
May 16, 2018 | Author: Debraj Mukherjee | Category: Psychology & Cognitive Science, Psychological Concepts, Science, Philosophical Science
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Basic of Numerology :Psychic Number : The psychic number reveals the way you look at yourself. It is what you really want to be and what defines your basic character. character. It represents your basic predispositions and talents that lead you to interact daily in a particu lar way. Example : The psychic number is obtained by making a single whole number (from 1 to 9) of the day of t he month on which you were born. For example, Harish Johari was born on May 12th, and since 1+2=3, his psychic number is 3. Destiny Number : The destiny number indicates indicates how you are viewed by the world and is related related to your samskaras - vibration patterns patterns acquired by past actions, or karma. It is also the you that other people see, especially if they do not know you very well. And as you learn th e lessons in this life you w ill tend to take on more of the characteristics of your destiny number . Although both psychic and destiny numbers are important throughout life, between the ages o f thirty-five and forty the psychic number recedes in influence while the destiny number becomes more signifi cant. Example : The destiny number is the single whole number obtained by adding up the date, month, and year of birth. Harish Johari was born on May 12, 1934, so 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 4 = 25 ... 2 + 5 =7. Thus, his destiny number is 7. Name Number : The name number is most impo rtant in your relationships with other people and you can have more than one name number if people are addressing you with different names. Changing your name and thus your name number may enhance certain qualities of your psychic and destiny numbers or avoid conflict between them . Since name numbers are more difficult to calculate, with each character creating sound frequencies frequencies that relate to a particular number. number. The practice within Jewish tradition of ass igning mystical meaning to words based on their numerical values , and on connections between words of equal value, is know n as gematria.

1= a, j, s; 2= b, k, t; 3= c, l, u; 4= d, m, v; 5= e, n, w; 6= f,f, o, x; 7= g, p, y; 8= h, q, z; 9= i , r;

Life's Path calculate


The most commonly used method breaks each unit of your date of birth down to a single digit, and then adds the resulting single digits together to find the Life Path. For example, using this method, the birth date May 15, 1949 would produce the following calculations: May the 5th month of the year =5 15th day 1 + 5 =6 1949 (1 + 9 + 4 + 9 )= 23 = 2 + 3 = 5 total = 16 16 in turn reduces to 7. A gain, the double-digit number behind the 7 is different as we write 16/7 . One of the most important long-term cycles in a numerology chart are the Period cycles. The Period Cycles reflect the three stages of growth in our individual lives: The First Period Cycle is calculated as the month of birth, in our example (May) 5, and represents the early part of life until approximately age 27 to 36 depending on your Life Path cycle. The Second Period Cycle is calculated as the day of b irth, in our example (the 15th) 1 + 5 = 6, and lasts the next 27 years (three full 9-year cycles) .The Third Period Cycle is calculated as your year of birth, in our example (1949) 1 + 9 + 4 + 9 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5, and lasts for the rest of your life. Another indication of the inter-connectedness of the cycles is that the Life Path Number, in our example a 7, sets the length of the First Period Cycle, the early part of your life. In other words, your Life Path number also indicates the approximate age in which, from a numerology-perspective, you enter maturity which, of course, is also the time when your Maturity Number comes into play.

Number 1:Ruling



As Psychic Number

Sunny, energetic, radiant, confident, proud, self centered, goal oriented, socially active, leader vs follower, self actualized, authoritative. Can be cruel in their intensity, arrogant and ready to rule, yet on account of the regal qualities also a protector and provider. Known for lavish gifts, boldness, with good endurance.

As Destiny Number

Original, works smarter not harder. Self referencing - follow me and my cause. Enthusiastic, individualistic, able to enlist friends and helpers everywhere. Explorer and i nnovator, driven by worldly desires and success, determined to accomplish something noteworthy. Courageous and commanding, astute negoti ator, self  made leader, willing to be and work at the frontiers of life. Opinion ated, stubborn and rigid. People react to them with attraction or aversion.

As Name Number

LEADER, will enjoy posit ive reinforcement from, and success within circle of family, friends and society.


following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected : 2,3,9 Friendly Numbers 4,6,8 Enemy Numbers Sunday Day Gold Color Ruby Gem Gold Metal Bile (Pitta) Body Chemistry Renunciation Karmic Lesson

Best suited professions Business Marriage Romance

Administrators, department heads Compatible numbers for : 1,4,8,9 1,2,4,8,9 1,3,4,6,8

Number 2:Moon Shy and sensitive, emotional but repressed, indecisive and moody, much like the waxing and waning of the moon, an off and on changeable nature. Fragile, reflective, poetic, artistic and romantic. Possessing natural healing gifts. A delicate nature and easily cold, insecure, dependent on help. Passionate and perceptive, peacemakers, di plomatic, always seeking harmony, truthful, tough fighters when provoked. Don't learn from their mi stakes, forgive, forget and repeat lessons. Need a lot of privacy and time alone, need rest, easily As Psychic Number addicted to sweets. Charming, warm, kind, co-operative, private, mystical, tactful, easily hurt as very sensitive. Will withhold affection/contact and move away from stressful situations and problems, will not 'make war'. Need security and emotional su pport, dependent nature, looking for stability and comfort in relationships. Need solitude to balance, prefer calming companionship to lively dazzle. Spiritua l, truth loving, excellent counselors as they care. As Destiny Number Difficulty making instant commitments. Non-athletic yet agile. As Name Number TEACHER, will expand healing qualities and serve as a reflection of cosmic truth to all. The following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected. 1, 3 Friendly Numbers Enemy Numbers 5, 4 Day Monday Color White Gem Pearl Metal Silver Body Chemistry Mucus (Kappha) Karmic Lesson Individual stability Ruling


Best suited professions Business Marriage Romance

Diplomats, arbitrators, real estate, salesmen, pol iticians, teachers, researchers, reformers Compatible numbers for : 2,7,8 1,2,7,8 2,3,7,8

Number 3:Ruling



As Psychic Number

Dynamic, cheerful, skilled, inflated ego, critical, large of heart, creative, self expressive, artistic, religious, savor the limelight, love to minister and hold court , happy go lucky, outgoing, inspirational and uplifting. Say 'yes' to everything, and accomplish lots due to their optimistic nature. Have a 'verve' t hat motivates others. Scatter their talents easily. Good with romance, engaging. Love money, career success, jealous and gossipy. Love a challenge, the big ger the better. Competent, value traditions.

As Destiny Number

Hardworking, agreeable yet unable to follow through on all their promises and can stress out. Confident, don't like their actions challenged. Overall positive disposition, communicate well but resist opposition. Always busy, cheerful, idealistic, religiously minded, philoso phical, adventurous. Experience betrayal as they rush projects and relationships and have too many. Proud, extravagant, exaggerated sense of Self. Resilient, yet emotionally vulnerable, do not like to be alo ne, like to excel at all they do and are.

As Name Number

ARTIST, will infuse, ins pire and pull society upward and forward through idealistic contributions.


following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected. 1, 2, 9 Friendly Numbers 5, 6 Enemy Numbers Day Thursday Color yellow Gem Yellow sapphire or topaz gold Metal Body Chemistry Balanced Selfless service Karmic Lesson Scholars, professors, bankers, scientists, business executives, actors Best suited professions Compatible numbers for : Business 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 Marriage 3,5,6,7, 9 omance 1,3,6,9 R

Number 4:Ruling



As Psychic Number

Powerful, builder, egocentric, unpredictable, rebellious and antagonistic. Brilli ant and futuristic. Greedy and selfish yet generous. Impulsive, secretive, willing to work for a better world, utopian, difficult to understand and get close to. Loyal to thos e they love but a loner and can be abrupt and rude. Non-conforming, strong, hard to keep up with energetically. Very mental, hard to grasp, like relating t hrough a smokescreen, evasive. Good sense of order, keen observation skills . Desire driven, courageous, sur vivor nature. Uniquely different.

As Destiny Number

Highly intelligent, a mental orientation. Radical by nature. Can get organized and deliver when least expected. Chase the impossible dream, yearn for freedom, feel easily restricted. Persevering, helpful, community minded, yet very private, make anonymous donations to the unconventional causes. Unsuccessful in matters of love, difficulties wit h intimacy. Serious, know how to enjoy the good life yet somehow never satisfied and wanting more. Strong likes and dislikes, will support the opposition. Not security minded, doubting, lonely. Have substantial knowledge at their fingertips. Non sharing.

BUILDER, will challenge all convention and create in various realities through radical approaches. As Name Number following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected. 5, 6, 8 Friendly Numbers Enemy Numbers 1, 2, 9


Day Color Gem Metal Body Chemistry Karmic Lesson Best suited professions Business Marriage Romance

Sunday gold Hessonite, Gomed, Canelian gold Bile (Pitta) Satisfaction Planners, lawyers, politicians, technicians Compatible numbers for : 1, 4, 6 1, 4, 6, 8 1, 4 ,6, 8

Number 5:Ruling



As Psychic Number

Restless, busy, fickle min ded, youthful, lover of stimul i, adventuresome, modern and progressive, creative, resourceful. Good at communicating, have a way with words, scheming , can sell anything , convincing. Like change and to conquer new frontiers, upbeat personality, gentle at heart. Good with their hands . Make friends easily, love distraction, multiple careers, many relationships, excel in the entertainment industry. Independent, curious, love change, not easy to go to depths in anyt hing because they are excitement driven. Rolling stone. Vastly gifted and enterprising with resources.

As Destiny Number As Name Number

Lucky, soft and sensuous, non committal, love to explore all of live. Intelligent, able to grasp process and access vast amounts of information and l ive many realities simultaneously. Easily bored, need variety, childlike at heart, trusting and innocent. Self employed, the need for freedom dominates all decisions, want to t ry everything and go everywhere. Need discipline and to practice tolerance and understanding to be happy and fulfilled. Like to cruise through life, nothing too heavy, easy does it. Technologically adept, j oyous and fun to be with. Always look younger than their age. ENTERTAINER, will network, innovate and help transform mainstream con cepts.


following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected. Friendly Numbers 1, 4, 6 Enemy Numbers 2 Day Wednesday Color green Gem Emerald gold Metal Balanced Body Chemistry Sobriety Karmic Lesson Business men, investors, bankers, stock brokers Best suited professions Compatible numbers for : Business 3, 5, 9 Marriage 3, 5, 9 3, 5, 6, 8 Romance

Number 6:Ruling


As Psychic Number

Venus Loving and caring, everybody's friend, charming and charismatic, beauty oriented. Balanced yet paradoxical in their self expression. Good ally and counselor, home-maker, nurturing , sympathetic, service oriented yet independent. Periodical bouts of luxury seeking. A rtistic, attractive, admired, adored, posses refined taste, sexual. Suffer when separated from family yet have to endure this occasionally, pleasant personality, excellent taste, open minded and open hearted.

Family and home oriented, exude understanding and compassion. Con noisseur of luxury, in need of  comfort, loving philosophy, fair minded, fine sense of justice. Artistic and beauty loving , generous, not necessarily logical with finances. Vulnerable to praise and criticism, responsible and willing to sacrifice for others, value friends and provide a safe port for them in times of need. Fulfilled in marriage and as parents. Emotional, idealistic and imaginative. May worry too much and suffer from chronic stomach As Destiny Number problems. Will spend long periods of time alo ne. As Name Number HOMEMAKER, will nurture and support, will create lavish environments. The following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected. 4, 5, 8 Friendly Numbers Enemy Numbers 1, 2 friday Day Color silver Diamond Gem silver Metal Body Chemistry Mucus (Kappha) Discipline Karmic Lesson Healt care, alchemists, art critics, journalists Best suited professions Business Marriage Romance

Compatible numbers for : 3, 6, 9 3, 6, 9 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9

Number 7:Ruling


As Psychic Number

Ketu Vast, spacious, spiritual. Trouble with expressing their feelings and vulnerable to emotional explosions. Mystical, poetic, intuitive, may be psychic. Have self control and dignity, steady and reliable friends. Skeptical, torn between rational thinking and the call of the unco nscious. Proud, investigative, philosophical. Prefer to work alone, opinionated, stubborn, cynical, perfectionist, unsure, escapist, vague. Difficult to be in partnership with.

Charming, lively, unpredictable, able to access subconscious information, a d reamer, sociable, sentimental, studious, analytical. Withdraw when emotionally t roubled, critical of self and others. Intuitive, spiritual, want to spend time contemplating the deeper issues of life and love. Trouble expressing feelings, can appear cold and detached, lack trust and courage. May suffer from a troubled mind, lack of determination and resolve. Metaphysically oriented. As Destiny Number As Name Number MYSTIC, will become poetic, prolific and philosophical, will contemplate. The following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected. 8, 6, 5 Friendly Numbers 1, 2, 9 Enemy Numbers Monday Day white Color Cat's eye Gem Metal White gold Mucus (Kappha) Body Chemistry Karmic Lesson Practicality Artists, teachers, journalists, film makers Best suited professions Compatible numbers for : 2, 3, 6, 7 Business Marriage 2, 3, 6, 7 2, 3, 7, 9 Romance

Number 8:Ruling


As Psychic Number

Saturn Strong constitution, action motivated, serious, heavy, goal oriented, good judge of character, slow, business minded, materially focussed. Able to manage wealt h, fame and fortune with skill and s avvy, major ups and downs with fiances. Independent, radical revolutionary, problems with au thorities, stubborn, frustrated by limitations. Intimidating, dare devil, ruthless, intense, lonely, dependable and solid. Do not scare or p anic easily, responsible to their own law only. Prefer to work alone, accom plish much.

Struggle with opposition, delays, failures, humiliation. Exceptional endurance, persevering, ambitious, success driven, desire fame, and materially oriented. Want to deliver something major in life and manifest a legacy. Isolated from themselves and others. Get entangled wit h the law and substance abuse, prone to addictions and depression and extreme states of consciousness. A ge prematurely, suicidal tendencies, easily feel unwanted, unloved, neglected and rejected. Argumentative, manipulative. Need to learn to As Destiny Number harness their considerable powers for the good of all to be satisfied. As Name Number WORKER, will revolutionize society and mani fest thru fame and fortune. The following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected. riendly Numbers 4, 5, 6 F Enemy Numbers 1, 2, 9 Saturday Day Color black Blue sapphire, Amethist Gem iron Metal Air (Vata) Body Chemistry Kindness, Forgiveness Karmic Lesson Public servants or executives Best suited professions Compatible numbers for : 1, 2, 8 Business Marriage 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 Romance

Number 9:Ruling



As Psychic Number

Impressive and charismatic presence, warm personalit y. Aggressive, assertive, challenging, emotional, can fly into a rage, volatile, anger easily, impatient, aristocratic demeano r. Better in dealing w ith troubles of the many than the problem of a s ingle person. Militant, benevolent, unprejudiced. Long for love and approval. Able to synthesize and harmonize with all other vibrations. Sincere, postpone personal satisfaction for common goals, hard working, serves.

As Destiny Number

Humanitarian, warm, real, d irect, responsive, responsible. Always busy, work constantly. Broadminded, compassionate, dramatic in emotional expression, proud, disciplined, self sacrificing, universalist philosophy, community orientation. Excellent teachers, socially active, ecologically conscious , accomplish lots. Give of themselves w ithout wanting anything in return, incorruptible when evolved. Romantic yet love impersonally, enjoy music and t he arts as personal reward. Kind and understanding, concerned for the overall advancement of society, liberated, wise, serve.

As Name Number

HUMANIST, will love uncon ditionally and work ceaselessly.


following information mostly applies to Psychic Numbers. For Destiny and Name Numbers, bot h similarities and differences in interpretation or application can be expected.



1, 2, 3


5, 4 Tuesday







Body Chemistry

Bile (Pitta)

Karmic Lesson


Best suited professions

Organizers, managers

Enemy Numbers

Compatible numbers for : business

1, 3, 6, 9


1, 3, 6, 9 1, 3, 7, 9


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