Nurse Patient Interaction 2

August 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Mariano Marcos State University COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES Department of Nursin

!LE "#$% Nurse&'atient Interaction

Submitted by: Angelico L. Garaza BSNIII-A, Group 3

Submitted to: M. Myrel !. Gar"ida #linical Intructor 

Marc$, %&'(


NAME% )oep$ *)o+o Alonzo (I!THDA)% ecember %, '/% AGE% 0' year old GENDE!% Male ADD!ESS% Brgy. , 1%0/ Aglipay St., #or Morale St CHIEF COM'LAINT% Sleeping, tal2ing inceantly and ma2ing noie all day and nig$t. DIAGNOSIS% Bipolar diorder, Manic it$ pyc$otic 4eature, Alco$ol and rug abue5 6ypertriglyceridemia and 7ential 6ypertenion DATE OF ADMISSION% )une %', %&'% ADMITTING 'H)SICIAN% r. Medina O*E!*IE+%

)oep$ Badula Alonzo Alonzo i 0' year old and $e a admitted at Medina 8yc$iatric #are 8lu and 6ome #are lat )uly %', %&'% it$ a c$ie4 complaint o4 leeping, tal2ing inceantly and ma2ing noie all day and nig$t and $ad an admitting diagnoi o4 Bipolar  iorder Manic it$ 8yc$otic !eature, Alco$ol and rug Abue5 6ypertriglyceridemia and 7ential 6ypertenion. Be4ore $e a admitted, $e already $ad a long $itory o4 treatment due to Myocardial In4arction and drug abue. 6i 4amily loc2ed $im in a room outide t$eir $oue due to continuo continuou u ue o4 drug, being detructi"e detructi"e,, and non-compliant to treatment. Baed on t$e c$art, Mr. Alonzo $ad alo been admitted to National #enter 4or Mental 6ealt$ e"en time becaue o4 ubtance abue. 9pon admiion, $i mental tatu eamination re"ealed t$e patient to be $yper"erbal, $yperacti"e, aggrei"e, aaulti"e, poor inig$t and  +udgment, eually eually preo preoccupied ccupied dio diorder rder it$ dep dependent endent pe peronality ronality..


Be4ore my actual interaction it$ Mr. Alonzo, I per4ormed meaure to prepare myel4 in rendering care to my patient emotionally, p$yically, and intellectually. ;$ee include el4-aarene acti"itie, re"ieing on di44erent communication tec$ni ir>

$a"e you

Le Lean an 4o 4or rar ard d to t$ t$ee client5

I I"e "e be been en $ere $ere inc incee

miling5 %&'%. So it been more

maintaining eye contact.

Loo2 don5 4ron

on it$ our interaction. @7ploring I




t$an a year. Sometime I

orientation t$at $e i one

t$ t$in in2 2

o4 t$e client t$at $a"e

t$ t$at at

li4e li4e

i in ntt


op open en

ort$ ort$ li"ing li"ing and and t$a t$att

ta taye yed d $e $ere re 4or a lon long g

my 4am 4amily ily oul ould d be


 better o44 it$out it$out me. po pot tur ure5 e5 I"e been $ere too long.

Loo2 up a4ter 4ini$ing

?ou ound "ery *don


today. I can 4eel a ene

maintaining eye contact5

I 4eel 4eel li2e li2e my 4ami 4amily ly $i

o4 $ope $opele lene ne.. Am I

lo "oice

unco con nci ciou oul ly y reall really y ent ent me $ere $ere to un $and

get rid o4 me.

rig$t about t$at>

@Ma2ing ober"ation

entence5 I a trying to epre


pu put t empat$y and mirror $i

tab able le


continue to tremble.

en ene e o4 ad adne ne. . It It a ad d to $e $ere re 4rom 4rom t$e t$e client t$at $e 4eel li2e $e




 purpoely $ere in 4act t$ey +ut anted $im to Are t$ee 4eel 4eeling ing t$at  Nod5


get better. Seemed brig$ter brig$ter a $e @7ncouraging open  NoF actually I $a"e Seemed a tal2ing5 maintained comparion

you"e $ad in t$e pat  poture.

alay 4elt pretty good


ab abou outt mye myel4 l4.. I $a $a"e "e eye contact

I didnt 4eel li2e I could

re reac acti tion on to $ $aat i goin going g on in your your li li4e 4e

 been a good peron and 4at$er and t$oug$t t$at I

reaure $im o I tried to learn more about $im.




t$ey $ey

neE Eaa

So let let put put t$in t$ing g in Dpen




contribute. poture5  No, I"e not $ad t$e

 perpecti"e.. ?o  perpecti"e ?oure ure till maintaining eye contact t$at


courage to do it.

!ron !ro n55 loo loo2 2 at $a $and nd..

@7plo @7plorin ring g I

t$ t$ou oug$ g$tt

$e $ $ou ould ld

eplore $at a going


Mayb Maybee goin ing g

ome omet$ t$in ing g on

i itt$






or   $i

relation relat ion$ip $ip it$ you your  r 

 perception.  perception . I t$oug$t I

 brot$er or 4amily. 6a"e

coul could d $e $elp lp $im $im it$ it$

yo you u ta tal2 l2ed ed it$ it$ $im $im


abou outt

$at you

4eeling rig$t no> @Silence

are Nod5



I real really ly am 4ine 4ine no no . !ron5 till loo2ing at $and.

@Silence I remained ilent to gi"e

maintaining eye contact5

C$y dont t$ey get me>

leaning 4orard

I" I"ee bee been n $ere $ere 4or too

room room 4or t$e client client to


"e "erba rbaliz lizee

$i 4ee 4eelin ling g

more. It gi"e $im time to organize $i 4eeling. Im tarting to 4eel orry ?e ?e, , I underta undertand nd t$at  Nod5 maintaining eye @Silence

Nod5 4ron

yo you u rea really lly ant to go contact5 leaning 4orard $ome no ir.

4or $im. @Accepting I 4elt t$e need to con"ey my em empa pat$ t$y y. 6e +ut +ut no nodde dded d and remain remained ed

Si Sinc ncee $en $en did did you Maintaining


ecemb ember.



ilent. Maintain Main tain eye contact5 contact5 @7ploring

$a $a"e "e a call call 4ro 4rom m yo your  ur  contact5 leaning 4orard

$and called 4or t$em t$at I am  play it$ $and

Any problem or concern

 brot$er ir>

good to go $ome.

can be better undertoo undertood d








 planning to do about it



t$en ir>

4orard5 open poture

Main inta tain in eye eye cont contac actt I Im m plan planni ning ng to ca call ll Ma

i4 eplored in dept$. @!or @!ormu mula lati ting ng a plan plan o4 





7 7pla plain in to t$e t$em m t$at t$at I

I need to 2no $at $i

can can rea really lly c$a c$ang ngee my


ay. Im better no.

 problem. coul could d

are I





real really ly call call $i $i

 brot$er oon and I $ope t$at $e can 2no $y t$ey $a"ent got $im out Ce are about to begin

Smile5 maintaining eye

?e, I ill maam.

Maintain eye contact5 a

o4 $ere. @Gi"ing in4ormation and

m mil ile5 e5 ending t$e interaction

t$e acti"i acti"itie tie e $a $a"e "e contact5 tand up

ec$ ec$an ange ged d

 prepared 4or you today

tand up and +oin t$e

Dur Dur

ir. I $ope you ill +oin.


ended becaue it time

in inte tera ract ctio ion n

$a $a

4or our py pyc$ot c$ot$era $erapy py.. Im relie"ed t$at $e a able to con"ey $i 4ee 4eelin ling g reg regard arding ing $i eagerne to go $ome.

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