Nuway Software

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NUWAY SOFTWARE Part 1: The "Old" Way Nuway's founders have worked in all aspects of software development: development: •

Contractors for professional services companies

In-house development team

Independent Independent consultant consultants s evaluating evaluating vendors vendors & professio professional nal service service companies We've seen it all, and haven't liked what we've seen !here is something fundamentally wrong with the current way software is "eing "uilt:

Professional services In this environment software is written as #uickly as possi"le $ery often shor sh ortc tcut uts s with with sh shor ortt-te terrm gain gain and and longlong-te terrm pain pain and and are are tak taken en !his !his creates a messy, di%cult code "ase on which the solution will rely ince customers typically never look under the hood to see the code, they have no idea how poorly things are running ater, ater, when "usiness "usiness needs change, the softwar software e changes changes are e(tremel e(tremely y e(pensive to implement in lieu of the amount of code that must "e rewritten  !he suggested solution) * complete rewrite o who "ene+ts from this short sightedness)

n!hose develo#$ent ere, ere, develo developer pers s typic typicall ally y skip skip doing doing prope properr design design and docume documenta ntatio tion n "efor "efore e coding coding since since there there are are no sig sign n o points points !his !his makes makes it virtua virtually lly impossi"le to estimate the amount of work and stick to a schedule !his

leads to cryptic solutions that only the original author understands In developer circles this is often seen as .o" security: /I can't "e laid o if no one else can change my code/ With the development team resources always availa"le onsite, there is less of an emphasis on developing 0ero *dministration systems !his approach leads to having valua"le resources maintaining solutions rather than working on new pro.ects

n %oth cases 1very team of developers seems to have their own way of doing things, namely their /development methodology/ 1ven not having a structured development






ome of these

development methodologies are "ased on a pick & choose approach of  standard practices 2thers are .ust /we've always done it this way/ !he lack of an esta"lished and consistent development methodology causes pro.ects to "e unsuccessful 3late, over "udget, 4awed5 yet customers are rarely in a position to understand why

TM Par t2:TheNuway

6ncover the issues with the /old/ way

What if there &as a ne& &ay' •

What if software could "e consistently delivered on time)

What if software always met the user's needs)

What if software could "e easily changed and e(tended, at any time)

What if software could "e "uilt faster)

What if we could look at the mistakes of the last decade and take a dierent path to avoid them)

The N&ayT( •

)o t Ri*ht the First Ti$e oftware isn't /developed/, it's constructed 7iano skills are developed gradually with lessons oftware is constructed, like an o%ce tower, at one time "ased on a "lueprint 8uality software starts with a #uality "lueprint oftware "lueprints are an art as much as a science !here is a "eauty and an elegance in simple designs It takes a senior developer with years of  e(perience to draft simple e(tenda"le solutions to comple( pro"lems 9unior developers are shorter sighted, "ecoming the authors of convoluted systems with large maintenance costs  !he "lueprint is a critical step "ut only half of the entire formula for successful application creation 1ven the right "lueprint in the wrong hands will never result in a #uality product any may claim to "e a"le to get the  .o" done, few pursue the path of Craftsmanship It is not .ust a matter of doing what is in the "lueprint 3the plan5; it is a"out achieving near perfection In home construction, taking shortcuts leads to s#ueaky 4oors and popping drywall plugs In software creation, shortcuts

lead to poor application performance, e(cessive use of cellular data transfer, "ugs, and high cost of change * true craftsman will appear to cost more up front !he primary reason for that is they are guaranteeing the solution will "e done right the +rst time Craftsmanship results in a higher #uality solution with a lower overall cost We follow the 6ni+ed oftware  >ecause this isn't something we /.ust made up/, our clients can rest assured their pro.ect is in the hands of e(perts

Ti$e and +d*ets are $#ortant oftware is useless unless it solves a speci+c pro"lem, within the "udget and "y a speci+c time 2ur e(perience and process allows us to accurately predict the cost and schedule of your solution and stick to it

Soft&are Solves Pro%le$s oftware isn't written for software's sake oftware solves pain points within an organi?ation If a feature cannot "e directly traced "ack to "ene+ting a user, it is dropped from the pro.ect

,ero (aintenance olutions should "e self administrating: "y the users, for the users !he developer should "e a"le to easily remove his or herself from the daily operation of the system with no impact

Partner With- Not Wor. For  !o understand the "usiness pro"lem that must "e solved, we must completely understand the "usiness We partner with our clients "y learning their "usiness, how it runs, and designing seamless solutions that +t within the greater conte(t

Wh ati saSo f t wa r ePr o c es s * software process, or methodology, de+nes the steps re#uired to create software successfully  !he >rief istory of oftware 7rocess  !eams have "een writing software since the @A's Clearly time has "rought a"out many improvements in technology, language, and tools While these advances are e(citing, the most important part of software construction is /the how/ not /with what/ In the late BA's, three engineers ooch was a founding employee and chief scientist of =ational oftware In the mid DA's =ational successfully negotiated the addition of
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