Number Manifestation Protocol

May 12, 2017 | Author: resmyrrandag | Category: N/A
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Contents INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................5 Section I: The Overview ...................................................................................................................5 Section II: The Formula....................................................................................................................5 Section III: The Solution...................................................................................................................6 SECTION 1 NUMEROLOGY : THE O VERVIEW ...............................................................................................7 Modern Numerology..................................................................................................................... 11 How does it work? ........................................................................................................................ 12 How is this done?.......................................................................................................................... 12 SECTION 2 The Formula .................................................................................................................... 14 Developing the Brain..................................................................................................................... 28 Through Auto Suggestion! ............................................................................................................. 35 First.......................................................................................................................................... 38 Second ..................................................................................................................................... 38 Third ........................................................................................................................................ 38 Fourth ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Fifth ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Auto Suggestion............................................................................................................................ 39 Figuring out your own life number: The numerology in your birth date. ........................................... 45 Number One ............................................................................................................................. 46 Two .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Three........................................................................................................................................ 49 Number Four ............................................................................................................................ 49 Five .......................................................................................................................................... 50 Six ............................................................................................................................................ 51 Sevens...................................................................................................................................... 53 Eights ....................................................................................................................................... 54 Nine ......................................................................................................................................... 55 Eleven ...................................................................................................................................... 56 Number 22 ............................................................................................................................... 57 33............................................................................................................................................. 58 Life Challenge Number .................................................................................................................. 59 2 [email protected]

The 0 Challenge Number ............................................................................................................... 61 Personal Year................................................................................................................................ 61 Year 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 65 Year 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Year 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Year 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 67 Year 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 67 Year 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 68 Year 7 ....................................................................................................................................... 68 Year 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 68 Year 9 ....................................................................................................................................... 69 Universal Day numbers. The lessons and outcomes that are inherent in each day............................. 72 Day 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 72 Day 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 72 Day 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 72 Day 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 73 Day 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 73 Day 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 73 Day 7 ........................................................................................................................................ 74 Day 8 ........................................................................................................................................ 74 Day 9 ........................................................................................................................................ 74 Day 11 ...................................................................................................................................... 75 Day 22 ...................................................................................................................................... 75 Day 33 ...................................................................................................................................... 75 Personal Day numbers – The personal contribution toward the daily lessons and outcomes ............. 76 Day 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 77 Day 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 77 Day 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 77 Day 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 77 Day 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 77 Day 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 78 Day 7 ........................................................................................................................................ 78 3 [email protected]

Day 8 ........................................................................................................................................ 78 Day 9 ........................................................................................................................................ 78 Day 11 ...................................................................................................................................... 78 Day 22 ...................................................................................................................................... 79 Day 33 ...................................................................................................................................... 79 Other significant number .......................................................................................................... 79 Translating the alphabet into some numerology........................................................................ 81 SECTION 3 The Solution .................................................................................................................... 93 Understanding a Negative Anchor.................................................................................................. 95 How a Negative Anchor Differs from a Negative Thought ................................................................ 98 Does Positive Thinking Work?........................................................................................................ 99 Discovering the common trigger .................................................................................................. 100 Meditation ............................................................................................................................. 101 Exercise .................................................................................................................................. 103 The Mind................................................................................................................................ 107 How to Deal with Negative Thoughts ........................................................................................... 108 Neuro Linguistic Programming..................................................................................................... 112 Positive Thinking......................................................................................................................... 115 Health Benefits of Positive Thinking ............................................................................................. 116 How to Focus on Positive Thinking ............................................................................................... 118 Practicing Positive Thinking Everyday ........................................................................................... 120 Impacts of Negative Thoughts on the Brain .................................................................................. 122 The Power of Positive Thoughts ................................................................................................... 124 Tips to Increase Your Positive Thinking Level ................................................................................ 127 Happiness versus Success ............................................................................................................ 129 Maintaining Positive Thoughts..................................................................................................... 130 10 Day Plan ................................................................................................................................ 134 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................. 137

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INTRODUCTION This eBook covers everything you have wanted to know about numerology. Giving you the tools you need to understand and succeed, this eBook will answer your questions. It is broken down into three sections. Section I: The Overview In this section you will be introduced to the history numerology. You will learn about the connections between numerology and ancient civilizations. You will be introduced to the connections between numerology and the Bible. Finally you will skip to the present and recognize what role numerology nowadays has to play and answer the question: What Numerology Really Is? Section II: The Formula In this section you will be introduced formally to: Your brain – the super computer. You will learn about the Neural Networks in your brain and how thought creates reality. Psychological Defense Mechanisms will be covered. You will figure out how numerology works and what the meanings of numbers are. You will learn about Pythagorean Numerology. You will be taught how to calculate your numbers. You will learn things such as 5 [email protected]

your Birth day number, Birth name number, Life path number, Expression number, and Soul Urge number. You will be taught what your numbers reveals about you. You will also review other numbers of significance: house numbers, telephone numbers and find the numbers of the things you want.

Section III: The Solution The third and final section will provide you with the solution. It will teach you how to take control of your subconscious mind. It will offer you step-by-step instructions for reprograming your brain 10 days plan to get what you want.

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So what is numerology? Numerology is a belief that a special relationship exists between numbers and events. It can be a belief in the divine, a belief in the mystical, or a belief in any other form of special relationship. Numerology is actually full of m any systems, as well as traditions, and beliefs. Numerological divination by systems has been popular since the dawn of time, used by many early mathematicians. In modern times, numerology is associated alongside divinatory arts and astrology. In spite of a long history of these ideas being present, the term “numerology” does not date back to any English recordings before 1907. The term today of “numerologist” is placed upon those who place their faith in numerical patterns and from these patterns draw inferences about life. The term is even so popular as to be used to describe those who supported the Elliot wave principle with regard to their stock market analysis.

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Modern numerology takes a lot from ancient cultures including Babylonia and Pythagoras. It also takes from early Christian mysticism, Kabbalah, and the early Gnostics. The Hindu Vedas, as well as Egyptians, and Chinese all have books published about the ideas associated with numerology.

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Pythagoras and his philosophers thought that mathematical concepts were an easier and more practical way to regulate and classify things than physical concepts. They also believed they held greater power. Pythagoras developed basic theorems for modern mathematics, and organized the field of numerology around 2600 years ago. It was St. Augustine of Hippo who wrote that numbers were a universal language offered by a deity to people, meant as confirmation of truth. Much like Pythagoras, he believed that there are numerical relationships between everything and it is up to the mind to look for the secrets that these relationships have to reveal. In the beginning of Christianity, many of the church fathers commented on numerology. They repeatedly condemned the system of numerology which had come from Babylonia sources, Gnostic sources, and Pythagoreans. They considered these interpretations to be exegesis. In the bible Irenaeus noted “666” as the number of the beast. This number is derived from the numerical value of the Greek letters of the Latin word “Lateinos”. St. Ambrose explains explained that the seventh day is a good day, but not because of the doctrine published by Pythagoras or 9 [email protected]

his philosophers, but because the prophet Isaias stated that the principle gifts from the Holy Spirit were seven. During the Council of Nicaea the ideas of numerology were cast out, because anything that was not in favors with Christian authorities and part of the state church beliefs were considered violations against the Roman Empire. Astrology, too was cast out, alongside other forms of “divination”. In spite of this, several numbers were commented on and analyzed at the time within conservative Greek Orthodox circles. The idea of numerology remained a prominent subject in the literary discourse of Sir Thomas Browne in 1658, who mentions the Quincunx pattern ad its relation to the number five, which is found throughout botany and art.

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Modern Numerology

Numerology is a study of the symbol of numbers.

In modern times it is used to determine an individual’s personality, as well as their talents, inner needs, strengths, obstacles, ways of handling other people, and emotional reactions. Whether numerology is used to take advantage of opportunities left unexplored, confirm your talents, examine or life, or determine where you want to go next, it can be a penetrating tool that allows you a more comprehensive understanding of yourself and those you love.

It gives you the entire picture, revealing diverse parts of yourself and how they work in tandem to create who you are. With this bigger picture, you can make the most out of your talents and strengths.

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How Does It Work?

Everything on this planet vibrates at a unique frequency. In fact, everything in the universe does. By finding the rate at which an object vibrates you can establish the energies and the qualities associated with it. You can use a name and a birth date as your most basic data and determine the frequencies of an individual. You can calculate your numerological analysis to get information on your character and your personality. How Is This Done? All numbers are reduced to a single digit that ranges between 1 and 9 except for the master numbers which are representative of major vibration rates. You can get your number through simple addition. Letters in the name of an individual can be converted to numbers and then they are added together. By applying a mathematical formula to the numbers that represent your name and your birth date, you can derive four core elements as well as two dozen modifiers on average. The symbolic evaluation of these items will give you a complete analysis of your character. 12 [email protected]

An average of half your information is derived from your name analysis and the other half from your birth date analysis.

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The Formula

Thoughts are incredibly powerful and can manifest into something tangible so long as you truly desire it. A partner in a law firm did not reach that point by only wanting to work for the company. They reached that point by wanting to work with the company. This desire to be made partner is what turned thought into action, into something tangible: being made partner. That is not to say that it is a simple process. It is not. Anyone who has truly set their mind to a task can attest that it is a challenge to avoid obstacles, to avoid getting distracted, or to avoid giving up. It takes courage and perseverance and strength to turn thought into something tangible. That person who wants to make partner will be faced with multiple challenges. They will be overloaded with work. They will have to make sacrifices, sometimes picking work over a personal goal now so that more goals can be achieved later. But the thing that will keep the person working to make partner is having a defined purpose. The defined purpose is working 15 [email protected]

effortlessly in order to turn the thought of being made partner into a real promotion. Psychologists understand that someone who truly dedicates their mind to something, puts everything they have into achieving a goal, will do so. That headstrong determination keeps someone going until they get what they want. Benjamin Franklin pursued his dreams in spite of having dropped out of school when he was 10 years old. On his tenth birthday he was told that his parents could no longer afford to send him to school, so he opted to read voraciously and continue teaching himself until he was able to invent the bifocals, the lightening rod, and take his place as one of the Founding Fathers of America.

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Albert Einstein, contributing much as he did to the world, never spoke until he was 4. Many people presumed him stupid because of this. They thought he was lazy, and in school he never did well and was told by his teachers that he would never make anything of himself. Yet, with his “head in the clouds” , this genius was able to think of abstract questions not previously asked, and then in turn develop an answer to said questions. It was his “head in the clouds” that thought up the theory of relativity.

The person who wants to be made partner doesn’t give up midway through and change careers. They don’t forget about their dreams and stop trying. They focus all of their energy on making that dream come true.

This desire to turn thought into something real, turn a dream into a reality, gives a person purpose. It gives them a goal to which 17 [email protected]

they should strive at all times. Bad days don’t get in the way. Setbacks don’t seem so big. Nothing can stand in the way of something who is making their dream come true.

How Does This Work? How Does A Dream Turn Into Obsession Which Will Stop At Nothing? The Burning Desire To Accomplish The Dream Is More Important Than Anything. While Bad Days Or Setbacks Might Arise, The Negativity Is Only Converted Into Good Stress, The Kind Of Stress That Motivates A Student To Finish A Paper Before The Encroaching Deadline. There are many stories out there of people who have turned their dreams into reality.

Take, for instance, the story of an individual from a low income area, whose chances of getting out are slim. If that person wants to get out of their neighborhood and go to college, in order to make a life for his kids that is better than his, he will do it. He may not have the money to go to college, but he 18 [email protected]

won’t let that get in his way. He will work hard at a minimum wage job, for example, in order to come up with the money needed. He will scrimp and save while going to school in order to make the money needed for applications. He will better himself academically so that he has a better chance of getting a scholarship. He will take three buses, a train, and walk for miles in order to complete an interview process. He will not let his lack of extra-curricular activities set him back. He will simply explain why he is more dedicated to the cause than anyone else, and why he deserves the scholarship and admittance more.

Consider another lesson: a man and his wife want to retire early and live comfortably. In order to do that in the future, with no assets or savings to speak of at present, they start cutting back 19 [email protected]

their spending. They move into a small apartment far from their places of work so that they can save money on rent. The money saved goes into a savings account. They trade in their cars and buy one, cheap car to save on insurance costs and car payments. The money they save goes into their savings. They bike where ever they can to save on gas. The money saved goes into savings. They never dine out or splurge on expensive dinners or weekend trips. They count every calorie, including the calories from the olive oil used to sauté food and only eat precisely what their body needs. They grow the majority of their food at home so that they save on fresh fruits and vegetables. They eat very basic foods, never splurging. They live like this for ten years. It was difficult, and many times it was tempting to just dip into the savings for a small treat. But they didn’t. In ten years, they had saved nearly all of their combined paychecks every single month and were able to successfully retire to a small town where they can still bike everywhere and enjoy freshly grown foods from their yard. They were able to achieve their overall goal because they worked effortlessly for a set amount of time. They let nothing stand in their way. 20 [email protected]

Consider another story of a man and his family. The man worked for years at a plain job in order to supply for his family. He used his mediocre job to pay for a home. He was a mere ten years from retirement, had been saving just enough to get his kids through school and not much more. He would receive a nice pension from his job which be sufficient to pay off all of the family debt, finish paying off the house, and allow for a comfortable retirement. Then the worst happened. The company closed and he was let go without any pension. Everything fell apart. The children’s school fund was used to pay the mortgage and the man scrambled to find work. He could have given up. His story was much like everyone else in his neighborhood. But he did not let that stop him. He knew he needed another job. He knew he would have to start over and that his pension would no longer be there. So he took the train into the city every day and went to interview after interview. He was told that he was one in one thousand applicants over and 21 [email protected]

over. He was told that he was not qualified. He was told he had no tangible skills. He had filled a role that seemingly had no translatable skills. So he spent what little he had taking some night classes, learning applicable skills that could be used in a new job. When he finished, he continued to head to the city to look for work. He was told again that he was one in one thousand. He was told that he had skills now, but so did everyone else. He did not let that stop him. He continued to search for jobs knowing that his passion and desire to provide for his family would get him a job he deserved. After months of this, he did. He was able to start over. He was able to salvage his house, to start repaying his debt, and to re-fund his children’s college accounts.

Failure and success can happen in an instant. Failure can help cultivate a renewed drive and passion. People who endure failure can profit from them when they look back and reflect on what lessons the failure teaches. Defeat is not the end. It paves the way to new opportunity.

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There are many success stories featuring historic and present day individuals who overcame hardship and self-doubt in order to achieve total success and happiness. Take Bill Gates for example. He is currently the richest man in the world, but his first business called Traf-O-Data failed. And it failed miserably. He and his partner at the time used this failure, knowing that their minds were focused on success, and it helped them prepare for Microsoft. It was through this large failure that they continued to try and try until they were successful.

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So how can someone find success from failure? This is the exact topic this book will present.

Well, in essence there are

steps that someone

can take in order to learn from failure and convert it into success. Now consider that wealth and success (in whatever form you want it), will only come to those who work hard. Now, bear in mind that this idea is not limited to hard physical work. It takes hard emotional and mental work too. Success starts with your start of mind, your purpose. It is argued by some people that depression is a self-fueling cycle because it is all contained in the mind. When someone who is depressed thinks about how depressed they are, it makes them feel more depressed. The opposite is also true. Someone who is happy, who then reflects on how happy they are, will become happier. This exact notion can be described to success and failure.

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If you are told over and over that you are a failure, that you will never achieve your dreams, and bad things continue to happen to you, you are faced with two options:

The first is to listen to the negativity and let the hard times keep you down. The second is to ignore the negativity and focus instead on your goals, your dreams and your passion. It was once said that obstacles are merely the things you see when you stop focusing on your path. If you want to finish tending to your garden, for example, and you stand there looking at how dirty everything is and how many weeds you have to pull, you will lose focus. You will stop thinking about your goal of tending to the garden and will instead be sucked into a negative mindset. If this happens, it is not likely that you will get any work done because you will just sit there thinking about how much work you have. But if you put on your gloves and just start working, you will soon lose yourself in your overall purpose until you have achieved the goal. You won’t focus on the obstacles, you will focus on the goal. 25 [email protected]

This can be applied to anything. If you have a presentation for work that you have to finish by the end of the week, you can choose to focus on the overall goal or get lost in the wilderness of the obstacles ahead of you. If you sit there and ponder how little time you have left, what all you have to do, and how your next promotion depends on it, you will waste a great deal of time and energy. You would be better off focusing on the overall goal of finishing the project. For some people that means having quiet space to think creatively. For others that means breaking down the larger goal into smaller, tangible goals. But the word “impossible” should never be uttered or thought at any point. You have to make a conscious decision to become successful. The purpose of this book is to teach anyone who wants to know, how to change your mindset and stop thinking about failure and instead start thinking about success. The phrase “mind over matter” truly is at the heart of all this. You have to change your mind set before you can do anything else. You have to believe in yourself and free yourself of any limitations. Stop thinking that you are “too poor” or “too stupid” or “too out of shape”. Stop all of the negative thoughts that hold you back from success. If you 26 [email protected]

get rid of these thoughts and you instead become determined to better yourself, your financial situation, or goal you have, then you will be on the right path to success. You truly are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. You have the power to control your thoughts and change them from negative to positive.

As you continue reading, remember to remain open-minded. Do not let your thoughts cloud your mind. Do not let yourself think “well I could never that” while you are reading. You can, so long as you have the right determination.

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These principles you are about to learn can be applied to your life and the lives of those around you. They will take effort, and they may not come easily. But rest assured, that if you follow them, you will start achieving success.

Developing the Brain

Many people claim that we only use 10% of our brains. This is only partly true. In fact, we use all of our brains, but we only use 10% of it consciously. When you are trying to remember your list of chores, where you put your keys, or the name of the new employee at work, you are using your conscious mind. You are using 10% of your brain. But the moment you stop focusing on your chores, the moment you are distracted from your search for the keys, or the moment you walk away from the new employee, those thoughts slip into your subconscious. Your subconscious is always working. It occupies the other 90% of your brain.

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More often than not, when you stop focusing on trying to remember something, you remember it. That is why when you experience “tip of the tongue syndrome” (where the word you need is on the tip of your tongue, but you cannot remember it), the word or name for which you were searching always pops into your head at a random time later in the day. Because you stopped using the 10% of your conscious mind to think about it and instead let the other 90%, the more






When you turn on a light would you rather it use 10% of its power or 90%? Do you think a car engine would be more powerful if it could use 90% of its power?

Yes, and Yes. That is why you remember things easier when your subconscious is working on them. That is the same reason why having faith is so important. Faith is a state of mind. It can be created by repeating instructions to your subconscious. This does not mean you have to be the Little 29 [email protected]

Engine That Could and walk around saying “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”. Instead, you have to learn to suggest things automatically to your subconscious. That sounds much more complicated than it really is. Auto suggestion to your subconscious takes place when you truly have desire, when your thoughts are will not waiver, as discussed in the first two chapters, when your desire and thoughts translates immediately to your subconscious. In doing this, you will convince your subconscious that you believe you will get the things you want. Your subconscious will then act upon this belief, forming faith in the process. Now, faith may seem unfamiliar at first. Faith may not be something you believe in initially, or appreciate. But with time, with continual work, your mind will come to appreciate it and be influenced by it. Faith simply means that any thought you which you repeatedly pass to your subconscious will be accepted by your subconscious eventually, then acted upon physically.

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Your thoughts are much more powerful than you might accept. Consider the idea of a self-fulfilling prophesy. So many modern television shows integrate the idea of fate, seeing the future, etc… In all of these shows, when a person knows the future, when they see what will transpire, they try to take steps to avoid it happening. They go out of their way to make sure that the predictions do not manifest. And yet, it is their attempt to stop the events that inevitably causes them to transpire.

The same is true of faith and success. If you truly believe that you will fail at a job interview, and you focus your thoughts on how you will fail, those thoughts will penetrate your subconscious, become the only thing on which you can focus, and inevitably manifest physically. The physical manifestation might be the appearance of nervousness, mumbling, shaking, staring at the floor out of fear, or being lost in your negative thoughts. All of these things will lead to you not getting the job. This is often referred to as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You prophesized that you would not get the job and those negative thoughts are what led you to not get the job.

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The same is true of positive thoughts and faith. Going back to the previous example: if you believe that you WILL get the job, then all of your thoughts will focus on getting the job, why you are the best for the job, and that will permeate your subconscious and manifest physically. The physical manifestation will be confidence, knowing the right words to say, shaking hands and making eye contact, and in the end, getting the job. In this instance, you were able to secure the job because you focused on positive thoughts. The self-fulfilling prophesy was that you would get the job, and your faith and desire combined, allowed your subconscious to believe it, which then caused you to act on it and make it a reality. From this story you should realize that you are the creator of your own success or destruction. You can cause success or failure to take place. If you want to succeed, you need to truly believe and have faith in the fact that you already have the tools you need to succeed and you can make it happen.

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If you wanted to be a doctor, you have to realize that you have the tools you need to become one. You have the powerful mind and desire that will help you study and learn, that will help you get accepted to medical school, pass your tests, and become a doctor. You have the tools to do whatever you want so long as you believe it! Now, even if you have faith, something bad might happen to knock




your faith





Consider the story of Avery. Avery knew she wanted to become a doctor. It was everything she ever wanted. She worked hard her entire childhood, filled her free time with leadership activities, sports, and all the extra-curricular activities she could find. That got her a full scholarship to a college in her home state. It was not the college she wanted to attend, but it was reputable enough that she took the scholarship and was able to save quite a bit of money for her living costs and eventual medical school costs. After working hard for four years, she received her degree. She had faith, and she succeeded.

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But then she took the necessary tests and applied to medical school and was rejected. She was not just rejected once, but rejected from every medical school to which she applied. This shook her faith a bit. But she did not let it get her down. She knew that practice would make perfect. She asked why she was rejected and was told that she needed more experience. Now, this was a catch 22 in and of itself because in order to get medical experience she needed to go to medical school, but medical school was out of the question without more experience. She put everything she had into applying for jobs at all local medical facilities. Eventually she was accepted and began dedicating herself to a year of working as an intern at a local hospital. Getting the experience she needed, one year later she reapplied and was finally accepted.

She had her moments of doubt. The internship tested her time and time again. There were moments when she truly doubted whether she wanted to be a doctor, or whether this would be worth it. But she continued to persevere. She re-kindled her faith every time it was brought down and through continual practice was able to achieve her goals. 34 [email protected]

Through Auto Suggestion!

You can cultivate faith with auto suggestion. Faith is the cornerstone, the point from which riches and success begin. Faith is also the foundation for intelligence, the antidote for failure, and the element which can take your ordinary thoughts and turn them into tangible success. The power of faith is truly inspiring.

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Have you heard of the concept of positive thinking? This concept relates directly to the power of faith. Positive thinking is the act of changing the way you think. Instead of thinking and saying negative things, you start thinking and saying positive things. You see everything through a positive lens. If you almost get in a car accident, and swerving to miss the other driver who fell asleep at the wheel causes your tire to blow, you can still see the positive. The positive might be: at least I didn’t get in an accident. Or: at least no one was hurt. Or even: thankfully I had the extra money to cover a new tire and can still drive to work. It is easy to see all things negatively, positive thought takes effort. But positive thoughts, the same as negative thoughts, are powerful in that they lend themselves to more positive thoughts. If you focus on the good, you will start to see more good all around. This is the power of faith. If you start to have faith in one thing, thinking positive thoughts, it will lead to more faith and more positive thoughts. Soon enough, your faith and positive thoughts will dominate your mind and motivate you.

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But not letting your surroundings or environment negatively influence you, taking away your faith, requires a great deal of selfconfidence. You have to remember first and foremost that you are capable of achieving anything you want. You have to remember that positive thinking will lead to more positive thinking, and more positive thinking. Therefore, you need to focus on positive thinking at all times. Improving your self-confidence at all times will help you to auto-suggest success and eventually achieve it with continued faith. But this takes courage. It takes continual effort. Fear will try to get in the way. Fear will try and stop you from achieving your goals. You have to have the self-confidence to overcome the fear and continue working toward your goals, continue with your positive thoughts, and enjoy success. Gandhi is a stunning example of the self-discipline and confidence it takes to stay away from negative thoughts, to overcome fear and to have the courage to succeed.

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First: he thought about his goals. He imagined the idea. Second: he mixed faith with the original idea. Third: he formulated a plan that helped him turn his idea into something real. Fourth: he put his plan into action and followed through with persistence. Fifth: he maintained a burning desire.

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These steps can be followed by anyone who wants success. Remember that wealth and success begins with a thought. It all starts in your mind. It is those thoughts which are then put into action. Faith is what removes the limitations and allows you to continue on your path toward success! Auto Suggestion

Auto suggestion was briefly touched upon in the last chapter, but in this chapter we will get deeper into the idea. It is a term which refers to any way in which you suggest things to your mind. Auto suggestion does not necessarily refer to speech or thoughts. It can be any of the five senses. If you walk into a bakery just to get a whiff of the freshly baked muffins, you are auto suggesting the idea of hunger. It is a way of communicating subconsciously. By taking control over the thoughts that subconsciously enter your mind consciously, you can influence all of your thoughts. This is what auto-suggestion is all about. Think of your conscious mind as the gatekeeper. The conscious mind is what allows thoughts to enter into the subconscious. The conscious mind can stop a bad 39 [email protected]

thought in its tracks, or allow a positive thought. People have absolute control over the thoughts that enter their subconscious through any of the five senses. But most people never exercise this control. Failure to exercise this control is what leads so many people to get stuck in a “rut”, as it were and never reach their goals. To put it in easier terms: think of good food versus bad food. You are consciously in control of the food you put in your body. You can choose to put in bad food, which will ruin your health and lead to a slew of diseases and a faster death. Or, you can choose to put in good food and live a healthy, happier life. The same is true of your mind. You can consciously allow good thoughts, or you can consciously allow bad thoughts. This is what auto suggestion is all about. You were previously told to write down your statements for success, what you desire most, and to read them out loud to yourself repeatedly. By doing this, you are communicating your desire directly into your subconscious mind. This is what cultivates faith. By repeatedly reading your goals aloud, you are voluntarily creating

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habits which are good for you and your mind. Now go back to chapter 2 and read the six steps again.

Remember, you cannot mindlessly read the statement you wrote. This will have no effect. Think about an actor reading lines. Are you inspired by the actor who reads their lines in a monotone voice with a stoic expression? Or are you inspired by the actor who puts feeling into their lines?

For almost everyone, it should be the latter. The same is true of your statement. You cannot make it a routine that you begrudgingly do each day without thinking. You have to put in conscious thought and emotion while you read it. Don’t skim the text. Stop and put effort into reading the goals out loud and truly feeling emotion connected to achieving those goals. Why? Because it will manifest better results for you if you do. Studies show us that consciously thinking of the muscles we are targeting at the gym will lead to better results. This is why yoga is so effective; you 41 [email protected]

are consciously focusing on the area you want to improve and tying in emotion. This technique is not just for the body. It is for the mind. You have to consciously focus on the things you want to improve, the things you want to do, in order for them to have the best effect and outcome. The same way that you have faith your workout will help your body, you need to have faith that reading your words aloud will help your mind. Remember that there is no such thing as something for nothing. In order to achieve, you must work. In order to get bigger muscles, you must push yourself and persevere at the gym. In order to be successful, you must push yourself and work toward achieving your goals. That begins with daily readings. You need to be able to concentrate on your desire 100%. This concentration is what will turn a passing desire into a burning desire, something that takes over your thoughts. Your ability to do this is directly related to your ability to use auto-suggestion. The only way for you to use the 6 steps described in chapter 2 effectively is to use concentration. This begins with fixing in your mind the exact amount of money that you need. 42 [email protected]

Remember the trip to Italy? She needed an exact amount. She focused on that amount and with her eyes shut, she could literally see that money appear. This is where you must be. This is what you must do every day. You need faith too. Faith is what will help you repeat these thoughts every day until they have entered your subconscious mind. Let your imagination run freely, see what plans it can create for how to obtain the money you want or the item you desire. Don’t sit around and wait for a definite plan. The minute you can visualize yourself with money, you need to start putting that plan into action. The plans may only appear in an instant, a flash in your mind. But you must grab on to that thought that flash of a plan, and put it into action. So Remember, These Are The Steps You Must Follow: First: find a quiet spot where you can close your eyes and repeat out loud the written statement you made. It should be somewhere that you will be not be interrupted. You need to see yourself in possession of your goal when you close your eyes. Second: repeat this every morning and every night until you can truly see the money in your possession when you close your eyes. 43 [email protected]

Third: keep the written copy of your goals where you can see it, so that it is always there in the back of your mind. Remember that in doing this, you are beginning auto-suggestion. Your subconscious will only act on instructions which you truly believe. That is why you must have faith. Faith will produce the belief that your subconscious needs. No matter how odd these instructions may seem at first, it is important that you follow them. Eventually you will understand the power of the rules and achieve the success you desire! Many people have heard that they are in control of their fate. How is this true? Because you have the power to change anything in your life by influencing your subconscious. Remember that auto suggestion is conscious, and it takes conscious effort to follow the rules laid out before. So remember that following these instructions precisely will open the way to success. Now it is time to learn all about your numbers….

44 [email protected]

Figuring Out Your Own Life Number: The Numerology In Your Birth Date.

Finding out your life number is something important and it is the numerals and digits of your birth date added together.

For example: 18.07.1963: 1+8+0+7+1+9+6+3 = 35; 3+5 = 8

or 23.05.1963: 2+3+0+5+1+9+6+3 = 29; 2+9 = 11 ... Master Number, do not reduce to 2.

or 29.12.1963: 2+9+1+2+1+9+6+3 = 33 ... Master Number, do not reduce to 6. or 04.01.1961: 0+4+0+1+1+9+6+1 = 22 … Master Number, do 45 [email protected]

not reduce to 4. When trying to show how this can be done through contributions and support to part of a team, there is an easy story about a bunch of people, maybe even twelve or more, who are travelling on a tour. With most of these types of tours, the different personalities of the people going through it will be shown pretty fast. In this case, for instance, there is not going to be a guide or a driver for the bus and it is going to ultimately be up to them when they figure out how to both get from A to B on a map and to figure out what those two places even are going to be. When they choose this direction, they are adding some purpose to their journey. This is a professional purpose and a higher purpose as well, regardless of whether they know that fact or they do not know it. The team on their journey, trying to find their way. Number One is a team leader. He has a lot of ambition and is acting

with enthusiasm to start new and to try to find some ideas the others have not thought of. The other people on the tour see this and the path that they go is formed based on which direction he is 46 [email protected]

going. Ones do not really care if people are following them or not and they have a problem with communication. This, thus, leads people to call them arrogant and is where the team begins with two starts helping one. The first one can be intimidated by the fear that they have of being lonely. They will feel alone a lot and this will dominate their methods of thinking at times. This can happen even when they are completely surrounded both other people. When they are aware that they can be seen as arrogant, they may use that to conceal the fear that they have and to break down the barriers that they have before them. This can make things fun and a bit easier on everyone that is involved. Do not rush these types of people because they will run away into themselves and hide instead of busting out and embracing others. Two is someone who would be good at the job of assisting one. They are generally going to be people who are going after causes that they think are worth it and they try to help where help is needed. They might follow number one because number one will need help out there being all alone. This is an issue that should be 47 [email protected]

obvious. Everyone needs someone to help at times, why not a number one. Others might be trying to find out how to get some place. Two will then step up and try to explain how to get somewhere to the group and to the leader in general. They both might have some good support systems backing them up but that does not mean that two is any less worthwhile than one is. With this, a team will form and the hub will be two. Ones have many needs and the team will be able to form a natural base and the journey will be able to continue in earnest. Two might have made a group of friends but they will sometimes have to deal with the issue of fear. They generally fear that nobody is there to support them in their life role of being a good talker and someone who is supportive of others. They have a problem with seeing support when it is being given to them. This causes some problems wherein twos can find themselves separate from the group that they made for themselves. Only the selfawareness that they have will be able to make a hole in this wall that they put up. Telling them will fall on ears that are not listening and their walls are designed to help keep the support that they need from ever getting in! 48 [email protected]

Three is someone who will sense a new way being taken from where there was nothing in the past. This is something like the way that an artist might stare at a blank canvas. They like to look around and spread creativity, be it with color, songs, sounds, or stories. They are trying to light up the way for others to move forward and to help others learn new things. They talk about adding things where there might not have been anything in the past. All of these things are very important for a group dynamic. They will usually have some sort of problem with fear as well. That might be that the work that they are doing is simply not good. Maybe they believe that others will not like it. When they do this they tend to forget that being creative is simply being creative. The Universe in general is not going to care if it is good or bad. Number Four is generally going to be someone known as the worker. They are going to take care of tasks that have to be done over and over for others to be comfortable. They do this and recreate things through their work that is needed by everyone on a daily basis. They need to be thought of as the layers and the 49 [email protected]

pavers on the way who are making the path that the other people will have to move on in a more comfortable and easy way. This is a thing that is going to allow us all to bring goods and things along with us and get work done, knowing things are being taken care of on that end. If big challenges are going to occur, it is usually going to be with the issue that four has with feeling overwhelmed by things and putting them off. They always tend to think that they have too much to do. Fours just want to generally get things done and do their best but they have problems with learning new skills because they put it off until it is too late to do anything. This also leads to problems with their own personal growth. This can be fixed if someone is able to demonstrate to them why it is a good idea to learn something. They have to show everyone, themselves and their friends, how things are done and what they are able to do. Five is going to be the one who tries to make people laugh so that they will be able to change somehow. They are very social. They like to make the journey fun for everyone else through the 50 [email protected]

provision of entertainment. They tend to mix and plan parties very well, but the entertainment that they tend to provide can also prove to be a problem because it can distract others. They are often spending time avoiding feelings and their own reality through their partying. They can also create change when it needs to be created. Life might be too hard for some people, but fives will always try to remind us that we are growing and trying to strive toward an ultimate freedom. They do not fear the negatives associated with the struggle in life. They want to fly and to travel and create unity and awareness for nearly everyone. When the way becomes hard, fives are going to be coming in and trying to make it easier. But they are prone to quitting. Fives always have a serious issue with being challenged by their own fear of changing. A lot of the things that they are involved in can make things easier but also more difficult in some ways. They are agitated by change. This fear can cause problems with avoidance in the long term. Six is going to be someone who is working with a bunch of people to try to bring their opinions together. They are able to 51 [email protected]

relate very well with the people around them and they help to keep peace along the journey. The goal that they have it to make sure that everyone on the path is united, feels welcome, and is a good part of the team in general. Sixes have a way of getting to know how everyone is working and how well they would work together. They also have no issue understanding what it is like to walk in the shoes of other people and can facilitate understanding between people who might otherwise have trouble with it. Sixes often have problems with their family. This is likely because they have to have an emotional attachment with many people in their own circle of influence. The fears that they generally have are usually going to be based on problems in their family and the ideas and opinions that they might have. They worry a lot about not being able to keep people united when they are trying to form a team. The challenge here is that in a lot of family environments when people get thrown together they are able to learn to deal with the differences that they have in their life. This is not like something like choosing friends and workmates who already share your opinions. They are usually going to be able to save themselves some trouble through the allowing of everyone to be 52 [email protected]

with their being. Trusting people to share their gift with each other is important to them. Sevens are going to be trying to focus on studying and thinking about the spiritual side of life. They generally want to try to take everything onto themselves and to tell the team that they appreciate everything that they are doing in terms of spirit. You have to maintain all of the things that people want to do. It has to be good for everyone that is trying to work together or things would simply not work the right way. They try to tell us that everything is going to be happening at the right time, for the people who need it, for the right reasons and that there is generally going to be a higher purpose to everything that is happening. It is important that we are all part of that and the sevens are the ones who are going to try to see the silver linings in things. The rest of us are left feeling blind without them. They are going to bring more of the brains to the operation and will try to bring things inward that the entire team will be able to focus on. This is something that they may not know everything about because they are often troubled by the fears that they have. 53 [email protected]

They will usually try to bury themselves within academic study and then their fear will be based on the apparent lack of evidence of the spirit. They might even lose touch with their own feelings when they are doing this work and then they will deny them when they need to speak about their own ideas. Eights are generally going to be attracted to the potential of opportunities in the future for helping make some wealth through expansion of the soul. They are the ones who are going to be moving forward with working and organizing. They will also be up to their own elbows in trying to get work done through management and keeping thing in order. They design some very good systems but that does not mean that they do not also have their own fair share of studies. They draw up lists and rosters and take regular stock etc. They also have a problem because they feel like they may lack something and they have an issue in which they prey on the fear that other people have of being poor. They see this and they allow some abundance regardless of the possible lack of evidence that these things have in the reality of their life. That fear of poverty 54 [email protected]

has them in a vice grip which they simply cannot break with any amount of ease. It is simply the opposite of the way that they need to be letting things happen in their own life. Nine is the visionary of the group who is able to see the end result of all of the work that is being done. They soak up everything around them and try to amplify the energy like some kind of sponge on steroids or something. They are the ones who are trying to spread out their own energy and their vision. They use mental telepathy along with others to give a vision that the leaders of the group will be aware of the tone that they use. It is, thus, also important for them to work on both finishing some of the projects that they have started and to work on doing things such as clearing out all of the clutter. They do not have fears like the other but they have to have the burden of remembering everything that they have in their mind. This is something that can change and transform in any given situation which can lead to significant problems for them if they are not being careful about what they are doing. They might not

55 [email protected]

even be aware of the things that they are doing to change what is around them. Master Numbers also have their role in the team. Eleven is going to be someone who will be talking to you on a level that is both higher and more important than the two is capable of. When they do not behave like two is behaving with ease, they are playing their other role as the representative of the team in general. This means that they will have to do all of the communicating on behalf of the team and they will be attempting to report back with plans for the other teams. This is a lot of stuff that will ultimately come in the form of taking some ideas from the members of the team through a process of sharing. They often have problems through which they are allowing their fears to challenge them. This is because they do not know if they need some sort of support or not. There is support for everyone, and elevens can perfectly convince themselves that all of this is made up. They say that they can support themselves and that they do not need help. If they do, then they allow themselves to slide into the depression that they might have. And then they will 56 [email protected]

remind them that we can only see what we think about and that this can pass. If they would just let themselves do what they believe that they need to do then they would not have a problem accomplishing all of their goals in a very real way. Number 22 is someone who is going to be helping to build and design all of the things that we have and that we need to work on. They are going to put together the underlying foundation that will then be used to complete everything for the team and the community at large. They work when they are not a four, they still design and direct people to put in the right paths that they will eventually need to use in order to get where they are trying to go. The problem that they are going to have is usually going to be a problem with a lack of the work that they may have. It is a fear that the Universe does not have a team which might need them for their help. It is one that might lead them to believe that they have a life without a purpose. That is a significant problem for the people on their team and the people themselves.

57 [email protected]

33 is going to be the one who is working with the team. They are also a six. If they were not a six then they would be trying to do everything that they could to understand that they can’t follow everything they need to do on the way. Like the other two, they can get information from a plane of existence that is higher than others and this helps them to do all of the things that they need to do. The biggest problems that they have in their life is trying to come to terms with the things they have to do like allowing for the idea that everything must come together in one way or another. When the journey is not going well, what is standing in the way and going wrong?

58 [email protected]

Life Challenge Number

This is one in which you will have a number assigned to you as a person which makes it hard to find someone else who might have a matching life number to yours or something like that. This means that it will have to be talked about if we are planning to go into a new strength and weakness flowchart. We have to be careful and think over what we are choosing to do when adding contributions to the skill base that we want to know about. __________________________________________________________ If we want this number to work well we have to change the way that we calculate it and then change the numbers of our own birth date. 18.07.196 3 1+8 = 9 0+7 = 7 . 1+9+6+3 = 19; 1 + 9 = . = 9

10; 1 + 0 = 1 . 7



59 [email protected]

We also have to figure out how different these numbers are to come up with the two sub challenge numbers. 9 – 7 and 7 – 1

2 and 6 Finally we will have to figure out the difference between those to figure out the new life challenge that we have to deal with. 2–6


Some of the challenges that will come here will play a role in our life. This is especially true when we think about how it might relate to them. It also plays a role in the way that we have to look out for and make people aware of all of the things that are going into the negative things in our lives. This is talked about in the team through their journey and the challenges that are present in all of their individual numbers. So there are some rather healthy things to do. 60 [email protected]

The 0 Challenge Number

A lot of people will find out that everything is the same number and that they will relate that influence into their life. That can be a serious problem for a lot of people and will result in a 0. This means that they have to find out what being responsible really is. If you have zero, you have to transform all of that fear that you see in other people and turn it into something that can be useful for both you and your own team. This is extremely important and is something that is vital to life.

Personal Year

Life itself is going to give everything to us that we need to figure this all out. In addition, it provides a lot of ways through which we can figure out our own life roles. This gives us all the time in the world that we might need to keep going. The repetition that we have in our life becomes one of the largest learning tools we

61 [email protected]

see then we will have no problems. This is a day we have to keep going through. Almost once every ten years, we have to experience all of this again. Over and over. The job that we have during this time is to make sure that we keep going with it and not to let it happen over and over again. This can end up bleeding into the other areas of our life if we are simply not careful enough. This means that we can relate to the roles which are played by the members of the team that you are in. Each year we can get some experience in the other nine roles which are taking some responsibility for our own life. This does not happen once every year. It happens also every week, month, and year of your entire life. We have to look out for these things to happen and if we are not careful about it then it could lead to some significant problems down the line for everyone. If you are going to be putting out work into finding out what year we are in and the number for that year, it is about the same as

62 [email protected]

trying to find out all of the other numbers that have been talked about so far.

For example: 18.07.2010: 1+8+0+7+2+0+1+0 = 19; 1+9 = 10; 1+0= 1


Personal Year Challenge, using the subtracting method: 18.07.2010

1+8 = 9 and 0+7 = 7 and 2+0+1+0 = 3 9 – 7 and 7–3

2 and 4



63 [email protected]

This whole story is somewhat spelled out when talking about the journey. This is assuming, of course, that every single member of the team will have the roles that they have within them already played out by someone every year. You might be on the way but you will have to take some kind of action with regard to this. The life challenge, for instance, is something that will help guide you into knowing things like where you will be sabotaged. If you look at the nine years in your life you might be able to find some information there which will be useful and will help make the list of your life events better for one reason or another. This could be through the addition of columns to the list. This could also have something to do with the personal numbers or the number of the challenge. If you get lucky you might even see some kind of spiral effect moving upward through all of these things. Every year in your life is going to have some sort of focus that you will have to follow that is going to be different from both your role and your number in life. This is the same as all the

64 [email protected]

years. Every four digits of the year will be put together to make one single number. This is how it is done. When you are figuring out your own life number then you have to find that it will play a role with everyone and not just you. This means everyone in your workplace or something. Whether it is school or a professional association or something. When we are coming up with the number for the year you might be able to find something about how the thing comes in on two different levels. One of them is the self and one of them is the team that we play a part in which is not going to play a huge role in the year goal that we have coming. Being a part of the entire thing makes us all connected and gives us something that will go forward to move in with our own goals. Every year gives us something which we will be able to do in another way. This improves the understanding of the selves we have. Year 1 – The first year is the best year for trying to begin some new projects and come up with new ideas. The beginnings that can happen here will make you long for new outcomes in your own life and will only lead to better things happening in the 65 [email protected]

future. This is a time when you should try to get rid of the fears that you might have of being alone or of having issues in your life that you do not know how to deal with. Year 2 – When you are going to do something like find and give support, this is important for the things that might happen during the year. This means that you will have to have some form of clear communication through yourself and the people around you. In the place that you have to be then you will have to both give and get some assistance through the blocking of the universal energy flow that you have. So you might have some support based entirely on the desire for success that you might have. So then you have to give some support and it has to be in a lot of ways and to flow the way that you want it to. This means that the more that you give, the more that you get. Year 3 – Here is the time when you will be setting some goals and trying to make them manifest themselves through the work that you are doing. Any things that you have that need to get done will have to be done in this time. This is a year when you will have to add some creativity to your work and make the goals that 66 [email protected]

you have for the year try and come true. This could mean a lot of things, but you have to be vigilant. Year 4 – During this year you will want to be finishing tasks. This is going to be through doing things with an intense focus on the time that you are putting in. This helps to show the abilities that you might have at your disposal. Production is going to be based primarily on what you are doing to get things done in a timely fashion and without too much delay. If you are trying to learn something new then you might need to be aware that you will have to be careful what you are doing. Year 5 – Try to make some changes during this year. This is definitely a good time for it and it is a time in which you should be excited. Keeping things the same is a problem for a lot of people and this is a good way to break out of the routine and to get to some places that you do not have to worry about having been before. Find a unique way to get through this and you will be sitting pretty in the future. Keep a firm understanding of what is going on here with regard to that and everything else.

67 [email protected]

Year 6 – Time to take some support from others. This is something which you simply have to do. Find mediation through the help of other people. You should be on a serious lookout for problems that might occur. There can also be some rifts in the relationship of the family and with other people who might be involved. This also means you will have to find a way to work with other people in your team and the people who are in your family as well. Watch out for pitfalls when trying to do these things. Year 7 – This is a year to take some time off. Look at your spirit and do some work on the reflection of the time that you have had so far. Think about changes which might be taking place with regard to the meaning that you have placed on your own life. This means you should try to get to know yourself more than others in this year and to think about the problems that you might be having with regard to your own goals and things of that nature. Year 8 – If you are trying to get in with some of the best results that you can, then you should try to remember the organization 68 [email protected]

of self that you have. This will include managing things such as resources and a management of the business that you are working with. The wealth might be made through a use of resources in a unique or inventive way. You can also try to set up and perhaps improve some of the systems that you use to try to manage the resources that you have at your disposal. These are meant to try to do things like support progress and creativity in any way possible. Year 9 – This is going to be one of the final years. You will have to use this time to finish things and to make sure that your vision is all good for the next years and the future moving forward. This is a way that we can both clear away all of the things that have been going wrong during the last year and to make way for new things in the future that will pave a bright path. This is when you should spend time daydreaming and trying to dream very large. The focus for each month of the year Every single month in the year is going to provide some sort of hint for the things that can come in the future. The focus of the entire month needs to be a long term thing, sort of similar to the 69 [email protected]

focus for the year as a whole. This should replace the word year with the word month if you are following what is happening above. This will allow us to fine tune the things that might change during the first few months of the year and it will also allow us to do different things for the final months. If the year gets off to a somewhat slow then you will have some time to change it to become better than it already is by following this method. This is also good for giving you time to help communicate with some other members of your team. There is also even more! The focus for each day of the month Trying to make plans for one day or another day based on the energy that is universal to everyone is going to be something which is important for everyone. This means that you will have to maintain a staunch awareness of what you are doing and what changes that might incur in the future. The work that is in the number that you come up with here is a way through which you can add eight digits to the date. Then

70 [email protected]

add them again until they reduce everything to one digit. This is going to have some exceptions. For example: 23.05.2010: 2+3+0+5+2+0+1+0 = 13;





2+9+1+2+2+0+0+6 = 22 ... Master Number.

Personal Day Number: use today’s day and month numbers, plus your own year of birth.

For example: 23.05.1963: 2+3+0+5+1+9+6+3 = 29; 2+9 = 11





2+9+1+2+1+9+6+3 = 33 ... Master Number

71 [email protected]

Universal Day numbers. The lessons and outcomes that are inherent in each day.


– A day for trying new things and making





something that would make a great place to start and to pursue new projects with growing enthusiasm.

Day This is a good day for communication with others and to try to share information about how connected we all are in the larger, grander, scheme of things in general.

Day – A day meant to foster the creativity that is present in all of us. This is a day when you should be making your ideas come to life and to share things with others.

72 [email protected]

Day –

A day for repetitive simple work that has very little or no complexity involved in it. This is a good day to keep up the house or to try to do things like your books or mowing the lawn. Day –

A day

that is meant to be promoting some sort

of balance of outcomes through socializing with other people and working on transformation of the self. Day –


this day you should be trying to deal

with your family issues. Put some sort of importance on concepts like unity. This is a good day to try to get to know other people on a more deep level than you are currently at.

73 [email protected]

Day –

This is

a day that nothing should be done.

Take a





primarily be done in a spiritual way through this day and your true feelings will help to make a paradigm shift through both understanding and a higher purpose. This is a good day through which you can share your insights.

Day –

This day is one in which you will be


to manage your own resources and to


some routines and systems through

which you can apply your own self-discipline.

Day –

A day for finishing tasks and projects.

This is

a void through which you can see what


really want or need. Finishing things

74 [email protected]

will leave your life wide open for the creation of a new vision of the future. Day –

Try and give or receive support on this day. That


what the day is for. It is

also for getting to

know the people around

you who might be trying to do things. Day

During this day, all of

the work

is going to be done on






improve and enhance productivity, to streamline things already going on, and to find some of the best practices which m ight be used to help create some continuity. This will help make some of the tasks that have to be done easier. Day

– This is a day that is all about



in In

the the

75 [email protected]

opportunity given here for groups there is going to be room for meditation that will help with progress and help to provide understanding for everyone. Personal Day Numbers – The Personal Contribution Toward The Daily Lessons And Outcomes

76 [email protected]

These numbers are going to try to represent the contributions to our daily lives that the days of the week might have. Day 1 – This day is all about leading. It means trying to have the courage to learn a new skill or to try out something new. It means you will lead through a positive example. Day 2 – This is a support day in which you will try to help other people to get the outcomes in their life that you want to see them have. Day 3 – This is when we are going to be using the creative juices within us to help enhance our own outcomes. Day 4 – This is when we work through a calm attitude and stay focused on the task that is at hand. This is where we will be trying to practice doing tasks until the overall job that needs to be done is finished. Day 5 – This is a change in our own attitude through which we can get a balance in the various aspects of our lives. The job here and the main key is to try to be mindful and to try to celebrate

77 [email protected]

change in the self through transformation, awareness, and personal development. This is good. Day 6 – This is the time in which we will be trying to help others via positive communication and that will result in a feeling of encouragement for other people and understanding of the self. Day 7 – This is all about being both aware of the feelings that we have and trying to observe things in every way that we can to keep connected to the overall spiritual purpose that we have within us. This is important as well. Day 8 – This is about staying focused. Focus and discipline is the key here. You have to maintain being organized and using good judgment. That is how we will take responsibility for the outcomes that we will eventually see. Day 9 – This is about completing tasks to create voids for new ideas to emerge. The day is all about visualizing a positive future for us. Day 11 – Sharing with others and the ideas that they have is the key to this day and communication is very important. 78 [email protected]

Day 22 – Consciousness of the task that is at hand without striving off. It is trying to evolve to complete it in the best way that we possible can without going off task. Day 33 – This is a day that should be focused on the connecting of community members and the overall unit. Other Significant Number The day that you are born on, not the date of birth, is something that we see. People will often say that they can see the attributes of this day within us all. This is an example. If your day of birth number is nine, then you will be seen as having a clear vision and be seen as someone who is relatively good at figuring out the temper of the various people in the group. If the life number is different, then this would not be a number that we would want to spend a lot of time or focus on. Though others may still pick it up and call it their first impression of us. Beyond that, the day of birth can sometimes be an illusion which can draw us away from the goals that we have in our lives. This is something that can lead to us becoming somewhat distracted

79 [email protected]

from the action that we need to take and by the new idea that we might have. This is also going to help keep us from staying focused on the goals that we have in our birth date numerology. House numbers, phone numbers, every other kind of number that you can think of. They can all be added up to try and figure out things that might be playing a large role in our own life and how we might be going to try to achieve the goals that we have set out for ourselves. The Universe might be supporting us in this but we will never really known unless we somehow manage to do something with regard to these numbers. This is how the numerology of it all will show us about how the path can be both easy and fun. The signs along the way will give you lessons and warnings that you should heed in order to do everything best. Using numbers in this way is very important if you want to learn anything about your own awareness. This is how we are going to be able to make ourselves both emotionally clear and less fearful of the changes that could be coming in the future. We might have a better understanding of the things that might be happening in the future. This is something that will come via a clear 80 [email protected]

understanding of how things might be going to change in the near future. This is important and is also very interesting to read and learn about. So what about the peoples phone numbers or the other things? Why are we not going to accept them or visit them based on these numbers? Why would that be done? Translating The Alphabet Into Some Numerology 1



































The consonants that are in our names and on the certificate that we are given at birth will usually add up to our expression number, which is how we express ourselves through our thoughts and our feelings. This is left brain thinking. 81 [email protected]

The vowels that are in our names will ultimately add up to the spiritual number that we have. Our experience with our thoughts and feelings, the way that we feel, and the life experiences that we have. This is something important to the undercurrent of our lives and will play a role in the benefits of creating and improving the awareness of the spiritual things that we have going on. This is important. One example of this is the fact that we can create anything and we can choose to materialize through connection to the creative force of the universe. The result of this could be either conscious or it could be subconscious, depending on whether the focus is going to be on the positive or the negative. The outcomes that you want are going to need to have an intention of focusing on fun and easy outcomes. The number you pick reflects the experience of right brain. All of the letters that are in the name add up to the evolution number. What we came to learn from this life all comes from that number. Our way of getting what we want instead of what we try to contribute is determined by our own life number. This happens regardless of whether we know it is happening or not. So even if we raised with a name that isn’t the same as the one we have, 82 [email protected]

which may have been changed at some point, that birth name is going to play a strong role in your life in general. This number is what we are going to be aiming to achieve mastery in, generally. This is our professional goal or our higher purpose in life. It is like a secret hidden agenda that is playing a huge role in our life. This is something that is going to make a balance through expression and spirituality numbers. The left and the right brain will have to be in balance. Example using name at birth:




3 5




6 3



3 8





6 6










3 8

= 11


83 [email protected]

The name Jacky is being given to her at birth, and she will generally be going to continue learning through her life by experiencing benefits of both spiritual and unconscious support. The communication with others is larger community in addition to the family. She might have an issue of being aware of this in a physical sense. As this was discussed earlier, the master numbers can generally come up with a knowingness and are able to pick up information in a very spiritual way through mental telepath. This is known as communication via a higher plane. The consonants in her name from birth are about expressing some positive visions for the future and working on getting rid of the emotional clutter that they might have. They like to absorb their own energy. Combining all of her numbers including the ones from her name are important. This is one of the most expressive ways of getting things done. It is something that is not necessarily needed on the higher level. The names that we have are going to represent the energy that we have on a much deeper level. In that way, we often have things that are given to us on a whim. This is usually because of something that someone else has done. This could be a result 84 [email protected]

from the misspelling of the name or a problem like a nickname. Since a nickname is going to be used more often than a legal name, they usually represent things which are somewhat more transient in our personality. Along with the skills and attitudes that we bring into our lives, and through the various stages that our lives are made of. The same numbers have the same goal, generally, with regard to numbers. These will help to support our goals that are inherent in our own life numbers. This is interesting to a lot of people in the west. Women’s names, for instance, will tend to change much more often than men. This means that they are able to change their suit to fit multiple circumstances. This teaches us some good skills of flexibility and changing in our attitude. This skill cannot be overlooked but it is also something that can rob us of our own identity. This is a way of getting back to life numbers that are generally derived from birth dates. They can be useful with regard to changing the direction and purpose of our life. This is going to fit in relatively well with the mind and it also works with the focus that we have toward getting to our life goal.

85 [email protected]




3 5








6 9

3 8




= 5 Spirituality


5 7 1


= 3 Expression

8 Evolution

These numbers show some of the new skills and the new ways of thinking that the resulting evolution will support. Her life number will change based on the time that she was known by her name and the changes the outlook that she has in general.

86 [email protected]




3 5





= 4 Spirituality






3 8





9 5




9 Expression 4 Evolution

Often, the skills and the attitudes of the four will try to trump the eleven during the time when Jacki had this name. So now her challenge number would be brought into focus. Jacki probably would have had some trouble when dealing with this number and she would probably have both felt and seen the results of this which would have tested her patience when trying to do some boring or mundane tasks. She maintainer her expression of nine 87 [email protected]

to all of the positive outcomes that she got. She then was able to get back to her basics. 5



3 5





= 11 Spirituality






3 8




7 4



= 3

Expression 5 Evolution

The last name of Jacki will bring her back to the original spiritual number that she is at. This will also give her a new way of evolving into the future and expressing things through change and transformation. This brings us back to the earlier name of Frings as the numbers in that name come back. This time they are

88 [email protected]

adding a benefit with regard to creation and transformation mastery. 1






= 7 Spirituality






3 2


7 4




= 7 Expression

5 Evolution

The thing about this is, the first name and the last name combination tends to draw the focus of Jacki onto her own spiritual feelings and to help her express those through an evolution in change and transformation in general. It is 89 [email protected]

interesting to note that the evolutionary number in this last name must be important! Name info is often only in a general form. This is the things that we do with our days our months and our years in terms of our goals. They are inherent to our own life number, which is something that matters the most to us. For those of us who have issues with name changes, we usually relate that essence of the numbers to the phases that we are going through at any given time in question. So they play a role but it is not an e normous role. Numbers are important but they are somewhat superficial when compared to the overall deeper purpose which is often associated with our lie goals and the number that is our own Life number. When you are picking a name for your child or yourself you need to pick one that helps to mirror the life number of your birth date since it will be able to provide more focus. This will also help to lessen distraction in life and to alleviate some conclusion. When you are trying to work out the number of some words, you will find a lot of interesting things. God is spiritual number six 90 [email protected]

and expression number eleven and evolution number eight. This helps to translate to an understanding through mediation on a deeper level than some other ideas and is something that comes through via sharing. This can result in wealth, in organization, and in things like wealth and comfort in life. One way that you might want to take a look at this is through the example of six six six. This is all about meditation and understanding. This could even have a role in directing us to family issues or problems. When you add all of the six’ together, you wind up with eighteen. This is a number that can help show leadership and ambition. It shows that we are being extremely disciplined in both our actions and the thoughts that we have. So what about thirteen? This number is usually being seen as unlucky. It turns ambition and creativity into work that people get bored of. So why is this something that people would be afraid to risk? Probably because a lot of people do not want to do what they actually want because they are afraid they will go broke doing it. That they might not be able to make enough money. The number four generally means death. This could mean 91 [email protected]

something like the fear that repetition will have a negative effect on creative juice. So what do you see? Do you believe that the cup is ultimately half full or half empty? When it is half empty we are looking at a challenge in our life and the challenge is something that the life number that we have might be involved in. Using positive aspects of the life number is extremely important. It is also important to use the challenge number in a good way. This would be viewing the glass as half full instead of half empty. Try to share your journey with other people. Figure out how numbers might play a role in the life of the family and friends that you have around you and you will better be able to understand how they might connect to each other. This can help you find ways that your lives might intersect on a more deep level. Share with others and try to help make life easy and more fun for them as well.

92 [email protected]

SECTION 3 The Solution

While the brain was covered a bit in section II, we will now delve a bit deeper into understanding the subconscious.

To better understand the concept of anchor thoughts, it is important for us to understand what an anchor is. Simply stated, an anchor is a trigger or stimulus which evokes a particular response. An anchor thought can be set in any of your 5 senses. In most cases, anchors usually take the form of words, actions, sights and sounds among other kinds of reactions. 93 [email protected]

While at times these anchor thoughts might be triggered internally by words, at other times they are triggered externally. The language that you speak has the potential of triggering the anchor thoughts. On the other words, anchors might be set accidentally or deliberately. It is also important to note that anchors might be gathered instantly when someone is learning or slowly over a long period of time. Some forms of anchors are genetic which means that they are passed from one generation to another. They might also be positive or negative anchors depending on how well they are used. When used on NLP, anchoring is used as an important technique which helps in state management. This is used by either an experienced practitioner or the subject himself. When this is done, a very important technique is used to set up the trigger deliberately. When this is done, it usually helps in the reflective access which leads it to the state that is of interest. The following are the key conditions for effective anchoring process.

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They should be unique and specific in terms of volume, touch and tonality They should be refreshed which helps to minimize the risk of the effect that is disappearing It should also be set as the response is at its peak position With this in mind, let us look at some key aspects as to the form in which anchoring may be: They might be stacked where they are placed in the same position. This will ultimately lead to a powerful situation They might also be collapsed. This is a situation where two separate anchors that are not similar are triggered immediately

Understanding a Negative Anchor

To better understand what a negative anchor is, it is important to look at the NLP. In NLP, a negative anchor is usually looked at as any immediate and automatically reaction to something. This is a

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situation where you just find yourself in a situation. You don’t have to do anything in it. Not Just for Anger… When many people think about negative anchor, what they think about is that it is for anger. The thing is that they are not just for anger. In all this, there are chances that in many people, negative anchors are really negative. They include insecurity, loneliness and rejection among others. There are positive anchors too that are very important. The positive anchors play a very important role in all this. There is a big difference between negative anchors and negative thoughts. However, there is usually a form of similarity between the two. The biggest difference between the two is speed in which one reacts to something. It is possible to have a negative thought all day or actually months. However, when there is a negative anchor, there will be no delay. It will take effect immediately. Consider this example: Assume that a friend of yours just insulted you. Chances are that you will spend the rest of the day being mad. It will really disturb you. If the comment was against 96 [email protected]

you personally, then you might end up hating yourself because of what was said. As it continues to consume you, you will start to realize that it shouldn’t be a negative anchor, and instead is a negative thought, because you are left thinking about it all day. On the other hand, consider a situation where the friend insults you and you decide to settle the issue immediately. When this happens, it becomes a negative anchor rather than a negative thought. Once you have responded like that, there are chances that you will solve the situation instantly. Chances are that you won’t get along the day feeling bad.

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How a Negative Anchor Differs from a Negative Thought

As noted above, there is a big difference between a negative anchor and a negative thought. When you have a negative anchor, your day will be similar to a minefield. You will start the day well but things will keep on changing as the day goes by. When you are triggered negatively, you will react badly. The following examples can end up triggering the situation: When the plane has been delayed When someone treats you badly A situation where the driver in front of you is not driving well When a friend keeps on complaining When a friend keeps on giving you the wrong facial expressions What this makes you feel is that your day is totally at the mercy of these events. It leads you to believe that you are not fully in control of the situation. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

98 [email protected]

Does Positive Thinking Work?

The fact of the matter is that when you have a lot of negative anchors, it can be totally demoralizing. It is important not to be negatively affected by the words and actions of others around you. Being independent of the words and acts of others is what contributes to a positive attitude. The point that we are making in this situation is that positive thinking do not always work with negative anchors. This is because in a negative anchor, the response is usually immediate. The good thing is that there is a solution to all this. A number of stages have been identified. Find out your common triggers Try and eliminate the mentalities before you encounter them again We will look at each of these situations (solutions) independently.

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Discovering the common trigger

The first thing that you should do is to identify the common triggers that you go through. You should think back and see the common things that do trigger your thoughts. This could be in terms of hours and minutes. After you have done that, now take your time to come forward. This will help you discover the point which the trigger is. As psychologists know, to solve a situation you need to understand where you are. When you are able to do all this, there are chances that you will be at a good position to make the right decision. It also does not mean that you won’t get the triggers anymore. But when you take time to think about it and discover that it is just an anchor, it will help you to make the best decisions. You have the understanding of all that and thus you will be able to deal with it effectively.

100 [email protected]


Breath focus is one of the powerful and simple techniques in meditation. Here is the most basic way to do it: Sit still and be quiet. Don’t move.

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or sit on a cushion with your legs crossed. Don’t scratch or move around. Staying still is literally the entire point of the exercise and it will not

101 [email protected]

matter what you accomplish if you are unable to stop your basic impulses. Pay close attention to your breath during this process. Close your eyes and try and focus on a single spot. Notice your breath while you do this. Pay attention to what you are doing and keep track of your inhales and exhales. Make sure you stay calm and pay attention. If you find your mind starting to wander then bring it back to where it was through any means that you have at your disposal. How does all of this feel? How does the mind wander? Pay attention to these things. After a few minutes stop thinking about your breathing and, instead, think about how it actually feels to breath. Maybe you are sensing this breath moving in and out or how it may be playing on the feelings in your chest in a somewhat percussive pattern. Maybe your mind will wander but you need to bring it back to where it needs to be. If you want to refocus then you should just start paying close attention to your breath. Start doing this for

102 [email protected]

something like five minutes a day and then work on increasing that for even more. Don’t be upset if you are bad at this. Being bad at meditation means that your mind wanders a lot but that skill can translate directly into will power. When you are off goal and you redirect back to what you are trying to do you are accomplishing something. This refocusing is like living a weight for your brain. Don’t be worried about struggling because the struggle is the adventure in itself.


There is a monitoring system that is located all over your brain and is connected to the will power section. It monitors your thoughts and stimuli that are coming in as well as your emotions. If you see things that don’t fit with your long term goals, this system is activated. The cortex is stimulated and energy is directed to the brain. The heart will slow down 103 [email protected]

Breathing is harder Muscles are looser All these things change you physically so you can use your will power. This system is in all people but it doesn’t always seem apparent that this is the case. It is also a newer system .

104 [email protected]

Studies have been done and have shown in the past that the best predictor of strength in the pause and plan response is HRV. Everyone’s heart rate seems to vary a bit from moment to moment. They are small fluctuations but they are safe. The greater they vary the better their will power. Stress > Sympathetic nervous > low varying Self-control > Parasympathetic > High varying Train your mind and your body. Here are two strategies which will get you exactly what you want in terms of your will power and your ability to achieve goals. They will help with boost happiness and your general health. Studies have been conducted with techniques used to increase will power. At the very end of the treatment and use of the technique, here are some things that changed: improved attention span, improved ability to tune out all distractions, less smoking and drinking and caffeine use, less junk food and more health food, no television watching, all studying was getting done, more emotional control, more saving money





impulse, a decrease in

procrastination and an increase in timeliness. 105 [email protected]

So. What was this miracle drug that they used? Exercise. It helps in every aspect of your life and is the number one thing that we can compare to a will power wonder drug. HRV is going to shoot up during exercise and your gray and white matter in your brain increases. It also leads to increases in the cortex portions of the brain. This can be as strong as some drugs work for depression. What do you need to do? How much do you need to do? How much are you willing to do? There isn’t any point in setting a goal that you will not take care of and will abandon in a week. Five minutes can help. What kind is best? The kind you are willing to do. The mind and the body don’t care what you do, as long as you actually do it.

Experiment: The Five Minute Will Power Fill Up Feeling like you need a quick amount of will power? Go outside for five minutes and move around for a bit. This will recharge your batteries. If that outside area is som e kind of green space, this effect is even better.

106 [email protected]

The Mind

As a person, you are bombarded with millions of thoughts on a daily basis. While some of these thoughts are good, others are not good at all. Sometimes, people say negative things about you too. Assume that someone you work with has the habit of giving you a mean look. What will you do? Will you ask why she said that to you or will you take time to feel bad for yourself because she keeps glaring? In this situation, you need to recognize that the mean look she just gave you has a chance of making you feel very bad about yourself, but it should not bother you at all. In fact, it is very likely that the reason she glares has nothing to do with you, and is part of her personal problems. We all have them, but some people let them weigh them down and then project them on to others. When this happens, you can let it bother you too, sucking the life out of you, or you can refer to the old adage of “I’m rubber and you’re glue…” and keep living the life you want. The reason why many people don’t achieve their dreams and aspirations is that they have negative thoughts. These have the

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ability to consume them and reduce them into anxious beings that are not able to achieve their goals. How to Deal with Negative Thoughts

The fact is that everyone has negative thoughts all once in a while. The biggest challenge now has to do with how they handle these thoughts. This is what separates the successful people and those who are not successful. For instance, when you are sick, you might say that you will never get well.

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Alternatively you could decide to say that you will soon get well. In this case, chances are that you will get well if you are the latter person. Part of this is physiological. If you continue to tell yourself that you will get well soon, and you make it a point to take vitamins and make yourself laugh, you will naturally release happy chemicals in your body like serotonin, which will help you heal faster. But this emphasizes the point that positive thoughts can literally go a long way. When faced with a challenge, you can come up with a statement like, “even though this is a major challenge right now because I have a lot of work to do this week, I believe that after a few days, I will get better and be back at work”. This is a better statement than when you say something like, “I feel terrible, this could not have come at a worse time, and I will never get over it”. The latter appreciates that there is a problem and prophesies a negative outcome while the former sees a light at the end of the tunnel. This is a very important thing that you should always know about controlling your thoughts. 109 [email protected]

Just take a moment and carry out this exercise. Go outside and sit down in an open place. Don’t carry anything including your phone. Once you are there, start thinking of anything that you have in mind. Do you have something negative that you are thinking about? Remember that you are the master of your mind. You have a lot of potential to change things as many times as you need until you become somebody better. If you are thinking that you are a failure, start having a positive attitude that you are a champion. Having positive thoughts can make your life better which is very important. Think about this: have you heard about any inventor who came up with something when he was negative? No. Why not? Because they used positive thoughts to complete their goals. When you take time to have positive thoughts, it will help you to accomplish many things. Some of these things that can be achieved are: Reducing the risk of high blood pressure Significantly reducing your risks of having a heart disease Making your immune system stronger

110 [email protected]

Reducing your level of stress or depression Preventing diseases such as stomach problems and insomnia Brightening your life in terms of being optimistic

Tips to be Happier and More Positive in Life

The next thing that we will look is on a couple of things that you could do to become happier in life. When these things are done, then there are chances that you will be happier and successful. Say a prayer. This does not have to be to any specific god, or any god at all. You can send your prayer to the birds in the trees or the sun in the sky. The fact of the matter is that when you take your time to pray, chances are that it will guide you well in achieving the goals. Be yourself and live for the moment: this means that you should focus on where you are today and not where you will be tomorrow. If you have some issues, then tell yourself that this is just a passing cloud. The sun is always shining above the clouds. 111 [email protected]

Be open to people around you. The thing is that when you share problems with someone who is really close to you, you will be good to go. It will help you be a better person. However, you should carefully look at the person you are telling. You should not tell someone who isn’t a good friend and might use the information against you. Also you can decide to treat yourself. For instance, you can decide to play with your kids one afternoon or go shopping. East well: Just because you have some issues is not an excuse for you to starve yourself or binge on unhealthy food. You should eat a nicely cooked meal. It is amazing what wonders this can do for you Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is basically the study of words and human behavior. This is a study that is concerned with how the words that a person says have the ability to change his behaviors. It explains a number of key details on how human

112 [email protected]

words affect the brain and how the brain in return makes the words actualized.

NLP basically represents 3 aspects of human behavior. The first behavior that is very important in NLP is neurology. Neurology is basically the aspects that usually control the human body functions. The second aspect is language control. This determines the way the person communicates and lastly there is the programming which explains in detail the model which the humans use to understand the world around him. Simply said,

113 [email protected]

NLP creates a link between the person, his mind and the way he talks and communicates. It is a philosophical aspect that explains a couple of key details as to what make a person a human. It looks at the human thought and analyzes to further develop a model that will be used to explain the behavior. It also looks at the spirituality aspect of the person. Researchers in this field take their time to go through things that affect them and how they can handle it well. Using NLP, a number of things have been developed and observed. Scientists have identified and proven that there is a very major correlation between the way a person says and what they think, and who they finally become. This model was developed by John Grinder who was a linguist and Richard Bandler who was a mathematician. The hypothesis behind it is that humans become who they perceive.

114 [email protected]

Positive Thinking

In achieving your life ambitions, it is very important to have a positive thinking outlook. Consider a situation where you are asked a question about your glass of water. In this, consider a situation where you are asked whether it is half full or half empty. What would be your response? As I am sure most of you know, if your answer is “half full” you are a positive thinker. If it is “half empty” you are considered a negative thinker. And your thoughts play a direct role in what you can achieve in life. Being positive means that you should appreciate that there is a problem and then accept that there will be a way to fix the problem. Not everything in life will be sunshine and kittens, but that does not mean you have to be negative. You can appreciate that a problem exists and then take active steps to fix it, instead of being weighed down by the thought that things will never get fixed. Even if you are unsure of exactly how it will be fixed, you should be positive that a way will be found at the end of the day. When positive thinking is combined by self-talk, chances are that a solution to every problem will be found. Self-talk are unspoken 115 [email protected]

words that one thinks when one is either in a problem or when one is idle. Health Benefits of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking has many advantages. Many scientists and researchers have found a correlation in positive thinking to various things. Some of these things are: Increased years of living Reduced rates of depression and stress Reduced levels of distress Being immune to cold Being psychologically and physically good Having improved coping skills It is believed that the body is always able to react to positive energy and thus have a positive attributes than a negative person.

116 [email protected]

How to Identify Negative Thinking

The points below will help you to figure out whether you are having some negative thinking and self-talk Filtering: This is a situation where you magnify the negative aspects of a situation and filter the good things about it. You are then left with negative details. Personalizing: This is where you blame yourself for anything wrong that happens, even those which you don’t have any control over. Polarizing: This is where there is no middle ground in your situations. You only view them as either bad or good. Catastrophizing: This is when you are ever pessimist. A situation where you always anticipate the worst thing.

117 [email protected]

How to Focus on Positive Thinking

When you turn the negative thinking positive, then chances are that you will live a better life. Theoretically, this is a very simple thing. However, practically, this can be a really big mess. Here are a couple of things that you can always do: Identify areas where need change: You should always assess the situation and think of areas that really do need change. Starting small can really help. Always assess yourself. This is a situation where you develop indexes to assess yourself well and check for anything. Always be open to humor and things that have the ability to make you happy Having a healthy lifestyle will greatly help you Always try to avoid people who are not very positive in life. When you surround yourself with negative people, then you won’t change at all. Take part in positive self-talk 118 [email protected]

The table below will introduce a couple of negative self-talk. It then highlights some of the best things that you can say to further change your mind: Negative self-talk

Positive thinking

I have never done

Doing this thing will make

such a thing before

me learn better






It’s difficult but I can handle


it from another perspective




have the

required money for

Necessity is the mother of invention.

the task

Today is not the day

Though am lazy, I will get it

for this as I feel lazy

done anyway

119 [email protected]

Negative self-talk

Positive thinking



It’s difficult but I will give it



can’t matter

a try




radical a

Let's take a chance.


Nobody likes to talk

I'll see if I can open the

to me

channels of communication.

I will never improve

Though it’s hard, I will give

in this

it a try

Practicing Positive Thinking Everyday

Positive thinking is simply not something that you decide to use today and forget about it tomorrow. Not at all. Positive thinking is something that you should always have. If you are a pessimist, 120 [email protected]

changing is not all that easy. However, giving it a try can really help you. While positive thinking is an easy statement to say, it is unfortunate that it is not a very easy strategy to use. According to researchers, positive thinking is not what many people think it is. It is not just a situation of being happy. Positive thinking can really add value to a person’s life if used well. This can include changes in your daily life, health, money and relationships. According







responsible for the successes of many people. Barbara is a senior psychology researcher at the University of North Carolina. She is famous for the publishing of an important paper than explains the correlation between positive thinking and basic life skills. She noted that when positive thinking is employed in various things in life, the success rate of the person will be phenomenon.

121 [email protected]

Impacts of Negative Thoughts on the Brain

Take a moment and consider this situation: You are walking in a forest where a tiger just appears out of the blue. What will be registered in your brain, by adrenalin, is a negative emotion called fear. Many researchers, including Barbara believe that the brain has a way of responding to various emotions. When the tiger appears, you run, avoiding all the other sorts of danger but your mind is fixed on the tiger.

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In the same way, negative thoughts narrow your brain’s thinking capacity and you only concentrate on the problem rather than the vast opportunities. Just in the same manner that you respond to the tiger or lion or any kind of danger, your brain power will be narrowed down in the case of a major problem in your life. Take another example: Assume that you are fighting someone. During the fight, your only focus is to hurt the other person. You are not concerned with whether you will kill him or not. Your thoughts are narrowed in this situation. The same happens when you are stressed about an exam that is scheduled for the next day, especially if you have not studied. Your thoughts are narrowed and the fear causes you to only focus on the negative. In each of these scenarios, your brain stops to focus on other things that could ultimately be important to focus on just that challenge that you are going through. When this happens, the negative thoughts actually prevent the brain from seeing the bigger picture. You don’t consider that the single exam is only

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worth a percentage of your grade, or that if you accidentally kill this person you could end up in jail. However, you should note that there is nothing at all wrong with you. It’s a normal survival instinct and everyone has it. That is why in the next part we will look at the ways which the brain is affected by the positive thoughts.

The Power of Positive Thoughts

When Barbara Fredrickson was creating the paper, she decided to test the power of positive thoughts. She tried a couple of experiments to show what happens when someone has positive thoughts. She divides it into five categories put into different films. In the first two groups, clips that created positive emotions while group 3 was a control group. Group 1 had images that created joy

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and happiness. In the second group, images that created feelings of contentment. In the last 2 groups, clips that recorded negative emotions were used. In the 4 th group was images that created fear while in the 5th group were images that created anger. After the experiment was set, each participating member was asked to imagine themselves in a situation where the experiment’s feelings would come up and what they would do. The people involved were handed a piece of paper to respond in 20 statements. Each one started with, “I would like to…” The results were staggering. The respondents who had images of fear and anger wrote the fewest responses while those with images of joy and contentment wrote a higher number than the control experiment. What the experiment showed is that when you are going through a positive issue in life, you will tend to see more possibilities. When you are going through a tough situation that is obviously negative, you will have very limited possibilities. This was a huge step forward in proving the value of positive thinking. 125 [email protected]

Influence on Positive Thinking on Building your Skill Set The fact of the matter is that the benefits of positive emotions last for a long period of time. They don’t just last for a few minutes. Positive emotions play an important role in building the skills of an individual. In this situation, a real example is necessary. Take the example of a child who likes to play, sing, and swing on branches and one that hates all these. Chances are that this child will develop quality social skills, athletic mentality and also communication skills better than a child who hates all of those things. Later in life, the current playful one will learn to be independent but also active and happier in life. When started early in life, these skills mature with the child and last for a long period of time. The foundation that was established when the child is young will last for a long time. The child will be more athletic, better communicator, better in education and also better in management because the child learned the skills earlier in life. This is what was referred by Fredrickson as the “broaden and build theory”, as the positive emotions usually broaden your 126 [email protected]

sense of thinking and navigating life’s issues. Negative emotions do the negative.

Tips to Increase Your Positive Thinking Level

At this point you may be wondering what you should do to increase your ‘broaden and build” theory in real life. The best thing about all this is that anybody can use the trick and live a content life. It is not limited to anyone in particular. The best thing that you can do to benefit from this theory is to do what you love. Consider the 3 ideas below: Meditation- According to research, people who have invested a lot of time to meditation are more productive. They display more attention to positive skills than those who don’t. According to Fredrickson, people who meditate on a daily basis end up having a better life, performing well and also achieve better goals in life.

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Writing- It is scientifically proven that when you spend a lot of time writing, you will develop some quality positive thinking guide. According to the journal of Research I Personality, people who wrote about their positive experiences each and every day developed to be happier people than those who fail to write. I have personally tried writing good things about each day and I have been very successful. Play- It is said that work without play makes ‘Jack’ a dull boy. This Jack could be you. When you spend your time thinking about money, houses, cars and meetings, chances are that you will not have a good amount of time to enjoy yourself. It has been proven that people who play often have a better life than those who ignore it. When you smile and enjoy the quality benefits of life, there are chances that you will live a good and productive life. It will help you have a positive way of thinking which is still very important.

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Happiness versus Success

This is usually an egg-chicken situation where it is hard to explain which one comes first.

Do you become happy when you are successful or do you become successful if you are happy? In reality, both of these situations are correct. What you need to know is that it is not possible to become successful in life if you are not happy. Have you ever seen any leading executive who is always sad? Your guess is as good as mine.

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Researchers have noted a compounding effect called the upward spiral that happens when people are happy. Happy people don’t limit their mind to one thing. No, they are always ready and willing to do new things. They believe that when they try these techniques, there will be better chances of being good. Where to go from here… While happiness is a very good thing, the fact of the matter is that it is usually easier said than done. It is possible to have a desire to be really happy about life. However, getting to that point at times could prove very challenging. The best thing that you can always do is to find ways of building happiness. Think of the successes that you have had in life and after doing that, chances are that you will be very happy.

Maintaining Positive Thoughts

Being happy once in a while is something that is possible. In fact, it is a bit easier. However, retaining that happiness is usually the biggest internal challenge that you can ever go through. The next 130 [email protected]

part explains a couple of ways that you can do to help you become happier in life. Never wait for happiness- In this, you should not just sit around and wait for happiness. You should seek happiness by having better priorities such as meditation and writing. Having a good attitude will also help you in this. Clarify and prioritize your goals- You should then learn the basics for prioritizing what you really want in life. In this, you should prioritize things that make you happy. These are the details that usually make you happy. Make your purpose clear- You need to have a purpose in life. You should think of which purposes you do have in life and use them well to be happy. Discover your purpose in life- You now need to discover your purpose in life. You should meditate on the top reasons why you were actually created. Write them down. Visualize how you want your future to be- To be happy, you need to look into the future. You should have a clear picture of what 131 [email protected]

you really want to achieve in life. See yourself living in abundance, with a good family and home. Have life goals- You cannot reach the place that you are going if you don’t have the direction. You should create goals (both short term and long term). These goals will help you to make the right decisions. Resiliency- To be happy, you should note that it is usually not a very smooth ride. It is a challenging situation that will have ups and downs. But when you are very happy, you increase the chances that you can push through challenges. The use of self-talk- Everyone has a form of inner conversation. This is when you talk to yourself via the mind. You should therefore have a conversation that is not only positive but also real. To be happy, you need to even criticize yourself, positively. Laugh away- Do you know that magic happens when you laugh? Things change when you smile. Therefore, it is important for you to always smile when you are faced with life’s challenges. You should know that when you laugh, things will ultimately change. As it is often said, laughter really is the best medicine. 132 [email protected]

Seize the day- It is a very important thing to always enjoy the moment. No matter how hard life is today, you should take it within yourself to live it to the best of your abilities and make sure that you can look back on the day and be happy with what you did. Always enjoy the moment. You should not think of your past or future. You should only live for the moment, and let the little things bring you happiness. As the saying goes, the past is history; the future is a mystery and today is a gift. Be optimistic- The next step to happiness is being optimistic. When you are able to look at the positive angle of life, chances are that you will be happier in life. Even when something terrible happens you should go ahead and think that it all happens for a positive reason. When you are able to think like this, chances are that you will be happier in the long term.

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10 Day Plan

In order to get what you want you need to make a change now. You need to remember that your thoughts are powerful and with them and control of your subconscious mind you can make a change and get what you want now. For the next ten days you can follow this plan toward controlling your subconscious and make the changes you want: Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5



































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Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10








































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Remember that doing a little bit of each and improving the amount will help you on your ten day path. You may struggle at first but that is natural. Meditation, for example, may be challenging for you at first, but persevering and doing a bit at a time will make it much easier for you.

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CONCLUSION In the first section you were introduced to the history numerology. You learned about the connections between numerology and ancient civilizations. You were introduced to the connections between numerology and the Bible. Finally you skipped to the present and recognize what role numerology nowadays has to play and answer the question: What Numerology Really Is? In the second section you were introduced formally to: Your brain – the super computer. You learned about the Neural Networks in your brain and how thought creates reality. Psychological Defense Mechanisms will be covered. You figured out how numerology works and what the meanings of numbers are. You learned about Pythagorean Numerology. You were taught how to calculate your numbers. You learned things such as your Birth day number, Birth name number, Life path number, Expression number, and Soul Urge number. You were taught what your numbers reveals about you. You will also review other numbers

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of significance: house numbers, telephone numbers and find the numbers of the things you want. The third and final section provided you with the solution. It taught you how to take control of your subconscious mind. It offered you step-by-step instructions for reprograming your brain 10 days plan to get what you want. Now you have all of the tools you need to get out there and change your life.

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