star horns) and phonon resonance grids (SARA “weave grid” RASA Essence River) — i.e. the black body sound particle, phonon’s through ultra high ordered water crystals, in the zero temperatures of space, in a superconductive arrangement, with the plasma forming around the superconducting ring currents, and producing gamma rays, just as has been observed in the M-state superconducting like platinuum group elements ina highward spin state, with the gamma weird radioactivity emanations. In fact the Veda’s have the VAK Logos, orchestrated through Aksara the Speech Cow of VAK, as a Unity Undying Syllable that is a 1000 fold and immaculate, orchestrated by , Lord Vacaspati ergo Brahmanaspatias into the universe. Veiled in number and in code in the Rg Veda, latter it was recognised as the Tripple Strides of Visnu… The universe was managed and orchestrated by a Laser Beam of SW Phonons expressed by AUM (wave signature being Sierpinski/Pascal triangle). Thus the Omninet of the Manu is a precept Communication Creation Technology, that is primordial with this universe, and which any ETI civilisation would piggy bank onto. In fact MANU is an anagram of the complete AUMN with the Silent “N”, which itself is representing NADA = Naught, Sound of Silence, NADAUM is NADA Brahmanaspati. The Lotus pattern that appears around the Meru/Pascal geometry from AUM, is 8 petalled and 16 petalled… The 16 petals directly align with a host of principles in modern physics, as we shall see, and the Purusah hymn is 16 verses. When orthodox science in 1988 first encountered the new superconductinglike elements, in The Physical Review Letters, these M-State platinuum group eleements were described to be in a state of “Hyperdeformation”, and when gold forms of the M-state nuclear iso-symmetry, or ‘deformation’ were produced they produced an anomoulous weird radioactivity for just a few minutes and no longer than several hours — which in the aforementioned sceince review had a Swedish scientist in bewilderment in studying these hyperdeformed atoms spinning wildly (high spin state) and emmiting odd radiations, so as to be coined YRAST, Swedish for “Dizzy”. It still remains largely undigested by even the specialised scientists in this arcane field, that these Weird Radioactives are not of the common radioactive decay Beta, Alpha particles, and Gamma ray emanation range — these specifics have not been measured in any of the hyperdeformations, except for the gamma range. The Santilli Hadron physics 5th force of nature deals with this in a new novel way that is cusping a completely new civilisation for mankind — these Weird Radioactivities do not comply to the Maya, or illusionary particle form as electromagnetic transverse wave photons, but rather are more primordial VacAUM Imagination Mind Materia based, Tesla would call them of the Tesla



Longitrudeal Temporal Wave form, they are the Longitudal Scalar Wave Phonon’s (or Sound/Speech/Word Particles). We have been presenting this new science as the Omniscience that propels us into the Age of the Immaculate, in the form of a entrainment protocol (meditation biofeedback), as the Vortexijah, which thanks to Emmanuel, is precisely this very Weird Word Particle iso-symmetry — some 4 years before Santilli rediscovered it in materia. Normally gamma ray photons create chaos in biological systems, w ith which they are not in harmony, creating cellular mutations as they alter the DNA and genes, but the Acoustical Energy (scalar wave phonon) Gamma rays from these elements, on the contrary recent research studies have demonstrated heal damaged DNA and cancer, since they are in perfect harmony with the bio Life Force, with a five-fold fortification of the Immune System. Photonic EM gamma rays bring the brains electrical system and cenral nervous system into a havoc, the Scalar Wave Phonon gamma radiations, studies have demosntrated syncrhonise the brain hemispheres (8hz) and are now being used in mentally retarded and dislexics. We are suggesting that there is strong indication that some of the Gamma Ray Burst Signals of the ultra high order coherent types, or of the VacAUM Scalar Sound Energy, the so called NADA Musicala of the Speech Cow Logos. In other words these 7 Platinuum group elements are akin to the 7 Vakas Speech Cows of the one VakAUM.Vacuum Logos Cow’s Tana/Taka (7 notes/tones) of the NADAUM Priordial Sound Laser Omninet of the Manu. Thus it is coherent signals that hallmarks ETI In fact the founder of the alchemical arts, the Kumara Agastyar, was founded on an atomic physics that precisely utilised this Prima Materia, or Rasa, of ANU and Paramanu atomics. The Quantum Phonon is convayed through what is called K-Space (Complex Space), which itself is based on a 16 unit meter, like AUM’s 16 petalled Lotus, and the 16 Purusah verses, that forms ¼ of the Purusah universal crucifix or cross gameboard, the Astipada of 4 x 16 = 64 divine syllable dancers. The Ku’s Muse or VakAUM Ku/Cow’s K-Space is a form of Vector Imaginery Space, or the Logos “I” Magi Nation, the Purusaratha Cosmic City, from which stems the New Jerusalem of the Cosmic Christ. Thermal Phonon’s or VAKAUM/Vacuum Heat, is called Tapaso, in the Rg Veda, one of the fundamental primordial stages of the creation of all the atomic universe, with 8 classes of atoms defined in the Rg veda, and in modern science. The Tapas or Thermal Phonon (TP), in certain crystal lattice Resonant Temperature, like our Oort cloud water crystals for the ETI Laser Net, leads to a state known as Magnetophonon Resonance, which is THE Vehicle, the Alchemical Chariot that enables a translation to zero electrical resisitance (superconductivity), preceeded by various forms of alchemical rearrangement of electrons into a Highward Orbital Spin State, Meisnir Field, or Santilli iso-electronium and magnecules of pseudo-superconductivity — resulting in translation to the pure MANU-MANNAS atoms of Pure Consciousness, Thoton’s, of the Unified Filed Object that is the Omnisphere of Christ Purusah. Here is a brief overview of how such an ETI consciousness communication technology network, ridding on the Manunet U.F.O (Unified Field Object), is construed:



The NADAUM Omninet translation through the “Machine” the Veda calls Yantra (“auto-servo-mechanism” — Meru Yantra = AUM, the MAKAR, or All-One Maker’s Machine Kar), into Tapas, or Prinordial Heat and Nadi Taka Tana’s, translated as Holographic Sound Nodes of 7 Notes and Tones, has a detailed description in the Rg Veda. In fact it is the root of the 22 Arcana of the Taro cards, and the transitory universal constant of PI, and one of the most universal harmonic music tuning systems known to man. As the Quantam Phonon (Qu-Phon, or Ku-Phone) is Mulled through creation, Musing through the VIS (Vector Imaginary Space) of the VAK/Logos, made by the Karman/Maker as the compost of complex K-Space [VISVAKARMAN = All-One Maker) — as the QU-Phonon Muttering wave becomes the Speech Ku’s Foot/Pada, by forming into a Standing Wave Space, which is identical to what is called Magnetic Sub-Bands and the Landau Level. In the Rg Veda, the Cow Foot/Pada, is the Pedastool foundation meter that are the footprints, or steps of the Vak/Logos that weave the divine 50 Numinous Dancing Gods, as 50 letters of embodiment, which the Veda lays out as the Pre-DNA scalar NADA Sound Template that is woven into the template for all life forms. The Textilus of golden threaded NADA spelled and spun in the VIS with VAK via KARMAN (Maker), who as Manauvah, is AUM’d into Music and Movement. This Cow Foot or Standing Wave State of the Qu-Phonon, called the Landau Level has a Curious function that results from its status quo for high electron mobility, approaching superconductivity, or rehearsing of “the Path of Least Resistance” — the Weird function known as Magnetophonon Resonance (MAR). This is directly related to the Landau property of Diamagnetism, where there is an anti-parallel alignment of what are called QM Spin Vectors woven into nautical knotes within a Magnetic B-Field, one form of our NADI Note Nodes woven (Sara) and spun into the 7 tone wave fibres of the magnetic milk textilus of Laktos Lexus of the Vak/Word (7 wvae angles cross node, akin to the tonal octave, by holomovement axiom scalar recursion). Magnetophonon Resonance’s is kindled to the Word’s Weird Hall Effect of electrical flow due to Magnetic B-Fields (milk of magnesia nodling udders of Spin VAKtura/Vector Nodes), within the family heard (the Pen of the Cow Heard) of the semi-conductor phenomena’s — where there is a counter dancing of electrons and their opposing holes. Within the hallmarking semiconducting elements like Si dioxide, the all too much loved crystals (whose atomic nucleus harbours a perfect octahedron housing a cube), and the metal of Venus, Cu, or Copper (which when in a green state harbours a lattice geometry of billions of Meru or Giza (MR) pyramids) — the energy river flow (conduction) within the semiconductors crystal lattices (high spun node myriad facettes), fluances in two forms, one is the electron and the other is the imaginary virtual space of the electron hole, the empty space where the electron, so called, “used to be.” Thus in Landau Land of crystall lattices there is an equal flow of the NADAVAK (Irreversible Speech Cow — All-One Sound = 1000), and NADIVAKAS (ciphering into musical notation the VAK into the rainbow KAUsed by the Ka’s or primordial “Fresh Question” and “Desire”, as the 7 Vakas river node notes of the tonal tongues of the 7 Speech Cows) — of the Imaginary VAKAUM.Vacuum, and the Actuality of the LOKAla flowing energy, equally as electron and electron hole. The Scalar Wave Phonon of Vacuum Ambient Sound AUM (VASA) thus dances as virtual imagination particles with the electron seed particles of energy.



This is a uni-dance of two chariot wheels that breast stroke in counter directions — The Vakant Holes flow one way and the electron the complementary other way, and they only dance in their flow Unidirectionally, This equal dance of the Imagination with the Localisational has been Christined with the double Sigil Rune under the Nomencluture of “SS Semiconductive Electrical Flow.” Without this precise Imaginary Dance complementing the local no computers could be used today, for it is the fundamental mechanism of all SS Electronic Devices comprising the computers of today — computation is a derivation of mater (Krti) with the imagination (Purusah). The One Logos VAK KU of Imagination dancing with the Vakas Kau’s material utterations named SS phenoma, also are standard in superconductivity (whereby the virtual/imaginational couples the local electron vocals/vox/voices/vacas, into the Word of the Silent Cow, the 7 tones/Vakas to the One Atonal Speech Imperishable. Or in other words the Primordial Unity of the VakAUM/Vacuum Omniclarity OmnImaginary reconciling all complementary localised electron spectrums of itself. 8 electrons in the 8 orbitals cooper paired together forever, is the first genuine superconductivity — thus the 7 + 1 electrons of zero resistance, together forever everywhere and everywhen, are themselves cancelled as as localisations, or resistance, they are all, everything as All-One, they are no ‘thing’. This is the primordial SS flow, SS semiconductivity is its status quo in localisations (the AUMNI navigator simulator). Other SS sub-phenomena include Human Brain Electrical Semiconductivity, pioneered by Dr. Roberte E. Becker, using the principles described above… Thus Imaginary Functions do create very real results within the “real world”, and the central components of our brain and computers are a perfect YinYang androgeny of these principles, and furthermore to each other, as within so without (computer psychology will become a post quantum psychological healing art in the days ahead, as the direct interaction and unity of the virtual imaginaries in computer and self, interacting become abundently realised to be in a symbiosis feedback hypersphere of behaviour holographic loop myriads. In plain terms, it does make sense that your computer is reacting to your moods and how you treat it. The virtual components of the computer, are the same mind as the virtual imaginaries of our mind, and the interaciton and identity of the two in a common articulation of the many worlds continuum summing everything everywhere to NOW… HERE WE ADD SOME FURTHER BONUS EXCERPTS FROM THE JULY 2004 CHAPTERS OF THE MANU, FOR YOUR PERUSAL, AND FOR PROTECTION OF THE CONTENTS: EMMANUEL’S THE COSMIC CHRIST Is The “Second Coming” Cosmology Already Unfolding? In amassing verification for the emergence of global “Christ Consciousness,” there are some remarkable indicators that have emerged in the last few years, within a myriad of diverse fields, including: astronomy, theology, archeology, cryptology, biology, ontology, neurology, and epistology… In this article we explore and touch on these from a unique vantage axel.



My own contacts and Numinous educators over the last 19 years, Emmanuel, predominantly utilised in their language a notion of “Christ,” that we have subsequently discovered is the oldest root and foundation of the behind the concept of the Gnostic “One Body of Christ,” the Cosmic Christ, of “Christ the Word” (John 1.1) — those of the Rg Veda: the now acknowledged earliest Manuscript at the genesis of history.1 One of the most archaic forms of the Greek word “Christos” is derived from a Sanskrit word that calls on Krysna, “Krista,” whose meaning derives from the Cosmic Persona, called Purusa.2 The Latin “Kristi”, is from the Sanskrit word “Krysti” meaning “Sage, divinor.”3 Furthermore the cosmic Krysna Yantra, is a cross upon whose body Krysna is cross-sectioned. The Manu Purusah “Cosmic Man” concept of the Rg Veda was clearly utilised by Emmanuel when referencing the “Cosmic Christ”, throughout the contacts, “"...Cosmic Christ is the heart of all creation, and God which is All-Oneness, which is God. Ultimately cosmic Christ is God, and all things is God, all this is One, and that is what we term All-Oneness. “There is only One great unity, One great Being, that has divided Itself, in Its stillness, in Its Beingness, to be many different beings, to be many different universes, and many different creations, in which It can sub-divide Itself again, into many different galaxies, into many different solar systems; into many different planets; into many different beings in those planets; into many different molecules, atoms, subatoms. Until you come to a stage, within subatomic particles, where everything is God and is All-Oneness. “For as you merge into Christ there is no size. For you become all things, you become all sizes, great and small. You can identify with every single thing that exists within this universe and other universes, within all dimensions — of which there are an infinite variety." —EMMANUEL& SALVANA, February, 1989. Explorations into Oneness, From a Finite Perspective into the One True Viewpoint of Being God. Published in the book THE ;IGHT OF EMMANUEL, Ananda. Aton Publishing, 1992 UNVEILING THE PRIMORDIAL COSMIC CHRIST In amassing verification for the emergence of global “Christ Consciousness,” there are some remarkable indicators that have emerged in the last few years, within a myriad of diverse fields, including: astronomy, theology, archeology, cryptology, biology, ontology, neurology, and epistology… My own contacts and Numinous educators over the last 19 years, Emmanuel, predominantly utilised in their language a notion of “Christ,” that we have subsequently discovered is the oldest root and foundation of the behind the concept of the Gnostic “One Body of Christ,” the Cosmic Christ, of “Christ the Word” (John 1.1) — those of the Rg Veda, the now acknowledged earliest Manuscript at the genesis of history (1, Soma Conspiracy, 2. Underworld). A quest for Christ within the Rg Veda as the genesis of the teachings of the ‘Word of God’, is ruled by the fact that the Veda is: • •

10,000 years old, at least, and 500,000 years and 80,000 years for components



• • • •

designed in the mathematics of creation the oldest manuscript of mankind extraterrestrial and hyperdimension in its algebra, scripted in DNA syntax,

These are strong points that challenge most and turn our world view upside down… The Veda is stated to an artifact of a previous supercivilisation called Mu Rutas, that became often called Lemuria in more recent times. The submerged cities described in the Rg Veda were discovered under the Indian ocean over the last 3 years. The “U-shaped” city under Poompuhur, is 11,000 years old; and implements from the flooded cities off the Indian coast of Kambay, showed carbon datings of 9,500 years. Since the Veda describes these cities being flooded, it is placed in antiquity before 11,000 and 9,500 years, which furthermore is tallied by its astronomical descriptions of the stars, as they were according to around that time frame. As well as much older remnants. The following facts gives us a further foundation to the above: • • •

Dr. Wakankar discovered Bhimabetaka: "In 1956, the very first cave I entered had paintings in it! This place has artifacts dating back to 500,000 years." Professor Colin Renfrew, (professor of archeology, Cambridge University), in 1988 presents evidence for Indo-Europeans in India 8,000 years ago, circa 6,000 BC. Professor Schaffer (Case Western University), in 1998 presents evidence of more than 8,000 years (6,000 BC +) antiquity for the independent development of civilization by the Saraswati river described in the Rig Veda. Ending due to environmental changes, drying up the Saraswati river.

Today, furthermore, the latest conservative dating for Merghr, the most archaic Veda city that blossumed as a high agricultural civilisation from the settlements of Mu Ruta following the floods, is some 9,400 years before present. To find Christ in the Rg Veda, therefore, is to trace the primordail roots of Anthropological legacy for mankind. Within my ‘contacts’ with Manu-Emmanuel and the Manu Salvana Imbibed their Omnijective Omni-Holographical Semantics into me as a teenager, I was enraptured within such a Coherent Wholeness, that their Conscious Presence re-kindles — it now ceases to surprise me, that their Unity Syntaxis shares a near identical form to that of the Omni-Holographic Imagery and cosmology (Omni-logy) that is Manu-fested in the Living Veda. The Rg Veda is a book whose wholeness of self-referential and self-descriptive holographic language is unique, and is absolutely contiguous and the finest example of the true Cabalic roots ever Manu-factored — using both a male and female Cabala/Kabala as one single Anthromorphic Stone, that constantly reminds the beholder of its true nature, through post-paradoxical questions that are answers. From the Biblical perspective, the quest for Christ before Galilea is evident in such hallmarks of Christ as:



“I tell you the truth. Before Abraham was born, there I Am.” —John 8.58 Discovering Christ in the Rg Veda gains theological justifcation by this and similar parables ascribed to Christ. The Rg Veda not only appears to be the root of much of the parables of Christ, laid down in the New Testaments 27 books, but its riches go to far greater depths in the treasurury of its Sophia and philosophy. Coupled to this, Christ described in John as “the Word”, is also described as the Agency through which “all things were made.” And thereby, it would be natural to find the embroidry of the “Words” handy work in history. As the Book of Revelation ascribes the Lord as saying: “I Am the Alpha and Omega.” The concept of the Alpha and Omega stems from the Rg Veda that describes the Alpha as Ruta, the imperishable root universal Order (the prefix, Ovoid, Oval as the All, overtly Overall); and Omega as Satya, the pansperm THE AWAKENING DREAM OF CHRIST “The Christ reality is infinite. It is permeated throughout all creation and, therefore, is all creation… In the true sense… the merging has already taken place, and Christ and creation really never have been separated, but it just needs to be seen as one and the same. “…Imagine Christ as the awakened consciousness, that is the Christ Being. But you are the Christ Being that has decided it needs some sleep and rest — that is your reality. You are the Christ Being that is portraying many different dreams, that has many different characters, landscapes and beings within it. You are the Christ Being who has created these different entities. At the same time you are the different entities within the dream. Just as when you dream, the other entities within your dream will appear to be separate from you, but they really are your conscious and subconscious creation, thus being you… “And so it is with your Earth life expression, with the characters you portray within the dream of Christ, in this illusion of the Earth plane experience… “Although what we have portrayed is not completely accurate, it helps one understand that you together on Earth are Christ, and also are the individual characters within Christ, to form the dreams and deep sleep that Christ is going through… This part of Christ needs to be awakened. And so Christ now is creating the awakening dream. We are those characters within Christ, that Christ has created to create the awakening dream. We are also some of the characters that are within the awakening dream, as we are now characters coming to help — and a host of characters — lift you from a deep dream into a more reality dream, that will lead one into the awakened state… “Christ… simply IS. Christ is a state of awakened Beingness, Oneness… Ultimately this whole universe is part of the dream of Christ. And this whole universe now, in many areas, is beginning to need to be woken up. “Now, above all, we must explain that truly everything is one, everything is awakened. There is no sleep state, there is no dream... The core of our teaching… is that you are God, that you are all things right now. And that you just have to take yourself into the realisation that you are IT.” So is there any evidence for an “awakening dream” sequence of “Christ” emerging in our galactic backyard? There appears to be a new phenomenology that could comply to such a notion, especially the details given by Emmanuel on other comunications



which we shall explore; as well as in the “Christ” notion given in the Rg Veda and the return the Vedic cosmic Christ within our present age. For on August 12, 1994, suddenly a cosmic order of intelligence switched on over the galaxy to astrophysicits….

THE COSMIC CHRIST & THE MANU PURUSA The Manu Purusa hymn is a most interesting archaic source for virtually all religions, and their Universal Divine Sacrificial Child… Manu Purusa is that which made us and the entire universe from its body…


NAME puruSaH puruSa line 3, pUruSaH puruSaH pUruSaH puruSaM puruSaM puruSaM

10 HYMN 16 WORDS: 32 LINES: 1,289 PURUSA

90 163 33 8x

PLACE W WD Preword Suffixword line 1, 2 2 sahasrashIrSA sahasrAkSaH 1 10 line 5, 4 22 line 7, 3 30(29_ line 9, 6 44(43 line 13 5 65 (64 line 21 2 line 30 5 89 + 1 (book itself) = 90

NAME PLACE W add 1. puruSaH line 1 2. puruSa line 3 4 1x 3. pUruSaH line 5 4. puruSaH line 7 12 5. pUruSaH line 9 21 6. puruSaM line 13 34 7. puruSaM line 21 21 25 8. puruSaM line 30 30

Occurs Suffixword 2x puruSa =3 2x 2x puruSaH 7 + 1 2x pUruSaH 5 + 9 3x pUruSaH-14 + puruSaH-8 3x 3x

=3 =8 = 14 = 22 =

puruSaM 13 + 21 + 30 = 64

= 89 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 63. Add book 10 with hymn 90 = 100 + 63 = 163, theer are 163 words in the Rg Veda THE MANU PURUSA DNA CODE We have identified that the Rg Veda, was the source of the I-Ching DNA code, for we have mapped its perfect DNA syntax in our Manu-Script series of articles that now comprise portions of our forthcoming book THE MANU: An Omnidimensional Artifact At The Genesis Of History.



Surplus to these findings, the Manu Purusa hymn has its own additional DNA numbers that amplify the underlying DNA blueprint of the Veda. Purusah occurs 8 times in this one hymn alone, just as the DNA code has 8 base-pairs per 1 double helix of 360° rotation. The Purusah hymn has 16 verses, just as one double helix of DNA has 16 nucleotides. This hymn dedicated to the Cosmic Man consists of 32 paragraphs, just as the DNA molecule holds 32 codon pairs, for its code. The DNA uses the golden proportion for its width and height, the Purusa hymn has 163 words, which are 100 x the DNA golden proportion. The hymn is placed in the last mandala, the 10th book, of the Rg Veda, the DNA double helix has 10 sugar phosphate pentagon’s per 360° turn. Furthermore, the word puruSaM occurs some 3x within this 32 paragraphed and 16 versed hymn. The word appears on line 13, line 21, and line 30. These three line numbers sum upto the number of DNA codons in the DNA molecule: 13 + 21 + 30 = 64. Furthermore, 13 and 21 sum upto 34, following the fibonacci series, which also happens to be the height of the DNA double helix: 34 Ångstroms. The number 30 is central in the Rg Veda, for there are 30 Murhurtas/hours in one day and night, one Muhurta has 48 seconds… In fact it based a Kali Yuga on 43,200 Muhurtas, and all four Ages/Yuga’s were summed in 432,000 Muhurtas, which the 432,000 sylables of the Rg Veda, personify. Following the fire altar pyramid stone geometry and numbers, as a chronomonitor. These 144,000 days (432,000/30 = 144,000. giving 400 lunar years of 360 days, of some 1,200 hours/muHURtaS) — are the overlapping of the 72,000 NADI vortex nodes with the 72,000 NADA tensor Bindu focals (vaukala) or PUNktuation full-stops/full-zero-points. The hyjmn has 16 verses and 32 paragraphs, and 16 x 32 = 512… That is the LIFE signal, (where 8hz doubles each of its respective octaves, and cubes itself) — infra-red bioluminessence, or IR Laser Light Body, appears by 512 hz (7 Sierpinski steps from 8hz, seven Meru Prastara steps from the 8 petalled Lotus of AUM), together creating LIFE = amino acids and proteins, in water. When this figure of 8 appearances of the word Purusa is added to the mandala it is placed in: 10; and the serial position of the hymn: 90, joins them; a very interesting and central number emerges, both in astronomical chronomoniter terms coupled to golden proportions geometry, and in botanical and medicinal science… Hymn 90 + 10th mandala + 8x Purusah: 90 + 10 + 8 = 108. Also the fundamental Meru Prastara numbers show, in part… 8 16 32 The number of characters that comprise the hymn, 1289, is a figure



undividable by any number, and is a prime number. When it is multiplied to the universal constant e = 2.718, the result is infinitey eL° PURUSAH AND THE NUMBER 90 The precission with which the Manu Purusa hymn was selected and positioned, appears to have a treasure trove of bounty to its design, as this chaper does show… In the Vedic traditions, the number 90 figures directly in the dimensions of the sacred mahavedi altar ground where the special Soma rituals were conducted. Mahavedi was ascribed using precise sacred measure, in the form of an isosceles trapezoid whose foundational bases were appropriated the measure 24 and 30 with a width 36. Thereby grafting the Moons three cycles of 8 lunar tides that span one day and night, to the 24 syllables of the trippled footed Gayatri meter, of 8 syllable per pada — 888. The base component of 30 grafted to a Pankti meter of 30 syllables to personify the 30 Muhurta hours of the day sum of these numbers is 90, which was chosen since it represents one-fourth of the year. The sum represents an example of equivalence by number, the shape of a trapezoid with its specific dimensions, was chosen, since this shape generates many Pythagorean triples. 90 x 4 = 360, they Lunar calender of the Rg Veda, of 360 x 30 Muhurtas = 10,800 Muhartas. The number of Stanas in the Rg Veda, and a direct play on the 108 solar circumferences distance to the Earth from the Sun, and the 108 lunar circumferences distance from the Moon to the Earth, as ONE Single Skambh Pillar… Aja Eka Skambh, of the Purusah. Purusah, as a unique appearance in one sole hymn of the Rg Veda, like a unicorn, thereby has some cross sybiosis to that of the Ekapada Viraj meter: which is a Viraj meter, but consisting of a single Pada, of 10 syllables. Thus transcribing the 10 Omni-stretching fingers of the Purusa. The heaven’s altar is given 261 stones, which has its relationship in the Purusah Sukta — it being the 90th hymn, of 163 words, being the only occurance of the name Purusa, which occurs 8 x, renders: 90 + 163 + 8 = 261, this thus could be revealing that the ¾’s of the Manu Purusa that ascended beyond by 10 fingers, is represented by the number 261, the altar of heaven, of the full circle, 360°, of the triplet reality, leaving the 21 stones of the Earth altar and the 78 of the sky altar… Hence, summing to the number 99, which the Veda in almost all instances, decreas to be associated to the sleep demons, such as those with the 99 fortresses of Sambhara, that guard the Soma Cup, at the galactic center, or Visnu Nabhi When Purusah is seen as hymn 90 of the mandala 10, as the 10 finngers, then Purusah as 90 + 10 = 100. Signalling back by 10 to the 1000 heads of Purusah. 100 Spirits or breath of life is called Atman or Atamanu, the thought atom associated to Purusah, and is the life-breath, from which atum, atom, and german atem, breath. 10 fingers, 10 + 90 = 100 x 10. 10 x 100 = 1000. One quarter of this is 25, which is associated to the letter “M” of AUM, being the 25th Sanskrit consonant, and the 5 elements x 5 senses as the 25 Tattva’s,



also evident in the Vedic atomic theory. ¾’s is 75, which is the precise figure one gets when one divides 3 by 4, as the 34 vowels, ¾ = 0.75. Symbiotic to this, when 360 days of the Moon through the Lunar 27 Meru mansions of one year, 1/4 of this is 90, and ¾’s is 270, perfect decimal of the Meru 27, the AUM mountain of creation, which is also the gameboard of Purusa’s body. 270 days are also the 9 months of gestation. The Meru 9 triangles are 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 lines. The 27 lines on the general cubic surface that are raised to the hypercube by the decimal 10 (Reiman metric tensor), mapping a 27 dimensional algebra. Also, with Purusah being the body of the Rg Veda, of 432,000 syllables, then 16 divisions renders 27,000. This is also symbiotic to Purusah as the sacrifice being spread and bound by the gods, “for him there were enclosing stix, and thrice seven.” (10.90.15) Since 21 (3 x 7) plus 7 = 28, then one has the 27 Meru lines plus the Bindu point, which in the Purusah game is his golden navel from “which the middle realm of space [akasa], arose.” This navel is the Spiritual Sun/Moon as one, and the 28 solar mansions are thus melded to the Lunar ones (27), just as the sun’s equator rotates 360° in 28 days, and the Moon’s cycle of 27 days of the sideral month. The meter called Pura-usnih: 28 syllables made by three Padas (or 3 x ¼), one holding 12 syllables, another 8 , the last 8 syllables = 28. Chandaspurusa “the body of the meters” convays the meters as the building bricks of the pyramid hymn altars, that self-embed to build larger manifolds of dimensional realities, indexing plural layers of self-referenced structure (poetry, musical harmonics, algebra, bioelectronics, astronomy, botony, neocybernetics, architecture, living wisdom, numinous revelation) METRE. SUKTA = 1 HYMN STANZA = Paragraph/Verse (usually of 4 verses or lines). PADA = line "quarter", whose 4 feet, each hold the metrical unit, like 8 syllables. Usually a stanza paragraph is composed of pada line of the same type. The rare stanzas are formed by lines of different length, as an inter-metric. There are 16 meters: 1. gaayatreeSix syllables per quarter (Class name - ) 2. Usni 3. anuShThubh Eight syllables per quarter (Class name - ) : 4. Brhati. 5. Viraj 6. triShThubhEleven syllables per quarter (Class name ) : 7. jagatee Twelve syllables per quarter (Class name - ) 8. shakvaree Fourteen syllables per quarter (Class name - ) 9. aShTi Sixteen syllables per quarter (Class name - aShTi) 10. dhrti Eighteen syllables per quarter (Class name - ) 11. prakrti Twenty one syllables per quarter (Class name - ) 12. Pankti 13. atishakvareeFifteen syllables per quarter (Class name - )



14. atidhrti Nineteen syllables per quarter (Class name - ) 15. aakrti Twenty two syllables per quarter (Class name - ) 16. atyaShTi Seventeen syllables per quarter (Class name - ) of which the first 7 meters are the fundamental. There being 90 all in all, when rare stanzas vareities are included. Of the 7 Rsi meters, or textile spinning wheel Cakra's, 3 comprised 2/3rds of the total number of stanzas in the Rg Veda Tristubah-44 (4 x 11); Gayatri-24 (3 x 8), Jagati-48 (4 x 12). 432,000/24 432000/32 432000/36 432000/40 432000/48 = 180

= 18,000 = 13,500 = 12,000 = 10,800 = 9000

These 5 are thus the “hidden footprints of the gods”, and are the five elements of the atomic universe, the 5 senses of illusion, the 5 symmetrical 3d solids, the sum of whose faces is 50, the polyhedron sphere. The golden 50 also became one version of the Vedic gameboard called the Paramasayika grid of 10 by 5 = 50 squares. This became encorporated in Europe as the squared board of the Exchequer, used in medieval accounting. Numerous modern mathematical common terms have emerged as jargon from these chequer boards, like the word calculate that is related to the pieces of stone calc or chalk that were placed on the board in their appropriate positions. For culculation today the name of the old board is still being referred. More often it had a 7 x 7 grid of 49, a numberr often ascribed to Purusah the Anointed. Becoming the board game Tafl, and the Irish Brandubh gameboard. The Purusah board, representing the pyramid of the Earth worlds, Meru, also became the game of 9 Mens Morris,, appart from it being associated to the Maypole (Cosmic Axel) Morris (Mauru’s) dancers, it was also known throughout Earope as the gaem of Merellus, also known as Tik Tak Tol in Norwegian, Trip Trapp Trull in Swedish, and was called 9 holes, whilst the Germanic people associatied it to the Mill of time calling it Klein Mühlenspiel (Little Mill Game), and in Catalonia it is called Marro, virtually unchanged to the Sanskrit Maru, from where Morris dancing and Merele is derived. A different form of Mereles shares high similarity to the old archaic magic sigil for protection known as the Valknu of Odin MannAus, who whilst despite being crucified for 9 days on the cross of the universal Tree of Life, this trinal triangle sigil is an emblem of the law of continuity within this universe. And since Maru is the mountain upon which the roo Mula Soma grows, it is not surprising that the Danes call it Møllespil, the Italians called it Mulinello, the French Jeu de Moulin, the Hungarian Malomjatek, the Germans and Swiss Mühle after the Capadocian name of Soma as Mule, which became the plant of Hermes Trismegistos that was called Mole, from which our MOLYcula is derived. The universal game cross, is the game of the Mill that Molars the Suma Seed essence, as the Sacramental Eucharist of Christ, called Soma Mula in Sanskrit.



It became the inspiration for the Northern European early water mills, embodying its cosmological symbolised, as the mills composed of 3 functioning elements arranged in a line traced to an axel tree, akin to the Skambh pillar of the Rg Veda, that brings the cosmic Soma from the heavens to Earth, in the Mill it went through 3 levels, the base of which had paddles in the “river of life”, passing up through the middle realm and into the middle mole hole in the Milestone, which was rotated by the momentum of the paddles on the Muladhara or root level to grind the barley into meal and powdered millet. With the Millstone or Molar Wheel symbolising the sttary heavens (as in the Mill of the Amhelet/Hamlet mill and Samso twins of European Myth, and Norse law. Being based on the Soma Grinding Stones of Rg Veda molaring the seeds of life for the Meade of the gods. Larger Merels as Bran-dubh/Tablut is also nearly always a grid based on 7 by 7 = 49 line or squares. Whilst numerically the design is composed of 16 lines with the Tafl form of the game. A mill can only be formed on one of four quarters of the board, with each ¼ seen as having 9 point, 3 being shared with each respective adjascent quarter. The ¼’s being based on the Meru Soma/Moon mountain, so each quarter are Purusa’s 4-fold division of the sky, so the Moon’s 4 phases are personified, also each of the Holy mountain step Pyramids, Ziggerauts, 4 faces, as a microcosmic model of cosmological meaning. Mauru is Mt Moriah and Mt SION in the Christ story, just as the Purusah’s measuring bound to the creation, is by the SIONA, “Spiritual Sun” in Sanskrit, and the musical tuning according to the cosmic music, in the form of the 49 checkers, as well as the 9 by 9 = 81 (number of Aditi). This is the cosmic formula by which the Purusah as one with the gods, dance the creational game of the cosmos. Just as Jesus: Forms are preserved in the Scandinavian game of Tablut, the English Tawlbort. With the most portable form having been found in Lappland, where the central square of the King, the Cap or Crownstone for the Godhead, is called by the as Konakis, as the Navel of the board, following the Navel of Purusah in the heart of the Akasa space baord. Around the King was formed a cross, where were is 8 defenders, and the opposing Muscovites having 16 soldiers. Numerous European version of this board hav ebeen found in the form of a Anthropomorphic Cosmic Man, whose central Sunking Seat is the Omphalos, precisely on the navel of the crucis board man. Naught and Crosses are the simplest derivative of this game, based on the Meru Saturn square of 9. In the Vedic version of this game, it is the centre of the Earth worlds, the Bhumi universe where the omphalos axel is the Kings stand, where Purusah’s body sacrificed as the foundation of the creation continuous from archaic times to occupy the cross roads in the hours of recreation. This sameboard of 16 pieces and the King and 8 men on the other is mentioned in the Y Seint Graal Arthurian legend, and was the mountain whose opmphalos poled the universsal axel to the Annwn (Annu) realms of the immortals, for Merlin, and Aureileous/ The Danish varient of this Navel Game, Old Teotonic, nabalon, was identical to the Rg Veda chariot wheels of creation, which was a paralellogram to being the universal mount Maru Prastara, whilst being the gameboard of creation on the Cosmic Persona, 3 times bounded to the cross of mater, and the checkerboard being the universal dance hall by which the Purusah and the gods engage the cosmic dance. The English derivation of the Sanskrit Nabhi, is



called Nave, which was one of those bardic words that designated the cosmic axis, the divine navel of the Sun, and largely was used as the name of the central part of a cartwheel, through which was inserted the end of the axle, which emanated rays like the sun, as the spokes of the cartwheel. The 30 Muharta spokes as the hours of the Sun and Moon in the Veda, whose nave was called the Mahapadapunkti, or Omnifooted meter, having 30 + 1 = 31 syllables… The Wand is the 1 Axel, or single eye, all seeing in the world, called Aksi. In the 10th century, a cleric managed to sulvage this gameboard from near termination in the extirpation of Paganism, which made chess.Ashtapada, and most board games strikely illegal “devil possessing” black magic leagues with the devil. The board was renamed Ialea Evangelii, preserving many facettes of the game and the numerology that was inheritent in the protogenesis of the board from the Indus valley, with its cosmological Purusah significance being translated into Judeo-Christian numerology components of the Biblical parallels of the story. This design is also the oldest Labyrnth designs ever found, underground Harrappa and Sarasvati Indus cultures, as the Kam-Maru labyrnths of the Mind and “dark room” Soma initation in unburrying the treasure of the Sun of Love. It became the the underpinning design of labyrinths spanning from Egypt, through Greece, across europe all the way to the furtherst hyperborean North labyrinth of the Sheperheards… The Game in England was also called Shepheards Mill, who mill the golden fleece of the Pure Lamb, on the Oak Tree Mill of Life (as Jason does in the Greek 50 Argonaut god game on the Argo quest for immortality. 50 Argonauts sail the constellational boat of Argo on the South, having its legend as a sky boat in the Rg Veda. The Cosmic Perusah Cross Game Chequer, as Chess, has a direct deeper ocean beneath its present superficial position of being a board for the boared to pass time. As the luminous efforts of Joseph Needham, Sceince and Civilisation in China, clearly establishes, the complementary qualities fo Yin and Yang were central in the gameboard for mental training, astronomy, divination, astrology, mathematics, and rumination into the Self, cemented the board to determine imbalances or balance of complementary qualities. Based on the Vedic boarfdgame of Chaturanga, whose Sanskrit meaning is “quadripartite,” after the Purusah’s 4 divisions of the sky made with his arms, and reflected into the fourfold division of the world and its embdedded microcosms, even to divine for the Indian Army’s fourfold stratergy branches of: cahriots, cavalry, eleaphants and infantry, until Alexander the Great. Concurrently being the basis for the ancient Chinese “Astronomical Game and the Cosmic Figure, called Siang K’i. This board game which was strongely used for divination solely, with recreation being but a component, is based on their Purusah translation into Panu Ku. The Primordial Cosmic Giant and first Man. The cosmos design as the body of Pan Ku, being directly related to the Feng-Shui luoPAN ancient divining board with the magnetic compass. Like some Vedic varients, this comsic board game used dice, which identically to the Indus valley Chess dice, are also made of bone, and some of cubes (with numbers that follow the hypercube, as in the Rg Veda dice, which have also been found in the form of tetrahedrons). The 4-fold dice, where the 4-fold divisions of the skies into the 4 Yuga ages… The dice were the game of bone, the karma cubes on the checker board of time, only from which one could rise out of ignorance of being stoned to the



bone, by going deep into the Kamber or cave of limitless depths, into the dark KAM, to unburry the treasure of the first born Navel, the Golden Embryo of Hiranyagharba, to rise as the Golden One Sun of the Universe, as the treasure chest of love Kama, of immortality. Chaturanga was usally played on the 16 x 4 = 64 grid of the Ashtapada, whose race game Chess-like frame, also has direct connection to the Initiation games being genelogically morphologeous to the layout of the traditional unicursal labyrinths — both board and mazes included the Vedic 5 x 5 = 25 squares of Tattva-Purusah called Thayyam; the Manuavah, Visvadeva, Purusaratha Lotus Petal form of 7 x 7 = 49, called AshtaKasta: and the Ashtapada, was joined by Saturankam of 9 by 9 = 81 squares, which is the board whose metre is the body of Aditi, the cosmic mother yoled to Purusah, who is forever unbounded, and being the primordail prima material root tree to the Saturn 9 board, as the name translates. Also the fountain milk of lactating all the universes numbers or persona’s. For 1/81, results in the generation of every single number, except 8, which it is describing to be as the mother Over the goddess Ati (eighty). The milk by which Purusah as 1/49 renders 80 octaves of all the radiation spectrums of our universe, can grow and be sustained from that GALAktakaus. And the name of the Divine Milk is also one of the names for this board game, even in Denmark —GALA. All of these most archaic board grids, are founded on the utmost archaic Vedic Meters, these are primarily their numbers, or comprised within their Pada’s or quarter feet. They are the roots of the mystical magical squares, that are universally managed by the Cosmic Persona’s Perusal with the order of Dice, random = Meru Prastara. Which also had their own VR and Cybernetic Cryptrographic varients thereof, involving magic cubes, magic tetrahdrons, and the remaining 3d solid of symmetry. The checkerboard format of the universal gameboard, cosmologists C. Menon extropolated stemmed from the custom of representing the year-cycle and its subdivisions into the Mulha or root form of the square, as the divisions of the seasonal, and perhaps astrophysical star maps. Today the new flurry of breakthroughs flooding out from Mrgarh and Sarasvati is changing all of that. The geometry of the fire altars and the algebraic layout of the Veda’s, appears to have been one of the most accurate mapping of our astrophysical galactic back yard, to a degree that would take 3000 years after the Greeks golden age, to return to… The melding of the quantum world with the macrocosm, with its adjascent wave-particle and atomic cosmology of the Manu Purusah Viraj and Prkrti demonstrates that the checkerboard design appears to be more a Feyman hyperdiamnond lattice of 4dimensional spacce, by their cybernetic grafting of the personal rituals using sound harmonics, whose numbers are mirrored meticulously in the sky… The precise hyperdiamond lattice checkerboard design that grafts the 3rd dimensional universe to the 4th dimensional quarternian (4-fold) universe, is given in the description of the creation of the fire altar of the sky, whose Reiman Tensor Metric is therein described melded to the hypercube (4D cube), through a superior form of the Pythagorian Theorum. The original intent of the checker board, is that the 64 sqaures of 4-fold 16, are the 3d dice of our universes space, that utilise the underlying Pascal triangle and Sierpinski triangle number series that arrange the order of the universe… The game was the cosmic game, where gods, god, and man, played with each other… Its direct design to Lie and Clifford algebra of only the most recent higher dimensional models to have emerged, are regathering its repotoire at



the fore of history, to be an Omnidimensional Artifact of the Manu, harbouring a passport oval office for passport into the Purusaratha Omniversal City (whose description tallies to be the root seed of the western New Jerusalem Cosmic City tradition; sharing the clear seed signature whose progeny the New Jerusalem eventually foamed from, in sharing the core concepts in philosophy, alchemy and shamanism (like the trees and rivers of life and what they imbibe), numbers (like 144,000, the measure of the New Jerusalem, being the clarified description of the Purusarata OmniMetroPolis), names, metafores, parables, and poetic structure, meter and theocratic number code (like 7 x 7 = 49, both in contents, but also in Greek and Araimic number code of names), being cloned so closely that the Christian can only be a fax simile of the Original Model — identical, only more Numinously unchained to conceptual bonds. Ultimately it was seen as an alchemical star gate, or interface, into the Cosmic Dance of Manufestation, true Deva Akasa Divination. Menson’s work in showing the year quartering into the board game square subdivisional formats to have survived into hsitory in the form of the European horoscopes at least until the 18th century, whilst still being the active fabre employed in the laying out of the geomantic divinatory figures (of 16 units no less). Whilst its fingerprint is clearly evdience in the scrutiny of the British Fortune Telling childrens game, whose paper square is folded on precisely the same pattern. As the City of the Cosmic, used in Vedic and Hindu temple layout and city design, it was also used in that application of being the cosmographic blueprint for the square of mosaic pavements of medieval Europe, including Canterbury Cathedral, Westminster Abbey in England, and those at Xanten in Germany. Menom believes that the comsic boards overt iconographical treasurey of images are symbols of the structural skeletons of the world with its 4 directions, 4 elements plus Nave 5th elemental force [the 5th fourth is our identification evidenced in the Vedic texts, in light of Santilli’s finding of the 5th fource] and the 4 or 5 humours that are laid out in the corresponding geomtrical patterns and colour stones as the original Chess board model of being a symbolic plenisphere upon which the motion of the seven planets of traditional astronomy were represented by corresponding pieces locaed in appropriate correspondance… The Rg Veda has proven to have been astrophysically more science than myth in its description of the cycles of the universe and their observation and identification of the many tides and biorythmn like cycles influence the waxing life cycles by the milk of the galaxis oceanus, some of which we are only just identifying in the last few years… In 1694 Oxford professor Hyde published his book Mandragorias seu Historia Schahiludii, where he claimed the name for chess was the cosmic man dragon game called Mandrogorias or Mandrake Play, invented in India. Of course the heart of our 12 zodiacal houses, the 12 apostles of Jesus and Mithra, and the 12 Aditya Numinous Star Manuals, is the Dragon of Ignorance, the NagasMara-Dana, that the Sumerians called Meshe, and the world tree rooted in the black cubic stone 60 x 60 x 60, ascends into the dragons home, as the dragon tree that Gilgamesh did journey in his shamanic inuendo with the heart of the dragon at the axel of the 12 spoked wheeled we call the zodiac. The Sumerian Sanga Lugal Shamana’s upon concurring the dragon with their god-will, were named after the dragon, in Egypt the draco constellation was the big Sobeck



crocodile, called Mshe. When a pharaoh had been through his shamanic Gnostic rite of passage in the initiatory TUAT labyrnths of underground dark rooms, and had concurred the Kham balckness, and cycles of the dragon over the climitology of mind and heart, through fear and jealousy, and the whether of ones biological robotism to the urges of reproduction and glating, for a universal cuase, and born again union with the Cosmic Child, the Immortal One Sun, Iusos Heruakhti, one would be anointed and become named after the crocodile with such a title as Tut Mshe, just as the Anointed Christos of our Christian Mythos, was harboured by the same name of Meshe, or dragon king. That followed the Arimathean British legacy onwards through the Pendragon lineage he married into. In the Vedic times, alchemists were called Kula’s and Kaula’s… Each Water Sister and Fire Preist, would have face to the Dragon of Ignorance in the 3 day Soma cermonies of Gnostic Alchemy and Shamanism, becoming as one with the Mega One, as the Maghvan Indra, the slayer of the unviersal dragon of ignorance, and redeemer of the Meru mountian of the universe… Or to another dragon slayer with the Archery of the Arrow of Love, the shaman gods who sprinheaded the siva image — therein one would become an Indrakula, or a Rudrakula, as that dragon has been made by heart will to bite its tail, in this primordial form of what was to become the Gnostic Oaroborus. Two of the 7 meters do not fit wholely into 432,000: Usni Tristubh

= 28 and = 44 = 72

These form the Bhumi Meru world mountain, of 27 lines plus Bindu = 28, and 43 triangles plus Bindu = 44. The Meru triangles include the golden triangle of 72°. The DNA base pairs have 144° of double helix twist. Since, 30 Muhurtas make one day, then one Lunar/Soma year is 360 x 30 = 10,800 Muhurtas. The same number obtained by using the Viraj (Purusa’s anthropomorph) meter’s 40 measure to divide the entire body Meru Pyramid of the Veda’s 432.000 syllables, as the revealed primordial number of stanzas of the Rg Veda: 432.000/40 = 10,800. Thus the annual cycling of the 30 spoked wheel, called Ritu in Sanskrit, is the Annum Arcanum of the Anuversary Matrimony that is Purusa to Viraj, the Meru pyramid of Cosmic Persona and the 40 octaves of Pi sound derived from the triangle angles of the Meru Yantra emerging from sound, giving the number of verses made of the 4 bricks of meters out of the cement of symantic oil, the semen of Purusa’s syllables. Building the cosmic Meru pyramid. The Veda’s tripartite recusive universal vision views the cosmos as the Holy Trinity AUM, three regions of Earth, space, and the heavens. AUM as a sound in a tonographer, renders the Meru Pyramid shape. The fire altars upon which the Soma elixir sacrifice was made, likewise were of 3 pyramid types representing in their Meru Prastar brick architecture, the Earth Meru altar, Meru akasha space fire pyramid, and the Meru heavenly altar. Where U = the heavens, and the Visvadeva’s A = Akasa, the realm of space, and Indra, M = matar matter, or mother matter of matha, and Agni



In viewing each of the 3 regions self contained as all-one, by distinctly counting their joining regions, called the Banda’s cord of phase-conjugate equivalance, an overall five co-joined elementary categories are renderred, to the 3 foundation steps of the cosmos. 1. Where water/Apasoma separates Earth/Prthvi and fire/Agni, and 2. air/Vayu seprates fire/Agni and ether/Akasa. These 5 elemental denominations were represented as the embedded 5 five layers of the 3 Meru fire altars. And like Purusah’s 1000 eye’s and the Word VAK’s 1000 syllable, so were the Sacred Altars built with a 1000 bricks within a variety of interconnected dimensions, that personified the universal Veda of the Cosmic Manu-Script. When the tonograph Meru yantra signature is measured, the many sound vibrations patterns generated by the angles of the Yantra’s triangles, by using the essential element of the circle around the triangular patterns, Pi was found to be the basic unit to which all the other ratios could relate. Pi 3.1416, as a frequency rate in cycles per second, then when doubled in value some 6 times is 201.0624 hz, being the tuning of G + 43 cents (divisions of 1/100th of a sharp or flate between notes. In the Veda’s these are related to the 22 Shruti’s). The Meru Yantra is a precise musical tuning harmonic system that is mapped through multiple dimensions, and translates into a series of musical proportions, played through a series of 13 respective octaves of twice or half of the frequency beofre or after it. Each frequency of the Meru has a correlation to the colours attributed to it, with a frequency correspondence that is separated by precisely 40 octaves, the “Shining One” or Luminous one, of Viraj. The small sized Meru Yantra’s having high pitch and the large ones deep pitch. PURUSAH IS SAID TO BE THRICE 1000 = 3000. 432,000/3000

= 144

3000 divided by the golden one 50 = 60 The 60 family type grouped meter types comprising the Rg Veda. 5 x 12 years, for the 5 elements passing through the 12 spinal sections ascending and descending, as the 12 years of one ingoing or outgoing solar cycle (sunpsot max). The simplest 3D symmetry, the tetrahedron, has its faces angled at 60°, this is the skeleton of the 20 amino acids, the water tetrahedron from the hydrogen bounds, and amonia, as well as the calcium carbonate of our bones. Our solar system is angled 60° to the galactic plane equator. 3000/40, Purusa by Viraj = 75 3000/20 Purusa by Prakrti = 150 (3 x 50, 2 x 75)



3000/100 Purusa by Atamanu = 30 Muhurtas. One Anu Nadi Prana. Purusah 3000 = Atamanu 100 x 30 Muhurta/hours (1 Anu Nadi Prana, into 3000 Anu Nadi’s as muhurtas of Anu Yoga). Some hymns are strophic in their construction. The strophes in them consist either of three stanzas (called trca) in the same simple metre, generally Gayatri, or of two stanzas in different mixed metres. The latter type of strophe is called Pragatha and is found chiefly in the eighth book. Purusah as the sacrificial beast of Soma is the 16th Kala of the Moon/Soma, as the Soma Kalasa: “4 horns, 3 feet has he; 2 heads and 7 hands has he. Bound iti'threefold, the bull bellows. The great god has entered the mortals.”-rv 4.58 4 + 3 + 2 + 7 = 16. When these 16 components of the Soma Purusamrta is bounded three times, Aditi’s boundless Jagat meter is born 16 x 3 = 48. Furthermore, these rivers of Somamrta or Soma butter that “flow from the ocean of the heart,” are, “enclosed by a 100 fences… The golden reed is in their midst.” Thus from this is gained Purusa/Daksa’s epithet “101 Great acts.” Purusa as the Somamrita Anointing Oil.Butter sacrifice is the golden reed/Skambh Amsu, the 100 fences of invisibility, is the Atamanu the superself that is a 100 spirited breath, as the Thot atom. Thus Purusah the bull sacrifice as 16 added to Aditi, 48 + 16 = 64… This is clearly speaking in the Asti-Pada meter that is the gameboard cosmic cross on the body of the Purusa cosmos. For the Astipada is the 16 parted Purusa beast, in 4 steps as: 16, 32, 48, 64. Also the 64 is the entire meters and sub-meters used in the Rg Veda. When ¾’s of Purusa are immortal, ascended in heaven, the Jagat meter which flows through space and all the gods Ekapada Tristup: a Trstup 1 consisting of a single 1 Pada, or quarter stanza = 11 syllables. This could indicate that since ¼ pada is only represented by the Ekapada Tristup, that Purusa is personified here. ¾ = 3 x 11 = the 33 Deva Akasha gods, “immortal in heaven” is the name of these 33. Thus Purusah would tetra-one is 44, the 44 triangles of Meru including the Bindu Tri. CHRIST HORUS THE LION KING & THE HERUKA SOMAPA’S So mankind, the fallen 1/4th, could become united to the 3/4th as Manukind, awakening as the Anthropos Logos of Manu Purusa from the former Purusata "mankind." The link to Christ, via the root source word of Krist, as “Krisna” becomes evident when we note that Purusottama is an epithet of Visnu-Krsna, and that Purusakesarine is an epithet of Visnu, meaning "Man-Lion," the root of the alchemical Lions, the 7 Hotr Ptr “Fire Priests” in the height of their Soma ceremony, when in the onset of the RAW (Rau) energy, were depicted to have shape-shifted into their shamanic totem of having Lion Heads, so Raw as to “roar like lions”. This Lion head form is called Heruka in Sanskrit…

PURU-NAPAMSAKA, Anthropos, Anthromorph,



PURUHUTA, name of INDRA, PURUKALPA, before time. PURUSA YOGIN, die Person betreffend, PURUSADAVARA, the best Mankind, aNAME OF VISNU, PURUSAVAHA, a name of Ga-ru-da PURUSAKA, Horse and Visdom Tree (Sichbaumen Purusakesarin, a name of Visnu, meaning Lion Man (Heruka) PURUSA-RATHA, Chariot of the Anthropos, chariot of chariots, PURUSOTTAMA, name of Visnu, the Highest Spirit PURUSSARA, anthropus, hervorragender Mensch PURUSASIMHA, lion man (heruka), hervorragender Mensch. (Sanskrit Dictionary) In the Rg Veda, the Heruka appears to be the root of the sphinx concept, and akind to this (mirrored in the Shamanic rituals of the Sumerians, and the Egyptian’s), it is personified as the heavenly Lion of the Aditya constellation of Leo. Also ascribed the Sphinx Heru/Horus concept of the Egyptian Shaman initiates, or “followers of Horus” called the Sham SU Heru.. Furthermore, over the years I have conducted experiments with several pilots and colleagues, where the ingredients we used in reproducing the Veda’s Soma elixir, included a diversity of plant and tree sources that mirror the description and contents of those mentioned in the Veda’s, as well as the MState platinum group elements, like M-state gold also described in the Veda. In this research, numerous pilots and colleagues experienced the eyes open phenomenon, where they beheld some of the other members of the group to have Lion heads, all of these pilots, including myself, at that time were anaware of the Veda Heruka lion head concept (several probably were at least uncosnciously or semi-consciously aware of the Egyptian Sekhmet lion headed goddess)… Most commerable therein, is the first Soma elixir experience of my alchemist colleague Dr. Hans Peter Deahl, who in late August 2000, at our ATON Institute in Norway, beheld not only me, but 4 others also to have absolutely realistic LION heads, animated and alive, with the appearance of being a genuine symbiosis of human and lion. He was unable to make this metamorphosis go away, rubbing the eyes made no difference. Therefore, during a period of perhaps 20 minutes, with vivid eye open clarity, the epithet ascribed to the Veda Somapa’s of being Heruka Lion Headed, was reexperienced classically by my colleague, in unbroken lucidity… Several others, indepently, not knowing my colleagues experience, encountered the same phenomenon. It is thus significant, that plants and trees with the same ingredients, are central to the Egyptian mysteries and as ingredients of their sacramental “eye of Horus” and SU elixir waters of life — with accompanying



iconography showing lion headed figures, including one called Heru Akhti, the Creator God form of Horus. In other cases of our pilot studies, those involved would experience themselves as LION’s, feeling the “lion power” and archetype become them, like that of my former friend and research colleague, Frode Kvisle, in an experience July 31st going into August 1st, 1999, where he felt himself metamorph into a human lion, and felt the surge of the raw thrill and power of that animal, being unable to be confined in the remote mountain hut where the small group was conducting our session, compelled to roam with feline rareity the wild unscapted nature, unscathed by the footprints of man. Heruka, also become absorbed as a central inner tantric Buddhist concept, as the rathfull aspects of numerous Boddhisattvah’s and Budha’s like Manujshri, Padma Sambhava. The 5 inner Buddha bodies, also received their parallel 5 inner Heruka components… These 5 raw naked elements were even modulated in the arcane, Anu Yoga (Sacramental Shamanism), and Ati Yoga practices, as the most covert of the inner Tantric Buddhist secrets, were permutated and interchanged during the shamanic sessions, so that the 5 elemental Heruka’s became the 25 medicinal Herka’s. Their 36 Heruka’s was the result of the practice where these primal five also are interchanged with the 7 chakra nervous energy plexi of the endocrine glands, as 5 x 7 = 35, which would be converged into their panultimate 36th — identical to the 35 Tattva’s and the Maha Tattvah of Vedic and Hindu inner Tantric practice. This roots to some of the deep shamanic cipher protocols that are embedded in the Rg Veda.. Heruka, therein, also transcribing the Egyptian Akha Heru, “the Sphinx of Horus,” which is simply a phoenetic anagram of Heru Akh… HeruaKha. And Lord Horus, also having a tradition of being called Iusos, meaning “ever becoming like Ptah,” is born on the 25th of December, as ASAR/Osiris born again… Thereby, the name Jesus from Iusos, born on December 25th, is genologed to the Lion Head Heruka and Heru Akha. Jesus Christ was also called “the son of the Lion” since he was to be the “King of Jerusalem” to be wedded to the Eucharia Jerusalem royal families daughter, Mary Magdalene Eucharia, as the “Lion King” of Judah (thoelogian Barbarra Therring, Jesus The Man)… The family shield of the Judah tribe is the Lion. Visnu, born as the “Son of God” on december 25th, as Krisna Purusottama is an epithet of Visnu-Krsna, and that Purusakesarine “The Hawk is their full source.” —Rv 5.44:11 PURUSA & VIRAJ The Rg Veda’s Annukramanis relate that the Viraj meter is of 40 syllables, with her 4 pada feet each holding 10 syllables per foot… The Purusah hymn tells us that Viraj is born from the Purusah and Purusah is born from the Viraj… The solution to this riddle may be very simple. We are told in verse 1, that the Manu Purusa extends beyond the Bhumi universe by 10 fingers. Virat’s metric is based on a 4 x 10 syllable layout… Thus, the Manu Purusa can be made from the Virat, as the 10 syllables on one



Virat foot, and the Viraj can be made from the Purusah, in 3 additional strides of 10 (30 + 10) = 40. Since we are told that the Manu Purusa is 4 1/4 ¼ , with ¾ ascended immortal in heaven. Furthermore, the marriage of Viraj and Purusa renders 40 + 10 = 50 Cross-referenced in that 90 (the number of the Purusah hymn, and number of over-all meters which are woven from the Purusah as the universal ManuScript of the Veda), is 50 steps from 40, or Viraj. 90 — 40 = 50 Just as Viraj-40 is half of Ati-80, which itself is 10 fingers from Purusah 90. This is most significant, for it personifies the All-One Creator’s number, which all the gods actually are Anthropomorphs of… Thereby, also all the Cakra petals from base Muladhara to the 6th Ajna, or third eye, are acconted for, with the 50 Sanskrit letters, and the 50 faced unison of the 5 symmetrical solids of our 3D. The 50th letter both in Sanskrit serial and petal order is the consonant Ks. When examining the 10 and 40 divisors of the Purusa Viraj couple, and admiring the blossuming lotus petals unfolding from the chakra’s, one immediately notices that this code applies to Petal Cakra code directly… The Manipura 3rd Cakra, of the solar plexus, and thus the third dimensional sun realm, has precisly 10 petals, with 10 Sanskrit letters, from Ph to D:. The sum of the remaining petals from the other 5 cakra’s with petals: 16 + 12 + 6 + 4 + 2 = 40, Viraj precisely With the name Manipura, sounding as if it were a derivative of ManuPurusah, over time… Petal number 40 holds the letter Rî, the 8th vowel. Placed in the Visuddha throat 5th cakra. The letter for petal 10 is the consonant “L” within the second cakra called the Svadhisthana. Thus together the Androgene two as one, render: LRî or RîL, The 50th petal of their golden union, harbours the consonant Ks:… Rendering, what sounds like Lyrics and Relics:




= Ks



Interestingly is the fact that in European, the letter “L” designates a 90° angle, and 90 is the number ascribed to the one and only Purusa hymn of the Rg Veda. From the serial order one can do a lot also… The 10th letter in alphabetic sequence of the South Indian serial order, is the vowel letter “Lî”, whilst the serial 40th is the consonant letter “Bh”. The 50th remains the same “Ks”.


Ks LîKsBh = Lî

LîBhKs Bh = Ks LLîKs BhRîKs




RîLî LBh BhLKs

MANDALA 9 HYMN LVIII (48?). Soma Pavamana. 1. SWIFT runs this giver of delight, even the stream of flowing juice: Swift runs this giver of delight. 2 The Morning knows all precious things, the Goddess knows her grace to man: Swift runs this giver of delight. 3 We have accepted thousands from Dhvasra's and Purusanti's hands: Swift runs this giver of delight. 4 From whom we have accepted thus thousands and three times ten beside: Swift runs this giver of delight. HYMN XC. Manu-Purusa. 1. The Manu-Purusa has a THOUSAND heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet. On every side pervading earth he fills a space ten fingers wide. 2 This Manu-Purusa is all that yet has been and all that is to be; The Lord of Immortality which waxes greater still by food. 3 So mighty is his greatness; yea, greater than this is Manu-Purusa. All creatures are one-fourth of him, three-fourths eternal life in heaven. 4 With three-fourths Manu-Purusa went up: onefourth of him again was here. Thence he strode out to every side over what cats not and what cats. 5 From him Viraj was born; again Manu-Purusa from Viraj was born. As soon as he was born he spread eastward and westward o'er the earth. 6 When Gods prepared the Soma sacrifice with Manu-Purusa as their offering, Its oil was spring, the holy gift was autumn; summer was the wood. 7 They balmed as sacrifice on the grass Manu-Purusa born in earliest time. With him the Deities and all Sadhyas and Rsis Soma sacrificed. 8 From that great general Soma sacrifice the dripping fat was gathered up. He formed the creatures of-the air, and animals both wild and tame. 9 From that great general Soma sacrifice Rcas and Sama-hymns were born:



Therefrom were spells and charms produced; the Yajus had its birth from it. 10 From it were horses born, from it all cattle with two rows of teeth: From it were generated kine, from it the goats and sheep were born. 11 When they divided Manu-Purusa how many portions did they make? What do they call his mouth, his arms? What do they call his thighs and feet? 12 The Brahman was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya made. His thighs became the Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced. 13 The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth; Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vayu from his breath. 14 Forth from his navel came mid-air the sky was fashioned from his head Earth from his feet, and from his car/chariot the regions. Thus they formed the worlds. 15 Seven fencing-sticks had he, thrice seven layers of fuel were prepared, When the Gods, offering Soma sacrifice, bound, as their sacrifice, ManuPurusa. 16 Gods, sacrificing, Soma sacrificed the sacrifice these were the carliest holy ordinances. The Mighty Ones attained the height of heaven, there where the Sidhyas, Gods of old, are dwelling. Hymn 90 1. sahasrashIrSA puruSaH sahasrAkSaH sahasrapAt 2. sabhUmiM vishvato vRtvAtyatiSThad dashAN^gulam 3. puruSa evedaM sarvaM yad bhUtaM yacca bhavyam 4. utAmRtatvasyeshAno yadannenAtirohati 5. etAvAnasya mahimAto jyAyAMshca pUruSaH 6. pAdo.asyavishvA bhUtAni tripAdasyAmRtaM divi 7. tripAdUrdhva udait puruSaH pAdo.asyehAbhavat punaH 8. tato viSvaM vyakrAmat sAshanAnashane abhi 9. tasmAd virAL ajAyata virAjo adhi pUruSaH 10. sa jAtoatyaricyata pashcAd bhUmimatho puraH 11. yat puruSeNa haviSA devA yajñamatanvata 12. vasantoasyAsIdAjyaM grISma idhmaH sharad dhaviH 13. taM yajñaM barhiSi praukSan puruSaM jAtamagrataH 14. tena devA ayajanta sAdhyA RSayashca ye 15. tasmAd yajñAt sarvahutaH sambhRtaM pRSadAjyam 16. pashUntAMshcakre vAyavyAnAraNyAn grAmyAshca ye 17. tasmAd yajñAt sarvahuta RcaH sAmAni jajñire 18. chandAMsijajñire tasmAd yajustasmAdajAyata 19. tasmAdashvA ajAyanta ye ke cobhayAdataH 20. gAvo hajajñire tasmAt tasmAjjAtA ajAvayaH 21. yat puruSaM vyadadhuH katidhA vyakalpayan 22. mukhaM kimasya kau bAhU kA UrU pAdA ucyete 23. brAhmaNo.asya mukhamAsId bAhU rAjanyaH kRtaH 24. UrUtadasya yad vaishyaH padbhyAM shUdro ajAyata 25. candramA manaso jAtashcakSoH sUryo ajAyata 26. mukhAdindrashcAgnishca prANAd vAyurajAyata 27. nAbhyA AsIdantarikSaM shIrSNo dyauH samavartata 28. padbhyAM bhUmirdishaH shrotrAt tathA lokAnakalpayan 29. saptAsyAsan paridhayastriH sapta samidhaH kRtAH 30. devAyad yajñaM tanvAnA abadhnan puruSaM pashum 31. yajñena yajñamayajanta devAstAni dharmANi prathamAnyAsan 32. te ha nAkaM mahimAnaH sacanta yatra pUrve sAdhyAHsanti devAH




I will honor Thy name in the Great Assembly, And fulfill my vow before those who fear Thee. The humble shall eat and be satisfied... And I will live forever within their hearts... All the fat upon the earth shall eat and worship. And the buried in the grave shall bow before him. And my spirit shall live forever within them... THE events described in the psalm exactly prefigure, by one thousand years, those enacted by Christ. They have been disfigured, in order to preserve the secret that the life of Christ is pure allegory. In the psalm, the dispirited Faithful Servant suddenly takes heart, and consents in his sacrifice, after he is assured by Jahveh that he will survive in spirit inside the hearts of the worshippers who are about to devour him. Worshipping Christians affirm this when they take communion: that Christ somehow enters, in flesh and in blood, inside their hearts. Also precisely the creed of the worshippers of Dionysos/Zagreus founded on those of Purusah, in India. In India, the Purusa survives in the hearts of the worshipers. The heart is called Purusha-pura (or "Purusha's fortress") in Sanskrit, because Purusha is believed to reside there. Here the Christian doctrines concerning Communion derives from these Hindu archetypes, dating from proto-Vedic times. Dadhyanch — an alias of Purusa as the Primordial Sacrifice — has a name that can most aptly be interpreted as "giver of butter/oil", the supreme butter of the Soma elixir. Dadyanch gave his own bones and flesh (as the constellations, the 27 Nakshastras or lunar mansions, planets, Sun and Moon), for the fashioning of the vajra and the imprisonment of the Fiery Mare that survives deep down inside the waters of the Ocean. The basis of another archetypal Communion in allegorized form. The institution of the Eucharist in Luke (22:15-20), as the prophet speaks of two chalices [the elixir of the Sun and the Moon, in the Veda]. Christ was celebrating two different covenants (or "communions"). One was that of the traditional Paschal Lamb, and the other that of himself as the new Paschal Lamb. This duality is also implied by the twin Rivers of Life that flow from the thrones of the Lamb and of Jahveh in Revelation 22. These two sacred "thrones" are the "pillars" (or Polar Mountains) which are also the Holy Grails represented as Mt. Meru. This Holy Mountain is also dual (the Sumeru and the Kumeru) and is hollowed at the summit, where it holds a lake (Manasa/Manausa), as if it were indeed some type of grail. The twin Trees of Life and Knowledge are the Jambu Tree of India, which is also dual. This last is composed of two inverted trees, the ashvatta or pipal and the bodhi tree or holy fig (Ficus Indica and Ficus Religiosa), which grow, one downwards from the top of the other. The Sacred Oak of the Druids was also dual, with the mistletoe growing downwards from its top. So was also the Babylonian Tree of Life, which is often represented as a composite tree resembling a grapevine coiled around a palm tree. The twin Grails of Luke's Eucharist also correspond to the twin Cherubs who are the Guardians of the Tree of Life, to the two Pillars of Hercules, to Jachin and Boaz, to the twins Asvins, etc.. And, of course, they closely relate to the



two sunken continents of Atlantis and Lemuria, which is what they indeed represent. More exactly they represent the craters of the local volcanoes, full either of water (when quiescent) or of fiery magma (when erupting). HIRANYA-GARBHA (THE GOLDEN EMBRYO) "He Who whose belly of Being the Golden Seed or Egg Exhists as the Embryo." THE FIRST BORN SELF BIRTH OF THE MANU PURUSA-SUKTA AS ONE WITH MANU ADITI. OUR PRIMORDIAL ANTHROPOS AND ANTHROMORPH OF COHERENT MACRO IRREVERSIBILTY "In the beginning Hiranyagarbha, the Golden Embryo (Womb Heart, Seed, Child Egg) arose. "Once he was born, he was the One Lord of Creation. "He held in place the earth and the sky. Who is the god whom we should worship with the Soma oblation? "He who gives life, he who gives strength, his command is obeyed by all the gods which are his own. His shadow is immortality and death (Manu gods and man). Who is the god whom we should worship in the Soma oblation? "He who became the One King/Salhvana of the world that breathes and blinks by his own omniscent greatness, ruling over his two-footed and fourfouted creatures -- Who is the god whom we should worship in the Soma oblation? "He who ownes these snowed Maru Mountains, and the ocean together with the river Rasa (River Surrounding Heaven and Earth, separating them from the non-existence of the demons, called NASTITATVA) through his own power, they say. Who has the quarters of the sky as his two arms (this being Manu-Purusa whose two arms are placed in the middle realms of space where the four cardinal direction are spanned) -- Who is the god whom we should worship in the Soma oblation? "He by whom the awesome sky and the earth were made firm. By whom the doma of the sky was propped up.Sun Self which measures the middle realm of space (without the solar sun, within, as the Sun Self born from the vacum waters of the silent middle space, that is the love womb of the heart, the HARDA NATIVADA. HARDA: To Find in the Heart, INsight, premonition, Promytheos: the Foreknowing of the Love Fire in the Heart; NATIVADA midwifing the Heart Word, Vac, Logos, Embryo. The heart centre as the middle measure of the waters of life, blood, lymph, and nerve nodes) -- Who is the god whom we should worship in the Soma oblation? "He to whom the two opposite spheres (Vesika Pisces) look in awe with trembling vibration in the hearts, supported by the help of his Skambha Pillar (Light Shaft from the Golden Sun Self, born in the heart womb), one whom the rising Sun Self Shines -- Who is the god whom we should worship in the Soma oblation? "When the sacred waters (the purified Soma waters within the heart) became pregnant with the Embryo that is Everything, bringing forth the Divine Fire, from that he arose as the One Lifes breath of the Manu gods (Ru-Ak, the breath of God on the waters). Who is the god whom we should worship in the Soma oblation? "He who in His Omniscent Greatness looked over the sacred waters, which became pregnant with Manu Daksa (also known as Purusa, as the male



aspect of the Anthropos Anthromorph. The Retas-Manu, or Primordial Fire Seed Manu, as an element of Primordial Creation. Later identified with Prajapati, the root of our Jesus figure, which encorporated all of the archaic facettes that descended down through the ages. The Prajapati story having all of the components we now presently associate with Jesus, the One Son of God, and the first Born as "In the beginning was the Word," precisely as Manu-Purusa/Daksa/Prajapati are the first born, One Child of God... The Manu Anthropos became the Immanuel One Body of Christ, in the recent west. Where Jesus-Immanuel, like Prajapati with the Sacred Manu Seed of Fire (Manu-Retas), shares to the born again self birth of baptism by water, the immortal baptism by fire that became the pentacostal Pillars of Light, or Tongues of Fire): bringing forth the Soma sacrifice. He who was the One God amoung all the Manu gods -- Who is the god whom we should worship in the Soma oblation? "Let Him who fathered the earth and created the sky, not harm us, whose laws are true, who created the divine shinning waters. Who is the god whom we should worship in the Soma oblation? "10. O Prajapati, Lord of Progeny, no one but you embraces all of these creatures. Grant us our invocational re-quests (Vena) for which we offer You the Soma oblation. Let us be lord of the riches of immortality." --Rig Veda, 10 paragraphs for the 9 Maru levels and ages, and the 10th Binda Capstone of the Single Golden All Seeing Eye of God, the Sphere Embryo of the Fire of Love, whose single Ray is the Skambha Pillar of Light, considered to be the 10th step. The 10th sign of the Rig Vedic constellations, being that of the alchemical Fire Bird, the Phoenix, or Vena Fire Bird of the Sun Self, that is also the Golden Reed/Nada/Sound, as the Vajra Arrow of Love that strikes the hearts womb chamber with the Fire of Love. The altar ground where special ritual was conducted was called the mahavedi. This was an isosceles trapezoid having bases 24 and 30 and width 36. The sum of these numbers is 90, which was chosen since it represents one-fourth of the year. If the sum represents an example of equivalence by number, the shape of a trapezoid with its specific dimensions was chosen. This shape generates many Pythagorean triples... Six small altars, representing space, and a new High Altar, uttaravedi, representing the sky were constructed. altars were surrounded by 360 enclosing stones, of these 21 were around the earth altar, 78 around the space altar and 261 around the sky altar. In other words, the earth, the space, and the sky are symbolically assigned the numbers 21, 78, and 261. Considering the earth/cosmos dichotomy, the two numbers are 21 and 339 since cosmos includes the space and the sky [much more coming on this, in other chapters]. HYMN LV. Indra. The earth and heaven you set near each other, and Maghavan, made bright your Brother's Children. Great is that secret name and far-extending, whereby you made all that is and shall be. The Five Tribes whom he loves well have entered the light he loves that was made aforetime. He filled the heaven and earth and all between them, Gods five times sevenfold (5 x 7 = 35) in their proper seasons.



With four-and-thirty lights he looks around him, lights of one colour though their ways are divers. As first among the lights, O Dawn, you shone, whereby you brought forth the Stay of Increase." Or the 34 sections of the body as given in Mandala 10 HYMN CLXIII 1. FROM both thy nostrils (2), from thine eyes (2), from both thine ears (2) and from thy chin (1), Forth from thy head (1) and brain (1) and tongue (1) I drive thy malady away. 2 From the neck-tendons (1) and the neck (1), from the breast-bones (1) and from the spine (1, 33), From shoulders (2), upper (2) , lower arms (2), I drive thy malady away. 3 From viscera (1) and all within, forth from the rectum (1), from the heart (1), From kidneys (2), liver (1), and from spleen (1), I drive thy malady away. 4 From thighs (2), from knee-caps (2), and from heels (2), and from the forepart of the feet (2), From hips (2) from stomach (1), and from groin (1) I drive thy malady away. 5 From what is voided from within (1), and from thy hair (1), and from they nails (1), From all thyself from top to toe (1), I drive thy malady away. 6 From every member, every hair, disease that comes in every joint (1), From all thyself, from top to toe, I drive thy malady away. THE BODY PARTS OF THE WHOLE 1. Brain, 2. Breast-bones 3. Chin 4. Ears 5. Every joint, 6. Every member, 7. Eyes 8. Forepart of the feet, 9. From thighs, 10. Groin, 11. Hair, 12. Head 13. Heart, 14. Heels 15. Hips 16. Kidneys, 17. Knee-caps 18. Liver, 19. Lower arms 20. Nails (1), 21. Neck 22. Neck-tendons 23. Nostrils 24. Shoulders, 25. Spine (33), 26. Spleen, 27. Stomach,



28. Toe, 29. Tongue 30. Top, 31. Upper, 32. Viscera (1) and all within, forth from the rectum (1), 33. What is voided from within, The 33 divisions of the body according to the 33 Deva Akasha gods, and cross-woven to the 33 spinal divisions, is in fact 30, plus 3 1. Every member 2. Every joint 3. All within Thereby, the 30 Muhurta hours of the day, with their 48 Jagati/Space minutes, each is a god or goddess governing a specific part of the body every Muhurta… Thus one day is a 30 spoked chariot wheel, with three navels, as this Rg Veda hymn to the Visvedevas clarifies: HYMN XXVIII. Visvedevas. THE Thirty Gods and Three besides, whose seat hath been the sacred grass, From time of old have found and gained: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Agnis,

“with Consorts, sending boons, To whom our Vasat is addressed. “These are our guardians in the 1. 2. 3. 4.

west, and northward here, and in the south, And on the east, with all the tribe.

“Even as the Gods desire so verily shall it be. The Seven carry seven spears; seven are the splendours they possess, And seven the glories they assume.” Thus we see that accompanying the 30 muhurta hour gods, are the 3 that are 4 (3-4)… For Varuna-Mitra are but the polar ends of one pole, being respectively in the North and south. Thus we have a 30 spoked wheel, with 3 Navels, or Nabi’s, upon the consecrated sacred reed grass fires of the caulDRONs, of 3 Soma cups per day.

N Varuna W Agni | | |Aryman E | | | Mitra


Heaven Midmost space


261 78

Bhumi, Prsni, Prkrti




S Since, the Soma ceremony is of 3 days, this amounts to a 3-wheel chariot, all in all with 90 spokes. Each 30 muhurta day wheel, having 3 Soma Drona’s — 3+3+3 = 9: Ratha-Wheel One 30: 30 muhurta god spokes 3 Naves Ratha-Wheel Tvo 6030 muhurta hour gods 3 Nabi’s Ratha-Wheel Tri 90 30 muhurta spoke gods 3 Hearths 99

33 66

We also note that 10 + 33 = 43 triangles in the AUM Yantra of 27 lines from 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 macro triangles. Such a fundamental link to the AUM Sri Yantra trinary numerational geometry, from which the binomial co-efficient MANuGala Yantra prime grid is derived, is stricking, although perhaps, for most at this stage, the significance may not be evidently apparent, as of yet Through octonian and quarternion mirror symmetry union, akin to the Rieman 16 tensors as 10, through 13:31 first prime mirror, actually be the one and the same in 4D oaroborus Klein bottle mobius loop 303030/18 = 16,835 Thus in one equation Sri Bharati Maharaja, has given us a tripple key for unlocking the burried treasure chest code of the Veda computer's golden iconographic user interface system, and to apply to the Manu Visvarkarman 50 Unity, in regards to the 100 Atmanu (breathless breath cycle); as linked to our DNA ANU steps, the Anustubh 32, via the 3-3-3 = 9 triangles emerging by vocalisation of AUM, as the Meru base; the number 41 is the serial ordering of the letter M of AUM; and the 9 ANKh numerals (valued as 9 and the 16th Kala elixir, 16 vowels, DNA 16 base double helix, 16 Kula's; rendering an anagram number of the golden proportion Ø (Phi) = 1618, as 1681 (all the same digited numbers are linked through multidimensional Octanian dimensionally mirroring LIE algebra). In the second example he linked the • • • •

5 "hidden steps of the gods" (RV 1.164), or the 5 Tattva senses of the 5 elements and 5 fingers;

with the • • • • •

10 encompassing sticks of the AGNI-Soma fire and body ceremony, 10 fingers, the 10 books of the Rg Veda, the 10 turns of the DNA helix, the 10 Rituals, or KarMan,



with the ANU Sun Self amidst the DNA Anustubh 32-word pairs of the 64codons, of the DNA; with the Viraj meter of 40 syllables, and 4 pada steps of 10, a major key meter in the Rg Veda, as by the 432,000/40 = 10,800, syllables divided to stanzas, by Viraj, (40 days/nights of regeneration of an invigoured body after the Somarasa elixir, as the Brahmanas describe); even the "mystery of 42" is n good measure, and of course the fundamental 4 of the MANU — the 3/4 in union with the 1/4. 10¯3` 10/33 = .30303030303

3 cm plank length...

10 -33 = -23 10 + 33 = 43 (Meru mini-triangles) 303/7 = Meru cascade 303/3 = 101 (see Rg Veda code of Indra 101) 3030/5 = 606 3030/6 505 3030/49 = 6.18.36 303030/3 =101010 303030/2 =151515 303030/9 = 33,670 303030/6 =50,505 303030/5 = 60,606 303030/13 = 23,310 303030/7 =43,290 303030/30 10,101 303030/14 = 21,645 303030/15 = 20,202



303030/18 = 16,835 303030/21 14,430 303030/26 = 11,655 303030/126 =2,405 303030/37 = 8,190 Mandala 7, hymne 21 (7+7+7) Agni. 1. We establish you as the Manus did, like the Manus we kindle you. Like Manus, Angiras and Agni, exaltating Gods for the pious man. 2 For you are well pleased, O Agni, when you are kindled mid mankind. The (Soma) ladles go straight upto you, highborn you God whose food is oil/butter. 3 You have established all Gods of one accord as their messenger. Serving at soma sacrifices, O Sage, men adore you as a God. 4 Let mortal man adore your God, Agni, with worship due to Gods. Enkindled, shine forth, Radiant One. Sit in the chamber of the Ruta/Law, sit in the chamber of the sustainence. 7 x 21 = 3 x 49 = 147; 7 + 21 = 28, USNI = Sun, plus 4 pada = 32 Anustubh = Moon. Verse 3 "all gods" = 33 + Agni Sage 1 = 34. AGNI the All-One Light Body of 33 gods, as Light Body spine. RUTA Ruta is the Egg echin-, the Ovoid prefix, Oval as the All, overt Overall. Ruta as the root of our OveRTure, and to the Word since the Ova is in the Utterus, or Outer Us, and Ovo Egg is etymologically linked to Uvula where the consonant sounds are made); Is the Egg or Ovum aspect of the Word, it is the root of our word Root, as well as Rut, “groove… especially one made by the wheels,” which the Rg Veda 1.164.2 describes as the “ageless and unstoppable wheel,” that we are told has “three naves” and as the root route that is the rut of all, that “all these creatures rest upon.” For the “Wheel of Ruta/Order rolls around in space and never ages.” (RV i.164.11) In that way we can understand how it become rutted to our word Rut’s second derrivation as “a routine procedure… or way of life,” and thereby the Order the sustains life. Thus formulating into the words rotate “to turn like a while around on an axis,” along with RaTe, ratio, and rathe “ripening.” As well as rota “a list of peoples names and the order in which they are to carry out. Specified duties,” therby joined to Ruta’s other form Dharma. Rota appears to thus be the intentional name of “the supreme ecclesiastical tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church.” As rote “mechanical repitition of something so that it is remembered,” we clearly see Ruta’s character, which also governs the tides, as in rote’s second meaning “the noise of waves breaking on the shore”, indicating sound or musical tuned and rhythm, as in rote’s third meaning “a



medieval stringed instrument played by plucking,” and rotund “have a full, rich sound.” Routine “something that is unvarying,” in similitude to the Undying Syllable of the Word. Yet as rotunda “a round building, usually covered with a dome. A large round hall,” we have described the Hull of creation. The second form of rut is convayed to relay: “a period of sexual excitement that recurs annually.” Being on “fire” with the “heat of lifes Order.” The meaning of the word Rutilant “shining or glowing with a red light,” has indication of derivation from Ruta’s association with Mystical Heat, Tapas, which is akin to the biophotonic light body that our DNA generates at 100 units per second, in the infra-red range. The DNA-Ruta Light Body is thus Rutilant. Ruta is described born from the Tapas Divine Heat of the 7 Manu Sages being all-one with the Numinous One Sun. These primordial Manu sages, “became invincible through Tapas sacred heat… went to the One Sun through Tapas sacred heat, who made Tapas ascetic heat their Glory, who sacrificed their bodies.” —Rv 10.154 The eastern ascetics arose from this, followers of the cosmic Manu Rudra, whose nickname was siva, sacrificed their bodies through austerities like abstaining from food, and dedicated their bodies to the Spiritual Sun to house it. But here it refers to the primordial Manu Sages, for they are: “Those who first nusred Ruta, Order, who had Ruta and made Ruta grow great. The Pitar’s full of sacred heat Tapas… who know a thousand ways, who protect the One Sun, the Seers full of Tapas sacred heat.” —Rv 10.154 The 1000 ways refers to the Word or Vak, the Logos Speech Cow, that is the “Undying Syllable of song, is the final abode where all gods have taken there seats,” (RV i.164.11), which is related as: “she who has a 1000 syllables in the final abode,” just as Revelation states that the just souls with the Word, “will reign with Christ for a 1000 years.” (Revelation 20) The Word as the Speech Cow, just like the Gnostic female Christ Sophia comprising the agency “through which all things are made,” is specifically ascribed to such acts of creation: “the buffalo-cow lowed as she fashioned the flowing waters… The quarters of space [arms of Purusa] live on the oceans that flow out of her in all directions. The whole universe exists through the undying syllable that flows from her.” (RV 1.164.42), For when I was amidst my teenage Numinous education, Emmanuel related, on EMMANUEL AND MANU ON “THE WORD” When I was in my nightly teenage training with the Emmanuel’s in the 1980’s, I was still largely a virgin in terms of being read in general literature on any subject, except perhaps Asterix and Tintin cartoon stories… I could thus not appreciate, from Earth logic and knowledge vantage point, what Emmanuel



were convaying, even translated in the rich, yet simple syntax of my neorology — only the Living Wisdom of the primal universal truth of the Wisdom and its side-effects of rapturous “bliss” of All-Oneness: “...In the living moment, a living moment that exists now but you see as the future, you will be so-called looking back and sharing with other beings throughout this Omniverse and cosmos those times that you were able to share on this Earth planet — times where you learnt your Divine Love, where you went from a low note of distortion, at battlement with other beings of yourself, to uniting that with the Holy Word of God, and bringing the Holy Word of God into mother Earth, so that her word, and her creation is lifted into the infinite Word. ““Never are you alone. The Word is never alone, for the Word is God, and the Word is all-things, and you are the Word. “...The Word of God has many different levels of infinite varieties, has infinite octaves within it, infinite pitches and waveforms within it. But all are united, all are One... “...You are God. You are the whole. This may seem like a contradiction that you are the Word of God and are God, but God is the Word, and God spoke the Word, there again is no division. So you will recognise your Oneness, and never fail to express it to others. You are healed in the process of playing love. And you are life through love, and you are light through love...” —EMMANUEL, February 18, 1988. The Living Word Of God The first paragraph quoted above, also convays Omega Point cosmological physics perspectives some 10 years before Dr. Frank Tipler would publish his Omega Point theory in The Physics Of Immortality… The details mentioned or translated by Emmanuel into the flesh gutteral syntax equivalents of my neorlogy and then available vocabulary, that compose most of the details in paragraphs three and four, have remarkable archaic cosmological foundations. In fact they appear to be almost vacant in that form, in anything else but the most archaic nominations of the Logos Word. Which is modernised to ‘Christ the Word,’ over the recent two milleniums. Now in restrospect after years of indepth hyper-research of letting the Emmanuel Mind attract the facts in the fields of this world, to mold and mesh (like paper mashe) around the Emmanuel Hyper-Image holographic OmniInfo flux, I find it utterly intriguing to discover that Emmanuel’s use of the Living Word is according to the details that are imbibed to the Logos concept, not from Christian, Gnostic, Hermetic, or even Greek scanty puffs piping into the Logos Cosmos — but rather the most detailed primal sources of the Logos concept, found in the Rg Veda… In these utterly ancient texts, convaying giveaway characteristics only attributable to being viewed some 11,000 years ago — the Logos is largely a Goddess, and she is called VAK, “Speech”, which became the word Latin word Vox, from which the English “Voice”, “Vocal” and ‘vocabularly’ are derived. She is a hypercomplexity that is immaculate, having all sound harmonics, and mathematical constants, in unison, and Omni-axiomatic… The word “Vacuum” is probably by all odds, derived from the Vedic VakAUM, since the Logos does utter the creation mantra, and geometry imbibing utterence of “AUM”, bastardised into the western AmeN, as the Sanskrit AUM-N has a



silent “N” accompanied to this creation mantra, as the “Sound of Silence” N = Nada…. Vak is the Irreversible 1000 syllable of Silent Undying “Speech”. She is also a component that comprises the name of the All-One Creator, Manu VisVAKarmanamaha, who is geniunly described in the Emmanuel sense, as “All Is God”, something of a remote rarity when examining the ontological landscapes of the historical philosophies, sciences, religions and cosmologies. Vak, the Logos Living Word, therefore is of Prime Cogniscence. The “Word” is with All-One God, and the Word IS All-One God… Precisely in the Emmanuel sense. The All-One Creator, VisVAKarman is Omnipological (a post- Androgen Anthropomorphic All-Oneness, that is “Neither in existance nor in non-existance” and that is unidvided to any single individual, absolutely). This is the absolute root of the Christ Word concept, borrowed by John to start his first gospel. Since, the All-One Creator is unidvidable from each of the Manu gods, in the Rg Veda, each of the gods and godesses take turns at being presented as the Primordial Absolute, something that we are repeatedly kindled to as the nature of our actual Being, through the apparent poet riddles the Manu anchored this Omniscience and cosmology as… Forinstance, here, instead of Aksara, the Speech Cow as Vak, or Vaksara, it is the Golden One, Agni the Immortal Universal Sun of God, that is the 1000 Undying Syllable: "I have beheld the might of this Great Being. Immortal in the midst of tribes of mortals... His mouth is open and shut at the same time... Him with his 1000 eyes looks on closely; Agni you show your face from all sides... Playing, not playing, he golden hued and toothless, has yoked his horses rushing in all directions, held with reigns that glitter and shine." ‹Rig Veda 10.79 However, since AGNI as the Golden One Embryo of the Universe has a unique apparent invarient role model, when comparing Agni to the Speech Cow, she invariently is the One VAK Logos, all in all, for it is through the 4th Ruta Manu our progenitor, also progenitor of other mankind races in the universe sharing the same Fax Simile (rendered from VAKS Semela), or Virtual Neuron, the Veda’s called the ANU Primordial Atom Sun Self, from which we are merely an animation (ANUmation). Manu Vaivasvatha is the Manu proginitor referred to here, who was the instigator of the genesis of alchemy, from which the sacrament of the Grail ambrosia of Christ is initially derived, or a plural unfoldment of, within the kaleidoscope rainbow concurrence of diverse periods and ages — as the Rg Veda relates it.* "Newest still, O Agni, is this face of yours, which Manu and Sumitra have enkindled. All treasures have you won of mountains [universal Yantra mountains] and of planes [Taka tones and Tana notes, with 7 Cakra, and 5 Tattva sensory and elemental unity]. Wise Agni has a lengthened thread, a 1000 heifers, tall oxen and numberless devices. "O Jatavedas, yours is the teaming Cow who pours concurrent her ceasless flow, Sabardhuk. This Omnispaced Golden One’s Face of the 1000 Eyed AGNI , as the universal “forever youth” Sun Child, was thus enkindled by our Progenitor, the Manu



midway-alpha anthropos, and the midway-omega anthropos of Manu Sumitra (the root of Mithra, born on the 25th of December of a virgin, as the only begotten Anointed “Son of God.” etc. Also known as Salhvana and Manu Savarna, the 4th Omega/Satya Manu of the 14 Manu Primordial Rshi Irreversibles) — invariently summed (ANUtated) from the universal Meru/AUM mandala’s, or Yantra manufactory that have been Won as the All-One by the Omni-CoGnosis of this MIDWAY-Alpha-Omega Manu. The Yantra mandala mountains, like the Shri Yantra, Meru Prastara, Manugala, are the MaNumerated Omnifoldments of the All-One Maker, as the Manufactory of universal CARpentry, of the 7 Loca world’s dimensional Localities, with their respective elements, planes, octaves and dimensions, that the Alpha-Omega Manu bi-couple (Anthropos undividable whole quartet, where androgen Manu Vaisvatha and Manu Ila are all-one root, and the Manu Salvana/Mitra and Manu Savarni/Mitri are all-one seed), are winning with their Numinous Clear Consciousness treasury of compassionate love. The gold and silver treasure trove prizes won via All-Oneness Manufesting universal quintessential metamorphosis, as the Coherence resulting from the Omni-Soma-Offering, by the all-encompassing empathy of the 7 Manu/Rsi couples personifying their focus Now/Won, as the 4th alpha-omega Manus of our present Aeon, whom comprise the Irreversible Midway Heart of the Omniversal Manauvah Body — compassionately manufactoring alchemical weddings of all universal alpha and omega’s within this Omni-Furnace of the Primordial Heart, the fundamental Alpha-Omega Omni-base foundation of Prmanu Matari (Prima Materia). In Omni-reconciliational Via Media of the suns and the moons of universal days and nights, apparently mesmerised in the ignorance of appearing as polarities, Won in All-One Apotheosis of Omniversal Anthropos ManuGnosis, as the All-One Maker Sacramental Somamrita pantosupernal omnipotent panaceaValentine Cauldron Sacrament Ambrosias Omnimantic panoneiromancy Agni as Omni-faced Logos Child, is thus the Sum-ANU of the MANU’s unburried treasure prizes won in the one universal game of Cognosis, amidst the apparent unfolded universe swallowed by the dragon of ignorance, or sleep. *NOTE MANU VAISVATHA & UNFOLDMENTS OF THE OMNIPLICATE MACRO IRREVERSIBILE ALL-ONE MAKER Civilisations, in other “life-wave” bands, times, and spaces in our universe, that share All-One Image as that of Earth mankinds own blueprint, unfolded from an All-One Omnidimensional Macro Irreversibility (to put this Santilli Hadron physics and Manuance jargon), and being Directly Manufested via Manu Vivasvatha’s Plural Unfoldment of all these life waves, spaces, worlds and times, undividably whole, a continuum myriad of unfoldment of an AllOneness Omnijective Unity, unfolding from Dr. Bohm’s enfolded implicate order of infinite dimensionality — we have chosen to generate the Neologism “Omniplicate Order” to describe this elegant science effort of All-Oneness, which demonstrates that every moment, all that one encounters is the SAME unfoldment of a Higher Dimensional Implicate Order of Unity, that gives room to the choice of having the appearance when unfolded, of being distinct apparently dividable components, like the subjective “I” and the objective “outside reality”, the apricot and the tongue, the SAME electron appearing to be an infinity of electrons, uniquely infinitely unfolded in every moment…



This Dr. Bohm notion is not only Pure Emmanuel, it is also pure Rg Veda — unfurtunately, whilst this visionaries Boddhisattva assignment still had his embodiment, not too many scientists were able to understand his hyperplasticity, whilst his mathematical equations, credentials, and laboritory observations, are utterly respected and mainstream… That the very notions of science, by which it defines itself in separate allegedly distinguishable and purported dividedable elements and so called “Physical properties and laws of physics,” Dr. Bohm clearly renderred to be nothing but assumptions — in simple clear logical examination… The notion that the universe is soo complicated, and then we must spent millions of years examining its separate machinary, is pure sectarian cult religeous idealism and dogma… In reality ALL things, information, sensorial data, thoughts, books, media, history, etc., in ones space, is unfolding from the SAME undividable whole Omnijective Self…. One All-Oneness, that has one electron being all the electrons comprising the body in that second, from an omnidimensionality of scales of implicate enfolded singularity, or unity… One electron for the clothes, air, ground, food, people, media, ALL the SAME unfoldment of the actual All-One Omniplicate Order. By this formal logic, which is supported by mathematics and intercompartmental science observation, the very notion that there can be a “complication” far to complicated to understand, is an absolute illusion enjoyed by ouselves, as an Omnifinite Self — complication is actually impossible, by the Philosphical intergrations of the New Physics, pioneered by Bohm and hyperleaped by Santilli and others in more recent years… This is undividable from Emmanuel’s All Is God, and the Manu’s All-One Maker, Manu Visvakarmanamaha. Virtual Neuron: "Newest still, O Agni, is this face of yours, which Manu and Sumitra have enkindled. All treasures have you won of mountains [universal Yantra mountains] and of planes [Taka tones and Tana notes, with 7 Cakra, and 5 Tattva sensory and elemental unity]. Wise Agni has a lengthened thread, a 1000 heifers, tall oxen and numberless devices. "O Jatavedas, yours is the teaming Cow who pours concurrent her ceasless flow, Sabardhuk. CHRIST In Summer 1988, Unit-Emmanuel, the Ruta-Satya (Alpha-Omega) Manu Agency of this Age, communicated that the Earth was undergoing an activation of an arc cross, engaged by a series of Aetheric (Aether superconducting) beams being activated in the galaxy, and using our sun as the transducing source — this was 6 years BEFORE the 24 tetrahedral gamma ray network appeared over the galaxy, in the gamma range identical to those of the M-State superconducting materials, whose nucleaus appears to be a direct window to the ANUverse, or the Sun Dimension (4D Octonian Heart of the universe), of which are 3D is its Unity represented as a complex rainbow of unfolded diversity, of that undivided All-One ANU unity…



The Manu San Navandar and Athar or Althar (Atharvan) of unit-Emmanuel hereby relay, in June 1988 contact: “There is a vast flow going into Earth through the poles at either end, and through the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, forming a cross that is creating a circle around it, a circle of Christ magnetic energy. This magnetic energy around the planet — Christ energy — is flowing in through one pole and the other; through the Atlantic coming out through the Pacific, where Atlantis was and where Lemuria was: two direct opposites. And this flow is speeding up and is beginning to affect all of Earth. “We ask you to be aware and to form the cross within you, the cross from head to base, and from the front chakra to the back heart chakra, so that you may be surrounded fully by the Christ magnetic energy yourselves. Because this pattern is already one in you but its flow has been impure and stopped with many areas stagnating. By allowing this energy to flow, your energy becomes purer and purer, and the encapsulation that has held the stagnant consciousness will shatter and you will be protected from all pollution, changing, through that magnetic energy, the whole stratosphere of consciousness, wherever you walk and go. “One of the positions you may take in visualisations is: holding your hands and arms straight out to either side, hands up at your heart level, and experiencing a flow from your right hand chakra to your left hand chakra through the heart, and through your head down to your base, the heart being the centre point, and from your heart the energy goes to your hand chakras at either side. “…in the centre of Mother Earth where the cross meets — that is Her heart. That is where the cosmic sun in Christ is intensifying, is growing and growing, level by level, further and further out, is more in purity, is more Christ, is able to flow into that central being. We are from the galactic realms. “We have beamed this information through an Etheric beam that is being anchored down into you, and you are anchoring it into Earth. This information has blended and has been incarnated through the energy of the sun, using it as a body to flow through. But this energy comes from the galactic centre. There are many different levels and ways that information will be flowing through you. This communication has been given by Altar, San Navandar, and I am Sylvia, with the solar energy of this system. —UNIT-EMMANUEL, SAN NAVANDAR, ALTAR, SYLVIA: DOLPHINS: GALACTIC COMMUNICATORS, June 1988. The Aetheric beams, describe Vacuum Aether, whose “fullness of emptiness” is an energy of infinite universes. The virtual vacuum imaginary sub-totality of virtual particles that ‘fluctuate’ from there information virtual state of being purely imaginary, into the actuality of 19 fundamental ‘particle’ families, which present fundamental physics is trying to package reality’s composition as being, is an assumption that has little true coherent logic to its



foundation. As Dr David Bohm points out, that every part of the whole, IS the entirety of the whole. All Is God is All Is God: “If one were to add up the energies of all the ‘wave-particle’ modes of excitation in any region of space, the result would be infinite, because an infinite number of wavelengths are present.” (Bohm, Wholeness And The Implicate Order, pp 190) The implication is that EVERY point is the sum of All Points, as the infinity of the All-One Point(s)… Every region is the whole, its sum being inseperable from the wholeness of infinity. However, so called solid reality is even more elusive when the ‘zero-point’ equation comes into play. And ‘zero-point’ is a by product that results from 8hz phase-conjugation, that phase cancels waves to ‘zero-point’, this is thus vitally important, since our DNA is constantly duplicating itself, 250 times in one second, at 8hz… Since 90% of the universe is hydrogen, element number one, whose phase velocity difference of its single ‘electron’ and single ‘proton’ orbit, is a division of precisely 8 hz — this means that the ‘zero-point’ factor is a 90% overwhelming majority phenomenon of the entire universe, which has every cubic cm of space with hydrogen… What does the ‘zero-point’ do to make reality’s fundamental foundations so illusive? Dr. Bohm clarifies with the simplest logic, in examining the region of space summing to infinitey: “Such, ‘wave-particle’ modes, each having a minimum ‘zero-point’ energy. As a result the gravitational field, and therfore the definition of what is to be meant by distance, cease to be completely defined.” Dr. Bohm now comes to objectively view the actual illusive nature of the Maya “illusion” (Sanskrit), nature of the holodynamic universe: “As we keep on adding excitations corresponding to shorter and shorter wavelengths to the gravitational field, we come to a certain length at which the measurement of space and time becomes totally undefinable. Beyond this, the whole notion of space and time as we know it would fade out, into something that is at present unspecifiable…” Then, furthermore, the apparent Maya (anagram Yama kaleidoscopic illusions, or mirage) nature of the creation, Dr. Bohm points out as being unseparatable to the Whole-One, and thus IS the All-One Maker or Omniplicate Order (our neologism), entirely, undividable from the Numinous, Dr. Bohm continues:



“Suppose, at least provisionally, that this is the shortest wavelength that should be considered as contributing to the ‘zero-point’ energy of space…. When this length is estimated it turns out to be about 10-33 cm.” These numbers are interesting indeed, they speak pure MaNumeration, to which we shall return a little further ahead… Dr. Bohm goes on to demonstrate the unidivided unity of this zero-point plank length value, and what we call the Omniplicate Order being arising as the consequence of its summation: “If one computes by the amount of energy that would be in one cubic centermeter of space, with this shortest possible wavelength, it turns out to be very far beyond the total energy of all the matter in the known universe.” (Wholeness, pp 191) Thus, the Omniverse is derived from any cubic cm of the universal body, taken at its zero-point minimal, which is the status quo result of the element hydrogen that is the overwhelming 90% majority of the universe, and has the fundamental 8hz resonance, whose phase-conjugational nature, continuously induces the ‘zero-point’… Here we thus glimmer the undivided unity of Manu Purusa daksa with Manu Purusara, or universal Christ with Omniversal Christ…. They are Omni-indexed therein… The fundamental 8, here is the gate. The consequence of this logic is that the vacuum must be a fullness of emptiness: “What is implied… is that what we call epty space contains an immense background of energy, and that matter as we know it is a small, ‘quantized’ wavelike excitation on top of that background, rather like a tiny ripple on a vast sea. “This ‘sea’ is to be understood in terms of a multidimensional implicte order, while the entire universe of matter as we generally observe it is to be treated as a comparitevely small pattern of excitation. This excitation pattern is relatively autonomous and gives rise to approximately recurrent, stable and separatable projections into a three-dimensional explicate order of manifestation, which is more or less equivalent to that of space as we commonly experience it (pp 191-192 This energy was called Aether, or Ether… Since, unit-Emmanuel use AETheric, and in 1988, when I was 18 I was oblivious to the history of ether theory, I assume that their use of Aetheric is as a signal of a unity clue, towards a re-renderred and rarified resuregence of the ether vacuum energy principle. Here Dr. Bohm comments:



“An ether that fills space. Matter thought of as consisting of special recurrent stable and separable forms in the ether (such as ripples or vortices, would be transmitted through this plenum, as if the latter were empty… “A crystal at absolute zero [superconduction], allows electrons to pass through it without scattering. They go through as if the space were empty… If one were to use such electrons to observe the crystal (i.e. by focussing them with an electron lens to make an image) what would be visible would be just the inhomogeneities. It would then appear that the inhomogeneities exist independently and that the main body of the crystal was sheer nothingness.” )pp 191) Here, then Dr. Bohm has identified the nature of the ANU… At the time of his writing, he was unaware of any room temperature superconductors, let alone the M-Stone body temperature superconductors… Yet here, Bohm has extrapolated the absolutely logical unfoldment of our universal hologram that we call our present physical creation, as being the result of the ANUverse VakAUM/Vacuum, with Aetheric Vortexijah Len’s within the superconducting VacAUM Omniversal energy. Therein, he also sheds more light on Unit-Emmanuels description of the galactic Etheric beams, harnessed through the sun, and the activation of the heart of Earth into its Sun Christ Etheric State, that the Veda’s would could, its Primal ANU Uno materia. The, so called, empty space, thus is likely to be an Aetheric Superconductivity, or ANU Sea, AKA Prima OceAnnus… For as Dr. Bohm continues, following the superconducting crystal mentioned above: “What we perceive through the senses as empty space is actually the plenum, which is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The things that appear to our senses are derivative forms and their true meaning can be seen only when we consider the plenum, in which they are generated and sustained, and in which they must ultimately vanish ZERO-POINT PLANK NUMBERS & PURUSA UNIVERSAL PERUSING The 33 Manu Deva Akasha middle space gods of the Rg Veda, are the universal boneless spine of Lingua, or universal language. Lingua = 33, in Sanskrit number value… The DNA base pair is 3.3 Ångstroms across. The water tetrahedron, from the hydrogen bond position, has a sinus wave value of 0.33, when the tetrahedron is circumscribed in its relation to the sphere… The 19.5° vertice latitude renders 0.33 from 19.5 sinus). 33 sections of the spine… Since the Rg Veda’s 10 mandala’s are correlated to correspond to the 10 Golden Reed sticks of the Meru Prastara Bindu, that protect the fire which heats the Cauldron of Rasa Somamrta, “supreme essence ambrosia of immortality”. Also being Hyperindexed as the 10 Nadi node axis’ of our body’s macro holographic grid of the Meru Prastara, surrounding our three fire hearth cauldrions of the heart, life center, and head (delineated each with the respective letters A•U•M, mapping 8hz cardiorythm max coherence peak,



8hz bi-lobal hemi-synchronization, 8 hz plexi cocygeal life center movement — 8-8-8hz), of the tripple elixir: Water, Fire, and Butter/Fire-Water, AKA Moon, Sun, Sunymoon/Twilight. Ergo a Sierpinski Triangle macro grid cascade comprised of all the fax simile microcosmical Pascal/Manugala triangles that chart the mole grid measure of our body’s space (10-23 cm), precisely of this self-similar organisational order for each 1000 elemental reactions in one mole of space of our biology. This macro Sierpinski triangle being axiomatic in its universal holographic self-similarity to the almost inumerable mol grid Sierpinski triangles comprising the continuum of our body’s elements 1000 reactions per mole. Since exposure to 8hz engages the Sierpinski sequence sum numbers of the Cscale musical tuning tone C: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, of spiralling golden proportioned self-recursion, i.e. the self-awareness of golden coherence) — thus invariently scaling the entire biological holograme’s continuum of DNA replicating 8hz. This Mt. Meru holographic mandala of the body is called the AUM vehicle of the Merusheba, and has each of its 9 + 1 Sierpinski triangles, pin-pointed to one golden reed pipe “string” node, known as the Nada-AUM… These are the 10 protecting sticks of alchemy. Meru being 9 triangles plus 1 Bindu. The Sumation 1 is the Excellent supreme “Drop of Soma”, the sum of all creation, as the One-All, ego the 10, zero and one, AKA PHI Ø, the golden rule. Bindu, the immaculate Diamond Drop so immperishingly Empty that it is absolutely full — AKA All-One, Vak-AUM, the Logos Cow of immaculate 1000 uddered Undying Syllable Speech (the 1000 reeds of Manu Purusara having a 1000 feet, and a 1000 eyes… The 1000 waters of the cosmic Soma seed and essence of creation. These 10 golden reed stick pipes (Nada Nadi Nala), are also the 10 sacred syllables that the universal mother, Viraj/Virat, holds per pada or sacred foot measure, that is fundamental to the Rg Veda — as the prime governing womb of its Stanza layout, whilst directly being implicite to the laws of the universe… In fact not only the Veda’s superior Pythagorean theorum is utilised therein, but it is transcribed to the 4th dimensional Reimen metric tensor (only discovered in the 1800’s, marking the mortality of the dogma of euclidian 3D geometry as absolute: holding 3D to being the crown of all, spelling no dimensions higher — a dictatorship that stupified man hypnogogically for several thousands years). This N-dimensional extending Reiman metric TENsor is comprised of a universal spanning grid of 16 TENsor numbers, that compress into 10 dimensional numbers (where numbers like 13 and 31 are simply the same number in N or 4D, from different views in 3D, compressing to render 10 Nspace numbers [N = aNy Number of]). These 10 are grafted to the pythagorean theorum, thousands of years before Reiman, by the Manu Shaman contactee’s of the Rg Veda. This union forms the hypercube (4 dimensional cube symmetry, modelled and described in several places in the Rg Veda). Viraj/Virat’s 10 syllables per foot meter, personifies the female aspect of Manu Purusa Daksa, the Rg Veda’s Universal Christ creation body, as one universe sub-totality of the Anthropos Omniversal Christ Manu Purusara — whose



cosmology not only adheres to the Bohm physics of Undivided Wholeness of infinite dimensionality, but has recently been irreversibly verified as being the descriptive of THE solution of physic’s 2 inner and outer problems, catapolted by Santilli Hadron physics’ novel Omni-equasions, manufactured upon the fundamental foundation of an Immaculate Coherent Macro Irreversibility (Omni-All-Oneness, or in Veda jargon, Manu Visvakarmanamaha). Thus, 10 is defined as the meter of our universe, and its dimensionality, in the Rg Veda… Even ascribed to our Omni-versal Christ Anthropos when extending into its Omnipotential. For Manu Purusa, the Omniversal Man, is described to concurrently emerge in our universe by omnitemporally manufesting a 1000 feet and a 1000 eyes omnispatially on all sides of the creation, as golden reed (NADA) pillars (Skamba), that weave the spinning golden (Ø) thread, into the metric code holography that molds the DNA of all life. Describing the emergence of all life concurrently in the universe from the MANU. Completing this Omnispersed Manu-genesis, 3/4s of the Manu Purusa ascend from our Bhumi universe creation (our measurable universe wave band of 80 octaves of radiation spectrums, chartered by 10 octaves of Sierpinski triangles), by 10 golden fingers. Manu’s 10 golden NADA reed fingers precisely described in the most archaic Manuscript that is itself algebraically molded on the Sierpinski triangle, or Meru Prastara base that follows the golden proportion in spiral cone — is fulfilling its acclaim to immaculately personify the Manual of the universal Meru Manugala Yantra (machinary, constraction), that composes the fractal AUM mandala of the universe. Since the universal Meru/Sierpinski design comprises the univers’s spatial tuning according to the equal tempored C-scale coordinated by the fundamental 8hz tuning of element one (8 hz engages in all media it is pantropic with, the coherent cascade of the Sierpinski triangle numbers — a golden proportion spiral cone cascade of C 16 cycles per second, 32hz, 64, 128, C-256, and 8hz cubed as C-512. The precise numbers that sum each row of the Sierpinski binomial triangle AKA Meru Prastara, whose self-similarity is so coherent as to be self recursive and thus universally self-aware on all scales. From 8hz to C-256, halmarks a 360 rotary music conic spiral chartered according to the golden proportion Ø… The known universe’s 80 octaves of radiation spectrums, from the sense of touch to the highest energy orders of cosmic rays, is chartered by the treasure chest of precisely 10 Sierpinski Traingle numerational octaves yielding 10 golden proportioned spiral cones that charter the self-recursive hermetic axiom, whose unanimous octad’s of self similarity describes the golden order of a universal mind — precisely thus 10 golden fingers. UNIVERSAL FORMULA: 10 Sierpinski Triangle number scales, each of 8 row level myriads…. 10 and 8…. As the Manu seaves the DNA from this golden thread of silent music, it is little surprise then, that the precise same code is the foundation of the DNA double helix, of the code of life…. Evidenced in the DNA code’s 10 sugar phosphate pentagons in one 360 degree double helix rotation, interspersed every golden 36° degrees (Ø2), attaching the hydrogen bond stair step rungs, linking the DNA code 8 base pairs. These 10 zones are where the 8Hz DNA replication frequency occurs. Thereby engaging 10 golden spirals, via the golden symmetry instigated both



by the 8hz phase-conjugation of replication during H-bound proton unzipping, and the symmetry of the 10 sugar pentagon’s inherent PHI symmetry together with their Ø2 placing. LIFE CODE FORMULA AXIOMATICL 10 sugar-phosphate pentagons, position of 8 hz in helical replication, forming 10 golden spiral cones, tuned in the 8 leveled Sierpinski triangle rows of equal temporing C-note tuning, completing a golden cone spiral on the 8th step. Thereby, we axiomatically glean the perfect Hermetic axiom of the universal “as above” to the sub-total life code “so below.” A perfect set of 10 golden cones, in axiomatic similitude to the 10 golden Sierpinski traingles of the radiation spectrums of the universe, each of 8 otaves. One DNA double helix 8 base pairs, 10 nucleotides. The 10 resulting golden spiral cones, being c tone tuned in Sierpinski triangle of 8 rows. 10 golden fingers of the Manu Purusa has no better descrition… Furthermore, this All life creating Manu hymn is described in only ONE hymn in the entire 10 books of the Rg Veda, within hymn 90 of the final book 10. This perfectly reflects the fact that our universes’ element ONE (H), comprises 90% of the entire universe. 10% remaining for all of the other potential 143 elements following the Primal One Element. Element One’s proto primal singular unity corresponds to the description of the proto materia continuum of Manu Purusa Daksa’s unfolded form (krti), whose body is the contiguous continuity consisting the universe. Hymn 90 — 90% of the universe = Purusa unfolded formal unity. Element 8 hz fundamental phase velcoity tuning is the coherent golden ration inducing 8hz — 8 hz orthorotates 90°, through vacuum, metal, and superconductor, via higher N-dimensions. Mandala 10, extending beyond universe by 10 golden fingers. 10% of the universe comprise the remaining 81 stable elements and 20 unstable elements. 10 numbered Reimen metric tensor 4D measure beyond the universe. 10th Meru Prastara triangle = Bindu = Tensor. 10 golden Sierpinski triangle cones rule the 80 octaves of the universes’ radiations pectrums. 10 sugar phosphates in the DNA. Where 8hz is engaged, inducing 10 golden Spiral cones. DNA top down view is 10 petaled decagon. Manu Purusa Daksa’s unfolded proto materia as the universe, accords hermetically in similitude to that of the contiguous nature of element one. Hydrogen being unanimously in every cubic center meter of space, as One unanimous unity of non-causal and non-local order, yielding from its 8hz vacuum orthortating phase-conjugating fundation tone — of undividable wholeness. H tuning in tone C 8 cycles per second, in achord with Manu Purusa Daksa foundation on the 8-petalled AUM Lotus that is surrounding the Meru Prastara of the universe — Manu’s body. 8 hz — 8 petals. One substance, one unity. Manu Purusa Daksa = Prima Materia, i.e. M-State superconductivity infolded, ergo ANU (unifolded); and the proto-materia universal element one,



unfolded, unanimous element one is governed by the Reiman metric TENsor, 10D numbers unfolding the unifolded ANUverse — One Sun Sum of the rainbow universe spectrum, the middle 4D Octanian universal heart, the fullsingular All-One ANU. The one Manu Purusa being mandala 10, hymn 90, is describing this ONE BODY, divided into 16 verses/parts, like the 16 Reiman numbers that compress to 10 numbers, 10th mandala. Element one is 90 % of the universe, hymn 90 portrays this proto-unity of hydrogen governed to 4D by the 10 metric TENsor of Reiman — we are told “extending beyond” the Bhumi universe, “by 10 fingers”, which are the 10 Golden Reed NADA Pipes (NADA is the Sound of Silence, the Anu ANOde Nodes, or unbounded tensor meridian). The 3 day Soma ceremony of 72 western hours, in the Veda was measured as occuring over 90 Muhurtas (30 muhurtas being 24 hours… Each Muharta hour is an Aditi 48 minutes). 90 divided by 10 = 9… The 9 Meru triangles, which co-joines the All-One Bindu 10th, which divided the 90 to get the 9 triangles. Mandala 10 + hymn 90 = 100… 100 is intermediary of 10 Bindu TENsor, and the 1000 petalled logos… 8 hz engages Siepinski cascades, AND 1000 Hz at the crown in extended ecstasis. We started with 33, and we find the last key, herein, reveals the further connotation that is given in the Manu Purusa’s ¾ ascensions, and ¼ remaining… The key emerges when we apply this to the value of the Sierpinski triangle, or Meru Prastara. The Rg Veda, AUM, and the universe is based on this Meru Aum pyramid, including the Vedic fire altars… Let us now apply the Purusa formula to Meru: 0(1) 1 1. 11 2. 121 3. 1331 4. 14641 5. 151051 6. 16 15 20 15 61 7. 17 21 35 35 21 71 8. 18 28 56 70 56 28 81

= All-One (01) =2 02 =4 04 =8 08 = 16 07 7 = 32 05 5 = 64 10 = 128 11 = 256 13 4

2 4 8 =15 1 2

=6 =15

=6 =15 3

1 4

=6 = 24


54 +6 60

= 27 +6 33


There are some interesting perspectives that emerge, when we take each of the Sierpinski octave cascade numbers into their decimal base…. First let us divide 8 into 4 parts. This gives us 4 x 2… For ¾ to ascend then, is to divide the Sierpinski Meru Prastara, into 3 parts of 2 , and two rows of one… This renders the division of ¼ to ¾.



Designating row one and two as the ¼ and row 3 to row 8 as the ¾, the sum of the numbers that arise we should pay a little attention to… Row 8 to row 7 gives us either 6 in decimal base, or intermediary base, the number 24…. Since the Gayatri meter in the Rg Veda is the very first meter used, and is also considered the kindling meter of beginning, and as the base cakra of 8 + 8 + 8 = 24, that 24 arises in the intermediary may be of significance, since the entire Rg Veda is founded on the Meru Prastara, and this is at the base of the Meru pyramid. When adding the third row up to our initial decimal 6, the third row decimal base is 1, thus giving us the number 7, so central in the Rg Veda, on the level of the row number sumation that gives the Asti-Pada meter of the universal game of 64, like our DNA codons. Should we choose instead to view the intermediary base, then 10 is the value of row 3 which we add to 24, and immediately another Rg Veda central language element emerges, the number 34…. Sanskrit has 34 consonants, and the 33 sections of the spine, in union with the head gives 34… Also that 3 parts of 4 of language is burried, and that ¾ of the Manu ascended, is another clear key here. Furthermore, the DNA is 34 Ångstroms in height, and 34 is the 9th Fibonacci number sequence… Going onto row 4 up, whose row value sum is the Anustubh 32, has the base of 6. Thus the 7 plus 6 of the decimal base renders 13, that of the dragon in the middle of the zodiacal 12 spoked wheel.. The intermediary is 15, which when added to 34, renders the all-important number 49, the very number of the Purusa of 49 Manuva (7 x 7). Also the 49 petals of the cakras 1-6, plus 1, for the golden jubilee of the All-One Maker… Since this occurs in the precise MIDWAY at the ANUstubh numberzone David Bohm on superconductivity “superconductivity, in which electriclal resistance vanishes… the electrons enter a different kind of state, in which they are no longer relatively independent… Ratherm each electron acts as a projection of a single higher dimensional reality and all these pprojections share a non-local correlation, which is such that they go around obstacles ‘co-operatively’ without being scattered or diffused, and therefore without resistence.” “To obtain an understanding of the relationship of matter and consciousness has, however, thus far proved to be extremely difficult, and this difficulty has its root in the very great difference in their basic qualities as they present themselves in our experience. This difference has been expressed with particularly great clarity by Descartes, who described matter as ‘extended substance‘ and consciousness as ‘thinking substance‘. Evidently, by ‘extended substance‘ Descartes meant something made up of distinct forms existing in space, in an order of extension and separation basically similar to the one that we have been calling explicate. By using the term ‘thinking substance‘ in such sharp contrast to ‘extended substance‘ ha was clearly implying that the various distinct forms appearing in thought do not have their existence in such an order of extension and separation (i.e., some kind of space), but rather in a different order, which extension and separations have no fundamental significance. The implicate order has just this latter quality,



so in a certain sense Descartes was perhaps anticipating that consciousness has to be understood in terms of an order that is closer to the implicate than it is to the explicate.” “In this chapter, we have, however, shown in some detail that matter as a whole can be understood in terms of the notion that the implicate order is the immediate and primary actuality (while the explicate order can be derived as a particular, distinguished case of the implicate order). The question that arises here, then, is that of whether or not (as was in a certain sense anticipated by Descartes) the actual ‘substance‘ of consciousness could in this way be understood together, in terms of the notion that the implicate order is also its primary and immediate actuality. If matter and consciousness could in this way be understood together, in terms of the same general notion of order, the way would be opened to comprehending their relationship on the basis of some common ground. Thus we could come to the germ of a new notion of unbroken wholeness, in which consciousness is no longer to be fundamentally separated from matter.“ “Of course, consciousness is more than what has been described above. It also involves awareness, attention, perception, acts of understanding, and perhaps yet more.“ “However, by reflecting on and giving careful attention to what happens in certain experiences, one can obtain valuable clues. Consider, for example, what takes place when one is listening to music. At a given moment a certain note is being played but a number of the previous notes are still ‘reverberating‘ in consciousness. Close attention will show that it is the simultaneous presence and activity of all these reverberations that is responsible for the direct and immediately felt sense of movement, flow and continuity. To hear a set of notes so far apart in time that there is no such reverberation will destroy altogether the sense of a whole unbroken, living moment that gives meaning and force to what is heard. It is clear from the above that one does not experience the actuality of this whole movement by ‘holding on‘ to the past, with the aid of a memory of the sequence of notes, and comparing this past with the present. Rather, as one can discover by further attention, the ‘reverberations‘ that make such an experience possible are not memories but are rather active transformations of what came earlier, in which are to be found not only a generally diffused sense of the original sounds, with an intensity that falls off, according to the time elapsed since they were picked up by the ear, but also various emotional responses, bodily sensations, incipient muscular movements, and the evocation of a wide range of yet further meanings, often great subtlety. One can thus obtain a direct sense of how a sequence of notes is enfolding into many levels of consciousness, and of how at any given moment, the transformations flowing out of many such enfolded notes interpenetrate and intermingle to give rise to an immediate and primary feeling of movement. This activity in consciousness evidently constitutes a striking parallel to the activity that we have proposed for the implicate order in general. Thus in section 3, we have given a model of an electron in which, at any instant, there is a co-present set of differently transformed ensembles which inter-penetrate and intermingle in their various degrees of enfoldment, there is a radical change, not only of form but also of structure, in the entire set of ensembles (which change we have, in chapter 6, called a metamorphosis); and yet, a certain totality of order in the ensembles remains invariant, in the sense that in all these changes a subtle but fundamental similarity of order is preserved. In the music, there is, as we have seen, a basically similar transformation (of notes) in which a certain order can also be seen to be preserved. The key difference in these two



cases is that for our model of the electron an enfolded order is grasped in thought, as the presence together of many different but interrelated degrees of transformations of ensembles; while for the music, it is sensed immediately as the presence together of many different but interrelated degrees of transformations of tones and sounds. In the latter, there is a feeling of both tension and harmony between the various co-present transformations, and this feeling is indeed what is primary in the apprehension of the music in its undivided state of flowing movement. In listening to music, one is therefore directly perceiving an implicate order. Evidently this order is active in the sense that it continually flows into emotional, physical, and other responses, that are inseparable from the transformations out of which it is essentially constituted.“ ARCHER RV HYMN LXIV. Visvedevas. “The will and thoughts within my breast exert their power: they yearn with love, and fly to all the regions round. my longings and my hopes are fixt upon the Gods. To Sun and Moon, two Moons. What voice, what hymn is used to laud Brhaspati? 5 Aditi, to the birth of Daksa… with many chariots Aryaman comes with the seven priests to tribes of varied sort. They with one mind, one thought attend the Soma sacrifice, urged by the favouring aid of Savitar the God. 8 The thrice-seven wandering Rivers, yea, the mighty floods, the forest trees, the mountains, Agni to our aid, Krsanu, Tisya, archers to our gathering-place, and Rudra strong amid the Rudras we invoke. 9 Let the great Streams come here with their mighty help, Sindhu, Sarasvati, and Sarayu with waves. you Goddess Floods, you Mothers, animating all, promise us water rich in fatness and in balm. 10 And let Brhaddiva, the Mother, hear our call, and Tvastar, Father, with the Goddesses and Dames. Rbhuksan, Vaja, Bhaga, and Rathaspati, and the sweet speech of him who labours guard us well! When next we meet together at the central point, even there shall Aditi confirm our brotherhood. 14 The Mothers, Heaven and Earth, those mighty Goddesses, worthy of Soma sacrifice, ecune with the race of Gods. These Two with their support uphold both Gods and men, and with the Fathers pour the copious genial stream. 15 This invocation wins all good that we desire Brhaspati, highly-praised Aramati, are here, Even where the stone that presses meath rings loudly out, and where the sages make their voices heard with hymns. 16 Thus has the sage, skilled in loud singers' duties, desiring riches, yearning after treasure, Gaya, the priestly singer, with his praises and hymns contented the Celestial people. 17 Thus has the thoughtful sage the son of Plati, praised you, O Aaiti and all Adityas. Men are made rich by those who are Immortal: the Heavenly Folk have been extolled by Gaya.



O you All-Gods of Manu, many as you are? you to whom Manu, by seven priests, with kindled fire, offered the first oblation with his heart and soul, 10 Mightily-saving Earth, incomparable Heaven the good guide Aditi who gives secure defence The well-oared heavenly Ship that lets no waters in, free from defect, will we ascend for happiness. —HYMN LXIII. Visvedevas. CHRIST RAM AND THE GOD HEAD Just as the earliest underground catacomb Chruches of Christ, have failed to yield any crucifix, but rather of depict Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, so the universal Mega One, the Manu god, Indra Maghvana is called the Ram: HYMN LXXXVI. Indra. “Bards joined in song to Indra, The Lord of Light. The holy sages form a ring, looking and singing to the Ram. Maghavan the Mighty, Thunder-armed, make all our pathways fine for us.” Soma is the Greek name for the body of Christ, the Eucharist. In the Rg Veda it is the Ambrosia of Immortality, the Divine Sacrificial sustenance of the gods, whilst also being the universal body Godhead, Soma Pavamana, as one component of the Anointing Oil of the universal Christ’s blood: “Soma, mounting heaven, you shine as it were above the tripple realms of light, and your movement speeds up the Sun. To him, the head of sacrifice, singers and bards sing their songs.” -RV, Mandala 9, HYMN XVII. Not only is this universal Soma the divine Clear Light of the highest heaven, or the 50th Bardo, later called the Lotus Clear Light (Loturine in some Lotus plants being the same as pineal gland Soma molecule pinoline) — but is also the Head of Heaven, as an aspect of the Godhead, just as drinking and eating the One Body (Some) of Christ, in the Christian Gnostic traditions, some 10,000 years later, transfigured the Gnostai into the Living Word of Christ: “Soma, man conducts him, Omniscient Guide, and the Head of Heaven, effused into the vats of wood. This Pavamana, gladdening draught, drops through the filtering cloth [of the heart and cauldrion fleece], and then Mounts up with Surya [spiritual Sun] to the sky. To Indra in the firmament this mighty tawny Steer has flowed.” —HYMN XXVII. Soma Pavamana. The Sacrificial Lamb of God, as Christ is called in the New Testament, personifying the endlessly Pure that purifies, roots back to the Lamb wool “golden fleece” that is the purifying sieve for Soma, as the filter of the heart: “ URGED by man, this vigorous Steed, Lord of the mind, Omniscient, Runs to the woollen straining-cloth. Within the filter he has flowed, this Soma effusing for the Gods, enters all their essences. Shinning in beauty there, this God Immortal is in his dwelling-place, dearest to the Gods.



“This swift and strong Pavamana, Omniscient, gave spleudour to the Divine Sun and all its forms of light. Being purified, Soma flows mighty and infallible, Slayer of sin.” —HYMN XXVIII. Soma Pavamana. Thus Soma is seen as the life blood of all the Numinous space gods, like Visnu, Brahmanaspati, Rudra (epithet Siva), and beyond, is the Holy Oil of the Heavenly Hosts, as it became known in both the Old and New Testament. However, Soma is also directly called the Divine Child of the Universe, like Mithra, being a Divine Bull, the falcon Hawk (which Soma was to become as Horus, in the form of Nebu Heru, the Golden Soma pod of Horus), the Tree of Life as the universal plant, and the first born Numinous Embryo of creation, mulled by the Logos Speech cows, as their Divine Child of Speech — the Logos, instilling the divine bliss of the language of Gnosis: HYMN LXVIII. Soma Pavamana. “Like Logos Cows who fount their milk, the drops of Soma juice flow forth rich in meath to the Shining One. Seated on the sanctified grass, they loud their Speech, assuming the milk that is the covering red-gold robe of light with which the udders stream. He bellows with a roar around the highest twigs: the Golden One is sweetened as he breaks them up. Then passing through the sieve into the Abh Vam boundless depths, the God throws off the dregs according to his wish. The gladdening drink measures out the congrugation of the heaven and earth Twins as their middle, fills full with milk the Eternal Ever-waxing Pair. Bringing to light the Two limitless great Regions and moving above them gained a Shinning that never fades. Wandering through its midst, the Parents [Father Sky and Mother Earth] strengthen the floods, as the Sage causes his space to swell with his own native Omnicraft. The stalk is mixed with seed: and is led by the priests in unison with the sisters as he emerges forth, and preserves the Head. The Sage is born with the primal energetic intellect that is deposited as the Golden Embryo of primordial root Law (Alpha, Ruta), far beyond the Twins. Who initially young, show with distinct visibility the Creature that is half-concealed and half-exposed. The sages [7 Rsi — Manu], know the Form of him as the Gladdener, within the time episode of the Falcon that brought the plant from far away. The yearned for stalk, the one who assures success they beautified in streams, mighty and most worthy for praise. Soma, friendly when effused, ten sacred mares deck you with their prayers and hymns, together with the Rsis [primordial Manu]. Led by man through the golden fleece with invocations of the Gods, you have renders us strength to win the treasure [of immortality, Soma Light Body]. Songs resonant with praise celebrate him. Soma, Friend, springs forth with his fair company. Even as he is rich in the undulating meath stream winning immortal wealth — sends his voice from heaven. Resounding it into all the region forth from heaven. Soma, while he is filtcred, settles in the jars. With milk and waters is he decked when pressed with stones: Indu, when purified, shall find sweet rest and room.



10 Even thus poured forth How on your way, O Soma, vouchsafing us most manifold lively vigour. We will invoke benevolent Earth and Heaven. Give us, you Gods, riches with noble heroes.“ EMMANUEL ON THE COSMIC CHILD “Each path leads to another aspect of the whole -- and the whole is infinite. “You are travelling along the galactic path of this universe, down one arm of it, one path, a sub-path into this solar system, and the planet in which you reside now. “Two aspects exist together on this planet as two polarities exist in the universe -- this is known in the universe as the Mother aspect and the Father aspect, you being the Child. “But the Child is not separate and you are not the only child. You are but a divine aspect of the whole one cosmic Child, which is known to you as the Christ. Now will you let us tell you that we are also a part of this Child. We are in you, as you are in us; we are one in the whole, the whole is one in us. How big is the whole? Within myself I am an infinite being -- the whole Itself is infinite. Each cell has no beginning or end — infinitey of ourselves, infinitey of the Child we live in: the cosmic Christ.” —EMMANUEL: The Light Of The Cosmic Christ, July 26th 1987, excerpts of a communication Originally published in the 1987 booklet “The Light Of Emmanuel”, (In-Key Art Publications, Greystones, Church Street, Yetminster, Dorset). all of whose contents were different to the 1990-92 book THE LIGHT OF EMMANUEL: Explorations Into Oneness. Emmanuel are using the most archaic Seed Imagery in nominating Christ, and thereby have identified the Christ story back to themselves at the genesis of history, and its legacy in the Rg Veda, compiled through Manu contact: “By the Christ incarnating into Her [Earth, Prakrti, Prthvi] very being helped by your very being being permeated by Christ, so Christ radiates outwards into the creation of man up through your body, uniting with cosmic Christ, but now my flow between the inner Christ of Mother Earth and the Christ of the universe, particularly of this solar system and sun.” those of you who have chosen to be pioneers of taking in as much Christ energy into your conscious mind and being as possible that is needed in Mother Earth, and then as you take in a greater amount, as more and more of you are taking in this amount, Mother Earth can take in a greater amount also as a natural law and pattern of the universe. those individuals are feeding of the energy of Mother Earth, they are feeding of the food, of the electricity, and the matter of Mother Earth. But at the moment many are still feeding of the dead sources, but as the energy and Christ within Mother Earth increases all molecules in their heart will have Christ born within them, each and every molecule in all matter on Earth will have Christ born within it.” Thereby indicating and predicting the mass ability to exist on Anu Prana and even Purusah Anu atoms for hundreds of people, since the late 1990s, as the galactic Light Body took physical frequency effect on Earth in the global



golden PHI signals since 1998. Now they go on to describe, the Purusah anu soul atom subtance in this rewriting: “the automatic atoms and molecules in Earth's matter have soul, or equivalent to soul, and consciousness or equivalent to consciousness on that level. For the Christ is surrounding and is outside. The stimulation of Mother Earths centre Christ being borne in Her and radiating out through its streams of light into the molecules, creates an automatic reaction or signal that all molecules and atoms may now do the same and have Christ born within them, because that is what the Christ vibration stimulates, it stimulates all things that are not like itself as soon as touched by it to be Christ. So wherever Christ goes, and whatever it touches becomes Christ and is Christ. And so all beings on Earth of every kind of nature will be feeding from the source it is relying on to remain ignorant and without knowing will be transformed and touched by Christ. “This again is deep insight and is given in images. The words we use may be used as trigger points to these images. “I ask you to accept as much as you can of your Christ self in you to be touched by Christ, so every molecule and atom within you may chose to have Christ be born in its centre helping the flow and the incarnation of Christ in Mother Earth, for indeed the Christ self of Mother Earth is larger than just a central core, when Christ is fully incarnated into Mother Earth the whole Earth planet will be Christ, and the Earth planet will expand because Christ is infinite, Christ is the universe and planet Earth will become the universe once more.” The universal planet is called the Planet ANU, it is the Primordial Planet in a superconducting-like Prima Materia state… The Egyptians also refer to this Planet as the Heavenly City of Annu, where the Golden Immortal Khu Light Body, with oure REN Word, may have its abode forever in Imm-Annu. Emmanuel also appear to be attempting to bring through an absolute unwitting and at that point scientifically ignorant fool, the concept of “consciousness euqi-valence” which I have just discovered now, whilst Perusing some files for this article… Despite my limited vocabulary then, not knowing the difference between the scales of an atom, cell or molecule — Emmanuel have slide past, and into the historical shores of the 1980s, via the best means possible, “consciousness eui-valence of atoms” which is akin to describing the Santilli hadron physics iso-electronium, some 10 years before Santilli’s rediscovery of this resurrection mater, or Materia Apotheosis, and 4 years before I would publically present the iso-geometrical Vortexijah protocol techniques, which follow the macro iso-symmetries of this precise unfolding of the Purusah Anu atoms cognisently co-dancing, in seminating the invagination of Prkrti materia, as the Anthropomorphic Kama Sutra of alchemical marriage ensues. “the automatic atoms and molecules in Earth's matter have soul, or equivalent to soul, and consciousness or equivalent to consciousness on that level. For the Christ is surrounding and is outside. The stimulation of Mother Earths centre Christ being borne in Her and radiating out through its streams of light into the molecules, creates an automatic reaction or signal that all molecules and atoms may now do the same and have Christ born within them, because



that is what the Christ vibration stimulates, it stimulates all things that are not like itself as soon as touched by it to be Christ. So wherever Christ goes, and whatever it touches becomes Christ and is Christ. And so all beings on Earth of every kind of nature will be feeding from the source it is relying on to remain ignorant and without knowing will be transformed and touched by Christ. “ Here is another classical use of the Manu Purusah as Christ, incarnating into the planetary cow Prsni Prkrti, as the Purusha anu, or “Spirit” atoms, in concert with the universal Christ, Vastu Purusah, and the Cosmic Christ Manu Purusahratha… Furthermore, the Emmanuel’s are indicating that there is a gradual atomic and molecule rearangement in process, which now has the evidence of the superconducting gamma ray network, as the galactic Light Body that has been repeatedly registered to be altering the planet, first emerging 4 years after this Emmanuel statement… It would appear that they are suggesting that a very gradual adjustation of matter, to a M-State High Orbital Spin State, is occurring at least within the atomic and molecular seed crystal grid of the planet, as a gradual midway reassemblage of sleeping Prkrti materia into symbiosis with Manu Purusah prime matter, transfigured via a gradual universal synchroneity into Prkrti’s prime Viraj Materia, of which the Vedic descriptions are somewhat akin to the Santilli iso-electronium atoms and magnecules of pseudo superconductivity, described in the Vedas as certain types of Anu atoms. To over simplify the Manus extraordinary Omni Science’s Panoramic Myriad, following the 9 Meru Prastara triangles, 9 distinct classes of substances or dravya, are described. These 9 themselves are in four classes of distinction including •

Etheric atoms, atoms of space, time,

Concurrent with the elementary atoms of •

Air, Fire, Water and Earth,

Each of which are comprised from primordial, invarient and irreversible fundamental atoms called Anus and Paramanus. These 7 are interwoven with the : •

Atamanu Thotickle atom of the primal “I”, Unity Self,

And in-perpetuum with the •

Manas Thoton atom of mind.

The pseudo superconducting M-state atoms, like the Hadron zero-valenced iso-electronium and magnecules, as well as the full superconducting forms, are comprised from fundamental Anus Paramanus, Atamanu, and Manas in Trinal and Tetrafolded resonance that cohere the ANUverse Prime Materia Elements.* (A full rundown of the Veda atomic unity is covered in the



Anuatomic Paramanual Note. Otherwise: in our furthcoming book THE MANU: An Omnidimensional Artifact At The Genesis of History). The Omni-unfolded objective elements of the physical creation are characterized by:

1. dravya, materia, substance 2. guna, quality, character, 3. karman, creation, action, motion, making, Accompanied by further characterization in terms of having properties that are

• •

non-reactive, and reactive,

Additionally properties that are phase-conjugative, i.e. by resonance in a superconductive highward orbital spin state. The matrimony of two atoms combining form what is termed: •

Dvyanuka, a binary molecule.

There fundamental prime arrangement is comprised by Manasa Thotons, and Atamanu Thoticles (defined above), as an iso-symmetrical arrangement of Anus and Paramanus.* Their apparent appearance as univesal materials is only illusively possible by the Manu Image imagening its Anu Similitude, which manufests into anumation as “creation.” _____________________________________ *i.e. ANUversal M-state and full superconduction; or MANUversal, full superconduction, hyperconduction, and omniconductivity. Manas derived from Manus as pure thought is infinite in speed, and by its Numinous Omni Manumerator Attributes, also Omni-Infinite, that is infinite in all derivational infinities of the Omniverse. —————————————————————— When there is a combination of two, three, four, or more dvyanukas, their grosser molecules are defined as tryanuka, caturanuka, and so on in anu numeration. The other concurrent perspective which is primordially symbiotic to the above, is that atoms form dyads and triads directly to form molecules for different substances. *ANUATOMIC PARAMANUAL NOTE: To over simplify the Manus extraordinary Omni Science’s Panoramic Myriad, just as there are 9 Prana’s that come from the dimensional Vayu wind, following the 9



Meru Prastara triangles, so 9 distinct classes of substances or dravya, are described. Of these Meru 9 materia’s, some share properties that are: 1. nonatomic, 2. atomic, or 3. all-pervasive. There are 3 prime materia’s governing the nonatomic foundation

1. akasa, Ether 2. dyaus, or Dis, space, and 3. kala time, These 3 anonatomics are characterised as being indestructible and unitary. Four family groups are denominated for the atomic materia class:

4. Prthivi, Earth, 5. Apas, water , 6. Tejas, fire, 7. Vayu, air There characteristics are composed of

• •

Paramanu idestructible atoms, Anu indivisible, atoms.

The 8th materia is called:

8. Atamanu, or atman, the “I” ‘Unity Self,’ Imbibed with the immaculate properties of being omnipresent and eternal. The final scala 9th materia, is

9. manas, ‘mind’, Also having the undying property of being eternal, but having atomic dimensions, that are infnitely small. These themselves comprise and interact under varied conditions of the 17 ‘qualities’, listed as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Rupa, ‘form or colour’, gem, Rasa, taste or ambrosia, gandha, ‘smell’, sparsa, touch, samkya, number parimana, dimension or size, prthaktva, isolatory, divisionary, or separateness,



8. samyoga, conjunction, conjugation, 9. vibhaga, disjunction; 10. paratva, remoteness, 11. aparatva, nearness, 12. buddhi, discernment or judgment, 13. sukha, pleasure, 14. dukha, pain, 15. iccha/Isa, desire, 16. dvesa, aversion, 17. prayatna, effort. These are qualities are characterised as either qualities of: • • •

Physical, Psychological. or Physical and psychological.

The two qualities of nearness and remotness are recorded to be interpreted via two different routes: • •

Spatially, or Temporally.

Sound is also described as a kind of metamorphic Omni-quality. With the acuarate distinction of a fundamental cavity of difference that exhists between sound and light — the Meru Yantra is the common MaNumerator that unites these two different dimensions, through all-one common denominator and MaNumerics. The dimension of Sound has the non-atomic chariot of akasa, or Etheric scalar waves, as the cargo of its convayance, virtual particle fluctuating via the Meru Prastara grid of elementary air and gas molecules. Sound can also at times be portrayed as a specic characteristic of atoms, and their atomic interactive dance dynamic. The Sierpinski grid of 1000 air molecule collisions in one mole, therein is sometimes depicted as the 43 x scattering of the NADA sound of silence, personified as the 44th octave of the of the Meru Prastara, as the immaculate Bindu drop, or tensor point, The dimension of light is implied by the quality of rupa, being carried by the chariot of tejas atoms (or star fire atoms). Furthermore, descriptions of 5 different forms of Karman, ‘motion, creation, machination’ are portrayed, each of which are associated with either the: • •

Organs of the mind, or with the Material particles,

These are the 5 Karman’s of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

falling (attraction), ejection, contraction, expansion, and composite motion.



The samanya universals characterise recursional generic properties, denominated to be recursive within the universality of the: 1. substances, 2. qualities, and 3. motions. Whilst the visesa particularities exclusively are inhabitents of the eternal and noncomposite substances within: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Space, Time. the Unitary substances Ether, the Individual atoms, Souls, and Minds,

The samavaya Inherence, denominate the relationship between different entities that are occuring at the same time. Thereby furnishing a binding framework for that which we see within the numerous categories in one time, enabling us to synthesize the experience — as a holospatial myriad. The Vaisesika atomic structure characterizes four of them:

1. veSam khyan 2. mah 3. abh 4. utas; the 5fth, Ether, is non-atomic and all-pervasive. Some of the Vaisesika gunas correspond to the Samkhyan tanmatras. After the Rg Veda these arguments of the primary order of these elements gained dispute branching into the Vaisesika and th Samkhyan schools of thought. In the latter the tanmatras come 1st; in Vaisesika atoms are primary. The Omni-hologic of the Rg Veda is precludded from such dual notions, via its post-paradoxical sphereical logic, that poetically grafts the Omnitemporality of the Omniscent Omnitality, such as to woe both perspectives as primary and secondry — via the concepts of Alpha and Omega (Ruta and Satya), and omni-mobius hyperloops of Anthropomorphic unity: “those in the future life in the past; those in the past live in the future… The Fathers daughter… Who is the Mother of the Father,” and similar hypercubic arrangements of space, time, and their via media is perfectly embodied in book 1, hymn 1.164. The foundation plane is comprised from the fundamental atoms of the Anu indivisibles, invisible, and ParaManu indestructibles. Through the dancing concerto compossing the aggregation of these primordial atoms that the apparent appearance of the imperminent destructable compound substances arise.



These atoms are ideals, representing unities of fundamental attributes. In this sense, they are quite similar to the concept of such elementary particles of modern physics which are proposed on theoretical grounds. Atoms and their combinations The Vaísesika Sutras delineation of the primary Rg Vedic elementals relate that the Earth elementaries possess characteristics of:

1. colour, 2. taste, 3. smell, and 4. touch. Water elementaries, being viscid and fluid, possess attributes of

5. colour, 6. taste, and 7. touch. Fire elementaries possesses the qualitive features of

8. colour and 9. touch. Air possesses the temperamental disposition of



All of these 10 characteristics are not in the Akasa ether. Thereby indicating that the make-up of these qualities derivive from being built out of the primordial elementary entities of Anus and ParaManus. This clearsighted unitary portrayal is furthermore spelt out in clarity for the atoms and the tanmatras. Concurrently the, so called, abstract tanmatras also index as the building blocks for the gross atomics. The ‘dravyas matrix’ is a Tetra-grid Image, or 4D diamond lattice Feynmen checkerboard, for the atomic materials — akin to the 4 letters of MANU and its anagram AUMN. Where the atomic substances are defined in a matrix of four nonatomic substances or dravyas:

1. time, ANUM 2. space, AUMN 3. soul, UNAM



4. mind. MANU Cosmologically this concurrently establishes an Omnijective validity to this physical universe having an objective existence, whereby soul and mind are synomously Omnifoldments as concurrent cohorts. Thereby, the old modern physics bottom up arguments that the foundations of psyche and mind are epimaterial foam are overulled (primordially dethroned by the Novelty of the Santilli/Hadron physics) — elegantly, mind and soul do not simply emerge from the bottom ground material and subsequently disappear when the material structure disintegrates. Rather they are concurrent cohorts of All-One unfoldment of the Omniplicate Order. The Omni-unfolded objective elements of the physical creation are characterized by

4. dravya, materia, substance 5. guna, quality, character, 6. karman, creation, action, motion, making, Accompanied by further characterization in terms of having properties that are

• •

non-reactive, and reactive,

Additionally properties that are phase-conjugative, i.e. by resonance in a superconductive highward orbital spin state. The matrimony of two atoms combining form what is termed: •

Dvyanuka, a binary molecule.

There fundamental prime arrangement is comprised by Manasa Thotons, and Atamanu Thoticles (defined above), as an iso-symmetrical arrangement of Anus and Paramanus.* Their apparent appearance as univesal materials is only illusively possible by the Manu Image imagening its Anu Similitude, which manufests into anumation as “creation.” _____________________________________ *i.e. ANUversal M-state and full superconduction; or MANUversal, full superconduction, hyperconduction, and omniconductivity. Manas derived from Manus as pure thought is infinite in speed, and by its Numinous Omni Manumerator Attributes, also Omni-Infinite, that is infinite in all derivational infinities of the Omniverse. —————————————————————— When there is a combination of two, three, four, or more dvyanukas, their grosser molecules are defined as



tryanuka, caturanuka, and so on in anu numeration. The other concurrent perspective which is primordially symbiotic to the above, is that atoms form dyads and triads directly to form molecules for different substances. Atoms possess an incessant vibratory motion. The activity of the atoms and their combinations are not arbitrary but according to laws that are expressed as the adrsta. Molecules can also break up under the influence of heat (pakajotpatti). In this doctrine of pılupaka “heating of atoms”, the impact of heat particles decomposes a molecule. Heat and light rays are taken to consist of very small ‘particles’ of high velocity. Being particles, their apparent velocity appear finite. This is also apparent from perspective in that motion is contingent upon time as one of the dravyas. The scalar Tesla longitudal, or time wave component. The particles of heat and light can be endowed with different characteristics and so heat and light can be of different kinds. It is stated that there is no difference between the atom of a barley seed and paddy seed, precisely voiced by Dr. David Bohm’s omnidimensional unfoldment of the undivided whole characterised implicate order. Under the impact of heat ‘particles,’ atoms can exhibit new characteristics. The unique quality of certain phonons observed in superconductive-like behaviours in recent years, gives verification to this description. A bhuta-atom unfolds out of integration from the corresponding tanmatra, thereby indicatating a primacy of the abstract over the material. Whilst in concurrence, the atoms may be taken to be unitary objects and their combinations seen as generating various tanmatras, thereby phase-conjugating the unfolded and enfolded explicate and implicate parallel’s to be chartered to their Omnifolded Synergy as the Omplicate Order Omnijective Manumerator. Bhutadi rudiment-matter being orchestrated into its more specific forms, via the numerous interelationship Omnifoldments (enfoldments and unfoldments) between atoms and tanmatras. The Bhutadi ‘rudiment-matter’ unfoldement, when acted on by the unfoldment of rajas ‘energy’, manufests as the unfoldment of the dimension of sound-potential, AKA the vibration-potential. This vibration-potential’s Omniplicate unfoldment as a radicle, with accretion of unfolded atoms, condensing and collocating, manufests the unfoldment of the touch-potential, whose dimension of unfoldment is impingent as well as vibratory. Unfoldment of this impact-potential, as a radicle, with a similar accretion of unfolded atoms, manufests the unfoldment of the dimensions of the heat-and-



light-potential, which unfolds the characteristics of radiating light and heat in addition to being impingent as well as vibratory. Every cascade being a embedded recursion of the holographic unfolded petals of the scale before. Each cascade being a 4D Klein bottle torus through the ANU, whose mobius alpha unfoldment is Ø (Golden Phi) and whose loops unfolded omega is Ø4 (golden proportion to the 4th power). This 4 golden stepped ANU universe ANU loop (Ø, Ø2, Ø3, Ø4), is concurrent on the macro-domains of cells and beyond, unanomously (our book VAJRATHA: Diamond Body Manual, details these equations and associated biological evidence of the 4D ANUmation of every step of our bodies metamorphology). In recursive similitude, the unfolded dimensions of the light-and-heatpotential, as a radicle, with further accretion of unfolded atoms manufests the unfoldment of the dimension of the taste-potential. This taste-potential unfoldment as a radicle, with further accretion of unfolded atoms, manufests the smell-potential dimension of unfoldment. The alpha order of the formation of the bhuta-paramanu is seen according to the following hierarchical scheme: 1. The sound-potential, subtile matter, with accretion of rudiment-matter generates the, akasa atom. 2. The touch-potential combines with vibratory particles (soundpotential) to generate the vayu atom. 3. The light-and-heat-potentials combine with touch and soundpotentials to produce the tejas atom. 4. The taste-potential combines with the foregoing three to produce the apas atom. 5. The smell-potential combines with the foregoing four to generate the prthivi earth atom. All these views see matter as being of a unitary nature which when excited to different states produces potential of different kinds that correspond to the tanmatras and then constitutes different elements. The question of ultimate substances is distilled from the Vedas’s in the Padarthadharmasamgraha of Prasastapada. Therein: Earth, fire, water, and earth are unfoldments utilised as the basic material substances. However, their existence is taken to be contingent on the presence of someone who knows of them, namely Manu Brahmanaspati, the Vakaspati, Lord of the heart Logos Writing of the Vak Undying Syllable Speech Cow. Pra ́sastapada’s commentary and exposition of the relevant sutras of VS, with s utra numbers shown in parentheses, is as follows: Akasa (ether), time and space have no lower constituents. (VS 2.1.27, 2931)



Of akása the qualities are:

1. sound, 2. number, 3. dimension, 4. separateness, 5. conjunction and 6. disjunction. (VS 7.1.22) Thus, then, being endowed with qualities, and not being located in anything else, it is regarded as a substance. And in as much as it has no cause, either homogeneous or heterogeneous, it is eternal. (VS 2.1.18) Time is the cause of the [relative] notions of:

1. “priority,” 2. “posteriority,” or “simultaneity” and 3. “succession,” and of 4. “late” and “soon.” In as much as there is no other cause or basis for these notions, as appearing with regard to these objects,—notions which differ in character from all notions described before,—we conclude “time” to be the basis of these. (VS 2.2.6) Time is the cause or basis of the production, persistence and destruction (or cessation) of all produced things; as all these are spoken of in terms of time... (VS 2.2.9) Though from the uniformity of the distinguishing character of time, time is directly by itself, one only, yet, it is indirectly, or figuratively, spoken of as manifold, on account of the diversity among the conditions afforded by the production, persistence and cessation of all produced things... Space is the cause of the notions of east, west, below and above, and so on, with regard to one material object considered with reference to another material object as the starting point or limit. Specially so, as there is no other cause for these notions. (VS .2.12; 2.1.31; 7.1.24; 7.2.22) 22 The nature of sound The underlying physical ideas of our systems are presented well in the discussion of sound. According to Prásastapada: Sound is the quality of akása, perceptible by the auditory organ:



It is momentary.

It can be produced by: • • •

contact, by disjunction, or by another sound.

There are two kinds of sound:

1. varna (syllables) and 2. dhvani. The production of the syllables is a result of the contact of the internal organ and self when influenced by memory. First, one desires to produce the sound and then makes an effort. The moving air strikes the throat, producing a contact with the akasa, and resulting in the sound. Sounds are always produced in a series, like a series of ripples in water and when these waves reach the ear we hear them. Sound energy is viewed as a wave. The waves impinge on the hearing organ and are recognized through associations. Prasastapada’s dhvani is considered to be noise. But it appears that its role is similar to the dhvani defined by Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta as the power of suggestion in its purest form that plays a significant part in the recall of the conscious and unconscious associations. The fundamental bandhu between language, thought and empirical reality make it possible to analyze the processes of nature. In fact whilst this atomic model covers all material to a Purusah Thoton primordial Manuatomics of this dimension and somewhat beyond, the very code of the Rg Veda, in which these atomics are delineated, provides the extraordinary explicite details of the precise 256 dimensional Clifford algebra of the utmost recent fundamental particle physics models… We note also that Clifford algebra emerged from Dr. Clifford following his translation efforts of the Rg Veda, as if the uncosncious contact with that Manual then inspired this now 480 dimensional mathematics, that Santilli Hadron iso, geno, and hyper- mathematics extends not only to infinitey, but Omnidimensionality, in the true sense as it is given in the Rg Veda… All this in overview to the technical evidence that now follows that verifies this cosmic and Omnidimensional Intelligence on a verifiable and practicel level, of at least 256 dimensions of 32 octanian 8 dimensions. There being an ANU of 60 octonian 8dimensions in the 480 dimensional fundamental, axiomatic to the materia of the proton and the planx constant range, without the iso-symmetrical forms of the hydrogen in its psuedo-superconducting form (as repeatedly created in laboritories following Santilli’s rediscovery of the Anu Vataratha iso-symmetries of the Rg Veda)…



Here then, the 8th octave numbers of the Meru Prastara altar geometry that underlies the Rg Veda’s metric layout, whose value of numbers sum to 256, or 32 x 8, evidenced as the structure of the Manu Purusa hymn, in the Anustubh meter, but also clearly apparent, in DNA base in the Gayatri meter that is predominent throughout the arrangement of the Rg Veda — is utilised and explored in itse 256 dimensional algebra of the atomic translation of each element, through each respect dimensions, following the hyperdiamond lattice Feynman checkerboard (the same isosymmetricals as the Vortexijah: Light Body Vehicle, that the Veda calls Vataratha), is extrapolated… Making the signifance of all the above basic atomic models of the Veda, of stupendous significance… For herein, we see that our true nature, moment by moment is now documented, in verifiable repeatable evidence, to be OMNIDIMENSIONAL — that we are the Manu, and the All-One Maker as the Veda and Emmanuel vocalise, is now a verifiable ACTAUAL FACT. These are thus the first step to the FACT of our re-realisation of our Macro Irreversible actual Nature as Manuvah Visvakarmanamaha: [EQUATIONS NOT READY TO PRESENT AS OF THIS WRITING, JANUARY 2005] “Accept as much as you can of your Christ self in you to be touched by Christ, so every molecule and atom within you may chose to have Christ be born in its centre helping the flow and the incarnation of Christ in Mother Earth. For indeed the Christ Self of Mother Earth is larger than just a central core, when Christ is fully incarnated into Mother Earth the whole Earth planet will be Christ, and the Earth planet will expand because Christ is infinite, Christ is the universe and planet Earth will become the universe once more.” In the deeper Emmanuel Iconography, the planet already is the Cosmic Christ, as they are simply externalisations of All-Oneness, and whilst this is also reflected in David Bohm’s implicated order, where both the Prkrti Maya, or “illusory” conducting mater, and the Purusah spirit atoms are ONE SAME unfoldment of the Omniplicate Order, or Christ of All-Oneness; there is a symbiosis presently in alchemical distilation, where the Midway Twilight Zone, between the two apparent extremes of Purusah anu atoms and Prkrti anu atoms are finding their symbiosis of “re-realisation” as Emmanuel often put it, as the gradual dispelling of universal ignorance (the dragon force of pandemic somniferia), is reflected in the apparent physical properties and laws of our reality undergoing the apparent adjustment in accord to this congosis twilight betwext ignorance and realisation, is becoming ever more enfolded in t denser and more compact time and space cells of unfoldment, amplifying every possible experience that we could have in polar and trinary assortments, with a constant re-quest prodding one whether one will be awake All-One, or whether the pressure caves one in to sleep mode which is also amplified, and continually be reascertained and refreshed. Emmanuel then predict, quite some years before the changes were observed also effecting the other planets of our solar system, of their Purusah Christ insemination:



“The other planets will unite with Earth, for they to have Christ being born in them and are all in many different of levels of this and stages of this. Some are very far advanced in this process and are seeing the song of the universe and of Christ and yet are maintaining a solid form at the same time as being aware of being one with the whole universe, as an atom is a wave at the same time a being a sphere, this is now on a different level, and the consciousness or beings that contributed to the cosmic Christ being born in the centre soul of the planet are also now in unique functions. We speak now of the planet Neptune which the Earth will contact or pass by with its first physical object voyager. This will have a simultaneous affect on Earth, for as soon as the molecules in Voyager are permeated by the vibration of Neptune, as those molecules are a part of Mother Earth and in constant contact with its source that vibration will be born in Earth and new states of consciousness will be born in mankind through Neptune and the vibrations of Neptune. As Neptune's matter is singing in Christ, this will help the singing of Christ to begin to harmoniously spread through Mother Earth. Various aspects of your space programme have been very important to the uplifting of mankind and Mother Earth into cosmic Christ.” When voyager II did eventually pass by Nepturn, it discovered to the surprise of the astrophysicists that it was mysteriously releasing 3 times more energy than it was receiving from the sun. A 6N hyperrdimensional signature was photographed on its Moon Triton (we published this data in our 1992 magazine, New Dimensions: The Journal of Realities, along with other Sacred Geometrical findings in the solar system indicating greater dimensional interface with the planets). And during 1996-98, Neptune started to awakening in a major sense, for it like Earth, and Saturn, becan emitting back out into space gamma ray radiation beams. The Earth rings associated to this expanding at a speed that was greater than that of the 3rd dimension, as we mentioned above… Neptunes phenomenon, also classied a mystery, was far brighter yet. Prsently in writing this (July 2004), the probe by Saturn has found that its previous spin rates have changed, and that it was nearly taken out by passing through the trajectory of the ultra thin Saturn rings, but which are demonstrated “superconductors”, in other words what we see of them are but shadows of their actual ANU form (see The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel, for our documentation of this Saturnian Interdimensional Record Keeper”). Another pass through the rings, could wipe the probe from its functioning status… Saturn like all the giant planets, as dramatically changed, even her music, according to the latest mainstream astrophysical news available to the public. Now Emmanuel, once again uncannily for me, portray the Sun’s role in this Manu Purusahh Christ incarnation of the solar system, and convay the Sun in the sense that the Rg Veda communicatres the individual outer sun (Bhanu), coupled to the oversoul Sun (Surya), in union with the Spiritual Sun SIONA, as one with the Universal Sun of Manu Vivasvan and Manu Savitar… Such concepts in that precise form, only appear in the Rg Veda, which is aknowledged to have protions directly manifested from Manu-Emmanuel Elaika (Manu Vivaisvata/Aila-ka), and Salvana Emmanuel (Manu Salhvana.Savarni), with the “space god form” of Manu Salvana, “Salvador” being one of the logs of this contact, in union with Emmanuel:



“The sun is a life bringer, the central core in which Christ is incarnated and never has failed to be, is being reborn constantly and many new levels. The sun has to maintain its oneness in Christ. The sun is not just an individual orb, the sun is also the universe, is God. If you go into the sun you go into God, you go into all things, to a state of oneness. The sun has always been Christed and always will be Christed and always is shining Christ in many different levels. Mother Earth is learning to accept more of this. As Christ is being born in Her heart and is permeating Her cells, She can take away those layers of resistance around Her to the Christ energies that would have destroyed, because of its intensity of Life Force — the automatic molecules and patterns of life that would be killed by the heat and the intensity of the light.” Extraordinarily it appears that Emmanuel is also alluding to the minor Highspin coherent decoupling, when encountering certain types of core mater consisting of resitence and classical zero-electrical resistance elements of the planets history. In 1988 I did not have the faintest foggest notion then aged 18, that such decoupling occurs within the biophotonic range as infra-red heat phonons and coherent infrared photons — partly enabled as a result of certain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance signatures, such as in the 8hz range. 8 cycles per second acting as the translating agent for the superconducting high orbital spin state, and normal valency bonded conducting mater (Maya materia) states… Should superconducting conjugate decoupling beams (macro-Light Body beams), reach certain high levels in decoupling with Earth (we have already quoted from those whom reported higher magnetic pulses than the magnetic field of the planet, and the gamma ray signals of Earth, expanding faster than 3d karmic light), without proper translation, there are high probabilities for destruction of matter would ensue. These has already been observed for some years, evidenced with classical Arizona High Orbital M-State materials, whose superconductivity is so hermetically unified to itself and the All-One path of zero-resistance of the ANUv, so as to prevent the penetration of any light or wave, except 8hz — the high noon desert sun exposed to these elements destroyed any object in a near radius to their proximity. Emmanuel is thus suggesting that the Earth Logos, Prsni, is managing her ecolospherical order of cycles, to self-lubricate, or adjust to the Christ Purusah insemination, using her planetary Logos Word’s AUM mechinary, as the foundational Earth Meru Yantra template of self-similarity to retune her 7 Voices, of 7 Taka tones, and 7 Tana notes composing the embedded fractal myriad of her ecosystem, to be dewly moist for her intercouse wit Purusa Christ, resurrecting as the Heart Sun Child of ,,idwayalpha-omega hearther beloved Purusah’s penetration of her Inner Sanctum. For Prsni, the many coloured Speech Cow of the Bhumi Loka kingdoms comprising our planet, predominating Prkrti materia, as well as the cycles of the universal Order of Ruta and the universal Truth of Satya, coupled to the karmic racecourse horse (Astipada, 64 syllable gameboard tracker), in symbiosis with the Law of Dharmata… Emmanuel continue: “But as the Christ is being born in Mother Earth, so those protective layers may dissolve and the pure Christ force of the sun may enter Earth even more, here we speak of the ozone layer, and the other layers that will slowly be



lifted as veils will be lifted. And so called ultra violet light which is Christ and other rays which are above ultra violet which you do not fully yet understand in science, are becoming a part of Mother Earth as She is becoming Christed. “So you may understand the purpose of your sun. And so as you unite in Christ, you unite with you sun self, the Son of God and the sun of the solar system, which is one molecule within the cosmic Christ being. “The cosmic Christ lives in many levels as you live in many levels in cosmic Christ, as cosmic Christ. You are the consciousness part permeating the body, but cosmic Christ is also the most basic molecules, even though other levels of cosmic Christ consciousness may have withdrawn from it and left only a structure that will keep the basics going within matter for a certain time to see how that will evolve and for the cosmic Christ to work on other levels. But you - as well as being one in the body, your body - are one in the body of the universe, you are the consciousness of cosmic Christ within all universes not just this universe, but as we have said before the other universes are completely unlike this universe, are unique and at the same time they have many similarities. “The programme and plan now is for the universes and this universe to be fully incarnated again with consciousness and pure essence and being of Christ, so that those automatic layers that work with the basics are again in full consciousness. Earth is one of these many manifestations. “I leave you now in peace and truth and in serenity, as one with all, expressing through the soul Ananda as cosmic Christ. Salvador. —EMMANUEL , June 1988 This hallmarks quite a diverse myriad selection amidst a far wider shore of occupational groups, whose use of the “Christ” notion holds so many members of our species… Without doubt, “Christ” occupies an enormous amount of attention, energy, and preoccupation in our modern wester race… This fact is inescapable… However, these are but a selection of modern varients and views on Christ, the wide array of dispersion has been the undivided “water mark” since the embryogenesis of “Christ” amidst our wester civilisation. Already from the onset of the radical “Gnostic” followers of Christ, and associated “heritic sects”, only several generations following the theologican “life of Christ”, as the archeologically unearthed Nag Hamadi codices so vividly portray. This included quite destinct beliefs, that have become predominently clear from the archeological finds of the Qumrun cult depected in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Egyptian scrolls of Nag Hammadi, which survived the “Holy Inquisitions” obsession with eliminating all sources that varied to the Holy Roman Empires version of Christianity. These Gnostic and Heretical Christ concepts included in their company that of: •

Christ having been primarily a ‘Sacramental appiration’ to Gnostic initiates, who consumed certain psychoactive ‘hierobotanical’ plants as the “Eucharist of the Word” that imbibed them with the “Holy Spirit” to “see” Christ; to others, like the Mandaean followers of “John the Baptist”, who belief that the actual and true coming of the Isaia’s “Immanuel” was “John the Baptist”, and the “Jesus” failed to become the Immanuel Messia, by the influence of 5 particular females, especially Hellena, King Herod’s daughter. These



• •

Baptist Gnostics still adherent to the teachings of “John the Baptist”, who “saviour” teachings enabled one to be “born again” in the use of the ‘Soma plant’ which they call Sambra, as the “Shekinah” of the “Holy Spirit”, whose root waters were used for their Baptism, enabling the “hidden eye” to be opened, and the “descend of the Spirit” would align them to the One Body of the Cosmic Adam, Adam Casia (which later was to become the Adam Kadmon, in the Pommander of Hermes Trismegistos, Hermetic Gnostic traditions), as their eye became Single, in this Baptism imbibed by the “Holy Spirit,” “so that the body is filled with Light.” Sophia Gnostics who believed that Christ was actually a female, or even a group of some 7 females, including that of Miriam as the true Moses that guided the Israelites, according to the Jasher scroll (mentioned in the Old Testament, and thus preceeding it, for which the university of Paris was installed to study this Mystery text. Sophia was the Sancitifed Wisdom, the direct Embodiment of the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah, or Astarte/Aphrodite. The Pure PhiloSOPHIA wisdom of divine Love. Adam ressurected and became Jesus. Or that Jesus was Noah, after gaining immortality. Anthropos Logos Gnostics that believed solely in the Numinous Sphere of Christ, as “One Body of Christ”. As the Primordial and Immaculate Logos that was Purely Divine as a Noosphere, or GnoseSphere, from Noos and Nus “consciousness,” and “divine Numinous consciousness”, and these Gnostics union with this ‘Living Word’ characterised as a universal Unity Sphere of Gnose, was a transfiguration called Gnosis. In Gnosis one was “born again” as a “Son of God,” as a “New Adam,” nominated with the immortality of having a “garment of light,” as the “new man.” There are many verses in the New Testament that directly do relay these concepts. Embodied immaculate, in the Gospel of Thomas (a manuscript that took the lives of many a priest, monk, or pater, who sought to reveal it. Since the manuscript appears to be written only some 30 years after Jesus, unlike Luke, some 200 years AD. Gnostic Apopthai, that believed Apolonius of Tyana Greece, was the true Christ… Paollonius was born of a virgin, had an apostle called Paul, resurrected the dead, and resurrected from the dead and ascended into an immortal body. Healed the sick, cast out demons, and taught union with the kingdom of heaven as the Logos. Hermetic Gnostics that believed the apostles made contact with Christ in a previous age, through Gnostic Sacramants that enabled them to have contact with “Christ.” Varients including that Christ had lived in: o

Egypt as Akenaton, who received Apotheosis of the One God Aton, or Adon/Adonai, on his 33rd year. Or that Christ was actually, o Moses, including as Tut-Mosis Vth, whose body had dissapeared and had been transfigured into the immortal body of Christ, the Old Testament does relate that Moses’ body “vanished.” Or as, o Elijah, the prophet, whose secret legacy as a mortal made immortal taken in the Whirl Wind of God, was his Direct Teaching as the Christ, in his transfigured form, mentioned in



the Old Testament… The appiration of Moses and Elijah on the Mt. of Olives with Jesus, is cited as evidence of these 3 being manifestations of one Christ, to Gnostic apostles imbibed “drunk” with the “Holy Spirit… placed in their mouths” at Pentacost. o To these, and other Gnostic sub groups, the Holy Plant Sacraments were so sacred and secret to their Gnostic alchemical practice, as they were considered to be the sanctified plants that Christ had made sacred; or was the original plant, bush, or Tree of Life, in Edin, brought to man by Christ as Saviour; or the plant into which Christ had fused his mind pantropically, when alive or still on Earth, and thereby enabling the “miracle” of the Gnostic apostles to “behold” many generations further in the future, to be in direcct contact with Christ on Earth in that past age… These latter forms of Gnosticism, appears to stem from Zoroaster’s initiation with Durosa Haoma the god of the Haoma plant (identical in identity to the Vedic Soma plant, and the Rue of Salvation, that the Mandaeans extracted in vinnagger, that “Christ drank on the Cross”. Durosa Haoma appeared out of the Haoma bush to Zoroaster, as the “Son of God”, in a golden “light body”, and who praised Zoroaster for his having drunked on this sacred essence, revealing that all previous saviours (Christs) in previous ages, had drunked Haoma, and thus became imbibed with the “Son of God.” •

which were followed by their hungry hounding by the Roman Empire’s obsessive need to control the “Word” of Christ, to such extremes as to wage a kind of ‘war on terrorism’ on any “Gnostic group” refusing to abide by the Roman empirial version of the Galilean embodiment of the Numinous “Logos” — this war on ‘terrorism/hereticism’ saw such historical sacrifices that destroyed the ancient Greek “Mystery Schools” and Hermetic Gnostic liberal renaiscance, being wipped scarse from the surface of the world, int eh “Pharmacratic Inquisitions” and their relatives, that were heavely hunted down for their plant sacrements as the “Word” even upto the Albigensian inquisitions on the Cathari, more than a million were massacred, and those tortured the most, were the inner core that knew about any plants that were used as the “Word” of the “Holy Grail”, these individuals were made to suffer, by Pope Innocent II’s decree, to such extreme’s, so as to perhaps be surpassing those of Nazi Germany. Especially any knowledge on the books of Merlin the Magi, and the manuscripts of his father Aurelius Ambrosius of Powy’s, harboured the most stringent efforts… Having fragments of Merlin’s fathers manuscript, these detail the use of the “sanctified plants” that were the secret ingredients of the “Ambrosia of the Holy Grail,” of which Merlin and his father were custodians, thus there family name Ambrosias of Powys, Wales.




The word “Christ” has become some many things for such a great variety of people. Today these appear in a surprsing variety of froms to include, but are not limited to: •

• •

Independent individuals, not necessaily belonging to any religious denomination, who have had near death or other numinous experiences, by which they were imbibed with the presence of what they term “Christ”, for some in an individual sense, for others in a “Cosmic Christ” sense, often both are encountered in one. Fundamentalist Christian splinter groups, who believe that the second coming is neigh, and that it is Lord Jesus Christ in person who shall come in his transfigured body of Glory, is coming upon a cloud to Earth announciating the apocolypse. To the agnostic, ‘Christ’ is anywhere from a symbol of cultural management and archetypal progression of the ‘animal man’ towards an objective anylitical society, when the core principles proposed as presented by ‘Jesus’, like “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” are adheared to; or to, “Humanist” and “Objectivist” sects like “Skeptic”, to be viewed as one of the most primitive and embaressing obsessively symbolic traits to have infested the human rationality of the species… Christian Scientists, following Mary Baker Eddy, see “Christ” as the ultimate positive affirmation by which the neurological set can imprint itself beyond the binary animal behaviour games (that is to say Mr’s Eddy’s views modernised), Watch Tower Corporation, ergo “the Jehova’s Witness”, use the iconography to further their business, by appearing to impinge on the “free will” of members that further the mission, by using blind polarised selections of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, and gingerly passing of the Jesus teachings, by the concept of Trinity, and jumping to the last book of the Apocolypse. Jesus will only save 144,000, the Elect of the Jehova’s Witness. The “end of the world” has received many generational “deadlines”, for almost a 100 years. To the average Christian “Jesus Christ” remains a token of being a good citizen honouring society, by eating the sacrament of the body of Christ every Sunday, with some wine, as the “communion” of the goodness in the social spirit. Numerous Theosophically fax similed “New Age” groups, with the second coming often involves the return of “Sananda Jesus”, as the fusion of the Vedic Kumara “forever young cosmic youth”, in symbiosis with various Hermetic Gnostic ideologies related to “Christ,” or the “cosmic Adam”, derived in the form of an epithet of the 6th Manu Rsi (Sanandana one of the Vedic classical 7 Rsi immortal sages). CIA MK Ultra projects found the “Image” of Christ a fascinating tool for psychological warfare, propeganda, and as a non-lethal weapon to stir countries. Declassified documents clearly relate experiments of beaming a holographic image of Christ in the clouds, to stupify soldiers into religious stupore, and thereby effecting a victory in war. Zorastrian’s, who follow the prophecy of Zoroaster and the Persian Magi, that “predicted” the coming of the “Immanu”, 2000 years ago, which their 3 Magi Kings came to aknowledge, in the birth of Immanuel the Christ; followed by Zoroaster’s vision of the dawning of



the “collective Imman” at the “end time” when “metal birds” of the agents of “Arihman”, the adversary spirit, would spray the “disease demons” on mankind. The collective Immanu, would emerge in pioneers, who would adminster the Holy Haoma as the medicine to relief man of the “disease demons”, and announciate the awakening of the collective Imman Son of God. “Space Brother” New Age cults emerging from the 1950’s Giant Rock “space brother conventions”, often seeing their “Sananda Jesus” returning in the form of a “space commander” heading a fleet of “flying saucers.” The second coming is evidenced for them by the sparodical increase of unidentified flying objects, since the 1950’s. Hermetic Gnostic groups and “Mystery Schools”, that believe that the Dendera Zodiac of Egypt gives the year 2003 as the emergence of their Christ, as “Horus”, in the form of the Egyptian “Iusos Heru ImmAnnu”, born December 25th from the Virgin MerIsis. This ranges anywhere from a collective “Spirit of the Aeon”; the emergence of the “Creator of the Universe”; to a personal, or Gnostic, or merely astrolonomical, or astrological “second coming.” “Grail” Royal Blue Blood, groups, that harbour a growing number, that believe the second coming of Christ is the global recognition and integration of the bloodline of “Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s Children” as the true kings and queens who will enlighten mankind, from the “spirit of Christ” their forefather, resurrected from within their genes, and reinstilling the old “Grail Code” as the Sovereign management of mankind in a new world renaiscance. “New Age” Space Brother sub-groups that include a combination of the “space commander Jesus” notion together with a more “Gnostic” concept of the “collective second coming” of the One Body of Christ and the “Christ Self”, personified by 144,000 pioneers and “incarnated light workers” for mankind at large. Manichaeism and Mithraism, see their “Son of God” Mithra, born on the 25th of December of a virgin, as a “Lion King” like “Jesus” is called, to be arising in the wake of our civilisation’s increasing, they belief, polarisation between the “spiritual” and the “materialistic”. Mithra is based on the feature scarce Manu Mitra, mentioned in the Rg Veda. Everyone of the “33 gods of Manu” take turns at being the “First Born Sun of God of all creation.” Great White Brotherhood groups such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, various Rosicrucian, Free Masonic lodges, and related “secret societies” that claim to be inheritors of the archaic “Mystery School’s” initiation symbology, which see the “Christ” as the highest initiation grade, including: o 33rd degree which is seen on some levels as the 33rd year of Jesus when he ‘became Christ’, or the o 10th grade “King of Jerusalem” as Christ was considered to be, in others. o the quiet 14th degree in yet others, as the 14th member of Osiris/Iusus Christos. o the 7th Initiation in others, practising the symbology of medieval alchemy, and its 7 elixirs leading to the Adam Kadmon, Adam Casia, or Logos Stellis — the ‘cosmic Man,’ as Christ, realised by the alchemist’s realisation of the “Great Work” or Lapis Stellis



Philosophicum, “Philosophers Stone of the Stars,” as the “LogosWord”. Anthropos Rotunda species archetype, pioneered in the psychology of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, who viewed the Christ as the archetype of the next mutation of the species into that of the cosmic man, or Anthropos resulting from the “alchemical mariage” of the Animus and Animas polarised soul archetypes of the collective unconscious of the species. Dr. Jung in concert to this, saw the “Flying Saucer” as the ultimate archetype that represented the externalisation of mans soul, and internalisation of the body, in apotheosis to the Gnosis of the Anthropos Rotunda of Christ, as the next evolutionary mutation of mankind. This fields has proved to be immensely valuable in practical psychotherapeutical applications and ontological integrations. “Christ Consciousness” adherents, who propose that Christ is a state of unified consciousness, sometimes also called “superconsciousness”. Ranging from “Christ consciousness” being the “I Am Self” in groups finger-printed by the “I Am Movement” founded by Guy Bullard in the 1930’s; to the post-modern watering down of core Gnostic, Vedic, Hellenistic, and Hermetic notions of the “Logos” of Christ, into wide public assimulatable forms, exampled by the international best selling books like “Celestine Profecy”. Since, numerous Christian groups consider such notions to be “Luciferic,” this apparently is not the means to a solution either, despite many remarkable “postapocolyptic” strides that have emerged towards universal coherence, and Sovereign Apotheosis of the species. Anthropic Principle scientist/cosmologist’s that follow Dr. Frank Tipler’s “Omega Point” physics, see the “resurrection and ascension of Christ” as a reality engaged by mankind in its highest development in the universe, in the future. The “Second Coming” is the resurrection of all of the past members of the species, in the “Omega Point” itself… This bizare spin-off from this branch of physics has sparked vigorous debates, since it is founded on analytical logical pretext’s. Theologian, cosmological, and scientific convergence has witness some major coherent integrations through this particular mathematical ontological logic of the “Christ Concept” as the “Noosphere” (Pure Consciousness Unity Sphere) and “Omega Point” ideologies of Christ, first spearheaded by Talierd de Chardin.


1. The Soma Conspiracy, 2. 2. Underworld, Graham Hancock 3. The Christ Conspiracy, AcharSuns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled, 2001 Acharya S

4. "Worterbuch Sanskrit-Deutsch" (Klaus Mylius, VEB


Enzyklopadie Leipzig, 1987. Pp 121.

5. Gamma Ray Bursts and CETI, Dr. Frank D. (Tony) Smith Jr, Los Alamos National Laboritories. THEP-93-4, LaTex, pp 1-5.

6. Mithras, The Secret God, M J Vermaseren,




MANUMERICS ADITI-48-JAGATI diVISion by 54 pent-angle Soma Moon or Sun pearl plants, as half of 108, and a golden measure number… The number 54 is 27 Moon/Soma mansions plus 27 Meru lines: 27 + 27 = 54… 32 + 16 = 48 48/54 0.8888888888888888 Some 16 numeral 8’s appear after the Bindu-Tensor Point decimal, (which may be followed by 9 as the Amrta 17, of immortality… 16 x 8 = 128). The Rg Veda uses 16 prime meters to arange its syntax, from these the first 7 are the most fundamental and correlate to the 7 chakras: 17. Gaayatree 18. Usni 19. anuShThubh 20. Brhati, 21. Viraj 22. triShThubh 23. jagatee 24. shakvaree 25. aShTi 26. dhrti 27. prakrti 28. Pankti 29. Atishakvaree 30. atidhrti 31. aakrti 32. atyaShTi

8 syllables per 3rd, or Six syllables 1/4 8 syllables per 1/4 8 syllables in ¾, 12 syllables in 1/4 10 syllables per 1/4 11 syllables per 1/4 12 syllables per 1/4 14 syllables per 1/4 16 syllables per 1/4 18 syllables per 1/4 21 syllables per 1/4 14 syllables per 1/4 19 syllables per 1/4 22 syllables per 1/4 17 syllables per 1/4

These 16 prime meters are of an assembly of 90 meters in all, when all the rare stanza varieties are included… The Purusah hymn is positioned as the 90th hymn of the 10th and final Bindu book of the Veda, and is of 16 verses. Just as there are 16 prime meters of 90 varieties. An immediate implication of the number 90, asides from the astronomical chronometer domains, is that Purusah as one, divides, or sacrifices itself as the sacrifice, for the sacrifice to the sacrifice (Itself)… Thus 1 can only be divided by the remaining 89, which is also the 12th step of the Fibonacci series… Interstingly, like other clues in the hymn itself, via the names of Purusah, this formula gives the gnomonic extrusion of the 4D Klein Bottle toroidal spiral in space, coupled to that of PHI in time:



fi∞ Infinite Fibonacci from Purusah 1/89 = 0.01123581321345589144∞ 01 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144

= 0.618

As to ¾ when seen in musical terms, when one divides a instrumental string ¾ of its overall length, it produces the musical fourth note ahead in the scale, i.e. F ¾ f”, this is a kind of fractality, or embeddedness, akin to the Sierpinski fractal. Purusah is all. And with Purusah all is woven like a text. So the 90 meters weave the Veda textstylis, as the Purusah, which is hymn 90. It is stated in the 3rd and 4th verse that ¾’s of the Purusah are Imperishable beyond this universe, and ¼ of the Purusah remains, and is all animate and inanimate. And 90 is ¼ of 360° — where the Moon’s 27 mansions are traversed over a 360 day year. Since, ¾ of the Purusah are ascended beyond this universe [Meru, with 27 lines as lunar mansions], by a measure of 10 golden fingers, the formula is simple. Thus, 3 x 90 = 270 for the 3/4, which is the precise decimal of 27, that is 10 x 27… So the 27 lunar mansions as the 27 lined Meruprastara-Sierpinski of the local universe has been surpassed, indeed, by 10 times. [NOTE JANUARY 2005: Tetrahedron and cubic dice have been found along the Sarasvatti valley culture in Rajastan.. Whilst I was at these sites researching, this last December, we photographed numerous cubes and tetrahedrons, including from the site of Kalibangan, of at least some 7,000 years antiquity, and linked to sites of 10,500 year antiquity, such as Mergarh, now considered, conservatively to be 10,000 years in antiquity… Having full domestication and civilisation, thousands of years before Sumeria… Dice and chess boards are considered to be the matrix of the universe, the Universal Game Of Life, as Emmanuel also called it, in ATON-Ra 6, The Universal Game, given in 1991]… Dice Divination: Palden Lhamo dice divination is conducted with three dice with a number from one to six indicated by dots on each face. ...[ 6x6x6 = 216 = 2x108 = 2x2x2 x 3x3x3 = 8 x 27 so that ancient Vedic cubic dice divination may be a combination of a binary system like I Ching and IFA and a ternary system like Tai Hsuan Ching and ternary structures like



Triality, the 27-dimensional exceptional Jordan algebra J3(O), and the 27-dimensional MacroSpace of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model. ]... “Divination on a rosary: The person doing the divination … holds up the rosary horizontally… with the fingers of each hand grasping a randomly chosen bead, leaving half the beads of fewer between them. Then the fingers of each hand move towards each other counting three beads at a time. The outcome of the divination depends on the number of beads left. The procedure is repeated three times. When only one bead remains, the result is called 'falcon'. When two beads remain, it is called 'raven'. When three beads remain the result is called 'snow lion'. ...". The ancient Vedic rosary/mala bead divination, which is using 27, 54 or 108 beads, counting three beads at a time, getting three outcomes, and repeating three the procedure three times, is a ternary system and the ternary structures: Triality; the 27dimensional exceptional Jordan algebra J3(O); and the 27-dimensional MacroSpace of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 physics model. The Vedic divination are based on the Triality aspect of the 256-dimensional Cl(8) Clifford algebra. 27-dimensional M-theory with Jordan Algebra structures J3(O) and J4(Q)o and Lie Algebra structure E7 / E6xU(1) describes Timelike Branes in the 27 dimensional MacroSpace of Many-Worlds. Thus, the 27 lines of the general cubic surface which extend beyond this dimension of 3 x 90° angles known by the axis names of x, y, z (vertical, horizontal, diagonal), into a higher dimension, mapped by the Reiman metric tensor of 16 numbers, compressed to 10 tensor number dimensions. The hymn has 16 verses and 32 paragraphs, and 16 x 32 = 512… That is the LIFE signal, (where 8hz doubles each of its respective octaves, and cubes itself) — infrared bioluminessence, or IR Laser Light Body, appears by 512 hz (7 Sierpinski steps from 8hz, seven Meru Prastara steps from the 8 petalled Lotus of AUM), together creating LIFE = amino acids and proteins, in water. Purusah, as a word, occurs some 8 times in these 32 paragraphed 16 verses, 8-16-32 renderring three Sierpinski steps. As the word, PuruSaM, it occurs three times to give the next Meru key of Sierpinski. The first two linear appearences of PuruSaM occur on the two Fibonacci steps following the number 8 (the overal number of appearances of Purusah), appearing on lines 13, and 21, as the 7th and 8th Fibonacci manifold of gnomonic organic unfoldment:

fi — Fibonacci the Gnomon of Ø/Phi I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

1, 1 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,




13, 21…

The third appearance is on line 30 — which are the number of hours in one day/night in the Rg Veda. One 360° spin of our planet is comprised of 30 hours, called MUHurtas. Each Muhurta hour is of 48 minutes each (the number ascribed to the boundless Prime Mother, Aditi, and the Jagati meter’s syllable count as the 7th meter of the crown chakra, permeating all spaces and places)… Their adition renders the next Meruprastara Sierpinksi step… For, 13 + 21 + 30 = 64 [8 x 8], to join the 8 Purusah 16 verses 32 paragraphs 64 PuruSaM, line placing fi axial 360 This Antiquity MANU-metric science is of some interest — indeed, organic unfoldment in one complete axis rotation of Earth follows an octave-8 of fibonacci growth steps, or petals in the 360 rotation vortex spiral in the planet’s notation: a sun dial gnomon of the 8 lunar tides in the 30 hour day/night axial 360° spin. These 8 tidal chaundler wave cycles, as 8 Fibonacci wave nodes in embedded recursions of selfsimilarity). Thus the DNA code language of: 8 base pairs, 16 nucleotides, 32 codon pairs, and 64 amino acid genom, is clearly chandlered through this cycle sequence… Thus, the alchemical treasury of the Soma Elixir in the Veda, which in the Kula and Rasana alchemical traditions became clarified and known to be the 16th Kala (phase) of the Moon (Chandra-Soma) kalander. Yet, the Moon has 15 phases. The Moon’s 16th Kala’s of 15 lunar phases having the supreme Soma Kalasa Rasa elixir being comprised of all the Moon phases together as All-One (the Prima Moon), through all the 27 lunar mansions it spans in this galactic 27 lined Meru, in the course of its 360° passage over the 360 day lunar year of 10,800 hours (30 hours per day x 360… 10,800 stanzas in the Rg Veda, which is the 432,000 syllables divided by 40 — Viraj, the Anthromorph of Purusah). This 360° x 360 cycle was reckoned on the 13 Moons of 27.69 days Thus Soma Kalasa as the 16th Kala of the Moon is an annual of all lunar phases, 360°, as one summation of the Moon’s 27 Meru mansions comprising the AUM Yantra, or Sierpinski Meru mountain of this galaxy/galAksi (gala = milk, Aksi = Eye/Axel). Which has the galactic center as the Cup holding the Supreme Ambrosia of Immaculate Immortality, Soma-Amrta — 16 + 1. The Soma-Kalasa of the 16th Kala is also the beginning, and is mapped by the 16th Sanskrit vowel Am, which is the beginning, or first root of order Ruta. This 16th vowel is positioned, as the first petal of the 16 petalled Visuddha throat/voice cakra, and is the 16th serial order. Interestingly in relation to the 16 digits of 8 from the 54/48 division, Am, the 16th vowel is the 48th petal from the muladhara cakra, or



foundational formula of the 4-petalled root chakra, revealing its link to Aditi, the “imboundable”. No. 2. =52 4. = 56 8. = 64 16. = 80 32. = 56

Alpha Cakra Å Visuddha

Petal 34

Group letters/petal 16

Suma 34 + 2

= 36 + 16





36 + 4

= 40 + 16




40 + 8

= 48 + 16





48 + 16

= 64 + 16





14 + 32

= 46 + 10

From these, starting with the 16th vowel Am, we compose Amrta, the Ambrosia of Immortality… AmRÎ ÎTÅ… Most revealingly, like the DNA’s 16 nucleotides comprising 8 base pairs, 4 nucleotide letter comprising the DNA base, that code together the 32 codon pairs of the 64 amino acid code genom

1 11 121 13 31 14 6 41 15101051 1615205161

1 = DNA 2 = double helix 4 = base pair letters, GCAT 8 = base pairs per double helix 16 = nucleotides per double helix 32 = codon pairs 64 = amino acids for 1 genom

whilst the 15th Kala lunar phase, as the 15th vowel Ah, is the last. One reasoning for this, is that the Axel of the 30 hour day, called Aksi or “Eye/Axel” is given the 31 syllabled Mahapadapunkti meter, which literally means “Omni-Footed”. And 31, of course, is the composite of 16 + 15 = 31. This number also appears on the 4th row of the Meruprastara-Sierpinski with its mirror, as 1331 — the first prime number mirror. And also the first two numbers in the 4th dimensional Reiman Metric Tensor’s 16 number grid, which compress into two faces of one object — 13 and 31 fold the 16 metric tensor into a compression of 10 dimensions, where 13 and 31 are one number, along with other number couples that are the same. Delightfully heightened by Dr. Santilli’s hyperrelativity, and the 4 x 4 (= 16) matrix. The 16 complete undivided parts of the Primal Manu Omniversal Persona, Purusarah, whose 16 divisions, each are divided into 16. This comprises one complete Meruprastara, or Manugala Yantra, as 16 x 16 = 256, the sum of the octaval 8th row of numbers of the Sierpinski triangle.



The 16th verse and 31st paragraph, states that the “Soma sacrifice sacrificed the sacrifice”. which paragraph 30 and verse 15 tells us is the Purusah [15+16 = 31. 30 Muhurtas, plus Aksi, the axel of the Mahapadapunkti, Omni-Footed meter]. This is referred to as the cosmic Christ, Purusah crucified on the gameboard cross of 4 x 16 cubes (the original chessboard of 64 cubes, and astipada 64 syllables, in 4 ¼ of 16 syllables each) — is All-One Creator Sacrificing Itself as the Sacrifice to the Sacrifice for the Sacrifice… The 11th verse, paragraph 21, announces the wisdom of how Purusah’s divine division divises the defice of how many portions divide this grand time machine, or Kalpa Yantra (usually ascribed 4,320 billion years. Kalpa can also mean ‘creation’, millenium’, and even ‘imagination’), as the body of Purusah. In other words, when the Divine divides the Purusah, how many portions are divided? We have already been told of the ¾ and ¼, thus indicating a 4-fold formula of division, but we also have this riddle as the 11th verse and 21st paragraph, which together sum to 32 (21 + 11 = 32), which is the 4th Sierpinski step from the 4-base formula of the 4-fold division of Purusah. Since the entire Veda is the universe and this is Purusah, its 432,000 syllables correspond to Manu Brahmanaspati Kalpa Yantra, or the Meru Yantra of 4,320 billion years, and to the 432,000 Muhurtas/hours that is the geometrical Meru pyramid of the Rg Veda, and is the chronomoniter, or time machine, of 40 years (2 Saturn-Jupiter-Tri cycles). Thus: Purusah 432,000/16 = 27,000 Purusah 432,000/4 = 108,000/30 muhurtas = 3,600 days /360 day year = 10 years The 22nd paragraph in verse 11 asks the ‘fresh question’ Kha, equivalent to “?” “What? Why? How?” It is actually written muKhaM as the first word of the 22nd paragraph — thus the ‘fresh question’ that is the Omniverse [Purusah/Daksa is Kha, an epithet], sealed with the 16th vowel aM, as the beginning, and clearly showing that the Question Kha is 16 aM. However, there is more to this since Kham means “burried treasure” in Tibetan Buddhism. Kham is the root of camber or chamber, it is a hidden cave… The Sanskrit-English dicitionary lists 30 meanings of the word Kham, which reduce to 8, when multiple repititions of the same meaning are compressed into one: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

kham -- all-pervading like the sky (S8/5/27) kham -- apertures (S3/26/53) kham -- ether (B/7/4) kham -- ethereal (S2/2/28) kham -- in the sky (S9/9/23) kham -- in the vast sky (S8/12/11) kham -- outer space (S8/10/38) kham -- the sky (S3/6/27)



Thus, the meaning: “what do they call his mouth, his arms? What do they call his thighs and feet?”, has furthermeaning. In that his “mouth” is the first word, as mukhaM. Since, kham has 8 meanings, his mouth must be the “all-pervading space”, the Santilli 5th force, the “ether”. And since this all-pervading ether, is finalised with aM, the 16th vowel and the beginning (the first Word of the mouth), is thus 16 in one. Just as the Santilli 4 x 4 meter = 16, is the measure of the 5th force Aether. Thus, 16 divisions of space, is implied, in the question. Interestingly, the 16 petalled Lotus of the chakras, is on the throat, or word plexi, ruled by the Viraj meter (Viraj as the female composite of Purusah, and Daksa). And the first letter on this 16 petalled lotus is Am, the 16th vowel. Whilst written Kham, its phoenetic siemese-twin Kam, has 17 meanings, which compress to the Meru 9, when the same meanings are reduced: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

kam -- by whom (S9/6/31) kam -- Daksa (S9/10/10) kam -- what (S5/5/15) kam -- head (S10/6/22) kam -- who else (S3/2/23) kam -- whom (B/2/21) kam -- the water (S3/13/28) kam -- unto whom (S4/25/38) kam -- your head (S7/9/29)

This gives greater depth to the question of the the mouth, which verse 13 relates gives birth to “Indra and Agni”. Amidst the kam 8 above, is the same meaning as archaic Kham, such as “whom”. Interestingly Daksa is a form of the Purusah, and is comprised from the ‘fresh question’ of the nature of the ineffible All-One Maker, also renderred Kha. Thus, kam and kham are cross-justified. Kam is thus the Ether mouth of the head. Kam is accompanied by 33 aditional ad-hoc meanings to comprise the Meru 43 (small triangles in the 9 triangles), giving such revealing meanings as: • • • •

“the source of lotus flowers”  “Lord Brahma “  “sitting on the lotus flower “ “lotus-eyed one” “whose eyes are like lotus petals “ “unto the Supreme personality of Godhead, from whose abdomen the original lotus flower originated “

Indeed, AUM mantra renders a 16 petalled lotus, around the 8 petals surrounding Meru Yantra. From this all the lotus of the chakra’s and creation are made, it is the Kalpa of Brahmanaspati, Lotus Born. Manyu, the Primordal Born Golden Germ/Lotus, is the nave of Purusah, as the “Immaculate Youth.” And an additional 35 meanings with the accented “M’”, giving 78 meanings altogether, the number of stones for the Akasa, or “Sky Altar.” Thus, the “Middle Sky”, or “Mediating Space”, or “Aether” is born out even in the number of meanings all-in-all (although this may be coincidental, or synchroneous, to several dictionaries only).



Now as the complete Mukham, there are 30 meanings, akin to the 30 Muhartas of one day/night rotation of Earth. These reduce to 11 1. mukham -- a mouth (S3/26/54) 2. mukham -- countenance (S3/23/33) 3. mukham -- directions (S1/7/26) 4. mukham -- face (S1/11/26) 5. mukham -- faces (S7/4/9) 6. mukham -- happiness (S4/21/40) 7. mukham -- mouth (S4/29/8) 8. mukham -- the face (I/15) 9. mukham -- the mouth (S10/8/23) 10. mukham -- the mouth through which the Supreme Personality of Godhead eats (S8/5/35) 11. mukham -- your face (S4/26/23) Here then, we witness that the mouth is also the divine ‘countenance’, and ‘directions’, which by the ending of aM, we know is 16 (Reiman N-dimensional tensor, and Santilli 4 x 4 meter). Since the 16th Kala The question furthermore, relates an answer, for verses 12-14 that follow it list the components: 1. Brahman was his mouth, 2. of both his arms was the Rajanya made. 3. His thighs became the Vaisya, 4. from his feet the Sudra was produced. 5. The Moon was gendered from his mind, 6. from his eye the Sun had birth; 7. Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and 8. Vayu from his breath. 9. Forth from his navel came mid-air 10. the sky was fashioned from his head 11. Earth from his feet, and 12. from his car/chariot the 13-16. four regions. Thus they formed the worlds.Thus all the 15-16 phases of the Primal Moon are All-One, as Yin and Yang, as Purusah’s Mind. In verse 13, the 25th paragraph it is stated that the universal Moon is formed from Purusah’s Mind, which itself is written Manausoj, which means Manu Mind Seed Power Emanation, embodied entirely as Manyu, the Kumara “Irreversible Child” or “Immaculate Youth”, the “Imperishable Child”. We should note here, that mandala II of the Rg Veda, has some Meru 43 hymns, which correlates to 27 + 16 Sideral months, and Lunar 29 + 14 Synodic months. 27 and 16 are Meru temporal in space and time. 16 x 27 = 432, renderring a 432,000 hyper-link and musical A tuning in the C-256hz scale, or Meru-tuning. 16 x 16 = 256. The 16 Sanskrit vowels have their caligraphic brush strokes composed so as to constitute a perfEect ACOUSTICAL HOLGRAPHIC TEMPLATE for Creation,



being precise constructions of Sacred Geometry of both electromagnetic and Acoustical components, having all u iverdal elements of long strokes, circles, straight lines and angles... Hebrew, by comparison, is lagely long stroke based... When the Meru C-scale conical spiral of 8hz, 16hz 32hz 64hz 128hz C-256hz 512hz is divided into the 12 tone music scale the top down view of the cone holding the spiral, has its circle divided into 12 sections of 30•… Thus this 12 tone division of the natural meru octave by dividing the 360• rotation cycle of the spiral into 12 equal steps of 30• each, their corresponding heights on the cone give the frequencies of the notes in their equal temporing tuning… Thus the 30 muhurtas correspond to one equal tempering tone… That time was equal tempering arranged of Sierpinski in the veda is easy to see, since if one starts at c-256, exactly 180• upwards along the spiral, or precisely one half of spiral action, one arrives at a height corresponding nearly exactly to the frequency 362 hz, the value for F sharp, the first note of the middle register of soprano, marking the dividing point between the lower register and the middle register. And as a height on its cone, this midway point on the spiral is the geometrical mean of the heights of the frequencies of C and its octave – thus the F-sharp midway point must fractally divide the ratio of C to its octave in equal proportions… That is self-similarity, or golden fractality… golden via media par excellance, for indeed 256:362 = 362:512, and the interval from C to Fsharp as the ‘diminished fifth’ or the ‘devils interval’ is the same interval as that from F-sharp to C one octave higher… Perfect golden proportioned fractality… Recall the ¾ string division, and the ¾ of the Manu Purusah that ascended, renderring F to f-sharp, this is a 30° turn on this spiral of 12 equal tempered tones… The Lunar year was coded in the Rg Veda to alternate as a 362 day cycle, with its 360 day cycle [360 is the golden mean tuning on C 256), of the Soma/Moon 16 Kala’s through the 27 Lunar houses… When the spiral is viewed in the topdown cone of 12 divisions of 30° in plane projection, that is projecting the conical spiral onto the plane perpendicular to the axis of the cone — the astounding result is the logarithmic spiral, that is used in the growth of seashells and life (it has a unique conection to the constant e, and to the Sierpinski, as we shall see)… These frequencies of the equal tempered system are proportional to the radial lenths cut off by the spiral, a morphology that demonstrates that this geometry of this musical scale coheres directly with that of the exponential growth process of life itself. And the PHI golden ratio is inherent, forinstance in that C [say 8hz, or 256hz) is marked as an x-line to E-flat, which marks a y-line to the G above this C, and this G marks the z-line to the C’s next octave (16hz or 512hz), renders the golden ratio in that the lengths between the points are proportional to the differences in frequencies of the corresponding tones and together forms the golden mean ratio series of Ø: x:y = y:z… When this same cone is acurately positioned over the solar system, the ratio from Neptune to Saturn is precisely such a golden C to E-flat, and Jupiter is a G on such a spiral, with the asteroid belt marking the next C octave in, and the asteroid belt to Earth is the next E-flat. Moreover, the logorythmic spiral on the cone, has each respective octave of its 360° rotation according to the golden mean, where the ratio of division in which the smaller part is to the larger as the larger to the whole, is given in say



x = C-64 — C-128 Gølden proportion: y = C-128 — C-256 z = C-256 — C 512 Logorythmic spiral:

x/y = y/(x + y) x/y = y/z

In Purusah terms this can just the same, be self-similarly seen as: x y z

= C-4 — C-8 = C-8 — C-16 = C-16 — C 32

Gølden proportion:

x/y = y/(x + y)

Logorythmic spiral:

x/y = y/z

Starting at C on the cone, at a rotation of 90° up the cone we have the note A, and at 270° (3/4 of 360, and 3 x 90) to the C, we have the E-flat golden ration… Thus the Purusah raising beyond the universe by 10 golden fingers gains new meaning, with a universe of 27 lunar lines/mansions [Meru/Sierpinski], and a dimensional cube of axial x, y, z, that has 27 lines on its general cubic surface, each of the 27 lines being skew to 16 others. When these Meru lines 8 or 16 petalled lotus surrounding them, are taken as musical cycles per second, or the 16 skews of the 27 lines are taken as C-16, then the E-flat golden proportion raised above this, is precisely the 270° that is the 27 raised by the deca 10, as truly 10 golden fingers, through an extra-dimension of equal tempering [just as Dr. Muses hypernumbers for the 4th dimension won him the nobel prize for… with his 27 line expansion into the 16 dimensional Sedenions of his zero diviser algebra… At his lifes end, he testified to the ETI, “from Sirius” for his inspiration)… A Purusah 90° angle L°, thus can also be seen as the link of C-256 to A-432… THIS ADDITIONAL CHAPTER IS FROM MAY 2004

THE ONE & ALCHEMICAL SALT PRIMA MATERIA ASAR RASA “Listen and pay heed: Salt is the oldest Mystery. Hide its nucleus in the number 10, after the manner of Harpocrates.” —Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae, Heinrich Conrad Khunrath, Hanau, 1604. Pp 34 “They are the two vapours enveloping the two lights (lumina)… If there are in men all (omnia) 4 elements, their vapours could be completed and comingled and coagulated.” —Practica Mariae, page 320-321 “The tetramaria (fourfold nature) of the transforming process… from the number 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 is the ‘axiom of Maria’… Axioma Mariae… The sum of these numbers is 10, which stands for unity



on a higher level… ‘Numerus perfectus est denarius’ (the perfect number is 10… “The unarius represents unity in the form of the res simplex, i.e., God as auctor rerum, while the denarius [10] is the result of the completed work. Hence the real meaning of the denarius [10] is the Son of God. Although the alchemists call it the filius philosophorum… For Christ is ultimately the Anthropos.” —Dr. Carl G. Jung, The Practice Of Psychotherapy: Essays On The Psychology Of The Transference And Other Subjects, Volume 16, 2nd edition. Routledge, London, 1966. Pp 207, 306, 308. Herein lies a Unity Key to realise the Being of Simplicity of our cosmos, that can appear as complexity, to the unaware… Another brush stroke of All Is God of All-Oneness in Golden Via Media. You will find that the new fifth element materia of enlightenment of Santilli Hadron physics, which is the same Manu Omni-Science renderred in the Rg Veda by our Omni-Conducting Light Body ancestors, and reveals the secret of Salt into Alchemical Gold, as elixir, and Prima Materia Rasa of Immortality, as practised by the immortal 84 Siddhas of Buddha’s Sanga alchemical teachings; and the Manu Kumara tantric alchemy (including the Diamond Body, Dark Room, and Soma Rasa elixir), as proliferated by Agastyar, the Golden Emmanating Ones Salhvana’s, and Boganathar, along with hundreds of other immortals that span the undivided continuum from the genesis shores of our history, mediated to the Omega Coast. THE ONE




The universe is so vast and complex, how to go round to apply and know that this is all one? The Manu left the alchemical key to creation, as All-Oneness. Here is an alchemical cup filled with dew for you… Hydrogen, element number One, is the heart-mind water of life of the universe, it is the original proto-universe... And thereby is the direct extension of the One (ANU/UNA) to itself (One to 1). It thereby is the direct first transformation from the Prima Materia the alchemists called Rasa, Rebis, and Rere/Rerum, the prime mater. H, element One, is comprising 90% of all creation (Science: Interstellar Molecules and Chemistry, Bertram Donn, December 4, 1970, volume 170, pp 1116-1117) and is being present in every cubic cm of space — unanomous unity for all creation.



H atoms comprises some 64% of our entire body, in accord with our 64 (8 x 8) DNA codons of our life code... (Dr. Donald Hatch Andrews, The Symphony Of Life, Unity Books, James Summit, MO., USA, 1966, pp 200)


118 Name: Hydrogen Symbol: H

= 50 by enead base number addition = 8th letter in Rune, Greek, Hebrew, Euro


Atomic Number: 001 Atomic Mass: 1.00794 g/mol

= the One... 001 = 1.011 (1.020), 7 + 9 = 16 (1+6 = 7) 7+4 = 11


State: Gas @ 298° K Colour: None = clear one, before division as rainbow Ionic Charge: +1,-1 = +1 + -1 = 01 (neutral). +1 x -1 = +-2 Melting Point: 14.025° K Boiling Point: 20.268° K Density: 0.0899 g/cm^3 Vaporation: 0.44936 kJ/mol Fusion: 0.05868 kJ/mol Specific Heat Capacity: 14.304 J/(g*K) Atomic Volume: 14.4 cm^3/mol = 14.4, 144 decimal Atomic Radius: 0.79 Angstroms =16 Kala = Soma Rasa. 78 + 1 Akasa + One Covalent Radius: 0.32 Angstroms Anustubh = 32



It resonates fundamentally at note C 8 hz, for Unity, as the golden 7 + 1, from 7 thru 3 makes 1... 7 + 3 = 10... However, 3 divided by 7 = 0.4285714285714285, whose e = 1.5350... The midway musical 1/4th is 153 hz. Hydrogen as a name has the value of the Golden Jubilee of the alchemical wedding, the number 50. The alchemical wedding Golden Jubilee (49 to 50), stems from the Rg Veda Soma Rasa alchemical tradition, of the 49 Manauvah plus the 01 of the All-One Maker (AOM), akin to the golden 7 + 1, since 50 to 49 is 7 x 7 + 1... HYDROGEN, as a name then is coded as that golden 50, when each of its letter values are broken down in their 1-9 base numbers... This is not a coincidence... Also there are 50 faces comprised from the union of the 5 symmetrical objects of our 3rd dimension. The platonic solids’ tetra-4, cube-6, octa-8, dodec-12, and icosa-20 together comprise the Golden 50 faces that compose the Golden Sphere of the polyhedron, the One Sun, ergo Una Anu (Aun/Une-Uan/One; Nau/Now Nua/Nue) . The Universal One that is the first element on the periodic chart, and takes 90% of the universe, leaving only 10% for all the other 143 possible remaining elements to sympose the universe with (ref. Captain Bruce Cathie, The Bridge To Infinity: Harmonic 371234, 1989) — has the most appropriate symbol of “H”. For the letter “H” is the 8th letter of the european alphabet, as it is also of the Runic, as well as the Egyptian and Greek. The various renderrings of H, show it into archaic times, to have the DNA Hbond shape, which only unzips at 8hz, H’s fundamental frequency. How appropriate for the symbol of the universal One, to have the value symbol of 8, its fundamental wind of life, and the sympol corresponding to the heart Ha sound that engages 8hz cardiorythm coherence, that tickles the thymus gland, and 8 hz unzips the H-bond of the DNA double helix for replication… The H = 8 hz, equation is simple, Dr. Andrija Puharich states that “1/0.125 is the phase velocity difference between the velocities of the orbits of the proton vs. the electron.” A few seconds of calculation verifies that 1/.125 = 8, indeed, where the electron orbital velocity is 1 whole, of which the proton’s orbital velocity is an octave down scale to the proton at 0.125, that is a phase velocity of 8 steps difference — 8 x 0.125 = 1. Dr. Puharich goes on:



“…0.125 Hz x 7th Harmonic = 8.00 Hz… The first and second harmonics (0.25 hz) and (0.5 hz) of this fundamental are used in the cycling of the amplitude modulation during peak efficiency hydrolysis.” (Dr. H. A. Puharich, METHOD OF SPLITTING THE WATER MOLECULE: According To The Theory Of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) — PHONON-HYDRON AMPLIFICATION OF STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATION (Acronym = PHASER. Method And Apparatus For Splitting Water Molecule, July 19, 1983)

In fact, Dr. Puharich is hereby revealing the infra Sierpinski triangle, or Meru Prastala pattern of our atomic scales… We have already noted that 1000 reactions of gas molecules in 1 mol (10-23cm) of air, follow the grid of one octave of the Sierpinski Manugala Meru Yantra triangle, whose row value of incremental numbers add up: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 256

01 4


Dr. Puharich thus has evidenced an extension of this grid numeration, from the middle 1/4th of the Sierpinski gas molecule grid value — 8hz, down to 1.25 milli hz, in the same Meru Prastara step function manufold: 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7.

0.125 x 2 0.250 x 2 0.500 x 2 1x2 2x2 4x2 8

= = = = = = 8

} 0.125 ] 0.250 ]0.500 ]1 ]2 ]4 ]8

This becomes most interesting, since Dr. Andrija Puharich could implement successful water tetrahedron hydrolysis, to obtain a hydrogen fuel energy, involving these frequencies and their harmonics. Likewise, this would enable endohydrolysis of biologies, in exceptionally unlikely extraterrestrial habitates, to engage self oxygenation and self feeding patterns (for more details



on this hydrolysis, see our book The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel: The Interuniversal Perspective For The Unity Of Diversity, chapter The Office Of Creation. 1999) Dr. Puharich found in his successful hydrogen fuel energy experiment (United States Patent no 4,394,230, Method And Apparatus For Splitting Water Molecule, July 19, 1983), that: “The first effect felt by the water molecule is in the protons of the i (H1 [hydrogen 1]), i (H2 [hydrogen 2]) vector. These protons feel the 3.8 to 2.8 second cycling of the amplitude of the carrier frequency and its associated side bands…” These frequencies will be covered in a moment, for they are the Meru Prastara hyperdimensional numbers of the Rg Veda… Puharich continues: “This sets up a rotation of the proton magnetic moment which we can clearly see on the X-Y plot of an oscilloscope as a hysteresis loop figure… gives us a vivid portrayal of the Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation cycle of the proton in water. “We have found that the characteristic NMR state, 1/T, in our experiment, is the 3rd subharmonic of 2, i.e. 0.25 secs.” (Dr. H. A. Puharich, METHOD OF SPLITTING THE WATER MOLECULE: According To The Theory Of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) — PHONON-HYDRON AMPLIFICATION OF STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATION (Acronym = PHASER)

Of course when 2 is divided by 0.25 the result is 8. Thus the 1/T equation, where T = time, is hereby identified to be 8 cycles in 1 second. So any key harmonics that can trigger such a rotation of 8hz proton magnetic moment, is an essential component for biological genesis into a superconducting state, and furthermore, providing a hydro-energy source, from within the water tetrahedron, to apply the Santilli-Hadron physics 36 volts for the lightening plasma arc flow (Vortexijah coupled through the Pinoline/Tryptamin DNA/RNA intercalating molecules, in a macro-molecular superconductive arrangement, cycling mitochondrial DNA into chains of 8 hz resonance, as a particle accelerator for elemental alchemy) — that converts water into the superior superconductor (72% of our body, by which the remaining elements are overweighed into phase-conjugate 8hz transaltion of man into Anu)…. How can this be further verified, and then identified? Oxford professor’s Abragam and Goldman (Nuclear Magnetism: Order and



Disorder, Oxford 182, pp 41), relate that a reverse temporality phenomenon begins to occur in “Transverse magnetism” at 0.125 of a second (1.25 milli seconds). Of course 0.125 is exactly half of 0.25, and is thus the 4th subharmonic of 2. When place this fact in our T = time, cell, a fundamental result emerges: 8 cycles of 0.125 = 1 second. Thus our one H element’s 1/0.125 = 8 cycle per second (8 hz NMR), which the professors term “short-term transient variation of …Ca transverse magnetization during thermal coupling…” (For much more details on this excitting time travel research, at Oxford, in 1982, and its practical implication in alchemy, healing, rejuvination, and superconductive biogenesis, see “The Magic Sandwitch” chapter of our book The Soma Conspiracy). Then how do we engage this reverse temporality, into an application that renders us into Omni-Temporal existance? Dr Puharich found an astounding hyperbole signature appear in his water experiments during resonance (8 hz proton precession), as the sound wave stimulation caused increased coherent light emanation by the phonon key harmonics directly stimulating photon emmission. Akin to the light body seen biogenesis throughout history (utilising the photon amplifying floating DNA inherent genetic factor). The hyperbolic geometry appearing in the dielectric medium of the water, which involves neutron dispersion, during hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2 hydrolysis bond cleaving, by the thermal infra-red coherent light emerging amidst 8hz resonance. Dr. Puharich describes “the dispersion characteristic of the dielectric medium near resonance” (pp 48), where “these changes… rises hyperbolically from low frequency value to a maximum,” at the mid height of the hyperbole, at around 720 hz. Collapsing to a minimal of 0 frequency as it moves forward. Then following to very high frequencies again. In fact an intercepting hyperbole also appears and interlocks with the ascending one, at a key resonance, which is one that is true universal gold, as you shall see. “The absorption characteristic of the dielectric, identified near resonance…” Puharich states, “starts from zero at low frequencies, traverses its maximum… at resonance, and falls again symmetrically to zero at high frequencies… The half-value points… of this bell-shaped absorption characteristic are reached at the deviation from resonance.” This, he states, occurs as “the phase relation between applied field and induced dipole moment near resonance.” For “at low



frequencies” Puharich iterates, “ the moment follows in phase, at resonance it lags by π/2, and at very high frequencies by π.” Which is very interesting, since PI is one of the 3 universal constants that is transitory to this dimension, transcending it, yet being axiomatic and fundamental to its existance — the other two constants likewise are transitory. 3.14, ∏ or Pi, is the square to the circle, 22/7, and was constantly used in the Rg Veda fire alters for the Earth (circle) to the sky (square), in the Meru Yantra, astronomy, and in their cauldron’s geometry, as well as to that of their Graha cups — still known as the Grail Cup Cut, as the “T” in the “O”, renders π. Having a direct relationship with e, in the relationship of Earth to the Moon, for life to be possible on this planet… As the acceleration of the Earth and the Moon (Soma Chandra) behave reciprocally as the squares of radii of the Lunar and Gaia orbits themselves, and directly tied into the mass of the Earth and Moon by the same law that governs the DNA code, and that is partly being explored herein (another chapter covers this, however). Dr. Puharich found that “in our water electrolysis studies the curve,” of each of the hyperboles “was found to intercept… at a frequency cloe to 2 = 512 hz… showed an interesting pattern of dispersion.” (pp 51) This is a pure example of unity in action, for 512 hz is 8 hz cubed… It is also a whole Sierpinski triangle or Meru Prastara octave from 4 (half of 8), which is the fundamental elements we are describing in this chapter. Also from c 256 to c 512 mapped as a music cone of the equal temporing tuning scale, a perfact golden proportioned Ø spiral is made in 3D, with C-4 hz as the tip point (see Manu-Script Universal Dance 2003) The peak “measured resonance… centered around 600 hz. In examining the side bands around this frequency,” Puharich discovered that the base of the hyperbole, “was found… = 360 Hz,” whilst the peak of the hyperbole “= 720 hz… Within this octave, the dispersion pattern was found to correspond to small peaks which closely mimicked the equal temperament scale: D 360 Hz 1/3rd G 480 Hz


600 hz D 720 hz

1/3rd octave”



These are all central harmonics of the Rg Veda and of the 480 dimensional Octonians of fundamental particle physics, following the Rg Veda’s octave manifold of the same… 360 days was also the Vedic Lunar/Soma calender, each day being comprised of 30 Muhurta hours, of 48 minutes (480 bpm = 8 hz, decimal to the 48 minutes, and 480 fundamental octonian dimensions). In fact the Veda’s fire alters had amounted to 360 stones, where the Earth circle had 21 stones, the sky square had 78 stones, and the heavens square had 261, together astrologuing 360 days. There are 720 sons of the base universe cow, as there are 720° to the tetrahedron that is the shape of the water being electrolysed, the amonia that comprise our 20 amino acids, and our carbone, and hallmarks the golden triangle in decimal, let alone some 10 degrees of zodiac precession (720 years). Dr. Puharich then goes into the proton and electron relationship in the water tetrahedron, that engages the ”light body” of life, from itself, and states that: “It is assumed that this dispersion is the result of phonon vibrations between the four vertices of the tetrahedron water molecule…. The inervals in the 360 : 720 Hz octave are twelve… semitones. The mechanism behind these ratios must be due to the perturbations of the 4 vertices, i.e., two sets of lone pair electrons, and the two hydrogen protons… “The electron and the proton have certain… classical relations… The precession of a proton… in water… in a fixed magnetic field value, called the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton [formula given]… The frequency of an electron orbiting the precession of the proton [formula given]… The frequency between the two frequencies [formula given ]… Expect some lowering of these values due to the lowering effect of the conductivity on the dielectric constant… would bring the ratio down close to 600 Hz.” (pp 52-53) Dr. Fritz Popp already in 1978 demonstrated such lowering of values in his biophotonic water research (F. A. Popp, Electromagnetic Bio-information, Urban and Schwarzenberg, Baltimore, 1979), the 600 hz signal obtained from theory, had already been observed in experiment. Dr. Puharich then goes on to establish Vortexijah Theory’s Descending Tree/Dove and Ascending Tree/Phoenix Vortex Spiral Cones, something we have just ourselves realised in writing this article, as another piece of evidence in support of our 10 years (since 1994) of public presentation of Vortexijah model — from



classical theory the why and how of the 512 hz signal being at the double hyperbol interception of maximum resonance: “If we lower this frequency by the closest log2 periodic function [formula given], we get: 237 — 228

= 512 Hz = 29

“Since in the tetrahedron water molecule we have the orthonormal relationship between the proton i (H1) and the lone pair electrons, I (L1), we would expect them to strongly influence each other, due to charge polarity, spin polarity, and resonance and dispersion interactions… “These effects all add up to a phonon-pumping mechanism working on the unit hydron… The end product of this action (before splitting of the water molecule occurs) is to stimulate the emission of photons, or a true PHASER effect. There is reason to believe that true photon emission occurs in many cellular living systems.” (pp 53-54) Therein, Dr. Puharich has identified the entré of the ANUverse into the water tetragramaton, or 4-faced graphic of the ATON, vehicle of the Imm-Annu in Egyptian, producing the laser light body of inner heat/sound and vibration tapas vipra, that translates the universal one ANUverse, of the 50 Golden Annuversary. We suggest that this higher energy state of resonance, with an instep phonon to photon coherent amplification of light waves into the macro quantum coherence invarience of the golden spiral equal tempered hyperbolia interlock — is the first observations of a movement towards the Santilli Hadron iso-electronium and magnecule superconducting-like materia (the body of exaltation, resurrection, and metamorphosis, towards full M-Field superconductivity), due to the overunity of the 8 hz phaseconjugating universal constant instilling Ø cascades to its 512 hz cube, as a golden conical spiral (Ø to Ø4). This leading to a objective influencing Tesla longitudal scalar wave, 180° out of phase to linear waves, which behave with the same properties as those ascribed to the superconducting M-Field.



“When bound into the iso-electronium, the valence electrons acquire an identically null total magnetic moment due to their singlet state.” —Professors M. G. Kucherenko, and A. K. Aringazin: Estimate Of The Polarized Orbital Magnetic Moment Of The Isoelectronium In The Hydrogen Molecule. Hadronic Journal 21, 1998, 895-902 Water is the union of element One H, in its excitted state, together with element 8 O… Element one a perfect toriod, and element 8 a perfect cube nucleus, and seated as the capstone of the water tetrahedron. Here we have the Silent Word/Sound of the One (8 hz, phase-conjugate, golden proportion), breathing upon the waters of life, as Ru-Ak (Breath, or Impulse in Hebraic, and the Hidden Eye Double Golden Arch RU (), as one with the All-One Seeing Eye AK O), par excellence. Element one whose inner and outer phase at 8 hz universally, and element 8, which is a paramagnetic 8 hz carrier cube (a cube has 8 x 90° planes. Thus symbiot with the 12 x 60° planes = 720 of the tetrahedron, and yielding another angle for the upper high frequency range of 720 hz in the water tetrahedron equal tempering scale. Symbiosis of H and O, does not make element 9 though, water is a unique form of both. WATER = H2O — HYDROGEN & OXYGEN OLD NAME WAZZAR & VAINAR INTO NORSE VAN Name: Oxygen Symbol: O Atomic Number: 008 Atomic Mass: 15.9994 g/mol State: Gas @ 298° K Colour: None (Gas), Pale Blue (Liquid) Ionic Charge: -2 Melting Point: 54.8° K Boiling Point: 90.2° K Density: 1.429 g/cm^3 Vaporation: 3.4099 kJ/mol Fusion: 0.22259 kJ/mol Specific Heat Capacity: 0.92 J/(g*K) Atomic Volume: 14 cm^3/mol Atomic Radius: 0.65 Angstroms Covalent Radius: 0.73 Angstroms Name: Hydrogen Symbol: H Atomic Number: 001


127 Atomic Mass: 1.00794 g/mol State: Gas @ 298° K Colour: None Ionic Charge: +1,-1 Melting Point: 14.025° K Boiling Point: 20.268° K Density: 0.0899 g/cm^3 Vaporation: 0.44936 kJ/mol Fusion: 0.05868 kJ/mol Specific Heat Capacity: 14.304 J/(g*K) Atomic Volume: 14.4 cm^3/mol Atomic Radius: 0.79 Angstroms Covalent Radius: 0.32 Angstroms

Symbiosis of H and O, does not make element 9 though, water is a unique form of both. However, it is the salt factor in water that plays a key role… We also suggest that the iso-symetrical platinum group elements in a high spin state within high ordered sea, cell and DNA molecule water, is a central key component to this laser ANUmation of our life foundation. ALKHAMICAL SALT KIN TO THE SOL It is intriguing with what we now know, that the words of Hanau alchemists Khunrath, in 1604 now make so much sense “Salt is the oldest Mystery. Hide its nucleus in the number 10, after the manner of Harpocrates.” —Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae, Heinrich Conrad Khunrath, Hanau, 1604. Pp 34 Natrium AKA sodium is element number 11, to hide its nucleus in 10 is a plural pun that kants a series of clues…. One is the fact that dead sea salt, or deep sea salt, when brought to a ph level of 10, renders the heavy metals therein to become dislodged and water solutable, and the magnesium with platinum group elements in a highward spin state, including gold, to drop out as a white powder. Ph 10 is essential… Go over this line and one can through the contents of ones furnace out…. There is also a number clue to the nucleus… 11 is two 1’s, or electrons o and o, to make the two into one, by alchemical abc, Ø is the golden key, and is the symbolic secret of 10, the One-All — make one from all… This is done since Ø results from 8 hz, that instills coherence in the golden cascaded proportion… Thus: O with O through Ø, by



O:Ø:O = ∞, or isoelectronium, or isosymetries, that yield orbital rearrange monatmic elements (ORMES), with all electrons of the given element coupling, without valence bonding, but by a form of couper pairing, akin to a lemniscate ∞. Name: Sodium Symbol: Na Atomic Number: 011 Atomic Mass: 22.98977 g/mol State: Solid @ 298° K Colour: Silvery White Ionic Charge: 1 Melting Point: 370.87° K Boiling Point: 1156° K Density: 0.97 g/cm^3 Vaporation: 96.96 kJ/mol Fusion: 2.598 kJ/mol Specific Heat Capacity: 1.23 J/(g*K) Atomic Volume: 23.7 cm^3/mol Atomic Radius: 2.23 Angstroms Covalent Radius: 1.54 Angstroms Name: Potassium Symbol: K Atomic Number: 019 Atomic Mass: 39.0983 g/mol State: Solid @ 298° K Colour: Silvery White Ionic Charge: 1 Melting Point: 336.53° K Boiling Point: 1032° K Density: 0.86 g/cm^3 Vaporation: 79.87 kJ/mol Fusion: 2.334 kJ/mol Specific Heat Capacity: 0.75 J/(g*K) Atomic Volume: 45.46 cm^3/mol Atomic Radius: 2.77 Angstroms Covalent Radius: 2.03 Angstroms

2.77 + 2.23 = 4.80 (8 hz 480 bpm)

19 + 11 = 30 Unite 4 with 3 into one: 4+3+2+1 = 10


129 The fourMULA to get IV or 4, is the principle of unity... Every step must always be indexed to the ONE, and be numerated by as base number from the one to itself (1 to 1)... The number 432 hz can thus be seen in its sacred context to the One, and way its harmonic octaves are the complete universal equal temporing scale of all music (12 tone octave of 7 major 5 minor notes... 12 x 12 = 144... 36 x 12 = 432, and 36 + 12 renders 48, a decimal of 480, which is the beats per minute of 8 hz, so it refers to itself, it refers to the One, here element One, hydrogen, which is 90% of the universe and renders 8hz from its.), The numbers 432, 0r 324, as well as 234, 423, 342, 243, are all always indexed to the one, and are fundamental to all of the laws of the universe, prime numbers included, and all elemental laws, on all scales... It is the MANU fourMULA, our the MANU Foundation (VAUN’d ation) 1+1=2 2+1=3 3+1=4 1.0 + 0.1 = 1.1

“The tetramaria (fourfold nature) of the transforming process… four separate elements… and ascends by… the three manifestations of Mercurius in inorganic, organic, and spiritual worlds, and after, attaining the form of Sol and Lune… gold and silver… also the radiance of the gods who… overcome the strife of the elements by love… it culminates in the one and indivisible… incoruptable, ethereal… nature of the anima, the quinta essentia, aqua permanens, tincture, or lapis philosophicum. This progression from the number 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 is the ‘axiom of Maria’… Axioma Mariae… The sum of these numbers is 10, which stands for unity on a higher level… ‘Numerus perfectus est denarius’ (the perfect number is 10… The unarius represents unity in the form of the res simplex, i.e., God as auctor rerum, while the denarius is the result of the completed work. Hence the real meaning of the denarius is the Son of God. Although the alchemists call it the filius philosophorum. For Christ is ultimately the Anthropos.” —Dr. Carl G. Jung, The Practice Of Psychotherapy: Essays On The Psychology Of The Transference And Other Subjects, Volume 16, 2nd edition. Routledge, London, 1966. Pp 207, 306, 308. “When the number four and the number three ascend to the number ten, they return to the One. In this secret all the hidden wisdom of things [rerum] is contained.” (Gerhard Dorn. Congeries Paracelsicae chemicae de transmutationibus metallorum: Theatrum Chemicum, pp 557-646. 1661) THIS EXTRA BONUS MATERIAL FOLLOWING IS PART OF A MUCH WIDER SERIES OF CHAPTERS COVERING THE



MANUASTROLOGOI The Rg Veda’s Primordial Fractal Astrology and Alchemical Astrophysics Invariably, in contrast to the common notion held by mankind today, the earliest roots and formula’s of what today is known as astrology, western, eastern, nordic, and amerindo, together with astronomy and cosmology, stems from the Rg Veda and the earliest archeological cultivated cultures resting at the feet of the Himalayas some 9,500 years in antiquity (Mrgarh)… It was founded, so the oldest literature tells us, not by blind men gropping in their cognitive blind folded vacuum — but by a superintelligence, and those utilising the alchemical wisdom of that Intelligence… Manu-Script (Proto-Veda) ASTrology (Ast = Mind Horse in Sanskrit), was founded by the Manu R’si Kumara (“Primordial Irreversible Child,” or “forever young youth”) called Agastyar. Whilst Agastyar is probably better known in the west through Yogananda circles of Kriya Yoga (as the final teacher of Maharajnaga Babaji, several thousands years ago) — there is an abundant treasury of further insights to be revealed, herein. He is said to be the embodying of one of the Sapta Anu-Manu’s (7 Atom/Sun Self Invarient Virtual Neuron Fax Simile Manu’s of the Maha Sapta Manauvah, or Omni-7 x 7 Manus, Macro Irreversibles), and to have been one of 7 agents, with Manu Vaivasvatha, our Macro Irreversible Primordial Progeniter, who together inseminated the Manu wisdom (Veda), following the last global cataclysm. His Agastyar Smtha of several thousdand years antiquity, being the source of many classical modern chemistry parephernalia, as well as the oldest scriptual manual to describe the formula for constructing the BATTERY for alchemical production of superconducting ORME materials in synergy with the Soma plants and essences (thousands of years BEFORE Dr. Puharich splits the water tetrahedron using his 8 hz water electrolysis patent… AND before Santilli’s plasma arc flow, similar water conversion into the magne superconducting relative)… "Place a well-cleaned copper plate in an earthenware vessel. Cover it first by copper sulfate and then moist sawdust. After that put a mercury-amalgamated-zinc sheet on top of an energy known by the twin name of Mitra-Varuna. Water will be split by this current into Pranavayu and Udanavayu. A chain of one hundred jars is said to give a very active and effective force." —Agastya Samhita, Indian Princes' Library


131 MITRA-VARUNA: now called cathode-anode, whilst also representing the lightening force (hence the Plasma Arc Flow of Hadronic science); Pranavayu and Udanavayu: oxygen and hydrogen. 100’s of bateries being found in the Sarasvati culture’s alchemical Manufactory, whose Indus Valley alchemy of the Tree of Life, was the original INDUS-TRI) Agastyar is also atributed as one of the writers of some hymns in the Rg Veda, as well as the founder of the SOMA RASANA alchemical tradition and alchemical Rasana text that is the root foundation of what became the classicval alchemical traditions of the Sumerian and Egyptian cultures, as well as the foundation for the Inner Tantric Buddhist, Taoist, Hellenistic, Phoenetian, and Medieval European alchemy… and thus modern chemistry and medicine — both alopathic and alternative medicines, that is purified milk and butter extractions called Soma Pavamana Rasa, as in essential oils “Aura Soma”, AKA molecular medicine; and rarified superconducting Soma Rasa Amrta, as in the alchemical “red lion”, ergo in the invisible High Spin State (Meisnir Field superconductive ORME macro-molecule Prime Mater), as par original “homeopathy” and its principles. The global influence of this one alchemist on mankind at large, can be gleaned in the fact that the word Rasa meaning “Prima Materia” or Primordial Mater within the European alchemical traditions, was gleaned from Proto-Sanskrit word Rasa of Agastyar’s Kumara Elixir called the Soma Rasa (supreme elixir of immortality). Agastyar’s Rasana Manuscript for the Manual Manufacturing of the Soma Rasa Amrta is the archaic Foundation Stone for our culture’s notions of the Philosophers Stone and Holy Grail. Soma Rasa Amrta is described as the Supreme Ambrosia of Irreversible Numinous Golden Midway Realisation (all-encompassing embodiment of compassion), as the Immaculate blend of Primordial Universal Female Essence and Primordial Universal Male Seed — the Alpha and Omega — alchemically wedded into the Sublimation of the Hermaphrodite Androgeny as All-One Seed-Essence. This Sacred Panacea thus being the Numinous ReMEADEy, or Seed/Essence Ambrosia (Somarasamrta) of “Forever Young Youth” (AKA Kumara) — their Immaculate Child as the Primordial Irreversible Composite of Universal Mother and Universal Father. The Soma Rasa Amrta Elixir of Kumara Union and biogenesis (superconducting alignment of all one’s sub-whole morphologies in Transfigured Invarience, and into hyperconducting re-CoGnosis of realised Omniconducting Irreversible Unity with the All-One Majestic Kumara Child. In the oldest Manu-Script of our species, the Rg Veda, the “Forever Young Child” Kumara is often accompanied in being called: 1. Manyu (from which comes the much later Buddhist Manju-sri, of which the founder of inner tantric Buddhism, Padmesambhava, is an emanaation); 2. Apat Napat (Sun Child, Lotus Born from the Primordial Waters) and, 3. Hiranyagarbh (having the plural Androgenous meanings of the Golden Germ; Seed/Egg; Navel/Embryo; the One; Child This Soma-Rasa Amrta of Ambrosial Somagenesis imbibing the bio-metamorphosis of our body into Cogniscent Union with the Primordial Cosmic Irreversible Child, being AKIN to the Kindred Quest of the Grail Sacrament that Imbibes the “Born-


132 Again” Hermetic Apotheosis of Numinous Gnosis — Rapturous All-Oneness with the Christ-Sophia Child, or the Anthropos Persona of the Cosmic Man … Ergo the Gnostic Mandaean and Nazarean “AC”, and Hermetic Gnositic “AK”*AKA Ak & Kha — AKA A-dam C-assia (“AC” Gnostic Baptist Mandaeans, Nazareans — Sanskrit Atamanu Akasa, ‘Primordal Atom Man of the Middle Realm of Space’); and A-dam K-admon (“AK” of the Gnostics, Adam Kadmon first in the Pommanders Of Hermes Trismegistos. Sanskrit Atam Khat Manu). ––––––––––––––––––––––––– *NOTE: AKA “AK” & “KHA”: AKind Of Prajapati — Jees, the Yashua of Jesus: “AC” and “AK” akin to the Rg Veda’s divine Child “Ka” — the question that is the Omniverse. Kha is the ‘fresh question’ of “what is the nature of the All-OneMaker/All Is God?” This form of Manyu is often called the ‘Sun of God’ Prajapati, as the male composite of the One Chile, born of Itself from the Divine Germ-Embryo-Seed, and the root of Ger-Mannus, the golden measure rune Jera/Gera/Ar coupled with the Tuatonic son of Tuisto/Tues/Tirs (Sanskrit Manu Tvastr, phoenetic Taustar), called Mannus (according to Tacitus) — being the Germ of Manyu’s progeny.… Manyu the Child of the Cosmic Horse Manu Tvastr. Manyu Prajapati, being the archaic embryonic seed that germinated into the genesis of the western notion of Jesus Christ the ‘Son of God’ and ‘Bread Of Life’. For Prajapati has the meaning of “Divine Bread/Sustenance/Elixir”, just as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is to this day in the daily church ascribed to state “here, eat my body (Greek soma)” and “I am the Bread of Life”. The root of this western and mid-eastern Christ-Mythos concept of having his body, or soma, eaten as the “bread of Life”, is precipitated from the Rg Veda’s Prajapati — the cosmic Immaculate Child of Prime Mater, which is the Primordial Sustenance of life, and is also iconographed as the Sublimated Bread offered as the Soma Oblation. Prajapati is founded to include the meaning Para-JaPati: “Bread of the Beyond”, and “Bread of Heavens Seed”, or simply “Bread of Heaven” (superconducting bread, the Meisnir-Field Doe meale) — today Japati bread is well known in the west by visitors of Indian restaurents; since in India bread is baked as the body of Prajapati the Cosmic Divine Child of God, just as food is cooked as the Krysti Krsna (born on December 25th, and crucified on the Tree of Life, and Cosmic Krisna Criss-Cross gameboard Yantra, of the universal game or matrix). The Rg Veda’s form of the Divine Child of Sublime Sustenance as Manyu also has some interesting meaning in terms of shamanic alchemy. Dr. Pokorny relates (1959: 731) that the Old Indic word Manju and Manjula meaning ‘attractive’, is the root of the word Mange which means “psychotropic substance’, and Indo-Persian etymologist professor Flattary specifically relates to the Soma plant of wild rue, to mean “Peganum Har-mala” (Haoma & Harmaline, §26-27, and §221-222)… Professor Flattary is here joined by his professional colleague Dr. Schwartz, discussing the further infiltration of this word into Europe: “..The etymology would be… meng- ‘to create attractive illusions, to charm, appear charming, deceive’… whence Old Indic mañjú-…and mangala- ‘good omen, fortune’; Greek mannauou ‘means of charming, bewitching… philtre; device’…


133 Middle Irish meng; Ossetic mæng and Persian mang, all… “trickery” and manga;magic potion, hallucination’… The key to the etymology of bang is the variant form of mang, again referring to a psychoactive substance. This form occurs in the Pahlavi accounts of the Primordial Bovine, divinely given mang for soothing…” —Dr D. Flattery and professor M. Schwartz. Haoma & Harmaline, Near Eastern Studies, volume 21, University Of California Publications 1989. §220-222 What is extraordinary about this quote is several key items… Prajapati is identified as the Primordial Cow and Primordial Pig (the later digging up Soma, and raising the world), a similar tale associated to the Bovine… The second being that indicates Manyu directly to the botanical Soma plant and as the root of the Mangala Yantra (which is the primordial Sierpinski Triangle, as the machinary of this universe, as we shall see furtheron, upon which grow the Soma seed-essence — or 8hz and prima materia). It is also indicated to be a possible source for our Magne words like magnetic, magnificent, just as the Old Indic root of the mange and magne words, is Manju which means practically the same “attractive”. The Magnetic bonding of the Santilli Magnecule semi-prima materia, thereby has the precise archaic roots to its etymology, which describe the very same principles and science (a parallel line of logic and academia runs in the research showing that the Tuetonic Mannus became the Nordic Magnus)… The most archaic descriptions of the Rg Veda, thousands of years before the ManjuSri of Buddhism, is described in these rough translations of proto-Sanskrit, from mandala 10 hymn 73 (LXXIII) to Indra, relating the following on Manyu: “May the sweet Soma juices Instill Bliss in him to cast his quoit that lies within the waters of the primordial deep ocean… You who from the udder fastened over the Earth worlds have poured the divine milk into the seeds and plants.

“Mighty Power produced him. He came from Manyu and remained in creations mansions: from whence he sprung is known to Indra only.” Then following a second hymn on the All-One Maker, Visvakarman, which describes the Golden Embryo, there are two hymns solely dedicated to Manyu, from which the following excerpts are derived. Where the alchemy of aligning oneself with this Kumara “Forever Young Child” Primordial State is described, fresh from mandala 10 hymn 83 and hymn 84. Both are 7 versed [despite 5 different versions of the Rg Veda being used to comprise the following, they are very far from perfect… One word alone can have hundreds of meaning, and matching the algebra with meaning will be a task that will span still quite some years]: “HE who has atoned with you in Oblation, Manyu, Omnipotent Vajra bolt, thereby breeds for himself the all supreme power. “Manyu was Indra, yea, the God, was Manyu, Manyu was Hotar, Varuna, Jatavedas. The tribes of human lineage venerate Manyu. Accordant with your fervour, Manyu, guard us.


134 “Welcome here, Manyu, mightier than the mighty; Slayer of Vrtra [universal dragon of ignorance], and of Dasyu [the ignorance maintainers of the dream], you bring to us all the varieties of divine wealth and treasures of immortality and immaculate realisation.

“For you, Manyu, are of Omnipotence, primal, and selfexistent. Shared by all man, protect us with Omnipotent power. O Manyu I am myself; welcome here instilling me with immortal vigour. Advancing align to me, Victorious, Allsupporter, Manyu, Wielder of the Vajhira Thunder [Lightening Bolt Diamond Body]. The best of the Soma meath I offer in alignment to you: that we may be to drink of the first ambrosia amidst the silence.” The next hymn excerpts further clarify the roots of the Kumara tradition of the Soma Rasana legacy: “BORNE on with you, O Manyu girted by Marutas. March on, like flames of fire in form, exulting. Flashing like fire, be you, O victorious Manyu. Unyielding bringing victory like Indra, O Manyu, welcome here as our Sovran Ruler. “To your dear name, O Victor, we sing praises: we know the Spring from which you have arisen and come here. Twin-born with the Power, Omnipotent bolt of Vajra thunder, the highest winning All-Mighty Craft is your subduer of ignorance. “Let Varuna and Manyu give us the wealth of immortality from both the right and left paths, ingathered and unified immortality.” As to Prajapati, the Sanskrit Dictionary (Wortbuch Sanskrit Deutch), relates that Prajapati means the “One Name of the abstract Godhead (Lord of the Creator Head)… Epithet of Daksa (Lord of Lords, the Head Creator)… Epithet of Brahman” (pp 299), it also shows other derivative meanings in the name. The Manu Daksa in the Rg Veda, is the universal Child of the Androgene Anthropos Cosmic Persona known as the Purusara Manauvah. In Rg Veda mandala 10, hymn 121, Hiranyagarbha Samavartatägre, dedicated to the Primordial Germ of the Golden Child, the Unanomosity of Daksa and Prajapati is illustrated: “Primordially (at the beginning) the Golden Embryo arose… Once born, It was the One Lord of all creation… The One who gives life… The One whose shadow is immortality and mortality… The One whose power owns this universe’s crystalised mountains and the primal oceans of creation together with the river Rasa [surrounding the heaven and the Earth universal worlds]…” —RV 10.121, excerps from verse 1-4 Before we go any further, we should point out that “this universe’s crystallised mountains” owned through the Primal Power of the Golden Embryo (Manyu, Prajapati, Daksa), is one of the earliest references to what later became known as the AUM Primordial Seed “A”, Egg “U” and Materia “M”.


135 AUM personified by the Meru Yantra, better known as the Sri Yantra — Sanskrit Sri as an anagram of Rsi: “Primordial Sage,” and usually meaning “Divine” or “Sacred”; and Yantra meaning “Machine,” or “Craft/Vehicle”; thus renderring: “Wise Divine Machine” (something our Artifical Intelligence technology is still far removed from in anticipation), or “Vehicle of Divine Wisdom.” It in fact describes the 7 Loka’s (Local Dimensions) of the cosmos whose foundations are called Meru Yantra mountains. And these 7 crystallised dimensional foundations, or divine machines, are coupled to the Primordial Loka Loka (All-One Local, or Hypersphere), that is also the Navel of the Golden Embryo Prajapati. This was described much clearer in post proto-Vedic literature, like the Bhagavatum Purana (however, the algebra, and dimensional transient fractality was sacrified for such linear knowledge descriptive translations of the proto-Vedic wisdom)… The very fact that Dr. Laurence Blair discovered that the tonographer’s signature response to a monk’s mantra toning of “AUM” renders forth the precise shape of the Sri Yantra, brings out the Omni-Science extraordinary significance, embedded within the Prajapati-Christ notion’s as the Hiranyagarbh Golden Germ (Egg/Seed/Child or Embryo). The Golden Embryo Manyu-Prajapati is in fact described as the Living Word/Logos, which in post-Vedic Sutra’s was revealed in script (not just in algebra and underlying semantic metric geometry) vocally as AUM. Clearly defined as Prajapati, the Golden Embryo, where AUM’s Seed Syllable being “A” (described in Vedic and post-Vedic literature); “U” as the cosmic egg; and “M” as the Prima Materia of this Seed and Essence Embryo-genesis of their Symbiosis into the Numinous Child Prima Materia. And thus being the Progeny of 3-in-1, as the Word of all Life… “In the beginning was the Word,” as Christ (John 1), and Manyu-Prajapati as the AUM Word Logos of the Golden Embryo: “In the beginning the Hiranya Garbh [AUM Word] arose.” For the proto-Vedic sages, the AUM Yantra was central as their chronomoniter machine for measuring the universe in the meters of its space metrics and in the matrice of its time geometry and beyond. In fact the Rg Veda itself is metrically constructed according to this AUM Yantra metric machinary, that was, in this Temporal and Spatial Metric form, often called the Meru Prastara, often shaped according to a pyramid — in fact being an immaculate Sierpinski triangle, or more precisely, Sierpinski octahedron. First appearing SOME 9,500 years BEFORE mathematician Dr. Sierpinski’s rediscovery, as recent fareastern archeology has unveiled within the sands of the archaic shores of history’s gestation — at the site of the Rg Vedic culture of Mrgarh. Mrgarh being fully civilised, blossoming with agriculture, domesticated animals, astronomy, mathematics, semantics, geometry, metalurgical and with other sciences, that appear as if from nowehere, at the very onset of that culture [thousands of years BEFORE the Sumerians]. The Meru Prastara pyramid geometry being founded as the Binomial Coefficent triangle:



MERU PRASTARA AS BINOMIAL COEFFICIENT TRIANGLE ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ 1 & 1 n ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ 2 n2 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ as reciprical geometries 3d & 4d space

(a+b)0 = 1 (a+b)1 = 1a + 1b (a+b)2 = 1a2 +2ab + 1b2 (a+b)3 = 1a3 +3a2b +3b2a + 1b2 (a+b)4 = 1a4 +4a3b +6a2b2 + 4b3a + 1b4 1 110 1 = 20 1 1 1 11 11 2 = 21 1 2 1 121 112 4 = 22 1 3 3 1 1331 113 8 = 23 4 1 4 6 4 1 14641 11 16 = 24 The Binomial coefficient triangle has each level holding the rule: ‘a power of the number 2 will always be the sum of path possibilities,’ this path of possibilities occurs continuously in nature, between molecules… Heat, forinstance, follows this dynamic. 1

Dr. Sierpinski rediscovered the idea of highlighting the divisibility of the individual binomial triangle numbers by the number 2, their divisibility indicated by either black or white… The even numbers are given white spaces and the odd are given black spaces (hexagons) — resulting in a conspicious geometrical myria that is selfembedded in coherent recursion, or self-similarity, name called fractality… Thousands of years before, this binomial colour arrangement was called the Manugala Yantra, which then became compressed into the nomination of Mangala Yantra. The meaning being “Milk of the Mind” (gala being milk, from which our Milky Way GALAxy is derived in nomencluture)… The fractal geometry of the Sierpinski triangle is clearly evident due to the first 8 lines that make up the equilateral triangle that itself repeats itself in rhythm’s of 8 lines at a time — precisely as the such fundamental Rg Veda metric systems such as the Gayatri meter of 8 + 8 + 8 syllables (which begins the Veda’s first hymn) and the Anustubh meter of 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 syllables (the format of the All-One Maker Visvakarman hymn, RV 10.81)… The tonograph signature of AUM not only produces an interlocking series of binomial triangles, but itself is surrounded by 8 golden symmetrical Lotus petals — further surrounded by 16 petals, both 8 and 16 being Sierpinski row sum progression numbers, which 8 hz imbibes in its cascade of coherence instillation. The AUM Yantra’s 8 and 16 petals surrounding the interlocking binomial triangles, shares an uncany apparent axiomatic relationship of self-similarity with those of the atomic shell prime numbers of the electron number density per orbit shell for the periodic elements, in a surprising manner. Dr. Flitchta discovered the “Prime Number Cross” of the atomic shell orbits, whose symmetrical geometry (Sierpinski triangle linked incidently), has the innermost orbital


137 shell electron numbers joined to the nucleus center (just as element one, hydrogen’s 1 electron coupled to its 1 nucleus proton, rendering the universal coherent unity of 8hz phase-conjugation), and surrounded by the prime numbers and their prime number squares, as the respective electron orbital shells of incremental electron desnity per outgoing shell. The form is the arrangement of AUM — numbers and shells according to Binomial triangle laws (Meru Yantra), and arranged in 8 and 16 rays… MaNumerator Omni-Science resurrecting par excellance. Dr. Flitchta discovered that all prime numbers from 1 to 48 are located on 8 rays (8 petals, for Purusa-Aditi in the Veda, one of the numbers of Aditi, the boundless Cosmic Mother, being 48. 48 is also the number of metric syllables held by the Jagati meter of the highest space, as the 7th meter of the crown that is said to flow through all of the gods and man. 48 minutes was the Vedic Muharta hour, accordingly. Together, the 1 and 48, make 49 as the Purusara anthropos, that is also the square of the prime number 7 (72 = 49). Interestingly, the fact that 8 hz is 480 beats per minute (the decimal of 48), highlights another axiomatic fractal hyperelative relationship — presently 480 dimensions of octonian 8 dimensional strings are being explored as the maximum foundation of axiomatic dimensions in fundamental particle physics. However, Santilli Hadronic extensions of the Lie algebra have expanded this roof upper limit… Like the Rg Veda, which has a 480 octonian number code level, it is open-ended to the Omnidimensional Myriad of the Omniverse, which likewise the Santilli hypermathematics and its isodual hypermath, have resurrected into the clarity logic of Omni-scalar Cognosis, where Omni-Dimensions are the standard outcome implied by this new hypermath. Never-the-less that the first 48 prime numbers align on the 8 petal rays of the atomic Yantra of our conducting elements (that are not in a High Orbital Spin state of Santilli-Animalu superconducting iso-electronium or similar ORME arrangements), and that the temporal measure of 8 cycles per second in beats per minute renders the 48 decimal of 480 bpm; coupled to the 480 dimensional octonians of the latest fundamental particle physics; and synergised to the 1995 breakthrough beyond Causality as Dr. Nimitz tunneled on his microwaves the information of Mozart’s 40th symphony some 4.8 times (decimal of 48 and 480) faster than the speed of light, that is tunneling 4.8 times beyond the speed of Causality, ergo Karma — does all tend to reveal an apparent trace of yet another axiomatic hyper-relativity of 8 hz [for which there is a high probability that a Santilli equation exists already, mapping this hyperelativity. With the 32 numbers of the remaining 16 rays, exactly half of these 32, that is 16 numbers, are divisible by 3, with the other 16 numbers being multiples of the prime number 2… Once again we see the asbolute remarkable hyper-fractal axiom of the Meru AUM… Not only 8 and 16 rays petals for all the electron orbital numbers, that also share the Sierpinski 8hz number cascade correspondance of 8, 16, and 32, whilst 48 is 3 x 16… The sum of the 32 and 48 elemental electron numbers comprising 80 stable elements, is also the number of the goddess Ati, the highest sphere from which our word eighty is phoenetically derived… Aditi’s primordial number, 81, is to be the boundless one unity, that is the one body of all 81 stable elements (since two elements do not occur in nature), whose expanse goes beyond the 80 spectral radiation octaves of our universe — something that now is gaining ever increasing significance… Aditi’s 81 is also central in prime numbers law and is 34 = 81 (the DNA codes 3 amino acids per four nucleotides. ¾ of the Manu Purusah ascended beyond this universe, 34 Sanskrit


138 consonants, ¾’s of language is burried treasure; 34 Ångstroms in height is the DNA helix), or 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 81 (Meru has 27 lines of 3 x 3 x 3. The sinus wave function of the tetrahedron is 33.3 — tetrahedron as the carbon of bones, amonia of amino acids and vitamines, and the water tetrahedron); the DNA base pair’s are 3.33 ångstroms. To get all the numbers you need in the universe, dial Aditi with the AllOne Maker — 1(0) 81

All-One Maker (AOM) Aditi Manu (AM) = 0.01234567901…

Where the 8 is jumped through or over, like 8hz passes through the superconductor that blocks every wave, and occurs in every cubic center meter of space; 8 electrons together forever, is the post orgasm of superconductivity. 8 is the fundational unity. Following the 9, each of the numbers are reoccurring. However, that there is a missing 8 is an illusion which has delayed the realisation that the reciprocal value of the number 81 is directly visually linked to all of the numerical series, actually appearing to be an apparent reciprocal value for all of the numbers of the atomic elements. Our decimal system is first found in the Sarasvati valley culture and in the Rg Veda, with the reciprocal numbers of the 81 elements, from 0, the neutron, 1, 2, 3…. Onwards have a reciprocal unified relationship with oneanother, thereby showing that the nature of the universe itself is arranged upon the foundatio of the decimal system — just as the stable chemical elements are categorised into isotopes of 10 types. This octaval 8 lines holding an embedding of 8 line mirror equilateral triangles, reveals clear fractal geometry in its dynamic growth cycle, where the inverted white triangles grow in their size according to a fractal pattern of self-similarity. The first triangle of 8-lines is realised in the same octave comprised ratio geometry within the cyclic dynamic sprouting from it as the larger triangles (of the same geometrical ratio, and also comprised of the same initial 8 line number sums) — precisely displayed in the cauliflower, whose comprising morphology of smaller components, intrisincally reflect the shape of the cauliflowers whole macro surface. Yet here we also have an axiomatic fractality between different domains — 8 cycles per second, that engages the geometry of an octave (8) line frequency cascade, embedding respective recursion of 8-line frequency cascades… • • • •

8 cycles per second 8 note octave 8 line embedded recursive cascade 8 petals surround the AUM mantra’s Meru Yantra

Yet these are axiomatically hyper-indexed as a a form of hyper-fractality, undivided in the wholeness of their interelationship, perhaps along with the: • • • •

8 classes of elements, 8 base pairs of the DNA double helix, 8 nobel gases, and 8 essential amino acids


139 Hadronic Hyper-relativity of Dr. Santilli unveils the logical mathematics that show why, in the 8-levels of the Santilli mathematical castle. In terms of the Manugala Meru Prastara or Sierpinski triangle, its self-similarity when viewed from all sides, on every 8-line scale, consists of 36 hexagons.*See Apsarasa Golden Helix Weaving The central meter of love, or the middle space of the heart, Brhati, cross relates its 36 syllables in weaving the thread of life, to this Sierpinski 36 grid. *See Apsarasa Golden Helix Weaving

1 = 20 1 1 2 = 21 1 2 1 4 = 22 1 3 3 1 8 = 23 Odd is filled with a black hexagon, and even with a white hexagon 1

That the binomial Meru Prastara triangle is coded in prime numbers now starts to become clear — herein, the 36 hexagonal triangle’s first 2 lines consist of entirely being comprised of solely black hexagons, as only the odd number 1 comprises its lines, in threefolded repetition (3 x 1). Whereas the first white hexagon that appears in the middle of the third row, due to it containing the even prime number 2. The fourth line contains solely the odd numbers 1331, and therefore is entirely filled with black hexagons in the Sierpinski triangle. 1331 sums up to 8. This 4th black-line yields the resulting geometrical structure that comprises the foundation of the 8-lined triangle. This symmetrical triangle is not only self-similar to the next scale bigger triangle of 8-lines that follows, but also appears identical from all perspective sides — self-similarity par excellance, axiomatically between two domains, its morphological symmetry to the next progressive scale; and the perspectie vantage views from all sides, yielding self-similarity in matrimony. Likewise, the next larger scale 8-lined triangle has unanomous uniformity in its symmetry from the vantage point of all its perspective sides. _______________________________ *Apsarasa Golden Helix Weaving the number 36 is given to the middle meter of the heart amidst the 7 fundamental Rg Veda meters, called Brhati, of 36 syllables… Interestingly it is said to be the weaving of this heart meter that weaves the thread of life, which appears to be the precisely accurate description of the genom’s helical code of life… The DNA strand of life, indeed is a thread or helical strand, and most interestingly rotates 36° per its sugar phosphate pentagons, attached to the DNA nucleotides and hydrogen stair step bonds, precisely and geometrically, taking each of its steps in 36° strides. The Brhati Veda meter of the heart (Brhati is also a goddess of love), whose 36 syllables are said to weave the thread of life, thus accurately describes, with immaculate precission the thread of the genetic code… Furthermore, a pentagon itself is 5 x 36° lines, so self-similarity is evident in each 36° step of the DNA strands 360° helix — at every 36° step there is a compact recursive scale model, a pentagon, that reflects the degree’s, in its symmetrical geometry, of precisely 5 helical steps, the mid way point of its 360° journey of 10 steps of 36°. Here, one apparently has inter-domain axiomatic fractality comprising one morphology — the helical strand spiralling in a completely different dynamic and domain to the sugarphosphate pentagons, which none-the-less have the same symmetrical degree’s as the helice, but on another scale and domain. Yet the topdown view of the DNA helix reveals a


140 decagram geometry (in 2D flatspace), that is of two interlocking pentagons 180° to oneanother — a morphology comprised of both the 36° helical strand steps and the 10 sugar-phosphate pentagons… Thus an apparent third scale of embedded self-similarity is highly evident. In other words, the composition of the sugar-phosphate pentagon symmetry comprised of 5 x 36 lines fractally reflects the entire DNA top-down view double-pentagon decagram macro-morphology. A morphology whose helical strand at every 36° step contains a pentagon unit whose symmetry is comprised of the fractal self-similarity, whose degrees embed 5 whole 36° steps, or the 180° midway point of the DNA thread of life’s 360° helix knitting (10 x 36, and the decimal of 36)… And the 10 sugar-phosphate pentagons, stitching the 36° helical thread turn, render themselves comprising the decagram symmetry of the two interlocking 180° pentagons of the DNA topdown view. Yet further fractal-self similarity that is axiomatic both to the DNA and the Rg Veda 36 syllabled Brhati meter — is evident within the macro-scale of one complete DNA molecule, which fractally repeats the 36° number, in that it holds 3.6 billion genom (a decimal harmonic of 36 and 360). Furthermore, when the pentagon corners are traced by a pentagram (star), the next embedded pentagon scale down, has its head 36° off from the initial macro pentagon headpoint… This is also known as Ø2, the second power of the golden proportion: PHI2 . This detailed illustration of fractal self-similarity in the thread of life, once again illustrates the immaculate Omni-Science (and no religion) embedded in the Rg Veda, the thread of life, is the measure of the heart, the goddess of love being the name of its meter, whose measure holds 36 syllables, for every stage of its knitting, and is woven into the life thread by the knitting weavers of the 10 golden fingers (these are Apsarasa goddesses, whilst the 10 golden fingers are specifically used to designate the golden measure and golden rule), renderring steps of 360, the Ritu “Annual” cycle of the Veda’s Lunar/Soma year (10 x 36° indeed being a circle of the golden proportion Ø2, like the DNA double helix, which is woven into the textile of 3.6 billion genome… The golden weave of the Logos Undying Syllable and All-Seeing Eye (“AK”), Aksara is often ascribed the number 3,600, which in helical textile terms would be some 10 DNA double helix strands, holding some 100 to 120 amino acids, and thus comprising less than 2 genom). Finally, the Apsarasa goddesses are interesting in numerous ways… As water nymph’s they are seen as divine goddesses from the waters of space and the higher Loka worlds, and not as trickster races from the netherworld civilisations… Ap means “water”; Sara means “golden weave”; and Rasa is the primordial river surrounding the heaven and Earth world Loka’s… Sara is also an anagram of Rasa, which heeds important attention in the protoSanskrit science language… Apsarasa thus can be transliterated to include the meaning of “Goddess Race weavers of the Primordial Waters golden thread matrice.” Here we have a completely different ETI DNA weaving conotation to these Nymph’s whose passion is braiding the love meter of the heart’s measure, as the golden fingered golden weaving of the golden thread of the Primordial Waters of Life — Nymphomaniac, would thus designate, a constant Eros with and as the All-One Maker.

—————————— END Apsarasa NOTE———————————— The 8-lined triangle itself is comprised of four 4-lined triangles, 3 of which are ascendent and black, and the remaining one, in its central middle heart being white, and descending 180° to its trinal surounding family — in Axial Symmetry…*HyperAxiom

*NOTE: Hyper-Axiom ± 8D Hyper-Klein Bottle of Ø8 Tensor/Twistor/Spinor hyper-spiral toroid hyper-sphere, in light of Octonian Hyper-Sierpinski-Hyper-hedral Hyper-relativity. Warning Hyper-technical folding through 8 dimensions of logic… This 4-line symmetry, which comprise four 4-line triangles to compose the fundamental 8line Sierpinski triangle, shows the result and presence of the 8 dimensional octonian


141 hypersphere (axiomed to the 8-line binomial triangle). Itself Hyper-Mobius Klein Bottled hyper-indexed — in an 8D hyper- Klein Bottle, inclined into hyper- Klein bottle mobius strips for each of the respective 7 N-dimensions, as a toriodal hypersphere, folding through itself at every N-dimensional morphological scale of its 8D hyper-meta-morphology, through hyper-related N-Klein Bottle Toroids, according to each respective N-space dimension. With the Hyper-Octonian Hyper-Klein bottle inclining every dimensional N-Klein bottle torus, through its hyper-torus hyper-loop hyper-referenced hyper-relativity hyper-toroidal hyper-vorticity. Each hyper N-Klein bottle being a toroidal golden ratio hyper-indexation (i.e. Ø through to Ø8, as in N-space 1D to 8D), hyper-folded through the midway N-heart of the Ø4 quarternion 4D hyperdiamond lattice space — the classical Klein bottle ‘standard’. Klein bottle quarternian Ø4 coupled to toriods whose spiral symmetry vorticity have a doughnut circumference of Ø, and a torus doughnut central hole of Ø4, with the golden spiral 7 colour map arrangement stepping in Ø2… The Ø-Ø4 ratio being apparent in the hemoglobin continuum of the 280 million that comprise the torus doughnut of the red blood cell… The Ø2 ratio being the self-similarity used by the DNA helical strand, and the fractal ratio arrangement of the entire double helix and of the macro DNA molecule’s 3.6 billion genom, in decimal harmonic of Ø2 (see the *Apsarasa Golden Helix Weaving note ahead). The prime numbers and prime number squares of the Binomial triangle/Meru Yantra themselves being the transient presence of Ø4 in N-4 Klein Bottle toroidal inclinations laiasoning our N-space universe structure and fundation — Meru/Binomial mountain components of Manyu/Prajapati’s Primordial Craft of Hyperconductivity and beyond.

——————————END NOTE HYPER-AXIOM——————————— A unique arrangement manufests through the initial 4-lines of the binomial triangle — the sum of the row value of line-2, from the two 1’s yields the even prime number 2… An intimation of axiomatic fractality: line-2, of two rows, with 2 numbers, sum to the prime number 2. These two 1’s on line-2 result in that the only numbers that can appear in the following two lines are 1, 2, and 3 (fractally summing line-1 whose sum value is 1, line-2 whose sum value is 2, with the first appearance of the number 3, on line-3). Because our N-space 3D infinity is a tripple natured unity dance of time, space, and number, so the numbers themselve progress according to the foundation of the first trinity of numbers: 1, 2, and 3. With this trio thus governing that the number 10 will make a double appearance within the 6th line, where the first time appearance of the prime number 5 occurs… Since the number 10 is dividable by the prime number 5 (as we saw in the DNA helical turn and self-similarity fractal morphology, see Apsarasa note — the present should clarify the why therein, a little further, at least), then from that moment on, the octaval 8th line must be coded by the prime number 7, because of those trinary foundamental numbers 1, 2, and 3 — the consequence of ‘random order’ as selfsimilar universal self-organising self-awareness. This is a constant continuum of occurance within and all around us, inherent to nature. The sum of the 8th line row value is 256, the golden proportioned musical C-tone tuning of the universe and the morphology of our body — C-256 hz (32 x 8hz, as the 8th octave line of the Manugala Yantra Meru Prastara). In the continuum of the collision of air molecules following the Sierpinski grid, the exponential growth of the first 8-line triangle doubles into a 16-line triangle of the same symmetry, whose central white triangle that is inverted to the 16-line ascending


142 triangle also increases in size accordingly, in its symmetry, and therefore its fractal geometry is determined to be solely coded in prime numbers. The binomial triangle’s reciprocal prime number twins (like 5 and 7, 11 and 13), are coded around a multiple of 6, and are indexed to a geometry… Indeed, it is now revealed that prime numbers are coded to the geometry of the AUM Yantra, the Meru/Sierpinski symmetries — in terms of an uncosncious universe, that does not have cognitive intelligence in every sub-whole of every scale, which has been the working model of the world-view, these discoveries make such notions now impossible to hold with any logic except insanity… Furthermore, this understanding was the one that our ancestors who comrpised the Rg Veda were absolutely conscious of, compossing all of their sub-whole compartments of the All-One Omni-Science, in multidimensional symmetrical geometrical algebra of precisely these findings… Since that may sound like a very radical statement, when the evidence is not known, we shall briefly illustrate… That prime numbers are geometrically coded according to the Meru binomial triangle and Sierpinski symmetries, is clearly evident in the fact that all numbers (except those positioned at the margin) comprising a line that starts with a prime number that are positioned directly to the rare or to the fore of a number that is divisible by 6, will be divisable by this very prime number. So far, since the mainstream has been unable to recognise that the number 1 is the foundation stone number of all the prime numbers of the form 6n ± 1 (prime number squares, as 12, 52, 72, 112, 132, 172, 192, 232 — axiomatic to element 1 being the foundation stone geometry governing the universe that it 90% comprises, with its 8hz resonance setting up the Sierpinski resonance cascade, the other elements following the Sierpinski triangle arrangement of the prime number cross of atomic shell orbitals discovered by Dr. Plichta); and that, furthermore, the numbers 2 and 3 are not of the form 6n ± 1, most mathematicians have been incapable of seeing the clear logical and natural connection between prime numbers and the Binomial triangle’s fractal geometry — the Rg Veda’s AUM Yantra of the Meru Prastara octa-dimensional pyramidal hyper-geometry. They never recognized the elementary cycle of six in the prime numbers and were therefore also unable to find it in the reciprocal prime numbers. The inversion of a four-dimensional geometry which is derived from the base numbers 1, 2 and 3 and which has eight rays must again produce a geometry which is constructed on the numbers 1, 2 and 3, is triangular and has eight lines. The geometric form must, moreover, be triangular, which can only be illustrated by a hexagonal honeycomb form. This is the reciprocal geometry of the Prime Number Cross. Scientists engaged in thermodynamics have attempted to describe collision processes among gas molecules using a form of mathematics which was completed over one hundred years ago. They did not suspect that a mole of gas with its 10-23 molecules represents a grid structure in which the colliding molecules are themselves the grid. Because the fundamental constant of the universe e = 2.718 is the order of the whole numbers in four- dimensional prime-number space, the reverse of e, the natural logarithm, must be somehow related to reciprocal numbers. And because the natural


143 logarithm controls the decrease in prime numbers ad infinitum (prime number law), the prime numbers and the yes-no decisions in material processes are, on the other hand, connected via a fractal geometry. Over the last few years, the mathematicians at the University of Bremen, including Professor H O Peitgen and his colleagues, have been vehemently asserting that the coding of Pascal´s Triangle in prime numbers produces a geometry that cannot be a mathematical invention but is evidence of a profound system of the prime numbers in their relation to number theory. But fractal geometry is not the only mathematical phenomenon that has a real existence in nature and is the reason the entropy of a gas is strictly linked to natural logarithm. General geometry is also not a human invention. It is one realization of an expression of infinity in a finite way. Certain conditions must be fulfilled for three-dimensional bodies to occur in fourdimensional space. For instance, only five different regular bodies may occur consisting either of three-, four- or five- angle forms (platonic bodies). The fractal geometry of the Pascal geometry also provides an explanation for why a musical note, transferred from the string to the medium of air, should be transported through the chaos of colliding gas atoms (yes-no decisions) with such beautiful precision. Pythagoras realized that the vibrations in the full, half, third, and quarter string of the monochord are in some way connected to the relationship existing between the whole numbers. Euler went one step further and integrated reciprocal prime numbers in his mathematical theory of music. The rules of halving, thirding and quartering of the string generally remained unknown, however. The whole elegance of the musical system has only nom been revealed. The gas medium with its reciprocal numerical order manages the transmission of music according to a fractal system containing eight stages. An octave is complete after eight steps. The whole secret of music theory is contained in the fact the halving, three-part, five-part and seven-part of the string can be shown to result from there being two prime numbers which are not of the form 6n ± 1. The human ear is specially constructed so that it can register fractal information transported through the air. It should be emphasized once again that two physical spaces have to exist. The fourdimensional space around a point transports electromagnetic waves according to the order of the whole numbers. If a three-dimensional body is filled with air in such a four-dimensional space, this air will transport heat or sound according to the order of the reciprocal numbers. Both spaces are pure inversions, since for each whole number the infinite reciprocal value also exists. Both types of space are formed on the base numbers1, 2 and 3 and on the structural number 8. Professor Peitgen describes that thermodynamics in its most fundamental form is based on the numbers 1, 2 and 3, physicists will want to know about the experiments with which this can be conclusively proved. Start out with a equilateral triangle whose corners are marked with the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Outside the triangle there is a tiny ball (eg a gas atom). A random generator


144 which can only generate the numbers 1, 2 and 3 displays the first number and a connecting line is then drawn from the ball to the relevant corner of the triangle. Half-way along the line we stop and again generate a random number. A connecting line is again drawn and again stopped half-way along the path. A short time later the ball will be inside the triangle and cannot leave it again as we continue the process. The ball now performs random zigzag movements in all directions. So far we have only spoken of lines being drawn to help explain the game. In reality, however, it is not important that a (half) line is drawn. The only important thing is the sites at the ends of the half lines. These are marked with a point. It is scarcely credible, but after approximately five hundred points have been marked a structure begins to emerge. After some thousand markings a form arises which could never have been anticipated. The pattern in this ´game of chance´ came more and more to resemble a Sierpinski Triangle Professor Peitgen could not contain his wonder when viewing the results of the chaos game; “When (this figure) is seen for the very first time, the viewer cannot believe his eyes. We have just witnessed the generation of the Sierpinski Triangle by a random generator. This is all the more astonishing as we had always considered the Sierpinski Triangle to be a classic example of structure and order. In other words, we have witnessed how random chance can generate an absolutely deterministic structure.” He attempted to find an explanation for the phenomenon of how fractal geometry can arise from the numbers 1, 2 and 3. For his investigation he used the decimal system in the forms of a pocket rule divided into decimeters, centimeters and millimeters and with which, for example, the three numbers 1, 2 and 3 were written together to make 123 (one hundred and twentythree). Without any knowledge of the special characteristics of the e numbers 2 and 3 he was nevertheless able to use the denominational number system to make a rather clumsy but correct explanation as to why black areas must appear in one position and fractal white that he had discovered the true order of occupied three-dimensional space. Why does the gas atom only travel half the distance in each of its random movements? The reason is that a gas atom in a container does not occur in isolation: it is constantly colliding with other gas atoms. Ideally it would collide with some other particle when half-way along its path from one location in the container to another, because the distance between two gas atoms is obviously always twice as long as half the distance. After the collision the two atoms would fly like billiard balls in new directions before colliding with two other atoms. The four atoms in the next collision would collide with four other atoms, then with 8, then 16, etc. In reality so many atoms collide with each other simultaneously in gas-filled space that nobody would ever get the idea that the kinetics of colliding gas atoms in principle only involve dual collisions and thus yes-no decisions. The space they


145 occupy thus behaves mathematically like the grid space that can be described by Pascal´s Triangle. The number theory regularities in Pascal´s Triangle apply not only to the decimal system but to other counting systems (eg the system of 8 or 12). It has been observed in the Prime Number Cross, however, that when our familiar decimal system is taken as a base, the circles also increase according to this system. This is inherent in the structure of the six-rhythm of the prime numbers. As mentioned before, the number 6 is both the sum and the product of the base numbers 1, 2 and 3. The first six numbers are located in the prime number circle on the first quarter-circle (first quadrant). When this is completed to form a full circle (four quadrants), 1 x 2 x 3 must be multiplied with the following number 4 in the numeric order. This then gives us 24. This is the last number of the first circle. If we add the following number 4 (1st + 2nd + 3rd + 4th quadrants) to the numbers 1 + 2 + 3, we obtain the number 10. With this number, ´one zero´, the numerical sequence in our decimal system is finished. From now on, the 1 no longer has the value of a single unit, but now stands for ten (and later for one hundred, one thousand, etc). And this number ´one zero´ is the precise amount by which the sum of the numbers on the circles of the Prime Number Cross increase. As long as mathematicians thought in lines and not in cycles, the number 10 could not be assigned any special significance. A decisive indication that Pascal´s Triangle is also arranged according to the decimal system from math wizzard Rüdriger Gamm The Meru Prastara was also the shape used to chronocle the universal 7 Local dimensions, or Sapta-Loka. These were called “universal mountains,” each being their own unique Meru Prastara/Sri Yantra. Our universe, for instance, called Bhumi Loka (the universe of Earth worlds), is constucted upon the Yantra called the Bhumi-Loka Meru Prastara. This universal “World Mountain” is also called Bhu Sumeru [a complete description of the 7D Loka universal island Meru mountains will be featured in THE MANU book… In fact they are the root of the Atlantis Mythos and its 7 islands — Plato’s description of the 7 circles and dividing waters of Atlantis are precisely taken out from Vedic sources like the Brahmana’s and Purana’s, so blatently as to be indisputably based thereon… Originally, Atlantis, was the 7D island Loka universes (and Poseiden the Loka Loka 8D hypersphere) of the Rg Veda. Thus Atlantis was not limited to the Pleiades, as some researchers have suggested] From the Word/Logos, or Golden Embryo of the Hiranyagharbha/Prajapati, emanates the Manauvah, or 7 Ruta and 7 Satya Manu’s — these are the universal local (Anu-Manu) Fax Simile’s of the Omniversal Visve Manu’s… The 7 Manuavah (universal Anu-Manu) are the Mind Power of the Godhead/Prajapati, that governs all mankind civilisations in the 7D universe Locals, and their respective life myriad holonomies… It is these 7 Manu Minds that govern the Meru Yantra universal dimensional machines, as 7 emanations of Prajapati being each of the Loka foundation stones/Yantra’s — that is as 7 universal Sierpinski Pyramid foundations, Prima Materia governing materia’s elemental chart… The Meru geometry is the natural outcome that results from extended exposure to 8hz (compassion), which instills a cascvade of the coherent musical tuning system of the Sierpinski Octahedron/Meru Prastara number row sums. We can thus see that the


146 AUM Meru universal mountains describe in an extraordinary Omni-science the true coherent order/fractality of the universal mind-heart (since Sierpinski is fractal, that is self-ordered in self similarity, ergo self-reflecting, this describes the CONSCIOUSNESS of the universal mind. Hence, Wise Divine Machine). When we then examine this in detail, we discover the extraordinary universe in which we life, which are only struggling to remain dulled from us by the daily media news — Coherent All Is God Realisation for mankind is inevitable… Since, 90% of this universe is being comprised of element one, hydrogen, whose 1 electron and 1 proton have the phase-velocity difference of 8hz, and the remaining 10% is comprised of all the other elements of the chart, like oxygen, calcium, iron, platinum, and gold, meditation on this thought dawns the cognosis that the foundational 90% of this universe is conscious compassion that cancels the illusion of ‘karma’. The electron to the proton: 1/0.125 = 8 cycles per second, as the universally present consciousness of the universal heart/mind foundation (present in every cubic cm of the universe). This 8hz self-organising universal consciousness has the contiguous harmonic phase-coupling (love-making) valentine property of phase-locking (facekissing, lip to lip romance) opposites, cancelling the illusion of ignorance/judgement/attachment to any ‘thingness’ by having the post-karmic dance property of “phase-cancellation”. That is poles of electrical charge and magnetic poles are phase-coupled into the synergisation of Zero, compassionately universally indexed into Virtuality, as the information of the universal mind (non-local/’spirit’ matrimonied to all locals/’physicality’, as All-One Unity — this is the universal Anu Nabhi (Prajapati Navel/Embryo Sun)… This 8 hz foundament universal heart-mind of coherence (called Vata-Rata in the Veda, as the universal Windless Wind Car of the Godhead… Vortexijah), is present within every cubic centimeter of space, as 90% of the universe and 64% of our bodies are comprised of element ONE — as the 8hz continuum known as phase-conjugation (Salvation) of universal all-encompassing compassion. Whose nature is akin to a ‘Complexity Theory’ physics N-dimensional “Strange Attractor Field” (just as our hearts behave — the AJS Purkinje neuron cells of our heart in generating the heart-beat cardio-rythmn, harbour a fractality/selfsimilarity/consciousness that is a 1000 levels dense, and that cardiological studies have revealed behave as a non-local, non-linear higher N-dimensional “Strange Attractor Field” — we know all this in our hearts already, so let us marry the golden wisdom of our hearts with our minds, and Know). The Strange Attractor Field’s characteristics are so charismatic and invariently irresistable in their coherence of universal self-awareness, so as to attract all surounding disorder (in time and space) and unanimously synchronise the trinary components (positive, negative, and their child) of such disharmonic orders into the all-onederful congruent dance coherence of novelity ingression, and churn out coherent order, or universal heart-mind consciousness, from the ignorance compost of disorder. That is the universal heart-mind aligns disorder into the Golden Proportion of PHI/Ø, immaculate and invarient coherence/compassion, universal realisation/coGnosis, invarience AKA immortality, ergo “Forever Young Child” Kumara… Within a constant continuum of 72 hours of 8 cycles per second, the harmonic equal temporing universal music tuning cascade of the C-tone frequency ladder of the Meru-Prastara/Sierpinski Pyramid numbers, is instilled… That is the symmetrical and golden assymetrical spiral cascade of the C-tone 8hz, C-16hz, C-32hz, C-64, C128, and C-256 hz, Manufests into Self-Birth — a perfect octave Sierpinski triangle, or 8-levelled Meru Sri Yantra, THE VERY SAME SHAPE that arises from the


147 Mantra AUM (Manyu-Prajapati, the Word/Logos). Thus the remaining 10% of the universe’s 81 main stable elements, ride upon the 8Hz foundation of element one, by the Meru-Prastara Mountain machinary Hyper-Polyhedra. This is extraordinary, if one truly meditates upon this — Lightening Strikes, par excellance, VajhirathaAUM… This 4th verse of Rg Veda 10.121, thus in fact describes the 7 Loka’s (Local Dimensions) of the cosmos, in coupled continuAUM with the plus 1 Sun of the Golden Embyo, the 8th called Loka Loka (the All-One Local, or Hypersphere). And all of these are remarkably intricately modelled in what today could be called Sierpinski Octahedral ‘Octonians’ (the composition of several diverse fields of science, together). Octonian’s are remarkable 8 dimensional compositions harbouring 7 spatial dimensions, like plexi/chakra’s upon the body of its 8 dimensional unity — an 8d hypersphere toriod that folds through itself (via the middle 4D ‘quarternion’), hypermapping, hyperindexing, and hypertranscribing every dimensional local’s hypergeometrical dynamics (Meru Prastara AUM Machinary)… Sierpinski octahedrons (double pyramids, Meru Yantra’s) are fairly standard explorations these days, and 8 dimensional octonian geometry has been modelled with octahedrons… Thus, the Rg Veda’s use of the Sierpinski Octahedron/Meru Prastara’s, in terms of the 7 dimensional mountains, or island universe localities that are auto-referenced through a Primordial 8th Loka Loka, describes in algebra (the math underlying the metric arrangement of the Veda, and construction of the Meru fire altars, or Agni Hotr), an astoundingly 8 dimensional octonian model arrangement of Sierpinski Octahedron’s through 7 + 1 dimensions (and further taken in 256 dimensional, 480 dimensional, and even Omni-dimensional descriptions, and equations)… Talk about the evidence for the power of meditation, prana-yoga and Soma-Rasa alchemy coupled to Vata-Ratha/Vortexijah practice of conscious whole body phaseconjugation… Realise this is the MOST advanced science coming from meditating Sages and shamans, describing contact with an OTI (Omni-Temporal Intelligence, as a type-5 civilisation, unifying ETI type-1 to type-4 star civilisations). Furthermore, since 1000 ‘random’ reactions of gas molecules in one mole of air recent laboritory studies by When the Immaculate Primordial Waters came, pregnant with the embryo that is All, birthing forth primordial fire When the “J” of Prajapati is taken as a “YAS”, then the word Prayas, meaning “spice.. flavour.. tasty… full-flavoured.” (pp 311), does fit the sub-meaning of Prajapati as the Divine Primordial Sustenance. Furthermore, since Sanskrit uses both the metrical and geometrical Kabala cipher code semantics as well as the phoenetic female cabala (horse tale), when the “J” is taken as “Tya”, the word Pratyaya “Foundation… Primordial… Buddh,” (pp 306) does illustrate Prajapati as the primordial foundation of life, as the “Primordial Born Sun of all Creation,” born in the middle heart of the cosmos as the All-One Creator’s foundation (as in RV 10.81 and RV 10.82, and RV 10.121, for example). The stem Prajapa has the meaning of “undertones, treasure of the fundation tone.” (pp 299)


148 Prasna also means “Question… Offering… Exlamation… Wool.. Turban.” (Sanskrit dictionary… pp 313). And as Prasnayati “double question, re-question.” (pp 314)… Pati an anagram of Pita “father” in Sanskrit and Pita bread in the near east, or in your local Falaffel Kebab shop. Ja rooted from Ya, which means “wind, to move, joining, binding wind, immortal fame,” and as YAVA, appart from being the ergot of barley which becomes the fire of the heavenly bread (LSA is natural LSD, and figures in the Milerepa and Buddhist inner trantric traditions, like Anu Yoga, as a divine sacrament drunk as barley liquer from the skull cap, to inaugurate long periods of ascetic fasting), is one of the Manu, YAVA Manu, probably being the stem from which the idea of YHVH/YAVAH was borrowed in the Meruba speaking Israelite Hebiru to comprise God/YHVH. Yava means “Seed”, thus Seed Manu, and was also used to denote a Seed Figure marked on the hand. From this seed figure is derived the Hebrew Yod mark, the first Seed letter of YHVH God)Ya-Pati )), and, Luminary psychoanalysist pioneer, Dr. Carl Jung found major import in his analysis of Prajapati, which includes the following:

KARMA IS AN ILLUSION 12 x 360 = 4,320 days = 12 years Kali yuga 24 x 360 = 8,640 days = 24 years Dawarpa yuga 36 x 360 = 12,960 days = 36 years Treta yuga 48 x 360 = 17,280 days = 48 years Sarya yuga -----------------------------------------------------------43,200 days = 120 years (2 x 60, 15 x 8) 120 polyhedral cuircles of 5 symmetrical swolids 5 Manu solids (platonic solids), 50 faces of MANU: 4 tetra; 6 cube; 8 octa; 12 dodeca; 20 icosa ---------50 x 20 -----10000 -------------------120 x 360 43,200 days 120 years 4 yugas as one cycle



360 x 360 yuga-4

129,600 days

360 year 5 degree zodiac 5 x 72, 3 full

720 x 360

259,200 days

720 years 10 degree zodiac 10 x 72

2160 x 360 777,600 days

2160 yrs

30 degrees zod 18 yuga-4

25920 x 360 9,331,200 days 25920 yrs 12 x 18 = 216 432,000 / 120 years = 3600 yrs sar = 1,296,000 days treta code 3600 mini yuga-4 in kali yuga 12,960 years ago to now = 3.6 x 3,600 1,200 x 360 = 432,000 days, 1,200 years 2,400 x 360 = 864,000 days, 2,400 years 3,600 x 360 = 1,296,000 days, 3,600 years 4,800 x 360 = 1,728,000 days 4,8000 years =============================== = 4,320,000 days 12,000 years 960 x 360 = 345,600 days 960 years 960 + 12,000 = 12,960 years = 4,320,000 + 345,600 days = 4,665,600 360 x 4,320,000 = 155,520,000,000 12,950 / 2 = 6480 6,480/4 = 1620/60 = 27 Hence, 27 x 60 year cycles, 3/4 of Manu Purusa = 60 meters. 5 x 12. see para 5 and 12 of 1.164. 4= 1 = 80 1 4

= 20 footed cow


150 27 Meru Lines and 27 Lunar Mansion 1


80 = 1234... 8 = 27 x 60 The material in this Manuastrologoi eries should give enough astrophysical cross-correlations to resurrect the Omni-Science of Rg Veda astrology, whereby the gods, demi-gods and fore-fathers and fore-mothers, said to be both in the future and the past, becomes a zodiacal-like genom charactersitic readout of the unique All Is God composite of each individual, from their DNA ancestral Living ManuTree, and from the Bell Non-Local space of the entire universal plural chronographs, which include the fractal assimulational forms of the Meru Sierpinski triangle, and the Santilli Aether/Akasa archives of Living MaNumeration…. BONUS MATERIAL FOR THIS PDF… THESE ARE RESEARCH FILES WRITTEN FOR THE MANU BOOK, DURING JUNE AND JULY 2004. There is humour burried here, like a Treasure Trove of Gold: The madh…… site covers an area that is the same as the base of the Great Pyramid of ~Egypt, called Mt. Manu meaning “mountain of the West,” “The word manw designates the region of the western desert where the sun sets” Egyptian Mysteries: New Light On Ancient Knowledge, Lucy Lamy, Thames and Hudson, 1981/91. Pp 67 and otherwise is called MaRu, modelling the universal Anthropos creation mountain, of the universe that is ASAR-RA (Osiris-Ras), just as the Rg Veda’s Mt. Maru is the mountain of the universal Manu Purusara, first as Vastu Purusa, or Orion, the constellation of the fool that is the lord of creation (Rg Veda 1.164.1), just as Asar-Ra is Orion and the universe, and his name as SRH, can be pronounced SARA, the ending of PuruSARA. Osiris, as one universal body, has his corpus as the sacrifice offering of initiation. As Egyptologist Sir Wallis Budge relates, the name of Osiris as “God of the universe” is Nebi Ratchar, probably coming from the Sanskrit Nabi Ratha-Sara, meaning “the Navel of Love’s Weaving”. For NeB-eRTCHaR, Egyptologist Budge convays: “A name which originally implied the ‘god of the universe’ but which was subsequently given to Osiris, and indicated the god after the complicated reconstruction of his body, which had been hacked to pieces by Set.” (Egyptian Book of the Dead, pp cxxii) Osiris’s Egyptian name of Åsår is rendered by three hieroglyph’s of the:



¿ v

Throne, or half pyramid, which normally designates the letter “S”, but in some forms also designates “V”.

Eye as the all-seeing Ra-Ak or Sun Eye, designates the lower case form of:

A god,


y& z y&z


whilst the Eye also


“y”and “z”, and


capital “Y” and “Z”

= “O”.

Thus the throne “S”, which we are often told is as a letter named “St”, appears to be the first letter. And “R” , as the second “Eye” letter to suit, we are told is named “Rã”. Although the top EYE, from a top down view Santilli-Hadron mathematical view, logically could be the starting point — thus “SR” or “RS”… Alone these two would yield a number of Sanskrit significant words — SaRa, and RaSa being two. Where the former is “to weave (the golden thread); to web, to net”; and the latter is “taste, northern hemisphere’s Red River of Life, descending kundalini river of blood, and supreme elixir (Soma Rasa), immortal essence.” SARAsvati and Aksara are cognate to SaRa, and furthermore, Sarasvati is the ascending white river of the southern hemesphere, the rising River of Life of the white Lymph — SR and RS, thus hold the Sanskrit inner Tantric alchemical practice of the white and red elixir Rivers of Life: SARAsvati, and RASA. A third Sanskrit Feminine Goddess to join the River Goddess’s is the divine “Bith of Love” SARAma. This Hund of Love, that protects mankind from the realms of non-existence, Nastitattva, where the illusionary demonic alien races abide, and whom is given the attribute of the Canis Majoris (Big Dog) constellation, which houses the star Sirius, attributed to several forms of the Cow goddess mother of ASNA, as Isis, AST (Aset, or Åuset), Saptis, and Hathor et al — the SARAma canis, also is attributed the golden horse cane, phoenetically similar to canis (deliberately, see Hamlets Mill, Santilliana), AKA the golden reed, and arrow of love…. Thereby, SARAma designates also the Midway beam, and golden fountain river of life… All these RS1 is the Sanskrit word for “fast, speed,” personifying the word ársati,(pp 91). Furthermore, ársati is containing the composite of arci which means divine “Beam, Ray, Strallum, Flame,” (pp 47), which is pronounced both as arsi and arki, where arcã means “Godstature, Divine Relic,” and arc also known as arcati means ‘beam, ray, emanation, strallum,” phoenetically aligned to describe the quality of Arká which means “the Sun, Sun ray or beam; suffice designating ‘god’; Penis erectus, Calotropis gigantean (tree).” (pp 47)

Q =





152 The Eye sign is usually designated “R”. However, in the Egyptian glyphtype 1,



“ ” is the letter “z”, also as .However, Sir Budge also points out elsewhere that Asar in its most archaic form has just an Eye and a throne… Asar-Ra’s body is of 16 parts as is the male anatomomy, divided by Sutekh into that number of parts, with his 16th member, the phallus proper, being “eaten” by the two fishes of the Nile, which the Egyptians saw as the galactic Nile of the Milky Way that passes Orion at the galactic anti-center, whilst also being Asara’s “backbone” or spine, and thus the two fishes his kundalini streams, or currents… The binary currents of the universal spine, or Skambh pillar… Thus Asar-Ra is 90% whole, and 10% is missing. TheManu Purusa, as the cosmic man, is given 16 verses, as the divisions of the ONE, who is embodied in One single hymn (often called the Unicorn, after the Sarasvati and Indus valley manufolded depictions of unicorn’s, made from a metamorphology of bull, lions, and other beasts)… Purusara’s body is divided as the sacrifice that makes the creation, as does Asar-Ra’s… Forinstance the Sun (Day) and the Moon (Night) of the universe are made from the forhead and eyes of Purusa (Rg Veda 10.90), as is the sun and moon made from the left (Moon eye) and right (Sun) eye of Asar-RA. The Asar-Ra is given the SR-Aps bull as his beast of fertile sexuality to tame, and depicted as Taurus, as exemplified in Abydos, where a stella depicts Osiris (Asar-Ra) concurring the Bull of Taurus. The Apis bull of Taurus is given the unisex name of Kho though this is also Lady ASNA, the MA-NUN that is generalised under the epithet of the Great Cow known as Ht-Heru (Hathor), otherwise known as Isis (Asit), who is given the constellation Taurus… AK-Sara-Apas is the bull of Taurus As Egyptologist, Dr. Schwaller de Lubits’ daughter, Lucy Lamy relates “A fragment of Louvre palette E718 dating from the protodynastic period… the name “Bull-powerful’ continues to be amoung the Egyptian royal titles.” Egyptian Mysteries: New Light On Ancient Knowledge, Lucy Lamy, Thames and Hudson, 1981/91. Pp 67 “The word manw designates the region of the western desert where the sun sets… A fragment of Louvre palette E718 dating from the protodynastic period… the name “Bull-powerful’ continues to be amoung the Egyptian royal titles.” Egyptian Mysteries: New Light On Ancient Knowledge, Lucy Lamy, Thames and Hudson, 1981/91. Pp 67 MHT WRT as cow is seen in the 2250 years old Sarcophagus of Khonsu (27302), in the Cairo Museum… Interesting this word is usually translated as Maat Word… Yet in straight Sanskrit this is the godess Mahtha Urta, or Matha Ruta… In English she is the COW/WOC that is the VOCal, as Math Wort… M-Ht Heru is Hathor the cow, by the same designation of math code…. Matha is the goddess of love from which our word “math” is derived (as well as from Ma’at, akin to Ma-Ati “mother eighty” in Sanskrit), and Numbers are members of milk uttering in ushing from Matha’s udders.


153 As AST is cognate to being the alchemical partner of aSR, and is attributed to the star Sirius, to the galactic center, and as the mother of the universe, in the manifestation of MaNun known as Bastet — it is interesting to thus note that AST is the Sanskrit word for “horse,” from which is derived the Old Norse and Norwegian name for horse, “hest”, or “hast” ASAN is the Sanskrit word meaning “Stone; Firmament.” (pp 54) Thus, ASNA’s Philosopher’s stone of the universe, and also meaning the firmament of the universe tallies precisely with ASNA MaNun as the Mother Universe, and creation stone uttered from her udders milked by Immanu, to comprise the Stone Logos Word of REN, the Cartouche stone tablet, or Golden Ring and Line measure of the VR Spirit, Anu/Atum that RENders into annunciation the anumation of our metaformality. The Speech Cow’s ASTone-ishing Numinosity Imbibing viSION of compasSION, as the Muse Mulled Tell-a-VIS-SION… Furthermore, the Sanskrit word Asáni is directly related to the Diamond Vajhira power of OmnImmortality, in its prime meaning designating “Thunder clap; Lighten blitz; hailstone.” The latter connetation of being Asani as a “hailstone” is of immense significance, since Hatp Ptah ImmAnnu, milking ASNA, in weaving the 7 knots of the cartouche, with the 7 sisters (7 Hathors, Pleiades, in Taurus the Cow), that are the seven keystones of creation, as the octave, the rainbow, and the seven endocrine glands atoned to the One ATON — is named HK, often translated as HaKu (any see a humourous cow?), or even Heku, from which the German hagal word for hailstone is derived… What the heck it also derives to our word hex meaning “6” and a “spell” as in hexed having had a magic spell spun on you, as new spelling in ones textile… Although a hex spell only last usually for an imperminent spell of time. HK is 6 + 1 knots of the Logos’ One Milk (L’OM). Hence, Hk-ASNA was the Divine SyNtAxis of the Logos Bhovine Word. Just as the Sarasvati language strung into deriving into the language strings (pun absolutely purposefull, and IN-tended), of the Brahmi Script semantics at the roots of the Sanskrit Linguistic family heards. The Brahmi string language tied directly with the 7 Tana (notes) and 7 Taka (tones – tone and note are deliberately anagrams of each other, thanks to Dr. Dee and the Hot Pig lioned Beacken of Bacon), just as the HK’s knots were nodes construed as the 7 + 1 octave, of the Egyptian Ogdad. Brahmi initially, before being scripted into written form, was spelled by tying knots in reed ropes or golden reed strings, which personified the Aksara Speech Cow’s golden milk streams, ushering from the uttering BeSTill Udders of Silent Vocalla (SV: Sieve, akin to Cipher), as the immortal Sauma-Rasa Amrita. In the Fax/Vakas SiMile of other words: the ‘Soma Supreme Essence Elixir.’ Such an Immaculate Omni-Meadacinal Logos Panacea, is enVISioning within Veda Wisdom’s Icon-foundry Museum of Arkane Galaries that Mull the Soma wave flowing from the Numinous Vak Port-Raying no-less than “the secret name of Butter”. Such an unearthed buried secret has the utterly revealing nature as to respire the ressesitation of our antediluvian ancestor’s ruminating the alchemical morning dew of inculcate archaic Butter rituals agrigating from the Indus agricultural hearding of cattle, heralding milk churned from their mused grasing of the sacred meadeow’s yielding the reed grass of the gods (Kusa grass, the gods Cushion), whose fibres string the cords of text, woven into the textile spelling node knots, designating the 7 x 7 + 1 God dancing gods, personified as the waving letters of the of Brahmi Sanskrit.


154 Manu-Script Ideogram’s are Macro Icon-foundries, script notations akin to formula Rebuse families (“rébes… a representation of a word or phrase by pictures, symbols, etc., that suggest the word or phrase or its syllables: Two gates and a head are a rebus for Gateshead.” [Websters pp 1124]) — endowed with a metamorphological lexiconography character, plurally concurrent in its equanimity of: metaphor, metaphylum, metathesis, metonymy, mete, module, metaphrastical, metronomic, metalogogriphic, metalexograhic, metamorphosis, metalocutionary, metamythagraphic, metalection, materia medica metalinguistics, metalocus, metachomatic, metamitose, metaphrasogram, metalogogrammatic, metamorphophonemics, metamediation, metalogarythmic, metaethical, metamodul, metamythos, metasomatic, metaluculent, metalexis, metrical, meta-phoneme: -phonotactic; -phonography; -phonotype; -phonetics; -phonology, metamodulus, metamorpheme, metapunic (“the language of ancient Carthage, a form of late phoenecian… Latin Pûnicus, earlier Poenicus, Carthaginian = Poen(us) a Phoenician… akin to Greek Phoînix a Phoenician… + icus.” (Websters, pp 1094) . of a lexiconographical hyperindex language (like the internet, where a search for a word can be engaged for images, or for text, primed for language specification pruning, for all subject fields implicate and explicate), of metamorphologsynergy Rasa Prima Materia of Inebriating Immortality, veritable Aqua Vitae Florum Clarified Amalgamated Sauma Ghee, instilling “ambrosia” imbibing the “buried Speech,” of the inseminated semantics inVAGINating the inspired Seer’s middle


155 realm seed essence, harbouring the Original Manu Model’s Syntaxis Hermetically Axiomatic of SoLunar language (Solar-Lunar, the lingua of the Sun/Moon Alchemical Marriage Root Text, Annuncing Manuscriptal Annu-verse-all Holosemantics of At-One-ness — SMAMRTA-MAHA)Visionary Poet’s Golden Melding Cauldron VAGINation treasure chest cauldrion … As the Rg Veda marvellously describes in the wonderous Madhuman hymn. The dripping “butter streams” nominated as Soma Butter, the true “Navel of Speech,” flowering its Fluance’s Influence as the Fluid Nuance fountainhead “wave of clarified butter,” that is the “ambrosia” and “the Tongue of the Gods”. This “Milky Way” passing through the Aksara Seive Undying 1000 strand’s weaving, Waving the Clarity Instilled from the Imperishable Marriage of the Sun and the Moon Essence and Seed to the KaVi Arh poets of the VaK-Hari (Lady Lord Voice)… Kavi has the pungently louded Macro-iconography attribute portraying the Ideogram imbibed in the plural meaning pantheon of both clandestine (Iinvarient Burried Treasure Ciphers of Love) and overt (vita’s ambient Samantic vocalling, in meter’s of Matha’s (goddess Numerating universal Love, golden Manumerator of all numerals), numinously measured milk resounding through the plural choired voice of the living, , chanting cants chiming universe rhythmnsSomapa imbibed poets/Seers of the Sacred Burried Cosmo-Vocabulary of the Imperishable VAK’s 7 Eyed and Tongued Speech Cow Maidens, called the Vaki Vakas. Where Vaki designates 7 Eyed Speech, AKA the 7 notes, notation of the Eka Ak, or One Eyed Voice of VAK-AUM. ) , The gods”Immaculate Speech, Divine Nuance), as the Saman shaman’s song line in cord, in accord with the 7 + 1 chords of the Manu-Rsi and the Numinous MANU AllOne, whose middle name is VAK, or the All-One Word, that is the Aksara Logos Cow, as the 1000 Undying Syllable. Arh renders the meaning of “to muse; to sound; word conscious,” a word derived from Árhati, “Songs of the Soma Oblation. Divine Singing. Mantra Chants of Offering the Soma Sacrifice. Universal Sound Alchemy). Being cognate with árhat, which renders “worded; being Spoken out; Buddha’s Speaking of the uttermost Sacred Words,” ergo the Sanga discourse on Rasa alchemy. (pp 48) That the HK was seven knots to the One, is mirrored in the Sanskrit letter Kh, which is the 49th letter, or 7 x 7, which is linked to the + 1… HK KH The Hagalas rune, become the Hexagon of the ice crystal in later periods, as a sixpointed star-hex… However, the Isis knot of HK was 7 knots kneeded to the Boundless One HK Manun. 7 Knots tie the line ruller to the ring circle, the 1 and 0, Ø, the One and All, the Golden Rule… That is the REN, word as the Golden 7 + 1… Originally the Hagalas rune had the shape of H, with a double cross-bar in the middle, depicting the hydrogen bound base pairs… It is generally given the value of the 8th position, the Omega of the first Ait (Runic = 8), Ati (Sanskrit = 80)… Just as our letter “H” still is placed on the 8th position in. Thus HK in Egypt, personifies the golden 7 to the 1, and 7 + 1 renders the 8 hz of the golden ring rule of measurement universal, through One element = H. The 7 knots of the HK that comprise the REN Logos Word, are given 7 hieroglyph’s…. 1. I axis,




Pillar, Vertical Pole or Post, Penis, one finger,




MET 10


3. rear;

SAA 100

Q, R

connector of above with below, one tally, base chakra node note. Nuit’s arched canopy of stars body; Stele arch; vagina; thicket; grove; Shrine Ki Life Chakra, uterus womb, Spiral; cord; the beard; pony tail tied at heads


coil of rope; string of (100) counting beads Solar plexus chakra Lotus flower growing so abundant as to be

4. KHA 1000 counted 5. of

TAB 10,000

6. He-Fennu 100,000 proliferation 7.


a thousand petals… 1000 petalled Lotus Heart chakra Counting by the fingers of the hand, finger limit

Q, R

calculation. Throat Chakra Frog, multiplication, kluenen/clone,

HEH 1,000,000 T°hM°f U°C°h number

beyond the calculus of the hand. Fax Simile, Pineal Third Eye Chakra the Anumate Soul; , immortality; exclamation of Exuberance and Joy of being alive, only a The gods can numerate, as the number of souls in the universe. ATUM, ATON, ATEN, ASEN. The Crown Chakra.

Alpha-Omega is gained to the Golden plus One Ring. 8.



Para-Symbolic The number beyond the Beyond Nomination number of soul’s or breaths, or Vehicles in the Universe, the Imperishable Imm Annu universe of Omni-Temporality, of Inumerational Unanimousity. Eternity in alchemical marriage with infinitey, alpha with omega. The numeral of the unity of the One TEMporality — immaculate irreversible Macro. The Unity Sun of all sun horizons. The Millions of Stars as One.

The Ankh as the cross of the body of man, a union of man and Annu, from the SENREN Word Golden Ring Word, or Cartouche, of 10,000,000 Suns as one Primal Annu Sun, added to 1, SEN-UA = 10,000,001. These are eight digits personifying the Ogdad of 8 gods, with a hex of 6 zero’s to two 1’s or Wands (One’ds), giving the digit of double unity, at the beginning 1st element, H or hydrogen, that is 90% of the universe, as the universal one, rendering 8hz in the golden proportion that musically


157 doubles the 8 into the universal pyramid Maru Prastara of equal TEMporing ATUNing; and the golden 7 + 1, where unity is the 8, as the Sun of One. Thereby the Ankha is produced, and the name of Lady SENuÅ emerges as the stone… This union is one (1) God-Soul unfolding as the Skambh pillar or UA pole of creation, from the Omniplicate Alpha-Omega (10,000,000). VEDA KAMALA AND EGYPTIAN KHAM PARALLEL’S The astoundingly obvious Veda root of these 7 + 1 knotes of the HK, is beyond credibility to remote to mere random coincidence — accept that the grid of random order has been fundamentally measured as being the reciprocal golden octave of fractal recursion, known as the Sierpinski triangle, whose self similarity through the entire order of elements, demonstrates a universal macro scalled invariant self awareness coherently ordering creation… Thus, indeed, it is Randome, par excellence. We have already shown that the Vedic word Ásan not only means “Stone” but also the immaculate “Firmament”… Whilst the Veda word ÁSNA, itself means the Captial “Stone” (pp 54). As in the “Stone of the Firmament”, akin to “the Stone of the Heavens”, that the alchemists called the Lapis Stellis Excellis, or “the most excellent stone of the stars,” to describe the Grail Stone, or the Jewel of the Philosophers, that is the Prima Materia personification so supreme, that all elements can usher from it from balck Kam to the gold of Kama love…. The Veda’s Immaculate and Imperishable Body that is Omni-Temporal and OmniSpatial, and thus Omniturnal and OmninPHInite, is known as the Vajra Body, or Diamond Body, which is also the creation force of Lightening and Thunder, the Rg Veda relays… It took Dr. Santilli’s “plasma-arc flow generator” that simulates lightening, to uncover the hidden 5th element, the 5th unified force of the universe (no longer an Arkane Mystery, but a practical Veritable Treasure Unburried… Dr. Santilli does not appear to know it yet, but he has been guided by the Manu to uncover the Primordial Omni-Science of the All-One Creator. Universal Lightening is the craft of the Diamond, it is the Thunderbold Vajra of the Bottomless Depth of Heart Fundament. The Philosopher’s Stone, must be the Soma Stone, the One Stone of creation that harbours the Logos Cow’s Faucal Speech… Indeed, Aksara heralds her flowing Fountains (Fauntanus) of 1000 streams, from the universal Stone, or rock… She is universal Lightening and Universal Rain. Her voice is Universal Thunder, like Thor is Ha-Thor (der ThUn Tune)… Do the Vedas portray ASNA as the Stone? We have shown above that the word ASÁNI means “Lightening Bow or Arc” and “Thunder Clap,” with the initial four fundamental lettered ASÁN receiving the feminine 5th element of the “I”, (Sanskrit over the two eyes of Purusara, two of the 16 Sanskrit vowels designating “I” and “Í” — the constant i is essential in higher mathematics, like the Santilli iso- and geno- mathematics of Omni-dimensionality… It is the Imaginary Unity. I.e. consciousness Itself, essential in animating a mathematical equation into the translation of a practical operation in the creation. The true I-Mage-Nation (the Nation of the Universe One/Wand of Wisdom/Magh. AKA the Skambh Pillar of the Manuratha Omni-direction Vehicle of the Purusaratha, or Anthropos Omniversal Karavan).


158 ASÁNI’s Skambh rod or phylon, as the 5th elemental “I” added to the ASAN Philosophers Stone of the Firmament, has its precise mirror in the REN Logos epics of the land of Kham. For it is precisely the same as the Egyptian Golden Ruler Ring, SEN coming into union with the single I hieroglyph of number One’s Wand/Pillar of uA; which then renders on the phoenetic dimension the primordial name of Hathor, as ASNuA. Thereby, completing ASNA’s foundamental 4 forced house: Asar-SutekhNebtet-Ast, to the 5th force of creation, that is the Sound of creation, the UA, the 8 and the 1 as one (ASUAN, anagram of SENuA), numerates a fifth force in the letter “U” prefixing the “A” — so in Egyptian, the single I Wand/Pillar is the hieroglph portraying the phoenism of “UA”, pronouncing UAN or ONE, also shown as digit 1. This Post Axel pinning the Ring and Rule Ø of SEN-REN of the ImmaAnnu Universe of All-Oneness into the universe, in orthorotation to the Rule of the SEN that is horizontal to the Ring, just as 8hz passes through a triple vacuum faraday cage and a superconductor, only by orthorotation through the Annu-Verse Prima Materia… Ortherotation is an EL of an Angle (or Angel from Angirasa)… That god L is 90°, and ILA, the root of El and Alh, is our Manu Anthropomorph Alpha/Ruta MaNu Mother… With the One Wand 90° in El to Imm Annu, the Ankh comprises the truth of All-One Maker With and As Us — Emmanuel, sharing posts (pun intended) with Imm-Annu-El, that is Ma-Nu as Hatp Ptah, as one with Ma-Nun as ASNA, both emerging as two HAHKHA hands from the AbBha heart of the Imperishable All-One Universe of Imm-Annu

PUNIC PARTY PUNCH PUNS FROM PUNT Punt = Africa… Punt is also the name of Soma. Punch is the Sanskrit name of the ritual celebration drink of initiation, akin to soft Soma, Somalata, and other psychotropic mood and mind enhancers of clarity and insight for apotheosis into numinous rapture, by practical practice of ritual. Pun is not only a wordgame or play, cognate to other words of the same sound, but different meanings, but is the remnant of the Veda Ideogram Macro Iconography…. The Phoenix bird of Love, the Vena bird of the heart, whose name means also Venus, is the metamorphing flying agent or Soma-Sun bird of metamorphosis… Its inner language is called by “those with eyes to see and ears to hear” the “language of birds.” The Somapa Kavi poet Sages of the Veda’s when raptured with the Soma Punch, metamorphed into Herukas, with Lion heads, bull heads, and then into aquiline and winged families of the eagle heads and totems, Vena/Foenaix/foenix, and even into the Hawk forms, as well as the Peacock; just as Neb Heru, or Lord Horus, becomes a bak “hawk” headed shaman, whilst Hatp Ptah, the ImmAnnu, becomes the BaNNu phoenix bird of the Sun Self AnnuAtum… The Egyptian BaNNu for the Phoenix Annu-Sun bird, and pyramid Ra-Ak capstone, or Axel Eyes Stone, is identical to the Sanskrit and Vedic Bhanu which means “the Sun”, the basified ANU, or the visible sun of our solar system. This meaning is akin to several levels of metaphoneme’s for BNN-o… Yet scholars derive this Egyptian word from Akkadian interactions… In Akkad’s academies, the Akkadian tongue called BANU, the “Phoenix” bird… More precisely the “Sun Fire Womb Bird,” whilst at the same it is their botanical name for the Soma plant, Ruta Sylvestris, ergo Peganum Harmala, the wild rue (our book The Soma Conspiracy, covers this


159 extensively from a surprising number of academic scholarly sources, which have etymologically grafted the botanical identities of this wild rue plant, spanning the last 300 years of botanical etymological academia. The evidence is absolutely overwhelming, and of utmost significance, in terms of religious importance and uniformity, but most especially, in terms of the medical remedial and biological sciences). It is thus heartfully interesting, that the Vena bird of love, in the Rg Veda, whose name is the root stem of Phoenix and Venus, is the Sun Fire Bird that steals the Soma Amrita from the region of Sambara (galactic center in syntax of the 27 lunar mansions of Vedic astrological astronomical chartering of their visionary tales of wisdom), and descends upon our Primal Progeniter, Manu Vaivasvata/Ila with the Divine Soma Spirit, akin to the pentacostal/Fînxton… The Germanic Fînxton word being etymologically derived from the meaning that renders Fenix’s Descent… Fenix is the Soma-Amrta courier (curator), in the Veda’s, in Akkad (as the plant, and Womb Bird of the star’s fire), and in Egypt, as the ImmAnnu Sun Bird of the Atum sphere, as well as the Ra-Ak all-seeing Eye Stone of the Manu Pyramid, called MaRu — just as once Vena had brought Soma back to Earth, Manu planted it ontop of the world Mt. Maru, the Mt. Of Manu… Whilst this is all the more intriguing and astounding in the unanimous unity of the undivided wholeism that our holomoving history is comprised as (in Dr. Bohm post quantum mechanical terms). It is even more stupendous to realise that the very common word for raising humour and a merry spirit, Pune, is directly related to the Phoenix according to such a commonly available public source as Websters dictionary. They lis Punic as: “the language of ancient Carthage, a form of late phoenecian… Latin Pûnicus, earlier Poenicus, Carthaginian = Poen(us) a Phoenician… akin to Greek Phoînix a Phoenician… + icus.” (Webstersm pp 1094) The Phoenician script is also the via mediator between the Indus valley script, Sanskrit, Runes, and the Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Semitic, languages, into the Greek, and Roman scripts as well as the Anglo-Saxon Runic scripts… So therein, we not only have the Rg Veda describing that language is cognate with Soma, which is the milk agent of the VAK Word Logos of the Speech Cow (the 8 hz NMR proton coupling nature of the Soma molecule, and the hydrogen streams of our sun, interstellar space, galaxy, and local galactic island group, or Sarasvati/Virgo supercluster, describing the universal syntax of the base angular velocity phase differences of the primal universal element one, comprising 90% of the universe, that is 8hz, and engages the golden ratio universally, arranging all chaos into the Meru Prastara and Manugala pyramids, or Sierpinski triangle pyramids — the AUM Maru Yantra. Speech has been absolutely universally identified… Einstein himself wholeheartedly advocated his Imaging technique, which coupled all brain poles at 8 hz alpha) — but the Phoenician melting cauldron of east and western Syntaxis, bears the name of the very bird that Descended the Plant of Language and Immortality, for our alchemical metamorphosis… Pun, then, is Poen, or by extension, our Phoenetics, ergo our Fone words like Phone, Voen, or Vone, transliterating to Won and One, and Fun, as the Fundamental Phoneme’s Founding our Foundation or vOneDyauSian (Van of One Dyaus = Sky God, Sian = Immortal). Our book The Soma Conspiracy will astound one heartily many avenues further in this delight…


160 Thee Greek word Ikos, means actually “20”, just as the Sakrit (Sacred, Secrete, ~Secret) local logos cow has 20 feet (Rg Veda 1.164)… Icosahedron is the 20 triangular faced 3d symmetry, comprised from a perfect 3d composite of Ø, or PHI… The Golden Proportion as PHI itself is linked to Love and Aphrodite/Venus, and is cognate to the Phoinix word as Fînix, ergo PHÎnix, that is Ø and O, where “nix” means O, a perfect complementary composite. The Ikosahedron is comprised from 3 golden rectangles in medial congruence, respectively tilted orthoratary to onenanother, each properly to the planes of X, Y, Z (virtical, horizontal, diagonal), that comprises our 3rd dimension… Link the corners of this 3 PHI rectangles, and one has the Ikosa… Also Pun is related to the golden reed of the Vena fire bird, whose tail feathers are attached to the Syena arrow of love, made of golden reed. The Bamboo reed is used throughout India, descriptive in the Veda’s with Soma, and likewise in Sumeria and Egypt, and is still used to this day by the Nepalian shamans, who have an unbroken lineage from archaic times, in their plant use lore, of accessing the plant Deva divine teachers, or “the Mothers”, primordial (Rg Veda 10.97). Thus PUNJI stake, which websters relates: “bamboo stake concealed, as in high grass…. Ealier Punjee, Panja… A Tibeto=Burman language of North East Burma and adjascent areas of India and China.” (Websters pp 1095) MORE ON PUNT ON THIS WEBSTERS PAGE “Old English Fenix… Greek Phoînix” (Webster pp 1015 see more on Phoenicia and poenetics there) Also Fenian of the Irish Fian Fennians Webster pp 491.. anf FEY pp 493… Also Finn and Finnic Uralic language pp500.. Fond = full pp 517. baptis, font as foinix pp 518, fonts of writing the fontain Foun and Fountain pp 526, found to melt meld metal… fontAnus from fons Anus ergo foenixs Anu… Link with Sanskrit durasa Frasa, phrase frasa of the peacock fenix. Fund wealth and fonix Funen as Fin, Funeral Funus funicular funi culus as cord and Funnel on pp 540… Fan basket from WIN-NOWing vannus pp 481 Fane as fãn temple fanum sanctuary… Fanion from Fanum and fano as fabric of textile weaving. Fanny as buutocks from fanus fantan Chinese cards phainein make visible under fantastic and phãnõs make light pp 482 Faucal speech fauces all link to vauk or vak, faun anf Faunus roman deities. Fauna female sprit guardian of animals, faunal and fauna floral… faunus the god pan pp 486 Foun feon, faon fawn young dear yellow brown tawny fetonum fetus [link banu womb bird and vena vetas Faye and Fata as faia feia pp 487] Feces faeces pp 488 Fern ferne fearn VÆ-REN, Farn, Ferna Sanskrit Parná feather pp 491 links VARE and the REN to Parna frasa phoenix tree of ascension, and pine tree, to pinealm as well as furnous… REN THE RENDERRING WORD RUANE (SEE ‘REN” PP 1140 WEBSTERS) ~~¥¥¥¥ Ω Ω ≥ ≥ Ï Ï Í Í»» Ÿ Ÿ


161 Could the Egyptian word REN (RN), sometimes designated as RN:AU, with the UA figure apparently denominating the governing vowel of these two consonants — actually be pronounced RUAN, instead of REN… And thereby linked to the Runes, where the Old meaning of Raune is “Hidden Language!”? There are some clues in that direction. Forinstance, the extremely ancient book translated as Reu Nu Pert Em Heru, may well indicate that RN, is in fact REUNu. This book is mentioned to be already obscure to the Theban theocracy, some 5000 years ago, in 3,500 BC… The elite had apparently lost the core principles and language pronounciation, and manipulated the source code so much as to obscure into Ruine the original meanings… It is interesting that the 12 hours of the night, had their divisers called Sakhti, or “Field”, identical to the Sanskrit Sakti meter of 4 x 5 syllables = 20, although sometimes also designated 21; and NUAT meaning “City”, akin to Sanskrit Nodhã “nine-folded”. ( pp 257). Which would, as Sakthi Nodha designate 21 plus 9 hours, rendering the 30 Muhurtas of the 24 hour Lunar clock, each hour of 48 minutes. This would also be tied to the night, for each foot of Sakhti is 5 syllables, added to the 9 hoursm renders 14 hours between the two, Field and City, leaving one hour free as the Ah Axel of completion, the 15th kala dark Moon. The dawn of day beginning on the 16th kala new moon to the whole of the lunar cycle mansions. Not only is the Egyptian word for the Living Logos, the Philosophers Stone of ASNA associated to the Renn bird (and thus rendering the bird language of alchemy, being one of the birds of language in the Acacia tree papyrus, where the SENAt Tree of Life, is filled with the Birds of language, but the very first English RENdered word under REN, describes the “born again” process of the alchemical wedding with the Logos, in becoming “Twice Wedded”: “Ren-Ais-Sance… ren’e°säns… the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe… Any similar revival in the world of art and learning… renewal; rebirth… motifs and forms, including the classical orders, and by an emphasis on symmetry… Middle French: rebirth = renaiss-… short of renaistre to be born again… Latin renãsci; re- RE- + nãsci to be born… + -ance.” (Websters Pp 1140) This is an astounding admittance in the public domain… Not only have we documented in our book The Soma Conspiracy, that the “born again” process extends from the 3 day Soma ceremony of the Rg Veda, into the Persian Zoroastrain 3 day Haoma ceremony, into the Mandaean 3-day Sambrha ceremony, into the Egyptian 3 day Hab Sub ceremony,* but also the 3 day Soma Christos ceremony, after the sun and the Moon eclipse on the 9th hour, and Christ’s body (Soma) embalmed in the tomb, undergoes the 3 days of Somagenesis, or biological metamorphosis, into the iso-electronium (hadron physics) body of resurrection, which precisely tally with the 40 days of transfiguration described in the Brahmana’s following the Soma-Rasa successful Elixir of Immortality… *NOTE SBHB — HBSB: where Hab Sub, is simply an anagram of many existing near-eastern and far eastern near ancient and archaic botanical plant names for Soma, like Subhab, and Sbha, akin the hieroglyphs of the Hab Sub (HB SB), which also


162 renders the Araimic name for the Soma rue plant, in anagram Sabbha from SB HB, derived from the Abba sounding names of the Soma plant from Persian, Akkadia, Sumer, and Saba, and Phoenicia amidst others (see especially the Pi-Kanon chapter of our book The Soma Conspiracy, for extraordinary details to this effect)… The Hb Sub feastival, is celebrated on August 11, 12, and 13th, when the Pharao eats the left eye of Horus, which itself is compounded from the ASNA Nebu Soma Bush and Senat Acacia tree growing around the Mt. Serabit El Khadim laboratory of Sinai, in combination with M-State superconducting-like elements.. This is the alchemical wedding of Asr and Ast, that is Osiris and Isis, which also became the Lammas/Heimdalen day in Germannus and Normannus Anglo Saxony… Heimdal who governs the Mannus Rune, has been well established by the Greek historian Tacitus to be forefather of the human race Mannus, son of Tuisto, which is non-other than the Rg Veda Manu Tvastr, the Horse-Maker of the Soma Pavamana elixir. On August the 1st, which is the Lammas feastival, concurring over 3 days, from July 31st to August 2nd, has its middle day as the alchemical wedding day of Oddin and Frigga, who ascend up the Hiemingborg, or world Mountain, of Heimdal Mannus, to the heavenly Asgard…. This is the day that the Confederation Helvetica (Switzerland), celebrates by burning Pyre’s of Fires on the top of the mountains, and light fireworks of ascension. END NOTE Furthermore, the individuals that engaged the Renaissance, were contrived of initiates into the alchemical Cabala traditions emerging from the Gnostics, Greeks, Egyptians, Israelites, Templars, Priori de Sion, Persian Magi, and the Vedic ascetics… Embodied by such persona’s as Dr. John Dee, Earl Kelly, Sir Francis Beacon and Le Pleiade Group of Paris, Lord Anjou or Orange, and Robin Loxly of Shirwood (~Robin Hood), these initiates spearheaded the Renaissance — Lord Anjou (Anu) created the first public library in Italy, Sir Francis Bacon, student of master cabalis Dr. Dee, added 10,000 words to the English language, and rearranged its grammer according to the Ikos symmetry, that underlies the Rg Veda as well… Their coding of the rue plant, acacia, certain Lotus and lilly plants that contain the Soma molecule, as well as the alchemical processes involved, and some of the other 108 Soma plants of Rg Veda mandala 10.97, all but merily convays that the Phoenix cipher of Soma Manu-Script, was imbibed into our modern revolution, by initiates attempting various forms of being “born again,” and instilling their cognitive Gnosis on the world’s apotheosis by the RENaissance. BASTE LAUD BAST Bhãs from bhãsate means “Saying, speaking.” (pp 340). Whilst the Sanskrit word bhãsita means “spoken.” But is directly linked to the Vak cow, in the form of bhãsã, meaning “Speech; Rede; Dialect; Definition,” and in company of –citraka as bhãsãcitraka, defines a “Word Game, ergot, cant, or pun.” (pp 340). Bhãsika is a word that designates “clear-audience of the Race Language,” whilst its second derivation is, “the Ritual of the hidden Primordial Script,” and as bhãskã simple the “Speech’, but most remarkably, there is a form bhãsta, which renders the one “Speech, Speaking.” Hence, in bhãsta we have the archaic root of both the Egyptian goddess BASTA, and in bhãskã we have the root language of the Bask people, who brought with them some of the global keys of the universal language, salvaged from the Mu-Rutas by the


163 Manu’s seven-folded efforts in harmony with the 8-folded octave of golden symmetry of the universe… The Bask peoples Runic-like script sharing the same attributes as the most ancient Japanese fair-race culture called the Ainu (ANU), that have a documented unbroken syntax for at least some 7-8,000 years into antiquity. This is very important in that it also verifies its underlying unity with Sanskrit and Tamil Dravidian scripts, with which, via Basque, it shares a remarkable unanimous majority of its words, with only minor phoenemeism adjustments. The Manu-Script was taken into the Pyrenes, and the valley of Rennes, then called Rhadai. Emerging latter amidst the Grail alchemy of the Meruvingian Christos Soma legacy, in the form of the Ancient Order of Maata, or AOM, which modelled the One Spiritual Sun, that in Sanskrit is called SIONA, and they called SION (Greek for of Sutekh (Set)-Ast(Isis)-Asar (Osiris)-Nebtet (Nephthys) — SAAN/SION. Hence, an anagram of ASNA, and ASAN, cognate with SENuA. AINU ANU Since the Ainu culture are mentioned as the Annus family in the Rg Veda, including descriptions of their habitat and locality, and this first progenitor culture to germinate into the islands of ancient Japan, share distinct features removed from the Mongolian race characteristics, with northern European complexities and blood groups, spearheading the “lynch-pin” of an heritage with an archeological foundation that stretches back an octave of thousands of years — is so vastly significant in verifying the Rg Veda’s antiquity. This is even more planly logical since Ainu’s main semantic phoenetics are largely interchangeable with Brahmi Sanskrit and via Basque with Tamil Dravidian, both derived from the Sarasvati Ur-Script brought by the Manu Salhvana “Golden Shinning Ones”,. From the global super-civilisation speaking the universal ManuScript language. Thereby cementing the uncanny commonality between the Ruane consonant vowel chants, like Kaunan’s “Ka, Ke, Ki, Ko, Ku,” that is directly mirrored in the Japanese Takama rendering the same precise rules for their “K” sounds as “Ka, Ke, Ki, Ko, Ku.” See the section on Kuan Yin, elsewhere in this chapter. Furthermore, the Ainu script shares many remarkable similarities to the similitude of the Ruane’s secret scripting, including some of the key character macro ideogram multirunes as those in the Sarasvati valley iconographic script, that have not undergone the full division that was rendered into the European and Norse Raune scripts… Bask is also the key to understanding one of the most elite languages of the Egyptian priesthood, the Egyptian shorthand, this includes complete decipherment of the Sumerian short-hand of the Angel-Alchemist-Farmers to boost…*AINU



164 The Ainu are a bear-worshipping civilisation settled in Northern Japan, whose semantic script has generally been considered a language-isolate, that generally is still being designated the misnomer to be ‘unlike any other language on earth.’ There have fortunately been a handful of courageous pioneering researchers who did not flinch from the novelty that they faced, as they noticed Ainu’s relationship with languages in south-east Asia, whilst several others demonstrated clear similarities with the Ostiak and Uralic languages of northern Siberia — thus rendering the Uighur and Mu-Rutus Primordial language roots. The Ainu have Caucasian features of faire skin, thick and wavy hair, head morphologies that are round (mesocephalic), and a despite thousands of years of interbreeding, some also still exhibit grey or blue eye colour. Their blood group types are less clear cut due to the millennia of bloodgroup intermixing with the Asiatic races, and exhibit characteristics more akin to the Mongolian civilisations The Ainu practice simple planting methods and agriculture, with hunting and fishing skills being a statusd quo to this semi-nomadic tribe. The Ainu government is most interestingly called by the Vedic name of Yamato. Where Yama as the Shaman King of the Dead, brother of Manu Vaivasvata and Ila, as a Son of Vivasvan of the Oversoul Sun (ANU 4D Klein bottlespace), which some descriptions within the Vedas describes not to have died bodiely perse, but rather to have absorbed the conducting bio-hologram template from its valence bounded matrice, into a form of iso-electronium (or Cooper-Pairing Highward Orbit Spin State), into a Meisnir Field (M-Field) of superconducting-like attributes, akin to the transition phase of Santilli Hadron Physic’s magnecule matteria, translating the morphology into what are today known as the after-life planes… Thereby, Yama and Yami, did not die, but became the first to inhabit the Sun Self into the Afterlife lower heavens, and become known as “King and Queen of the Dead.” As the name Yamato, the meaning has some similitude to Sanskrit designations that define “Yama’s highest love matting of the 80 sphere.” The invaders that followed onto their islands, over the thousands of years of their settlement, called them the Ezo, or ‘unwanted,’ forcing the Ainu to engage in fierce combat and have to retreat to the island of Hokkaido, in the north. This peithet of Ezo appears likely to be an abbreviated word from the Basque ezonartu (to disapprove of). Whilst ásu means “Life,” in Sanskrit (pp 58), whilst ásura means “godly; Spirit; dämon.” Numerous other words yield “unfruitful,” and “unfortunate,” and the Anus family were also depicted as contrabands of roaming nomads, that were somewhat outcaste, but were not completely disconnected with the many Rg Veda sub-groups. Ãsú meaning “fast; vacating” fits their Ezo description of nomads quite well (pp 69). They were known to be fast in their rietaliation during wartime, as their roamed onto new abodes, the name would indicate that they are partly stemmed from Ãsura race stock, in the Anu tradition of the Yama Son of the Sun modality. In such a case, the Ãsura’s would likely be demi-divinities, as they were equally depicted in the Rg Veda (unlike post-Vedic literature, where Ãsura only was used in the derogative mode of connotation).


165 Whilst the Manu Deva-Akasa Prime God of the Waters, the Oceanus/Atlas persona of Varuna, is also designated the astral (ASTRonomical) epithet of the ancient “Brilliant Ãsura”, yet Varuna with Mitra is clearly inseparable from the 33 Middle Space Gods, or Deva Akasa, repeatedly referred to as a Deva Divinity… Likewise, King Soma Pavamana, is at times given the astronomical epthet of Ãsura as well, despite Soma Pavamana being the anointing universal Christ, or Maghvan (Wise Mega-One), as a Divinity amidst the 49 Visve Devas Divinities… ARCHAEOLOGY According to archaeologists the Ainu have made their dwelling for at least 7,000 years (conservative end), on the numerous Japanese islands of Okinawa all the way to Sakhalin. The Ainu’s pottery called Jomon is universally abundant throughout Japan and its isles; exhibiting very attractive characteristics in its style, distinguished image rich shapes and lucid elegant cord decorations signature the artwork from prior to the Christian era and even in those dated from as far back as 5,000 B.C. Their shamanic voyage art is utterly striking in finds of anthropomorphic clay and stone figurines, some of which are could be cognate to pregnant females with faces that are mask-like with the protuberant eyes that often accompany DMT palnt shamanism — in similitude with many similar art forms found in other archeological continents, especially some of the archaic in Europe, and some of the Indus and Sarasvati valley cultures. That the Ainu had developed pyramids, not enormous, but perfect Gizah models, as well as a number of stone circles that share great resemblence to stone circles found in Cornwall, England, and Acacia rich Senegal (Acacia Senegal is one of SENA’s Tree;s of Life with strong Pineal metabolite, DMT, content), in North-West Africa, linked to the Canary island’s remote history and cave art writing.. Some of these archaic stones still have their upright slender stone amidst the center, akin to those found in Norway (which boasts over 2000 stone circles, the Råde stone circle of 13 stones and a central mid, has a sign dating it at least to 2,500 years in antiquity), and many found in the British Isles, Atlantic Europe and North West Africa. The Mongolian civilisation group settled in from Korea circa 300 B.C., aggressively forcing the Ainu onto the large island of Hokkaido harbouring some 17,000 Ainu that are still alive today. Yielding some 10 mandala script dialects, including those of Kurils, Hokkaido and the Sakhalin, along with several close to being lost forever, at the edge of the abyss. Yet a new youth amidst the Ainu are reviving efforts to restore their ancient language and traditions. RELIGION The numerous similarities shared by the Ainu with the spiritual customs of the Shinto Japanese, bear importance. Kami is the Ainu’s One Creator of Love, clearly derived from a common source as the Veda god Kama the Deva of Love… Shinto called him Kamisama, which again is pure Vedic meaning the “Saman of the God of Love”. Yet this word for the Deity is not reserved for the far east alone, it rears its head in the word kammi, of the Aleutian and Eskimo syntaxis, and in both cases rendering the


166 meaning of "at the beginning," and "ancient thing," but this being only one of a wide array of cross-correlations between the Ainu and Inuktitut. Inuit is what the Eskimo race call themselves; heralding some uniformal similarity betwixt the names Inuk and Ainu… In Egypt the Innu pillar at Annu Heliopolis is erected to the Nuit heavens, hence Inuit cognate to the Egyptian Innu-Nuit at Annu, aligned to the imperishable star realms of Imm-Annu. Does that note sound Ainu enough for you? The Mythological, shamanic historian, Joseph Campbell, writes a great deal about the Ainu religion’s active Bear worship, detailed in Primitive Mythology. Which raises some startling archeological points, including that this paleolithic bear-worshiping may derive from the far shores of antiquity, to datings of 200,000 years, intermediating the periods shared with Neanderthal race — world-wide worship, with an almost identical panther worship replacing rare domains (like Africa), where the bear was vacant. Bear worship petered out by the intolerance of the Christian reformations, leaving anthropologists to study the bear religion within peripheral areas of northern Europe and Siberia. Also Bear-worship has been documented in Indonesia which harbours some languages akin to the Ainu syntax, which are operating until this day. The Ainu may have been one group responsible for the "Caucasian" characteristics of the Maories and Polynesians, which has some substantiation within the following comparison of the Ainu script that appears to indicate such a scenario. THE NAMES AND WORDS OF JAPAN Many of Japan’s historical culture books frequently comment that plenty of names for the geological features of Japan were absorbed from the literacy rich Ainu nominations. The frequent names that have ama (Goddess) at their beginning or ending are all generally considered to be of Ainu origin. In Vedic AMA is the goddess of divine love. In 1994, the cave of the Goddess Amaterasu was visited by the prince and princess of Japan, who voyaged to ask for blessings on their matrimony. This is yet another classical Veda name. However, this name of Amaterasu is also demonstratably pure Basque. It is agglutinated from: ama-atera-asu, ama (Goddess) atera (to come out, to appear) asturu (blessings flow): “Blessings flow when the Goddess appears.” This name is comprised of a composition that is perfect Basque! Asturu is also a Sanskrit form of the “Horse Tree” or Ast-Tauru. Ama has already been covered, and atera, is a form of the chariot (rata, also reta), of the highest sphere (ati, or ate), of compassionate love ratara. Both atara and atera, are Sanskrit words.


167 Other Ainu-Basque word similitude (which are also cross graphing Sanskrit): Hokkaido: oka-aidu: oka (big meal) aiduru (looking foreward to): “Looking forward to a big meal”; Fujiyama, fa-uji-ama: fa (happy) uju (cry of joy) ama (Goddess): "A happy cry of joy for the Goddess" which is uttered by everyone who reaches the top of the holy mountain, just like is still being heard on many other mountains of the world (e.g . at Croag Patrick in Ireland, on the last Sunday of July). The Basques even have a word for this yodel cry for the Goddess, they call it the irrintzi. RAUNE AINU ANNUNCIATION The name Amaterasu is made up with the vowel-interlocking Ogam formula, surprising for the Ainu language that has securely buried this agglutinating formula. Further Japanese words and names assembled with the vowel-interlocking Ogam formula, are found frequently, including within the words Kamikaze and Samurai. Words showing the vowel-interlocking were usually associated with male dominant fighting, apparent throughout the Pacific, all the way to Peru and Mexico. Two apparent cipher systems, one from many millennia ago of a peaceful people of the Goddess, and the much later missionary founding with a male domination aggression, accompanied by a language-distorting vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV) formula. Ainu words were not exactly the same as Basque, but most exhibited very close matches such as: ikoro and koro (money), kokor and gogor (to scold), tasum and eritasun (illness), iska and xiska (to steal). The Ainu word nok (testicle) is much akin to the Basque word noka (familiarity with women). In English slang the same word is used in "to knock up" meaning "to cause a woman to become pregnant."


168 In Indonesian nok means "unmarried young woman," while dénok means "slender, elegant woman." In Dutch slang the word is slightly altered to neuk (sexual intercourse). The word has been carried from the Neolithic and Paleolithic eras. Following comparisons give ample etchings that Ainu and Basque are genetically related languages. Dravidian is also related to Basque, as two separate branches of the same tree. Words from: An Ainu Dialect Dictionary edited by Shiro Hattori and printed mostly in Latin characters. The Basque "s" is pronounced as a soft "sh", our sharp "sh" is written as "x" in Basque. Page* AINU 2/5 2/6 6/38 6/41 6/69 11/82 12/94 15/130 15/131 16/133 16/134 17/136 17/137 18/149 18/152 19/161 23/188 24/194 24/201 28/1 28/4 28/4 29/14 29/15 29/16 29/16 30/22 31/34 31/36 31/38 34/2 34/3 35/7


tontone to be bald kepsapa bald head aspa to be deaf papus lips taspare to sigh aske hand poro monpeh thumb nok testicle pok vulva uka'un sexualintercourse meno kupuri to menstruate kema leg, foot hera to limp kiski hair kamihi surface of tur dirt hatcir to fall (down) hotkuku to stoop mokor sleep siko to be born hetuku to grow up sikup to grow up sinki to get tired yasumi to rest tasum illness araka illness ukikosmare to sprain pirika to recover kusuri drug shuruku poison okkai man meneko woman sukukur young man

35/10 poro aynu


BASQUE tontordun kepireska aspaldiko papar asparen esku erpuru noka puki ukan kopor-kopuri kemen herren kizkur kamisoi lur atzeratu kukutu makar zikoina gehitu siku sinkulin jaso eritasun arakatu ukitu pirri kutsu shurrut oka egin eme sukor kuraia porrokatu



crested, plumed heads or tails old, ancient breast to sigh hand thumb familiarity with women vulva (slang) to possess, to have goblet, quantity vigor, strength cripple curly, wavy hair nightgown, the skin dirt to fall (back) to stoop sleep stork to grow up miserly crying, whining to get better illness to be examined to touch, to affect shaky, jittery infection gulp, drink to eat too much female having a temper strength tired

169 35/11 onne kur 36/12 36/13 36/13 36/16 39/12 40/16 42/31 42/31 42/35 44/52 45/56 45/58 45/59 47/68 47/73 48/75 50/1 50/2 50/3 50/8 51/10 51/13 51/17 52/18 52/21 52/21 52/23 52/23 52/23 53/32 56/1 57/12 58/15 58/15 58/18 58/19 58/21 58/22 58/23 59/26 59/27 59/28 59/28 60/40 64/1 64/2 64/5

ekasi hutci ruhne mah pon ona po uriwahnecin irutar umatakikor kok aukorespa usante umurek ekkur ipakasnokur kusunkur kotan porokotan sinotusi oiakunkur ankahpaaki uraiki kotankoro tono u'ekari u'ekarpa kotan orake kiru sikupu isocise itah kayo ese itasa u'uste sonko senpir sinititak sunke esina etekke eramankorka ennuka itokpa ariki koman eson asin

old person

onegi kurrinka old man ekarri old woman hutsikusle old woman urrumakatu to be veryyoung ponte father onartzaile child poz sibling aurride siblings irutara to be sisters umatu son-in-law kok to be engaged aukeratu to marry usantza married couple umotu guest ekuru teacher ikaserazi enemy kuskusean village -kote city porrokatu open space sinotsu out of doors oian foreigner ankapetu to make war jarraiki tribal chief koroa official tontor meeting ekarle meeting ekarpen to go to ruin oraka to die out kirru to perish siku jail isolamendu language itano to cry out kaio to answer esetsi answer itaun to pass along uste information esonde backbiting senper to joke sinoti falsehood suntsun to conceal esinguratu confidential etekin to pretend eramankor to pretend enulkeria to mark itoka to come ariketa to go komandante to go away esonde asi


benign moaning to contribute,provide fault-finding to sing a lullaby baptismal font authority happiness sibling three different ways to reproduce bellyful to choose, select tradition to have children peaceful, peace of mind to teach spying multiplicity, many to destroy strange, unfamiliar forest to trample under foot to attack crowned, glorified plumed, feathered bringer (of news) contribution financial ruin blond shriveled up isolation speaking in second person seagull to argue question opinion advice suffering crazy foolish, idiotic to surround, to block profit, wages tolerant, enduring weakness, debility quickly assignment, activity commander advice to start, to begin

170 65/11 65/12 65/14 66/15 68/33 70/2 70/3 70/5 70/7 72/20 73/24 73/25 75/35 75/35 75/39 76/40 76/41 76/46 77/50 77/51 80/1 80/8 81/12 81/13 81/14 83/29 87/15 87/17 88/25 88/26 96/38 97/46 97/52 158/21 187/59

rutu somaketa etaras kus kaya ko'ekari aske'uk ekari arki umusa omonnure kokor unpeki ikohka ukonkep puni inospa oskoni akkari ikasuy kukocan ese konte uk ipuni esikari iska ikoro pita tekkas atusa hantasine seku cikaripe hu eraman peko

to move aside urrundu to move away to approach somaketa attention, perception to stop etapa stage, stretch to pass through kuskusean to peek, to snoop sail kaiar very large seagull to encounter elkarikusi to see each other to invite aske free, independent to go out,to meetekarri to bring, to provide to bow kilimusi to bow to praise omendatu to praise to scold gogor egin to scold punishment iko hammer strength,contestukondoka elbowing, forcing a way strength,contestpuntzet sword to pursue inozotu to be intimidated to overtake oskol armour to outrun akarraldi to anger to help, assist ikastun student to refuse uko egin to refuse to undertake esetsi to attack, to debate to give kontentatu to please to receive ukan to have to distribute ipuina to tell a story to rob esi fence, enclosure to steal xiskatu to steal money koro money to untie,loosen pita fishing line glove teka pod, covering naked atutxa better world barefoot hankagorri barefoot to suck sikui dry to prepare sikatu to dry raw, unripe huruppa to swallow to get used to eramanpen patience, tolerance ox menpeko controlled by

Interestingly, the majority of these also translate into Sanskrite, which reveals a more esoteric arcane level of meaning to these words and names. The Ainu language is genetically related to the universal language, Saharan/Basque Mu-Rutas; the too many similarities logically cannot justify the requirement of an intercompartmental plural research effort that embraces novel new models. The Ainu appear to have been separated from the west for some 7,000 years and more likely 8,000, which should yield some disparity between this language drift navigating the divide from the neolithic languages, including those that had developed in the Sahara. Yet still so many Ainu words are clearly recognizable with modern Basque words. The Ainu memorized their history and legends as yukar, where poetry and epics were performed by memorymen with elaborate display and ritual.


171 Similarly, in the west, the universal language was maintained by regular meetings, probably at the central shrine on Malta, where the bertsolari (professional memorymen) of all the tribes and regions met to re-inforce and standardize their language and knowledge. The formerly universal language drifted and diversified into what we know today as the many languages of the Pacific islands, including those of the Kurils and Aleutians. Several of the Pacific languages, such as Japanese and Hawaian, do not have the "r". It appears that the Ainu were the first to arrive in the Pacific and they have the "r". The name Ainu possibly comes from ain'u, an abbreviation of ainbanatu (to distribute, to scatter all over). And the Basque word aienatu (the disappeared, departed). WERE THE AINU "NOMADS OF THE WIND"? There are indications that the Ainu sailed regularly to Alaska to obtain reindeer hides from the Aleuts established there, which they needed for their sails, exactly the same as was done by the Basques, the Irish and Scots who went to Arctic Norway for their reindeer-leather sails (Mt. Komsa people). The Ainu must have been great long-distance sea. All over the Pacific this incredible sailing tradition waned fast when the social structure changed after the coming of European or Asiatic domination. The Ainu still sail the ocean but mostly on fishing trips. The complex navigational techniques, acquired over millennia had been the property of a few special families and were never popular wisdom. They are now lost. The astonishing amount of astronomical knowledge which the members of such navigator families had to memorize was taught them at a very young age and was built up during a lifetime on the ocean. The people who sailed the Pacific without the aid of instruments have recently been called the "Nomads of the Wind", a most appropriate title for these courageous and resourceful people. The Ainu appeared to have been the avant garde of the Pacific migration. While looking in more detail at the names in the Pacific, I found that many of the Pacific islands had names which could be translated with the Basque dictionary such as: "Tahiti", from tahi-iti, tahiu (appearance) iti (ox): "Resembles an ox" the sharp pointed mountains indeed resemble ox horns. Or: "Rapa Nui" (Easter Island),



arra-apa ' nui, erraldoi (giant) aparta (far, far away), nui (enormous, in Hawaiian): "Enormous giants, far, far away". Peru where the Incas established a complex civilization, complete with highly evolved Indus-type irrigation. The Incas were living gods and the Basque word for "God" is ainkoa! MORE BONUS MATERIAL MANHUMOUR — COSMIC YOLKS OF LINGUISTIX JOKES Last June and Jule 2004, we were steeped in Manu research on linguistics, which resulted, amidst many other pages, in the detailed (very hard work, yet hilariously humours) pages that follow… You may well be astounded, and with a belly full of fire from laughter… These are utterly beMUsing findings, that our most Noble Logos of All Is God has Seeded Invaginally amidst our language and context… They may become VERY naughty in places, and very dense and detailed in others (requiring some special knowledge or consciousness to break the humour code embedded therein… It is well worth the persue, if Humour is considered gold to you… Some sentences may make no sense at all, especially if taken gramatically too seriously… Be as fluid as the nuance of the hearts humour breathes through you, and honey gold shall persue you… We, as always, appear to start off rather seriously at first… These are here for you to Enjoy and Remember, and Celebrate the True Spirit of All Is God. Please remember, do not take what follows too seriously… The more we progress, the more certain should be the laughter that it Instills: The SION DIAMOND BODY LOTUS (Wave 6) training, marks the 10th anniversary of this Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion technology and protocol being passed onto the public, from its initial foundry (V-AunDhri) of the Emmanuel instigated Apotheosis with the Vortexijah, during periods of “reptured” transfiguration of Numinous Imersion with Emmanuel, as well as in several other experiences. Despite the witnesses, and some of their signed testimonial reports (comprising the original appendix of our 1990-92 book THE LIGHT OF EMMANUEL: Explorations Into Oneness), and other phenomenon associated to an Numinous “Other”, including “star ship “Spheres” in the sky, visible and communicating in a Living Language for all — only rudimentary photographic and film recordings of anything “Light Body” related phenomenon have been accumulated over the years… Recently some new materials have surfaced in recent manifestations, and we are assembling some of the other material that has accrued over the years.


173 Whilst I did experience numerous “Light Body” manifestations, whilst alone with Emmanuel and the Unit-Emmanuel OT/ET’s in my mid to late teens, a part of me never thought that these would suffice for recounting such as a recorded experience. Only if there if there were other witnesses present, have I generally chosen to describe these experiences. In The Emmanuel Story of our THE LIGHT OF EMMANUEL book, we mention an experience that occurred in 1972, in the Swiss Valais/Wallis Alps, that we have dubbed “the SION DOME.” On this earliest experience of the Light Body associated phenomenon, I was within my mid 2nd year, and the experience I vividly recall throughout my entire life (without exception), it was always crystal clear, and I often discusse aspects with my former biological mother Auna Schri-Ker… This incident did not exactly include witnesses, but it did initiate a search party that scathed the high Alpine domain, of the upper tree level limit, some 32 years ago. This latter fact etched vividly in the lucidity of memory, because the reward of finding me, was a whole huge bar of prime Swiss chocolate, a dream I never entertained for years to come (the infuriating injustice of me finding Michel, the boy heading the search (who is now the owner of the remote wooden mountain hut, a chalet similar to the old Norwegian beam “hutte”he Blue Pearl Lotus Body being experienced in 1988, when the author was fully communing with the All-One Creator of All-Oneness amidst the Mendip hills (in the Glastonbury Greater Zodiac of some 88 constellations), ajoining the Cern Abbas (Abba CernAunus/Orion, AKA Manu Prajapati Vastu Purusa) — with a witness witnessing the dissapearence of my holographically local body, first into “electric blue” (the Blue Pearl Lotus Rtas Essence) EPOS “An Epic… Epic poetry… A group of poems transmitted orally, concerned with parts of an epic theme… A series of events suitable for treatment in epic poetry… Greek epos speech, tale, song; akin to Latin võx voice, Sanskrit Vãcas word, hymn.” (Websters pp 451) Manu-Script Manuance are an inseparable unity of macros in the form of ideograms, whereby individual letters, or seed concepts like our IndoEuropean Anglo-Saxon*SAKS.. are actual a undivided family pantheon of One Wholeness, as one universal Atom breathing all atoms: ATOM/ATUM/ATAM/ATEM (English, Egypt, Sanskrit, German, an ANU/ImmANNU (Sanskrit Atom and universal one Atom, Egyptian Imperishable One Universe — an atom atoned at an autonomous atemperality atuned at-One in an automation of an A’ Tone with a Template in a Tempering equilibrium (i.e. A 432), *SAKS: ANGÆLIC ANU-GALAs OF THE ANGLO-SAXON ANGELOS FOUNDRY OF THE ANGLOS S-AKSAUN ARCHAIC LIGHT BODY MANU FAMILY: THE ANGIRASAS Anglo founded by the Angelos (Greek angel) race of mankind, the Anaukaimh (in Akkadian AnuKhaim being the Heaven = Anu, Chiefs/Magi = Khaim [KhaIman]. Kæmh, and Kimh in Sanskrit [KMH in Meruba Hebrew, as , is a name of the Pleiades, or 7 sisters of Speech, Vakas/Võx [Sanskrit and Latin, respectfully]) angel family, that the Rg Veda calls one of the most archaic families that Carried and Spirited the Universal Manual Vedas, as the Angrasas, children like the Hero Twins of the Nasatya’s or Asvins, and other children of the One Universal Sun, the Maghvana (Universal Mega One) of


174 Manu Agni-Kumara Jagadveda (Universal Christ, Androgene Apat Napat and Hiranya Gharba, Golden Anointed [ANUtted] First Born Sun Child of the Primordial Waters of Creation) Angerasa S-Aksaun)hese are Epigrammatic Equivocals… TAPA-NIYA “smelded nugget cluster of gold” [snsk dic pp 183]TAPI CCHA “tamala tree… Xanthochymus pictoris.” Pp 183 TAPAS CITA ‘a painstackingly long Ritual” pp 183 TARAPATI, “name of Brhaspati… Gate of the Tara… Moon. TARA MAYA stands in the Stars… TARA PATI heaven’s space… TARA NRGA the constellation star picture of Mrgasirsa” pp 183 [Sirius?] TARA DHIPA Moon, Star Lord,” of the 27 Lunar mansions. Pp 183 TARA DIRGHA “Tone… Loud Lauding, Annunciating.” Pp 183 TÃRÁ and TÃRAM. “resounding… Laud. Lauding/Resounding Tone… One Mystical Syllable… Pearl… TARAKSA “Star Eyed… name of a Daimon.” PP 183 TARA-YANA “Sacred Fig Tree.” Ibid TARIKA “Fährmann… Fährgeld.” Foreman, Forefather, Prime Wealth. TARIKÃ “palmjuice.” Ibid TARINI “A name of Durgã… Erretterin.” Ibid TARIN “Seated over all.” Ibid TARKSA “Bird Myth.” TARKSYA “Myth in Rg Veda of one Roß^m spatter ein Vogel.” Ibid TARCHA “An Art Amulet.” Ibid TARNA “Adjective for Grass-“ ibid TARTIYA AND TARTIYAKA, “heard thrice… 1/3rd…” ibidTARTIYASAVANA/SAVANIKA “Heard in the Ritual Evening Soma pressing.” Ibid TÃRA KÃ “Star… Meteor… Eye Star… Pupil.” Ibid TARA KA MANA “Startime… Star Age.: ibid TÃRA KA “Overulling/Overpowering… Name of a Daimon. Children of this Daimon.” Ibid TÃRA KÃNTAKA “Tara-Katöter… Name of Skanda.” Tarakotta? ibid TARAK ESVARA “Moon… Lord of the Stars.” Ibid TARA KITA “Be-Stellated… Be-starred… Stellated.” ibid *IS IS IS — YIN IS the genuise Y’Ang GENISIS of ISIS for those harbouring ISo-SInuS SYntAkSis AXIomS for the Eye’s Zen essaying of EISEN’s iso-symmetry, asailing periodic Fe Fee feeding the Feet of Fiat Lux, imbued with such a Fatefull Fairing Feat as to be Ironed like the “I” Rune is to IaSos, as symmetrically Ironical as the Essence of Isa is to the Essene’s, when fairly faring that the Pharaoh’s Ferros can be ferreted to the Feros Islands of the Iceland’s sea. Akin in Fe’s ferromagnetism is ice ferrying zero resistance, thus Is easing for ISA as Jesus is to Io’s Zeus, with such iron-side as to iron out irony of the Iron Age, by using an Isosceles isomorphed as one’s Easel, easing as dawning Eos is Singing in Isochronous is Ace, asAce arting ‘yes’ to ea’s åss of yesse’s asceptic asailing aile. AS THE SEPTAMANIAN SEPTEMBER SEPTRE TH.RAUNE/THRONE BARG-ÆYENING/BARGAINING THE MISS-I’SLE BARE WITH BARK OF ASTHETICALLY ASCETIC ‘CAANARI CANE’ ASCRIBED AS THE GOLDEN AURA’D 50 KHA-NINE D’AUG/DOG’S BAU VAUH & ÅR-


175 RAU/ÅRROW OF THE GOLDEN MIDWAY ÅR-RUNA, ØR REED D’ART BEING AR-SHARA’D/ARCHARED IN THE BOW OF SATIS-VAK-SION, ALSO KNOW AS SATA’S BARKING BARGO OF GOLDEN REED EMBROIDRY, EMBARKING TO THE COW OF S-AU-TH-AS {STHS i.e. SIRIUS}. SATHAS: AKA THE “1000 STREAMS” OF SARAS-V-ATI’S BUST, OF BÆST-AUHDT INNING {BSTHT, BES-HET, BASU-HAT}, VASTENING THE T’AK’S-TILLED TEXT-STYLE OF THE KHU MU-T-HER’S BASKET THAT BASKS THE BASS-KHAT S-P-AUN WITH WAU-VAUN/WOVEN SARA SVATI RASA OF AS ÅR RA SAU/SOW THAT SUEDE SEWING SOWING THE SÆTHING VITA’S OF RASA, VISAT SÆY’D SATVI (STHS in SPTP, Zp Tp = Alpha) In the Dendera zodia wheel, Virgo is shown as the Virgin Maeden Queen on Her Throne, holding in the Kha “W” position [Akin to Cassiopeaeia, grand daughter of Hermes/Brhaspati, whose Great Grand Mother is the BoarHeaded May Meaeden of the Pleiadian Muse, Maia] two juggs with the Ambrosial juices/Dew’s of Life and Rejuvination/Initiation, [Maead Made from May’s Meadow Morning Dew, as the May-Dance, ‘Maedens Milk’, of the May Cow]. In front of the Maeaden Queen is her maiden form as SATAS/SATIS, who holds a bow and arrow whose tip points into the Cow of STHS (SATHAS, SOTHIS [SoThiS, Saeythes]), the Sirius, or ST, or Bäst Cow of aST, or Isis. Also called SPT [ akin to Sanskrit SAPAT anagram of Apas = Sacred Water, Tapas. Ascetic Primordial Inner Heat, and Patas = “Maiden Preistess’s” like the Vaca Patas (7 Sisters Musing the Pleiades Voice’s of Musical Tongues/Tones of Speech), interpreted by Sir Budge as Septet, akin to Septre, and September [Virgos Virgin Month]. Behind the Virgo SaPaT Maiden Queen is the All-One Creator, Unas Khmanu, ‘the Pottar’, from Sanskrit P’TR, the One Priest of the Manu “All-One Crerator” [Visvakarmanamaha], of the 7 HT PTR’s (Het/Hot Pitars, Manu-Rsi — the Fire Preist Heruka’s, that accompany the 7 Maidens of Septhagonal (7sided) Voice Rivers of Milk (as the 14 Ruta/Satya Imperishable Manu Anthromorphs of Numinous Unanimity [RSI MANU]). The 7 ImmAnnu’s Manufolding the MAker Nu, or Ma Nu of the Primordial Vacuous Oceanus — also RENderred as the 7 Ht PTh’s, or Heh PTAH’s, that RENdevous with the 7 Sisters to HeKha, or the Knots [KhNut’s. Ergo Kha Nautes, where Kha is the Khargo {cargo. Kh Argo} Khar {car} that is Kharrying (carrying) the KhaMaNu {KhMN} Kharpentar’s {carpenter’s. TAR – “star” in Sanskrit} KhariKhaTuras (charicatures. Tura = Tree of Life in Sanskrit) of 7 PoTtared KharTu-aKhaSh’s {cartouche’s. Kha of TU = Tu’m, Egyptian “All-Oneness” {ref Budge} of ATM-NU, in Sanskrit ATMANU {Unanimous/UnaAnumous Breathe of Manu}, which Egyptologists presently choose to RENder by KhuSing (choosing) to interpret the hidden vowels as ATUM-NU, or NuAtum = Atum “Oneness”, Nu/Nun “Allness”}, as the Kharif’s {charifs} that KhaRaAkte-Rsi (characterise. Ra Ak = EgyPTian AK “Single Eye” of RAATM) the Golden 7 + 1 of the 7D Unaverse and ImmAnnu Imperishable Summation All-One Sun comprising the Hyper-Sphere Octonian (8D) cosmos Manufold; the Law of Octaves to the One Logos Sun, or Word. ImmAnnu’s Ab Bha Heart emanating through the Kha APS {Kha of the APiS White Cow, although likely to be rendered as the Sanskrit Kha APAS}, as the CAKARA, “the Laud… The Sound… The Word Ca, ‘Ya’.” {Sk dt pp 150} of 7 Pottar Wheel CAKRA Ratha {Kharaet/chariot. Rtas/Rtsa = Seed Essence in Sanskrit and Tibetan, from Amrtas Ambrosia, and Rutas All-Order/Law {AOL}} --


176 “Radial’s, DisKus, Circle {SR-Kh Alh. SARa/Asar/Ausris/Osiris KHargo of Alh/Ila/El/God – SAR = circle of 3,600 years, or the golden 50 petals of the 6 chakras time the Dhrti Pada 72 (50 x 72), 60 x 60, the RathaTara Brhati 36 syllable meter of the heart multiplied by the circle — 360 x 36 = 3,600, V’AkSARa, the Matha Love Milk of the AKaSAra, the Middle Space (Akasha) of Alchemical MATRImAunAi (Matrimony. Matr = mother; Ima = First breath, Aun/Anu = One S-UN; Ai = the two “I’s” placed on the Eye’s of PuruSara) SARA MATRice of the Whole Body Heart} FUNDAMENTAL FUN THAT IS FAUNA TO THE VAUN AS THE PHAUNE FAUNDLING THE WAUN-TING FUAND IN THE VAN FAAUNING THE VAUNTAGE OF THE ALL-FAUNDING FAUNTANUS {‘FONTAYNE… FONTAINE Latin Fontana… of Latin Fontanus of a Spring = font… of Fons spring + Anus –an1”} OF FAUNDERE [‘LATIN FUNDERE TO POUR, MELT, CAST… TOI MELT AND POUR (METAL, GLASS) INTO A MOLD.’ {WEBSTERS PP 526} “LATIN FUNDARE, DERIVATIVE OF FUNDUS BOTTOM, FOUNDATION.’ IBID FRIGGAN FREE FREY FREING AND FRAYING FRAYA FAIR A FaiRIE FÈ FRU-GAL THAT IS PHRASED FEIAN AS FRUI-TUS FEGAN “Frie, Fry seed, descendent… frjõ seed… Fraiw seed.” (websters pp 537) FRuIT “Latin fructus enjoyment, profit, fruit = frûg varient of frui to enjoy the produce of + -tus suffix of action.” (websters pp 537) FRUGAL “Latin frugalis economical = frûg… of frux to produce + alis –AL1.” FUCUS AND FUCOID (VaUKaUs and VaUkAUD) “Latin focus seaweed, dye, orchil… Greek phykos… Any olive brown seaweed of the genus Fucus, having branching fronds and often air bladders.” {websters pp 537} FUCK “Fuk… akin to fokken to thrust, copulate with. Focka to copulate with, strike… fock penis.” Here, our Vul-G-År word Fuck, certainly has promise in being linked to the Sanskrit Logos, or Female 1000 Voicalling Cow, in that it is rooted, in part from Fuk. Which is akin to VUK, and Voc, of our VOCAbullary, and rendering into the Latin Vox that becomes our word Voice (VoIxe, from VauKhas). Vox is also a Woc, that is a crater Cauldrion (Khaula-Drona = Male/Female alchemist, Kaula {akin to Ku-ma-ra, or Khu/Cow of Ma/Mother and Ra/Father}, and Drona is the Veda Soma Cauldrion that the 7 Khau’s Laud Vaucala’s/Vocals in and on… In light of all the other etymological insights that have only been hitherto shared with any regularity in the west amidst the highest secrecy oaths of the 32nd and 33rd Free-Masonic initiate grades — the clarion of clarity clearly calls our attention to the very likely root of our word Cauldrion, from the Sanskrit and proto-Veda syntax words 1. Khu Al Drona, 2. KaulaDrona and


177 3. Kala-Drona. The first meaning ‘Cauldrion of the Divine Cow,’ as the hymns of the Rg Veda repeatedly herald. Al is cognate with Il and Ila, the Sanskrit male and female words for god and goddess, that routed into their derivational incarnation as the God names of El, Alah, Ela, Elyon {from Il-Yoni}, and ELohIm. T The second rednerring word meaning most appropriately: “alchemical cauldrion.” As Kaula is the composite union of the universal Numinous God and Goddess (Rudra/Siva Rudrani/Sakti) principles in one. This Androgenous Nature Alchemical Ambroisia of immortality was practised by the Indus Kaula Margas, and the Kaulavamcara tantric alchemical traditions (including the protocols of Soma Rasa and KalAmrta elixir alchemy). The third rendered word meaning “the Cauldrion of the complete Elixir of Lunar/Soma calander Ambrosia”. The Moon that is called Soma Chandra, has 15 distinct phases, which the Vedas called the 15 Kalas of the Moon… The celebrated 16th Kala of the Moon/Soma, was the entire cycle of the L’Una itself, harbouring what is called the Kalavala, or Kalamrta and Kalarasa, meaning the supreme elixir of immortality… The mystery of the 16 vocal vowels were cross-related to this ritual (Ritus means Annual in Sanskrit) making, through 16 Lunar/Soma Kalandric Cycles, of the Ambrosial Soma elixir, as the universal Panacea Medacine {MadhaSENA = Madh –Wisdom, and SENA — Stone. The Primordial Philosophers Stone. Maeadasena). Likewise the 16th Kala and 16 VauKalas (Vocals), comprise the 16 divisions of the Omniversal Anthromorph, Manu Purusara. The Primordial Manu Cosmic Man of Purusa-Aksara as one, manifest all life in this Bhumi universe. Bhu Loka is all of the visible and measureable radiation spectrums that comprise the Life-Wave Loka Local of our entire visible universe of 80 octaves {Ati Tanas}. VENA tunes the universe through the Khau’s Mu-Sing Intonations, Via Mediated according (Ak-chord-ing) to Vak’s Immaculate MU-siCal Instruments that are Voiced through Her Lauding Lute, or Golden Reed Pipe Flute, called the Vina — via Her Vocalling 7 Sister Cows of Speech. As the One Vak Logos comprising the Golden 7 + 1 Foundation Tone Stone {8-Petalled AUM Lotus of C-8hz} — the Silent VinAksara, as the Octavel 8th, Resounds in symphony with the 7 Tongued Voice Cows {Vakas}, by Vocalling the Septogonal Tones of the Undying Syllable; as Voices orchestrating the 7 Day Rays annotating 7 Rivers of Life. Personified in that Vina’s have Seven Lutes variegating the 7 Voice Tunes, of 7 scales in Omni-Scalar Strings accompanying the Golden One {GÔ = Sanskrit, ‘Cow, Word,’ Milky Way ‘star rays’, whilst nominating the Astronomical Constellation of the May Cow Taurus. Sanskrit dictionary, pp 144}. From this VENA and VINA comes our word Vine of DiVINE, defined by Divination; and our word for the goddess of love, Venus {VENAus}. Instilled, yet still Instigating, the Voice Of Silence is the continuous Fluence of the universal VakAUM (Vacuum) Flux —Atuned, Atoned, and Annotated by the All-One Maker’s (AOM) Primal Still Impulse of Desire that is Desireless. This Omnimotion,*Ak is personified by the FENAix Bird of Love — the Primordial Sun rising as the Bird called VENA. Dawning as the All-One Sun of all creation and born within the Middle Space of the heart of everyone in


178 Atuning in Numinous Unity (ANU) to the Ireversible Original Model (OM). Atoned in At-Oneness with the Immaculate Manu of All-Oneness. *AK — OCEANUS: Omni-Motion: Omni-Movement; Omni-Emotion; Omni-Soma-Sensory… The AUMni-Mo-Ocean. Mo-Ocean phoenetically extracts, Mo-Otion, the Ocean of the Motion of the Speech Cow’s MU-Sing MuVie. The Moo that MooVes the Mu-sical Chariot carrying the Clarion Call of VoCalling AUM. Omni-motion thus as Omni-MU-Aki-Anus —Aki = One Eye. ——————————————————————————— The Rg Veda’s VENA is the oldest source of the Phoenix of mankind… Even the Phoenetian Phoenism of the Phoenix genelogs from its Phoenetic germination sprouting from VENA via the philogenetic tree chanted into phoenisms that include: FenAiKs, VenAks = Fenix, or Phoenix; VEINAks as the composite of Vina and Vena; with V-AuN Aksh, meaning vanning “One” {Vaun} “Eye” {Aki}, accumulating the form when canting in chime of VAnuAks, which as the cant is galloped, renders VanAix or Vanaix. Akin to its Kindred of Faun-Aksm amidst numerous others. The Lauding Universe is all Divined by the DiVINE Cow’s Golden Weaving (Sara) of the Manauvah Deva: All-One Pantheon of Numinous God/gods. Deva means god/goddess, and is rooted to our Devaina-tional deravation and culmination from Deva to Divine, synergised with Vena and Vina. This Omni-fold Pantheon of Deva Manuvah, is compossed from the All-One, or 0-1, in the annotation of 7 x 7 = 49 Divinities to the All-One Maker (AOM: VIS-VAKarman) — described as “the gods in the God, and the God in the gods.” The 50 Sanskrit letters Manufest this 49 + 1 Manumerator of the Manuminousity. It is precisely this ratio of the 01 to the 49 (1/49) that renders the entire 80 octaves of radiation comprising our Bhumi Universe life wave, in golden octaves of C-256 hz — 256 comprising the octave, and the Golden PHI-Ø Spiral in ratio to this octagonal cascade of Meru mountain geometry, weaving the Matrice of AUM, whose sound composes the Meru Prastara Yantra, also known as the Sierpinski triangle of Self-Similarity — Universal Self Vaksimilitude. or Utterus, an alchemical Foundry Pan — Woc is also our Cow in reverse. transliterated from Vauks from the Primal VAKs, that contains the 7 VauCala Voice/Vachas Cows, that are the 7 Days of Creation, with 50 petals multiplied 20 times in the SARA golden Wise-Vis Veda clothe of the Heart, by the RathaTara Love Matha Metrice, to comprise the VAKsara 1000 Syllable Voice Cow, whose Vak is the Wake Calling of the Wauk, or the Woch (German, English Wæk or Week… Cow in revearse is German Woc, which is the phoenetic Woch or Weak)… In other words VAKSara that which Woke and InVOKes (InVaukasha) the Sapta/7 Days, as the 7 Tone Tongues of the Speech Cows, whom are the Hearded Heifers that Heard the Word AuraCALA of the Heart (or Harda in Sanskrit), the Cowheard Pen comprise in spectrum to comprising, 7 Days (DyAus, Sky Father) Vocall the 7 Vocals of the Vaca Khu’s, Vachas latin and French for ‘Cow’ has became male chauvenist… Like Vak, became Vox and thus Voice and Vocal, since F and V are One, we also have Fak’s Wax, Wakes, Faksa and Fakas, Fax, and Fox, along with Fakus or Focus, and the Fucus fig tree or Figga…


179 VaulVAk/Völva is Full/All Wake/Vak, or All-Full Vaun, AKA Full All-One as VualVan, the fë-male Valve or vulva is a vulvakanu or Volkanoe, roll modelled by Fraya and Frigga, whilst the FUDGE VaUDjah… “varient of fadge to fit, agree, do… akin to feien to put together, join, Fêgan… Fudge… Nonesense or foolishness (often used interjectionally)… to talk nonsense.” Ibid FRIG “TO COPULATE, to masterbate… to fool around… Friggen to quiver.” (websters pp 534) FRIGATE BIRD “any of several long winged sea birds of the family Frigatidaem of tropical oceans… Also called the man-o-war bird.” Ibid MANU-ware bird… Frigg “frig… a Norse goddess, the wife of Odin and queen of Asgard” ibid Friggid “Latin frigidus = frig(us) coldness… akin to Greek rhigos frost + -idus – ID4.” The Frig and RIG connection is interesting, as Rig and Rk are Sanskrit for branch and the manner of phrasing and freesing free phrases into RK’s in verses. FRIJOL “frê hol… any bean used for food, especially the kidney bean… earlier Fresol, fesol… akin to Galician freixo, feixoo, earlier feijoo… Latin faseolus.” Ibid FriyAul (Fraya All) as the fertility chocalate and coffee beans, but especially DMT Jack beans, of Jack and the Beanstalk story… Frey and Freya, Ja Ak and J’Ila, “Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.” The Vanir gods are Primordial Vaun Wauter gods, called VAN in Skandic. Frei KhSu Fray sKhau (Phrase Khu/Cow), Freijol, as Free All or Free Whole, also a Free Hole (Vagina), and Frail or Pail like a Fair complection. Also Frees All from Fresol, or Free Sun. The Fate Fe Fairey as Fei You, and Fê-Khaus (Fay(te) Cause, or Khau/Cow, and FreekhSu, Freik Shu, as a Phase Al Aus (VAS Al Aus, offering {Sanskrit Vasat} Lord {Al and Ila} God {Aus} All God Phase ) FRISÊ “fri za… a rug or upholstery fabric having the pile in uncut loops, or in a combination of cut and uncut loops… of friser to curl… derivative of fris of frire to Fry.” Ibid The Vaulva/Völva and fock Penis, that vocals hand-in-hand with Vak as Vauk and Vox… GÓ “Rind. Astron Stier… Kuhmilch… Strhlen… ritual of Gostoma… The Number 1012… Kuh/Cow… Earth… Ort/Word.” (pp 144) KHÂ “Wagon… Air Space… Hole… Null… Openning…” (pp 132) KUSA gras THE ANU KHU/COW AS A KAUN RUNE CONE OF KOAN KOU AN The purpose of the very labour intensive work compassionately pumpted into footnotes like these, is to show that all the language of the world that surrounds us is in fact a meditation, is in fact numinous with Vak, is in fact All Is God… The Manu have Manually Manufactured our language to enable just that, to bring the Earth language into its realisation with the universal language, and the ¾’s of language that appear buried like hidden treasures in our seven caves to the 7 Sanctuaries of Speech, that are 7 Tongues in our ANU Sun Self… As the ¾ of the Manu Purusa rose upwards beyond this universe,


180 as Rig Veda mandalla 10 hymn 90 tells us, so the Living Manuals Manufactured in Manu-Script, or Non-local in our ANU/4D Midway Space (Akasha)… Imagine being able to constantly experience All Is God Numinously Talking with and As you, wherever you are, in the language of Ecstatic meditation… This is what Manuscript Root Language is about, Living Numinosis Language that IS the Presence of the Divine, divining With and As us in our DePHIning (Defining) of the Definitions that DePHIne us by the Deva In us As us… This is thre revealing of the Manuformula, by which the ¾ of the Manu that Ascending beyond our universe Speek, as the ¾ Burried Language whose Golden Treasure appears VaCant to most with misty eye’s who miss its Direct Presence A-MIDst us NOW/WON and thus appear to loose the lucidity of a Load Of Fun (LAudING VAun, L’Aud One… Balanced in L’odd One with a Lot of One). The purpose, or pure-pose, then is Meditation on the Numinous All-One, Present here Now… The All-Oneness IS every word or speech (vacas) as the Word (Vak). The 1000 Syllable Undying Petalled Numinous Cow that is heard through her Heard of Vakas Speech Cows — the Khu-ANU, the Cow of Anu, our anu atom “I/Eye” is emersed in her Primal Sea of Milk, as the vacuum of the VakAum. This is the Vakhu or Vak Cow, of the Bhu-Vena/Vina, our Bovine wi That is what Emmanuel, the Manu, convay, and Re-Instill, IN their Presence. Every paragraph of ones ‘speech’ is in Knowing the All-One — KaunING (Know is a phoenemism anagram of Kaun… Knau phonetically leads to Know. Cunning, Kenning, are derivatives of this All-One Khu’s Mu-Sing… The Websters dictionary tells us as much, on the infinite potential of meditation buried in language: Khu an Aktual Kôan of Ku-Anu “kõ’än… a none sensical or paradoxical question posed to a Zen student as a subject of meditation, intended to help the student break free of reason and developintuition in order to achieve enlightenment. Japanese kôan… earlier koú-an… Chinese Gongán public proposal.” (Websters pp 750) Thus we see the Japanese koan clearly linked “conventional” to Ku-An, the archaic Rune language of Manu, where Kuan means “Knowing”. And passing through from Khu-Anu in the Indus Valley, as is indicated by the Chinese Gongan. In Sanskrit Go is also the Cow and the Word. So the Koined terma Koan is Kenning the lingu franka of the Numinous Manu-Script MaNuance. Tossing a coin in this direction, the word “Koine”, is directly related to the Kant language, as much as it is to Kantonese: “Koine… koi’nã… the form of ancient Greek based mainly in Attic, that supplanted other dialects in the Hellenistic period and became the standard language from which subsequent stages of Greek developed… any language or dialect, often in modelled form, in widespreade use in an area where other languages were or still are spoken: lingua franca… Greek koeinê.” (Websters pp 750-751) Thus we see that this is a language of the One Ku, a language in a language, just as language is made possible as an epigenetic language, ridding on the surface of the genetic language, that has remained hidden, and still does to


181 most, until Anu Yoga (Nidar Dream Yoga and Anu Asana) is practised, and is being glimpsed by the elite who are learning the DNA alphabet of the 3.6 billion genom syntax (albeit without the Manumerator Numinous Revelator). Interesting that this initial Hellenist language is written ko’eine, as in the Germanic eine “one”, and Ko as well as Khu in Germanic cognates Cow… Thus Cow One is the Prime Language of Greece. “It is all Greek to me,” is the same as “he understands naught, for he speaks in cant.” Akin to “that sounds like a loada poppycock to me, its all cockney,” and “I am dumb founded their Argot falls on deaf ears,” or Jesus “Let those who have ears to hear, and eyes to see, hear and sea,” from the Manu-Script of the Veda, “My Eyes and Ears Flow Open… Have I not drunk Soma.” Canting on the Kantonese and Chinese Koined termas, we know that Budhi Dharma and many others brought in many of the Sanskrit and Tibetan residue’s of Manu-Script into his writings and the Chaan school, as did Boganathar in the form of Lao Tsu, but to realise that the great COW Goddess is Omni-Cosmopolitan is reared home even more when we cheer in the fact that Kuan Yin is nay identical to Kuan ING in the Old Futhark and Sarasvati/Indus Script. Futhark found in Anatolia, Turkey, this 10,200 year old surface culture, according to the university of Freiburg, before had spent several thousand years underground in their dark room cities, some 32 ANU (anumetric) levels down… Stutues of the priests shows them in Rg Veda Heruka garb, akin to the Sapta Htr Ptr (7 Hautar PTArs), and Sapta Vaka Patar (7 Sister Khu’s)… That the Anatolian have the Futhark alphabet and that the Methanian culture also spoke Sanskrit, shows the common root of both as faces of the one Sarasvati Semantics and the Lingua of Mu Rutas. That the entire Cosmos was seen as the One Holy Cow (Ohk), in Indus, Kam, the city of Annu, and to the Egyptians, as well as the Anglo Saxons and Scandinavians has been miraculously preserved for us as a Burried Treasure Casket awaiting to be Un-CUvered from the COve of its Cave (KUave, KAuvi = Sanskrit Poet Sage and Somapa)… Without getting cataStrophed in the catalyst syntaxis of the Khu’s Cattel Strophe’s of buried Trophies {True Phi/Fêy’s}, here is the treasure map:

CLUE THE KHU’S MU’S Cos- Mos = Kua’s Moo’s, or Cua’s Mu’s… And what does the Speech Cow Mu? She is the Silent 1000 Undying Syllable*1000, through her 7 Heifers. The Silent Speech Cow of the Cosmos is MOOveMental through her Seven Voices that Mooo… Thus the Co’s-Mo’s is the Music of the Cow, the Khu’s Moo’s. Which we can see nakedly clear as the MU-Sea-CAL sCALA *NOTE 1000: The Silent 1000 Undying Syllable is a Sakti [20 foot cow meter] Sara Weaving/Waving of the golden 49 + 1 (7 x 7 + 1); the Prime root of the golden rule of “the golden 7 + 1”, as 20 x 50 = 1000. In practice this is the 49 + 1 petals of ChAKRA 1-6, Muladhara to Ajna, each with the 49 + 1 Sanskrit letters, that is strained through the golden fleece of the heart cakra, Anahata (12 petalled, like Adityas star houses), through some 20 times 40 days is precise 1,920 Muhurta hours… The number 192, is the number of hymns in the first and the last book of the Rg Veda…Alpha and Omega harbour the macro to mico cascaded golden key, immaculately.



ALSO SEE 20 X 49 + 1. 1 prana = 4 seconds 1 Muhurta = 48 seconds 20 x 48 = 960, half of 1,920 This is exactly 240 Prana’s. 48 seconds of the MuHURta HoUR when divided by the 4 seconds of one prana breath gives the 12 petals of the heart chakra — 48/12 = 12. As 12 x 20 = 240 AThus this hitherto before cryptic message, now unburried, shows itself to be applicable and extractable in the Phoenetics of several langues… Those languages that have cow words with a K, and C, sound at least, especially when COUpled with an “OOO” or “U” vocal vowel; and “Moo” or “Mu” is internationally agreed upon to be the sound uttered by the cow, it is cosmopoliten (as Rg Veda 1.164 describes the Cow tied to a cosmic pole of light, Skambh, we can say here Khu’s Moo’s Pole Litten). For each language’s distinction, Manu-Script just leaves one to fill in the small words, thatnode, weave, and knot the text style together… The COu’S MOo’s. Das Khu’s ‘Mou’s”. Moo: “the deep loud sound characteristic of a cow.” (web pp 879) It also extracts for us, the ‘Khus Muse’. Ergo, the cosmos is the Cow’s Muse, which itself is comprised as the Cows MU-Sea-Kalla Mu-Sing — or without the grass roots of the Maeadœw, in plane words, ‘Cow’s Muse Itself Compossed as the Khu’s musical mu-sing. Talk about aMUsing Oneself. Talk about the cosmos as the Cow’s Omnipolated Ma-Star-Bating Museum. “Latin Mûséum place sacred to the Muses.” (Websters 892) One MU-SEa, so aMUsed in Her Wake MUttering MUll (meditation) of all, that she COmposses and COmprises her Own MOvement Fan club, so Fantastic Fan of the Wonderful Fun with the Van of the Wondering One on the Phone that wound around the Wand of the Fund that one Found as the Fundament of the Fanning WINgs that have Won the Foundation. The Cause of the cosmos is the Khu’s MU sycle (musical Mu cycle) of her MoU-thing 7 Muses, whose 7 Voices/Vacas MUtter matter. Not only do these muttering MUrmers vocal matter, their of MU-Sea-Cal 7 Singing Voices are the Milk Rivers of the Milky Way and Galaxies (gala = milk in Sanskrit… Milky Way is a Vedic term. Gala-Ak-sea’s). Yet also these G’al Cou’s MUther matter as well, whilst together as one they are the Cause of Muse, and amidst the Cow’s Mus-cle’s are the vocal ones whose Voices are the Cause of the Mu’s the Muse of Shakespear was the goddess Athena. Muse as in Heavenly Love, the Pleiades are seen as the Role Models (or should we say Mu’d Els) as being the Muse, which they are, since they are 7 Vacas cows seated in the Great Cow of Taurus. The 7 Muses (Mu-Says, or the 7 Mu Sayers) being ascribed to water or river Nymph’s, called Apsara’s (water weavers)in The Weaving cause of the cosmos is “MUll Over All,” the MOmentum of the MOment is that the Cows MU All as One Mu’ll (OM). “Mull… Contemplate… To ruminate, ponder… To heat, sweaten, flavour… ale and wine… with spices… A plane-weave fabric dyed in pastel shades. Earlier mulmul. Hindi malmal.” (Websters pp 889).


183 Here, even the Cow’s Mu sounding word is linked to the Sanskrit under our eyes, via the Hindi, MUll along with MUtter are the two Khu Words amidst the cowardly few words that convay the protocol for “meditate” or “ruminate.” Whilst only truly does the Sanskrit associate the Cosmos Cow and 7 Cows to weaving fabric (there Mu Song lines comprissing the linen of Only the KHUas MUster that can only be the CaUse MUslin (Khu’s Mu’s line “plane-weave… fabric made with various degrees of fineness”. Pp 892) The Vak Khu’s cosmic aMUsed MU-Sing All MUll does MUster comic proportions as a music cosmically scalled, for the Wiradjuri Aborigines, their Acacia Wattel imbibed shaman psychonauts are nominated with a Mull concept bottled through hyperspace -cureously Mulla-mullang means “shaman.” (Halifax, Shamanic Voices, 53, 1979) Such MUly words that can only herald from mauling sounds as those heard amidst Heards of Cattlewords Mull All Nominated Unanimously (MANU), for that is the Original Mold called a Moule, the Summary Sum Ambrosia MANU VAK Manufactory of Moulage.. Molar “pertaining to a body of matter as a whole… Latin mõlei…” pp 872 Mola ‘colourfully applicaed fabric pp 872 Khu’s Mosaic Music Phantasmagorica Mullion “mul-lion… mul’yen… a vertical member, as of a stone or wood, between the lights… to furnish with, or to form into divisions by the use of mullions… moynel… meienel… mayneau… French meneau… meien, moien middle… + -el.” (web pp 889) Just as “Manõ… upper or hand-held stone used when grinding… Latin manus.” Pp 826 “Greek manós loose, rare, sparse.” Ibid “Manu the progintor and lawgiver of the human race.” Ibid “Manner… Latin manuãrius… a way of doing… customs… a persons outer bearing… ways of behaving… an air od distinction… Spinning Mule for “spinning cotton into yarns… Latin mûla… mûlus.” (pp 888) Maneuver… “Latin, Gallo-Roman manûopera.” Pp 824 “Latin… manus good” pp 824 “mane… mãn… long thick hair around the back or neck… as the horse or lion… Long luxorious hair on the head of a person… OE manu.” Ibid “Latin hûmãnus, akin to homõ human being” pp 653 “May-pop… fruit of a passion flower… taboo deformation of earlier may cock, earlier mara cock.” Pp 838 Maple “of the genus Acer.” Pp 828 “meade… mêd… alcoholic drink of fermented honey and water… Middle English mede… medu… meodu… Old Fris, Medievel German mede… Old high German metu, mito. Old Norse miothr mead. Sanskrit madhu honey, Greek methy wine… Mead2 Archaic meadow, before 1000 mede, mœd. See meadow… med’o… flat area dominated by grasses… Before 1000 medwe, mœdw of mœd mead; akin to Greek matte.” “meadow rue… belonging to the… buttercup family.” Pp 839 “median… Midpoint… Latin mediãnus in the middle.” Pp 842



Mediate “mê dê at… Latin mediãtus, of mediãre to be in the middle.” Ibid MEDIC “med’ik… genus Medicargo… of the legume family… Latin medica. Greek mêdikê, Median (gras)… Latin medicus, medical, physician, of medêri to heal, akin to METE.” Ibid So the Maia Days Meade is Maeadecine it is coded above as May dew on the meadow in the Old Fris along with Middle English and German, mede, and especially May Dew comes out in M. German medu and meodu, and clarity calls in the Sanskrit madhu. From which grasses were the maedecines made? The word medic has the secondry meaning associated to any genus of the legume family, akin to Canary reed grasses, that came out of the Indus valley, and contain 5-MeODMT, almost echoing the middle German MEODu for meadow, this Horse Reed grass was a prime Meadow citizen. REED “genus Phragmites… An ancient unit of length, equal to 6 cubits. Ezekiel 40:5… Before 900 hrêod, Old Fris hriad, Old Saxon hriod “Mede… mêd… Iranian people of Media, united with the Persians after 550 BC… Middle English Medis, Old English Medas, Latin Mêdi. Greek Mêdoi, Old Persian Mãda.” Pp 842 MEDEA “a sorceressm daughter of Aeëtes and wife of Jason, whom she assisted in obtaining the Golden Fleece.” Pp 842 Phoenix. Vaun Eye Aks “fê’niks… before 900, Old English Fenix… Latin, phoenix, Greek phoenix” pp 1015 phonate “fo’nat… to produce a speech, a sound, by vibration of the vocal chords.” Faun-Phone “fôn… a single speech sound. Compare ALLOPHONE, PHONEME… Greek phônê voice.” Pp 1015 Thus we see that the Greek’s transliterated the One (Anu/Aun/Una) to transcribe to Vak (the One Voice), in the “VF” Sounds of VAN and Fan or Fun from Faun and Vaun; or Vakas and Vocal, Faks and Focal, like our Won to the One, and Wonder to at-Onening, Wonderful to All-Oneness, want to at One’d, wondering to Oneness… ͌ So there is no secret burried here at all, the unity is evidently clear, in the gramatical weights and measures of English grammer… It also revealse that Fun is actually fOne, that is the Wind of the One. This universal Primordial Wind the Rg Veda calls Vata, respirational as the F V sounds made by the breath, to denote two kinds of wind sounds from the mouth. The A AH Au sounds of “A” are comprising the mate of Vata’s “V”, undividable in their Anthromorphic Ideogram Union — hence, FA and VA; FAu and VAu; FAh and Vah, all 6 are clasically One. In Indus and Sarasvati art, the F(a) rune is grafted with the A(us) rune, on one U(ru) rune that Yews (U’s) the Pairs fairly in the air as fire-flame dancers. Likewise F (≈ ) and A ( ≈) were FouN’d with their Wands () co-joined ╞ ╡ as One rune Ħ   ≈ . Another 3 kinds of airflow are coordinated, F V combine with A Au Ah, renderring another 6 kinds of winds. The 3 winds winding up with the 6 winds form the Meru Yantra 9, with being the Meru Pyremid top, as the 9th level called Deavdatta, meaning the “Divine 8” (8hz Annund Non-locally),


185 and it is the 8th Prana. together form the 8 kind of winds, that universally come from the 8 petal Lotus foundation of AUM, as all elements in our universe come from the element One, hydrogen, whose fundamental characteristic of its inside to its outer self is a phase-velocity difference that hallmarks the Foundation Resonance of the Universe — 8 hz. The 9th Meru-Prana breath or wind is called the Prana-Vayu, of all combined breath sounds together, FVA “Ing” is a Sanskrit word that is cognate to Weaving Shuttle whose singing spinnING wheels spin and weave the golden thread into textile syntaxis. It is also the Word being the Sara embroidry of life. This is the precise same root meaning amidst the Wisdom traditions of the archaic Runes. *NOTE: AK-Tu-Ally. Yoking the Joke of the AUM AIG-ANU. Sum Fun with the All-One [PREFIX NOTATION HERE some of this is a Be-uREED MeaedaLION (BhuReed TreaSUre), AKA very cry'PT'ograpHic. The D'Akini Twilight Cipher of Anu Yoga and Ati (Eighty, Ait-Ø)Yoga, terms this Terma and Kama — but it is A T'Un of F'aUn to L'auf and Lauv Vaun's Self Fit WITh Vidh Wit, and wAUNting sAUMe. Haum Ores Merrily Won by being WovAun in the WINds that WIN One the WAund of Unanimous Numinosity (Skambh Pillar Maha Manuratha). Here, the VaKhu's (Vak Cow) Vau'd (Void) is found to be a Mu-Sing of the VoCallAing fOUNtAIN's of Fluent Fluance. Flowing through 7 Fluid founts flushing A VaukalagraPHI, in the scribed flowering of the Cow Hearded PhOneMeism's. FOnETIc's that innevitably wound up being Wound around the Foundry that the MU'Ses faUnd, when Lauding full of wonder their FAUNd'ling of the Fane. Vacating their Vagabond Wane so waged to the waxing road, as to rue the route to the Vaunt'age View to Woo the Voice in the Aqua of AUwN. Faint for the Fane on the VAunity Ferry, faring their Voices so Faire, to ferrit Fair Fate's to all on their Path. Bygone the Cowherd aeon curdled in their fawning of the FUNda-Oacean, by wondering on the FUaN VaN, that Wagauns on in its VaKUant Fan of FaunTasmagoria's Mulling the Gigal a rînging and RouAlling Belly Dew B'All-Ocean] Some gathering of the AK KA aktivated and Akquired when in my teens, Aknowledgement and Akceptance of this Aksent of the Akxis Numinously Unanimous (ANU), as this was the Akxel which Akindled the Emmanuel Akcentric Aksyntaxis, as I assisted Nigel on Ackerman street — Manually signalling that it is oAKAy Akchording to the oAK's Akcerman Akcorn (at Beach Cottage, just as Acreman Oak is of the Beach/BiRkAnu Tree Family). Acorn that is the UNAKorn Horn of the Uan (One, Une, Una\Anu) Ak (Eye or Ougen, from Akhi and Okki), or Pineal Økcular, Ak Tri. Especially since as I write this on the 8th of J'Une, the VenA Bh bird is now in its Octennial cycle, PENTiculating 15 Octad's of such Octennial S'UNa Occultations — this one, one can kindle by Kenning its chandler cycle (oscilation of earth Axis every 432 days), by bringing one's Equus Cabalus (AKu's of the Êquidae family, ergo the Ak Cows Horse), to be cantering to the chant of a cantabile so candid in candescence of cantus firmus that it can't Kant (ergo argo, or Pun, langue verde, Aquiline Lingua), but yet is canty.


186 120 is denominated in OctaMerous S'AUL-År Yuga Cycles. Kali Yuga having its 12 year Soul imbibed through the sole Sat/Jup relationship with the Solar cycle, Satya Yuga as four-fold of a dozen (dyausen, not only a Day Ausen, or Day of Gods [AKA Olympic Dodecatheon], but the archaic Dyaus, the Veda Sky Father, that became Tyr, in Persia [also means the arrow of Sirius, not Mars, the Syena/Vena arrow of love in the Veda. Venus to Sirius, britest planet with brightest star, even in BrhatAin], renderred to Tiwe, Tau, Tuau, and Tue [like Teo, and Tôltec/Druidic god TeotathyAus, the Egyptian Dyhuti/Tehuti, the Mayan Yawtee, and Vedic Brhata/Brhaspati, ergo Manu Brahmanaspati the Vakaspati, or Taraspati], that was juiced from the Dew residued due to DyAus becoming Deos (Greek Theos) and the Druid Dua, and D'Aus [the god, or De God, since 'the' is from Theo and 'de' and French "D'" is from Deos]). This Day's Zen (Dozen) quartet (Khu-År-Tet. or Four Foot/Pada Cow, following the ÅRune of Golden Midway Measure [Jera, in INGlish Anuglo S'Akson, to Jeer (Yoke a Joke), Annually like the Year Gear; and Gera in GERA-Mannaus Saxon, with the same meaning], Akin to Rå; and TET from Tetra = 4 faced/phased, like M-A-N-U A-U-M-N, and DNA base pairs gear AC-Ødon in golden measure through tetra-bases in tetra faces), being the Vak Wagon that W'Ax's and W'Ain's the Chariot Wheels have 30 spokes a day, rolling for 360 days the same Vacant Way in its Wake hAUMing 27 Mangala Mansions with Ace...


If you knew you could help people have a better life would you try and make a difference?

All of these devices created Free Energy using A Science that utilises Magnetic Current, Tuning coil for zero point energy FREE High Frequency Electricity

Would you keep it a secret?

All Corporations of the world know this information. Your tax dollars are squandered on substandard technology to keep you in the dark.


To tune into natures energy you need a spiral tuning coil

Reader’s Digest “Into the Unknown” published, Sydney 1982. “This picture to the left is taken inside a bubble chamber, shows the delicate tracks made by bits of energy following a subatomic collision. Such constant, yet hard to imagine, exchanges challenge everyday concepts of time, space and reality.”

Many cultures have claimed the Spiral coils as their own but it predates their existence by thousands of years . Zero Point energy belonged to more advanced civilizations long before we came along.

Crookes electron tube for a television set is a rip-off from Ancient Egypt 6000 years ago.

But here is 10,000 year old Mayan circuit board technology. The language of light

What did the Mayans and Aztecs know about the structure of the ATOM? EVERYTHING

Bagdad battery

Mayan Rocket ship.

EVOLUTION or INTELLIGENT DESIGN? Flagella Bacteria Natures outboard motor. Irreducible complexity The TWO words that makes Darwin's theory of Evolution a lie.

Quantum Physics can prove we live in a holographic universe. What Produces that hologram?

The Holographic projection from the one light,

Why would they recreate the tower of Babylon when building the EU building?

I would like to thank the thousands of people for all of their contributions to helping people understand the truth. Vedic Physics and the measuring system of the gods is the secret to a better life.


Don’t spend your life like this !

You might not agree with the information I have on this book, the Vedic Metric is the key to the science of creation without any doubt. If you wish to contact me please feel free as I reply to all E-mails.

e-mail: [email protected]

* Vous pouvez ne pas être d'accord avec les informations présentées dans ce livre, mais la métrique védique est la clé de la science de la création, sans aucun doute. Si vous souhaitez me contacter s'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas, je réponds à tous les courriels.

e-mail : [email protected]

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