NYC Concert

July 10, 2016 | Author: api-3862473 | Category: N/A
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Enrique's NYC fans tour concert...


Enrique’s 2006 Fan’s Tour held a number of firsts for me. It was the first time I had seen Enrique in concert. My concert experience of the fans’ tour began before for the first show in NYC, as the hostess for my friends, providing food and a bed at my home and leading them around in “my territory.” The adventure began with the mini-tour was announced on myspace. I could hardly believe that Enrique would be in both NYC and AC! Wanda and Lynn said they wanted to come be with me for my very first Enrique concert. I invited them to stay at my house and then we planned to go to Chicago together. I was nervous about making plans for a flight and hotel for the Chicago show, especially paying for the reservations before we had our tickets but in order to get a good price, I had to book the airline first. I waited till I had my ticket to book the hotel for the 3 of us. Diana mentioned possibly going to AC so we decided to meet in NYC and I invited her to come to my house and go with us in the van I was renting. We were anxiously counting down the days to the concerts but there was so much to do to prepare for guests, get ready for the concert and plan for traveling. The upside of this was that it made the days pass quickly. After much planning and preparation, the week arrived for the first concert. My daughter Melinda was supposed to drive to the airport to pick up Lynn with me but she was having health problems and although she did go with us, Nick drove. I wore my Enrique sweatshirt that was given to me as a gift from Wanda last Christmas. I figured Lynn and Wanda would be able to find me that way. LOL After picking up Lynn, we went to lunch at Applebees near home and Nicole called and asked if we could stop by so she could meet my friend, since she has heard about my fan club friends. We did that. Melinda had to leave and Brenda met us there at Nicole’s. Then it was back to the airport to pick up Wanda. On the way home we decided to order Chinese food for dinner since it was getting late. We went to bed after checking emails and then we were up early. I was a little nervous leading our group to NYC because I have never been there without someone to help me find my way around but I had schedules and maps so I felt prepared because I knew my poor sense of direction would get us lost!. Nick dropped us off at the train station in Princeton Junction. I bought a round trip ticket for me and one for Diana so she would already have a ticket after the concert when we came back. Her train from Connecticut went to a different station. As we traveled on the train, I practiced using the camera I was borrowing from Lynn. We posted with Target the Uglydoll, sort of our fan club’s mascot. It was my job to bring him to the concert venues I was attending. I kept one eye on all the stops to keep track of where we were. I bored Lynn and Wanda with my little stories about each town. However, that was my way of trying to stay in control of what we were doing because the train ride was nearly as new for me as it was for my guests. Having been a NJ resident all my life, and I’ve traveled in most parts of the state, I knew a little about all the towns where the train stoped. However,

this train ride I had only done this once before with my family. The train ride was about 1 hour long. When we got to Penn Station in NYC, we walked around a little, found a bathroom. Wanda and Lynn checked for souvenirs and we wanted to see if we could find a recent magazine with Enrique in it. Using my maps, we found Hammerstein Ballroom quickly, since it was only about a block away. Lucky for me and my friends who were depending on me getting them where we needed to go! We arrived at the venue between 1 and 1:30. Diana had gotten there about 11 am and was in line with a number of other people. We weren’t first but we were not far behind. Several times while we were in line we were asked to move while they rearranged barricades for the growing line and then to separate the general admission tickets from the reserved seating patrons. It was a little annoying because it seemed like people were maneuvering themselves to gain a better place in line. At first we could sit on the sidewalk on the blanket I bought with me, but eventually we were told we couldn’t do that anymore and besides it was too crowded. Soon after we got in line we met Robin, an Enrique fan with an Enrique tattoo on her back. We had seen the videos of her on the show TRL where she got to meet Enrique and show him her tattoo. It was a warm day in NYC for the last day of Novermber, 67 degrees. We were walking around in t-shirts but it did get kind of breezy. Robin wore a shirt with an open back to her tattoo was visible. She and Diana had met and known each other for years. In fact, she had taken TDiana with her to meet Enrique, when Diana met Enrique for the first time. As the day passed, mostly we chatted while in line but we did take turns going back to Penn Station for bathroom breaks, but not often. Mostly we didn’t eat or drink, knowing that at some point leaving the line would not be a good idea. Lynn and Robin took a last trip to Penn Station around 4:15. Wanda and I were going to go next and get a sandwich. But before the girls returned, they moved the line one last time and we were all crowded in. We knew there would be no more leaving the line. As the day went on our feet got sorer and sorer. We talked a bit to fans around us. Someone started us singing a few Enrique songs but it didn’t long. Mostly we just waited until it was time to go in. Then it started sprinkling! And they let us go in. Diana slipped in really fast. Wanda and Lynn got delayed in the purse search but I moved quickly through. Robin was ahead of me and found her own spot but when I got near the stage it was dark so I called out for Diana until I found her. Soon Lynn and Wanda joined us. I was all the way at the right end of the raised barricade but some fans were to the right of me. The fans on the right had apparently gotten their tickets at the last minute. The concert sold out but it was just the day before when that happened. These fans tried to sing Bailamos but didn’t know the words. Then they asked me, “How does that Hero song go?” So I sang a few bars for them. They didn’t understand that the doors opened at 6:30 but the concert was to begin at 8:00 (or whenever Enrique was ready.) They were getting mad. They said they were going to spit their gum at Enrique when he came on stage for making them wait. But then they joked how once he came on stage they would forget about doing that. One

of them asked me if I was a fan. I think I had an annoyed tone of voice when I said something line, “Yeah. If I wasn’t a fan I wouldn’t have been in line since before 1:30 so that I could be standing in front of the stage.” The girls response to her friend was that since they got there at 6:30 and were there next to me, they hadn’t done so bad but actually, I don’t know what they could see over there. They had a gigantic speaker in front of them and I was the last person on the slightly raised platform of the barricade in from of the stage. They did at times try to join me, as well as those behind me tried to stand in back of me but it was too crowded for them to do that so I sort or stood firm and did not make room for them. Some people speculated that the woman that was being video taped was Anna. I didn’t think it was. I think it was confirmed at some point that she was at the NYC show but I didn’t see her. I had heard conflicting stories that she was backstage and also that she was in the VIP seating area. I didn’t look around for her and I was not in a spot where I could see backstage. I suppose she was there but she was not prominent. Most of the time I quietly waited in anticipation of what we had waited for all day, Enrique’s appearance. Occasionally I spoke a brief word to Wanda or Lynn. There was pre-show music playing over and over, I don’t know how many times. I kind of expected some kind of announcement or dramatic entrance but all of the sudden, Enrique just came out and was there on stage! I’m sure I looked like I was in a trance as Lynn described. I was mesmerized, captivated, and truly, as my email name says . . .”awed by Enrique.” Eventually, I started taking pictures and I saw so much I wanted to capture and preserve in my memory as well as in a photograph. Just when I would shut off the camera, I wanted to start taking pictures again. In a way, though, I was kind of dazed, almost in shock. It was kind of unreal that it was happening after hoping to see a concert for so long. Sometimes I just had to tell myself, this is real! Enrique is really right there on stage! I probably haven’t mentioned everything there is to say because I was too dazed to fully take it in. I have to comment on Enrique’s outfit. On numerous occasions I have gotten into discussions with other fans about what would be the ideal outfit I would want to see Enrique wear in concert. I have to wonder if someone told him what I said! I feel like he dressed just to please me! First of all, NO HAT! Wow! His beautiful, shining hair perfectly complimented his gorgeous face. A black shirt, he looks sooooooooo gorgeous in a black shirt. He wore his favorites . . jeans. That’s fine with me. And the bonus was his scruffy beard. I love that that! He was totally sexy. Siiiigh! Enrique sang 17 songs, 15 and 2 for an encore. I don’t’ remember the exact order but it was something like this: 1) Not in Love 2) Por Amarte 3) Love To See You Cry 4) Donde esta corazon 5) Rhythm Divine

6) La Chica De Ayer 7) Solo En Ti 8) Bailamos 9) Could I Have This Kiss Forever 10) Tired of Saying Sorry 11) Mentiroso 12) Nunca Te Olvidare 13) Experiencia Religiosa 14) Somebody's Me 15) Hero Encore: 16) Be With You 17) Escape Por Amarte was a remix version. During La Chica De Ayer he took pics of himself with fans’ cameras while singing on the catwalk. A few times he came and stood in front of me. I watched him, waiting to catch his eye. I wanted to throw a kiss to him, make the sign language I love you sign, touch hands with him or just look him in the eye and smile. But that night it never happened. He seemed to be looking over our heads. I really didn’t think he ever saw me there. I wouldn’t say I was disappointed though. He gave us everything in the show. And having the opportunity to see him in person was totally amazing so I was completely happy and thrilled. As I stood there watching him and zooming in the camera to capture what I could of the show in pictures, I kept thinking how gorgeous he is. I was also thinking of the thousands of pics I’ve seen of him and how his look has changed significantly over the years. I remember seeing some of those old pics and wondering how that could be the same person because he looked so different! But in person, I saw he still looks the same as that 19 year old in the early Spanish videos and South American TV appearances. I didn’t expect that. His appearance was absolutely breath-taking, moreso than I could have anticipated. His singing was outstanding. He sounded just like on his CDs. I’ve seen videos of live performances where he doesn’t sing the high notes but allows either Laura Jane or Julian, his backup singers to sing those parts, Not this time. He sang them beautifully and I loved hearing his voice doing those parts. I loved the new songs. I loved that he sang Mentiroso. I kept thinking about the first time I heard the song and saw the video and how amazed I was by it. I heard it when I watched his video. It was the first of his Spanish songs I ever heard and I couldn’t wait to hear more! I am still amazed by that song. I loved that he sang Nunca Te Olvidare. It is one of my favorites by him. I agreed with him when he said Experiencia Religiosa is his favorite song to sing that he didn’t write. It was wonderful finally hearing Somebody’s Me uninterrupted! Such a beautiful song. This evening Enrique did not introduce his band and back up singers. As usual girls were getting on stage and Enrique told security to let them come and he escorted them backstage to be taken back to watch the show. However there were many, many who got on stage. During Hero there were at least 5. At

one point he picked up a girl on his hip and carried her off. There were two unsual things that happened. One girl took off her bra and tossed it to him. He handled it awkwardly and then hung it on one of the guitars where it remained for the rest of the concert. It was rather funny. The other incident wasn’t so funny in my opinion. Enrique was sitting at the edge of the catwalk and the fans were touching his legs or wherever they could reach. Someone grabbed him and he commented to Tony, “They are grabbing my nuts!” He seemed to brush is off humorously but I don’t think he liked it (and I don’t blame him.) The next night the catwalk was higher and the barricade was farther from the stage. No fans got on stage and security was positioned in the pit between the stage and barricade. Twice during the performance, Enrique sprinkled us with water from his water bottle. It was hot in there, since it was not cold outside. He probably felt it more than us, being under the hot stage lights. In many of his pics he is shiny from sweating. All too soon it was over but I wasn’t sad. I was totally happy for the opportunity to see him and I knew that the next day we would be treated to more. Slowly our group became ready to head for the train and I asked at the information booth where we could get our train. We chatted happily on our way back to my house and created the list of songs to the best of our memory. We called members of the fan club throughout the day and on our way home. Once back at home we ate left-over Chinese food, yogurt, cereal, everyone had something different. None of us had eaten since breakfast and it was after midnight and I think Diana said she hadn’t eaten at all. Meanwhile, Lynn was checking our memory chips for good pics. The biggest surprise of the night was that she she said the best pic of the night was a pic taken by ME!!! I was shocked since I never took good pictures in my entire life. She privately emailed my pic to a couple of people and Claire submitted it to Enrique’s manager who then requested our concert pics to be used online. (jumping ahead) We did submit our pics but naturally Lynn’s experience with photography produced the best pics and they used hers and one of Wanda’s online. Such gorgeous pics! Still, I was proud of having taken some decent pics for the first time in my life. It was late when we finally went to bed and we needed to get to sleep for the next adventure in AC.

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