NTS Sample Questions

December 30, 2016 | Author: maju319 | Category: N/A
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NTS Sample Questions



ENGLISH Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate word, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each. 1. Contrary to popular opinion, bats are not generally aggressive and rabid: most are shy and _______. A. B. C. D. E.

pompous disfigured punctual harmless corrupt

2. According to a recent survey, __________ doctors do not have a personal physician. A. B. C. D.

a large amount of large amount of a large number of large number of

Each question below consists of a related pair of words, followed by five lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. 3. STERILIZATION: MICROORGANISMS:: A. B. C. D. E.

amnesty: deserters defamation: enemies inoculation: vaccine deforestation: trees assassination: murderers

4. CARPENTER: SAW:: A. B. C. D. E.

stenographer: typewriter painter: brush lawyer: brief tailor: scissors runner: sneakers


biography: accurate melody: spoken poem: rhythmic anthem: patriotic




ballet: intricate

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. 6. INCURSION: A. B. C. D. E.

loss of respect lack of resolve reparation relapse retreat


supplement strange direct route amplification understatement

Read the passage to answer question No actual black hole has yet been located or studied, but the concept has provided endless imaginative fodder for science fiction writers and endless theoretical fodder for physicists and astrophysicists. Black holes are one of the more exotic theoretical manifestations of general relativity. The standard model for the formation of a black hole involves the collapse of a large star. For extremely massive stars that are four to five times the mass of our sun, the exclusion principle—the resistance between the molecular particles within the star as they are compressed—will not be strong enough to offset the gravity generated by the star's own mass. The star's increasing density will overwhelm the exclusion principle. What follows is runaway gravitational collapse. With no internal force to stop it, the star will simply continue to collapse in on itself, until it reaches a point of infinite density and zero volume, a phenomenon known as a singularity. The star now disappears from the perceivable universe, like a cartoon character who jumps into a hole and pulls the hole in after him. What this process leaves behind is a different kind of hole—a profound disturbance in spacetime, a region where gravity is so intense that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. Any object falling within the boundary of a black hole will be sucked in and will disappear from our universe forever. What would happen to an object, such as an astronaut, as it vanished into the black hole? Physicists have been amusing themselves with this question for years. Most believe that the astronaut would be destroyed by the intense gravitational forces within the black hole, or would explode in a flash of gamma rays as he or she approached the singularity at the hole's core. Theoretically, an astronaut who managed to survive the passage would 3 SAMPLE PAPER

experience some very strange things, including acute time distortion, which would enable him or her to know, in a few brief seconds, the entire future of the universe in all its detail. 8. The word "fodder" is closest in meaning to A. B. C. D.

material stories support problems

9. The opposing force between the molecular particles inside a star is called A. B. C. D.

general relativity the exclusion principle infinite density a singularity

10.The word "offset" could best be replaced by A. B. C. D.

carry arrange overflow counteract

11.It can be concluded from paragraph 3 that light A. B. C. D.

destroys a black hole can barely reveal a black hole does not exist near a black hole originates in spacetime

12.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the possible fate of an astronaut who falls into a black hole? A. B. C. D.

Experience of amusement Death by gamma rays Knowledge of the universe Destruction by gravity

13.It can be inferred from the passage that black holes are A. B. C. D.

soon to be located and studied a scientific impossibility the key to the entire future of the universe a source of inspiration and entertainment

Read the passage to answer question A great scholar recognized that, while all men should have equal SAMPLE PAPER


opportunity, all did not have the same capacity. Some had the ability to earn more than others. But he believed that those who had talent would be performing the work of society if they used their talent wisely and well. He said that he would allow a man of intellect to earn more and not suppress his talent. But it was his view that the bulk of his larger earnings should go to the common fund. Those with talent and opportunity would find their fulfillment as trustees. He extended this concept of trusteeship to cover all fields of life. 14.The scholar mentioned in the passage never believed in A. B. C. D.

social equality equality of opportunities political equality complete equality in all respects

15.The scholar’s trusteeship concept is A. B. C. D.

a philosophy applicable to social life only applicable to all fields of life irrelevant today

16.According to him, one can serve the society A. B. C. D.

if if if if

one one one one

is talented used his talent wisely earned well worked honestly

17.The passage primarily discusses the scholar’s A. B. C. D.

Character Views Services Personality

18.He believed that a man of intellect should A. B. C. D.

earn as much as he needs earn for others, not for himself earn more and not suppress his talent live on charity



ANALYTICAL REASONING Questions The supervisor of a commuter airline is scheduling pilots to fly the roundtrip from City X to City Y. The trip takes only two hours, and the airline has one round-trip flight in the morning and one round-trip flight in the afternoon, each day, Monday through Friday. Pilots must be scheduled in accordance with the following rules: Only W, X, and Y can fly the morning flight. Only V, X, and Z can fly the afternoon flight. No pilot may fly twice on the same day. No pilot may fly on two consecutive days. X must fly the Wednesday morning flight. Z must fly the Tuesday afternoon flight. 19.Which of the following must be true? A. B. C. D. E.

W flies the Monday morning flight X flies the Monday afternoon flight Y flies the Tuesday morning flight W flies the Thursday morning flight Z flies the Thursday afternoon flight

20.If X flies on Friday morning, which of the following must be true? A. B. C. D. E.

X does not fly on Monday afternoon V flies on Friday afternoon W flies Thursday morning Y flies Thursday morning Neither W nor Y flies Thursday morning

21.If X flies only one morning flight during the week, which of the following must be true? A. B. C. D. E.

W flies exactly two days during the week X flies exactly three days during the week Y flies only one day during the week Z flies Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon X flies more times during the week than V

22.If W is not scheduled to fly at all during the week, all of the following must be true EXCEPT A. B. C. D. E.

X flies on Monday morning V flies on Monday afternoon Y flies on Thursday morning Z flies on Friday afternoon X flies on Friday morning



Should present trends continue, within five years it will be cheaper for audio enthusiasts to build their stereo systems around sets of separate, high quality tuners and amplifiers, rather than around integrated tuners and amplifiers, known as receivers. While receivers have been considered the necessary compromise for those with budget restrictions, recent trends in retail pricing seem destined to change that perception. The average retail price of a high-quality tuner has declined at a rate of 20 percent each of the last two years, and the average retail price of a highquality amplifier has declined at the rate of 35 percent for each of those years. At the same time, the average retail price of integrated receivers has declined only 12 percent. 23.In evaluating the claim made in the passage above, information about which of the following would be most useful? A. B. C. D.


the average life expectancy of stereo tuners as compared to the average life expectancy of stereo amplifiers the number of integrated receivers sold each year and the number of sets of separate tuners and amplifiers sold each year the present average retail price of an integrated receiver and the present average retail price of a tuner and amplifier set the number of separate tuner and amplifier sets expected to be purchased over the next five years and the number of integrated receivers expected to be purchased over the next five years the percentage of audio enthusiasts who prefer separate tuner and amplifier sets to integrated receivers

Questions An editor must choose five articles to be published in the upcoming issue of an arts review. The only articles available for publication are theater articles F, G, H and J, and dance articles K, L, M and O. At least three of the five published articles must be dance articles. If J is chosen, then M cannot be. If F is chosen, then J must also be chosen. 24.If M is not chosen for the issue, which of the following must be chosen? A. B. C. D. E.


25.How many acceptable groupings of articles include J? A. B. C. D. E.

One Two Three Four Five

26.The choice of which article makes only one group of articles acceptable? A. F SAMPLE PAPER


B. C. D. E.


27.If G is chosen for the issue, which of the following must be true? A. B. C. D. E.

J is not chosen Exactly three dance articles are chosen H is not chosen All four of the dance articles are chosen F is not chosen

Travelers may enter and remain in the Republic for up to 59 days. If a traveler is to stay for more than seven days, however, a special visa is required. 28.If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true? A. B. C. D. E.

A traveler who is staying in the Republic for 14 days must have a special visa Many travelers who stay in the Republic do not need visas Some travelers who stay in the Republic for more than seven days do not have the appropriate visas Travelers who stay less than seven days in the Republic do not need visas Travelers who merely pass through the Republic while this route to other destinations do not need visas



GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 29.Pakistan's highest military award is __________. A. B. C. D.

Nishan-e-Haider Nishan-e-Imtiaz Sitara-e-Jurat Sitara-e-Imtiaz

30.The capital of China is: A. B. C. D. E.

Shangai Beijing Xian Tokyo Yen Kong

31.Sun is a(n): A. B. C. D.

star asteroid planet satellite

32.Karachi is known as _________. A. B. C. D.

Broadway of Pakistan City of Lights Gateway of Pakistan Heart of Pakistan

33.C.N.N. stands for________. A. B. C. D.

Cable Network of News Cable News Network Cyber News Network Central News Network

34.Napoleon Bonapart was the king of: A. B. C. D.

France Italy England None of the above



COMPANY BUSNIESS (SNGPL) 35.As a registered company , SNGPL does NOT follows the following regulations: A. B. C. D.

OGRA ordinance 2006 PENRA Ordinance 2009 Energy and Environment policy 2007 Code of cooperate Governance

36.Due to which factor provisional bill is NOT issued to consumer: A. B. C. D.

Meters position is not accessible Mater is located inside the house Meter malfunction Meter running normal

37.The company offers services as an contractor in the field of: A. B. C. D.

Exploration production and power generation Construction and operations Transportation and production company Design and development of energy systems

38.For applying new gas supply connection the maximum security and service line charges are PKR: A. B. C. D.

5000 6000 3500 1500



QUANTITATIVE 39.During a certain week, a post office sold Rs.280 worth of 14-paisas stamps. How many of these stamps did they sell? A. B. C. D.

20 2,000 3,900 20,000

40.What is 15% of 32? A. B. C. D.

4 3.50 4.80 3.80

41.What is the effect on area of circle if its radius is cut down to half? A. B. C. D. 42.

remain same become half become quarter may or may not change

2 x 12 equals? 3 A. B. C. D.

4 6 8 18

43.If 3 (x + 5y) = 24, find y when x = 3. A. 1 B. 3

33 5 D. 7 C.



SUBJECT (COMPUTER ENGINEERING) 44.The first element in every array has index zero and is called: A. B. C. D.

Matrix Vector Array Initializer Zeroth Element

45.Which layer is responsible for delivering data units from one station to the next without errors? A. B. C. D.

Network Layer Transport Layer Session Layer Data Link Layer

46.Which of the following must be considered when designing circuits containing controlled latches? A. B. C. D.

Set-up time Hold time Control pulse width All of the above



SUBJECT (ACCOUNTS) 47.How many lines are drawn cross the face of the cheque when it is crossed? A. B. C. D.

One line Two lines Three lines Four lines

48._____ account consisting of a normal credit balance. A. B. C. D.

An Asset Drawing A Revenue An Expense

SUBJECT (AUDIT) 49.The audit shall be organized in such a manner to cover: A. B. C. D.

Capital expenditure and receipts Revenue expenditure and receipts All necessary aspects of accounts None of the above

50.Under the field of auditing the term internal check refers to: A. B. C. D.

Reducing work of cashier Division of responsibilities of members of staff Verification of inventory Collusion among the members of staff

SUBJECT (BILLING) 51.Atif works in an office and he is assigned with the task of preparing a document. He uses Microsoft Word 2010 for creating documents. He inserts a picture in the document. He wants to apply sepia tone to the picture. Which of the following will he choose on the Format tab to accomplish the task? A. B. C. D.

Change Picture Color Picture Effects Reset Picture

52.Pilferage charges are finalized by: A. Billing officers B. Fraud Committee C. Detection & Evaluation Committee SAMPLE PAPER



None of the above

53.Comparison of flow proving reports and meter readings can lead to: A. B. C. D.

Detection of pilferage Reconciliation Detection inefficiencies/wastage All of the above

SUBJECT (CHEMICAL ENGIMEERING) 54.When the flow is ______, flow patterns are the smooth & the layers of fluid seen to slide pass on another like playing cards. A. B. C. D.

Stagnant Fast Slow None of the above

55.________ is an example of ideal plastic. A. B. C. D.

Concentrated solution of sugar Sewage sludge Blood Synthetic rubber

56.For laminar flow through a circular pipe, the average velocity is equal to: A. B. C. D.

Maximum velocity Half of maximum velocity Both A and B None of the above

SUBJECT (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) 57.The electric lines of force at right angle to its length tend to: A. B. C. D.

Cross each other Come close to one another Move away from each other Move anti-parallel

58.The number of state variables that can represent a system is ________ order of system defining differential equation. A. B. C. D.

Less than Greater than Equal to Irrelevant

59.The DIAC is two terminal: SAMPLE PAPER


A. B. C. D.

Three - Layer semiconductor device Bi - Layer semiconductor device Four - Layer semiconductor device Mono - Layer semiconductor device

SUBJECT (ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING) 60.The stability of an LC tuned circuit in oscillator is dependent on its: A. B. C. D. E.

Quality factor (Q ) Inductor Capacitor Transistor None of the above

61.It is not recommended to run the ______ motor when load is removed. A. B. C. D.

Shunt Series Compound Long shunt

62.Full response pulse shapes are pulse shapes which have time support _______ the symbol time. A. B. C. D.

Half Equal to 2/3 1/bit rate

SUBJECT (EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES) 63.The first step in the communication process is ____________. A. B. C. D.

Information transmission Message transmission Idea formation Message encoding

64.In an organization, authority, accountability and responsibility, they are related to allocation of: A. B. C. D.

Obligation Responsibility Power Influence



SUBJECT (FINANCE) 65.A commercial bank charges a higher rate of interest on smaller loans because: A. B. C. D.

Fixed costs are involved in making and servicing loans Variable costs are involved in making and servicing loans Fixed variable costs are involved in making and servicing loans Both B and C

66.Details of individual accounts are kept in a separate register / ledger called: A. B. C. D.

Control Account Subsidiary Ledger General Journal General Ledger

SUBJECT (IT, MIS) 67.All of the allowed values of a particular attributes of an entity are known as: A. B. C. D.

Domain Range Order Group

68.You want to make function which can communicate between a class and an outside world classes. How this function would be declared? A. B. C. D.

Protected Global Private Public

VERBAL Question (1) following the passage refers to the numbered sentences in the passage. Answer the question by choosing the best alternative using logic and organization. When television is good, nothing-not the theater, not the magazines or newspapers-nothing is inferior. But when television is bad, nothing is worse. invite you to sit down in front of your television set when your station goes on the air and stay there without a book, magazine, newspaper, or anything else to distract you. SAMPLE PAPER



The word inferior in sentence 1 should be


Left as it is


Changed to worse


Changed to the best


Changed to anterior


Changed to better

Each of the following questions consists of a sentence with all or part of the sentence underlined. Following the requirements of standard written English, select (A) if the original is best; otherwise choose the best phrase from the options 2. When automatic teller machines were first installed in the 1980s, bank officials promised they would be faster, more reliable, and less prone to make errors than their human counterparts. 1.

they would be faster, more reliable, and less prone to make errors


they would be faster, more reliable, and that they would be less prone for making errors


the machines would be faster, more reliable, and less prone to make errors


the machines were faster, more reliable, and errors would occur much less


faster, more reliable machines, and that errors would be less prone

Read each group of sentences, then choose the best answer to the question or the best completion of the statement. 3.

Every English teacher is dedicated.

Prof. Riaz is an English teacher; therefore, he is certain to be dedicated. The second sentence 1.

forms a generalization


makes a comparison


contradicts the first sentence


raises a doubt about the validity of the first sentence




is a logical conclusion derived from the first sentence


Fifty years ago, professional athletes played for love of the game.

Today the superstars of baseball, football, and golf are big businessmen. What does the second sentence do? 1.

It gives a definition of the concept.


It presents an exception.


It draws a conclusion.


It provides an example.


It makes a comparison.

Read the passage to answer questions 5-8 At the turn of the twentieth century, people’s attitudes toward money were far more conservative than they are today. Borrowing and being in debt were viewed as a moral failing, almost as a disgrace. Thrift and saving were highly prized, and people who needed to borrow to make ends meet were seen as careless, unreliable, or extravagant. The focus in the economy as a whole was on developing large corporations like railroads, oil companies, and other companies that produced basic goods and services. Then, in the 1920s, the economy changed. A huge network of banks and financial institutions developed, helping money to move more quickly and easily through the economy. At the same time, the economy was increasing its focus on consumer goods— clothing, cars, household appliances, and other things that individuals buy. To help promote the sale of these items, consumers were encouraged to buy on credit. If they could not afford an item right away, a store or a bank might lend them the money, which they could pay back in installments. With the development of consumer credit and installment purchases, people’s attitudes toward debt and spending changed. The model citizen was no longer someone who was thrifty, buying only what he or she needed. People were respected less for being thrifty than for knowing how to use their money to buy as many things as possible— an attitude that persists at the turn of the twenty-first century. 5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a belief that was commonly held in the early twentieth century? 1.

Owing someone money is a moral failing.


People who save their money are respectable.


People who buy as many things as possible are respectable.




People who borrow money for necessities are careless and unreliable.

6. What helped money move more quickly through the economy in the 1920s? 1.

The growth of railroads


The growth of banks and financial institutions


The rate at which people paid back their loans


The increase in installment purchases


The author mentions cars as an example of


A consumer good


A household appliance


An extravagant purchase


A new invention

8. According to the passage, how did the rise of consumer credit change people’s attitudes toward debt and spending? 1.

Attitudes toward debt and spending became more conservative.


People used credit to buy only what they needed.


Extravagant borrowing and spending became highly prized.


Spending wisely became more respectable than being thrifty.

QUANTITATIVE 9. A man borrows Rs.360. If he pays it back in 12 monthly installments of Rs.31.50, what is his interest rate? 1.









If 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters, centimeter equals which of the following in inches?














One number is 5 times another number and their sum is -60. What is lesser of the two numbers?









2. The average of x numbers is 15. If two of the numbers are each increased by y, the new average will be increased by how much? 1.








3. A fair coin is tossed three times. What is the probability that at least one head appears? 1.








4. A square and an equilateral triangle have the same perimeter. The area of the square is 225 cm. What is the length of a side of the triangle? 1.

18.5 cm


20 cm


20.5 cm


22 cm




Currently the total number of European Union member states is:










Who was called “the Shakespeare of Punjabi Literature”?




Sultan Bahu


Waris Shah


Ustaad Daman


Allama Iqbal

7. A is the father of X. B is the mother of Y. The sister of X and Z is Y. Which of the following statements is definitely not true? 1.

B is the wife of A.


B has one daughter.


Y is the son of A.


X is the sister of Z.


B is the mother of Z.


Insert mathematical signs to complete the equation:

25 _____ 5 _____ 4 = 1 1.

/, -


x, +


-, -



9. If 5th of the month falls two days after Monday, what day of the week will fall on 19th of the month? SAMPLE PAPER











Twenty20World Cup starts in __________ 18 September 2012.






Sri Lanka


New Zealand


The present foreign minister of Pakistan is:


Abdul Sattar


Hina Rebani Kher




Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri





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