OASIS-Online Application System for Immigrating to Saskatchewan User Manual

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Jan. 2, 2014

OASIS On-line Application System for Immigrating to Saskatchewan User Manual

Jan. 2, 2014

Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND LOG-ON............................................................................... 4 1.1 Register on OASIS 4 1.2 Log In to OASIS 5 1.3 Your Home Page 5 2.0 CREATING AN APPLICATION ............................................................................... 6 2.1Creating a New Application 6 2.2 Entering Your Profile 7 2.3 Enter Your Applicant Details 9 2.3.1 Ethical Conduct and Disclosure Form 9 2.3.2 Application Disclosure Form 10 2.3.3 Citizenship 10 2.3.4 Birth Document 10 2.3.5 Passport 10 2.3.6 Marital Status 11 2.3.7 Education 11 2.3.8 Work Experience 12 2.3.9 English/French Ability 13 3.0 EDITING and SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION…………………………………………………………………...….……14 3.1 International Skilled Worker Application 3.1.1 Job Offer 3.1.2 International Skilled Worker Points Criteria 3.1.3 Settlement Funds 3.1.4 Saskatchewan Adaptability 3.1.5 Work Permit 3.1.6 Family Member 3.1.7 In Canada Relative 3.1.8 Federal Documents 3.1.9 Previous Application 3.2.0 Submit Your Application

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 28 29

3.2 Health Professional Application Physician, Nurse, Other Health Professional 3.2.1 Job Offer 3.2.2 Work Permit 3.2.3 Medical License 3.2.4 Additional Required Documents 3.2.5 Family Members 3.2.6 In Canada Relative 3.2.7 Previous Application 3.2.8 Submit Your Application

30 31 32 32 34 36 40 41 42

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3.3 Student 3.3.1 Work Permit 3.3.2 Job Offer 3.3.3 Additional Required Documents 3.3.4 Family Members 3.3.5 In Canada Relative 3.3.6 Previous Application 3.3.7 Submit Your Application

Jan. 2, 2014 43 44 45 46 48 52 53 54

3.4 Medium Skilled Applications Hospitality and Truck Driver 3.4.1 Work Permit 3.4.2 Job Offer 3.4.3 Truck Driver License Drivers License Restriction Drivers License Endorsement 3.4.4 Family Member 3.4.5 In Canada Relative 3.4.6 Additional Documents Required 3.4.7 Previous Application 3.4.8 Submit Your Application

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 65 66 68 69

3.5 Existing Work Permit 3.5.1 Job Offer 3.5.2 Work Permit 3.5.3 Family Members 3.5.4 In Canada Relative 3.5.5 Additional Documents Required 3.5.6 Previous Application 3.5.7 Submit Your Application

70 71 72 73 77 78 80 81

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014

1.0 Introduction and Log On


This manual will explain how to access and use the various screens associated with the Applicants, Applications, and for Representatives.

The Welcome screen will be displayed above. You need to Register first, in order to access the system. 1.1 Register on OASIS Click on Registration.

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 

Enter your First, Middle and Last Name. Enter your Date of Birth (DD-MMM-YYYY) or click on the calendar and choose the date. Enter a contact Email Address. Important! This address will be linked to your account and used for correspondence (letters) with OASIS application, including password recovery. Enter your desired Username. Your username will be used to access your OASIS account. Click Submit.

You will be sent an email including your password. You will need this to Login to Oasis. Oasis Procedures Manual


1.2 Login to Oasis

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Once you have retrieved your password from your email, you can return to this page and click on Login to Oasis. Enter your Username and Password. Click Login. If you forget your Password, click Forgot Password. A new password will be sent to the email address you provided when you first registered.

1.3 Your Home Page When you sign in, you will be at the Home page.

Menu Bar Along the top of the page, there are 3 icons: Home - This is your Home page. You can always return to this page. My Profile – this page contains person details. Follow the help at the top of that page to edit and add information. You can change your password here too. Help – If there is additional help for the page, it can be found here. My Actions box Create an Application – Start process here Appoint or Cancel a Representative - Find information regarding Representatives.

Note: You can change your system generated Password to one that you choose under My Profile Icon Oasis Procedures Manual


2.0 Creating an Application

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

From your Home page, you can create your application.

2.1 Creating a New Application Click on Create an Application from the My Actions box. The screen below will appear. The two main categories are: International Skilled Worker Saskatchewan Experience

Choose the appropriate application type by clicking Apply Now beside your choice. You will be asked to confirm your choice and giving links to the Application guide and checklist. Choose Create …… Application You will be back at your Home page with the application shown at the lower part of screen.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 2.2 Entering Your Profile


Personal Information Click on My Profile along the top menu. Select the icon in the contact box.

Select your Prefix (how you will be addressed on correspondence and letters) Select your Suffix (if you have one) Select your Gender. Enter your Birth Date (Format is DD-MMM-YYYY Example 01-Jan-2000) SIN # - NOT REQUIRED- DO NOT ENTER Enter your Driver’s License Number (if applicable) Click Save. Click Next. Phone Information Click on the icon beside Phone Information to add your contact number(s).

Select the Phone Type. Enter the number. You can repeat this for multiple phone types and numbers. Click Add.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Address Information Click on the icon beside Address Information to add your address information.


Select the Address Type you wish to add. You MUST enter a Mailing address type. Enter your Address, Postal Code (if Canadian), enter your City/Town. Select the Province (if Canada) Select Country from drop down. Click Add. Repeat these steps if you want another address entered. Email Information Click on the icon beside Email Information to add your address information.

You must enter a correspondence email type in order to receive all letters and correspondence via email. If you don’t have a correspondence email, then you will receive normal mail at your mailing address. Select Correspondence for the Type. This may be same as the email given initially to set up your account. Enter your Email Address. Click Add. Repeat for any other type. When complete entering all information, return to the HOME page.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 2.3 Enter Your Applicant Details


Choose Edit Your Applicant Details from My Actions box or on the application line choose Edit Applicant.

You will be taken to the first page of the Applicant Details screen.

There is Help at the top. T h is will explain what you need and the next steps, or if you put your mouse over the field you will get a “help” text for some fields.

Example only

2.3.1 Ethical Conduct Disclosure and Declaration Form Read the terms and conditions of the application. Print off a copy of the Ethical Conduct Disclosure and Declaration Form Sign and Date the required pages If you have a Representative the Representative must Sign and Date this form Scan and upload the Ethical Conduct Disclosure and Declaration Form Select the Representation

Upon completing the fields click Save at the bottom of the page. The next screen gives you some instruction on what information is needed on the next few pages.

Click Save Click Next Select Yes or No for the Applicant Disclosure Click Save

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2.3.2 Application Disclosure Form Read the terms and conditions of the application.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Select Yes or No in the drop down to indicate if you agree or not to the Terms and Conditions outlined. Click Next. 2.3.3 Citizenship Select the country of your Citizenship form the drop down. Click Save. If you have multiple Citizenships, click Add Citizenship and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next. 2.3.4 Birth Document Enter your First, Middle and Last Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. Attach a scanned copy of your Birth Certificate as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If you have multiple Birth Documents, click Add Birth Document and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next. 2.3.5 Passport

example only

Select the Country that your passport was issued. Enter the Passport Number. Enter the Passport Expiry Date (DD-MMM-YYYY ex 01-Jan-2020) Attach a scanned copy of your Passport as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If you have multiple Passports, click Add Passport and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next. Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 2.3.6 Marital Status


Please read instructions in regards to multiple marital statuses

example only

Select your Marital Status from the drop down. Enter your Previous First and Last Name (if different then current name(s). Enter the Date of this status change. Attach a scanned copy of your Marital Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If you have multiple marital statuses, click Add Marital Status and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next. 2.3.7 Education Please read instructions in regards to multiple education programs or certificates.

Select the country from the drop down the education was obtained. Enter the Start and End Date of this program. Enter the Institution name. Enter the Specialty (course title). Enter the Saskatchewan Credential Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If you have multiple education instances, click Add Education and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next.


2.3.8 Work Experience

example only

Please read instructions in regards to multiple work experience. Select the NOC ID from the pop up icon. To review the list, see the link in the instructions. Select the Country from the drop down where this work was performed. Enter the Start and End Date of this program. Enter the Employer name. Enter the City/Town where the work took place. Enter your Position Title. Attach a scanned copy of the employer reference letter as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If you have multiple employment instances, click Add Work Experience and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 2.3.9 English/French Ability


Please refer to the Application Guide for information on which tests are accepted by SINP and what the minimum language requirements are.

example only

Select the Language Proof Type from the drop down. Enter the Test Mark (s). Enter the date of your exam in the Language Training Start Date Field. Omit entering the Language Institution Name Attach a scanned copy of your document proving your exam results Save Click Next.

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3.0 Editing Your Application

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

The following is based on the category of your application. Locate the proper section below that refers to your application category and begin. 3.1 International Skilled Worker 3.2 Saskatchewan Experience After returning to the Home page, you will see your application line similar to below: You have already chosen your application category; you may now enter the specific details of the application. The status of the application at this point it is “Pending Submission ” If the application category is incorrect, you must Create a New Application and return here to edit it.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.1 International Skilled Worker Application Click on Edit Application page for this application type.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

to open the first

The following is the first screen of this application type.

Read the instructions and understand thoroughly what is required. Application Number- already assigned Parent Application- only enter the Parent Name if you are an Overage Dependent. Enter the date you signed the Information Release. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) or double click the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.1.1 Job Offer Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. Take note if you have multiple Job Offers.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Enter the Employer Name. Enter the location (City/Town) where the employment is. Enter the Contact Name and Contact Number of the employer. Enter the Position Title. Enter the Offer Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Enter the Hourly wage. Calculate all salary to an hourly wage. Enter the Required Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Attach a scanned copy of your job offer as it is required. Enter the Position ID from your SINP Job Approval Letter Attach a scanned copy of your SINP Job Approval Letter If you have multiple job offers, click Add Job Offer and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.1.2 International Skilled Worker Points Criteria

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Please read the Application Guide for information on how to assess points. Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields

Select the Education and Training from the drop down field Select the Work Experience from the most recent FIVE years prior to the application Select the Work Experience from the SIX to TEN year period prior to the application Select the Connection to the Saskatchewan Labour Market and Adaptability Attach of a scanned copy of your document Click Save Click Submit

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Jan. 2, 2014 3.1.3 Settlement Funds


Please read the Application Guide in regards to multiple assets and attaching documents to verify this asset(s).

Select the Settlement Fund Type Describe the asset briefly. Enter the Total Dollar Amount in Foreign Currency. Attach a scanned copy of your document that verifies this asset as it is required. Press Save. If you have multiple accounts, click Add Settlement Funds and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save Click Next

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3.1.4 Saskatchewan Adaptability Record

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Please read the Application Guide in regards to multiple assets and attaching documents to verify this asset(s). . Click on Saskatchewan Adaptability Record

Click on Create Saskatchewan Adaptability

Enter the Saskatchewan Institution where you studied Enter the Start Date and End Date of the program studied in Saskatchewan(Format is DD-MMMYYYY Example 01-Jan-2000) Enter the name of the Employer where you worked in Saskatchewan Enter the Start Date and End Date of your employment in Saskatchewan Enter the Date of your Sask Visit (Format is DDMMM-YYYY Example 01-Jan-2000) Attach a scanned copy of the supporting document as it is required Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.1.5 Work Permit

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. If you have multiple Work Permits, create another record of Work Permit.

Enter the Work Permit Number. Specify if the LMO is Yes or No. Enter the Issue Date and Expiry Date of the Work Permit. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) or double click the calendar icon and select the date. Enter the Employer Name, Location and Occupation stated on the Work Permit. Attach a scanned copy of the Work Permit document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple work permits, click Add Work Permit and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save Click Next

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 3.1.6 Add Family Member


You must add records for all of your immediate family members. If you do not have any, skip this step. Click on Add Family Member.

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the family member. Click Continue. Read the instructions on this screen. Please take note of the requirement to add multiple records for EACH family member (spouse and children).

Select the Relationship Type from the drop down list that this person is to the Applicant. Indicate whether this person is Accompanying the applicant to Saskatchewan. Select the Citizenship of this person from the drop down list. Click Save. You MUST create additional records for each family member. These include Passport and Birth Document.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Birth Document


Read the instructions. Take note that you MUST attach the scanned birth certificate to this record. Enter the First, Middle, and Last Name that appears on the birth document. Attach a scanned copy of your birth certificate as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. Press Next. Passport

example only

Select the Country that your passport was issued. Enter the Passport Number. Enter the Passport Expiry Date (Format DDMMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) Attach a scanned copy of your Passport as it is required. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Browse. Press Save. If there are multiple Passports, click Add Passport and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


If the family member is a spouse, you must also include the Marital Status record.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Click on the Family Member record on the left side of the screen that is the Spouse.

Click Add Marital Status from the menu on the right.

Click Create Marital Status.

Read the instructions, take note if the person has multiple marital statuses, a record must be create for each and a copy of the document attached for each. Select the Marital Status from the drop down. Enter your Previous First and Last Name (if different then current name(s). Enter the Date of this status change. Attach a scanned copy of the Marital Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple marital statuses, click Add Marital Status and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes To add additional family members, such as children, return to main page for the application. Click on Application #... on left hand menu.

Click Add Family Member on right side of screen. Repeat the section above for each type of Family Member (Dependant Children or Overage Dependants). This includes Birth Document, Passport, and if a have custody of a dependant child, you must include Custody information. Custody When you have highlighted and opened the Family Member record where the custody is required, Click on Add Custody on right side of page.

Enter the Custody First and Last Name of the dependant. Select the Relationship Type of this person to the applicant. Enter the Name of the Custodian (if not the applicant) Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Enter the Custody Date (format DD-MMM- YYYY) Click Save. Return the main page for the application, click on Application #... on left hand menu.


If you require additional records such as: Saskatchewan Adaptability In Canada Relative Previous application, then add these records from menu on the right.

Review the guide and checklist if required from the instructions box.

3.1.7 In Canada Relative

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the relative. Click Continue.

Select the Relationship Type of this person. Enter the Length of Residency in Canada for this person. (years) Enter the Length of Residency in Sask. for this person. (years) Oasis Procedures Manual


If there are multiple In Canada Relatives, click Add In Canada Relative and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Return to the main page of this application on the left side of the screen by Click on Application #....... Now you must now enter all additional required documents that pertain to your application. Some of these are required and some not. Refer to the Checklist and Application Guide for these requirements. These may include: o Family Member information o In-Canada Relatives o Previous application information

3.1.8 Additional Documents Required You must records for EACH additional required document as required and explained in the Application guide and checklist for your application.

Click on Add Additional Required Documents.

Click Create Additional Required Documents.

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Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Read the instructions on this page and take note that you MUST repeat this step until you have attached all required forms for the applicant and his or her family members. If you wish to attach forms for a family member on this application, you must add an Additional Required Document Page from the Family Member page (see below) for the applicable spouse or dependant. Only one form should be attached per page. These forms may include:

Select each document that pertains and is required for this application and attach it. Select Browse. Locate the document that you scanned and select Attach. Click Save and repeat as necessary. Click on International Skilled Worker Application on left menu.

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Jan. 2, 2014 Notes Return to the Application record (left menu) If you have had or made a previous provincial or federal immigration application, create the record. Select Add Previous Application from right side menu. Click Create Previous Application. 3.1.9 Previous Application

Read the instructions carefully. Create multiple records of these applications if there are more than one and attach the document stating the final status or decision of that application. Select the Previous Application Category from the drop down list. Select the Province where the application was for. Select the Visa Office where the application was documented. Enter the Application Date. Enter the Applicant Name. Enter the Status of that application Enter the Reason for the current status. Attach a scanned copy of the application Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple Previous Applications, click Add Previous Applications and repeat the steps. When Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 complete, Click Save.


Submit Your Application Return to the Home page. Click Home at the top of page. You may now review your application prior to submission.

Click and ensure all information is recorded as required by the guidelines for the application. When you are satisfied that you have attached and completed all information, you may submit your application by clicking . You will be asked to confirm the submission. At this point you may choose to Cancel and return to the Home page and review and edit any information as required.

The status of your application will now state Application Submitted. You can return to the Home page, using the Username and Password provided, periodically and follow the status of your account as it gets processed by SINP. You will receive correspondence periodically from SINP in regards to your application. You may now Log Off.

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Jan. 2, 2014

Saskatchewan Experience


3.2 Health Professional Application This includes all types of the health Professional including: Physician Nurse Other Go to the application line at bottom of page. It will look like this:

Click on Edit Application page for this application type.

to open the first

The following is the first screen of this application type.

Read the instructions and understand thoroughly what is required. Application Number- already assigned Health Professional Application Type- select the type from the drop down list. Parent Application- only enter the Parent Name if you are an Overage Dependant. Health occupation – select which describes your occupation the best. Enter the date you signed the Information Release. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) or double click the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. Click Next. Oasis Procedures Manual


3.2.1 Job Offer Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. Take note if you have multiple Job Offers.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Enter the Employer Name. Enter the location (City/Town) where the employment is. Enter the Contact Name and Contact Number of the employer. Enter the Position Title. Enter the Offer Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Enter the Hourly wage. Calculate all salary to an hourly wage. Enter the Required Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose the from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Attach a scanned copy of your job offer as it is required. Enter the Position ID from your SINP Job Approval Letter Attach a scanned copy of your SINP Job Approval Letter If you have multiple job offers, click Add Job Offer and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next.

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3.2.2 Work Permit

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. If you have multiple Work Permits, create another record of Work Permit.

Enter the Work Permit Number. Specify if the LMO is Yes or No. Enter the Issue Date and Expiry Date of the Work Permit. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) or double click the calendar icon and select the date. Enter the Employer Name, Location and Occupation stated on the Work Permit. Attach a scanned copy of the Work Permit document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple work permits, click Add Work Permit and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save Click Next

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Jan. 2, 2014 3.2.3 Medical License


Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. Remember to attach a scanned copy of your license. Select the Health Licensing Body from the drop down list. Select the Health License Type from the drop down list. Enter your Health License Number. Enter the Expiry Date of your License or click on the calendar icon and select the date. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Attach a scanned copy of the Health License document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Click Save. Return to the main page of the application by clicking on Health Professional Application #..... located in the left menu.

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3.2.4 Additional Required Documents

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

You must records for EACH additional required document as required and explained in the Application guide and checklist for your application.

Click Create Additional Required Documents.

Read the instructions on this page and take note that you MUST repeat this step until you have attached all required forms for the applicant and his or her family members. If you wish to attach forms for a family member on this application, you must add an Additional Required Document Page from the Family Member page (see below) for the applicable spouse or dependant. Only one form should be attached per page. These forms may include:

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Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Select each document that pertains and is required for this application and attach it. Select Browse. Locate the document that you scanned and select Attach. Click Save and repeat as necessary. Click Existing Work Permit Application on left menu.

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3.2.5 Family Members

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

You must add records for all of your immediate family members. If you do not have any, skip this step.

Click on Add Family Member.

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the family member. Click Continue. Read the instructions on this screen. Please take note of the requirement to add multiple records for EACH family member (spouse and children).

Select the Relationship Type from the drop down list that this person is to the Applicant. Indicate whether this person is Accompanying the applicant to Saskatchewan. Select the Citizenship of this person from the drop down list. Click Save. Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes You MUST create additional records for each family member. These include Passport and Birth Document. Birth Document

Read the instructions. Take note that you MUST attach the scanned birth certificate to this record. Enter the First, Middle, and Last Name that appears on the birth document. Attach a scanned copy of your birth certificate as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. Press Next. Passport

example only

Select the Country that your passport was issued. Enter the Passport Number. Enter the Passport Expiry Date (DD_MMM_YYYY ex 01-Jan-2010) Attach a scanned copy of your Passport as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple Passports, click Add Passport and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


If the family member is a spouse, you must also include the Marital Status record.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Click on the Family Member record on the left side of the screen that is the Spouse.

Click Add Marital Status from the menu on the right.

Click Create Marital Status.

Read the instructions, take note if the person has multiple marital statuses, a record must be create for each and a copy of the document attached for each. Select the Marital Status from the drop down. Enter your Previous First and Last Name (if different then current name(s). Enter the Date of this status change. Attach a scanned copy of the Marital Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple marital statuses, click Add Marital Status and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 To add additional family members, such as children, return to main page for the application.


Click on Application #...

Click Add Family Member on right side of screen. Repeat the section above for each type of Family Member (Dependant Children or Overage Dependants). This includes Birth Document, Passport, and if a have custody of a dependant child, you must include Custody information. Custody When you have highlighted and opened the Family Member record where the custody is required, Click on Add Custody on right side of page.

Enter the Custody First and Last Name of the dependant. Select the Relationship Type of this person to the applicant. Enter the Name of the Custodian (if not the applicant) Enter the Custody Date (format DD-MMM- YYYY) Click Save. Oasis Procedures Manual


3.2.6 In Canada Relative

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the relative. Click Continue.

Select the Relationship Type of this person. Enter the Length of Residency in Canada for this person. (years) Enter the Length of Residency in Sask. for this person. (years) If there are multiple In Canada Relatives, click Add In Canada Relative and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save. Return to the Existing Work Permit Application record (left menu) If you have had or made a previous provincial or federal immigration application, create the record. Select Add Previous Application from right side menu. Click Create Previous Application.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.2.7 Previous Application

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Read the instructions carefully. Create multiple records of these applications if there are more than one and attach the document stating the final status or decision of that application. Select the Previous Application Category from the drop down list. Select the Province where the application was for. Select the Visa Office where the application was documented. Enter the Application Date. Enter the Applicant Name. Enter the Status of that application Enter the Reason for the current status. Attach a scanned copy of the application Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple Previous Applications, click Add Previous Applications and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.2.8 Submit Your Application

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Return to the Home page. Click Home at the top of page. You may now review your application prior to submission.

Click and ensure all information is recorded as required by the guidelines for the application. When you are satisfied that you have attached and completed all information, you may submit your application by clicking . You will be asked to confirm the submission. At this point you may choose to Cancel and return to the Home page and review and edit any information as required.

The status of your application will now state Application Submitted. You can return to the Home page, using the Username and Password provided, periodically and follow the status of your account as it gets processed by SINP. You will receive correspondence periodically from SINP in regards to your application. You may now Log Off.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014

3.3 Student Application Go to the application line at bottom of page. It will look like this:

Click on Edit Application first page for this application type.

to open the

The following is the first screen of this application type.

Read the instructions and understand thoroughly what is required. Application Number- already assigned Parent Application- enter the Parent Name if you are an Overage Dependant. Enter the date you signed the Information Release. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) or double click the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.3.1 Work Permit

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. If you have multiple Work Permits, create another record of Work Permit.

Enter the Work Permit Number. Specify if the LMO is Yes or No. Enter the Issue Date and Expiry Date of the Work Permit. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) or double click the calendar icon and select the date. Enter the Employer Name, Location and Occupation stated on the Work Permit. Attach a scanned copy of the Work Permit document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple work permits, click Add Work Permit and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save Click Next

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.3.2 Job Offer Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. Take note if you have multiple Job Offers.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Enter the Employer Name. Enter the location (City/Town) where the employment is. Enter the Contact Name and Contact Number of the employer. Enter the Position Title. Enter the Offer Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Enter the Hourly wage. Calculate all salary to an hourly wage. Enter the Required Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Attach a scanned copy of your job offer as it is required. Enter the Position ID from your SINP Job Approval Letter Attach a scanned copy of your SINP Job Approval Letter If you have multiple job offers, click Add Job Offer and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.3.3 Additional Documents Required

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

You must records for EACH additional required document as required and explained in the Application guide and checklist for your application.

Click on Add Additional Required Documents.

Click Create Additional Required Documents.

Read the instructions on this page and take note that you MUST repeat this step until you have attached all required forms for the applicant and his or her family members. If you wish to attach forms for a family member on this application, you must add an Additional Required Document Page from the Family Member page (see below) for the applicable spouse or dependant. Only one form should be attached per page. Oasis Procedures Manual


These forms may include:

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Select each document that pertains and is required for this application and attach it. Select Browse. Locate the document that you scanned and select Attach. Click Save and repeat as necessary. Click on the Application on left menu. Return to the Application record (left menu) Select Add In Canada Relative from right side menu. Return to the Application record (left menu) If you have had or made a previous provincial or federal immigration application, create the record. Select Add Previous Application from right side menu. Click Create Previous Application.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.3.4 Family Members

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

You must add records for all of your immediate family members. If you do not have any, skip this step. Click on Add Family Member.

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the family member. Click Continue. Read the instructions on this screen. Please take note of the requirement to add multiple records for EACH family member (spouse and children).

Select the Relationship Type from the drop down list that this person is to the Applicant. Indicate whether this person is Accompanying the applicant to Saskatchewan. Select the Citizenship of this person from the drop down list. Click Save. You MUST create additional records for each family member. These include Passport and Birth Document.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Birth Document Notes

Read the instructions. Take note that you MUST attach the scanned birth certificate to this record. Enter the First, Middle, and Last Name that appears on the birth document. Attach a scanned copy of your birth certificate as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. Press Next. Passport

example only

Select the Country that your passport was issued. Enter the Passport Number. Enter the Passport Expiry Date (Format DD-MMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) Attach a scanned copy of your Passport as it is required. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Browse. Press Save. If there are multiple Passports, click Add Passport and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 If the family member is a spouse, you must also include the Marital Status record.


Click on the Family Member record on the left side of the screen that is the Spouse.

Click Add Marital Status from the menu on the right.

Click Create Marital Status.

Read the instructions, take note if the person has multiple marital statuses, a record must be create for each and a copy of the document attached for each. Select the Marital Status from the drop down. Enter your Previous First and Last Name (if different then current name(s). Enter the Date of this status change. Attach a scanned copy of the Marital Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple marital statuses, click Add Marital Status and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 To add additional family members, such as children, return to main page for the application.


Click on Application #... on left hand menu.

Click Add Family Member on right side of screen. Repeat the section above for each type of Family Member (Dependant Children or Overage Dependants). This includes Birth Document, Passport, and if a have custody of a dependant child, you must include Custody information. Custody When you have highlighted and opened the Family Member record where the custody is required, Click on Add Custody on right side of page.

Enter the Custody First and Last Name of the dependant. Select the Relationship Type of this person to the applicant. Enter the Name of the Custodian (if not the applicant) Enter the Custody Date (format DD-MMM- YYYY) Click Save. To return the main page for the application, click on Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Application #... on left hand menu.


If you require additional records such as: Saskatchewan Adaptability In Canada Relative Previous application, then add these records from menu on the right.

Review the guide and checklist if required from the instructions box.

3.3.5 In Canada Relative

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the relative. Click Continue.

Select the Relationship Type of this person. Enter the Length of Residency in Canada for this person. (years) Enter the Length of Residency in Sask. for this person. (years) If there are multiple In Canada Relatives, click Add In Canada Relative and repeat the steps. When Oasis Procedures Manual


complete, Click Save

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Return to the main page of this application on the left side of the screen by Click on Application #....... Now you must now enter all additional required documents that pertain to your application. Some of these are required and some not. Refer to the Checklist and Application Guide for these requirements. These may include: o Family Member information o In-Canada Relatives o Previous application information o Saskatchewan Adaptability o Any Additional Required Documents.

3.3.6 Previous Application

Read the instructions carefully. Create multiple records of these applications if there are more than one and attach the document stating the final status or decision of that application. Select the Previous Application Category from the drop down list. Select the Province where the application was for. Select the Visa Office where the application was documented. Enter the Application Date. Enter the Applicant Name. Enter the Status of that application Oasis Procedures Manual


Enter the Reason for the current status. Attach a scanned copy of the application Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple Previous Applications, click Add Previous Applications and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

3.3.7 Submit Your Application Return to the Home page. Click Home at the top of page. You may now review your application prior to submission.

Click and ensure all information is recorded as required by the guidelines for the application. When you are satisfied that you have attached and completed all information, you may submit your application by clicking . You will be asked to confirm the submission. At this point you may choose to Cancel and return to the Home page and review and edit any information as required.

The status of your application will now state Application Submitted. You will receive correspondence periodically from SINP in regards to your application. You may now Log Off. Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 3.5 Medium Skilled Application


Hospitality Truck Driver Go to the application line at bottom of page. It will look like this:

Click on Edit Application page for this application type.

to open the first

The following is the first screen of this application type.

Read the instructions and understand thoroughly what is required. Application Number- already assigned Pilot Project Application Type- select the type from the drop down list. Parent Application- enter the Parent Name if you are an Overage Dependant. Enter the date you signed the Information Release. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) or double click the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 3.4.1 Work Permit


Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. If you have multiple Work Permits, create another record of Work Permit.

Enter the Work Permit Number. Specify if the LMO is Yes or No. Enter the Issue Date and Expiry Date of the Work Permit. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) or double click the calendar icon and select the date. Enter the Employer Name, Location and Occupation stated on the Work Permit. Attach a scanned copy of the Work Permit document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple work permits, click Add Work Permit and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save Click Next

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.4.2 Job Offer Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. Take note if you have multiple Job Offers.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Enter the Employer Name. Enter the location (City/Town) where the employment is. Enter the Contact Name and Contact Number of the employer. Enter the Position Title. Enter the Offer Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Enter the Hourly wage. Calculate all salary to an hourly wage. Enter the Required Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Attach a scanned copy of your job offer as it is required. Enter the Position ID from your SINP Job Approval Letter Attach a scanned copy of your SINP Job Approval Letter If you have multiple job offers, click Add Job Offer and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 3.4.3 Driver’s License (Truck Driver Application ONLY) This


record must be created for any truck driver application.

Click on Add Driver’s License from the menu on the right. Confirm that you want to create this record, click Create Driver’s License.

The following screen will appear:

Read the instructions carefully. Take note that if you have “restrictions or endorsement” that those records must be attached as well. Select the Driver’s License Class Type from the drop down list. Enter the License Number. Enter the Expiry Date of that license. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Attach a scanned copy of your Passport as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Click Save. If there are multiple driver’s licenses, click Add Driver’s Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 License and repeat the steps. When complete. Click Save.


If you have additional restrictions, please add records now. Drivers License Restriction Click Add Drivers License Restriction. Click Create Drivers License Restriction. Read the instructions, take note if the person has multiple restrictions, a record must be create for each.

Select the Drivers License Restriction Type from the drop down list. If there are multiple driver’s lick Save. Licenses click Add Drivers License Restriction and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save. Return the main page for the application, click on Driver’s License Class…. on left hand menu. If you have additional endorsements, please add records now


Oasis Procedures Manual

59 Drivers License Endorsement

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Click Add Drivers License Endorsement.

Click Create Drivers License Endorsement.

Read the instructions, take note if the person has multiple endorsements, a record must be create for each. Select the Drivers License Endorsement Type from the drop down list. Click Save. If there are multiple endorsements, click Add Drivers License Endorsement and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 3.4.4 Family Member


You must add records for all of your immediate family members. If you do not have any, skip this step. Click on Add Family Member.

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the family member. Click Continue. Read the instructions on this screen. Please take note of the requirement to add multiple records for EACH family member (spouse and children).

Select the Relationship Type from the drop down list that this person is to the Applicant. Indicate whether this person is Accompanying the applicant to Saskatchewan. Select the Citizenship of this person from the drop down list. Click Save. You MUST create additional records for each family member. These include Passport and Birth Document.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Birth Document


Read the instructions. Take note that you MUST attach the scanned birth certificate to this record. Enter the First, Middle, and Last Name that appears on the birth document. Attach a scanned copy of your birth certificate as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. Press Next. Passport

example only

Select the Country that your passport was issued. Enter the Passport Number. Enter the Passport Expiry Date (Format DDMMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) Attach a scanned copy of your Passport as it is required. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Browse. Press Save. If there are multiple Passports, click Add Passport and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


If the family member is a spouse, you must also include the Marital Status record.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Click on the Family Member record on the left side of the screen that is the Spouse.

Click Add Marital Status from the menu on the right.

Click Create Marital Status.

Read the instructions, take note if the person has multiple marital statuses, a record must be create for each and a copy of the document attached for each. Select the Marital Status from the drop down. Enter your Previous First and Last Name (if different then current name(s). Enter the Date of this status change. Attach a scanned copy of the Marital Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple marital statuses, click Add Marital Status and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes To add additional family members, such as children, return to main page for the application. Click on Application #... on left hand menu.

Click Add Family Member on right side of screen. Repeat the section above for each type of Family Member (Dependant Children or Overage Dependants). This includes Birth Document, Passport, and if a have custody of a dependant child, you must include Custody information. Custody When you have highlighted and opened the Family Member record where the custody is required, Click on Add Custody on right side of page.

Enter the Custody First and Last Name of the dependant. Select the Relationship Type of this person to the applicant. Enter the Name of the Custodian (if not the applicant) Enter the Custody Date (format DD-MMM- YYYY) Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Click Save. Return the main page for the application, click on Application #... on left hand menu.


3.4.5 In Canada Relative

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the relative. Click Continue.

Select the Relationship Type of this person. Enter the Length of Residency in Canada for this person. (years) Enter the Length of Residency in Sask. for this person. (years) If there are multiple In Canada Relatives, click Add Oasis Procedures Manual


In Canada Relative and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Return to the main page of this application on the left side of the screen by Click on the Application #....... Now you must now enter all additional required documents that pertain to your application. Some of these are required and some not. Refer to the Checklist and Application Guide for these requirements. These may include: o Family Member information o In-Canada Relatives o Previous application information o Saskatchewan Adaptability o Any Additional Required Documents. 3.4.6 Additional Documents Required You must records for EACH additional required document as required and explained in the Application guide and checklist for your application.

Click on Add Additional Required Documents.

Click Create Additional Required Documents.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Read the instructions on this page and take note that you MUST repeat this step until you have attached all required forms for the applicant and his or her family members. If you wish to attach forms for a family member on this application, you must add an Additional Required Document Page from the Family Member page (see below) for the applicable spouse or dependant. Only one form should be attached per page. These forms may include:

Select each document that pertains and is required for this application and attach it. Select Browse. Locate the document that you scanned and select Attach. Click Save and repeat as necessary. Click on the Application on left menu. Return to the Application record (left menu) Select Add In Canada Relative from right side menu. Oasis Procedures Manual


Return to the Application record (left menu) f you have had or made a previous provincial or federal immigration application, create the record.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Select Add Previous Application from right side menu. Click Create Previous Application. 3.4.7 Previous Application

Read the instructions carefully. Create multiple records of these applications if there are more than one and attach the document stating the final status or decision of that application. Select the Previous Application Category from the drop down list. Select the Province where the application was for. Select the Visa Office where the application was documented. Enter the Application Date. Enter the Applicant Name. Enter the Status of that application Enter the Reason for the current status. Attach a scanned copy of the application Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple Previous Applications, click Add Previous Applications and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save. Oasis Procedures Manual


3.4.8 Submit Your Application

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Return to the Home page. Click Home at the top of page. You may now review your application prior to submission.

Click and ensure all information is recorded as required by the guidelines for the application. When you are satisfied that you have attached and completed all information, you may submit your application by clicking . You will be asked to confirm the submission. At this point you may choose to Cancel and return to the Home page and review and edit any information as required.

The status of your application will now state Application Submitted. You can return to the Home page, using the Username and Password provided, periodically and follow the status of your account as it gets processed by SINP. You will receive correspondence periodically from SINP in regards to your application. You may now Log Off.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

3.5 Existing Work Permit Go to the application line at bottom of page. It will look like this:

Click on Edit Application page for this application type.

to open the first

The following is the first screen of this application type.

Read the instructions and understand thoroughly what is required. Application Number- already assigned Parent Application- only enter the Parent Name if you are an Overage Dependant. Enter the date you signed the Information Release. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) or double click the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.5.1 Job Offer Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. Take note if you have multiple Job Offers.

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Enter the Employer Name. Enter the location (City/Town) where the employment is. Enter the Contact Name and Contact Number of the employer. Enter the Position Title. Enter the Offer Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose the date from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Enter the Hourly wage. Calculate all salary to an hourly wage. Enter the Required Date of this employment or double click on the calendar icon and choose from the calendar. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY) Attach a scanned copy of your Job Offer as it is required. Enter the Position ID from your SINP Job Approval Letter Attach a scanned copy of your SINP Job Approval Letter If you have multiple job offers, click Add Job Offer and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Next.

Oasis Procedures Manual


3.5.2 Work Permit

Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Read the instructions on the page and complete the fields. If you have multiple Work Permits, create another record of Work Permit.

Enter the Work Permit Number. Specify if the LMO is Yes or No. Enter the Issue Date and Expiry Date of the Work Permit. (Format DD-MMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) or double click the calendar icon and select the date. Enter the Employer Name, Location and Occupation stated on the Work Permit. Attach a scanned copy of the Work Permit document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple work permits, click Add Work Permit and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save Click Next

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 3.5.3 Add Family Member


You must add records for all of your immediate family members. If you do not have any, skip this step. Click on Add Family Member.

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the family member. Click Continue. Read the instructions on this screen. Please take note of the requirement to add multiple records for EACH family member (spouse and children).

Select the Relationship Type from the drop down list that this person is to the Applicant. Indicate whether this person is Accompanying the applicant to Saskatchewan. Select the Citizenship of this person from the drop down list. Click Save. You MUST create additional records for each family member. These include Passport and Birth Document.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Birth Document


Read the instructions. Take note that you MUST attach the scanned birth certificate to this record. Enter the First, Middle, and Last Name that appears on the birth document. Attach a scanned copy of your birth certificate as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. Press Next. Passport

example only

Select the Country that your passport was issued. Enter the Passport Number. Enter the Passport Expiry Date (Format DDMMM-YYYY example 01-Jan-2010) Attach a scanned copy of your Passport as it is required. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Browse. Press Save. If there are multiple Passports, click Add Passport and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes If the family member is a spouse, you must also include the Marital Status record. Click on the Family Member record on the left side of the screen that is the Spouse.

Click Add Marital Status from the menu on the right.

Click Create Marital Status.

Read the instructions, take note if the person has multiple marital statuses, a record must be create for each and a copy of the document attached for each. Select the Marital Status from the drop down. Enter your Previous First and Last Name (if different then current name(s). Enter the Date of this status change. Attach a scanned copy of the Marital Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple marital statuses, click Add Marital Status and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

To add additional family members, such as children, return to main page for the application. Click on Application #... on left hand menu.

Click Add Family Member on right side of screen. Repeat the section above for each type of Family Member (Dependant Children or Overage Dependants). This includes Birth Document, Passport, and if a have custody of a dependant child, you must include Custody information. Custody When you have highlighted and opened the Family Member record where the custody is required, Click on Add Custody on right side of page.

Enter the Custody First and Last Name of the dependant. Select the Relationship Type of this person to the applicant. Enter the Name of the Custodian (if not the applicant) Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Enter the Custody Date (format DD-MMM- YYYY) Click Save. Return the main page for the application, click on Application #... on left hand menu.


3.5.4 In Canada Relative

Enter the First, Middle and Family Name of the relative. Click Continue.

Select the Relationship Type of this person. Enter the Length of Residency in Canada for this person. (years) Enter the Length of Residency in Sask. for this person. (years) Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 If there are multiple In Canada Relatives, click Add In Canada Relative and repeat the steps. When complete, Click Save


Return to the main page of this application on the left side of the screen by Click on Application #....... Now you must now enter all additional required documents that pertain to your application. Some of these are required and some not. Refer to the Checklist and Application Guide for these requirements. These may include: o Family Member information o In-Canada Relatives o Previous application information o Any Additional Required Documents. 3.5.5 Additional Documents Required You must records for EACH additional required document as required and explained in the Application guide and checklist for your application.

Click on Add Additional Required Documents.

Click Create Additional Required Documents.

Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes

Read the instructions on this page and take note that you MUST repeat this step until you have attached all required forms for the applicant and his or her family members. If you wish to attach forms for a family member on this application, you must add an Additional Required Document Page from the Family Member page (see below) for the applicable spouse or dependant. Only one form should be attached per page. These forms may include:

Select each document that pertains and is required for this application and attach it. Select Browse. Locate the document that you scanned and select Attach. Click Save and repeat as necessary. Click on your Application on left menu and return to the Application record (left menu) Select Add In Canada Relative from right side menu. Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 Notes Return to the Application record (left menu) If you have had or made a previous provincial or federal immigration application, create the record. Select Add Previous Application from right side menu. Click Create Previous Application. 3.5.6 Previous Application

Read the instructions carefully. Create multiple records of these applications if there are more than one and attach the document stating the final status or decision of that application. Select the Previous Application Category from the drop down list. Select the Province where the application was for. Select the Visa Office where the application was documented. Enter the Application Date. Enter the Applicant Name. Enter the Status of that application Enter the Reason for the current status. Attach a scanned copy of the application Status document as it is required. Press Browse. Locate your document and press Attach. Press Save. If there are multiple Previous Applications, click Add Previous Applications and repeat the steps. When Oasis Procedures Manual


Jan. 2, 2014 complete, Click Save.


3.5.7 Submit Your Application Return to the Home page. Click Home at the top of page. You may now review your application prior to submission.

Click and ensure all information is recorded as required by the guidelines for the application. When you are satisfied that you have attached and completed all information, you may submit your application by clicking . You will be asked to confirm the submission. At this point you may choose to Cancel and return to the Home page and review and edit any information as required.

The status of your application will now state Application Submitted. You can return to the Home page, using the Username and Password provided, periodically and follow the status of your account as it gets processed by SINP. You will receive correspondence periodically from SINP in regards to your application. You may now Log Off.

Oasis Procedures Manual


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