OCAMPO v. ENRIQUEZ, GR NO. 225973, November 10, 2016 (!e M"r#o$ %&r'" #"$e) FACTS: President candidate Rodrigo R. Duterte won the 2016 election and forall! assued o"ce on #une $0% 2016. &n August '% the (u)lic res(ondent Secretar! of *ational Defence Del+n *. ,oren-an issued a eorandu to the (u)lic res(ondent Chief of Sta of the Ared Forces Forces of the Phili((ines /AFP% eneral Ricardo R. isa!a with the following su)3ect: 4nterent of the late Forer President Ferdinand Ferdinand 5arcos at ,*57 Reference: er)al er)al &rder of President Rodrigo Duterte on #ul! 11% 2016. The eo is an instruction for the (lanning and (re(arations (re(arations to facilitate the cereonial and securit! re8uireents for the )urial through coordination of all agencies concerned and the 5arcos fail!. fail!. Pursuant to this eo% on august 9% 2016% res(ondent AFP Rear Adiral rnesto C. nri8ue- issued directi;es to the Phili((ine Ar! Coanding eneral. Dissatis+ed with the foregoing issuance% the following were +led )! (etitioners: 1. Petitio Petition n for Certiorari Certiorari and Prohi)i Prohi)ition tion +led +led )! Saturnino Saturnino &ca(o and se;eral se;eral others% in their ca(acit! as huan rights ad;ocates or huan rights ;iolations ;ictis. 2. Petitio Petition n for Certiorari Certiorari +led )! Rene Rene A A Saguisag% Saguisag% Sr. Sr. and his son% as e)ers of the ar and huan rights law!ers% and his grandchild. $. Petitio Petition n for (rohi)itio (rohi)ition n +led )! Re(resenta Re(resentati;e ti;e dcel dcel C. ,agan% ,agan% in his (ersonal ca(acit! as e)er of the
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