Oas Community College Oas Albay nd 2 Quarter Exam English for Academic Purposes
Name:_______________________ ______________ Grade & Section:_____________ Name:_____________________________________ Section:_______________ __ Score:____________ A. Identication. Identication. Identify the ord or ords being being as!ed in the folloing folloing statements. Choose your anser from the box pro"ided belo.
Motion picture review Literature review Bou!t review Product review
_______________ ______________________# _______#$$ %t is t!e is t!e evauation of wor" '( one or more peope of simiar competence to t!e producers of t!e wor"$ _______________ ________ ______________) _______)$$ %t is a review review of a product product or service service made '( a customer w!o w!o !as purc!ased t!e product or service _______________ ________ ______________* _______*$$ %t is an evauative evauative report report of information information found found in t!e iterature reated to (our seected area of stud( _______________ ________ ______________+ _______+$$ a forma assessment or examinati examination on of somet!in somet!in wit! t!e t!e possi'iit( or intention of institutin c!ane if necessar($ _______________ ________ ______________, _______,$$ %t is a review review carried carried out '( professiona professionas s or experts experts to t!e -ed reated to w!at t!e( review$ _______________ ________ ______________. _______.$$ %t is a form of criticism in w!ic! a 'oo" is ana(/ed 'ased on content0 st(e0 and merit$ _______________ ________ ______________1 _______1$$ 2re s!ort s!ort artices t!at t!at te readers readers a'out a'out t!e performers performers or roup3s4 t!at were invoved and t!e pieces or sons t!at were performed$ _______________ ________ ______________5 _______5$$ %t is t!e s(stem w!ere w!ere t!e creator creator 3usua( 3usua( a compan(4 compan(4 of a new product pa(s a reviewer to review !is new product$ _______________ ________ ______________6 _______6$$ %t is a wor" of -m criticism addressin addressin t!e merits of of one or more motion pictures$ _______________ ________ ______________# _______#7$ 7$ %t uses music t!eor( t!eor( s"is suc! suc! as !armonic !armonic ana(sis ana(sis and t!ematic ana(sis0 aon wit! t!eir "nowede of idioms and compositiona practices0 etc$ #. $ultiple Choice. Choice. %ead the &uestions'stat &uestions'statements ements carefully carefully and choose the letter of your best anser. ##$ %t is a 'rie 'rieff documen documentt t!at t!at expai expain n t!e impo importan rtance ce of a par particu ticuar ar resear researc! c! or pro8ect$ %t is aso considered as a proposa$ a$ reaction paper '$ report c$ concept paper d$ position paper
#)$ %t a written report outinin someone9s attitude or intentions reardin a particuar matter matter$$ a$ reaction paper '$ concept paper c$ position paper d$ report #*$ %t is is not 8ust a paper w!ere (ou express (our opinion$ !ese papers re;uire a cose readin of t!e text t!at oes 'e(ond t!e surface meanin$ a$ reaction paper '$ position paper c$ concept paper d$ report #+$ %t is a written account of somet!in t!at one !as o'served0 !eard0 done0 or investiated$ a$ reaction paper '$ position paper c$ concept paper d$ report #,$ %t is written to assess or examine somet!in wit! t!e possi'iit( or intention of institutin c!ane if necessar($ a$ report '$ position paper c$ c$ review d$ reaction paper #.$ escription c$ Met!odoo( d$ Pro8ect Needs
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