NTS - 1
Short Description
NTS Analytical Analytical Reasoning Reasoning The Analytical Reasoning Reasoning section of GAT General is consist of the questions like, Deductive and inductive logic, Critical thinking and writing skills. In other words, there will be soe stateents bearing soe inforation and you need to deduce and infer other relevant inforation. !ind sa"le questions of the Analytical section of the #T$ Test here. Also, find answers and e%"lanation to the answers at the botto of the "age. NTS ANALYTICAL REASONING SECTION: SAMPLE QUESTIONS !ind answers and e%"lanation to the answers at the botto of the "age. Questions 1 - 7 #ine individuals& Ahed, Ahed, 'ilal, Danish, !aisal, (aroon, )iaquat, *arya, $hi+a and eeshan are to serve on three coittees labeled A, ' and C. -ach candidate should serve on e%actly one of the coittees -very coittee ust have atleast one eber Coittee A should consist of e%actly one eber ore than that of coittee ' Aong *arya, $hi+a and eeshan eeshan none can serve on coittee A Aong !aisal, (arron and )iaquat )iaquat none can serve on coittee ' Aong Ahed, 'ilal 'ilal and Danish none none can serve on coittee C
Questions: . In case case Dani Danish sh and and eesha eeshan n are the the indiv individu iduals als serv serving ing on on coit coittee tee ', ', how any any of of the nine nine indi individ vidua uals ls shoul should d serve serve on co coitt ittee ee C/ C/ A. 0 '. 1 C. 2 D. 3 -. 4 0. A. '. C. D. -.
5f the the nin nine e iind ndiv ivid idua uals ls,, the the a%i a%iu u nub nuber er tha thatt can can serv serve e toge togeth ther er on on co coit itte tee e C is 3 4 6 7 8
A. '. C. D. -.
In case case A Ahe hed d is the the only only ind indivi ividua duall servi serving ng on co coi ittee ttee ', which which ao aong ng the the follow following ing sho should uld ser serve ve on co coit ittee tee A/ 'ilal and Danish 'ilal and !aisal 'ilal and )iaquat !aisal and (aroon Danish and (aroon
A. '. C. D. -.
In case, case, any any of of the nine nine indiv individu iduals als serv serves es on co coitt ittee ee C, whic which h aong aong the the follow following ing cou could ld not not be the can candid didate ate to to serve serve on co coitt ittee ee A/ A/ Ahed 'ilal Danish )iaquat $hi+a
A. '. C. D. -.
In case, case, 'ila 'ilal, l, Danis Danish h and *ar *arya ya are are the the only only indiv individu iduals als serv serving ing on on coit coittee tee ', ', the tota totall ebers ebershi" hi" of of coit coittee tee C shou should ld be 3 2 1 0
A. '. C. D. -.
In case, case, ' 'ila ilal, l, Danis Danish h and and *arya *arya are the the only only indi individ vidual uals s servin serving g on co coitt ittee ee ', then then the eb ebers ers of of coitt coittee ee C shou should ld be be (aroon and $hi+a *arya and eeshan $hi+a and eeshan !aisal and $hi+a (aroon and *arya
A. '. C. D. -.
Aon A ong g the fol follo lowi wing ng cob cobin inat atio ions ns whi which ch cou could ld con const stit itut ute e the e ebe bers rshi hi" " of co coit itte tee e C/ Danish and $hi+a !aisal and *arya )iaquat, *arya and $hi+a !aisal, (aroon and )iaquat Ahed, !aisal, *arya and eeshan
ANSWERS . C 0. ' 1. A 2. -
3. 4. 6.
D C '
NTS Quantitative Reasoning The *atheatics 9:uantitative Reasoning; section of the #T$ test consists of the following four ty"e of questions& Arithetic Algebra Geoetry, and 'asic $tatistics and hat is the su of the sequence& =, 0=, 1=, 2=, .... , === / 3=,=== 3=,3== 4=,=== 4=,3==
A is center of larger circle. If the line AB 9not drawn; is 6 c in length, then what is the
Consider the larger circle and an inner circle.
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