Occult Forces of Sex

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 The Occult For ces of Sex Sex and Forces Sexual Union of Souls Moe

April 18, 2012 •

Educational • Gnosis digg •



Sex is the fountain of all life. However, let me warn you that this magnificent fountain is not something we humans should profane with our animal needs or wants, by treating the most beautiful act of sex similar to that of a dirty dog. But in i n our current world, many men and women seem to be doing just that by making this most beautiful fountain a possible poisoned Karmic well of death for the unsuspecting unsuspectin g souls who treat this divine act like that of an animal.  The facts are that that most people are are completely ignorant ignorant to this “force” “force” when it comes to the spiritual realm, their astral souls, and their animal bodies in the material world. The reason being is that most humans are not educated on these facts as they live their lives based on mostly pure materialism as they operate primarily from the seat of their animal selves, rather than from their divine selves which would be their souls. These same people think of sex as purely a pleasure act where they feel good temporarily or reach a form of  ecstasy, but they do not think beyond the joy we feel and or orgasm that it brings. This is a serious mistake that I have made myself more than once, and have lived through the resulting very bad Karma from these ill fated, and ignorantly chosen sexual unions. When you have sex, you need to realize that the other persons soul becomes one with yours, and that some serious soul work may need to take place to release their astral connection to your astral self.


 Think of  these unseen forces that are like vampires that instead of feeding on your blood, feed on your energy which is your “life force.” It is almost akin to an exorcism that takes place when you are free from the other’s Astral influence. Some people can do this in days, weeks or months with the proper work, and some people who don’t understand this will take a year or more to get over one relationship. If you have multiple sexual relationships then you are creating multiple unions that will end up creating multiple vampires confusing you and making you a bit mad in the head. Hence, think about porn stars, prostitutes and strippers who always seem to have serious mental issues that never leave them and often plague them till death. Most of these people are going crazy not from the porn or the act of sex, but the many sexual unions with dark souls that never leave them. The same can be said about the girl or guy who sleeps with everyone in your school or town. t own. They are always a bit weird and most of them end up dying or going absolutely crazy later in life.

This is really why many people take break ups with their partners or marriages so bad.


Here is an excerpt from the Occult Science in Medicine to help put this in perspective for you: Popular medicine deals only with external effects and physical causes, occult  science goes deeper, seeking for fundamental causes and final effects, which are of far greater importance than the passing manifestations manifestations taking place in the physical form. Thus, for instance, a promiscuous sexual intercourse not  only causes venereal diseases; but as during that act a commingling of the inner natures takes place to a certain extent, a man cohabiting with a depraved woman takes on some of her characteristics and joins to a certain extent her future Karma and destiny to his own. The basis of the existence of  human beings is what, for want of a better expression, has been called theWill (Spirit or Life), and as one body may colour or poison another, likewise a colouring, and perhaps poisoning, takes place by a blending of spirit during sexual intercourse; this “spiritual substance” being the essence of each human being. “If a woman leaves her husband, she is then not free from him, nor he from her; for a marital union having once been established, remains a union for all eternity.” (” De Homunculis.”) (1)  The important important thing to understand understand when it comes to yourself yourself is that your body is comprised of two entities. One would be that of your material or animal body, and the other would be your astral soul which is your divine self. When you are born, these two separate entities go out into the physical world and are always somewhat at war with one another, with each trying to control


your thoughts or actions in order to gain the upper hand in your daily affairs.

 Think of it like you you have an angel on one one shoulder and and a little devil on the other. The devil would be your animal self that encourages you to have as much sex as you please with whomever you please, and the angel would be your good side that hopes to find a soul mate to marry and start a family with whom you can make love with because you care deeply for this person. Here is a quotation from H. P. Blavatsky to help explain this a bit further: “The ‘harvest of life’ consists of the finest spiritual thoughts, of the memory  of the noblest and most unselfish deeds of the personality, and the constant   presence during during its bliss after after death of all those those it loved with divine divine spiritual devotion. Remember the teaching: The human soul, lower Manas, is the only and direct mediator between the personality and the divine Ego. That which goes to make up on this earth the personality, miscalled individuality individuality by the majority, is the sum of all its mental, physical, and spiritual characteristics, which, being impressed on the human soul, produces the man. Now, of all these characteristics, it is the  purified thoughts thoughts alone which which can be impressed impressed on the higher higher immortal Ego. Ego. This is done by the human soul merging again, in its essence, into its parent  source, commingling with its divine Ego during life, and reuniting itself  entirely with it after the death of the physical man.”  Philo said that “God separated Adam into his two sexual component parts, one male, the other female—Eve—taken from his side. The longing for reunion which love inspired in the divided halves of the originally dual being, is the source of the t he sexual pleasure, which is the beginning of all transgressions.”


where e many of   This is wher our problems had started; when our astral souls had left the heavenly spirit world to inhabit the animal, plant and mineral world that we now know as the planet earth. This is where our our species of animal, man kind or or Homo erectus has been perpetually lost, as many of us are trying to find their way home or search for our soul mates. Our soul mates are our other astral halves thus resulting in a perfect union of souls. We are all Adam’s or Eve’s looking for our other halves, so we can then truly be scientifically soul complete, but the wrong choice of a mate may just end up in a destructive union that causes negative consequences consequences and or an outcome for both parties involved. I am sure you may have had this experience yourself or have seen this first hand in your lifetime.  The male element element represents the energy, action, action, warmth, and productive principle in nature. The female represents, the maternal which is passive and procreative, the union of the two is the subjective man’s universal soul. The whole reason we humans have sex is for this union and not purely for the pleasure of the act, but for the reproduction of “souls”which just so happens to use our animal bodies, which I sometimes refer to as space suits, for this propagation propagatio n process. To put it simply, we humans are used by astral soul entities who wish to propagate our physical bodies to further their Karmic development.


Here is an excerpt from Harry Houdini in his book , The Esoteric that will help those of you out there understand the difference between the soul and animal body; “The human body is subject to a double law of nature, male and female, and when the student will throw aside this outer material body, as his hypothesis,and hypothesis,a nd learns to comprehend the difference between the objective and subjective man; the animal and the soul body, the outer and the inner  being: to polarize either with the astral-magno or astral-force, he can have the might power of nature, and become the grandest of magicians. But the student must not rest here but press on. The student of soul-light finds the union of sex in its dual being is the universal form of God ; unselfish love the “universal force, and wisdom the guiding hand; marriage of the soul with spirit the universal result.

 The bottom line is that, regardless regardless if you are are heterosexuall or homosexua heterosexua homosexual, l, the Occult Forces of Sex And The Sexual Union of Souls is not something that should be taken lightly or that which you should carelessly toy with. You need to understand that you have now entered into “soul union” with this other person’s soul because when we mate with another human, we are also mating with their soul. If you care and love them from your heart,this is where you will find the divine spark that culminates from this union as you unite as one with them, and the magic can be very powerful. The reason is because this union of souls holds a special energy in a regenerating, as well as a generating force. The former, producing this union of souls which is astral and also physical, because in the material world we can all see, touch and feel the experience. The consequences consequence s of this act could turn out very bad if you simply cannot control these energies or Karma that may be a result of what you think is just “casual sex.

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