Nutri Quiz Bee

July 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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NUTRI QUIZ BEE 2017 Grades 1 - 3 EASY ROUND    ______ 1. Which is not not a  a source of protein? a.  cheese

b.  fish

c.  banana

 _______2. In choosing food for your diet, what should you consider? a. heavy food

b. healthy food

c. junk food food  

 _______ 3. 3. It is in the food that helps us grow and stay healthy. a.  nutrients

b.  bacteria

c.  fungi

 _______4. Which of the following foods are are not not good  good for our body? a.  rice and egg

c.  soft drinks and junk foods

b.  milk and cheese  ______ 5. All of these foods are rich in vitamins and minerals except except:: a.  fruits

b.  vegetables

c.  cereals

 ______ 6. Which does not belong to the group? a. cheese

b. milk

c. potato potato  

 ______ 7. Which of the following food sources is not from plants? a. yogurt

b. soy milk

c. pasta

 ______ 8. These are microscopic organisms that make people weak and sick. a. bacteria b. germs  ______ 9. What is the most important meal of the day? a. breakfast

b. lunch

c. fever c. dinner

 ______ 10. It is your ability to do work. a. food  

b. energy

c. health



AVERAGE  ______ 1. There are three reasons for healthy eating: Look good, feel good and ______. a. perform better in school

c. feel strong

b. look healthy  ______ 2. What vitamin promotes good vision? a.  Vitamin A

b.  Vitamin C

c.  Vitamin E

 ______ 3. It means eating the right kind and right amount of food at the right time. a. balanced meal

b. health

c. food pyramid

 ______ 4. It is the kind of food that you regularly eat. a. diet

b. food

c. balance balance  

 ______ 5. Carbohydrates give _______ to our body. a.  strength b.  energy c.  shape  ______ 6. The following foods help promote growth and body-building except: a. meat

b. fish

c. bread

 ______ 7. It is the study of food nutrients and how it is used in the body. a. nutritionist

b. nutrition

c. health

 ______ 8. Which of the following is needed by our body to be healthy? a. one kind of food

c. variety of food

b. big amount of food  ______ 9. Which of the following food sources make us tall and help build bui ld strong bones? a. rice and bread

c. meat and dairy

b. fruits and vegetables  ______ 10. Which of the following is an example of a good breakfast for children like you? a. hamburger and fries b. scrambled egg, pandesal, banana and milk c. rice, salted egg and coffee



 ______ 1. Breast milk is best for babies up to ______. a.  2 years

b.  1 year

c.  6 months

 ______ 2. Over nutrition may lead to _____. a.  Osteoporosis

b.  Obesity

c.  Beri-beri

 ______ 3. This article states that children have the right to nutrition. a. Article 24

b. Article 25

c. Article 26 26  

 _______ 4. Which of the following nutrients are not not macronutrients  macronutrients? a.  Carbohydrates b.  Fats

c.  Minerals

 ______ 5. What is the best food source of calcium?  a. oatmeal

b. milk

c. egg

 ______ 6. Which of the following foods is rich in Vitamin Vi tamin C? a.  avocado

b.  banana

c.  lemon

 ______ 7. May Anne wants to make a meal plan. What should she look for? a. Meal book

b. Food Guide Pyramid

c. Health Pyramid

 ______ 8. To make sure you are eating a balanced diet. These are the two words to remember. a. variety and healthy b. variety and balance c. balance and healthy  _______9.Who is our present DOH Secretary? a. Dr. Paulyn Jean B.Rosell Ubial b. Dr. Eric Tayag c. Sec. Janette P. Garin  _______10. What is the scientific name of mango? mango? a. Mangifera a. Mangifera indica b. Mangafera b. Mangafera indica c. Mangofera c. Mangofera indica


TIE BREAKER (Trivial questions) 1. A cluster or group of banana is called _____. a. hand b. bunch c. squadron 2. Fear of vegetables is called _______. a. Lachanophobia b. Hydrophobia c. Mageirocophobia 3. Onion is a Latin word for ______. a. small pearl b. large pearl c. medium pearl 4. Which of these fruits belongs to the peach family? a. peanut b. almond c. banana 5. What is the only food that does not spoil? a. coconut b. honey c. cheese



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