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Oas Community College Oas Albay nd 2  Quarter Exam English for Academic Purposes

Name:_______________________ ______________ Grade & Section:_____________ Name:_____________________________________ Section:_______________ __ Score:____________  A. Identication. Identication. Identify the ord or ords being being as!ed in the folloing folloing statements. Choose your anser from the box pro"ided belo.

Motion picture review Literature review Bou!t review Product review

Composition review Expert review Peer review review

User review Performance review Boo" review

 _______________  ______________________# _______#$$ %t is t!e is  t!e evauation of wor" '( one or more peope of simiar competence to t!e producers of t!e wor"$  _______________  ________ ______________) _______)$$ %t is a review review of a product product or service service made '( a customer w!o w!o !as purc!ased t!e product or service  _______________  ________ ______________* _______*$$ %t is an evauative evauative report report of information information found found in t!e iterature reated to (our seected area of stud(  _______________  ________ ______________+ _______+$$ a forma assessment or examinati examination on of somet!in somet!in wit! t!e t!e possi'iit( or intention of institutin c!ane if necessar($  _______________  ________ ______________, _______,$$ %t is a review review carried carried out '( professiona professionas s or experts experts to t!e -ed reated to w!at t!e( review$  _______________  ________ ______________. _______.$$ %t is a form of criticism in w!ic! a 'oo" is ana(/ed 'ased on content0 st(e0 and merit$  _______________  ________ ______________1 _______1$$ 2re s!ort s!ort artices t!at t!at te readers readers a'out a'out t!e performers performers or roup3s4 t!at were invoved and t!e pieces or sons t!at were performed$  _______________  ________ ______________5 _______5$$ %t is t!e s(stem w!ere w!ere t!e creator creator 3usua( 3usua( a compan(4 compan(4 of a new product pa(s a reviewer to review !is new product$  _______________  ________ ______________6 _______6$$ %t is a wor" of -m criticism addressin addressin  t!e merits of of one or more motion pictures$  _______________  ________ ______________# _______#7$ 7$ %t uses music t!eor( t!eor( s"is suc! suc! as !armonic !armonic ana(sis ana(sis and t!ematic ana(sis0 aon wit! t!eir "nowede of idioms and compositiona practices0 etc$ #. $ultiple Choice. Choice. %ead the &uestions'stat &uestions'statements ements carefully carefully and choose the letter of your best anser. ##$ %t is a 'rie 'rieff documen documentt t!at t!at expai expain n t!e impo importan rtance ce of a par particu ticuar ar resear researc! c! or pro8ect$ %t is aso considered as a proposa$ a$ reaction paper '$ report c$ concept paper d$ position paper

#)$ %t a written report outinin someone9s attitude or intentions reardin a particuar matter matter$$ a$ reaction paper '$ concept paper c$ position paper d$ report #*$ %t is is not 8ust a paper w!ere (ou express (our opinion$ !ese papers re;uire a cose readin of t!e text t!at oes 'e(ond t!e surface meanin$ a$ reaction paper '$ position paper c$ concept paper d$ report #+$ %t is a written account of somet!in t!at one !as o'served0 !eard0 done0 or investiated$ a$ reaction paper '$ position paper c$ concept paper d$ report #,$ %t is written to assess or examine somet!in wit! t!e possi'iit( or intention of institutin c!ane if necessar($ a$ report '$ position paper c$ c$ review d$ reaction paper #.$ escription c$ Met!odoo( d$ Pro8ect Needs

#1$ escription #5$
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