Nursing Professional Adjustment, Leadership and Management

July 21, 2016 | Author: Rolther Villaflor Capio | Category: N/A
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Nursing Professional Adjustment, Leadership and Management...











BON Resolution No 432 S 2003 is: a. Guidelines for the implementation of Board Resolution No. 14 S 1999 b. Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9173 c. Special training on intravenous injection for nurses d. Adoption of a Guide to Evaluate Compliance with Standard for Safe Nursing Practice. Its a type of non-probability sampling wherein the researcher identifies population strata and determines how many participants are needed for each stratum a. Quota Sampling b. Purposive Sampling c. Convenience sampling d. Simple stratified sampling All but one are concepts of informed consent. a. It must be voluntary-without coercion or force b. Patient must be competent c. knowledgeable information should be provided d. It must be signed right after administration of preops meds. The following concepts of liability negligence are true, except? a. Deviation from standard of care is established. b. Duty is owed to the nurse c. Financial, physical and emotional harm is established d. Direct cause for failure to meet standard of care clearly established. An insane man got hold of a knife and stabbed a pregnant woman. His liability will be determined by virtue of : a. Justifying circumstances b. Exempting circumstances c. Mitigating circumstances d. Aggravating circumstances A crime in which all the elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present. a. Heinous crime b. frustrated crime c. consummated crime d. attempted crime Once criterion to assess the quality of a study is triangulation. This means. a. accuracy and consistency of information b. soundness of evidence c. use of multiple sources for conclusions d. consistency and stability of evidence over time

c. maximum care (category 3) d. intensive care (category 4) 10. A member of the board of nursing may be removed and/or suspended on the following grounds except: a. Toleration of irregularities in the licensure examination b Violation of the Philippine Nursing Act c. Neglect of duty or incompetence d. Immoral unprofessional or dishonorable conduct 11. A tendency of the evaluator to inaccurately rate a group because of the belief that he/she has a very good cooperative group. a. Hawthorne effect b. sunflower effect c. horn's effect d. halo effect 12. A type of probability sampling where the researcher selects random samples, successively from a larger to smaller units by either simple or stratified methods. a. Multi-stage sampling b. Systematic sampling c. purposive sampling d. snowballing sampling 13. The following are elements of felony except? a. There must be an act of omission b. such act or omission must be done voluntarily c. such act maybe done with or without intent d. such act or omission is punishable by law 14. To qualify as a dean of the college of nursing the applicants must have? a. At least 5 years of teaching and supervision b. At least 10 years of clinical practice c. At least 3 years of being a clinical coordinator d. At least 2 years management units. 15. A research design where there is manipulation of independent variable but no random or control group a. longitudinal design b. quasi-experimental c. experimental d. cross-sectional

16. One of the major ethical principles in research is beneficence that includes: a. Right to protection of protection from physical and psychological harm b. Right to full-disclosure It is thought to be the most recent method or system c. Right to performance of sources good in providing nursing care d. Right to protection of participants form exploitation a. Case System method b. primary nursing method 17. This theorist of management developed the 14 c. functional nursing method principles of management based on his experience. d. team nursing method a. Mary Follett b. Max Weber A patient classification system where patients c. Henry Fayol minimal therapy and less frequent observation d. Kurt Lewin a. minimal care (category 1) b. moderate care (category 2)


18. These are mitigating circumstances that lessen the penalty, except: a. Under 18 and over 70 b. No intention to commit so grave c. There was sufficient provocation d. in contempt of authority 19. The following characteristics speak of a leader except: a. Do the right thing b. focus on people c. develops visions and strategies d. have a short-term views 20. This theory of management suggests that an employee’s work motivation is controlled by conditions in the external environment rather than by internal needs and desires. a. Vroom's expectancy theory b. Skinner's operant theory c. Adam’s equity theory d. white competence theory 21. A research that seeks to describe an existing problem situation and examine the underlying factors that contributes to the emergence of the problem: a. Explanatory research b. Quantitative research c. Exploratory research d. Quantitative research 22. A nurse who is maintaining a private clinic in the community and renders service on materials and child health among the neighborhood for a fee is a. primary care nurse b. an independent nurse practioner c. nurse-midwife d. a nurse specialist

23. A research hypothesis that proposes that there is association or significant relationship between variables is called. a. null hypothesis b. directional hypothesis c. alternative hypothesis d. non-directional hypothesis 24. Which detail of a clients drug therapy is the nurse legally responsible for documenting? a. Peak concentration time of drug b. Safe ranges of the drug c. Clients socioeconomic data d. client's reaction to the drug 25. Which of the ff. statements about these nursing practice acts are true?

a. These acts are not effective in the supervision or revocation of licensure of erring nurses b. These acts have been authorized by the accredited national nurses organization c. These acts usually define the scope of nursing practice d. These acts describe the differences between a registered nurse and a practice nurse 26. The following are true on a manager except? a. Are interested in efficiency b. emphasize tactics, structure and system c. motivate people to comply with standards d. use person to person influence 27. The ff. activities belong to the design phase in the research process, except? a. developing a time table b. selecting the study design c. determining sampling plan d. conducting a pilot study 28. Which of the ff. does not govern the practice of nursing? a. RA 7164 b. RA 9173 c. BON Resolution for Code of Ethics d. Board Resolution Scope of Nursing Practice 29. These are "in-between factors" present in research environment that threaten the internal and external validity of a research study. a. Dependent variable b. Independent variables c. Intervening variables d. Criterion variable 30. The ff. are motivational factors according to Herzberg, except: a. Challenging aspects of the work itself b. Added responsibility c. Opportunities for personal growth d. Quality of supervision 31. Communicating and using the research findings is under what phase of the research process? a. Implementation phase b. Dissemination phase c. Analysis and interpretation phase d. Design phase 32. Which of the ff. is true of Care System method? a. Autonomy and authority for the care of four to siz patients on a 24-h basis b. Assigning nurses to give total nursing care to a single patient c. Divison of labor which nurses are assigned to perform secific tasks


d. Assigning a team to give total care to a selected group of clients 33. Which of the ff. best describes the action of the nurse who documents her nursing diagnosis? a. She documents and charts it whenever necessary b. She can be accused of malpractice c. She does it reguarly as an impt. responsibility d. She starts it only when the pt. is acutely ill 34. A patient classification system where patients need close attention and complete care in most activities and requires frequent and complex treatments and medications a. Minimal Care (category 1) b. Moderate Care (category 2) c. Maximum Care (category 3) d. Intensive Care (category 4)

b. The Chief Nurse c. The wife of the asthmatic patient d. The doctor who treated the patient 41. Ms. Wa the staff nurse goes directly to the chief nurse to report the incident and bypassed her supervisor. She then committed a violation in the principle of a. Span of control b. Unity of command c. Respondeat superior d. Channel of communication

42. Which of the following situations fits best the use of autocratic leadership style of a nurse manager? a. At the 10-bed capacity male surgical ward where two patient are intake and output monitoring. b. At the 10-bed capacity male medical ward where one of the patient is having a seizure and his ETT 35. Which of the ff. provides that nurses be members of got dislodged. the national nurse organization? c. At a private room where a patient was admitted a. RA 877 and diagnosed to have meningitis b. 1987 Code of Ethics approved by the house of d. At the ER where a patient is admitted while delegates PNA unconscious and c. Board Resolution No 1955 promulgated by the Board of Nursing 43. According to RA 9173 Philippine Nursing Act d. RA 7164 of 2002, a graduate nurse who wants to take 36. The ff. are good sources of research problems except? a. Literature b. Clinical experience c. Daily news reports d. existing theories 37. Which of the following provides the material and human resources and building the structure to care out the activities of the organization? a. Planning b. Organizing c. Command d. Control+ 38. RA 9439 is otherwise known as a. The Hospital Detention Law b. The Hospital Accreditation Law c. The Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 d. The Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 SITUATION: Ms. Wa and three other staff nurses are subjects of an administrative case filed in the Board of Nursing because of Negligence. The relatives claim that there was failure to render proper nursing management when the client was having an asthmatic attack: 39. Ms. Wa and the three staff nurses are considered which of the following? a. Accessories b. Respondents c. Accompanies d. Complainants 40. Who among the following can be considered and the most plausible to be the complainants a. Ms. Wa and the three staff nurses

must licensure examination must comply with the following qualifications: a. At least 21 years old, graduate of BSN from a recognized school, and of good moral character b. At least 18 years old, graduate of BSN from a recognized school and of good moral character c. At least 18 years old, provided that when s/he passes the board exams, s/he must be at least 21 years old; BSN graduate of a recognized school, and of good moral character d. Filipino citizen or a citizen of a country where we have reciprocity; graduate of BSN from a recognized school and of good moral character 44. When the license of the nurse is revoked, it means that the nurse: a. Is no longer allowed to practice the profession for the rest of her life b. Will never have her/his license re-issued since it has been revoked c. May apply for re-issuance of his/her license based on certain conditions stipulated in RA 9173 d. Will remain unable to practice professional nursing 45. According to the current nursing law, the minimum educational qualification for a faculty member of a college of nursing is: a. Only a Master of Arts in Nursing is acceptable b. Masters degree in Nursing or in the related fields c. At least a doctorate in nursing d. At least 18 units in the Master of Arts in Nursing Program 46. Tess graduated with a BSN Degree in 1995, and took the NLE June of 2000. She failed the exam that same


year but she went to “Recto” and had a license made. She practiced nursing but unfortunately injected KCl via IV Push that cause the death of a 78 y.o. cardiac patient. She was found guilty. According to current law which body decides the sanctions to be vested to her by the state with its judicial powers? a. BON b. Ombudsman c. PRC d. The Courts 47. The educational qualification of a nurse to become a supervisor in a hospital is: a. Master of Arts in Nursing major in administration b. At least 2 years experience as a headnurse c. At least 18 units of post graduate studies in nursing administration d. BSN with at least 9 units of post graduate studies in nursing administration

b. c. d.

RA 9173 Act No. 2808 Board Resolution No. 425

53. Who among the following can practice nursing here in the Philippines? a. Dr. Madeleine Leininger, an acclaimed theorist in Transcultural Nursing to instruct in UST. b. Sam Weisse, US-RN, on a medical mission but he insisted to be paid P300 per service day rendered c. Lim Suu Kyi, Vietnamese RN d. Elsie Morris, RM in a free medical mission 54. Your Chief Nurse is planning to promote you as a nurse supervisor in the Cardiac Unit of a Tertiary Teaching and Training Hospital, which among the requisites disqualifies you? a. RN, MAN b. 18 months in general nursing service administration c. BSN d. a member of PNA and ORNAP

48. The Board of Nursing has quasi-judicial power. An example of this power is: a. The Board can issue rules and regulations that 55. The director of Nursing Services in the hospital you will govern the practice of nursing are working plans to recommend you for a teaching b. The Board can investigate violations of the position in a University which is a sister institution. nursing law and code of ethics Which among the following requirements is c. The Board can visit a school applying for a required before you can teach? permit in collaboration with CHED a. RN, MPH d. The Board prepares the board examinations b. Doctorate Degree 49. 7.) According to RA 9173 Philippine Nursing Act of c. 10 months community nursing experience 2002, a graduate nurse who wants to take the d. a member of Ang Nurse Partylist licensure examination must comply with the following qualifications: 56. A nurse friend of yours was arrested because his pt. a. At least 21 years old, graduate of BSN from a who is a very wealthy businessman fell from his bed recognized school, and of good moral character and filled a complaint. Your friend denies that he b. At least 18 years old, graduate of BSN from a didn’t raise the side rails. Which governing body has recognized school and of good moral character the right to conduct an investigation concerning this c. At least 18 years old, provided that when s/he case? passes the board exams, s/he must be at least 21 a. Regional Trial Court years old; BSN graduate of a recognized b. Commission on Human Rights school, and of good moral character c. BON d. Filipino citizen or a citizen of a country where d. PRC we have reciprocity; graduate of BSN from a recognized school and of good moral character 57. Timothy, RN became a nurse in 2003. But he went to USA to work as an editor for a magazine and stayed 50. Which among the following laws was the there until 2009. Now he wants to work in a hospital Comprehensive Nursing Specialty Program that his family owns as a nurse. Prior to working stipulated? what does he need to accomplish? a. RA 7164 a. 1 month praticum and 3 months didactic b. RA 9173 training c. Act No. 2808 b. Attend Classes in a Review Center d. Board Resolution No. 425 c. 3 months didactic training and 7 weeks practicum 51. According to which Law the pay grade of a Nurse is d. 4 weeks didactic training & 3 months set to be at Grade 10? practicum a. RA 7164 b. RA 9173 58. Which of the following is part of the Scope of c. Act No. 2808 Nursing Practice? d. Board Resolution No. 425 a. Establishing linkages with banks to alleviate budget deficits of the hospital he is working 52. Which among the following laws gives legal b. Broker a deal with a pharmaceutical company credence to the IV Tranning requirement before a for more affordable medicines solely supplied nurse can administer medications via IV injections? by that company for a hospital he is working a. RA 7164


c. Make decisions for the patient which funeral service is most affordable for them. d. Arrange the room of a terminally ill, Cancer patient to be placed near the Chapel. 59. According to the stages of Clinical competence by Patricia Benner who among the following nurses displays the characteristics of an expert? a. Ms. Abaldez, “it seems as though that child has fever and needs care immediately”. b. Mr. Carpio said his co-nurse, “aren’t we suppose to admit that man because the hospital policy says so?” c. Ms. Alfonso, asked her superior “ma’am can you please tell me how to nebulize this entubated woman?” d. Mr. Villaflor, plans the routine checking of the charts for quick and easy identification of errors. 60. All but one of the nurses below can be called a novice nurse, which one is not? a. Ms. Amallor, reads carefully the back of a Fluimucil sachet to know how to prepare the medication. b. Mr. Carpio said, “We shall admit him because the hospital policy says so”. c. Ms. Alfonso, asked her superior “ma’am can you please tell me how to nebulize this entubated woman?” d. Mr. Villaflor, plans the routine checking of the charts for quick and easy identification of errors. 61. Mr. Sthragapitha’s dose of midazolam was given in preparation for his surgery set that day. But it was only after the dose was given when the Nurse Loi discovered that the consent for surgery was not yet signed. Which among the patients rights was violated? a. Non-maleficence b. Confidentiality c. Beneficence d. Autonomy 62. Mr. Svathragapitha’s dose of midazolam was given in preparation for his surgery set that day. But it was only an hour after the dose was given when Nurse Loi discovered that the consent for surgery was not yet signed. Which bioethical principle was violated? a. Non-maleficence b. Confidentiality c. Beneficence d. Autonomy 63. This allows the nearest of kin or anyone designated by an individual to make decisions for his or her health upon the period of incapacitation. a. Durable power of attorney b. Advance directives c. DNR order d. Living will 64. A nurse attempting to or has assisted a physician to intubate a client with orders of DNI will have committed what offense? a. assault

b. negligence c. battery d. murder 65. Ginalyn, 34 has toxemia of pregnancy with BP of 170/110. She was to be brought to the ER for emergency treatment but was left by the nurse who responded to her call on the hospital hallway where she eventually had a seizure episode. The nurse is liable for she had violated the clients’ right to: a. Self determination b. privacy c. Justice and equity d. beneficence 66. This flow of communication is directed towards the patient, family and community. It may also be addressed to worker’s family and friends. a. Upward b. Horizontal c. Outward d. Downward 67. The following are not included in Ouchi’s Theory Z, except one. a. Selective decision making b. Short-term employment c. Fast promotion d. Holistic Concern 68. By force of law, the BON Resolution No. 425 Series of 2003 entitled “The implementing rules and regulations of the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002”. This rule-making power is called: a. Quasi-Legislative b. Quasi-Judicial c. Executive Promulgation Power d. Regulatory Power 69. Ms. Bongcauil RN, has received the assignment for the daily shift. After making initial rounds and checking all of the assigned clients, which client will she plan to care first? a. A client who is ambulatory b. A client with a fever who is diaphoretic and restless c. A client scheduled for physical therapy d. A postoperative client who has just received pain medication 70. The BON Resolution No. 220 s. of 2004 is otherwise known as: a. Implementing rules and regulations of RA 9173 b. Resolution Amending Prescribed fees for CPE accreditation c. Implementing rules and regulations of RA 7164 d. Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses 71. The BON Resolution No. 220 s. of 2004 is otherwise known as: a. Implementing rules and regulations of RA 9173 b. Resolution Amending Prescribed fees for CPE accreditation c. Implementing rules and regulations of RA 7164 d. Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses


72. A code was called at a hospital floor, the supervising nurse during the code then started to issue commands and directives to be followed at once to assist in the incident. When the code was lifted, she then called for the head nurses and supervising nurse to help decide what placement should the stations be to respond to the codes much quicker. What leadership style/theory did she display? a. Contingency Style b. Theory Z c. Theory X and Y d. Trait Theory 73. A request with a threat to damage one’s

opportunity for advancement, ignoring or not being friendly with a person until he/she gives into a request a. Exchange b. Blocking c. Upward appeal d. Coalition 74. In which of the following situations would the

nurse understand that implied consent is given a. The nurse prepares to insert an indwelling catheter b. A client is being given preoperative medications prior to an appendectomy c. A primigravid woman is to deliver a neonate attended by a RN-RM d. An client that suddenly dropped unconscious in front of the ER, with no undetectable breathing and pulse. 75. Nurse Joli is now well known to the family of

Mr. Lim since she is the one that is usually present to attend to his needs from early morning up until the early the next day. The method of care employed is what? a. Team approach b. Functional method c. Case management d. Primary Nursing 76. Enables the exploration of new and innovative

ways to drive value and deliver real results in an ever-changing environment. a. Situational Leadership b. Transformational Leadership c. Trait Theory d. Great-Man Theory 77. Establishing a formal structure that provides the coordination of resources to accomplish objectives and determine position qualification and description. a. Planning b. Organizing c. Managing d. Delegating

78. A behavioral system whereby the large structure are broken down to small units and authority is delegated to those closer to the majority of workers. a. Centralized b. Laissez Faire c. Participatory d. Obligatory 79. An RN may delegate taking of vital signs to the following except? a. LVN b. LPN c. RM d. Orderly 80. Is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like

graph or model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. a. Pie Chart b. Decision Tree c. Critical Pathway Analysis d. Schematic Presentation of the Study Situation: Nursing practice that is based on a new health care paradigm where research evidence and findings are integrated with clinical practice and with great consideration of the clients’ uniqueness. 81. The above mentioned practice is more commonly known as: a. Systems Theory b. Evidence-based practice c. Traditional Medicine d. Transcultural Nursing 82. Based on your answer on no. 81, which among the following values you need to possess so that your patients will be free from harm and the research integrated will reflect accurate findings and effective results that you claim to be proven true. a. Fair and unbiased b. Intellectual Honesty c. Justice d. Fidelity 83. All of the following are not directional hypotheses, find the one that is. a. There is no significant difference between the mother’s level of awareness and adherence to prenatal care b. There is significant relationship between a nursing students’ level of anxiety and performance in the nursing licensure exams. c. The number of dengue patients admitted is inversely proportional to the number of fogging conducted in Brgy. Project 8. d. There is no relationship between the age of menarch and age of conception to level of awareness on natural contraceptive menthods. 84. The accuracy and consistency of information obtained in the study. a. Bias b. Generalizability


c. Accuracy d. Reliability 85. All of the following are not alternative hypothesis, except one. a. There is no significant difference between the mother’s level of awareness and adherence to prenatal care b. There is significant relationship between a nursing students’ level of anxiety and performance in the nursing licensure exams. c. The number of dengue patients admitted is inversely proportional to the number of fogging conducted in Brgy. Project 8. d. There is no relationship between the age of menarch and age of conception to level of awareness on natural contraceptive menthods. 86. This form of research examines the cause and effect relationship found between the treated variable and the variable resultant of the administered intervention or treatment. a. Ethnographic research b. Case Study c. Correlational research d. Experimental research 87. An in-depth study and analysis of a certain disease that is rarely observed in the clinical setting and the accompanying nursing care management specific to that illness. a. Case Study b. Field Study c. Historical research d. Experimental Research 88. Which of the following sampling best fits the study below? Smokers Personality and Age of Smoking Initiation. a. Judgemental Sampling b. Stratified Random Sampling c. Fishbowl Method d. Cluster Sampling 89. You have picked the 8th person in a population list of 240 to be your first respondent, and you want to sample 80 out of the 240. The second person chosen as your respondent is the 11th person. Who will probably be the third person to be chosen as your respondent? a. 14th b. 16th c. 12th d. 15th 90. What do you call the sampling method used in number 89? a. Cluster Sampling b. Quota Sampling c. Stratified Sampling d. Systematic Sampling 91. RN Simeon went to an abaca farm in Davao del Sur to better acquaint himself with the life and ADL of farmers affected with filariasis. He also lived and took quarters with one of the farming families, but

he kept his notes and writes it in secret, he keeps detailed record without the knowledge of the farmers. a. Non-participant observer b. Non-participant, overt. c. Overt Participant d. Covert, Participant 92. Who is the most liable to answer at court if a retractor was left inside the abdomen of a client who underwent a 4-hour exploratory laparotomy? a. The surgeon b. The circulating nurse c. The Anesthesiologist d. The scrub nurse 93. By what doctrine is your answer in no. 92 based? a. Captain-of-the-Ship b. Respondeat superior c. The good Samaritan doctrine d. Doctrine of Vicarious Liability Situation: Ms. Sita is the Ward Supervisor and so, she is the one who makes the monthly budget for the male surgical ward of San Francisco General Hospital, Pangasinan. To earn extra money she put some of the supplies in a container and asked Ms. Lu, RM to bring it to her house and marked the container “scratch papers”. Mr. Tong then brings the supplies to a pharmacy both owned by him and Ms. Sita. 94. Ms. Sita is charged for pilferage and abuse of her duties as? a. Accomplice b. Principal c. Accessory d. Complainant 95. Mr. Tong then was arrested for being a part of the crime committed as? a. Accomplice b. Principal c. Accessory d. Complainant 96. Ms. Lu was offered by the court to testify against Ms. Sita and Mr. Tong for upon doing the crime she only played the part of an? a. Accomplice b. Principal c. Accessory d. Defendant 97. The form of management that San Francisco Gen. Hosp. Nursing Service Dept. has can be considered as? a. Centralized b. Decentralized c. Authoritarian d. Primary Nursing 98. The investigation and administrative case posed to the defendant Ms. Sita to exact due punishment for her actions as a nurse, will be heard and tried in by what body? a. Ombudsman


b. PRC c. BON d. Court of Appeals 99. Find the sample median from the following data given to you as a nurse statistician: 47, 43, 35, 21, 11, 17. a. 19 b. 43 c. 35 d. 28

It is used to investigate whether distributions of categorical variables differ from one another. a. T-test b. Z-test c. Analysis of Variance d. Chi-square


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