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OBE Reiki (TM) (Indonesian and English Language) Original by Yulius eka Agung Seputra Don’t copy this document about writer permission.


OBE Reiki (TM) (Indonesian and English Language) Original by Yulius eka Agung Seputra Don’t copy this document about writer permission.

In Indonesian Language  Apakah OBE Reiki ? OBE Reiki ( 9 juli 2003) adalah Reiki yang membantu anda untuk OBE (Out Body Experience) atau sering disebut Meraga Sukma OBE Reiki mempunyai 2 tingkat 1. Dasar --- melakukan OBE untuk diri sendiri 2. Master -- dapat memberikan attunement.

Semoga bermanfaat,

Yulius Eka Agung

OBE Reiki Founder.


Mengenal OBE (Out Body Experience : Perjalanan Astral keluar dari tubuh : Meraga Sukma)  1) 2) 3) 4)

OBE merupak merupakan an pengalaman yang tersebar luas di antara khalayak khalayak umum OBE itu menyenangkan dan mungk mungkin in bahkan menguntungkan bagi jiwa seseorang untuk mengalaminya OBE merupakan pengalaman manusia normal untuk mengalam mengalamii OBE, orang tidak perlu mempunyai sifat khusus. khusus.

apakah OBE berbahaya ? OBE itu menyenangkan apakah selama menjalani OBE orang tsb bisa mati ? Jawabannya adalah: tidak mungkin terjadi. 

Proyeksi Lewat Berpantang Makanan Metoda ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh Prescott Hall, seorang penelit kebatinan amatir dari Brooklyn. Dengan bantuan Minnie Keeler, yang berperan sebagai medium (dlm sesion komunikasi roh), akhirnya dapat dirumuskan bahwa metode ini (yang kemudian disebut sebagai sistem Keeler) terdiri dari 3 bagian, yaitu : berpantang makanan tertentu, visualisasi yang dilakukan setelah diit beberapa waktu lamanya, dan pernafasan khusus yang dilakukan bersamaan dengan visualisasi. Aturan diitnya adalah sbb: 1) Mulai dengan berpuasa atau mengurangi penggunaan makanan 2) Jangan makan apa-apa menjelang melakukan OBE 3) Jangan makan daging selama program latihan 4) Makanan terutama terdiri dari buah dan sayuran 5) Wortel sangat baik untuk dimakan 6) Telur mentah sangat baik bagi diit dan pelepasan OBE 7) Jangan makan biji-bijian (nuts) 8) Kacang tanah sangat jelek pengaruhnya 9) Makanan cair adalah baik tetapi jangan terlalu banyak. Diit hanya perlu dilakukan selama perioda latihan permulaan. Setelah Anda kemampuan diit bisa dan boleh kemampuan OBE Anda menguasai tidak menjadi hilangOBE, ! Selama waktuditinggalkan, percobaan tidak menggunakan alkohol, tembakau, atau narkotik.

Mengenai pernafasannya, tidak disinggung secara jelas, hanya memang disebutkan pada umumnya tarik nafas pada saat melakukan visualisasi, dan pertahankan selama mungkin. Di bagian ulasan, dijelaskan kasus OBE yang terjadi: pada waktu jatuh (visualisasi), secara intuisi maka menjadi menahan nafas, menutup mata, dan membayangkan diri meninggalkan badan melayang-layang di atasnya. Dan berdasarkan penelitian pada orang-orang yang mengalami OBE dengan metoda ini, salah satu kesimpulannya adalah: bahwa diit Keeler berpengaruh baik atas daya penggambaran mental dan visualisasi seseorang.


Cara Menerima Attunement 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Santai awali semua dengan senyum kepasrahan dan jalani semua dengan senyum dan kegembiraan. Lakukan afi afirmasi rmasi “ Saya Saya menerima OBE Reiki Level ….(sebutkan ….(sebutkan levelnya) levelnya) secara sempurna memperkuat daya OBE di seluruh tubuh saya yang lemah, membersihkan aura dan chakra saya yang kotor secara sempurna, terjadilah terjadilah terjadilah terima kasih terimasinar kasih terima kasih. uti seluruh bayangkan puti putih h menyelim menyelimuti seluruh tubuh an anda da dan tubuh tubuh anda bersinar. bersinar. rasakan sensasinya selama 5 5-10 -10 menit.

Cara penggunaan : 1. Berdoa mengucap syukur kepada NYA 2. awali semuanya dengan senyum kepasrahan, jalani semua hal dengan senyum dan kegembiraan. 3. niatkan mengalirkan OBE Reiki misal dengan afirmasi, mengalirkan OBE Reiki untuk melakukan OBE ke (sebutkan tujuan anda, tujuan harus jelas). 4. lakukan visualisasi : - bayangkan diri diri Anda memegang seutas tali dan ditarik ditarik keluar badan o oleh leh tali itu. - berkonsentrasilah pada titik setengah meter di atas kepala dan berupayalah bergabung dengan titik itu. - bayangkan diri Anda menjadi gelembung sabun dan melayang di udara. - bayangkan diri Anda terbang ke Himalaya di udara. - bayangkan diri Anda naik tangga, di puncak tangga peganglah sebuah tali khayalan, dan terjunlah. Isilah paru-paru penuh udara pada saat itu. 5. latihlah OBE ini terus menerus, makin sering dilatih makin cepat anda melakukan OBE.

Meditasi memperkuat OBE Reiki 1. Berdoa mengucap syukur kepada NYA 2. awali semuanya dengan senyum kepasrahan, jalani semua hal dengan senyum dan kegembiraan. 3. Lakukan afirmasi “ Saya memperkuat memperkuat OBE Reiki Level ….(seb ….(sebutkan utkan levelnya) secar secara a sempurna memperkuat daya daya OBE di seluruh tubuh saya ya yang ng lemah, membersihkan a aura ura saya yang kotor secara sempurna, terjadilah terjadilah terjadilah terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih. 4. Bayangkan sinar putih keluar dari jantung menyelimuti seluruh tubuh anda. (melakukan meditasi di bawah bulan purnama, di daerah pegunungan, air terjun, pedesaan menghasilkan penguatan lebih baik untuk aura dibandingkan di daerah kota yang padat penduduk). Cara Healing dengan OBE Reiki (dapat pula menghilangkan kemarahan orang lain (tinggal diniatkan saja) : 1. Berdoa mengucap syukur kepada NYA 2. awali semuanya dengan senyum kepasrahan, jalani semua hal dengan senyum dan kegembiraan.


3. Lakukan afirmasi “ Saya melakukan healing ke (sebutkan nama pasien anda) dengan kasus (sebutkan masalahnya yang berhubungan dengan aura) terbersihkanlah aura orang yang tersebut di atas dengan OBE Reiki secara sempurna memperkuat aura aura aura di seluruh seluruh tubuh saya yang lemah, membersihkan aura aura yang kotor dan memperkuat daya OB OBE E secara sempurna, terjadilah terjadilah terjadilah terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih. 4. Lakukan meditasi dan senyum pencerahan minimal 15 menit. 5. untuk jarak jauh bisa membayan membayangkan gkan members membersihkan ihkan tubuh & aura orang orang itu bayangkan sinar sinar putih membersihkan secara zigzag seluruh tubuh orang itu. 6. Jika telah selesai, niatkan saya menutup aliran kasih energiterima healing OBE Reiki kasih ke orang bernama (sebutkan nama lengkap dan“ tanggal lahir), terima kasih terima terjadilah terjadilah terjadila h terjadila terjadilah. h.


OBE Reiki (TM) (Indonesian and English Language) Original by Yulius eka Agung Seputra Don’t copy this document about writer permission.

In English Language

What Is OBE Reiki ? OBE Reiki ( 9 juli 2003) is Reiki energy strengthening your OBE (Out Body Experience Skill OBE Reiki have 2 levels : 1. Elementary --- do OBEownself 2. Master -- can give attunement.

Yulius Yu lius Eka Agung OBE Reiki Founder    .


What Is OBE (Out Body Experience) ? Out-of-body experiences, also known as Astral Travel or OBEs, are journeys into the astral plane. These journeys can can be of the normal world around you, you, but are ar e not limited to that. They are a safe release release that always guarantees a return. Before you do anything, you MUST MUST first be sure you have no fear of OBEs. You must also be passive, relaxed, and patient! The Method Relax in a bed or reclining chair. Take deep breaths, allowing your breath to slow naturally. Do not force it to slow down.

Induce sensations of "dropping" rapidly through the bed, several "inches" at a time. These must be quick "drops", not slow sinking feelings.

Continue Contin ue until you feel yourself "on the floor" and then rise up again.

 Allow yourse  Allow yourself lf to to drift drift toward towards s sleep sleep,, pulli pulling ng yourse yourself lf back back each each time... time... but do NOT physically move your body. You should being feeling very heavy.

 As you drift drift ttowa owards rds slee sleep, p, you will see images. images. Use these images images or or create create your own to focus on and stay aware.

Soon you will feel vibrations. These are mild and you must remain passive. Visualize yourself floating above your body and feeling the "drops". As soon as you have have left your body, you will know, mostly at first by the following sensation followed by a temporary "blindness" and lightweight feeling. Remember: This will take practice, so give it time! Remember, once you are out, move far away from your body or you may be pulled back in. When you want to return, simply visualize your body and being back in it. 


General Tips for OBEs Balancing Between Sleep And Awakeness Depending from the body position - lying flat or sitting more or less upright - I learned to trigger the degree of awareness. Naturally the more flat the position was, the stronger was the tendency to fall asleep. A second parameter on the awake-sleep scale, I recognized, is the body temperature. Coolness is activating, but if I got cold feet or a hot head, I stayed awake and got stuck in a long thread of thoughts. If the body was kept too comfortably warm, I tended to fall asleep. A shift towards sleep at day or a shift towards alertness at night, could be accomplished by the degree of brightness of light. This can be balanced by using a dim lamp at night (as it may be switched on in REM-sleep to support LD's, as I have read in some reports and by blindfolding, when trying OBE´s in daytime. The latter procedure is less important for me since I got independent from daylight by turning my eyeballs upwards. The time of day plays a role as well. If I am called to start exercises by means of an alarmclock, in the initial hours of sleeptime, I tend to fall asleep immediately, whereas conditions are better in the early morning. My first OBE's I had by chance, when I extended sleeptime on Saturday or Sunday into the late morning. This favoured obviously the occurence of LD's and OBE's. "Professionals" try to increase the frequency of OBE's and therefore want to train throughout the week. In this case they are to start OBE's in night time. Since one tends to fall asleep at that time, it is useful to counteract by taking a seat in an armchair. I have had good results with this kind of arrangement and can better concentrate at night. Exercises Which Might Help My OBE-ing does not always turn out as well as I would like. Success is going up and down. There are some reasons for this frustrating unsteadiness. These reasons are found in distraction and energetic constitution, in times of slipshod inner discipline. I won't state that inner discipline is absolutely necessary, but it helps. Anyhow, if I have some kind of inner electricity, OBE's are facilitated. To follow some advices listed below might be useful to others as well. Control and guide of thoughts and emotions. of good influence.

Even a partial control is

Practicing a selfmade European version of Yoga, I have found, that quite a lot of Yoga-exercises were supporting LD's and OBE's. Among the best ones are body-energizing, body-awareness and visualization. For OBE's in the sense of "stepping out", the best exercises, I have found, are those in which you are concentrated on body processes. This prevents you to drift away by any dreamlike pictures. Pictures very easily tend to consume your attention and they let you drop into ordinary dreams, whereas there is nothing of interest, which would distract you from exercising, if your attention is directed on slow motions or vibrations in the range of deep sounds felt in abdomen or


breast. At present I prefer this kind of exercise. Several years ago, my central exercise was concentration on warmth-feeling, starting from the feet and going upwards or circling through the whole body (except the head). Besides warmth a second possibility was the imagination of energy circling in the body. Another helpful exercise, as I have heard from friends, is Eutonie, a train of feeling-imagination-exercises concerning body inspection. These friends had their first OBE's spontaneously, when performing these exercises, without ever having heard about OBE's before. As mentioned above, currently I prefer exercising on vibrations. In days I can´t feel vibrations, I try to produce body motions in the range of 0,5 to 4 Hz (cps). If I can´t produce them for any reason, I imagine rocking in the frequency of about 1 Hz. When using too slow body movements, I can´t keep up concentration and drift away very soon. Visualization helped to some extent to perform astral projection, but was of no use for etheric OBE's.

 Accepting Attunement At tunement 1. Relax 2. begin w with ith smil smile e surren surrenderness derness and feel smile wi with th joy 3. Do afirmation " I accept OBE Reiki Level ….( mention OBE Reiki level) perfectly strengthen my OBE Skill , cleaning my dirty aura perfectly, do it do it do it thank thank thank 4. conceiving white ray blanket entire/all entire/all y your our body and your body shine 5. feel its sensation during 5-10 minutes.

Use OBE Reiki Energy 1. Pray thanks GOD 2. begin with smile smile surre surrenderness nderness and feel smile w with ith joy 3. Do afirmation " I use Aurora Reiki Level ….( mention OBE Reiki level) to do OBE (mention the place which you want to visit in OBE) 4. meditate and smile for 15 minutes 5. do visualization : conceiving yourself yourself hold string and pulle pulled d by body exit by that string have


concentration concentratio n to a dot above head (1 metre) and cope cope to joint forces with tha thatt dot conceiving yourself become soap bubble and float on the air - conceiving yourself fly to Himalaya on the air conceiving yourself step on straircase, in doorstep top hold a fantasy string, and plunge. Fill lung of is full of air at that moment   .

Conducting OBE reiki to object (also use fo forr aura healing, neutraliz neutralize e emotion,gain other OBE skill etc) 1. 2. 3.

Pray thanks GOD begin w with ith smil smile e surren surrenderness derness and feel smile wi with th joy Do afirmation " I use Aurora Reiki Level ….( mention OBE Reiki level) perfectly to conduct OBE Reiki energy for the Aura of and Fascination body during 1 day (or mention your purpose example: aura healing, neutralize emoption,strengthen OBE Skill, etcto


object ( mentioning its object type) meditate and smile for 15 minutes


  Strengthen/Synchronize OBE Reiki Energy 1. Pray thanks GOD 2. begin w with ith smil smile e surren surrenderness derness and feel smile wi with th joy 3. Do afirmation " I use OBE Reiki Level ….( mention OBE Reiki level) perfectly strengthen My OBE Skill, my aura in all my weak body, cleaning my dirty aura perfectly for 1 day, do it do do it do it thank thank thank 4. visualize white ray out from your heat and cover all your body. 5.

meditate and smile for 15 minutes

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